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根据相关规范规定,严格检查塑料排水板的回带长度,当其超过50cm 时,必须在相邻板位处补打一根,且回带的根数不宜超过打设总根数的5%。为有效减少塑料排水板回带,本文就对塑料排水板施工的“回带”现象进行探讨,谈些体会,供同行参考,不妥之处,敬祈斧正。

According to the relevant regulations, strict inspection of plastic drainage plate back belt length, when it exceeds 50cm, must make a root in the adjacent plate at the back, and the root number should not take more than a total number of 5%. In order to effectively reduce the plastic drainage plate back, this article focuses on the construction of plastic drainage board " back " phenomenon is discussed, talk about some experience, for reference, inappropriate, Jing Qi Fu zheng.


1 plastic drainage board " back " phenomenon of

塑料排水板施工顺序为:定位→将塑料排水板通过导管从管靴穿出→将塑料排水板与桩尖连接贴紧管靴并对准桩位→插入塑料排水板→拔管剪断塑料排水板。插板机就位后通过振动锤驱动套管对准插孔位下沉,排水板从套管内穿过与端头的锚靴相连,套管顶住锚靴将排水板插到设计入土深度,拔起套管后,锚靴连同排水板一起留在土中,然后剪断连续的排水板,即完成一个排水孔插板操作。插板机就可移位到下一个排水孔继续施打。在插设过程中, 可能会因为套管中


The construction sequence of plastic drainage boards : the location and the plastic drainage plate through the catheter from the tube boots out, the plastic drainage plate and pile tip is connected tightly tube boots and align pile to insert the plastic drainage plate, pipe cutting of plastic drainage plate. Insertion machine in place through the vibration hammer drive bushing alignment Jack sink, drain through the casing and is connected to the anchor boots end, sleeve anchor boots to the drainage plate inserted into the design depth, pull up the casing, anchor boots together with drainage board in the soil, and then cut the continuous drainage board, to complete a drainage hole board operation. Inserting plate can shift to the next drainage holes continue to play. In the inserting process, may be because the sleeve into the mud, increases the friction plastic board and the casing wall so as to cause the plastic plate is brought out, which is brought back. Drainage plate and tube boots connection diagram below. Plastic drainage plate through a cannula inserted machine, from the casing wear, connected with the special tube boots.


Figure drainage plate and tube boots connection diagram


( 1 ). The drainage plate (2 ). The drainage plate bending part ( 3 ). ( 4 ) the casing pipe shoe.


In order to avoid silt into the core that blocking the drainage channels, drainage effect, prevent the plastic drainage plate is taken out, plastic plate drainage catheter boots and pile tip are using circular. Pile tip flat end and the catheter boots with the appropriate, avoid the wrong seam, prevent silt in the play set into the catheter, the process of increasing the resistance of plastic drainage plate. Plastic drainage plate at the bottom end of the back should be a certain length, and " - " or " H " shaped anchor pin and reliable connection, anchor pin and the pipe port seals should be strictly.


Analysis of 2 plastic drainage plate back to the cause of


The 2.1 reason 1: silt into the tube

