Forrest Gump阿甘正传英文介绍

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• Encouraged by Jenny to run away from the local bullies, Gump discovered a r emarkable talent in running, and therby gain admission to college, a footba ll federation and other honors. Maybe all his achievements are somewhat rel ated to his running. He did not know why he was running. He has no concret reason. He just runs whenever he wants to run and wherever he can go.
• The deep impression that the movie give us is that
rs. Gump
• Mrs. Gump is a strongminded wise and patien t woman. She supported her family on her own. She never gave up her son and always told hi m to live like other p eople. She often encou raged Gump “stupid is as stupid does” again and again. She did not be abandoned by the G od. This ordinary woma n was paid back at las t. In her son's view, she is a real smart la
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• During the 1990s, American Anti-intellectual sentiment is in high spirits. Hollywood launched a batch of film to demeaning the modern cicilization, to advocate low IQ and to return to the original. American media called these movies “anti-intellectual movies”. Forrest gump is a masterpiece of antiintellectual movies.
Film review
Class ic lines
Forrest Gump
• Mr. Gump is a man who is short in intelligence, be cause his IQ is 75. It is impossible for us to gues s what achievements he co uld fulfill. We can not e ven imagine whether a man regarded as ‘stupid’ ca n experience so many amaz ing events and survive, b ut the fact is that he no t only survives, but gain a great deal of unexpecte d fame and success.
• Anti-intellectualism is hostility towards and mistrust of intellect, intell ectuals, and intellectual pursuits, usually expressed as the derision of ed ucation, philosophy, literature, art, and science, as impractical and conte mptible. Alternatively, self-described intellectuals who are alleged to fai l to adhere to rigorous standards of scholarship may be described as anti-i ntellectuals although pseudo-intellectualism is a more commonly, and perhap s more accurately, used description for this phenomenon.
• At the start, a white fe ather dances in the wind with the music gradually . In the sky, the feathe r is shinning brightly. At the end of this film, the feather appears with the wonderful music agai n. In my view, the floa ting feather was the mos t impressive scene of th e movie, because it was always flowing with the wind without direction, just like our intangible lives, which may be chan geable all the time. We cannot control the breez e, but what we can do is
• Jenny is another impor tant woman in Forrest Gump's life. In their childhood, Jenny is hi s only friend. They ar e peas and carrots. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become a symbol of degeneration . She was abused by he r father, which had a desperately bad effect on Jenny' life through out her whole lifetime . Fortunately, she mar ried to Mr. Gump in th e end. She spent her l