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David Copperfield (I)









《典范英语》(9)因篇幅较长、难度较大,要求两周完成一部作品。第一周读完Chapters 1-4,第二周读完Chapters 5-10。每周读完后安排一节或两节实验课。


本周学生应完成Chapters 1-4(P5-P44)。要求学生每天朗读15-20分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,认真把握和体会小说的内容,并适当积累好词好句。


1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考,了解小说背景

介绍小说的写作背景和作者的相关信息(参考英文教案Teaching Notes),教师可以通过提问和学生进行探讨,也可以请学生参考P84的作者简介,课上做简短的presentation:Who is the author?

What do you know about him?

What do you think of the novel? (喜欢或不喜欢,请学生简要评价)


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was one of the most famous English novelists of the Victorian era and of all times. His most popular works might include David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

Dickens had a miserable childhood. His father was sent to prison since he was at the age of 9 and then at the age of 12 he was sent to work in a factory under poor conditions. After three years of hard work, he returned to school, but it was a school just as horrible as Mr Creakle’s Establishment in David Copperfield.

David Copperfield is a famous novel first published in 1850. Many elements of the book are based on its author Charles Dickens’ life and the book is probably the most autobiographical of all his works. The story is set in early Victorian England against a backdrop of great social change. The industrial revolution had transformed the social structure of the country and the gap between the rich and the poor increased. People moved to the city in search of opportunities and endured poverty and dirty, crowded living conditions. Besides, many children were forced to work long hours.

2. 复述(Retelling):关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力


Chapter 1:

Except for his great-aunt’s disappointment, David enjoyed a happy early childhood with his mother and her faithful housekeeper, Peggotty, until his mother married again. She proved powerless to protect him from the cruelty of his stepfather, Mr Murdstone. He sent David to a boarding school in London after David bit him.

Chapter 2:

In Salem House, David made friends with Traddles and Steerforth, who protected him from being bullied by the headmaster. Two months after his return from his unwelcome home, he was informed of his mother’s death.

Chapter 3:

Mr Murdstone sent David to work in a wine-bottling warehouse with poor conditions. David stayed at Mr Micawber’s house but when the latter left London, owing to his debts, David decided to run away to his only living relative, Miss Trotwood, in Dover. Unfortunately, he was robbed of all his stuff.

Chapter 4:

David found Aunt Betsey after much hardship and was protected from Mr Murdstone’s further bullying.


David Copperfield lived with his mother and their housekeeper, Peggotty. When David’s mother married a very cruel man, Mr Murdstone, David was bullied and later sent away to Salem House, a horrible London boarding school where he made friends with a rich boy, Steerforth. David’s mother gave birth to a boy, but sadly, she and the child died later. After that, David was sent to work at a warehouse by Mr Murdstone, where the only people made him happier were the kind-hearted Micawbers. Later David ran away and lived with his great aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood who freed him from Mr Murdstone’s cruelty.
