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笔试部分 (10 分)

(70 分)




五、 根据汉语意思选单词。

( )I.A.glad B. good

C. gree n ()1.夜晚 A. night B. high C. nine ( )2.A.boy B. baby

C. but

()2.谢谢 A. tha nks B. thi nks C. thi nk ( )3.A.seve ntee n B. thirtee n

C. twenty ()3.裙子 A. coat B. dress C .shorts ( )4. A. shorts B. shirt

C. she

()4.蓝色 A . red B. gree n

C. blue

( )5. A .co unt

B. coat

C. colour ()5. 11 A. ten

B. eleve n

C. twelve

二 、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)


( )1. A. Are you Ling ling?

B. Are you Lin da? ()1. A. thirteen B. too

C. twenty ( )2. A. What colour is this balloo n?

B. What colour is it? ()2. A. shirt B. shorts

C. see ( )3. A I like the red on e.

B. I like the gree n one.

()3. A. balloon B. black C. blue. ( )4. It ' seve n dclock.

B. It 's eleve n oclock.

()4. A. too B. n ice C. big ( )5. How many pens are there?

B. How many rulers are there?


)5. A. eve ning

B. baby

C. n ight

三、 听录音,选出正确答语。(10分)



(10 分)

( )1. A. Good morning. B. I'm fine. ① twenty ② coat ③ nin etee


④ black ( )2. A. No, I m not. B. Thank you. ⑥ shorts

⑦ dress

⑧ white

⑨ eleven ( )3. A It 'yellow. B. It 'seve n 6clock. 数字类:

( )4. A. Thirtee n pens. B. twelve o 'lock. 颜色类:


)5. A. It 'very nice.


.No, it isn ' 服装类:

四、 听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分)

八、看一看,选出相应答语。 (10 分)

⑤ gree



)1. How are you?



() () () ()

() A .Nin etee n books.

)2. How many books are there? )3. Are you Jane?

)4. What time is it? )5. What colour is it?

B . It 'eleve n /clock.. C. It ' red. D. No, I m not. E. I am fine.


( )1.---1 am to see you ________ . w W w .x K b 1.c o M

A. too

B. to

C. again ( )2.——It ' eight ______ .

A. clock B o'clock C. clocks ( )3.—— ______ ——I,m fine.

A. How you are!

B. What' your name?

C. How are you? ( )4.——What' your name?--- _______ .

A. I "m fine


C. I "m Peter ( )5. -------- ----------- . ---- I t ' yellow.

A. What time is it?

B. What' your name?

C. What colour is it?

( )6.How many are there?

A. clocks

B. apple

C. ballo on ( )7.Sorry, I know.

amn t B. isn " C. don "t

( )8. are you —Thank you!

A. How

B. Here

C. What ( )9.Look at the blue .

A. short

B. sixtee n

C. shorts ( )10. Is it blue?-----No ,it ' s

A. a red

B. gree n

C. blue



A. I "m fine, thanks.

B. You are kind.


A. This is my schoolbag.

B. What colour is your schoolbag?

()3.Peter问你几点了,你不知道,你让他看一下钟表,应说: ____________

A. It' seve n dclock.

B. Look at the clock, please.

()4.妈妈给Amy买了一些新钢笔,Amy想知道有多少,应说: _________

A. It' my pen.

B. How many pens are there?


A. What colour is your coat?

B. How about you? 十一、连词成句。(10分)

1. like, I , the, one, red (.)

2. the, T-shirt, at, Look (.)新课标第一网

3. many, rulers, are, How, there (?)

4. you, Be nny, Are (?)

5. is , What, it, time (?)
