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下面包括一些免费获取的杂志,还有些密码能用。(比如Meth info med)

BioMedical Engineering OnLine (Open Access)


BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (Open Acess)


BMJ Medical Informatics Collect ion (Free Access)

/collect ions/index.shtml#medical_informatics

Computers and Biomedical Research

/scie nce/journal/00104809

(Off-campus users should use their Bath Athens username and password: /library/a thens/)

Computers in Human Behavior


(Off-campus users should use their Bath Athens username and password: /library/a thens/)

Health & Place [many good GIS (Geographic Information Systems) papers]


Health Information and Libraries Journal


(Off-campus users should enter the following-- username: bathuni; password: claverton)

IEEE Conference Proceedings (Medicine and Health)

/xpl/conferences.jsp?letter=medical&findt itle=&srchtitle=yes&ilstrec=10

/xpl/conferences.jsp?letter=health&f indt itle=&srcht itle=yes&ilstrec=10

(Off-campus: :8444/lo gin?url=)

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine


(Off-campus: :8444/login?url=)

IEEE Transact ions on Biomedical Engineering


(Off-campus: :8444/login?url=)

IEEE Transact ions on Information Technology in Biomedicine


(Off-campus: :8444/login?url=)

International Journal of Health Geographics (Open Access - Covers Health & Healthcare Geoinformat ics) /

International Journal of Medical Informatics


(Off-campus users should use their Bath Athens username and password: /library/a thens/)

Journal of Biomedical Informat ics


(Off-campus users should use their Bath Athens username and password: /library/a thens/)

Journal of C linical Monitoring and Computing


(Off-campus users should use the ir Bath Athens username and password: /library/a thens/)

Journal of Healt hcare Informat ion Management (Free Access)

/ASP/publicat ions_jhim.asp

Journal of Medical Internet Research (Open Access)


Journal of Medical Systems


[Off-campus: access via / (select Ingenta after loging in using your Bath Athens u sername and password: /library/athens/)]

Journal of the A merican Medical Informatics Associat ion (JAMIA)


(RCSEd username/ password)

Journal of the Medical Library Association (Free Access)

/publicat ions/jmla/index.ht ml

Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA


Medical Engineering & Physics
