
Packing:Packaging is the technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. The first,In this case Angus Glens’ water needs packing by glass bottle. Because the use of glass bottles of mineral water to avoid water evaporation, but also to avoid water pollution.Second,The Angus Glens puts the water bottles and glass bottles to the wooden box.Because before the use of glass bottles of this product, if the use of cartons, then it is likely to cause the broken glass bottles, and the use of wooden boxes to avoid this result.But to note is in between the glass bottles also need to put some cotton or sponge like things, so you can avoid them in the transit of the collision.Third,in this case Angus Glens make the 25 full of mineral water packed in wooden containers loaded in 1200 × 1800 pellets. Because of the quantity of this product, Angus Glens can only use the container. But in the process of packing it is needed to put some sponges or cotton between the wooden box in order to prevent the collision between the wooden box.Marking:In the first The Angus Glens can mark the production date on the glass bottle so that consumers can see more clearly whether this bottle of water can be used.Can also be marked on the glass bottle this glass bottles can be recycled. Also can be in this glass bottles affixed to their own trademarks.Second,Can be marked on the wooden box inside the number of bottles, so that it can be convenient to count the number, but also can be marked on the wooden box this is a fragile product.In the process of handling should be handled with care.Third,The order number of these products can be marked on the container as well as the city to be shipped. And some detailed information, such as the name of the shipping company, the date of shipment, the destination of the contract number, etc.①Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance involves pooling funds from many insured entities (known as exposures) to pay for the losses that some may incur. The insured entities are therefore protected from risk for a fee, with the fee being dependent upon the frequency and severity of the event occurring. In order to be an insurable risk, the risk insured against must meet certain characteristics. Insurance as a financial intermediary is a commercial enterprise and a major part of the financial services industry, but individual entities can also self-insure through saving money for possible future losses.The purpose of insurance is to compensate the loss of the insured, the insured will be re placed in the position where they have lost.In this case The Angus Glens’ goods in the waterway, railway, highway and transportation in the process of transportation, namely, the liability insurance due to natural disasters or accidents loss can get financial compensation, and strengthen traffic safety and loss prevention work to promote commodity production and the commodity circulation.②According to the situation and the type required, there are several sets of terms that can be attached to the policy of the Institute.It is usual practice to insure under clauses A,B or C and Pay extra premium for war risk or strike.All risks of loss or damage to the insured subject to the terms and conditions of the goods must be excluded from all the usual terms of the goods.Cargo B&C are similar to clause A with additional exclusions.③Open cover :The is an insurance company which is insured by the insurer to ship the goods within a certain period of time, and the insurance policy for the export of the goods at the price of CIF or the import of the goods at the price of CFR FOB. It stated the scope of the insurance coverage, the insurance premium, the premium rate, the maximum amount of insurance for each shipment and the calculation of the premium.Where belongs to the open cover insurance within the scope of import and export cargo, shipment automatically according to the appointment insurance policyconditions listed underwriting, but was the insurer was informed that the shipment of each batch of goods, should immediately to notice of shipment or other written form will be the goods name, quantity, amount of insurance and transport type and name, a range of origin destination location, sailing date and notify the insurance company.Q3Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting tariffs and for controlling the flow of goods, including animals, transports, personal effects, and hazardous items, into and out of a country. The movement of people into and out of a country is normally monitored by immigration authorities, under a variety of names and arrangements. The immigration authorities normally check for appropriate documentation, verify that a person is entitled to enter the country, apprehend people wanted by domestic or international arrest warrants, and impede the entry of people deemed dangerous to the country.Each country has its own laws and regulations for the import and export of goods into and out of a country, which its customs authority enforces. The import or export of some goods may be restricted or forbidden. In most countries, customs are attained through government agreements and international laws. A customs duty is a tariff or tax on the importation (usually) or exportation (unusually) of goods. Commercial goods not yet cleared through customs are held in a customs area, often called a bonded store, until processed. All authorized ports are recognized customs areas.Q4①Sea model: The advantage of ocean transportation is that his cost is low, and they are relatively large.But its disadvantage is that the speed is slow, the navigation risk is big, the sailing date is not accurate. Ocean shipping mode is the most important mode of transport in international trade.Rail model:The Characteristics of rail model are the low energy consumption;Transport capacity; high speed; low transportation cost; universal; natural environment and good influence; continuity.Air model:The best advantage of air model is very fast. It can save much time. But the cost of the air model is highly. The construction and maintenance of the airport requires a lot of money.D irect road:The cost of the direct road is highly, And the per pallet cost is also a bit of expansive. But it is shipped every day, and the model is very cyclical.In addition,Direct road transport time is not long.Multi-model:The cost of the Multi-model’s per pallet is cheap. In addition,the model is very cyclical. But in this modes. The cost of this model is not cheap. And it will spend more time in change the model.②First,Terms of payment.The buyer must pay in accordance with the terms of the contract. They cannot use other means of payment.Such asThe seller asked the buyer can only use L/C payment, the buyer can only use the L/C as a payment method. Second,Date of Arrival,The seller must deliver the goods to the designated place within the time specified in the specified time, not exceeding the time. Because some products must be delivered to the destination within a certain period of time, otherwise the product may be over the use of the period.Third,packing,The seller must carry out the packing of the products in accordance with the requirements of the buyer.Because different countries have different language and culture, so the use of language and pictures on the packaging to meet the requirements of their country.The seller may be required to carry out the packing in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.③We should consider the unexpected circumstances. For example, the financial turmoil or the devaluation of the currency will affect the price of the product, etc., in the way of a state government issued some of the embargo will lead to an increase in the transport of goods. Of course, in the course of transport will encounter storms, typhoons and other natural disasters, which will lead to transport time has become unstable, and may cause damage.In some areas, as well as war and terrorism, these will make transportation is not smooth.。

HND-国际实物配送21Transportation modesMode Totalmode cost Cost perpalletTransittimeAdvantages DisadvantagesSea 620 24.8 7days Cheap andlargecapacity Slow and high risksAir 1265 253 4hours Fast andsecure Expensive and finite capacityRail 1275 51 2days Fast andlargecapacity Less flexible and need railroadDirect road 1350 67.5 3days Better forshipped andconvenient Small capacity and expensiveMulti-mode 1185 47.4 7 days18hours Reducehanding ofcargo andquickertransit timesCost ofinvestment ishighTake sea as an example, because the shipping requires 25 pallets and the total cost is 620, the cost per pallet is 620/25=24.8. In the similar way, other result also can be calculated, except the Multi-mode. The Multi-mode’ cost is 1185 including 125, 620, 295, and145, thus the cost per pallet is 1185/25=47.4.Air transportation is optimum choice. Air transportation can use the least time to convey goods due to faster speed. Besides, it also ensures the security to a large extent relatively. However, it also has some disadvantages. Air transportation has expensive cost, and airport is distant from municipal center.Sea transportation also can be chosen. Though it is the slowest method and vulnerable to bad weather in ocean, it is the lowest expenses of freight and carries the largest quantities.Angus Glen also can select rail. Rail has a large capacity and is less refrained by bad weather. Rail has these disadvantages, it is not much flexible and can notwork without railroad.2 Consignment delivery termFCA Free Carrier(named placeof delivery) A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods named airport, terminal, or other place where carrier operates. Cost loss transfer buyer and risk of loss transfer to the buyer after deliver to the carriers. The seller fulfils his obligation deliver when he has handed goods over, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier named named by the buyer at the named place. When used trade terms, word“free” means seller has an obedience to deliver goods named place for transfer to carrier (, 2016).FOB Free OnBoard(named portof shipment) a term in international commercial law specifying at what point the seller transfers ownership of the goods to the buyer. Under the Incoterms 2010 standard published by the International Chamber of Commerce, FOB is only used in non-containerized sea freight, and also defines ownership transfer. The owner of the goods is responsible for damage or loss during transport, so the point of ownership transfer is important(, 2016).CIF Cost,Insurance &Freight(named portof destination) This term is broadly similar to the above CFR term, with the exception that the seller is required to obtain insurance for the goods while in transit to the named port of destination. CIF requires the seller to insure the goods for 110% of their value under at least the minimu)m cover of the Institute Cargo Clauses of the Institute of London Underwriters, or any similar set of clauses. The policy should be in the same currency as the contract. CIF can be used by any transport by sea and air not limited to containerized or non-containerized cargo and includes all charges up to the port/terminal of entrance. CIP covers additional charges at the port/terminal of entrance(, 2016).CPT Carriage Paidto (namedplace ofdestination) The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named place of destination. However, the goods are considered to be delivered when the goods have been handed over to the first or main carrier, so that the risk transfers to buyer upon handing goods over to thatcarrier at the place of shipment in the country of Export. The seller is responsible for origin costs including export clearance and freight costs for carriage to the named place of destination. If the buyer requires the seller to obtain insurance, the Incoterm CIP should be considered instead(, 2016).CIP Carriage andInsurancePaid to(named placeof destination) CIP requires the seller to insure the goods for 110% of the contract value under at least the minimum cover of the Institute Cargo Clauses of the Institute of London Underwriters or any similar set of clauses. The policy should be in the same currency as the contract, and should allow the buyer, the seller, and anyone else with an insurable interest in the goods to be able to make a claim.CIP can be used for all modes of transport, whereas the Incoterm CIF should only be used for non-containerised seafreight(, 2016).DAT Delivered AtTerminal(namedterminal atport or placeof destination) This Incoterm requires that the seller delivers the goods, unloaded, at the named terminal. The seller covers all the costs of transport (export fees, carriage, unloading from main carrier at destination port and destination port charges) and assumes all risk until arrival at the destination port or terminal.The terminal can be a Port, Airport, or inland freight interchange, but must be a facility with the capability to receive the shipment.All charges after unloading are to be borne by buyer. However, it is important to note that any delay or demurrage charges at the terminal will generally be for the seller's account(, 2016).DAP Delivered AtPlace (namedplace ofdestination) Under DAP terms, the risk passes from seller to buyer from the point of destination mentioned in the contract of delivery.Once goods are ready for shipment, the necessary packing is carried out by the seller at his own cost, so that the goods reach their final destination safely. All necessary legal formalities in the exporting country are completed by the seller at his own cost and risk to clear the goods for export(, 2016).DDP DeliveredDuty Paid(named placeof destination) Seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the named place in the country of the buyer, and pays all costs in bringing the goods to the destination including import duties and taxes. The seller is not responsible for unloading. This term is often used in place of the non-Incoterm Free In Store. This term places the maximum obligations on the seller and minimum obligations on the buyer. No risk or responsibility is transferred to the buyer until delivery of the goods at the named place of destination(, 2016).Inc ote rm 20 10 Export-CustomsdeclarationCarriagetoport ofexportUnloadingoftruckinport ofexportLoadingcharges inport ofexportCarriage(SeaFreight/AirFreight) toportofimportUnloadingchargesinportofimportLoadingontruckinport ofimportCarriage toplaceofdestinationInsuranceImportcustomsclearanceImporttaxesEX W BuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerFC Sell Sell Bu Bu Buye Buy Buy Buy Buy BuyFor incoterms ’ importance, it can ensure that transactions are finished successfully and safely. By negotiating, sellers and buyers can sign contract containing right and duty and other pertinent item. It also explicitly shows the price and cost between buyers and sellers. In general, buyers should pay cost, freight and insurance. It is good for solving conflict. In the end, incoterms is beneficial for relevant agencies to carry out operational activities3 Consolidation and groupage arrangementA er er yer yer r er er er er er FOB Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Buye r Buy erBuy er Buy erBuy erBuy erCP T Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Seller Sell er Sell er Sell erBuy er Buy erCI F Sell erSell erSell erSell erSeller Sell erBuy erBuy erSell er Buy erBuyerCI P Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Seller Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Buy er BuyerDA T Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Seller Sell er Sell er Sell er Buy er Buy er DA P Sell er Sell er Sell er Sell er Seller Sell er Sell er Sell er Buy er Buy er DD PSell er Sell er Sell er Sell erSeller Sell er Sell er Sell erSell er Sell erGroupage Less-than-container load (LCL) is a shipment that is notlarge enough to fill a standard cargo container. Theabbreviation LCL formerly applied to less than car loadfor quantities of material from different shippers or fordelivery to different destinations carried in a singlerailway car for efficiency. LCL freight was often sortedand redistributed into different railway cars atintermediate railway terminals en route to the finaldestination.(Henry, Robert Selph (1942))LCL is "a quantity of cargo less than that required forthe application of a carload rate. A quantity of cargo lessthan that fills the visible or rated capacity of aninter-modal container. It can also be defined as aconsignment of cargo which is inefficient to fill ashipping container. It is grouped with otherconsignments for the same destination in a container ata container freight station.[2]Consolidation People take above Groupage’s containers to samewarehouse to preserve together. Then, carrying them todifferent boat according to these container’s destination,for example, there are 5 containers and 2 boat. If 2containers’destination is the U.S, they will be carriedon A boat.If another 3 containers is to UK, they will becarried on B boat.Circumstances when they could be used The groupage often is normally used by the sea, rail and direct road. Its number is not large and the goods have no rigorous time requirements. Consolidation is fit for air transportation and carries necessities, thus w hen some emergencies happens or transportation need less time, the consolidation will be used. It acknowledges the general products instead of the exceptional productsCost effective pallet load level By the part 1, the choice is direct road whose cost is 1350 and to per pallet is 108 so result is 1350/108 =12.5.By calculating, the result is 12.5, so, when the load is equal to or bigger than 12.5 pallets, the direct road mode is effective. However, according to method, the result should be rounded to the nearest integer, thus the result is 13 finally.4 Least total costRoute A Mode CostKirriemuir to Coatbridge Road145+28=173poundsCoatbridge to Southampton Rail 315+15+12*2+24.5+55=433.5 poundsSouthampton to Port de montreal Canada Sea 1880+24.5+34=1938.5 poundsPort de montreal Canada to Ecosse Hotel Road 420+2*18+32=488 poundsHire cost32*6=192pounds Insurance 80*(1+10%)=88 poundsTotal cost 3313 poundsRoute B Mode CostKirriemuir to Tillbury Road505+32+6*15=627 poundsTillbury to Port Sea 2010+24.5+34=de montrealCanada2068.5 poundsPort de montreal Canada to Ecosse Hotel Road 420+2*18+32=488 poundsHire cost23*6=138pounds Insurance 80 poundsTotal cost 3401.5 poundsByabovechart,Rout e A-- Kirriemuir Bottling Plant to Coatbridge Railport to Southampton Container Terminal to Port de Montreal Canada to Ecosse Hotel is optimum choice. Because the cost of Route A is lower than Route B.5 Procedures and documentation tableArea Procedure DocumentationTransportation Foremost, companyselects freight forwarder Insurance listRoute Mode LeasttotalcostA Road RailSea Road 3313 poundsand sign contract and convey the goods from UK to the port of exports. Then, company loads goods after checking. Next, the purchaser lets bearer to help convey the goods. Then, conveying them to Canada. Next, the purchasers empty the ship. Then, the purchaser convey the goods to the manufacture’s factory. Finally, the goods are in the destination, finishing the process. Commercial invoice[3]Goods classification Packing listCommerce Foremost, buyer consultprice for seller. Then selleranswer the question andoffer quotation andpro-forma invoice. Next,buyer goes to custom andsign CISG[5]. Then sellerexport goods. Proforma invoice[4] Export invoice CISG International commercial contractCustoms Custom staff checkwhether there areforbidden goods. If goodsall are eligible, they willbe allowed to enter intoCanada and tax goods Customs invoice Customs declarationGood classificationIn the transportation, this procedure’s flow chart perhaps is warehouse, station, container freight yard, customs and destination, which involves these documents such as Insurance list, commercial invoice, goods classification, etc. Incommerce, the flow chart, consulting, contract, order formand preparation goods, whose relevant documents have p roforma invoice, export invoice, CISG, international commercial contract. In custom, the pertinent procedure is uploading, checking, taxing and permitting through and its documents have customs invoice, customs declaration, good classification and so on.。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年进口食品销售及配送协议版本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 合同双方1.2 合同标的1.3 合同期限第二条食品进口与销售2.1 进口食品的种类与标准2.2 进口食品的质量和安全2.3 进口食品的销售区域第三条配送协议3.1 配送范围与时间3.2 配送方式的选择3.3 配送过程中的风险与责任第四条价格与支付4.1 食品的采购价格4.2 支付方式与期限4.3 价格调整机制第五条销售数量与订单履行5.1 销售数量与计划5.2 订单的确认与履行5.3 不可抗力因素对订单履行的影响第六条售后服务与投诉处理6.1 售后服务的范围与标准6.2 投诉的接收与处理流程6.3 投诉处理的结果与反馈第七条商业秘密与知识产权保护7.1 商业秘密的定义与保护措施7.2 知识产权的保护与授权7.3 侵权行为的处理第八条违约责任与赔偿8.1 违约行为的认定8.2 违约责任的具体形式8.3 赔偿金额的计算方法第九条合同的变更与解除9.1 合同变更的条件与程序9.2 合同解除的条件与程序9.3 合同变更与解除的法律后果第十条争议解决方式10.1 争议的解决方式10.2 仲裁机构的选定10.3 仲裁裁决的执行第十一条法律适用与管辖11.1 合同适用的法律11.2 合同争议的管辖法院11.3 法律规定与合同条款的关系第十二条其他条款12.1 合同的生效与终止12.2 合同的书面形式与副本12.3 合同的修订与补充第十三条保密协议13.1 保密信息的范围与内容13.2 保密信息的保密义务与期限13.3 保密信息泄露的后果与责任第十四条不可抗力14.1 不可抗力的认定14.2 不可抗力事件的应对措施14.3 不可抗力事件对合同履行的影响第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同双方甲方:(进口商名称)地址:联系方式:乙方:(销售商名称)地址:联系方式:1.2 合同标的1.3 合同期限本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。

海外仓储配送协议书甲方(委托方):_____________________乙方(仓储配送方):_____________________鉴于甲方需要在海外进行商品存储及配送服务,乙方具备相应的仓储配送能力,双方本着平等互利的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条服务内容1.1 乙方同意为甲方提供商品的海外仓储服务。
1.2 乙方同意为甲方提供商品的海外配送服务。
第二条服务地点2.1 乙方提供的仓储服务地点为:_____________________。
2.2 乙方提供的配送服务覆盖地区为:___________________。
第三条服务期限3.1 本协议自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。
第四条费用及支付方式4.1 仓储费用:甲方应按照乙方提供的收费标准支付仓储费用。
4.2 配送费用:甲方应按照乙方提供的收费标准支付配送费用。
4.3 支付方式:甲方应于每月____日前支付上月费用。
第五条商品管理5.1 甲方应确保提供给乙方的商品符合当地法律法规。
5.2 乙方应妥善保管甲方商品,确保商品安全。
第六条责任与义务6.1 甲方责任:- 提供准确的商品信息及配送需求。
- 按时支付相关费用。
6.2 乙方责任:- 提供符合约定的仓储配送服务。
- 及时反馈商品存储及配送情况。
第七条违约责任7.1 如甲方未按时支付费用,乙方有权按照每日千分之五的标准收取滞纳金。
7.2 如乙方未能提供约定服务,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿相应损失。
第八条争议解决8.1 本协议在执行过程中如有争议,双方应友好协商解决。
8.2 如协商不成,可提交乙方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第九条协议的变更和解除9.1 本协议的任何变更或解除,应经双方书面同意。
9.2 如遇不可抗力,双方可协商解除本协议。
第十条其他10.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商确定。
10.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

国际食品贸易协议:运输与质量保障条款本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语1.1 合同双方1.2 货物1.3 运输1.4 质量保障1.5 违约1.6 第三方2. 货物描述2.1 货物的种类与数量2.2 货物的质量标准2.3 货物的包装要求3. 运输条款3.1 运输方式3.2 运输时间3.3 运输费用3.4 货物保险4. 质量保障条款4.1 质量检验4.2 质量保证4.3 质量问题的处理5. 交付与付款5.1 交付日期5.2 付款方式5.3 付款条件6. 违约责任6.1 卖方的违约行为6.2 买方的违约行为6.3 违约的赔偿7. 争议解决7.1 争议的解决方式7.2 仲裁地点与机构7.3 法律适用8. 合同的生效与终止8.1 合同的生效条件8.2 合同的终止条件9. 保密条款9.1 保密信息的定义9.2 保密义务9.3 保密信息的例外10. 不可抗力10.1 不可抗力的定义10.2 不可抗力的后果11. 合同的修改与补充11.1 合同的修改11.2 合同的补充12. 合同的适用法律与管辖法院12.1 法律适用12.2 管辖法院13. 合同的附件13.1 附件的定义与效力13.2 附件的修改与补充14. 其他条款14.1 通知与通讯14.2 合同的完整性与独立性14.3 合同的转让14.4 合同的解除第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与术语1.1 合同双方1.2 货物本合同中的货物指(填写货物名称、数量、质量等信息)。
1.3 运输运输指从卖方所在地将货物运至买方指定目的地的一切活动。
1.4 质量保障质量保障指卖方对所供货物质量承担的义务和保证。
1.5 违约1.6 第三方第三方指除合同双方以外的其他自然人、法人或其他组织。
2. 货物描述2.1 货物的种类与数量本合同涉及的货物为(填写货物名称、数量等详细信息)。

第1篇甲方:(以下简称“甲方”)地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________电子邮箱:____________________乙方:(以下简称“乙方”)地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________电子邮箱:____________________鉴于甲方需要进行海外仓储和配送服务,乙方愿意提供相关服务,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条协议标的1.1 甲方委托乙方在_______(国家或地区)为其提供仓储服务,包括但不限于入库、保管、出库、配送等。
1.2 甲方委托乙方在_______(国家或地区)为其提供配送服务,包括但不限于国内配送、国际运输等。
第二条仓储服务2.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求,在指定地点设立仓库,并确保仓库设施符合国际标准,具备防火、防盗、防潮、防虫等安全措施。
2.2 乙方负责对甲方存放的货物进行分类、整理、标记,确保货物安全、有序。
2.3 乙方应定期对仓库进行盘点,确保库存数量与甲方提供的数据一致。
2.4 乙方应按照甲方的要求,及时、准确地完成货物入库、出库作业。
2.5 乙方应保证货物在仓库内的安全,如因乙方原因造成货物损坏、丢失,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
2.6 乙方应按照甲方的要求,对仓库内的货物进行必要的维护和保养。
第三条配送服务3.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供货物配送服务,确保货物按时、按质、按量送达指定地点。
3.2 乙方应选择信誉良好的运输公司进行货物配送,确保运输安全、及时。
3.3 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供配送过程中的相关信息,包括运输状态、预计送达时间等。
3.4 乙方应保证配送过程中的货物安全,如因乙方原因造成货物损坏、丢失,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
3.5 乙方应按照甲方的要求,对配送过程中的货物进行必要的包装、防护。

国际实物配送outcome————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Technical report 1--- International Transport Modes Table – International transport modesMod e TotalmodecostCost perpalletTransittimeMode advantages ModedisadvantagesSea £620 £24.8 7days 1.lowest expense of freight.2. large quantities.3.long distance1.slowest2.vulnerable tobad weather3.less punctual4.high riskAir £1265 £253 4hours 1.improve efficiencyoperations2.increase securitye information technology4.faster speed1.high total cost2.the weightlimit3.not too farfrom the airportRail £1275 £51 2days rge capacity2.relatively punctual3.economical4.relatively high speed5.less prone to interruptionsby proo wether1.confined torailroad2.less flexibleDire ct road £1350 £67.5 3days1.better for short-shipped2.flxible and convenient1.small capacity2.high transportcost3.high rate ofgood s damage4.disrupted byweatherMult i-mo de £1185 £47.4 7daysand18hours1.reduce handing of cargo2.permit door-to-door service3.reduce the risk of pilferagewith subsequent savings oninsurance premiums4.quicker transit times5.enable the quotation ofthrough rates to the distance1.investmentcost are high2.not all cargo issuitable forcontainersationThe Explanation of DataSea:the total cost is £620, this is because of the sea transport is 40ft container carrying 25 pallets and the price is £620 per container. Cost per pallet= total mode cost/ pallet, thus the cost per pallet= £620/25= £24.8. The transit time is 7 days in the basic data.Air: the total cost is £1265, this is because of the air will be by airplane cargo hold , at maximum of five pallet and the price is £1265 per 5 pallets. Cost per pallet=total mode cost /pallet, thus the cost per pallet=£1265/5=£253. The transit time is 4 hours.Rail: Cost per pallet=total mode cost/pallet. Thus the cost per pallet=£1275/25=£51. The transit time is 2 days. the total mode cost is £1275, this is due to that the rail transport will be by 40ft container carrying 25 pallets, thus the price is £1275.Direct road: the total mode cost equal to £1350, the price is £1350 per flat bed container lorry and the direct road will be by curtain side rigid lorry carrying 20 pallets. Thus the total mode cost is £1350. Cost per pallet=total mode cost/pallet, thus the cost per pallet=£1350/20=£67.5, the transmit time is 3 days.Multi-mode: first of all, the price is £125 from the Milan Glass Works to Genoa Calata , add the sea mode £620 and the rail cost £295 ,then, add the road form Coatbridge Railport to Kirriemuir Bottling, the cost is £145. Thus Total mode cost=£125+£620+£295+£145=£1185. Total pallet= 25. The total mode cost = £1185/25=£47.4. The time =6 hours+7days+5 hours+7 hours=7 days and 18 hours. the total cost equal to £1185.Technical report 2--- Consignment delivery terms Table- Incoterms and their definitionInitial Incoterm DescriptionEXW Ex Works(namedplace ofdelivery)The buyer is responsible for uploading. This term places the maximum obligation on the buyer and minimum obligation on the seller. The Ex Works term is often used when making an initial quotation for the sale of goods without any costs included. EXW means that a seller has the goods ready for collection at his premises on the data greet upon. The buyer pays all transportation costs and also bears the risks for bringing the goods to their final destination. The seller doesn’t load the goods on collecting vehicles and doesn’t clear them for export.FCA Free Carrier(namedplace ofdelivery)A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods to a named airport, terminal, or other place where the carrier operates. Cost for transportation and risk of loss transfer to the buyer after deliver to the carrier. The seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed the goods over, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place. When used in trade terms, the word “free”means the seller has an obligation to deliver goods to a named place for transfer to carrier.CPT CarriagePaid to(namedplace ofdestination)The risk of damage or loss to the goods being transported is transferred from the seller to the buyer as soon as the goods have been delivered to the carrier. The seller is responsible only for arranging freight to the destination, and not for insuring the goods shipment when it is being transported. It has been designed to suit the needs of modem business.CIP Carriageand It refers to that the seller deliver the goods to the carrier or first carrier and pay for the carriage of goods up to the namedInsurance Paid to (named place of destination)place of destination. Meanwhile, the seller must obtain the insurance for the goods while it transit. After the seller deliver the goods to the carrier, the risk will transmit to buyer.DAT Deliveredat Terminal(namedplace ofdestination)It means the seller covers all the costs of transport such as the export fees, carriage, unloading from main carrier at destination port and destination port charges.meanwhile, it must assumes all risk until destination port or terminal. The terminal can be a Port, Airport, or inland freight interchange. Import duty/taxes/customs costs are to be borne by Buyer. The risk is transmit to buyer when the buyer control the goods.DAP Deliveredat place(namedplace ofdestination)Refers to the seller to ship the goods within the specified destination, need to prepare for unloading without unloading the complete delivery term referring to the arrival of vehicles including ships, including destination port, the seller shall bear all costs and risks of the goods shipped to the specified destination and charges(except import charges) this term applies to any mode of transportation and milti-mode transport by sea.DDP DeliveredDuty Paid(namedplace ofdestination)It means the Seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the named place in the country of the buyer, and pays all costs in bringing the goods to the destination including import duties and taxes. The seller is not responsible for unloading. When the seller complete the deliver in the named place of destination, the risk transmit to buyer. This term places the maximum obligations on the seller and minimum obligations on the buyerExplanation:Incoterms 2010 is the eighth set of pre-defined international contract terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce. It include 11 terms, such as the EXW, FCA, FAS,FOB,CFR,CIF,CPT,CIP,DAP,DAT and DDP. These terms improve the efficiency of international trade and simplify the process and stages.The previous version, the rules are divided into four categories, but 11 incoterms 2010 predefined terms based on the delivery method only can be divided into two categories. The rules of a larger group of seven (g7) can be informs The chopped of The method of transmission, and a small group of four applies only to The sales, only involves The transport of water can verify The condition of The goods The loaded on board The ship. They therefore is not 2 for container transportation.Table – Allocations of cost buyer/seller according to Incoterms 2010Explanation:EXW is ex factory (place of delivery). Where the word's biggest obligation to the buyer and the seller's minimum obligations. The buyer will pay the cost of many parts, such as the export declaration, transportation, port of export, etc.FCA is free carrier (designated place of delivery), the seller is responsible for the shipment, the carrier of the buyer, the buyer is responsible for unloading and loading the goods to the carrier. When the goods delivered to the carrier, the risk will transfer the buyer.The CPT is carriage paid to (destination) is responsible for the origin of the shipper cost includes transportation export customs clearance and freight named place (usually a destination port or airport). The shipper is not responsible for delivery to the final destination (usually the buyer's facilities), or to buy insurance.CIP is the freight and insurance paid to (designated destination), the seller is responsible for most, such as the export customs declaration form, loading and unloading charges at the port of import and export. Insurance is the responsibility of the seller. The buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance and tax. The seller pays for most.The delivery DAT is terminal (designated destination), the seller is to cover all shipping costs such as export charges, transportation, unloading from the main carrier at the port of destination and the destination port cost. The buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance and tax. The seller pays for most.Bounce is (specify the destination of delivery), the seller is responsible for arranging transportation and delivery of goods, from traffic tools ready at discharge, at the specified place. The buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance and tax. The seller pays for most.DDP delivery duty paid (designated destination), the seller is responsible for the goods sent to the designated place in China buyers, the goods to the destination and pay all fees including import duties and taxes. Where the word's largest responsibility on the seller and the buyer minimum obligation.\3.0 Technical report 3---Consolidation and groupage arrangements Chart – Consolidation and groupage arrangementsDefinition ofGroupage To fill a whole box of goods receipts. Thiskind of goods usually by the carrier,respectively, inland freight and in containerfreight station or freight station, and thenwill be more than two ticket cargo in acontainer, also want to stand at thedestination of inland container depot ordevanning delivery respectively. For thisking of goods, the carrier should afford toboxing and unboxing operations, loadingdevanning fee still charge the goods theresponsibility of the carrier for LCL goods,basically the same as the traditional cargotransportation.This type of cargo suits well micro, smalland medium-sized enterprise(SMEs) wheremost of the time cargo to export or import ismuch less than the required weight orvolume to be efficient.Consolidation Consolidation is refers to that theconsolidator will form a whole batch ofmany different and separate batches ofgoods shipped, then it will shipment in theairline ,using an air waybill and shipped tothe same destination.By the air freightrepresentative company to the destinationspecified in the agent receiving, then makecustoms clearance and distribution to the mode of transportation of the actual consignee. This is one of the main business of air freight agent. The periods of consolidation can be found in charts covering any time interval, such as the hours and days. These period can last for days, months or even a year..Circumstances when they could be used 1In less than one FCL loaded small consignment situation, usually are canvassing by the carrier and container freight station or inland freight stations concentrated, and after more than two votes cargo consolidation in a container, the same should in container freight station or inland stations were unpacking destination delivery. could be used.2. When to be required faster thanmulti-mode transport, consolidation could be used.3. Air transport could be used in case of emergency .Cost effective pallet load level From the report 1, we can know the cost is£1350, and we can know the £108 per pallet.Then we calculate the 1350/108, it can getthe answer 12.5. And then it should acquirethe effective pallet load level, so it shouldchoose the best answer, and the best is costeffective load level is 12.Explanation:from the first report, we can get the total cost of £1350, as a result, we can know each tray £108. As a result, cost effective pallet load level [1] = total price = £1350 /bed/tray £108 = 12.5. Thus the cost effective pallet load level = 12.4.0 Technical report 4---Least total cost concept Recommendation ChartsRoute ARoute A Mode CostKirriemuir—Coatbridge R oad £145+£28 =£173 Coatbridge—Southampton Rail £315+£15+(2×£12) +£24.5+£55 =£433.5sea £1880+£24.5+£34 = £1938.5 Southampton—port demontreal canadaTransit time 2+11+1=14daysHire Fee £6*(1+1+3+14+10+1+2)=£192Insurance[2]£80*(1+10%)=£88Total cost £173+£433.5+£1938.5+£488+£192+£88=£3313 Route B Mode CostKirriemu—Tilbury Road £505+£32+(6×£15)=627sea £2010+£32+£34 =£2076Tilbury—Port demontreal Canadaroad £420+(2×£18)+£32 =£488Transit time 1+1+10+1=13daysHire Fee 6*(2+8+11+1+2)=£144Insurance £80Total cost £627+£2076+£488+£144+£80=£3415According to the graph, we can find that the cost of Route A is £3313 but the Route B only use £3415. The Route A < Route B. Thus the best Route is Route A and the mode is road-rail-sea . Recommendation Chart5.0 Technical report 5---Procedures and documentationRoute AModesRoad ,Rail and Sea Least total cost (Excluding standard on cost such as customs etc) £3313Procedures and documentation tableArea Procedures DocumentationTransport[4 ]Firstly, goods should bemoved. Angus Glen Watershould find a freightforwarder. The report of goodsto the port. Formalities andcontract will be prepared.Then, HM customers and UKborder agency need relaterdocumentations that thecompany should offer. Releaseof goods transportation oncecleared. Imports of goods tothe port. In addition, thecompany simplifies proceduresof export to pass the customsfreight. British goods intoCanada customs warehouse orsecurity area, unless specialarrangements, such ascensorship(PARS)beforetravel. Release began totransport to clear goods.Pre-Arrival Review Systemalso should be passed buyershave an enquiry, the sellersgive quotation, next the sellerwill give the pro-formainvoice, the buyer willacknowledge the order, andcontract United NationsFIATA Combined Transport Bill ofLanding[3]Insurance, Packing ListCommercial InvoiceGoods ClassificationCertification of OriginManufacturing DeclarationAccurate ConsigneeInformationPre-Arrival review systemInsurance documentationCustoms declarationUK and Canadian Customs InvoiceConvention on contract for the international Sale Of Goods, seller prepare the goods for export.Commerce Firstly, the buyers enquiry,then the sellers give quotation,next the seller will give thepro-forma invoice, the buyerwill acknowledge the order,and contract United NationsConvention On contract ForThe International Sale OfGoods, seller prepare thegoods for export. Internationalrules for the Interpretation ofTrade Term, INCOTERMS Proforma Invoice[5]Export InvoicePacking listUnited Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale Of GoodsInternational Commercial ContractTitle to sueCustoms The UK and Customs mustensure that there is nounauthorized good, poisonouscargo and other forbiddengoods. On departure andarrival , the UK custom staffmay check goods foranti-smuggling,animal andplant health and others. Theprocedure is that at first,entering data of customsclearance, electronicdeclaration, then thedeclaration checking andchoosing the passageway.Next, printing the tax list and Certification of OriginExport LicensePre-Shipment Inspection certification, International Sales Contact and so onThe buyer should have the packing list, bill of lading and the certification of origin of products export, customs declaration and it will import declaration formCustoms InvoiceCustoms DeclarationGoods Classificationpat for the tax. Finally,clearance.Explanation:In the Transport, the procedure is the include many parts, to the as the CFSP and PARS, the documentation of the include many things,, such as the bill of lading, commercial invoice, insurance, packing list, certificate of origin. Business process including CISG and UCC. These are used for commercial and documents are necessary, such as commercial invoice, pro forma invoice. Customs procedures including input data, declaration, check and pass. In the UK at the same time, the customs will prohibit certain commodities, such as revenue, the health of animals and plants. Documents including the certificate of origin of goods, etc.6.0 Reference[1] Grande, Joseph A. (September 2008). Plastic Pallets Gain Ground In anEco-Conscious World. Plastics Technology. Retrieved 29th April 2015.[4] C. J. Campbell, L. Goldberg, A. Rai. (2003). The Impact of the European Union Insurance Directives on Insurance Company Stocks. The Journal of Risk and Insurance.[3] Levi, Maurice D. (2005). International Finance, 4th Edition. New York, NY: Routledge[4] Data on the barriers and motivators to more sustainable transport behaviour is available in the UK Department for Transport study "Climate Change and Transport Choices" published in December 2010. Retrieved 1 may 2015.[5]"pro forma session". Senate Glossary. United States Senate. Retrieved 2015-5-1.。

SQA-HND-国际实物配送outcome11.Explain the various tasks which would come under your remit as Physical Resource Manager.As a physical resource manager we have various task such as planning, organising, coordinating, budgeting, controlling and monitoring/evaluating.The first task is planning,as a Physical resource manager we must need know and understand the plan and role in the planning.It is conclude three level of logistics planning:strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning.The strategic planning is medium to long term planning spanning one to five years. In this case, the Angus Glen Water cooperate with Ecosse Hotels and offer the water to all of the hotel. Due to that the hotel operate in many different countries, Angus Glen Water will enter the international market and this is an big strategy and decision for the company, so they need make the strategic planning.Therefor the manager also need the tactical planning,from we study we can know this planning spanning six months to a year.This planning will deal with annual budgets,which provide the financial basis.Finally we need operational planning,it is controlled the standards and rules and is day to day planning.Manager need detect the weekly and monthly reports to understand the operation of department and take some measures to deal with the problem.The second task is organization,the manager absolutely need to ensure that the plans scheduled and the right task are being done at the right time and by the right person.Dividing up the work is really importance to the manager in organization too.In this task the manager have two small task, the first is find more more manufacturer to produce the glass bottle and find new haulier to transport the product to other countries.The second task is make decision of the transportation mode, such as airline, ship or train,include the production enter in to the new market.After ensure the transportation the manager have to consider the export document.In one word the manager need consider and makesure every process is right and really be done in the whole process from the old market to the new market.Thirdly, coordinating in this task manager have to keeping control at all time to ensure that all plans are met. And this task consist of some small task such as delegating, objective setting. Delegating is one of the most importance coordinating tasks, in this task manager absolutely need to sure that the members of the team understand what is expected of them, just by the way the manager can croodinating. First of all manager must ensure that the person being given the task has the right level of skill to carry out the task[1]. Secondly, is that the manager should tell them what state required results and the resources required. The staff should understand what is the required results and discuss the resources. The manager should set a deadlines and support to them, if the staff meet any problem ,the manager can communicate with them and solve the problem. Finally the manager need evaluate the final results and obtain the feedback. If the manager can delegate the right people , the task will be coordinate. In this case the manager need to coordinate the department and by coordinating improve they work efficiency. Absolutely, setting a target is importance for coordinating, the work person objective. The manager use the objectives to measure the performance and offer some suggestion to others, it will coordinate the task.Fourth task is budgeting, from study we can know the budgeting are cost goal set by top manager, it means through the budgeting the distribution manager can know what the organization goals and objectives are, and what resources will be needed to achieve those goals and objective. Then ensure that distribution activities are profitable and efficient.Fifth is controlling. This task is to ensure that the goals is achieved and comparing the actual results and original objectives. then, the manager canevaluate the detail things and find some good activities and some terrible things.Finally is monitoring and evaluation, as a manager monitoring [2] is essential, because by the way can improve efficient of work such as “independent check ” and “double check ”. In the last task, the manager need make a evaluation about this work. Such as the target, plan,the result is good or bad.2.Explain how the International Trade Department would be structured and how this would benefit Angus Glen over a structure that did not include this department.International trade department can help companies to further expand overseas markets. Including import and export of international trade department, for example, overseas procurement, marketing the three points. Here are some staff to deal with the export or import problem, to the as the export certificate, the document of import and export. The purchasing oversea is in charge of the managementSeniorGeneralProduction Transport andwarehouse Sales and Marketing Research and Developmen Internatio nal trade department Accounts and General administratPurchasing Import andExport Sales and Marketingpurchasing in the world, to the as the material, the bottle and others. The sales and marketing is responsible for the sales and marketing in other countries, and find new customer and sell the product to them.There are some benefit when the company establish the international trade department. At first, this department can help the company expand in the oversea market more convenience and quickly. The second, by establish the department can improve the strength of corporation and improve the popularity of brand. The company has the international trade department and the staff will sell their product to other countries and increase the sales. Finally the company can decrease the cost by international trade department oversea purchasing.3.Describe the links that would operate between the International Trade Department and other departments within the organization. Transport and warehouse department is responsible for transport and preservation stores. Transport department major task is distribution the goods between different city and ensure the goods quality and quantity. Warehouse department have two major task, the first one is preservation the goods this is also the most importance task for warehouse department such as unified the various business processes, periodic inventory system and make sure the consistent of warehouse[3]account, content and card.. The second one is make sure the production is satisfaction.Production department is really important for a company, because this department is link to customers, if the production can’t get satisfaction of customers the company may can not get profit. This department major task is ensure the production activity will finish in time. And this department need have de good corporation with development department and marketing department, because this department need accuracy data to make goods[4].The international trade department is important for the company and it will connect with other department, meanwhile, other department also will get information from the department. Such as, the production department, the international trade department obtain a customer from Canada, so the international trade department will tell the production department to produce the goods and tell them the entail of customer. And the the international trade department is really important to decrease the cost through oversea purchasing. The transport and warehousing department will offer the information of warehousing to international trade department, then the international trade department will help the department to manage the inventory. For the D&R department, the international and trade department can bring some new technology to D&R department from other country. The R&D department will help the international trade department to introduce the goods and offer the technical training. The sales and marketing department will offer the situation of domestic market and help the department to find new customer. Meanwhile, the international trade department can offer the international situation and help the department to adjust their strategy.4.Describe the links the International Trade Department would have with external integrating bodies and why these would exist.There are several external integrating bodies, such as the freight forwarder,import agent, import dealers and others.A freight forwarder, forwarder, or forwarding agent, is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Freight can be booked on a variety of shipping providers, including ships,airplanes, trucks, and railroads. It is not unusual for a single shipment to move on multiple carrier types. International freight forwarders typically handle international shipments. International freight forwarders have additional expertise in preparing and processing customs and other documentation and performing activities pertaining to international shipments.First, it can help companies choose the best transportation and the best transport routes. International trade sector choose to accept orders,, freight forwarding department will contact the production sector. Second, it can help companies to handle different documents, such as customs procedures and other documents, then give the product to the haulier [6]. It also helps the company to pay the freight and customs duties. From freight forwarding task, it can help reduce the cost of international trade sector and risk. At the same time, it can ensure transportation safety products and products.The import agent is a person or company that by accepting the delegation of exporter and help the exporter to handle the import business, It receive some commissions. In general, the import agents do not assume the credit risk, exchange and market, it has no the ownership . of products, there are four types of import agents, such as brokers, factors, manufacturer;. s representatives and managing agents that can help international trade sector to purchase some materials from other countries in order to reduce costs. Because import agency is specialized in importing stuff, so it can ensure the quality and cost. At the same time, it can help the international trade sector input and analysis of the local market. it can help the international trade department to enter and analyze the local market. In this case, if the company need some material, they can use this agent to solve the problem.5.Reference[1] SQA. International Physical Distribution Unit student Guide, Part three.[2] Continent's only press release wire service, African Press Organization PR Week - May 10, 2013[3] Ortega-Argiles, Raquel; Potters, Lesley; Vivarelli, Marco,2011 R&D and productivity: testing sectoral peculiarities using micro data. Empirical Economics 41 (3)[4] Moroney, J. R. (1967) Cobb-Douglass production functions and returns to scale in US manufacturing industry, Western Economic Journal, vol 6, no 1, December 1967, pp 39–51.[5] Kenya Clearing & Forwarding Agents | Kenya Freight Forwarders - Customs Clearance | Aeromarine Logistics - Freight Clearing Forwarding Kenya". Retrieved 2013-01-17.[6] Blaszak, Michael W. "ABC's of Railroading: Trackage and Haulage Rights," Trains, 1 May 2006, accessed 30 August 2011。

1Transportation modesTake sea as an example, because the shipping requires 25 pallets and the total cost is 620, the cost per pallet is 620/25=24.8. In the similar way, other result also can be calculated, except the Multi-mode. The Multi-mode’cost is 1185including 125, 620, 295, and145, thus the cost per pallet is 1185/25=47.4.Air transportation is optimum choice. Air transportation can use the least time to convey goods due to faster speed. Besides, it also ensures the security to a large extent relatively. However, it also has some disadvantages. Air transportation has expensive cost, and airport is distant from municipal center.Sea transportation also can be chosen. Though it is the slowest method and vulnerable to bad weather in ocean, it is the lowest expenses of freight and carries the largest quantities.Angus Glen also can select rail. Rail has a large capacity and is less refrained by bad weather. Rail has these disadvantages, it is not much flexible and can not work without railroad.2 Consignment delivery termFor incoterms’importance, it can ensure that transactions are finished successfully and safely. By negotiating, sellers and buyers can sign contract containing right and duty and other pertinent item. It also explicitly shows the price and cost between buyers and sellers. In general, buyers should pay cost, freight and insurance. It is good for solving conflict. In the end, incoterms is beneficial for relevant agencies to carry out operational activities3 Consolidation and groupage arrangement。

国外商品到国内的物流流程English Answer:Step 1: Order Placement.The customer places an order for a product from an international online retailer.Step 2: Order Processing and Payment.The retailer processes the order and verifies payment.Step 3: Product Selection and Packing.The retailer selects the ordered product from their inventory and packs it securely.Step 4: Customs Clearance.The shipment is declared to customs authorities in theexporting country.Customs officials inspect the shipment and determine if any duties or taxes need to be paid.Step 5: International Shipping.The shipment is transported from the exporting country to the importing country via air, sea, or land.The shipping method and carrier depend on the size, weight, and urgency of the shipment.Step 6: Customs Clearance in the Importing Country.The shipment arrives at the customs office in the importing country.Customs officials inspect the shipment and assess any applicable duties or taxes.Step 7: Delivery to Customer.Once customs clearance is completed, the shipment is released to a local delivery carrier.The carrier delivers the shipment to the customer's address.Step 8: Order Confirmation and Customer Service.The retailer provides order confirmation and tracking information to the customer.The customer can contact customer support for any inquiries or issues.Chinese Answer:步骤 1,下单。
SQA HND 疑难解答

1、SQA HND是什么?答:SQA HND是由英国苏格兰学历管理委员会(又称苏格兰资格监管局,简称SQA)颁发的英国国家高等教育文凭(Higher National Diploma,简称HND)。
该文凭由英国文化委员会推荐,中英两国政府合作引进,经中国驻英国大使馆教育处认证,SQA HND文凭等同于我国大专文凭。
2、SQA是什么性质的机构?答:SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)苏格兰学历管理委员会,又称苏格兰资格监管局,受苏格兰首相的直接领导,隶属苏格兰教育部。
3、国内学生完成SQA HND课程后可获得什么结果?答:学生在国内完成三年的学习后,成绩合格修满学分者可获得SQA颁发的HND 文凭,同时获得中国劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心核发的国家三级职业资格证书。
获得SQA HND文凭的学生可以继续到英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、荷兰、美国、马来西亚等国家续本,获得本科学位后成绩优异者可继续攻读硕士学位。
5、SQA HND在国内的教学模式?答:国内课程教学模式有两种,分别为全英班和中文班,两者的特点有:6、SQA HND课程招生对象是谁?答:应、往届高中毕业生(或同等学历者)。

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1LIS——logistics information system:物流信息系统provide less cost and cycle time for companies.purchasing information system 采购信息系统transport information system 运输信息系统quality management information system 质量管理信息系统sales information system 销售信息系统2 ICO——inventory controlling system 库存控制系统3MRP——material requiring planning 物料需求归化4OMS——Operations Management System运营管理系统order订单管理系统5WMS——warehouse management systemTMS——transport management system6GPA——Agreement on Government Procurement政府采购协定7 LTL——less than truck load零担货运8TEU ——twenty foot equivalent unit标准箱系集装箱运量统计单位,以长20 英尺的集装箱为标准9POS——point of sale销售点10ERP——enterprise resource planning11VMI——vendor managed inventory供应商管理库存12XML——extensible markup language可扩展标记语言13GPS——global positioning system14VMS——供应商管理系统RMS——retailer management system15 EDI ——electronic data interchange 电子数据交换16GPS ——global positioning system 全球定位系统17 W/R warehouse receipt 仓单18 ULS——unit loads systems 单位包装系统pallet 数量大19 OPS ——order picking system 拣货式系统20 EXW——Ex Works 工厂交货……指定地点FCA——free carrier货交承运人……指定地点FAS——Free along ship船边交货……指定装运港FOB——free on board船上交货……指定装运港CFR——cost,freight 成本加运费……指定目的港CIF——cost,insurance,freight成本、保险费加运费付至……指定目的港CPT——Carriage Paid to运费付至……指定目的地CIP——Carriage and Insurance Paid to运费、保险费付至…指定目的地DAF——Delivered at Frontier边境交货……指定地点DES——Delivered Ex Ship目的港船上交货……指定目的港DEQ——Delivered Ex Quay目的港码头交货……指定目的港DDU——Delivered Duty Unpaid未完税交货……指定目的地DDP——Delivered Duty paid完税后交货……指定目的地21FCL ——full container load 整箱货22.整车货Full-Truck-Load23JIT——just in timeproduction、distribution及时制24OEM——original equipment manufacture原始设备制造商25SCM——supply chain management26SCOR——supply chain operation reference供应链操作参考模型27TPL——third party logistics28 LLP——Lead Logistics Provider 领导物流厂商29MRp——materials requirements planning物料需求计划30EOS——electronic ordering system电子订货系统31QR——quick response32RFI——radio frequency identification射频自动识别33ACT——automatic cargo tracking自动货物追踪34AS\RS——automated storage and retrieval system自动储存和回收系统35DC——distribution center36upc——universal product code bar code37 JAZ ——just about zero38 LLP ——lead logistics provider领先物流39 VMI vendor managed inventory 供应商管理库存42PI——proforma invoice形式发票43CI——commercial invoice 商业发票44PU ——polyurethane聚酯45 PE ——polyethylene聚乙烯46SKU ——stock keeping unit订货存储单位短语中翻英Inventory days of supply供应天数Inventory planning 库存规划Inventory consolidation 库存合并Inventory model库存模型•Inventory deployment 配置•Inventory cycle周期•Inventory turns周转量•Inventory turnover周转率2 Aggregate inventory control库存总量控制Overall level of inventory库存总体水平3 Inside temperature库内温度4 cost efficiency 成本效率性Stock availability 存货可得性Stock carrying cost 存货周转成本Stock holding cost 库存维持成本Stock location 存货点•Stock rotation 库存周转•Stock sheet 库存清单Stock turnover 库存周转率5 receiving dock收货装卸平台6 Put-away 入库7 Order-picking 订单拣货8 Shipping 装车9Trigger-point method replenishment program 临界点补货法10 demand forecasting and planning 需求预测与计划11Labor planning 工作人员作业计划12Inventory-level planning 库存水平计划13Accounting report 会计报表14Status report 财务状况报表153transport document 运输单据16 Warehouse stock transfer receipt advice 仓库库存周转收货单17Warehouse operation 仓库作业18Bonded warehouse 保税仓库19Bar coding条形码20销售订单sales orders21 Freight consolidation 货物拼装22Routing and scheduling shipments23Claims processing24Tracking shipments25出票Issue背书ENDORSEMENT 承兑ACCEPTANCE 贴现DISCOUNT 付款PAYMENT 拒付DISHONOR26 ex-factory price出厂价27 retail price零售价28 each node节点in the supply chain29 point of origin 原产地30 point of consumption消费地31 physical distribution实体配送32distribution of physical goods实体物资的配送33integration and optimization of resources资源的整合与优化34efficiency increase提高效率35cost reduction降低成本35 distribution processing 流通加工36安全库存safety stock37库存周期inventory cycle time38前置期或提前期lead time39.Customer service客户服务40.Order processing订单处理41Return goods handling.退货处理42 Material handling 物料搬运43.Parts and service support零件和服务支持44 Forecasting demands 需求预测45 Warehousing and storage 仓储与保管46Plant and warehouse site selection47line’freight tariff班轮定价表48basic rate基本运费率49inquiry 询盘offer报盘counter offer还盘acceptance收盘50托盘化palletization51arrival notice 到达通知52cash—in—advance预付货款Cash—on—delivery货到付款53 continuous replenishment连续补货54proforma invoice形式发票55Customer broker关税代理人56freight consolidation合并运输57order product mixing组合订购的产品58 inbound| outbound logistics内向外向物流57forward| reverse logistics 正向逆向物流58availability of goods 现货性59 stockout缺货60delayer the management level 减少管理层61 order placement 下订单62 Lose and damage 货损货差63 Channel of distribution 分销渠道64run lengths 运营时间65corrugated materials瓦楞纸材料66pick products挑拣货物67piggyback service背负式服务68commercial invoice 商业发票69receiving dock装卸平台70pick slip拣货单71Franchise dealer经销商72 throughout volume吞吐量73Documentary credit信用单证74consignment note托运单75Booking note订仓单customer power客户实力Longterm orientation 长期定位leveraging technology 杠杆技术Bullwhip effect牛鞭效应demand pull需求拉动Supply pull供应拉动benchmark标准化Data mining数据挖掘strategic alliance战略同盟Franchising 特许经营logistics outsourcing 物流外包Customized定制化的International transport cargo insurance Labor planning总做人员作业计划status report财务状况报表2d bar code二维码Method of shipment运输方式Logistics document物流单证Combined transport联运safety stock 安全库存Order cycle time订单处理周期Neural packing中性包装order picking 订单分拣Virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库landbridge transport大陆桥运输International multimodal transport国际多式联运Time |voyage charter 定期租船航次租船Consigner consignee收货人carrier shipper托运人Port congestion surcharge 港口拥堵附加费Seaworthy packaging适合海运的包装Shockproof | damage| anticorrosive | rot proof| insect proof technique防震|防破损|防锈|防霉|防虫Special| dangerous goods packagingHandling charges 处置收费Identification 识别标志Shrink wrap收缩膜cellulose wadding 纤维填充物Order picking and storage equipment牛皮纸kraft paper 瓦楞纸corrugated paper简答题1What Is Logistics Information System答:Logistics information system LIS is defined as the “people, equipment, and procedures used to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to decision m akers”.2 Warehouse = place to store inventory答:warehousing is a range of logistics operations which involve multiple functions such as storage, packaging,etc. Warehouse is viewed as a place to store inventory to facilitate the movement of goods from suppliers to customers.Warehousing is involved in SC process:Sourcing/inbound logisticsProcessing/manufacturingOutbound distributionReverse logistics returns, recycling, etc.3 Logistics, supply chain, transport物流、供应链和运输三者之间的关系答Logistics is part of the supply chain process and it involves the management of the supply chain from start to finish.Transport is the conveyance of goods or people from one place to another;4 What is logistics 什么是物流答Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goodsLogistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ re quirements5物流包括哪些步骤答:Purchasing采购,sourcing采办,transport运输,inventory management库存管理,customer support客户支持,financing support融资支持,warehousing仓储;6什么是第三方物流答:There is now a new trend of outsourcing the distribution business to specialized companies, namely third-party logistics 3PL companies, so that the manufacturers can concentrate more on core production operation while the logistics companies can handle distribution more deftly and professionally.现在有一种新趋势,就是把流通业务外包给专业化的公司,即第三方物流公司3PL,这样制造厂商就可以更好地集中精力于核心的生产运作,而物流公司也可以更娴熟、更专业地处理好流通业务;7 What is a supply chain答A supply chain is a complex logistics system in which raw materials are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users consumers or companies see Figure1. It includes suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centres DCs and retail outlets供应链是一个复杂的体系,在这个系统里,原材料被转化成成品,然后配送到最终用户消费者或公司手里见图1; 它包括供应商、生产商、仓库、配送中心DCs和零售网点;8 What is supply chain managementSupply chain management SCM is concerned with the integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains. The task of the SCM is to design, plan, and execute the supply-related activities at the different stages so as to provide the desired levels of service to customers profitably;It is concerned with the integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains.供应链管理SCM 涉及到供应链中对材料流、信息流和资金流所进行的整合、协调和控制;9What are the objectives of SCM 供应链的目标The objectives of the supply chain are to optimize pre and post-production inventory levels, obtain greater efficiency from labor, equipment and space across the company and provide flexible planning and control mechanisms.10物流的功能1Creating time value: same goods can be valued differently at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.2Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.3Distribution processing Value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods .Like popular saying,”cutting into smaller parts is the most commonly seen distribution processing form. Most processing within logistics create added value for goods.11配送和运输的区别答Transport is the conveyance of goods or people from one place to another;Distribution is a logistics end delivery service, the physicalMovement of goods and handling of related procedures.12 什么是包装包装的功能是什么Packaging is the act of sealing products with containers or materials to protect the product, facilitate storage and shipment, and promote sales.1preserve and protect the product2facilitate the handling3communicate information safety instructions4act as a marketing aid, through appearance and presentation13什么是库存和库存管理Inventory refers to stocks of anything necessary to do business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory. Each type represents money tied up until the inventory leaves the organization. On the other hand, inadequate levels of stock create failure to meet the customer demand. Inventory management involves the management of all respects relating to stockholding, with aim of providing the desired level of customer service.14什么是第三方物流Tlp is simply the use of an outside company to perform all or part of the firm’s materials management物料管理and product distribution function.优势:professionalism, effect of scale,cost efficiency15什么是逆向物流Reverse logistics is the process in which obsolete products and various materials are remade, regenerated and recycled. This includes such logistics activities as return of products, replacement of materials as well as reuse, disposal, reprocessing, maintenance and remaking of items.16. Why is inventory control activity critical 物流控制为什么重要It is because of the financial necessity of maintaining a sufficient supply of product to meet both customers' needs and manufacturing requirement.17. What are the important factors that should be taken into consideration in selecting plant and warehouse siteMarket factor and transportation factor.18. What is reverse distribution 逆向配送The handling of return goods.19What are the five basic modes in transportation systemThey are motor, rail, water, air and pipeline.20. What are the factors influencing transportation costsProduct-related including density, stow-ability, ease ro difficulty of handling and liability. Market-related factors including degree of competition, location of market, government regulation, freight traffic, seasonality of product movements and domestically or international transport.21. What are the three primary types of transportation documentsBills of lading, freight bills and shipping manifests.22. What are the transportation participantsThey are shipper; destination party-consignee; carrier and agents; government; Internet and the public.23 What are the basic functions of warehousing Warehousing has three basic functions: movement, storage, and information transfer.24. What are types of inventoryThey are cycle stock, in-transit stock, safety or buffer stock, speculative stock, seasonal stock, and dead stock.翻译1 Product is off-loaded from the receiving carrier at the warehouse’s inbound dock and identified byproduct code and quantity. Data about the product are entered into the WMS using bar codescanners, radio frequency data communication terminals, or manual keyboards. Weight, cube, and packager configuration of the product are known by matching the product code against an internal product file.产品在进站口从进货车上卸下,确认产品编码和数量;产品的数据利用条码扫描器、无线射频数据通信终端或人工方式键入WMS系统;通过产品编码检索内部产品文件,可以获知重量、尺码、包装方式等信息;The WMS splits the order judiciously for efficient order picking and schedules the order flow through the various areas of the warehouse so that the items arrive at the shipping dock as a complete order and in the proper sequence with other orders to be loaded onto a truck or railcar for delivery. •WMS系统可以将订单分解,采取有效地分拣方法,安排货物在仓库不同区域之间的移动,使得货物到达出库战时可以组成完整的订单货物,而且到达顺序合理,这样就可以被装上货车或火车进行运输;Orders for customers located within the same proximity are picked simultaneously to arrive at the shipping dock and truck stall at the same time. Estimates are made of cube and weight of the multiple customer orders to be placed oh a truck, container, or rail car. Color-coding themerchandise flowing from the different areas of the warehouse aids in assembling themerchandise common to an order and sequencing it onto the delivery vehicle for most efficient routing.•相邻客户的订单会一起拣取,这要求货物同时到达发货站台,货车也会同一时间到达;还要顾及货物的体积和重量,以安排装上同一部货车、集装箱或铁路车厢的货物;人们会用彩色标记画出来自仓库不同地区的商品流以便于汇集同一订单的货物,按顺序装上配送货车,按最佳路径进行配送;1. Logistics information system LIS is defined as the “people, equipment, and procedures used togather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to decision makers”.物流信息系统LIS被定义为“为决策者收集、挑选、分析、评估并发布所需要的、及时、准确的信息所用的人员、设备和程序”;2. Some of the more commonly implemented systems are used to support transportation management,warehousing management, and operations planning and scheduling.有些较为常见的系统用于运输和仓储管理,以及各种业务的计划和调度;3. With the analysis of data, they can know clearly how much of a certain material they need andestablish a long-term relationship with their suppliers.通过数据分析,企业可以清楚掌握物料采购数量,并与供应商建立长期的合作关系;4. The transport information system mainly include vehicle information management, drivermanagement, transportation business registration, transport planning arrangements, etc. 交通信息系统主要包括车辆资料管理、驾驶员管理、运输业务登记、运输计划安排等;5. All key figures relating to material movements involving current stocks and supplier consignmentstocks are updated according to inventory levels.所有有关当前库存和供应商寄售库存的信息都随着库存水平不断更新;6. Quality management information system refers to the analysis of suppliers, materials and customers,in order to ensure the quality information of enterprise management can be delivered andresponded effectively.质量管理信息系统是指对供应商、物料和客户进行分析,以确保企业管理的质量信息能够及时有效地传递,并得到快速响应;7. When the sales order system is on-line, customer credit and inventory levels can immediately beverified by the salesperson, which provides the salesperson with a competitive advantage over other salespersons without order entry systems.销售订单系统运行时,销售人员可以随时查询客户信用和库存水平;和其他没有订单输入系统的销售人员相比,这就使得该销售员更有竞争优势;“on-line” 在此意为“运转、运行”;8. The information systems in logistics are flexible tools for collecting, aggregating and analyzingdata from the operative applications such as purchasing, production, sales, inventory controlling and quality management information.物流信息系统是收集、汇总和分析应用数据如采购、生产、销售、库存控制和质量管理信息的灵活工具;9. For this reason, the information systems give companies planning data, in addition to retrieving andaggregating actual data.为此,除了检索和汇总的实际数据外,信息系统还为企业提供了计划数据;10. The information systems in logistics can be used on a variety of levels in the decision-makingprocess as a tool of planning, management and control.作为计划、管理和控制的工具,物流信息系统可用于各种决策过程;Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. A variety of logistics information systems have been designed and implemented for differentlogistics activities and strategic purposes.为了不同的物流活动,实现不同的战略目标,人们设计并使用了各种各样的物流信息系统;2. LIS can facilitate information sharing both within and between companies.物流信息系统可以促进企业内部和企业之间的信息共享;3. Every one in LIS can analyze and monitor the movements of others.物流信息系统中的每个成员都可以分析并跟踪其他成员的动态;4. The sales information system routinely records sales orders and provides the correspondingdocuments.销售信息系统定期记录销售订单,并提供相应单据;5. The comparison of planned data and actual data plays a vital part in the decision-makingprocess.将计划数据和实际数据进行比较对决策过程起着重要作用;Notes1. Many companies are beginning to better understand the need for logisticsinformation support, and as a result, they have begun to invest in technologies that enhancedecision-making capabilities for transportation management, warehousing management, and demand forecasting and planning.现在,很多企业开始更好地理解这一需求,因此开始投资那些能够提高运输管理、仓储管理、需求预测与计划等方面的决策能力的技术;2. Originally bar-codes stored data in the widths and spacings of printed parallel lines, but today they also come in patterns of dots, concentric circles, and hidden in images. 最初,条形码把数据储存在一组平行的、由条和空组成的直线上,但现在条形码也以圆点和同心圆的形式出现,有时甚至隐藏在图像里面;3. At present, the 1D bar-code is still mainly used for commodities in practice, so 1D bar-code is also called commodity bar-code.目前在商品上的应用仍以一维条形码为主,所以一维条形码又被称为商品条形码;4. Electronic data interchangeEDIis the process of using computers to exchange business documents between companies.电子数据交换EDI是指企业之间利用计算机交换商业文件的过程;5. The applications of EDI in logistics can reduce transaction time, which help maintain efficient inventory levels, and they also contribute to a better use of warehouse space, and less outstock problems.在物流中使用EDI可以缩短交易时间,这有助于维持最经济的库存水平,同时也有利于更好地利用仓库空间,减少脱销问题;6. If the changeover from traditional methods to EDI has not been made within some businesses, other companies dealing with them may have to use the more traditional methods.如果某些企业还没有从传统的文件交换方式转换为电子数据交换,那么与之有业务往来的企业也必须使用更为传统的方法;7. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night. Anywhere on the earth has an unobstructed view of four or more GPS satellites.它可以在任何天气情况下夜以继日地向全世界各个地方的用户提供可靠的定位、导航和定时服务;任何地区都能观测到4颗以上GPS卫星;8. In logistics field, GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide, providing navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations, and is playing an increasingly important role.在物流领域,GPS已成为全球运输系统的支柱,为航空、地面和海上活动提供导航服务,并发挥着越来越重要的作用;Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The benefits of information technologies can be significant.信息技术带来的收益是巨大的;2. A bar-code is a machine-readable representation of information in a visual format on the surface.条形码是印在商品表面上的一组可见的、可用机器识别的、代表商品信息的符3. EDI allows for the ability to send and receive information at any time.电子数据交换允许在任何时候收发信息;4. Security is an important issue for companies using EDI.对于使用电子数据交换的企业来说,安全是一个重要问题;5. In logistics field, GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide.在物流领域,GPS已成为全球运输系统的支柱;•物流需求计划系统包括逻辑相关的程序、决策规则以及把主生产作业计划转化为各个时间段的净存货需求的纪录,计划包含所有实施这种进度安排所需要的部件信息.• A materials requirement planning MRP system consists of a set of logically related procedures, decision rules, records designed to translate a master production schedule into time-phased net inventory requirements and the planned coverage of such requirements for each component item needed to implement this schedule.•订货成本是指增加库存的订购所花费的支出,不包括产品本身的成本支出.准备成本具体来说是指改变或调整一个生产或加工过程,以方便产品线的调整而花费的支出.•Ordering cost refers to the expense of placing an order for additional inventory and does not include the cost or expense of the product itself. Setup cost refers more specifically to the expense of changing or modifying a production or assembly process to facilitate product line changeovers. •Capital cost•Implicit value。


brcgs仓储和配送全球标准BRCGS(Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards)是一家国际性的认证机构,致力于为全球领先的零售商和制造商提供安全、质量和品牌保障服务。
二、BRCGS仓储和配送全球标准的重要性1. 食品安全保障BRCGS仓储和配送全球标准要求企业建立严格的操作程序,包括对员工的培训和管理、设备和设施的检查、货物的接收和储存、订单配送的流程等。
2. 供应链可追溯性BRCGS标准要求企业建立完善的记录和文档体系,确保每个环节的操作和决策都可以追溯和核查。
3. 品牌声誉保护BRCGS仓储和配送全球标准是国际公认的标准之一。
4. 持续改进和创新BRCGS仓储和配送全球标准要求企业建立持续改进的机制。

跨境海外仓库配送方案1. 什么是跨境海外仓库配送?跨境海外仓库配送是指将商品存储在海外仓库中,当顾客下单时,直接从海外仓库发货,省去了跨境运输和海关清关的过程,快速为国外顾客提供服务。
2. 跨境海外仓库配送的优势2.1 缩短交货时间跨境海外仓库配送将商品存放在目的地国家的仓库中,当顾客下单时,发货时效会比国外直接发货更快,同时能够大大缩短交货时间,提高了顾客满意度。
2.2 降低运输成本通过跨境海外仓库配送,作为商家可以避免海外运输的风险和高昂的海关费用。
2.3 简化海关通关流程跨境海外仓库配送可以省去海外物流中的一系列手续,如海关证书、保险、报关、审批、集装箱装载等,缓解海关过多证书要求和手续繁琐的问题。
3.1 自建海外仓库自建海外仓库意味着商家自己购买、装修海外仓库,将所需商品运往海外仓库,由商家自己负责商品的存储和管理。
3.2 租用第三方海外仓库租用第三方海外仓库是一种比较常见的方式。
3.3 使用跨境物流公司的配送服务使用跨境物流公司的配送服务,商家在国内和海外物流公司之间进行协调和沟通,通过物流公司将商品从国内发往海外仓库,再由海外仓库发货到客户。
4.1 合理预估库存量由于跨境海外仓库配送需要保证商品随时准备发货,因此商家需要合理预估库存量,以免出现过多或过少的库存问题。
4.2 合理选择仓库位置不同的海外仓库位置和环境条件不同,对应的税收、物流、海关清关等问题也不尽相同,商家在选择仓库时应全面考虑仓库的地理位置、环保标准、交通条件等因素。
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1Tra nsportati on modes
total cost is 620, the cost per pallet is 620/25=24.8. In the similar way, other result also i can be calculated, except the Multi-mode. The Multi-mode 'cost is 1185 in cludi ng 125, 620, 295, and145, thus the cost per pallet is 1185/25=474
Air transportation is optimum choice. Air transportation can use the least time to convey goods due to faster speed. Besides, it also ensures the security to a large extent relatively. However, it also has some disadva ntages. Air tran sportati on has expe nsive cost, and airport is dista nt from muni cipal cen ter.
Sea transportation also can be chosen. Though it is the slowest method and vuln erable to bad weather in ocea n, it is the lowest expe nses of
freight and carries the largest quantities.
An gus Glen also can select rail. Rail has a large capacity and is less refrained by bad weather. Rail has these disadvantages, it is not much flexible and can not work without railroad.
2 Con sig nment delivery term
For in coterms ' importa nee, it can en sure that tran sact ions are fini shed successfully and safely. By n egotiat ing, sellers and buyers can sig n
con tract containing right and duty and other pert inent item. It also
explicitly shows the price and cost between buyers and sellers. In general, buyers should pay cost, freight and in sura nee. It is good for sol ving
con flict. In the en d, i ncoterms is ben eficial for releva nt age ncies to carry out operati onal activities
3 Con solidati on and groupage arra ngeme nt
than 12.5 pallets, the direct road modeis effective. However, according to method, the result should be roun ded to the n earest in teger, thus the result is 13 fin ally.
4 Least total cost
Kirriemuir Bottli ng Pla nt to Coatbridge Railport to Southampton Container Terminal to Port de Montreal Canada to Ecosse Hotel is optimum choice. Because the cost of Route A is lower than Route B.
5 Procedures and docume ntati on table
In the transportation, this procedure s flow chart perhaps is warehouse,
statio n, container freight yard, customs and desti nati on, which in volves these
docume nts such as In sura nee list, commercial inv oice, goods classificati on, etc. In commerce, the flow chart, con sult in g, con tract, order form and preparati on goods, whose releva nt docume nts have p roforma inv oice, export inv oice, CISG, intern ati onal commercial con tract. In custom, the
pert inent procedure is uploadi ng, check ing, tax ing and permitt ing through and its documents have customs invoice, customs declaration, good classificatio n and so on.。