最新英美报刊选读—Unit 1

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• 词的生动性在新闻报道中不乏其例,给读者以形象生动、跃然纸 上的感觉。下面列举一些较为常见的且使用较好的动词: • dive from the car --纵身跳下… (强调动作之利落) • rocket down a side street --飞驰… (形容速度之快,犹如火箭一 般) • A 4-foot Santa Claus doll towers over the cash register. --…远远 高过…(强调高大程度) • Vans of well-meaning doctors regularly barrel down from San Antonio and Houston 飞奔(形容行驶速度极高且无法控制) • The central bus station lay in ruins, still choked with the wrecks of several buses. 塞满 • (强调废墟中残骸之众多和凌乱) • 以上这些动词都以不同的表达方式很好地展现了动词极其生动活 跃的特性,使读者既有 • 直面的感官享受又有切实的五官刺激,从而能够进一步被吸引和 打动。
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language?
• This desire came to the attention of four graduate students at The University of Texas at Austin—Lev Michael, Chris Beier, Lynda De Jong and Mark Brown. Michael and Beier have been conducting humanitarian aid work in another part of Peru for several years. They found that this language revitalization project complemented their work in linguistic anthropology at the university. They in turn recruited linguistic students De Jong and Brown to participate in the first year of the project.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language? • documenting endangered languages and doing all that can be done to maintain their use • The residents of San Antonio approached the municipal government for help in not only preserving their language, but also in revitalizing it.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
Background Information
Extinct Language and Language Preservation
目前世界上总共有大约7,000种语言,但许多包含着当地人文历史和 风俗习惯的语言正在迅速消失。在美国旧金山举行的美国科学促进 会年会上,美国宾夕法尼亚州斯沃斯摩尔学院的学者大卫·哈瑞森提 供的一份报告显示,目前世界上3586种稀有语言的使用总人数只占 全世界人口的0.2%,而83种比较普遍的语言的使用者却占到了总人 口的79.4%,世界上超过40%的语言濒临消亡。 美国语言学会濒危 语言委员会主席克劳赫斯特说,语言正以惊人的速度消失,几乎每 两个星期就有一种语言消失。
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
Baidu Nhomakorabea
目前世界上有5个地区(澳大利亚北部、南美洲中部、北美 洲太平洋沿岸、西伯利亚东部以及美国的西南部与俄克拉荷 马州)语言消亡速度最快。研究人员发现,这些地区能够讲 多种语言的本土人越来越少了。造成语言濒危的外部因素包 括使用人口少分布杂、族群分化、民族融合、社会转型等; 语言自身因素有弱势语言或是没有书写系统的语言的使用者 ,往往会发现该语言的词汇和语法功能无法满足社会复杂交 流的需要。语言的濒危涉及语言使用者对自己母语的忠诚度 等问题,有些族群在母语受到强势语言威胁时会采取强烈的 反抗以争取权利,而有些族群则自愿放弃将母语传递给下一 代。消失的语言中有些部份被记成文字或录音保存,但绝大 多数都未载写下来。没录下声音、没记下文句结构,这些语 言就消失了。语言消亡了,通过该语言代代相传的文化、知 识就会消失。对于濒危语言,学术界目前已达成共识:在它 们还未消失前,去认识和记录它们。保护弱势语言,积极推 进世界各种语言的发展,为世界文化多样性做出贡献。
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
Unit 1
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
Passage 1
Preserving Languages Is About More Than Words
Language Features Background Information WarmingWarming-up Questions Organization Analysis Detailed Reading PostPost-Reading
本文作者在描述传统的爱尔兰语现如今随处可见,十 分醒目地绘制在绿色T 恤衫时用了emblazoned (on green Tshirts ) 同时用了echoing (through pubs) 来描写爱尔兰语在 酒吧中回响着。作者在讲述联合国教科文组织首次推出了 濒危语言在线地图册时用了launched (an online atlas of endangered languages),在上面标注了2,400多种濒临消 失的语言作者用了labeling (more than 2,400 at risk of extinction)。 作者在讲述活语言研究所这一非赢利机构与 国家地理杂志联手时用了partnering (with National Geographic)。作者讲述当采猎者转向农业时用了(when hunter-gatherers) transitioned (to agriculture)。作者在讲述使 用数码设备来记录其长辈的声音时用了(using digital equipment to)document ( their elders' voices)。
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language?
• In addition to the documentation and teaching of the language, the team has been busy pairing a group of four lay-linguists, or “linguistas,” to work one-on-one with a set of indigenous speakers of Iquito, known as “especialistas.” These linguistas, who include San Antonio’s schoolteachers, will continue the process of learning the language and carry out the work of teaching throughout the year. • The student team received great news earlier this month when they learned the project also received funding from the Endangered Language Fund—enough to pay the salaries of the community workers for the coming year. Additional funding is provided by the Department of Linguistics, the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and the Cabeceras Aid Project.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
Language Features
通常情况下,在报刊新闻中,为使主要事实更为醒目, 恰到好处地使用动词,能增强报道的新鲜感、现实感和直 接感。诸多生动的动词会让读者有一种切实的感受,如同 在现场一般,能够亲自听到、闻到、看到、感觉到当时所 发生的一切。这样的生动报道在选词和措词上都十分谨慎 严格,动词使用准确具体, 既传神达意又具有时间感,语 言的表述因此也更为生动形象。
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language?
• Already, after only a few weeks of work, the students are well on their way to reaching their first-year goal to create a dictionary with 1,500 entries and a lesson plan to be used throughout the year. • They have also begun teaching classes to many of the community’s children and adults. Beier said that an average of 20 adults and 35 youth, ranging in age from 6 to 16, attend their classes—a significant portion of San Antonio’s total population of about 400 people.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language? • After centuries of pressure to assimilate into a Spanish-speaking culture, the San Antonio community is now expressing its desire to keep the indigenous culture and language alive.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
现时几种最濒危的语言包括西伯利亚的乌迪内语(Udihe)、亚马逊 森林的厄里克普语(Arikapu)和美国阿拉斯加的埃亚克语(Eyak) ,分别只有100个、6个和一个人懂得说。一种语言的消失,使得有 关社群受到影响,由于语言学家和人类学家无法使用这种语言记录 的材料,于是将无法得知该社群的历史。语言消失并不是新事物, 专家相信至今已有几千种语言已经消失,例如爱尔兰海马恩岛流传 的马恩语(Manx),1974年随着最后一个懂得此语言的人死去而湮 没;而高加索地区的尤比克语(Ubykh),多达180个辅音,辅音冠 绝世上所有已知语言,但该语言也在1992年消失。消失的语言没有 留下任何字典和课本,而原先掌握这些语言的人群所积累的知识以 及历史文化缺乏书面记载。