
美国俚语集锦1. A-ZAapple-polisher马屁精例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the bossand making eyes at him.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗BI'm beat. 我非常疲乏。
beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险black sheep害群之马Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?Bungee jumping蹦极跳Stop bugging me, man!喂,别烦我了。
Cblue collar蓝领white collar白领pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。
他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)Ddog-eared books读得卷了边的书dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠dog-tired 像狗一样的累dog watch夜班old dog 上了岁数的人、老手a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人Y ou're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!hot dog热狗dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是'忠实、卖力、辛劳'的化身,He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea.近朱者赤,近墨者黑A good dog deserves a good bone.西方人论功行赏时常说'好狗应有好骨头' aa dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

地道英语句典A-Z #371-380地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*我说: “(看一下我)1能够在(电话/ditto)2(找到他)3问(他什么有时候)4可以(相见)5”: I said: “See1 if I can (get him)3 on the (phone/horn)2 and ask (when he has time)4 to meet5.”*(接线生)1说: “施密夫先生的(分线)2, 我可以({问}3a/{告诉他}3b)是(谁的来电)4吗?”: The receptionist1said: “Mr. Smith’s line2. May I ({ask}3a/{tell him}3b) who’s calling4?”*母亲告诉她的女儿: “把电话(挂断/放下)1! 我(在等)2一个(重要)3的(长途电话)4.”: The mother told her daughter: “(Hang up/ditto)1the phone! I’m waiting2 for an important3 (long-distance call)4.”*他说: “(不好意思/ditto)1(叫你久等)2了, 我跟女朋友在({电话通话}3a/{网上通讯}3b)”: He said: “(Sorry/I’m sorry)1 to (keep you waiting)2. I was ({on the phone talking}3a/{online talking}3b) to my girlfriend.”*秘书说: “陈先生是({在开会}1a/{现在没空}1b). 我可以要求他(给你回电话)2吗?”: The secretary said: “Mr. Chen is ({in a meeting}1a/{not available at the moment}1b). Can I ask him to (call you back)2?”*这个好莱坞(性感象征)1(被形容为)2(放电/挑逗)3, (卖俏)4, (难以捉摸/ditto)5, 和(绝色)6: This Hollywood (sex symbol)1 (is described as)2 (provocative/seductive)3, flirtatious4, (mysterious/inscrutable)5, and stunning6.*我说: “(收音机)1(失去作用)2, (什么事情发生)3?” 他回答道: “(电池死了)4, 你要(找新的)5.”: I said: “The radio1 (is not working)2. (What’s happening)3?” He replied: “(The batteries are dead)4. (You need to get new ones)5.”*那母亲从(洗手间)1(大叫出来)2: “(电话在响)3, (有人/ditto)4可以(接听/ditto)5吗?”: The mother (yelled out)2 from the bathroom1: “(The phone is ringing)3. Can (somebody/ someone)4 (answer it/pick it up)5?”*他问道: “我们可以在(电话上)1(解决事情)2, 或是你(宁愿)3(见面来讨论事情/ditto)4?”: He asked: “Can we (resolve the matter)2 (over the phone)1, or you rather3 (meet to talk things over/talk things over face-to-face)4?”*这地区({没规律}1a)/{轮换/ditto}1b)(停电/ditto)2, (频次/ditto)3和(蔓延程度/ditto)4增加: ({Random}1a/{Rotating/ Rolling}1b) (power outages/ blackouts)2 in the region have become more (frequent/ regular)3 and (widespread/ extensive)4.*(尽管)1(无线电话/ditto)2的(流行)3, (实际上)4所有的屋子还都(安置)5(地面接驳的电话线)6: Despite1 the popularity3 of (cell phones/cellular phones)2, virtually4 all the houses are still wired5 with (land lines)6.*他说: “(真是松一口气)1, 我(终于)2(找到你)3, 我们(一整天)4(互留电话口信碰不到头)5.”: He said: “(What a relief)1! I finally2 (get hold of you)3. We’ve been (playing phone tag)5 (all day)4.”*他对(电话接线生)1说: “我想打({对方付账}2a/{叫人通话}2b/{叫号通话}2c), (请你)3.”: He said to the (telephone operator)1: “I would like to make a ({collect call}2a/ {person-to-person call}2b/ {station-to-station call}2c), please3.”*他在电话上对她说: “我(听不到你)1, ({电话讯号被干扰}2a/ {电话接收讯号很差}2b).”: He said to her over the phone: “I (can’t hear you)1. ({The line is breaking up}2a/{The reception is terrible}2b).”*他们在(度假小屋子)1不能(接收到)2他们(喜爱的)3(电视节目)4因为(电波)5(传播不到那么远)6: They cannot catch2 their favorite3 (TV programs)4 in their (resort cabin)1 because the signals5 cannot (carry that far)6.*他把一个(口信)1留在她的(电话留言机)2: “我是约翰, (当你有时间)3给我一个(电话/ditto)4.”: He left a message1 on her (answering machine)2: “I’m John. Give me a (call/buzz/ring)4 (when you have time)3.”*(接线生)1说: “({林先生的电话没有占线了}2a/{林先生刚说完电话}2b), 我跟你(接过去/ditto)3.”: The receptionist1 said: “({Mr. Lin’s line is freed up no w}2a/{Mr. Lin just got off the line}2b). I’ll (connect you/patch you through)3.”*经理对(销售员)1说: “当你(在办公室外面)2时(打电话回来)3(告知秘书/ditto)4(那里可以找到你)5.”: The manager said to the salesperson1: “When you’re (out of the office)2, (call in)3 and (tell the secretary/let the secretary know)4 (where you can be reached)5.”*他对她说: “我永远不能够(接通电话找到你/ditto)1, ({经常}2a/{一整天}2b)(你的电话是占线)3.”: He said to her: “I can never (get you on the phone/get through to you on the line)1. (Your phone is busy)3 ({all the time}2a/{all day long}2b).”*(秘书)1在(内部通话机)2对(经理)3说: “你的太太(在线)4, 你要(接那电话)5还是我应该(留个口信)6.”: The secretary1 said to the manager3 (over the intercom)2: “Your wife is (on the line)4. Do you want to (take the call)5 or should I (take a message)6.”*他说: “({请大声点儿! 电话声音太小}1a/{对不起! 电话听不清楚}1b/{讲清楚一点儿! 电话很模糊}1c).”: He said: “({Speak up please! Your voice is too low}1a/{Sorry! I can’t hear you too well}1b/{Speak clearly! I can’t understand a word you are saying}1c).”*他开玩笑地说: “这(城市)1的(电力)2是一只({在轮子上}3a/{在跑步机}3b)的(仓鼠)4(所产生)5, (哎哟)6, 它(刚去了另一个漫长的吸烟休息[笑])7.”: He said jokingly: “The power2 of this city1 is (generated by)5 a hamster4 ({on a wheel}3a/{on a little treadmill}3b), and oops6, it (has just gone for another long smoke break [笑])7.”*他在(手机)1上说: “你的(声音)2(正在中断通讯)3我(听不到你)4, (让我)5(走出这建筑物)6(给你回电)7.”: He said over his (cell phone)1: “Your voice2 (is breaking up)3and I (can’t hear you)4. (Let me)5 (step out of the building)6 and (call you back)7.”*她的(静电导致粘着)1的({裙子}2a/{连衣裙}2b)时常(移上/ditto)3她的(大腿)4(暴露了)5她的(内裤/ditto)6: Her static-cling1 ({skirt}2a/{dress}2b) often (rides up/crawls up/ creeps up)3 her legs4 and exposes5 her (briefs [note: not “brief”]/undies [note: not “undy”]/underwear)6.*男朋友问道: “你为什么不(听我的电话/ditto)1?” 她说: “我(永远再不想再见到你)2, (你不明白吗/ditto)3?”: The boyfriendasked: “Why didn’t you (take my call/answer my call)1?” She said: “I (don’t ever want to see you again)2. (Don’t you getit/Don’t you get the picture)3?”*因(电力短缺)1这(地区)2(很多部分)3被(轮次/ditto)4({停电}5a/{部分停电}5b)所({影响}6a/{深深影响}6b): (Many parts)3 of the region2 are ({affected}6a/{stricken}6b) by (rolling/rotating)4 ({blackout}5a/{brownout}5b) due to an (electricity shortage)1.*他问: “(谁人打电话来)1?” 她回答道: “我(拿起电话)2但(没有人应答)3, (可能是)4个(恶作剧的电话/ditto)5吧.”: He asked: “(Who called)1?” She replied: “I (picked up the phone)2 and (no one answered)3. Possibly4it’s a (crank call/prank call)5.”*他的秘书说: “亚当, 第三线, 是你的!” 他说: “我(在线/ditto)1, 请你({取下一个口信}2a/{叫他等一分钟}2b/{叫他打电话回来}2c)可以吗?”: His secretary said: “Adam, line three, it’s for you!” He said: “I’m on (the line/another line)1. Can you ({take a message}2a/ {ask him to hold for a minute}2b/{ask him to call back}2c) please.”*(警察情报热线)1(大量涌进/ditto)2(来电)3自从二十万块钱(奖赏)4(给予资料)5(引导)6(逮捕)7在一单(谋杀案件)8的(谋杀者)9: (Police tips hotline)1 was (flooded/inundated)2 with calls3 after a $200,000 reward4 was (offered for information)5 (leading to)6 the capture7 of a murderer9 in a (homicide case)8.*当(运动员)1走进中国的(奥林匹克运动场)2, (鸟巢)3, 他们(不能自主地感觉到)4从(疯狂似的群众)5来(在空气中)6的(充满电力般的能量)7和(兴奋)8: When athletes1walked into China’s (Olympics Stad ium)2, (the Bird’s Nest)3, they (couldn’t help but felt)4 the electricity7 and excitement8 (in the air)6 from the (frenzied crowd)5.*这国家一定要(找出)1一个(清彻/ditto)2, (条理分明/ditto)3, 和(可行/ditto)4的(长期)5(能源策略)6, 要不然(有危险)7(延续)8(现在存在的)9(到处)10({停电}11a/{部分停电}11b): This country must (come up with)1 a (clear/comprehensible/ unambiguous)2, (coherent/ logical)3, and (viable/practical/ feasible/workable)4 long-term5 (energy strategy)6 or risk7 perpetuating8 the existing9 ({blackouts}11a/{brownouts }11b) everywhere10.*他的朋友问道: “你的女朋友对你(还愤怒)1吗?” 他说: “(我认为是)2, ({她已经一星期多没有打电话}3a/{她没有回应我的电话}3b/{我打电话给她但她没有拿起电话}3d).”: His friend asked: “Is your girlfriend (still mad)1at you?” He said: “(I think so)2. ({She hasn’t called for over a week}3a/{She hasn’t returned my call}3b/{I called her but she didn’t pick up the phone}3c).”*(在线)1的(女士)2说: “我可以(跟施密夫先生说话)3吗, 请你? 我是他的太太(打来电话)4(有急事)5.” (接待员)6说: “施密夫先生(正在开会/ditto)7. 我应(打扰)8还是可以(取一个口信)9?”: The lady2 (on the line)1said: “May I (speak to Mr. Smith)3 please. This is his wife calling4and (it’s urgent)5.” The receptionist6replied: “Mr. Smith is (having a meeting/in a meeting)7. Should I interrupt8 or can I (take a message)9?”*(接线生)1说: “我可以把你(搁在稍等一分钟)2? (让我查一下)3施密夫先生是否(有空)4.” 二十秒钟后她(回来线上)5说: “施密夫先生(在另外一条线上)6, ({我可以传话吗?}7a/{你可以留下姓名和电话号码我问他回电吗?}7b).”: The receptionist1 said: “May I (put you on hold for a minute)2? (Let me check)3 if Mr. Smith is available4.” She (came back online)5 after twenty seconds and said: “Mr. Smith is (on another line)6. ({May I take a message?}7a/{Could you leave your name and phone number, and I’ll ask him to call you back?}7b)”*我们的(无线电话)1(最新)2(特征)3包括: (震荡来电警觉)4, (几个调子的来电响声)5, (免费长途电话时间)6, (音乐和图像下载)7, (进入互联网)8, (新闻简报)9, (天气报告)10, (体育和股市最新消息)11, (可变换的机套)12, (耳机辐射盾)13, (无线电耳机)14, 和(即时映像跟文字讯息)15: Latest2 features3 of our (cell phone)1 service include (vibrating incoming call alert)4, (polyphonic ringtones)5, (free long-distance minutes)6, (music/images download)7, (Internet access)8, (news briefs)9, (weather advisories)10, (sports/market updates)11, (changeable phone jackets)12, (earpiece shields)13, (wireless headsets)14, and (instant video and text messaging)15.垫[墊]: (~) pad; (~付) pay loan on behalf of others♦(垫子/座垫): cushion*他喜欢(在他的身体到处)1(带环)2他有比(针垫)3更多(环圈孔洞)4: He likes (wearing rings)2 (all over his body)1, and he has more piercings4 than a (pin cushion)3.玷: (~) blemish*(不论结果如何)1这(性骚扰)2的(丑闻)3将会(玷污/ditto)4那(政客的)5(全无瑕疵)6(形象)7: This (sexual harassment)2 scandal3 is going to (tarnish/ taint)4the politican’s5 (squeaky clean)6 image7 (irrespective of the outcome)1.店: (~) store♦花店: florist♦分店: branch♦肉店: butcher’s store♦鞋店: shoe store♦书店: bookstore♦卖酒店: liquor store♦理发店: barber shop♦糖果店: confectionary store♦文具店: stationery store♦玩具店: toy store♦水果店: fruit market♦钓具店: fishing tackle store♦唱片店: record store♦古玩店: antique store♦钟表店: watch and clock store♦眼镜店: optical store♦乐器店: musical instrument store♦洗衣店: laundry-cleaner♦小吃店: (eatery/snack bar)♦快餐店: fast-food restaurant♦免税店: duty-free shop♦专卖店: boutique♦干洗店: dry cleaner♦电器店: electrical appliances store♦礼品店: (gift shop/souvenir shop)♦餐具店: cutlery and tableware store♦家具店: furniture store♦连锁店: chain store♦专用品店: specialty store♦化妆品店: cosmetic store♦独立店子: free-standing store♦五星酒店: five-star hotel♦二手店子: secondhand store♦珠宝(店/行): jewelry store♦五金(店/铺): hardware store♦美发(店/厅): beauty salon♦西药(店/房): pharmacy♦床上用品店: bedding store♦运动器材店: sports goods store♦照相材料店: camera shop♦家庭电器店: home appliances store♦自助洗衣店: Laundromat♦时装专卖店: fashion boutique♦(日杂店/杂货店): (variety store/grocery store)♦(面包店/西点店): bakery♦(小卖店/方便商店): convenient store♦专门熟肉和杂食店: (deli/delicatessen)♦(店员/营业员/售货员): salespersons♦在大型商场内特许经营的零售店: concessionaire*(营业模式)1(主要地)2(支配)3 (零售店子)4的(大小)5, (形式)6和(地点)7: The (business model)1 largely2 dictates3 the size5, format6 and location7 of (retail stores)4.*这(酒店)1的(登记时间)2是下午三点钟(退房时间)3是(中午十二点钟)4: The (check-in time)2 is 3:00 p.m. and the (check-out time)3 is (12:00 noon)4 at this hotel1.*你可以(省却/ditto)1(中介人)2 (直接/ditto)3从我们的(仓库)4 (经销店)5购买: You can buy (direct/directly)3 from our warehouse4 outlet5 and (eliminate/cut out)1 the middleman2.*我们(纽约/ditto)1的(旗舰/最好)2店子(提供)3(未来的店子)4一个(模范)5来(跟随)6: Our (flagship/ditto)2 store in (NewYork/the Big Apple)1 provides3 a prototype5 for (future stores)4 to follow6.*他(位于)1(富裕邻居)2(人流旺极佳地点/ditto)3的(零售店子)4是一个(赚钱的源头/ditto)5: His (retail store)4 that is (situated at)1 (a high traffic prime location/a prime location with heavy traffic)3 in an (affluent neighborhood)2 is a (gold mine/money-printing machine)5.*他问道: “你在这个(地区)1有没有(专门店)2({只是}3a/{专门}3b)售卖({韩国杂货}4a/{运动用具}4b)?”: He asked: “Do you have a (specialty store)2 in this area1 that sells ({only}3a/ {exclusively}3b) ({Korean grocery}4a/{sports equipment}4b)?”*他说: “我们将会(重整所处的)1我们(业务模型)2把(销售店)3从(便利店子/ditto)4(改变)5为({刻意选择的店子}6a/{主流店子}6b).”: He said: “We’re going to reposition1 our (business model)2 and transform5 our outlets3 from (the stores of convenience/ convenient stores)4 to ({the stores of choice}6a/ {mainstream stores}6b).”*他说: “我们(广阔范围)1, (方便就手)2, (容意达到)3和(占尽优势)4的(店子地点)5给我们的(连锁店)6在(市场)7上(竞争优越的条件)8.”: He said: “Our extensive1, convenient2, accessible3 and dominant4 (store locations)5 give our chain6 the (competitive edge)8 in the market7.”*她只是在({高尚/ditto}1a/{时尚}1b/{设计师名牌}1c/{专卖}1d/{百货公司}1e/{街头家庭式}1f/{售卖古典货物}1g/{廉价}1h/{打折扣}1i/{二手货}1j/ {厂商打折出售}1k/{便利}1l)店子购物: She only shops at ({high-end/swanky/posh/ritzy/classy/high-class}1a/ {trendy}1b/{designer}1c/ {specialty}1d/{department}1e/ {mom-and-pop }1f/ {vintage}1g/{thrift}1h/ {discount}1i/{second-hand}1j/ {outlet}1k/{convenience}1l) stores.惦: (~) think dotingly of someone*那(总裁)1对那(副总裁)2说: “我们很(难过)3看到你在(你的事业)4(决定)5(离开)6, 当我们向你(告别/ditto)7, 我们要你知道你的(参与)8, (领导才能)9, (幽默)10和(智慧)11将会被我们公司所有人(非常惦念)12.”: The CEO1 said to the Vice-President2: “We’re sorry3 to see that you have decided5 to (move on)6 (with your career)4. As we (bid farewell/say goodbye)7 to you, we want you to know your presence8, leadership9, humor10, and wisdom11 will be (sorely missed)12by all of us in this company.”奠: (~定) establish; (祭~) commemorate*这(汽车制造商)1(不很多年前)2在(世界市场)3(奠定)4(领导地位)5: This automaker1 established4 a (leadership position)5 in the (world market)3 (not too many years ago)2.殿: (~) ancient edifice; (~) fourth place (rank); (~下) your Highness*这个从小国家来的(运动员)1在奥林匹克一个(运动项目)2 ({结果位于}3a/{位于}3b)(殿军)4(不是一件羞耻的事)5: ({Coming in}3a/ {Placing}3b) fourth4 in an Olympics event2 (is nothing to be ashamed of)5 for this athlete1 from a small country.淀[澱]: (~) sediment; (~粉) starch*这个(岛屿)1是(几百万年前)2从(倒进大海)3的(河流)4的(沉淀物)5(形成)6: This island1 was formed6 by (sedimentarydeposits)5 from rivers4 (pouring into the sea)3 (millions of years ago)2.佃: (~) lessee farmer*他的(曾祖父)1是一个(贫穷)2的(佃农)3替一个在广东的(富有的地主)4工作: His (great grandfather)1 was a poor2 (tenant farmer)3 working for a (rich landlord)4 in Guangdong.diāo:雕[雕/鵰]: (~刻) engrave; (~像) sculpture; (~) Chinese eagle-type bird*那(猴子雕像)1是从(玉石)2(雕刻成)3的: That monkey-statute1 is carved3 from jade2.*那(企业大亨)1尝试把他的(无能)2儿子(训练准备好)3作(将来承继)4, 但(朽木不可雕)5是很难的: The tycoon1 tried to groom3 his inept2 son for (future succession)4, but it would be hard to (make a silk purse out of sow’s ear)5.凋: (~) wither*那(单身母亲)1从(做三份工)2来(供养/ditto)3她的四个(可爱孩子)4而(凋谢)5和(衰落)6: The (single mother)1 is withering5 and weak6 from (working three jobs)2 to (support/raise)3 her four (lovely children)4.碉: (~) military blockhouse*在(眺望)1({峡湾}2a/{海洋}2b)的(山顶)3, 那(曾是值得骄傲的)4(军事碉堡)5(沦落为)6({废墟}7a/{四散的遗迹}7b): At the (top of the mountain)3 overlooking1 ({a fjord}2a/{the ocean}2b), the once-proud4 (military blockhouse)5 (is reduced to)6 ({ruins}7a/ {scattered remnants}7b).刁: (~钻) tricky and cunning; (~难) to stump someone*她(跟朋友交接)1(很刁[腌尖夾麻煩])2: She is (very picky and troublesome)2 (in dealing with friends)1.叼: (~)scoop up with mouth*那(母鸟)1用她的(鸟嘴)2(叼起)3(那条虫)4并(把它带回)5 (去(喂她的孩子)6: The (mother bird)1 (picked up)3 (the worm)4 with her beak2 and (carried it back)5 (to feed her babies)6.貂: (~)mink♦水貂: mink♦紫貂: sable*(动物权益运动)1和(全球经济衰退)2(一起)3对(水貂行业)4 (导致)5(强大打击)6: (Animal rights movements)1 and (global economic downturn)2 together3 have dealt5 (a heavy blow)6 to the (mink industry)4.diáo: XXXXXdiǎo: XXXXXdiào:调[調]: (~子)tune; (~派)dispatch; (~换) change; (~查) investigate♦调查报告: survey reports♦民众统计调查员: pollster*那(报告)1(强调/ditto)2(吸烟)3的(害处)4: The report1 (underscores/stresses)2 the hazards4 of smoking3.*他的车子是(金属性灰色)1带有(蓝的色调)2: His car is (metallic gray)1 with a (bluish tone)2.*这个(参赛者)1在那(歌曲开始时)2没有(达到几个高音调)3: This contestant1didn’t (hit a few high notes)3 (at the beginning of the song)2.*那(亿万富翁)1是个不喜欢(炫耀他的金钱)2(低调处事)3的人: The billionaire1 is a low-key3person who doesn’t like to (flash his money around)2.*在(准备)1那(调查)2, 所有的(重要资料)3是(细心调查清楚)4: In preparing1 the study2, all (vital information)3 is (painstakingly vetted/carefully checked out)4.*一个(不辨音调)1的(参赛者)2(一再)3赢取今年的(歌唱比赛)4: (Once again)3 a tune-deaf1 contestant2won this year’s (singing competition)4.*他说: “让我们去(调查一下)1那(卖比萨饼新地方)2的食物是如何.”: He said: “Let’s go and (check out)1 the food at that (new pizza joint)2.”*今天的(流行榜)1(首选歌曲)2 (很可能)3将会成为(明天的广告调子)4: Today’s (pop chart)1 hits2 likely3 will become (tomorrow’s commercial jingles)4.*那(一对亿万富翁夫妇)1(保持低调)2(回避)3({大众注意/ditto}4a/{传媒}4b): The (billionaire couple)1 (has kept a low profile)2 and shunned3 ({publicity/limelight/public attention}4a/{media}4b).*她第一首歌(开始有)1几个(颤抖的调子)2但(接近)3(末端)4时(好好地恢复)5: Her first song (started off with)1 a few (shaky notes)2, but (recovered nicely)5 towards3 the end4.*那对(普遍经济状况)1(抽样民意测验)2的(调查)3是(不能下定论的)4(纷纷意见)5: A polled2 survey3 on the (general state of the economy)1 is an inconclusive4 (mixed bag of opinions)5.*她说: “(给我们唱一首歌吧)1.” 他回答道: “我的(歌声)2是(走调)3和(沙沙声)4(你不会要听的)5.”: She said: “(Sing us a song)1.” He replied: “My singing2 is off-key3 and scratchy4, and (you wouldn’t want to hear it)5.”*她对一个新朋友说: “你问(太多问题)1了, 你是否(进行)2(调查户口)3或是(某些事情)4吗?”: She said to a new friend: “You ask (too many questions)1. Are you conducting2 a census3 or something4?”*那(领事)1对(本地政府)2(腐败)3和(污秽政治手腕)4(宣泄)5(公然)6(评击)7后(要求)8 (调职)9: The ambassador1 (asked for)8 reassignment9 after unleashing5 an open6 attack7 on corruption3 and (dirty politics)4 of the (local government)2.*那(助手)1对他的(主管)2说: “我将会({调查/ditto}3a/{详细调查}3b)这个(情况)4给你一个对它的(报告)5.”: The assistant1 said to his supervisor2: “I’ll ({look into/investigate/check into/probe/dig into}3a/{delve into}3b) the situation4 and give you a report5 on it.”*在你(把你的生命信赖在)1一个(外科医生)2(做手术)3以前对他的(能力凭证)4(调查出真相)5是(没有不对)6的: There is (nothing wrong)6 to (check up)5 the credential4 of a surgeon2 before you (trust him with your life)1 on an operation3.*(只是因为)1你(非常)2(信任)3你的员工不是(意味)4你(不应该)5(惯常地)6(暗下调查他们情况)7来(保持)8他们(诚实)9: (Just because)1 you trust3 your employees dearly2doesn’t mean4you shouldn’t5 (check up on them)7 regularly6 to keep8 them honest9.*一个男人应该(不时/偶然/ditto)1跟(处理家务的妻子)2 (调换任务)3好使他能够(更赏识)4她在家(做例行杂务)5所需要(经历的难处/ditto)6: A man should (switch roles)3 with his (homemaker wife)2 (every once in a while/occasionally/ every now and then/from time to time/every so often)1 so that he can be (more appreciative)4 of what she has to (endure/go through/suffer)6 (doing chores)5 at home.*那因(声称)1(使用违禁药物)2 (被停止比赛)3的(五度明星队选手)4(公开地说)5: “我(一再)6 (强调)7地说我在(竞赛)8或(以外情形)9(从来没有用过非法药品)10.”: The five-time all-star4 that was suspended3 for alleged1 doping2 (said publicly)5: “I say emphatically7 (once again)6 that I (never use illegal drugs)10, in competition8 or otherwise9.”*(雇主)1有(宽阔的)2(容许范围)3去({详细调查}4a/{刺探}4b)(员工的)5(私人生活)6,而(在北美的法律)7(似乎)8(一致地)9(认同)10(雇主)11(采取这些行动)12: Employers1 have wide2 latitude3 to ({delve}4a/ {poke/prod}4b) into employees’5 (personal lives)6, and (the laws in North America)7 (seem to be)8 uniformly9 (in favor of)10 employers11 (taking such actions)12.*那(生意人)1(承认/ditto)2(警察)3({突击搜索他的业务办公室}4a/{把他召唤来盘问}4b), 但(坚持)5那只是(旁敲侧击的调查)6他所做到的并没有任何({不正当}7a/{不法}7b): The businessman1 (admitted/ acknowledged)2 that the police3 ({raided his business premises}4a/{summoned him for questioning}4c), but insisted5 that it was only a (fishing expedition)6 and he had done nothing ({wrong}7a/ {illegal}7b).*(经理)1对他的(助手)2说: “我(极力强调)3你的(报告)4一定要(简单)5, (精简)6, 和(跟主题的素材贴切)7, 你怎么能够(提交/ditto)8这(报告)9(没有夸张的实际上)10(是一团糟)11.”: The manager1 said to his assistant2: “I (can’t emphasize enough)3 your report4 must be simple5, concise6 and (pertinent to the subject matter)7. How could you possibly (hand in/submit/present)8 this report9 that is literally10(a dog’s breakfast)11?”*(亚洲区)1(副总裁)2问道: “现在由于(中国运作)3是(确立)4和(成功)5, (印度)6是否将会是我们的(下一个目标)7呢?” (执行副总裁)8说: “我们要({调查/ditto}9a/{考虑/ditto}9b) (那一个)10.”: The (Assistant VP)2 (Asian Region)1asked: “Now that the (China operation)3 is established4 and successful5, is Indian6 going to be our (next target)7?” The (Executive VP)8 said: “We’ll have to ({investigate into/look into}9a/{see about/consider}9b) (that one)10.”掉: (~)to drop; (丢~) lost; (~位子) exchange (seat); (~头) turn around; (擦~) to erase*我们已经(目击)1(高科技股的)2(在90年末)3(从高捧地位掉下来)4和它们(近来的复苏)5: We have witnessed1 (high-tech stocks’)2 (fall from grace)4 (in the late 90s)3 and their (recent recovery)5.*她(进行)1(迅速剧烈的)2({节食}3a/{减掉重量}3b)(计划)4在(少于一个月)5(去掉)6二十磅: She (went on)1 a crash2 ({diet}3a/{weight loss}3b) program4 and (got rid of)6 twenty pounds in (less than one month)5.*那(顾问)1对那(州长位子)2(挑战者)3说: “(尝试)4使那(受欢迎的)5(州长)6(掉丢职位)7(将不会容易)8.”: The advisor1 said to the challenger3for the (governor’s office)2: “Trying4 to unseat7 the popular5 governor6 (is not going to be easy)8.”吊[吊/弔]: (~唁) mourn; (~著) left hanging♦西服吊带: suspender*(世界上到处)1的人({发送吊唁}2a/{表达吊唁}2b)给(地震遇难者)3(丧失亲人)4的(家属成员)5: People (all over the world)1 ({send condolences [note: not condolence]}2a/ {express sympathy}2b) to bereaved4 (family members)5 of (earthquake victims)3.*那(被判有罪的)1(被告)2(声称)3他(被判有罪)4是(根据)5 (看法)6而不是(事实)7, 那(宣判他的司法制度)8(好不过)9 (一群不经审判便问吊的暴民)10: The condemned1 defendant2 claimed3 he was convicted4 (based on)5 perception6 and not facts7, and the (judicial system that sentenced him)8 was (no better than)9 (a lynch mob)10.钓[釣]: (~) angling♦钓线: fishing line♦钓钩: fishhook♦毛钓钩: (fly-fish hook)♦钓竿儿: fishing rod♦垂钓者: (fisherman/angler)*那(助手)1说: “有个(热切)2(买家)3要(以任何价钱)4来买我们(亏损的部门)5.” ( 经理)6说: “你(有一条鱼上钓)7(你要做的)8是(绕线把它拉上来)9.”: The assistant1said: “There is an eager2 buyer3 wanting to buy our (money-losing division)5 (at any price)4.” The manager6said: “You (have a fish on the hook)7 and (all you have to do)8 is to (reel it in)9.”diē:爹: (~) father (grand-, great-grand, in-laws)*他的朋友说: “(穿一些温暖的东西)1! (外面是很冷)2.” 他说: “(好吧)3, (老爹/ditto)4.”: His friend said: “(Put on something warm)1! (It’s cold outside)2.” He said: “OK3, (pop/old man)4[笑]!”跌: (~倒) fall down; (下~) decrease*(恒生指数)1在十月(天鹅插水般下跌)2: (Heng Seng Index)1 (took a swan dive)2 in October.*(不利的经济消息)1令(股市)2(无止境地下跌)3: (Bad economic news)1 sent the (stock market)2 into (a free fall)3.*在踏(自行车/ditto)1他有一个(很坏)2的(下跌/ditto)3: He took a bad2 (tumble/spill)3 during a (bike/bicycle)1 ride.*上月当它的(出口下跌)1时(日本的圆)2(比对)3(美金)4(转弱)5: Last month (Japan’s Yen)2 weakened5 against3 (the US Dollar)4 as its (exports ebbed)1.*一个(打破以往纪录)1的一年之后(新股上市)2(迅速下跌/ditto)3: IPOs2 (fell off the cliff/took a nosedive)3 after a record-breaking1 year.*大多数(第一浪潮)1(向前冲的士兵)2被(机关枪炮火)3(扫射跌下/ditto)4: Most of the (first wave)1 of (charging soldiers)2 were (mowed down/cut down)4 by (machine gun fire)3.*(投资者)1在(不快/ditto)2的(心态)3下(高于预期)4(房子起建)5的(好消息)6(不能制止股市下跌)7: Investors1 are in(foul/stinky/lousy/bad)2 mood3, and (good news)6 on higher-than-expected4 (home starts)5 (fails to buoy the market)7.*A队(尽管)1(实际上在所有赛事)2(表现不及对手出色)3但(几次有好运气)4(沿途跌跌撞撞地)5(达到它分组的首位)6: Team A (had a few lucky breaks)4 and (fumbled and bumbled its way)5 (to first place in its division)6 despite1 being outplayed3 (in virtually all of the games)2.*他最近电影的(差劣/ditto)1(票房)2({表现/ditto}3a/{进帐/ditto}3b)是他(下跌电影事业进一步去完蛋地步的事项)4: The (dismal/poor/disappointing)1 box-office2 ({showing/performance}3a/ {take/receipt/gross}3b) of his latest film is (one more nail in the coffin of his movie career)4.*(专家)1在(争论)2(汽油价格)3 是(过分上升已经达到会面临下跌阶段)4, 或是(经济基本元素)5(以如此方式/ditto)6(转变)7 (高油价)8({是将会逗留不去}9a/{变成生活中的事实}9b): Experts1 are debating2 whether (oil prices)3 are (riding for a fall)4, or the (economic fundamentals)5 have changed7 (in such a way/in such a manner)6 that (high oil prices)8 ({are here to stay}9a/{havebecome a fact of life}9b).dié:迭[迭/叠/曡]: (~) stack; (~起) occur repeatedly*这(饥饿人早餐)1给你(一迭的)2({高高}3a/{巨大}3b)(薄煎饼/ditto)4, (相当大)5(分量/ditto)6的(炸薯条)7, 三只鸡蛋, 和(任喝的一杯咖啡)8: This (Hungry Man’s Breakfast)1 gives you a ({tall}3a/{big}3b) stack2 of (pancakes/flapjacks)4, a generous5 (helping/serving/portion)6 of (French fries)7, three eggs, and (a bottomless cup of coffee)8.碟: (~) plate♦碟子: (saucer/dish)♦飞碟: ({Frisbee [note: a toy]}/{flying saucer [note: allegedly from outer space]})♦碗碟: (dinnerware/plates and dishes/flatware)♦烟灰(缸/碟): ashtray♦硬碟(电脑): hard disk*(较年轻的女儿)1({负责}2a/{照顾/ditto}2b)(为晚饭)3(摆好餐具)4并(晚饭后)5({拿走碗碟}6a/{清理桌子}6b): The (younger daughter)1 ({is responsible for}2a/{takes care of/looks after}2b) (setting the table)4 (for dinner)3 and ({putting away the dishes}6a/ {cleaning up the table}6b) (after dinner)5.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。
英语俚语3[1]A1 a piece of one’s mind 责备Give sb a piece of one’s mind2 A to Z 从头到尾I know that from A to Z.对于那件事我全盘知晓。
3 all ears 全神贯注He is all ears他全神贯注4 all dressed up 穿得很漂亮She is all dressed up for the party.她穿着漂亮赴会。
5 all in all 总的来说,总而言之He has his faults, but all in all, he is a good guy.6 all lined up 事定妥了It’s all lined up, let’s go.事都定妥了,我们走吧。
7 all out(1) 卖光All out now, come earlier tomorrow.(2) 全力以赴You must go all out to win the game.8 all over(1) 满是Your shoes were all over with mud.(2)结束Glad it’s all over 事情都结束了,好得很。
(3)到处We have been looking for you all over, where the hell have you been? 你跑到那儿去?9 all set 准备好了Ours plans for the new company are all set我们开设新公司的计划已准备好了。
10 all you have to do 你只要All you have to do is to sit still and keep your mouth shut.你只要坐下来闭上嘴巴。
11 as the saying goes 正如俗话所说You have to look before you leap , as the saying goes.你应该三思而后行。

美国俚语一· ace· He's an ace reporter.· MEANING: very good· action· Do you know where the action is in this town?· MEANING: excitement· airhead· My sister's boyfriend is a real airhead.· MEANING: stupid person· all wet· Your ideas about politics are all wet.· MEANING: completely wrong· all-nighter· I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.· MEANING: after studying all night.· ammo· The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.· MEANING: ammunition· antifreeze· I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.· MEANING: liquor· armpit· This town is really an armpit.· MEANING: undesirable place· awesome· What an awesome sunset.· MEANING: great· bad· Wow, that was really a bad movie.· MEANING: intense· barf· He barfed all over the seat of the airplane.· MEANING: vomitted· bashed· The boat was bashed beyond recognition.· MEANING: crushed· beat· After working all day I am really beat.· MEANING: exhausted· beemer· He just bought a new beemer to drive to work in.· MEANING: B.M.W. car· bench· He was benched during the basketball playoffs.· MEANING: taken out of the game· bent· It's OK. Don't get so bent.· MEANING: angry· bent out of shape· Don't get so bent out of shape.· MEANING: become upset· big gun· The president brought two big guns to the meeting.· MEANING: powerful people· big mouth· Shut up! You really have a big mouth.· MEANING: talk too much· big stink· The citizens made a big stink about the new nuclear power station.· MEANING: big issue· blade· He carried a ten inch blade with him.· blimp· I always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel.· MEANING: very fat person· blow· I'm going to blow out of here now.· MEANING: leave· blow· He blew all his money gambling.· MEANING: lost· blow a fuse· Hey, don't blow a fuse.· MEANING: lose your temper.· blow one's cool· Calm down. Don't blow your cool.· MEANING: become angry· blown away· I was blown away by his donation of a million dollars.· MEANING: greatly impressed· bomb· The movie was a bomb.· MEANING: bad· bombed· The driver of the car was bombed.· MEANING: intoxicated· bonkers· I think I am going bonkers.· MEANING: crazy美国俚语二· boo-boo· If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job.· MEANING: mistake· booze· I promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.· bread· I need some bread to pay for my car.· MEANING: money· break· A lucky break helped him get the job.· MEANING: opportunity· break it up· Break it up, or I will call the police.· MEANING: stop· bring-down· The news of the airplane crash was a bring-down.· MEANING: depressing· buck· Do you have a buck I can borrow?· MEANING: dollar· bummed· I was really bummed after I heard the news.· MEANING: depressed· bummer· My trip to New York was a bummer.· MEANING: bad experience· bust· The whole idea was a bust.· MEANING: failure· buy it· If you don't slow down, you're going to buy it in a car accident.· MEANING: die· call· The weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come.· MEANING: prediction· can· Do you know where the can is?· MEANING: bathroom· carb· My motorcycle's carb is out of adjustment.· MEANING: carburetor· catch some rays· I'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays.· MEANING: get some sunshine.· catch some Z's· I need to catch some Z's before I go on my trip.· MEANING: get some sleep· cheesy· That is really a cheesy looking outfit.· MEANING: cheap· chicken· Don't be a chicken.· MEANING: coward· chintzy· That really was a chintzy present you got him.· MEANING: cheap· chow down· I need to find a place to chow down.· MEANING: eat a lot· clip· Watch out or they will clip you at that bar.· MEANING: cheat· clunker· I can't go on a date in that clunker.· MEANING: old car· cold fish· My date for the dance was a cold fish.· MEANING: dull· collar· I knew they would collar the robber sooner or later.· MEANING: arrest· come up for air· He has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion.· MEANING: take a break· con· Don't try to con me.· MEANING: deceive· cool· This is a really cool place to work.· MEANING: good· cool down· Things should cool down in a day or two.· MEANING: calm down· cop· How did you get the road sign? I copped it.· MEANING: robbed· cop· The cop showed me his badge.· MEANING: policeman· couch potato· He is a couch potato.· MEANING: lazy person· crack open a bottle· Let's crack open a bottle for his birthday.· MEANING: open· cram· I need more time to cram for the test.· MEANING: study hard· cream· Our team creamed them badly.· MEANING: beat· croak· I feel like I am going to croak.· MEANING: die· cruise· The skier was cruising down the hill· MEANING: going very fast· cuffs· He put the cuffs on the killer.· MEANING: handcuffs· cushy· He has a really cushy job.· MEANING: easy· cut· Could you cut my whiskey with a little water?· MEANING: dilute· cut out· It is late. I have to cut out.· MEANING: leave· damage· Lets get the bill and find out the damage.· MEANING: cost· dead· This disco is really dead tonight.· MEANING: quiet· deck· He was decked in the fight.· MEANING: knocked down· deep pockets· Her boyfriend has deep pockets.· MEANING: is a good source of money· dicey· Since the weather is a little dicey, I won't go today.· MEANING: chancy· dirty· I hear that it's a dirty movie.· MEANING: an obscene· ditch· I'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother.· MEANING: leave· do a snow job on· Don't try to do a snow job on me.· MEANING: deceive· dope· He is such a dope.· MEANING: stupid person· dope· There are a lot of dope dealers around here.· MEANING: drug· dork· He is such a dork.· MEANING: strange person· dough· I need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping.· MEANING: money· down· Let's go to a bar and down a few beers.· MEANING: drink quickly· drag· Doing homework on the weekend is a drag.· MEANING: boring· dynamite· This drink is really dynamite.· MEANING: powerful; great· earful· My grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.· MEANING: a lot of gossip· easy mark· The Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash.· MEANING: likely victims· eat· The problem is really eating away at me.· MEANING: bothering· excellent· That's excellent man.· MEANING: fine· face-off· The two sides were headed for a nasty face-off.· MEANING: confrontation· far-out· This music is really far-out.· MEANING: great· fix· The addict needs another fix.· MEANING: dose of drugs· flaky· He is too flaky to do the work.· MEANING: unreliable· flashback· At the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend.· MEANING: remembered· flick· I haven't seen a flick in a long time.· MEANING: movie· flip out· He flipped out when he heard that his mother had been killed.· MEANING: lost control· flip side· What kind of music do you have on the flip side of the tape?· MEANING: other side· fox· His older sister is a fox.· MEANING: very attractive· foxy· She is a foxy lady.· MEANING: sexy· freebie· The pillow was a freebie· MEANING: free· get into something· I got into gardening in high school.· MEANING: became seriously interested in· get it· I listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it.· MEANING: understand· get with it· If you don't get with it, we will never finish this work.· MEANING: hurry up美国俚语三· gig· I have a gig on Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00.· MEANING: job· glitch· This computer program has a glitch.· MEANING: defect· glitzy· This is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in.· MEANING: fashionable· go· Let me have a go at solving the problem.· MEANING: try· go bananas· I am going to go bananas if I don't have a vacation soon.· MEANING: go crazy· go down· What is going down?· MEANING: happening· goof· I am really a goof at times.· MEANING: fool· goof up· I really goofed up when I painted my room green.· MEANING: made a serious mistake· goofy· You are always acting goofy these days.· MEANING: silly· gourd· Use your gourd to figure out what is happening.· MEANING: head· grand· His salary is twenty grand.· MEANING: thousand dollars· grass· Lots of students smoke grass in the dormitory.· MEANING: marijuana· gravy· This job is pure gravy.· MEANING: easy money· groovy· This music is groovy.· MEANING: pleasant· gross· Picking your nose is really a gross habit.· MEANING: disgusting· gross-out· The party was a gross-out.· MEANING: digusting time· grub· Where is the best place to get some grub around here?· MEANING: food· grubby· Those clothes are too grubby to wear to the party.· MEANING: unclean and untidy· grungy· That is a really grungy jacket.· MEANING: dirty· gut· He got shot in the gut.· MEANING: stomach.· gut· The gut issue is about what we are going to do now.· MEANING: basic· guts· It takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion.· MEANING: courage· hairy· That was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.· MEANING: dangerous· hammer· Put the hammer to the floor or we will be late for the wedding.· MEANING: accelerator· hang it up· I have decided to hang up my teaching job.· MEANING: quit· hang loose· Just hang loose for another few days.· MEANING: relax· hang tough· We need to hang tough on our decision.· MEANING: stick with· hardware· The police were surprised by all the hardware the gang members had.· MEANING: weapons· have a buzz on· I had a buzz on after the third martini.· MEANING: was slightly intoxicated· have good vibes· I have good vibes about our new secretary.· MEANING: feel good about· have it all together· Recently I don't have it all together.· MEANING: feel mentally all there.· heave· I heaved up on the floor.· MEANING: vomited· high· The teenagers look high to me.· MEANING: intoxicated on drugs or alcohol· hip-shooter· He is such a hip-shooter.· MEANING: always talking without thinking· history· I don't have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He's history.· MEANING: something in the past· hit· Your proposal was a hit with the boss.· MEANING: successful· hole up· I had to hole up for three days because the police were looking forme.· MEANING: hide· honcho· The honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of ourvacation.· MEANING: boss· hooker· Her clothes make her look like a hooker.· MEANING: prostitute· hot· The police stopped them because they though the car was hot.· MEANING: stolen· huffy· I will do it soon so please don't get huffy.· MEANING: angry· hungry· If you are not hungry, you won't get ahead in the business.· MEANING: eager to make money· hustle· If you don't hustle, we will be late again.· MEANING: hurry up· hyped· The fans were all hyped up for the football game.· MEANING: excited· hyper· Don't get hyper about what she told you. You know it isn't true.· MEANING: over excited· I.D.· Can you show me some I.D. please?· MEANING: identification· in· The tie you are wearing is really in.· MEANING: fashionable· in deep· They are really in deep with each other.· MEANING: deeply involved· in the bag· Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about.· MEANING: settled· intense· This is a very intense situation we are discussing.· MEANING: serious· jam· I am glad you got yourself out of that jam.· MEANING: trouble· jerk someone around· Recently it seems like everyone is jerking me around.· MEANING: wasting my time and causing me trouble· jock· My roommate is a jock for the basketball team.· MEANING: an athlete· john· The john really smells.· MEANING: bathroom· joint· Where is the closest joint to here.· MEANING: cheap bar· joint· He is good at rolling joints.· MEANING: marijuana cigarettes· junkie· Sam is a junkie.· MEANING: rug addict· just off the boat· He acts like he is just off the boat.· MEANING: naive· keep one's cool· He kept his cool when his house burned down.· MEANING: remained calm· kegger· I hear there is a kegger at John's house tonight.· MEANING: beer party· kick· I get a kick out of watching him paint.· MEANING: enjoy· klutz· He is a real klutz.· MEANING: stupid and clumsy person· knock· Don't knock it if you can't do it any better.· MEANING: criticize· knocked up· My dog gets knocked up once a year.· MEANING: pregnant· knockout· Who was that knockout I saw you with last Friday?· MEANING: stunning person· knuckle sandwich· Shut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich.· MEANING: punch in the mouth· kook· Watch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood.· MEANING: strange people· laid-back· You need to be more laid-back.· MEANING: calm and relaxed· lame· That is really a lame excuse.· MEANING: an inadequate· line· I have heard that line a million times.· MEANING: story· loser· John is a loser.· MEANING: annoying and useless· love handles· I exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles.· MEANING: rolls of fat around my stomach· make waves· Try not to make waves around the office.· MEANING: cause trouble美国俚语四· maxed out· I am maxed out at my work and need to rest.· MEANING: exhausted· mean· He plays a mean violin.· MEANING: performs well on· mega· I have mega amounts of tomatoes in my garden this summer.· MEANING: large· megabucks· He made megabucks when he sold his company.· MEANING: a lot of money· knock· Don't knock it if you can't do it any better.· MEANING: criticize· mellow· You need to mellow out and enjoy life.· MEANING: calm down and relax· meltdown· There has been a meltdown in the relationship between my parents andI.· MEANING: total collapse· mickey mouse· The homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse.· MEANING: nonsense and a waste of time· move on someone· I am going to try to move on Sarah next Saturday.· MEANING: pick up and seduce· mush· That is total mush and you know it.· MEANING: nonesense· nark· Watch out for the narks in the airport.· MEANING: drug police· neat· That was a neat idea that you had.· MEANING: good· negative· There are too many negatives about the company merger.· MEANING: bad things· nick· The police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store.· MEANING: arrested· nip· He took a nip out of the bottle.· MEANING: a quick drink· no sweat· It's no sweat to have the report in to you by Monday.· MEANING: no problem· nuke· I'll nuke our dinner in a few minutes.· MEANING: heat up in the microwave· nuke· Does that attack plane have any nukes?· MEANING: nuclear weapons· nut· I think that he is a nut.· MEANING: crazy person· nuts· You are completely nuts if you think I will go with you.· MEANING: crazy· pad· Have you found a pad yet?· MEANING: a place to live· pain in the neck· My wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.· MEANING: annoying· paper-pusher· My office is filled with paper-pushers.· MEANING: bureaucratic office workers· party animal· You're too old to be a party animal.· MEANING: love parties· party-hearty· We need to party-hearty because we just got a raise in salary.· MEANING: celebrate· paw· Get your paws off of my body.· MEANING: hands· peanuts· I am not going to work for peanuts.· MEANING: practically no money· pickled· He gets pickled after only one beer.· MEANING: intoxicated· piece of cake· Working on a computer for me is a piece of cake.· MEANING: easy to do· pig· He is a pig at parties.· MEANING: eats too much· pig out· Let's go to the restaurant and pig out.· MEANING: eat a lot or overeat· pit stop· Let's make a pit stop at the next rest area.· MEANING: stop and go to the bathroom· plastered· He drinks too much and is always plastered on the weekend.· MEANING: intoxicated· pooped out· He pooped out after we started to do the hard work.· MEANING: quit· pop· Shut up or I will pop you.· MEANING: hit· pop for something· It is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.· MEANING: buy· pro· He is really a pro at his work.· MEANING: professional· prod· Can you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget?· MEANING: reminder· psyched up· The players are really psyched up for the game on Friday.· MEANING: mentally ready· psycho· She is a psycho. She should be in a hospital.· MEANING: mentally ill· puke· I feel like I am going to puke.· MEANING: vomit· push off· I am going to push off now.· MEANING: leave· put the moves on· You should give up trying to put the moves on her. She is married.· MEANING: seduce· put-on· It was an elaborate put-on which I almost believed.· MEANING: deception· quarterback· Who is going to quarterback the meeting?· MEANING: lead· quick buck· I need to make a quick buck.· MEANING: some easy money· rack· I have to hit the rack by ten or I'll be tired in the morning.· MEANING: bed· rack out· I am going to rack out for two hours.· MEANING: sleep· racket· There sure was a lot of racket outside last night.· MEANING: noise· rag· I can't believe we still get this same old rag.· MEANING: newspaper· rap· We need to sit down and rap about a few things.· MEANING: talk about· rathole· When are you going to be able to move out of that rathole.· MEANING: run down place· raw· The raw office workers were not getting much done.· MEANING: new· ream someone out· The boss really reamed him out for his bad report.· MEANING: got angry with him· red hot· Your idea is really red hot.· MEANING: important· repo· Hey, don't repo my car. I will pay next week.· MEANING: repossess· rinky-dink· The circus was really rinky-dink.· MEANING: inferior· riot· The comedy program was a real riot.· MEANING: funny· road hog· That driver is a road hog.· MEANING: takes up too much of the road· rocks· Would you like your whiskey on the rocks?· MEANING: with ice· rough time· We have had a rough time this winter.· MEANING: hard time· rug· Is that a rug on his head?· MEANING: wig· rug rat· My sister has three rug rats.· MEANING: children· rule· My wife rules the house.· MEANING: dominates· run off at the mouth· He is always running off at the mouth.· MEANING: talking too much· run out of gas· The politician ran out of gas during the campaign.· MEANING: lost interest or momentum· sack· When did you hit the sack last night?· MEANING: go to bed· scam· Don't lose your money in some kind of scam.· MEANING: swindle· scarf· Since he hadn't eaten in a week, he scarfed down everything on hisplate.· MEANING: ate quickly· schmuck· What a stupid schmuck.· MEANING: jerk· screw around· If you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come backagain.· MEANING: waste time· screw up· If you screw up one more time, I will fire you.· MEANING: make a mistake· sharp· He is very sharp with numbers· MEANING: intelligent· shot· I'll give the puzzle another shot.· MEANING: try· shot down· Everyone shot down my idea at first, but later agreed that it was a goodidea.· MEANING:· disagreed with· slammer· The police threw them both in the slammer.· MEANING: jail· smashed· Try not to get smashed at the beer party.· MEANING: intoxicated· smoke eater· My father is a smoke eater.· MEANING: fireman· split· It is time to split and go see the movie.· MEANING: leave· spook· The cows were spooked by the howling of the wolves.· MEANING: frightened· spud· Do you want rice or spuds for dinner?· MEANING: potatoes· square· My father looks square in his jacket.· MEANING: old-fashioned· steamed up· Don't get so steamed up over the issue.· MEANING: angry· stink· This whole operation stinks.· MEANING: is repulsive· straight· I want you to give me a straight answer.· MEANING: honest美国俚语五· stressed· I am really stressed by all the recent world events.· MEANING: upset· sucker· Don't be a sucker.· MEANING: be deceived· take a hike· I am tired of all your complaining. Take a hike.· MEANING:· leave· taken· He was taken for all his money at the casino.· MEANING:· cheated out of· taking care of business· I have been taking care of business.· MEANING: doing what I have to do· threads· Those look like expensive threads he is wearing.· MEANING: clothes· tool around· I don't want to tool around all night. It is time to go home.· MEANING: drive around· totaled· My car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck.· MEANING: completely wrecked· up· He has been up ever since he met his new girlfriend.· MEANING: happy and cheerful· up for grabs· This is a sale. Everything is up for grabs.· MEANING: available.· veg out· I want to veg out in front of the television this evening.· MEANING: relax and do nothing· vibes· He really gives off good vibes.· MEANING: feelings· wad· You don't want to carry a wad like that with you in the big city.· MEANING: bundle of money· waste· After you waste him, throw the body in the river.· MEANING: kill· wheels· If you let me borrow your wheels, I'll go out and buy a pizza.· MEANING: car· whiz· He is a whiz at the computer.· MEANING: talented person· wired· I am really wired after drinking five cups of coffee.· MEANING: alert· wussy· Don't be such a wussy all the time. Say what you are thinking.。

美国对话实用的俚语集锦 Man does not live by bread alone人不是只为面包而活着。
If you do it again,I'll throw you out the window 要是你再犯,我就把你扔出窗外。
I know if from A to Z我了解得一清二楚。
Some day my prince will come总有一天我会找到如意郎君的。
How did you find this out?你怎样知道的?What a pity!真可惜!It's my turn to treat you这次该我请客。
Is there no end of it?你有完没完?I'm through with you我和你已断绝关系了。
You are through!你完了!Don't push me too far!不要把我逼得太急!My license is in good shape我的驾照不会有问题。
If somebody hurts me I'll hurt back!如有人伤害我,我就要报复!This is a token of my esteem这是我的一点心意。
Leave me in peace别管我的事。
Who should I say is calling?请问你贵姓?电话用语I'll put her in her place我要当众给她难堪。
There goes everything一切都完了。
Don't let me down别令我失望。
I'll see what I can do我看看能否帮得上忙。
There is nothing to it这没有什么。
There are plenty of fish in the sea 天涯何处无芳草。
I am broke我破产了。
I'll do a job on you我要揍你一顿。

A cup of tea:意中人,想之物;轻而易举之事A leg up:占上风A small fish in a big pond:无足轻重的人A stuffed shirt:爱摆架子,神气十足的人A tough nut hard to crack:棘手的事,难以说服的Ace:表现优秀Act of god:天意,不可抗力Act up:胡闹,出毛病Against the swim:逆大流,不合群Ahead of the game:领先,占优势All ears:全神贯注,认真听All thumbs:笨手笨脚,笨拙All wet:错误的All-out:尽力,全力以赴An apple polisher:马屁精Ants in one’s pants:坐立不安Anywhere but here:除了这里,哪里都好Asleep at the switch:玩忽职守,渎职,失职Ass backwards:搞错了,搞反了Ass-kisser:马屁精At the end of one’s rope:无计可施,走投无路At the wheel:开车,控制,领导Baby kisser:爱拍马屁的,假惺惺的人Backfire:适得其反,办起石头砸自己的脚Backseat driver:瞎指挥的人,爱发号施令的人Bad blood:不合,敌意Bad news:讨厌鬼Bail out:摆脱麻烦或危险(跳伞)Ball and chain:锁链,拖累;妻子,家庭Basket case:毫无希望的人或事Be terrible with:不在行Beat sb to the draw:抢先,先发制人Beats me:我不知道Beef up:增强,加强Beefy:强健的,彪悍的Beer belly:啤酒肚,大腹便便的人Behind bar:坐牢Bell the cat:为众人利益承担风险Big deal:重要的事Big picture:主要部分,重点Bimbo:漂亮又愚蠢的女人Bite and bullet:咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦Bite the hand who feeds you:恩将仇报,忘恩负义Black sheep:败家子Blah-blah-blah:说个不停Blow it:搞砸了,弄坏了Blow the lid off:揭发(丑闻)B.O:body odor:体臭,体味Bomb:惨败,大败Bootleg:盗版,走私Boozehound:酒鬼Bounce for:争先恐后,趋之若鹜Break a leg:祝(演出等)成功Break up with:分手Brownnose:拍马屁Buddy:好朋友,好兄弟Buck:美元,抗拒Bug sb:使人心烦,令人讨厌Bullheaded:顽固的,牛脾气的Burn the midnight oil:开夜车,熬夜Burp:打嗝Butt in:插嘴,打岔Butt-ugly:极丑的Buy time:拖延时间Call the shots:说了算Catch some z”s:睡觉Catty:爱搬弄是非的,爱诽谤人的Cheap:小气的,卑鄙的(人),便宜的Cheap shot:下流手段Cheapie:便宜货Cheapo:小气鬼,没格调的人Check out hot chicks:打望,瞅美女Chew the fat:闲聊Chick:女孩,美女Chicken feed:小钱Chicken out:退缩,临阵退却Chicken scratch:鬼画桃符,潦草Chief:头儿,大哥Chip in:凑钱Clean up one’s act:洗心革面,重新做人Cliffhanger:调人胃口的东西Clock in:打卡Close,but no cigar:答案接近但还是不对Cock and bull story:驴唇不对马嘴,瞎扯Come again:再说一遍Come clean:全盘托出,招供Come easily:易如反掌Come on to:对……轻薄,吃豆腐Come up with:提出,凑出Cool it:冷静一点Cop:警察,条子Cost an arm and a leg:昂贵,代价大Couch potato:电视迷Cough up:不情愿的付钱Crappy:差劲的,Creepy:恐怖的,讨厌的Cry in one’s beer:借酒消愁,自我怜悯Crystal ball:占卜,预测,预言Cute act:小伎俩,小聪明,小花招Dangle a carrot:开空头支票,空口许诺Dead meat:完了,死定了Dear john letter:绝交信Double speak:夸张Drag:讨厌,无聊Dream boat:梦寐以求的人或事Drop a bombshell:公布一个令人惊奇的消息Drop a line:写信Drop in/by/over:随时造访Duck:躲闪,突然低下头,回避Dud:无用的,无用之物Dump:脏乱差的住所,把某人踹了Eagle shit:蝇头小利,很小的甜头Early bird:勤奋的人,捷足先登者Eat a horse:吃得多,大肚汉Eat crow:食言,因犯错而丢脸Eat humble pie:自我忏悔,反省Eat like a bird:食量小,吃得少Eye-catcher:吸引人眼球的人或事Eye-popping:引人注目的,令人眼花缭乱的Eye-opener:令人大开眼界的事Fall for:深爱上某人,上当Far fetch:牵强附会Fast buck:横财,易得之才Fat cat:大款Fatso:肥猪,胖子Feast your eyes on:大饱眼福Fish out of water:格格不入Fishy:可疑的Fix someone up:撮合某人Flea market:跳骚市场,旧货市:Flip flop:翻来覆去,出尔反尔Footfall:人气,客流量Forward:前卫的,开放的,有野心的,进取的Foul one’s own nest:自毁家门,自取其辱Freak out:生气,激动Freebie:免费品From the top:上头交代的Fry one’s butt:整人,收拾某人Funk:体臭Gag me with a spoon:我快吐了Game plan:策略,计划Gas:有趣,好玩的事物Gear:衣服,行头Get burnt:遭殃Get cold feet:退随,胆怯,打退堂鼓Get lost:滚开Get off your high horse:别自以为是Get on the hook:上钩,自投罗网Get sth off one’s chest:发泄Get the hang of:进入状态,摸到窍门Go for it:去做吧Go in one ear and out the other:左耳进右耳出G o with:搭配,相称Go with the flow:随从大家的意见Goat:替罪羊Goner:无药可救的人Good wine needs no bush:酒香不怕巷子深Grab a bite:吃点东西Grand:千元Grease some wheels:拉关系,贿赂Green-eyed:嫉妒的Grind the axe:磨刀霍霍,别有用心G-string:布条裙Gyp:欺骗,敲诈Half baked:肤浅的,半吊子Hands-off:无为而治,顺其自然Hang out:溜达,闲逛,玩耍Has-been:过去的人或事,昔日黄花Have a ball:寻乐子,痛快的玩Have money to burn:有的释钱,胡乱花钱,挥霍Have sb on a short leash:管的很严,牢牢控制Have someone’s number:看穿某人,清楚某人的Hayseed:乡巴佬,土包子He/she:公的/母的Heads up:小心,注意Henpeck:妻管严Hick:乡巴佬,土包子Hide your fin:深藏不露,不露声色High five:击掌相,干的好Hit a home run:做爱Hit the road:上路Hoe/ho:丑女,妓女Hold water:站得住脚Hooker:妓女Hot:漂亮的,靓Hot boy/fire boy:帅哥Hot number:新鲜,迷人的人或事物,尤物Hotty/hottie:大美人Hype:渲染,炒作I feel ya:我理解你I kid you not:我不骗你I’m straight:我性取向正常(连接:男同性恋:gay,faggot(贬义);女同性恋:lesbian,muffdiver(贬义) 双性恋:bi 性变态:pervert)I wasn’t born yesterday:你偏不了我In:流行的,时髦的In a rut:循规蹈矩,按部就班In cahoots:狼狈为奸,勾结in high gear:全力以赴in hot water:有麻烦in one’s hair:激怒,让人烦in the bag:十拿九稳,必然的事in the hole:负债,经济困难in the red:亏本,赤字ins and outs:细节inside track:优势,占优,占先into:爱好,喜欢IOU:借条,借据It takes two to tango:一个巴掌拍不响It’s on me:我请客Jane:普通女人Jaywalk:横穿马路Jib:轮滑运动Job hop:跳槽Jock:魁梧帅气的男子汉John:厕所,嫖客John hancock:签名Jump ship:逃避责任,跳槽Jump the gun:草率行事Jump the conclusion:妄下结论Junkie:吸毒者Just because:没有原因,没有理由K:好Keep eyes peeled:留意,关注Keep my edge:保持最好的状态Keep my finger crossed:祝你成功,祝你好运Keep one’s shirt on:别紧张,别发火Kick back:放松,报复,给回扣Kick one’s ass:收拾某人,揍某人Kick oneself:自责Kick sb upstairs:明升实降Kickback:回扣,贿赂Kill sb with kindness:热情过度Kill time:消磨时间Know-it-all:万事通,万金油Kooky:古怪的,发神经的Lady-killer:帅哥Lame:牵强的,站不住脚的Lame duck:行将卸任的官员last straw:忍无可忍的事情,终于无法忍受的事情lefty:左撇子,左撇子的lemon:次品,歪货let one’s hair down:放松,无拘束,坦率,无保留let someone have it:让某人好看lick one’s boots:舔肥,溜须拍马life in the fast lane:刺激的生活lip service:口惠,空头许诺loaded:大醉的,富有的look a gift horse in the mouth:好心当做驴肝肺lose one’s edge:不在状态,发挥不好loser:没出息的人,窝囊废louse up:弄糟,毁坏low-life:下等人,贱人,落魄潦倒的人lucky dog:幸运的人make a killing:大有所获make my mouth water:让我流口水make out:接吻,调情make the grade:称职,合乎水准,符合要求make waves:兴风作浪,制造麻烦man of straw:稻草人,傀儡,受人摆布的小人物mark time:磨洋工marvy:棒极了,太好了meddle in:干涉,搅合milf:风韵犹存的半老徐娘mind’s eyes:想象,想象力,脑海miss right:红粉佳人,合适的女友money shot:精华,精彩moon:屁股,露出屁股moonlight:兼职,捞外快more than one way to skin a car:变通,条条道路通罗马mr good:老好人,好好先生mr right:白马王子,如意郎君mrs.robinson:勾引年轻男子的中年女人muscle:壮汉,权利,影响力my bad:我的错nature calls:内急,方便neck and neck:不相上下,势均力敌nerd:书呆子never say uncle:绝不认输,不服输,不服气nine-to-five:打工仔,工薪阶层no excuse:不要找借口no good:很糟,很次no hard feelings:请别见怪,别伤和气no offense:无意冒犯,恕我直言no strings attached:无条件的,没有附加条件no sweat:不麻烦,没问题no wonder:怪不得,难怪nobody:小人物,无名小卒nose dive:急剧下降,一落千丈nose is out of joint:很生气,很失望not my day:运气不佳nothing:一无是处nothing like leather:王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸nuke:用微波炉加热,核武器of one mind:意见一致,看法相同of two minds:犹豫不决,拿不定主意off and on:断断续续off the hook:逃脱,溜掉,不受罚off the top of one’s head:不假思索,马上off-the-wall:古怪的,离奇的oil the wheels:让事情顺利进行old flame:老情人old habits die hard:江山易改,本性难移on record:正式的on cloud nine:飘飘然,非常快乐on one’s toes:做好准备,跃跃欲试on pins and needles:坐立不安,如坐针毡on the dot:准时,准点on the fence:犹豫不决,两面观望,中立on the high ropes:高傲,洋洋得意on the rag:月经;性情乖张on the right track:走对路了on the ropes:处境艰难,行将失败on top of:除……之外one-night stand:一夜情out on a limb:处于困境,尴尬,危险out of line:过分out of luck:运气不佳out of one’s league:配不上,不在档次out of this world:太棒了,太好了out of whack:坏了,出故障over one’s dead body:休想,不可能,死也不干over the hump:渡过难关pain in the ass/butt:讨厌,惹人嫌pass out:醉倒,大醉;昏倒,分发pee:小便people person:合群的人,善于和人打交道的人pep talk:打气,鼓励的话period:就说这么多了,就这么定了pet talk:口头禅phat:潇洒,酷PHD:脏话Pick one’s brains:请教某人Pig out:狼吞虎咽Pipe dream:痴心妄想,白日梦Play foul:用卑鄙手段,用诈术Play games with:玩花招Play it by ear:见机行事,走着瞧Play with fire:自找麻烦,玩火Po’ed:生气的,愤怒的Pond scum:渣滓,贱人Poo:大便Pull no punches:别手下留情,毫无保留Potluck:聚餐Pull one’s leg:和某人开玩笑Pull strings/wires:拉关系,走后门Punch line:最搞笑的部分Punching bag:出气筒,受气包Pushover:软柿子,容易的事Put foot in mouth:说错话,Put in a good word:推荐,美言Put on a brave face:假装勇敢,心虚Put on the back burner:搁置,拖延Put someone out:给某人添麻烦Put someone up:留宿某人Put one’s best foot forward:使出杀手锏,出绝招Quack:庸医Queen:假女,男同性恋中的女角Queeny:女人味重的Quick buck:横财,易得之财Quit it:停止吧,终止吧,算了吧Rad:潇洒,酷毕了Rain check:下次,改天Rain on one’s parade:扫兴Read my lips:注意听Red tape:官僚主义,繁文缛节Red-letter day:大日子,好日子Rip-off:骗人的东西Rise to the bait:上钩了,中计了Rock the boat:捣乱,兴风作浪,制造麻烦Roll with the punches:避其锋芒,逆来顺受Rub in:伤口撒盐,雪上加霜Rubber:避孕套,橡胶Rule:棒极了Run with the pack:合群,随大流Says who:谁说的?Scratch one’s back:帮助某人Screw loose:脱线,神经不对头Search me:我不知道Shades:太阳镜,墨镜Shake a leg:赶快行动Sharp:滑头;时髦的Shoot fish in a barrel:瓮中捉鳖,十拿九稳Shoot from the hip:冒失,鲁莽,直率Shoot in the dark:瞎猜,机会很小Shoot one’s mouth off:信口开河,唠唠叨叨Shoot oneself in the foot:搬起石头砸自己的脚Shoot some hoops:打篮球Shoot some pool:打桌球,打台球Skeleton in the closet:家丑,不可告人的秘密Sleep in:睡懒觉,睡过了Smooth talker:花言巧语的人,嘴甜的人Snail mail:平邮SOB:son of bitch:杂种Sob story:悲惨故事,说辞Social butterfly:善于交际的人,交际花Soul mate:知心伴侣Spin one’s wheels:白忙活,做无用功Spread oneself thin:身兼多职,过分劳累Stab sb in the back:暗箭伤人,背叛某人Stand sb up:爽约,失约Stay out of:不介入Steal one’s thunder:抢风头Step on one’s toes:得罪某人Suck:糟极了Sugar daddy:老色狼Sup:你好吗?Take it out on:拿……出气,对……撒气Talk back:回嘴,顶嘴TGIF:周末快乐(thank god ,it’s friday)Think outside the box:另辟蹊径Third wheel:累赘,电灯泡Throw a book at:教训,斥责Throw mud at:诋毁,造谣中伤,泼脏水Throw one’s weight on/around:施加影响,仗势欺人Thumbs-down:反对,责备Top banana:头儿,领导Top gun:高手,大腕Tp:草纸,厕纸;封面Trick:嫖客;诈骗,抢劫Tug of war:拔河,拉锯战,两派间的激烈竞争Twiddle one’s thumbs:无所事事,无聊Under the table:幕后交易,暗箱操作Under the weather:(身体)不舒服Up a creek:麻烦了,惨了,知难而进Up and about:活蹦乱跳,生龙活虎Up front:诚实的,坦诚的,预先,提前Up in the air:八字还没一撇,悬而未决,还莫确定Up on one’s soapbox:喋喋不休Ups and downs:生活波折,起伏User:吸毒者,瘾君子VIP:重要人物,贵宾Vote with (one’s) feet:反对,以脚投票Walk a tightrope:冒险,走钢丝Walk out on:丢开不管Watch sb fall:幸灾乐祸,袖手旁观Way……:远远地,大大的,Wear two hats:一肩两职,身兼多职Wet blanket:扫兴的人或事What’s his/her face:某个不知姓名的人White trash:白鬼(粗话)Wicked:很棒的,非常的,超级的Wimp:软骨头,退缩,胆怯Windfall:横财,不劳而获Word/word up:没错,你说得对Worry wart:杞人忧天的人Wrapped around one’s finger:受人摆布,被人控制Ya:你(打招呼)Yawner:无聊,无趣的事Yellow:胆怯的Yo:嘿,你的You can say that again!:说得好You can’t change the spots of a leopard:江山易改,本性难移You don’t say:对极了,正是如此Yuck:难吃,反感,讨厌Yummy:味道好,好吃,长得好Yup/nope:是的/不是的Za:比萨饼Zero in on:瞄准,集中精力于Zit:青春痘,粉刺Zombie:死板的人,呆板的人Zone out:心不在焉,分神Done it2010.10.20。

1,ace[eis]n.(纸牌、骰子等的)么, 同花色中最大的牌一点, 小点, 微粒爱斯(假设的基本粒子)杰出的人才战斗成绩卓著的空军战斗员, 王牌飞行员(从第一次世界大战起, 美、法均将击落5架以上敌机的飞行员授予“王牌”称号, 德国为10架, 英国无此称号)(网球赛中的)一分: She is an ace dancer.她是一个杰出的舞娘2,all-nighter通宵: I felt very tired after an all-nighter.熬通宵后我很累3,beemer BMW宝马: That girl is driving a beemer.那个女孩开着宝马4,booze[bu:z]n.[俗]烈性酒饮酒; 酒宴铅矿: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party.我准备带一瓶酒去参加聚会5,bummer['bʌmə]n.[美俚]懒汉(尤指经常靠借贷或敲诈勒索过活的人); 游手好闲的人失败; 令人失望的事[人]; 饭桶(吸毒后)严重不愉快的幻觉[感受]对他人的不幸表示同情Oh, bummer!一表感同身受。
6,chicken: He is really a chicken.胆小的人,弱者;他真是个胆小鬼。
7,cool:“酷”8,cop:That crazy driver was pulled over by a cop. [kɔp]n.纺锤状线团,管纱;纡子n. 警官vt. 抓住【建】锥形细纱球[英方](山)顶;(鸟)冠毛9,couch patato: My roommate is a couch patato.喜欢长时间坐那看电视的懒蛋。
10,deep pockets: it's for people with deep pockets.富鬼。

【导语】以下是整理的美国22个常⽤俚语,欢迎阅读学习!1. kick ass 了不起A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good.A: 哇! 你不到⼗分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒!B: Yep. I just kick ass.B: 是的! 我就是厉害!"kick ass" 除了字⾯上的“踢*”外, 还有“厉害、打败”的意思。
当“踢*”时, ⽐如某⼈放你鸽⼦, 你很⽓, 就可以说: "I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的*)。
当“厉害”⽤时, 就像上⾯例句⼀样⽤。
"kick ass" 还可作“打败某⼈的意思”。
⽐如某⼈⼀向在某⽅⾯⽐你强, 终于有⼀天你⽐他厉害了, 你就可以说:"Hahaha...I kicked your ass."。
觉得 "ass" 太难听的⼈, 就⽤ "butt" 吧!赵晴注: 改作形容词就变成ass kicking. 你可以说, wow, this new trick is ass kicking. 或者说, this is an ass kicking trick. Kick somebody's ass 有给某⼈⼀个教训的意思.2. kiss ass 拍马*A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together?A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。
你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass.B: 不知道, 不过你可以亲我的**(巴结我)。

英语习语谚语AA bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠总怪工具差。
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 别离情更深A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤过的孩子怕见火。
(意同:一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳)A constant guest is never welcome. 常客招人嫌。
A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。
A cracked bell can never sound well. 破钟敲不响。
Actions speak louder than words. 百说不如一干。
A drowning man will catch at a straw. 人快淹死时,稻草也要抓。
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境增才干,并不增财富A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。
A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 患难识知已A friend is easier lost than found. 失友容易,交友难。
After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴(意指:否极泰来)After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile. 饭后百步,延年益寿A good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤A good name is sooner lost than won. 美名易失,不易得A good wife is a good prize. 贤妻赛宝石A good winter brings a good summer. 好冬必有好夏A house divided against itself cannot stand. 家庭不睦,万事不兴A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少时懒惰,老来虱咬(意指:少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤)A little is better than none. 聊胜于无A little learning is a dangerous thing. 浅学误人A little pot is soon hot. 小易热,量小易怒A living dog is better than a dead lion. 死狮不如活狗All his geese are swans. 敝帚自珍All lay loads on a willing horse. 好马重负All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马All's well that ends well. 结果好,一切都好All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西不一定是金子All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事起头难All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只用功,不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻A man can only die once. 人生只有一回死A man is known by his friends. 视其友,知其人A man who has friends must show himself friendly. 要想交朋友,就得有诚意A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king. 盲人国里,独眼称王。

地道英语句典A-Z #381-390地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)谍[諜]: (~)spy*他被(控告以)1(替敌人)2(做间谍情报刺探行为/ditto)3: He was (charged with)1 (engaging in espionage activities/spying)3 (for the enemy)2.*那(帮歹徒)1({安插一个潜伏的间谍在警察局}2a/{有一个警长在他们的发薪名册上}2b): The gang1 ({has planted a mole in the police department}2a/{has a police captain on their payroll}2b).*现今的(商业世界)1({有间谍行动}2a/{有间谍不轨行动}2b)在(发生)3来(取得)4(竞争)5(优势/ditto)6: There ({is espionage}2a/{are cloak-and-dagger maneuvers}2b) (going on)3in today’s (business world)1 to get4 a competitive5(edge/advantage)6.蝶: (~)butterfly蝴蝶: butterfly*那(小孩子想)1如果他(做出)2 (小的好事)3并(要求)4所有(受惠者)5(不中断地)6(把好事偿还给其他陌生人)7, 那(动作)8会有({蝴蝶效应}9a/ {蔓延效果}9b)(把善良蔓延到全世界)10: The (small boy thought)1 if he performed2 (small good deed)3 and asked4 all beneficiaries5 (to repay the good deeds to other strangers)7 unbroken6, the motion8 would have the ({butterfly effect}9a/ {carryover effect}9b) (to spread goodness to the entire world)10. [note: “butterfly effect” is a theory that a butterfly flapping its wings at one corner could trigger a chain effect that causes larger events such as hurricanes elsewhere on earth].喋: (~~)gab; (~血) blood splattered all over*她是个(不知道什么时候闭嘴)1(喋喋不休的人/ditto)2: She’s a (chatterbox/windbag/magpie)2that (doesn’t know when to shut up)1.*(演讲者)1(喋喋不休/ditto)2地说了两小时后(没有一个在座观众)3(还醒着/ditto)4: (No one in the audience)3 (was awake/ stayed awake)4 after the speaker1 (rattled on/yakked and yakked/went yackety-yak/yakked/yacked/went on and on)2 for two hours.*(主管)1对(工人)2说: “(停止)3 (喋喋不休地说无谓的话/ditto)4(重回去工作)5.”: The supervisor1 told the workers2: “Stop3 the (chatter/chattering/blabbing/gabbing/prattling/yacking)4 and (get back to work)5.”*他说: “当他(喋喋不休)1时(我一言不发)2但(真实地告诉你)3(他所说的我一字也不相信)4.”: He said: “(I kept my mouth shut)2 when he (blabbered on)1, but (to be honest with you)3(I didn’t believe a word he said)4.”牒: (通~) demand notification*(营业经理)1对({没有表现}2a/ {表现不如理想}2b)的(营业员)3说: “(细心听着)4这(最后通牒)5: (不改善就被辞退)6.”: The (sales manager)1 said to the ({non-performing}2a/ {underperforming}2b) salesman3: “(Listen carefully)4 to this ultimatum5: (shape up or ship out)6!”diě: XXXXXdiè: XXXXXdīng:丁: (壮~) (strong) adult male [古]; (~) persons; (~) particular labor type worker (e.g., 园~gardener); (肉~) (meat) food dices; (~) fourth place in ranking*他在(中学由始至终)1是一个(丙等和丁等)2的(学生)3: He was a (C and D grade)2 student3 (throughout high school)1.叮: (~)sting; (~嘱) exhort*他的父母(重复地)1(叮嘱)2他(疏远)3(坏朋友)4, 但他们的(忠告)5({滑过他像水过鸭背}6a/{左耳入右耳出}6b): His parents repeatedly1 urge2 him to (stay away from)3 (bad company)4, but their advice5({rolls off him like water off a duck’sback}6a/{goes in one ear and out the other}6b).*他说: “一个(好理由)1为何我不是个(太大的喜爱野外的人)2是我不要(被蚊子)3({叮}4a/{咬}4b/{活生生地吃掉/ditto}4c).”H e said: “A (good reason)1why I’m not (much of a wildlife person)2is I don’t want to get ({stung}4a/ {bitten}4b/{eaten alive/ devoured alive}4c) (by mosquitoes)3.”盯: (~)gaze*她的朋友对她说: “(小心盯住孩子)1, (别让他跑丢)2.”: Her friend said to her: “(Watch your kid carefully)1and (don’t let him run away)2.”*她对她(为爱而茶饭不思)1的男朋友说: “(干吗你时常那么样子盯住我)2?”: She said to her lovesick1boyfriend: “(Why do you always stare at me like that)2?”*她(恐惧地走离)1(充满仇恨)2, (不停骚扰)3, (盯梢着)4和(复仇心切)5的(已分离的)6(丈夫)7: She is (running scared from)1 her bitter2, harassing3, stalking4 and vengeful5 estranged6 husband7.钉[釘]: (~)nail; (~梢) tail closely♦钉子: nail♦图钉: thumbtack♦螺丝钉: screws♦木螺钉: wood screw*他尝试(吵架后想修好)1时女朋友(给他碰钉子)2: His girlfriend (snubbed him)2 when he tried to (make up)1.díng: XXXXXdǐng:顶[頂]: (~)top; carry with head; (~)to head (a ball in soccer); (~)to butt (e.g., against door against wind); (~风而来) push against (storm in heading forwards); (~咀) to retort (in argument); (一~二) (one) comparable to the ability of (two); (~替) substitute for; (~尖) topmost♦ (房顶/屋顶): roof-top*我们有(顶尖的)1(行政人员)2 (领导)3我们的公司(去光明的将来)4: We have topnotch1 executives2 leading3 our company (to a bright future)4.*这(型号)1是(矿业货车)2(最顶尖者)3(单一次装载量)4能够(运载)5四百吨: This model1 is the (big daddy)3 in (mining trucks)2 and can haul5 over 400 tons in (one single load)4.*他们(新生婴孩)1({出生}2a/{分娩}2b/{来临}2c)后他们(感觉像)3是他们(坐在世界顶尖上)4: They (feel like)3 they are (sitting on top of the world)4 after the ({birth}2a/ {delivery}2b/{arrival}2c) of their newborn1.*两个总裁的(仇恨/ditto)1昨天达到(顶点/沸点)2双方在(记者招待会)3中(公然)4(恶意地)5 (对骂/ditto)6: The (badblood/animosity/hostility)1 of the two CEOs (culminated/ ditto)2 to nasty5 public4 (exchanges/exchange of words)6 yesterday at a (news conference)3.鼎: (~)Chinese 3 legs 2 handle cooking utensil [古]酊: (~)drunk*很多(涉及)1(汽车意外)2的(司机)3当他们去(驾驶盘)4(后面)5时是 ({被毒品高度迷醉}6a/{酩酊大醉}6b): Many drivers3 who were involved1 in (car accidents)2 were ({high on drugs}6a/{highly intoxicated}6b) when they got behind5 the wheels4.dìng:订[訂]: (~立) establish (agreement; policies); (~单) an order for goods; (~户) a subscriber; (预~) reserve; (装~) book binding♦订单: purchase order♦订书针: staples*他的新(电脑)1(在订购中)2: His new computer1 (is on order)2.*她昨天(开出)1一张(影印纸)2(订货单)3: She placed1 an order3 for (photocopying papers)2 yesterday.*他以约翰施密夫的名字(订了)1一个(单人房间)2: He (made a reservation)1 for a (single room)2 under the name of John Smith.*这(餐室)1(供应)2(好食物)3但你要(预定)4来(得到一张台子)5: This restaurant1 serves2 (great food)3, but you have to (book ahead)4 to (get a table)5.*他说: “(打电话)1给今晚的(演唱会)2({多订一张票子}3a/{取消一张票子}3b): He said: “Call1 and ({book one moreticket}3a/{cancel one ticket}3b) for tonight’s concert2.”*那(无线电话电讯公司)1给与({首次订户}2a/{续约订户}2b)百分之二十(折扣)3: The (mobile carrier)1 offers a 20% discount3to ({first time subscribers}2a/{renewing subscriptions}2b).*他说: “我想(预订晚饭座位)1 (给四个人)2, (最好是)3({包厢座位}4a/{观景包厢座位}4b), ({台子座位}5a/ {露台座位}5b) (还可以)6, 但(请你)7(一定不要)8(酒吧凳子座位/ditto)9.”: He said: “I would like to (make a dinner reservation)1 for (a party of four)2, preferably3 ({booth seats}4a/{window booth seats}4b), and ({table seats}5a/{patio seats}5b) (are fine)6, but (definitely no)8 (bar-stool seats/counter-stool seats)9 please7.”钉[釘]: (~)to nail*(不花多久)1便(把木板钉在)2({墙壁}3a/{横梁}3b): (It didn’t take long)1 (to nail the board)2 to the ({wall}3a/ {beam}3b).定: (固~) fixed; (~神) calm down; (决~) decide; (确~) confirm; (约~) make appointment; (预~) reserved; (排~) schedule; (必~) certainly; (~) settling in after an action, e.g., (坐~) sitting down♦定金: (down payment/deposit payment)♦(定做/ditto)的家具: (custom-made/custom-built/made-to-order) furniture*她的朋友问道: “你去明天的(派对)1吗?” 她说: “(我还没肯定)2.”: Her friend asked: “Are you going to the party1tomorrow?” She said: “(I’m not sure yet)2.”*(死亡)1和(税收)2是(生命)3(两个必然的事)4, 但(其他的)5是(不一定了)6: Death1 and taxes2 are the two certainties4 in life3 but (the rest)5 are touch-and-go6.*他说: “我(打电话预定)1了一只(新鲜烤)2的(乳猪)3给今晚的(生日宴会)4.”: He said: “I (called ahead to reserve)1 a (freshly roasted)2 (suckling pig)3for tonight’s (birthday banquet)4.”*这个(世界级的)1(派克牌手)2是(非常镇定)3: This world-class1 (poker player)2 is (cool as cucumber)3.*他的朋友说: “我说我今天(把你打败)1, (要打赌吗)2?” 他说: “(一言为定/同意)3”: His friend said: “I say I’ll (beat you)1 today. (Want to bet)2?” He said: “(You’re on/ditto)3.”*那(石油巨子的)1 (来去不定)2 (收购)3一(英联甲组球队)4又一再是(头条新闻)5: The (oil tycoon’s)1 (on-again off-again)2 acquisition3 of the (England Premier League football team)4 is (headline news)5 once again.*在十点钟学生(鱼贯走进)1(考试会堂)2(取他们位置)3在(指定)4的(位子)5来(考试)6: At 10 o’clock students (filed into)1 the (examination hall)2 and (took their places)3 at designated4 seats5 for the exam6.*这个夏天那套(电影/ditto)1(肯定/ditto)2({那组/ditto}3a/{远远地/ditto}3b)最好的一套: That (picture/movie)1 is (clearly/without a doubt/ undoubtedly/certainly/surely/ positively/beyond doubt/ absolutely/definitely/ unquestionably)2 the best ({of thebunch/of the crop}3a/{by a long shot/by far}3b) this summer.*没有(固定不变)1的(原则)2来(百分百时间取悦女孩子)3因为她们都有自己的(小怪癖)4: There are no hard-and-fast1 rules2 to (please girls one-hundred-percent of the time)3 because they all have their own (little quirks)4.*他说: “这(马场)1的(赛马)2是(作弊地预定结果)3的, (我若是你)4我不会(下注一分钱)5.”: He said: “(Horse races)2 on this track1 are fixed3, and I wouldn’t (bet one penny)5 (if I were you)4.”*我问道: “(表演)1后你(肯定)2可以把我们带进(后台)3的(派对)4吗?” 他说: “(必定可以/ditto)5.”: I asked: “Are you sure2 you can get us into the backstage3 party4 after the (gig/performance)1?” He said: “(You betcha/You can bet on it/You can bet your bottom dollar on it/You can count on it/You can be sure of it/You can bet your sweet boots on it/You can bet your life on it/ You can bet your sweet life on it)5.”*她问: “你来我的(婚礼)1吗?” 我回答: “({一定会/ditto}2a/{没有任何力量可以拉住我不去[意]}2b): She asked: “Are you coming to my wedding1?” I replied: “({You bet/Absolutely/For sure}2a/{wild horses could not drag me away from going}2b)!”.*在(高速公路)1(不论)2(驾驶者)3(尝试)4怎么(小心)5, (不同程度严重性)6(意外)7(肯定/ditto)8(发生)9: On the highway1, accidents7 of (various degrees of severity)6 are (bound/sure/certain/destined)8 to happen9 (regardless of)2 how careful5 drivers3 try4 to be.*近年来的(营运亏损)1(可能似乎很少)2, 但若是(情况不改善)3公司将会(缓慢但必定地)4(流血致死)5: (Operating losses)1 in recent years (may seem small)2, but (slowly and surely)4 the company will (bleed to death)5 if the (situation does not improve)3.*({企业合并}1a/{合并和收购}1b)(尘埃落定后/ditto)2, 在(行业)3将只有(几个/ditto)4(参与者)5(剩下来)6: When (the dust finally settles/everything is said and done)2 with all the ({consolidations}1a/{mergers and acquisitions}1b), only (a handful of/a few)4 players5 will be left6 in the industry3.*在这公司没有(营运政策)1是(铁定不变)2, 因为时常(高级职员)3和他们(好友)4有(突发要做)5的(例外)6: In this company, none of the (operating policies)1 are (written in stone)2, since there are always exceptions6 at the whim5 of executives3 and their cronies4.*我拿这辆(跑车)1去(试车)2(发觉)3它(甚至)4当我(相当快速度)5来(转急剧街角)6(没有摆动地稳定贴在路上)7: I took this (sports car)1 for a (test drive)2 and found3 it (hugged the road)7 even4 when I was (turning sharp corners)6 at (fairly high speed)5.*我们(定下)1(针对)2(增加/ditto)3我们(顾客)4和(股东)5 (价值)6之({极高}7a/{富闯劲}7b/{雄心}7c)的(目标)8: We set1 ({lofty}7a/{aggressive}7b/ {ambitious}7c) goals8 that (aim at)2 (increasing/adding/enhancing)3 values6 to our customers4 and shareholders5.*他说: “我们所有的(家具是/ditto)1(定做的/ditto)2去(修改来适合)3你的(家居)4或是(办公室)5, 我们不(存放)6任何(货品在手)7.”: He said: “All our (furniture is/furniture pieces are)1 (made-to-order/custom-built/custom-made/specially made)2 to custom-fit3 your home4 or office5, and we do not keep6 any (stock on hand)7.”*这国家(勇敢人民)1(面对)2(灾害/ditto)3, (悲剧事故)4, (摧毁)5, (苦恼/ditto)6, (磨难/ditto)7和(麻烦)8下(保持)9(坚定不移/ditto)10: The (brave people)1 of this country stay9 (steadfast/unwavering/resolute)10 (in the face of)2 (calamities/disasters)3, tragedies4, destructions5, (afflictions/distress)6, (tribulations/hardships/ sufferings)7, and troubles8.*那母亲当她的三岁女儿在一个(繁忙的购物商场)1({失踪/ditto}2a/{迷路/ditto}2b)她({失去镇定/ditto}3a/{恐慌/ditto}3b): The mother ({lost it/ lost her composure/lost her nerves/lost her cool}3a/ {freaked out/freaked/panicked/went panicky}3b) when her 3-year-old daughter ({went missing/was lost}2a/{strayed/went astray}2b) in a (busy mall)1.*那公司对它的(承诺)1去(提供)2它(产品)3(最佳的)4(品质)5, (设计)6, (科技)7, (价值)8和(服务)9给(顾客)10是(坚定不移/ditto)11: The company is (steadfast/unwavering/resolute)11 in its commitment1 to provide2 the best4 quality5, design6, technology7, value8 and service9 in its products3 to customers10.*自从公司因(新产品)1(质量问题)2(遭受/ditto)3(一连串)4(摧毁性的打击)5随后(管理层人员)6尝试(把公司恢复稳定状况)7(已有多年)8: Management6 has been trying (for years)8 (to put the company back on an even keel)7 after it (suffered/ was dealt)3 (a series of)4 (devastating blows)5 from (quality problems)2 of (new products)1.*那公司的(蓄积款项)1被(多年)2({没有节制的}3a/{过度的}3b)(花费)4(把钱榨取至干涸)5(已有很久)6(它生存的机会)7是(难以确定/ditto)8: The company’s coffers1 (note: not “coffer”) (have been bled dry)5 from years2 of ({unrestrained/wanton}3a/{excessive}3b) spending4, and (for quite some time)6 (its chance of survival)7 has been (iffy/touch-and-go/up in the air/uncertain/tentative)8.*那经理问那(助手)1说: “我们还能否(退出)2那去(买办公室房子)3的(交易)4?” 那助手说: “(当然)5! 我们(还在讨论)6, (至今)7没有什么是(铁定不能改/ditto)8的.”: The manager asked the assistant1: “Can we still (back out)2 of the deal4 to (buy the office premises)3?” The assistant said: “(Of course)5! We’re (still talking)6 and nothing is (carved in stone/ set in stone/written in stone)8 (as yet)7.”*那(地产)1(营业代表)2说: “那是({绝对不言明便了解}3a/{充分地清楚明白/ditto}3b)如果你(稍后)4(决定)5不(进行完成)6(购买)7那(大厦单位)8(定金)9(全数可以退还)10.”: The (real estate)1 (sales agent)2said: “It’s ({perfectly understood}3a/ {abundantly clear/amply evident}3b) that the deposit9 is (fully refundable)10 if you later4 decide5 not (to go through with)6 the purchase7 of the (apartment unit)8.”*这是一({必定要看的电影}1a/ {必定要拥有的股票}1b/{必定要听的歌曲}1c/{必定要尝试的菜肴}1d/{必定要吃的佳肴}1e/{必定要点的甜品}1f/{家庭必定要有的工具}1g): This is a ({must-see movie}1a/ {must-own stock}1b/{must-hear song}1c/{must-try dish}1d/ {must-eat delicacy}1e/{must-order dessert}1f/{must-have tool for home}1g).*我问: “你肯定他今天离去不再回来吗?” 他回答道: “({我肯定!}1a/{我猜是吧!}1b/{我相信是吧}1c/ {我假定是吧!/ditto}1d/{我不太肯定!/ ditto}1e/{我怀疑那会是真的!}1f)”: I asked: “Are you sure he left for the day?” He replied: “({I’m sure!}1a/{I guess so!}1b/{I suppose so!}1c/{I assume so!/I presume so!}1d/ {I’m not really certain!/I’m not too sure!}1e/{I doubt it!}1f)”*自从许多(消费者)1将他们的(可支配收入)2(相当部分)3({指定用于}4a/{固定用于}4b) (支付房屋按揭)5和(期望)6(其他家庭购买省钱)7之下(零售行业)8的(打折扣)9(部分)10(销售)11(有增长)12: Sales11 in discount9 segment10 of the (retail industry)8 climb12 ever since many consumers1 have ({committed}4a/{locked in}4b) (a good portion of)3 their (disposal income)2 to (mortgage payments)5 and are (looking to)6 (save on other household purchases)7.*他很(愤怒地)1说对({恳求/ditto}2a/{烦扰}2b)他去(婚礼)3 (主持把她交付给新郎仪式)4的妹妹: “(若是我说了一次便等于我说了一百万次)5: 我不去你的婚礼, 这是足够({断定}6a/{清晰}6b)的吗?”: He said angrily1 to his sister who was ({begging/pleading}2a/ {pestering}2b) him (to give her away)4 at the wedding3: “(If I said it once I said it a million times)5: I’m not going to your wedding. Is it ({definitive}6a/ {clear}6b) enough?”锭[錠]: (~)ingot (metal or medicine); (~子) spindle*在(古代中国)1(金锭)2是(普遍的)3(货币)4 : (Gold ingots)2 were common3 currency4 in (ancient China)1.dīu:丢: (~掉)lost; (扔~) discard*他双亲在80-90年代(企业瘦身)1(浪涛)2中(丢了工作)3: His parents were downsized3 in the waves2 of 80s and 90s (corporate re-engineering)1.*一个(从客户偷窃钱)1的(律师)2是(丢脸)3于(法律专业)4: A lawyer2 who (steals money from his clients)1 is a disgrace3 to the (legal profession)4.*她说: “他们(把所有的工作丢给我)1但我(永远得不到功劳)2.”: She said: “They (dump all the work on me)1 but I (never get the credit)2.”*他说: “这条({捕获的东西}1a/{鱼}1b)是超过三磅(当然)2是(不会丢回去)3.”: He said: “This ({catch}1a/ {fish}1b) is over three pounds and is definitely2 a keeper3.”*他的妻子是个(集聚物品的人[意])1(永远是不愿意)2(丢掉/ditto)3(旧的废物)4: His wife is a (pack rat)1 who (is never willing to)2 (throw out/throw away/chuck out/discard/get rid of/toss out/jettison)3 (old junks)4.*他问道: “我留在这里的(一块钱硬币)1去了那里?” 她说: “(丢了)2, 我不知道(谁人拿走它)3.”: He asked: “Where’s the (dollar coin)1I left here?” She said: “(It’s gone)2, and I don’t know (who took it)3.”*那(巨头)1对他(被认为)2使(商业界上)3(著名家族)4(丢脸)5({倾向于艺术}6a/{有艺术天才/ditto}6b)的儿子(引以为耻)7: The tycoon1 is (ashamed of)7 his ({artistically inclined}6a/ {artistically talented/artistically gifted}6b) son who is (seen as)2 a disgrace5 to the (legendary family)4 name (in the business world)3.*他说: “我(依靠)1我的(秘书)2去(提醒)3我(一切东西)4.” 我说: “你一定是(神经病/ditto)5去(依靠/ditto)6这个({丢三落[note: “落”pronounced as “la”]四的人}7a/{心不在焉的人}7b)去(记着)8你所有(重要资料)9.”: He said: “I rely1 on my secretary2 to remind3 me of everything4.” I said: “You must be (nuts/crazy)5 to (count on/ rely on)6 this ({scatterbrain}7a/ {absent-minded individual}7b) to memorize8 all your (vital information)9?”díu: XXXXXdǐu: XXXXXdìu: XXXXXdōng:东[東]: (~)east; (~道) hosting♦中东: Middle East♦远东: Far East*他说: “你(有时间吃午饭)1吗? (是我做东道)2.”: He said: “Do you (have time for lunch)1? (It’s my treat)2.”*他对他的(同事)1说: “(下班后)2你有时间在(隔壁)3的(酒吧)4(参与我们)5吗? (所有的酒我做东道)6.”: He asked his colleague1: “Do you have time to (join us)5 at the pub4 (next door)3 (after work)2? (All the drinks are on me)6.”冬[冬/鼕]: (~)winter; (~~声) knocking sound*今早我对着一个({完满}1a/{阴暗/ditto}1b)的(冬天日子)2(醒来)3: This morning I (woke up)3 to a ({perfect}1a/ {gray/gloomy}1b) (winter day)2.dóng: XXXXXdǒng:董: (~事) director (esp. of companies)*(在新订的企业管治改革下)1 (董事的)2(监督角色)3(承担)4 (更积极的方式)5, (使他们对立)6(公司的干事)7(较以前更多)8: (Under the new corporate governance reform)1, directors’2 (oversight role)3 (takes on)4 (a more active direction)5 that (pits them against)6(companies’ officers)7 (more often than before)8.*(冷静头脑)1和(理智/ditto)2在(企业董事会)3不时常是(普及)4, (较多时候)5, 那是一个(自大)6和(过分傲慢)7(失控)8的地方: (Cool heads)1 and (common sense/sanity)2 do not always prevail4 in (corporate board rooms)3, and (more often than not)5, it is a place where ego6 and vanity7 (run amok)8.*跟(最佳的企业管治的实践方法)1(相反)2这些(董事)3只是(董事长)4的({唯命是从者}5a/ {傀儡}5b)对所有他(提出/ditto)6的(动议)7都(惯例地自动批准)8: (Contrary to)2 (corporate-governance best practices)1, these directors3 are only ({lapdogs}5a/ {puppets}5b) of the Chairman4 and (routinely rubber stamp)8 every motion7 (brought forward/proposed)6 by him.*男孩子问道: “(或许)1我可以这个星期六晚上(跟你约会)2去(看电影)3, (你说怎么样)4?” 她说: “我的(父亲/ditto)5是一个({老古董}6a/{守旧的男人}6b), 如果我(晚上出外)7他会({变得担忧/ditto}8a/{变得烦恼}8b/{担忧到生病}8c): The boy asked: “Maybe1 I can (take you out)2 (for a movie)3 this Saturday night. (What do you say)4?” She said: “My (father/dad)5 is ({a fuddy-duddy}6a/{an old-fashioned guy}6b), and he would ({get worried/get concerned/get anxious/get agitated}8a/{get upset}8b/{worry sick}8c) if I (go out at night)7.”懂: (~)know; (~) understand*那(幼稚园老师)1以(易懂)2和(简单)3的(文字)4(跟孩子说话)5: The (kindergarten teacher)1 (speaks to the children)5 in a lucid2 and simple3 language4.*他的朋友说: “你不是(在电脑)1是个(专家)2吗?” 他说: “我是(有点懂得电脑)3但对(你所谓专家)4的(远远不及)5.”: His friend said: “Aren’t you an expert2 (in computer)1?” He said: “I’m (somewhat computer literate)3, but (far from)5 (what you would call an expert)4.”*他说: “在这个(难题)1我们应该询问我们的(经理)2吗?” (主管)3说: “({为何要费心呢?}4a/ {不用费心了}4b), 对(这类高科技东西)5他(什么都不懂的/ditto)6.”: He said:“Should we ask our manager2 on this problem1?” The supervisor3said: “({Why bother?}4a/ {Don’t bother.}4b) He (doesn’t know shit [口][犯]/ knows shit/ [犯]/don’t know nothing [note: grammatically should use “doesn’t”][口]/doesn’t know a thing/doesn’t know the first thing/knows bean/has no clue/doesn’t have a clue/ doesn’t know a damn thing/doesn’t know a darn thing/has no idea/knows bugger-all [犯]/knows dick-all [犯]/doesn’t know a friggin’ thing [犯]/doesn’t know a frigging thing [犯])6 about (this sort of high-tech stuff)5.”*一旦你(上升到)1(名人)2(地位)3你的(生活)4成为(公众所拥有)5, (似乎)6(无论你做什么)7一些(讨厌的万事懂/ditto)8(时常)9有(一些负面的东西去说)10: Your life4 becomes (public property)5 once you (rise to)1 celebrity2 status3, and (it seems)6 (whatever you do)7, some (smart alecs/smart alecks/ smartasses [犯]/smarty pants)8 always9 have (something negative to say)10.dòng:冻[凍]: (~)frozen; (~)cold果子冻[遮喱]: Jell-O*(冰冻的风)1使我的嘴(钳紧地闭上)2: My mouth was (clamped shut)2 from the (freezing cold wind)1.*人们(暴露在)1(极度寒冷天气)2(有太久)3会(容易受到影响)4对(冻伤)5和(低体温症)6: People are susceptible4 to frostbite5 and hypothermia6 if they are (exposed to)1 (extreme cold)2 (for too long)3.*(大雪)1和(极度低于零度的气温)2(把我们的城市转变为)3一个(实质上)4(冻结的北方冻土地带)5: (Heavy snow)1 and (well-below freezing temperature)2 have (turned our city into)3 a virtual4 (frozen tundra)5.*在(变坏的经济)1下(缩小的盈利)2(迫使)3公司(全面性)4(冻结)5, (在一些案例)6(甚至削减)7, (薪酬)8: (Dwindling profits)2 in a (sour economy)1 have forced3 companies to freeze5, and (in some cases)6 (even cut)7, wages8 across-the-board4.*妻子对丈夫说: “鸡是(坚固地)1(结冰)2将(需要很长的时间)3来(解冻/ditto)4, 让我们(出外面吃东西/ditto)5吧.”: The wife said to the husband: “The chicken is frozen2 solid1and it’ll (take a long time)3 to (thaw it out/defrost it)4. Let’s (eat out/eat outside)5.”栋[棟]: (~梁) main beam of structure (symbolizes pivotal role); (~) unit of house*他(住在)1(一栋五层楼房)2: He (lives in)1 (a 5-storey building)2.*那(被伏击的)1(车子)2被(子弹)3(做成四处布满的小洞/ditto)4: The ambushed1 vehicle2 was (riddled/pockmarked)4 with bullets3.*他是(已经确立自己)1为(组织栋梁)2的(机敏多谋)3的(高级)4(行政人员)5: He is a heads-up3 senior4 executive5 who (has established himself)1 to be the (pillar of the organization)2.洞: (~)hole; (山~) cave; (~悉) (understand) deeply*他妻子的(去世)1在他(生命)2中(留下一个深而大的洞)3: His wife’s death1 (left a gaping hole)3 in his life2.*(洞坑)1给(在我们高速公路)2的(驾驶者)3(制造)4(路上危险)5: Potholes1 create4 (road hazards)5 for drivers3 (on our highway)2.*他说: “现在既然我(省下/ditto)1(足够的钱)2我(真正要想做)3的是(退休)4每天(玩儿三十六洞高尔夫球)5.”: He said: “Nowthat I have (socked away/saved)1 (enough money)2, what I (really want to do)3 is to retire4 and (play 36 holes of golf every day)5.”*她的朋友问她: “你不要(运动)1吗?” 她说: “我要运动(像我要一个洞在我的脑袋)2, 但(我猜我要做它)3因为(医生说那么样)4, 唉5.”: Her friend asked her: “Don’t you want to exercise1?” She said: “I want to exercise (like I want a hole in my head)2, but (I guess I have to do it)3 because (the doctor says so)4, huh5.”*我们的公司被一个(富有经验)1的(行政人员)2(所带领)3, 他对({将来去哪怎么到达那里}4a/{公司将来走的方向}4b)有(锐利)5的(洞察力)6: Our company is (led by)3 a seasoned1 executive2 who has a keen5 vision6 on ({where our company should go and how to get there}4a/{the future direction of the company}4b).*任何人对从那(无能/ditto)1(教授的)2({论点}3a/{理论}3b/{念头}3c/{在法庭为专家证人的可信性}3d/{论文}3e)(找出漏洞/ditto)4(不会有困难)5: It (would not be difficult)5 for anyone to (punch holes/find flaws)4 in the (inept/ incompetent)1 professor’s2 ({arguments}3a/{theory}3b/ {ideas}3c/{credibility as an expert witness in court}3d/ {thesis}3e).*(提供公立学校资金)1是(耗费这省政府大量钱财的深洞)2, 最近以(售卖空置的学校资产)3来(连接那赤字)4的(短暂)5(解决方法)6只会把(问题)7(加深/ditto)8: (Public school funding)1 has been (a money pit for this provincial government)2, and the recent bandage5 solution6 by (selling vacant school property)3 to (bridge the deficit)4 only (deepens/worsens)8 the problem7.*这两个国家(边境渡口)1的(防卫)2({比较瑞士乳酪更多(漏)洞}3a/{有漏洞那么大你可以开货车穿过}3b), 那(可能解释)4为什么(非法的)5(毒品)6和(枪械)7(交易)8在两个国家是在做({蓬勃/ditto}9a/{很好}9b/{活跃}9c)的(生意)10: Security2 at (border crossing)1 between these two countries ({has more holes than Swiss cheese}3a/{has holes so big you can drive a truck through it}3b), and that (may explain)4 why illegal5 drug6 and weapon7 trades8 are doing ({booming/ thriving/flourishing}9a/{good/ great}9b/{brisk}9c) business10 in both countries.恫: (~吓) threaten*这(恶霸)1在学校(为所欲为)2 (纯粹是)3靠(对身体伤害的恫吓)4: This bully1 (gets his way)2 at school through sheer3 (intimidation of physical harm)4.动[動]: (移~) move; (骚~) stirred; (感~) be touched emotionally; (~机) motive; (~力) impetus*(市场动力)1(推动)2(股票价格)3: (Market forces)1 move2 (stock prices)3.*他(参加)1(文娱活动)2去(打发时间)3: He participates1 in (recreational activities)2 to (kill time)3.*这(玩具)1可以(用声音开动)2或(开关键开动)3: This toy1 can be voice-activated2 or switch-activated3.*警察(喊道)1: “(不要动/ditto)2! (把手放在头上)3: The police yelled1: “(Freeze/Don’t move)2! (Put your hands on your head)3.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。

地道英语句典A-Z #231-240古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*很多人相信只是这个(无能/ditto)1(行政职员)2的(魅力/ditto)3使他(维持)4在这公司(不沉落)5: Many believe only the (charm/charisma)3 of this (incapable/incompetent)1 executive2 keeps4 him afloat5 in this company.*我(发觉很难)1不会(沉醉/ditto)2被这(六十年代)3(唱片的)4(爱情歌曲)5的(旋律)6和(歌词)7中: I (find it hard)1 not to get (absorbed/engrossed/ enthralled/captivated/fascinated/spellbound)2 by the melodies6 and lyrics7 of this album’s4 (love songs)5 from the 60s3.*这个(富经验)1的(行政人员)2在({有压力}3a/{有巨大压力}3b)的(情况)4是(冷静)5, (镇定)6, 和(沉着气)7: This seasoned1 executive2 is cool5, calm6 and collect7 in ({pressure}3a/{pressure-cooker}3b) situations4.*如果公司能在这些(困难期间)1({避免沉没/ditto}2a/{幸存/ditto}2b)(转好)3后(一定/ditto)4会(兴旺)5: If the company can ({stay above water in/keep its head above water in/stay afloat in}2a/ {weather/survive}2b) these (difficult times)1, it will (for certain/definitely)4 prosper5 in the turnaround3.*那(越洋邮轮)1在(离开阿拉斯加州海岸)2的({波涛汹涌}3a/{风吹起波涛起伏}3b/{暴风雨}3c)和(冰冻/ditto)4(大海)5 (下沉/ditto)6: The (ocean liner)1 (went down/went under/sank)6 in ({turbulent}3a/{choppy}3b/{stormy}3c) and (frigid/ice-cold)4 waters5 (off the coast of Alaska)2.橙:[注: 少用, see “chéng”]橙子: orange忱: (热~) heartfelt*她说: “当我做(自愿工作)1(帮助教育)2孩子在中国北部的(乡村)3, 我被(当地人)4的(热忱/ditto)5(殷勤招待)6(深深)7(感动/ditto)8.”: She said: “When I was doing (volunteer work)1 to (help educate)2 the children of a village3 in Northern China, I was deeply7 (touched/moved)8 by the (heartfelt/warm)5 hospitality6 of the (local people)4.”chěn: XXXXXchèn:趁: (~势) exploit (the momentum); (很~) blend well with (e.g., clothing coordinates)*他的母亲说: “(鸡汤)1(准备好了)2, (趁它热)3(喝它吧)4: His mother said: “The (chicken soup)1 (is ready)2. (Drink it)4 (while it’s hot)3.”*她问道: “在(股票市场)1(你进展如何)2?”. 他说: “(市场)3是有很好的(进展/ditto)4我(试图打铁趁热[意])5: She asked: “(How are you doing)2 in the (stock market)1?” H e said: “The market3 is making good (headway/progress)4, and I’m (trying to make hay while the sun shines)5.”称[稱]: (~职) capable (of job); (~身) fitting (clothes); (~心) satisfied; (相~) comparable*(吝啬/小气[孤寒] /ditto)1李今天(付午饭账)2的(慷慨)3(跟他的性格不相称)4: (Stingy/ Tightfisted/Penny-pinching)1 Li’s generosity3 today in (picking up the luncheon tab)2 was (out of character for him)4.*这是一(建筑不错)1的(屋子)2 (除了)3那(三角形的)4(屋顶)5 (似乎)6是(有点儿)7(不对称)8: This is a (nicely built)1 house2 except3 the triangular4 rooftop5 seems6 somewhat7 asymmetrical8.*他说: “近来两年我在(多份工作)1(到处移动)2(尝试去)3(决定)4(我要做什么为事业)5, (终有一天)6我将会(找到我称心的)7(接着发展下去)8.”: He said: “I’ve been (bouncing around)2 jobs1 for the last two years (trying to)3 (figure out)4 (what I want to do for a career)5. (One of these days)6 I’m going to (find my groove)7 and (grow from there)8.”*现在很多(上市公司的非执行董事)1(质疑)2(在董事会服务的酬报)3跟在(企业管理)4上({不可能}5a/{不切实际}5b)的(高水准)6(要求他们)7是否(相称)8: Nowadays many (non-executive directors of public companies)1 are questioning2 if their (remuneration for serving on the board)3 (commensurates with)8 the ({impossibly}5a/ {unrealistically}5b) (high standards)6 (expected of them)7 in (corporate governance)4.*他说: “十年(接续/ditto)1(双位数字增长)2后, 我们公司(达到)3(付出跟回报不相称的地步)4, 现在变得(维持)5(同样值得羡慕的增长率)6 (一年续一年)7(越来越困难)8.”: He said: “After ten (consecutive/ successive/uninterrupted)1 years of (double-digit growth)2, our company has reached3 (the point of diminishing returns)4. Now it has become (increasingly difficult)8 to maintain5 the (same enviable growth rate)6 (year after year)7.”*她可能(有贵族血统后裔)1但({将会需要很多努力}2a/{还有很多功夫}2b)才可以把她从一个(不属于交际界的人)3转为一个(相称上流社会的)4(淑女)5: She may be a (blue blood)1 but ({it’s going to take some efforts}2a/{there’s a long way to go}2b) to turn her from a (social misfit)3 into a lady5 (fit for high society)4.*一些(旅客)1(质疑)2(机场当局)3为了(机场保安额外费)4真的(提供)5(一个相称/ditto)6的(服务)7, 或是那(收费)8只是另一个({夺取金钱的方法}9a/ {夺取金钱的诡计}9b): Some travelers1 question2 if the (airport authority)3 really provides5 (a commensurate/an equal)6 service7 for (Airport Security Surcharge)4, or the charge8 is just another ({money grab}9a/ {money-grabbing scheme}9b).衬[襯]: an inner layer (e.g., clothing); (~托) auxiliary to♦衬里: lining♦(衬衫/衬衣[恤衫]: shirt*一套(配衬)1的(西装)2(投射)3(专业)4和(精细)5的(形象)6: A well-coordinated1 (business suit)2 projects3 an image6 ofprofessionalism4 and meticulousness5.*(时装设计家)1说: “这件(长裙)2的(布料)3有(一点儿薄)4你需要(在它下面穿一件衬裙)5.”: The designer1 said: “The fabric3 of this (long gown)2 (is a bit sheer)4 and you need to (wear a slip underneath it)5.”*(时装设计家)1说: “这件(长裙)2的(布料)3有(一点儿薄)4你需要(在它下面穿一件衬裙)5.”: The designer1 said: “The fabric3 of this (long gown)2 (is a bit sheer)4 and you need to (wear a slip underneath it)5.”chēng:称[稱]: (~) weigh; (~呼) to name; (~赞) praise*他说: “给我(称约[yāo]一磅)1(香蕉)2, 请你.”: He said: “Get me (approximately a pound)1 of bananas2, please.”*由于他中学(田径)1(高超本领)2被(称为)3(“闪光”)4的(易记)5(绰号)6: He was (tagged with)3 the catchy5 nickname6“Flash4” because of his track-and-field1 prowess2 at high school.*这(女服务员)1(声称)2是(神话般)3碧加的({旧女朋友}4a/{旧情人/ditto}4b): This waitress1 claimed2 to be the ({old girlfriend}4a/{old flame/old squeeze}4b) of the legendary3 Becker.*那(警察)1因一个(例行的拘捕)2被(不公平地)3(称为/ditto)4(种族歧视的人)5: The policeman1 was (tagged/labeled)4 unjustly3 as a racist5 for a (routine arrest)2.*很多(专家)1(声称是真实/ditto)2今年(政府财政预算)3 (偏袒)4(富人)5(多于穷人)6: Many experts1 (contend/ maintain)2 the (government’s fiscal budget)3 this year favors4 the rich5 (over the poor)6.*他(重三百磅)1在一个五尺七寸的(骨骼)2那容易看得到他怎么样(赢得)3(“突出来”)4的({形容性的称号}5a/{绰号}5b): He (weighs 300 pounds)1 on a 5’7” frame2, and it’s easy to see how he earns3 the ({epithet}5a/ {nickname}5b) the “Bulge4”.*她的朋友说: “你儿子在那(学术上)1(要求很高)2(中学)3的(甲下等平均分数成绩)4(以任何标准)5(不能够被称为)6(失望)7.”: Her friend said: “Your son’s (A-grade point average)4 in this academically1 demanding2 (high school)3 (cannot be termed)6 disappointing7 (by any standard)5.”瞠: (~) stare*在中国的二零零八年(奥运)1 (被承诺为)2是(令人瞠目)3的(铺张堂皇表演)4来(给世界欣赏)5: The 2008 Olympics1 in China (is promised to be)2 an eye-popping3 extravaganza4 (for the world to enjoy)5.撑: (支~) prop up (e.g., a chin, the impressiveness of a scene); (~船) paddle (boat using oar); (~开) to open (e.g., umbrella, bag); (很~) (very) stuffed (with food in stomach)*他说: “我(吃得太多)1(肚子撑)2: He said: “I (ate too much)1 and I am bloated2.”*在(经历/ditto)1(迅速增长)2下这城市(要撑爆了)3: The city is (bursting at the seam)3 in (experiencing/undergoing)1 (explosive growth)2.*(石油出产国家)1(减少生产)2去(撑高/ditto)3(价钱)4: (Oil producing countries)1 (cut production)2 to (shore up/prop up)3 prices4. chéng:诚[誠]: (~恳) sincere; (~实) honest*每一个来这(学校)1的(学生)2 (该得到)3(至诚的)4(欢迎)5: Every student2 that comes to this school1 deserves3 a heartfelt4 welcome5.*(十年来)1他(每个早上九点钟)2(诚心不变地)3去这间(咖啡厅)4: He goes to this (coffee shop)4 religiously3 (every morning at 9: 00)2 (for the last ten years)1.*他可能有很多({关系}1a/{生意上的关系}1b)但他的(性格)2 (缺乏真诚/ditto)3: He may have many ({connections}1a/ {business connections}1b) but his personality2 is (hollow/insincere/vain)3.*在(经营我们的业务)1我们(时常)2(维护)3(基本的道德原则)4(“诚实是最好的政策”)5: In (conducting our business)1, we always2 uphold3 the (basic ethics [note: not “ethic”])4 of (“Honesty is the best policy.”)5*这公司的(管理层)1({尽心尽力来确定}2a/{引以为傲}2b)他们所有(商业交易)3都是(坦白诚实/ditto)4: Management1 of this company ({take great pains [note: not “pain”] to make sure}2a/{take great pride}2b) all their (business dealings)3 are (above board/on the level)4.*他的(店子)1(提供)2好的(便宜交易)3但他的({生意行为缺乏}4a/{生意一贯手法缺乏}4b) ({诚意}5a/{道德}5b): His store1 offers2 good deals3, but his ({business conduct lacks}4a /{business practices lack}4b) ({good faith}5a/{ethics}5b).*这大学的学生(受他们的诚信所束缚/ditto)1在没有({不被批准的协助}2a/{诈骗}2b)下来(完成)3他们的(作业)4和(考试)5: Students at this college are (on their honor/bound by their honor)1 to complete3 assignments4 and exams5 without ({unauthorized assistance}2a/{cheating}2b).*母亲对(眼睛)1(固定在)2(地板)3的孩子说: “(坦诚地正视我眼睛)4(告诉我真相)5, 你有还是没有从你的哥哥(偷那些钱)6.”: The mother said to her child whose eyes1 (were affixed)2 to the floor3: “(Look at my eyes)4 and (tell me the truth)5. Did you or did you not (steal the money)6 from your brother?”*这个(亿万富翁的)1儿子是一个(有好心肠)2的(真诚)3(个人/ditto)4, (远远不是)5(人们会想象)6他是的(典型)7(富有任性孩子)8: This billionaire’s1 son is a genuine3 (person/ individual)4 (with a good heart)2, and (is far from)5 the typical7 (rich brat)8 that (people would envision)6 him to be.*他对被他(舅舅)1(欺骗了/ditto)2(几十万块钱)3他的朋友说: “我({向你发誓}4a/{诚心地告诉你}4b)我不(知道/ditto)5我舅舅是个(骗子)6.”: He said to his friend that was (bilked/conned/cheated/ swindled)2 for (tenths of thousands of dollars)3 by his uncle1: “I ({swear to you}4a/ {say to you, hand on heart}4b), that I have no (knowledge/ idea/clue)5 that my uncle is a crook6.”*他的(生意伙伴)1问道: “我们的(餐厅装修)2(进展)3怎么样?”他说: “一个(建筑检察员)4(提出)5一些(问题)6, (让我们)7(诚心/ditto)8 (希望)9(一切)10(进行顺利/ditto)11.”: His (business partner)1 asked: “How’s our (restaurant renovation)2 (coming along)3?” He said: “A (building inspector)4 has raised5 some issues6. Let’s7 (cross our fingers/keep our fingers crossed)8 and hope9 everything10 (goes well/proceeds smoothly)11.”盛: (~) hold (in receptacle)*这(热水瓶)1能够(盛载/ditto)2三杯咖啡: This (thermo bottle)1 can (take in/hold)2 three cups of coffee.*母亲对她的女儿说: “(晚饭准备好了)1, (你不如)2(帮一把)3(把饭盛进饭碗)4.”: The mother said to her daughter: “(Supper is ready)1. (Why don’t you)2 (help out)3 and (scoop the rice into the bowls)4.”成: (~就) accomplished; (~为) become; (~千~万) reaching (thousands and hundreds); (~) percentage, e.g., (四~) 40%*这(乐队的)1第一首(单曲)2是(受欢迎的成功)3: This band’s1 first single2 was a hit3.*公司这(新发明)1获得(绝大的成功[意][注: 棒球的全垒打])2: The company (hit a home run)2 with this (new invention)1.*香港(工业家)1是(成功地)2(塑造)3中国(经济)4(先河之一)5: Hong Kong industrialists1 were (among the first)5 to (make their marks)2 in shaping3China’s economy4.*这(航空公司)1是(中国市场)2中(最成功)3的(低成本)4(经营者)5: This airline1 is the (most successful)3 low-cost4 operator5 in the (China market)2.*这是关于(小镇)1一个(向往做歌星)2(男孩子)3的(成长故事)4: It was a (coming-of-age story)4 about a small-town1 boy3 that was (aspired to become a singer)2.*我们(供应)1(定制/ditto)2, (修改)3或(现成/ditto)4的(电脑程序)5: We supply1 (custom-built/ built-on-spec/made-to-specification/tailored)2, modified3, or (off-the-shelf/ ready-to-use)4 (computer programs)5.*我(曾习惯于)1(沉迷)2(卡通片)3但自那时(已经成长不再是了)4: I (used to be)1 (addicted to)2 cartoons3, but have since (grown out of it)4.*我们的(业务)1(开始非常成功/ditto)2(从那时起)3(继续去势强劲)4: Our business1 (kicked off with a bang/started off with a flurry/got off to a running start/got off to a flying start)2 and (has kept going strong)4 (ever since)3.*这(年轻人)1有(成功所需要)2的(拼劲)3和({竞争}4a/{打斗}4b) (精神)5: This (young man)1 has the spunk3 and({competitive}4a/{fighting}4b) spirit5 (to be successful)2.*这是间(非常成功)1的公司它(接触的每一件东西)2都(转变成金子)3: This is a (highly successful)1 company and (everything it touched)2 (turned into gold)3.*他的妻子说: “记得出去时(把垃圾拿去)1.” 他说: “(成了/ditto)2.”: His wife said: “Remember to (take the garbage)1 on your way out.” He said: “(OK/Yes/All right)2!”*她是跟一个(深明世事)1, (充满魅力)2和(成功)3的(亿万富翁)4(结婚)5: She is married5 to a worldly1, charming2 and successful3 billionaire4.*我们公司的(行政人员)1于(变化)2和(挑战)3下(尽管困难兴奋和成功)4: Our company’s executives1 (thrive on)4 changes2 and challenges3.*这公司对它(新产品)1(成功)2 (经历兴奋)3它已经(花时间在做)4(改进版本)5: This company is (riding high)3 on the success2 of its (new product)1 and is already (working on)4 an (improved version)5.*那(韩国)1(连篇片集)2是({夏天意料不到的成功}3a/{非常的成功/ditto}3b): The Korean1 (drama series)2 ({stole the summer}3a/{was a smash hit/ was a smashing success}3b).*他的朋友说: “你的公司有(好的一年)1, 你应该去(问你的)2 (分成/ditto)3吧.”: His friend said: “Your company (ha d a good year)1. You should go and (ask for your)2 (cut/share)3.”*(经由朋友和亲戚)1那(独身汉子)2有(几个约会)3但它们没有一个(成功/ditto)4: The bachelor2 had a (few dates)3 (through friends and relatives)1, but none of them (clicked/worked out)4.*当你见到你的照片在(华尔街日报)1(头版)2你便知道你(已经成功了/ditto)3: You know you (have made it/have got itmade/have come up in the world)3 when you see your picture on the (front page)2 of (Wall Street Journal)1.*这(主题乐园)1(使香港成名/ditto)2为在(远东)3(老幼咸宜)4的(娱乐中心)5: The (theme park)1 has (put Hong Kong on the map/made Hong Kong famous)2 as the (entertainment center)5 (for all ages)4 in (the Far East)3.*这个(复兴时代)1(画家)2是(可争议但有论证支持)3是(有史以来)4(最有成就)5(艺术家)6: This Renaissance1 painter2 is arguably3 the (most accomplished)5 artist6 (of all time)4.*他 ({在全职工作中}1a/{在兼职中}1b)(尝试)2(在写作成功)3 (需要有很大牺牲)4: He (has to make a lot of sacrifices)4 in trying2 to (make a go at writing)3 ({while working a full-time job}1a/{on a part-time basis}1b).*(马上随着)1(难以承担地昂贵/ditto)2的汽油价格替代燃油有明确地(成功机会/ditto)3: (In the wake of)1 (prohibitive/ exorbitant/unaffordable)2 gasoline prices, alternative fuels have definite (possibilities/potentials)3.*中国的(市场)1(持有)2(很多)3 (能成功的迹象)4和(机会)5给(世界各地)6(投资者)7: China’s market1 holds2 (a myriad of)3 promises4 and opportunities5 for investors7 (around the world)6.*他(努力)1(读书)2(终于有成果)3(连续三年)4他(成功地达到)5(院长优秀名单/ditto)6: His (hard work)1 in studying2 (finally paid off)3, and he (made it to)5the (Dean’s list/Dean’s honor roll)6 (three years in a row)4.*(全国人民)1都(希望努力下成功)2对我们的(国家队)3在(奥林匹克)4中(有好成绩)5: The (entire country)1 is (pulling for)2 our (national team)3 (to do well)5 in the Olympics4.*那(六十五岁年纪)1的(祖父)2说: “对我(不上榜)3(赛跑完竣马拉松)3(有大成就感)5: The sixty-five-year-old1 grandfather2 said: “I have (a great sense of accomplishment)5 at my unranked3 (finish in the marathon)4.”*大学毕之后他(脱离他亿万富翁母亲的控制)1(决定去)2({独取成败}3a/{达到成功}3b): After college he (cut the apron strings [note: not “string”] from his billionaire mother)1 and (decided to)2 ({sink or swim on his own}3a/{make his mark [note: not “marks”]}3b).*他(能欣然接受)1(成年)2后(住在爸妈家里)3的(意识)4, 但结婚后(那么做)5(似乎有点儿不妥)6: He was able to (get his head around)1 the idea4 of (living at home with his parents)3 after he (came of age)2, but (doing so)5 after he was married (seemed somehow wrong)6.*中国人在加拿大(社会)1(受尊重地位)2是他们(移民祖先)3 (奋斗)4和(成就)5的(遗赠)6: The (respected status)2 of Chinese in Canada’s society1 is the legacy6 of the struggles4 and triumphs5 of their (immigrant ancestors)3.*(初期)1的(评价/ditto)2是这(电影)3将会是这(暑天)4的({巨大成功/ditto}5a/{票房成功}5b): The early1 (read/assessment)2 is this movie3 is going to be a ({biggie/hit/blockbuster/ runaway success/smash hit}5a/ {box office hit}5b) this summer4.*这个(富天才)1和(从容有自信)2的(艺术家)3(成功/ditto)4是({指日可待}5a/ {命中注定}5b): This talented1 and poised2 artist3 is ({slated}5a/ {destined}5b) to (go places [note: not “place”]/become successful)4.古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英语措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*她的(首次露面)1(唱片)2(获得决大钱财上成功/ditto)3在(最佳销售榜)4(连续六个月)5(占首位)6: Her debut1 album2 (hit pay dirt/hit the jackpot)3 in topping6 the (best-seller chart)4 (six weeks in a row)5.*她问道: “那一单(交易)1({进行}2a/{发生}2b)怎么样?”他说: “它(变坏)3(没有成功/ditto)4.”: She asked: “How did the deal1 ({go}2a/{go down}2b)?” H e said: “It (turned sour)3 and (did not go through/was not successful)4.”*她问道: “考试成绩如何?”他说: “({我做得顶成功/ditto}1a/ {我做得很好/ditto}1b/{那是还可以}1c): She asked: “How did you make out in the exam?” H e said: “({I aced it/I nailed it/I got through it with flying colors}1a/{I did fine/I did pretty good}1b/{It was OK }1c).”*(工厂经理)1问(工头)2: “(生产/ditto}3a/{快速生产/ditto}3b)这(一千件)4(完成工作时间)5是什么?”: The (plant manager)1 asked the foreman2: “What’s the (turnaround time)5 to ({produce/manufacture}3a/ {crank out/churn out}3b) these (1,000 units)4?”*他说: “约翰以前是你(从来遇到)1的(最良善)2的人现在他是(富有)3我真的不知道他(变成什么)4.”: He said: “John was the nicest2 guy you would (ever meet)1, but now that he is rich3 I really don’t know (what has become)4 of him.”*下星期一(呼声最高)1(投标者)2(预期)3会从政府(成功获得)4(几十亿万)5块钱的(桥梁建设)6(工程)7: The front-runner1 bidder2 is expected3 to clinch4 the multi-billion5 dollar (bridge construction)6 project7 from the government next Monday.*(假设无罪)1(直至证明)2({有罪}3a/{相反}3b)的(原则)4是(公平)5(法律/ditto)6(制度)7的(重要)8(成分)9: The principle4 of (presumption of innocence)1 (until proven)2 ({guilty}3a/ {otherwise}3b) is the key8 (building block)9 of a fair5 (judicial/justice)6 system7.*他是个在(事业)1(高峰/ditto)2 (非常成功的)3({歌星}4a/{电影制片家/ditto}4b/{医生}4c/{行政人员}4d): He’s a hotshot3 ({singer}4a/{movie producer/ producer}4b/{doctor}4c/ {executive}4d) that’s at the (height/peak/top/apex/ pinnacle)2 of his career1.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。

英语词汇--饰品、化妆品brush 发刷nail polish 指甲油handbag ⼿提包hatbox 帽盒cosmetics case 化妆箱high heels ⾼跟鞋gloves ⼿套wrist watch ⼿表belt 腰带pendant 项饰necklace 项链neck scarf 围⼱earrings ⽿环sun glasses 太阳镜cigarette holder 烟⽃ring 戒指bracelet ⼿链, ⼿镯tie 领带cuff links 袖扣ascot 宽领带pocket watch 表袋hair net 发⽹shampoo 洗发⽔cream rinse 营养发⽔hair spray 发胶powder puff 粉扑face powder ⾯粉compact 带镜粉盒astringent 化妆⽔perfume ⾹⽔skin milk 乳液cold cream 油底霜atomizer 喷雾式⾹⽔ clip 夹⼦hand mirror ⼿镜bobby pin 发夹false eyelash 假睫⽑lipstick ⼝红wig 假发tie pin 领带夹tissue ⾯纸purse ⼿提包 brooch 胸针shawl 披肩neckerchief 领⼱五⼗三句经典英语⼝语语法学习顺⼝溜⼀些表达拒绝的应⽤英语吵架英语100句英语百句谚语集英语常⽤⼝语118句英语介词⽤法⼝决成双⼊对英⽂短语学英语的⼗句名⾔商务经典英语100句常⽤英⽂电话⽤语365句实⽤短语22句!英语百句谚语集与⽼外过招经典百句⼝语户外经典英语常见公共标志英⽂表达实⽤英语100句常⽤英语单词(3)商务英语实⽤电话⼤全李阳英语228句常⽤礼品中英⽂单词对照外出旅游必备⼝语常⽤过渡词和句型250句最通俗常⽤的英语⼝语2美国俚语脱⼝⽽出的100句经典英⽂最常⽤的118句英语⼝语李阳英语365经典2和⽼外聊天必备百句英语英汉对照英语名⼈名⾔(12)24句⽂笔绝佳的中英对译机船车词汇⼤集E外贸英语函电范⽂1实⽤英语⽣活中最常⽤的英语谚语名⼈名⾔外国篇(附英⽂)1电脑专业英语2英语中级⼝语必会100句英语⼝语⼀些常⽤词语的地道表达⽹络聊天100句流⾏语好莱坞经典英⽂台词鉴赏英语流⾏⼝语精选牢骚英语订单最常⽤的12句英⽂表达商务英语函电的20个常⽤句型经典商务⼝语50句⼝译中需要强记的词组1 1000句最常⽤英语⼝语4古诗中英⽂对照(4)20句闪亮的个性电影台词记忆单词20法英⽂常⽤语排⾏榜献给时尚男⼥的61句最酷⼝语常⽤新闻词汇和术语300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(5)名⼈名⾔外国篇(附英⽂)1新概念最美的50个句⼦看英语新闻必须记住的60个短语 商务英语100句常挂在美国⼈嘴边的最酷⼝语业务员的职场必背⼝语100句500个常⽤中英⽂谚语(1)美国⼈⽇常⽣活常⽤的26个的五星句⼦英语座右铭李阳英语365句⽂本资料(1)古诗中英⽂对照 (3)唐诗三百⾸中英对照(9)新东⽅100经典句(1)值得记住的名⾔警句(英汉对照)新概念第⼀册词汇表(A-Z)打造完美爱情的⼗⼤要点(中英双语)新东⽅100经典句(2)最新实⽤商务流⾏美语(2)⼗种妙法巧记单词英语脏话精选!50句地道英语⼝语英译最常⽤的100个中国成语让你英⽂增⾊的100个好句⼦(1)李阳英语365经典1英语关键句型72种⼀些常⽤词语的地道表达中国传统⽂化词汇集锦学好英语的42个要诀四级考试翻译题型必背句型英语⾯试时可以⽤来形容你的语句经典英语格⾔3000句(4)关于爱情的句⼦中英⽂对照⼝语要素228句中国传统节⽇的英语译法英语常⽤短语汇总英语写作中使⽤频率较⾼的100个词语搭配 ⼗句英语粗语最新实⽤商务流⾏美语(1)英语谚语500句(⼆)英语1000句(68)——饭店⾥有家好的⼴东菜馆⼥⼈的32个⼩秘密(中英双语)爱情物语(中英⽂对照)常⽤英语单词(2)汉英筵席菜名⼤全H英语最经典赞美三⼗句 中外节⽇中英⽂对照表英⽂爱情⼩诗21⾸(1)国外旅游必备万能问路句⼦100句英语帮你记7000个单词(2)你⾝边最常见的20条英语标志实⽤⽣活英语100句美国校园⼝语轻松记单词的50个记忆⼝诀50句字⾯和实际意思⼤不相同的英语公务员英语(1)经典英语格⾔3000句(1)年轻时⼀定要知道的15件事(双语)给⼈警醒的⾄理名⾔(英汉对照)《圣经》中最让⼈感动的⼗句⽇常⽣活必会的100条英语短语500个常⽤中英⽂谚语(3)货代常⽤英语R-Y300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(3)英⽂写作必背之35句型106个激励⾃⼰的句⼦(双语)英语⾥⾯最美的70个单词英语词汇----会计英语出国必⽤英语⽇常⽤语英⽂写作必背200句(1)⼥⼦英⽂名释义(V-Z)50部百年电影经典名句(汉英)⽇常⽣活英语句⼦174句超实⽤的300句中英⽂短句(1)最易犯错的45句英⽂句⼦英⽂爱情箴⾔70条美国⼈最爱⽤的个性短语300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(22)49条简单的真理(英汉)聊天常⽤英语100句365天365句英⽂句⼦(2)损⼈英语⼝语30句交流必备⼝语⼆⼗句 英⽂表达增⾊的100句经典句⼦美轮美奂的20句英⽂佳句英⽂写作必背200句(3) 经典英⽂诗歌13⾸⽣命中的⼗⼀种感动(双语)妙语连珠超级英语94句(2)英语1000句(593)——漫长的⼀天过去我会很疲惫英语⼝语交际最常⽤短语超实⽤的300句中英⽂短句(4)英语1000句(430)——你可以做⼀下检查超实⽤的300句中英⽂短句(2)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(26)名⼈名⾔--关于“学习与奋⽃”的(英汉双语)表达男⼥关系的经典句⼦(双语) 106个激励⾃⼰的句⼦(双语)-2 100句英语帮你记7000个单词(3)英语不能直译的常⽤词汇及句⼦ 富有哲理的英⽂名⾔警句⽣命中最美丽的瞬间(双语)超精彩的100个英⽂句⼦⼈际沟通100句流⾏语关于⼈⽣的精品语句(英汉)美国教师表扬学⽣的101句⼝语社交⼝语100句26个字母的⼈⽣感悟(英汉)⽣命中的四位爱⼈(双语)超实⽤的300句中英⽂短句(3)英⽂赠⾔:⽣活的忠告领悟11种⽣活真谛(中英) 365天365句英⽂句⼦(3)英语写作中可⽤的名⼈名⾔(3) 英语⼝头语100句英语帮你记7000个单词(4)幸福九步曲(双语)送给⼼中TA的甜蜜情话(英汉)最常⽤的英语俚语集锦(1)双语美⽂:有种旅⾏叫作⼈⽣经典英语格⾔3000句(2)妙语连珠超级英语94句(1)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(25)新疯狂英语⼝语241句(1) 100句英语帮你记7000个单词(5)365天365句英⽂句⼦(3)应该脱⼝⽽出的80个经典英⽂句英汉⽣活箴⾔⼗分有⽤的30句英语谚语 新疯狂⼝语241句(2)超实⽤美国⼝语俚语集锦最常⽤的英语俚语集锦(2)常⽤有趣英语50句 经典英语交际⼝语100句经典英语格⾔3000句(13)英⽂写作必背200句(6) 英语谚语牢记10种场景实⽤⼝语(1) 365天365句英⽂句⼦(4)送给正在打拼的你的英语名⾔ 美国流⾏⼝语26句300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(19)商务英语350句(中)经典英语格⾔3000句(14)多数⼈会混淆的73组英⽂单词五种⽅法让你化悲观为乐观(双语)经典英语格⾔3000句(15)学英语必备句⼦(1) 英⽂写作必背200句(7)弄错了会很尴尬的英⽂荡⽓回肠的爱情语句(双语)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(6)⼈际沟通100句流⾏语社交⼝语100句⽇常使⽤频率很⾼的英语⼝语集锦25个经典英语句⼦永远的朋友(双语)经典英语名⾔精选每天都要微笑的⼗个理由(英汉对照)拥有快乐⼈⽣的⼆⼗条法则(双语)⼈⽣⼗⼤法(双语)实⽤英语格⾔50条触动⼼灵的英⽂句⼦⼋句话看⼈⽣(双语)泰⼽尔经典100篇(双语)1让⼈感动的英⽂句⼦⼈⽣是⼀种承受⼈⽣值得记住的21件事情(中英⽂)经典英⽂电影台词100句幸福⽣活的50个建议(双语)⼈⽣不能等的事10个超逗的笑话(中英⽂)13条你不知道的趣味常识(中英⽂)23个有趣的⽣活真相(双语)成功经典秘籍上帝永远不会问你的⼗件事(双语)成就效率⼈⽣19条法则(双语)经典英语格⾔3000句(16)英语词汇--⾐着经典英语格⾔3000句(17)美国佬最爱炫的66句⼝头禅(1)让你保持积极态度的英⽂句⼦英语词汇--留学成功⼈⽣最经典最重要的话(双语)英语⼝语中超奏效的简短赞美牢记10种场景实⽤⼝语(2)地道洋话60句英语习语集锦爱情太短,遗忘太长(双语)双语话⼈⽣:我们⼀直在学习什么美国佬最爱炫的66句⼝头禅(2)经典英语格⾔3000句(3)与⽼外打交道必知英⽂缩写400个(2)学英语必备句⼦(2)英⽂写作必背200句(8)30秒可以改变世界(双语)学英语必备句⼦(3)学英语必备句⼦(4)美丽的英⽂,⼈⽣的智慧相信⾃⼰(双语)简单的⼀天(双语)学英语必备句⼦(7)双语:给青春期⼥孩的7个忠告20组最地道的主题⼝语英语哲理30句⽣活中的英语⼝语⼥孩们的爱情贴⼠(双语)名⼈名⾔外国篇(附英⽂)5成功⼥性具备的⼗个好习惯(双语)外贸经典⼝语两百句(⼆)⼝语学习⽅法总汇 很经典也很有味道的句⼦(中英⽂)⼈⽣谚语精华(双语)当你的年华⽼去(When You Are Old)爱情的世界很⼩,爱情的世界很⼤(双语)成为极品⼥⼈的要素(双语)给你的英⽂增光润⾊的100个好句⼦ A Friend is.... 朋友就是 ....成功⼈⽣最经典最重要的10句话(双语)男⼈不理解⼥⼈的是什么(双语)250句最通俗常⽤的英语⼝语1经典英语格⾔3000句(18)学英语必备句⼦(5)有些英语,不能不懂装懂学英语必备句⼦(6)感动对⽅13句箴⾔(双语)成为极品⼥⼈的⼗⼤要素(双语)英⽂谚语收录(全)简单⼩谚语(双语)英语中不能直译的句⼦求职英语300句(1)求职英语300句(2)最常⽤2000英语单词历届⾼考英语长难句100句精选英语励志名⾔经典英语格⾔3000句(8)常见的“公共标志和说明”英⽂表达飞机场100个常见公共标志(中英)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(18)旅⾏常⽤词汇之出⼊境篇迎世博英语⼝语中级100句 英⽂写作必背200句(5)365天365句英⽂句⼦(1)与⽼外打交道必知英⽂缩写400个(1)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(23)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(24)⾳乐常⽤术语常见的电脑英语及其缩写英语1000句(385)——那家夜总会的舞曲⾮常棒⾯试中你会被问到的英语问题(5)毕业赠⾔集锦(双语) 英⽂写作必背200句(4)全世界最感⼈的家信(英汉对照)英语词汇--健美锻炼全球最值得听的100⾸英⽂歌(附链接)(3)英语写作中使⽤频率较⾼的100个词语搭配(2)英语词汇--花英语1000句(221)——⽐萨不错,但我更喜欢⾯条300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(8)⽂明乘车常⽤英语30句100句英语帮你记7000个单词(1)公交英语常⽤术语⼤全(1)公司名称英译⼤全300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(2)英语招聘⼴告缩略语归纳名⼈名⾔外国篇(附英⽂)4浏览英⽂⽹站必会的100个词汇古诗中英⽂对照(1)经典英语格⾔3000句(5)300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(9)古诗中英⽂对照(7) 300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(11)经典英语格⾔3000句(7) 英语写作中可⽤的名⼈名⾔(1) 中国传统⽂化词汇(汉英)英语词汇-店300个闪光的英⽂句⼦(20) 英语100个绝佳句型最经典美式⼝语170句⾯试中你会被问到的英语问题星座适合的英⽂名字旅游必备--公共场所常⽤标识语和提⽰语英语词汇记忆12条黄⾦规律英语词汇--宗教58句接见客户必⽤的商务英语句⼦商务英语350句(上)常见银⾏英语词汇25个⽇常英语句⼦解析(双语) 999句最常⽤英语⼝语外贸英语函电范⽂2这样的⼥⼈最招男⼈爱(双语)与爱情有关12个句⼦《飞鸟集》325篇中英对照世界上很美丽的英⽂句⼦。

地道英文俚语A-Z #86-90古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇(某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)笔[筆]: (~)pen; (~法) penmanship; (~直) straight like pen; (一~钱) a sum (of money)♦铅笔: pencil♦炭笔: charcoal pencil♦蜡笔: crayon♦粉笔: chalk♦毛笔: brush (writing)♦记号笔: felt-tip pen♦铅笔盒: pencil case♦卷笔刀: pencil sharpener♦一支笔: a pen♦彩色铅笔: color pencil♦自动铅笔: mechanical pencil♦(原子笔/圆珠笔): ball-point pen♦(钢笔/自来水笔[墨水筆]): fountain pen*“蝙蝠”1是约翰史密夫的(笔名/ditto)2: “Bat”1 is the (pen name/pseudonym)2 of John Smith.*他是(很可能得到)1从(去世)2的舅舅得到(一大笔意外之财的遗产)3: He is (in line for)1 (a windfall inheritance)3 from his deceased2 uncle.*(配搭)1这两个(才智高超的人)2在这(重要计划)3是(天才的手笔)4: It was a (stroke of genius)4 to (team up)1 these two (great minds)2 in this (important project)3.*他的哥哥说: “这(是一笔十分有利可图的生意/ditto)1(你最好)2不要(错过)3.”: His brother said: “This is (a highly lucrative transaction/a very profitable transaction)1, and (you better)2 don’t (miss out)3.”俾: (~)to give to*他说: “我的儿子(恳求要)1一个(手提游戏机)2.”他的朋友说: “不要是个({卑鄙的人}3a/ {吝啬的人}3b), ({俾他吧}4a/{买给他吧}4b).”: He said: “My son is (begging for)1 a (hand-held game machine)2.” His friend said: “Don’t be a({meanie}3a/{cheapie}3b). ({Give it to him}4a/{Buy it for him}4b).”鄙: (卑~) mean; (~人) my humble self; (~视) disdain*(虐待儿童)1是(卑鄙/ditto)2的(罪行)3: (Child abuse)1 is a (despicable/contemptible)2 crime3.*当他(对她求爱)1时她(对他投一个鄙视的眼光)2: She (gave him a scornful little glance)2 when he (made a move on her)1.*他说: “(如果我是你我不会)1跟那个(卑鄙小人/ditto)2(做生意)3, 一年前他(欺骗了)4我(一千块钱/ditto)5.”: He said: “(If I were you I would not)1 (do business)3 with that (slimeball/slime bucket/creep/lowlife/despicable person/horse’s ass/appalling person/contemptible person)2. He (shafted/conned/swindled/bilked/cheated)4 me (ten grand/ten thousand dollars)5 a year ago?”*我们({鄙视地/ditto}1a/{不尊重地}1b)(看待/ditto)2(缺乏/ditto)3({道德原则}4a/{道德元素}4b)的(政治领袖)5: We (regard/look upon/look on)2 (political leaders)5 that (lack/are lacking in)3 ({integrity}4a/{moral fiber}4b) with ({disdain/contempt/scorn}1a/ {disrespect}1b).*他说: “那(黑帮首领)1(对你有兴趣)2, 他(很有钱)3.” 她回答道: “(谢谢, 不用了)4, 我(鄙视)5(他那个人)6和(他所代表的)7”: He said: “That gangleader1 (is interested in you)2, and he (is loaded)3.” She replied: “(Thanks but no thanks)4! I despise5 (who he is)6 and (what he represents)7.”*他说: “当我({开始时}1a/{开始踏进商业世界时}1b)我(惯性地)2(鄙视/ditto)3那些人要(撒谎)4, (瞒骗)5, 和(谄媚)6来(占先)7, 现在二十年后我(到达一个地步)8(接受)9那些({惯性行动}10a/{行动}10b/{东西}10c)(十分)11是({游戏的基本元素/ditto}12a/{办公室弄权手段的基准}12b).”: He said: “When I ({started out}1a/{first set foot in the business world}1b) I (used to)2 (disdain/despise/scorn)3 those people that have to lie4, cheat5 and (suck up)6 to (get ahead)7. Now, twenty years later, I (come to)8 accept9 those ({practices}10a/{acts}10b/{things}10c) are (very much)11 ({the name of the game/part of the game}12a/ {the norms in office politics}12b).”匕: (~首)dagger比: (~较) in comparison; (不~) (not) similar to; (~方说) for example; (~邻) adjacent to; (朋~) collude*他说: “我走得(比他快)1.”: He said: “I run (faster than him)1.”*这(非常受大众欢迎)1的(电影)2(比较)3(原著)4是(逊色)5: This (widely popular)1 movie2 is pale5 (in comparison)3 to the (original novel)4.*这(班级)1男孩子跟女孩子的(比率)2是(大概/ditto)3三比二: The ratio2 for boys to girls in this class1 is (about/roughly/ approximately/more or less)3 3:2.*她说: “(没有任何东西)1比(吃冰淇淋)2(更令我开心/ditto)3的: She said”“Nothing1 (is more pleasing to me/pleases me more)3 than (eating ice-cream)2.”*小约翰的(短跑速度)1在他学校(同年纪那组)2的(没人能比得上/ditto)3: Little Johnny’s (sprinting speed)1 (has no peer/has no match)3 in his (age group)2 at school.*(相对来说)1, 跟(那班其他)2 (全部是天才学生)3(比较)4他(比不上那么好/ditto)5: He is (underperforming/not doing as well)5,(relatively speaking)1, (in comparison to)4 (the rest of the class)2 who are (all gifted students)3.*他说: “我在({任何事情/ditto}1a/{相貌}1b/{公开演说}1c)(哪能比得上你)2呢.”: He said: “I’m (no match for you)2 in ({any way/anything}1a/{looks}1b/{public speaking}1c).”*他说: “我(察觉)1另一个(求爱者)2(尝试)3(把我比下来)4以(昂贵的礼物)5和(过分情意绵绵的情信)6来(追求我女朋友)7.”: He said: “I notice1 another suitor2 is trying3 to (show me up)4 by (wooing my girlfriend)7 with (expensive gifts)5 and (mushy love letters)6.”*他说: “(比较我们的对手)1我们于(表现处下风)2, (火力处下风)3, (才智处下风)4, (战略处下风/ditto)5, (较量处下风)6和(比拼处下风)7.”: He said: “(Compared to our competitor)1 we are outperformed2, outgunned3, outsmarted4, (outmaneuvered/out-strategized)5, outplayed6 and outmatched7.”*他说: “我们全部(同意)1(一对一)2你的(篮球/ditto)3(技术)4(比得上他/ditto)5, 但你不能({抗拒}6a/ {否认}6b)(事实)7他已有两个(冠军戒指)8(在他名下)9.”: He said: “We all agree1 your (basketball/hoop)3 skill4 (stacks up well against/measures up well to/compares well to)5 him one-on-one2, but you cannot ({fight}6a/{deny}6b) the fact7 that he already has two (championship rings)8 (in his name)9.”*他说: “你可以(比较)1(这职位我的前任者)2(跟我)3并(从很多不同方法来看它)4, 但(最终事实)5是(他不是我)6, 而(我可以做事情)7(没有其他人能够的)8.”: He said: “You can compare1 (my predecessor on this job)2 (with me)3 and (look at it in many different ways)4, but (the bottom line)5 is (he is not me)6, and (I can do things)7 (nobody else can)8.”*他说: “我不是(争论)1她的女儿不是个(漂亮的女孩子)2, 但(问题)3是(比较)4什么呢? (个人而言)5(我不认为)6她(足够好)7去(赢取香港小姐选美会)8.”: He said: “I’m not disputing1 her daughter is a (pretty girl)2, but the question3 is (relative to/in relation to)4 what? Personally5 (I don’t think)6 she is (good enough)7 to (win the Miss Hong Kong Pageant)8.”* (演戏)1和(唱歌)2(为事业)3 (比较相同处/ditto)4是(容易)5, 因为(在两个案例)6 (达到明星地位)7的(可能性)8是(幅度是渺茫到零)9, 然而(那些成功的人)10将会发觉(成功是短暂的)11: It’s easy5 to (draw a parallel/find similarities)4 between acting1 and singing2 (as a career)3, because (in both cases)6 the odds8 of (reaching stardom)7 are (slim to none)9, while (those that make it)10 will find (success is short-lived)11.bì:碧: (~)jade-green婢: (~女)maid庳: (~)numb小儿麻痹: (polio/ poliomyelitis)*他的(面部)1因(麻痹)2(扭曲)3: His face1 was contorted3 by paralysis2.*今早他在({低于结冰}1a/{结冰}1b)(温度)2(没有穿手套)3 (步行)4一里去(公交站)5他的手(变成麻痹)6: This morning he walked4 a mile in ({sub-freezing}1a/{freezing}1b) temperature2 to the (bus stop)5 (without wearing gloves)3 and his hands (went numb)6.髀: (~)thigh裨: (~)benefit*没有(根据观察和试验)1的(证明)2这些(在市面上)3(所谓)4 (魔术草药丸)5(提供)6任何({医学上}7a/{健康上}7b)(裨益)8给(癌症病人)9: There is no empirical1 proof2 that these so-called4 (magic herbal pills)5 (in the market)3 provide6 any ({medical}7a/{health}7b) benefits8 to (cancer patients)9.必: (~然)affirmatively; (~定) certainly*在第一年结婚时(必然有)1(失望的事项)2: In the first year of marriage there are (bound to be)1 disappointments2.*(提供资金)1对这(不谋利)2(组织)3去(履行/ditto)4它的(指令)5是(必需的)6: Funding1 is essential6 for this non-profit2 organization3 to (carry out/perform)4 its mandates5.*公司把(偏多高层)1和(过多数量)2的(整体员工)3)(削减)4为(必须的几个)5: The company slashed4 its top-heavy1 and bloated2 workforce3 to the (bare bones)5.备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。

Benjamins 钱(money)Bout it 酷毙了Buff 健康的身体Butters (Butta) 太有趣了,有趣得不得了Cheese wagon 校车(school bus)Chickenhead 俗不可耐的女性或杂交的女性Chillin' 身心放松一下,或一起在外鬼混Da bomb! 酷毙了!太棒了!Diesel 健康的身体,与buff 同义Dogg 朋友Don't EVEN go there! 我不想谈它Dope 酷毙了,very good.Fine 可爱的Going with 约会Going out 只跟一个固定的异性约会(going steady)He-llo-o-o 实际一点吧,或你不能太认真! (这三个o 几乎是用唱的)Hoooolllly (holy)! 太棒了!Hootchie 杂交的女性Hottie 可人儿;可爱的少女Ice 钻石I gotta jet! 我要走了If you say so 你爱说什麼就说什麼,但我不一定会照著做I'm down wi' that 我喜欢它;它很好I'm out 我不喜欢它;他并不好Jiggy 酷毙了Kickin' 酷毙了Lame 不值得我浪费时间Late 待会儿见N-E-wayz 不论什麼(whatever)Phat 酷毙了,太好了(cool and awesome)Playa 有很多马子的人Playa hate 嫉妒Point being? 你的意思是什麼?Ranker 对某事胆怯或临阵脱逃(chicken out or wimp out)的人Skank 讨厌、粗鄙的人Spiffy OK!Sweet 酷毙了Talk to the hand, because the face ain't listening 我不想听你讲(讲这句英文时要做出「停止」的手势)That rocks! 我喜欢它!That's money! 太棒了,太好了Tight Sweet! Da bomb! Awesome!To jock 想跟你所爱的人在一起Whack! 怪异的,疯狂的,愚蠢的Whatever floats your boat 如果那会让你高兴的话,那麼就去做吧! What's the dealio? 怎麼回事?Wicked 惊险刺激,非常有趣Word 我同意You're money! 你好酷哦!Mo wordz有不对的地方请高手指出:wack=1-怪的,缺的;2-怪人;44=fo' fo'=一种枪的型号;45=一种枪的型号;holla=大声喊;holla at sb=联系某人;holla back=回复;flip da <I>script</I>=change sth;geto=ghetto=简单的,简陋的=贫民住宅区;shades=墨镜;BK=Brooklyn;BX=Bronx;QB=Queensbridge;click=clique;drama=bad things;aiight=alright;slide=to have sex;throwback=复古队服;retro=复古的;celly=cellphone;blow trees=smoke weed;cocky=自大的;Caddy=Caddillac;Chevy=Chevrolet;Cris=Cristal=一种酒的名字;64=six fo'=一种车的型号;16=sweet 16's=一种车的型号;free=freestyle;Alize=一种饮料的名字;fro=afro;Mo=Moet=酒的名字;broad=girl;beef=1-抱怨;2-rappa之间的仇恨;lol=laughin out loud;lmao=laughin my ass off;btw=by the way;wtf=whut the ****;omg=omfg=oh my god=oh my fukin god;mayn=mang=man;pig=警察;straight=str8=serious;props=1-respect;2-靠山;sho nuff=sure enough;hella=hell of=很,很多的;hydro=dro=一种用水泵抽的大麻;PJ=project=住房楼;coke=cocaine;break sb off=have sex with sb.alright=all right=aight=aite...fro=afro就是黑人的爆炸头...hood rat=a girl who lives in da hood,or a bitch;kick it=chill,relax,hang out,freestyle;sum words about gangstawiseguys=goodfellas=gangstas 意思类似的还有thug,outlaw,mob,hustle made man=a mafia guy,正式的黑手党成员:he is a made man.he has been made. 187=killamain guy出头的dopeman=drug dealerdon+(name)=代表这人很有权势是黑帮老大Fuzz=police=PIG=the heatTossed=被警察搜身Ball=性行为=layGang bang=乱交Hit up:注射毒品。

英语有趣的俚语_简单又实用的英语口语俚语实用英语口语:美国口语俚语1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
2.e on to 对。
轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
3.e easily 易如反掌Languages e easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!简单又实用的10个英语口语1. dunno: 不知道,I don't know的缩略形式- Where are we exactly?- Dunno.- 我们到底在什么地方?- 不知道。
2. psyched: 兴奋的,喜不自胜的I'm really psyched about my new job!终于找到新工作了,我高兴得要飞起来了!3. to knock something: 挑刺儿,批评Don't knock the food; it's free.别对这些吃的挑三拣四了,反正也是免费的。
4. pal: 朋友You're my best pal.你是我的朋友。
5. wheels: 多指汽车,有时也可指自行车等I've got to get some wheels - this public transport system's a joke!我得买辆车了——这公交系统真是糟糕!6. a tad: 一点,有点,just a little/slightly的替换表达The fish was OK, but the chips were a tad greasy.鱼不错,薯条有点油腻。

hold sb down=back sb up,支持某人
holdin down=representin
holla=1-大声喊;2-同one luv,peace,见面分别是可以用
holla at sb=联系某人
holla back=回答,回复
Red Rum – 就是谋杀(Murder)的意思,只是这里把它反过来
Phat – 当指女生时有两个意思:一为大屁股,二为外在的吸引力。Babyphat这个品牌是什么意思大家应该可以了解了吧。
bump heads=pick up a fight
break sb off=和某人做爱并使其达到高潮
baller blockin=playa hatin
up north trip=坐牢
wanksta=a gangsta wannabe
word=word up=thats's right
Sister – 女性友人。
Def – 是Definite的简写,黑人用语中是Cool、Better之意,表示-坚定冷静不畏缩的黑人,Rap乐手常吹嘘自己是Defiest(最Cool,最棒的)。

地道英语句典A-Z #361-370地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。
(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)涤[滌]: (~)cleanse*你给这些(塑胶容器)1一个(洗涤)2和(冲洗)3, 它们(像新的一样那么好)4: You give these (plastic containers)1 a wash2 and rinse3, and they are (as good as new)4.笛: (~) flute; (警~) whistle;♦横笛: flute♦竖笛: clarinet迪: (启~) enlighten*她的朋友说: “你的(十来岁女儿)1是(迷途)2和(困惑)3, (可能)4她需要一个(她能够相信的人)5来(启迪)6她.”: Her friend said: “Your (teenage daughter)1 is lost2 and confused3, and maybe4 she needs (someone she can trust)5 to enlighten6her.”dǐ:底: (~) bottom; (月~) last part (of month); (~本) master copy; (~稿) draft copy; (~细) personal particulars*他说: “我将会在这({月}1a/{年}1b)底2(偿还)3(我欠你的钱)4.”: He said: “I’ll (pay back)3 (the money I owe you)4 by the end2of this ({month}1a/ {year}1b).”*这个年轻人(愿意)1从(他父亲的生意王国)2在(底层/ditto)3 (开始)4(尽力向上攀)5: This young man (is willing to)1 start4 at the (basement/bottom/ground floor)3of (his father’s business empire)2 and (work his way up)5.*如果我们不(开始关心)1和(做我们的部分)2我们的(自然环境)3将会(直插谷底地衰落[意])4: Our environment3 is (going to the dogs [note: not “dog”])4if we don’t (start caring)1 and (do our part)2.*(自从)1三个月前他被(牵连在)2一个(非法赌博)3(不法集团)4他的(事业)5(已跌至谷底)6: His career5 (has hit rock bottom)6 (ever since)1 he was (implicated in)2 an (illegal gambling)3 ring4 three months ago.*(股票分析员)1说(现在还是)2 (非常太)3(危险)4和早5去在({金融}6a/{银行}6b) (组合部分)7(抄底)8: (Stock analysts)1 say (it is still)2 (way too)3 risky4 and early5 to be bottom-fishing8 in the ({financial}6a/ {banking}6b) sector7.*一些(分析家)1(相信)2很多(被严重打击)3的(美国股票)4(已经达到最底/ditto)5({一切准备就妥反弹}6a/{准备反弹}6b): Some analysts1 believe2 many battered3 (US stocks)4 have (bottomed out/hit bottom)5 and ({the stage is set for a rebound}6a/{are set torebound}6b).*他对他的朋友说: “你的哥哥说他将会(把我打一顿)1.” 他的朋友说: “(不用担忧)2, 我的哥哥(出言强硬)3但(通常)4(对说出的威吓不会跟进到底)5.”: He said to his friend: “Your brother said he was going to (beat me up)1.” His friend said: “(Don’t worry)2! My brother (talks tough)3 but usually4(doesn’t follow through on his threats)5.”诋[詆]: (~)slander*很多(缺乏自信心)1的人(有倾向)2去({诋毁/ditto}3a/{贬低/ditto }3b)(他人)4(使自己看来有本事)5: Many insecure1 people (have a tendency)2 to ({badmouth/slander/trash/disparage}3a/{belittle/put down}3b) others4 to (make themselves look good)5.抵: (~住) support or resist; (~偿) settle up; (~押) mortgage; (~消) offset; (~达) arrive; (一~二) (one) equivalent to the ability of (two)*那(经理)1说: “我不是(酒鬼)2, 这是(事实)3可以(抵受)4任何人的(详细检验)5.”: The manager1said: “I’m not an alcoholic2. This is the truth3 that can withstand4 scrutiny5from anyone.”*来(抵消)1(竞争对手)2的(最大限度规模)3 (广告)4之(竭尽全力攻击)5我们(集中)6(销售活动)7在(巩固)8(顾客忠心)9: To neutralize1 an all-out3 advertising4 blitz5 from competition2, we focus6 our (marketing campaign)7 in cementing8 (customer loyalty)9.*那(没有工作的)1(女人)2(需要)3({抵押}4a/{提供}4b)她的(祖传)5(金项链)6和(项链盒)7作为一笔(借贷)8的(保证)9: The jobless1 woman2 (had to)3 ({pledge}4a/{put up}4b) her heirloom5 (gold chain)6 and locket7 as security9 for a loan8.*(律师)1已经(忠告)2公司所有(董事)3和(行政职员)4(根据)5 (内幕消息)6来(买卖公司股票)7跟(证券法律)8有(抵触)9: The (legal counsel)1 has advised2 all the directors3 and officers4 of the company that (trading company stock)7 (based on)5 (insider information)6 (runs afoul)9 of (securities laws)8.*他说: “我们(季度)1(销售数目)2(增长)3百分之十二(经由)4(更高的)5(实得为现金)6(黄金价格)7 (超过抵消)8(稍为)9(减少的)10 (产量)11.”: He said: “Our quarterly1 (sales volume)2 increased3 by 12% through4 higher5 realized6 (gold prices)7 that (more than offset)8 slightly9 lower10 production11.”邸: (官~) residence of high official; (旅~) hostel*当两个国家之间(边境)1(紧张局势)2({上升}3a/{加剧}3b), 在(彼此土地)4的(大使官邸/ditto)5(增强了/ditto)6(保安)7: As tension2 at the border1 between the two countries ({mounts}3a/{intensifies}3b), the (embassies/consulates)5at (each other’s soil)4 have (heightened/boosted/tightened/beefed up)6 security7.dì:弟: (~) younger brother; (~) younger male in same generation; (小~) humbly addressing self♦弟弟: younger brother♦堂弟: cousin (sons of parents’ brothers younger than self)♦表弟: cousin (sons of parents’ sisters younger than self)递[遞]: (~) to hand over; (~升) step by step (promotion)♦(速递/快递[快郵]): speed-post*他(呈递/ditto)1他的(学期研究报告)2后(心头放下大石)3: It (took a load of his mind)3 after he (handed in/turned in/ submitted)1 his (term paper)2.*我说: “我可以用({平邮}1a/{空邮}1b/{速递服务}1c/{隔一夜速递服务}1d/{即日递送服务}1e/{亲手/ditto}1f)(把书本递送给你)2吗?” 他回答道: “(当然可以/ditto)3.”: I said: “May I (send the book to you)2 ({by ordinary mail}1a/{by airmail}1b/{by courier}1c/{by overnight-courier}1d/{by same-day delivery}1e/{by hand/personally}1f?” He replied: “(By all means/Certainly/Of course/Please do that/ Definitely)3!”的: (目~) purpose*他说: “我的(工作)1只是(达到目的的工具)2–去(赚取满意的生计)3, (此外)4它对我(毫无意义/ditto)5.”: He said: “My job1 is only (a means to an end)2 to (earn a decent living)3, and (beyond that)4 it (means nothing/means zilch/means beans)5to me.”*(近年来)1这(世界闻名)2的(游乐园)3在(孩子的娱乐)4从(以前)5(最终的)6(目的地)7(衰落为)8(仅是选择之一)9: (In recent years)1, this world-famous2 (amusement park)3 has degenerated8 from formerly5 the ultimate6 destination7 to become (a mere option)9 for (children entertainment)4.地: (~球) Earth; (陆~) land; (土~) a piece of land; (~区) district; (~点) location; (~位) status in hierarchy; (境~) situation; (留余~) give leeway♦地壳: Earth’s crust♦地皮: a land lot♦地盘: site (esp., construction)♦地震: earthquake♦地标: landmark♦地雷: landmine♦地下室: basement♦地震烈度: seismic intensity scale♦地质学家: (geologist/rock hound)♦(湿地/沼泽): (wetland/swamp/ marshland)*他问道: “这(地方/ditto)1(厕所)2在哪?”: He asked: “Where’s the bathroom2 in this (place/joint)1?”*我们是一个(陆地)1和(无线)2 (电讯服务)3的(供应商)4: We are a provider4 of terrestrial1 and wireless2 (telecom services)3.*这(饭店)1(供应给顾客)2(真正的)3(道地)4({美味食品}5a/{菜肴}5b): This restaurant1 serves2 genuine3 local4 ({delicacies}5a/ {dishes}5b).*(昔日)1中国的(商业)2(活动情况)3(地志)4是被(国营公司)5所(支配)6: (In the old days)1, the topography4of China’s business2 landscape3 was dominated6 by (state-owned corporations)5.*跟(外来)1(侵略者/ditto)2(竞争)3(本地商人)4有(地头虫的)5(优势)6: (Local businessmen)4 have the (home field)5 advantage6 in competing3 with foreign1 (raiders/invaders/intruders)2.*那(标牌)1有(特别字眼)2: “(不要)3在({室外地上}4a/{室内地上}4b)(吐痰)5.”: The sign1 reads2: “Don’t3 spit5 on the ({ground [note: usually refers to outdoor]}4a/{floor [note: refers to indoor]}4b).”*这(领事)1是个(精炼)2的(外交官)3(国际政治圈子)4是他的(天然地域)5: This ambassador1 is a seasoned2 diplomat3 and the (international political arena)4 is his (natural terrain)5.*集美是(游客)1当(旅游)2厦门(不应错过)3的(不是常到的)4(风景秀丽)5(地点)6: Ji Mei is an off-the-beaten-track4 scenic5 spot6 that tourists1 (should not miss)3 when they visit2 Xiamen.*他说: “我(发觉)1如果你从(地面的线路)2而不是(手机)3(打电话给我)4(声音质量)5是(好得多)6.”: He said: “I find1 the (voice quality)5 is (much better)6 if you (call me)4 on a (ground line)2 instead of from a (mobile phone)3.”*在(提议的)1(计划)2, 那(空出来的)3(地段)4将会(产生)5(经济活动)6和(供应)7(邻近居民)8(实用公共设施)9: Under the proposed1 plan2, the vacated3 land4 will generate5 (economic activities)6 and provide7 amenities9 to the neighborhood8.*美国和英国是(跳栏)1的(传统)2(巨大势力)3但中国(不知从什么地方走出来)4在2004奥运({胜出}5a/{赢取金牌/ditto}5b): U.S. and Britain are the traditional2 powerhouses3 in hurdles1, but China (came out from nowhere)4 and ({won it all}5a/{won gold/took gold/won the gold medal}5b) in the 2004 Olympics.*我(目击)1({脾气暴躁}2a/{有劲好斗}2b)的(祖母)3用她(走路拐杖)4把两(个保安人员)5(打倒在地上/ditto)6: I witnessed1 the ({bad-tempered}2a/{feisty}2b) grandma3 (decked/dropped/floored/knocked down)6 two (security guards)5 with her (walking cane)4.*她对他说: “我很(抱歉)1(到了这个地步)2但我(坦白地)3不能够(再跟你约会)4因为你是我(最好朋友的)5(未婚夫)6.”: She said to him: “I’m sorry1 it has to (come to this)2 but I simply3 cannot (see you anymore)4because you’re my (best friend’s)5 fiancé6.”*他的(别墅)1是建筑在一({块/ditto}2a/{块长形}2b)({园艺改装过}3a/{好好地种植了树木}3b/{湖边}3c)的地(俯瞰)4一个湖5: His cottage1 is built on a ({parcel/tract/plot/piece}2a/{strip}2b) of ({landscaped}3a/ {well-treed}3b/{waterfront}3c) land thatoverlooks4 a lake5.*她说: “如果你的儿子(甘愿)1在一个(小天地[意])2(过着)3一个(固定的生活)4, 有一个(真正好的理由)5去(要求)6他(有野心)7吗?”: She said: “If your son (is content with)1 living3 a (set life)4 in a (fish bowl)2, is there a (really good reason)5 for asking6 him (to be ambitious)7?”*这个(无人地带)1, 亦是出名为(金三角)2, 是一个(丰裕地方)3给(贩毒者)4和(罪犯)5去(进行)6他们的(非法/ditto)7(生意)8: This (no man’s land)1, also known as the (Golden Triangle)2, is a (fertile ground)3 for (drug dealers)4 and criminals5 to conduct6 their (illegal/illicit)7 business8.帝: (~王) emperor; (~国) empire; (上~) God上帝: (God/the Almighty)*(去年的)1(冠军)2(输丢)3(头两盘球赛)4后他(倾后)5(仰头凝视上天)6(犹如)7在(找寻)8(上帝的协助/ditto)9: After losing3 the (first two sets)4, (last year’s)1 champion2 (leaned back)5 and (gazed up to the sky)6 (as if)7 he was seeking8 (divine intervention/God’s help)9.*在(第十周年)1(毕业同学重聚联欢会)2最后, (组织者)3说: “如果({情况}4a/{时间}4b)(有可能)5和(上帝允许/ditto)6我(十年后)7在下一个(十周年我们同学重聚联欢会)8(跟你再见)9.”: At the end of the (10th year)1 (graduation reunion)2, the organizer3 said: “If ({situation}4a/{time}4b) permits5 and (God willing [口]/ God’s willing)6, I (shall see you again)9 in the next (tenth anniversary of our class reunion)8(in ten years’ time)7.”缔[締]: (~交) form an alliance; (~造) establish*两个(老人家)1(缔交为友/ditto)2已经有四十年: The two (old men)1 have been (friends/chums/pals/buddies)2 for forty years.蒂: (~) part of plant stalk connecting to fruit谛[諦]: (~听) (listen) attentively; (真~) essence*罗密欧与朱丽叶是一个(故事)1(捕捉了)2(所有关于真爱)3的(真谛)4: Romeo and Juliet is a story1 that captures2 the essence4 (of what true love is all about)5.diā: XXXXXdiá: XXXXXdiǎ:嗲: (~) flirty*这个(女侍应生)1是({嗲}2a/{性感}2b)但(永远不是)3(容易地滥交)4: This waitress1 is ({flirty}2a/{sexy}2b) but never3 easy4.dià: XXXXXdiān:癫[癲]: (~) mentally insane*她的儿子是那么(迷于/ditto)1他的女朋友(思念到她)2(驱使)3他(发疯/ditto)4: Her son is so (obsessed/preoccupied)1 with his girlfriend that (the thought of her)2 drives3 him (insane/crazy)4.颠[顛]: (~沛) destitute; (~覆) overturn; (~倒) reverse; (山~) (mountain) peak; (~簸) shaking up and down*他(失去)1(工作)2, (屋子)3和(妻子)4(等等)5(一切)6后, 他({颠沛流离/ditto}7a/一文不名/ditto}7b/{变得很贫穷/ditto}7c): He ({is down-and-out/is destitute}7a/{is penniless /doesn’t have two nickels to rub together}7b/{becomes very poor/is poor as a church mouse/is in the poorhouse}7c) after he lost1 everything6– his job2, his home3, his wife4, etc.5巅[巔]: (~峰) mountain peak*(攀登到)1({企业等级的巅峰}2a/{企业梯子的顶尖}2b)是一个(漫长的旅程)3, 但当你(达到那里)4是({有满足感}5a/ {有好报酬}5b).: It is a (long journey)3 to (climb to)1 the ({peak of the corporate hierarchy}2a/{top of the corporate ladder}2b), but it is ({gratifying}5a/{rewarding}5b) when you (get there)4.掂: (~) to approximate weight by hand*他的朋友说: “你应该(掂一掂/衡量一下)1(你有多好)2才跟(现任)3(拳击冠军)4(打斗/ditto)5.”: His friend said: “You should (size up/assess)1 (how good you are)2 before you (take on/fight)5 the reigning3 (boxing champion)4.”dián: XXXXXdiǎn:点[點]: (雨~) (rain) droplet; (起~) (starting) point; (优~) (strong) aspects; (~心) snack; (~) unit of hour; (~) decimal point; (~头) nod; (~火) light (fire); (~) dot;(盘~) (inventory) count; (~菜) select (dish); (指~) enlighten; (~出) point (out); (~) unit of opinion, hope, contents; (一~水) a small amount (of water)♦营业点儿: business location♦外币兑换点[金銀找換處]: foreign currency exchange center*他说: “让我们(吃点儿东西/ditto)1才(上路)2.”: He said: “Let’s (grab some eats/eat something/eat some food/grab a bite)1 before we (hit the road)2.”*她说: “今天我(有点儿不舒服/ditto)1.”: She said: “I (don’t feel too well/am under the weather)1today.”*(夏威夷)1是个(度假受欢迎地点/ditto)2: Hawaii1 is a (vacation hot spot/popular vacation destination)2.*我们的(店子)1这(周末)2(将会关闭)3来(盘点/ditto)4: Our store1 (will close)3 this weekend2 to (take stock/count inventory)4.*这(计划)1(营运在)2(一点儿金钱数目的)3(指定经费)4: This project1 (operates on)2 a shoestring3 budget4.*(预料)1的(财政赤字)2将成为(下一个)3(财政预算)4的(焦点)5: The projected1 deficit2 will (take center stage)5 in the next3 budget4.*她(晚礼服)1的(颜色)2有一(点儿/ditto)3(太夸张下缺乏有品味)4: The color2 of her (evening gown)1 is a (bit/tad/little)3 (too loud to be tasteful)4.*他说: “我很(迷惘/ditto)1, 他(刚才)2半小时所讨论的(论点)3在哪?”: He said: “I’m (lost/confused)1. What’s the point3 in what he has just2 discussed in the last half-hour?”*她的姐姐对他说: “今晚的(晚饭)1 (七点钟开始)2, (不要误点/ditto)3.”: Her sister said to him: “Dinner1 tonight (starts at 7:00)2. (Don’t be late/Be on time [口])3!”*那小女孩站在她父母面前, (有信心地点头)1说: “我可以(做饭给你们)2”: The little girl stood in front of her parents, and said (with a confident nod)1: “I can (fix you dinner)2”.*他问他的朋友: “你还(感到有病)1吗” 他的朋友说: “(只是一点点儿/ditto)2.”: He asked his friend: “Do you still (feel sick)1?” His friend said: “”Just a little [口]/Just a tiny bit [口])2.”*他说: “(尽管)1在(毕业)2有(好成绩)3, 我从大公司对我的(工作申请)4得不到(甚至)5(一点儿兴趣/ditto)6.”: He said: “Despite1 (good grades)3 at graduation2, I didn’t even5 get (a sniff/a cursory interest)6 from big corporations for my (job application)4.”*没有(一点儿)1(乐观)2那(劳工纠纷)3的(解决)4将会(在很快的任何时间)5({发生}6a/{有可能}6b): There is not (a shred of)1 optimism2 that a settlement4 of the (labor dispute)3 is ({happening}6a/ {possible}6b) (anytime soon)5.*(在电话上)1她对丈夫说: “我们的儿子在下面(地下室)2(一点儿一点儿地做)3(大堆/ditto)4的(作业)5.”: She said to the husband (over the phone)1: “Our son is down at the basement2 (chipping away at)3 the (mound/pile/stack/ mountain)4 of homework5.”*她身为(母亲)1有很许多(明显的缺点)2, (尤其是)3她在(养育孩子)4(不能够)5(提供)6(辅导)7和(时间)8: She has (glaring flaws)2 as a parent1, (most notably)3 is her failure5 to provide6 guidance7 and time8 in (bringing her children up)4.*我没有(方向的意识)1(似乎)2我(永远)3不能够(在不熟识的路线)4(从甲点开车到乙点)5而(没有迷失路几次)6: I have no(sense of direction)1, and it seems2 I can never3 (drive from Point A to Point B)5 of an (unfamiliar route)4 (without getting lost a few times)6.*他(眨眼)1(轻轻地触他的鼻子)2来对他的女朋友(示意)3她有一(微点)4的({煤灰}5a/{污物}5b)在她的鼻子: He winked1 and (touched his nose lightly)2 to hint3 to his girlfriend that she had a speck4 of ({soot}5a/{dirt}5b) on her nose.*她的女朋友问她: “那(大吵一顿)1后(你已经你跟你的男朋修补一切)2吗?” 她说: “我对他还(有点儿/ditto)3(愤怒)4.”: Her friend asked her: “(Have you patched things up with your boyfr iend)2 after the (big fight)1?” She said: “I’m still (somewhat/sort of/kind of/to a certain extent)3 mad4at him.”*在一个(雨天)1我在一辆(运输货车)2(后面驾驶)3(不用很久/ditto)4 (挡风玻璃)5(沾了一点点的)6 ({污垢/ditto}7a/{泥浆}7b): I was (driving behind)3 a (transport truck)2 on a (rainy day)1 and (before long/soon/ after a short time)4 the windshield5 (was speckled with)6 ({dirt/grime}7a/ {mud}7b).*他问道: “你知道(准确地)1为何我们的(主管)2(被开除)3吗?” 她说: “不, 我只是听到({故事}4a/{什么事情发生}4b)的(一些点滴)5.”: He asked: “Do you know exactly1 why our supervisor2 (was fired)3?” She said: “No. I’ve only heard (bits and pieces)5 of ({the story}4a/ {what happened}4b).”*他的女朋友说: “我({一分钟内}1a/{马上}1b)将会(准备好)2.” 他说: “({快点儿喽/ditto}3a/{去走吧}3b)如果你要(准时去电影)4.”: His girlfriend said: “I’ll be ready2 ({in a minute}1a/{right away}1b).” He said: “({Make it fast/Step on it}3a/{Get going}3b) if want to be (on time to the movie)4.”*他的朋友问道: “你的公司(有什么新事情)1?” 他说: “(在那地方)2(没有人告诉我任何事)3, (在那里发生什么事)4我(一点儿也不知/ditto)5.”: His friend asked: “(What’s new)1with your company?” He said: “(Nob ody tells me anything)3 (at that place)2, and I (don’t have the slightest idea/don’t have a clue)5of (what’s going on over there)4.”*(声誉)1没有(改变)2这个年轻(排名最高)3的网球球员(在他身上)4你不可以({找到}5a/{发觉/ditto}5b)({一点儿}6a/{一些痕迹}6b)的(傲慢态度/ditto)7: Fame1 has not changed2 this young top-ranked3 tennis player and you cannot({find }5a/{detect/sense/notice}5b) ({an ounce of}6a/{a trace of}6b) (attitude/arrogance)7 (in him)4.*({那特别为这个顶尖天桥模特儿设计的服装展示她的美丽身材}1a/{在那展览会所有首饰被展示}1b)({强调最佳特点}2a/{在最佳视线角度}2b): ({The specially designed dress for this top runway-model displayed her gorgeous figure}1a/{All pieces of jewelry in the show were displayed}1b) ({to advantage}2a/{in the best light}2b).*他的朋友说: “今天你似乎很(急躁)1.” 他(半开玩笑)2地说: “(像我们般)3的(成功人士)4 (时常)5有(迫切的意念)6(偶然)7我可能有(一点儿)8(着急)9.”: His friend said: “You seem edgy1today.” He half-jokingly2replied: “Achievers4 (like us)3 always5 have a (sense of urgency)6 and I may become (a touch)8 (impatient)9 at (odd times)7.”*他(打电话给)1前一个晚上他(变得酒醉和喧闹)2后(舍他而去)3的女朋友说: “昨晚发生的(完全/ditto)4是(我的错)5我(一点儿/ditto)6也(没有责怪你)7.”: He (called up)1 his girlfriend that (walked out on him)3 the night before after he (got drunk and rowdy)2, and said: “What happened last night was (entirely/all/totally)4 (my fault)5and I (don’t blame you)7 (one single bit/onebit/in the least)6.”*他的(同事)1说: “(女王头儿/ditto)2(点名你缺席)3(我恐怕)4你有(严重)5(麻烦)6. 你在哪里?” 他说: “我去(楼下)7(取得一杯咖啡)8, 那是个(罪行)9吗?”: His colleague1said: “You (missed the roll call)3 by the (queen-bee/boss lady)2, and (I’m afraid)4 you’re in (serious/deep)5 trouble6. Where were you?” He said: “I went downstairs7 to (get a cup of coffee)8. Is that a crime9?”*那({女售货员}1a/{男售货员}1b/{售货员/ditto}1c/{营业代表}1d)(询问)2那(顾客)3说: “这是你所(寻找)4的吗?” 那顾客说: “我(需要一些)5({长}6a/ {大}6b/{便宜}6c)(一点儿)7.”: The ({sales lady}1a/ {salesman}1b/{sales clerk/ salesperson}1c/{sales representative}1d) asked2 the customer3: “Is this what you’re (looking for)4?” The customer said: “I (need something)5 (a bit)7 ({longer}6a/{bigger}6b/ {cheaper}6c).”*那(五岁的小孩子)1({胆怯地}2a/{紧张不安地}2b/{不好意思地}2c)(走前)3到(收集捐赠者)4, (递出)5一个(一块钱硬币)6, 说: “(我对不起)7, 那是(我全部所有的)8.” 收集者(仁慈礼貌地)9说: “你那是非常({好心}10a/{慷慨}10b), (实在)11 (每一点滴都是有帮助的)12.”: The (five-year-old little boy)1 ({timidly}2a/{nervously}2b/ {sheepishly}2c) (walked up)3 to the (donation collector)4, (held out)5 a one-dollar-coin6, and said: “(I’m sorry)7! That (all I have)8.” The collector graciously9said: “That’s very ({kind}10a/{generous}10b) of you, and indeed11 (every little bit helps)12.”典: (~故) adage and proverbs; (~章) regulation; (词~) encyclopedia; (~礼) ceremony; (~押) to pawn valuables♦(字典/辞典/词典): dictionary♦开幕盛大典礼: grand opening ceremony*今天的雪1在于(拉斯维加斯)2(天气)3(不是典型)4: Today’s snow1 is uncharacteristic4 of the weather3 in (Las Vegas)2.*我们的(士兵)1是(尽忠)2的(典型)3应该(适用为)4(其他公民)5的(模范)6: Our soldiers1 are the incarnation3 of loyalty2, and should (serve as)4 a model6 for (other citizens)5.*他们(典雅)1(组别)2(时装)3(系列)4(只是)5(一堆)6(无品味)7和(陈旧)8的(种类)9: Their Classic1 Collection2 fashion3 line4 (is nothing but)5 (a bunch of)6 bland7 and stale8 assortments9.*我们的(律师)1在(准备合同)2上(犯了几个)3对他们那些(富经验的)4(专业人士)5(不是典型的)6(错误/ditto)7: Our lawyers1 (made a few)3 (slip-ups/mistakes/oversights)7 in (preparing the agreement)2 which are uncharacteristic6 for seasoned4 professionals5 like them.*(毫无疑问)1他是(英文语言)2的(活生生字典)3, 但他用(深奥的字/ditto)4来(使他人有深刻印象)5而不是来(沟通)6: (There is no question)1 he is a (walking dictionary)3 of the (English language)2, but he uses (big words/large vocabularies)4 to (impress people)5 and not to communicate6.*这些({通常是}1a/{要不然是}1b) (顺和)2的(小市镇)3(居民)4由于(市议会)5对(广泛担心)6(道路安全)7的(漠视态度)8(非典型地)9({宣泄}10a/{发动}10b)(一连串的)11(极度仇视的评击)12: The ({normally}1a/{otherwise}1b) subdued2 residents4 of this (small town)3 (uncharacteristically)9 ({unleashed}10a/{launched}10b) (a series of)11 (bitter attacks)12 on the (city council)5 fortheir (cavalier attitude)8 towards (general concerns)6 on (road safety)7. diàn:电[電]: (~) electric(ity); (~讯) telecommunication; (闪~) lightning♦电池: battery♦电脑: computer♦电话: telephone♦电炉: electric stove♦电报: telegram♦电视机: (television/boob tube)♦电话亭: telephone booth♦电线杆: utility pole♦发电机: electricity generator♦电风扇: electric fan♦电熨斗: electric iron♦电暖炉: electric heater♦电子零件: electronic spare parts♦一节电池: a battery♦电热毯子: electric blanket♦电子工业: electronic industry♦电话分机: telephone extensions♦电流浪涌: power surge♦电话推销: telemarketing♦公用电话: public telephone♦无线电话: cell phone♦电浆电视: plasma television♦全部停电: blackout♦部分停电: brownout♦黑白电视机: black-and-white television♦彩色电视机: color television♦转盘式电话: rotary phone♦按键式电话: push button phone♦电动刮须刀: electric shaver♦平板电视机: flat panel television♦电烤箱[焗爐]: electric oven♦电冰箱[雪櫃]: (refrigerator/ fridge)♦直流电[乾電]: direct current (D.C.)♦交流电[溼電]: alternating current (A.C.)♦对方付账电话: collect call♦叫人通话电话: person-to-person call♦叫号通话电话: station-to-station call♦电灯开关[電掣]: a switch♦电饭锅[電飯煲]: electric rice-cooker♦液晶显示电视机: (LCD/ liquid-crystal display) television♦高解析度电视机: (high definition television/HDTV)♦交流直流电两用的: DC with AC adapter♦不用付长途费打的电话: toll-free call♦(电筒/手电筒/电棍儿[電筒]): flashlight♦连接两车电池协助打火电线: jumper cables [note: not “cable”]*在电话(响第一下)1她便(拿起电话)2: She (picked up the phone)2 (on the first ring)1.*她说: “(一整天)1(我的电话很难打)2.”: She said: “(I have trouble with my phone)2 (all day long)1.”*他问道: “这(电话)1我可以(拨外线)2吗?”: He asked: “Can I (dial an outside line)2 from this phone1?”*昨天(停电/ditto)1使整个城市(陷于瘫痪状态)2: The (electricity blackout/blackout)1 yesterday paralyzed2 the whole city.*那顾客说: “(请给我把电话接通去零件部门/ditto)1.”: The customer said: “(Patch me through to the parts departme nt please/Parts department please/Connect me to the parts department please)1!”*我(电脑)1因(电浪涌)2(电路被烧毁)3我(需要一个新的)4: My computer1 (got fried)3 from (a power surge)2 and I (need a new one)4.*整个(银行持枪行劫)1被(记录在)2(防盗闭路电视/ditto)3: The entire (bank holdup)1 was captured2 on (surveillancevideo/surveillance camera/video security camera)3.*(劣等/ditto)1的(电路连接)2(导致/ditto)3(火灾)4(危险/ditto)5: (Shoddy/Poor)1 (electrical hookups)2 (pose/present/ cause)3 fire4 (hazard/danger/ risk)5.*他问道: “我可以(用你的电话)1吗? 这是(紧急事情)2.”: He asked: “May I (use your phone)1? It’s an emergency2.”*她说: “(别挂电话)1, 我(给你接过去/ditto)2我们的(经理)3.”: She said: “(Don’t hang up)1! I’m (transferring your call overto/patching you through to/ connecting your call to)2 our manager3.”*她是(电台)1(来电)2({比赛}3a/ {访谈节目}3b)的(惯常)4(参与者)5: She is a regular4 participant5 in radio1 phone-in2 ({contests}3a/{talk-shows}3b).*他的女朋友问道: “(谁人打来的电话)1?” 他说: “(拨错的电话)2.”: His girlfriend asked: “(Who called)1?” He said: “(Wrong number)2.”*我说: “你应该把(电脑电池)1(充满电)2, 它是(达到很低的状况)3.”: I said: “You should (charge up)2 the (computer battery)1. It’s (running low)3.”*那(服务代表)1对那(顾客)2说: “(请等一下)3, 我(在电话通话)4.”: The (service representative)1 said to the customer2: “(Please wait a moment)3. I’m (on the phone)4.”*他对(电话接线生)1说: “请(让她知道)2我在(等她回我电话)3.”: He said to the receptionist1: “Please (let her know)2I’m (waiting for her to call me back)3.”*我对他(挥手再见)1说: “当你(有时间)2(打电话给我/ditto)3.”: I (waved goodbye)1to him and said: “(Call me/Call meup/Phone me/Phone me up/Ring me up)3 when you (have time)2.”*我问道: “所有的(电灯)1发生了什么事?” 秘书回答道: “(停电了)2. (哎哟)3, 它又再(恢复了/ditto)4.”: I asked: “What happens to all the lights1?” The secretary answered: “(The power is off)2. Oops3, it (is back on/comes back on)4again.”*那(警察)1说: “如果你有一个(紧急事故)2你可以(拨电话号码)3911.”: The police1said: “You can dial3 911 if you have an emergency2.”*他问道: “你(需要)1一份(电子数码)2还是(纸上/ditto)3的(文件副本)4?”: He asked: “Do you want1 a digital2 or a (hard/paper)3 (copy of the document)4?”*(强风)1把(电缆)2(倒塌)3(留下)4(充电的电线)5在({地上}6a/{街上}6b): (High wind)1 toppled2 (power cables)3 and left4 (live wires)5 on the ({ground}6a/{street}6b).*经理对秘书说: “我(现在)1(很忙/ditto)2, 请要求他在半小时(打电话回来)3.”: The manager said to the secretary: “I’m (occupied/busy)2 (right now)1. Please ask him to (call back)3in half an hour.”备注请参阅:地道英文俚语A-Z#0。

ace[eis]n.(纸牌或骰子)幺点, 王牌飞行员(击落敌机五架以上者)adj.一流的action[5AkFEn]n.动作, 作用, 战斗, 行动, 举动, 行为, (戏剧或书中)的情节, (某一地区、领域或团体中)最能产生效果、最有趣、最有刺激性的活动vt.对...起诉airhead[`eEhed]n.(在敌方境内强行建立的)空降场,空军前进基地airheadair.head 1AHD:[âr“hµd”]D.J.[6W*r7hed]K.K.[6Wr7hWd]n.Slang (名词)【俚语】A silly, rather unintelligent person.傻子,弱智者:愚蠢,非常不聪明的人wetwetAHD:[wµt]D.J.[wet]K.K.[wWt]adj.(形容词)wet.ter,wet.testCovered or soaked with a liquid, such as water.湿的:涂满或浸透液体的,如水Not yet dry or firm:未干的、不结实的:wet paint.油漆未干Stored or preserved in liquid.浸渍保存的:用液体存储或保存的Used or prepared with water or other liquids.加水的:用水或其他液体的或用水或其他液体加工准备的Rainy, humid, or foggy:潮湿的,有雾的:wet weather.潮湿的天气Characterized by frequent or heavy precipitation:多雨的:以频繁降雨或大降水量为特征的:a wet climate.多雨的气候Informal Allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages:【非正式用语】允许出售烈性酒的:a wet county.允许贩酒的国家n.(名词)Something that wets; moisture.湿的东西;潮湿Rainy or snowy weather:下雨天或下雪天:go out into the wet.出去淋雨Informal One who supports the legality of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. 【非正式用语】支持酒精饮料的生产或销售的合法地位的人wets Chicago French fries served with gravy.wets 【芝加哥】配有肉卤的炸薯条v.(动词)wet或wet.ted wet.ting,wetsv.tr.(及物动词)To make wet; dampen:把…弄湿;使潮湿:wet a sponge.蘸湿一块海绵To make (a bed or one's clothes) wet by urinating.尿湿(床或人的衣服)v.intr.(不及物动词)To become wet.变湿all wet【俚语】Entirely mistaken.完全弄错了wet behind the earsInexperienced; green.乳臭末干的;没见过世面的wet (one's) whistle【非正式用语】To take a drink.喝酒ammoam.moAHD:[²m“½]D.J.[6#mou]K.K.[6#mo]rmal (名词)【非正式用语】Ammunition.弹药,军火antifreezean.ti.freezeAHD:[²n“t¹-fr¶z”]D.J.[6#nti7fri8z]K.K.[6#nt!7friz]n.(名词)A substance, often a liquid such as ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point.防冻剂,防冻液,抗凝剂:一种物质,通常是液体,如乙二醇或酒精,和另一种液体混合来降低冰点。

Aace. He's an ace reporter. very goodaction. Do you know where the action is in this town?. Excitement airhead. My sister's boyfriend is a real airhead . stupid personall wet. Y our ideas about politics are all wet. completely wrongall-nighter. I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter. after studying all nightammo. The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo. ammunition antifreeze . I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this. Liquor. armpit. This town is really an armpit. undesirable placeawesome. What an awesome sunset. meaningBbadWow, that was really a bad movie.intensebarfHe barfed all over the seat of the airplane.vomitedbashedThe boat was bashed beyond recognition.crushedbeatAfter working all day I am really beat.exhaustedbeemerHe just bought a new beemer to drive to work in.BMW carbenchHe was benched during the basketball playoffs.taken out of the gamebentIt's OK. Don't get so bent.angrybent out of shapeDon't get so bent out of shape.become upsetbig gunThe president brought two big guns to the meeting.powerful peoplebig mouthShut up! Y ou really have a big mouth.talk too muchbig stinkThe citizens made a big stink about the new nuclear power station. big issuebladeHe carried a ten inch blade with him.knifeblimpI always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel. very fat personblowI'm going to blow out of here now.leaveHe blew all his money gambling.lostblow a fuseHey, don't blow a fuse.loose your temperblow one's coolCalm down. Don't blow your cool.become angryblown awayI was blown away by his donation of a million dollars.greatly impressedbombThe movie was a bomb.badbombedThe driver of the car was bombed.intoxicatedbonkersI think I am going bonkers.crazyboo-booIf you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job. mistakeboozeI promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party. alcoholbreadI need some bread to pay for my car.moneybreakA lucky break helped him get the job.opportunitybreak it upBreak it up, or I will call the police.stopbring-downThe news of the airplane crash was a bring-down. depressingbuckDo you have a buck I can borrow?dollarbummedI was really bummed after I heard the news.depressedbummerMy trip to New Y ork was a bummer.bad experiencebustThe whole idea was a bust.failurebuy itIf you don't slow down, you're going to buy it in a car accident.dieCcallThe weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come. predictioncanDo you know where the can is?bathroomcarbMy motorcycle's carb is out of adjustment.carburetorcatch some raysI'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays.get some sunshinecatch some Z'sI need to catch some Z's before I go on my trip.get some sleepcheesyThat is really a cheesy looking outfit.cheapchickenDon't be a chicken.cowardchintzyThat really was a chintzy present you got him.cheapchow downI need to find a place to chow down.eat a lotclipWatch out or they will clip you at that bar.cheatclunkerI can't go on a date in that clunker.old carcold fishMy date for the dance was a cold fish.dullcollarI knew they would collar the robber sooner or later. arrestcome up for airHe has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion. take a breakconDon't try to con me.deceivecoolThis is a really cool place to work.goodcool downThings should cool down in a day or two.calm downcopHow did you get the road sign? I copped it.stoleThe cop showed me his badge.plicemancouch potatoHe is a couch potato.lazy personcrack open a bottleLet's crack open a bottle for his birthday. opencramI need more time to cram for the test.study hardcreamOur team creamed them badly.beatcroakI feel like I am going to croak.diecruiseThe skier was cruising down the hillgoing very fastcuffsHe put the cuffs on the killer.handcuffscushyHe has a really cushy job.easycutCould you cut my whiskey with a little water? dilutecut outIt is late. I have to cut out.leaveDdamageLets get the bill and find out the damage. costdeadThis disco is really dead tonight.quietdeckHe was decked in the fight.knocked downdeep pocketsHer boyfriend has deep pockets.is a good source of monediceySince the weather is a little dicey, I won't go today. chancydirtyI hear that it's a dirty movie.an obsceneditchI'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother. leavedo a snow job onDon't try to do a snow job on me.deceivedopeHe is such a dope.stupid personThere are a lot of dope dealers around here.drugdorkHe is such a dork.strange persondoughI need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping. moneydownLet's go to a bar and down a few beers.drink quicklydragDoing homework on the weekend is a drag.boringdynamiteThis drink is really dynamite.powerful; greatEearfulMy grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.a lot of gossipeasy markThe Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash. likely victimseatThe problem is really eating away at me.botheringexcellentThat's excellent man.fineFface-offThe two sides were headed for a nasty face-off.confrontationfar-outThis music is really far-out.greatfixThe addict needs another fix.dose of drugsflakyHe is too flaky to do the work.unreliableflashbackAt the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend. rememeberedflickI haven't seen a flick in a long time.movieflip outHe flipped out when he heard that his mother had been killed. lost controlflip sideWhat kind of music do you have on the flip side of the tape? other sidefoxHis older sister is a fox.very attractivefoxyShe is a foxy lady.sexyfreebieThe pillow was a freebiea free thingGget into somethingI got into gardening in high school.became seriously inteseted inget itI listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it.understandget with itIf you don't get with it, we will never finish this work.hurry upgigI have a gig on Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00.jobglitchThis computer program has a glitch.defectglitzyThis is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in. fashionablegoLet me have a go at solving the problem.trygo bananasI am going to go bananas if I don't have a vacation soon. go crazygo downWhat is going down?happeninggoofI am really a goof at times.foolgoof upI really goofed up when I painted my room green.make a serious mistakegoofyY ou are always acting goofy these days.sillygourdUse your gourd to figure out what is happening.headgrandHis salary is twenty grand.thousand dollarsgrassLots of students smoke grass in the dormitory. marijiuanagravyThis job is pure gravy.easy moneygroovyThis music is groovy.pleasantgrossPicking your nose is really a gross habit.disgustinggross-outThe party was a gross-out.disgusting timegrubWhere is the best place to get some grub around here? foodgrubbyThose clothes are too grubby to wear to the party. unclear and untidygrungyThat is a really grungy jacket.dirtygutHe got shot in the gut.stomachgutsIt takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion. courageHhairyThat was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.dangeroushammerPut the hammer to the floor or we will be late for the wedding. acceleratorhang it upI have decided to hang up my teaching job.quithang looseJust hang loose for another few days.relaxhang toughWe need to hang tough on our decision.stick withhardwareThe police were surprised by all the hardware the gang members had. weaponshave a buzz onI had a buzz on after the third martini.was slightly intoxicatedhave good vibesI have good vibes about our new secretary.feel good abouthave it all togetherRecently I don't have it all together.feel mentally all thereheaveI heaved up on the floor.vomitedhighThe teenagers look high to me.intoxicated on drugs or alcoholhip-shooterHe is such a hip-shooter.always talking without thinkinghistoryI don't have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He's history.something in the pasthitY our proposal was a hit with the boss.successfulhole upI had to hole up for three days because the police were looking for me.hidehonchoThe honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation.bosshookerHer clothes make her look like a hooker.prostitutehotThe police stopped them because they thought the car was hot.stolenhuffyI will do it soon so please don't get huffy.angryhungryIf you are not hungry, you won't get ahead in the business.eager to make moneyhustleIf you don't hustle, we will be late again.hurry uphypedThe fans were all hyped up for the football game.excitedhyperDon't get hyper about what she told you. Y ou know it isn't true. over excitedIinThe tie you are wearing is really in.fashionablein deepThey are really in deep with each other.deeply involvedin the bagEverything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about. settledintenseThis is a very intense situation we are discussing.seriousJjamI am glad you got yourself out of that jam.troublejerk someone aroundRecently it seems like everyone is jerking me around. wasting my time and cause my troublejockMy roommate is a jock for the basketball team.an athletejohnThe john really smells.bathroomjointWhere is the closest joint to here.cheap barHe is good at rolling joints.marijuana cigerattesjunkieSam is a junkie.drug addictjust off the boatHe acts like he is just off the boat.naiveKkeep one's coolHe kept his cool when his house burned down. remain calmkeggerI hear there is a kegger at John's house tonight. beer partykickI get a kick out of watching him paint.enjoyklutzHe is a real klutz.stupid and clumsy personknockDon't knock it if you can't do it any better.criticizeknocked upMy dog gets knocked up once a year.pregnantknockoutWho was that knockout I saw you with last Friday? stunning personknuckle sandwichShut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich. punch in the mouthkookWatch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood.strange personLlaid-backY ou need to be more laid-back.calm and relaxedlameThat is really a lame excuse.an inadequatelineI have heard that line a million times.storyloserJohn is a loser.annoying and uselesslove handlesI exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles. rolls of fat around my stomachMmake wavesT ry not to make waves around the office.cause troublemaxed outI am maxed out at my work and need to rest.exhuastedmeanHe plays a mean violin.performs well onmegaI have mega amounts of tomatoes in my garden this summer. largemegabucksHe made megabucks when he sold his company.a lot of moneymellowY ou need to mellow out and enjoy life.calm downand relaxmeltdownThere has been a meltdown in the relationship between my parents and me. total collapsemickey mouseThe homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse.nonsense and a waste of timemove on someoneI am going to try to move on Sarah next Saturday.pick up seducemushThat is total mush and you know it.nonsenseNnarkWatch out for the narks in the airport.drug policeneatThat was a neat idea that you had.goodnegativeThere are too many negatives about the company merger.bad thingsnickThe police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store.arrestednipHe took a nip out of the bottle.a quick drinkno sweatIt's no sweat to have the report in to you by Monday.no problemnukeI'll nuke our dinner in a few minutes.heat up in the microwaveDoes that attack plane have any nukes?nuclear weaponnutI think that he is a nut.crazy personY ou are completely nuts if you think I will go with you.crazyPpadHave you found a pad yet?a place to livepain in the neckMy wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.annoyingpaper-pusherMy office is filled with paper-pushers.bureaucratic office workparty animalY ou're too old to be a party animal.love partiesparty-heartyWe need to party-hearty because we just got a raise in salary. celebratepawGet your paws off of my body.handspeanutsI am not going to work for peanuts.practically no moneypickledHe gets pickled after only one beer.intoxicatedpiece of cakeWorking on a computer for me is a piece of cake.easy to dopigHe is a pig at parties.eats too muchpig outLet's go to the restaurant and pig out.eat a lot or overeatpit stopLet's make a pit stop at the next rest area.stop and go to the bathroomplasteredHe drinks too much and is always plastered on the weekend. intoxicatedpooped outHe pooped out after we started to do the hard work.quitpopShut up or I will pop you.hitpop for somethingIt is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.buyproHe is really a pro at his work.professionalprodCan you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget? remindpsyched upThe players are really psyched up for the game on Friday. mentally readypsychoShe is a psycho. She should be in a hospital.mentally illpukeI feel like I am going to puke.vomitpush offI am going to push off now.leaveput the moves onY ou should give up trying to put the moves on her. She is married. seduceput-onIt was an elaborate put-on which I almost believed.deceptionQquarterbackWho is going to quarterback the meeting?leadquick buckI need to make a quick buck.some easy moneyRrackI have to hit the rack by ten or I'll be tired in the morning.bedI am going to rack out for two hours.sleepracketThere sure was a lot of racket outside last night.noiseragI can't believe we still get this same old rag.newspaperrapWe need to sit down and rap about a few things.talk aboutratholeWhen are you going to be able to move out of that rathole? run down palcerawThe raw office workers were not getting much done.newream someone outThe boss really reamed him out for his bad report.got angry with himred hotY our idea is really red hot.importantrepoHey, don't repo my car. I will pay next week.repossessrinky-dinkThe circus was really rinky-dink.inferiorriotThe comedy program was a real riot.funnyThat driver is a road hog.takes up too much of the roadrocksWould you like your whiskey on the rocks?with icerough timeWe have had a rough time this winter.hard timerugIs that a rug on his head?wigrug ratMy sister has three rug rats.childrenruleMy wife rules the house.dominatesrun off at the mouthHe is always running off at the mouth.talking too muchrun out of gasThe politician ran out of gas during the campaign.lost interst or momentumSsackWhen did you hit the sack last night?go to bedscamDon't lose your money in some kind of scam.swindlescarfSince he hadn't eaten in a week, he scarfed down everything on his plate.schmuckWhat a stupid schmuck.jerkscrew aroundIf you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come back again. waste timescrew upIf you screw up one more time, I will fire you.make a mistakesharpHe is very sharp with numbersintelligentshotI'll give the puzzle another shot.tryshot downEveryone shot down my idea at first, but later agreed that it was a good idea.disagreed withslammerThe police threw them both in the slammer.jailsmashedT ry not to get smashed at the beer party.intoxicatedsmoke eaterMy father is a smoke eater.firemansplitIt is time to split and go see the movie.leavespookThe cows were spooked by the howling of the wolves. frightenedspudDo you want rice or spuds for dinner?potatoessquareMy father looks square in his jacket.old-fashionedsteamed upDon't get so steamed up over the issue.angrystinkThis whole operation stinks.is repulsivestraightI want you to give me a straight answer.honeststressedI am really stressed by all the recent world events. upsetsuckerDon't be a sucker.be deceivedTtake a hikeI am tired of all your complaining. T ake a hike.leavetakenHe was taken for all his money at the casino. cheated out oftaking care of businessI have been taking care of business.doing what i have to dothreadsThose look like expensive threads he is wearing.clothestool aroundI don't want to tool around all night. It is time to go home. drive aroundtotaledMy car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck. complemently wreckedUupHe has been up ever since he met his new girlfriend.happy and cheerfulup for grabsThis is a sale. Everything is up for grabs.availableVveg outI want to veg out in front of the television this evening.relax and do nothingvibesHe really gives off good vibes.feelingwwadY ou don't want to carry a wad like that with you in the big city. bundle of moneywasteAfter you waste him, throw the body in the river.killwheelsIf you let me borrow your wheels, I'll go out and buy a pizza. carwhizHe is a whiz at the computer.talented personwiredI am really wired after drinking five cups of coffee.altertwussyDon't be such a wussy all the time. Say what you are thinking. weak personYyukkyThis food tastes yukkybadZzappedI am too zapped to help you right now.exhuastedzipHe knew zip about running the company.nothing。
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Aa babe in arms 涉世未深的人a big letdown 大失所望的人a big shot 重要的人a blind alley 死胡同a busy signal 电话忙音a close game 势均力敌的比赛a heap of 一大堆a heavy course load 繁重的课程负担a bed of rose 安乐窝,称心如意的环境a big dog 看门狗/保镖a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物a big line 吹牛皮a blue woman 有学问的妇女a cut-up 胡闹者a dog in a blanketa dog in the managera fly in the ointment 扰人之事a fool and his money are soon parted 容易所骗的人a gad about 四海为家的人a long shot 大胆的推测a picture of health 健康的样子a shoulder to cry on 可以依赖的人a silken tongue 三寸不烂之舌a stand-in 临时代替者a stand-out 杰出人才a stone's throw 很接近a watched pot never boil 不要心急a yellow dog 卑鄙小人abandon oneself to despair 悲观失望a blue-eyed boy 所宠爱的孩子above all things 第一是above ground 在地上,比喻或者未死above measure 非常,过分,无可估量above oneself 自命不凡above price 无价above the rest 特别above-board 光明正大的absolute refusal 断然拒绝accommodate oneself to circumstances 遂于而安ace in the hole 最后的王牌act of God 天灾act out 实行act of fool 装傻after a storm comes a calm 暴风雨过后的平静after is said and done 终归after hour 规定时间后(办公时间等)aim high 志向远大air oneself 到户外呼吸新鲜空气alibi 借口ask alibi 找借口alive with 洋溢,拥抱all aboard 各位请上车/船all bark and no bite 光说不做all burn up 怒火如焚all gone 希望等的消逝,物品等的丢失all in the day's work 平凡的事情,不稀奇all is still 万籁俱静all lined up, all wind up, all set 一切准备好了all manner of 各色各样all skin and bones 皮包骨all steam go 一切就绪,万事俱备all the better 更好了all the father 尽...所有/所能all the go 非常流行all the worse 反而更坏all there 头脑清醒的all things to all men 八面玲珑all tire out 太疲惫all to the good 幸好all too often 太平常all too 太all turned out 如愿以偿all washed up 全完蛋了all wet 完全搞错了all you have to do 你最好allow for考虑,体谅allow oneself in 沉溺alongside of 与...并排an uphill battle 艰难的战斗and all that 诸如此类and so forth 等等and then 然后any yet 但是angel's visit 难得的客人,难得遇见的事物animated talk 畅谈another matter 另一回事another thing coming (to have ) 注定要到倒霉another time 下次answer back 回嘴answer for 负责,保证any man alive 无论谁any old thing 什么都anything under the sun 任何事情appeal to arms 诉诸武力anywhere near 根本are you telling me 用你来告诉我吗/要你来发好施令吗arrest one's eye 引人注目art and part 策划和参与as a general rule 一般说来as best one can 尽最大能力as best one may 尽力想方设法as broad as it is long 半斤八两as clay in the hand of the potter 得心应手as clear as crystal 十分清楚as clear as day 明若观火as clear as mud 不清晰,混乱as close as a clam 一毛不拔as cross as two sticks 非常生气as dry as bone 口渴as easy as ABC 很简单as faithful as dog 十分忠实as far as that goes 实际上as firm as rock 坚如磐石as gentle as a lamb 性情温顺的as good as a play 非常有趣as good as one's promise 受约as good as one's word 受约as graceful as a swan 姿势优美的as is 照现在的样子,原样as like as chalk and cheese 似是而非as many again as =as much again as两倍于as matters stand 在现状下,按照目前状况as of 在...的时候,直到...之前as per 按照as plain as the nose on one's face (to be) 显而易见as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗as soft as down 柔软如绒毛as soon 宁愿as sure as I’m alive 十分确实地as the case stands 事实上as the crows flies 笔直地as the saying goes 正如俗语所说的as the world goes 照习惯说as things are 按照目前状况as thought 好像as who should say 可谓,可以这样说as yet 至今还/尚/还as you please 随你意思as you were 复原ask no odds 不求照顾ask the way 问路assume a new aspect 面貌一新at a blow 立即at a dash 一气呵成at a full jump 全速的at a /one stroke 立即/一举at all event 总之at anchor 停泊/抛锚at bay 陷入绝境at best 最好不过/充其量at call 随叫/随要at close hand 在近处/不远将来at cross purpose 目的相反at ease 自由自在at fault 出毛病/出故障at fewest 至少at first blush 乍看/一看at full blast 全速地/大规模地at heart 从内心上,本质上at home in/with擅长at issue 争论at one heels 紧跟着at one word 马上at one's fingertips 了如指掌at one's own charge 自费at one's service 听候某人吩咐at random 随机at sight 一见就at table 在吃饭at the back of one's mind 在心里at the bottom of fortune’s wheel 倒霉透顶at the end of one's rope 忍无可忍at the first face 乍一看at the longest 之多at the peak 最高价at the point of the sword 敌意/剑拔弩张at the point of 临近...的时刻at the tip of one's tongue 话说到嘴边了at the top of one's lung 大声说话at will 随意at worst 在最坏的情况下at your disposal 由你支配at your earliest convenienceaway with it 停止/挪开BB.T.O. big time operator 浪费时间back in the saddle 重整旗鼓bash 大型派对beat him on the spot 当场把他打败beat one's head against the wall 白费力气beat one's brain (out) 做事困难,伤透脑筋beat sb to the draw 抢先某人一步beat someone by miles 远远强于某人beautiful but dumb 木美人before you know it 很快behind the scenes 幕后人物bend over backwards 竭尽全力bet on it 有把握bet your life 你绝对错了between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷between ourselves 秘密地说big headed 傲慢/自大big style 大派头biggie 大人物/很重要的事物bite one's tongue 保持沉默blast 欢乐时光blow it big time 严重的错误blow one's lines 忘记台词bologna 乱讲boot-legging 卖私酒者bootlick 拍马屁bossy 专制的bound to 必定break out in a cold sweat to 突然全身冒冷汗bric-a -brac 小摆设bring them back alive 将他们活捉回来broomstick 瘦如竹扫把bud/buffed朋友buffed 肌肉发达的build castle in the air 空中楼阁bull session 长谈bummed 失望的burn bridge 过河拆桥burn one's finger 遇到挫折burn one's boats/bridges 破釜沉舟,自断后路bury one's head in the sand 逃避butter and egg man 有势力的人buy into something 接受某事物buy your story 相信你的鬼话by and large 大体上Ccall in sick 打电话请病假can manage 有办法can't be better 最好不过cant't get away with it 法网难逃got canned 被炒了card up in one's sleeve 锦囊妙计carefree 无忧无虑cast sheep's eye 暗送秋波castle in Spain 白日做梦sleepy head 爱睡觉的人catch one's eye 引起注意chicken hearted 胆小的人cleaned out (储备品,钱)用完,(商品)售完clunker 老爷车/破旧的汽车cocky/sassy 神气活现cold day in hell 绝对不可能come and get it 试一下来拿吧come off it 少废话,别瞎扯come to a head 到了紧要关头come to think of it 想起来了come up and see me sometime 常来看我comfy舒服的common as an old shoe 不摆架子,平易近人cook up a story 捏造cool your lips 冷静下来country pumpkin 土头头脑cover someone 掩护某人,用枪瞄准某人crane one's neck to see 伸长脖子看什么东西crook 骗子cry wolf 发假警报cuff someone 给某人上手铐curtain lecture 枕边劝戒,妻子私下对丈夫的训话cut class 旷课cut it 能够做某事,成功作做某事Ddapper 花花公子days are numbered 来日无多dead serious 非常认真的Dear John letter 绝交信devil's luck 特别好运气die in shoes 暴死街头dirty work 讨厌的工作,卑鄙的工作do all the talking 言之滔滔的人do it all right 做的不错do it in your stuff 拿出本领来do one's endeavor 尽力为之dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠dog watch 夜班dog 丑八怪break one's neck 致命伤don't go off the deep end 不要心灰意冷don't hold your breathe 不要指望don't stick your nose in 不要牵涉在内down something 喝某东西drop the ball 失职drown one's sorrows 借酒消愁Eeasy as pie/cake 容易easy money 易赚的钱either make or break 破釜沉舟enough is as good as a feast 知足常乐enough to get by 够应付的everything is coming up roses 自己经历的每一件事情都eyes bigger than one's stomach 眼馋肚饱eye to eye 看法一致Ffair, fat and forty 中年妇女far and away 毋庸置疑fast worker 闪电恋爱feel oneself 觉得身心舒畅的feeling low 悲观field day 快乐时光,自我放纵fight it out 奋斗fight tooth and nail 爪牙并用,拼命抵抗figure head 无权力的人fine feathers make fine bird 人要金装fish for a compliment for someone 讨某人的恭维fake 不可信任的人flapper 爱打扮的女人flat taste 味道平平flat tire 无精打采;爆胎flats 平底鞋footfall 客流量for a song 很便宜for better or for worse 不计成败for good 永远/一劳永逸for on thing 但是for real 表里如一/可靠的forget that noise 不可能framed 被陷害/遭栽赃freeloader 利用别人的善良或者好客而占人家便宜的人fresh out of sth 耗尽某物,用完某物/新近离开frisk 搜身from the word go 立刻,马上Ggal/dame 女人get a black eye 被打青了眼睛get a clue to 当心,警惕get a hold of oneself 控制情绪get a load of 试试get a move on 赶快get down to 使得自己不受拘束,放纵自己get even 报复get it all together 不慌不忙,沉着冷静get off it 别胡扯/换话题get up enough nerve to do something 鼓足勇气去做某事get someone down 令某人不愉快get rusty 生手gigolo 护花使者give an ear to 听一听give someone a black eye 打得某人鼻青脸肿give him a buzz 打电话给他give him a dirty look 给他憎恨的眼色give him a dirty work 给他难为的工作give him a free hand 由他去干吧give him a lift 送他一程give him some dope 给他一些内幕消息give him the wood 打他几下give him the work 给他点本领看看give it to him 给他一试give someone an inch, he/she will take a mile 得寸进尺go about 怎么办go easy 俭省些go off on someone 对某人大喊大叫go off the deep end 勃然大怒go to one's head 冲昏头脑go to town 竭尽全力去做某事go together 谈恋爱go under th knife 接受外科手术go west 死good God 上帝啊good gracious 天啊good taste 合胃口got the punch 有力的great promiser 食言者green horn 新手Hhail fellow 久仰hang in the balance 平分秋色hang in there 耐心等候/忍耐一下hang on by the eyelids 事情位在旦夕hanky panky 鬼马hard boiled egg 难相处的人hard nut to crack 难于驾驭的女人hard up 经济拮据hard-headed businessman 斤斤计较的商人haul 赶快have a good head on one's shoulder 有见识,明白事理have a weakness for something 酷爱某事物have it bad for 狂恋某物have one's name on sth 某物完全适合某人/为某人度身定做have roses on one's face 脸色红润have the face 厚颜无耻he girl 男性化的女孩to be soft 容易相处he man/big boy 壮硕的男人bark and no bite 动口不动手heart of stone 铁石心肠hell of the time 时光难熬hen-pecked 惧内者hey you 你country jack 乡下佬high and brow 上等的,名贵的his right man 他的得力助手hit it hard 努力做事hit the nail right on the head 完全正确,正中要害hit upon 偶然想出hold it down 保持安静hold on'e own 独当一面hold someone up 抢劫某人hold your horse 慢一点hold up in broad daylight 光天化日之下抢劫hop in 上车horn 电话how you come out 怎么发生的I get yoy my word 我认真答应你I hear ya 我同意I’ll say 我同意,当然I’ll see to it 我来处理它if worse comes to worst 到了万不得已的的时候if you snooze, you lose 如果你不注意,就错过良机了in a sweet 心烦in black and white 立下字据in heat 愤怒地in high (low) spirit 精神愉快,消沉in smooth water 进入顺境in the dog house 陷入困境in the good old day 幸福的日子in the throes of death 受痛苦而死innocent kid 无辜的人it's a steal 真是便宜it's in God's hands 听天由命Jjack of all trade 什么都懂joint 大麻,地方jolly guy 快活的人jump on me 向我发脾气junky 衣不称身just what the doctor ordered 对症下药Kkeep a good house 收拾房子keep body and soul together 温饱keep some posted 使得某人不断得到最新消息keep track 留意kick in the pants 踢屁股kid gloves 小心谨慎kiddies 小孩know sth like the palm of one’s hands 了如指掌Lladies man 女人喜欢的男人lardo 胖子lashes 睫毛lay down the law 立下规矩lay stress on 重视lead a cat and dog life 过着不和谐的生活lead a dog's life 非人生活lean meat 瘦肉leave it to me 让我干吧let down 放弃let someone have it 严厉训斥某人life in not all roses 人生不是十全十美life a finger 不出一点力like a lamb 逆来顺受like a parrot 毫无知识like a rolling stone 行踪不定live up to your words 言必信living encyclopedia 活的百科全书living like a lord 过着贵族的生活living soul 人lose one's cool 发脾气lose track of 失去联系lots of dough 很多钱love handles 游泳圈/胖的腰围Mmake it snappy 提起精神make the gorge rise 令人讨厌make whoopee 欢呼作乐mind your eye 当心miser 守财奴mish-mash 混杂物、大杂烩miss the bus 错过机会miss the boat 错过机会/好东西等money talky 财可以通神monkey 五百美金moonlight 兼职my ass 才怪(强烈质疑)my shoes bite 鞋子小,穿着疼脚Nnail sth down 敲定某事使得万无一失nail the brakes 急刹车nip sth in the bud 防患于未然no fun 没有意思no laughing matter 非同小可not to wear your heart on your sleeve 不要太情绪化nothing but skin and bones 很瘦now you're talking 你说得有道理Oold dog 上年纪的人old hand 老手old man 老爸,男朋友,老公old timer 老手,老资格on a good note 欢尽而散on a horse 快马加鞭on pins and needles 坐立不安on the edge of my seat 专心地听和看on the rock 处境困难one way or the other 千方百计out and out 完全地out of one's hold 脱手out of form 不合时,不合身out of it 精神恍惚get canned 失业out of sort 发脾气out of spirit 心神不安over and over 多次地,重复地over grown 孩子气own boss 自己当老板Ppass the back 让人做吧past all hope 无可救药pat him on the back 联络感情prayer(没有)成功的可能性pull devil, pull baker 加油pull sth 干坏事pull the dirty trick 有意愚弄pull the purse string 吝啬punch your light out 打得你两眼发黑put a finishing touch 最后修饰put a good show 好好干吧put on air 宣传put one's shoulder to the wheel 全力以赴put some heart on 施加压力put sb up 为某人提供膳食put sth on the back corner 推迟做某事put one's feet on the ground 脚踏实地put your heart at rest 放下心来Rraid the fridge 吃光冰箱里的食物raise hell 大发牢骚read sb the riot act 训诫某人ritzy 豪华的rosy prospect 美好前景rosy view 乐观看法rosy 美满round way 圆滑一点round-table conference 圆桌会议rubber check 空头支票rubbish 胡说Ssad news (令人悲伤的消息)账单same old stuff 一样的东西sandals 凉鞋save one's neck 免受苦难sawing wood 鼾声如锯木scallker 黄牛党scare the devil out of sb 吓死人secret sorrow 难言之隐set the world on fire 一些震撼世界的杰出成就shadow/tail 跟踪shake and make up 握手言和bloody shame 可耻shop till one drops 购物直到累死show down 决胜者show sb the back door 下逐客令make a hit 出风头show up 到达side money 横财sissy 娘娘腔的,基佬sit on the top of the world 自大japs/Skeepie 日本人sleep a wink (没有)合眼slightest idea 一点意思也没有slop 劣质食品smart guy 手段漂亮的人snobbish 有绅士架子的人soak 要价太高soft soap 滑头sonny boy 可爱的孩子sore spot 致命伤speak the same language 志同道合spell out of town 驱逐处境spic and span 非常整洁spineless 没有骨气spitting image of someone 于某人一模一样spoil the show 煞风景spring for 请客square one's words with one's conduct 言行一致squeeze 扒钱stand no more nonsense 不准儿戏stand one's ground 坚持己见,原地踏步start from square one 重头开始stay up till all the hours of the night 彻夜未眠step it up 采取行动step on one's big toe 激怒某人stick-up 抢劫sticky business 让人左右为难的事情stool pigeon 内鬼stop on a dime 突然停止stowaway 偷渡的人strong meat 难以理解的问题suck one's brain 投机取巧sugar coated 口蜜腹剑sweat like a pig 汗流浃背sweet water 饮用水swell/regular guy 好人swell head 自大swing for the fence 全垒打Ttake a dump 大便take a spin 兜风take him for a ride/ bump him 杀掉他take order from 听命于人take sb in 将某人交给警方处理take sth in stride 从容处理take sth lying down 甘心忍受某事teach your grandmother to suck eggs 班门弄斧头teacher's pet 老师最爱的学生that does it 我受够了the finishing touch 最后修饰the general effect 总结果the green years 青春年华the way-side rose 路边的玫瑰through a/the wringer 受尽苦难through and through 完全地throw in the towel 认输ticked off 生气tick-tock 滴答声tight wad 守财奴tip-top 最佳的to be a jelly-fish 做事无头脑to be all eyes 注视,惊奇的看to be down at heels 不修边幅to be eyesore 眼中钉to be hot-headed 容易发怒to be as like as two peas 十分近似to be shabby 脏脏的to be smart 整洁的to be well groomed 容光焕发to bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩to do/play one's part 尽自己职责to go smash 破产to have eyes bigger than the belly 贪婪to have face as long as a fiddle 拉长脸to hold one's course 坚定不移to hold one's tongue 谈话含蓄to live a fool's paradise 愚人自欺to make things ship shape 使得一切井井有条to one's liking 合胃口的to pitch into anyone 大人或者重罚某人to see through the rose-colored glasses 太乐观了to speak for itself 事实之言to speak in parables 说话装腔作势to speak one fair 使人信服to speak volume 中肯之言toe the line 循规蹈矩toe-to-toe 竞争top banana 主管人员topsy-turvy 颠倒是非trash sb 严厉批评某人,破坏某物turn in 睡觉turn over a new leaf 改过自新turn the cold shoulder on 冷淡对待turtle on one's back 自身难保two-faced 两面派Uuncrown mayor 无冕之王under the rose 秘密进行up to this minute 摩登的ups and downs 盛衰upstart 爆富Vvanish to thin air 消失的无影无踪walk on air 高兴地飘飘然wash it down 吞下,正餐后喝点东西wash out 洗手不干what gives 出了什么事what is cooking 酝酿着what is in your mind 你心意如何what the hell 有什么稀奇what's with you 什么事情让你烦恼what's her face 她叫什么来着,我忘记了她的名字when it rains, it pours 事情一发生便接踵而至whiz/pick-pocket 小偷whoa 哇whoopee 哇win your heart 赢得你的心within limits 适可而止Yyanks 美国人yesman 应声虫you're all wet 你完全错了you don't know half of it 你什么都不懂you rat 鼠辈。