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课程名称Course Title:英美文学 British and American Literature

学年学期Term &Year: 2015-2016学年第二学期 2nd Semester of 2015-2016

课程代码Course Code: 102084

课程序号Course No.: 0467 / 0470 /

课程性质Course Nature:英语模块课 English Module

上课安排 Classroom & Time:周三3409教室, 8:00-9:40, 周四2207教室,18:00-19:40

学分 Credits: 2

周课时 Weekly Teaching Hours:2x2

总课时 Total Teaching Hours:32

授课教师Instructor:施赞聪副教授 Associate Prof. Shi Zancong

办公室Office: 红瓦楼508 Room 508 Hongwa Bldg

答疑时间Office Hours: 周二下午12:20-13:20 (12:20-13:20 Tuesday)

邮箱E-mail: ***************

课程概述 Course Description

本课程主要讲授英美文学中的文艺复兴、启蒙运动、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义作品,介绍各个时期的文学流派的特征,阅读和欣赏主要作家如W. Shakespeare, W. Wordsworth, P. Shelley, G. Byron, C. Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Mark Twain, Hemingway等的作品。

This course mainly studies the British and American literary works in different historical periods, such as Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romantic period, Realistic period, modern period, introducing the literary features of different periods, help students read works written by Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Dickens, Hardy, Mark Twain, Hemingway.

预修课程 Prerequisite Course


This course is a module course of English study. It is based on the knowledge of College English and some basic historic background, cultural basis, and literary ideas.

教学目标Learning Outcomes


Students who successfully complete this course will be able to read, appreciate, and understand English literary works, for the purpose of improving the language skills and humanistic qualities of the students, deepening their understanding of English literature and culture, and improving their communicative skills.

教学方法Teaching and Learning Strategies

讲解为主,讨论为辅,并增加作品改编的电影片段等,提高学习兴趣。另外布置课外阅读作品。This course introduces and practices the texts of English literature for a student to study and perform effectively at University. Teaching and learning strategies are negotiated regularly, based on student needs and abilities. Group work and peer evaluation will be employed as will self assessment. Students will be encouraged to set personal learning objectives and to record learning in a learning diary.



Part I Multiple Choice(1%x20=20%)

Part II Term Explanation (4%x5=20%)

Part III Reading and Appreciation (10%x3=30%)

Part IV Essay (30%x1=30%)

教材Required Textbook:

王守仁主编,《英国文学选读》,高等教育出版社,2002。Selected British literary works 陶洁主编,《美国文学选读》,高等教育出版社,2002。Selected American literary works 参考书目Indicative Bibliography:

《外国文学评论》、《外国文学研究》、《当代外国文学》等。Foreign Literary Review, Foreign Literary Studies, Contemporary Foreign Literature

其他阅读材料Other Relevant Materials (If any):

Lord of the Flies 《蝇王》

Catcher in the Rye 《麦田里的守望者》

行为守则Code of Conduct:


Cheating in the exam will be punished and reported to the administrative departments.
