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say its n ame.

Look at the Get students to complete the task picture and

on their own. As they work, move write the things

you see around the room check ing their in the correct

progress and an sweri ng any questi ons colu mns in the chart.

they may have.

Show the correct an swers on the

scree n by a projector.


Read the This activity gives stude nts pers ons, the practice in understanding the target things and the

reas ons

Ian guage in spoke n conv ersati on.

Call stude nts' atte nti on to the

chart. Set a time limit of two

mi nu tes.

Only listen.

Liste n and Play the recording the first

match each time.

pers on with a Play the recordi ng aga in.

thing and a

reas on.

Step3 Con solidati on and exte nsion


This activity provides oral

practice using the target Ian guage.

Work with a

part ner. Start Point to the picture in Activity by read ing the 1b. In vite a pair of stude nts to say con versati ons

the conv ersati on in the speech in the picture and in the box.


The n make Point out the conversation in the con versati ons

using the 对词汇的进步复习。

Step3 Summary

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 1. Key Vocabulary band, hair band

2. Target Lan guage Whose no tebook is this?

It must be Ning's. It has her name on it. Whose French book is this?

It could be Ali's. She studies Fren ch.

Whose guitar is this?

It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. Whose T-shirt is this?

It can't be Joh n's. It's much too small for him.

教 学 反 思

板 书 设 计



1. Reading practice

2. Oral practice using the target Ianguage

1. Key vocabulary

2. Target Ianguage 教学 难点


Step 1 Revisi on

Revise the usage of the words must, might, could and can't by check ing homework.




Step 2 Prese ntati on

I. 3a

This activity provides read ing practice

using the target Ian guage.

Call stude nts' atte nti on to the picture.

Ask stude nts to tell what's

happe ning in the picture.

Point to the parts of the e-mail message.

Check the an swers.

II. 3b

This activity provides oral

practice using the target Ian guage.

Read the in structio ns to the

class. Point to the sample

conv ersatio n. In vite a pair of stude nts to say it to the class.

Get stude nts to talk about the

circled words in Activity 3a. Use the words can't, must, could or might as in the sample. circled words might in clude

an xious, symph on yhall, algebra, optometrist appo in tme nt, crucial, count, drop Look and say.

Read the parts

carefully and

Number them in


Circle the new


Read the con

versati on in pairs.

Make new con

versati ons.





