AT actuator气动执行器产品详细说明书

INSTRUCTION MANUALPart turn pneumatic actuatorwith Manual Override-Complete aluminium protection versionGDV60 - GDV3840 GSV30 – GSV19201)GENERAL FEATURES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DESCRIPTION……………………………………………..………….…………………….……………pg.54)DANGERS……….……………………………………………………………………………………… DESCRIPTION……………..………………………………………………………….………………….pg.86)TRUOBLESHOOTING ………………………………………..…………………...…………………….pg.97)DISPOSAL…….………………...………………………………………………………..…………… friendly handling of the product.1)GENERAL FEATURES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Actuatech manufacture a manual handwheel override for a wide range of part turn pneumatic actuators.The actuators with manual override are available on Double Acting “GDV” and Spring Return “GSV” versions.- The principle of the manual handwheel override application is to provide the possibility to open and close the valve connected to the actuator when this operation can’t be done with remote control.- Actuatech manual override actuator is itself equipped with an handwheel for manual operations and it doesn’t need any added declutchable gear box. This solution guarantees a compact size and a more light system on the valve.- When the actuator is manual operated it can be locked in Open/Closed position.- Actuator versions for low temperature and high temperature applications allow to operate respectively until temperatures of -50°C and +150°C, thanks to proper kind of lubrication and material for the gaskets.The maintenance should be done by Actuatech trained personnel only.This instruction manual contains important information regarding the Actuatech manual override actuator operation, installation, maintenance and storage.Please read carefully before installation and keep it in a safe place for further reference.Modification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid 2)DATASHEET•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DOUBLEACTINGNOMINALTORQUE (Nm)ISOFLANGESQUAREØHANDWEELRim pull forces ( N )To obtain thenominal torqueWeight( Kg )Teorical n° of turnsto close / openstarting from theneutral positionA B C DGDV60 60 F05-F07 14 180 19.3 2.8 11 - 99 263.3 137.6 GDV106 106 F05-F07 17 180 27.8 4 13 - 118.5 279.3 154.8 GDV120 120 F05-F07 17 180 33.8 4.5 14 - 122.1 288.4 163.9 GDV180 180 F07-F10 22 220 44.1 6 16 - 144.9 338.1 183.5 GDV240 240 F07-F10 22 220 54.5 8 18 - 156.8 353.7 199.1 GDV360 360 F07-F10 22 300 67.5 10.2 15 - 169.6 398 220.8 GDV480 480 F10-F12 27 300 83.3 13.2 16 - 193.8 440.6 236.4 GDV720 720 F10-F12 27 350 108.8 17.8 19 - 216.6 503.5 282.3GDV960 960 F10-F12 /F1436 350 128.6 23.8 20 - 239.7 518.3 297.1 GDV1440 1440 F12 / F14 36 400 133.5 33.6 25 - 283.5 636.4 365.6GDV1920 1920 F12-F16 /F1446 400 162.5 43 26 - 300.4 653.7 382.9 GDV3840 3840 F16 46 575 243.5 75 30 - 353.3 890.2 537.5SIMPLEACTINGNOMINALTORQUE (Nm)ISOFLANGESQUAREØHANDWEELRim pull forces ( N )To obtain thenominal torqueWeight( Kg )Teorical n° of turnsto close / openstarting from theneutral positionA B C DGSV30 30 F05-F07 14 180 19.3 3.2 11 129.4 - 263.3 137.6 GSV053 53 F05-F07 17 180 27.8 4.5 13 152.1 - 279.3 154.8 GSV060 60 F05-F07 17 180 33.8 4.5 14 169.3 - 288.4 163.9 GSV090 90 F07-F10 22 220 44.1 6.8 16 196.8 - 338.1 183.5 GSV120 120 F07-F10 22 220 54.5 9 18 204.8 - 353.7 199.1 GSV180 180 F07-F10 22 300 67.5 11.7 15 237 - 398 220.8 GSV240 240 F10-F12 27 300 83.3 15.2 16 260.2 - 440.6 236.4 GSV360 360 F10-F12 27 350 108.8 19.5 19 306.6 - 503.5 282.3GSV480 480 F10-F12 /F1436 350 128.6 28.1 20 324.1 - 518.3 297.1GSV720 720 F12 / F14 36 400 133.5 38.8 25 399 - 636.4 365.6GSV960 960 F12-F16 /F1446 400 162.5 50.6 26 414 - 653.7 382.9GSV1920 1920 F16 46 575 243.5 91 30 509 - 890.2 537.5 All the dimensions are in mm, for missing data see standard catalogue .Modification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid3) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NB: PRIOR TO MANUAL OVERRIDE OPERATE, ENSURE THAT THE ACTUATOR IS FREE FROM PRESSURE.1.Remove the cap to ensure there is no pressure in the actuator2.Engage the manual override and operate as required3.Disconnect the manual override (neutral position)*for standard actuators.TO CLOSE THE VALVETo close the valve turn the wheel in clockwise direction*.TO OPEN THE VALVETo open the valve turn the wheel in counterclockwise direction.* NB: Before commissioning to ensure proper disengagement, perform an ON-OFF maneuver of the actuatorModification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalidNB: WHEN THE ACTUATOR HAS BEEN MANUALLY OPERATED, RETURN TO THE NEUTRAL POSITION PRIOR TO START NORMAL OPERATIONS.NEUTRAL POSITIONWith the screw in neutral position the piston can move freely and the actuator can be driven pneumatically. MANUAL OPERATION GDV : The handwheel turned counter clockwise, pushes the screw and piston inwards. The valve opens. GSV : The handwheel turned clockwise pushes the screw and piston inwards. The valve closes.MANUAL OPERATIONGDV : When the handwheel is turned clockwise, the screwand piston are drawn outwards. The valve closes. GSV : When the handwheel is turned counter clockwise, the screw and the piston are drawn outwards. The valve opens.Modification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid4)WARNINGS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a) Don’t disassemble, compressed spring inside.b) Don’t use levers or bars.c) Don’t use the handwheel to lift the actuator.NB:Manual override is not recommended for safety related applications (SIL) as bypass of a security function. In this application, to prevent an unauthorized use, the manual override is provided with a locking device.Modification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid5)PART DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NB: In the case of actuator low or high temperature the pistons and the material of the O ring are different from the standard actuator.Modification reserved. 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid6)TROUBLESHOOTING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• POTENTIAL EFFECT OFFAILUREPOTENTIAL CAUSE OF FAILURE SOLUTION Difficult manual operationsBlocked valve Repair or replace the valvePresence of particles inside the actuator due toan incorrect filtration of the airVerify the condition of the supply airand contact ActuatechThe actuator is pressurized Remove supply air7)DISPOSAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Our products are designed so that when they are at the end of their life cycle they can be completely disassembled, separating the different materials for the proper disposal and/or recovery. All materials have been selected in order to ensure minimal environmental impact, health and safety of personnel during their installation and maintenance, provided that, during use, they are not contaminated by hazardous substances.The personnel in charge of the product disposal/recovery, must be qualified and equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), according to the product size and the type of service for which the device was intended. The management of waste generated during the installation, maintenance or due to the product disposal, is governed by the rules in force in the country where the product is installed, in any case, the following are general guidelines:- The metal components (aluminum/steel) can be restored as raw material;- Seals/sealing elements as contaminated by fluids from other materials and lubrication,must be disposed of.- The packaging materials that come with the product, should be transferred to the differentiated collection systemavailable in the country.。

A T气动执行器使用说明-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1AT气动执行器使用说明AT系列气动执行器在综合运用国内外新技术、新材料、新工艺和创新观念的基础上进行研制、开发设计而成。
m的阀门,首先按表查找弹簧复位终点相近扭矩171N.m,再向左查看执行器型号为 SR160型(共装10组弹簧)。
7)、安装连接尺寸符合I SO5211、DIN3337和VD1/VDE3845以及NUMAR标准,确保AT160气动执行器间的互换性和方便安装电磁阀、限位开关等附件。

接线图 安装说明 24 V GND 1.执行器安装在阀门上时,切记执行器不可安装于垂直向下的位置,可 以安装于水阀成垂直向上的位置或与水平面成平行位置。详见下图一所 示。 2.所有执行器有集成超驰的功能。当超驰信号执行,执行器将运行到全 开或全关的位置,而忽略控制器的信号 . DDC 控制器 24 V DDC 控制器 RVVP2X1.0 设备端 AO AI
N2024、N3424风阀执行器的尺寸 执行器采用 24Vac电源供电 : DO DDC 控制器 COM
1000 mm(39 '')
接线图 安装说明 1、执行器是为单个设备设计应用的。 N2024扭矩为 20Nm;N3424扭矩为 34Nm。 DDC 控制器 NO 2、安装用于 10~27毫米的圆形轴 ,10~18毫米方形轴。 3、为防止设备损坏,在手动操作前,必须移走电源或设置旋转方向开关至 "服务/关" 位置。 4、驱动器可以安装在 任意方向上。但是如果安装到图示的阴影范围内 时,其保护 等级就会达不到 IP54了。选择一个 便于接线 和控制的 适当的方向安装。 见下图。
min.60mm(2-3/8 '' )
N20010&N34010风 阀执行器的尺寸
2 mm(5/64 '') 1000 mm(39 '') 13 mm(1/2 '')
5 mm(+0.05,-0.10mm) 25/128 ''(+0.002,-0.004 '')
接线图 执行器可采用 24Vac或dc电源供电 : DDC 控制器 GND DDC 控制器 24 V 24 V + _ AO AI RVVP2X1.0 两芯1.0电源线 IP54 IP54 IP54 IP54 安装说明 1、N20010扭矩为 20Nm;N34010扭矩为 34Nm。 2、执行器安装用于直径 10~27毫米的圆形轴,边长 10~18毫米方形轴。 3、当失电时,执行器保持原位。 4、驱动器可以安装 在任意 方向上。但是如果安装到图示的阴影范围内 时,其保护 等级就会达不到 IP54了。选择一 个便于接线 和控制的适当的方向安装。 见下图。
AT Controls THD系列S09重型机械驱动器安装与维护指南说明书

THD-SERIES S09DA200 THRU S09DA385 & S09SR200 THRU S09SR385 DOUBLE ACTING &SPRING RETURN SCOTCH YOKE ACTUATORSINTRODUCTIONA-T Controls THD scotch yoke actuators have been designed and engineered to provide high cycle-life to meet the demands of our customers. The actuators are equipped with dual travel stops and accessory mounting.WARNINGFOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BEFORE REMOVING ANY COMPONENTS OF THE ACTUATOR, ENSURE THAT ALL PNEUMATIC AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ARE DISCONNECTED AND LOCKOUT AND TAGOUT PROCEDURES ARE IMPLEMENTED. PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ON ANY OF THE PROCEDURES LISTED BELOW.1. Installation of ActuatorTriac actuators are adapted to the valve by means of an intermediate bracket and coupler. The coupler adapts the output of the actuator to the valve shaft. Standard mounting kits provide for mounting the actuator in the direction of the pipe. If different orientations are required please consult the factory when the order is placed.Before mounting the actuator on the valve insure that both units are in the proper orientation, i.e. both units open or closed. Make sure the coupler fits into the actuator and onto the valve before assembly. Also check the bracket for proper fit. After mounting the actuator, it may be necessary to adjust the travel stops for proper open and closed valve position. Always consult the manufactures installation manual forspecific details before proceeding. Pneumatically stroke the actuator several times to assure smooth proper operation.2. Air SupplyPneumatic piping to the actuator and associated accessories should follow the best practices for instrument pneumatic piping systems, I.E. lines free of water, oil, pipe sealant or other contaminants. The operating medium is to be filtered dry air or inert gas which is filtered to 50 micron particles size or less. It is extremely important that the actuator be powered with the proper air pressure and air volume. Maximumworking pressure is 100 PSI. Consult the THD series catalog for a complete listing of MOP (maximum operating pressure) and MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure)Spring return actuators are vented to the atmosphere through the adapter. The Pressure Cylinder must be purged if acorrosive atmosphere exists. Please contact Triac Controls for possible solutions if this condition exists.3. LubricationTriac actuators are factory lubricated for life and additionallubrication is not normally required. However, for actuators performing 100,000 cycles or more, an oil mist lubricator is recommended. Oil mist lubrication requires a mineral oil type ISO VG32 Class 1 for usage in temperature range 15 to 158 Deg. F. Oil mist lubricator must be set to the lowest setting. Once begun, the oil mist lubrication cannot be discontinued.CAUTIONIf the actuator is equipped with a pneumatic positioner or pneumatic controller, oil mist lubricated air cannot be used unless the instrument manufacturer indicates that the instrument is compatible with lubricated air.4. Actuators in Storage or infrequently cycled.Actuators in storage should be kept dry and protected from adverse conditions until installed. Original port protectors must be kept in the ports during storage. Actuators must be cycled every 90 days in storage or in operation. Actuators that do not cycle in 90 days should have a provision to jog the actuator to check for operation if a full cycle cannot be achieved.5. Double Acting OperationApplying air pressure to the CCW Port drives the piston toward the adapter which turns the yoke counterclockwise when viewed from the accessory side of the actuator. When pressure is applied to the CW Port the piston is driven towardsthe end cap which turns the yoke clockwise. This is shown in Figure 1SUPPLY PORTFigure 16. Spring Return OperationApplying air pressure to the CCW Port drives the piston toward the adapter as the spring is compressed. This rotates the yoke counterclockwise when viewed from the accessory side of the actuator. When pressure is relieved at the CCW Port the spring drives the piston towards the end cap which turns the yoke clockwise. This is shown in figure 2. To reverse the failure mode the spring and pressure cylinder are swapped end for end.Figure 27. Travel AdjustmentThe Triac THD actuators have + or - 8 degree adjustment of the end of travel stops in both the open and close directions. CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ADJUST STOP BOLT WITH AIR PRESSURE OR SPRING FORCE APPLIED TO THE STOP BOLT. ALWAYS JOG ACTUATOR AWAY FROM STOP BOLT BEFORE ADJUSTING.The stop bolts are in the center body of the actuator. Figure 3 shows the stop bolt locations loosen the lock nut and adjust stop bolt as required then retighten lock nut.COUNTER-CLOCKWISEFigure 3WARNINGFOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BEFORE REMOVING ANY COMPONENTS OF THE ACTUATOR, ENSURE THAT ALL PNEUMATIC AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ARE DISCONNECTED AND LOCKOUT AND TAGOUT PROCEDURES ARE IMPLEMENTED.8. Replacement of Cylinder SealsWhen the cylinder seals must be replaced, because of leakage or a preventive scheduled maintenance, the following procedure must be followed. Note only the soft parts indicated on page 5 are included in a seal kit. If additional parts are required they must be ordered separately.Due to the continuing improvement of the Heavy Duty Actuators, seal kits provided by A-T Controls may contain extra o-rings so that all revisions of the actuators are able to be repaired. When disassembling the actuator, it is recommended to match the old o-ring with the new o-ring from the repair kit by comparing the o-ring diameter and cross section.1. Disconnect electrical supplies and shut off pneumaticsupply, vent actuator and remove from valve or damper. 2. For spring return actuators the spring tension must berelieved before starting. Apply air pressure until the piston moves off the stop bolt. Loosen the hex nut (item 12) then back out the stop bolt (item 11) until the preload is relieved. For double acting units the actuator should be in the clockwise position with the piston next to the rear flange.3. Vent all air pressure from the cylinder (item 14).4. Attach a lifting device to the lifting hook on the springcylinder and remove the 4 bolts on the spring cartridge. Then carefully slide the spring cartridge off the piston rod not to lose the thrust bearing on the end of the piston rod. 5. Remove the tie rod nuts (item 19) from the tie rods (item23).6. Remove the end cap (item 18) from the cylinder (item14).7. Remove the cylinder from the adapter (item 25) bypulling over the piston (item 21). Use caution not to scratch the cylinder bore when sliding over piston.8. Bend the safety tab on the lock nut retainer up and out ofthe groove. Remove the outer hex nut (item 20) holding the piston on the piston rod (item 15). Then remove the safety tab and then the inner nut.9. Remove the piston (item 21), rod washer and o-ring (item22).10. Remove 2 each flat head screws in the adapter andremove the cover plate.11. Remove the o-ring seal assembly (item 24) from thecounter-bore.12. Remove the o-rings from the piston and both flanges.13. Clean all parts with a mild solvent that will not attack thecoating on the parts.14. The center body assembly should be inspected before thepressure group is rebuilt.15. Remove the rod cover adapter (item 30).16. Remove the pinion cover or any accessories mounted ontop of actuator. Remove snap ring on pinion and remove upper pinion spacer and thrust washer. Slide pinion (item 2) down thru body and carefully remove from bottom of actuator as not to damage the upper and lower bearings and o-rings. Remove the piston rod and yoke assembly thru the pressure port opening.17. Inspect the Yoke pin bushing (bronze slider) (item 10) forwear along with the slot in the yoke arm.18. Inspect the upper and lower yoke bearings (item 4, 7) forwear.19. Wipe out old grease and replace with new grease on allsliding surfaces.20. Reinstall piston rod and yoke assembly into housing. 21. Then reinstall Pinion into yoke aligning the key into thekeyway and bearing careful not to harm the bearings or the o-rings.22. Reinstall the pinion thrust washer and snap ring washerfollowed by the snap ring and pinion cover.23. Lightly grease new o-ring rod seal assembly (item 26) andinstall in front flange. Replace cover plate and install 2 each flat head socket cap screws.24. Install adapter gasket on actuator using a gasket adhesive. 25. Reinstall adapter over piston rod and slide into positionand torque bolts in a diagonal pattern.26. Install rod cover adapter gasket on actuator using a gasketadhesive27. Reinstall rod cover adapter and bushing over piston rodand slide into position and torque bolts in a diagonal pattern.28. Lightly grease the o-ring for the front flange and install inthe groove.29. Place piston rod washer on piston rod with countersinkfacing out toward the end cap. Lightly grease o-ring (item 22) and slide over piston rod. Slide piston over piston rod and install inner hex nut then lock tab and outer hex nut then align outer hex nut with tab and bend into groove. 30. At this point the piston should be able to be pushed backand forth to insure that all parts are in proper alignment and working properly.31. Lightly grease piston grooves and install o-ring and back-up strip.32. Lightly grease cylinder completely on the inside surfaceand carefully slide over the piston until seated on the adapter.33. Lightly grease the o-ring for the end cap and install in thegroove. Place end cap over the tie rods and seat on the cylinder. Be sure to keep the original alignment of the NPT port and the lifting eye on the cylinder. If the tie rods were removed from the adapter be sure the two longer tie rods are at the top of the cylinder for the lifting eye.34. Reinstall the tie rod nuts and tighten in a diagonal pattern. 35. To pressure test a double acting actuator proceed to thenext step for a spring return go the step 39.36. Connect 2 psig air to the adapter and cycle the actuatorthen connect to the end cap and cycle the actuator several times.37. Apply 100 psig air to the adapter and check for leakage atthe adapter/cylinder connection. Place a flexible tube in the end cap NPT port and check for leakage across the piston by checking for bubbles in a cup of water. Relieve air pressure on cylinder.38. Apply 100 psig air to the end cap and check for leakage atthe end cap/cylinder connection. Place a flexible tube in the front flange NPT port and check for leakage across the piston. Relieve air pressure on cylinder.39. Apply supply pressure to the end cap and check forleakage at the end cap/cylinder connection and check for leakage across the piston by using the method in step 37 above.40. Position stop bolts back to 90 degrees position and tightenlock nuts.41. The actuator is now ready to return to service.9. Converting from Double Acting to Spring ReturnWARNINGFOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BEFORE REMOVING ANY COMPONENTS OF THE ACTUATOR, ENSURE THAT ALL PNEUMATIC AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ARE DISCONNECTED AND LOCKOUT AND TAGOUT PROCEDURES ARE IMPLEMENTED.1. Disconnect electrical supplies and shut off pneumaticsupply, vent actuator and remove from valve or damper. 2. Loosen the stop bolt nut on the clockwise stop bolt andback out the stop bolt. The stop bolt must be backed off so that when 10 psig of air is applied to the adapter there is no load on the stop bolt. Remove the rod cover adapter bolts and remove assembly.3. Remove the old gasket and replace with new gasket and secure with gasket adhesive.4. Install thrust bearings (item 27) on end of piston rod.5. Lift Spring Cartridge and slide over piston rod and align with holes in center body.6. Install the 4 cap screws, lock washers and nuts provided with the spring cartridge.7. Apply air pressure and check for smooth operation. 8.Adjust both stop bolts as necessary for proper travel.10. Changing from “Spring Closed” to “Spring Open”To convert from spring closed to spring open requires that the air cylinder be removed and the spring cartridge removed and placed on the opposite side of the actuator. Completeinstructions for rebuilding the air cylinder are listed above along with instructions for installing the spring. On the S09 the yoke and piston rod assembly must be removed from the housing and the piston rod rotated end for end by removing the yoke pin and yoke pin bushings so that the pneumatic piston end is on the opposite side of the housing.11. Seal kits and Repair PartsTo order replacement seal kits or spare parts please provide the following information: Actuator Model Number Serial NumberType of seal kit (Nitrile standard, low temperature, Viton) Item Number, Description and quantity for repair partA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。

Measures, Monitors and Controls For The Process IndustriesPneumatic Actuators Electric Actuators PositionersAccessories- Limit Switch Box- Declutchable Manual Override Gearbox - Air Filter Regulator- Pilot Solenoid Valve2SpecificationsThe AEJAT pneumatic rotary actuator is of rack and pinion design where the linear kinetic energy is directly transformed into a "quarter turn" operation with a constant torque output over the full stroke.Both double acting and spring return actuators have twin pistons horizontally opposed and incorporate piston guides to ensure correct contact between the rack and pinion at all pressure.High quality materials are used in the construction of the actuator. The actuator can be readily fitted to any type of ball valve, butterfly valve or other equipment requiring efficient pneumatic actuator.Full range of accessories, such as limit switch box, solenoid valve, positioner and declutchable manual override gearbox are available.DesignFunction Double Acting (DA) or Spring Return (SR)Material Housing Extruded aluminum alloy, hard anodized End Cap Pressure die cast aluminum alloy, epoxy coated Pinion Carbon steel, nickel platedPiston Cast aluminum / steel, hard anodized / Zinc galvanized Cap Screw Stainless steelSpringSpring steel, Dip Coated Bearing and Guide Engineering plastic Travel Stop Cam Alloy steel Adjustment Screw Stainless steelSealNBR (Other seal on request)Mounting Bracket Aluminum, stainless steel, alloy steel Technical Data Operating MediaDry or lubricated compressed air or non-corro-sive gases. The max particle diameter must be less than 30um Supply Pressure Min. 2 bar, Max. 8 barOperating Temperature -20o C to +80o C (NBR)Lower or higher temperature version on request Rotation90o Travel Adjustment ± 5oMounting Connection Namur, ISO5211 and DIN3337Torque Output3 Nm to 13024 Nm (DA)4 Nm to 6584 Nm (SR)FeaturesTravel adjustment range of ±5o for the rotation at 0o and 90oAir Supply connection in accordance to NAMURstandard for easy installation of pilot solenoid valve Namur drive pinion and Namur top mounting connection permit direct installation of accessories such as Limit Switch Box and PositionerBottom mounting connection in accordance to ISO5211 and DIN3337 standards for direct mounting withvalve, gear box or mounting bracketWorking PrincipleDouble ActingSpring ReturnCounter Clockwise RotationCounter Clockwise RotationClockwise RotationClockwise RotationAccessories AvailableLimit Switch Box with 2x mechanical or proximity switchesDeclutchable Manual Override for emergency ortesting operationPilot Solenoid Valve with Namur Interface3Construction and MaterialsNo.DescriptionQty Standard Material Protection Optional Material1Body 1Extruded Aluminum AlloyHard Anodized 2End Cap 2Cast Aluminum 3Shaft 1Carbon Steel Nickel PlatedStainless Steel 4Piston 2Cast Aluminum / SteelAnodized / Zinc GalvanizedStainless Steel 5Cap Screw 8Stainless Steel6O-ring (End Top)2NBR FPM / Silicone7Spring 0 - 12Spring Steel Dip Coating8Bearing 2Engineering Plastic9O-ring (Piston)2NBR10Guide 2Engineering Plastic 11Outside Washer 1Engineering Plastic 12Thrust Washer 1Stainless Steel 13Spring Clip 1Stainless Steel14Indicator 1Plastic 15Indicator Screw 1Plastic 16Inside Washer1Engineering Plastic17Cam 1Alloy Steel 18O-ring (Shaft)1NBRFPM / Silicone19Bearing (Top of Shaft)1Engineering Plastic 20Bearing (Bottom of Shaft)1Engineering Plastic21O-ring (Bottom of Shaft)1NBR FPM / Silicone 22O-ring (Adjustment Screw)2NBR FPM / Silicone23Washer 2Stainless Steel 24Nut2Stainless Steel Powder Polyester Painted25Adjustment Screw 2Stainless Steel 26Shaft Adaptor1Sintered Alloy2541067894987652131011121314151617181920212223242526Spring Positions of Spring Return ActuatorAir Consumption and Opening and Closing TimeModel AEJAT032AEJAT040AEJAT052AEJAT063AEJAT075AEJAT083AEJAT092AEJAT105AEJAT125Cylinder Air Volume (L)Open0. 1.2 1.5 Close0. 1.1 1.8 2.3Opening & Closing Time (Second)DAOpen0. Close0. 1.1 SROpen-- 1.2 Close-- 1.1 1.4Model AEJAT140AEJAT160AEJAT190AEJAT210AEJAT240AEJAT270AEJAT300AEJAT350AEJAT400Cylinder Air Volume (L)Open 2.4 3.1 4.3 5.810.014.523.835.152.6 Close 3.8 4.9 6.99.515.221.429.746.369.4Opening & Closing Time (Second)DAOpen 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.5 Close 1.4 1.7 2.2 3.2 4.0 4.510.012.013.0 SROpen 1.5 1.8 2.4 3.5 4.1 Close 1.8 2.1 2.8 4.0 4.6 Air Supply Pressure (Bar)2345678AEJAT032DA356891112 AEJAT040DA AEJAT052DA8. AEJAT063DA14.321.428.535.642.749.856.7 AEJAT075DA2030.240.350.460.470.580.6 AEJAT083DA30.946.361.877.192.5108123.5 AEJAT092DA44.266.388.4110.5133154.8176.7 AEJAT105DA65.898.8131.6164.5197.4230.4263.2 AEJAT125DA102.6153.9205.2256.5307.8359.1410.4 AEJAT140DA175.5263.2351438.7526.3614.2702.1 AEJAT160DA267.4401534.9668.8801.8935.81069.7 AEJAT190DA450.4646861.71078.312931507.71723.3 AEJAT210DA526.3789.51052.61314.81578.91842.12105.2 AEJAT240DA773.311601546.61933.32319.92706.63093.2 AEJAT270DA1174.21761.32348.42935.53522.64109.74696.8 AEJAT300DA1610.82416.23221.64027.14832.55637.96443.3 AEJAT350DA2411.83617.64823.56029.47235.38441.19647.1 AEJAT400DA325648846512814097681139613024 Double Acting Output Torque (Nm)45Single Acting Output Torque (Nm)ModelS p r i n g Q t yAir Supply PressureOutput Torque Spring 3 Bar 4 Bar5 Bar6 Bar7 Bar8 Bar0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o Start End Start End StartEndStartEndStartEndStartEndStart End AEJAT052SR58.87.313.011.6 5.4 4.068.0 6.312.210.516.514.8 6.5 4.778.2 5.58 6.399.97.314.111.518.415.822.620.026.924.39.77.1109.1 6.213.310.417.614.721.818.926. 6.8614.310.521.818.029.325.511.98.1713.08.520.416.027.923.535.431.013.99.5811.66.519.114.026.621.534.029.041.536.515.910.8917.712.025.219.532.727.040.234.547.642.017.912.21016.410.023.817.531.325.038.832.546.340.019.913.61122.515.530.023.037.530.544.938.021.914.91221.113.528.621.036.128.543.636.023.916.3AEJAT075SR527.021.639.334.015.510.2624.918.537.330.949.743.318.612.2722.915.535.327.847.640.260.052.621.714.2820.912.433.224.745.637.158.049.570.461.824.816.2931.221.643.634.056.046.468.358.780.771.127.818.31029.218.541.630.953.943.366.355.778.768.030.920.31139.527.851.940.264.352.676.664.934.022.31237.524.749.937.162.249.574.661.837.124.4AEJAT083SR533.827.250.143.421.514.9630.922.947.139.163.355.325.817.8727.918.644.134.860.451.076.667.330.120.8824.914.341.230.557.446.773.663.089.979.234.423.8938.226.254.442.470.758.786.974.9103.191.138.726.71035.221.951.538.167.754.483.970.6100.286.843.029.71148.533.864.750.181.066.397.282.547.332.71245.529.561.845.878. Acting Output Torque (Nm)ModelS p r i n g Q t yAir Supply PressureOutput Torque Spring 3 Bar 4 Bar5 Bar6 Bar7 Bar8 Bar0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o Start End Start End StartEndStartEndStartEndStartEndStart End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 Acting Output Torque (Nm)ModelS p r i n g Q t yAir Supply PressureOutput Torque Spring 3 Bar 4 Bar5 Bar6 Bar7 Bar8 Bar0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o 0o 90o Start End Start End StartEndStartEndStartEndStartEndStart End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 (mm)Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M NØO P AirSupply Weight (kg)AEJAT032DA9011223.523.5452612F03-4-M5x8-9x950303420G1/80.55 SR-AEJAT040DA9312323.533602612F03F054-M5x84-M6x1011x1150303420G1/80.66 SR-AEJAT052DA1081453041722615F03F054-M5x84-M6x1011x1180303420G1/41.2 SR 1.3AEJAT063DA1251694646892615F05F074-M6x104-M8x1214x1480303420G1/41.9 SR2.1AEJAT075DA12820142521002615F05F074-M6x104-M8x1214x1480303420G1/42.8 SR3.1AEJAT083DA14720946551092615F05F074-M6x104-M8x1214x1480303420G1/43.2 SR 3.7AEJAT092DA1682425157.51172620F05F074-M6x104-M8x1217x1780304120G1/44.6 SR5.2AEJAT105DA18627558641342625F07F104-M8x124-M10x1622x2280304120G1/46.1 SR7.1AEJAT125DA20733267.5701573625F07F104-M8x124-M10x1622x2280306230G1/49.5 SR10.9AEJAT140DA26840076771743630F10F124-M10x164-M12x2027x27130306230G1/413.7 SR15.7AEJAT160DA30845587.587.51993830F10F124-M10x164-M12x2027x27130306230G1/420.5 SR23.6AEJAT190DA3905071031032323840-F12-4-M12x2036x36130307930G1/431.1 SR35.3AEJAT210DA3905621131132573840-F12-4-M12x2036x36130307930G1/441.8 SR46.6AEJAT240DA4306461291292933852-F16-4-M20x2446x46130307930G1/462.4 SR72.4AEJAT270DA5107221461463333852-F16-4-M20x2446x46130307930G1/486.3 SR98.3AEJAT300DA5798251621733543852-F16-4-M20x2446x46130307930G1/2103 SR143AEJAT350DA5808661901954103852-F16-4-M20x2446x46130307930G1/2144 SR188AEJAT400DA-9242582584643860-F25-8-M16X2455X55130307930G1/2289 SR3608Singapore OfficeAnderson Eurotech Singapore Pte Ltd1, Yishun Industrial Street 1, #08-05,A’Posh BizHub, Singapore 768160+65 66944233**************************The specifications given in this document represent the state of engineering at the time of publishing. We reserve the right to make modifications to the specification and materials。

S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SDirect acting solenoid valves Series PL2/2-way - Normally Open (NO)3/2-way - Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO) 3/2-way - Universal (UNI)Series PL solenoid valves are available in the normally closed, normally open and universal versions. They can be mounted on single sub-bases or manifolds.Please note that all Series PL solenoid valves are supplied with direct current (DC). To operate in alternating current (AC), it is necessary to use the connector with bridge rectifier Mod. 125-900.»Application sectors: - Industrial Automation - Life Science - Transportation »Mounting on a single base (M5 connections) or on manifold (M5 or fittings Ø3 and Ø4)GENERAL DATATECHNICAL FEATURES Function OperationPneumatic connections Orifice diameterFlow coefficient kv (l/min) Operating pressure Operating temperature MediaResponse time Manual override Installation2/2 NO - 3/2 NC - 3/2 NO - 3/2 UNI direct acting poppet type on subbase 0.8 ... 1.6 mm 0.30 ... 0.62 0 ÷ 3.5 ... 10 bar0 ÷ 50 °C (FKM) / -50 ÷ 50 °C (low temperature NBR on demand)filtered air class [5:4:4] according to ISO 8573-1:2010 (max oil viscosity 32 cSt), inert gas ON <10 ms - OFF <15 msmono/bistable - PBT 3/2 versions onlyin any positionMATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH THE MEDIUM Body SealsInternal parts brass - PBT - PPSFKM - NBR - EPDM (on demand) brass - stainless steelELECTRICAL FEATURES VoltageVoltage tolerance Power consumption Duty cycleElectrical connection Protection class6 ... 110 V DC - other voltages on demand ±10% 1.2 ... 3 W ED 100%industry standard connector (9.4 mm) IP65 with connectorSpecial versions available on demandS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ES* 3/2 NO IN-LINE version: the position of the ports 1 - 2 - 3 is identical to 3/2 NC versionCODING EXAMPLES E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SSeries PL solenoid valve - 2/2-way NO - series PD interfaceSupplied with: 2x O-Rings2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic(opt. P)* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series PL solenoid valve - 3/2-way NCSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E S2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series PL solenoid valve - 3/2-way NO IN-LINESupplied with: 1x interface seal2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E S2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available models for T amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR sealsVacuum operation with max. pressurereduction* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ESSingle sub-base for 15mm size 2 way interfaceSingle sub-base suitable for 2-way solenoid valves Series PD and PL models PD000-2A..., PL000-9B... Use solenoid valves with fixing screws for metal (see codification page)Material: anodized aluminiumConnections: G1/8 threadsSingle sub-base for 3-way solenoid valve size 15 mmSingle sub-base suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumConnections: M5 threadsSingle manifold with rear outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A LV E SManifold - single side valve - frontal outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Can be fixed through DIN 46277/3 guide with the accessory PCF-E520.Material: anodized aluminiumManifold - double side valve - bottom outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumManifold - double side valve - frontal outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Can be fixed through DIN 46277/3 guide with the accessory PCF-E520.Material: anodized aluminiumS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ESPosition valve capSupplied with:1x position valve cap 1x interface seal2x screwsConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mmConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mm - 90° cableThe internal rectifier circuit of the connectorMod. 125-900 allows to use solenoid valves with different AC voltage, even if the voltage indicated onthe solenoid valve is DC.S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mm - in-line cablewithout electronicsConn. Mod. 125-... - ind. std. 9.4 mm - in-line cable+rectifierwith voltage rectifierAC/DC。
A-T CONTROLS 电动阀门和阻尼器阀门驱动器产品说明说明书

Confirmation of Product Type ApprovalCompany Name:A-T CONTROLSAddress:9955INTERNATIONAL BOULEVARD OH45246United StatesProduct:Actuator,Electric for Valves and DampersModel(s):KE-440,KE-880,KE-1700,KE-3500Endorsements:Certificate Type Certificate Number Issue Date Expiry DateProduct Design Assessment(PDA) Manufacturing Assessment(MA) Product Quality Assurance(PQA)23-2343935-PDA22-5418453NA31-JAN-202318-AUG-2022NA30-JAN-202820-AUG-2027NATier3-Type Approved,unit certification not requiredIntended ServiceMarine&Offshore ApplicationDescriptionOn-Off or Modulating service electrical operated actuator fitted with manual override,anti-condensation heater and thermostat for valves&dampers and other quarter-turn devices;Option Configurations:Convex lens visual position indicator.RatingsVoltage:110/220VAC,Single Phase,50/60Hz,12VDC(440&880models only)/24VDC;Operating Temperature:-4ºF to+140ºF(-20ºC to+60ºC);Enclosure IP rating:IP67;Actuator torque output;(i).KE-440,440In-Lbs.,50NM;(ii).KE-880,880In-Lbs.,100NM;(iii).KE-1700,1700In-Lbs.,200NM;(iv).KE-3500,3500In-Lbs.,400NM.Service Restrictions1.Unit Certification is not required for this product.If the manufacturer or purchaser request an ABS Certificate for compliance with a specification or standard,the specification or standard,including inspection standards and tolerances,must be clearly defined;2.Suitable for Non-hazardous area installation;3.The actuators are not to be used for valves on tanks containing flammable liquids,fire mains and fire dampers in high fire risk area such as machinery spaces unless fitted with approved insulation to ensure effective closure facility in the event of fire(ABS Marine Vessel Rules4-6-4/13.5.3b),MOU Rules4-2-5/3.9.2.).CommentsThe Manufacturer has provided a declaration about the control of,or the lack of Asbestos in this product;i)Setting and calibration of limit switches are to be in accordance with the manufactures' recommendation;ii)Cables for power supply and signals are to be suitable for intended service and environmental conditions(ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-8-3/9,4-8-4/21,27.9,MOU Rules4-3-3/5&4-3-4/7);iii)Where actuators are remotely controlled and used in propulsion and safety related systems,the complete control system and its associated electrical system for each application are to be submitted to ABS technical office for suitability review(ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-9-5/13.13).Notes,Drawings and DocumentationDocument No.30441,KE Series BOM,Revision:0,Pages:1Document No.KE Dimensional Dwg,KE Dimensional Dwg,Revision:0,Pages:N/ADocument No.No.DoC,KE Series Actuators Declaration of Conformity,Revision:n/a,Pages:1Document No.BST18011046630001Y-1SR-2,IP67Test Report,Revision:0,Pages:10,Dated:20 January2018Document No.0P221213.ZTASU33,ECM Certificate,Issuance dated:13December2022,Expiry date: 12December2027,Document No.WE XE XC KE Actuator Literature,WE XE XC KE Actuator Literature,Revision:0, Pages:N/ADocument No.IOM08069,Installation&Maintenance Manual,Revision:23July2020,Pages:7Term of ValidityThis Product Design Assessment(PDA)Certificate remains valid until30/Jan/2028or until the Rules and/or Standards used in the assessment are revised or until there is a design modification warranting design reassessment(whichever occurs first).Acceptance of product is limited to the"Intended Service"details prescribed in the certificate and as per applicable Rules and Standards.This Certificate is valid for installation of the listed product on ABS units which exist or are under contract for construction on or previous to the effective date of the ABS Rules and standards applied at the time of PDA e of the Product for non-ABS units is subject to agreement between the manufacturer and intended client.ABS RulesThe Rules for Conditions of Classification,Part1,2023Marine Vessels Rules1-1-4/7.7,1-1-A3,1-1-A4, which covers following:2023Marine Vessels Rules:4-8-3/1.3,4-8-3/1.11.1;The Rules for Conditions of Classification-Offshore Units and Structures,2023Mobile Offshore Units Rules:1-1-4/9.7,1-1-A2,1-1-A3which covers the following:2023Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units:4-3-1/15.International StandardsN/AEU-MED StandardsN/ANational StandardsEN61000-3-2:2019/A1:2021,EN60947-1:2021.Government StandardsN/AOther StandardsN/ACorporate ABS ProgramsAmerican Bureau of ShippingPrint Date and Time:31-Jan-20233:53 ABS has used due diligence in the preparation of this certificate,and it represents the information on the product in the ABS Records as of the date and time the certificate is printed.If the Rules and/or standards used in the PDA evaluation are revised or if there is a design modification(whichever occurs first), a PDA revalidation may be necessary.The continued validity of the MA is dependent on completion of satisfactory audits as required by the ABS Rules.The validity of both PDA and MA entitles the product to receive a Confirmation of Product Type Approval.Acceptance of product is limited to the“Intended Service”details prescribed in the certificate and as per applicable Rules and Standards.This Certificate is valid for installation of the listed product on ABS units which exist or are under contract for construction on or prior to the effective date of the ABS Rules and standards applied at the time of PDA issuance.ABS makes no representations regarding Type Approval of the Product for use on vessels,MODUs or facilities built after the date of the ABS Rules used for this evaluation.Type Approval requires Drawing Assessment,Prototype Testing and assessment of the manufacturer's quality assurance and quality control arrangements.The manufacturer is responsible to maintain compliance with all specifications applicable to the product design assessment.Unless specifically indicated in the description of the product,certification under type approval does not waive requirements for witnessed inspection or additional survey for product use on a vessel,MODU or facility intended to be ABS classed or that is presently in class with ABS.Due to wide variety of specifications used in the products ABS has evaluated for Type Approval,it is part of our contract that; whether the standard is an ABS Rule or a non-ABS Rule,the Client has full responsibility for continued compliance with the standard.Questions regarding the validity of ABS Rules or the need for supplemental testing or inspection of such products should,in all cases,be addressed to ABS.。

Page 1 of 6 Revision No: 1, 12/01
3.1 Application with Releasing Panels
In order to comply with Underwriters Laboratories' requirements, the Manual Actuator must be installed in the same room as the GCAs with total GCA circuit resistance (field wiring plus GCAs) not to be greater than 10 ohms. Typical installation with a releasing panel and a single 10-1832 Agent Releasing Module (ARM) is shown in figure 1. The YELLOW and GREEN wires on the GCA are not polarity sensitive.
Figure 1 Releasing Panel and Single ARM Application

Publication number F171EDate of issue 9/99Jackscrews provide a simple method of manually operating a pneumatically actuated valve. Power air supply may be unavailable during commissioning or emergency circumstances. The jackscrew may then be used to drive the piston of the pneumatic actuator reproducing the effect of the power air supply.1.0 Operating Instructions1.1Ensure power medium (air, gas, etc.) to actuator is notactive. Try to operate directional control valve locally. Ifpower medium is active at actuator, but below ratedpressure, ISOLATE the power medium from the actuator.1.2 Determine which way you wish to turn the valve shaft(most valves turn clockwise to close, but not all).1.3 Looking down on the actuator with the stop bolts awayfrom you (see document drawing #1256), operate the left-hand side jackscrew to turn the valve stem anti-clockwiseand operate the right-hand side jackscrew to turnclockwise.1.3.1On double acting actuators, ensure bothjackscrews are at full outboard position beforemanual operation of the valve.1.3.2On spring return actuators, only one jackscrewis provided as the spring operates the valve inthe other direction.1.4 Back off jamb nut at base of jackscrew.1.5 Ensure jackscrew is well lubricated with keystone GeneralPurpose 81L Grease or similar.1.6 Using wrench or handwheel, turn jackscrew clockwise topush actuator output through 90º. Do not exceed 90ºtravel; this may result in valve damage. Jackscrew torqueshould not exceed 800 inch/pounds. (90Nm).2.0 To Restore Actuator to Automatic Mode2.1Unscrew jackscrew to full outboard position.2.2Retighten jamb nut on cylinder side. Screw conical sealwasher against cylinder end flange before tightening jambnut. Tighten jamb nut to approximately 1,000 inch/pounds.(113Nm).3.0 Maintenance3.1Ensure stainless steel jackscrew threads are always wellgreased. This will make operation considerably easier. 4.0 Retrofitting JackscrewSee Document Drawing #1349.4.1Before attempting retrofit, ensure power medium isisolated from actuator and locked off.4.2Ensure no residual pressure is present in the actuatorcylinder.4.3Cylinder side jackscrew4.3.1 Disconnect air supply to cylinder end flange.4.3.2Remove four tie rod nuts cylinder end flange 54 and seal 60.Technical information for‘P’ Range valve actuatorsTIS 40Operating and maintenanceInstructions - Jackscrews4.3.4Remove piston rod bolt piston rod bolt 70 supplied with jackscrewretrofit module and tighten to recommendedtorque.4.3.6Coat hex nylon piece 71 with type 620 Loctitethen assemble into piston bolt jackscrew to full outboard position.4.3.8Fit end flange with jackscrew and new sealprovided with retrofit module over the tie rods57.4.3.9Replace tie rod nuts 58 and tighten torecommended torque.4.3.10Retighten jamb nut 77 (as 2.2).4.4Rod cover side jackscrew4.4.1Remove piston rod cover bolts piston rod cover Fit piston rod bolt 210 supplied with jackscrew.Retrofit module and tighten to recommendedtorque4.4.4Coat hex nylon piece 211 with type 620 Loctitethen assemble into piston bolt jackscrew to fully outboard position onjackscrew piston of cover.4.4.6Fit jackscrew piston rod cover over piston rod.Ensure flange gasket 51 and rod seal 50 are inplace.4.4.7Replace piston rod cover bolts 202 andlockwashers 203 and tighten to recommendedtorque.4.4.8Tighten jackscrew jamb nut.5.0Recommended Torques (lbs. ft.)Piston Bolt (Item 70)2505/8 UNC Grade 8210325 1 UNC Grade 88665001-1/4 UNC Grade 81750Piston Rod Bolt (Item 210)2505/8 UNC Grade 5150325 1 UNC Grade 55835001-1/4 UNC Grade 51097Tie Rod Nut (Item 58)250 05-085/8 UNC95250 10-123/4 UNC169325 10-143/4 UNC169500 123/4 UNC169Jackscrew Cover Bolt (Item 202)2501/2 UNC Grade 5753255/8 UNC Grade 5150500 1 UNC Grade 5525。

7. Multiple bearings and guide
Bearings on piston and racks for precise operation, low friction, high cycle life and piston guides preventing shaft blowout.
Further Options available on request:
• 120°-135°-180° rotation both in double acting and spring return • 180° spring return Fail-Mid • 3 Position actuators, 90° and 180° rotation, both double acting and spring return versions • Fast acting actuators • Hydraulic damper actuators • Lock-Out capability in fully open or fully close position • 100% travel stop adjustment.
International Standard
The PT “B” Series pneumatic actuators, have been designed, manufactured and tested in full compliance with all the applicable International standards.
5. One compact and unique design
With identical body and end caps for double acting and spring return model to reduce inventory, allows field conversion, by adding or removing modular spring cartridge.
ATControls 手动和自动旋转伏尔瓦值阀门说明书

Application Sizing GuideIntroduction: Actuator Sizing- Floating Ball Valves (2)Determine Baseline Torque (2)Determine Safety Factors for Sizing (2)Determine Net Torque (3)Determine Actuator Needed (3)Baseline Torques at Differential Pressure (4)Series 22: (4)Series 24: (5)Series 31: (5)Series 33: (5)Series 55: (6)Series 77: (6)Series 83/Series 88: (7)Series 8R: (7)Series 90/Series F90/Series D9-F1/Series FD9-F1: (8)Series F91: (8)Series F9R-F1: (9)Series F9R-F3: (9)Series D9-F3/FD9-F3: (10)Series FD9-F6: (10)Introduction: Actuator Sizing- Floating Ball ValvesActuated Valve (AV) assemblies are being scrutinized and studied more, as actuator sizing recommended practices are being adopted by both end users and distributors in the valve industry. End users and distributors are requesting more valve torque data to assist in actuator sizing, and in some instances are sizing their own AV assemblies. Recognizing this need, A-T Controls, Inc. has undergone more extensive torque testing for its floating ball valves to provide more data and recommendations to our customer base while paying attention to how the industry is evolving. Torque data in some of our catalogs have changed because of this testing.The updated catalog torques reflect calculations and sample selection from Recommended Practice S 2812-X-19 and represent the maximum torque value with three standard deviations. Our AV assemblies with 3R actuators are sized with these torques. Torques are also below at differential pressure differentials for clean, lubricating on/off service with standard seat materials. Safety shall be added to these torques, and the method to properly size using these torques is explained below.Determine Baseline Torque1.Determine valve size, series, and differential pressure. Consult the torque pressure tables in later pages to selectthe appropriate baseline torque.•Note: If your pressure is not listed, it is recommended to use the torque of the next highest differential pressure. Example: 360 psi should use 400 psi torques. However, it is acceptable tolinear interpolate as well.Determine Safety Factors for Sizinging the 3 tables shown below, determine which safety factors apply to your service. If more than one safetyfactor applies in the same table, use the greater.•There is NO safety built into the numbers in the torque tables. Listed torques are for clean, lubricating fluid with frequent operation and standard seat material.•For highly elevated torques, an alternative stem material should be considered. Pleaseconsult A-T Controls, Inc. for proper stem material selection.Determine Net Torque3.Add the safety factors and multiply by the previously determined baseline torque to determine the net torque.Use this net torque to select the proper actuator.•Net Safety Factor=1+(Media/Application+Frequency of Operation+Seat Type)•Net Torque=Net Safety Factor ×Baseline TorqueDetermine Actuator Needed4.Actuator Type –•Pneumatic – Determine air supply pressure.i: Double Acting – the net torque shall not exceed the listed output torque.ii: Spring Return – the net torque shall not exceed the listed spring end, air break torques;and air end shall exceed 80% of net torque.•Electric – Determine voltage and the net torque shall not exceed the listed output torque.Baseline Torques at Differential PressureNote: torques of the valves below were tested using clean, lubricating fluid for on/off service using standard seat materials for each valve series. Please note some torques do not change with increasing pressure. Proper safety shall be added using the above methods for calculating Net Torque. Please note that these safety factors are guidelines, and the end user is ultimately responsible to determine the safety factors that should be used for their application:Series 22:Series 24:Series 31:Series 33:Series 55:Series 77:Series 83/Series 88:(Note: Series 83 is limited to 2” size)Series 8R:Series 90/Series F90/Series D9-F1/Series FD9-F1:Series F91:Series F9R-F1:Series F9R-F3:Series D9-F3/FD9-F3:Series FD9-F6:。

BELEF Pneumatic Actuators Incorporate latest mechanical technology, materials available through designing, developing, testing and engineering application, we have obtained a high grade product with the characteristics of reliability, high performance, long cycle life, large adjustment, highest levels of corrosion protection, wide selection of model with easy and economy.柏勒夫气动执行器柏勒夫气动执行器综合了国际最新材料技术、精密加工技术、工业美术设计技术。
性能、结构和设计特点● 挤压铝质(ASTM6005)缸体,内表面细磨精加工,内部和外部均采用高级防腐技术,气缸摩擦系数小,使用寿命长,抗腐蚀性能强。
● 双活塞齿轮齿条式设计,结构紧凑、安装位置对称、改变输出轴转向方便,使用寿命长、动作迅速。
● 组合式预负荷镀层弹簧,工作寿命长。
● 高精度齿轮和齿条,啮合间隙小、精度高,输出功率大。
● 不锈钢紧固件,安全美观,抗腐蚀性强。
● 采用国际规范尺寸:输出轴槽、螺孔;顶部安装孔尺寸符合NAMUR 标准;气源接口尺寸符合NAMUR 标准;底部安装孔尺寸符合IS05211、DIN3337标准,方便安装电磁阀限位开关等附件。
Design & Constructin of BAILEFU Pneumatic Actuators气动执行器结构Construction of Pneumatic Actuator● Extruded aluminum ASTM6005 body with bath internal and external corrosion protection having honed cylinder surface for longer life and low coefficient of friction.● Dual piston rack and pinion design for compact construction, symmetric mounting position, high-cycle fife and fast operation, reverse rotation can be accomplished in the field by simply inverting the pistons. ● Multiple bearings and guides on racks and pistons, low friction, high cycle life an d prevent shaft blowout.● Modular preloaded spring cartridge design, with coatedspring for simple versatile range, greater safely and corrosion resistance, longer cycle life.● Fully machined teeth on piston and pinion for accurate low backlash rack and pinion engagement, maximum efficlency. Stalnless steel fasteners for long term corroslon resistance● Full conformance to the latest specifications: IS05211,DIN 3337 and Namur or product inter changeahility and easy mounting of solenoids, limit switches and other aocessodes.have obtained a high grade product with the characteristics of reliability, high performance, long cycle life, large adjustment, highest levels of corrosion protection, wide selection of model with easy and economy.执行器零件、材料一览表Actuators Parts and Material Tablehave obtained a high grade product with the characteristics of reliability, high performance, long cycle life, large adjustment, highest levels of corrosion protection, wide selection of model with easy and economy.工作原理和输出扭矩Operating Principle and Out Torquehave obtained a high grade product with the characteristics of reliability, high performance, long cycle life, large adjustment, highest levels of corrosion protection, wide selection of model with easy and economy.工作原理和输出扭矩Operating Principle and Out Torquehave obtained a high grade product with the characteristics of reliability, high performance, long cycle life, large adjustment, highest levels of corrosion protection, wide selection of model with easy and economy.工作原理和输出扭矩Operating Principle and Out Torque柏勒夫气动执行器柏勒夫气动执行器综合了国际最新材料技术、精密加工技术、工业美术设计技术。
ATControls 手动和自动旋转阀门控制系统说明说明书

9955 International Blvd. • Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 Phone: 513.247.5465 Fax: 513.247.5462Engineer: SLJ No.: DI00043Date Created: 07/09/2019 Date Modified: 04/20/2023 TSM ExtensionsTSM’s are designed for use with fugitive emissions to act as another form of packing on valve series that are already designed for fugitive emissions. When used manually the handles are lockable. TSM’s also allow for an extended mounting pad to which an actuator can be directly mounted. They can be added to the 22, 24, 33, 55, 77, T77, H78, 8R, 88, 90, D9 and F91 Series. See dimensional drawings P02774, P02776, T11580 and P02997 below.Spring Return HandlesSpring return handles are designed for manual operation and can spring open or close. Depending on the set up the valve will either spring open or closed when the handle is released. They are made up of a triangle pad and a handle. The spring is contained in the handle and is attached to the triangle pad, which can be seen in P03000 along with dimensions and applicable sizes. They can be added to the 22, 33, 77, 88/F88, F91, D9, FD9, 8R, F8R, 83/F83, and 90/F90 series. The F91, 8R / F8R, 83/F83 and 90/F90 series will additionally require a TSM for mounting purposes.Oval HandlesOval handles are designed to resist accidental operation due to snags or bumps and have a smaller footprint than standard lever handles to allow for operation in tighter spaces. The ability to lock-out valves is provided via an integral latch-lock. Our oval handles are compatible with the following valve series:90, 55, 83, 8R, 88, 33, 77, H78, 22Please note that oval handles are not compatible with TSM extensions.MATERIALDATECHECKED BY DESCRIPTION9955 INTERNATIONAL BLVD.CINCINNATI, OHIO 45246PHONE: (513) 247-5465FAX: (513) 247-5462DRAWN BY DATESJKSpring Return Handle Dimensional Drawing04/19/23DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGRELEASED BY KWT04/19/23DATEKWT04/19/23SHEET1VALVES, ACTUATORS, AND AUTOMATION CONTROLSDESCRIPTION9955 INTERNATIONAL BLVD.CINCINNATI, OHIO 45246PHONE: (513) 247-5465FAX: (513) 247-5462DRAWN BY DATEOVAL HANDLE DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGDO NOT SCALE DRAWING。
A-T Controls, Inc. THD Pneumatic Actuators商品说明书

CONTROLS Division of A-T Controls, Inc.®THDPneumatic Actuatorsfor Quarter-Turn Valvesand DampersTorques to 1,600,000 In-lbsDouble Acting and Spring ReturnSymmetric and Canted Yoke DesignSee forCanted Yoke product specificationsHeavyDutyActuatorsSeries12THDS E R I E S78234125111The Triac heavy duty scotch yoke actuator product line offers a broad range of torques to 1,600,000 in-lbs. The THD series is designed to operate ball, butterfly, plug valves, dampers or any device that requires a quarter-turn movement for on-off or throttling service.Our standard offering is the symmetrical design yoke that delivers maximum torque at both ends of the 90º cycle. The square slide bearing with guide bar provides high cycle life and smooth stroke while minimizing wear points. We also offer a canted yoke design which is ideal for butterfly valves in sizes C11 and larger. See our website for the canted yoke product specifications.As with all Triac actuators, our THD series is accompanied by a complete line of accessories, including jackscrew & hydraulic overrides, limit switches, solenoids and positioners. A -T Controls also offers complete mounting hardware to integrate our actuators with a ny quarter-turn valve, damper or louver.13107769SPRING GROUP CENTER BODYPRESSURE GROUP101112981234567Travel adjustments ±8º for clockwise andcounter-clockwise strokesNitrile rubber piston O-rings offer excellentsealing and wear. Optional low and hightemperature seals and grease are available.RTFE Guide Band supports the piston whileproviding smooth operation and high cycleExtra large, strong piston rod for high cyclelife and torque transmissionNAMUR accessory mounting pads permitmounting standardization of limit switches,positioners, etc.Ductile iron center bodyModular design allows for installation ofpower groups and spring cartridges sothat actuators may be set up for differentair pressures, and for Fail Clockwise or FailCounter-clockwise.Rugged, heavy duty steel pressure cylindersare chrome plated for long wear andcorrosion resistance.Safe, welded spring cartridges withnumerous options for a broad range of airpressure conditionsAlloy steel, corrosion resistant and heattreated springs were designed andmanufactured for high cycle life.Steel guide bar* and bronze slide bearingsminimize friction, providing high cycle life.* N/A for the S09 pressure groupVisual position indicatorSymmetric & Canted Yoke designs availableSymmetric Yoke Canted Yoke1334TORQUE OUT PUT IN-LBSMODEL NUMBER 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI Start Min Start Min Start Min S09DA2009,6625,17614,4937,76419,32510,352* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE DOUBLE ACTING TORQUE CHARTTHDS E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .5TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS10,82315,65420,4851002004423904,7807,2719,761* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS09T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .6TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S09SR335AESTART 17,68616,80530,36043,914MIN 6,6446,42513,41320,401* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S09T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .S11T H D S E R I E S TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI80 PSI100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUMECU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS27,96640,44852,9311001501,05882712,76619,41426,063* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .78TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S11SR385BCSTART 30,68129,26252,86276,462MIN 11,93011,59324,16336,733END 17,93716,51840,11863,718* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S11T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .9TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS62,47390,364118,2551001502,6341,51728,56643,42158,27647,44375,333103,224 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS13T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .10TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S13SR535CDSTART 86,05057,264111,122164,979MIN 33,50919,34848,03376,719END 50,45121,66575,523129,380* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S13T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .11TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS122,030176,505230,9801001254,6172,72555,61084,625113,63992,072146,547201,022* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS16T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .12TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S16SR635DDSTART 155,65296,421189,802283,184MIN 60,29730,89680,633130,370END 90,34331,111124,493217,875* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S16T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .13TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS 221,920320,989420,0581001258,3973,792101,188153,954206,720167,621266,689365,758* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS20T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .14TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S20SR735EDSTART 263,439157,933314,319470,706MIN 102,72150,097133,392216,686END 154,84049,334205,720362,107* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S20T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .15TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS472,918 684,040 895,162 10012517,895CF215,538 327,985 440,433 356,895 568,017 779,139 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuatoragainst the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS27T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .16TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI80 PSIS27SR935FSSTART 447,328 423,657 765,307 1,106,957 MIN 173,288 166,852 348,821530,789 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuatoragainst the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.S27T H D S E R I E SHEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART Note: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .T H D S E R I E SS0917T H D S E R I E S S11/S1318S16/S20/S27T H D S E R I E SI S 17.00 A N D 5.70" L O N G E R 36 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1332 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.42TB .C .DSU14.2515.5317.0918.0419.18W I N G T U R N +++D O N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y O A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C . O N D E M A N D . S , I N C .T O L E R A N C E U N L E S SO T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D :T W O P L A C E D E C I M A L D I M . 0.02T H R E E P L A C E D E C I M A L D I M . 0.010A N G U L A R D I M . 0 -30 * "D H " S P R I N G I S 17.00 A N D 5.70" L O N G E RU14.2515.5317.0918.0419.18D W W 03/23/2009S I O N A L D R A W I N G D S P R I N G R E T U R N++S F U R N I S H E D F O R V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y A P P R O V E D D A T ED B Y T BE R E T U R N E D T O A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C . O N D E M A N D . OF A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C .T O L E R A N C E U N L E S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I T W O P L A C E D E C I M D I M . 0.02T H R E E P L A C E D E C I M D I M . 0.01020Bill of MaterialsNO.QTY SEAL KIT DESCRIPTION11HOUSINGA536 GR 65-45-12 DUCTILE IRON 21*YOKE PIN ACCESS PLUG O-RING NBR NITRILE RUBBER 31YOKE PIN ACCESS PLUG 304 STAINLESS STEEL 41*PINION TEFLON WASHER RTFE51*PINION SST WASHER 304 STAINLESS STEELS09T H D S E R I E SDOUBLE ACTINGSPRING RETURN21DOUBLE ACTING3031323334DETAIL "B"DETAIL "A"DESCRIPTIONMATERIALA536 GR 65-45-12ASTM A36 CARBON STEEL CAST STEELB505 C836 BRONZE NBR NITRILE RUBBERS11/S13T H D S E R I E SS16/S20/S27Bill of MaterialsNO.QTY SEALKIT DESCRIPTION11HOUSING21HOUSING COVER31YOKE42YOKE BUSHING54*YOKE O-RING61INDICATOR PLATE72STOP BOLTSPRING RETURNDOUBLE ACTING3031323334DETAIL "B"DETAIL "A"1234569101117A 12131415B18192021222324167 8363735783637T H D S E R I E S2223BA10.4418.0018.010.44BAJackscrew OverrideDeclutchable Manual OverrideACTUATORMODEL A B S11 SR XXX H 44.5614.18S13 SR XXX H 54.0614.18S16 SR XXX H 66.3816.68S20 SR XXX H 81.6217.50S27 SR XXX H114.1819.25The mounting attitude must be specified at time of order to ensure the hydraulic resevoir and pumppickup are correctly located. Due to continuous product improvement, please contact A-T Controls for certified drawings with the most current dimensions and specifications.ACTUATOR MODEL A B S11 DA XXX H 27.7514.25S13 DA XXX H 33.8114.25S16 DA XXX H 41.5015.25S20 DA XXX H 51.5016.88S27 DA XXX H71.5019.81The mounting attitude must be specified at time of order to ensure the hydraulic resevoir and pumppickup are correctly located. Due to continuous product improvement, please contact A-T Controls for certified drawings with the most current dimensions and specifications.S09 PRESSURE GROUP ONLY10-24 UNC X ACTUATOR SHOWN IN FULL CLOCKWISE POSITION FROM ACCESSORY SIDE.ACCESSORY MOUNTING DIMENSIONS2.00 DEEPYDOUBLE ACTING WITH JACKSCREW MANUAL OVERRIDESPRING RETURN WITH JACKSCREW MANUAL OVERRIDEPLEASE CONSULT OUR WEBSITE FOR DIMENSIONAL DETAILS.MANUAL OVERRIDESYSTEMST H D S E R I E ST H D S E R I E S ACCESSORIES 2425TRIAC Heavy Duty Actuators are available with numerous options and accessories including:• Solenoid Valves• Digital and Analog Positioners • AS-Interface (AS-i)• Spring Return - FCW and FCCW • Filter Regulators • Flow Control Valves • Air Lockup Valves• Air Failsafe Accumulator Systems •Declutchable Gear Overrides• Hydraulic Overrides • Jackscrew Overrides• Quick Open, Quick Close Circuits• Low Temp and High Temp Seals and Grease• Special Coatings Including Marine and High-Build Epoxy• Control Boxes • Limit Switches•Position Transmitters26AirFailsafe 1AirFailsafe 2ACTUATOR VALVEDOUBLE ACTING VALVEACTUATORVALVEDOUBLE ACTING VALVEWhen air supply drops below 30 psi, the spool valve will shift and rotate the actuator to the failsafe position, either clockwise or counter-clockwise as specified by the customer for one each 90º cycle.Upon loss of electric, or when air supply drops below 30 psi, the spool valve will shift and rotate the actuator to the failsafe position, either clockwise (as shown) or counter-clockwise as specified by the customer for one each 90º cycle.Y AIRQUICK EXHAUST QUICK EXHAUSTY AIR4-20 mA instrument signalDouble acting with lockup valve,flow controls and positioner for use on double acting onlyDouble acting with flow controls and positionerDouble acting with quick exhaust valves and 4-way solenoid valveDouble acting with 4-way solenoid valveSpring return with 3-way solenoid valveSpring return with quick exhaust valves and 3-way solenoid valve Spring return with flow controls and positionerPOPULAR SCHEMATICST H D S E R I E S27Example:H -LS13SC435CBH-L: Triac S13 435 Pressure Group Heavy Duty Spring Return, Spring Cartridge SCS13CE, Spring Clockwise,Symmetrical Scotch Yoke Actuator with Travel Stop Adjustment in Both Directons, 11.73” Bolt Circle ISO 5211 Valve Mount-ing, 1/2” NPT Air Supply Connection Complete with Hydraulic Override and Low Temperature Seals- Spring Return Fail Clockwise- Spring Return Fail Counter-Clockwise Spring Cartrige - Double Acting - Select spring code from spring return torque charts for specific actuator Manual Override Blank - No Override D - Declutchable Gear (S09 only) J - Jackscrew H - Hydraulic (N/A on S09)Seals & Grease Blank - Standard Seals (-29ºC to 93ºC) (-20ºF to 200ºF) V - High Temperature Seals (-18ºC to 177ºC) (0ºF to 350ºF) L - Low Temperature Seals (-40ºC to 82ºC) (-40ºF to 180ºF) L1 - Low/High Temperature Seals (-50ºC to 177ºC) (-58ºF to 350ºF)TRIAC THD Model Number MatrixHOW TO ORDERT H D S E R I E S28Other A-T Controls products include:Rack and Pinion Actuators Gear OperatorsElectric ActuatorsAutomated Ball Valve PackagesTHDS E R I E SA-T Controls, Inc.9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, OH 45246PH: 513 - 247- 5465FAX: 513 - 247 - 5462********************THD-20160815Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.LIT0006。

v1.0 可编辑可修改AT气动执行器使用说明AT系列气动执行器在综合运用国内外新技术、新材料、新工艺和创新观念的基础上进行研制、开发设计而成。
7)、安装连接尺寸符合I SO5211、DIN3337和VD1/VDE3845以及NUMAR标准,确保AT160气动执行器间的互换性和方便安装电磁阀、限位开关等附件。

拨叉式四分之一回转气动执行机构操作手册GD15 - GD1920 GS15 – GS960内容1) 特点……………………………………………………………………………………pg.22) 工作条件………………………………………………………………………………pg.23) 工作旋转方向…………………………………………………………………………pg.54) 安全提示…………………………………………………….…………………… 安装说明…………………………………………………..……………….……….pg.86) 维护步骤……………..…………………………………………………….……….pg.167)ATEX 94/9/EC………………………………………..……………..………… 特殊涂层气缸…………………………………………...…………..…………特点Actuatech制造生产全系列的四分之一回转气动执行机构,用以控制阀门开关动作。
Actuatech 正是在其产品上运用了这一机械构造。
气缸的维护保养工作需要Actuatech的专业受训人员操作本操作手册包括了Actuatech 拨叉式气动执行机构操作、安装、维护、存储信息,请在使用产品前仔细阅读并妥善存放。
2) 工作条件_____________________________________________________________________________________a) 工作环境标准型的Actuatech气动执行机构适合于无论户内外的工作。
ATControls Series 55 三件式设计气动电气球阀说明书

Triac Series 55 Ball Valves feature a high quality investment cast body and ends. They are available 1/4”– 4” with threaded, socket weld and butt weld ends. Superior leak protection is accomplished by using a live-loaded packing system including Bellevillewashers and double “V” ring packing.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************Easy to Automate!See automated data sheets for pre-sized assembliesSERIES 55 3-Piece DesignPneumaticElectric55-2R-20230208Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.9955 International Blvd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 PHONE (513) 247-5465 FAX (513) 247-5462********************A-T Controls reserves the right to change product designs and technical/dimensional specifications without notice.EconomicalFull Port3-Piece Ball ValveISO 5211 Mounting Pad600-1000 psi (by size)1/4” to 4”NOTE: At temperature, valves are limited by either the valve body/end cap pressure ratings, seat pressure ratings, or packing/stem seal/gaskets; whichever is lower.9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio PHONE (513) 247-5465FAX (513) 247-5462********************A-T Controls reserves the right to change product designs and technical/dimensional specifications without notice.Published torques are based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************Actuators are sized based on clean/clear fluid.DIMENSIONS (IN)DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLY55C-TX-100/2R2D-XXSAMPLE PART #Valve Series Carbon Steel Valve Size Seat MaterialEnd ConnectionTRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Double ActingSolenoid Limit SwitchSERIES 55 3-Piece55-2R-20230208Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.DIMENSIONS (IN)DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLY9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio PHONE (513) 247-5465FAX (513) 247-5462********************Actuators are sized based on clean/clear fluid.55C-TX-100/2R3S-XXSAMPLE PART #Valve Series Carbon Steel Valve Size Seat MaterialEnd ConnectionTRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Spring ReturnSolenoid Limit SwitchSee valve part number matrix for complete part number and options.SERIES 55 3-Piece55-2R-20230208Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.55-2R-20230208Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************NOTE: Heater and thermostat standard.(2) auxiliary switches standard.Actuators are sized based on clean/clear fluid.Other options available.SERIES 55 3-Piece55-TX-100/WEA1-XXSAMPLE PART #Valve Series Valve Size Seat MaterialEnd ConnectionTRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator SizeOn-OffVoltage AccessoriesSee valve part number matrix for complete part number and options.CONDUITCONNECTION9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio PHONE (513) 247-5465FAX (513) 247-5462********************A-T Controls reserves the right to change product designs andtechnical/dimensional specifications without notice.55C-TH-300-XXX-_SAMPLE PART #MANUAL VALVE(2) Valve Series (3) Body/Ball/StemMaterial(5) Valve Size (6) Seat, Lining, & Trim Material (4) End Connection(7) Special Designation (8) Additional Specials(9) OptionsHOW TO ORDER:Manual ValvesHOW TO ORDER:Automated Valves w/ Options(10) Special DesignationSAMPLE PART #(2) Valve Series(3) Body/Ball/StemMaterial(6) Valve Size (5) Seat/Trim Material(4) End Connection(7) TRIAC Actuator Series(7) Actuator Size (7) Double Acting(8) Accessory (9) Accessory AUTOMATED VALVE 55-TX-100/2R3D-XX-_TFM™ is a trademark of Dyneon™, a 3M Company.55Series-2R-20230208Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************。
瑞安市中兴执行器 气动长行程执行机构 说明书

e-mail:***********************目录名称………………………………页码一、概述 (1)二、分类 (1)三、主要技术参数 (1)四、结构及动作原理 (2)五、外形与安装接口尺寸 (6)六、安装、调试与维护 (6)七、型号编制说明与订货 (8)一、概述气动长行程执行机构(简称长行程)是以压缩空气为动力能源,接受气、电模拟信号或智能信号,输出角位移,并以一定的转矩推动被调节机构的一种角行程执行机构。

例:已知蝶阀的力矩=150Nm,使用介质为水;温度:常温,现场气源压力为5bar,给安全系数为20%计算;安全力矩:150+20%=180Nm对照双作用执行器力矩表中查压力为5bar一栏,沿着该列查找等于或相近于180Nm 的数据。