


NJBK2系列 电动机保护继电器
1 适用范围
NJBK2系列电动机保护继电器(以下简称保护器),适用于交流50Hz、额定工作电压660V以下、额定工 作电流1A ~800A的长期工作或间断工作的交流电动机的 过 载 、 堵 转 、 断 相 、 三 相 电流不平衡、接地及 PTC温度保护。
符合标准:GB 14048.4,IEC 60947-4-1。
<2min <4min <8min <12min 2s<tp≤10s 4s<tp≤10s 6s<tp≤20s 9s<tp≤30s
起始条件 冷态开始
周围空气温度 ℃
5.2.2 保护器在各相负载不平衡时的动作特性。
1 2 3
整定电流倍数 任意两相 1.0 0.3-1.0 0.3-1.0
安装,以表安装。 5.1.7 提供保护器6倍电流试验功能。 5.2 保护特性 5.2.1 保护器在各相负载平衡时的动作特性。
序号 整定电流倍数
10A 10 20 30 10A 10 20 30 10A 10 20 30 10A 10 20 30
4 主要参数及技术性能
4.1 主电路:额定绝缘电压AC690V,额定频率50/60Hz。
型号 NJBK2-200/10 NJBK2-200/50 NJBK2-200/200 NJBK2-400/400 NJBK2-800/800
额定电流A 10 50 200 400 800
整定电流范围A 2-10 10-50 40-200 160-400 320-800



富士通固态电容1. NS系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:4V-25V 10UF-1200UF 6.3*7-10*12.5 10-63毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款与三和的FB系列类似,三和容值可达到3300UF,高度可到6MM,但三和的内阻比富士通的大.2. LS系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高稳定性/长寿命/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:4V-25V 22UF-820UF 体积均为10*10.5 内阻12-35毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款与NS不同点:高度都为10.5MM,直径为10MM,容值稍低,可作为NS的补充.3. R7系列:主要特点:超低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-16V 68UF-1500UF 8*11.5-10*12.5 内阻都为7毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款的主要特点就是内阻超低,使用寿命可以会更长.4.R5系列:主要特点:特超低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-6.3V 390UF-1500UF 8*11.5-10*12.5 内阻都为5毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款的主要特点就是内阻超低,使用寿命可以会更长.适合需要高容值,小电压的产品.5.NU系列:主要特点:超低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/大容值/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-16V 100UF-2700UF 8*11.5-10*12.5 内阻都为7-25毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款的容值增加到2700UF6. L8系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/插件适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-6.3V 470UF-1000UF 8*8 内阻都为6-8毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款可做R5的补充.7. PS系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/贴片(加底座)适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-16V 39UF-1500UF 6.3*5.7-10*12.4 内阻都为12-40毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款比插件的固态电容成本要高8. FS系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/贴片(加底座)适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-10V 10UF-180UF 5*5.7 内阻都为21-220毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款适合电压低,体积小,容值不大的需求9. SS/SA/SB系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/贴片(加底座)适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-6.3V 220UF-560UF 6.3*5.7 内阻为14-25毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款适合电压低,体积小,容值不大的需求(一般体积越小,内阻不容易控制小)10. HS/HA系列:主要特点:低阻抗/高纹波电流/长寿命/非套管/贴片(加底座)适应产品:开关电源与DC-DC交换器,CPU电源,微型大功率电源等(主要为需要长寿命的打印机,电脑主机板与部分显卡).温度: 105度标准寿命:2000HRS具体电压/容值/体积/内阻:2.5V-6.3V 330UF-1500UF 8*6.7-8*11.7 内阻为8-18毫欧(具体可根据客户需要参考目录书)此款适合要求直径是8MM大的杰特兴主要代理经营国产固态电容,质优价廉,欢迎咨询询价送样,电话135****9681,罗海波,QQ381545145.。





2.如果安装的是OKI5320仿真的驱动程序(安装完后出现名为"SEIKO OKI5320 24 pin"的打印机图标),则必须将打印机的仿真设置为5320仿真。

如果安装的是LQ1600K仿真的驱动程序(安装完后出现名为"FUJITSU DPK24 Series(LQ)"的打印机图标),则必须将打印机的仿真设置为1600K+ 仿真。



■DESCRIPTIONSThe FUJITSU MB90920 Series is a 16-bit general purpose high-capacity microcontroller designed for vehicle meter control applications etc.The instruction set retains the same AT architecture as the FUJITSU original F2MC-8L and F2MC-16L series, with further refinements including high-level language instructions, expanded addressing mode, enhanced (signed) multipler-divider computation and bit processing.In addition, a 32-bit accumulator is built in to enable long word processing.■FEATURES•ClockBuilt-in PLL clock frequency multiplication circuit.Selection of machine clocks (PLL clocks) is allowed among frequency division by 2 on oscillation clock and multiplication of 1 to 4 times of oscillation clock(for 4MHz oscillation clock, 4Hz to 16MHz).Operation by sub-clock(up to 50KHz : 100KHz oscillation clock divided by 2).(Continued)■PACKAGESMB90920 Series2•16-bit input capture (4 channels)Detects rising, falling, or both edges.16-bit capture register × 4Pin input edge detection latches the 16-bit free-run timer counter value, and generates an interrupt request.•16-bit reload timer (2 channels)16-bit reload timer operation (select toggle output or one-shot output)Event count function selection provided•Real Time Watch timer (main clock)Operates directly from oscillator clock.Compensates for oscillator deviationRead/write enabled second/minute/hour/date registerSignal interrupt•16-bit PPG (3channels)Output pins (3) , external trigger input pin (1)Output clock frequencies : f CP, f CP/22, f CP/24, f CP/26•Delay interruptGenerates interrupt for task switching.Interruptions to CPU can be generated/deleted by software setting.•External interrupts (8 channels)8-channel independent operationInterrupt source setting available : “L” to “H” edge/ “H” to “L” edge/ “L” level/ “H” level.•A/D converter10-bit or 8-bit resolution × 8 channels (input multiplexed)Conversion time : 2.6µs (at f CP= 16 MHz)External trigger startup available (P50/INT0/ADTG)Internal timer startup available (16-bit reload timer 1)•UART(LIN/SCI) (2 channels)Equipped with full duplex double bufferClock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available•SIO (1 channels)Clock synchronized data transmission.LSB-first or MSB-first data transmission selection are available.•CAN interfaceConforms to CAN specifications version 2.0 Part A and B.Automatic resend in case of error.Automatic transfer in response to remote frame.16 prioritized message buffers for data and messages for data and IDMultiple message supportReceiving filter has flexible configuration : All bit compare/all bit mask/two partial bit masksSupports up to 1 MbpsCAN WAKEUP function (connects RX internally to INT0)•LCD controller/driver (32 segment x 4 common)Segment driver and command driver with direct LCD panel (display) drive capability•Low voltage/Program Looping detect resetAutomatic reset when low voltage is detectedProgram Looping detection function(Continued)MB90920 Series3 (Continued)•Stepping motor controller (4 channels)High current output for all channels × 4Synchronized 8/10-bit PWM for all channels × 2•Sound generator8-bit PWM signal mixed with tone frequency from 8-bit reload counter.PWM frequencies : 62.5 kHz, 31.2 kHz, 15.6 kHz, 7.8kHz (at f CP= 16MHz)Tone frequencies : 1/2 PWM frequency, divided by (reload frequency +1)•Input/output portsGeneral-purpose input/output port (CMOS output)- 70 ports (dual clock system)- 72 ports (single clock system)•Capable of changing input voltage for portAutomotive/CMOS-Schmitt (initial level is Automotive in single-chip mode)•Flash memory security functionProtect the content of FLASH memory (FLASH memory device only)MB90920 Series4■PRODUCT LINEUP• MB90920 SeriesPart numberParameterMB90F927MB90F927S MB90V920MB90V920S Configuration Flash ROM model Flash ROM model Evaluation model Evaluation model CPU F2MC-16LX CPUSystem clockOn-chip PLL clock multiplier type ( × 1, × 2, × 3, × 4, 1/2 when PLL stopped)Minimum instruction execution time 62.5 ns (with 4 MHz oscillation clock PLL × 4) Sub-clock pin(X0A, X1A)Yes No Yes No ROM Flash ROM 64 KB ExternalRAM 4 KB10 KBI/O port70 (sub-clock pins exist) / 72 (sub-clock pins not exist)SIO 1 ChannelLCD segment32UART UART(LIN/SCI) 2 ChannelsCAN 1 Channel16-Bit Input Capture 4 Channels16-Bit Reload Timer 2 Channels16-Bit Free Run Timer 1 ChannelReal Time Watch Timer 1 Channel16-bit PPG 3 ChannelsExternal Interrupt8 ChannelsA/D converter8 ChannelsLVD/CPU Loop Reset Yes NoStepping Motro Control 4 ChannelsSound Generator 1 ChannelFlash Security Yes NoOperation Voltage 3.7V ~ 5.5V 4.5V ~ 5.5VPackages QFP100, LQFP100PGA-299MB90920 Series5■PIN ASSIGNMENTSMB90920 Series 6MB90920 Series7■PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin no.SymbolCircuittypeDescriptionLQFP QFP8082X0AHigh speed oscillator input pin.8183X1High speed oscillator output pin.7880P92G General purpose I/O port.X0A ALow speed oscillator input pin. If no oscillator is connected,apply pull-down processing.7779P93G General purpose I/O port.X1A ALow speed oscillator output pin. If no oscillator is connected,leave open.7577RST B Reset input pin.8385P00JGeneral purpose input/output port.SIN0UART ch.0 serial data input pin.INT4INT4 external interrupt input pin.SEG24LCD segment output.8486P01EGeneral purpose input/output port.SOT0UART ch.0 serial data output pin.INT5INT5 external interrupt input pin.SEG25LCD segment output.8587P02EGeneral purpose input/output port.SCK0UART ch.0 serial clock input/output pin.INT6INT6 external interrupt input pin.SEG26LCD segment output.8688P03JGeneral purpose input/output port.SIN1UART ch.1 serial data input pin.INT7INT7 external interrupt input pin.SEG27LCD segment output.8789P04EGeneral purpose input/output port.SOT1UART ch.1 serial data output pin.SEG28LCD segment output.8890P05EGeneral purpose input/output port.SCK1UART ch.1 serial clock input/output pin.TRG16-bit PPG ch.0-2 external trigger input pin.SEG29LCD segment output.MB90920 Series 8MB90920 Series9(Continued) Pin no.SymbolCircuittypeDescriptionLQFP QFP4547P51KGeneral purpose input output port.INT1INT1 external interrupt input pin.SI SIO data input pin.4648P52GGeneral purpose input output port.INT2INT2 external interrupt input pin.SO SIO data ouput pin.5052P53GGeneral purpose input output port.INT3INT3 external interrupt input pin.SCK SIO clock input pin.52 to 5554 to 57P70 to P73HGeneral purpose input output ports.PWM1P0PWM1M0PWM2P0PWM2M0Stepping motor controller ch.0 output pins.57 to 6059 to 62P74 to P77HGeneral purpose input output ports.PWM1P1PWM1M1PWM2P1PWM2M1Stepping motor controller ch.1 output pins.62 to 6564 to 67P80 to P83HGeneral purpose input output ports.PWM1P2PWM1M2PWM2P2PWM2M2Stepping motor controller ch.2 output pins.67 to 7069 to 72P84 to P87HGeneral purpose input output ports.PWM1P3PWM1M3PWM2P3PWM2M3Stepping motor controller ch.3 output pins.7274P54GGeneral purpose input output port.TX0CAN interface 0 TX output pin.7375P55GGeneral purpose output port.RX0CAN interface 0 RX input pin.7476P56GGeneral purpose input output port.SGO Sound generator SG0 output pin.FRCK Free-run timer clock input pin.MB90920 Series10Note:*1 : Type C in MB90F927 and MB90F927S, type D in MB90V920 and MB90V920S.Pin no.SymbolCircuittypeDescriptionLQFP QFP7678P57GGeneral purpose input output port.SGA Sound generator SGA output pin.28 to 3130 to 33V0 to V3 LCD controller /driver reference power supply pins.56, 6658, 68DV CCHigh current output buffer with dedicated power supply input pins(pin numbers 54-57, 59-62, 64-67, 69-72) .51, 61, 7153, 63, 73DV SSHigh current output buffer with dedicated power supply GND pins(pin numbers 54-57, 59-62, 64-67, 69-72) .3234AV CC A/D converter dedicated power supply input pin.3537AV SS A/D converter dedicated GND supply pin.3335AVRH A/D converter Vref + input pin.47484950MD0MD1C Test mode input pins. Connect to V CC.4951MD2C/D*1Test mode input pin. Connect to V SS.2527CExternal capacitor pin. Connect an 0.1 µF capacitor between thispin and V SS.21, 8223, 84V CC Power supply input pins.9, 40, 7911, 42, 81V SS GND power supply pins.■I/O CIRCUIT TYPE(Continued)(Continued)(Continued)■HANDLING DEVICESPrecautions for Handling Semiconductor Devices•Strictly observe maximum rated voltages (prevent latchup)When CMOS integrated circuit devices are subjected to applied voltages higher than V CC at input and output pins other than medium- and high-withstand voltage pins, or to voltages lower than V SS, or when voltages in excess of rated levels are applied between V CC and V SS, a phenomenon known as latchup can occur. In a latchup condition, supply current can increase dramatically and may destroy semiconductor elements. In using semi-conductor devices, always take sufficient care to avoid exceeding maximum ratings.Also care must be taken when power to analog systems is switched on or off, to ensure that the analog power supply (AV CC, AVRH) , analog input and dedicated power supply for the high current output buffer pins (DV CC) do not exceed the digital power supply (V CC) .Once the digital power supply (V CC) is switched on, the analog power (AV CC,AVRH) and dedicated power supply for the high current output buffer pins (DV CC) may be turned on in any sequence.•Stable supply voltageEven within the warranted operating range of V CC supply voltage, sudden fluctuations in supply voltage can cause abnormal operation. The recommended stability for ripple fluctuations (P-P values) at commercial fre-quencies (50 Hz to 60 Hz) should be within 10% of the standard V CC value, and voltage fluctuations that occur during switching of power supplies etc. should be limited to transient fluctuation rates of 0.1 V/ms or less.•Power-on proceduresIn order to prevent abnormal operation of the internal built-in step-down circuits, voltage rise time during power-on should be attained within 50 µs (0.2 V to 2.7 V) .•Treatment of unused pinsIf unused input pins are left open, they may cause abnormal operation or latchup which may lead to permanent damage to the semiconductor. Any such pins should be pulled up or pulled down through resistance of at least2 kΩ.Any unused input/output pins should be left open in output status, or if found set to input status, they should be treated in the same way as input pins.Any unused output pins should be left open.•Treatment of A/D converter power supply pinsEven if the A/D converter is not used, pins should be connected so that AV CC= V CC, and AV SS= AVRH = V SS.•Use of external clock signalsEven when an external clock is used, a stabilization period is required following a power-on reset or release from sub clock mode or stop mode. Also, when an external clock is used it should drive only the X0 pin and the•Power supply pinsDevices are designed to prevent problems such as latchup when multiple V CC and V SS supply pins are used, by providing internal connections between pins having the same potential. However, in order to reduce unwanted radiation, and to prevent abnormal operation of strobe signals due to rise in ground level, and to maintain total output current ratings, all such pins should always be connected externally to power supplies and ground.As shown in figure below, all V CC power supply pins must have the same potential. All V SS power supply pins should be handled in the same way. If there are multiple V CC or V SS systems, the device will not operate properlyIn addition, care must be given to connecting the V CC and V SS pins of this device to a current source with as little impedance as possible. It is recommended that a bypass capacitor of 1.0 µF be connected between V CC and V SS as close to the pins as possible.•Proper sequence of A/D converter power supply analog inputA/D converter power (AV CC, AVRH) and analog input (AN0-AN7) must be applied after the digital power supply (V CC) is switched on. When power is shut off, the A/D converter power supply and analog input must be cut off before the digital power supply is switched on (V CC) . In both power-on and shut-off, care should be taken that AVRH does not exceed AV CC. Even when pins which double as analog input pins are used as input ports, be sure that the input voltage does not exceed AV CC. (There is no problem if analog power supplies and digital power supplies are turned off and on at the same time.)•Handling the power supply for high-current output buffer pins (DV CC, DV SS)Always apply power to high-current output buffer pins (DV CC, DV SS) after the digital power supply (V CC) is turned on. Also when switching power off, always shut off the power supply to the high-current output buffer pins (DV CC, DV SS) before switching off the digital power supply (V CC) . (There will be no problem if high-current output buffer pins and digital power supplies are turned off and on at the same time.)Even when high-current output buffer pins are used as general purpose ports, the power for high current output buffer pins (DV CC, DV SS) should be applied to these pins.•Pull-up/pull-down resistanceThe MB90920 series does not support internal pull-up/pull-down resistance. If necessary, use external compo-nents.•Precautions for when not using a sub clock signal.If the X0A and X1A pins are not connected to an oscillator, apply pull-down treatment to the X0A pin and leave the X1A pin open.•Notes on during operation when external clock is stopped.The microcontroller attempt to be working with the self-oscillating circuit even when there is no external oscillator or external clock input is stopped. Performance of this operation, however, cannot be guaranteed.■BLOCK DIAGRAM■MEMORY MAPNote : To select models without the ROM mirror function, see the “ROM Mirror Function Selection Module.” The image of the ROM data in the FF bank appears at the top of the 00 bank, in order to enable efficient use of small C compiler models. The lower 16-bit address for the FF bank will be assigned to the same address, so that tables in ROM can be referenced without declaring a “far” indication with the pointer. For example when accessing the address 00C000H, the actual access is to address FFC000H in ROM. Here the FF bank ROM area exceeds 48 KB, so that it is not possible to see the entire area in the 00 bank image. Therefore because the ROM data from FF4000H to FFFFFF H will appear in the image from 004000H to 00FFFF H, it is recommended that the ROM data table be stored in the area from FF4000H to FFFFFF H.■I/O MAP•Other than CAN Interface (Continued)Address Register name Symbol Read/write Peripheral functionInitial value 00H Port 0 data register PDR0R/W Port 0X X X X X X X X 01H Port 1 data register PDR1R/W Port 1- - XXXXXX 02H Port 2 data register PDR2R/W Port 2X X X X X X - -03H Port 3 data register PDR3R/W Port 3X X X X X X X X 04H Port 4 data register PDR4R/W Port 4X X X X X X X X 05H Port 5 data register PDR5R/W Port 5X X X X X X X X 06H Port 6 data register PDR6R/W Port 6X X X X X X X X 07H Port 7 data register PDR7R/W Port 7X X X X X X X X 08H Port 8 data register PDR8R/W Port 8X X X X X X X X 09H Port 9 data registerPDR9R/WPort 9- - - -X X X X0A H to 0F H (Disabled) 10H Port 0 direction register DDR0R/W Port 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 011H Port 1 direction register DDR1R/W Port 1- - 0 0 0 0 0 012H Port 2 direction register DDR2R/W Port 20 0 0 0 0 0 - -∗113H Port 3 direction register DDR3R/W Port 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0∗114H Port 4 direction register DDR4R/W Port 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 015H Port 5 direction register DDR5R/W Port 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 016H Port 6 direction register DDR6R/W Port 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 017H Port 7 direction register DDR7R/W Port 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 018H Port 8 direction register DDR8R/W Port 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 019H Port 9 direction register DDR9R/W Port 9- - - - 0 0 0 01A H Analog input enable ADERR/WPort 6, A/D1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11B H to 1F H (Disabled) 20H A/D control status register lower ADCS0R/W A/D converter0 0 0 - - - - 021H A/D control status register higher ADCS1R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -22H A/D data register lower ADCR0R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 023H A/D data register higher ADCR1R - - - - - - 0 024H Compare clear register CPCLR R/W 16-bit free-run timer X X X X X X X X 25H R/W X X X X X X X X 26H Timer data registerTCDT R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 027H R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 028H Timer control status register lower TCCSL R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 029HTimer control status register higher TCCSHR/W0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0(Continued)(Continued)2122(Continued) Address Register name Symbol Read/write Peripheral function Initial value 80H PWM control register 0PWC0R/WStepping motorcontroller00 0 0 0 0 - - 081H (Disabled)82H PWM control register 1PWC1R/WStepping motorcontroller10 0 0 0 0 - - 083H (Disabled)84H PWM control register 2PWC2R/WStepping motorcontroller20 0 0 0 0 - - 085H (Disabled)86H PWM control register 3PWC3R/WStepping motorcontroller30 0 0 0 0 - - 0 87H to 89H (Disabled)8A H A/D setting register 0ADSR0R/WA/D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08B H A/D setting register 1ADSR1R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8C H Port Input Level Select 0PIL0R/W Port Input Level Se-lect0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08D H Port Input Level Select 1PIL1R/W- - - 0 0 0 0 0 8E H to9D H*4(Disabled)9E H ROM correction control register PACSR R/WAddress matchdetection function- - - - - 0 - 0 9F H Delay interrupt/release DIRR R/W Delayed interrupt- - - - - - - 02324(Continued) C4H Serial mode register 1SMR1R/WUART(LIN/SCI) 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0C5H Serial control register 1SCR1R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C6HReception/Transmission data reg-ister 1RDR1/TDR1R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7H Serial status register 1SSR1R/W0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 C8HExtended Communication ControlRegister 1ECCR1R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 X X C9H Extended Status Control Register 1ESCR1R/W0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 CA H Baud Rate Generator Register 10BGR10R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CB H Baud Rate Generator Register 11BGR11R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC H Watch timer control register lower WTCRL R/WReal-timewatch timer0 0 0 - - 0 0 0CD H Watch timer control register middle WTCRM R/W0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE H Watch timer control register higher WTCRH R/W- - - - 0 0 0 0 CF H Subclock Control register SCCR W Subclock- - - - 0 0 0 0D0H toFF H(Disabled)1FF0H ROM correction address 0PADR0R/WAddress matchdetection functionX X X X X X X X 1FF1H ROM correction address 1PADR0R/W X X X X X X X X 1FF2H ROM correction address 2PADR0R/W X X X X X X X X 1FF3H ROM correction address 3PADR1R/W Address matchdetection functionX X X X X X X X 1FF4H ROM correction address 4PADR1R/W X X X X X X X X 1FF5H ROM correction address 5PADR1R/W X X X X X X X X Address Register name Symbol Read/write Peripheral function Initial value25(Continued)Address Register name Symbol Read/write Peripheral function Initial value3900H to 391F H (Disabled)3920H PPG0 down counter register PDCR0R 16-bit PPG 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 13921H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13922H PPG0 cycle setting register PCSR0W X X X X X X X X 3923H X X X X X X X X 3924H PPG0 duty setting registerPDUT0WX X X X X X X X 3925H X X X X X X X X3926H to 3927H (Disabled)3928H PPG1 down counter register PDCR1R 16-bit PPG 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 13929H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1392A H PPG1 cycle setting register PCSR1W X X X X X X X X 392B H X X X X X X X X 392C H PPG1 duty setting registerPDUT1WX X X X X X X X 392D H X X X X X X X X392E H to 392F H (Disabled)3930H PPG2 down counter register PDCR2R 16 bit PPG 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 13931H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13932H PPG2 cycle setting register PCSR2W X X X X X X X X 3933H X X X X X X X X 3934H PPG2 duty setting registerPDUT2WX X X X X X X X 3935H X X X X X X X X3936H to 3957H (Disabled)3958H Sub second data register WTBR R/W Real time watch timerX X X X X X X X3959H X X X X X X X X 395A H - - - X X X X X 395B H Second data register WTSR R/W - - 0 0 0 0 0 0395C H Minute data register WTMR R/W - - 0 0 0 0 0 0395D H Hour data register WTHR R/W - - - 0 0 0 0 0395E H Day data registerWTDRR/W0 0 - 0 0 0 0 1395F H(Disabled)3960H to396F H LCD display RAMVRAMR/WLCD controller/driver X X X X X X X X3970H(Disabled)26(Continued)Address Register name Symbol Read/write Peripheral function Initial value3971H to397F H (Disabled)3980HPWM1 compare register 0PWC10R/WStepping motorcontroller 0X X X X X X X X 3981H- - - - - -X X 3982HPWM2 compare register 0PWC20R/WX X X X X X X X 3983H- - - - - -X X 3984H PWM1 select register 0PWS10R/W- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 3985H PWM2 select register 0PWS20R/W- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3986H to3987H(Disabled)3988HPWM1 compare register 1PWC11R/WStepping motorcontroller 1X X X X X X X X 3989H- - - - - -X X 398A HPWM2 compare register 1PWC21R/WX X X X X X X X 398B H- - - - - -X X 398C H PWM1 select register 1PWS11R/W- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 398D H PWM2 select register 1PWS21R/W- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398E H to398F H(Disabled)3990HPWM1 compare register 2PWC12R/WStepping motorcontroller 2X X X X X X X X 3991H- - - - - -X X3992HPWM2 compare register 2PWC22R/WX X X X X X X X 3993H- - - - - -X X 3994H PWM1 select register 2PWS12R/W- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 3995H PWM2 select register 2PWS22R/W- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3996H to3997H(Disabled)3998HPWM1 compare register 3PWC13R/WStepping motorcontroller 3X X X X X X X X 3999H- - - - - -X X399A HPWM2 compare register 3PWC23R/WX X X X X X X X 399B H- - - - - -X X 399C H PWM1 select register 3PWS13R/W- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 399D H PWM2 select register 3PWS23R/W- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399E H to39FF H(Disabled)3A00H to3AFF HArea reserved for CAN interface 03B00H to3BFF H(Disabled)27•Initial value symbols : “0” initial value 0.“1” initial value 1.“X” initial value undetermined“-” initial value undetermined (none) •Write/read symbols : “R/W” read/write enabled “R” read only “W” write only•Addresses in the area 0000H to 00FF H are reserved for the principal functions of the MCU. Read access attempts to reserved areas will result in an “X” value. Also, write access to reserved areas is prohibited.Note:*1: P22/SEG0 to P27/SEG5 and P30/SEG6 to P35/SEG11 initially will be LCD segments output as LCD outputcontrol register LOCR1 (58H ) is “11111111B ” initially. To use Port 2 and Port 3 as the general-purpose input/output ports, please set LOCR1 to “00000000B ” to disable the LCD segment output first.3C00H to 3CFF H Area reserved for CAN interface 03D00H to 3DFF H (Disabled) 3E00H to 3EFF H(Disabled)Address Register nameSymbolRead/write Peripheral functionInitial value28•I/O Map for CAN Interface(Continued) Address Register name SymbolRead/writeInitial value000040HMessage buffer valid area BVALR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000041H000042HTransmission request regHi ister TREQR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000043H000044HTransmission cancel register TCANR (W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000045H000046HTransmission completed register TCR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000047H000048HReceiving completed register RCR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000049H00004A HRemote request receiving register RRTRR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00004B H00004C HReceiving overrun register ROVRR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00004D H00004E HReceiving interrupt enable register RIER (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00004F H003C00HControl status register CSR(R/W, R) 0 0 - - - 0 0 00 - - - - 0 - 1 003C01H003C02HLast event indicator register LEIR (R/W) - - - - - - - -0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 003C03H003C04HRX/TX error counter RTEC (R) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 003C05H003C06HBit timing register BTR (R/W) - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 003C07H003C08HIDE register IDER (R/W) XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003C09H003C0A HTransmission RTR register TRTRR (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 003C0B H003C0C HRemote frame receiving wait register RFWTR (R/W) XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003C0D H003C0E HTransmission interrupt enable register TIER (R/W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 003C0F H29(Continued)Address Register name SymbolRead/writeInitial value003C10H Acceptance mask select register AMSR (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003C11H 003C12H XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003C13H 003C14H Acceptance mask register 0AMR0 (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003C15H 003C16H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003C17H 003C18H Acceptance mask register 1AMR1 (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003C19H 003C1A H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX003C1B H003A00Hto 003A1F H General purpose RAM (R/W) XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX003A20H ID register 0IDR0(R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A21H 003A22H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A23H 003A24H ID register 1IDR1(R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A25H 003A26H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A27H 003A28H ID register 2IDR2(R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A29H 003A2A H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A2B H 003A2C H ID register 3IDR3(R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A2D H 003A2E H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A2F H 003A30H ID register 4IDR4(R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A31H 003A32H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A33H30(Continued) Address Register name SymbolRead/writeInitial value003A34HID register 5IDR5 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A35H003A36HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A37H003A38HID register 6IDR6 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A39H003A3A HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A3B H003A3C HID register 7IDR7 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A3D H003A3E HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A3F H003A40HID register 8IDR8 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A41H003A42HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A43H003A44HID register 9IDR9 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A45H003A46HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A47H003A48HID register 10IDR10 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A49H003A4A HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A4B H003A4C HID register 11IDR11 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A4D H003A4E HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A4F H003A50HID register 12IDR12 (R/W)XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003A51H003A52HXXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A53H31(Continued)Address Register name SymbolRead/writeInitial value003A54H ID register 13IDR13 (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A55H 003A56H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A57H 003A58H ID register 14IDR14 (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A59H 003A5A H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A5B H 003A5C H ID register 15IDR15 (R/W)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 003A5D H 003A5E H XXXXX- - -XXXXXXXX 003A5F H 003A60H DLC register 0DLCR0 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A61H 003A62H DLC register 1DLCR1 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A63H 003A64H DLC register 2DLCR2 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A65H 003A66H DLC register 3DLCR3 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A67H 003A68H DLC register 4DLCR4 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A69H 003A6A H DLC register 5DLCR5 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A6B H 003A6C H DLC register 6DLCR6 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A6D H 003A6E H DLC register 7DLCR7 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A6F H 003A70H DLC register 8DLCR8 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A71H 003A72H DLC register 9DLCR9 (R/W) - - - -XXXX - - - -XXXX 003A73H 003A74H DLC register 10DLCR10(R/W)- - - -XXXX- - - -XXXX 003A75H。



规格值 典型








VVREF - 1.5
ADJ2 引脚 ( 内置基准电压使用时 ) 4.6 0
ADJ2 引脚 ( 外部设定时 )
ADJ3 引脚 ( 内置基准电压使用时 ) 2.4

适配器电压检测部分 的输出引脚。 AC
(AC Comp.)
= = = = ACIN H : ACOK Lo-Z, ACIN L : ACOK Hi-Z
I 误差放大器 (Error Amp3) 的反相输入引脚。
I 误差放大器 (Error Amp1) 的同相输入引脚。
O 误差放大器 (Error Amp1) 的输出引脚。


CB 引脚电容


VB 输出电容




继电器- (24VDC 230VAC )

继电器- (24VDC  230VAC  )

通电因数 (DF)
EMC (电磁兼容)标准
EMC 规则
可靠性 (MTTF & MTBF 对设备)
E. 230VAC 3CO
线圈指示和 EMC抑制模块
Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098 Z902499 Z023098
C. 230VAC 4CO
D. 24VDC 2CO 10A/250V 0.4A/110V P33 DD02 P36
D. 230VAC 2CO
D. 24VDC 3CO 10A/250V 0.4A/110V P33 DD03 P36
D. 230VAC 3CO
E. 24VDC 2CO 16A/250V 0.6A/110V P37 EE03 P41
E. 230VAC 2CO
E. 24VDC 3CO 16A/250V 0.6A/110V P37 EE03 P41



P RE LI MI NA RYs ORDERING INFORMATIONFTR-MY A A 012 D – **[Example](a)(b)(c)(d) (e) (f )s FEATURESqWidth 5 mm, height 12 mm, area 100 mm 2,super slim,low power, compact and light weight 2.3 grqNominal Power: 96 mW, Operate Power: 47 mW High sensitiveq High reliability, bifurcated gold/alloy contact qDielectric Strength: 3600 VAC Surge Strength: 5080 V qSAFETY STANDARDSUL, CSA (pending), IEC1131 compatabilitys APPLICATIONSqPLC, I/O module, Inverter Control)a (e m a N s e i r e S s e i r e S Y M -R T F )b (t n e m e g n a r r A t c a t n o C A m r o F 1:A )c (ep y T l i o C W m 69:A )d (e g a t l o V l a n i m o N l i o C C D V 21:210C D V 5.4:5.4C D V 81:810C D V 5:500CD V 42:420C D V 6:600C D V 9:900)e (l a i r e t a M t c a t n o C y o l l a r e v l i S :D )f (no i t a n g i s e D m o t s u C re b m u N l a i c e p S Note: The designation name is stamped on the top of the relay case as follows:(Example: Designation ordered: FTR-MYAA012DStamp:MYAA012D2P R EL I MI N A R Ys SPECIFICATIONS*1 Minimum switching loads mentioned above are reference values. Please perform the confirmation test with theactual load before production since reference values may vary according to switching frequencies, environmental conditions and expected reliability levels.m e t I se i r e S Y M -R T F tc a t n o C t n e m e g n a r r A Am r o F 1la i r e t a M y o l l a r e v l i S -y o l l a r e v l i s d i a l r e v o d l o G )l a i t i n i (e c n a t s i s e R m 03m u m i x a M Ω)C D V 6A 1t a ()e v i t s i s e r (g n i t a R A 3,C D V 03/C A V 052tn e r r u C g n i y r r a C m u m i x a M A5gn i t a R g n i h c t i w S m u m i x a M W 09/A V 057e g a t l o V g n i h c t i w S m u m i x a M C D V 521,C A V 052t n e r r u C g n i h c t i w S m u m i x a M A5d a o L g n i h c t i w S m u m i x a M 1*Am 1,C D V 5li o C )C ˚02t a (r e w o P l a n i m o N W m 69)C ˚02t a (r e w o P e t a r e p O Wm 74er u t a r e p m e T g n i t a r e p O )t s o r f o n (C °09+o t C °04-e u l a V e m i T )e g a t l o v l a n i m o n t a (e m i T e t a r e p O )e m i t e c n u o b g n i d u l c x e (s m 01m u m i x a M )e g a t l o v l a n i m o n t a (e m i T e s a e l e R )e m i t e c n u o b g n i d u l c x e (s m 5m u m i x a M no i t a l u s n I )l a i t i n i (e c n a t s i s e R M 000,1m u m i n i M Ω)C D V 005t a (c i r t c e l e i D ht g n e r t S n e p o n e e w t e B s t c a t n o c et u n i m 1)z H 06/05(C A V 057d n a l i o c n e e w t e B st c a t n o c et u n i m 1)z H 06/05(C A V 006,3ht g n e r t S e g r u S 05x 2.1t a V 080,5µd n a l i o c n e e w t e b (s )s t c a t n o c ef i L l a c i n a h c e M 01x 27)r h /s p o 000,81(m u m i n i m s n o i t a r e p o la c i r t c e l E gn i t a R t c a t n o C 01x 014)r h /s p o 006(m u m i n i m s n o i t a r e p o re h t O no i t a r b i V e c n a t s i s e R n o i t a r e p o s i M )m m 5.1f o e d u t i l p m a e l b u o d (z H 55-01e c n a r u d n E )m m 5.1f o e d u t i l p m a e l b u o d (z H 55-01kc o h S e c n a t s i s e R n o i t a r e p o s i M s /m 0012)s m 1±11(e c n a r ud n E s /m 000,12)s m 1±6(th g i e W g3.2y l e t a m i x o r p p A3P s COIL DATA CHARTNote: All values in the table are measured at 20°C.L E D O M l a n i m o N e g a t l o V l i o C e c n a t s i s e R )%01±(e t a r e p O t s u M e g a t l o V e s a e l e R t s u M e g a t l o V l a n i m o N r e w o P s e i r e S Y M -R T F D 5.4A A Y M -R T F C D V 5.4012ΩC D V 51.3C D V 32.0W m 69D 500A A Y M -R T F C D V 5062ΩC D V 5.3C D V 52.0W m 69D 600A A Y M -R T F C D V 6073ΩC D V 2.4C D V 3.0W m 69D 900A A Y M -R T F C D V 9018ΩC D V 3.6C D V 54.0W m 69D 210A A Y M -R T F C D V 21005,1ΩC D V 4.8C D V 6.0W m 69D 810A A Y M -R T F C D V 81073,3ΩC D V 6.21C D V 9.0W m 69D420A A Y M -R T F CD V 42000,6ΩCD V 8.61CD V 2.1Wm 69s DIMENSIONS© 2002 Fujitsu Components America, Inc. All company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Rev. 03/2002JapanFujitsu Component Limited Gotanda-Chuo Building3-5, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141, Japan Tel: (81-3) 5449-7010Fax: (81-3) 5449-2626Email: promothq@ Web: North and South AmericaFujitsu Components America, Inc.250 E. Caribbean DriveSunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A.Tel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email: marcom@ Web: EuropeFujitsu Components Europe B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV Hoofddorp NetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email: info@ Web: Asia PacificFujitsu Components Asia Ltd.102E Pasir Panjang Road#04-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex Singapore 118529Tel: (65) 375-8560Fax: (65) 273-3021Email: fcal@ Fujitsu Components International Headquarter Offices。













FTR-K1 SERIESn FEATURESlWidth 5mm, height 12mm (31% smaller than NY series) area 100 mm 2, super slim , low power, compact and light weight 2.5gr.l Nominal power: 110mW (8% less than NY series), Operate power: 54mW High sensitive l High reliable contacts, bifurcated gold overlay silver alloy (cadmium free)l Complies with IEC 61010, 61131l Dielectric strength: 3000VAC l Surge strength: 5080V l Safety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC l RoHS compliantPlease see page 6 for more information l Plastic sealed type, RTIIIn APPLICATIONSlPLC, I/O module inverter controlActual marking does not carry the type name : "FTR"E.g.: Ordering code: FTR-MYAA012D Actual marking: MYAA012D(a) Relay typeFTR-MY: FTR-MY Series (b) Contact configuration A : 1 form A(c) Coil type A : Standard type (110mW)(d) Coil rated voltage 012 : 4.5....24VDCCoil rating table at page 3 (e) Contact material D : Gold overlay AgNi(f)Special type**: Customer specific type designationn PARTNUMBER INFORMATIONFTR-MY A A 012 D - ** [Example] (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)n SPECIFICATION* Minimum switching loads mentioned above are reference values. Please perform the confirmation test with actual load before production since reference values may vary according to switching frequencies, environmental contionsand expected reliability levels.n COIL RATINGCoilCode Rated CoilVoltage(VDC)Coil Resistance+/- 10% (Ohm)Must Operate Voltage (VDC) *Must Release-Voltage (VDC) *Rated Power(mW)4.5 4.5185 3.150.2251100055230 3.50.250066330 4.20.30099740 6.30.45012121,3108.40.6018182,95012.60.9024245,24016.81.2Type Compliance Contact ratingULUL 508, UL 1604E63614, E225300Flammability: UL 94-V0 (plastics)5A, 277 VAC (resistive)5A, 30 VDC (resistive)1/10 HP , 277VAC /125VAC Pilot duty: D300, C300, R300CSA C22.2 No. 14LR 40304VDE0435 part 201400147815A, 250VAC, cos φ1, 50K 5A, 30VDC, 0msec, 50Kn SAFETY STANDARDSNote: All values in the table are valid for 20°C and zero contact current.* Specified operate values are valid for pulse wave voltage.n CHARACTERISTIC DATAn REFERENCE DATAn DIMENSIONSl DimensionslWiring Diagram(BOTTOM VIEW)(BOTTOM VIEW)Unit: mm1. General InformationlAll signal and power relays produced by Fujitsu Components are compliant with RoHS directive 2002/95ECincluding amendments.l Cadmium as used in electrical contacts is exempted from the RoHS directives on October 21st, 2005. (Amendment to Directive 2002/95/EC)l All of our signal and power relays are lead-free. Please refer to Lead-Free Status Info for older date codes at: /us/downloads/MICRO/fcai/relays/lead-free-letter.pdfl Lead free solder plating on relay terminals is Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu, unless otherwise specified. This material has been verified to be compatible with PbSn assembly process.2. Recommended Lead Free Solder ProfilelRecommended solder Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu.RoHS Compliance and Lead Free Information3. Moisture SensitivitylMoisture Sensitivity Level standard is not applicable to electromechanical relays, unless otherwise indicated.4. Tin WhiskerslDipped SnAgCu solder is known as presenting a low risk to tin whisker development. No considerable length whisker was found by our in house test.We highly recommend that you confirm your actual solder conditionsFlow Solder condition:Pre-heating: maximum 120˚CSoldering: dip within 5 sec. at260˚C solder bathSolder by Soldering Iron:Soldering IronTemperature: maximum 360˚C Duration: maximum 3 sec.JapanFujitsu Component LimitedGotanda-Chuo Building3-5, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141, JapanTel: (81-3) 5449-7010Fax: (81-3) 5449-2626Email: promothq@Web: North and South AmericaFujitsu Components America, Inc.250 E. Caribbean DriveSunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A.Tel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email: components@Web: /components EuropeFujitsu Components Europe B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV HoofddorpNetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email: info@Web: /components/Asia PacificFujitsu Components Asia Ltd.102E Pasir Panjang Road#01-01 Citilink Warehouse ComplexSingapore 118529Tel: (65) 6375-8560Fax: (65) 6273-3021Email: fcal@Web: /sg/services/micro/components/Fujitsu Components International Headquarter Offices©2010 Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The contents, data and information in this datasheet are provided by Fujitsu Component Ltd. as a service only to its user and only for gen-eral information purposes.The use of the contents, data and information provided in this datasheet is at the users’ own risk.Fujitsu has assembled this datasheet with care and will endeavor to keep the contents, data and information correct, accurate, comprehen-sive, complete and up to date.Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. and affiliated companies do however not accept any responsibility or liability on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, for any loss or damage, direct, indirect or consequential, with respect to this datasheet, its contents, data, and information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof.Nor do Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. and affiliated companies accept on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, any responsibility or liability for any representation or warrant of any kind, express or implied, including warranties of any kind for merchantability or fitness for particular use, with respect to these datasheets, its contents, data, information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof. Rev. August 04, 2010。



FTR(富士通) F1CA024V-NV F1AA024V-NV F1CA024V-NV F1AA024V-NV F1CA024V-NV 常F用15AVA继0电2器4V-NV
➢ 富士通电力继电器齐全 ➢ 富士通有专业的电力继电器的专业人士 ➢ 富士通的继电器参数领先 ➢ 富士通有合理的价格 ➢ 富士通的制作工厂在常州可以对国内客户需
求进行改善并保证良好的售后服务 ➢ 富士通(高见泽)继电器在电力行业有很好
富士通电力继电器齐全 (一)

复位电 压
1富120士,%/通2m4Fi,n1A48A—(NAVD)1松102下%,24/Dm,S4in8PV2系A&列ST2 系列
抗 耐久 1000m/s²以上 冲 误动作 100m/s²以上 击 性
980m/s²以上 196m/s²以上
❖ 高内压
富士通F1AA 松下 (AD)12,24, DSP2A&ST2 48—NV系列 12,24,48V系列
现富士通亚太地区继电器主管佐倧针对中国市场研究并开发了 1.5V,磁保持继电器和电力特殊F1继电器。
常州东明电子有限公司(日本富士通一级 代理)
成立于1994年 日本富士通高见泽在中国授权指定代理商
公司专门营销日本富士通继电器有20年 2004年与南京南瑞开始合作 2005年与武汉国测和天津双源开始合作 2006年与北京四方立德开始合作 2008年与南京钛能,上海申瑞和南京磐能科技开始合作 2010年与鲁能智能和南京电研开始合作 2011年与山东积成电子合作,鲁能智能年用量破30万只,磐能科 技年用量破40万只 2013年磐能累积用量破150万只,未有任何不良反馈。 现上海思源电气,天津紫光,南京国电南自和南京因泰莱等电力单 位都在试用当中

3 ABB选型价格查询手册 转换开关 低压产品

3 ABB选型价格查询手册 转换开关 低压产品
电动机控制单元 - 综合式电动机控制器 - M101 / 102....................................................................2/73 - 组合式电动机控制器 - UMC..............................................................................2/77 - 总线适配器.......................................................................................................2/78
1 断路器类产品 空气断路器 - Emax...................................................................................................1/1 塑壳断路器 - Tmax XT、Tmax................................................................................1/14
连接装置 - 接线端子 - 螺钉卡箍连接、弹簧连接、ADO绝缘移位连接...............................2/60 - 工业连接器........................................................................................................2/69
双电源转换开关(PC级) - OT_C(手动式)................................................................................................3/3 - OTM_C(电动式).............................................................................................3/6 - OTM_C_D(自动式).........................................................................................3/6



24Vol.27 No.2NEW PRODUCTS最近,将电流通过直流方式向各种电子设备供电,即所谓的直流供电颇受世人关注。













直流高压继电器FTR-J2 / FTR-K2W系列继电器在为推动社会发展作出贡献的同时,在降低CO 2排放量、减缓地球变暖方面的作用也越来越受到人们的重视,富士通实现了继电器直流供电系统关键元件的产品系列化。

此次推出的继电器有两个系列,分别是面向数据中心服务器供电时使用的直流高压继电器“FTR-J2系列”,以及用来保护通信基站电池使用的中压大电流继电器“FTR-K2 W系列”。



中类代号中类名称货品代号EWR继电器EWR01 EWR继电器EWR02 EWR继电器EWR03 EWR继电器EWR04 EWR继电器EWR05 EWR继电器EWR06 EWR继电器EWR08 EWR继电器EWR10 EWR继电器EWR12 EWR继电器EWR14 EWR继电器EWR15 EWR继电器EWR17 EWR继电器EWR18 EWR继电器EWR19 EWT变压器/互感器EWT01A EWT变压器/互感器EWT022 EWT变压器/互感器EWT022A EWT变压器/互感器EWT023 EWT变压器/互感器EWT023A EWT变压器/互感器EWT023C EWT变压器/互感器EWT024 EWT变压器/互感器EWT026 EWT变压器/互感器EWT026A EWT变压器/互感器EWT026B EWT变压器/互感器EWT027 EWT变压器/互感器EWT028 EWT变压器/互感器EWT028A EWT变压器/互感器EWT02A EWT变压器/互感器EWT030 EWT变压器/互感器EWT032 EWT变压器/互感器EWT035 EWT变压器/互感器EWT036 EWT变压器/互感器EWT037 EWT变压器/互感器EWT039 EWT变压器/互感器EWT03B EWT变压器/互感器EWT03C EWT变压器/互感器EWT03D EWT变压器/互感器EWT041 EWT变压器/互感器EWT042 EWT变压器/互感器EWT044 EWT变压器/互感器EWT045 EWT变压器/互感器EWT046 EWT变压器/互感器EWT047EWT变压器/互感器EWT048A EWT变压器/互感器EWT048B EWT变压器/互感器EWT049 EWT变压器/互感器EWT04A EWT变压器/互感器EWT04B EWT变压器/互感器EWT04C EWT变压器/互感器EWT04D EWT变压器/互感器EWT050 EWT变压器/互感器EWT051 EWT变压器/互感器EWT052 EWT变压器/互感器EWT05B EWT变压器/互感器EWT060 EWT变压器/互感器EWT07 EWT变压器/互感器EWT08 EWT变压器/互感器EWT08A EWT变压器/互感器EWT12C EWT变压器/互感器EWT12D EWT变压器/互感器EWT12E EWT变压器/互感器EWT13A EWT变压器/互感器EWT14C EWT变压器/互感器EWT16AEZ其它电子料EWT17FEZ其它电子料EWT18EZ其它电子料EWT18A EWT变压器/互感器EWT19A EWT变压器/互感器EWT21B EWT变压器/互感器EWT21CEH晶振EH10MAEH晶振EH16MAEH晶振EH20MEH晶振EH24MAEH晶振EH32768K EH晶振EH4.096M EH晶振EH4MAEH晶振EH6MEH晶振EH8.192MA EH晶振EHS20MEK开关/拨码开关EK02EK开关/拨码开关EK02AEK开关/拨码开关EK02BEK开关/拨码开关EK02CEK开关/拨码开关EK02DEK开关/拨码开关EK03EK开关/拨码开关EK04CEK开关/拨码开关EK04DEK开关/拨码开关EK04EEK开关/拨码开关EK04FEK开关/拨码开关EK04GEK开关/拨码开关EK04HEK开关/拨码开关EK04IEK开关/拨码开关EK04KEK开关/拨码开关EK04UEK开关/拨码开关EK05EK开关/拨码开关EK06CEK开关/拨码开关EK08SEK开关/拨码开关EK09EKP40EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EK开关/拨码开关EKS06EK开关/拨码开关EKS07EKW01-3P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW01-4P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW01-5PEKW02EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW03EKW04-18P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW05B-3P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW05B-5P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW05CEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW07AEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW07BEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EK开关/拨码开关EKW07CEZ其它电子料EKW08AEKW1068 EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW12EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW13EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW14EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW14AEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW14BEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW14DEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW16EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW16AEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW16BEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW18EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EK开关/拨码开关EKW23EK开关/拨码开关EKW24EK开关/拨码开关EKW28EKW29EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW30EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW31-5P EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW43EKW46EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW47EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW50AEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW50BEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW51AEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件EKW51BEJ插针/插口/端口等插接件ELH电感EL-1ELH电感EL-100uH ELH电感EL-400uH ELH电感EL220UHELJ02150 ED二极管/稳压管/发光管/数码管EL扁平排线ELJ03200 EL扁平排线ELJ04200A EL扁平排线ELJ07100 EL扁平排线ELJ0730 EL扁平排线ELJ08240 EL扁平排线ELJ0930B EL扁平排线ELJ0960B EL扁平排线ELJ1075 EL扁平排线ELJ1130B EL扁平排线ELJ1235B EL扁平排线ELJ1260B EL扁平排线ELJ1285B EL扁平排线ELJ26100MELQ601EJ插针/插口/端口等插接件ELH电感ELRH6ELH电感ELS15UH EL扁平排线ELW0375 EL扁平排线ELW04120A EL扁平排线ELW0440 EL扁平排线ELW0565B EL扁平排线ELW0590 EL扁平排线ELW0680 EL扁平排线ELW0828 EL扁平排线ELW1040 EL扁平排线ELW1056 EL扁平排线ELW14150EL扁平排线ELW1668 EL扁平排线ELW2155 EL扁平排线ELW2180 EZ其它电子料EQ3G0A1 EZ其它电子料EQ3G1A EZ其它电子料EQ3G2A5 EZ其它电子料EQ3G2A5B继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器继电器RY12W-K富士通高见泽继电器继电器特采品上是否用到(呆滞待报废后删)旧产品上是否用到(呆滞待报废后删)开关电源变压器小型开关变压器高频变压器DW9用开关电源变压器互感器HPT205N(停止采购)小型24V开关变压器电流互感器电流互感器电流互感器开关电源变压器高频变压器(采购时通知供应商加长引线)41号电源变压器开关电源变压器开关变压器开关变压器开关变压器低频变压器开关变压器线性电源变压器线性变压器线性变压器高频变压器低频变压器开关变压器变压器低压开关变压器开关变压器开关电源变压器线性变压器线性变压器插针电源变压器插针41号电源变压器低频变压器开关变压器EE-19开关变压器线性变压器变压器开关电源变压器通用变压器线性变压器线性变压器互感器200MA新互感器互感器温控表变压器开关电源滤波线圈低压开关电源变压器鏮铜丝裸铜线镀锡铜丝插针式电源变压器EP8电源变压器EF8电源变压器10MHz晶振16MHz晶振20MHZ晶振(停止采购)24MHz晶振32.7680KHz晶体(停止采购)4.096MHz小型晶振4MHz晶振6MHz晶振8.192MHz晶振贴片晶振(停止采购)拔动开关SS1208 RG5二脚按钮(呆滞)按钮开关二脚按钮二脚按钮(停止采购)拔动开关SS2305 RG5(停止采购)按钮开关(停购,用EK04F代按钮开关(呆滞)按钮开关按钮开关按键按钮开关按钮开关按钮开关轻触按钮开关按钮开关按钮开关拨码开关(停购)按钮开关按键开关(呆滞)拨动开关40脚IC座(呆滞料)贴片按钮开关(呆滞料)贴片按键双排直针3P双排直针4P双排直针5P双排针短路插单排直针单排弯针18P双排排母3P双排排母5P单排90度弯针DM用 2位接线端子DM用 3位PCB接线端子DA8客户专用接线端子8脚IC座2.54单排90度弯针5针插座3针插座单排90度弯针单排90度弯针单排90弯针单排90度弯针双排90度插针双排90度插针双排90度弯针双排180度排母继电器模块专用8脚排针模块专用8脚排母模块专用7脚排母模块专用8脚排针模块专用7针排针保险座单排90度弯针单排直针5P标准八针插座接线端子接线端子接线端子座接线端子接线端子座接线端子电感电感环形共模电感电感2PIN连接器表头插头线单端带插头排线TCM拨码板与显示板连接线排线(停止采购)表头插头线排线排线排线扁平带插头排线排线排线排线双排软排线快速航空插头电感15UH贴片电感排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线排线保险丝双帽快断保险管有引脚保险管无管脚2.5A快速熔断保险管货品规格单位只GOOD SKY RWH-SH-112D 12V | ORWH-SH-112只(国兴)GOOD SKY RWH-SH-105D 5V | (王利)ORWH-SH-105D1F(OEG)PCJ-112D3M 43F-012-HS只只(Good Sky GJ-SH-112DM 12v ) \ (HF32F-01王利 OJE-SH-112DM GOOD SKY GJ-SH-124DM 24V | OJE-S只只(GOOD SKY RWH-SH-124D 24V ) \(HF32F -024王利)ORWH-SH-1 GOODSKY GJ-SH-124D 24V 32F-024-ZS3个个18.4*12.2*15.3mm NO/NC触点 5V (GJ-SH-105D( 5V) ) (32F-005-ZS3 (GOOD SKY GJ-SH-112D 12V) \ (32F-012-ZS3)个个(国兴)RWH-SH-148D/HJR-3FF-S-2/48V | (王利)ORWH-SH-148D1Fpcs(HF46F-024-HS1) \ (JZC-43F-024-HS) /(PCJ-SONG CHUAN 855AP-IA-C-24V DC(30A)pcsTAKAMISAWA继电器只(GOODSKY GJ-SH-105LM) \ (32F-005-HS3)只四线14.5V/TCN用个TH系列开关变压器|EI-22只24V、±12V 、7V 输出开关电源变压器只小型开关变压器|EE-16只85~265VAC输入 7.5V/15V/24V/7.5V/ 4输出只85~265VAC输入 10V/15V/24V/7.5V输出个HPT205N 电压互感器北京霍远科技2mA:2mA互感器只EPC-19只HCT256A电流互感器只5A:2.5mA只HCT210A电流互感器1A:2.5mA个EE-19|5V|±12V|24V个+8V, +9V,+24V输出个四线 13.5V+7.5V DP4_R1只18-24V输入,EI19,5V,±12V,24V输出个5V|12V|24V台EE-19骨架、AC90-250V输入,+5V -9V +24V输出个EE-19骨架、AC90-250V输入,+5V -12V +24V输出个EI35、AC220V/110V输入,AC9.0V、300mA输出个AC/DC100-240V输入±5V +15V输出EE-16骨架个SG61骨架 7.5V*2|12.5V*2|0.5A、H50只SG61骨架 7V|10V |14V|0.5A、H50只SG61骨架 7V/10.5V/24V/EI35骨架/H50铁芯只只PQ2020骨架/AC100-250输入/+5V -5V +15V +24V输出EI28/±220Vac输入/AC7.5-8V输出个EE19骨架/AC100-250输入/+5V +12V +24V输出只EE-19立式骨架,5V 12V 24V输出只AC/DC30-50V输入±5V +15V输出EE-19骨架 | 磁芯个个AC/DC30-50V输入/ +15V ±7.5V输出EE-19骨架 | 磁芯个AC/DC90-250V输入+5V ±12V ±24V输出EE-19骨架 | 磁芯只EE19磁芯骨架/100-240V输入/+5V,+12V,-12V,+24V输出个EE19磁芯骨架/100-240V输入/+5V,-5V,+12V,+24V输出EI35骨架/220V输入/+5V,-5V输出只8.0V*2|0.5A、H50只只SG61骨架 LEI41-H244五线7V乘2+24V DP3--SVA1/2BSG61骨架 EI41*16.5 7.5V*2 DP3电压电流表用只只SG61骨架 AC 24V 输入,AC 7.5V两组,AC 15V一组输出只EE19磁芯骨架/100-240V输入/+5V,+12V,-12V,+24V输出EE-19/100-240V输入/+5v,+15v,-15v,+24v输出只220V输入/AC15V输出(80mA)个SG61骨架 EWT05B只EE19,输入220V,输出+/_5V,12V,24V只EI 41*16.5个EI 28*18(输出5--12V)pcsEI28*18线性变压器,7VAC、14VAC双绕组个5A:10mA电流互感器|0.5A、Z11只插针互感器只20:5 互感器只二线|12V | DP4-HZ10/11用只175mH振流线圈只EE10磁芯 DC10-30V变DC 5V只直径为1.5MM厘米纯铜丝 φ=1.8mm米镀锡铜丝ф=1.2mm厘米7V*2|0.5A、Z11只EI28*12,7.5V*2AC/60mA,220V/110V供电只只EI28*12,7.5V*2AC/60mA,220V/110V供电加屏蔽罩10MHz频率/低扁平式金属封装只16MHz频率/低扁平式金属封装只20MHz频率/普通高度金属封装粒24MHz频率/低扁平式金属封装只只频率:32.768KhZ,温漂:20PPM,电压5V,尺寸:2*6 mm4.096MHz频率/普通高度金属封装只4MHz频率/低扁平式金属封装只6MHz频率/普通高度金属封装只8.192MHz频率/低扁平式金属封装只只频率20M,频率偏差:20PPM,温度偏差:20PPM,工作环境:-40到85度,封装尺寸:13.3*4 12*5(3 ) TCN用频率选择只6*3.5*1.8mm黑色只6.0*6.0*7.0(mm) 160gf 2只脚个6.0*6.0*7.5mm 160gf 二脚(CT4专用)台6.0*6.0*8.0mm二脚微动开关(6X6A2-8H-C06)只16*6.8(2) TCN用RNC功能只SS-13D03 HK4时间继电器用只DTS-65N TCN计数器用,160gf只DTS-63N HP/DX3用,160gf,6*6*7只DTS-62K HP7时间继电器,160gf只高度为9mm插件按钮开关(黑柄),160gf | 6*6*9只6.0*6.0*8.5mm按键个6.0*6.0*7.0按钮(DTS-63R),160gf个6.0*6.0*8.0按钮(黑柄),160gf个6.0*6.0*7.5mm按钮,160gf个6*6*10.5mm只6.0*6.0*9.5mm 160gf台6.0*6.0*6.5按钮,160gf只11.5L*10.0W*5.4Hmm 4位DP4-FR1用只6.0mmH高度,4脚直插封装,160gf个贴片4.5*4.5*7.0mm按键开关个单刀双掷拨动开关,新版TCN用个DM 3位半用只DTSMW-68 宽6.2 高 2.0 DC100用只(停止采购)5.00mm高度,2脚封装只L=11.6mm(3m\6mm) 镀金 2.54mm双排3P条L=11.6mm(3m\6mm) 镀金 2.54mm双排4P条L=11.6mm(3m\6mm) 镀金 2.54mm双排5P条2.54mm Mini Jumper 6.0 Open Black只根2.54排针/1*40P/180度/PBT料/L=11.6/3.0/镀普金L=14mm(4mm\6mm)镀金 2.54mm单排弯针18P条塑料L=8mm 插针L=3mm 镀金 2.54mm双排3P条塑料L=8mm 插针L=3mm 镀金 2.54mm双排5P条根2.54mm排针1*5P L=18.0/2.5(1.9)/10.0mm | 90度 G/F(二个拼在一体供货)脚间距5.0MM KDG300V A级只脚间距5.0MM KDG300V A级只只(DG500-5.0-03P-14-00A)三脚,孔径2.5平方毫米脚间距为5mm耐压为300V2.54双排共8脚IC座只根2.54mm排针1*10P L=13.8/3.4/6.3(0.36)mm | 90度 G/F2.54mm 5针插座只2.54mm 3针插座中间针不插只根2.00mm 排针 1*14P | L=28.0/13.0/11.4(0)mm 90度 G/F根2.00mm 排针 1*14P C:30.0/15.0/11.4mm | 90度 | L=30.5/15.7/11.4(0 1*14P/L=32.8/18/11.5/0.37 R/A根2.0 mm 1*14P排针 90度 L=3.6*3.6mm 镀普金条根FH2.0 2*30P L=10.5 /2.8(0.75)/40/14.5 12根双排×6/总长=26mm/A=3mm/B=10mm/ | C=13mm/D=0.75mm双排×6/总长=24mm/A=19mm/B=4mm/ | D=0.75mm根FH2.0 *4.3 2*30P S/T PAGT根条单排8脚\脚距2mm\塑料长11mm\针总长18.5mm\3、6脚不插针单排8脚\脚距2mm\塑料长6.35mm\插脚长2.8mm\3、6脚不插条单排7脚\脚距2mm\塑料长11mm\针总长18.5mm\条单排7脚\脚距2mm\塑料长6.35mm\插脚长2.8mm条条单排8脚\脚距2mm\塑料长4mm\针总长11.4mm\3、6脚不插针单排7针\脚距2mm\塑料长4mm\针总长11.4mm条FUSE5X20 浅绿色只根2.00mm排针1*30P L=16.5/3.5/9.5(0.3)mm | 90度 G/FL=16.5mm(3mm\11mm) 镀金 2.54mm单排直针5P条标准八针插座只只脚间距5.08MM 300V/10A 双位一体(高正代码:DG103-5.08-02P)只脚间距5.08MM 300V/10A 三位一体(高正代码:DG103-5.08-03P)只高正 2EDGVC-5.08-02P-14-00A(H) 电压300V 电流15A只高正 2EDGK-5.08-02P-14-00A(H) 电压300V 电流15A只高正 2EDGVC-5.08-03P-14-00A(H) 电压300V 电流15A只高正 2EDGK-5.08-03P-14-00A(H) 电压300V 电流15A电感量1mH台Φ6*8/电感量L=100uH±20%个外径:10mm/内径:4mm/厚度:5mm/ | L=400uH±20%台0307封装220UH±10%只个2PIN,2.54mm间距,导针直径0.7mm,线长150mm,多股24AWG3排/长200mm/间距1.27mm/单端插头条4排\线长200mm脚距2.54mm\单端带插头根7PIN,1.25mm间距,线长100mm条7排/长30mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条8排/长240mm/间距2.25mm/单端插头条9排/长30mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条9排/长60mm/间距2.5mm/两端带插头条10排/长75mm/间距2.5mm/两端带插头条11排/长30mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条12排/长35mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条12排/长60mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条12排/长85mm/间距2.54mm/两端带插头条2mm间距,双排,每排13PIN,长100mm条标准五芯航空插头对黑色/直径3.5mm/长度6mm/甚高频电感粒0805封装 15UH个3排/长75mm/ 间距2.54mm条4排/长120mm/间距2.54mm/单端带插头插座/单端镀锡条4排/长40mm/间距2.54mm条5排/长65mm/间距2.54mm条5排/长90mm/间距2.54mm条6排/长80mm/间距2.54mm条8排/长28mm间距2.54mm pcs10排/长40mm/间距2.54mm条10排/长56mm/间距2.54mm条14排/长150mm/间距2.0mm条15排/长68mm/间距1.27mm条16排/长68mm/间距1.27mm条21排/长55mm/间距1.27mm条21排/长80mm/间距1.27mm条0.1A 250V ф5*20mm只1A/250V 3.6*10mm 插件式双帽快断型个有引脚2.5A快速熔断保险管个2.5A快速熔断保险管,无管脚只。


2.2产 品 顶 部 有 工 作 状 态 指 示 灯 及产品接线图,请按照接线图正确接线。安装方式为导轨式安装, 可安装在RTR35导轨上。 2.3外 形尺寸 见 图1、 图2、 图3, 内 部接 线 见 图4。
3 型号含义
4 技术参数
动作电压 返回电压 动作时间 返回时间
最大切换电压 最大切 换电流(阻性负载) 最大 切 换 功 率(阻 性 负 载) 最高动作频率 触点材料
767068 767061 767077 767097 767101 767063 767102 767103 767107 767059 767108 767051 767047 767098 767062 767099 767100 767104 767064 767105 767106 767109 767057 767110 767053 767049 767086 767082 767072 767078 767080 767079 767076 767075 767052 767048 767054 767055 767085 767074 767081 767067

富士通电子部件-接线器自动挡版(12V汽车电池,25A)系列名称FTR-G1 FTR-P3 FTR-

富士通电子部件-接线器自动挡版(12V汽车电池,25A)系列名称FTR-G1 FTR-P3 FTR-

Fujitsu Components RELAYSAutomotive, Power, Signal, Solid StateContentProduct Line-UpAutomotive Relays Page4EV/PHV Relays Page10Power Relays Page13Signal Relays Page26Solid State Relays Page28Reference Page29About Page30Contact Page31Relays with this logo are available as “Glow Wire” versions. (-GW)These relays are IEC60335-1 compliant.Please refer to your supplier for more information or contact your local Fujitsu Office.For contact information, see the last page of this document, or https:///en/Page 3Page 4Series Name FTR-G1FTR-P3FTR-P5Description25A Compact Relay 25A Compact Relay 25A Low Noise Compact Relay Features■0.25mm contact gap■Average acoustic noise level 60dB @ 5cm ■No polarity on coil terminals ■0.25 & 0.6mm contact gap types ■THR type available ■High temp. types available(+125 o C) (THR)■Pin compatible w/ FTR-P5■No polarity on coil terminals ■Pin compatible wit FTR-P3 ■Average acoustic noise level 50dB @ 5cm ■No polarity on coil terminals Dimensions (W x L x H mm)6.6 x 13.7 x 13.57.2x17.4x13.5, (THR:7.2x17.4x14.1)9.7 x 20.4 x 16.7Weight (approx.)3.5 g 5.0 g 7.0 g Contact form1 c 1 c, (THR: 1a, 1c) 1 c Contact rating25A, 14VDC locked motor load 25A, 14VDC, locked motor load 25A, 14VDC, locked motor load Maximum carrying current25A 1 Hr 25A 1 Hr 25A 1 Hr Expected life onload example 14VDC, 25A Locked motor load100 x 103 ops. 14VDC, 25A, locked motor load 100 x 103 ops.14VDC, 25A, locked motor load 100 x 103 ops.Operating temperature-40 to +85 o C -40 to +85 o C / +125 o C (THR)-40 to +85 o C Coil voltage (DC)9 to 12 V 9 to 12 V 9 to 12 V Nominal coil power0.640 W 0.6 W / 0.8 W 0.45 to 0.455 W Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Mounting / enclosureThrough hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic sealTerminal layout(bottom view)1a does not carry #3 contactPage 5Series Name FTR-P4FTR-P2FTR-P7Description25A H-bridge Relay 25A Low Noise H-bridge Relay 25A Low Noise Compact Automotive Relay Features■0.25 contact gap types■Pin compatible with FTR-P2 ■No polarity on coil terminals■Pin compatible with FTR-P4 ■Average acoustic noise level 50dB @ 5cm ■No polarity on coil terminals ■0.3 mm contact gap ■Average acoustic noise level 45db @ 5cm ■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)14.2 x 17.4 x 13.516.5 x 21.0 x 18.017.0 x 20.8 x 14.0Weight (approx.)10.0 g 13.0 g 7.0 g Contact form1 cx2 (H-bridge)1c x 2 (H-bridge) 1 c Contact rating25A, 14VDC, locked motor load 25A, 14VDC, locked motor load 25A, 14VDC locked motor load Maximum carrying current25A 1 Hr 25A 1 Hr 25A 1 Hr Expected life on load example 14VDC, 25A, locked motor load100 x 103 ops.14VDC, 25A, locked motor load 100 x 103 ops.14VDC, 25A, locked motor load 100 x 103 ops.Operating temperature-40 to +85o C -40 to +85o C -40 to +85 o C Coil voltage (DC)9 to 12 V 9 to 12 V 12 V Nominal coil power0.6 W 0.45 to 0.455W 0.554 W Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Mounting / enclosureThrough hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic sealTerminal layout(bottom view)Page 6Series Name FBR51L FBR53FTR-G3 Description25A Dual coil Latching CompactAutomotive Relay30A Compact Automotive Relay30A Compact RelayFeatures■Dual coil latching■THR type available■Polarized coil terminals■THR type (-RW) available■60A inrush■No polarity on coil terminals■30A fuse capacity■THR type available■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.1 x 15.5 x 13.712.3 x 15.7 x 14.0 6.6 x 13.7 x 14.0Weight (approx.) 6.0 g 6.0 g 4.0 gContact form 1 c 1 form U 1 a, 1 cContact rating25A, 14VDC, locked motor load25A, 14VDC, resistive load30A, 14VDCMaximum carrying current30A 1Hr30A40.5A 30 minutesExpected life onload example14VDC, 25A, locked motor load200 x 103 ops. (-W1 type)50 x 103 ops. (E type)14VDC, 25A, resistive load100 x 103 ops.100 x 103 ops.Operating temperature-40 to +125 o C -40 to +125 o C -40 to +125 o CCoil voltage (DC)10 V9 to 12 V12 VNominal coil power 1.11 W0.556 to 0.6 W0.64 WDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VACOpen contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VACOpen contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VAC Mounting / enclosure Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Terminal layout(bottom view)1235641c contact formPage 7Series Name FBR53-HW FBR59-HW FTR-E1-HCDescription40A Compact Relay 45A/70A High Power Relay 60A compact relay Remarks■THR type (-RW) available■High power type■80A inrush ■No polarity on coil terminals■THR type (-RW) available ■High power type ■220A max. inrush ■No polarity on coil terminals ■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.3 x 15.7 x 14.015.0 x 20.0 x 16.828.3 x 43.6 x 26.8Weight (approx.)6.0 g 13.0 g 80.0 g Contact form1 form U 1 form U 1a (1 form X)Contact rating40A, 14VDC, resistive load 45A, 14VDC motor lock, 70A 14VDC resistive 60A 400VDC (at 60o C)Maximum carrying current40A 70A 1Hr 60A at 60o C Expected life on loadexample 14VDC, 40A, resistive load 100 x 103 ops.70A 14VDC, resistive 50 x 103 ops.500 x 103 ops.Operating temperature-40 to +125 o C -40 to +125 o C -40 to +60o C (at 60A)Coil voltage (DC)9 to 12 V 9 to 12V 12, 24V Nominal coil power0.855 to 0.862 W 0.45 to 0.477 W 1.2 W Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Open contacts: 2,500VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC MountingThrough hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic sealTerminal layout(bottom view)124875 1 (+)2 (-)34Page 8Automotive relays (12V car battery)Series Name FTR-V1FTR-P3 (-06)FBR57 Description210A High Capacity LatchingRelay6A Compact Relay 12A High Power Relay Features■210A (@85°C)/120A(@125°C) continuouscurrent■Polarized coil terminals■For 24V battery applications■THR type available■No polarity on coil terminals■For 24V battery applications■70A inrush■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)52.8 x 84.5 x 24.77.2 x 17.5 x 14.114.4 x 20.0 x 16.2Weight (approx.)120 g 5.0 g9.4 gContact form1b 1 c 1 cContact rating Inrush 230A, 14VDCBreak 1A, 14VDC, dedicatedload6A, 28VDC12A, 28VDC, locked motor loadMaximum carrying current210A at 85o C20A 1 Hr40A 10 min. / 30A 1 Hr Expected life onload exampleInrush 230A, 14VDCBreak 1A, 14VDC120 x 103 ops.20VDC 6A resistive100 x 103 ops.28VDC, 12A, locked motor load100x103 ops.28VDC, inrush 16A/break 2.5A,free motor load500 x 103 ops.Operating temperature-40 to +125 o C-40 to +125 o C -40 to +85o CCoil voltage (DC)12V24V24 VNominal coil power28.8 W0.9W 1.5 WDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VACOpen contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VACOpen contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VAC Mounting / enclosure Plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Terminal layout(bottom view)12345+ 4(+) 526 -3 (-)1Automotive (24V battery applications)Page 9Series Name FBR572 / 582 FBR59-HWDescription12/14A High Power Twin Relay 30A High Power Relay Features■For 24V battery applications■0.8/1.4mm contact gap■60A inrush ■No polarity on coil terminals■For 24V battery applications ■THR type available ■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)20.0 x 26.0 x 16.2 (FBR572)20.0 x 26.0 x 17.0 (FBR582)15.0 x 20.0 x 16.8 Weight (approx.)18.0 g 13.0 g Contact form1 c x2 1 form U Contact rating12A, 28VDC, locked motor load 30A 28VDC Maximum carrying current40A 2min.70A 1 Hr (@20o C)Expected life on load example 28VDC, 12A, locked motor load100 x 103 ops. (FBR572, 582)28VDC, inrush 15A/break 2.5A,free motor load500 x 103 ops. (FBR572)28VDC 20A resistive 100 x 103 ops. Operating temperature -40 to +85 o C-40 to +125 o C Coil voltage (DC)24 V12, 24 V Nominal coil power 1.5W / 3.4W1.2 W Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 500VACCoil and contacts: 500VACOpen contacts: 500VAC Coil and contacts: 500VAC Mounting / enclosure Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic sealTerminal layout(bottom view)Automotive relays (24V battery applications)124578Page 10EV/PHV relays (DC control)Series Name FTR-B3FTR-B4FTR-J2Description2A Low Profile Relay 2A Slim Type Relay 10A 450VDC Small High Voltage DC Relay Features■Space saving versions available■THT and SMT versions ■Polarity on coil terminals ■Space saving versions available ■THT and SMT versions ■Polarity on coil terminals ■Special arc extinguishing provision ■150A inrush per contact ■Polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)7.2 x 10.6 x 5.25 (SMT) 5.7 x 10.6 x 9.7 (SMT)23.5 x 24.0 x 27.0Weight (approx.)0.85g 1.0g 26.0g Contact form2c 2c 1a x 2Contact rating 0.3A 125VAC/1A 30VDC 0.3A 125VAC/1A 30VDC 10A 200VDC (NO contact usedindependently)10A 450VDC (2 contactsconnected in series)Maximum carrying current 2A 2A 12AMin. switching load (ref.)10mVDC 0.01mA 10mVDC 0.01mA 5VDC 100mAExpected life on loadexample100 x 103 ops.100 x 103 ops.10 x 103 ops.Coil voltage (DC)1.5 to 24V 1.5 to 24V 5 to 110V Nominal coil power0.14 to 0.23W 0.14 to 0.23W 1.06W (2 contacts connected in series)Surge strength2,500V 2,500V 10,000V Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 1,500VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 1,500VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Safety standardsUL, CSA, BSI, FCC68, Telcordia, IEC60950-1UL, CSA, BSI, FCC68, Telcordia, IEC60950-1UL, VDE Mounting / EnclosureThrough hole or surface mount / plastic seal Through hole or surface mount / plastic seal Through hole/ flux proof Terminal layout(bottom view) (Bottom view)(Top view)(Bottom view)(Top view)Series Name FTR-E1Description 20A/30A, 450VDC High Voltage DC RelayFeatures■cULus recognized typesavailable■Polarized on coil terminals■No polarity on contactsDimensions (W x L x H mm)28.3 x 43.6 x 36.8Weight (approx.)75.0 gContact form1a (1 Form X)Contact rating20A 450VDC (20A type)30A 450VDC (30A type)Maximum carrying current40A (@ +85 o C)Min. switching load (ref.)6VDC, 1AExpected life on load example10 x 103 ops. (20A 450VDC)*5 x 103 ops (30A 450VDC) ** with varistorCoil voltage (DC)12, 24VNominal coil power0.9WSurge strength-Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 2,500VACCoil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards-Mounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic seal Terminal layout(bottom view)Series NameFTR-K1(-HT / -KW)FTR-K3 (-WG / -WS / -PV / -PS)FTR-K5Description 16A Plastic sealed 105o C type 25/32A Wide Contact Gap Relay 40A relay for on-board charger Features■UL TV-5 available ■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance>10mm■No polarity on coil terminals■Conform to VDE0127■ 1.5mm or 1.8mm contact gap■No polarity on coil terminals■For 6.6kW standard charger ■Operable at up to 105o C■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.7 x 29.0 x 15.715.7 x 30.1 x 23.318.0 x 30.5 x 29.7Weight (approx.)13.0g 25.0 to 26.0g 39.0g Contact form 1a, 1c1a1aContact rating16A 250VAC/24VDC 25A/32A 250VAC 32A 250VACMaximum carrying current 20A25A, 32A 40A (at 105o C, 8mm 2 cable)Min. switching load (ref.)5VDC 100mA5VDC 100mA 6VDC 1AExpected life on load example10 x 103 ops. to 100 x 103 ops.100 x 103 ops. (25A)* 30 x 103 ops. (32A)** 1.5mm gap type1,000 ops. (plastic seal)30 x 103 ops. (flux proof)Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 110V 5 to 48V 5 to 24V Nominal coil power 0.4 to 0.43mW 0.78 to 1.4W0.9W Surge strength10,000V8,500VAC(25A), 6,000V (32A)-Dielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contact 2,500VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000V (25A), 4,000V (32A)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDEUL, VDE, CQC-Mounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic seal or flux proofThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole /plastic seal or flux proofTerminal layout (bottom view)Orientation markOrientation markFTR-K1-AK FTR-K1-CK COMNO56784321NC COM NO 567843211234Power relays (3A ~ 5A)Series NameNYJYFTR-F3 (3A)Description 5A Slim Type Relay 3/5A Compact Relay 3A Slim Type RelayRemarks■Socket available (-NYP) ■Compliant to IEC61010-2-201 and 61131 reinforced insulation■Compatible with SN solid state relay■No polarity on coil terminals■Socket available (-P) ■Pin compatible with SJ solid state relay■No polarity on coil terminals■IEC60695-2-11 types (-GW) ■AgNi contacts■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (Wx L x H mm) 5.0 x 20.1 x 17.59.8 x 20.0 x 12.87.0 x 20.3 x 15.0Weight (approx.) 3.5 g 5.0 g 4.0 g Contact form 1 a1 a1 aContact rating (resistive load)5A, 250VAC/30VDC 3A, 250VAC/30VDC (3A type)5A, 250VAC/30VDC (5A type)3A, 125VAC/30VDC Maximum carrying current 5A5A5AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC, 1mA100m VDC 0.01mA (W)5VDC 10mA (G, HG)5VDC 100mA (R, HR)5VDC 10mAElectrical life (rated load)100 x 103 ops. (at 3A, 250VAC, 30VDC)50 x 103 ops. (at 5A, 250VAC,30VDC)100 x 103 ops.200 x 103 ops.Coil voltage (DC) 4.5 to 24 V 4.5 to 48 V 5 to 24 V Nominal coil power 0.12 W 0.2 to 0.36 W 0.2W Surge strength5,080 V4,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 750VACCoil and contacts: 3,000VAC Open contacts: 750VACCoil and contacts: 2,000VAC Open contacts: 750VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSAUL, CSAUL, CSA, VDE, CQCMounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic seal or flux proofTerminal layout (bottom view)Series NameFTR-F3 (5A)FTR-F3 (5A TV rating)FTR-F3 (10A)Description 5A Slim Type Relay 5A Slim or Flat Type Relay 10A Slim Type Relay Remarks■IEC60335-1 types (-GW) ■AgNi contacts■No polarity on coil terminals■Right angle versions avail-able■TV-3 or TV-5 rating ■AgSnO2 contacts■No polarity on coil terminals■AgNi contacts■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (Wx L x H mm)7.0 x 20.3 x 15.07.0 x 20.3 x 15.0 (slim) 15.0 x 20.3 x 7.0 (flat)7.0 x 20.3 x 15.0 Weight (approx.) 4.0 g 6.0 g 4.0 g Contact form 1a1 a1 aContact rating (resistive load)5A, 250VAC/30VDC 5A, 250VAC/30VDC 10A, 250VAC Maximum carrying current 5A5A10AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 10mA 5VDC 10mA 5VDC 100mAElectrical life (rated load)100 x103 ops.50 x 103 ops.50 x 103 ops. (flux proof type)10 x 103 ops (plastic sealed type)Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 24 V 3 to 24 V 5 to 24 V Nominal coil power 0.2W 0.28W 0.2 W Surge strength10,000 V10,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 750VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Open contacts: 750VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Open contacts: 750VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDEUL, CSA, VDE, CQCMounting / Enclosure Through hole / flux proofThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic seal or flux proofTerminal layout (bottom view)1234COMNOOrientation mark(slim type)(flat type)2134NO COMSeries Name FTR-F3 (5A 1 transfer)FTR-MY FTR-F2 Description5A 1 TransferType Relay5A Slim Type Relay5A High profile RelayRemarks■ 1 form C type■AgNi contacts■No polarity on coil terminals ■Compliant to IEC61010-2-201, 61131-2 reinforcedinsulation■Conforms to ANSI/ISA12.12.01■Creepage, clearance>5.6mm■No polarity on coil terminals■TV-5 rated■High sensitive coil types■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (Wx L x H mm)7.0 x 23.4 x 15.0 5.0 x 20.0 x 12.011.0 x 24.0 x 25.0Weight (approx.) 6.0 g 2.5 g13.0 gContact form1c 1 a 1 aContact rating(resistive load)10A, 250VAC/30VDC5A, 250VAC/30VDC5A, 250VAC/30VDC Maximum carrying current5A5A5AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 10mA 5VDC 1mA5VDC 100mAElectrical life (rated load)50 x 103 ops. 5 x 103 ops.100 x 103 ops.Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 24 V 4.5 to 24 V 5 to 48 V (sensitive: 5 to 24 V) Nominal coil power0.36 W0.11 W0.25 to 0.53 WSurge strength10,000 V5,080 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 750VACCoil and contacts: 4,000VAC Open contacts: 750VACCoil and contacts: 3,000VACOpen contacts: 1,000VACCoil and contacts: 4,000VACSafety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDE, CQC Mounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / plastic seal Through hole / flux proofTerminal layout(bottom view)56Series NameJVFTR-F1 (5A)FTR-F1 (8A)Description 5A Medium Load Relay 2 poles, 5A Low Profile Relay 2 poles, 8A Low Profile Relay Remarks■High sensitive type available■No polarity on coil terminals■Pin compatible with VB se-ries■TV-3 rating available (2a) ■Clear cover available (-RG) ■Sensitive coil types■8A types FTR-F1R available■No polarity on coil terminals■Pin compatible with VB series■TV-3 rating available (2a) ■Clear cover available (-RG) ■Sensitive coil types available■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)10.0 x 17.5 x 12.512.8 x 29.0 x 16.512.8 x 29.0 x 16.5Weight (approx.) 4.3 g 12.0 g 12.0 g Contact form1 a2 a, 2 c2 a, 2 cContact rating (resistive load)5A, 250VAC/30VDC 5A, 250VAC/24VDC 8A, 250VAC/24VDC Maximum carrying current 5A7A8AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC, 100mA 5VDC 10mA 5VDC 10mA Electrical life (rated load)100 x 103 ops.100 x 103 ops.50 x 103 ops.Coil voltage (DC) 3 to 48 V(High sensitive: 3 to 24V) 1.5 to 110 V(High sensitive: 1.5 to 48V) 1.5 to 110 V(High sensitive: 1.5 to 48V)Nominal coil power 0.2 to 0.3 W 0.4 to 0.55 W 0.4 to 0.55 W Surge strength10,000 V10,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 750VACoil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDEMounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole / flux proofTerminal layout (bottom view)857421NONOCOMCOM87654321NO NOCOM COMNC NCOrientation markOrientation markFTR-F1A typeFTR-F1C type857421NONOCOMCOM87654321NO NOCOM COMNCNCOrientation markOrientation markFTR-F1A typeFTR-F1C typeSeries NameFTR-F1LFTR-LYJSDescription 2 poles 8A Low Profile Latching Relay 6A Slim Type Relay 8A Low Profile Relay Remarks■Latching relay ■ 1 and 2 coil types■Polarized coil terminals■Ultra slim■Socket type available■Right angle type available■Creepage/clearance >8mm■ 3.2 and 5 mm pitch types ■Creepage/clearance >8mm ■Au plated version available■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.8 x 29.0 x 16.5 5.0 x 28.0 x 15.0 (straight)10.0 x 29.0 x 12.5Weight (approx.)13.0 g 5.0 g 8.0 g Contact form2 a, 2 c1 a, 1 c1 a, 1 cContact rating (resistive load)8A, 250VAC/24VDC 6A, 250VAC/24VDC 8A, 250VAC/24VDC Maximum carrying current 8A6A10AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 10mA 5VDC, 10mA (-V type) 5VDC 100mA (-Y , -E type)5VDC 100mA, 5VDC 10mA (3µAu)Electrical life (rated load)50 x 103 ops.30 x 103 ops. NC 50 x 103 ops. NO 20 x 103 ops. to 50 x 103 ops.(Depends on contact material)Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 24 V 5 to 60 V5 to 60 V Nominal coil power 0.4 to 0.6 W 0.17 W / 0.217 mW 0.22 to 0.29 W Surge strength10,000 V6,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDEUL, CSA, VDE, CQC Mounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic sealTerminal layout (bottom view)1 N.O.5 COM.431 N.O.5 COM.43*857421NONOCOMCOM87654321NO NOCOM COMNCNCOrientation markOrientation markFTR-F1A typeFTR-F1C type**omitted on 1 form A type(straight)3(※)543 (*)21(right angle)(1 coil)Series NameJSLJS-KSFTR-H2Description 8A Low Profile Latching Relay 8A Low Profile High Inrush Relay 10A High Profile Relay Remarks■Latching type■ 1 and 2 coil types available ■ 3.2mm pitch■Creepage/clearance >8mm■Polarized coil terminals■1000W lamp load ■65A inrush ■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance >8mm■No polarity on coil terminals■TV-5 rated■High sensitive types available■Creepage/clearance >6mm■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)10.0 x 29.0 x 12.510.0 x 29.0 x 12.511.0 x 24.0 x 25.0Weight (approx.)8.0 g 8.0 g 13.0 g Contact form1 a, 1 c1 a1 aContact rating (resistive load)8A, 250VAC/24VDC8A, 250VAC/24VDC10A, 250VAC/30VDCMaximum carrying current 10A10A10AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 100mA 5VDC 100mA5VDC 100mAElectrical life (rated load)50 x 103 ops. 100k @ rated load25k @ lamp load (TV4)100 x 103 ops. @ rated load25 x 103 ops. (@ lamp load TV-5)Coil voltage (DC) 3 to 24 V5 to 60 VDC 5 to 48 V (High sensitive: 5 to 24V)Nominal coil power 0.22 to 0.25 (1coil), 0.48 (2 coils)0.22 to 0.29 W 0.25 to 0.53 W Surge strength10,000 V10,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 4,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDEUL, CSAUL, CSA, VDE, CQC Mounting / Enclosure Through hole / plastic sealThrough hole / plastic sealThrough hole / flux proofTerminal layout (bottom view)1 Set6 5 (-) +3 (+) -2 Reset1 Set65 (-) +3 (+) -2 Reset(a(a(a ommited on 1 a types1 N.O.5 COM.43Series Name FTR-J2Description10A, 450VDC Small HighVoltage DC RelayRemarks■Special arc extinguishing provision■150A inrush per contact■Polarized contact terminals■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)23.5 x 24.0 x 27.0Weight (approx.)26.0 gContact form1a x 2Contact rating (resistive load)10A, 200VDC (use NO contact independently)or 10A, 450VDC600VDC max. (2 contacts connected in series) Maximum carrying current12AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC, 100mAElectrical life (Rated load)10 x 103 ops.Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 110 VNominal coil power0.53W each contactSurge strength10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VACCoil and contacts: 4,000VACSafety standards UL, VDEMounting / Enclosure Through hole / flux proofTerminal layout(bottom view)Power relays (>10A ~ 20A)Series Name FTR-K1FTR-K1-E FTR-K1-KSDescription16A Inrush 80A Type16A AgNi Contact16A Inrush 120A TypeType FTR-K1AK( )T FTR-K1CK( )W FTR-K1AK( )E FTR-K1CK( )E FTR-K1AK( )T-KSFTR-K1CK( )T-KS Remarks■Au plated types (-BG)■Creepage/clearance >10mm■UL-TV-5 (N.O.)■IEC60335-1 type (-GW)available■Transparent cover■available■No polarity on coil terminals■Contact material AgNi■Clear cover types (-RG)available■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance>10mm■No polarity on coil terminals■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance >10mm■UL TV-8 (N.O.)■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.7 x 29.0 x 15.712.7 x 29.0 x 15.712.7 x 29.0 x 15.7Weight (approx.)13.0 g13.0 g13.0 gContact form 1 a 1 c 1 a 1 c 1 a 1 cContact rating (resistive load)16A, 250VAC/24VDC16A, 250VAC/24VDC16A, 250VACMaximum carrying current20A20A20AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 100mA5VDC 100mA5VDC 100mAElectrical life (Rated load)100 x 103 ops.(AC)100 x 103 ops.(DC)50 x 103 ops.(AC)30 x 103 ops.(DC)100 x 103 ops.(AC)100 x 103 ops.(DC)50 x 103 ops.(AC)30 x 103 ops.(DC)100 x 103 ops.(AC)25 x 103 ops.(TV-8)30 x 103 ops.(AC)25 x 103 ops.(TV-8) (N.O.) Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 110 VDC 5 to 110 V 5 to 110 VNominal coil power0.4 to 0.43W0.4 to 0.43 W0.4 to 0.43 WSurge strength10,000 V10,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VACCoil and contacts: 5,000VACOpen contacts: 1,000VACCoil and contacts: 5,000VACOpen contacts: 1,000VACCoil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDE, CQC UL, CSA, VDE UL, CSA, VDEMounting / Enclosure Through hole / flux proof Through hole / flux proof Through hole / flux proof Terminal layout(bottom view)Orientation markOrientation markFTR-K1-AKFTR-K1-CKCOM NO56784321NC COM NO56784321Orientation markFTR-K1-AKFTR-K1-CKCOM NO56784321NC COM NO56784321Orientation markCOM NO56784321NC COM NO56784321Orientation markPage 21Series NameFTR-K1-MA / MBFTR-K1-HTFTR-K1-KWDescription 12A Type 16A High Temperature 1050C Type 16A Plastic Sealed 1050C Type Type FTR-K1AK( )W-(MA;MB)FTR-K1CK( )W-(MA;MB)FTR-K1AK( )T-HT FTR-K1CK( )W-HTFTR-K1AK( )W-KW FTR-K1CK( )W-KWRemarks■Au plated types (-BG) ■Clear cover types (-RG) ■ 3.5mm pitch MA type ■5mm pitch MB type■Creepage/clearance >10mm■No polarity on coil terminals■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance >10mm ■UL TV-5 (1a)■EC60335-1 type (-GW)available■No polarity on coil terminals ■5mm pitch■Creepage/clearance >10mm■UL TV-5 (1a)■No polarity on coil terminalsDimensions (W x L x H mm)12.7 x 29.0 x 15.712.7 x 29.0 x 15.712.7 x 29.0 x 15.7Weight (approx.)13.0 g 13.0 g 13.0 gContact form1 a 1 c1 a 1 c1 a1 cContact rating (Resistive load)12A, 250VAC/24VDC16A, 250VAC/24VDC16A, 250VAC Maximum carrying current 14A20A20AMinimum switching load (ref.)5VDC 100mA 5VDC 100mA 5VDC 100mAElectrical life (Rated load)100 x 103 ops. (AC)100 x 103 ops. (DC)100 x103 ops (AC)100 x103 ops.(DC)25 x 103 ops. (1a / TV-5)50 x 103 ops. (AC)30 x 103 ops. (DC)20 x 103 ops. (AC)10 x 103 ops. (AC)Coil voltage (DC) 5 to 110 V 5 to 110 VDC 5 to 110 V Nominal coil power 0.4 W / 0.43 W 0.4 to 0.43W 0.4 to 0.43W Surge strength10,000 V10,000 V10,000 VDielectric strength (1 min.)Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Open contacts: 1,000VAC Coil and contacts: 5,000VAC Safety standards UL, CSA, VDEUL, VDEUL, VDEMounting / Enclosure Through hole / flux proofThrough hole / flux proofThrough hole / plastic sealTerminal layout(bottom view)Orientation markOrientation mark54286 (*)NCCOM NO5428NCCOM NO6 (*) (*): No 6 is omitted on 1aFTR-K1-MAFTR-K1-MBOrientation markOrientation markFTR-K1-AK FTR-K1-CK COMNO56784321NC COM NO 56784321Orientation markOrientation mark FTR-K1-AK FTR-K1-CK COMNO56784321NC COM NO 56784321。

omron G2A新型微型继电器 说明书

omron G2A新型微型继电器 说明书

0 -40 -20
●接触可靠性(JIS C 4530艾连·布拉德里电路)
AC 100V
᥹ 㾺 5Ω ᥹ ⚍嗻


䗮⬉᥹⚍ ᮁᓔ᥹⚍ ᥹䗮᥹⚍ 㞾ֱᣕ᥹⚍
DC 24V

㾺 ᥹


m嗼 Ω

㒓 N=9
䏃 ⏽ छ 90
⌟䞣˖೼㒓೜Ϟᮑࡴ乱ᅮ ؐ⬉य़˄DC24V˅ˈ⌟䞣
կ䆩㒻⬉఼ԡ㕂 123

㒓೜⏽ᑺ佅੠ؐDŽ ć
4 56l
No.4,6ⱘᑇഛؐ 60
01 2 34 56
7 8 9 10 Ͼ᭄˄Ͼ˅
No.7,9ⱘᑇഛؐ 40
动作显示灯 内置型
AC6、12、24、50 100/110、200/220 DC6、12、24、48、100
动作显示灯、 二极管内置型
型号 G2A-432A
G2A-432AY G2A-432A-D G2A-432A-N G2A-432A-N1
832 新型微型继电器 G2A
相关信息 商品选择 …………………… 792
共通注意事项 ……………… 804 技术指南 …………………… 915 用语说明 …………………… 938
注1. 二极管内置型以及G2A-432A-N1型的操作线圈只限于DC规格,不是AC规 格。



2001款奥迪A4主保险装置、接线板、继电器座、保险丝夹位置图A4 1/1奥迪安装位置编号主保险装置、接线板、继电器座、保险丝夹1 2 3 45 613 12 11 10 9 8 7A97--10003安装位置一览1- 4- 3主保险装置继电器座( 芯) 1 1/3 7 1/9图 , 页图 , 页2-A 5- 9柱接线板带车载电网控制单元的芯继电器座 2 1/4 8 1/10图 , 页图 , 页3- 6- 4接线板,座椅电缆敷设带螺栓连接的继电器座( 芯) 3 1/5 9 1/11图 , 页图 , 页版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.741/2 A4编号安装位置奥迪1 2 3 45 613 12 11 10 9 8 7A97--100037- 11-接线板,座椅电缆敷设专用汽车的保险丝架 4 1/6 14 1/22图 , 页图 , 页8- 12-专用汽车的继电器座带螺栓连接的接线板 13 1/21 6 1/8图 , 页图 , 页9- 13- 4保险丝夹继电器座( 芯),汽油发动机 12 1/16 1/20 10 1/12 1/13 图 , 页页图 , 页页10-A 13- 4柱接线板继电器座( 芯),柴油发动机 5 1/7 11 1/14 1/15图 , 页图 , 页页版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.74A4 1/3奥迪安装位置编号主保险装置1图主保险装置在蓄电池上S88 - - 150A片状保险丝A97--0220版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.741/4 A4 编号安装位置奥迪接线板2A图柱接线板2 1 3饰板后面右下方4 5 6 7CE保险丝颜色A 8 9 10 B10 A -红色11 12 13 1430 A -绿色F D15 16 17A97--0400说明:接线板中其余的位置未占用插头连接:编号名称供电标志1310 T10q芯紫色插头连接( ) 警车(强音喇叭)136 T6p TV芯紫色插头连接( ) 数字式调谐器(美国) 1410 T10r芯棕色插头连接( ) 警车(信号装置)146 T6q TV芯棕色插头连接( ) 数字式调谐器(美国) 15 17 T17c芯红色插头连接( ) 大灯17? 10 T10s芯黑色插头连接( ) 泄漏诊断泵保险丝:编号插座颜色名称保险丝额定电流E S46 30A黑色座椅调整装置的保险丝( )E S46 10A黑色座椅调整装置的保险丝(腰部支撑调整)( ) 说明:2002直到年款 -装备依赖版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.74A4 1/5奥迪安装位置编号3图座椅电缆敷设接线板副驾驶员座椅下方1 2 3 4A97--0249插头连接:编号名称供电标志1 3 3 T3d芯黄色芯插头连接( ) 侧面安全气囊2 10 T10p芯红色插头连接( ) 供电3 6 T6e芯绿色插头连接( ) 座椅加热4 8 T8c芯黑色插头连接( ) 安全带锁版本 2002 年 8 月A00.5902.10.741/6 A4编号安装位置奥迪4图座椅电缆敷设接线板驾驶员座椅下方1 2 3 4A97--0249插头连接:编号名称供电标志1 3 T3c芯黄色插头连接( ) 侧面安全气囊2 10 T10o芯红色插头连接( ) 供电3 6 T6d芯绿色插头连接( ) 座椅加热4 8 T8b芯黑色插头连接( ) 安全带锁版本 2002 年 8 月A00.5902.10.74A4 1/7奥迪安装位置编号5A2 13 图柱接线板侧饰板后面左下方456 7说明:A 8 9 10 B接线板中的其余位置未占用11 12 13 1415 16 17A97--0247插头连接:编号名称供电标志5 6 T6f芯浅粉红色插头连接( ) 警车7? 6 T6b芯黑色插头连接( ) 电控转向助力系统8 10 T10i芯蓝色插头连接( ) 驻车辅助9 17 T17g 1芯深棕色插头连接( ) 等喷(插头 ) 10 17 T17f 2芯桔黄色插头连接( ) 顶蓬(插头 ) 116 T6b Servotronic芯黑色插头连接( ) (电控转向助力系统)11 6 T6r Servotronic芯棕色插头连接( ) (电控转向助力系统)12 10 T10k芯白色插头连接( ) 驻车暖风13 10 T10c芯紫色插头连接( ) 刮水器马达14 10 T10d /芯灰色插头连接( ) 风扇压缩机15 17 T17b 3芯绿色插头连接( ) 左大灯(插头 )16 17 T17a 2芯红色插头连接( ) 左侧大灯(插头 ) 17 17 T17 1芯黑色插头连接( ) 左侧大灯(插头 )1 T1a SRAB 芯黑色插头连接( ) 大灯清洗装置( ) 说明:2001直到年款 2002从年款起? 2003从年款起版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.741/8 A4编号安装位置奥迪6图带螺栓连接的接线板在排水槽电控箱中1 2 3 4说明接线板中其余的位置未占用5 6 7A97--0248插头连接:编号名称供电标志1 10 T10 / 2芯插头连接,黑色( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 ) 2 10 T10a / 3芯棕色插头连接( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 ) 3 17 T17d / 1芯红色插头连接( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 ) 4? 6 T6c芯桔黄色插头连接( ) 驾驶学校用车5? 10 T10n / 5芯灰色插头连接( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 ) 517 T17e / 4芯白色插头连接( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 )6? 17 T17e / 4芯白色插头连接( ) 发动机变速箱(插头 ) 说明:2001直到年款 2002从年款起版本 2003 年 12 月A00.5902.14.74A4 1/9奥迪安装位置编号继电器座7 3图继电器座( 芯)驾驶员侧仪表板保险丝颜色2 330 A -绿色140 A -桔黄色C B60 A -浅蓝色A说明:A97--02441继电器座中的位置未占用。



确认客户继电器的应用场合应用功能,比如如果在汽车电子上使用,我们可推 荐汽车继电器,比如工业控制上用于功率放大的可推荐功率继电器,用于射频 电子电路切换的,可推荐高频继电器,用于控制一般信号开闭可推荐信号继电 器。 Step2. 确认客户在应用中的一些特殊使用要求,比如继电器需要频繁开闭,则可考虑 选择使用固态继电器;客户继电器触点回路电压较高,则可推荐高绝缘高耐压 大触点间隙的FTR-C1 些列High Isolation Wide Contact Gap继电器。对于继 电器动作噪声有特殊要求的,可推荐使用富士通FTR-P5 系列SILENT RELAY继 静音电器,其特征是触点间隙小,动作噪声低。
销售部:阮林兵 2013.6.20
电磁式继电器,结构简单、易于安装拆卸。但因使用机械式触 点,体积大、寿命、可靠性较低、功耗高。固态继电器无触点 具有体积小、寿命长、可靠性高、低功耗的特点。
B.按照用途分类 1.信号继电器:为某些装置或器件所处的状态给出明显信号(声、光、等)的一种 继电器。 2.功率继电器:在电路中起功率放大作用的继电器。实现小电流去控制大功率器 件的目的。

富士通组件热敏打印机FTP-628DSL311 312系列接口板说明书

富士通组件热敏打印机FTP-628DSL311 312系列接口板说明书

FUJITSU Component Thermal Printer FTP-628DSL311/312 series Interface BoardsFujitsu interface boards for FTP-628MCL05x, FTP-628MCL1xx, FTP-638MCLxxx series■USB (full speed) and RS-232C serial interface■Various detection features: Paper out, mark, platen open, thermal headtemperature, power supply voltage, near end■Various alarm and protective functions: Thermal head temperature, power supplyvoltage, MCU operation, motor over current protection■Print quality stabilization by the thermal head temperature and power supplyvoltage monitoring■Thermal head energization can select fix division or automatic division■Character set: ANK (Alphabet, number, Kana)■Supports barcode printing■Wide range of power supply voltagesPart number Supply voltage Interface type Mechanism part numberFTP-628DSL311-R 4.2 to 9.5VUSB/RS-232C FTP-628MCL05x FTP-628MCL1xx FTP-638MCL1xxFTP-628DSL312-R21.6 to 26.4V* ■Part numbersItem SpecificationsRS-232C Data speedSynchronous methodHandshakeParityInput/output level:9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k, 115.2k, 230.4k bps** AsynchronousRTS (DTR) / CTS (DSR) control, XON/XOFF control Non, even, odd**RS-232C levelUSB V2.0Data speedUSB interface classEndpoint USB ver 2.0 full speed (12Mbps max.) Device class: Printer device Interface class: PrinterSub class: PrinterProtocol: Unidirectional interface EPO: ControlEP1: Bulk OUT■ Interface specification at host side**: Selectable by RS-232C communication conditions setting command GS (+E(fn=67)) FTP-62DSL311*: The FTP-628DSL312 will convert the input voltage, 21.6V - 26.4V, to 9.5V to drive the FTP-6x8MCL mechanisms■ Specifications1.1 Base specificationsItem SpecificationsDimensions67.2 x 32.0mm (WxD)Weight Approx. 15g1.2 Print/paper feed specificationsItem SpecificationsPart number FTP-628MCL (2-inch)FTP-638MCL (3-inch) Dot pitch0.125mm (H) x 0.125mm (W)Number of dots384 dots/line576 dots/line Max. printing width48mm72mmLine space Approx. 1/8 inch (26 dots line)Print speed*1100mm/s60mm/sPaper feed speed (/ATF)Approx. 30mm/s*1: Conditions:equivalentorPD150RPaper:9.5VVoltage:Print ratio: Up to 12.5%Operating temperature/humidity: 25°C, 60+/-15% (no condensation)Symbol NameFunction Note CN1Serial interface connector Serial connection -CN2Power connector Power connection -CN3USB connectorUSB connection -CN4Printer mechanism connector Printer connection -CN5Near end connectorNear end switch connection-■ Dimensions■ Control circuit board and connector typesNote: Please connect frame ground and φ4 through hole screw hole.Tolerance: ±0.2mm Unit: mm3.02.562.Ø2.5(TH)3-Ø2.5(NTH)11.62.0No.Signal I/O Content No Signal I/O Content 1Vbus I Vbus signal 2D-I/O D- signal 3D+I/O D+ signal 4N.C.-Not connected 5GND-Signal ground6FG-Frame ground• USB Connector (CN3)Mating connector part number: USB mini-B type Recommended cable: Cable conforming to USB standards (V2.0 full speed)■ Connector Pin Assignment of interface boardNote: Symbol “-” means a negative logic signal. “I” or “O” means a signal direction from the interface board side. • Serial interface connector (CN1)Mating connector part number: ZHR-8 (J.S.T.) or equivalent Recommended cable: AWG#26 to 32, cable length max. 500mm No.Signal I/O Content No Signal I/O Content 1Vp I Power input 2Vp I Power input 3GND-Ground4GND-Ground• Power connector (CN2)Mating connector part number: XHP-4 (J.S.T.) or equivalentRecommended cable: AWG#22 to 30, cable length max. 300mmNo.Signal I/O ContentNo Signal I/O Content1RXD I Receive data signal 2TXD O Transmission data signal 3RTS (DTR)O Request to send signal 4GND -Signal ground5CTS (DSR)I Clear to send signal 6/SLCTIN I Dection function disabled signal 7/INPRMIInitialization signal8/ATFIPaper feed I/O Description I/O Description 1NVcc O Near end sensor power 2/NESINear end signal3GND-Signal ground• Near end Connector (CN5)Mating connector part number: SHR-03V-S (J.S.T.) or equivalent Recommended cable: AWG#28to 32, cable length max. 300mm • Printer mechanism connector(CN4)Please refer to the printer mechanism datasheet■Connector pin assignments of printer mechanism (2-inch)Command ContentHT Moves print position to the next tabLF Line feedFF Feeds forms (new page)DC2Power downESC RS Black/white reverse printing specification ESC SP+n Character space settingESC US Black/white reverse printing cancellation ESC !+n Sets print modeESC *+m+nL+nH+d1 to dk Bit image printESC -n Undeline settingESC 2Sets default line spacingESC 3+n Line pitch settingESC @Printer resetESC A+n Line spacing settingESC C+n Sets the page length line modeESC D+n1 to nk+NUL Sets horizontal tab positionESC J+n Feeds paper in forward direction and prints ESC R+n Selects internationl characterESC V+n Right rotation 90° specification/cancellation ESC X+m+n Setting the turning time of the motor excitation ESC a+n Positional alignmentESC c+1+n Sets internal processingESC c+5+n External input signal valid/invalid setting ESC d+n Printing and n-line feedingESC s+n Sets printing speedESC t+n Character code table selectionESC {+n Sets/resets updside down printingFS 9+n Sets the detection functionsFS E+n Standard energy settingFS r+n Reply parameter settingGS !+n Character size settingGS (+E+pL+PH+fn+d1 to d9 (fn=67)RS-232C communication setting *1GS (K+pL+pH+fn Print control settingGS(K+pL+pH+fn+n (fn=49)Print density settingGS(K+pL+pH+fn+n (fn=50)Print speed settingGS(K+pL+pH+fn+n (fn=97)Number of head division settingGS <Line feeds to the next markGS A+m+n Sets the line feed length after mark detection GS E+n Sets print qualityGS L+nL+nH Left margin settingGS W+nL+nH Sets print area widthContactCopyrightAll trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fujitsu Components America or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of datasheet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products Fujitsu Components America, Inc. or its affiliates reserve the right to change specifications/datasheets without prior notice. Copyright ©2019 Fujitsu Components America, Inc. All rights reserved. Revised July 26, 2019.JapanFUJITSU COMPONENT LIMITED Shinagawa Seaside Park Tower 12-4, Higashi-shinagawa 4-chome,Tokyo 140 0002, Japan Tel: (81-3) 3450-1682Fax: (81-3) 3474-2385Email:***************** Web: /jp/group/fcl/en/North and South AmericaFUJITSU COMPONENTS AMERICA, INC.2290 North First Street, Suite 212 San Jose, CA 95131 U.S.A.Tel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email:*********************.comWeb: https:///components/EuropeFUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV Hoofddorp NetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email:*****************.comWeb: /components/Asia PacificFUJITSU COMPONENTS ASIA, Ltd.102E Pasir Panjang Road#01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex, Singapore 118529Tel: (65) 6375-8560 / Fax: (65) 6273-3021Email:*****************.com/sg/products/devices/components/ChinaFUJITSU ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Unit 4306, InterContinental Center100 Yu Tong Road, Shanghai 200070, China Tel: (86 21) 3253 0998 /Fax: (86 21) 3253 0997Email:***************.com/cn/products/devices/ components/Hong KongFUJITSU COMPONENTS HONG KONG Co., Ltd.Room 06, 28/F, Greenfield Tower, Concordia Plaza, No.1 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2881 8495 Fax: (852) 2894 9512Email:*****************.com/sg/products/devices/components/KoreaFUJITSU COMPONENTS KOREA, LTD.Alpha Tower #403, 645 Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13524 Korea Tel: (82 31) 708-7108Fax: (82 31) 709-7108Email:*****************.com /sg/products/devices/components/Command ContentGS a+n Set auto status transmission GS e+m+n Sets bar code width GS h+nBarcode height setting GS k+m+n+d1 to dn Bar code printGS w+nBar code width magnification setting*1: Makes write/erase to the nonvolative memory.。

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A12W-K富士通(高见泽)继电器, G6K-2G-Y-DC5V
型号: A12W-K
触点负载:1A30VDC, 0.5A125V AC
额定电压:DC 12V
吸合电压:DC 8.4V
释放电压:DC 1.2V
线圈与触点间耐压:1000V AC/1分钟
触点与触点间耐压:1000V AC/1分钟
