精益物流经典案例Human side of lean logistics

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Human side of lean logistics: the Kivits Drunen case

Author: S.A.C. van der Smissen

Date of completion: 12-08-2010

Human side of lean logistics: the Kivits Drunen case

Master thesis of the department of Organization & Strategy,

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,

Tilburg University

Author: S.A.C. van der Smissen

Student number: 610961

Program: Master Logistics and Operations Management

Date of defense: 27-08-2010

Company: Kivits Drunen BV

Company supervisors: Maya Geelen

John Meesters

University supervisors: drs. Mark Overboom

dr. Job de Haan

dr. Fons Naus

Number of words:16511

Management summary

Logistic Service Providers (LSPs), such as Kivits Drunen, might face two big problems. First, they are traditionally seen as cost centers, instead of value-adding entities. Moreover, it might be difficult to hire quality employees whose needs fit with their jobs. This research performed a baseline analysis, using four different analyses, aimed at employees, customers, process, and productivity. Moreover, this research uses the lean environment to solve the problems LSPs face.

This has led to the following problem statement:

Using a baseline analysis and lean principles, what improvement-agenda can be offered to Kivits Drunen?

To answer the above question, a literature research was performed on logistics and the application of the lean philosophy to logistics. Lean principles and goals were discussed, together with the underlying lean practices, which were, in line with theory, combined into bundles.

Moreover, literature research was started on the analyses used in this research. These are: person-work analysis, customer-process analysis, value stream mapping, and data envelopment analysis. These analyses were performed with the expectation that the leanness of Kivits Drunen affects the job characteristics and the process, although the leanness could not be measured.

A case study at Kivits Drunen was performed to see the current position of the company with respect to the analyses used in a base analysis. Throughout the research, company records, questionnaires, direct observations, and the knowledge of the employees were used to obtain and verify information and observations.

The observations showed that there is not much awareness of the lean philosophy within Kivits Drunen. Knowledge of the philosophy is essential before implementing other suggestions for improvement.

The results of the analyses show that Kivits Drunen can improve the fits between the needs of employees and the potential of the job. The biggest improvement potential within the person-work analysis can be found in the autonomy fit for truck drivers. By improving the autonomy fit, satisfaction, and motivation is expected to increase, while employee turnover decreases. This is expected to be beneficial for productivity, and hence, the financial position of the company. On average, truck drivers want more autonomy, while some drivers want less
