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In the seventh heaven 愉快,高兴

Knit one's brow 皱眉头

Last but not least 最后但不是最不重要的一点Laugh in sb's face 当面嘲笑

Lay sth to heart 把某事放在心上

Have pity on sb 同情某人

Trojan horse 特洛伊木马—比喻暗藏的敌人或危险Tower of ivory 象牙塔—比喻世外桃源

Sour grapes 酸葡萄—得不到的东西就说它不好Sphinx's riddle 斯芬克斯之谜—比喻难解之谜

As wise as Solomon 像所罗门一样聪明—比喻非常富有智慧

The fifth column 第五纵队—比喻间谍

A Judas kiss 犹大之吻—比喻背叛行为

Crocodile tears 鳄鱼眼泪—比喻假慈悲

Wash one's hands of 洗手不干—撒手不管

New wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒—旧形式不适合新内容

In a pig's whisper 低声地;顷刻间

Draw blood 伤人感情,惹人生气

Hang on sb's sleeve 依赖某人,任某人做主

Hang on sb's lips 对某人言听计从Make a monkey of 愚弄

To be full of beans 精神旺盛,精力充沛

Bend an ear to 聚精会神地听,倾听

Get cold feet 开始感到怀疑、胆怯或害怕

A skeleton at the feast 扫兴的人或东西

Bury one's head in the sand 采取鸵鸟政策

Burn the boat 破釜沉舟

Castle in the air 空中楼阁

A bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

Six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两After one's own heart 正中下怀

One's hair stands on end 毛发倒竖

Kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕

Show the cloven hoof 露出马脚

Hang by a hair 千钧一发

Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵Have an axe to grind 别有用心

Talk through one's hat 胡言乱语

To be as poor as Job 家徒四壁

Neither fish nor fowl/flesh 不伦不类

No respecter of persons 一视同仁

Leave no stone unturned 千方百计

Hole and corner 偷偷摸摸;鬼鬼祟祟A fly in the ointment 美中不足

By the skin of one's teeth 九死一生Call a spade a spade 直言不讳

Pull sb's leg 愚弄某人,开某人的玩笑Move heaven and earth 想方设法,千方百计Child's play 简单的东西,容易的事情

Eat one's words 承认自己说错了话

Dog-eat-dog 残酷争夺,人吃人的关系

Reap what one has sown 自作自受;自食其果;自掘坟墓;飞蛾扑火;咎由自取;玩火自焚;惹火烧身;作茧自缚Be on tenterhooks 坐立不安;如坐针毡;局促不安;心乱如麻;心烦意乱;七上八下;六神无主;手足无措

Fish in the air

Cry for the moon Plough the sands Make a wild-goose chase

Hold a candle to the sun

Catch at shadows Lash the waves

Beat the air 水中捞月


















Between the devil and

the deep sea

Stick in the mud

Between the horns of a


Between two fires

In a fix

In a cleft stick

At a nonplus

Hold a wolf by the ears

With one's back to the


Between Scylla and



竭泽而渔to drain a pond to catch all the fish / kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

打草惊蛇to stir up the grass and alert the snake / wake a sleeping dog

易如反掌to be as easy as turning over one's hand / as easy as falling off a log

玩火自焚to get burnt by the fire kindled by oneself / fry in one's own grease

挥金如土to spend money like dirt / spend money like water

掌上明珠a pearl in the palm / the apple of one's eye 对牛弹琴to play the lute to a cow / cast pearls before swine

守口如瓶to keep one's mouth closed like a bottle / keep a still tongue in one's head

雪中送炭to send charcoal in snowy weather / help a lame dog over a stile

画蛇添足to draw a snake and add feet to it / paint the lily

声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west 刻骨铭心to be engraved on one's heart and bones 井底之蛙to be like a frog at the bottom of a well

调虎离山to lure the tiger from the mountain

口蜜腹剑to be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted 劳苦功高to have spent toilsome labour and won distinctive merits

屡教不改to fail to mend one's ways after repeated admonition

牢不可破to be so strongly built as to be indestructible

攻其不备to strike sb when he is unprepared

史无前例to be without precedent in history

粗枝大叶to be crude and careless

无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness

扬眉吐气to feel proud and elate

灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious

纸醉金迷a life of luxury and dissipation

开门见山to come straight to the point

单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth

大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale

海阔天空to talk at random

风雨飘摇of a situation being unstable

毛遂自荐to volunteer one's service

叶公好龙professed love of what one really fears

东施效颦crude imitation with ludicrous effect

南柯一梦a fond dream or illusory joy

四面楚歌to be besieged on all sides

锱铢必较to haggle over every penny
