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The Crow drink water

One day, a little crow was very thirsty, and he wan ted to find some water to drink. Then he found a bottle, which had water in it. The crow was very happy and came to the bottle. But when he got close to it, he found that there was only a little water in it. The water was so low that he could not reach it.

The little crow was so thirsty but he could not drink the water. What should he do Then he had a good idea! He found there were many little stones around the bottle. He put a little stone into the bottle, and the water came up for a little. The crow was very happy. Then, he put ano ther stone into the bottle. He kept on putti ng stones into the bottle, and fin ally, the water came up to the mouth of the bottle, and the crow could reach the water.

The crow could drink the water now. How smart the crow is! I want to be a smart person like the crow! Thank you for liste ning!






One day, a little mon key is play ing by the

well. He looks in the well and shouts: “ Oh! My god! The moon has fallen into t he well! ”An older mon key runs over, takes a look, and says,

“Yes! The moon is really in the water! ” An old mon

key comes over. He is very surprised as well and cries

out: “ The moon is in the

well. ” A group of mon keys run over to the well. They

look at the moon in the well and shout:

“The moon did fall into the well! Come on!

Let' get it out! ” Then, the old est mon key hangs on

the tree upside dow n, with his feet on the bran ch. And

he pulls the n ext monkey' s feet with his han ds. All the

mon keys follow his suit, And they join each other one

by one down to the moonin the well. Just before they

reach the moon, the oldest mon key raises his head and

happe ns to see the moon in the sky; He yells excitedly

“ Don' t be so foolish! The moon is

still in the sky! ”





中的月亮吃惊不已,大叫道“月亮在井中” 一群猴子










翻译:Jackie Xu

One day, a little horse took a bag of wheat to the


He came to a small river. The little horse didn ' t

know how deep the river is. He looked around, and he

saw a cow n earby.

He asked, "Uncle Cow, can I cross the river" The

cow said: “ Sure you can. The river

is not deep at all. ”

The little horse was very happy. He was ready to

across the river. But then, a little squirrel came out. She

shouted: “ Stop! Little horse. The river is too deep for

you. You can' t across it. ”

The little horse didn ' t know what to do,

and he went back to ask his mum.

His mother said, "My child, don ' t always

liste n to the others. Just have a try. Then you ' ll know

what to do."

Later, at the river, the squirrel stopped the little horse

again. "Little horse, it ' s

too dan gerous!"

"No, I want to have a try", an swered the little horse.

Then he crossed the river carefully. He found that the

river was not too deep, not too shallow. It 's just right



From the story, I know: if you want to succeed, just

have a try!


翻译:Jackie Xu

There is a little frog. He lives in a small well. He sits

in the bottom of the well and watch the blue sky every
