
比方:粤方言中读"人〞,读作[zen],新会话读作[ngæ n],开平话有的读作[ngæn] 、[ngin],台山话读作[ngin],闽南话读作[n^ng],但是表达的意义是一样的。







格,时,体,态,人称等。 25.词的概念意义:也叫理性意义,词汇意义的主体部分,是指说一种语言的人在对现实世 界的认知中形成的共同的主观映像,是认知的成果。 26.词的色彩意义:指词汇主体意义之外,还包涵感情色彩,语体色彩,象征功能等其他与 概念义相关的意义。 27.隐喻:引申的两种形式之一,建立在两个意义所反映的现实现象的某种相似的基础上。 其相似可以是外形的相似,某种性质的相似等等,认知语言学的莱可夫和约翰逊把隐喻分为 实体,结构和空间三种。 28.派生意义:词义中由本义衍生出来的意义。 29.词的中心意义:多义词在语言的发展过程中,某一个意义可能会占据中心地位,语言学 中把这种意义叫做中心意义,是就多义词在某个时代的各个意义的关系说的。 30.转喻:引申的两种形式之一,其基础不是现实现象的相似,而是两类现实现象之间存在 着某种联系,这种联系在人们的心目中经常出现而固定化,因而可以用指称甲类现象的词来 指称乙类现象。 31.词的语义特征:某一小类词中所特有的能对其所在格式起制约作用的并足以区别于其他 小类词的语义要素。 32.语义场:具有相同的语义特征的词义所构成的集合叫做语义场,同一义场内的词义相互 有一定的制约关系,体现了词义的结构系统性。 33.构词法:同一个词在造句时因其句法位置的差异而发生的不同变化,语言学家把专门研 究词形变化现象和规则的学问称为词形学通常简称为构词法。 34.语义角色:句中名词和动词有不同的语义关系,语义学中称之为“语义角色”,是可以涵 盖许多句子动-名关系的抽象角色,如施事,受事,工具等。 35.蕴涵:通俗地说,句子真值的蕴涵关系就是,从一个句子的句义一定可以推导出另一个 句子的句义,反向推导却不成立。 36.预设:通俗地说,如果一个句子的肯定和否定两种形式都以另一句子的肯定式为前提, 则另一句子是该句的预设。 37.语境:语言出现的环境,包括三个方面:话语的物理语境,又叫做“言谈现场”;话语语 境;说话人和受话者的背景知识。 38.话题:一个句子中句义信息所关涉的那个实体是句子的“话题”。 39.说明:针对话题展开的句子其它部分是“说明”。 40.焦点:从信息的角度看,句子中的新信息是说话者所传递信息的重点所在,是说话者认 为受话者不知道因此希望受话者特别关注的部分。 41.会话合作原则:它是指交际双方为使会话合作顺利进行,以达到共同的沟通目的而必须 相互配合,共同遵循的某些准则。它具体包括:量的准则(指所提供的信息的量),质的准 则(所说的话力求真实),关系准则(所说的话是相关的),方式准则(清楚明白说出要说的 话)。 42.言语行为:人们说出的话是一种社会行为,本身也构成新的人类经验,与现实世界中的 其他人,物,现象,事件有着“行为-效力”的关联。这些是语言在另一层次上的意义。语 言行为可以分为三个环节,分别是言内行为,言外行为和言后行为。言语行为可以分为不同 的类型,如阐释,命令,请求,询问等等。 43.社会方言:根据社会因素而区分的社团与语言特点相关,因此这些社会社团又被称为不 同的“言语社团”。各个言语社团的语言是在全民语言基础上产生的各有自己特点的语言分 支或语言变体,这就是所谓社会方言。 44.地域方言:从同一语言分化出来的地域分支,如果处于不完全分化的社会条件和同一语

语言学纲要 期末复习资料(题库)

二、选择题10%1 、中国的传统语文学研究的薄弱环节是(D )A、文字学B、语音学C、词汇学D、语法学2、汉语属于(B )A、屈折语B、词根语C、多式综合语D、粘着语3、一种语言中数量最少的是(B )A、音素B、音位C、语素D、音节4、文字的前身是(C )A、结绳记事B、手势C、图画记事D、实物记事5、派生词中包含(B )A、词尾B、词根C、虚词D、根词6、语音和语义结合的最小的语言单位是(C )A、音素B、义素C、语素D、音位7、汉语单词“忽然”出现的位置是(C )A、主语位置B、谓语位置C、状语位置D、定语位置8、以下各种语言变体中,属于社会方言的是(D )A、土话B、客家话C、客套话D、黑话9、下列语素中属于自由语素的是(C )A、初B、视C、人D、民10、在语言结构的某一环节上能够互相替换,具有某种相同作用的各个单位之间所形成的关系叫(D )A、转换关系B、组合关系C、层级关系D、聚合关系三、名词解释20%1、专语语言学: 以具体语言作为研究对象的语言学。
2、组合关系: 指两个以上相连续的语言符号组合而成的线性关系。

不同语言背景的人进行思维时常常呈现出不同的特点:A 不同民族的不同语言对事物的分类可能不同。
B 相同语素构成的词,可能表示不同的概念。

语言学概论(八)期末考试复习题及参考答案一、单选题1.(2分)语言符号的任意性是指A.语言符号可以任意使用和创造B.绝大多数语言符号的能指和所指之间没有必然的理据关系C,可以任意使用语言符号绐事物命名D∙语言符号的能指和所指可以任意改变参考答案:B2.(2分)下列各组辅音中,发音部位相同的•组是A.image1..pngB.image2.pngC.image3.pngD.Image4.png参考答案:B3.(2分)“汽车”和“轿车”是A.上下位词B.同义词C.等义词D.近义词参考答案,A4.(2分)下列几种社会方言中,具有排他性的一项是A.阶级习惯语B.行话C隐语D.学生腔参考答案:C5.(2分)下列关于亲属语言的表述中,不正确的项是A亲属语言是社会完全分化的产物B∙亲属语言之间具有历史同源关系C.语言亲属关系有亲疏远近的分别D.亲属语言间不存在语音对应关系参考答案:D6..(2分)“老郎鼓励我考大学”是A.生谓诃组B.兼语词组C.连动词组D.复句词组参考答案,B7.12分)目前己知的最古老的拼音文字是一A.古埃及文字8.占希腊文字C腓尼基文字D∙中国的甲骨文参考答案:C9.(2分)划分词类的最本质的标准是A.分布标准8.意义标准C.形态标准D逻辑标准参考答案,A9.(2分)外语学习中的后期阶段被称为A.中介语阶段B.目标语阶段C低平期D高原期参考答案I D10.(2分)英语“students"中的"∙s"是.A.虚词语素B∙词根语素C.构形语素D.构词语素参考答案:C11.(2分)认为“思维和语言各自发展,二者没仃关系”的学者不包括A.古希腊哲学家柏拉图B.法国哲学家迪卡尔C.英国哲学家座布斯D.苏联语言学家马尔参考答案:D12.(2分)以卜.不属于语言学的三大发源地的是A.中国B.埃及C.印度D希腊•罗马参考答案,B13.(2分)下列语言学流派中桀中研究语言本体的流派是A.功能语言学B∙社会语言学C认知语言学D.结构语言学春考答案:D14.(2分)下面词组中,结构类型与其他各组不同的•组是A.年轻漂亮/朴素大方B.我们大家/首都北京C.民航大厦/工人农民D.贯彻执行/讨论研究辨考答案:C15.(2分)关于语言获得的原因,卜列学说中偏重于内部条件解择的一项是A.天赋说B.摹仿说C强化说D剌激反应说参考答案;A16.(2分)传统上把汉字的单纯字符称为A偏旁B笔画C记号D.独体字参考答案,D17.(2分)北京话“面”单念时读作但“面包”却读作[mi?mpau),这种语流音变现象是A溺化B.增音C同化D.异化春考答案:C18.(2分)汉语中的词类(词的语法分类)可以首先分出的两个大类是一A.基本词和非基本词B.实诃和虚词C.典型词和兼类词D.体词和谓词参考答案:B19.(2分)目前对于语言和思维的关系,比较一致的观点是A.有什么样的思维,就有什么样的语言B∙有什么样的语言,就有什么样的思维C思维对语言有•定影响,但更重要的是语言决定思维D.语言对思维有一定影响,但更重要的是思维决定语言参考答案,D20.(2分)听觉上最自然、最容易分辨的最小语音单位是A.音素B.国i音C音位D.音节参考答案:D21.(2分)首先提出“能指”和“所指”这对概念的语言学家是A洪堡特B.索绪尔D.萨丕尔分考答案:B22.(2分)判断两种话是不同语言还是同一种语言的不同方言应该主要参考A.相互理解程度B.语言结构的差异程度C.共同的历史文化传统和民族认同感D∙地域临近程度参考答案,C23.(2分)语言符号具有可变性的根本原因在丁语言符号的A.任意性B.强制性C离散性D.系统性参考答案:A24.(2分)下列各项中,谓词和变元之间属于动作与结果关系的是A.写黑板B.打篮球C.织毛衣D.寄包裹参考答案,C25.(2分)从词的构造类型上看,汉语“动人”一词属于A.单纯词B.复合词D.简缩词参考答案:B26.(2分)语法的演变之所以比语汇缓慢,是因为A语法规则比较简单B.语法规则数量较少C.语法规则具有强制性D∙语法规则具有抽象性参考答案IC27.(2分)构形语素属于A.虚词语素B.词根语素C.自由语素D.黏若语素参考答案:D28.(2分)下列各组中,三个复合词构词类型不一致的一组是A.席卷耳鸣地震B.打倒切断推翻C发光散热出气D.天地欢乐爱好弁考答案:A29.(2分)在语言谱系分类的层级体系中,域大的类别是一A.语族B.语支C.语系D∙语群参考答案,C30.(2分)从语音的社公功能角度划分出来的最小语音单位是A.音位B.音素C.音节D.各渡参考答案:B31.(2分)人类语言和动物的交际方式A.完全一致B.有根本区别C有•定的差别D∙基本一样参考答案:B32.(2分)“我知道你很聪明。


语言学-期末考试-复习材料一、选择(20个)二、判断(10~20个)三、填空(5分)四、词语解释(3个,各5分)五、简答(2个,各10分;其中一个是语用学)六、句子分析(4个)IC analysis 是倒着的树形图Chomsky 是有S, NP,VP…与其中的树形图。
1. Phonetics & Language Introduction:1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is __B____one of the design features of language.A. dualityB. arbitrarinessC. productivityD. displacement2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is __B__ . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge.A. dualityB. arbitrarinessC. productivityD. displacement3. __C___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one?s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation.A. dualityB. arbitrarinessC. productivityD. displacement4. ___D__ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn?t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost.A. dualityB. arbitrarinessC. productivityD. displacement5. ___D___ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker.A. dualityB. ArbitrarinessC. interchangeabilityD. cultural transmission6. ___C___ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.A. dualityB. ArbitrarinessC. interchangeabilityD. cultural transmission7. To say “How are you. ”“Hi”to your friends is the ___C____of language.A. directive functionB. informative functionC. phatic function (adj. 交流感情/交际应酬的)D. interrogative function8. “Tell me the result when you finish.”If you want to get your hearer to do something, you should use the ___B__ function of language.A. directive functionB. informative functionC. phatic functionD. interrogative function9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as _____.A. unnaturalB. something to be fearedC. natural C. abnormal10. A linguist is interested in _______.A. speech sounds onlyB. all soundsC. vowels only C. consonants only11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. [t]B. [m]C. [b]D. [p]12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate?A. [y]B. [t∫]C. [z]D. [dЗ]13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel?A. [ ? ]B. [ i ]D. [a: ]14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ?A. [ s ]B. [∫]C. [ l ]D. [θ]15. In the following sounds , ______ is a voiceless affricative ?A. [dЗ]B. [ v ]C. [t∫]D. [θ]16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a ____.A. fricativeB. nasal soundC. semi-vowelD. vowel17. Of the “words”listed below, _____ is not an English word ?A. [r∧b ]B. [ l? b ]C. [m?sta:∫]D. [lm?p]18. _____ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released.A. Back vowelsB. StopsC. Fricatives C. Glides19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in ______.B. 1957C. 1888D. 178820. ____ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value.A. PhoneB. PhonemeC. AllophoneD. SoundII. Tell which statements are true or false.1. [ f ] is a dental consonant.2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methodsfor their description, classification and transcription.3. Phoneme is a phonological unit.4. Phone is a phonetic unit.5. When we study the different [ p ]’s in “[ pit ], [tip ], [spit ]”, they are similarphones which belong to phonetics.6. But the three [ p ] belong to the different phoneme / p /.7. The three / p / are allophones.8. ‘peak’is aspirated , phonetically transcribed as [ph]; ‘speak’isunaspirated (不送气的)phonetically[ p=].9. [ph ], [p=] do not belong to the same phoneme / p /.10. [p h] and [ p=] are two different phones, and are variants of the phoneme / p /,which is called ALLOPHONES of the same phoneme.key: BACDD CCACA DDABC DDBCB FFTTT FTTFTI. Choose the best choice(语音)1. Which is a voiced bilabial stop?A. [m]B. [v]C. [p]D. [b]2. Which is a voiceless affricate?A. [w]B. [f]C. [t∫]D. [n]3. Which is monophothong?A. [i]B. [au]C. [ai]D. [ei]4. Which is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. [p]B. [m]C. [b]D. [t]5. Which is a voiced affricate?A. [j]B. [z]C. [t∫]D. [dЗ]6. Which is a central vowel ?A. [i]B. [?:]C. [ou]D. [a:]7. In English if a word begins with [l] or [r] , then the next sound must be a ____.A. fricativeB. nasal soundC. semi-vowelD. vowel8. Which is a palatal fricative?A. [s]B. [k]C. [∫]D. [l]9. Which is not a English word?A. [r ?b]B. [l?b]C. [sta:∫]D. [ lm?p]10. Which is a unaspirate?A. skyB. killC. likeD. kite2. Semantics 练习1._______ is not included in Leech?s associative meaning.A. Connotative meaningB. Social meaningC. Collocative meaningD. Thematic meaning2. Among Leech?s seven types of meaning is concerned with the relationship betweena word and the thing it refers to _______.A. conceptualB. affectiveC. reflectedD. thematic3. According to the referential theory, a word is not directly related to the thing it refers to. They are connected by ______.A. meaningB. referenceC. conceptD. sense4.”Big” and “Small” are a pair of ______ opposites.A. complementaryB. gradableC. completeD. Converse5. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are ______.A. gradable opposites B, converse opposites C. co-hyponymsD. synonyms6. A word with several meaning is called ______ word.A. a polysemousB. a synonymousC. an abnormalD. a multiple7. The semantic compone nts of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as ___.A. +animate, +male, +human, -adultB. +animate, +male, +human, +adultA. +animate, -male, +human, -adult D. + animate, -male, +human, +adult8. _____ is a phrase which can only be understood as a unit, not as a summation of themeaning of each constituent word.A. CollocationB. IdiomC. Semantic componentD. Synonym9. In the triangle advanced by Ogden and Richards, “thought or reference” is____A. word, sentenceB. the objectC. conceptD. symbol10. A linguistic is interested in _____.A. What is said.B. What is right both in syntax and in semantics.C. What is grammaticalD. What ought to be said.11. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are _____.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. synonymsD. co-hyponyms12. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives can be classified as _____.A. Lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. function wordsD. form words13. What is t he meaning relationship between the two words “flower/tulip” ?A. PolysemyB. HomonymyC. HyponymyD. Antonymy14. The words “railway” and “railroad” are _____.A. synonyms differing in emotive meaningB. dialectal synonymsC. collocationally-restricted synonymsD. synomyms differing in styles15. The pair of words “wide/narrow” are called____.A. gradable oppositesB. complementary antonymsC. co-hyponymsD. relational opposites16. Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementaries?A. single/marriesB. lend/borrowC. hot/coldD. old/youngDACBB _BBBB BACBA AII. Answer the questions with “Yes”or “No” .1.Is reference tied to a particular time and place? Y2.Every word in a language can find at least one referent in the objective world. ?N3.Can different expressions have the same referent? Y4.Can reference be applied to words such as “and” ,”very” in English? NIII.State the following sentences “True” or “False”.1. Sense is regarded as a kind of intra-linguistic relationship. T2. In most cases, “sense” and “meaning” are different terms for the same thing. T3. Every word has its own sense. F4. A word may have several different senses and several words may have the samesense. T5. Extension, like denotation, is a kind of relation between elements and theobjective world. T6. Extension can only be applied to the things at present. F7. The relation between extension and intension is the same as that betweendenotation and sense. T8. People of different cultures may choose different prototype for the same predicate,e.g. …bus?. T9. All the words in a language can be used to refer , but only some have sense. F10. Two synonymous words must be identical in sense in every dimension. F11. There are very few perfect synonyms in a language. T12. Entailment is more inclusive than paraphrase. T13. Almost every word in a dictionary is polysemic. T14. Dry and wet are a pair of gradable antonyms. T15. Innocent and guilt are a pair of relative antonyms. F Complementary16. The relationship between the Argument and Predicate is Subject to predicate.F17. The meaning of each expression can be defined in terms of its semanticcomponents so as to contrast with the meaning of all the expressions in the same language. T18. The proposition of a sentence may be more simply stated as a verb and a selection of case ---categories. T19. According to case grammar, the part of proposition in a sentence is a tensed set of relationships between a verb and a noun phrase ( or noun phrases).4. Exercises to Chapter 4 SyntaxI. General view of syntax1. Syntax: studies the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences.2. gender: as masculine, feminine, neuter, or animate, and inanimate.3. case: the syntaxtic relationship between words. Teacher?s , kiss him宾格,主格,与格,芬兰语有15种格4.Concord: agreement: a syntactic relationship agree with each other.5. Government : A word determines the form of others.支配关系6. langue and paroleLangue: abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speechcommunity. StabilityParole: actual speech7. signified (concept) and signifier (sound image)1. 所指 2 能指之间的关系是任意的8. syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationsSyntagmatic: what precedes or follows9. synchronic and diachronic linguistics10. “Rheme” “Theme”负载交际能力最小的是主位。

语言学-期末复习资料-整理版Chapter one Introduction一、定义1.语言学LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.普通语言学General LinguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics.3.语言language$Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。
4.识别特征Design FeaturesIt refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。
Arbitrariness任意性Productivity多产性¥Duality双重性Displacement移位性Cultural transmission文化传递⑴arbitrarinessThere is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophisticationand it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions⑵ProductivityAnimals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send."⑶DualityLanguage is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels.⑷DisplacementLanguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.⑸Cultural transmissionHuman capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species.5.语言能力CompetenceCompetence is the ideal u ser’s knowledge of the rules of his langu age.。

• A.席卷 耳鸣 地震 B.打倒 切断 推翻
• C.发光 散热 出气 D.天地 欢乐 爱好
• 11.下列汉语词语中的“儿”不属于词根语素(实义语素)的是( D) • A.健儿 B.女儿 C.少儿 D.花儿 • 12.语法规则的“抽象性”是指(A ) • A.对语言的结构和成分进行类的概括 • B.相同规则可在一个结构里重复使用 • C.语法规则之间可以相互推导和解释 • D.语法规则的发展变化过程十分缓慢 • 13.语法现象可以分成“核心语法现象”和“外围语法现象”,其中
• 6.听觉上最自然、最容易分辨的最小语音单位是( D )
• A.音素 B.音位 C.音渡 D.音节
• 7.下列各组辅音中,发音部位相同的一组是( B )
• A.[m,n]
D.[s, v]
• 8.北京话“慢”单念时读[man],但“慢慢儿”却有人读做 [mai mar],前一音节的语流音变现象是( B )
• A.笔画 B.字符 C.偏旁 D.部首
• 22.把句子分成“单句”和“复句”,这种分类是( D )
• A.句子的句型类 B.句子的句式类
• C.句子的功能类 D.句子的简繁类
• 23.“吓唬”和“恐吓”在非理性意义上的主要差别是 (C)
• A.语气意义不同 B.感情色彩不同
• C.语体色彩不同 D.形象色彩不同
语法范畴中的( C ) • A.时范畴 B.态范畴 C.体范畴 D.数范畴 • 4.音素i和u的不同是由( D )决定的 • A.音高 B.音重 C.音长 D.音质 • 5.在语言结构的某一环节上能够互相替换,具有某种相同
作用的各个单位之间所形成的关系叫( D ) • A.转换关系 B.组合关系 • C.层级关系 D.聚合关系

名词解释:1、历史比较语言学:是运用比较的方法来发现几种语言在历史演变中的对应规律从而确定语言的亲属关系, 构拟产生这些亲属语言的原始语言。
它为现代语言学的建立奠定了坚实的基础, 是语言学走上独立发展道路的标志。
2.“小学”: 中国传统的语文学, 围绕阐释和解读先秦典籍来展开研究, 从而诞生了分析字形的文字学、研究字音的音韵学、解释字义的训诂学, 因此又被人们称为经学的附庸。
3.语言: 是一种特殊的社会现象, 是人类作为必不可少的思维工具和最重要的交际工具来使用的一种音义结合的符号系统。
4.言语: 是对语言的运用, 它有两个意思: 一是指人的说和写的过程, 是人的一种行为, 叫言语活动, 也叫言语行为;一是指人说出来的话, 写出来的东西, 也叫言语作品。
5.符号: 一个社会全体成员共同约定用来表示某种意义的记号、标记。
它包括了形式和意义两个方面的要素, 是一定的形式和一定的内容的统一体, 二者缺一不可。
6.组合关系: 符号和符号组合起来的关系。
7、聚合关系: 在链条的某一环节上能够相互替换的符号具有某种相同的作用, 它们自然聚集成群。
8、音素: 按一定规则组合成音节的最小语音单位。
9、国际音标: 由《国际语音协会》1888年8月制订公布,被各国语言工作者采用的,不带民族特色的记录语音的语音符号。
10、音位变体: 是同一个音位的不同的变异形式, 是音位在特定语音环境中的具体体现或具体代表。
11.对立和互补: 是语言里音与音之间的两种重要关系, 是考察一个音素在具体语言中的作用的根据。
彼此对立的音素,起着区别词的语音形式的作用;彼此相似而互补的音素, 可能被语言社会当作同一个语音使用。
12.语法: 词的构成, 变化和词构成词组和句子的规则。
13.语法范畴: 语法意义的类。
14.语法手段: 根据语法形式的共同特点把它们归并为几个基本类别, 这种语法形式的类就叫做”语法手段”。
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第一章(判)Language is only a means of communication.(F)Language has a form-meaning correspondence.(F)The function of language is to exchange information.(F)English is more difficult to learn than Chinese.(F)Black English is not standard and should be reformed.(F)The following are some fundamental views about language.判)Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently and without instruction.(T)Language operates by rules.(T)All languages have three major components: a sound system语音系统, a system of lexicogrammar词汇语法 and a system of semantics语意学.(T)Everyone speaks a dialect.(T)Language slowly changes.(T)Speakers of all languages employ a range of styles and a set of jargons行话.(T) Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them.(T) Writing is derivative 来源的of speech.(T)Language is a means of verbal communication.分析)P3)it is instrumental in that communication by speaking or writing is a purposeful act. It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and socio-cultural roles.Design features of languageThe features that define our human languages can be called design features.(1)Arbitrariness任意性分析,以下三点瑞士Saussure(现代语言学之父): the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning . (定义)(1)Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme词素and its meaning, even with onomatopoeic拟声的 words:The dog barks bow wow in English but “汪汪汪” in Chinese.2)Arbitrariness at the syntactic句法的level: language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level.(判)By syntax that sentences are constructed to the grammar of arrangement3)Arbitrariness and convention. Conventionality 规约性T he link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention.Conventionality , as learners of English we are often told “this is an idiom”—meaning it is conventional to say things this way and you cannot change the expression any other way even if you think it does not look or sound logical.(2)Duality 双重性定义/单By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level(3)Creativity 创造性定义/填Language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness递归性. (4)Displacement 移位性定义Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.And one thing we can say for certain is that language evolves within specific historical, social and cultural contexts.单Functions of languageFor Jakobson, language is above all for communication.In his famous article, Linguistics and Poetics, he defined six primary factors of any speech event, namely:speaker, addressee, context, message, code元语言解码, contact.Six key elements of communication,namely:referential (to convey message and information),Poetic诗学 (to indulge in language for its own sake),emotive (to express attitudes, feelings and emotions),conative意动(to persuade and influence others through commands and requests), phatic寒暄(to establish communion with others)Metalingual funcation (to clear up intentions and meanings).Halliday proposes a theory of metafunctions of language, that is, language has ideational概念功能, interpersonal 人际功能and textual 语篇功能functions.填(1)Informative function最重要For most people the informative function is predominantly the major role of language.判The informative function is indeed a crucial function of language.(2)Interpersonal functionBy far the most important sociological use of language, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.(3)Performative function施为功能The performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing ofchildren, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies. For example, sui sui ping an(4)Emotive functionExpressive function(5)Phatic communion 寒暄功能书上的例句选择(6)Recreational function 娱乐功能the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, s uch as a baby's babbling or a chanter's chanting.(7)Metalingual function 源语言填空Our language can be used to talk about itself.What is Linguistics?The scientific study of human languageMain branches of linguistics 定义/填空/大题Phonetics 语音学Phonology 音系学Morphology 形态学Syntax 句法学Semantics 语义学Pragmatics 语用学Phonetics studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.We can approach it on various levels.At one level, speech is a matter of anatomy 解剖学and physiology生理学. We can study organs such as tongue and larynx and their functions in the production of speech.At another level, we can focus on the speech sounds produced by these organs by identifying and classifying the individual sounds. This is the domain of articulatory phonetics发音语言学.We can also investigate the properties of the sound waves —acoustic phonetics声学语言学.As speech is intended to be heard or perceived, it is therefore possible to focus on the way in which a listener analyses or processes a sound wave —auditory phonetics听觉语言学.Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables. It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure.A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning.Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning — morphemes and word-formation processes. Morphemes serve different purposes.Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct sentences. Semantics examines how meaning is encoded in a language.Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particular situations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation. Psycholinguistics 心理语言学单Psycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language and mind, for example, in processing and producing utterances and in language acquisition.❖SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述❖Synchronic vs. diachronicA synchronic description takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, the present) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind.Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history. The structure of Shakespeare English❖Langue & parole 区别Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as langue and parole.❖Competence and performanceThis fundamental distinction is discussed by Chomsky in his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965).A language user's underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence.Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations第二章Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.定义Three main areas:Articulatory phonetics: studies the production of speech sounds;Acoustic phonetics: studies the physical properties of speech sounds;Auditory phonetics: studies the perception of speech sounds.Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language.单Speech Organs 发音器官定义/填空=Vocal organs: parts of human body involved in the production of speechVocal tract, oral cavity口腔, nasal cavity鼻腔Vocal folds 声带apart: voiceless sounds [p, s, t]Close together: voiced sounds [b, z, d]Totally closed:glottal stop 声门塞音The IPAInternational Phonetic Alphabet国际音标表格The idea was first proposed by the Danish grammarian Jespersen in 1886.The first version of IPA was published in August 1888.The latest version was revised in 2005.Consonants and VowelsConsonants: produced by a closure接近 in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction.Vowels: produced without such stricture so that air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through mouth or nose.Distinction between C and V: Obstruction of airstream气流是否受阻单/填空The Sounds of EnglishRP vs GATeaching of English as a foreign language, it is referred to as received pronunciation(RP)In the USA, the widely accepted accent used by most educated speakers is often referred to as general American(GA)Consonants:[p] voiceless bilabial stop[b] voiced bilabial stop[s] voiceless alveolar fricative[z] voiced alveolar fricativeP36 The description of vowels:The height of tongue raising (high, mid, low)The position of the highest part of tongue (front, central, back)The length or tenseness of the vowel(tense, lax)Lip-rounding (rounded & unrounded)Vowels[iː] high front tense unrounded vowel[ʊ] high back lax rounded vowel[ə] mid central lax unrounded vowel[ɒ] low back lax rounded vowel[e] mid front lax unrounded vowelCoarticulation 协同发音定义P37When such simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved, we call the process CoarticulationBroad transcriptionNarrow transcriptionAllophones 音位变体P40Peak /speakA process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.P45Elsewhere condition 剩余条件规则定义The more specific rule applies first. 较为特殊的规则应用在先Distinctive featuresThe idea of Distinctive features was first developed by Roman Jacobson Suprasegmentals 超音段Suprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principal suprasegmentals are stress, tone and intonation.The syllable structure 音节理解P47A syllable must have a nucleus核心节 or peak节峰, which is often the task of a vowel第三章Morpheme and morphology定义Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in regard to the relationship between sounding and meaning, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning.The systematic study of morpheme is a breach of linguistics called morphology, which investigates the internal structures and rules of morphemes by which words are formed.Types of morphemesRoot affix stem(P53)Inflectional affix and derivational affix简答P54le ss productive grammatical function e.g. toys, walks, John’smore productive form new wordse.g. receive, reception, receptionistdo not change the word class of the wordmight change the word classdepend on other factors within a phrase or a sentencedepend on the meaning we want to expressin most cases suffixesprefixes/suffixesWord1)Stability2)Relative uninterruptibility相对联系3)A minimun free formClassification of words1)variable and invariable words可变化和非变化词2)Grammatical words and lexical words语法词和词汇词Grammatical/Function words:功能词conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns.Lexical/Content words:实义词nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.3) Closed-class words and open-class words封闭类词和开放类词Closed-class words: New members cannot normally be addede.g. pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, auxiliaries.Open-class words: New members can be added; membership is infinite or unlimitede.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.4)Word classWord formation(1) 看PPTWord formation(2): lexical changeInvention 发明法Blending 混成法举例/定义Blending is a process in which two words are blended by joining together the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by only joining the initial parts of the two words.smog烟雾(smoke+fog); boatel水上旅馆(boat+hotel); brunch早午餐(breakfast+lunch); telecastAbbreviation 缩写词(clipping 截断法)A new word is created by the following methodsCutting the final part: fanatic(fan), advertisement(ad)Cutting the initial part: aeroplane(plane), omnibus(bus)Cutting both the initial part and final parts accordingly: influenza(flu), refrigerator(fridge)Acronym 首字母缩略词Acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword.Eg: CIA, EEC, WTO, UNESCOThis process is also widely used in shortening extremely long words of word groups in science, technology, and other special fields.Eg: AIDS, SARS, Radar, VATBackformation 逆构词法定义An abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. Analogical creation 类推构词Class shift 词类转换Borrowing 借词PPTGreek: electricity, atomFrench: entail, mortgageSpanish: macho, grandeeLatin: adjacent, inferiorGerman: quartz, plunder第四章Syntax 句法学 P17Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences.或者Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.Syntactic relations 句法关系单P73单Syntactic relations can be analysed into three kinds: positional relations 位置关系 relations of substitutability 替代关系 relations of co-occurrence 同现关系Positional relation 位置关系Positional relation, or WORD ORDER, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.Relation of substitutability可替换性关系Grammatical construction语法结构P75Immediate constituents直接成分Constituent is a part of a larger linguistic unit.IC analysis 直接成分分析法Tree diagram要求会画树形图P77Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions向心结构和离心结构单Usually noun phrases, verb phrases and adjective phrases belong to endocentric typesExocentric :the basic sentence, the prepositional phrase, the predicate (verb + object) construction, the connective (be + complement) construction.Predicate 谓语除主语之外的其他所有成分,谓语通常表达主语的动作,过程和状态Predicate refers to a major constituent of sentence structure in a binary analysis in which all obligatory constituents other than the subject were considered together.Category 范畴单Number 数Gender 性Case 格Agreement 一致关系单This syntactic relationship may be anaphoric, as when a pronoun agrees with its antecedent,Recursiveness 递归性Recursiveness mainly means that a phrasal constituent can be embedded within another constituent having the same category.Recursiveness also includes several phenomena such as coordination and subordination, conjoining 连接and embedding嵌入, hypotactic and paratactic.判第五章Semantics 语义学The subject concerning the study of meaning 研究意义的学科Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.Meanings of “meaning”Geoffrey Leech (1974, 1981). Semantics: The Study of MeaningSeven types of meaning:Conceptual meaning概念意义Associative meaning 联想意义Connotative meaning内含意义Social meaning社会意义Affective meaning情感意义Reflected meaning反射意义Collocative meaning搭配意义Thematic meaning主位意义The referential theory 指称论The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.Words → Meaning: Words ‘name’ or ‘refer to’ things -- PlatonicAnd that something is abstract, which has no existence in the material world and can only be sensed in our minds. This abstract thing is usually called concept(概念).Sense relations PPT单Synonymy同义词buy/purchaseworld/ universebrotherly/ fraternalAntonymy 反义词1.Gradable antonyms 等级反义词hot Vs. cold2. Complementary antonyms 互补反义词male Vs. female3.Converse antonymy 反向反义词teacher Vs. pupilHyponymy 上下意义关系PPT后的选择题1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?CA. Language is a system.B. Language is symbolic.C. Animals also have languages.D. Language is arbitrary.2. Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by ___D___.A. ChomskyB. HallidayC. FirthD. Saussure3. Which function is the major role of language?AA. InformativeB. InterpersonalC. PerformativeD. Emotive4. Which branch of study cannot be included in the scope of linguistics?DA. SyntaxB. PragmaticsC. PhoneticsD. Anthropology5. What are the dual structures of language?BA. Sounds and lettersB. Sounds and meaningC. Letters and meaningD. Sounds and symbols6. Productivity is one of the _____ features of languages.BA. distinctiveB. designC. SuprasegmentalD. pragmatic7. The function of the sentence “Lovely weather, isn’t it?” is _B____.A. informativeB. phaticC. performativeD. recreational8. Once the notion of __B__ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contextC. formD. content9. Which of the following is NOT the function of language?DA. Metalingual functionB. Interpersonal functionC. Emotive functionD. Cultural transmission10. _A___ investigates the interrelation of language and mind.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Anthropological linguisticsD. Computational linguistics11. The following about language are wrong EXCEPT _A____. (大外,11年)A. Language evolves within specific historical, social and cultural context.B. Language has a form-sound correspondence.C. Language is a means of communication.D. Language is not related to any of the individuals who use it.12. Verbal dueling, the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, is mainly to do with the _B___ function of language. (武汉大学11)A. performativeB. interpersonalC. informativeD. recreational13. “I can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2000 years ago.” This shows that language has the design feature of _B__. (天外11)A. arbitrarinessB. creativityC. dualityD. displacement14. _A___ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. (天外11)A. LangueB. CompetenceC. Communicative competenceD. Linguistic potential15. _B___ has been widely accepted as the father of modern linguistics. (天外12)A. ChomskyB. SaussureC. BloomfieldD. Halliday1. Which of the following is the most important function of languge?CA. Interpersonal functionB. Performative functionC. Informative functionD. Recreational function2. _C__ function refers to expressions that help define and maintain interpersonal relations.A. PerformativeB. InterpersonalC. PhaticD. Metalingual3. _C__ refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.A. CompetenceB. PerformanceC. EloquenceD. Action4. _B___ is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Anthropological linguisticsD. Computational linguistics5. The sentence “Close your textbook and listen to me carefully!” performs a(n) _D___ function.A. InterrogativeB. informativeC. PerformativeD. directive6. C___ is defined as the study of the relationship between language and mind.A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. Cognitive linguisticsD. Sociolinguistics7. A___ refers to the learning and development of a language.A. Language acquisitionB. Language comprehensionC. Language productionD. Language instruction8. Language is a tool of communication. The symbol “ Highway closed” on a highway serves __B__.A. An expressive functionB. an informative functionC. A performative functionD. a persuasive function9. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language?DA. ArbitrarinessB. DisplacementC. DualityD. Diachronicity10. The distinction between parole and langue was made by___D__.A. HallidayB. ChomskyC. BloomfieldD. Saussure1.All syllables contain a __A___. (北二外)A. nucleusB. codaC. onset2.A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language is ___C__. (北二外)A. allophoneB. phoneC. phoneme3.__D___ is one of the suprasegmental features.A. stopB. voicingC. deletionD. tone(东南)4.Which of the following consonants does not exist in English? (东南)AA. dental stopB. bilabial stopC. alveolar stopD. velar stop5.Of the following sound combinations, only _A___ is permissible.A. kiblB. bkilC. ilkbD. ilbk6.Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair?BA. cat/batB. put/butC. jig/pigD. sit/bit7.If two sounds are in complementary distribution, they are __B__ of the same phoneme.A. symbolsB. allophonesC. phonesD. signs8.Where are the vocal cords?DA. in the mouthB. in the nasal cavityC. above the tongueD. inside the larynx9._B___ studies the sound systems in a certain language.A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. SemanticsD. Syntax10.Distinctive features are used to describe _D___.A. phonesB. phonologyC. allophonesD. phonemes11.In the production of consonants at least __B__ articulator(s) are involved.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four12.Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal folds are B____.A. closedB. apartC. totally closedD. completely open13.__C__ involve more than one manners of articulation.A. StopsB. FricativesC. AffricatesD. Laterals14.The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in _B___.A. the place of articulationB. the obstruction of airstreamsC. the position of the tongueD. the shape of the lips1. __C__ are bound morphemes because they can not be used as separate words.A. RootsB. StemsC. AffixesD. Compounds2. __C__ is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content.A. RootB. AllomorphC. MorphemeD. Word3. The English word “untouchable” is composed of _B___ morphemes.A. fourB. threeC. twoD. five4. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?BA. pencil boxB. unreasonableC. deadlineD. upstairs5. When the suffix _A__ is added to a verb, it changes this verb into an adjective.A. lessB. nessC. fullyD. er6. The “s” in drums is _D__.A. a free morphemeB. a stemC. a rootD. an inflectional affix7. The word “bodyguard” is a __A___.A. compound wordB. complex wordC. derivational wordD. free morpheme8. Which of the following words is a derivational one?CA. blackboardB. singsC. astonishmentD. boys1. Atom is a word of __B__ origin.A. LatinB. GreekC. ArabicD. Spanish2. English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other languages EXCEPT _B___.A. FrenchB. KoreanC. LatinD. Greek3. Which of the following words is built by abbreviation?BA. smogB. fridgeC. motelD. edit4. The word “hamburger” is of __C_ origin.A. AmericanB. ItalianC. GermanD. French5. The word “smog” is formed through __B_.A. derivationB. blendingC. clippingD. backformation6. WTO is _B____.A. an abbreviationB. an acronymC. a blending wordD. a backformation word7. Of the following word formation processes, _D__ is the most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialismD. derivation8. Motel is a(n) __C___.A. abbreviationB. coinageC. blendingD. acronym1. The relation between the determiner “this” and the noun “man” in the phrase “this man” is __B__.A. governmentB. concordC. bindingD. paradigmatic2. Which of the following phrases is exocentric?DA. women and menB. on the tableC. a clever boyD. an ugly man3. __C__are the defining properties of units like nouns(number, gender, case, etc)and verbs(tense, aspect, voice, etc).A. Parts of speechB. word classesC. categoriesD. functions of words4. _D___ is NOT a grammatical category of English verbs.A. tenseB. aspectC. voiceD. gender5. _D___ is NOT a grammatical category of English pronouns.A. genderB. numberC. caseD. voice6. Expressions like“Tom”or “He” can both be filled in the blank of the sentence “__D__ is smiling”. So Tom and He have ____ relation.A. syntagmaticB. paradigmaticC. systematicD. governing7. The phrase “the three small Chinese children”is _A___ construction.A. endocentricB. exocentricC. hierarchicalD. linear1. “Big” and “small” are a pair of _B___ opposites.A. complementaryB. gradableC. completeD. converse2. __A__ examines how meaning is encoded in a language.A. SemanticsB. SyntaxC. PragmaticsD. Morphology3. Leech divided meanings into _D___ types.A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 74. The relatio n between “food” and “bread” is called __D__.A. synonymyB. polysemyC. homonymyD. hyponymy5. “Buy” and “sell” form a pair of _A___.A. converse antonymsB. gradable antonymsC. complementary antonymsD. marked antonyms6. _D___ is a pair of complementary antonyms.A. wild and tameB. nimble and lameC. cold and warmD. alive and dead7. __D__ is NOT included in Leech’s associative meaning.A. connotative meaningB. social meaningC. collocative meaningD. conceptual meaning8. T he words “male” and “female” are __B__ antonyms.A. gradableB. complementaryC. converseD. complete。