Question: What do firms that want to export need to do? Firms wishing to export must identify export opportunities avoid a host of unanticipated problems associated with doing business in a foreign market become familiar with the mechanics of export and import financing learn where to get financing and export credit insurance learn how to deal with foreign exchange risk
Export Strategy
Exporters should also recognize the time and managerial commitment involved in building export sales devote attention to building strong and enduring relationships with local distributors and customers hire local personnel to help the firm establish itself in a foreign market keep the option of local production
The Promise and Pitfalls of Exporting
Culture, Society, and the Nation-State
A society can be defined as a group of people that share a common set of values and norms There is not a strict one-to-one correspondence between a society and a nation-state Nation- states are political creations that can contain a single culture or several cultures Some cultures embrace several nations
Social Stratification
All societies are stratified on a hierarchical basis into social categories, or social strata (usually defined by characteristics such as family background, occupation, and income) Societies differ in terms of the degree of mobility between social strata the significance attached to social strata in a business context
The Determinants of Culture
The values and norms of a culture are the evolutionary product of a number of factors at work in a society including prevailing political and economic philosophies a society’s social structure the dominant religion, language, and education
parties reach an agreement or make a decision on the terms of the deal.
Preparing for a Negotiation
Gather inform…
research the other party, including their interests, needs, and negotiating style.
国际商务谈判英文版第六 版chap
• Introduction • The Nature and Context of International
Business Negotiation • The Process of International Business
Байду номын сангаас 03
The Process of International
Business Negotiation
The Negotiation Process
Initial con…
Negotiation Conclusion
parties exchange initial greetings and introduce themselves.
• The Skills and Competencies of the Effective Negotiator
• The Application of Negotiation Theory and Practice
Globalization: the trend towards a more integrated global economic system.
Chapter 1: Globalization
WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Globalization refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. • The Globalization of Markets
• The Changing World Order
• The Global Economy of the 21st Century
Chapter 1: Globalization
THE GLOBALIZATION DEBATE Is the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy a good thing?
Chapter 1: Globalization
• The Changing World Output and World Trade Picture • The Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture • The Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise
Chapter 1: Globalization
• Antiglobalization Protests • Globalization, Jobs, and Incomes • Globalization, Labor Policies, and the Environment
当代商业概论 Fundamentals of Business
Marketing is:
-- finding the needs of the customers and satisfying them at a profit -- how you design and define your products, distribute your products, promote your products, and maintain a relationship with your customers -- the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (Source: The American Marketing Association, Marketing News, September 15, 2004, p.17)
Task 1: Definition of a marketing mix
Decisions about marketing involves strategies for four areas of marketing activities: production, distribution, promotion, and pricing. A firm’s marketing mix blends the four strategies that fit the needs and preferences of a specific target market. Marketing success depends not on the four individual strategies, but on the unique combination.
Chapter 9: The Foreign Exchange Market
•T he foreign exchange market is a market for converting the currency of one country into that of another country • The exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is converted into another
INTRODUCTION This chapter: • explains how the foreign exchange market works • examines the forces that determine exchange rates • discusses the degree to which it is possible to predict exchange rate movements • maps the implications for international business of exchange rate movements and the foreign exchange market
Chapter 9: The Foreign Exchange Market
Forward Exchange Rates • A forward exchange occurs when two parties agree to exchange currency and execute the deal at some specific date in the future • A forward exchange rate occurs when two parties agree to exchange currency and execute the deal at some specific date in the future • Rates for currency exchange are typically quoted for 30, 90, or 180 days into the future
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The Strategy of International Business
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Global Business Today, 5e
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11 - 4
Chapter 11: The Strategy of International Business
Value Creation • The more value customers place on the firm’s products, the higher the price the firm can charge for those products • The value created by a firm is measured by the difference between V (the price that the firm can charge for that product given competitive pressures) and C (the costs of producing that product)
Chapter 11: The Strategy of International Business
INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we focus on the firm itself and, in particular, on the actions managers can take to compete more effectively as an international business.
电子商务概论 第十二章 网络交易安全管理
12.1.2 网络交易风险源分析
1. 在线交易主体的市场准入问题
在现行法律体制下,任何长期固定从事营利性事业的 主体都必须进行工商登记。在电子商务环境下,任何人不 经登记就可以借助计算机网络发出或接受网络信息,并通 过一定程序与其他人达成交易。虚拟主体的存在使电子商 务交易安全受到严重威胁。电子商务交易安全首先要解决 的问题就是确保网上交易主体的真实存在,且确定哪些主 体可以进入虚拟市场从事在线业务。这方面的工作需要依 赖工商管理部门的网上商事主体公示制度和认证中心的认 证制首度页加以解第一决节。 第二节 7第三节 第四节 第五节
首页 第一节 第二节 11第三节 来自四节 第五节电子商务基础与应用(第六版)
6.电子支付问题 在简易电子商务形式下,支付往往采用汇款或交货付款 方式,而典型的电子商务则是在网上完成支付的。网上支付 通过信用卡支付和虚拟银行的电子资金划拨来完成。而实现 这一过程涉及网络银行与网络交易客户之间的协议、网络银 行与网站之间的合作协议以及安全保障问题。因此,需要制 定相应的法律,明确电子支付的当事人(包括付款人、收款人 和银行)之间的法律关系,制定相关的电子支付制度,认可电 子签字的合法性。同时还应出台针对电子支付数据的伪造、 变造、更改、涂销等问题的处理办法。
大量的事实说明,保证电子商务的正常运作,必须高度 重视安全问题。网络交易安全涉及社会的方方面面,不是仅 仅是一堵防火墙或一个电子签名就能简单解决的问题。安全 问题是网络交易成功与否的关键所在。因为网络交易的安全 问题不仅关系到的个人的资金安全、商家的货物安全,还关 系到国家的经济安全,国家经济秩序的稳定问题。
Chapter 1Globalization全球化This chapter sets the scene for the rest of the book. It shows how the world economy is becoming more global and reviews the main drivers of globalization, arguing that they seem to be thrusting nation-states toward a more tightly integrated global economy. We looked at how the nature of international business is changing in response to the changing global economy; we discussed some concerns raised by rapid globalization; and we reviewed implications of rapid globalization for individual managers. The chapter made the following points:这一章预示着其余的书。
这一章提出以下几点:1. Over the past two decades, we have witnessed the globalization of markets and production.在过去的二十年里,我们目睹了市场的全球化和生产。
Chapter 6: The Political Economy of International Trade
INTRODUCTION Free trade refers to a situation where a government does not attempt to restrict what its citizens can buy from another country or what they can sell to another country. While many nations are nominally committed to free trade, they tend to intervene in international trade to protect the interests of politically important groups.
The Political Economy of International Trade
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Global Business Today, 5e
© 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6: The Political Economy of International Trade
Subsidies A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies help domestic producers in two ways: • they help them compete against low-cost foreign imports • they help them gain export markets Consumers typically absorb the costs of subsidies.
Chapter 11.Define business and profitsBusiness—-—-—An organization that provides goods or services to earn profitsProfits: The positive difference between a business’s revenues and its expenses rewards for businesspeople who take the risks2。
Distinguish between business and not—for—profit organizations •Business consists of all profit—seeking activities and enterprises that provide goods and services necessary to an economic system。
['entəpraɪz] 事业,项目Not—for-profit organizations are business like establishments (机构;团体;企业)that have primary objectives other than returning profits to their owners。
It operates in both public service and private sector (部门,行业,领域).3。
Identify the factors of production。
Labor, capital,entrepreneurs ([ˌɒntrəprə'nɜ:(r)]企业家),physical resources,information resources。
4. Global economic systemsPlanned economy,market economy and mixed economies•Planned Economy:➢An economic system in which the government owns and operates all sources of production•Market Economy:➢An economic system in which buyers and sellers interact ([ˌɪntər'ækt]相互作用;互相影响)based on freedom of choiceMixed Economies:Planned and Market•The economies of most countries include both planned and marketelements。
.stcudorp lles dna ereht tuo og nac I taht sevorp tsuj sihT .2
。"rof llew em deraperp evah"与"rof detius y ltcefrep leef"、"edam roliat"�是词键关眩人佳最是 己自示表�取争力努、调强要就作工的做欢喜且并�合适己自于对�虚谦分过该应不时绍介我自 .noitisop siht rof detius y ltcefrep leef I ,ecneirepxe krow dna dnuorgkcab ym htiW .2 .noitisop siht rof llew em deraperp evah ecneirepxe krow dna noitacude yM .3
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------课二第�程教合综语英务商际国 我为因也时同 。法看的划计来未和前目于对位各听听能望希我 �步起刚才面方场市外海在 noitcA noitcA 责负将我 �的然自很 �以所 �的悉熟蛮还形情的带一那国美对 �位学士硕管企到拿国美在我 。厅餐的国美到具餐口出是的责负儿那在我。生陌不也司公个那对概大 位诸想我�作工司公品用具厨奇神在来原。表代务业外海的任新是我�吧己自说说的单简就想我 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.ereh dnuora sepor eht gninrael m'I sa ,ecivda ruoy deen osla yam I .stcejorp erutuf dna tneserp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------译翻文中 。了许赞的您负辜要怕恐我�绍介的意好生先 nosbiG 谢谢 常市新的区会都大要主发开算打�军进部西中及部西向力主中集将们我。门部务业加美的 。教指多多位各要需还�段阶索摸于处正
当代商务英语听说教程学生用书1 Book 1 U6
C. Language check
Task Three: Talking about departments F: What _d_o_e_s the Technical Services Department
do? M: They deal with customer problems. F: What does the E-Business D__e_p_a_rt_m_e_n_t do? M: They are in charge of the sales on the Internet. F: What are the r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_i_lit_ie_s_ of the Purchasing
A. Word study
routine collect get in touch with arranging accommodation on sick leave
call on punctuation sales literature
technical services spare parts raw materials IT Department
Department? M: They are responsible for buying everything the
company needs.
D. Controlled practice
Ask for some routine favors and special favors from your partner. Work together to make a dialogue based on the following flow chart. Listen to the recording of a model answer, and then follow it.
当代商务英语综合教程2 Unit 12 MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden
offer a mix of faculty lectures, corporate visits, speakers and cultural
visits — something that sounds somewhat similar to what Prof Mintzberg
was describing.
Text A MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden Their Horizons
But Prof Pugel insists the DBI experiences are worth it. “A week or
two in the country is noticeably better than trying to study it from afar.”
it is now at Harvard, or provided as an add-on that must be paid for, schools
are reporting strong interest from students.
Text A MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden Their Horizons
11 “There was a view put forward some years ago that you needed six
months in a culture before you could understand much of anything.
12 “Anything less than six months was not an experience that would
当代商务英语综合教程1 Unit 12 Ask Ask Ask
knew she needed a plan.
Text A Ask Ask Ask
“Always wear your right outfit, your professional garb,” her aunt
advised. “When you are doing business, dress like you are doing business.
“Girl Scout cookies? I don't buy any Girl Scout cookies!” he replied.
“I'm a federal penitentiary warden. I put 2,000 rapists, robbers,
criminals, muggers and child abusers to bed every night.”
Mister, I think it would be a good idea for you to take some of these
cookies back for every one of your 2,000 prisoners, too.”
Markita asked.
The warden wrote a check.
world for me and my mom by merchandising Girl Scout cookies,” she'd
say at the door. “Would you like to invest in one dozen or two dozen
boxes of cookies?”
Chapter 5: International Trade Theory
Assume that two countries, Ghana and South Korea, both have 200 units of resources that could either be used to produce rice or cocoa. • In Ghana, it takes 10 units of resources to produce one ton of cocoa and 20 units of resources to produce one ton of rice • So, Ghana could produce 20 tons of cocoa and no rice, 10 tons of rice and no cocoa, or some combination of rice and cocoa between the two extremes
5 - 10
Chapter 5: International Trade Theory
• In South Korea it takes 40 units of resources to produce one ton of cocoa and 10 resources to produce one ton of rice • So, South Korea could produce 5 tons of cocoa and no rice, 20 tons of rice and no cocoa, or some combination in between • Ghana has an absolute advantage in the production of cocoa • South Korea has an absolute advantage in the production of rice
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Turnkey Projects
Turnkey projects are attractive because They allow firms to earn great economic returns from the know-how required to assemble and run a technologically complex process They are less risky in countries where the political and economic environment is such that a longer-term investment might expose the firm to unacceptable political and/or economic risk Turnkey projects are not attractive when The firm's process technology is a source of competitive advantage
Basic Entry Decisions
Question: What are the basic entry decisions for firms expanding internationally?
A firm expanding internationally must decide which markets to enter when to enter them and on what scale how to enter them (the choice of entry mode)
There are no “right” decisions with foreign market entry, just decisions that are associated with different levels of risk and reward Firms in developing countries can learn from the experiences of firms in developed countries
Turnkey Projects
2. Turnkey projects involve a contractor that agrees to handle every detail of the project for a foreign client, including the training of operating personnel At completion of the contract, the foreign client is handed the "key" to a plant that is ready for full operation
Classroom Performance System
The time and effort in learning the rules of a new market, failure due to ignorance, and the liability of being a foreigner are all examples of a) First mover advantages b) Strategic commitments c) Pioneering costs d) Market entry costs
Entry Modes
Question: What is the best way to enter a foreign market? Firms can enter foreign market through 1. Exporting 2. Turnkey projects 3. Licensing 4. Franchising 5. Joint ventures 6. Wholly owned subsidiaries Each mode has advantages and disadvantages
1. Exporting is often the first method firms use to enter foreign market Exporting is attractive because it is relatively low cost firms may achieve experience curve economies Exporting is not attractive when lower-cost manufacturing locations exist transport costs are high tariff barriers are high foreign agents fail to in the exporter’s best interest
Timing of Entry
First mover disadvantages are the disadvantages associated with entering a foreign market before other international businesses These may result in pioneering costs (costs that an early entrant has to bear that a later entrant can avoid) such as the costs of business failure if the firm, due to its ignorance of the foreign environment, makes some major mistakes the costs of promoting and establishing a product offering, including the cost of educating the customers
Which Foreign Markets?
Firms need to assess the long run profit potential of each market The most favorable markets are politically stable developed and developing nations with free market systems, low inflation, and low private sector debt The less desirable markets are politically unstable developing nations with mixed or command economies, or developing nations where speculative financial bubbles have led to excess borrowing Success firms usually offer products that have not been widely available in the market and that satisfy an unmet need
Global Business Today 6e
by Charles W.L. Hill
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12
Entering Foreign Markets
Timing of Entry
Firms entering a market early can gain first mover advantages including the ability to pre-empt rivals and capture demand by establishing a strong brand name the ability to build up sales volume in that country and ride down the experience curve ahead of rivals and gain a cost advantage over later entrants the ability to create switching costs that tie customers into their products or services making it difficult for later entrants to win business
Timing of Entry
After a firm identifies which market to enter, it must determine the timing of entry Entry is early when an international business enters a foreign market before other foreign firms Entry is late when a firm enters after other international businesses have already established themselves in the market