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( )1、Will you please give the boy to eat?

A.favorite something B.different anything

C.popular everything D.something delicious

( )2、bad weather it is today! You can't go out.

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

( )3、I think it will them about two hours to do the work.

A.start B.pay C.make D.take

( )4、He said his daughter could do it by .

A.him B.hers C.himself D.herself

( )5、They won't go home they finish their work.

A.what B.how C.until D.because

( )6、His parents won't let him with the other boys.

A.to go B.goes C.going D.go

( )7、The little girl looks very much her mother.

A.over B.like C.for D.after

( )8、My brother didn't help me the room yesterday.

A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.cleaning

( )9、"Why didn't Mr Black himself?" "Because he didn't many friends."

A.enjoys, has B.enjoyed, had C.enjoying, having D.enjoy, have ( )10、Bruce comes from Australia, ?

A.isn't Bruce B.doesn't Bruce C.doesn't he D.isn't he

( )11、They are you think.

A.more than friendly B.more friendly than

C.friendly than more D.friendly more than

( )12、Do you need warm clothes in winter in Sydney?

A.wear B.wears C.to wear D.wearing

( )13、"When is autumn in China?" "It from August to October."

A.lasts B.is lasted C.does last D.last

( )14、"Must I come before eight o'clock?" "No, you ."

A.can't B.don't C.mustn't D.needn't

( )15、It's already seven o'clock. Please .

A.to wake him up B.wake up him

C.to wake up him D.wake him up

( )16、It's raining now. You'd better a raincoat when you go out.

A.put on B.to put on C.dress D.to dress

( )17、" will you stay here?" "For about two months."

A.How many B.How much C.How often D.How long

( )18、The teacher told us for the meeting.

A.not be late B.don't be late C.not to be late D.not late

( )19、Will you please me the book when you come to school?

A.take B.bring C.carry D.borrow

( )20、Class was over. All the students stopped and went out.

A.write B.to write C.writing D.wrote

( )21、---Ought we to elect a secretary now?

----No, you .

A. should

B. ought not toB.

C. ought to not

D.not ought to

( )22、----What are you doing for vacation?

----I . time with my family.

A. spend

B. spends

C. am spending


( )23、What do you think English class?

A. at

B. of

C. on

D. for

( )24、She usually goes to school by bus, but these days she tries a bike.

A..to ride


C.to riding


( )25、We should be polite to .

A.the other B.other C.others D.the others


1、They ought to go tomorrow.(变为一般疑问句)

2、Ought we to answer the question now?(作否定回答)

3、Children should speak politely to old people.(变为反义疑问句)

4、He ought not to open the letter.(就划线部分提问)

5、Students ought to wear school uniform at school.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)



Little Tom liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were

1 for his teeth, she thought. Tom had a very nice grandpa. The old man

2 him very much, and sometimes he brought Tom chocolates when he came to

3 him. Then his mother let him eat them because she wouldn't make the old man angry.

One evening, a few days 4 Tom's eighth birthday, he was saying his prayers (祷告)in

5 before he went to bed. "Please, God," he shouted, "make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday

6 Saturday."

His mother was in her own room, she 7 the small boy's shouting and went into his room
