






























校正片的公秤值为2.970um 校正测量结果:20970+/-0.005 um
4 部品测量 4-1 设定测量条件
单击电脑上方的测量条件或双击电脑菜单左下方或者双击页 面左下方测量条件处跳出测量条件
设定测量条件数据 基准长度=评价长度÷区间数 评价长度:为图纸指定需要测试范围的长度 区间数:一般为5最小不可以小于2
2 打开软件 电脑主页面上双击surfpak 软件
3 校正测量 3-1 校正片放于测量平台进行仪器校正
校正片放于测定台面上,通过选择X,Y,Z, (红灯显示)来控制摇杆上下左右方向,设 定测定头测量位置
3-2点击电脑界面测量菜单,下拉检测器校正测量 STEP
4-2 参数的设定 STEP3
电脑上方单击设置 ,下拉设置参数条件
选择评价条件下的参数方框并选择Ra,Ramax,Rz,Ry栏里打勾确定 单击自动开始运行开始检测
5 关机
定义 粗糙度仪:也称粗糙度测试仪 主要用于测量轴径表面粗糙度
仪器示图 印机
测量设备:打印机 电脑主界面 粗糙度仪
测量流程 (日常操作) 1 开机 2 打开软件 3 校正测量 4 部品测量 5关机

Surftest SJ-400 便携式表面粗糙度仪 产品使用手册说明书

Surftest SJ-400 便携式表面粗糙度仪 产品使用手册说明书

Requirement1Requirement2Requirement3Requirement4Revolutionary New Portable Surface Roughness Testers Make Their DebutLong-awaited performance and functionality are here: compact design, skidless and high-accuracy roughness measurements, multi-functionality and ease of operation.SJ-401SJ-402SJ-401Measurement/evaluationof stepped features and straightnessUltra-fine steps, straightness and waviness are easily measured by switching to skidless measurement mode. The ruler function enables simpler surface feature evaluation on the LCD monitor.Roughness parameters that conform to international standardsThe SJ-400 Series can evaluate 36 kinds of roughness parameters conforming to the latest ISO, DIN, and ANSI standards, as well as to JIS standards (1994/1982).Cylinder surface roughness measurements with a hand-held testerThe skidless measurement and R-surface compensation functions make it possible to evaluate cylinder surface roughness.Surftest SJ-400 SeriesHigh-accuracy measurements with a hand-held testerA wide range, high-resolution detector and an ultra-straight drive unit provide class-leading accuracy. DetectorMeasuring range: 800µmResolution: 0.000125µm (on 8µm range) Drive unitStraightness/traverse length SJ-401: 0.3µm/.98"(25mm) SJ-402: 0.5µm/1.96"(50mm)Requirement6Requirement5Advanced data processing with extended analysisThe SJ-400 Series allows data processing identical to that in the high-end class. These data analysis and report creation capabilities are achieved using the surface roughness analysis program FORMTRACEPAK V5 or SJ-Tools.Calculation Result ScreenMeasured Profile ScreenFine contourmeasurement with an auto-leveling tableDeep groove measurementUpside down measurementCylinder measurement with a support footMeasurement ApplicationsR-surface measurementConfirmation of measurement results and assessed profiles without a printoutThe large, integrated, touch-panel LCD monitor clearly displays evaluation results and measured profiles.SkidTraverse directionTraverse directionTraverse directionTraverse directionRuler Analysis ScreenTilt compensation function• The Tilt Compensation Datum Points are selectable from all of the profile (choose P1 and P2) or any arbitrary two sections on the profile (choose P1, P2, P3 and P4), as required. If you choose adjacent sections for tilt compensation then the characteristics of features of interest between these sections, such as scratch depth, etc, can be measured directly.Simplified surface feature evaluationwith the ruler function• This function determines the coordinate difference between two arbitrary points so feature characteristics, such as step height and width, etc, can be measured.Ruler function keyRuler keyCoordinate differenceRulerSkidless measurementSkidded measurementHeight adjustmentDAT screen guides the user when levelingAdjust the micrometer head by -0.928mm to levelTurn tilt adjustment knob by 1.37 turns counter-clockwise to levelWith the SJ-400 mounted on a stand, the DAT function also works with the optional leveling table.Powerful Support for LevelingThe height/tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for leveling the drive unit prior to making skidless measurements and, supported by guidance from the unique DAT function, makes it easy to achieve highly accurate alignment.(skidless measurement)Usually, a spherical or cylindrical surface (R-surface) cannot beevaluated, but, by removing the radius with a filter, R-surface data is processed as if taken from a flat surface.Built-in thermal printerA high quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measured results. It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculated results and assessed profiles. These results and profiles are printed out in landscape format, just as they appear on the LCD, in easy-to-understand form.Measurement of a cylindrical surfaceStatistical processing can be performed on multiple measurements for one roughness parameter. Histograms can be displayed and printed in addition to statistical results (mean, standard deviation, maximum/minimum value and acceptance ratio).More Measuring FunctionsThan Expected From a Compact TesterCalculation Result Screen with GO / NG judgment resultUpper and lower tolerance limits can be set for up to 3 roughness parameters. A GO/NG indication is displayed after a measurement. The calculation result is highlighted if NG.Calibration ScreenThe SJ-400 Series is equipped with Ra calibration and stepcalibration methods for detector calibration (gain adjustment). In both calibration methods only the calibrated value of the precision specimen needs to be entered. No other operations are required to calibrate the tester.The measurement conditions and data can be stored in the control unit or memory card (optional) and recalled as required. Batch printout of data after on-site measurement improves measuring efficiency.Key maskingLocks out input from the touch panel keys. This eliminates the possibility of the operator accidentally changing the calibration or measurement conditions.Real samplingThis function samples stylus displacement for a specified timewithout engaging detector traverse. This function has a wide range of uses, such as a simplified vibration meter or a displacement gage incorporated in another system.RecalculatingPreviously measured data can be recalculated for use in other evaluations by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.CustomizingThe SJ-400 Series can be set up to calculate and display only a subset of the roughness parameters available. Parameters can be added later for recalculation, if required.Customized ScreenGO signNG signInvalidatedStorage capacityMeasurement conditionsControl unit: 5 conditions Memory card: 20 conditionsMeasurement dataMemory card: 50 or more pieces of dataArbitrary length measurementThis function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in .004" (0.1mm) increments SJ-401: .004" to .98" (0.1mm to 25mm), SJ-402: .004" to 1.96" (0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-400 Series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.Simplified Communication Program (SJ Tools)One of the various functions of the Surftest SJ-400 Series is the ability to use RS-232 with a simplified communication program that allows the transfer of measurement data into a calculation software. The program must be used with Microsoft Excel to generate the inspection report and/or certificate.Required environment:* OS:* Spreadsheet software:Windows 2000-SP4 Microsoft Excel 2000Windows XP Microsoft Excel 2002 Windows Vista Microsoft Excel 2003Windows 7Microsoft Excel 2007Requires RS-232C cable (Optional)SJ-400 Series RS-232C cable Order No. 12AAA882*RS-232C cable D-sub9pin x 2 (store purchase) is a straight cable.*RS-232C a cannot be used in a USB connector.This program can be downloaded for free from the Mitutoyo website. the FORMTRACEPAK brochure (Bulletin No. 2010) for more details.*Windows OS & Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation.Carrying caseis a standard accessoryFor ultra small holeFor small slotted holeDetail-ABall ø0.5.02”(0.6)ø2.4ø0.3A737.743.87 1.72"(43.8)1.48"(37.7).33"(8.5)ø.02"(ø0.5).17"(4.3)ø.01"(ø0.3)ø.13"(ø3.2)ø.09"(ø2.4).12"(3.1).01(0.06"(1.6)ø.02"(ø0.6)90 (S=5/1)Detail - A .13"(3.4).06"(1.6).02"(0.6)A 12AAC732 [.08"(2m)]*112AAB404 [.18"(5m)]12AAB416 [.39"(10m)][ ]: Tip radius 12AAC733 [.08"(2m)]*1ø.55"(ø14).28"(ø7.2).14"(3.6).2(6.22"(5.6).11"(2.8)ø.12"(ø3)"(1.6).61"(15.6)ø7.2) R .22"(5.6).85"(21.5).14"(3.6).92"(23.5).14"(3.5).27"(6.8).29(7.5Stylus tip position 15012AAB344 12AAB345178-043-1 (mm)178-053-1 (inch/mm)Leveling table (for D.A.T. function)• Can be used with the XY leveling tables.Table swivels: ±1.5° Table size:5.12"x3.94" (130x100mm)Max. Loading: 15kgfMemory cardStores/recalls the measuring conditions (up to 20), measured data, and statistical data.Memory: 8MBMeasuring data output Others Manual column standColumn travel: 7.87"(200mm)Dimensions: 14.57"x7.87"x29.13"(370x200x740mm)Mass: 28.66 lbs. (13kg)264-005DP-1VRPerforms various statistical processingCylinder attachmentUsed to attach on a cylinderDiameter: ø.59" up to 2.36" (ø15mm up to 60mm)SPC connecting cablesConnects a control unit with DP-1VR.3'(1m): 9369376'(2m): 965014Reference step specimenUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.Step nominal value: 2µm/10µmLCD protective sheetFor touch panel protection (10 sheet set)Five rolls 984'(25m)Standard paper: 270732178-009178-048 (mm)178-058 (inch/mm)178-611 (mm)178-612 (inch/mm)178-019Precision vise• Can be used with the XY leveling table.Input toolData input device for spreadsheet software.264-503A (120V)12AAB358Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products may require prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where Mitutoyo America Corporation is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriate companies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.© 2011 Mitutoyo America Corporation, Aurora IL 1110-04 Printed in USA, January 2011Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



11 先决条件1.1 目的和指导书目标本操作指导书描述了根据ISO 4287、GB/T 3505-2000标准检测要求,进行产品表面粗糙度检测的操作步骤。

1.2 总则1.2.1 粗糙度仪的环境湿度范围40%〜60%。

1.2.2 粗糙度仪所处测量室温度要求10℃〜40℃范围内进行。

1.2.3 检测时工件应该保证稳妥可靠的固定于检测夹具上,如果松动则肯定影响测量结果1.2.4 每天工作开始前及结束以后,请用无水酒精清洁仪器的工作台面及测针。

1.2.5 零件在测量前必须清洗干净,无毛刺、外观无明显缺陷、无锈蚀情况。

1.2.7 出现以下情况时检测结果视为无效,应重新复检,以重新复检后的结果为最终结果。

A 检测过程中,测针缺失或松动。

B 工件需要检测的位置存在明显的铸造缺陷如气孔、黑斑等。

1.2.8 粗糙度仪每年应至少进行一次校准。



2 受本文件影响的行为和机构工厂QEHS3 术语及符号说明3.1术语3.2符号说明4.工作指示 4.1 检测设备图1-1 霍梅尔粗糙度仪大理石工作台打印机图1-2 轴类检测用夹具 图1-3 盘类检测用夹具4.2控件面板及说明1Waveline 20驱动器1、测针保护罩(Stylus protection ) 保护粗糙度测针意外损伤。

2、测针驱动器(Traverse unit ) 驱动粗糙度测针产生直线运动,采集测量数据。

3、测针角度调节旋钮(Tilt angle adjustment ) 此旋钮可以手动调节测针与水平方向的角度位置。

4、驱动器安装螺母(fixing screw ) 通过此两个螺母,可以把驱动器稳定、可靠的安装在Z 轴立柱上。

5、Z 轴锁紧螺母(fixing screw of z axis )当驱动器通过调节螺母调整到适当的高度位置即用此锁紧螺母来锁定驱动器的位置。



JJ1s一4O测距仪说明书1,press POWER button to turn on 按电源键 POWER 打开2,confirm your mode with the internal display (default is “last used”setting) 确认你的模式与内部显示(默认是“最后的使用“设置)3,Set your desired mode and start measuring 设置你想要的模式,开始测量 Mode setting:模式设置Target priority modes 目标优先模式1、 press and hold MODE button,then press and hold POWER buttonwithin 0.5 second. 按下并保持住模式按钮,然后同时按住电源按钮在 0.5秒之内2、 Continue to press and hold both buttons(more than 2 seconds)untilfirst target priority mode and distant target priority mode are switched. 继续同时按住两个按钮(超过 2 秒),直到第一个目标优先模式和遥远的目标优先模式切换。

3、 if the button is not pressed within 0.5 second ,the displayunit<m/yd./ft.>will be switched. 如果按钮不是压在 0.5 秒之内,显示单元<米/码/英尺。


Dst:Distant priority mode (factory setting)遥远的优先模式(工厂设置)1st:first priority mode 第一优先模式Measurement modes 测量模式Press and release MODE button. 按下和释放模式按钮Measurement mode changes in the order of 1 (Act)to 6 (Hor)as shownbelow. 测量模式变化的顺序 1(Act)到 6(Hor)如下所示。

三丰SURFTEST SJ-400系列便携式表面粗糙度测量仪-产品手册说明书

三丰SURFTEST SJ-400系列便携式表面粗糙度测量仪-产品手册说明书

2Requirement1High-accuracy measurements with a hand-held testerA wide-range, high-resolution detector and an straight drive unit provide superior high-accuracy measurement in its class.<Detector>Measuring range: 800µmResolution: 0.000125µm (at 8µm range)<Drive unit>Straightness/traverse lengthSJ-401: 0.3µm/25mm SJ-402: 0.5µm/50mmRequirement5Advanced data processing with an extended analyzing programThe SJ-400 series allows data processing that is identical to that in the high-end class. These data analysis and report creation capabilities can be achieved with this system using the surface roughness analyzing program SURFPAK-SJ.Requirement3Measurement of cylinder surfaceroughness even with a compact typeThe skidless measurement and R-surface compensation functions make it possible to evaluate cylinder surface roughness.Requirement2Roughness parameters that conform tointernational standardsThe SJ-400 series performs 36 kinds of roughness measurements that conform to the latest ISO, DIN, and ANSI standards as well as to JIS standards (1994/1982).Now, long-awaited specifications and functions are at hand: compactness,skidless measurement, high-accuracy roughness detection, multi-function, and ease of operation.Revolutionary New Portable Surface Roughness Testers Make Their Debut!SJ-401SJ-402SJ-401Requirement4Measurement/evaluation of stepped features and straightnessUltra-fine steps, straightness and waviness can be measured by switching to the skidless measurement function. The ruler functionenables simpler surface feature evaluation on the LCD monitor.3Surftest SJ-400Calculation Result screen Measured Profile screenRequirement6Confirmation of a measurement results and an assessed profile without printoutUsing the integrated large touch-panel LCD monitor,measurement results and an assessed profile can be clearly displayed.Measurement ApplicationsRuler Analysis screenA variety of accessories•A stylus and a nosepiece can be selected according to the measurement condition. (See page 9 – 11.)Simplified surface feature evaluation with the ruler function•This function determines the coordinate difference between two arbitrary points, such as a step height and a pitch interval.The SJ-400 series employs a detector with exchangeable nosepiece that is interchangeable between skidless measurement and skid measurement. It allows optional evaluation according to measurement conditions.NosepieceRuler function keyRuler keyCoordinate differenceRulerStylusDetectorSurftest SJ-400DAT screen showing the amount to be adjustedThe D.A.T. FunctionThe height-tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for powerful support of the leveling operation at skidless measurement. This unique and convenient function has achieved high-accuracy measurement with ease of operation.Move the micrometer head by this amount.Digimaticmicrometer headLeveling table (for D.A.T.)When using with the stand,the D.A.T. function can work with the optional leveling table.Support for R-surface roughness measurement (skidless measurement)Usually a workpiece with a spherical or cylindrical surfacecannot be evaluated. By eliminating the round surface element with a filter, this function processes this R-surface data as if it was taken from a flat surface.Built-in thermal printerA high-quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measured results. It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculated result and assessed profile. These results and profiles can be printed out in landscape format, just as they appear on the LCD. They are presented in an easy-to-understand form.Measurement of a cylindricalsurfaceStatistical processing functionThis function performs statistical processing of multiplemeasurements for one roughness parameter. It is possible to display and print histograms in addition to statistical results (mean, standard deviation, maximum value/minimum value,and acceptance ratio).StatisticalHistogramsSwitchableSurftest SJ-400Calculation Result screen with GO / NG judgment resultAccording to the upper/lower tolerance limits set the GO/NG judgment sign is displayed and the calculation result is highlighted (max. for 3 roughness parameters).Calibration screenThe SJ-400 series is equipped with the Ra calibration and step calibration methods for detector calibration (gain adjustment).In both calibration methods only the reference value described in the precision specimen needs to be entered. No other operation such as volume control is required.and conditionsIt is possible to save the measurement conditions and measured data in the control unit or memory card (optional) and to recall the data from both.Batch printout of the measured data after performing on-site measurement and saving the data will raise measurement efficiency.This function invalidates the key operation on the touch panel.Since only the sheet key operation is valid, there is no chance for error in data, including calibration conditions and measurement conditions.This function samples a displacement of the stylus for the specified time without traversing the detector.It has a wide range of uses such as a simplified vibration meter or a displacement gage incorporated in another system.It is possible to recalculate already measured data for other evaluation by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.This function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in 0.1mm increments (SJ-401: 0.1mm to 25mm, SJ-402: 0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-400 series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.Customize functionThis function selects only the necessary parameters forcalculation/display from a variety of roughness parameters. It is also possible to add parameters later for recalculation.Customized screenGO signNG signInvalidatedSURFPAK-SJ SpecificationsEvaluation Curve displayAnalysis graph displayEvaluation condition displayMeasurement condition displayCalculation result display Analysis screenSurftest SJ-400Carrying case is a standard accessory10Detector178-396-2: 0.75mN measuring force, with 12AAC731 standard type stylus (2µm tip radius)178-397: 4mN measuring force, with 12AAB403 standard type stylus (5µm tip radius)Set configuration/Dimensionsø146.83.6146027.2ø8ø142410.42.8DetectorSkid nosepiece (12AAB344)Stylus ø14ø7103.13.61.3Skidless nosepiece (12AAB355)90°0.937.77.644.7ø2.4ø1.25.2A Distinguish colorDetail - A0.60.41.6ø0.690°(S=5/1)Detail - A ø2.415ø1. color0.41.2ø0.390°(S=5/1)Detail - A ø2.48.9ø0.62.537.71.244.2ADistinguish colorø0.390°Distinguish color0.80.4Detail - A (S=5/1)ø2.437.72.5ø0.68.944.20.8Aø2.487.70.9Ø1.290° distinguish color Detail - Aø2.4137.70.97.6144.7ø1.290°5.2ADistinguish colorDetail - Aø14Ø7.2R 403.623. 2.8Stylus tip positionø14ø3R 400.61.63.621.5 5.63.623.51.43.515.6ø7.23.8R2Stylus tip positionø14R 403.61.222.321.5ø1.926.73.53.8ø7.2Stylus tip positionø7ø141.33.6421.5103.5Stylus tip positionø14R 405.621.5 3.623.53.53.6ø7.26.87.5Stylus tip position150°Standard type12AAC731 (2µm)*112AAB403 (5µm)12AAB415 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusSmall hole type12AAC732 (2µm)*112AAB404 (5µm)12AAB416 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra small hole type12AAC733 (2µm)*112AAB405 (5µm)12AAB417 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra small hole typeDeep hole type12AAC734 (2µm)*112AAB406 (5µm)12AAB418 (10µm)( ): Tip radius2 x stylus12AAC740 (2µm)12AAB413 (5µm)12AAB425 (10µm)( ): Tip radius3 x stylus12AAC741 (2µm)*112AAB414 (5µm)12AAB426 (10µm)( ): Tip radius12AAB35512AAB34412AAB34512AAB34612AAB347Skidless nosepieceUnit: mmStylusApplicable skid nosepiece*1 Tip angle is 60°11Surftest SJ-400Deep groove type*212AAC735 (2µm)*112AAB409 (5µm)12AAB421 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra deep groove type*212AAC736 (2µm)*112AAB408 (5µm)12AAB420 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra deep groove type*212AAC737 (2µm)*112AAB407 (5µm)12AAB419 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusGear face typeEccentric type*2*1 Tip angle is 60° *2 At using this stylus, measuring force of the detector does not guarantee.12AAB339 (2µm)*112AAB410 (5µm)12AAB422 (10µm)( ): Tip radius12AAC739 (2µm)*112AAB412 (5µm)12AAB424 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusKnife edge type12AAC738 (2µm)*112AAB411 (5µm)12AAB423 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusWE-curve type12AAB33812AAB349StylusApplicable skid nosepiece12AAB35012AAB35112AAB35212AAB34812AAB35312AAB35413ø2.40.9ø1.290°14.237.744.7ADistinguish ColorDetail - A230.9ø2.424.2ø1.290°37.744.7A Detail - ADistinguish color3533.85.2ø1.2A Distinguish colorø2.4Ø2.490°37.745.2Detail - A60°60°7.66.437.743.8ø1.2ø2.4ADistinguish colorDetail - A7.6ø2.4ø1.20.937.744.7Ball ø1.5885.27.6ø2.4ø1.290°37.70.944.7ADistinguish colorDetail - AADetail - A37.70.990°ø0.6Distinguish color457.610ø2.4ø2.4ø14R 4012. 1.821.54.53.6109ø7.2Stylus tip positionR24.4ø14ø7.2R 403.623.51.413.421.5 5.63.6 2.8103.5Stylus tip positionR2ø14ø7.2(8.4)3.63.819.51.821.53.513.4 2.55910Stylus tip positionø1.5ø14R 4017.9Ø7.23.521.553313.64.513.49 1.4511.610R210Stylus tip positionø14R 403.53.819.5 1.821.522.80.61.42720Ø7.29Stylus tip positionR21.44.4ø14R 401.43.50.521.5ø7. tip position4.4ø14R 4021.56.7ø7. tip positionFlat Unit: mm12Order No.178-019Mounting method Two-sliding- jaw Clamp opening 36mm/1.42”Clamp width 44mm/1.73”Clamp depth 16mm/.63”Height38mm/1.50”Stand, TablesManual column standColumn travel: 200mmDimensions: 370x200x740mm Mass: 13kg178-009178-042-1 (mm)178-052-1 (inch/mm)178-049 (mm)178-059 (inch/mm)XY leveling tables178-019Precision vise•Can be used with the XY leveling table.74313178-043-1 (mm)178-053-1 (inch/mm)Order No.178-042-1,178-052-1178-043-1,178-053-1178-049,178-059Table size130 x 100mm/5.12” x 3.94”Maximum loading weight 15KgInclination angle±1.5˚—Horizontal rotating angle ±3˚—X, Y axis displacement ±12.5mm/.49”±12.5mm/.49”±12.5mm/.49”Min. reading0.001mm/.00005”*0.001mm/.001”*0.001mm/.00005”*of the micrometer head Dimension 262 x 233 x 83mm220 x 189 x 83mm262 x 233 x 55mmMass6.3kg6kg5kg* Digital display13Surftest SJ-400Leveling table•Can be used with the XY leveling table.Table swivels: ±1.5°Table size: 130x100mm Max. Loading weight: 15kgMemory cardSaves/Retrieves the measuring conditions (up to 20), measured data, and statistical data.Memory: 8MBOthers 264-005DP-1VRPerforms various statistical processingCylinder attachmentUsed to attach on a cylinderDiameter: ø15mm up to 60mmSPC connecting cablesConnects a control unit with DP-1VR.1m: 9369372m: 965014Reference step specimenUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.Step nominal value: 2µm/10µmLCD protective sheetFor touch panel protection (10 sheets set)Printer paperFive rolls (25m)Standard paper:270732Durable paper:12AAA879178-048 (mm)178-058 (inch/mm)178-611 (mm)178-612 (inch/mm)2 (.08")99 (3.90")79 (3.11")57.5(2.26")Ø50 (1.97")Input toolData input device for spread sheet software.264-503 (100V)264-503A (120V)264-503D (220V)264-503E (240/220V)12AAA84112AAA89612AAB358MichiganPhone: (734) 459-2810IllinoisPhone: (630) 978-5385CaliforniaPhone: (626) 961-9661MassachusettsPhone: (978) 692-8765IndianaPhone: (317) 577-6070North CarolinaPhone: (704) 875-8332Coordinate Measuring Machines Small Tool Instruments and Data ManagementHardness Measuring Sensor Systems Optical Measuring Digital Scale and DRO Systems Surface-, Form- and Contour MeasurementVision Measuring Systems Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditionswill apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Job No.11B-826.800308 (1) C N E , P r i n t e d i n J a p a n。


3.3.1 存储测头资料............................................................................................................................3-7 3.3.2 已命名测头资料的保存 .............................................................................................................3-7 3.4 自动校正...........................................................................................................................................3-8
通过正确的操作帮助我们获取高可靠性测量数据的各种“注释”,用下列各种术语进行区分 表示。
要点 • 对实现目标所必需的信息进行的注释。不可无视该项指示。
• 提示如不遵守该指示,则有可能损害主机的性能、精度亦或有可能给维护机器运转带来困 难。

注释 提示本文中特别重要的、需要强调、补充的信息。指出进行特定操作时的特别注意事项(存
提示本文所记载的操作方法、顺序应用于特殊问题时的参考信息、操作及相关功能的详细 说明。
对由于不遵守本说明书所述使用方法而造成的损害,本公司概不负责。 本公司可能对说明书中所记事项不做予告进行更改。



• 三丰量具使用时 • (1)测量时与工件接触应适当,不可偏斜,要避免用手触及测量面, 保护三丰量具。 • (2)测量力应适当,过大的测量压力会产生测量误差,容易对三 丰量具有损伤。 • (3)工件之夹持方式要适当,以免测量不准确。 • (4)不可测量转动中的工件,以免发生危险。 • (5)不要将三丰量具强行推入工件中或夹虎钳上使用。 • (6)不可任意敲击、乱丢或乱放三丰量具。 • (7)特殊量具的使用,应遵照一定的方法和步骤来使用。
三丰数显卡尺测量方法:可以直接利用数据采集仪连接数显卡尺实现高效测量零 件的长度、内外径和深度等。
• 专用卡尺
• 另外,还有各种非标专用的卡尺,如测量沟槽深度的带钩深度卡 尺、测量 • 齿轮厚度的齿厚卡尺、测量物体高度的高度卡尺和测量焊接质量 的焊缝卡尺(焊缝规)等。
• •

• 数显卡尺
• 数显卡尺是采用容栅、磁栅等测量系统,以数字显示测量示值的 长度测量工具。常用的分辨率为0.01mm,也有分辨率为 0.005mm的高精度数显卡尺。相比游标卡尺及带卡尺,数显卡 尺读数更直观、清晰,测量效率较高。
• • • • • • • • • • •

数显使用方法 三丰数显卡尺的使用方法: 一、准备工作 1)擦干三丰数显卡尺尺身表面,清洁各测量面 2)松开紧固螺钉,移动尺框,检查显示屏和各按键工作是否正常 二、开始测量 1)按开关键打开电源 2)按公英制转换键选择所需单位制 3)移动尺框,使两外测量面手感接触后按置零键置零,即可进行正常测量。 三、读数方法 直接在LCD显示窗读取所测值。
• 三丰卡尺是卡尺中在国内使用比较广泛的卡尺 之一,源自于日本株式会社三丰。是一种测量 长度、内外径、深度的三丰量具。




1. 准备工作
a. 确保粗糙度仪已充电或连接电源;
b. 检查工件表面,确保其无油污、灰尘或其他杂质;
c. 将工件固定在稳定的支撑上,确保在测量过程中不会移动。

2. 开机与校准
a. 按下粗糙度仪的电源键,开启仪器;
b. 按照仪器说明书的要求,选择合适的测量参数(例如测量方式、滤波方式、评价长度等);
c. 将探头放在附带的标准表面上进行校准。


3. 测量
a. 将粗糙度仪的探头轻轻放在工件表面上,确保探头与表面接触良好,并且与测量方向一致;
b. 按下开始键,启动测量。

c. 若仪器未自动保存数据,需手动按下保存键,将数据保存到仪器内存中。

4. 读取数据
a. 在屏幕上查看测量结果,并了解工件表面的粗糙度;
b. 如有必要,可通过数据输出接口将测量结果导出到电脑进行

5. 关闭仪器
a. 按下电源键,关闭粗糙度仪;
b. 清洁探头,将粗糙度仪放回仪器箱中妥善保存。

1. 使用粗糙度仪前,请阅读仪器说明书,了解仪器的性能、功能及操作方法;
2. 使用过程中,请遵循仪器说明书中的注意事项和安全规定;
3. 测量前,务必先进行校准,确保测量结果的准确性;
4. 测量时,请避免探头受到冲击或磨损,以免影响测量结果;
5. 使用完毕后,请及时关闭仪器,清洁并妥善保存。

三丰surftest sj-301便携式粗糙度测试仪使用手册说明书

三丰surftest sj-301便携式粗糙度测试仪使用手册说明书

•The large LCD window makes it easy to readmeasurement resultand analysis graph at a glance. The profile-speed thermal printer prints out clear and fast.•Designed to increaseoperability – the large keypads are used for measuringoperations, while the touch panelLCD is used for setting various measurement conditions.•Measured data can be downloaded to a PC. Various analyses can be made by using Surfpak-SJ, dedicated software for surface texture analysis.A portable surface roughness testerwith a touch-panel LCD and a built-in printer.Surftest SJ-301Conforming to various standards•Conforming to the JIS (1994/1982),ISO, DIN, and ANSI standards.•Additionally, the horizontal roughness parameters S, Sm, tp (mr) can be reported. The SJ-301 also performs such special parameters as plateau rate and RK-related parameters.Storing measurement conditions and data•The SJ-301 main unit can store a maximum of 5 sets of measuring conditions. Individual measuring conditions can be selected for each workpiece.•The measuring conditions stored in the SJ-301 can be recalled and switched by direct key operations.•Measured data can be saved at the measurement site and be printed out or recalculated later.•By using an optional memory card, a maximum of 20 sets of measuring conditions, measured data, and statistical results can be stored.High-speed thermal printer•Equipped with a highly sophisticated,high-speed thermal printer.•Selectable orientation for printout –Choose the portrait for conventional printout or the landscape for printing out the image as it is displayed.•BAC (Bearing Area Curve) and ADC (Amplitude Distribution Curve) can be printed out.Key-masking function•This function limits touch panel operation to prevent the detector calibration data and measuring conditions from being altered or deleted.•Measuring conditions can be easily controlled among multiple users.Landscape printoutPortrait printoutResistance to environment•The SJ-301 keypads have excellentdurability -- No need to worry about oil stains from the user's hand.Reading profiles in the LCD window•Measurement results and analysis profiles can be read in the LCD window.•Signal waves can be scrolled smaller or larger, enabling the operator to read fine details.Customization function•The user can select only theparameters needed from a variety of surface roughness parameters provided.Mobility•A built-in buttery in the SJ-301 makes it possible to inspect surface roughness even at a site where there is no electrical outlet available.•Portable and convenient – the drive unit and the detector can be stored in the display unit. (Carrying case is a standard accessory.)•Measurement can be performed while the display unit is in the carrying case.The carrying case can be used to protect the display unit.Auto calibration•Calibration can be easily performed by simply inputting and measuring the Ra value inscribed on the roughness reference specimen.•No adjustment with a tool, such as a volume adjustment, etc. is required.Statistical analysis functions•Statistical analysis of one parameter is possible.•Displays and prints frequency histograms as well as statisticalcalculation results (average, standard deviation, maximum value, minimum value, pass ratio).GO/NG judgement function•Tolerance values in three-steps can be set for the surface roughness parameters.•Judgment symbol is displayed in the result display for a quick judgment of GO/NG.Selectable language for display/printoutDisplay/printout language is selectable from among English, German, French,Italy, Spanish and Japanese.Surftest SJ-301 Arbitrary evaluationlength•An arbitrary evaluation length withinthe range of 0.3 mm - 12.5 mm (Unit:0.1 mm) can be set.•Measurement in a limited space, wheremeasurement is difficult under themeasuring conditions in accordancewith JIS standards, is made possible byusing the start-up OFF function.One-step detectorreplacement•Special detectors are available formeasurements that cannot beperformed with a standard detector -such as measurement of small-diameters and deep-grooves.•No tool is required for replacing thedetector. Simply pull out and insert adetector.•Just one SJ-301 can performmeasurement on a variety ofworkpieces, since various types ofdetectors, depending on theworkpiece, can be used.25.2mm (.99")Approx. 21mm (.83")horizontallyApprox. 2mm (.08")verticallyHigh-accuracy detector•SJ-301 employs a differentialinductance method, which is used inhigh-end models.•Measurement with a high-accuracyand a wide measuring range of350µm.•Parameters that require high-accuracyfeed such as Sm and S can bemeasured with the SJ-301.•The detector can be retracted into thedrive unit when the SJ-301 is notperforming a to build a highly expandable desktop evaluation system.Surftest SJ-301Specifications**Evaluation length can be specified arbitrary in the range from 0.3mm (.01”) to 12.5mm (.49”).Roughness specimenSurftest SJ-301MichiganPhone: (734) 459-2810IllinoisPhone: (630) 978-5385CaliforniaPhone: (626) 961-9661MassachusettsPhone: (978) 692-8765IndianaPhone: (317) 577-6070North CarolinaPhone: (704) 875-8332Coordinate Measuring Machines Small Tool Instruments and Data ManagementHardness Measuring Sensor Systems Optical Measuring Digital Scale and DRO Systems Surface-, Form- and Contour MeasurementVision Measuring Systems Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Job No.11B-7。

SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书

SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书

Form MeasurementBulletin No. 2080Portable surface roughness tester evolutionRich choice of options provide easier, smoother and more accurate measurements1981Color-graphic LCDThe color-graphic LCD with excellent visibility The display interface supports 16 languages.Backlight providedA backlight improves usability in dim testing Easy to use and highly functionalThis portable surface roughness tester is equipped with analysis functionality rivaling that of benchtop surface roughness testers.Complies with many industry standardsThe Surftest SJ-410 complies with the Applicable standardsEnhanced power for making measurements on siteMultilingual supportIcon display Data compensationSimple contour analysis functionText displayA wide range, high-resolution detectorMeasuring range/ resolution 800µm/0.01µm 80µm/0.001µm 8µm/0.0001µmHigh straightness drive unitStraightness/ traverse length 0.3µm/25mm (SJ-411)0.5µm/50mm (SJ-412)High accuracy measuringSJ-412SJ-411Memory card (optional) is supportedThe measurement conditions and data can be stored in a memory cardA variety of interfaces supplied as standardThe external device interfaces that come as standard include USB, RS-Access to functions can be restricted by a passwordA pre-registered password can limit use of measurement conditionsThe unit is easily transported in a dedicated carrying casewhich includes holders for the accessories as well as thetester itself. (Standard accessory.) Interfaces Data storagePassword protectionCarrying case→High-speed printer prints out measurement results on siteA high-quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measurement results.It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculatedresults and assessed profiles. These results and profiles are printed outin landscape format, just as they appear on the color-graphic LCD.PrinterA sturdy key-sheet-button panel with superior durability in any en-vironment is provided. For repeat measurement of the same work,Key-sheet buttonsS ur f test4Enhanced measuring functions•Height/tilt adjustment unit (Standard accessory)The height/tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for leveling the drive unit prior to making skidless measurements and, supported by guidance from the unique D.A.T. function, makes it easy to achieve highly accurate alignment.leveling: leveling table*1, 3-axis alignment table*1 or tilt adjustment unit*1. *1: For details about optional products, see P6-7.Powerful support for levelingPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyYour choice of skidless or skidded measurementPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyHeight adjustment knob•Skidded measurementIn skidded measurements, surface features are measured with reference to a skid following close behind the stylus. This cannot measure waviness and stepped features exactly but the range of movement within which measurement can be made is greater because the skid tracks the workpiece surface contour.•Skidless measurementSkidless measurement is where surface features are measured relative to the drive unit reference surface. This measures waviness and finely stepped features accurately, in addition to surface roughnness, but range is limited to the stylus travel available. The SJ-410 series supports a variety of surface feature measurements simply by replacing the stylus.Fulcrum point of StylusStylus Traverse directionfeatures: SkidlessUsually, a spherical or cylindrical surface (R-surface) cannot be evaluated, but, by removing the radius with a filter, R-surface data is processed as if taken from a flat surface.Step Dimensions Step volumeCoordinate differenceMore measuring functions than expected from a compact testerPreviously measured data can be recalculated for use in other evaluations by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.A single measurement enables simultaneous analysis under twodifferent evaluation conditions. A single measurement allows calculation of parameters and analysis of assessed profiles without the need for recalculation after saving data, contributing to higher work efficiency.Point group data collected for surface roughness evaluation is used to perform simplified contour analysis (step, step height, area and coordinate variation). It assesses minute forms that cannot be assessed by a contour measurer.This function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in 0.01mm increments (SJ-411: 0.1mm to 25mm, SJ-412: 0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-410 series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.The “OK” symbol means the measurement is within the limits set; “NG” means it is not, in which case an arrow points to either the upper or lower limit in the printout.An “OK/NG” judgment symbol is displayed when limits are set for the roughness parameter. In case of “NG,” the calculated result is highlighted. The calculated result can also be printed out.Surface roughness measurement requires a run-up distance before starting the measurement (or retrieving data). When the SJ-410 Series measures, its run-up distance is normally set to 0.5mm. This distance, however, can be shortened to 0.15mm using the narrow part measurement function (starting from the origin point of the drive unit). The function extends the possibility of measurement of narrow locations such as grooves in piston ring / O-ring mounts.This function samples stylus displacement for a specified time without engaging detector traverse, which enables use as a simplified vibration meter or displacement gage incorporated in another system.RecalculatingAssessing a single measurement result under two different evaluation conditionsSimple contour analysis functionArbitrary sampling length settingGO/NG judgement functionNarrow space measuring function Patent pending in JapanReal sampling3.52.5Example: surface roughness measuring Example: surface roughness measuringof mounting groove for O-ring Overruns surface using 0.5mm run-upthe measurementc=0.8mmThe run-up distance can be shortened to 0.15mm by measuring from the origin point.•Narrow space measuring Typical applications6Optional AccessoriesThree new optional products are available to be attached to the manual column stand (No.178-039). You can choose the unit that suits your application.Or, you can also use the three products in any combination. Using the optional units makes SJ-411/412 more convenient and easier to use to ensure accurate measurements.Can be adjusted to match the height of the item to be measured.Options for simple column standSimple column standNo.178-039Vertical adjustment range: 250mm Dimensions: 400×250×578mm Mass: 20kg* C annot be used when the tester’s main unit is an older model (SJ-401/402).•Auto-set unit (178-010)*This unit enables the vertical (Z axis) direction to be positioned automatically (auto-set function).A single button operation completes a series of operations from measurement, saving and auto-return (saving and auto-return can be switched on and off by operating the drive unit).•Tilting adjustment unit (178-030)*This unit is used for aligning the workpiece surface with the detector reference plane. It supports the DAT function to make the leveling of workpiece surfaces easier.•X-axis adjustment unit (178-020)*This unit helps fine-tune the horizontal (X axis) direction.Preliminary measurementTilt adjustmentComplete set of optional units for the manual column standAuto-set unit10m m12.5mm 12.5mm±1.5°7The tester includes X- and Y-axes micrometer heads. This makes axis alignment much easier because the tilt adjustment center is the same as the rotation center of the table.(Code No.178-042-1/178-043-1)This table helps make the alignment adjustments required when measuring cylindrical surfaces. The corrections for the pitch angle and the swivel angle are determined from a preliminary measurement and the Digimatic micrometers are adjusted accordingly. A flat-surfaced workpiece can also be leveled with this table.The levelling table can be used to align the surface to be tested with the detector reference plane. The operator is guided through the procedure byscreen prompts.XY leveling tablesPrecision viseCylinder attachmentReference step specimen3-axis Adjustment Table: 178-047Patent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT Function for the optional leveling tablePatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT screen guides the user when levelingDigimatic micrometer No.178-048Inclination adjustment angle: ±1.5°Table dimensions: 130×100mmMaximum load: 15kg•Fits on the stand.This block can be positioned on top of cylindrical objects to perform measurements.No.12AAB358Diameter: ø15~60mm Configuration:•Cylindrical measurement block •Auxiliary block•ClampUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.No.178-611Step nominal values: 2µm/10µm•T-groove dimensions•Movement is in X- and Y-axes only.Application178-042-1178-049Unit: mm*Drive unit not included.8Optional Accessories: Detectors / StyliStandard stylusDouble-length for deep hole *2*1: Tip angle 60°*2: For downward-facing measurement only.*3 :44.7DetectorsUnit: mmExtension rodsStyliUnit: mm14601011.5• 12AAG202 Extension rod 50mm• 12AAG203 Extension rod 100mm* No more than one extension rod can be connected.Styli Unit: mm For deep groove (10mm)For deep groove *2 (20mm)Please contact any Mitutoyo office for more information.10Optional Accessories: For External Output• OS: Windows XP-SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7• Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel 2002 Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2010Required environment*This program can be downloaded free of charge from the Mitutoyo website. The optional USB cable is also required.• USB cable for SJ-410 series No.12AAD510*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation.• Printer paper (5 rolls)No.270732• Durable printer paper (5 rolls)No.12AAA876• Touch-screen protector sheet (10 sheets) No.12AAN040• Memory card (2GB) *No.12AAL069• Connecting cable (for RS-232C) No.12AAA882* m icro SD card (with a conversion adapter to SD card)Contour / Roughness analysis software FORMTRACEPAKSimplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ seriesOptional accessories, consumables, and others for SJ-410More advanced analysis can be performed by loading SJ-410 series measurement data to software program FORMTRACEPAK via a memory card (option) for processing back at base.The Surftest SJ-410 series has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-410's digimatic output,you can print calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.USB keyboard signal conversion type*IT-012UNo.264-012-10* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014USB-ITN-DNo.06ADV380DDigimatic mini processor DP-1VRCalculation results input unit INPUT TOOLNo.264-504 -5ASJ-410→DP-1VR Connecting cable 1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014This unit allows you to remotely load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC.You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.Measurement Data Wireless Communication System U-WAVEU-WAVE-T *(Connects to the SJ-410)No.02AZD880D* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.No.02AZD790DU-WAVE-R(Connects to the PC)No.02AZD810DSpecifications*2: Only for JIS'97 standard.*3: Only for JIS'01 standard.*4: Only for ANSI standard.*5: λs may not be switchable depending on standard selected.*6: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.*7: Either No.178-396-2 or No.178-397-2 is supplied as a standard accessory depending on the Order No. of the main unit for SJ-410 Series.*8: The standard stylus (No.12AAC731 or No.12AAB403), which is compatible with the detector supplied, is a standard accessory.11。

Mitutoyo 三丰 形状测量系统 产品型录 2017-2018说明书

Mitutoyo 三丰 形状测量系统 产品型录 2017-2018说明书

Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-310详细信息参见 L-4 页Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-410详细信息参见 L-7 页产品Contracer (轮廓测量仪)CV-3200/4500详细信息参见 L-21 页Formtracer (表面粗糙度/轮廓测量系统) SV-C3200/4500详细信息参见 L-25 页形状测量系统LLL目录Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-210 L-3SJ-310L-4用于 SJ-210/310选件L-5SJ-410L-7SJ-500, SV-2100L-8SJ-500P , SV-2100M4 L-9SV-3100L-10Surftest Extreme 超级表面粗糙度测量仪(CNC 表面粗糙度测量仪)SV-3000CNC/SV-M3000CNCL-11选件L-12精密量仪·量具的小知识L-17Contracer (轮廓测量仪)CV-2100L-19CV-3200 / CV-4500L-21Contracer Extreme(CNC 轮廓测量仪)选件L-23Formtracer(表面粗糙度和轮廓测量系统)SV-C3200 / SV-C4500L-25CS-3200S4L-26Formtracer Extreme(CNC 表面粗糙度和轮廓测量系统)SV-C4500CNCL-27CS-5000CNC/CS-H5000CNC L-28精密量仪·量具的小知识L-29Roundtest(圆度、圆柱形状测量仪)RA-10L-31RA-120/120P L-32RA-1600L-33RA-2200L-34RA-H5200L-35Roundtest Extreme(CNC 圆度、圆柱形状测量仪)RA-2200CNC L-36RA-H5200CNCL-37选件L-38精密量仪·量具的小知识L-41Surftest FormtracerContracerRoundtestL便携式表面粗糙度测量仪测量开始粗糙度参数选择L 轮廓显示: 一个参数的测量结果和测量轮廓Surftest SJ-310No.12AAA217**No.12AAA216No.12AAA222No.12AAA218 *退避型标准配件*配件不适于横向移动驱动器。



三丰卡尺需要校正吗? 三丰卡尺、三丰数显卡尺、三丰游标卡尺都需要校正。目的除了修正量具确保量测结果正确 之外,也在于避免使用不当的量具。通常卡尺超过校正标准之后,能够修复的机会不大,只 有降级使用或者报废一途。 三丰卡尺的一般用途最多有叁种,分别是外径 (外尺寸) 量测、内径(内尺寸)量测与深度量测。 可以校正者是前两项,因为深度量测部分原本就不是该量具设计的目的,只能做参考。 三丰卡尺校正的标准器是块规和阶规,但是使用块规有两大缺点。 第一、 过大尺寸没有现成块规可以使用。通常靠块规扭合,但是各个块规本身校正时有 不同的器差,使用时记录上还须加总纪录。而且要是技术不好,不但接不上多少还会伤及块 规。 第二、 块规只能作外尺寸 (大测爪) 校正,无法作内尺寸量测(小测爪)校正。 比较理想的方法是使用阶规。不过阶规很贵,六位数价格。市面上有售一种模仿阶规的 组合式校正器价格大需五万以下,看似合理方便。但其实并非正统合格的校正器。 其实,新买的三丰卡尺都需要校正。只不过一般的三丰代理商会在发货前由工程师先进行校 正工作。
• 日本三丰水平型杠杆百分表-0.01_杠杆百分表 • 日本三丰水平型杠杆百分表513系列 • 货号:513-424E,513-404E,513-404C,513-414E, 513-415E,513-464E,513-454E,513-117, 513-444E
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • 日本三丰Mitutoyo指针式百分表 2046S 0-10*0.01mm 指示表
指针式千分表 2 系列 — 标准型、0.01mm分辨率(参见第 VIII 页) 2 系列指针式千分表是三丰公司量具中最常见且应用最广泛的指针式千分表。



三丰轮廓仪粗糙度仪安全操作及保养规程1. 引言三丰轮廓仪粗糙度仪是一种常用于测量物体表面粗糙度的精密仪器。


2. 安全操作规程2.1 仪器放置•将三丰轮廓仪粗糙度仪放置在平整、稳固的工作台面上。


2.2 电源连接•使用标明电压范围的电源供应器,确保电压稳定。


2.3 仪器准备•首先,检查仪器的外观是否完好,没有损坏或异物。



2.4 仪器使用•在使用前,请先阅读仪器的使用说明书,了解仪器的功能和操作方法。



2.5 仪器维护•仪器使用完毕后,应及时清理仪器的表面,避免灰尘和杂质影响下次测量的精确性。



3. 保养规程3.1 清洁仪器•使用干净的软布蘸取少量酒精或清洁剂,轻柔地擦拭仪器的外表面。



3.2 校准仪器•定期校准仪器的准确性,以确保测量结果的可靠性。


3.3 储存仪器•当仪器暂时停用时,应将其存放在干燥、无尘、无腐蚀性气体的环境中。



4. 总结本文档介绍了三丰轮廓仪粗糙度仪的安全操作和保养规程。





4.2 调整校准和测量如果在建立样本或工件的校准或测量前SJ-400已经安装了,必须实行“向上/向下测量(调整驱动/探测单元的高度)以及”水平测量(调整驱动/探测单元的斜度)。

4.2.1 向上/向下测量实行向上/向下测量时,使用高度/倾斜调整单位和简单的立柱(可选).■用高度/倾斜调整单位进行向上/向下测量通过旋转在高度//倾斜调整单位上的向上/向下旋钮,调节驱动/探测装置的高度以便触头适当地接触样品或工件测量表面。



4.2.2 零点校准■校零程序第二个主屏幕或DAT measure屏幕二者中任一个都可以实行校零。





4.2.3 水平测量针对水平测量驱动/探测装置,DA T功能调整程序和目视调整程序均是有效的。

DA T功能是一个“水平测量支持功能”。



■DA T功能水平测量运行,视觉上做到精细调节可能有困难如驱动/探测装置极um向上/向下的移动。

因此,SJ-400配置DA T功能,它将显示带数字触摸屏上向上/向下移动。




粗糙粗测试仪粗糙度仪安全操作及保养规程1. 引言粗糙粗测试仪(也称为粗糙度仪)是一种用于测量材料表面粗糙度的仪器。



2. 安全操作规程2.1. 检查仪器在使用粗糙粗测试仪之前,必须对仪器进行检查,确保其正常运行并无损坏。

检查项包括: - 确保电源线没有破损,插头无松动; - 检查仪器表面是否有明显的损伤; - 检查仪器电源是否正常。

2.2. 连接电源将粗糙粗测试仪连接到正确的电源上。


2.3. 直接触摸操作在使用粗糙粗测试仪时,务必遵循直接触摸操作规程: - 在操作仪器之前,确保手部干燥,并不穿戴有导电性的手套或饰品; - 在接触仪器之前,禁止手部沾染任何液体; - 在操作过程中,避免触摸仪器的电子元件,以免发生电击或损坏设备。

2.4. 隔离操作为了避免发生电击或其他安全事故,需要采取隔离操作措施: - 将粗糙粗测试仪放置于干燥的工作台上,并保持物体与仪器之间的距离; - 使用正确的仪器支架或夹具,确保仪器稳定固定;- 确保仪器的接地线连接牢固,提供额外的安全保护。

2.5. 操作顺序在使用粗糙粗测试仪进行测试时,请遵循以下操作顺序: - 打开粗糙度仪的电源开关; - 调整仪器的参数和设置以满足测试要求; - 将待测材料放置在仪器上,并适当固定; - 启动仪器,根据指示进行测量; - 测量结束后,关闭仪器的电源开关。

2.6. 避免外力影响使用粗糙粗测试仪时,必须避免外力的影响,以保证测量结果的准确性和仪器的正常运行: - 避免在测量过程中敲打或碰撞仪器; - 避免将杂物或其他物体放置于仪器上; - 在移动仪器时,务必保持稳固并小心操作。

3. 保养规程3.1. 定期清理粗糙粗测试仪需要定期进行清理,以保持仪器表面的干净和光滑。




SJ-401三丰粗糙度仪中文操作说明书SJ-401三丰粗糙度仪中文操作说明:测量操作规程(仅供参考)总的测量流程:如下流程概述了SJ-400的基本操作要求设定SJ-400 →3.3连接和拆卸驱动装置和探测部分. →3.3.3检查零点→3.3.4调节连接器高度→3.4升高和降低高度-倾斜调整装置. 电源→3.7打开或关上电源修改测量条件→第五章修改测量条件向上/向下放置或水平放置→4.2 调整校准和测量实施校准→4.3校准进行工件测量→4.4测量输出测量结果→4.6打印测量结果日常维护→第11章维护和检测SJ-4001、START/STOP开始/中断测量2、POWER/DATA接入电源,进行SPC输出/数据保存/打印输出3、CAL/STD/RANGE校正/粗糙度规格/转换测量范围的设置模式4、CUTOFF/转换截取件光标键(上)5、mm/INCH/mm/inch公/英制转换光标键(下)6、液晶画面显示测量结果和设置状态7、PARAMETER转换显示结果的粗糙度参数8、n/ENT转换区间数。





三丰粗糙度仪SJ-301说明书 (2)

三丰粗糙度仪SJ-301说明书 (2)

带超薄按键和轻触面板的SJ-301SJ-301 超薄按键显示和轻触面板。


2.1 超薄按键功能测量开始/停止,打印,测量情况通知,数据输出,和另一些SJ-301超薄按键的操作功能。




提示:打印相关信息,请参阅4.5“ PrintingMeasuredResults ”。

[FEED] key送打印纸[CONDITION READ] key调用测量条件存储器当中的记忆内容会显示到显示器上。











提示强制转换的详细资料,请参阅11.3电池充电强制转换2-22. 超薄按键和轻触面板设计的SJ-301[DATA]key输出SPC数据到一个数据处理器等等,和存储在一个记忆卡。


•SPC 数据输出SJ-301预先连接到数据处理器。




(按压[DATA]键输出SPC 数据Ra值。


标准的轮廓数据存储记忆卡预先在 SJ-301 中插入一张记忆卡片。



第1页,共2页文件名称: SJ-40型粗糙度仪操作规范发行日期:2016.10.7
一.设备简介:二.操作步骤: 2.1 长按设备右侧开关启动设备(如图一) 2.2放工件,旋转升降器,让测头快接触工件(如图二)
图一 图二
2.3 再次微调升降器并且同时查看操作面板,将图示所示方法调整工件位置(如图三)

第2页,共2页文件名称: SJ-40型粗糙度仪操作规范发行日期:2016.10.7 2.4 按下面板上的 START键 ,设备自动测量(如图四),然后按下 PRINT键 打印出结果(如图五)



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SJ-401粗糙度测试仪操作说明测量操作规程(仅供参考)总的测量流程:如下流程概述了SJ-400的基本操作要求设定SJ-400→3.3连接和拆卸驱动装置和探测部分.→3.3.3检查零点→3.3.4调节连接器高度→3.4升高和降低高度-倾斜调整装置.电源→3.7打开或关上电源修改测量条件→第五章修改测量条件向上/向下放置或水平放置→4.2 调整校准和测量实施校准→4.3校准进行工件测量→4.4测量输出测量结果→4.6打印测量结果→第11章维护和检测SJ-400■ 根据要求修改测量条件下表列出SJ-400可修改的测量条件,出厂前SJ-400已经被设定成表中的默认值。

测量条件默认值备注引用表面粗糙度标JIS2001设定理想中的一种 5.1准被测轮廓R-PROFILE 5.20.8mm 5.2截断长度(取样长度)滤波器GAUSS 5.2随意评价长度-适用于带校准长度的测量 5.4取样长度的数X5量粗糙度参数Ra,Rz,Rq可以指定显示的参数合格/不合格的判定如果要求进行合格/不合格的判定,根据工件设定上限和下限倾斜补偿设定是否补偿被测工件轮廓的整个或任意片段.R面补偿测量速度返回速度自动返回预行程/已测行程测量范围触针驱动单元操作Ra校准值阶段校准值连接速度bps根据已连接的计算机必须设定9600,19200或28800bps任一数值奇偶数停止位打印项目测量条件,测量结果,评价曲线.打印方法打印格式水平放大自动可以选择水平放大打印评价曲线.垂直放大自动可以选择垂直放大打印评价曲线.自动睡眠4.2 调整校准和测量如果在建立样本或工件的校准或测量前SJ-400已经安装了,必须实行“向上/向下测量(调整驱动/探测单元的高度)以及”水平测量(调整驱动/探测单元的斜度)。

4.2.1 向上/向下测量实行向上/向下测量时,使用高度/倾斜调整单位和简单的立柱(可选).■ 用高度/倾斜调整单位进行向上/向下测量通过旋转在高度//倾斜调整单位上的向上/向下旋钮,调节驱动/探测装置的高度以便触头适当地接触样品或工件测量表面。


■ 用简单的立柱进行向上/向下测量使用简单的立柱可以调节驱动/探测装置向上/向下测量。

4.2.2 零点校准■ 校零程序第二个主屏幕或DAT measure屏幕二者中任一个都可以实行校零。





4.2.3 水平测量针对水平测量驱动/探测装置,DAT功能调整程序和目视调整程序均是有效的。




■ DAT功能水平测量运行,视觉上做到精细调节可能有困难如驱动/探测装置极um向上/向下的移动。




■ 带DAT功能的倾斜调整在触摸屏的主页上使用DAT功能实行DAT测量,以及根据测量结果调节高度-倾斜调整装置或水平工作台,方法如下:1.在主页上触摸“DAT”按钮,显示DAT测量屏幕。
















如果触摸了DAT测量屏幕上的“ZERO ADJ”按钮,那时的触针位置变成测量的零点。






■ 目视调整(调整在用的电平指示仪)触摸屏主页上的电平指示仪显示当前探针位置。


● 使用高度-倾斜调整装置水平测量(针对无轨测量)1.调到第三主页面。



3.在第三页面按下“MOVE ORIGIN”或“Move Meas.StartPosition”切换到探测器。








18.按“Move Origin”或“Move Meas。

Start Position”图标切换到探测器,然后检查水平测量已经接近完成了。

Tip:如果触摸第二个主面上的“Zero Adj.”,这时的触针变成测量时的零位。



● 用高度-倾斜调整装置的水平测量(针对有轨测量)有轨测量的水平测量要求不精确。


● 用水平工作台的水平测量如果使用水平工作台(可选),通过倾斜工件可以使工件和驱动/探测器装置在同一水平。




4.3 校准SJ-400带简单的程序可以进行校准。







4.3.1 标准块设定尽管已经提供了精确的粗糙度校准标准块,可选的阶差规和阶差校准块也是有效的。




关于修改校准条件的程序的更多资料,请参见5.17节.■设定SJ-400校准1. 在水平工作台上放合适的标准块.图略: For Ra calibration—Ra校准Level table --- 水平工作台Precision roughness specimen 精确的粗糙度标准块。

For step calibration-(略)Tip:● 带阶差规的2um或79um和10um或394um阶差是有效的。


● 如果用10um或394um阶差规实行校准,在校准前必须修改校准值。

进一步信息,请参见5.17.2.● 如果阶差规用于校准,如图所示的一个台阶必须安装在驱动/探测器装置和阶差规表面之间。


高度-倾斜调整装置: height-tilt adjustment unit.驱动/探测器装置: Drive/ Detector unit阶差规: Step gage.用阶差块提供一个约为13-23mm的台阶.provide a step ofapproximately 13 to 23mm using gauge blocks.2、在平台上设定驱动/探测器装置,然后,进行向上/向下移动测量和水平测量来调整驱动/探测器装置的高度和倾斜角度。

