




Pharmacodynamics(药物效应学)Pharmacology(病理学)Pharmacokinetic (药物代谢动力学)<ADME>Pharmaceutics(药剂学)2、Plural forms-a(-ae) : mocosa →mucosae formula →formulae(处方)-um(-a) : bacterium →bacteria spectum →spectra(光谱)-us(-i) : fungus →fungi coccus →cocci(球菌)4、Cell : basic living unit of structures & functions of the body①general cell structures & components②general mechanisms for changing nutritions to energy③deliver end products into their surrounding fluid④almost all have the ability to reproduceNotes:(1)WEBSITES:CDA. FDA. WHO.(2)ADME:Absorbtio(吸收) →Distribution(分布) →Mechanism(代谢) →Excretion(排出)(3)formula prescription recipe 中药处方UNIT 1 TEXT A1、Physiology(生理学):Phisiology isa the functions of living matter.It is concerned with how an organisn performs its varied activities.Pathology(病理学):Pathoology is the science of disease.Pathophysiology(病理生理学):Pathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.2、人体组成分级、类别cells(细胞)→tissues(组织)→organs(器官)→organ systems(系统)→organism(人体)3、The principle types of tissuesepithecal(上皮组织) connective(结缔组织) nervous(神经组织) muscular(肌肉组织)4、Cardiovavascular system(心血管组织)①组成:1)the heart 心脏2)blood vessels 血管3)associated tissues 相关联的组织②心脏结构:four chambers,two atria(心房) and two venticles(心室).③血循环过程1)Pulmonary circuit(肺循环): The right ventricles pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it absorbs oxygen from the air.2)Systemtic circuit(体循环): The left ventricles pumps oxygenated blood returning from the lungs to the rest of body to supply the tissues.5、Anabolism(合成代谢)Catabolism(分解代谢)6、内分泌和神经系统特点和区别:1)The nervous system uses electrical signals to transmit information very rapidly to specific cells. 2)The endocrine system secretes chemical agents,homones,which travel in the bloodstream to the cells upon which theyexert a regulary effect.7、Homeostasis (稳态):①定义:1)The process of stabilization of the internal environment/2)Maintanance of relatively constant chemical/physical conditions of the internal environment[stabl e≠rigidity]②作用:Homeostasis regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable,constant condition of properties like temperature or pH.8、How to regulate the internal environment(one example)P5[Taking one example,the beating``````]Notes:Body Fluids 体液Extracellular fluid (ECF) 细胞外液→internal environment(内环境)Intracellular fluid (ICF) 细胞内液UNIT 3 TEXT B1、Antibiotic: chemical produced by a microorganism that kills or inhibits the growth of another microorganism.分类:①(?) 1)Antibacterial antibiotics(抗菌抗生素) 2)Antineoplastic antibiotics(抗癌抗生素)②1)cell wall inhibitors2)protein synthesis inhibitors3)folic acid inhibitors4)DNA synthesis inhibitors5)RNA synthesis inhibitors2、cross-infection(交叉感染)Super-infection(双重感染)3、不良反应:1)anaphylactic shock(过敏性休克)2)gastrointestinal disorder 肠胃失调;sore mouth 口腔溃疡;cramps 痉挛;diarrhea 腹泻;anal itch 肛痒UNIT 4 TEXT B1、Adverse drug reactions(ADR):unwanted effects caused by normal therapeutic does.2、Type A 和Type B 的区别1)Type A:①a consequence of the drug’s main pharmacological effect/predictable from pharmacological(药理学的) effect;②dose-related and usually mild;③usually due to incorrect dosage.2)Type B:①not predictable from the drug’s main pharmacological action;②not dose-related and severe with considerable mortality(死亡率);③The underlying pathophysiology (潜在的病理)of type B reactions is poorly if at all understood,and often has a genetic or immunological (免疫学的)basis;④occur infrequently(罕见的).3、Type C、D、E的概念Type C :continuous reactions due to long-term drug useType D :delayed reactionsType E :end-of-use reactions3、Phase I/II/III Trials①Early(phase I/II) tials are important for assessing the tolerability and dose-response relationship of new therapeutic agents.②Phase III clinical trials can establish the incidence of common adverse reactions and relate this to therapeutic benefit. UNIT 5 TEXT B1、Lead compounds(先导物)①定义②特点2、Strategies in the Search for New Lead Compounds①②③④UNIT 7 TEXT B1、Controlled-release Technology 控释技术分类:①biodegradable polymers(可生物降解的聚合物);②maze escape(迷宫逃脱);③transmucosal delivery(透膜传递系统);④osmotic devices(渗透装置);⑤liposomes(脂质体)2、Liposomes 脂质体P1003、脂质体被机体视为外来入侵物应如何解决?P101UNIT 8 TEXT A1、Analysis chemistry(分析化学) is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter and the answers to two important questions:what is it qualitative and how much is it quantative.2、Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses[pl]区别:①Qualitative analyses deal with the identification of elements(元素),ions(离子),or compounds(化合物) present ina sample;②Quantitative analses deal with the determonation of how much of one or more constituents(成分) is present.4、P110(In comparing qualitative versus quantitative analysis``````)介绍分析化学的应用:奥运会对违禁药品(bannedsubstances)的检验等UNIT 10 TEXT A1、USP(the United States Pharmacopoeia)美国药典内容: ①drugs; ②biologics; ③medical devices(医疗器械);④dietary supplements(补充剂);⑤compounded preparations(联合用药).UNIT 11 TEXT A1、P161 (The package insert,by legal definition``````)2、P162(American Academy of Pediatrics``````)Off-label useUNIT 12 TEXT A1、Drug development aims to produce a novel therapeutic agent which is superior in efficacy to existing remedies andwhich causes less frequent or less severe adverse effects.2、Drug development strategies①Random screening(随机筛选)②molecular roulette(分子轮盘赌);③Minor structural cahnges in existing agents(在已有药物上做小的改变)④Programmed basic research with synthesis of specific chemical(有计划地研究特定化合物合成)⑤Clinical observation of drug action in practice(临床实验观察药物作用)3、LD50 : the dose that kills 50% of animals(半数致死量)ED50: the dose causing 50% of maximum pharmacological response(半数有效量)治疗指数Therapeutic index(Ti) = LD50/ED504、三致反应:teratogenic effect 致畸mutagenicity 致突变carcinogenicity 致癌5、Enteral(经肠的) oral — swallowingThe route of administration intramuscular(IM) 肌肉注射Parenteral(非经肠的)subcutaneous(SC) 皮下注射Intravenous(IV) 静脉注射Intraperitoneal(IP) 腹腔注射6、Experimental pharmacology(实验期药理学)mouse(小鼠)→rat(大鼠)→hare(兔子)→dog →monkeyTEXT B1、Clinical EvaluationPhase 1 : determine whether the drug can be given to man without serious symptoms or toxicity, and whether it has the desired(强烈的) pharmacological effects.Phase 2 : determine whether the new drug has the desired effect on patients with the appropriate disease.Phase 3 : progression to large scale clinical trials to determine how the new drug compares in clinical practice with existing remedies,and to establish its profile of action and frequency of adverse effects.Phase 4 : collect the information on low-frequency adverse effects.UNIT 14 TAXT A1、A good number of products found in the grocery or drug store are regulated by the FDA.(①food;②drugs;③cosmetics;④the use of radiological products;⑤all of these products are honestly and informatively labeled.)2、FDA’s goal is to ensure industry’s compliance with federal laws regulating products in commerce.UNIT 14 TAXT B1、FDA审评新药的根本原则:the benefits outweigh the risks(收益风险比)2、1938年法案:Providing evidence of safety before marketing was first required.(第一次规范性规定安全性证明)1962年法案:It was first required to show a drug’s effectiveness before marketing.(反应停事件为背景,药物上市前的有效性提出法案)2、新药研发Lead conpound →NCEs →animals →clinical trials →NDA新药申请:IND(investigational new drug application): before the clinical trialsNDA(new drug applications): after the phase III for marketing3、Review Time: always longer than 180 workdays.Average approval time is more like 2 years.4、Why the reviewer purge trade secrets from documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act?5、Priorities1)AIDS drugs; 2) drugs that offer a significant medical advance over existing therapies for any other disease.6、be approved for marketingFinal Actions: be approvable provided minor changes are madeBe not approvable because of major problemsIn the last case, the applicant can then amend or withdraw the NDA or ask for a hearing.7、”grandfathered”:most prescription and over-the-counter(OTC) drugs that were on the market before the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act passed in 1938.That means they are allowed on the market without the stringent proof of safety and effectiveness required of later drugs.。



第十章 甾体及其甙类
1、什么是甾体及其甙类? 2、甾体的分类 3、C21甾类化合物及其药理和毒理
性能; 4、强心甙及其药理和毒理性能; 5、甾体皂甙及其药理和毒理性能;
天然存在的甾类成分 种类很多,结构中都具有 环戊烷并多氢菲的甾核。
C21甾类化合物是一类含 有21个碳原子的甾体衍生 物。如青阳参甙Ⅰ和甙Ⅱ 可治疗癫痫
挥发油是一类生物活性多样的成分。 例如,柴胡挥发油有较好的退热效果;薄 荷油有清凉、驱风、消炎、局麻作用;丁 香油和麝香草脑配伍已是龋齿及根管消毒、 止痛的常规用药;大蒜油可治疗肺结核、 支气管炎、肺炎和霉菌感染;生姜油对中 枢神经系统有镇静催眠、解热、镇痛、抗 惊厥、抗氧化能力和保护肝细胞的作用等。 此外挥发油在香料工业、食品工业和化学 工业上也是很重要的原料。
除以上类型之外,还有由两分子 黄酮,或两分子二氢黄酮;一分子黄 酮及一分子二氢黄酮按C-C或C-O-C键 方式连接而成的双黄酮类化合物。例 如银杏素、异银杏素等。
在以上各类型结构中,A、B环上 常见的取代基有羟基,甲氧基、异戊 烯基等。
第五章 醌类化合物
Natural Medicochemistry
本学科授课对象是研究生,授课时间为一 学期,十八周,每周2学时,共36学时,2学 分。
主要教材:杨其蒀主编,《天然药物化 学》,中国科学技术出版社,1996年。
1、肖崇厚主编,《中药化学》,上海科学技 术出版社, 第一版,1997年。
醌类化合物可以分为苯醌、萘 醌和蒽醌等类型



更多参考请见: /coursestatic/cou rse_6311.html 有机药物合成法(第一卷) 陈芬儿 北京大学医学出版社 Practical Studies for Medicinal Chemistry 计算机辅助药物分子设计
教材/讲义 书名
《化学原理和无机化学》 王夔 无 《大学基础化学》 《大学基础化学》 《有机化学》第7版 《现代实验化学》 《有机化学》第8版 《现代实验化学》 无 药用植物学 无 药用拉丁文 药用植物资源研 究室 许金煌 刘艳 艾铁民 杨晓达 杨晓达 陆涛 刘俊义,曾慧慧 陆阳,刘俊义 刘俊义,曾慧慧
教材/讲义 序号 课程名称 书名
1 2 3 4 5 生理学 病理生理学 细胞生物学 生物化学 医学免疫学 《医学生理学》 病理生理学(第2版) 无 生物化学与分子生物学 医学免疫学 医学微生物学 6 医学微生物学 医学微生物学实验讲义 7 8 9 查锡良、药立波 曹雪涛 张凤民、肖纯凌 曹杰、李彤、彭 宜红
Edmond de Hoffmann and Vincent Stroobant Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Thomas L Lemke and David Chemistry A Williams Wilson and Gisvold's Textbook of John H. Block, John M. Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Beale, Jr. An Introduction to Medicinal Graham L. Patrick Chemistry The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design Richard B Silverman and and Drug Action Mark W Holladay The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry 药物化学总论 药物化学专论 药物化学 Camille Georges Wermuth 郭宗儒 郭宗儒 尤启冬


taking notes on important points and technical terms to aid in comprehension and review.
Classification and characteristics of pharmaceutical English literature
Writing skills for pharmaceutical English papers
Use appropriate language
Pharmaceutical English is a formal language, so it is important to use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure. Avoid colloquial language or jargon that may be misinterpreted.
committing to a regular schedule of reading to improve your comprehension and familiarity with pharmaceutical English.
Active review
actively reviewing and summarizing the content you have read to ensure comprehension and retention.
Organize information logically
The structure of the paper should be clear and logical, with a well-defined introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. Each section should flow naturally and build upon the previous one.





























(仅供参考)药学英语整理药学英语一、Physiology and Pathology(P9)生理学与病理学(一)概念1、Physiology is the scientific study of function in living systems.(ppt)the study of how living organisms work.(书里)2、Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of disease and a major field in modern medical practice and diagnosis.(ppt)the science of disease,which deal with the studies of etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic structures, changes in functions and metabolism in the living organisms by means of natural science.(书里) 3、Pathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.a convergence of Pathology with Physiology4、etiology is the study of causation,or the origination of diseases.5、the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease.6、inflammation is a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; (刺激)characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. (红热胀痛)(二)思考题1.How do you understand pathology and pathophysiology?Pathology is the science of diseasePathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.2. what is the difference between etiology and pathogenesis?Etiology is the study of causation, or the origination ofdiseases.the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease 3. Could you explain the symptoms and signs of a disease?symptoms of a disease(“症”): as certain biologic proce sses are encroached on(侵害) ,the patient begins to feel subjectively that something is wrong., These subjective feelings are called symptoms of disease.Symptoms are subjective and can be reported only by the patient to an observer.signs of a disease(“征”):when manifestations of the disease can be objectively identified by an observer, these are terms signs of the disease.4、what is the pathogenesis of tuberculosis?the pathogenesis of tuberculosis would include the mechanisms whereby the invasion of the body by tubercle bacillus ultimately leads to the observed abnormalities Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms.二、Medicinal Chemistry药物化学(一)概念1、Medicinal chemistry(药物化学)is the science that deal with the discovery or design of new therapeutic chemicals and the development of these chemicals into useful medicine.2、Medicine(药品drug, pharmaceutics) is a compound that interacts with a biological system, and produces a biological response (ideally desired and positive)3、Therapeutic index(治疗指数)sure of the ratio of undesirable to desirable drug effects. Therapeutic index=LD50/ED50The larger the Therapeutic index, the greater the margin of safety of drug!4、LD50(半数致死量):the lethal dose for 50% of the test animals5、ED50(半数有效量):the effective dose that produces the maximum therapeutic effect in 50% of the test animals.6、Log P(脂水分配系数)is the base-ten logarithm of the partition coefficients (分配系数)7、Chirality(手征性): a molecule is considered chiral if there exists another molecule that is of identical composition ,but which is arranged in a non-superposable mirror image.8、Bioisosteres(生物电子等排体): are substituents or groups that havechemical or physical similarities ,and which produce broadly similar biological properties.9、Bioisosterism(生物电子等排性) is a lead modification approach that has been shown to be useful to attenuate toxicity (降低毒性),modify the activity of a lead (修饰活性)and may have a significant role in the alteration of metabolism of the lead.10、Prodrug(前药)is drug which is given (taken) in an inactive form. Once administered ,the prodrug is metabolized by the body into the biologically active compound.(二)知识点1、The difference of “good” and “bad” drugs:Depend on dosage and chronic exposure. and therapeutic index can be the measure of safety of drugs2、classification of drugsFour main groups:(1)B y biological effect---varied assortment of drugsanalgesics(止痛剂),anti-asthmatics(平喘药),antipsychotics(抗精神病药)etc.(2)B y chemical structure---common skeletonPenicillin (青霉素类),opiates(阿片类药物) etc.(3)B y target system(靶向系统)----affect a target system(synthesis, release, receptor)antihistamine (抗组胺药)etc.(4)B y target site of action(作用靶点)—target enzyme or receptor Anti-cholinesterase (抗胆碱酯酶)3、Medicinal chemistry involves:(1)synthesis (2)structure-activity relationships(SAR)(3)receptor interactions(4)absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME)4、Medicinal chemistry cover 3 critical steps:● A discovery step●An optimization step● A development step5、important functional groups on drugs:(1)Alkanes&alkenes(烷烃和烯烃) (2)alcohol 醇(3)phenols 酚(4)ethers 醚(5)aromatic hydrocarbons 芳香化合物6、a drug usually has 3 names:(1)chemical (化学名)Mostly following rules by chemical abstracts service(CAS)One compound can only have one name(2)international non-proprietary names(INN,通用名)Convenient to remember ,needed when apply for registration, cannot be trade marked(商标)or patented(取得专利权)One compound can only have one name(3)commercial (商品名)Named by manufactures ,can be trade marked to protect thebrand. One compound can have many different names7、prodrug strategies are used to overcome a variety of problems by:(1)Altering solubility 改变溶解度(2)Improving membrane permeability 提高细胞膜通透性(3)Slow release of the active agent 缓慢释放活性(4)Masking drug toxicity or side effects 掩蔽药物毒副作用三、Phytochemistry and Natural Products 天然药物化学和天然产物(一)概念1、Phytochemistry(天然药物化学)is in the strict sense of the study of phytochemicals, which are derived from plants. In a narrower sense the terms are often used to describe the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants.2、Primary metabolites(初级代谢产物): compounds that are common to many types of organisms, that fulfill basic biological functions(e.g.respiration 呼吸,photosynthesis光合作用,DNA replication DNA复制)3、Secondary metabolites(次级代谢产物):compounds that are not essential to daily ,common metabolism of cells and individual organisms. Instead, these compounds are unique to certain taxa and fulfill secondary functions ,often involved in signaling between organisms (e.g.mate recognition配偶识别, chemical defense化学防御, chemotaxis 趋化作用)4、natural products: a natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism found in nature.(Primary metabolites & Secondary metabolites)(二)知识点1、summary:●natural products are compounds synthesized by living organisms,usually organic molecules with 5-100 carbons●natural products can be primary or secondary metabolites●secondary metabolites are produced via enzymatic pathways fromprimary metabolic building-blocks2、how to get natural products?/the process to purify natural products?(1)Plant collection植物采集(2)Extraction萃取(3)Fractionation分馏(4)Isolation分离(5)Structural determination 结构测定(UV,IR,MS,NMR)3、Journals in Phytochemistry and Natural Products Chemistry:●Journal of Natural Products 天然产物杂志●Phytochemistry●Journal of Ethnopharmacology 民族药物学杂志●Planta Medica 天然药物学会志(欧洲)●Phytochemical Analysis 植物化学分析●Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin 化学与药学通报(日本)Review journals 综述期刊●Natural P roduct Reports 天然产物报告●Phytochemistry Review四、biochemistry 生物化学1、What is the goal of biochemistry?The basic goal of the science of biochemistry is to determine how the collections of inanimate molecules (无生命的分子)that constitute living organisms interact with each other to maintainand perpetuate life.(延长生命)2、Macromolecules(生物大分子)that constitute living organisms include proteins, nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), and polysaccharides.3、20种氨基酸:1、丙氨酸Alanine/Ala/A2、半胱氨酸Cysteine/Cys/C3、天冬氨酸Asparticacid/ Asp /D4、谷氨酸Glutamic acid/Glu/E5、苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine/Phe/F6、甘氨酸glycine/Gly/G7、组氨酸Histidine/His/H 8、异亮氨酸Isoleucine/Ile/I9、赖氨酸Lysine/Lys/K 10、亮氨酸Leucine/leu/L11、蛋氨酸Methionine/Met/M 12、天冬酰胺Asparagine/Asn/N 13、脯氨酸Procine/pro/P 14、谷氨酰胺Glutamine/Gln/Q 15、精氨酸Arginine/Arg/R 16、丝氨酸Serine/Ser/S17、苏氨酸Threonine/Thr/T 18、缬氨酸Valine/Val/V19、色氨酸Tryptophan/Try/W 20、酪氨酸Tyrosine/Tyr/Y五、Microbiology 微生物学1、Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa,virus and some types of algae, which encompass various sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology, and other branches.2、几位科学家的成就Bacteriology was found in the 19th century by Ferdinand CohnCohn was also the first to formulate the scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacterial and discover spores 费迪南德?科恩, Ferdinand Cohn德国博物学家和植物学家,以研究藻类、细菌和蕈类著称,被视为细菌学的创始者之一。


Pharmacy English (药学专业英语)
Context Set
I have sore throat, but I know chinese little.
we have to master necessary professional pharmacy English so that we can work better in tWhehefuntuyroeu encounter
Microorganisms are not spontaneously generated from inanimate matter, but are produced by other microorganisms
Robert Kock (1843 – 1910)
The recognition of microbial role in disease
•Small volume and big surface to volume ratio
Different length and different surface to volume ratio
Small and simple
可见范围 肉眼
光学显微镜 电镜
微生物的相对大小 真核细胞型 原核细胞型
Prokaryotic genetic material is located in an area called the nucleoid and is not enclosed by a membrane.
The prokaryotic cell wall almost always has peptidoglycan (肽聚糖)and is chemically and morphologically (形态的)complex.
















课程中英文名称:一、专业必修课1. 药物化学 (Medicinal Chemistry)2. 药理学 (Pharmacology)3. 药物分析 (Pharmaceutical Analysis)4. 药剂学 (Pharmaceutics)5. 天然药物化学 (Natural Medicinal Chemistry)6. 生药学 (Pharmacognosy)二、专业选修课1. 药学导论 (Introduction to Pharmaceuticals)2. 药学英语 (Pharmaceutical English)3. 药学文献检索与利用 (Searching Pharmaceutical Literatures)4. 色谱分析 (Chromatographic Analysis)5. 有机化合物光谱分析 (Spectra Analysis of Organic Compounds)6. 生物药剂学与药物动力学 (Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics)7. 港澳药事法规 (Pharmacy Law in Hong Kong and Macao)8. 临床医学概论 (Introduction to Clinical Medicine)9. 病理生理学 (Pathophysiology )10. 诊断学 (Clinical Diagnostics )11. 物理药剂学 (Dosage Form Science)12. 临床药物治疗学 (Drug Therapeutics )13. 药剂执业I (Pharmacy Practice I)14. 药剂执业II (Pharmacy Practice II)15. 药物合成反应 (Drug Synthetic Reactions)16. 计算机辅助药物设计 (Computer-Aided Drug Design )17. 细胞与分子生物学 (Cell and Molecular Biology)18. 生物技术药物学 (Biotech Drugs)19. 生物工程制药 (Biotech Drug Manufacture)20. 医药市场营销 (Marketing of Pharmaceuticals)21. 药物毒理学 (Toxicology of Drugs)22. 药物专利与新药申报 (Drug Patent and New Drug Application)23. 新药评价概论 (Introduction of New Drug Evaluation )。

药学英语Unit4 Text A注释及译文

药学英语Unit4 Text A注释及译文

Unit FourText A The Scope of PharmacologyIn its entirety, pharmacology embraces the knowledge of the history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiological effects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion, and therapeutic and other uses of drugs. Since a drug is broadly defined as any chemical agent that affects living processes, the subject of pharmacology is obviously quite extensive.1.entirety [en'taɪərɪti:] n.整体,全面in its entirety作为一个整体2. compounding ['kɑmpaundiŋ] n.配料;组合;复合3. Mechanism ['mekənizəm] n. 机械装置;构造, 机制;办法, 技巧, 途径4. absorption [əb'sɔrpʃən] n.吸收;吸收过程;吸收作用;专注,专心致志;合并;同化5. distribution [,distri'bju:ʃən] n.分发, 分配;散布, 分布6. biotransformation [,baiəu,trænsfə'meiʃən] n.生物转化metabolism [mɪ'tæbə,lɪzəm] n.新陈代谢7. excretion [eks'kri:ʃən] n.(动植物的)排泄,排泄物8. therapeutic [,θerə'pju:tik] adj.治疗(学)的;疗法的;对身心健康有益的9. living ['liviŋ]adj.活(着)的;现存的, 在使用中的;逼真的, 生动的n.生计, 生存之道;生活方式整体而言,药理学包括药学发展的历史,药物的来源、理化性质、配伍,药物对机体的生化过程和生理功能的影响,药物的作用机制,药物的吸收、分布、生物转化和排泄,药物的治疗作用和其他作用。

北京大学生药学考研 招生人数 参考书 报录比 复试分数线 考研真题 考研经验 招生简章

北京大学生药学考研 招生人数 参考书 报录比 复试分数线 考研真题 考研经验 招生简章


招生专业及人数078001药物化学 2078002药剂学 6078003生药学9078004药物分析学 1078006药理学 20780Z1★化学生物学11105500药学45药学院生药学考试科目系所名称药学院招生总数76系所说明第三位代码是“5”为专业学位研究生,其他为科学学位研究生。

招生专业:生药学 (078003) 人数:9研究方向01.天然药物活性成分与新药研究02.天然产物的生物转化研究03.天然药物活性成分的生物转化研究04.中药化学05.天然药物活性成分及其构效关系06.基于液质联用技术的中药活性成分分析07.中药活性成分与新药新剂型研究08.药用植物资源与质量标准研究09.药用植物资源与新药开发考试科目本专业01~03方向为推荐免试。

1 101思想政治理论2 201英语一3 763药学综合(一)4 970有机化学药学院生药学专业简介北京大学药学院是全国重点药学院(系)之一,也是国家最早建立的高等药学院校之一,其前身是北京大学中药研究所,始建于1941年。











%Ginseng is members of the genus Panax in the Araliaceae family,which is well-known as the king of herbs,and has been an important medicinal resource all over the world.Many studies have been conducted to elucidate magical healing activities of ginsengs.Since most studies have been focused on the roots and rhizomes of ginseng as traditional medicinal parts,scientists are less attracted by ginseng stems-leaves.The prices of the roots and rhizomes of ginseng are expensive because it takes 4-6 years for growing from the seed,whereas ginseng stems-leaves which the prices are low and can be harvested every year.Therefore,if the ingredients from the stems-leaves have a similar or new biological activity as those from the roots and rhizomes,their utility values will be improved.Ginsenosides,the active components of the roots and rhizomes of ginseng,are shown to be involved in modulating multiple physiological activities.As a continuationof our summary on ginseng, this article will review the triterpenoids isolated from the roots and rhizomes,stems-leaves,fruits and seeds ofginseng as well as red ginseng to provide the scientific basis for research and development of modern Chinese medicine derived from ginseng.Until now,201 triterpenoid compounds have been isolated and identified from ginseng.Among them,189 compounds are classified into dammarane-type and their derivatives,10 ones are classified into oleanolic acid-type and 2 ones are classified into lupane-type,which dammarane-type triterpenoids and their derivatives are predominantly dominant type not only in amount but also in structural varieties.【期刊名称】《中国现代中药》【年(卷),期】2016(000)001【总页数】10页(P7-15,55)【关键词】人参;茎叶;花蕾;果实;种子;红参;人参皂苷;三萜【作者】杨秀伟【作者单位】北京大学天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室,北京大学药学院天然药物学系,北京 100191【正文语种】中文五加科(Araliaceae)人参属(Panax L.)植物人参Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer系驰名中外的植物药,传统药用部位为干燥根和根茎(Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma),始载于《神农本草经》。

《Pharmaceutical English》课程教学大纲

《Pharmaceutical English》课程教学大纲

《Pharmaceutical English》课程教学大纲(For the Normal class of Pharmacy)主要内容:Pharmaceutical English is a compulsory course for the students of pharmacy. Based on the public English and professional courses of pharmacy, the main idea of pharmaceutical English is to train the student on reading and understanding of pharmacy-based English, to master the necessary terms and the basis of verbal comunication (speaking and writing).The content of this course consists of chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and pharmaceutical regulations. Pharmaceutical terms and literatures are presented.学习本课程的目的与意义:The objective of this course is to make the students understand the characteristics of professional English by studying professional terms and articles, to train the students for the use of English by reading, translating, writing, listening and speaking of terms and articles of chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and pharmaceutical regulations. By the end of this course, the students should be able to study new professional knowledge and communicate with others in English.课程安排药学英语理论课45学时(45×40 min.=30 hours)教材名称及主要参考书目:教材:《药学英语》(第3版,下册),胡廷熹主编,人民卫生出版社,2007年7月参考书:1.《药学英语学习指导》(第1版),胡廷熹主编,人民卫生出版社,2007年;2.《药学英语》(第3版,上册),胡廷熹主编,人民卫生出版社,2007年;3.《药学英语》(第2版,上册),胡廷熹主编,人民卫生出版社,2000年;4.《药学英语》(第2版,下册),胡廷熹主编,人民卫生出版社,2000年。


2、科技英语词汇的词义单一,具有准确性和严密性 的特点。
3. 专业英语词汇具体特点:
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,以及有 名词功用的动名词
(2) 广泛采用名词连用形式 (3) 复合词 (4) 缩略词
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,动名词
the standardization of the product absorption rate constant limit date of using a drug after its production therapeutic drug monitoring random screening in drug discovery (in-plane) bending vibration
语文体。其特点是:用词自由, 句法结构简单,短句与省略句多, 自然朴素,生活气息浓厚。
"听说有个很好的工作要你去干。" "挺好的工作"。 "打算干吗?" "不。" "为什么不干?" "不想干"。 摘自《刀锋》(the Razor's Edge )
《Gone with wind》: Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is
词汇以教师讲解为主; 专业文章阅读以学生翻译为主; 补充材料以教师讲解为主;



天然药物化学专业英语词汇中药traditional Chinese drug生药crude drug草药medicinal herb民族药ethnic drug地产药材native drug道地药材famous-region drug中成药Chinese patent medicine海洋生药学marine pharmacognosy药用植物学medicinal botany植物化学phytochemistry植物化学分类学plant chemotaxonomy生药拉丁名Latin name of crude drug学名scientific name来源source混淆品adulterant类同品allied drug伪品counterfeit drug代用品substitute掺伪adulteration天然产物natural product化学成分chemical constituent有效成分effective constituent主成分main constituent活性成分active constituent莽草酸途径shikimic acid pathway乙酸一丙二酸途径acetate-malonate pathway乙酸- 甲瓦龙酸途径acetate-mevalonate pathway单糖monosaccharide戊糖pentose己精hexose庚糖heptose辛糖octose脱氧糖deoxysaccharide, deoxysugar呋喃糖furanose吡喃糖pyranose寡糖oligosaccharide二糖disaccharide三糖trisaccharide四糖tetrasaccharide五糖pentosacc haride多糖polysaccharide淀粉starch树胶gum果胶pectin半纤维素hemicellulose纤维素cellulose甲壳质chitin肝素heparin硫酸软骨素chondroitin sulfate玻璃酸hyaluronic acid直链淀粉amylose支链淀粉amylopectin糖原glycogen费林试验Fehling test苷glycoside糖杂体heteroside苷元aglycone苦杏仁酶emulsin氰苷cyanogenic glycoside, cyanogenetic glycoside 酚苷phenolic glycoside多酚polyphenol醛苷aldehyde glycoside醇苷alcoholic glycoside吲哚苷indole glycoside树脂醇苷resinol glycoside硫苷thioglycoside呫吨酮xanthone呫吨酮苷xanthonoid glycoside蒽醌anthraquinone蒽醌苷anthraquinone glycoside蒽酚anthranol氧化蒽酚oxanthranol蒽酮anthrone二蒽酮dianthrone羟基蒽醌hydroxyanthraquinone博恩特雷格反应Borntrager reaction 黄酮类flavonoid黄酮苷flavonoid glycoside黄酮flavone黄烷flavane黄酮醇flavonol黄烷酮flavanone黄烷酮醇flavanonol异黄酮isoflavone异黄烷酮isoflavanone新黄酮类neoflavonoid裂环烯醚萜苷secoiridoid glycoside 木脂体lignan木脂内酯lignanolide新木脂体neolignan木素lignin萜terpene萜类terpenoid半萜hemiterpene单萜monoterpene倍半萜sesquiterpene二萜diterpene三萜triterpene四萜tetraterpene多萜polyterpene齐墩果烷oleanane挥发油volatile oil精油essential oil鞣质tannin鞣酸tannic acid可水解鞣质hydrolysable tannin缩合鞣质condensed tannin鞣酐phlobaphene鞣花鞣质ellagitannin没食子鞣质gallotannin双缩脲反应biuret reaction脂肪fat脂肪油fatty oil去油de-fatting蜡wax环烯醚萜苷iridoid glycoside环烯醚萜iridoid裂环烯醚苷secoiridoid皂化saponification酸败rancidity饱和脂肪酸saturated fatty acid不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated fatty acid有机酸organic acid树脂resin油树脂oleoresin树胶树脂gum resin香树脂balsam香脂酸balsamic acid苷树脂glycosidal resin苦味素bitter principle色素pigment微量元素trace element生物碱alkaloid吖啶生物碱acridine alkaloid阿朴啡类生物碱aporphine alkaloid苄基异喹啉生物碱benzylisoquinoline alkaloid双苄基异喹啉生物碱bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid 双吲哚生物碱bisindole alkaloid咪唑生物碱imidazole alkaloid吲哚生物碱indole alkaloid吲哚联啶生物碱indolizidine alkaloid吲哚烷胺生物碱indolylalkylamine alkaloid异喹啉生物碱isoquinoline alkaloid大环生物碱macrocyclic alkaloid吗啡烷生物碱morphinane alkaloid羟吲哚生物碱oxindole alkaloid菲啶生物碱phenanthridine alkaloid苯烷胺生物碱phenylalkylamine alkaloid哌啶生物碱piperidine alkaloid嘌呤生物碱purine alkaloid吡啶生物碱pyridine alkaloid吡咯生物碱pyrrolidine alkaloid吡咯联啶生物碱pyrrolizidine alkaloid喹唑啉生物碱quinazoline alkaloid喹啉生物碱quinoline alkaloid喹啉联啶生物碱quinolizidine alkaloid甾体生物碱steroid alkaloid萜类生物碱terpenoid alkaloid四氢异喹啉生物碱tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid碘化汞钾试剂Mayer's reagent碘化铋钾试剂Dragendorff's reagent碘化钾碘试剂Wagner's reagent硅钨酸试剂Bertrand's reagent, silicotungstic acid reagent磷钼酸试剂Sonnenschein's reagent, phospho-molybdic acid reagent 苦味酸试剂Hager's reagent, picric acid reagent矾酸铵-浓硫酸试液Mandelin test solution钼酸铵-浓硫酸试液Frohde test solution甲醛-浓硫酸试液Marquis test solution莨菪烷tropane莨菪烷生物碱tropane alkaloid除虫菊素类pyrethroid-acetal 醛缩醇acetal- 乙酰acid 酸-al 醛alcohol 醇-aldehyde 醛alkali- 碱allyl 丙烯基alkoxy- 烷氧基-amide 酰胺amino- 氨基的-amidine 脒-amine 胺-ane 烷anhydride 酐anilino- 苯胺基aquo- 含水的-ase 酶-ate 含氧酸的盐、酯-atriyne 三炔azo- 偶氮benzene 苯bi- 在盐类前表示酸式盐bis- 双-borane 硼烷bromo- 溴butyl 丁基-carbinol 甲醇carbonyl 羰基-caboxylic acid 羧酸centi- 10-2chloro- 氯代cis- 顺式condensed 缩合的、冷凝的cyclo- 环deca- 十deci 10-1-dine 啶dodeca- 十二-ene 烯epi- 表epoxy- 环氧-ester 酯-ether 醚ethoxy- 乙氧基ethyl 乙基fluoro- 氟代-form 仿-glycol 二醇hemi- 半hendeca- 十一hepta- 七heptadeca- 十七hexa- 六hexadeca- 十六-hydrin 醇hydro- 氢或水hydroxyl 羟基hypo- 低级的,次-ic 酸的,高价金属-ide 无氧酸的盐,酰替…胺,酐-il 偶酰-imine 亚胺iodo- 碘代iso- 异,等,同-ite 亚酸盐keto- 酮ketone 酮-lactone 内酯mega- 106meta- 间,偏methoxy- 甲氧基methyl 甲基micro- 10-6milli- 10-3mono- ( mon-) 一,单nano- 10-9nitro- 硝基nitroso- 亚硝基nona- 九nonadeca- 十octa- 八octadeca- 十八-oic 酸的-ol 醇-one 酮ortho- 邻,正,原-ous 亚酸的,低价金属oxa- 氧杂-oxide 氧化合物-oxime 肟oxo- 酮oxy- 氧化-oyl 酰para- 对位,仲penta- 五pentadeca- 十五per- 高,过petro- 石油phenol 苯酚phenyl 苯基pico- 10-12poly- 聚,多quadri- 四quinque- 五semi- 半septi- 七sesqui 一个半sexi- 六sulfa- 磺胺sym- 对称syn- 顺式,同,共ter- 三tetra- 四tetradeca- 十四tetrakis- 四个thio- 硫代trans- 反式,超,跨-yl 基-ylene 撑(二价基,价在不同原子上)-yne 炔。

药学英语Unit4 Text A注释及译文

药学英语Unit4 Text A注释及译文

Unit FourText A The Scope of PharmacologyIn its entirety, pharmacology embraces the knowledge of the history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiological effects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion, and therapeutic and other uses of drugs. Since a drug is broadly defined as any chemical agent that affects living processes, the subject of pharmacology is obviously quite extensive.1.entirety [en'taɪərɪti:] n.整体,全面in its entirety作为一个整体2. compounding ['kɑmpaundiŋ] n.配料;组合;复合3. Mechanism ['mekənizəm] n. 机械装置;构造, 机制;办法, 技巧, 途径4. absorption [əb'sɔrpʃən] n.吸收;吸收过程;吸收作用;专注,专心致志;合并;同化5. distribution [,distri'bju:ʃən] n.分发, 分配;散布, 分布6. biotransformation [,baiəu,trænsfə'meiʃən] n.生物转化metabolism [mɪ'tæbə,lɪzəm] n.新陈代谢7. excretion [eks'kri:ʃən] n.(动植物的)排泄,排泄物8. therapeutic [,θerə'pju:tik] adj.治疗(学)的;疗法的;对身心健康有益的9. living ['liviŋ]adj.活(着)的;现存的, 在使用中的;逼真的, 生动的n.生计, 生存之道;生活方式整体而言,药理学包括药学发展的历史,药物的来源、理化性质、配伍,药物对机体的生化过程和生理功能的影响,药物的作用机制,药物的吸收、分布、生物转化和排泄,药物的治疗作用和其他作用。

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Advanced English for Pharmacognosy
学分:1学分学时:20学时考核方式:进展报告教学方式:授课、讨论主讲教师:叶敏课程类型:A 授课对象:生药学专业博士研究生、硕士研究生;药物分析、临床药学等专业的研究生。
























