
Unit1Structure一1) Simon's ill He can't get out of bed.Answer: Simon's ill -- so much so that he can't get out of bed.2) She herself believed in freedom. She would rather die than live without it.Answer: She herself believed in freedom -- so much so that she would rather die than live without it.3) Piles of work have kept us busy. We can't manage to take a holiday this year. Answer: Piles of work have kept us busy -- so much so that we can't manage to takea holiday this year.4) Many contestants (参加比赛者) later failed drug tests. The race had to be rerun. Answer: Many contestants later failed drug tests -- so much so that the race had to be rerun.二1), how much do you think it's worth? (painting, really, a Picasso (毕加索画作)) Answer: Assuming(that) this painting really is a Picasso2), where are we going to get the money? (proposal, accept) Answer: Assuming(that) the proposal is accepted3) All we have to do is to explain the problem to her, . (of course, she, prepared, listen)4) , I doubt they'll take any notice. (even, smokers, do see, health warnings)Answer: Even assuming(that) smokers do see the health warningsUnit2Structure一1) You can not bring out the best in your employees except by rewarding success. Answer: Only by rewarding success can you bring out the best in your employees.2) Mary was unable to complete the report by the deadline except by working at evenings and weekends.Answer: Only by working at evenings and weekends was Mary able to complete the report by the deadline.3) I didn't realize the value of my parents' advice until I myself became a mother. Answer: Only when I myself became a mother did I realize the value of my parents' advice.4) They didn't begin to prepare for the math examination until they had finished watching the football game.Answer: Only after they had finished watching the football game did they begin toprepare for the math examination.二1) The young woman described to the policemen (那个男子是如何跑到她跟前抢走她手中提包的).Answer: the way the man ran up to her and grabbed the bag from her hand2) All the people working for Sam Walton admire (他管理沃尔玛公司的方法和他对待员工的方式).Answer: the way he manages Wal-Mart and the way he treats his employees3) The neighbors were disgusted at (他那样对年迈的父亲说话).Answer: the way he talked to his old father4) It's amazing (八岁男孩能那样保持冷静)when he faced the emergency.Answer: the way the eight-year-old boy managed to stay so calmUnit3Structure一1) --- Do you help your parents with housework? (do, can)--- Yes,.Answer: I do whatever I can2) --- Can I have your OICQ number? (mean)--- ?--- It's the number you need to chat with others on the Internet.Answer: Whatever does that mean3) --- Last night, Sammy didn't come home. His mother was almost worried to death.(happen)--- , he should have called home.Answer: Whatever had happened4) --- You have such a wonderful collection of oil paintings, Mr. Benson! (it, be, you, like)--- , take it as a wedding gift from an old man.Answer: Whatever it is that you like二Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using "know better than to"1) You ought to be wise enough not to go swimming right after lunch.Answer: You ought to know better than to go swimming right after lunch.2) Aunt Betty is certainly too well-experienced to invest all her money in one company's stock. Answer: Aunt Betty certainly knows better than to invest all her money in one company's stock.3) Jenny is old enough to have more sense than to spend all her time playing computer games. Answer: Jenny is old enough to know better than to spend all her time playing computer games.4) Allen should not have been so silly as to lend such a large sum of money to thatuntrustworthy cousin of his.Answer: Allen should have known better than to lend such a large sum of money to that untrustworthy cousin of his.Unit4Structure一1) Anyone who has talked with him will see Mark is a remarkably intelligent person. Anyone who has talked with him will see Mark is .Answer: a person of remarkable intelligence2) The book is not valuable to one who is not familiar with the subject.The book is to one who is not familiar with the subject.Answer: of no value3) She is a wealthy woman. She never has to worry about money.She is . She never has to worry about money.Answer: a woman of wealth4) In today's job market, basic skills in computer science and foreign languages are very important.In today's job market, basic skills in computer science and foreign languages are Answer: of great importance二1) "If you go on spending money like this, (你一个月就会身无分文)," my friend said to me the other day.Answer: you will find yourself penniless in a month2) When the passenger woke up, (他发现自己躺在医院的病房里).Answer: he found himself lying in a hospital ward3) Soon after she reported for work, (她发现自己面对的是她承担过的最艰难的工作).Answer: she found herself faced with the toughest job she had ever taken4) As time went on, (苏珊发现自己落入了一个无法逃脱的陷阱). Answer: Susan found herself in a trap from which she could not escapeUnit5Structure一Answer the following questions, using the structure "it is ... that ... ":1) What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault?Answer: It was his dream and hard work that made it possible for him to set a world record in the pole vault.2) When did you begin to learn English?Answer: It was nine years ago that I began to learn English.3) Who has ever exerted (施加) the greatest influence on you?Answer: It is my parents who have exerted the greatest influence on me.4) Where did you come across John?Answer: It was in Central Park that I met John.二Study the model and complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English using what-clause:1) Obviously (这位发言人想要强调的是) the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.Answer: what the speaker wanted to emphasize was2) It seems that he is never bothered about (别人是如何看待他的行为的). Answer: what people would think about his behavior3) The CEO never hesitates to let his employees know (他在为公司做的计划). Answer: what he is planning for the company4) The scientist will show the audience (遥控机器人(tele-operated robot) 能为家庭所做的事).Answer: what a tele-operated robot can do for a familyUnit6Structure一Rewrite the following sentences after the models:1) I wish it were that simple!Answer: If only it were that simple!2) It seems it won't stop raining this afternoon, so we can't go out.Answer: We could go out this afternoon if only it would stop raining.3) Everything went wrong just because she told David about that.Answer: If only she hadn't told David about that, everything would have been all right.4) It's a pity that she came into the room at that particular moment.Answer: If only she hadn't come into the room at that particular moment.二Make sentences with the structure mentioned in the Model as well as the words in brackets:1)(Tom, intelligent, class, so, he, not, learn, anything , there) Answer: Tom was too intelligent for his class so he was not learning anything there./Tom is too intelligent for his class so he is not learning anything there.2)(task, far, difficult , nine-year-old) Answer: The task is far too difficult for a nine-year-old./The task was far too difficult for a nine-year-old.3)(there, be, many, people, such , small, room) Answer: There are too many people for such a small room./There were too many people for such a small room.4)(noise, become, much, me, so , I , go , complain) Answer: The noise became too much for me so I went and complained.Unit7Structure一Study the models and complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese in brackets into English.1) We are literally crawling. (一定是出车祸了). Answer: There must be some traffic accident ahead2) Thomas sounds very knowledgeable about traditional Chinese medicine. (他一定受过专门培训).Answer: He must have had some special training3) The draft document is complete in virtually every detail. (起草这份文件一定用了他几个月).Answer: It must have taken him months to prepare it4) (凯茜一定是误了火车). She should have arrived here two hours ago.Answer: Cathy must have missed the train5) What? It cost you one thousand dollars to fill a hollow tooth? (你一定在夸张)!Answer: You must be exaggerating二Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using "be supposed to"1) Do we have to deposit our bags before entering the supermarket?Answer: Are we supposed to deposit our bags before entering the supermarket?2) The spaceship is planned to land on Mars at 10:40 this morning.Answer: The spaceship is supposed to land on Mars at 10:40 this morning.3) As a car driver, you ought to know how to change a tire.Answer: As a car driver, you are supposed to know how to change a tire.4) The nurses in the hospital are expected to take good care of the patients.Answer: The nurses in the hospital are supposed to take good care of the patients.5) We are required to speak only in English when we discuss text organization.Answer: We are supposed to speak only in English when we discuss text organization.Unit8Structure一Complete the following sentences after the model, using "now that":1) (begin, new life, foreign country), everything seems so different and he is understandably excited.Answer: Now that he has begun a new life in a foreign country2) The things I've worked so hard for appear to me so shallow and worthless (I, achieve).Answer: now that I've achieved them3)(warmer months, come), why don't you takethe opportunity to travel around Siberia?Answer: Now that the warmer months are coming4) (know, whole truth), she realized how stupid she had been not to suspect that her boyfriend was actually a spy.Answer: Now that she knew the whole truth二※Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using "more than + past participle/adj.":1) When Mount Qomolongma was remeasured in 1987 by a more accurate method, it was found to be (比原先认为的高出24米). Answer: 24 meters higher than previously believed2) The central heating system has proved (没有最初期望的那么有效).Answer: less effective than originally hoped for3) The new electronic dictionary is sold (以比预期低得多的价格).Answer: at a much lower price than predicted4) Totally fed up with the noise in the surroundings of the hotel, Prof. Sherrington said he'd leave as soon as he finished his work and (一刻也不会多呆在那儿).Answer: wouldn't stay there a moment longer than necessary。

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螀2 1 世纪大学英语第册课后习题参考答案肅Unit1薂Text A螂Vocabulary袀in蒆pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming芄1.going steady with Richard 2.in time 3.played into his enemy ' s hands薁4.beyond her widest dreams 5.hung on Michael ' s every word 6.out of focus羀7.feed on 8.the apple of Chris ' s eye 9.filed into the courtroom 10.poring over their collection袇word Building螂w芀2.empress 3.goddess 4.mistress 5.waitress 6.lioness 7.priestess 8.heiress聿2.waitress, actress 3.Lioness 4.mistress芈四蒄2.referee 裁判 3.appointee 被任命者 4.refugee 难民 5.addressee 收件人 6.trainee 受训者7.escapee逃犯8.absentee缺席者9.payee 受款人莃2.trainee 3.absentee 4.refugees 5.addressee 6.escapee腿Structure蒅区膆1. Having too many work on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up .膂2. He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman. 艿3. In most modern societies women are treated as professorial equal rather than as servants.袆4. “ Body language ” refers to communication through the way you move rather thant to speech.薄5. He preferred to sit quietly in class rather than risking giving an answer that might be wrong .袁6. Andrew is convinced that love rather than money is the key to happiness.艿7. Many people nowadays communicate by email rather thanby phones and faxes.芇8. Mrs.Kester made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.莅X蚀1. if only to attract more readers.荿2. 2.if only to get his two teeth filled.蚇3. if only to make a good impression on his girlfriend.螃4. if only to teach him a lesson on how dangerous it is to be so careless.蚂5. if only to stop yourself getting so bored at home.葿Translation螄刘蒅正在上学的孩子们中有一种普遍的错误观念,即他们的老师们曾是些神童。

Text Organization
The structure of Text A
The importance of the study skills by two specific examples
Para. 1-3
Secrets of A students—8 study skills
Intensive Study
Secrets of A Students
By Edwin Kiester & Sally Valentine Kiester
Alex, now a first-year student in natural sciences at
Cambridge, played football for his school in Manchester and directed the school production of a play. He left school with five A’s. Amanda, reading English at Bristol University, acted in plays at hers, and played tennis regularly. Yet she still managed to get four A’s.
21st Century College English: Book 1
Unit 1 : Text A
Secrets of A Students
Unit 1: Text A
• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading & Writing Skills • Language Points • Guided Practice

Betty: I’m fine, but a bit worried about my study here. Do
you have any tips for my first few weeks in college?
George: Well, the best advice I can give is maybe not to
2) The speaker is telling new students that college is different from h__ig_h__s_c_h__o_o_l.
3) New college students will know how to s__tu_d__y_a_t__c_o_ll_e_g_e_ after studying Unit One.
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
George: Hello, Betty.
Betty: Hi, George. How glad I am to see you now!
George: So am I. How are you?
2) Who comes from the same place as Betty? C__a_r_o_l._
3) Where is John from? H__e_’_s_f_r_o_m__N__a_n_j_in_g_.__
4) Which department is John in? H__e_’_s_i_n_t_h_e__D__e_p_a_r_t_m_e__n_t _o_f_C__o_m__p_u_t_e_r_S__c_ie__n_c_e_.__

21世纪大学英语第二册答案【篇一:21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案】英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案第一单元 unit1 翻译 texta 温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的当时他正身处逆境。
在那儿正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的“绘画女神拯救了我” 一天他正在花园里漫步正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。
21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程(第三版)(Unit 1-5)答案

21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程(第三版)①(Unit 1-5)答案仅供参考一、汉译英Unit 11.一代人以前,年轻人渴望成为律师和医生。
(aspire, yearn)A generation ago, young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winners or pop stars.2.詹尼终于接受母亲即将离世的事实,她最后的希望破灭了。
(reconcile oneself to, wither away)Finally, Jannie reconciled herself to the fact that her mother was dying. Her last hope withered away.3.当你看到事物光明的一面时,你就更可能坚持目的到底。
(follow through)When you look at the bright side of things, you are more likely to follow through on your goals.4.据称,这个新通过的法案具有保护工人的善意目的。
(beneficent)It is claimed that the newly passed law has a beneficent purpose of providing protection for the workers.5.他对当前政治局势的认识过于肤浅。
(superficial)He has a superficial understanding of the current political situation.Unit 21.女孩们开始翻阅照相簿。
(look through)The girls began to look through the photograph albums.2.北方冬天来得早。

21世纪大学实用英语答案【篇一:21世纪大学实用英语教程四习题答案】ther never stopped for my sister frances, who died whenshe was four. of clients(委托人).4. over a period of years, the drug will the body and eventually damage the nervous system.5. he said he wouldn’t give me the money unless i got downon my knees and died of natural causes.7. 超过) the car in front.8.he had gone from being student to becoming a millionaire(百万富翁).9.paul’s job was mainly 堆放) them.10.she came home to find she’d had her tv and video.12.having served the family for 40 years, he was respected and takengood care of by all the family members.prepared regularly as an aid to management.2.janeeyre has been filmed a number of times, with two particularly outstanding without actually breaking the law.4.hemingway’s life brought him close to death several times: in thespanish civil war when shells(炮弹) burst inside his hotel room; in world war iiwhen he was struck by a taxi during a blackout(停电); and in 1954 when hisairplane crashed in africa.5.the company’s is still uncertain.6.you are right — high-powered cars are lethal(致命的) weapons in thehands of inexperienced drivers.7,maggie had so little to do during the day that she spent much of the time 8.some companies hold large meetings totell employees about newbusiness developments. such meetings are particularly useful for companies whoseemployees are spread out geographically.9.almost immediately, she wrote to her father’s supplier(供货商) in london and.10.the is composed of many interconnected computer networks. eachnetwork may link hundreds or thousands of computers, enabling them to shareinformation with one another. we will meet again next monday.12.the manager resigned among accusations that he had misused the company’sfor personal entertainment and first-class air travel.三.during my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz(突击测验). i was a conscientious(认真的) student and breezed through(很快地做完i read the last one: “what is the first name of the cleans the school?” surely this was some (4)the cleaning woman times. she was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s, but would i know her name? i handed (7)my paper, leaving the last question (8) before class ended,one studentasked (9)the last question would count toward our quiz “absolutely,” said the professor. “in your (11) all are significant. theyyour attention and care,even if all you is smile and say ‘hello.’” i’ve neve r (14) that lesson. i also learned the cleaning woman’s (15) was dorothy.四。

When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。
Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professionals.当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。
When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。
After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。

第一章1 perform [pə'fɔ:m] vt.执行;演出,表演vi.工作;完成2 high-achieving [ˌhaiə'tʃi:viŋ] a.得高分的3 lower-scoring [ˌləuə'skɔ:riŋ] a.得分较低的4 concentrate ['kɔnsəntreit] vi.集中思想;专注;专心;全神贯注5 interruption [intə'rʌpʃən] n.打扰;干扰;中止;阻碍6 ignore [ig'nɔ:] vt.不理,忽视7 focus ['fəukəs] v.集中注意力于某事情8 assign [ə'sain] vt.委派;指派9 underachieving [ˌʌndərə'tʃi:viŋ] a.未能充分发挥学习潜力的;学习成绩不良的10 athlete ['æθli:t] n.运动员11 recall [ri'kɔ(:)l] vt.回想(起);记得12 memorise ['meməraiz] vt.记住,熟记13 missing ['misiŋ] a.缺失的;找不到的;失踪的,下落不明的14 notebook ['nəutbuk] n.笔记本,记事本15 folder ['fəuldə] n.文件夹16 assignment [ə'sainmənt] n.(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业17 drawer [drɔ:] n.抽屉18 essential [i'senʃəl] a.(to,for)绝对必要的n.(常用复数)必需品19 essay ['esei] n.论说文;散文20 draft [drɑ:ft] n.草稿;草案vt.起草;草拟21 due [dju:] a.到期的,预定应到的22 deadline ['dedlain] n.最后期限23 schedule ['ʃedju:l] n.时间表;日程安排表24 overtired [ˌəuvə'taiəd] a.过度疲劳的25 stretch [stretʃ] vi.舒展身体,伸懒腰26 irrelevant [i'reləvənt] a.不相关的;不相干的27 relevant ['reləvənt] a.相关的;相干的28 speed-reading [spi:d'ri:diŋ] n.快速阅读29 per [pə(:)] prep.每;每一30 content ['kɔntent] n.[复数]目录;内容31 retain [ri'tein] vt.保持,保留32 revision [ri'viʒən] n.复习;修改33 scan [skæn] vt.浏览;扫视34 participation [pɑ:ˌtisi'peiʃən] n.参加,参与35 participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] vi.参与,参加36 intellectual [ˌinti'lektʃuəl] n.知识分子a.智力的;知识的37 curiosity [ˌkjuəri'ɔsiti] n.好奇,好奇心;求知欲38 economics [ˌi:kə'nɔmiks] n.经济学39 economy [i'kɔnəmi] n.经济(制度)40 market-driven [ˌmɑ:kit'drivn] a.市场驱动的41 graduate ['grædjueit] a.研究生的n.有学位者;大学毕业生vi.毕业42 graduate student 研究生43 calculus ['kælkjuləs] n.微积分44 approach [ə'prəutʃ] v.靠近;接近n.方式;方法45 solution [sə'lu:ʃən] n.解决(办法)46 make the most of 充分利用47 count for much 很有价值或重要性48 count for little 没有多少价值或重要性49 not the whole story 不是全部情况50 only part of the story 只是部分情况51 put in 花费(时间或金钱)52 get one's hands on 把...弄到手53 lay one's hands on 把...弄到手54 hand in 交上,提交55 keep...together 把...聚在一起56 cut down on 减少57 stick to 坚持;不放弃,不改变58 work wonders 创奇迹;产生奇妙作用59 go through 从头至尾看;遍查60 lead to 导致;引起61 a couple of (两)个;两三(个)62 write up 写出,写成63 put down 写下64 put away 把(某物)收藏在合适的地方65 time after time 一再;屡次66 bittersweet [ˌbitə'swi:t] a.又苦又甜的67 excitement [ik'saitmənt] n.激动,兴奋68 preference ['prefərəns] n.偏爱,优先69 subtly ['sʌtli] ad.微妙地,巧妙地70 particular [pə'tikjulə] a.某一的;特定的71 locate [ləu'keit] vt.[常用被动语态]使..坐落于,把...设置在72 establish [i'stæbliʃ] vt.确立,确定73 financially [fə'nænʃəli] ad.经济方面地74 financial [fə'nænʃəl] a.金融的,财政的75 feasible ['fi:zəbəl] a.可行的76 perspective [pə'spektiv] n.想法;观点77 concern [kən'sə:n] n.感兴趣的事;关心的事vt.使关心,使挂念78 shift [ʃift] vi.转变,转移n.(in)转变,转移79 attractive [ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的80 assurance [ə'ʃuərəns] n.保证;自信,把握81 survive [sə'vaiv] v.(从困境中)挺过来;经历(事故等)而幸存82 horrible ['hɔrəbl] a.可怕的;骇人的83 transfer [træns'fə:] vi.转学;转移,调动84 panic ['pænik] n.恐慌85 senior ['si:njə] n.(中学)最高年级学生;(大学)四年级学生86 underclass ['ʌndəklɑ:s] a.低年级的87 rung [rʌŋ] n.梯级88 despite [di'spait] prep.尽管,任凭89 anticipation [ænˌtisi'peiʃən] n.预期,期望90 anticipate [æn'tisipeit] vt.预期,期望91 impact ['impækt] n.影响,撞击;冲击92 strain [strein] n.[常用复数]乐曲;旋律;曲调93 pomp [pɔmp] n.壮丽景色,壮观;(典礼等的) 盛况94 circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns] n.环境;情形;情况95 echo ['ekəu] n.回声,回声vi.回响,发出回声96 background ['bækgraund] n.背景97 gown ['gaun] n.长袍98 solemnly ['sɔləmli] ad.严肃地, 庄严地99 solemn ['sɔləm] a.庄重的,严肃的100 file [fail] vi.排成纵队行进,鱼贯而行101 auditorium [ˌɔ:di'tɔ:riəm] n.礼堂102 consume [kən'sju:m] vt.使不知所措,压倒103 daze [deiz] n.迷乱,恍惚104 stage [steidʒ] n.主席台,舞台105 diploma [di'pləumə] n.毕业文凭,学位证书106 brand [brænd] n.(商品的)名牌107 brand-new [ˌbrænd'nju:] a.崭新的;全新的108 prospect ['prɔspekt] n.前景109 routine [ru:'ti:n] n.常规110 commute [kə'mju:t] n.上学放学(或上下班)的往返交通111 abhor [əb'hɔ:] vt.憎恶, 厌恶112 treasure ['treʒə] n.珍爱,珍惜113 come of age 成年,满法定年龄114 be on one's own 独自一人;以独力115 look over sb.'s shoulder 监视某人116 on the other hand 另一方面117 keep up 保持良好状态;不落后;跟上118 What if 如果...将会怎样?119 turn out (to be) 最后证明是,原来是,结果竟是120 set in 到来,开始121 file into 排成纵队进入122 well up (眼泪等)涌上123 in a daze 茫然之中124 reach out 伸出(手或臂)125 as for 至于,关于126 for good 永远第二章1 conversational [ˌkɔnvə'seiʃənəl] a.会话的,交谈的2 conversation [ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话;会谈3 ballgame ['bɔ:lgeim] n.球类活动4 gradually ['grædjuəli] ad.逐渐5 startle ['stɑ:tl] vt.使惊吓,使惊奇6 halt [hɔ:lt] vi.(使)停住,(使)停止n.停住,停止7 handle ['hændl] vt.处理,应付8 unconsciously [ʌn'kɔʃəsli] ad.无意识地,不知不觉地9 challenge ['tʃælindʒ] n.挑战;质疑vt.向...挑战;对...质疑10 disagree [ˌdisə'gri:] vi.有分歧,不同意11 response [ri'spɔns] n.回答;回应,反应12 original [ə'ridʒinəl] a.起初的;原来的13 bounce [bauns] vi.(球)弹起,(球)反弹14 objection [əb'dʒekʃən] n.反对,异议15 forth [fɔ:θ] ad.向前;向外16 responsible [ri'spɔnsəbl] a.负有责任的,有责任的17 bowling ['bəuliŋ] n.保龄球18 relative ['relətiv] a.相对的,比较的n.亲戚,亲属19 previous ['pri:viəs] a.先前的;以前的20 junior ['dʒu:niə] a.级别或地位较低的,年少的,较年幼的21 bowl [bəul] vt.把(球)投向球瓶22 lane [lein] n.球道;车道;胡同,小巷23 pin [pin] n.球瓶;大头针,别针24 register ['redʒistə] vt.record 记录,登记25 suitable ['sju:təbəl] a.合适的;适当的26 impatience [im'peiʃəns] n.不耐烦;急躁27 snatch [snætʃ] vt.抓住;夺,夺得28 alley ['æli] n.小巷,小街,胡同;球道29 bowler ['bəulə] n.投球手30 apart [ə'pɑ:t] ad.成碎片31 parallel ['pærəlel] a.平行的,并列的32 switch [switʃ] vi.改变,转移33 join in 参加(活动),参与34 come to a halt 停住,停止;停顿35 even if 即使,尽管36 just as 正如;同样地37 back and forth 来回地,反复地38 and so on 等等39 knock down ['nɔkdaun] 击倒;撞倒40 fall apart 破裂;破碎;以失败告终41 call on 号召;请求42 refer to 谈到,提及43 after all 毕竟44 universal [ˌju:ni'və:səl] a.通用的,万能的45 Mandarin ['mændərin] n.(中国)国语46 semiofficial ['semiə'fiʃəl] a.半官方的47 status ['steitəs] n.地位;身份48 dialect ['daiəlekt] n.方言,土话49 widespread ['waidspred] a.分布(或散布)广的,普遍的50 geographically [ˌdʒiə'græfikəli] ad.在地理上;按地区51 billion ['biljən] num.(美)十亿52 exceed [ik'si:d] vt.超过,越过53 supplement ['sʌplimənt] vt.增补;补充54 state-run ['steitrʌn] a.国营的;州立的55 secondary ['sekəndəri] a.中等教育的;次要的,次等的56 medium ['mi:diəm] n.[复数media]宣传工具,新闻媒介57 transportation [ˌtrænspə:'teiʃən] n.运输58 prevail [pri'veil] vi.盛行;流行59 communication [kəˌmju:ni'keiʃən] n.通信;交流60 airwave ['ɛəweiv] n.电波61 pilot ['pailət] n.机师;飞行员62 traffic ['træfik] n.交通63 maritime ['mæritaim] a.海事的;海运的64 signal ['signəl] n.信号;暗号v.(to,for)(向...)发信号65 vessel ['vesl] n.船,舰66 communicate [kə'mju:nikeit] vi.交流vt.传染;传播67 verbally ['və:bəli] ad.用文字地;口头上68 verbal ['və:bəl] a.用文字的,口头的69 potential [pə'tenʃəl] a.潜在的,可能的n.潜力,潜能70 audience ['ɔ:diəns] n.听众,观众,受众71 conduct ['kɔndəkt, kən'dʌkt] n.行为,品行vt.施行,处理72 mail [meil] n.邮件vt.(主美)邮寄73 telex ['teleks] n.电传74 cable ['keibl] n.电缆;电报75 instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.[复数]用法说明,操作指南;指令76 instruct [in'strʌkt] n.教;讲授;训练77 software ['sɔftwɛə] n.(计算机的)软件78 periodical [ˌpiəri'ɔdikəl] n.期刊,杂志79 electronics [iˌlek'trɔniks] n.电子学80 businessman ['biznismæn] n.商人,企业家81 negotiation [niˌgəuʃi'eiʃən] n.谈判,协商82 manufacture [ˌmænju:'fæktʃə] vt.(尤指以批量)制造83 indicate ['indikeit] vt.表示;表明84 origin ['ɔridʒin] n.起源,来源,起因85 multinational [mʌlti'næʃənl] a.多国经营的,跨国经营的86 corporation [ˌkɔpə'reiʃən] n.公司87 memorandum [ˌmemə'rændəm] n.便笺;备忘录88 company ['kʌmpəni] n.公司;商行89 employees [ˌemplɔi'i:] n.受雇者,雇工,雇员90 in-service [in'sə:vis] a.在职期间进行的91 diplomacy [di'pləuməsi] n.外交92 replace [ri'pleis] vt.代替,取代93 dominant ['dɔminənt] a.占支配地位的,主要的94 aid [eid] vt./n.帮助;援助95 lingua franca [ˌliŋgwə'fræŋkə] n.通用语96 association [əˌsəusi'eiʃən] n.协会,社团97 competition [ˌkɔmpə'tiʃən] n.比赛,竞赛;竞争;角逐98 culture ['kʌltʃə] n.文化,文明;教养,修养99 worldwide [ˌwə:ld'waid] ad.在全世界,在世界各地100 lyric ['lirik] n.[复数]歌词101 break dance 霹雳舞102 rap [ræp] n.闲聊,交谈vi.闲聊,交谈;吟快板103 rap music 快板音乐,快板歌104 bodybuilding ['bɔdiˌbildiŋ] n.健美运动105 windsurfing ['windsə:fiŋ] n.风帆冲浪运动106 hacking ['hækiŋ] n.非法访问计算机系统和数据库的活动107 invade [in'veid] vt.入侵108 slang [slæŋ] n.俚语109 or so (表示约数)左右,上下110 take the place of 替代;替换111 chances are that ...是可能的112 serve as 有用;起作用第三章1 sunshine ['sʌnʃain] n.阳光2 infant ['infənt] n.婴儿3 musician [mju:'ziʃən] n.乐师;作曲家4 pray [prei] vi.祈求;祈祷5 spoon [spu:n] n.匙, 调羹6 faintly ['feintli] ad.微弱地,轻微地7 resemble [ri'zembl] vt.类似,像8 drum [drʌm] n.鼓9 tire ['taiə] vt.(使)感到疲劳;(使)厌倦;(使)厌烦10 harmonica [hɑ:'mɔnikə] n.口琴11 amaze [ə'meiz] vt.使惊奇,使惊羡12 porch [pɔ:tʃ] n.(建筑物前有顶的)门廊,入口处13 apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.公寓大楼;一套公寓房间14 clap [klæp] vi.拍手15 miracle ['mirəkl] n.奇迹16 promptly ['prɔmptli] ad.及时地,迅速地17 audition [ɔ:'diʃən] n.(对志愿艺人等的)面试(指试读、试唱等)18 kid [kid] n.小孩19 congratulate [kən'grætjuleit] vt.祝贺20 youngster ['jʌŋstə] n.男孩,年轻人21 talent ['tælənt] n.天才;天资;超常智能;人才22 decade ['dekeid] n.十年,十年期23 dart [dɑ:t] n.猛冲,飞奔24 instrument ['instrumənt] n.仪器;器具;乐器;器械25 ease [i:z] n.容易;安适;悠闲;无痛苦;无忧虑26 fingertip ['fiŋgəˌtip] n.指尖27 smash [smæʃ] v.粉碎;打碎n.轰动的演出,巨大的成功28 adulthood ['ædʌlthud] n.成年29 aspect ['æspekt] n.方面30 career [kə'riə] n.生涯,职业31 formula ['fɔ:mjulə] n.公式,程式;准则,方案32 explore [iks'plɔ:] v.勘探;探索;探测33 gospel ['gɔspəl] n.福音音乐(美国黑人的一种宗教音乐)34 jazz ['dʒæz] n.爵士音乐35 rhythm ['riðəm] n.韵律;节奏36 album ['ælbəm] n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册37 mature [mə'tjuə] a.充分发育的;(智力或体力)成熟的38 independent [ˌindi'pendənt] a.独立的,自主的39 tragedy ['trædʒidi] n.惨事,灾变;悲剧40 involve [in'vɔlv] vt.使陷入,使卷入;牵扯,连累41 coma ['kəumə] n.昏迷42 musical ['mju:zikl] a.音乐的43 genius ['dʒi:niəs] n.天才,创造能力;天才人物44 conquer ['kɔŋkə] vt.征服;克服(困难等)45 performance [pə'fɔ:məns] n.表演,演奏,演出46 reevaluate ['ri:i'væljueit] vt.重新评价47 goal [gəul] n.(足球等的)球门;得分进球;目的;目标48 hunger ['hʌŋgə] n.饥饿49 urge [ə:dʒ] vt.力劝;恳求;敦促50 racial ['reiʃəl] a.种族的,由种族引起的51 harmony ['hɑ:məni] n.和睦,融洽,一致52 apartheid [ə'pɑ:thait] n.(南非的)种族隔离53 fame [feim] n.名声,名望54 activity [æk'tivəti] n.活动;行动55 break into 突然(哭、唱、笑)起来56 bring up [ˌbriŋ ʌp] 抚养;养育57 as far as 就…;尽...;至于58 get tired of 厌倦,厌烦59 wear out 把...用坏;把...穿破60 with ease 容易地,无困难地61 grow into 成长为62 congratulate oneself on 因...而暗自庆幸63 congratulate oneself that 因...而暗自庆幸64 psychologist [sai'kɔlədʒist] n.心理学家65 self-image [ˌself'imidʒ] n.自我意象66 define [di'fain] vt.规定;限定;给...下定义;解释67 impression [im'preʃən] n.印象,感想68 growth [grəuθ] n.成长;生长69 concept ['kɔnsept] n.观念;概念70 image ['imidʒ] n.(头脑中的)形象;概念71 negative ['negətiv] a.否定的72 case [keis] n.实例,情况;病症,病例73 presently ['prezəntli] ad.现在,目前74 react [ri'ækt] v.反应,起反应75 suggestion [sə'dʒestʃən] n.建议,意见76 instance ['instəns] n.例子,实例77 subject ['sʌbdʒikt] n.(实验等的)对象78 dart [dɑ:t] n.镖79 bull's-eye ['bulzˌai] n.靶心80 target ['tɑ:git] n.靶;目标81 chess [tʃes] n.棋82 accurately ['ækjuritli] ad.准确地;精确地83 salesmanship ['seilzmənʃip] n.推销(术);游说(术)84 improvement [im'pru:vmənt] n.改进,增进85 unrealistic [ˌʌnriə'listik] a.不现实的86 inferior [in'fiəriə] a.较劣的,差的,次的87 justice ['dʒʌstis] n.正义,公正88 movie ['mu:vi] n.电影89 test-taking n.参加测试,应试90 backhand ['bækhænd] a.(网球等运动中)反手的91 stroke [strəuk] n.敲;打,击;(网球等的)击球92 interview ['intəvju:] vi.面试,面谈;接见;采访93 vivid ['vivid] a.生动的;栩栩如生的;鲜艳的94 detail ['di:teil] n.细节;详情95 self-concept [ˌself'kɔnsept] n.自我概念96 error ['erə] n.错误;差错97 humiliation [hju:ˌmili'eiʃən] n.屈辱,丢脸98 dwell [dwel] vi.老是想着;详细讲述99 guilty ['gilti] a.内疚的;(of)有罪的100 embarrass [im'bærəs] vt.使窘迫;使为难101 realistic [riə'listik] a.现实的;实际可行的102 expectation [ˌekspek'teiʃən] n.期待,期望103 dissatisfaction [diˌsætis'fækʃən] n.不满104 perfection [pə'fekʃən] n.完美;完善105 disappoint [ˌdisə'pɔint] vt.使失望106 doom [du:m] vt.注定,命定107 build up 逐步建立108 be based on 以...为依据,基于109 for instance 例如110 in line with 与…一致;符合111 do justice to oneself 充分发挥自己的能力112 do oneself justice 充分发挥自己的能力113 set aside 留出,拨出114 improve on 改进115 work on 从事于,致力于116 wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭117 do harm 危害;损害118 take over ['teikˌəuvə] 取得主导地位,接收,接管,接办119 from the start 从一开始第四章1 washwoman ['wɔʃˌwumən] n.洗衣妇2 wrinkled ['riŋkld] a.有皱纹的3 wrinkle ['riŋkl] n.皱纹vt.使起皱纹4 Jewish ['dʒu:iʃ] a.犹太人的5 sickly ['sikli] a.常病的6 possess [pə'zes] vt.拥有,具有7 generation [ˌdʒenə'reiʃən] n.代,一代8 forbear ['fɔ:bɛə] n.[常用复数]祖先9 bundle ['bʌndl] n.捆,包,束10 laundry ['lɔ:ndri] n.付洗衣物;已洗好的衣物;洗衣房,洗衣店11 accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit] n.积累,积聚12 launder ['lɔ:ndə] v.洗熨衣物13 pump [pʌmp] n.泵,抽(水)机14 attic ['ætik] n.阁楼;顶楼15 clothesline ['kləuðzlain] n.晾衣绳16 endure [in'djuə] vt.忍受(痛苦、困难等),耐住17 bless [bles] vt.(with)使具有,使有权得到18 bear [bɛə] vt.承担(责任等)19 wedding ['wediŋ] n.婚礼20 bride [braid] n.新娘21 altar ['ɔ:ltə] n.(教堂内的)圣坛,祭坛22 kitchen ['kitʃin] n.厨房,灶间23 teapot ['ti:pɔt] n.茶壶24 fingernail ['fiŋgəˌneil] n.指甲25 stubbornness ['stʌbənis] n.倔强;顽强26 stubborn ['stʌbən] a.顽固的,倔强的;顽强的,坚持的27 stagger ['stægə] vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚28 catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi] n.灾难,灾祸,大祸29 collapse [kə'læps] vi.(健康等)垮掉;倒坍30 premonition [ˌpri:mə'niʃən] n.预感31 mourn [mɔ:n] vi.(尤指对某人的亡故)感到悲痛;哀悼32 faithfully ['feiθfuli] ad.忠实地;确切地;如实地33 faithful ['feiθful] a.忠实的;忠诚的;如实的34 puff [pʌf] n.(空气、烟雾等的)一阵,一股35 totter ['tɔtə] vi.蹒跚;踉跄36 linen ['linin] n.亚麻布或线;亚麻织品 a.亚麻(布)的37 utter ['ʌtə] v.说,讲;发出(声音)38 half-choked ['hɑ:ftʃəukt] a.半哽住的39 corpse [kɔ:ps] n.死尸,尸体40 unload [ʌn'ləud] vt.卸(货);从卸下货物vi.卸货41 mumble ['mʌmbl] vi.咕哝,含糊地说(话)42 sunken ['sʌŋkən] a.下陷的;凹陷的43 recover [ri'kʌvə] vi.(from)痊愈,复原;恢复44 somewhat ['sʌmwɔt] ad.稍微,有点45 priest [pri:st] n.牧师,神父46 inform [in'fɔ:m] vt.(of,about)告诉,通知47 contribute [kən'tribju:t] vt.捐(款),贡献,提供(帮助)48 coffin ['kɔfin] n.棺材49 resume [ri'zju:m] n.(中断后)重新开始,继续50 mutter ['mʌtə] vt.轻声含糊地说51 load [ləud] n.一包(洗的衣物);负载,负荷vt.装货(或人)52 property ['prɔpəti] n.财产;所有物53 fulfil [ful'fil] vt.履行,完成54 undertake [ˌʌndə'teik] vt.承担55 lean on 靠在...上,倚在...上56 count out 逐一数出57 be blessed with 有幸得到,具有58 take place 发生;产生59 a good deal of 大量60 speak of 显示,表明61 at (the) most 至多62 hear of 获知...消息,听到...消息63 stand on one's feet 站起;(病后)恢复健康64 with the help of 在…的帮助下65 God forbid! 上天不容!66 fencing ['fensiŋ] n.筑栅栏的材料67 credit ['kredit] n.赊欠;信用68 charity ['tʃæriti] n.施舍;施舍物69 racism ['reisizəm] n.种族主义,种族歧视70 cash [kæʃ] n.现金,现款71 register ['redʒistə] n.收银机72 weathered ['weðəd] a.饱经风霜的73 hardware ['hɑ:dwɛə] n.[总称]五金器件,五金制品;硬件74 counter ['kauntə] n.柜台75 purchase ['pə:tʃəs] n.所购物品vt.买,购买76 cynical ['sinikəl] a.(对人性或动机)怀疑的,不信世道向善的77 adult ['ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt] n.成年人a.成年人的78 earn [ə:n] vt.博得,赢得;赚得,掐得79 immense [i'mens] a.巨大的,极大的80 decent ['di:sənt] a.正派的;得体的;体面的,过得去的81 compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] n.妥协;妥协方案vt.损害vi.妥协,让步82 stake [steik] n.利害关系;赌注83 responsibility [ˌrispɔnsə'biliti] n.(for,to)责任,责任心84 propel [prə'pel] vt.推进,推动;激励;驱策85 eventually [i'ventʃuəli] ad.终于,最后86 motivation [ˌmouti'veiʃən] n.动机87 public relations [ˌpʌblik ri'leiʃənz] n.公共关系,公关88 restore [ri'stɔ:] vt.恢复89 neighbourhood ['neibəhud] n.四邻,街坊90 reverse [ri'və:s] a.背面的,反面的;相反的n.背面;反面91 coin [kɔin] n.硬币92 drug [drʌg] n.成瘾性致幻毒品,麻醉药;药93 abuse [ə'bju:z] vt.滥用;妄用94 alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n.含酒精的饮料,酒;酒精95 pregnant ['pregnənt] a.怀孕的;怀胎的96 wedlock ['wedlɔk] n.婚姻,已婚状态97 attribute [ə'tribju:t] vt.把…归因于,把归咎于98 unwed [ʌn'wed] a.没有结婚的,未婚的99 commit [kə'mit] vt.使承担义务,使作出保证100 influence ['influəns] n.影响;有影响的人(或物) vt.对..有作用101 portray [pɔ:'trei] vt.描写,描述102 sustain [sə'stein] vt.维持,使继续103 civilization [ˌsivilai'zeiʃən] n.文明,文明世界104 vanish ['væniʃ] vi.消失105 profanity [prə'fæniti] n.(使用)亵渎语言(或行动)106 reputation [repju'teiʃən] n.声誉,声望;名声;好名声107 legacy ['legəsi] n.遗产,遗赠;先人(或过去)留下的东西108 uphold [ˌʌp'həuld] vt.维护,维持;保持;拥护;确认109 sibling ['sibliŋ] n.同胞手足(指兄、弟、姐或妹)110 pave [peiv] vt.铺(路),铺砌111 on one's mind 压在心头112 be good for (人或其信用)有偿还...能力的113 on credit ['kredit] 用赊欠的方法,凭信用114 open a door to 导致;为...创造机会115 keep one's word 遵守诺言116 do wrong 犯罪;干坏事117 have a stake in 与...有利害关系118 out of habit 出于习惯119 think of...as 把…看作120 the reverse side of the coin 问题的另一面121 out of wedlock 婚外122 attribute...to 把...归因于123 be committed to 对...承担义务;承诺做...124 think twice 再想一想,重新考虑125 care about 对...关心;注意126 pass on 传给(后代)127 to this day 到现在,至今128 know of 听说,了解129 pave the way for 为…铺平道路;导致第五章1 energetic [ˌenə'dʒetik] a.充满活力的;精力旺盛的2 hiker ['haikə] n.徙步旅行者3 content [kɔn'tent] a.(with)满意的;满足的4 leisurely ['leʒəli, li:ʒəli] a.从容的;不慌不忙的5 arise [ə'raiz] vi.出现;呈现6 tradition [trə'diʃən] n.传说7 unique [ju:'ni:k] a.独特的,独一无二的8 individual [ˌindi'vidjuəl] a.个人的;个别的;单独的n.个人;个体9 painter ['peintə] n.画家10 gamble ['gæmbl] n.赌博v.赌博;打赌11 snobbish ['snɔbiʃ] a.势利的12 spin [spin] vt.使旋转13 blond [blɔnd] a.(头发)金黄色的;(人)白肤金发碧眼的14 refined [ri'faind] a.文雅的,优美的15 nephew ['nevju:, 'nefju:] n.侄,甥16 give way 让步;屈服17 take the middle course 采取折中办法18 be on one's feet 站立着19 go off 离去;出发20 have...in mind 想到,考虑到;记得21 call at 短访,访问22 name after 以…的名字(为...)取名23 with a high opinion of 对...评价高24 sort out 拣出;整理;弄清楚25 argument ['ɑ:gjumənt] n.争论,争吵26 local ['ləukəl] a.本地的,当地的27 ice-cream ['aiskri:m] n.冰淇淋28 dessert [di'zə:t] n.(正餐后的)甜点心29 quart [kwɔ:t] n.夸脱(液量、干量单位)30 chocolate ['tʃɔklit] n.巧克力31 scoop [sku:p] vt.用勺取出,舀32 tempt [tempt] vt.使很想做;使很想要33 brink [briŋk] n.边;边缘34 overwhelm [ˌəuvə'welm] vt.完全压倒,使不知所措35 hostility [hɔ'stiliti] n.敌意36 melt [melt] vi.变软,软化vt.使融化,使熔化37 nonstop [ˌnɔn'stɔp] a.不停的,不断的38 unburden [ˌʌn'bə:dn] vt.表白,吐露,倾诉39 pack [pæk] vt.包装,把...打包40 offense [ə'fens] n.冒犯,触怒41 jerk [dʒə:k] n.蠢人,古怪的人42 blurt [blə:t] vt.突然说出,脱口说出43 humour ['hju:mə] n.幽默44 tend [tend] vi.易于,往往会45 temper ['tempə] n.脾气,性情46 hostile ['hɔstail] a.(to)不友善的,敌对的47 bulletin ['bulitin] n.公告,公报48 comic ['kɔmik] a.滑稽的,好笑的49 strip [strip] n.(报纸、杂志等的)连环漫画50 poke [pəuk] vt.把...指向;放置51 removal [ri'mu:vəl] n.移动;迁移;除掉;排除52 taxpayer ['tækspeiə] n.纳税人53 attitude ['ætitju:d] n.态度,看法54 complain [kəm'plein] vi.抱怨,诉苦;抗议55 launch ['lɔ:ntʃ] v.发射;开始;(积极有力)着手进行,积极投入56 complaint [kəm'pleint] n.抱怨;怨言57 catalog ['kætəlɔg] n.(地名、人名、货物等的)目录58 bother ['bɔðə] v.尽力,费心,烦心59 staff [stɑ:f] n.全体职工,全体人员60 flu [flu:] n.流行性感冒=influenza61 well-intentioned [ˌwelin'tenʃənd] a.善意的,好心的62 complainer [kəm'pleinə] n.抱怨者63 avoid [ə'vɔid] vt.避开,防止64 personally ['pə:sənəli] ad.亲自,本人直接地65 mention ['menʃən] vt.提及,说起66 highway ['haiwei] n.公路67 stall [stɔ:l] vt.拖延68 father-in-law ['fɑ:ðəinlɔ:] n.岳父;公公69 historical [his'tɔrikəl] a.历史上著名的,有历史意义的;历史的70 evil ['i:vəl] n.罪恶;邪恶;坏事,恶行71 grumble ['grʌmbl] vt.抱怨,嘟嚷着说72 typical ['tipikəl] a.典型的,有代表性的;令人失望的73 selfish ['selfiʃ] a.自私的,利己的74 significant [sig'nifikənt] a.重要的,意义重大的75 archeological [ˌɑ:kiə'lɔdʒikəl] a.考古(学)的76 site [sait] n.遗址;(建造房屋等的)地点,地基77 patience ['peiʃəns] n.耐心,忍耐(力)78 alert [ə'lə:t] a.警惕的;警觉的79 effective [i'fektiv] a.有效的80 discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律vt.使守纪律;管教81 teenager ['ti:neidʒə] n.(13岁-19岁的)青少年82 mode [məud] n.方式;状态;状况83 misuse [ˌmis'ju:s, ˌmis'ju:z] n.误用, 滥用vt.误用,滥用84 fall behind [ˌfɔ:l 'bihaind] 落后85 let loose 发泄;发出;放出;释放86 hold one's tongue 保持沉默87 get off 下班,停止工作88 take offense 生气89 blurt out 脱口说出,突然说出90 make matters worse 使事情更糟91 stand up for 维护;保卫;支持92 lose one's temper 发怒,发脾气93 poke fun at 取笑,嘲笑94 change for the better 好转,向好的方面发展95 come across as 看上去似乎是96 necessary evil 不好但却必不可少的东西97 see eye to eye 意见完全一致第六章1 nerd [nə:d] n.[俚语]讨厌鬼;呆子2 geek [gi:k] n.[俚语]反常的人,畸形人;野人3 system ['sistəm] n.系统,体系;制度,体制4 term [tə:m] n.(有特定意义的)词,词语;术语5 date ['deit] n.(尤指男女间的)约会;(异性的)约会对象6 shock [ʃɔk] n.震惊vt.震惊7 bite [bait] v.咬8 reveal [ri'vi:l] vt.揭示,揭露;暴露;上帝(启示)9 dedicate ['delikeit] a.献(身),把(时间、精力等)用于10 pursuit [pə'sju:t] n.追求;寻求11 freak [fri:k] n.怪人12 prestigious [pre'sti:dʒəs] a.有威望的,有声望的,受尊敬的13 educational [ˌedju'keiʃənəl] a.教育的,有教育意义的14 institution [ˌinsti'tju:ʃən] n.(教育、慈善、宗教性质的)社会公共机构15 anti-intellectualism ['æntiˌintə'lektʃuəlizəm] 反对(或敌视)知识分子的行为16 admit [əd'mit] vt.承认(事实、错误等)17 undergraduate [ˌʌndə'grædjuit] n.(尚未取得学位的)大学生,大学本科生18 pursue [pə'sju:] vt.追求,寻求19 elementary [ˌeli'mentəri] a.基础的,初级的20 prefer [pri'fə:] vt.宁可,更喜欢;宁愿(选择)21 airplane ['ɛəplein] n.飞机22 idle ['aidl] a.空闲的;闲着的;懒散的vt.虚度23 social ['səuʃəl] a.社会的,社交的,交际的24 outcast ['autkɑ:st] a.被遗弃者,被逐出者25 intelligence [in'telidʒəns] n.智力;理解力26 refusal [ri'fju:zəl] n.拒绝27 conform [kən'fɔ:m] vi.(to)遵照,顺从28 anti-intellectual ['æntiˌintə'lektjuəl] a.反对知识分子的;反知识的29 deprive [di'praiv] vt.(of)夺去;剥夺;使丧失30 adequate ['ædikwit] a.足够的31 acquire [ə'kwaiə] vt.取得;获得;学到,习得32 tease [ti:z] vt.取笑,戏弄33 industrialize [in'dʌstriəlaiz] vt.(使)工业化34 economic [ˌi:kə'nɔmik] a.经济的;经济学的35 rival ['raivəl] n.竞争者,对手36 professorship [prə'fesəʃip] n.教授职位37 materially [mə'tiəriəli] ad.物质上38 rewarding [ri'wɔ:diŋ] a.值得做的;报酬丰厚的39 average ['ævəridʒ] a.平常的40 professional [prə'feʃənəl] a.职业性的,非业余的41 baseball ['beisbɔ:l] n.棒球(运动)42 compete [kəm'pi:t] vi.竞争43 world-class ['wə:ld'klɑ:s] a.世界级的;世界一流水平的44 academic [ˌækə'demik] a.(高等)教学的;学术的45 afloat [ə'fləut] a.(在经济上)应付裕如的;浮在水上的46 largely ['lɑ:dʒli] ad.主要地;大量地47 import [im'pɔ:t, 'impɔ:t] vt.进口,输入n.[常用复数]进口商品48 abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.到国外,在国外49 major ['meidʒə] a.较大的,较多的,较重要的50 portion ['pɔ:ʃən] n.一部分,一份51 cultivate ['kʌltiveit] vt.培育,培养52 pro-intellectual [ˌprəuintə'lektʃuəl] a.有利于知识分子的;促进理性知识的53 impoverished [im'pɔvəriʃt] a.穷困的54 adapt [ə'dæpt] vi.适应vt.使适应,使适合55 educate ['edjukeit] vt.教育;培养;训练56 workforce ['wə:kfɔ:s] n.劳动大军,劳动力57 innovative ['inəuveitiv] a.革新的;富有革新精神的58 intelligent [in'telidʒənt] a.聪明的,睿智的59 leadership ['li:dəʃip] n.领导层60 extent [ik'stent] n.程度,限度61 insult [in'sʌlt, 'insʌlt] vt.&n.侮辱62 bite off 咬掉63 be dedicated to 致力于,献身于64 look down on 轻视,看不起65 idle away 浪费(时间)66 conform to 遵照;符合67 be deprived of 被夺去;被剥夺68 not least of all 尤其69 be held up as 被推举为;被展示为70 instead of [in'sted] 代替;而不是…71 lie with 应由...(承担责任);(作出决定等)得靠...72 adapt to 适应73 do away with 废除,去掉74 stand a chance 有可能,有希望75 trend [trend] n.倾向,趋向,趋势76 fad [fæd] n.(一时的)风尚77 style [stail] n.时髦,时尚;式样,类型78 sunglasses ['sʌnˌglɑ:siz] [复数]太阳眼镜,墨镜79 jeans [dʒi:nz] n.[复数]牛仔裤;牛仔服80 sushi ['su:ʃi] n.寿司(一种日本食品)81 jog [dʒɔg] vi.慢跑(尤指健身锻炼)82 pasta ['pæstə] n.意大利面制品;意大利面食(包括细面条等)83 escape [i'skeip] vi.逃跑;逃脱n.避免;逃避84 fashion ['fæʃən] n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚85 specific [spi'sifik] a.特定的;特有的;具体的;明确的86 celebrity [si'lebriti] n.名流;名人87 politician [ˌpɔli'tiʃən] n.政治家;[贬]政客88 elderly ['eldəli] a.上了年纪的,中年以上的89 commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl] n.(电视或无线电中的)商业广告a.商业的90 hamburger ['hæmbə:gə] n.汉堡包(即面包夹煎牛肉饼)91 beef [bi:f] n.牛肉92 exterminator [ik'stə:mineitə] n.灭害(如老鼠等)为业的人(或公司、企业)93 customer ['kʌstəmə] n.顾客,主顾94 insect ['insekt] n.昆虫95 advertisement [əd'və:tismənt] n.广告96 cockroach ['kɔkrəutʃ] n.蟑螂97 manufacturer [ˌmænju'fæktʃərə] n.制造商;制造厂98 profit ['prɔfit] n.利润99 groovy ['gru:vi] a.[俚语]顶刮刮的,绝妙的100 awesome ['ɔ:səm] a.[俚语]精彩的,绝妙的101 irrational [i'ræʃənəl] a.无理性的,失去理性的102 rational ['ræʃənəl] a.理性的;理智的;合理的;出于理性的103 creative [kri:'eitiv] a.创造的;创造性的104 in-group ['ingru:p] n.内集团,自己人小团体105 consumer [kən'sju:mə] n.消费者,用户106 additional [ə'diʃənəl] a.另外的,附加的107 frequent ['fri:kwənt] a.时常发生的;频繁的108 personal ['pə:sənəl] a.私人的,个人的109 nationwide ['neiʃənwaid] a.全国性的;全国范围的110 aerobic [ɛə'rəubik] a.需氧的;增氧健身法的;有氧的111 diet ['daiət] n.日常饮食,日常食物;特种饮食,规定饮食112 similar ['similə] a.类似的,相似的113 in style 流行114 out of style 不流行115 out of date 过时的116 on the top of 在...之上117 go fashion 开始流行118 be in fashion 在流行119 go out of fashion 不再流行120 be out of fashion 不在流行121 and the like 之类,等等122 point out 指出123 participate in 参加,参与124 come back (风尚等)又流行起来第七章1 deadeye ['dedai] a.神射手的2 grader ['greidə] n.(美)(中小学的)...年级学生3 ignorant ['ignərənt] a.无知的4 wisdom ['wizdəm] n.看法,意见;智慧5 spoil [spɔil] vt.损坏,糟蹋;宠坏,溺爱6 nasty ['nɑ:sti] a.凶恶的7 chase [tʃeis] vt.追逐,追赶8 deplore [di'plɔ:] vt.哀叹,对...深感遗憾9 whereas [wɛə'ræz] conj.虽然;而10 view [vju:] vt.看待;考虑11 liberal ['libərəl] a.开明的12 gulp [gʌlp] vi.喘不过气,哽住13 follow-up ['fɔləuʌp] n.紧接着的问题,后续事物14 bungle ['bʌŋgl] vt.把...搞糟15 mess [mes] vt.凌乱,一团糟16 dimension [dai'menʃən] n.特点,特性17 pet [pet] n.宠儿,得宠的人;爱畜,宠物18 merely ['miəli] ad.仅仅,只不过19 presence ['prezəns] n.出席;到场;存在20 derivative [di'rivətiv] a.被引申出的;缺乏独创性的,第二手的21 buddy ['bʌdi] n.好朋友,伙伴22 tentatively ['tentətivli] ad.犹豫地,迟疑不决地23 venture ['ventʃə] vt.大胆说,不揣冒昧说出24 confident ['kɔnfidənt] a.有信心的,自信的25 impulsively [im'pʌlsivli] ad.一时冲动地26 hunk [hʌŋk] n.(一)大片,(一)厚块27 gum [gʌm] n.橡胶,口香糖28 eraser [i'reizə] n.橡皮;黑板擦。

第二单元:第五题:1. In modern business organizations reports statistics graphs and charts are prepared regularly as an aid to management.2. Jane Eyre has been filmed a number of times with two particularly outstanding Versions.3. It has been argued that legal systems enable the powerful to exploit other people without actually breaking the law.4. Hemingway’s adventurous life brought him close to death several times: in the Spanish Civil War when shells炮弹burst inside his hotel room in World War Ⅱwhen he was struck by a taxi during a blackout停电and in 1954 when his airplane crashed in Africa.5. The company’s fate is still uncertain.6. You are right high-powered cars are indeed lethal致命的weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.7. Maggie had so little to do during the day that she spent much of the time chatting with Rose.8.Some companies hold large online meetings to tell employees about new business developments. Such meetings are particularly useful for companies whose employees are spread out geographically.9.Almost immediately she wrote to her father’s supplier in London and made an offer to pay off some of the debt he owed.10. The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link hundreds or thousands of computer enabling them to share information with one another.11. Hopefully we will meet again next Monday.12. The manager resigned among accusations that he had misused the company’s funds to cover expenses for personal entertainment and first‐class air travel.第六题:1.The office had no phone something he had insisted on to prevent interruption when he was working.2.When Michael finally decided to quit his job he gave the company two week’s notice.3. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.4. They took a firm stand against the war from the beginning.5. The board of directors was in the middle of a very important meeting when the phone rang.6. You’ve been working too hard why not take a week off from work.7. I no longer see Jack regularly but every so often he drops in at my office.8. She was so busy during the day and at nights he was so tired that she fell asleep directly she got into bed.9. I have my own way of thinking . Why must I conform to yours10. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready to leave for work”her father asked her anxiously glancing at his watch.第三单元:第五题:1.I usually watch the Vienna New Years concert on TV to celebrate the New year.2. Much has been discussed about the problem but virtually nothing has been done.3. He kissed her hand and expressed his genuine regret that she was ill.4. Just as we cannot applaud with one hand it is impossible to reach an agreement without two hands.5. Yao Ming’s performance in the match was perfect‐‐it would have been impossible to give a batter one.6. Without an understanding of their culture ,a foreigner is likely to conclude that British people are cold and unfriendly.7. It’s my honor to welcome our distinguished guest from the United States.8. This small instrument is used to measure air temperature and pressure.9. The doctor instructed me to take these pills twice a day.10. Take a moment to read it absorb it and try to follow it‐‐it is more a lesson in life than a lesson in business.11. Evidently Father was not interested in the idea or he would have given his opinion.12. Do you have any favorite country in Africa to visit and if so,why?第六题:1. He spoke to us made gestures and drew pictures on paper. At last we knew what he wanted.2. The fragile agreement would not be capable of ensuring long‐term peace between the two countries.3. Even as a child Henry was fond of reading and all the small change that came into his hands was spent on books.4. The baby calf eventually came to its feet and suckled full of life.5. It’s a simple rule : your mobile phone must be turned off while flying.6. Fire, fire. people shouted and started running around in panic.7. Once you’ve completed level one it’s time to go on to the next step.8. If both of you com promise a little I’m sure you’ll work out a satisfactory solution.9. He was so much engaged in his business that he had little time for his family.10. Taylor is striving to reach for a higher goal that is he wants to be president of the university.第四单元:第五题:1. There was an interesting article about English teaching in China in the paper yesterday.2. The drug addict(吸毒成瘾的人)soon spent all the savings of his late已故的)parents and committed suicide in despair.3. He makes friends very easily because he is thoughtful of others needs and very generous with his money.4. The orphan孤儿)was adopted by his uncle and often burst out crying at night.5. Though he is world‐famous for his great accomplishments the artist is by no means conceited.6. At the end of the year the governor州长)had to attend numerous social functions.7. Why not tape your own reading of the text and then compare it with that of a native speaker That way you can find your own problems and improve yourself.8. The coal mine collapse made national headlines and aroused wide concern from the public.9. Bill Gates is reported to donate a huge sum of money to charities every year.10. After taking the National Entrance Examinations he waited anxiously for the result.11. At the press conference the spokesman answered questions about the health of the president.12. These farmer‐turned workers wish to get their pay monthly.第六题:1. At the street corner the old man suddenly turned around and fixed his eyes on mesaying What are you up to He thought I was following him.2. If you can talk my boss into forgiving me this time I will treat you to supper today.3. He is busy making money and that is why he has not got around to doing his teacher’s assignment.4. From his tone of speech I can tell that he set his heart on closing down all those environment‐unfriendly factories along the river.5. The interviewer will receive all of the interviewees in turn.6. He promised that he would give back all he owed us in five months.7. I can’t offer you a job now but I’ll let you know as soon as a vacancy comes up.8. Things made by hand tend to be more expensive than things made by machine.9. The woman has to stay at home doing all the housework and the baby’s cry only adds to her displeasure.10. It could be very dangerous for so many passengers to pack into such as mall bus.第五单元:第五题:1.. Whether the egg comes before the chicken or the other way round seems to be an endless debate with no solution ever to be found2. He gave his work to his friend to revise, because he found it hard to see his own mistakes.3. A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience’s needs and concerns.4. When she retired, she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.5. When you give a speech, it’s natural to feel nervous beforehand.6. Richard has a steady income from his salary and his investments.7. The lonely girl never shares her inner thoughts with anyone.8. You may not like speaking in front of people but good oral communication is a key business skill.9. The children are eagerly awaiting (等待)Christmas Day when they can receive a lot of gifts.10. There are exceptions, of course, but a good education is still the ticket to a(n)secure future.11. Gaining profits is the major aim of banks and most other financial institutions.12. The company has been accused of illegally disposing of wastes that may cause damage to the environment.第六题:1. Jim entered the competition just for fun, but he ended up winning first prize.2. I like Jane but I don’t care for her boyfriend who seems very conceited (自负的).3. With the rapid development of this area, all these old buildings will soon be pulled down to make room for new ones.4. Last month’s bad weather was responsible for the crop failure in that area.5. She was reticent by nature and speaking in front of people terrified her.6. Witnesses (证人) often find one’s voice when they hear a reward has been offered.7. Tom studied hard. He wanted to make the most of his time in college to learn as much as he could.8. It is entirely possible to step out of one’s comfort zone to learn something new at an old age.第六单元:第五题:1.He left the house at nine exactly, as is his custom.2. I had intended to leave the party before midnight but stayed rather later.3. He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers.4. It is surprising that you choose this method to pass the evening.5. I’d like to make a(n) appointment with Doctor Evans this morning, please.6. The government is expected to call a(n) election very soon.7. She paused to catch her breath and then carried on jogging.8. The teacher didn’t seem to have done much preparation for the class.9. Many women sacrifice interesting careers for their family.10. Teachers dislike the idea of testing children in such a narrow way.11. Bill’s favorite hobby is making model airplanes.12. He manages to unite charm with an ability to organize people.第六题:1. I am inclined to agree with what you were saying at the meeting.2. The teachers disagreed on what should be done. Some thought the girl was not to blame; others wanted her to be punished.3. On the one hand you accept his presents, but on the other hand, you are always rude to his family. What’s going on with your attitude?4. In the evening he likes to read books and articles which have nothing to do with his work.5. The prisoner made an effort to escape, but he couldn’t climb the prison wall.6. We may seek common ground while respecting differences.7. You can leave the children with me on Thursday.8. People who don’t pay their bus fares are no better than common criminals.第七单元:第五题:1. Many people are in urgent need of food and water.2. You must submit your application before January 1st.3. His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.4. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks.5. A five-day week has found a(n) immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.6. I could just discern his figure in the distance.7. If you mix up those data, we shan’t find the one we need quickly.8. In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at Fort William in Scotland.9. Our teacher summarized the text in five sentences.10. All this additional work and my present worries are placing a(n) unbearable strain on me.11. An accountant and an architect were voted onto the committee in the hope that they would contribute their expert knowledge at the planning stage.12. We saw the canoe (独木舟) overturn, throwing its passengers into the water.第六题:1. All the parks in the city should be open to the public free of charge.2. Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.3. I always like to keep a certain amount of money on hand, in case of emergency.4. From then on he never spoke to me.5. Not up until then did he realize the importance of the problem.6. We stopped at Paris en routefrom Rome to London.7. He said he was in great need of my assistance.8. The war lasted as long as eight years.第八单元:第五题:1. Most airports that handle international flights have the word international in their names.2. The new hotel owners have tried to provide customers with a friendlier atmosphere and better personal service.3. In some of the poorest countries of the world, many people still cannot afford the cost of hospital care.4. The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage and more than 1,500 people died in the disaster.5. Davis is organizing an exhibition of paintings by contemporary black artists.6. The Monument to the People’s Heroes is placed in such a conspicuous position in7. Tiananmen Square that you can’t miss it.7. During the vacation, we spent the days sightseeing and the evenings sitting in bars drinking the local wine.8. The officers and crew of a ship work as a team to see that the passengers, the cargo, and the ship itself arrive at their destination safely and on time.9. Most people nowadays are aware of the importance of a healthy diet.10. This surveying team has been to many remote regions of our country in search of mineral resources.11. The principal attraction of the hotel is its location in an area rich in history and natural resources.12. More than 300 local people are employed in the tourism industry in this small country town.13. John is employed by a travel agency. What attracts him most to the job is the chance to travel.第六题:1. Apart from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.2. Of course, I can’t tell you everything as some of this has to remain secret.3. Try to set aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.4. The National Geographic channel caters to all people who like to travel and look for adventures.5. As my father wanted me to go home for the Spring Festival, I made arrangements for the trip immediately.6. There are many serious environmental problems in our world —pollution, shortage of fresh water and the destruction of rain forests, to name just a few.7. If you have enough money and like to buy a car, you can choose from a wide range of them nowadays.8. To join in the summer tour of five European countries, we’ll have to pay $200 travel insurance in addition to the air fare.。

据调查显示,大学毕业生的收入要比高中生的收 入高出75%。所以高中学生获得好成绩并为 SAT(专业能力评估测试)而努力学习。他们也力 争去准备一个令人印象深刻的课外活动清单,以 便获得他们梦寐以求的大学通知书。 但是现在,你已经进入大学了,你能放松吗?你 的大学成绩对未来工作的影响有多重要呢?长期 待在图书馆并整夜的学习真的值得吗?
一、keys: B B C A D B A B (考察不同时态的区分) 二、1. or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church. (将来完成时) 2. the children will have done their homework.(将来完成时) 3. 行时) my sister will be taking her vavation at the seaside.(将来进
平均成绩点真正重要的地方 保持一个较高的GPA对你在学术方面的成功很重要。根据《美国新闻 及世界报道》的说法,保持一个较高的GPA对于那些想进入更高学府 的人来说很关键,比如哈佛医学院(3.8分),耶鲁法学院(3.9分), 或者是斯坦福商学院(3.6分)。 职场的现实状况 幸好,很多雇主不会对求职者强制要求他们拥有同样的学业成绩标准。 根据国家大学和雇主协会的一项“ 2005 年工作前景调查”活动中, 70%的招聘部经理表示他们会基于申请人的平均成绩点来筛选入职人 员,不过他们大部分人都会使用平均成绩点3.0作为基准线。
Parents' attitude Teachers' attitude watch over strict, close

21世纪大学英语教材第一册IntroductionIn the ever-evolving world of education, language learning has become an essential skill. With the increasing importance of English as a global language, universities worldwide have incorporated English courses into their curricula. One such widely used resource is the 21st Century College English Textbook, which serves as a comprehensive guide for first-year university students to develop their English language skills. This article aims to provide an overview of the content and structure of the 21st Century College English Textbook, highlighting its significance as a valuable resource for English language learners.Content OverviewThe first volume of the textbook comprises multiple units, each targeting specific language skills and competencies. These units include listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, and comprehensive exercises. Each unit further contains several lessons that focus on particular language aspects to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the English language. The textbook covers a wide range of topics, including social issues, cultural diversity, environmental concerns, and technological advancements, to engage students and encourage critical thinking.Listening Skills DevelopmentThe listening section of the textbook is designed to enhance students' aural comprehension and listening skills. It incorporates various audio materials, such as dialogues, interviews, and lectures, which expose studentsto different accents and speech patterns. Through carefully crafted exercises, students are challenged to understand and extract key information from the audio materials. Additionally, the listening section offers practical activities to improve students' note-taking skills, enabling them to summarize and analyze the information they hear accurately.Speaking Skills EnhancementThe speaking section of the textbook aims to develop students' spoken English proficiency. It incorporates authentic conversations, presentations, and discussions, enabling students to practice meaningful communication in different contexts. The textbook also provides opportunities for students to engage in pair or group activities that encourage collaborative learning and foster effective communication skills. The speaking section focuses on pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy, helping students to express themselves confidently and accurately.Reading ComprehensionThe reading section of the textbook offers a variety of reading materials, including articles, essays, news reports, and literary excerpts. Each reading passage is carefully selected to expose students to different types of texts, styles, and genres. Vocabulary and comprehension activities accompany the reading materials, allowing students to expand their vocabulary, develop critical reading skills, and improve their overall comprehension abilities. The reading section also encourages students to think critically, analyze information, and make connections between different texts.Writing Skills DevelopmentThe writing section of the textbook covers various types of writing, such as descriptive essays, narratives, argumentative essays, and formal letters. Through guided writing exercises, students learn to structure their ideas coherently, use appropriate language, and develop persuasive arguments. The writing section also emphasizes grammar and sentence structure, enabling students to produce well-organized and grammatically correct pieces of writing.Translation ExercisesThe translation section of the textbook provides students with opportunities to develop their translation skills, which are essential in bridging the gap between languages. By offering translation exercises from Chinese to English and vice versa, students gain a deeper understanding of the nuances and differences between the two languages. The translation exercises also promote cultural exchange and awareness as students navigate language barriers.Comprehensive ExercisesThe comprehensive exercises section integrates language skills acquired throughout the textbook. It includes grammar exercises, vocabulary building activities, and reading comprehension questions to reinforce students' learning and assess their overall progress. These exercises allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in a comprehensive manner, enhancing their ability to use English proficiently.ConclusionThe 21st Century College English Textbook, specifically designed for first-year university students, serves as a valuable resource for English language learners. Its comprehensive content, structured units, and diverse exercises provide students with a well-rounded language learning experience. By targeting listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, and comprehensive skills, the textbook equips students with the necessary linguistic tools to succeed in the English-speaking academic and professional world. As universities continue to prioritize English language education, the 21st Century College English Textbook remains an indispensable asset for students aspiring to enhance their English proficiency.。

The first part of the course focuses on basic communication skills, including greetings, introductions, and making requests.
The second part of the course delves into more advanced communication skills, such as giving opinions, making comparisons, and expressing contrasts.
The course uses a variety of teaching resources, including textbooks, online materials, videos, and real-life examples to provide a rich and diverse learning experience.
Role of a facilitator
Coordinate the learning process, manage class time, and ensure that learning objectives are met.
Role of a coordinator
Emphasize active learning
The third part of the course emphasizes on academic English, including writing essays, giving presentations, and understanding different academic genres.



点评:这句话的主干就是一个祈使句be careful of taking too much time for yourself。前面的部分是
独立主格结构。独立主格结构(Absolute Structure)是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结
3. Often it is tempting to sleep through early morning class or skip it altogether — resist temptation.
Make it a priority to attend all of your classes on time.
上海复社图文制作中心 21世纪大学新英语读写译教学参考书(一) 五样稿
2. ...however, in the 1960s it was no where near as important as it is today.
Unit 1 College Life:Task 5 Translation
A. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets.
1. There’s no point in fretting about things you can’t change(为无法改变的事情而发愁 fret about).

4) Para. 6
i. Questions:
1. What did he think of his future at that time?
2. What does the expression “this important hurdle in my life” mean?
ii. Language points
say, whenever that happens.
ii. Language Points ---Words and Phrases
perspective: n. a way of looking at things and forming a judgment.
e.g. The Table 1 below gives some perspective of this.
succeed: vi. do what one is trying to do; achieve the desired end.
e.g. If you can learn, you can succeed in school. If you try hard, you will succeed.
e.g. His routine work is to rub the coal through
a sieve. look upon/on: regard(sb.or sth.) in the
specified way. e.g. They look upon it quite as their own, I dare
be off: leave or be away. e.g. I must be off now. (I must leave now.)

1 do well in one’s studies 2 for the first time 3 away from one’s family
4 compete with sb. for sth. 5 set a study program 6 decide when to go to bed
educate─education produce─production assign─assignment develop─development
achieve─achievement announce─announcement
1 assignments 2 production 3 education 4 announcement 5 infection
3 A (2) 2B (1) 3C (0.5) 4D (0)
4 A (2) 2B (1) 3C (0..5) 4D (0)
5 张小姐:
V. Dear Jiang Jun,
I am very glad to hear that you did verywell in the College Entrance Examinations and will soon enter a leadinguniversity in Beijing.I feel very proud of you and I know that you will do even better in the days tocome.
10 June 15th, August 15th
IV. 1 A 0.5 B 2 C 0 D 1 2 A 0.5 B 2 C 1 D 0
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Video Exercises
A:Hello. B:Hi. A:You have what thing? B:Can you speak English? A:If I not speak English, I am speaking what? B:Can anybody else speak English? A:You yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time. B:Anybody here can speak English? A:Shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing? B:I want to speak to your head. A:Head not zai. You tomorrow come.
Time to Relaxຫໍສະໝຸດ Video Exercises
Script: Betty: Hello. I’m Betty. I’m from Shanghai. John: I’m John from Nanjing. It’s nice to meet you. This is Carol. She comes from Shanghai, too. Betty: Really? I’m glad to meet you! Carol: I’m glad to meet you, too. John and I are in the Department of Computer Science. Which department are you in? Betty: I’m in the Department of Hotel Management. Speaker 1: _______ Betty Speaker 2: _______ John Speaker 3: Carol _______
Unit 1 Freshmen
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
Useful Language
tip n. advice n. environment n. dorm n.
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
1) Where is Betty from? She’s from Shanghai. ______________________ 2) Who comes from the same place as Betty? Carol. ______ 3) Where is John from? He’s from Nanjing. ___________________ 4) Which department is John in? He’s in the Department of Computer Science. _____________________________________________ 5) Which department is Betty in? She’s in the Department of Hotel Management. ______________________________________________
Part V Time to Relax
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
Script 1) From the way the speaker talks, he must be someone working ___________ in a college. 2) The speaker is telling new students that college is different from ___________ high school . study at college 3) New college students will know how to _______________ after studying Unit One.
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
Hello, welcome to college! many skills , including In high school, you learned 1) ____________ reading, writing, math and computer. For the most part, you the same things . and your classmates studied 2) ________________ because college gives you many This will change now 3) _________ choices. 4)____________________ You can learn skills such as how to write business letters or 5) _______ how to repair computers. You can also choose certain courses just because they’re fun, different, or interesting . 6) ______________
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
College can prepare you for your chosen career. It also learning in school, at work prepares you for a lifetime of 7) ________ In fact , the most important skill you can or out in the world. 8) ______ learn in college is how to learn. If you have this skill, you can succeed throughout life. 9) _________
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
Script: Hello, welcome to college!
In high school, you learned many skills, including reading, writing, math and computer. For the most part, you and your classmates studied the same things. This will change now because college gives you many choices. You can learn skills such as how to write business letters or how to repair computers. You can also choose certain courses just because they’re fun, different, or interesting. College can prepare you for your chosen career. It also prepares you for a lifetime of learning in school, at work or out in the world. In fact, the most important skill you can learn in college is how to learn. If you have this skill, you can succeed throughout life. The content of this unit will tell you how to study at college and succeed as a freshman.
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Video Exercises
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing
Time to Relax
Unit 1 Freshmen
Translation & Writing