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cat-, cata-, cath-: down, with
• category (noun): a class or set to which a thing belongs
• catalogue (noun): a book or pamphlet that lists and describes
Recognizing prefixes.
a-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, as-, at- : to, toward, near, in addition to
• aside (adverb): to or toward the side • accompany (verb): to go with someone as
• distrust (verb): to have no confidence or trust
e-, ex-: out, out of, from
• emit (verb) to send out • expel (verb) to force out ex-: former 以前的,前任的 • ex-president 前任总统
• apolitical (adjective): without interest in or association with politics
ab-, abs-: away from, off
• abnormal
ante-: before
• anterior (adjective): before or near the front
Four ways of word formation: • 1. Affixation 缀合法(加词缀法) • 2. Conversion (词性)转化法 • 3. Compounding 复合法 • 4. Abbreviation 缩略法
Prefix 一般只改变词义,不改变词性 Suffix 一般只改变词性,不改变词义
di-, dif-: apart, separate, two, opposite, not
• divide (verb): to separate into two or more parts
• differ (verb): to be unlike
dis-: not, opposite of, exclude
circum-: around
• circumstance
co-, cog-, col-, com-, con-, cor-: together, wห้องสมุดไป่ตู้th
• coeducation 男女同校 • cohesiveness (noun): the ability to stick
together • cognate (adjective): related, similar in nature • collaborate (verb): to work together • commingle (verb): 混合 • connection • correlative (adjective): 相关联的
en-, em-: put into; cause to be
• encase (verb): to enclose in a case • endear 使受喜欢 • empower (verb): to give power, to put into
il-, im-, in-, ir-: not, in
anti-: against
• antipathy (noun): dislike, opposite feeling
auto-: self; automatic
• automotive (adjective): related to selfpropelled machines
bi-: two
• bicentennial 每二百年的 • biweekly 每周二次的
contra-: against, opposite
• contradict (verb): to state the opposite
de-: to do the opposite, to take away from
• decrease (verb): to grow smaller, to become less
• allocate (verb): to distribute to specific people or for specific purposes
• associate (verb): to join with • attend (verb): to look after, to go to
a-, an- : not, without
• illegible (adjective): cannot be read • impostor (noun): someone who poses as
someone else
• inaction (noun): lack of motion, idle • irresolute (adjective): uncertain about hot to
Benefits: • Improving your reading comprehension
by using word part clues to guess word meanings. • Helping build up your vocabulary.
Word Formation
a companion
• adjust (verb): to correct, to move closer to a correct position
• affix (verb): to attach to something, to fasten 使附于, 粘贴
• aggression (noun): hostile behavior towards someone or something