



《国际商务管理学》串讲第一章国际商务管理概论 (1)第二章国际商务管理的经济环境 (2)第三章国际商务管理的社会文化环境 (5)第四章国际商务管理的政治法律环境 (5)第五章国际商务管理的技术环境 (6)第六章国际区域市场概论 (6)第七章国际商务交易对象的寻找和评估 (7)第十二章国际贸易业务 (8)第十三章国际技术贸易业务 (10)第十四章国际工程承包业务 (11)第十五章国际市场进入模式和组织决策 (12)第十六章国际市场竞争战略 (12)第十七章国际营销管理 (13)第十八章国际生产管理 (15)第十九章国际商务财务管理 (15)第二十章国际商务人员管理 (16)第一章国际商务管理概论一. 国际商务活动的形式:国际贸易、对外直接投资、特许经营,合资经营,工程承包二. 国际服务贸易的特点无形性;生产和消费过程具有同步性;价值与使用价值的转移分离;一般不经过海关,也不显示在海关统计上三.服务贸易的方式《服务贸易总协定》将服务贸易界定为4类:跨境提供:通过电脑网络、邮电、电讯完成境外消费:国外就医、海外留学、出国旅游商业存在:在它国设立的银行、律师事务所、保险公司等自然人流动:境外务工、讲学四.国际商务管理国际商务活动的过程中寻找、分析、评价市场机会和市场风险作出决策和实施的一系列管理活动包括宏观和微观宏观:从政府和国家整体利益出发微观:从企业和企业自身利益出发五.国际商务管理的特殊性难度大语言、法律、风俗、贸易政策、市场调查、交易接洽、纠纷处理等复杂货币、度量衡、商业习惯、海关、汇兑、运输、保险、支付等风险大信用问题、商业风险、汇兑、运输、价格、政治六.国际商务发展历程20世纪60年代前贸易主导阶段20世纪70年代投资主导阶段20世纪80年代后全球商务阶段七.当代国际商务的特征生产活动国际化、国际贸易重要性突现、需求环境趋同、服务贸易比重上升、跨国公司作用加强、区域经济集团、贸易和投资壁垒减少第二章国际商务管理的经济环境一.经济体制自由市场经济体制:香港、新加坡、美国计划经济体制混合经济体制:法国、意大利、瑞典、英国、德国国家指导经济:日本、韩国二.经济结构农业自给型经济;原料输出型经济;工业发展型;工业化国家三.市场容量人口:总量、增长趋势、结构状况、分布收入:GNP、GDP和人均GDP等经济发展阶段:发达国家偏重产品性能和特色,对质量敏感;落后国家侧重产品价格性能比,对价格敏感四.国家或地区经济特征自然条件、地形、气候、基础设施、商业基础服务能力、城市化、通货膨胀率或汇率、外国投资状况世界上主要的国际经济贸易组织:五.世界贸易组织(WTO)WTO简介1995年1月1日成立总部:日内瓦,现有145名成员最高权力机构:部长会议(每2年一次)现任总干事:泰国素帕猜世界上唯一处理国与国之间贸易规则的永久性国际组织WTO基本原则非歧视贸易原则、市场准入原则、公平竞争贸易原则、透明度原则、对方发展中国家优惠原则、非歧视贸易原则:最惠国待遇(MFN:Most-favored nation treatment):“一成员方对来自或运往其他国家的产品所给予的利益、待遇、特权或豁免,应当立即无条件地给予来自或运往所有其他成员方的相同产品。



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Chapter 10: The International Monetary System
The Role of the IMF The IMF was responsible for executing the main goal of the Bretton Woods agreement, avoiding a repetition of the chaos that occurred between the wars through a combination of discipline and flexibility.
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Chapter 10: The Internati dirty float occurs when the value of a currency is determined by market forces, but with central bank intervention if it depreciates too rapidly against an important reference currency • Countries that adopt a fixed exchange rate system fix their currencies against each other • Prior to the introduction of the euro, some European Union countries operated with fixed exchange rates within the context of the European Monetary System (EMS)
INTRODUCTION The international monetary system refers to the institutional arrangements that countries adopt to govern exchange rates. • When the foreign exchange market determines the relative value of a currency, a floating system exists • When the value of a currency is fixed to a reference country and then the exchange rate between that currency and other currencies is determined by the reference currency exchange rate, a pegged exchange rate system exists


Global Business Today 7e
by Charles W.L. Hill
Chapter 11
The Strategy of International Business
Question: What actions can managers take to compete more effectively in a global economy?
3 . Realize greater cost economies from experience
effects by serving an expanded global market from a
central location,
thereby reducing the costs of value
Organizational structure the formal division of the organization into subunits the location of decision- making responsibilities within that structure the establishment of integrating mechanisms to coordinate the activities of subunits including cross functional teams and or pan- regional committees
Strategy and the Firm
Question: What is strategy?
A firm’ s strategy can be defined as the actions that



16 - 15
Chapter 16: Global Human Resource Management
The advantages and disadvantages of each of the three main approaches to staffing policy are summarized in Table 16.1
16 - 7
Chapter 16: Global Human Resource Management
Firms pursue an ethnocentric staffing policy for three reasons: • the firm believes there is a lack of qualified individuals in the host country to fill senior management positions • the firm sees an ethnocentric staffing policy as the best way to maintain a unified corporate culture • the firm believes the best way to create value by transferring core competencies to a foreign operation is to transfer parent country nationals who have knowledge of that competency to the foreign operation
16 - 14
Chapter 16: Global Human Resource Management


Which organization provides a mechanism for dispute resolution and the enforcement of trade laws? a) The UN b) The IMF c) The WTO d) The World Bank
1 - 17
Chapter 1: Globalization
The Role of Technological Change The lowering of trade barriers made globalization of markets and production a theoretical possibility, technological change made it a tangible reality.
Citicorp credit cards McDonald's hamburgers
Chapter 1: Globalization
The Globalization of Production Globalization of production: the tendency among many firms to source goods and services from different locations around the globe in an attempt to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as land, labor, capital, and energy), thereby allowing them to compete more effectively against their rivals. Examples: Boeing






第二章国际商务发展趋势1. 云计算技术的发展趋势随着云计算技术的不断成熟发展,越来越多的企业开始意识到这一技术在国际商务当中的作用。


2. 移动设备成为商务工具的主流随着移动设备和智能手机的普及,移动商务对于企业的重要性越来越高。


3. 人工智能技术的发展与应用人工智能技术的不断发展,对于企业展开国际商务活动非常重要。


第三章市场营销1. 了解市场在国际商务活动中,了解市场是非常重要的。


2. 确立目标市场在确定目标市场后,企业可以利用相应的市场信息和策略来更好地开展商务活动,并且能够更精确地预测市场发展趋势和该市场未来的需求。

3. 维护客户关系在国际商务活动开展的过程中,企业需要维护良好的客户关系,经营好客户关系,所开展的业务将会更加稳定。


第四章管理1. 供应链管理供应链管理是国际商务活动中的重要环节之一,通过对供应链的管理,可以更好地降低成本和提高效率,同时缩短输送时间。

2. 消费者行为的研究消费者行为的研究对于企业的营销战略是至关重要的。


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The Strategy of International Business
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Global Business Today, 5e
© 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
11 - 4
Chapter 11: The Strategy of International Business
Value Creation • The more value customers place on the firm’s products, the higher the price the firm can charge for those products • The value created by a firm is measured by the difference between V (the price that the firm can charge for that product given competitive pressures) and C (the costs of producing that product)
Chapter 11: The Strategy of International Business
INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we focus on the firm itself and, in particular, on the actions managers can take to compete more effectively as an international business.



Chapter 1Globalization全球化This chapter sets the scene for the rest of the book. It shows how the world economy is becoming more global and reviews the main drivers of globalization, arguing that they seem to be thrusting nation-states toward a more tightly integrated global economy. We looked at how the nature of international business is changing in response to the changing global economy; we discussed some concerns raised by rapid globalization; and we reviewed implications of rapid globalization for individual managers. The chapter made the following points:这一章预示着其余的书。



这一章提出以下几点:1. Over the past two decades, we have witnessed the globalization of markets and production.在过去的二十年里,我们目睹了市场的全球化和生产。



• Under the WTO, a mechanism now exists for dispute resolution and the enforcement of trade laws, and there is a push to cut tariffs on industrial goods, services, and agricultural products • Removal of barriers to trade has contributed to increased international trade (the export of goods or services to consumers in another country), world output, and foreign direct investment (the investing of resources and business activities outside a firm’s home country)
INTRODUCTION Globalization: the trend towards a more integrated global economic system.
Chapter 1: Globalization
Effects of globalization can be seen everywhere:
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Chapter 1: Globalization
Declining Trade and Investment Barriers • After WWII, the industrialized countries of the West began the process of removing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital between nations



1 什么是全球化?several facets, including the globalization of markets and the globalization of production.市场全球化是指历史上很清晰,分散的各国市场与巨大的全球化市场融合的过程。


4Globalization, Jobs, and IncomesGlobalization, Labor Policies, and the EnvironmentGlobalization and National SovereigntyGlobalization and the World’s Poor跨国公司指跨国公司就是指具有全球性经营动机和一体化的经营战略,在多个国家拥有从事生产经营活动的分支机构,并将它们置于统一的全球性经营计划之下的大型企业。


collectivism as opposed to individualism. The second is the degree to which they are democratic or totalitarian.民主指一种政治体制,政府是由人民直接或者通过选出的代表来决定的。

8 集权主义是指一种政权形式,由一个人或者一个政党对人民各个方面实施控制,且禁止其他对立党的存在。

集体主义refers to a political system that stresses the primacy of collective goals over individualgoals.个人主义refers to a philosophy that an individual should have freedom in his or her economic andpolitical pursuits.代议民主制在代议民主制社会中,公民定期选出个人来代表他们,这些人再选出代表,形成代表全体选民意志的政府。



16 - 7
Chapter 16: Global Human Resource Management
Firms pursue an ethnocentric staffing policy for three reasons: • the firm believes there is a lack of qualified individuals in the host country to fill senior management positions • the firm sees an ethnocentric staffing policy as the best way to maintain a unified corporate culture • the firm believes the best way to create value by transferring core competencies to a foreign operation is to transfer parent country nationals who have knowledge of that competency to the foreign operation
16 - 12
Chapter 16: Global Human Resource Management
The Geocentric Approach • A geocentric staffing policy is one in which the best people are sought for key jobs throughout the organization, regardless of nationality • This approach is consistent with building a strong unifying culture and informal management network • It makes sense for firms pursuing either a global or transnational strategy • Immigration policies of national governments may limit the ability of a firm to pursue this policy



学习目标 开篇案例 1.1什么是全球化 1.2全球机构的出现 1.3全球化的推动力 1.4全球经济中不断变化的统计数据 1.5全球化的争议 1.6全球市场中的管理 本章小结
第2章政治、经 济、法律体制 的国别差异
第3章经济发展 的国别差异
第5章伦理、企 业社会责任及 可持续发展
学习目标 开篇案例 17.1国际人力资源管理的战略作用 17.2人员配备政策 17.3培训与人才发展 17.4绩效评估 17.5薪酬 17.6国际劳工关系 本章小结
学习目标 开篇案例 2.1政治体制 2.2经济体制 2.3法律体制 本章小结 思考与讨论题 章末案例
学习目标 开篇案例 3.1经济发展的差异 3.2政治经济与经济进步 3.3转型中的国家 3.4经济转型的性质 3.5政治经济变革的启示 本章小结 思考与讨论题
学习目标 开篇案例 4.1文化是什么 4.2社会结构 4.3宗教与伦理体系 4.4语言 4.5教育 4.6文化与商业 4.7文化的变化
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学习目标 开篇案例 15.1战略、生产以及供应链管理 15.2在哪里生产 15.3自制或外购决策 15.4全球供应链职能 15.5全球供应链管理 本章小结 思考与讨论题
学习目标 开篇案例 16.1市场和品牌的全球化 16.2市场细分 16.3产品属性 16.4分销策略 16.5沟通策略 16.6定价策略 16.7配置营销组合
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1 - 11
Globalization: the trend towards a more integrated global economic system.
Chapter 1: Globalization
WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Globalization refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. • The Globalization of Markets
• The Changing World Order
• The Global Economy of the 21st Century
Chapter 1: Globalization
THE GLOBALIZATION DEBATE Is the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy a good thing?
Chapter 1: Globalization
• The Changing World Output and World Trade Picture • The Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture • The Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise
Chapter 1: Globalization
• Antiglobalization Protests • Globalization, Jobs, and Incomes • Globalization, Labor Policies, and the Environment
• Globalization and National Sovereignty
• The Globalization of Production
Chapter 1: Globalization
THE EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS Global institutions: • help manage, regulate, and police the global market place
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Global Business Today, 5e
© 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1: Globalization
• promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system
Chapter 1: Globalization
DRIVERS OF GLOBALIZATION Two macro factors underlie the trend toward greater globalization: • Declining Trade and Investment Barriers
• The Role of Technological Change
Chapter 1: Globalization
• The U.S. dominated the world economy and the world trade picture • U.S. multinationals dominated the international business scene • About half the world – the centrally planned economies of the communist world – was off limits to Western international business
• Globalization and the World’s Poor
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Chapter 1: Globalization
MANAGING IN THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE Managing an international business (any firm that engages in international trade or investment) is different from managing a domestic business because: • Countries differ • Managers face a greater and more complex range of problems • International companies must work within the limits imposed by governmental intervention and the global trading system • International transactions require converting funds and being susceptible to exchange rate changes