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Import, Export, and Conversion
Read and Write Image Data from Files
imread Read image from graphics file
imwrite Write image to graphics file写入图像到图形文件
imfinfo Information about graphics file
nitfinfo Read metadata from National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) file从国家图像传输格式的元数据(NITF)文件nitfread Read image from NITF file从NITF文件读取图像
dpxinfo Read metadata from DPX file读取DPX文件元数据
dpxread Read DPX image读取DPX图像
analyze75info Read metadata from header file of Analyze 7.5 data set从分析7.5数据集的头文件读取元数据
analyze75read Read image data from image file of Analyze 7.5 data set从分析7.5数据集的图像文件中读取图像数据interfileinfo Read metadata from Interfile file从归档文件元数据
interfileread Read images in Interfile format在内部文件格式读取图像
Read and Write Image Data from DICOM Files
dicomanon Anonymize DICOM file匿名DICOM文件
dicomdict Get or set active DICOM data dictionary获取或设置活动DICOM数据字典
dicomdisp Display DICOM file structure显示DICOM文件结构
dicominfo Read metadata from DICOM message读取DICOM消息元数据
dicomlookup Find attribute in DICOM data dictionary发现在DICOM数据字典属性
dicomread Read DICOM image读取DICOM图像
dicomuid Generate DICOM unique identifier生成DICOM的唯一标识符
dicomwrite Write images as DICOM files写图像的DICOM文件
High Dynamic Range Images
hdrread Read high dynamic range (HDR) image读高动态范围(HDR)图像
hdrwrite Write Radiance high dynamic range (HDR) image file写下光辉的高动态范围(HDR)图像文件makehdr Create high dynamic range image创建高动态范围图像
tonemap Render high dynamic range image for viewing用于观看的高动态范围图像
Large Image Files
ImageAdapter Interface for image I/O图像I / O接口
isrset Check if file is R-Set检查文件是否存在与r-组
openrset Open R-Set file开放与r-组文件
rsetwrite Create reduced resolution data set from image file从图像文件创建减少的分辨率数据集
Image Type Conversion
gray2ind Convert grayscale or binary image to indexed image将灰度或二值图像转换为索引图像
ind2gray Convert indexed image to grayscale image将索引图像转换为灰度图像
mat2gray Convert matrix to grayscale image转换矩阵到灰度图像
rgb2gray Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale将RGB图像的灰度或颜色表
ind2rgb Convert indexed image to RGB image索引图像的RGB图像转换
label2rgb Convert label matrix into RGB image转换成RGB图像标签矩阵
demosaic Convert Bayer pattern encoded image to truecolor image Bayer编码图像转换为彩色图像
imbinarize Binarize image by thresholding二值化图像的阈值分割
imquantize Quantize image using specified quantization levels and output values量化图像使用指定的量化电平和输出值multithresh Multilevel image thresholds using Otsu's method采用多级图像阈值Otsu方法
adaptthresh Adaptive image threshold using local first-order statistics采用局部一阶统计的自适应图像阈值otsuthresh Global histogram threshold using Otsu's method使用全局直方图阈值Otsu方法
im2bw Convert image to binary image, based on threshold基于阈值的图像转换成二值图像
graythresh Global image threshold using Otsu's method使用全局阈值Otsu方法
grayslice Convert grayscale image to indexed image using multilevel thresholding采用多层阈值化方法将灰度图像转换为索引图像im2double Convert image to double precision将图像转换为双精度
im2int16Convert image to 16-bit signed integers将图像转换为16位有符号整数
im2java2d Convert image to Java buffered image将图像转换成java缓冲图像
im2single Convert image to single precision将图像转换为单精度
im2uint16Convert image to 16-bit unsigned integers将图像转换为16位无符号整数
im2uint8Convert image to 8-bit unsigned integers将图像转换为8位无符号整数
Synthetic Images
checkerboard Create checkerboard image创建棋盘格图像
phantom Create head phantom image创建头部影像
imnoise Add noise to image添加噪声到图像
Display and Exploration
Basic Display
imshow Display image显示图像
montage Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage显示多个图像帧矩形蒙太奇
subimage Display multiple images in single figure在单个图形中显示多个图像
immovie Make movie from multiframe image从多帧图像的电影
implay Play movies, videos, or image sequences播放电影、视频或图像序列
warp Display image as texture-mapped surface显示图像作为纹理映射的表面
iptgetpref Get values of Image Processing Toolbox preferences获取图像处理工具箱的首选项
iptprefs Display Image Processing Toolbox Preferences dialog box显示图像处理工具箱首选项对话框
iptsetpref Set Image Processing Toolbox preferences or display valid values设置图像处理工具箱的首选项或显示有效值Interactive Exploration with the Image Viewer App
imtool Image Viewer app图像查看器应用程序
imageinfo Image Information tool图像信息的工具
imcontrast Adjust Contrast tool对比度调整工具
imdisplayrange Display Range tool显示范围的工具
imdistline Distance tool距离工具
impixelinfo Pixel Information tool像素信息的工具