Agilent N9038A MXE EMI接收机


Agilent N9310A RF 信號產生器 说明书

Agilent N9310A RF 信號產生器 说明书

Agilent N9310ARF 信號產生器技術簡介以極具吸引力的價格提供您所需的一切能力與可靠度Agilent N9310A RF 信號產生器想要以更快的速度做出更好的消費性電子產品嗎?今日,有愈來愈多的消費性電子產品使用到複雜的RF 技術,必須花費更大的心力,才能確保產品設計和生產的品質,同時降低成本和縮短上市時間。



而且,當您需要進行的是小型的研發專案,或是低成本的專案以提升和擴充產品的功能時,N9310A RF 信號產生器更能符合您的預算要求。


若使用N9310A RF 信號產生器,事情就變得簡單多了。


因此,不論您將工程和硬體資源部署到什麼地方,每個人使用N9310A 信號產生器時,都同樣簡單易操作。

低成本的生產製造安捷倫科技新的N9310A 經濟型可攜式信號產生器不僅可以應用於低成本的研發專案,也適合電子產品的大量生產製造使用。

當您想要輕鬆執行自動化測試,或從遠端操控信號產生器時,只要使用內建的USB 介面就行了。

您可以連接PC 和信號產生器,然後執行”虛擬面板”軟體(隨附在CD ROM 光碟片中),這樣一來,就可以在PC 上使用所有的控制功能了。

低價位的ATE -可提供真正低成本的量產測試方案自動化測試系統中通常需要用到好幾部信號產生器,選擇N9310A RF 信號產生器最經濟划算,因為即使您將好幾部這種信號產生器整合到現有的ATE 系統中使用,花費也不會太高,而且相當容易。

或者,如果您需要從遠端操作信號產生器的話,這部信號產生器隨附了PC 版的虛擬面板軟體公用程式和驅動程式,且背板有USB 埠,讓相互連接更加簡單。


己 口I ] 年 I 口月 第] 己 卷 第 1 口期
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a g i l e n t . c o m/ i f n d / MX E _ e n h a n c e me n t s 。查看高分辨率 图像 , 请
c s - 1 5 06 9
矢量信号收发仪 的软件设计架构 , 为用户提供 了前所未有 的 灵活应用 , 如 R F收发仪基带测试 。 ”
关于 N I
从 1 9 7 6年开始 , 美国国家仪器 ( ww w. n i . c o n) r 就为工程
产 品特 性

师和科学家提供各 种工 具来 加速 生产 、 创新 和探 索 。NI 的
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l e n t N9 0 3 8 A MX E届时将 闪亮登场 。安捷 伦将针 对上述新 特 性进 行 特 别 演 示 , 同 时 还 将 展 示 使 用 Ag i l e n t N 6 1 4 1 A E MI 测量应用软件进行 的预兼容测试 。 这2 款新选件 目前 已在全球上市 。选件 N9 0 3 8 A - T I  ̄ 包 括8 . 4 G Hz 、 2 6 . 5 G Hz 和 4 4 . 0 GHz 频 率范 围 ( 分别为 选件
2 4通道 的高速数字 I / Q





首先,频谱分析仪(Spectrum Analyzer)是一种能够显示信号频谱分布的仪器。










与频谱分析仪相比,EMI接收机(Electromagnetic Interference Receiver)更专注于电磁干扰的检测和测量。











2dB 衰减步进:提高动态范围优化
2 dB Step Attenuator
3rd Order DANL Worst case DR due to insufficient Atten step size
Potential DR Given Up Optimum DR
Mixer Level
Dynamic Range Vs. Distortion and Noise
接近参考电平处 取得最佳准确度
对数 放大 范围
离参考电平越远 准确度越差
2012 第12届国际电磁兼容暨微波展览会
数字中频改善幅度精度 (4)
数字中频对数放大 – 大大提高了对数显示精度,不需要 把信号调整到参考电平处
ADC 提高的 对数精度
RES BW 100 Hz
SPAN 3 kHz
形状因子决定了RBW 在大信号存在的情况下分辨小信号的能力
2012 第12届国际电磁兼容暨微波展览会
达到同样的选择性,数字滤波器可以用更宽的RBW, 可以达到数倍的速度改善
30 kHz Digital Filter
2012 第12届国际电磁兼容暨微波展览会
数字中频滤波器:更好的选择性和更快的扫描速度 选择性典型值 Analog 12:1 Digital ≤5:1
RBW 100 Hz 30 Hz 10 Hz 3 Hz 1 Hz 速度提高(倍数) 3.10 14.40 52.40 118.00 84.00

N9020A MXA X-Series 信号分析器配置指南说明书

N9020A MXA X-Series 信号分析器配置指南说明书

N9020A MXA X-Series Signal Analyzer Confi guration GuideThis MXA confi guration guide will help you determine whichperformance options, measurement applications, accessories, and services to include with your new MXA or to add as upgrades to anexisting MXA.M902N902X-Ser1981This step-by-step process will help you configure your MXA. Capabilities that are listed as standard come with the instrument at no additional charge. Tailor the performance to meet your requirements.For detailed specifications, refer to the MXA signal analyzer specification guide (N9020-90113). For a summary of specifications, refer to the MXA signal analyzer data sheet (5989-4942EN).21. N9020A-B25 is standard for all MXA's ordered after May 1, 2011.34567Portable confi guration includes pivoting carrying handle and protectivecorner rubber guards (front protective cover comes standard) – N9020A-PRC MXA bench top confi gurationFor more information on accessories go to: /fi nd/accessories89Instrument UpgradesUpgrade your existing MXA/find/mxa_upgrades10Instrument Upgrades11cdma2000® is a registered certifi cation mark of the T elecommunications Industry Association. Used under license. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Agilent T echnologies, Inc. WiMAX™ is a trademark of the WiMAX Forum ®. Windows ® and MS Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft ® Corporation.Agilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/mxaRelated LiteratureAgilent MXA Signal Analyzers Brochure 5989-5047EN Data Sheet5989-4942ENX-Series Measurement 5989-8019ENApplications, BrochureFor more information on Agilent Tech-nologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA,January 24, 20125989-4943ENAgilent Advantage Services is committed to your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservices。



设置“起始频率”,“终止频率”,“扫描模式下单点测量时间”,“终测模式下单点测量时间”以及“裕 量”。(设置方法可参考表 4)

按键,显示菜单栏,使用鼠标选择“Set”----“Limit”----“Select Limit”,
说明 复位软件到初始状态 在扫描运行过程中不要进行相关设置工作,在停止后进行设置 可以对扫描的数据进行编辑,包括峰值查找,添加和删除频点等 可以对数据表中的频点进行终测测试 快速生成检测报告 进入 Spot 模式,单点测量 返回上一级菜单
表 5:接收机软件主界面
①Scan 扫描测试设置和测试
选择补偿曲线。实际的应用中,在被测信号接入到接收机之前通常会有 LISN,天线,CDN,限幅器, 衰减器以及线缆等仪器设备,所以必须进行相关损耗补偿,可通过添加补偿曲线进行修正。如果没有 所需的补偿值可手动绘制补偿曲线,具体方法参考“如何绘制补偿曲线”。
30dBm(=1W) 150V
预选器 前置放大器 测量时间 检波器
分析仪模式 接收机模式 在分析仪中可以被关闭 可以被开启/关闭 接收机模式 接收机模式
10Hz 到 1MHz(-3dB)采用 1/2/3/5/10 步长 200Hz, 9kHz, 120kHz (–6dB) 1MHz (pulse bandwidth) 15 路固定滤波器

③绘制 PK 曲线 绘制 PK 曲线与绘制 QP 曲线方法相同。绘制完 PK 曲线点 Save。然后 Exit 曲线标准绘制完毕。例如

N9038A MXE EMI接收器数据手册说明书

N9038A MXE EMI接收器数据手册说明书

1981N9038A MXE EMI Receiver20 Hz to 8.4 and 26.5 GHzData SheetTable of ContentsDefinitions and Conditions (3)Frequency and Time Specifications (4)Amplitude Accuracy and Range Specifications (7)Dynamic Range Specifications (10)PowerSuite Measurement Specifications (15)General Specifications (16)Inputs and Outputs (18)I/Q Analyzer .....................................................................................................................20 Express your insight When you’re testing a new prod-uct, the designers are counting on your expertise and advice. That’s why the Agilent MXE is more than a CISPR-compliant EMI receiver. We’ve also included X-Series signal analysis and graphical measure-ment tools that make it easy to examine signal details. With these diagnostic capabilities, the MXE complements your knowledge and helps you advise the designers if a device fails compliance testing. Equip your lab with the MXE—and express your insight.2Definitions and Conditions Specifications describe the performance of parameters covered by the productwarranty and apply to the full temperature range of 0 to 55 °C, unless otherwise noted.95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (approx. 2 σ) of performance tolerances expected to be met in 95 percent of the cases with a 95 percent confidence, for any ambient temperature in the range of 20 to 30 °C. In addition to the statistical observations of a sample of instruments, these values include the effects of the uncertainties of external calibration references. These values are not warranted. These values are updated occasionally ifa significant change in the statistically observed behavior of production instruments is observed.Typical describes additional product performance information that is not covered by the product warranty. It is performance beyond specifications that 80 percent of the units exhibit with a 95 percent confidence level over the temperature range 20 to 30 °C. Typical performance does not include measurement uncertainty. Nominal values indicate expected performance, or describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, but are not covered by the product warranty.The receiver will meet its specifications when:• It is within its calibration cycle• Under auto couple control, except when Auto Sweep Time Rules = Accy • Signal frequencies < 10 MHz, with DC coupling applied• The receiver has been stored at an ambient temperature within the allowed operating range for at least two hours before being turned on• The receiver has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align set to normal, or, if Auto Align is set to off or partial, alignments must have been run recently enough to prevent an Alert message; if the Alert condition is changed from “Time and Temperature” to one of the disabled duration choices, the receiver may fail to meet specifications without informing the user This data sheet is a summary of the complete specifications and condi-tions, which are available in the MXE EMI Receiver Specification Guide. The MXE EMI Receiver Specification Guide can be obtained on the Web at: /find/mxe_specifications For ordering information, refer to the MXE EMI Receiver Configuration Guide (5990-7419EN).3Frequency and Time Specifications1. Horizontal resolution is span/(sweep points – 1).4561. Analysis bandwidth is the instantaneous bandwidth available around a center frequency over which the input signal can be digitized for further analysis or processing in the time, frequency, or modulation domain.2. Sweep points = 101.Amplitude Accuracy and Range Specifications1. DC coupling required to meet specifications below 50 MHz. With AC coupling, specifications apply at frequencies of 50 MHz and higher. Statisticalobservations at 10 MHz with AC coupling show that most instruments meet the DC-coupled specifications, however, a small percentage of instrumentsare expected to have errors exceeding 0.5 dB at 10 MHz at the temperature extreme. The effect at 20 to 50 MHz is negligible but not warranted.781. DC coupling required to meet specifications below 50 MHz. With AC coupling, specifications apply at frequencies of 50 MHz and higher. Statisticalobservations at 10 MHz with AC coupling show that most instruments meet the DC-coupled specifications, however, a small percentage of instruments are expected to have errors exceeding 0.5 dB at 10 MHz at the temperature extreme. The effect at 20 to 50 MHz is negligible but not warranted.9Dynamic Range Specifications1. Typical DANL including NFE = Typical DANL-DANL improvement with NFE2. Specified for instruments with prefixes MY/SG5213 or greater. Nominal for instruments with earlier prefixes.101. Typical DANL including NFE = Typical DANL-DANL improvement with NFE.2. No NFE factor at this frequency.3. Specified for instruments with prefixes MY/SG5213 or greater. Nominal for instruments with earlier prefixes.1. Typical Indicated Noise including NFE = Typical DANL+ Bandwidth and Log corrrections-DANL improvement with NFE2. No NFE factor at this frequency.3. Specified for instruments with prefixes MY/SG5213 or greater. Nominal for instruments with earlier prefixes.1. Preamp input power = input power-input attenuation (–9 dB for input 2).2. For nominal values, refer to Figure 1.Figure 1. Nominal phase noise at different center frequenciesPowerSuite Measurement SpecificationsGeneral Specifications1. Noise Floor Extension (NFE) required for isolated pulse in bands C and D only.Inputs and OutputsI/Q Analyzer /find/mxe For more information on Agilent Tech-nologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minute Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204I srael 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries: /find/contactus Revised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, July 26, 20125990-7421EN Agilent Advantage Services is committed to your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our /quality /find/advantageservices /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consor-tium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.。



emi接收机工作原理EMI (Electromagnetic interference) 影响着当今电子设备和通信系统的性能,因此对于理解 EMI 接收机的工作原理非常重要。

EMI 接收机是一种专用的接收机设备,用于检测和抑制 EMI。


























图 3. 34832A BenchLink Data Logger Pro 软件增加极限检查和进行判定
BenchLink Data Logger Pro 软 件为更复杂的应用增加了极限检查和 判定能力。只要确认您要采集的被测 量,规定极限和要执行的动作,启动 这一过程,就可以实时地配置及评估 数据,和采取行动。
Agilent 34980A 多功能开关 / 测量单元
● 8槽主机配有21种混合匹配插入模块, 因此您能建立自己的定制配置
● 高性能开关: 在一台主机内高达 560 个 2 线多路转换器通道或 4096 个矩阵 交叉点
● 易于集成: 内置的以太网,USB 2.0和 GPIB 连通性,标准连接器和软件驱 动程序,适应各种常用的编程环境
数字码型 ─ 从您的被测设备发送 和接收数字数据。使用电路板上的存储 器,您就能输出通信协议和比特流,或 监视数字输入码型,并在检测到用户规 定的码型时中断。
获得 Agilent 仪器业经证明的高性 能,得到您所预期的分辨率、可重复性、 速度和精度。
34980A 提供内装的信号调整和模 块化的灵活性。使用内装的数字万用 表,您就能为所选的测量独立配置任一 通道。它包括给予您测量信心的各种性 能特性:
启用 Java 的浏览器,例如 Internet Explorer 提供对仪器的远地访问和控制。 使用该网络接口,您就能从远地设置、 查错和维护您的系统。
● 观察和修改仪器设置
● 打开、关闭或监视开关
● 发送 SCPI 命令
● 定义和执行开关扫描和开关序列
● 观察错误队列
装任何专门软件。并且还为限制访问提 供口令保护和 LAN 锁定。网络界面使您 能容易地从远地设置、查错和维护您的 系统。





1.1 HP8902A测量接收机HP8902A测量接收机是美国HP公司生产的,采用同轴开关设计,把同轴开关集成在功率传感器里面,并将高准确度的功率计和精密衰减器联合使用,运用微处理器控制进行存储比较、修正的信号分析仪器。


1.1.1 基本原理HP8902A测量接收机是带有校准功能的外差式接收机。




当被测频率为2.5 MHz~1.3GHz时直接用HP8902A测量接收机进行测试,频率高于1.3GHz后采用外接本振信号发生器和自身变频器与测量接收机组成的测试系统,先将被测信号变频到1.3GHz以下再测试。



【摘要】@@ 近日,安捷伦科技公司在北京召开发布会,一口气推出三款测试测量仪表,满足不同领域用户的差异化需求.rn全新EMI接收机增强一致性测试rn安捷伦科技公司此次推出的N9038A MXE EMI接收机专为进行电气和电子产品一致性测试的实验室设计.
1.安捷伦全新手持红外热像仪和绝缘电阻表满足预测及预防性维护需求 [J], 韩霜
2.安捷伦展示低成本测量解决方案满足客户不同层次的需求 [J], 代君利
4.安捷伦推出全新手持红外热象仪和绝缘电阻表满足预防性维护需求 [J],

美高勤8542E和8546A EMI 测试接收器数据手册说明书

美高勤8542E和8546A EMI 测试接收器数据手册说明书

Frequency ReferenceAging <±1 x 10–7/year Settability <±1 x 10–8Temperature stability <±1 x 10–885422E/85462A9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (to 6.5 GHz*)Frequency Span AccuracyBands 1 and 2Band 3 and Bypass Span ≤10 MHz ±2% of span + 10 Hz ±4% of span Frequency Readout AccuracySpan > 10 MHz ±3% of span ±6% of span±(frequency readout x frequency reference error** +85422E/85462A 1% of span + 20% of IF bandwidth + span accuracy + 100 Hz)Span ≤10 MHz ±2% of span + 10 Hz Span > 10 MHz±3% of spanMarker Count AccuracyFrequency spans ≤10 MHz±(marker frequency x Counter Resolutionfrequency reference Frequency spans ≤10 MHz Selectable from 10 Hz to 100 kHz error** + counter Frequency spans > 10 MHz Selectable from 100 Hz to 100 kHzresolution + 100 Hz)Sweep TimeFrequency spans > 10 MHz±(marker frequency x Range20 ms to 100 sfrequency reference Sweep triggerfree run, single, line, video, externalerror** + counter resolution + 1 kHz)* For 8546A EMI receiver only** Frequency reference error = (aging rate x period of time since lastadjustment + initial achievable accuracy + temperature stability)SpecificationsAll specifications apply over 0 °C to +55 °C. The EMI receiver will meet its specifications after 2 hours of storage at a con-stant temperature, within the operating temperature range, 30minutes after the analyzer is turned on, and after CAL ALL has been run.1981Amplitude SpecificationsCharacteristic Noise Indication with CISPR Measurement Bands(0 dB attenuation, 50 Ωinput termination) Band A, 9 to 150 kHz (200 Hz BW)Peak Quasi-Peak AveragePreamp off 15 to –15 dBµV 6 to –25 dBµV 3 to –27 dBµVPreamp on 2 to –28 dBµV –7 to –29 dBµV–9 to –31 dBµVBand B, 150 kHz to 30 MHz (9 kHz BW)Preamp off –3 dBµV–11 dBµV–18 dBµVPreamp on–8 dBµV–15 dBµV–21 dBµVBand C, 30 MHz to 1 GHz (120 kHz BW)Preamp off 9 dBµV 2 dBµV–5 dBµVPreamp on 4 dBµV –2 dBµV –10 dBµVSystem Amplitude Accuracy Band 1Band 2Band 3*9 kHz to 50 MHz20 MHz to 2.9 GHz 1 to 6.5 GHzSpecification ±2 dB±2 dBCharacteristic±1 dB±1 dB±3 dBLinear to Log Scale Switching Uncertainty85422E/85462A±0.25 dB at reference levelDisplay Scale Fidelity85422E/85462ALog maximum cumulative(0 to –66 dB from reference level, 0 to –64 dB for Band 3 only)3 kHz to 3 MHz IF BW ±(0.3 dB + 0.01 x dB from reference level)≤1 kHz IF BW±(0.4 dB + 0.01 x dB from reference level)Log incremental accuracy±0.4 dB/4 dB(0 to –56 dB from reference level; 0 to –54 dB for Band 3 only )Linear scale ±3% of reference levelGain Compression(Specification is derived from measured distortion with a total power at the input mixer of –10 dBm.If the IF BW ≤300 Hz, this applies only if signal separation ≥4 kHz and the signal amplitude is ≤reference level + 10 dB.)Band 1Band 2Band 3*9 kHz to 50 MHz20 MHz to 2.9 GHz 1 to 6.5 GHz200 kHz ≤f0<10 MHz < 0.75 dB< 0.75 dB< 0.75 dBf0≥10 MHz < 0.5 dB < 0.5 dB < 0.5 dBCharacteristic 1 dB compression point8542E/8546A( f0 ≥10 MHz)Preamp off89 dBµV 89 dBµV102 dBµVPreamp on 77 dBµV 77 dBµV77 dBµV(9 kHz <f0 <10 MHz)Preamp off85 dBµVPreamp on 72 dBµV85422E/85462A( f0 >10 MHz)(No bands)Preamp off102 dBµVPreamp on 75 dBµV(9 kHz ≤f0 ≤10 MHz)Preamp off95 dBµVPreamp on 68 dBµVThird Order Intercept Point Band 1Band 2Band 3* Bypassf0> 200 kHz, signal separation >50 kHz9 kHz to20 MHz to 1 to9 kHz to 8542E/8546A50 MHz 2.9 GHz 6.5 GHz 2.9 GHz Preamp off 97 dBµV97 dBµV112 dBµV 112 dBµVPreamp on85 dBµV85 dBµV85 dBµV85 dBµV 85422E/85462A(No Bands)Preamp off 112 dBµVPreamp on 85 dBµV* For 8546A EMI receiver only3Second Harmonic Band 1Band 2Band 3*Intercept Point9 kHz to20 MHz to 1 to 8542E/8546A 50 MHz 2.9 GHz 6.5 GHz 100 kHz ≤f 0≤1.8 GHz, > 2.9 GHzPreamp off 122 dBµV 122 dBµV 134 dBµV Preamp on 110 dBµV 110 dBµV100 dBµV1.8 GHz < f 0 ≤2.9 GHzPreamp off 105 dBµV Preamp on 105 dBµV 85422E/85462A (No bands)f 0 > 200 kHzPreamp off 134 dBµV Preamp on 100 dBµVAmplitude Specifications (continued)Other Input Related Spurious –65 dBc (Band 1, Band 2, and Band 3*)Residual Responses (0 dB attenuation, 50 Ωinput termination, preamp on)8542E/8546A < 30 kHz < –2 dBµV > 30 kHz< –10 dBµV 85422E/85462A 9 to 150 kHz< +2 dBµV 150 kHz to 2.9 (or 6.5 GHz*)< –8 dBµV85422E/85462Af 0≤400 kHzf 0> 400 kHzPreamp off ≤–18 dBµV Preamp on≤–39 dBµV* For 8546A EMI receiver onlyIF and Display SpecificationsIF BandwidthsMeasurement (6 dB) 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz(conforms to CISPR Publication 16) Bandwidth accuracy 1 MHz, 6 dB BW ±10%Diagnostic (3 dB) 30 Hz to 300 kHz in 1-3-10 steps(±20% characteristic), also 3 MHzand 5 MHz Demodulation AM and FMInputs and Outputs SpecificationsFront Panel Inputs8542E/8546ALow frequency Type-N female, 50 ΩnominalHigh frequency Type-N female, 50 Ωnominal85422E/85462A Type-N female, 50 Ωnominal Maximum Safe Input Level8542E/8546Adc voltage0 VAverage continuous power9 kHz to 2.9 GHz137 dBµV (30 dBm)1 GHz to 6.5 GHz*137 dBµV (30 dBm) with ≥10 dBinput attenuationPeak pulsed powerBand 1 ( 9 kHz to 50 MHz) 2 kW peak for 10 µs, > 20 dBinput attenuationBand 2 (20 MHz to 2.9 GHz)100 W peak for < 10 µs, <1% dutycycle and > 30 dB input attenuation 85422E/85462Adc voltage0 V (dc coupled), 50 V (ac coupled) Average continuous power9 kHz to 2.9 GHz137 dBµV (30 dBm)2.9 GHz to 6.5 GHz*137 dBµV (30 dBm) with 10 dBinput attenuationPeak pulsed power 50 dBm (100 W) for 10 µs pulsewidth and 1% duty (Preamp off)cycle, input attenuation ≥30 dB Input Attenuation8542E/8546AInput attenuator 0 to 50 dB in 10 dB stepsLinearity test attenuator 4 dB85422E/85462AInput attenuator 0 to 70 dB in 10 dB steps9 to 74 kHz fixed74 to 198 kHz fixed198 to 525 kHz fixed525 to 1025 kHz fixed1 to2 MHz fixed2 to 6 MHz tunable (20%3 dB bandwidth)6 to 17 MHz tunable (10% 3 dB bandwidth)17 to 29 MHz tunable (7% 3 dB bandwidth)29 to 52 MHz tunable (8% 3 dB bandwidth)52 to 98 MHz tunable (6% 3 dB bandwidth)98 to 152 MHz tunable (6% 3 dB bandwidth)152 to 216 MHz tunable (6% 3 dB bandwidth)216 to 330 MHz tunable (5% 3 dB bandwidth)330 to 500 MHz tunable (5% 3 dB bandwidth)0.5 to 1 GHz tunable (4% 3 dB bandwidth)1 to 2.9 GHz fixed2.9 to 6.5 GHz*fixed Averaging Bandwidths30 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3-10 steps(±30% characteristic) and 3 MHz.Post-detection single polelow-pass filters. 1, 3 and 10 Hzdigital filters with anti-aliasing DetectorsMeasurement Peak, Quasi-Peak and AverageQuasi-Peak time constantsconform with CISPR Publication 16 Overload8542E/8546A Broadband RF (Bands1 and2 only) and IF85422E/85462A IFPreamplification8542E/8546ABands 1 and 2 12 dBBand 3* and BYPASS 27 dB ±4 dB85422E/85462A27 dB ±1.5 dB ≤500 MHz,±4 dB > 500 MHzInput VSWR0 dB input attenuation≤1.0 GHz 2 : 11.0 GHz < f0≤2.9 GHz 2.5 : 110 dB input attenuation≤1.2 GHz 1.2 : 11.2 GHz< f0≤1.7 GHz 1.3 : 11.7 GHz< f0≤2.9 GHz 1.6 : 1Front Panel OutputsTracking generator Type-N female, 50 Ωnominal85422E/85462A onlyProbe power +15 Vdc ±7% at 150 mA max–12.6 Vdc ±10% at 150 mA max Earphone jack1/8 in monoaural jackCalibrator signal Type-N female, 50 Ωnominal,300 MHz, –20 dBm ±0.4 dB External ALC negative detectorRear Panel Inputs and Outputs10 MHz REF OUTPUT BNC female, 50 ΩOutput amplitude> 0 dBmEXT REF IN BNC femaleFrequency 10MHzInput amplitude range -2 to 10 dBm* For 8546A EMI receiver onlyInput Filter Bandwidths(all 3 dB bandwidths are characteristics) 4Inputs and Outputs Specifications (continued)AUX IF OUTBNC female, 50 ΩFrequency21.4 MHzAmplitude range –10 to –60 dBm AUX VIDEO OUT BNC femaleAmplitude range 0 to 1 V (uncorrected)EXT KEYBOARDInterface compatible with HP C1405A Option ABA keyboard and most IBM/AT non auto-switching keyboards EXT TRIG INPUT BNC femaleTrigger levelPositive edge initiates sweep in EXT TRIG mode (TTL)LO OUTPUTSMA female, 50 ΩFrequency range 3.0 to 6.8214 GHz HI-SWEEP IN/OUT 85422E/85462ASMA female, Outputhigh=sweep,low=retrace (TTL)Input open collector, low stops sweep 85420E/85460ASMA female Outputhigh=sweep,low=retrace (TTL)Tracking Generator SpecificationsOutput Frequency Range 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz Output Power LevelRange –1 to –66 dBm Resolution 0.1 dB VernierRange 9 dB Accuracy (25 °±10 °C)(–20 dBm at 300 MHz, 16 dB attenuation)±0.2 dB / dB Incremental cumulative ±0.5 dB total Output attenuator range 0 to 56 dB in 8 dB steps Output Power SweepRangeResolution 0.1 dBGeneral SpecificationsEMI CompatibilityMeasurement characteristics are in compliance with CISPR Publication 16-1. IF has 6 dB meas-urement bandwidths of use above or below 1 GHz. Receiver is compliant with CISPR 11/1990,Group 1, Class B and EN 50082-1/1992Storage Media Internal 3.5-inch disk drive. 1.44 MByte DOS and LIF format Temperature RangeOperating0 to 55 °C Storage Media 5 to 45 °C Storage–20 to 65 °C Power RequirementsVoltagePower Consumption 8542E/8546A90 to 132 V rms’47 to 440 Hz On<615 VA; <265 W 198 to 264 V rms’47 to 66 Hz Off<5 WReceiver RF section 90 to 132 V rms’47 to 440 Hz On<500 VA; <180 W 198 to 264 V rms’47 to 66 Hz Off<5 WRF filter section90 to 132 V rms’47 to 440 Hz On<115 VA; <85 W 198 to 264 V rms’47 to 66 HzOff=0 WSWEEP INPUT/OUTPUT 85422E/85462A SMA female Output0 to 10 V ramp 85420E/85460A SMA female Input0 to 10 VREMOTE INTERFACE 85422E/85462A GPIB Option 023RS-23285420E/85460AGPIB compatible service port (for use by qualified repairpersonnel only)MONITOR OUTPUTR,G, B (composite video on G)25 kHz horizontal rate 60 Hz vertical rate AUX INTERFACE85422E/85462A only9-pin subminiature “D”5(–10 to –1 dBm)-(source attenuator setting)Related Literature Pub. Number Agilent 85875A Commercial Conducted EMIMeasurement Software 5964-1968E Agilent 85876A Commercial Radiated EMIMeasurement Software 5962-9450E Agilent 85878A EMI Report Generator 5965-6473E Agilent 85869PC EMI Measurement Software 5965-2885E Agilent Technologies’ Test and MeasurementSupport, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paidfor and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the produc-tion life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our Promise“Our Promise” means your Agilent test and measurement equip-ment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifica-tions and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabili-ties, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your Advantage“Your Advantage” means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration,extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional services. Experienced Agilent engineers and tech-nicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracyfor the life of those products.Get assistance with all your test and measurement needs at: /find/assistProduct specifications and descriptions in thisdocument subject to change without notice.Copyright © 1997, 2000 Agilent TechnologiesPrinted in U.S.A. 5/005965-7096E。

Keysight N9038A MXE EMI接收器产品简介说明书

Keysight N9038A MXE EMI接收器产品简介说明书

Keysight N9038AMXE EMI Receiver–3 Hz up to 44 GHz frequency range–Compliant with CISPR 16-1-1:2010 and MIL-STD-461–± 0.5 dB at 1 GHz amplitude accuracySummary of Key SpecificationsThe X-Series difference Future-readyOptimize your investment and extend instrument longevity with upgradeable processor, memory, connectivity, and more to keep your test assets current today and tomorrow.Consistent measurement frameworkAchieve measurement integrity across your organization and drive more productivity in less time by leveraging a proven foundation for signal analysis and identical operation across the X-Series instruments.Broadest set of applicationsAddress the changing demands of technology with additionalmeasurement applications, the ability to run software inside the openWindows operating system, and a first-to-market track record in emerging standards.Stay ready, stay in sync, and arrive ahead —with the Keysight X-Series./find/X-SeriesKeep the Test Queue FlowingIn EMC testing, success depends on tools that can help you do more in less time—today and tomorrow. That’s why we created the MXE: it’s a standards-compliant EMI receiver and diagnostic signal analyzer built on an upgradeable platform. In the lab and on the bench, it provides the accuracy, repeatability,and reliability you need to test with confidence.The MXE makes it easy to test in accordance with CISPR 16-1-1:2010 and MIL-STD-461. Choose the frequency coverage you need—up to 3.6, 8.4, 26.5, or44 GHz—and fully test devices with outstanding accuracy and excellent sensitivity across the required ranges.Through the front panel or remotely with software, you can evaluate emissions and identify suspect signals using EMC measurements and a variety of intuitive displays. The extensive set of built-in analysis tools helps you diagnose the causes of noncompliant emissions.With all these capabilities and more, the MXE enables you and your team to keep the test queue flowing.Extend instrument longevity with easy upgradabilityTo keep your instrument current and extend its longevity, the MXE offers easy upgradability of hardware and software capabilities. For example, you can enhance platform performance through CPU and memory upgrades, and add functionality with a simple license key.Leverage the proven reliability of a mature hardware platform Uptime is essential in a test lab and that’s why we built the MXE on the robust Keysight X-Series signal analyzer platform. In addition, the MXE carries the benefits of Keysight’s standard three-year warranty and responsive service and support team.The MXE is ideally suited for high-performance EMC testing in commercial and military applications. The instrument offers a range of CISPR- and MIL-STD-compliant capabilities—detectors, bandwidths, and more—as well as features that further enhance the accuracy and throughput of EMC testing and data analysis.Simplify setupThe MXE contains a number of features that simplify the setup process for compliance measurements. For example, you can use setup tables to create specific measurement configurations for a variety of frequency ranges and antennas. You can also reduce overall setup time by saving and recallingfrequently used custom instrument settings. In addition, the MXE can remotely control switching functions in external LISNs.To accelerate identification of suspect emissions, access the built-in library of limit lines and activate the relevant regulatory limits. You can also define custom limit lines with the easy-to-use editor. To ensure appropriate limit testing, the MXE can automatically correct measured amplitudes for specific transducers, antennas, cabling, and external preamplifiers using customer-configured amplitude correction files.Accelerate data collectionThe MXE is designed to help you see signal activity—quickly and easily—from multiple perspectives. The comprehensive user display allows you to see both a broad overview of the emissions environment and a detailed view of the signal amplitude at a single frequency.Easily capture emissions data using built-in automated scan, search, and measure functions that mirror recommended commercial and military testing procedures. The multi-trace and max hold capabilities let you view emissions from the current position of the device under test (DUT) along with themaximum emissions from all DUT positions. During monitoring, the three color-coded detectors are updated simultaneously to ensure accurate results.The MXE receiver display provides a simplified view into the emissions performance of the DUT.Maximize Throughput in Compliance TestingChoose from traditional frequency or rapid time domain scanning.Easily identify suspect signalsWith built-in measurement and analysis functions, the MXE makes it easy to identify suspect emissions. For example, the unique color-coded trace display capability clearly identifies signals that exceed the selected limit lines and margins.When creating suspect lists, you can choose between traditional frequency scanning and rapid time domain scanning. Time domain scans significantly reduce the time needed to create a list of suspect emissions prior to making final measurements.Built-in limit testing makes it easy to create emission suspect lists. The receiver can automatically move out-of-limit signals to the signal list, where you can perform measurements with the touch of a button.Simplify final measurementsThe list function in the MXE makes it easy to perform final emissionsmeasurements for all supported standards. When you need to control tower or turntable position, internal frequency lists can be passed to automationsoftware. When orientation optimization isn’t required, built-in capabilities help you complete final measurements with ease.When final measurements are complete, you can conveniently create reports in HTML or PDF format with customized content that includes amplitude corrections, limits, scan tables, trace data, signal lists, and screen shots.All-digital IF architectureA digital intermediate frequency (IF) receiver architecture improvesmeasurement accuracy. By comparison, an analog IF architecture implements gain blocks, log amps, resolution bandwidths, and detectors with analog hardware. Even the best of these designs exhibit performance differences when receiver settings are changed from the settings used for calibration. These differences are then exacerbated over temperature.The all-digital IF architectureincludes digital realizations of the key components, which operate on the signal after it has been digitized. Digital IF can improve EMC measurement throughput by minimizing the need for users to bring the signal being measured to the top of the reference level. Analog receivers require this step for every measurement to minimize the effects of analog hardware errors.In addition, digital IF architecturereduces the occurrence of IF overload, even if signals are above the reference level.As an EMI receiver and diagnostic signal analyzer, the MXE puts a wealth of capabilities at yourfingertips. New receiver technology reduces measurement time and ensures you are prepared for future requirements.Go faster with time domain scanningThe MXE offers three types offrequency scanning: swept, stepped, and time domain. Time domain scan decreases total test time by reducing overall prescan collection times when longer measurement dwell times are required.Time domain scan speedsmeasurements by using high-overlap fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) tocollect emissions data simultaneously over an acquisition bandwidth that is multiple resolution bandwidths wide. This is in contrast to frequency-domain measurements, whichcollect data in individual resolution bandwidths.With time domain testing, you can collect suspect lists rapidly, greatly improving overall test time and throughput.Automate click measurementsUse the MXE's built-in disturbance analyzer to easily make discontinuous disturbance, or click, measurements as specified in CISPR 14-1. Simplify and automate data collection, analysis, and report generation for these commonly tested emissions for more efficient testing.Enhance Your Lab with the Latest CapabilitiesComparison of resolution and FFT acquisition bandwidths.FrequencyA m p l i t u d eFFT acquisition bandwidthA m p l i t u d eFrequencyReceiver resolution bandwidthSwept or stepped frequency domain scanTime domain scanDwell for each resolution bandwidthDwell for each FFT bandwidth (multiple resolution bandwidth)Simplify and automate data collection, analysis, and report generation for click measurements.Be ready for APD measurementsThe MXE helps future-proof your lab by offering the amplitude probability distribution (APD) function that is being considered by CISPR foremissions testing of microwave ovens. To characterize slowly-varyingemissions, the APD function displays the probability of an emissionreaching or exceeding a given level. To facilitate use of this new function, the MXE also offers specific limit-line types that can be used with built-in evaluation capabilities to simplify DUT testing.Find the maximum with monitor spectrumIn EMC testing, capturing the maximum value of each emissionfrequency is crucial. Doing so enables accurate characterization of the DUT.To ensure that you have identified the frequencies of maximum emissions in your suspect list, the MXE offers a new feature called monitor spectrum. This feature offers both live-spectrum and meter displays that make it easy to see emission levels and find the maximum while adjusting the center frequency. Ultimately, monitor spectrum improves overall measurement time by reducing the time it takes to prepare your signal list for final measurements.Monitor spectrum identifies frequency of peak emissions.Be ready for future applications with the APD function.The global center frequency feature lets you easily track signals in both the receiver and spectrum analyzer.Gain Insight with Extensive Diagnostic CapabilitiesVerifying product compliance is just one facet of EMI testing. Solving emissions problems can present a wide range of challenges, and the MXE offers a number of tools that will help you see and understand what’s happening.Leverage powerful spectrum analysisInvestigate out-of-compliance emissions with the MXE’s built-in X-Series spectrum analysis capabilities, which include a rich set of resolution and video analysis bandwidths, detectors, and marker functions. In addition, the MXE includes the X-Series PowerSuite measurements for characterization of transmitted signals.Switching between receiver and spectrum analyzer modes is greatlysimplified with the global center frequency function, which links the viewed frequencies. When analyzing an emission, any modification of its frequency will be automatically updated in the MXE’s suspect list, simplifying the final measurement process.Enhance precompliance measurementsYou can leverage the power and usability of the MXE when making precompliance measurements. The Keysight EMI measurement applications (N6141A and W6141A) put the functionality of the MXE inside any of our X-Series signalanalyzers: PXA, MXA, EXA, or CXA. The excellent sensitivity of the X-Series signal analyzers translates into highly accurate emissions measurements.For PXA, MXA or EXA:/find/N6141A For CXA:/find/W6141AStrip Chart mode provides a unique, gap-free view that is useful fortracking DUT performance as a function of turntable or antenna position.Spectrogram displays and the signal-marker capability help you understand the amplitude–and time-varying nature of emissions.RTSA lets you see and understand high-speed transient signals that aredifficult to capture.See amplitude variation vs time with Strip ChartCharacterize the variation of signal amplitude versus time using Strip Chart, a Keysight-exclusive feature which plots data for up to three detectors. All collected data isgapless, with a two-hour time record. This feature is especially useful for capturing the azimuthal emissions characteristics of a DUT when testing on a turntable.The frequency used for the Strip Chart display is coupled to the suspect list, making it easy to view each signal in the suspect list.View varying emissions with spectrograph displaysObserve how emissions spanning a broad spectral range change over time using the built-in spectrograph display. Tracking any variations in spectral data can provide clues about the origins of out-of-compliance emissions.Capture transient signals with real-time spectrum analysisDiagnose high-speed transient signals using real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) with frequencymask trigger capability. Preselected microwave RTSA enables image-free, over-the-air signal analysis so you can more quickly and easily analyze sources of radiated emissions.Build a Complete EMI Test SolutionProtect Your Investment with an Upgradable PlatformOur qualified Keysight Solution Partners provide a single point of contact to purchase complete EMI measurement solutions that meet commercial and military specifications. In addition to the MXE EMI receiver, they can provide equipment including chambers, probes, towers and antennas, and services such as integration, installation, training, and support. To further simplify testing, they also offer automation software that can meet your specific needs.If you need to go beyond emission and immunity, our solution partners can provide ESD, line harmonics, droop testing, and more.To keep your instrument current and extend its longevity, the MXE offers easy upgradability of hardware and software. When needed, you can enhanceplatform performance through upgradable CPU, memory, disk drives, and I/O ports. Internally, the mechanical assembly has three expansion slots that can accommodate future enhancements.On the software side, simple license-key upgrades are all it takes to add functionality or measurement applications. For example, the external source control option lets the MXE interface with a variety of Keysight signalgenerators, enabling stimulus/response testing up to 20 GHz. For detailed signal analysis, the library of available measurement applications includes analog demodulation, phase noise, and noise figure.Upgrade frequencyThrough return-to-Keysight upgrades, you can extend the frequency range of MXE EMI receivers up to 44 GHz. The receiver maintains its options, applications, and serial number.While the receiver is at the service center for a frequency extension, it is a convenient time to add functionality such as time domain scan for fast FFT-based frequency scanning.For precompliance testing, Keysight also offers frequency upgrades on PXA, MXA, or EXA signal /find/frequencyup11 | Keysight | MXE EMI Receiver N9038A - BrochureMXE Front and Rear PanelsView up to threedifferent prehensive display provides view of spectrum, meters, and suspect list.Second inputpulse-protected to 2 kW.Removable CPU enables processor, memory, and I/O upgrades.Auxiliary/IO port for LISN control.Send and receive SCPI commands over the GPIB interface.Identify signals and view information easily on the 21.4-cm, high-resolution XGA display.Acquire IQ waveform data quickly or control the MXE remotely from an external PC over the USB 2.0 (type-B port) interface.Synchronize other test equipment with the analyzer using the external trigger output signals.Get answers quickly with the comprehensive, context-sensitive embedded help system.Connect external peripherals and transfer data via the USB 2.0 (type-A port) interface.Navigate the interface and help system using the front-panel keys, or a mouse and keyboard.Test devices up to 44 GHz.View the display on an external monitor by connecting to the VGA video output.Two USB 2.0 ports conveniently located on the front of the instrument.Control the MXE remotely over1000Base-T LAN.Removable solid-state drive.Additional solid-state driveavailable for instrument security.Save files fast with the quick-save feature.12 | Keysight | MXE EMI Receiver N9038A - BrochureThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2013 - 2018Published in USA, March 27, 20185990-7422ENRelated LiteratureKeysight MXE EMI receiverPublication title Publication number Data Sheet5990-7421EN Configuration Guide5990-7419EN X-Series Measurement Application Brochure5989-8019EN/find/mxeEvolving Since 1939Our unique combination of hardware, software, services, and people can help you reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology.From Hewlett-Packard to Agilent to Keysight.myKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you. /find/emt_product_registrationRegister your products to get up-to-date product information and find warranty information.Keysight Services/find/serviceKeysight Services can help from acquisition to renewal across your instrument’s lifecycle. Our comprehensive service offerings—one-stop calibration, repair, asset management, technology refresh, consulting, training and more—helps you improve product qualityand lower costs.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to ten years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specification, so you can rely on accurate measurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414Brazil 55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 11 2626Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle East Austria 0800 001122Belgium 0800 58580Finland 0800 523252France 0805 980333Germany ***********Ireland 1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg +32 800 58580Netherlands 0800 0233200Russia 8800 5009286Spain 800 000154Sweden 0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-9-7-17)/go/quality Keysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2015Quality Management System。

Agilent U8903A音频分析器数据手册说明书

Agilent U8903A音频分析器数据手册说明书

Agilent U8903A Audio AnalyzerMake an Audible DifferenceData SheetCapabilities• Select generator, analyzer, graph, and sweep modes with one-button access • Measure at DC and from 10 Hz to 100 kHz • Characterize signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, IMD, DFD, THD+N ratio, THD+N level, crosstalk, and more • Apply weighting functions, standard filters, and custom filters • Stimulate the device with high-quality signals and arbitrary waveforms • View numerical and graphical displays of measurement results • Connect to a PC through GPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfaces • Code compatible with HP8903B • 2 in 1 screen (generator and analyzer in the same display screen)Whether listening to mono, stereo, or surround, the human ear knows what sounds good. Measuring “how good,” however, can be a challenge. The Agilent U8903A audio analyzer helps you measure and quantify audio performance in applications such as wireless audio, analog components and ICs, and consumer audio.Across the audio spectrum and beyond, this scalable, single-unit solution provides versatile measurement functions, diverse test signals, and powerful analysis capabilities.The U8903A audio analyzer combines the functionality of a distortion meter, SINAD meter, frequency counter, AC voltmeter, DC voltmeter, and FFT analyzer with a low-distortion audio source. On the bench or in a test system, its accu-racy and versatility helps you make an audible difference in your end product.LXI class C certified1981Table 1. Comparison of frequency range and accuracyFrequency range DC and 10 Hz to 100 kHz20 Hz to 100 kHz Frequency accuracy 5 ppm (0.0005%)0.004%Table 2. Comparison of accuracy and ranges in AC and DC level measurementsAC voltage input range0 V to 140 Vrms 0.3 mVrmsto 300 VrmsAC accuracy± 1%± 4%DC voltage input range0 to ± 200 V 4 to 300 VDC accuracy± 1%± 1%Table 3. Comparison of range and residual THD+N measurements Frequency range10 Hz to 100 kHz20 Hz to 100 kHzResidual THD+N (signal distortion) at 80 kHz BW ≤ –101 dB (at 1 kHz, 1 Vrms),20 Hz to 20 kHz–80 dB (or 15 µV),20 Hz to 20 kHzAccuracy± 0.5 dB (< 20 kHz)± 0.7 dB (< 100 kHz)± 1 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz)± 2 dB (20 to 100 kHz)Figure 1. The new U8903A audio analyzer (left) offers numerous improvements over the widely used HP 8903B (right). Replace your 8903B and addnext-generation capabilitiesFor nearly two decades, the HP 8903Bprovided unparalleled versatility andperformance in audio applications.The U8903A builds on the legacy ofthe 8903B by offering faster single-point measurements (0.4 sec versus3.0 sec) as well as a wider frequencyrange, expanded performance, andgreater functionality (Tables 1, 2, and3). With the U8903A, you can con-figure measurements faster throughits graphical user interface (GUI)and one-button selection of majoroperating modes. The color screenlets you view dual-parameter displaysfrom one or two channels as wellas graphical displays of sweeps, fre-quency spectra, and more (Figure 1).To makes the transition easy, thenext-generation replacement for theHP 8903B audio analyzer featuresa built-in code emulator whichautomatically converts 8903B R2D2code directly into SCPI commandsused by the U8903A. The Agilentapplication note Migrating Code fromthe 8903B to U8903A (5990-4135EN)and the U8903A Programming Guide(U8903-90027) provide additionalresources to assure you get the mostfrom this new class of audio analyzer.23Measure and analyze essential audio parametersWith the U8903A, you can measure below, across, and above the audio spectrum with its 10 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range and built-in DC mea-surements. Its dual input channels let you perform stereo audio, frequency response, wireless and component tests—all at a single-channel price.Easily characterize parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, intermodulation distortion (IMD), different-frequency distortion (DFD), total harmonic distortion (THD+N ratio, THD+N level), crosstalk, and more. Additional measurementcapabilities include AC level, DC level, frequency count, frequency spectrum, and FFT analysis (Figure 2).For all measurements, you canapply weighting functions as well aslow-pass, high-pass, and standardFigure 2. Perform FFT analysis with up to 32 Kpoints and a wide selection ofinformative graphing functions Figure 3. Apply an extensive selection of filters, including a variety of weightingfunctionsFigure 4. Utilize high-quality test signals that provide low distortion and low noise levelFigure 5. 2 in 1 screen generator and analyzer in the same display screenAddress Challenging Audio Applicationsfilters (Figure 3). You can also create custom filters using MATLAB ® and other applications, and upload them through the analyzer’s USB port.Filters and weighting functions can be applied one, two, or three at a time.U8903A also provides a 2 in 1 screen, which simultaneously displays the generator and analyzer information (Figure 5). This allows the user to change the generator (source) setting while monitoring the analyzer results in real time.Generate high-quality test signalsThe built-in, dual-channel signal gen-erator lets you stimulate your device with a variety of high-quality signals: sine (–105 dB noise floor), square, rectangular, noise (Gaussian andrectangular), two-tone, and multi-tone (up to 60) (Figure 4). To simulate com-plex and real-world signals, you can also create arbitrary waveforms with up to 16,384 points and at 312.5 kHz sampling rate.The output voltage range is 0 V to 8 V rms with 1% accuracy. For unbal-anced connections, you can select 50 or 600 Ω output impedance.Easily perform manual and automated testsOne-button access makes it easy to select the four main operating modes: analyzer, generator, graph, and sweep. The 5.7-inch color display provides numeric readouts as well as graphical views of analog sweeps, FFT spectra, and more.For PC-based control on the bench or in a test system, the U8903A includes GPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfaces.4Take a Closer LookFront panelPlug-and-play USB 2.0 connectivityFront-panel output on/off button for DUT protectionQuick buttons for graphical analysisOne-button access to analyzer, generator, and sweep modes5.7-inch color displaySoftkeys for easy function selectionDual-channel generator outputs and analyzer inputs with XLR connectorsFigure 6. U8903A audio analyzer, front viewRear panelGPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfacesFigure 7. U8903A audio analyzer, rear view5Advance Measurement TestingGeneral audio testingThe U8903A provides essentialmeasurement capabilities that enable efficient analysis of audio amplifiers and other devices in the audio chain. For example, the analyzer includes balanced and unbalanced outputs and inputs. It also provides a wide selection of filters and enhances your flexibility by making it easy to upload customized filters. With an array of sweep functions and flexible data display formats for each measure-ment, you’ll be ready to address a wide range of challenging audio applications.Balanced inputsIn the quest for higher output power, many audio amplifiers use bridged output stages. Such amplifiers can be difficult to characterize because their outputs cannot be grounded. To test these devices, the usual approach has been to use a balanced, calibrat-ed isolation transformer connected to an analyzer with an unbalanced input.The widely used HP 8903B eliminated the need for a transformer, but it was still necessary to float the analyzer input before connecting the bridged device and making measurements. With the U8903A, you simply make a balanced connection with an XLR connector and make measure-ments—no floating required.Standard and custom filtersA selection of built-in filters simplifies audio measurements by providing weighting networks required by inter-national standards. These include CCIR, CCIR/ARM, and CCIT weighting filters; a C message filter; and an ANSI “A” weighting filter. In addition to the standard filters, you can create custom filters using applications such as MATLAB or Agilent VEEand upload the filters through theAmplifier testingGenerator outputAudio amplifierAnalyzer inputFigure 8. Audio testing using the U8903AFigure 9. Use a single button to access the swept measurement modeanalyzer’s USB port. The U8903A also includes selectable 15, 20, and 30 kHz low-pass filters to reject unwanted, out-of-band signals and noise.Display scaling and formatting U8903A gives you flexible control over data displays. For example, you can choose volts, millivolts, dBm into 600 Ω (or other resistance values), or watts for AC level measurements, and select percent or dB for distortion measurements.Swept measurementsWith its internal audio source and precise digital control, the U8903A can perform automatic swept mea-surements of frequency response, distortion, and signal-to-noise. For example, to check the frequencyresponse of an active filter, only a few steps are required. After connecting the device and setting the required source level, simply enter the start and stop frequencies, and then press the “Sweep” key (Figure 9).6Transmitter and receiver testingThe U8903A includes severalmeasurement features that simplify the testing of the transceivers used in devices such as car radios,telephones, mobile radios, broadcast radios, FM tuners, and television. The U8903A can handle all of these applications when combined with a modulating signal generator for receiver testing and a signal analyzer for transmitter testing (see diagrams on next page).True-RMS detectionTo accurately characterize signals with high noise content, true-RMS detection is required. The U8903A employs true-RMS detection for all signals with crest factor less than three. In addition, quasi-peak detec-tion (CCIR 468-4) and peak-to-peak detection are also available through softkey selections.Built-in filtersThe U8903A includes a variety of essential filters for transmitter and receiver testing. Its CCITT, CCIR, and C-message weighting filters meet international standards for receiver testing. For transmitter testing, the seven-pole 400 Hz high-pass filter provides better than 40 dB rejection of signals up to 250 Hz, letting you measure transmitter audiodistortion to 1% without disabling squelch signals.For even greater flexibility, you can apply custom filters created using applications such as MATLAB and Agilent VEE. Once you’ve uploaded a filter via the U8903A’s USB port, it can be applied to your measurements through a softkey selection. In all, you can apply up to three filters at a time.SINAD and THD+N measurementU8903A gives you the flexibility to lock down the generator frequency under the Frequency Lock features. With this feature, users can set the generator frequency in order to tell the location of the fundamental signal. In this case, users have the flexibility to lock the external source’s fundamental frequency to make SINAD and THD+N measurements more accurately because the mea-surements are based on the actual source fundamental signal rather than the detected fundamental signal. Sometimes the other order signal and noise is stronger than the actual source fundamental signal which will impact the measurement reading.Reference/relative measurements This features allows users to perform measurement on level, frequency, and ratio based on the selected impedance value, frequency, or ratio reference value. This simplifies manual data measurement and data collection because the calculations are automatically generated inside the equipment in real time. This fea-ture provides users with the flexibility to decided which signal sources to perform Signal-to-Noise (SNR) mea-surement without solely depending on the U8903A generator source. SINAD measurementsCommonly used to test FM receivers, SINAD measurements must be made repeatedly when checking receiver sensitivity or adjacent-channel selectivity. To smooth out the typi-cally noisy signals that are present during receiver testing, the analyzer’s SINAD mode employs extra filtering circuits. These are optimized for high speed and excellent repeatability: the U8903A provides distortion and SINAD measurements with an acqui-sition time of less than 1.5 seconds and a measurement rate of greater than two reading per second after locking.Signal-to-noise ratioTo characterize signal quality in AM receivers, the U8903A can automatically make the necessary signal-to-noise ratio measurements. It does this by monitoring the incoming AC signal level while turning its low-distortion source on and off.The U8903A provides the average point features which allows users to set the number of readings used for averaging. The display value will be the averaged value based on the number of points selected. This allows users to analyze noisy signals using an increased number of average points for greater accuracy.7Figure 10. Receiver testing using the U8903AGenerator outputModulated signalAnalyzer inputTwo-way Signal generatorReceiver testingTransmitter testingFigure 11. Transmitter testing using the U8903A and a spectrum analyzerGenerator outputModulated signalSpectrum analyzerTransmitter and receiver testing8CharacteristicsPower consumption 250 VA Power requirements • 100 to 240 V ac • 47 to 63 Hz Operating environment• Operating temperature from 0 to 55 °C• Relative humidity at 20 to 80% RH (noncondensing)• Altitude up to 3000 m • Pollution degree 2•Installation category IIStorage compliance –55 to 75 °C (23 to 167 °F)Safety complianceCertified with:• IEC 61010-1:2001/EN61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition)• Canada: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04• USA: ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004EMC compliance• IEC 61326-1:2005/EN 61326-1:2006• Canada: ICES-001:2004• Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR11:2004Dimensions (W x D x H)425.6 mm x 405.0 mm x 133.6 mm (16.76 inches x 15.94 inches x 5.25 inches)Weight < 8.5 kg (< 18.74 lb) (without cards)Warranty• One year for U8903A• Three months for standard-shipped accessories (see page 13)SpecificationsThe following specifications are based on performance with 30 minutes of warm-up time and a temperature from 0 to 55 °C, unless stated otherwise.Generated waveformSine, dual sine, variable phase, square, noise (Gaussian and rectangular), arbitrary, DC, multitone, SMPTE IMD (1:1, 4:1, and 10:1), DFD (IEC 60118/IEC 60268)Sine, dual sine, and variable phaseFrequency Range Accuracy Resolution5 Hz to 80 kHz 5 ppm 0.1 HzOutputRange (balanced) Range (unbalanced/common) Amplitude accuracy Amplitude resolution 0 V to 16 V rms 0 V to 8 V rms ± 1%1 μV rms (limited to five digits of resolution)Flatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 5 Hz to 80 kHz ± 0.01 dB ± 0.1 dBTHD + N at 1 kHz, 1 V rms , 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth ≤ –95 dB (at 23 °C ± 5°C)≤ –92 dB (from 0 to 55 °C)Dual sine ratio range 0 to 100 dB Phase –180 ° to 179.99 °SweepFrequency, amplitude, phaseOutput levelRangeAmplitude accuracy –11.3 to 11.3 V ± 1.5%9Output characteristic Connection typeBalancedUnbalancedCommon mode XLR BNC XLRImpedanceBalanced Unbalanced 100, 600 Ω50, 600 ΩOutput current limit (typical)50 mA Maximum output power into 600 ΩBalanced (600 Ω) Unbalanced (600 Ω)20 dBm 14 dBmCrosstalk20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 to 80 kHz ≤ –101 dB (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)≤ –99 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)≤ –85 dBInput characteristics Connection typeBalanced Unbalanced XLR BNCCoupling DC, AC Measurement bandwidthLow High 30 kHz 100 kHzInput ranges400 mV to 140 VrmsMeasurement range< 1 μV1 to 140 VrmsMaximum rated input200 Vp for altitude up to 3,000 m (1.86 miles) ImpedanceBalanced Unbalanced 200 kΩ100 kΩFlatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 to 100 kHz ± 0.01 dB2 (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)± 0.012 dB3 (from 0 °C to 55 °C)± 0.1 dB (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)± 0.15 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)CMRR≤ 20 kHz (input range ≤ 6.4 V)≤ 20 kHz (input range > 6.4 V)≥ 70 dB4≥ 40 dB4Crosstalk20 Hz to 20 kHz≤ –101 dBInput protection Overload protection for all ranges, onscreen warning message on the front panel1. Defined by 24-bit measurement.2. ± 0.01 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.3. ± 0.012 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.4. When AC coupled, CMRR will deteriorate at low frequencies.10Range10 Hz to 100 kHz Minimum input 1 mV (S/N > 40 dB) Accuracy 5 ppm Resolution 6 digitsGraph modeSize/acquisition length256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768Window Rectangular, Hann, Hamming, Blackman-Harris, Rife-Vincent 1 and 3, Flattop Amplitude accuracy (flattop window)± 0.1 dB (± 1.2%)Display modeTime domainFrequency domain Normal, interpolate, peak, absolute value Displays highest FFT bin between graph pointsAudio filtersLow pass filter• 15 kHz low pass• 20 kHz low pass• 30 kHz low pass• User-defined1High pass filter• 20 Hz high pass• 100 Hz high pass• 400 Hz high pass• User-defined1Weighting filter• A-weighting (ANSI-IEC “A” weighted, per IEC Rec 179)• CCIR 1K weighted (CCIR Rec. 468)• CCIR 2K weighted (Dolby 2K)• C-Message (C-Message per IEEE 743)• CCITT (ITU-T Rec. O.41, ITU-T Rec. P.53)• User-defined11. User-defined filters can be uploaded through standard I/O connections.Figure 12. “A”weighting filter frequency responseFigure 13. CCIR-2K weighting filterFigure 14. CCIR-1K filter and CCIR-2K filter frequency responseFigure 15. CCITT filter frequency response“A” weighting filter frequency responseR e s p o n s e (d B )Frequency (Hz)“A” Weighting Filter (ANSI-IEC “A” weighted, per IEC Rec. 179)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 10 kHz ±1.0 dB, at 10 to 20 kHzR e s p o n s e (d B )Frequency (Hz)CCIR-2K weighting filter (Dolby 2K)Deviation from ideal response: same as listed previously under CCIR-1K weighting filterC-Message weighting filter (C-Message per IEEE 743)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB, at 1 kHz±1.0 dB, 60 Hz to 5 kHz R e s p o n s e (d B )R e s p o n s e (d B )CCIR-1K filter and CCIR-2K filter frequency response CCITT filter frequency responseFrequency (Hz)Frequency (Hz)CCIR-1K weighting filter (CCIR Rec. 468)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB, at 6.3 kHz±0.2 dB, at 6.3 to 7.1 kHz ±0.4 dB, at 7.1 to 10 kHz ±0.5 dB, at 200 Hz to 6.3 kHz±1.0 dB, at 31.5 to 200 kHz, 10 to 20 kHz±2.0 dB, at 20 to 31.5 kHzCCITT message weighting filter (ITU-T Rec. 0.41, ITU-T Rec. P.53)Deviation from ideal response:±0.2 dB, at 800 Hz±1.0 dB, at 300 Hz to 3 kHz ±2.0 dB, at 50 Hz to 3.5 kHz ±3.0 dB, at 3.5 to 5 kHzStop point–180 ° to 179.99 °1. This range is applicable for sine wave only.Ordering InformationU8903-1A7ISO17025 Compliant Calibration Test Data U8903A-A6J ANSI Z540 Compliant Calibration Test Data R-50C-011-3Agilent Calibration - 3 yearsR-50C-011-5Agilent Calibration - 5 yearsR-51B-001-3C Return to Agilent Warranty - 3 yearsR-51B-001-5C Return to Agilent Warranty - 5 years/find/audioanalyzerAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on theproducts and applications you select. LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilentis a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.Agilent Advantage Services is com-mitted to your success throughoutyour equipment’s lifetime. We sharemeasurement and service expertiseto help you create the products thatchange our world. To keep you com-petitive, we continually invest in toolsand processes that speed up calibra-tion and repair, reduce your cost ofownership, and move us ahead ofyour development curve./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. 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1) 根据标准的预设扫描列表
不熟悉EMC标准的用户只需要在列表中选择频段 就可以自动设置所有参数。如图三所示。损坏
2) 信号列表
专用的EMC检波器如准峰值检波器,都需要在每个扫 描点上驻留一定时间进行时域加权。这就造成一个全频 段的扫描需要数小时的时间。而W6141A测量应用软件, 采取了先用普通正峰值检波器预扫,而后自动对超过限 制线的峰值信号进行专用检波器测量的办法,通常只需 要数分钟时间, 大幅度提高了测试效率。而根据理论,经 过最大保持后的正峰值检波器的幅度读数值一定会等于 或大于EMC专业检波器的读数值。所以用这种办法可以 保证不会有误测或者漏测。
两者的测试结果无法进行数学推导换算。这样我们就不能 图五 使用近场探头进行EMI故障诊断
一个基本原则是,近场的辐射越大,远场的辐射也必然越 大。这就为近场探头测试提供了理论依据。而使用近场探 头测试,我们需要把新被测件测试结果和一个已知合格被 测件的近场探头测试结果进行比较。针对这一步测试,推 荐使用电场探头或者尺寸较大的磁场探头。这两类探头灵 敏度一般更高,而对距离不太敏感。
基于安捷伦CXA信号分析仪的 EMI 预兼容测试方案
越来越多的电子制造公司认识到频繁地进行电磁兼容(EMC)/电 磁干扰(EMI)检测,整改,已经成为了降低产品研发成本,缩短产 品开发周期的主要瓶颈。而在从研发,样品生产到正式生产的整 个过程中进行EMI预兼容测试就是突破这一瓶颈的最常规的手段。
通过近场探头我们可以较容易的找到辐射源存在的可疑区 域。如果需要进一步查找是哪一段电路,管脚甚至芯片是罪魁祸 首,我们可使用示波器探头或者高频探头需要做接触式测量。 安捷伦85024A和U1818A高频探头可以分别测试到最高3 GHz和6 GHz的信号,非常适合进行电路接触式测量,尤其是针对具有 高频时钟信号的电路。但是使用高频探头测试的时候,需要注


仪表 , 满足不同领域用户的差异化需求 。 的 X系列信 号分析仪 ,MX E能够适应 不断演进的标准和要求。 ” N 34 9 4 C和 N 3 3 S 9 4 C H A具备 台 式 设 备的 出色 性能 ,可 以增强用 户现
全 EMI 收 机 增 强 接 场 测 试 与 测 量 的 信 心 : 流 的 射 频 性 一 2 GHz 1 GHz 持 能 ( 1 5 Bm/ zDANL 短 扫描 时 0 / 36 手 致 性 测 试 .5 d H ,最 2 )能够确保首次测量的精度 , 安 捷 伦 科 技 公 司 此 次 推 出 的 式 微 波 频 谱 分 析 仪 简 间 < ms 丰富的一键式测量 ( 例如 AC 、OB P W N 0 8 E E 接收机专为进行 电 化现 场 测 试 9 3 A MX MI
安捷伦副 总裁兼微 波与通信事 业 节及键盘背光控制 。内置 GP 2 GH S接收机 的频 率范 围可 以达 到 3 5 z或者 更
部 总 经 理 Gu e 6表 示 : MXE可 和 GP yS n “ S天线可提供精 确位置信息 。此 高 ,能够更 轻松 、更精确地进 行毫米
以在 E MI 接收机 与信 号分析仪两种 模 外 ,专用 应用软 件可 确保快速 、轻松 波信号测量 。 式之 问无缝 切换 ,作 为一 台单独 的仪 的频 谱监 测 与干 扰分 析 。N9 4 C和 34 P A能够提供优秀 的毫米 波频率 X
三 星 闪耀 , 安捷 伦 三 类全 新 仪 表满 足 不 同需 求
■ 记者 :韩霜
近 日,安捷伦 科技公 司在北京 召 表 不仅可 以提供 一致性 测试 ,还 可 以 N 3 3 A可 以通 过 U B L 9 4 C HS S ,AN连 开发布 会 ,一 口气推 出三款 测试测 量 提 供更多 支持 。作 为一款 可轻松 升级 接实现远程控制 , 具有更高的灵活性 。



• 缺点 – 费时费力
接收机方法: 解调法
• 如果怀疑环境信号来自AM/FM/TV,可以用接收机内置的AM/FM模拟解调功能来判定 •接收机通常具有解调并收听解调后的音频的功能,这大大简化了环境信号的识别
接收机方法: 迹线相减法(Trace Math)
必须使用 线性功率相减
…..用户可以用内置的迹线加减(Trace Math)功能进行两 条迹线数据相减 第十届电磁兼容与安规认证暨微波展览会
用 trace math 移除环境信号
DUT打开的情况下,trace 1中既有DUT发射又有环境信号…….
当频繁开关DUT不现实时,开阔场环境信号的识别会很困难 可以采用替代的方法:物理方法 和 接收机方法 现代接收机大大减少了测量时间、提高了测试效率 安捷伦EMI接收机MXE N9038A支持所有的三种接收机方法,并 且提供了更强大的Strip Chart和Spectrogram
• 优点
– – – – 省时 省力 提高测试吞吐率 直接生成可疑信号列表
• 缺点 – 取决于特定接收机的功能
开阔场测试面临的挑战 开阔场测试识别或移除环境信号的方法
安捷伦EMI接收机解决方案 MXE N9038A

ER 系列 EMI 测试接收机快速指南说明书

ER 系列 EMI 测试接收机快速指南说明书







请使用所在国家认可的本产品专用电源线请将产品可靠接地请查看并核对所有终端额定值请使用合适的过压保护请勿开盖操作请勿在潮湿环境下操作请勿在易燃易爆的环境下操作请保持产品表面的清洁和干燥请注意防静电保护请保护射频输入端口请勿使输入端过载请勿将异物插入风扇的排风口请注意搬运安全ER 系列接收机简介ER 系列EMI 接收机符合CISPR 16-1-1标准,集成了CISPR-AVG 、CISPR-RMS 、QPK 检波器,根据CISPR 、EN 、FCC 和MIL 等标准进行电磁干扰测量,适用于家电、照明、汽车电子、医疗等行业的EMI 测试。

结合ETR 上位机测量软件、丰富的测试选配件,可进行精确的自动化测试。


前面板①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮图1 前面板视图编号说明编号说明① 电源键⑪ 下方向键 ② USB HOST 2.0接口 ⑫ 上方向键 ③ 射频输出 ⑬ 撤销键&LOCAL ④ 射频输入 ⑭ 退格键 ⑤ TFT-LCD ⑮ 数字键区 ⑥ 功能键区 ⑯ ⑦ 菜单键 ⑰ ⑧ 单位键区⑱⑨ 确认键⑲ ⑩ 脉冲旋钮⑳前面板功能键图2 前面板功能键设置接收、中心、起始和终止频率,弹出与频率相关的软菜单EMI 接收机模式下无效,频谱仪模式下激活频率扫宽,设置频谱分析仪为中心频率扫宽模式,弹出对扫宽进行设置的软菜单激活参考电平功能,设置参考电平、射频衰减器、刻度等参数 设置分辨率带宽和视频带宽相关参数 设置扫描模式、扫描时间等参数 设置触发选项设置扫频信号的迹线相应参数设置检波方式通过光标读取迹线上各点幅度、频率或扫描时间等。





造市场提供低成本解决方案 [J],
2.安捷伦推出增强的PCI Express 3.0接收机特性测试解决方案 [J],
3.安捷伦推出增强的PCIExpress3.0接收机特性测试解决方案 [J],
4.安捷伦推出增强的PCI Express~ 3.0接收机特性测试解决方案 J-BERT
N4903B能够处理PCIe~ 3.0在接收机特性测试过程中SKP有序集的长度变化[J],
5.安捷伦推出增强的PCI Express 3.0接收机特性测试解决方案 [J],

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和 20 Hz 至 26.5 GHz ● 所有必需的检波器峰值、准峰值、
EMI 平均值和 RMS 平均值 ● 多达 3 个同步实时检波器,可连续
监测信号 ● 用于选择、删除和重新测量发射的
信号列表 ● 内置极限线和校正因子,可以轻松
完成编辑 ● 具有多达 20 分钟记录数据的带状
纸记录仪 (strip chart) ● 可以运行其他测量应用软件,比如
● 安捷伦 X 系列硬件的可靠性和结实 的硬件结构,及安捷伦快速响应的 服务和支持团队,可以最大限度地 延长正常运行时间
● 通过许可证密匙升级仪器功能和 应用软件
与安捷伦解决方案 合作伙伴一起创建或更新设施
● 与包括 ETS-Lindgren、TDK RF Solutions 和东洋公司在内的安捷伦 解决方案合作伙伴一起建立新的实 验室或者增强现有设备
Agilent N9038A MXE EMI 接收机
测试新产品时,设计人员需要 专业知识和建议。安捷伦 MXE 为您 提供的不仅仅是一台符合 CISPR 标 准的 EMI 接收机: 它是一款 X 系列 信号分析仪,可以运行各种测量应 用软件,并能够随着技术的发展演 进; MXE 的强大功能与您的专业知识 相结合,能够帮助设计人员深入分 析器件的真正问题。为您的实验室 配备 MXE — 展现您的深入见解。
请通过 Internet、电话、传真得到 测试和测量帮助。 热线电话 :800-810-0189、400-810-0189 热线传真 :800-820-2816、400-820-3863 安捷伦科技 ( 中国 ) 有限公司 地址 :北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 电话 :(010) 64397888 传真 :(010) 64390278 邮编 :100102
● 通过一个联系人方便地购买全套解 决方案,以满足 MIL-STD 和商业标 准要求
● 获取接收机、测试箱、塔和天线, 以及培训、安装和支持
● 使用安捷伦解决方案合作伙伴提供 的软件,简化自动测试,实现您的 测试要求
MXE EMI 接收机完全符合 CISPR16-1-1 2010 标准,包括: ● 两个频率范围 — 20 Hz 至 8.4 GHz
相位噪声 ● Windows® XP 系统,支持可移除硬
3 个检波器同时开启的带状纸记录仪 (strip chart)
MXE EMI 接收机可通过安捷伦及 其解决方案提供商订购。如欲了解 更多信息,请访问

● 提升实验室灵活性,以测试 20 Hz 至 26.5 GHz 的新产品和新类型产品
● 可在 EMI 接收机和频谱分析仪模式 之间无缝切换,以更快地测试信号 细节。
MXE 帮助您为现在和未来的机 遇做好准备
● MXE 广泛的测试和分析功能可以 扩展测试和咨询服务范围
● 面向未来的 X 系列平台能最大限度 地发挥设备预算效用
带有电平表的信号列表的 MXEdows 是微软公司在美国的注册 商标。
本文中的产品指标和说明可不经通知而更改 © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011 出版号 : 5990-7418CHCN 2011 年 10 月 印于北京
增强对 EMI 一致性测试和咨询的 信心
● 出色的测量精度 (± 0.75 dB) 和灵敏 度 (1 GHz 时为 -167 dBm) 可提高测试 精度和可重复性。
● 充分利用广泛的内置诊断工具, 包括检波器、电平表、信号和测量 列表、标记功能、迹线放大 (Trace Zoom)、区域扫宽以及谱图 (spectrogram) 显示等。