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• 寓言式文学作品这种体裁,常带有讽刺或劝戒的
性质,用假托的故事或拟人手法说明某个道理或 教训。“寓”有“寄托”的意思,最早见于《庄 子·寓言》篇。有同名歌曲和音乐专辑。
• Allegory is a story or visual image with a
second distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal or visible meaning.
• The principal technique of allegory is
personification, whereby abstract qualities are given human shape, as in public statue of Liberty or Justice. The most famous religious allegory in English is Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress.
• In allegories, names of the characters and
places are often symbols of certain qualities. In Banyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, from the names of the characters “Christian”(基督徒, 信徒 ), “Mr. Blind-man”, ‘Mr. No-good”, the names of places “Vanity Fair(浮华世界 )”, “Celestial City(天国 )”, we can easily
E.g.: a scholar of great profundity.
• grapple with: try to deal with
• 1. Allegory • 2. Pleasure principle • 3. Bright’s disease
1. Allegory
• a form of imaginative literature constructed in
Dictionary and Library work Comprehensive questions Detailed learning of the text Text analysis
1 Dictionary and Library work
• plight: condition, state, or situation; esp. a
serious, sad, difficult or unfavorable one
• as often as not: at least half the time;
• articulate: using language easily and fluently;
having facility with words
such a way that their readers are encouraged to look for meanings hidden beneath the literal surface of the fiction.
• a narrative in which the characters, events and
• a coveted fellowship: a fellowship (i.e., the
money given to postgraduate students to allow them to continue their studies at an advanced level) that everyone longs jealously to possess
• Greek word allegoria, which means “speaking
otherwise”. Allegory is a story either in verse or in prose with a double meaning: surface meaning—a story, and under-the-surface meaning—a hidden truth.
• gibberish: talk or writing containing many
obscure, pretentious, or technical words; meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing
• providentially: fortunately; luckily • inexorably: inescapably • profundity: profound or deep matters
• Allegory are effective in teaching or
explaining some abstract idea. They are favorably used in moral teaching.
• 文学体裁的一种。含有讽喻或明显教训意义的故
事。它的结构简短。主人公可以是人,可以是动 物,也可以是无生物。多用借喻手法,使富有教 训意义的主题或深刻的道理在简单的故事中体现。
setting represent deeper truths or generalizations than those suggested by the surface story.
• a broad term covering any piece of writing or
image which has meanings additional to the literal sense.
Unit Ten
Biblioteka BaiduStraight- A Illiteracy
Learning objectives
• Learn to write in a concise and clear way. • Develop full consciousness of style.
Teaching procedures