



- 汉语国际教育:是指面向海外母语非汉语者的汉语教学,即对外汉语教学。

- 第二语言习得:是指人们在获得第一语言之后学习和使用另一种语言。

- 中介语:是指第二语言学习者在学习过程中所使用的一种过渡性语言,它既不是学习者的母语,也不是目标语,而是介于两者之间的一种语言形式。

- 语言迁移:是指学习者在学习第二语言时,会受到其第一语言的影响。

- 语用失误:是指在跨文化交际中,由于文化背景、社会习俗、价值观念等方面的差异,导致语言使用不当或不得体的现象。

- 教学法:是指在教学过程中所采用的方法和技巧,包括听说法、视听法、交际法、任务型教学法等。

- 课堂教学:是指教师在课堂上通过讲解、示范、练习等方式,向学生传授知识和技能的过程。

- 教学评估:是指对教学过程和教学效果进行评价和反馈的过程,包括形成性评估和总结性评估。

- 文化休克:是指当一个人进入到一个新文化环境中时,由于文化差异而产生的心理和生理上的不适和困惑。

- 跨文化交际:是指不同文化背景的人们之间进行的交流和互动。




• “上来”还可以表示由远处到近处或靠近的 意思;“起来”没有这一用法。 • 例如: 跟上来 他们追上来了 敌人包围上来了 把温暖送上门来
• “上来”还可以表示成功的意思(多用于语言 活动);“起来”没有这一用法。 • 例如: 全答上来了。 我叫不上来他的名字了。
• “气”可以重叠使用。• “生气”不能重叠使 用。 • 例如:
• 气气这个坏家伙。 • 例如: *生气生气这个坏家伙。
• “气”不能接受程 度副词的修饰。 • 例如: *看到孩子那么淘 气,妈妈很气。 *听了小张被打的事,
• “生气”可以接受 程度副词的修饰。 • 例如:
• <形容词><adjective>表示各个部分的总和。 • (一)意义及适用范围不同: • “全体”主要用来指人员的总和,一般不 用于事物; • “全部”一般是指多个事物的总和。 所指事 物一般是具体的,也可是抽象的; • “整个”只用于指事物,它指一个完整而 具体的事物的各个部分的总和。
• 但是,它们在意义上稍有差别,比较起来 “前面”比“前”所指的靠前的部分显得 更具体些。在用法上它们还有一些差别, 所以常常不能换用。
• “前”单用不自由。 • 单用的时候,“前” 通常要跟“后”呼应 使用。 • 前……后…… • 例如: • 前怕狠,后怕虎 。 • 前不着村,后不着店。 *前有一家银行。 • “前面”单用自由。 • 单用的时候,“前面” 没有这种限制。 • 例如: • 前面有一个人,我们 去问问他吧。 • 前面有一家银行。



2. “低”和“矮”都可以用于跟程度不 深有关的情况。 “低”只能用于水平,标准等,是指 在一般标准或程度之下的意思; “浅”则用于程度不深的具体情况怎 么样,如内容浅显,资历,功夫浅等。 例:今天是低水平应战,打得很不好。 教材的内容太浅了,不适应你们 的水平。 3. “浅”还可以用于颜色淡。 例:浅蓝 浅黄 浅灰
例:听得懂 看不清楚
二 、1. adj+的/地+v 如果这个结构在句中作主语或宾语, 就用“的”; 如果这个结构在句中作谓语,就用 “地”。 例: 他科学地论证了这一原理。(作谓 语) 他对这一原理进行了科学的论证。 (作宾语)
有时,只有一个音节的宾语,常用 “等”;两个或两个以上音节的宾语,可 以酌情选择。
例: 等车 等人 我正站在门前等待/等候客人。 *我站在门前等待/等候车。
二 、等”可以重叠使用;“等待”很少 用重叠形式; “等候”一般不能重叠 使用。
*我等待等待/等候等候他们, 他们一会儿就来。
“地”:通常被看作状语的标志, 即“地”用在状语后边,它前边的词 或词语是状语,状语修饰,限制的中 心语通常是谓词性的。(地+V) 例:认真地想
“得”:通常被看作补语的标志, 即“得”用在补语前边,它后边的词 或词语是补语,补语前边的成分通常 是谓词性的,补语通常表程度或情态。 (得+adj/adv) 例:好得很 打得不错
2.V+的/得+VP/AP 如“动词+de”作主语,要用“的”;
如“整体结构”作谓语,要用“得”; 例:她唱得很动听。(作谓语部分)


收 chū liàn
初恋 dǎ suàn 打算 hào qí 好奇

收 初恋 打算 好奇 一直 看 样子
• 1我
• A收 B放
• 2班长每天
• 考虑,计划, 初步的想法
• 你打算几时走? • 在选择工作上你有
• 对自己不了解的事物觉 得新奇而感兴趣
• 好奇心 • 孩子们的好奇心很强 • 孩子们好奇,什么事都
意义: 1.顺着一个方向不 变 例:沿着这条路一 直走,走到尽头就 到了花园。
2、表示动作始终不 间断或状态始终不变。 例句:一直在下雨, 不知道什么时候会停。
3、强调所指的范围 例句:从老人到小孩 都喜欢看这个节目。
意义: 看来,看上去,表示 估量。Seems like 例句:天气阴沉,看 样子会下雨。



对外汉语教学词汇实例1. 课程(kèchéng) - 指一套教学上的安排计划或内容。

2. 学生(xuéshēng) - 参加学习的个人,即学生。

3. 教师(jiàoshī) - 教授知识、指导学生学习的人。

4. 学习(xuéxí) - 获取知识、技能或经验的过程。

5. 听力(tīnglì) - 听和理解语言的能力。

6. 说话(shuōhuà) - 使用口语进行表达和交流。

7. 读写(dúxiě) - 阅读和书写文字的能力。

8. 语法(yǔfǎ) - 语言的结构和规则。

9. 发音(fāyīn) - 发声的方式和音标符号。

10. 词汇(cíhuì) - 语言的基本单位,包括单词和短语。

11. 句子(jùzi) - 有主语和谓语的一组词,表达完整意思的语言单位。

12. 会话(huìhuà) - 口头交流中的对话或交谈。

13. 阅读材料(yuèdú cáiliào) - 用于学习阅读的文本或文章。

14. 写作(xiězuò) - 用文字表达思想、感情或观点。

15. 测试(cèshì) - 评估学生的知识和能力的考试或测验。

16. 成绩(chéngjī) - 对学生学习表现的评价或分数。

17. 课堂(kètáng) - 进行教学的教室或空间。

18. 演讲(yǎnjiǎng) - 公开演说或陈述。

19. 交流(jiāoliú) - 互相沟通、交换信息。

20. 文化(wénhuà) - 一组共享的信仰、价值观和习俗。


教材的内容太浅了,不适应你们 的水平。
3. “浅”还可以用于颜色淡。
例:浅蓝 浅黄 浅灰
(五)的确 确实
一、 “的确”,“确实”都可以用作副词, 表所说的客观情况完全符合实际,其真实 性肯定无疑的意思,在句子都可以作状语, 可换用。 例:这件事的确/确实不是他干的。 这部电影的确/确实对我触动很 大,是我想了很多很多。
域,但是色彩和用法有很大差别。“地” 是文言词,多用于书面语;“地方”则 通用于口语和书面语。“地”是单音节 词,与其他词配合时,通常也限于单音 节词;“地方”是双音节词,多用于与 多音节词的组合。
4.表示地位,级别小于某一基准的,用“低” 和“矮”都可以;表示地位,级别属于不 高的程度的,只能用“低”。
例:我们俩不是一个班的,他比我低/ 矮一般。
1. 都可以表示跟水有关的上下距离小, 但是所指内容不同。
用“低”只能指水位,它指水的位 置的高度的距离小,与“浅”相对;用 “浅”指水的厚的距离小,与“厚”相 对。
三、“俩”与“二”“两” “俩”是“两个”的意思,因为它已
经含有“个”这个量的意义,所以后面 不能再加任何量词,而“二”和“两” 后边是可以加量词的。
例: 我们俩一去吧。 *我们俩个一起去吧。Leabharlann (十一)地 地方 地点 地区
一、 “地”和“地方” 1.地”和“地方”都可以指一定得区
(九)顿时 一时 暂时
一、“顿时”和“一时” 1.两者都有短时间的意思,但在意义上稍有差

对外汉语 词汇

对外汉语  词汇














对外汉语教学 词汇共27页文档

对外汉语教学 词汇共27页文档
对外汉语教学 词汇
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯
10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 谢谢你的阅读
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非


少 shao
低 di
小 xiao
有 you 是 shi 爱 ai 想 xiang 笑 xiao 哭 ku 玩 wan 忘(记)wang ji 喜欢 xi huan
汉语 han yu 韩语 han yu 老师lao shi 学生xue sheng 家人 jia ren 爸爸 ba ba 妈妈 ma ma 哥哥 ge ge 弟弟 di di 姐姐 jie jie 妹妹 mei mei 孩子hai zi
打电话 da dian hua
起床 qi chuang
快 kuai 慢 man 早 zao 晚 wan 忙 mang 累 lei 辛苦 xin ku 真的 zhen de
也 ye 很 hen 都 dou 非常 fei chang 刚才 gang cai 常常 chang chang
但是 dan shi
……以前 yi qian …...以后源自yi hou…...的前面
吃饭 chi fan
喝酒 he jiu
喝水 he shui
唱歌 chang ge
上网 shangwang
睡觉 shui jiao
工作gong zuo
书 shu 笔 bi 手机 shou ji 公司gong si 家 jia
学习 xue xi
说话 shuohua
洗澡 xi zao
听音乐 ting yin yue
看电影 kan dian ying



(3)短暂性动词(否定句) 他一直没离开这。 他一直没露面。 (4)弱持续性动词 我们一直走了七八里地,才看到前面有个村子。 雨一直下个不停。
(5)动作有变化的动词 受寒流影响,气温将一直下降到零度。 他非常饿,想吃东西的强烈需要一直在增长。
4、跟“一直”搭配的时间、地点状 语
(1)有表示时间起点、终点、时间段的 状语
(2)有表示空间起点、终点、动态趋向、 静态位置的状语 (3)还有其他表示范围状语
• 从那以后,我们一直没见过面。 • 顺着这条路一直走,在第一个路口往右拐, 你就会看到那个邮局。
表示抽象范围:“从…一直到…” 从这一直到那,都种满了杏树。副词yì zhí
1、后跟形容词 自入冬以来,天气一直(很)干燥。 这些机器的运转一直正常。 2、后跟介词短语 一直到昨天晚上,他才知道这个消息。 医生一直到现在还是很有地位的职业。
(1)强持续性动词 我在旅游时,一直抱着一种兴奋的心情。 整整一天了,她一直躺在床上睡觉。 (2)表示心理活动、意志或感觉的动词 她一直认为,当初是他先喜欢上她的。 爸爸一直希望我们三兄弟有一个能去学医。





1. 你好(nǐ hǎo):这是对外汉语中最常见的问候语,意为“你好”,表示向对方致以问候和友好。

2. 谢谢(xiè xiè):这是表达感谢的常用词汇,表示对别人所给予的帮助或恩惠表示感谢。

3. 对不起(duì bù qǐ):这是表示道歉的常用词汇,表示对自己的错误或冒犯别人的行为表示歉意。

4. 好(hǎo):这是表示同意或满意的常用词汇,可以用来回答别人的请求或询问。

5. 再见(zài jiàn):这是告别时常用的词汇,表示对别人的祝愿,意味着“再见面”。

6. 请(qǐng):这是表示请求或邀请的常用词汇,表示对对方提出的请求表示同意或答应对方的邀请。

7. 学习(xué xí):这是表示学习的常用词汇,指通过获取知识和技能来提高自己的能力。

8. 旅游(lǚ yóu):这是表示旅行观光的常用词汇,指在休闲或度假目的下外出游玩。

9. 饭店(fàn diàn):这是表示餐馆或旅馆的常用词汇,指供应饭菜或提供住宿服务的场所。

10. 地铁(dì tiě):这是表示地下铁路的常用词汇,指城市中用于交通的地下铁路系统。




词汇Vocabulary目录 Contents主题Topic 页Page 1 个人 The individual 22 教育与职业 Education and work163 商业区与服务 Town and services254 饮食 Food and drink295 休闲和娱乐 Leisure and travel346 环境 The environment427 健康与紧急情况 Health and emergencies458 其他 Other 48Topic 1主题 一、 个人 gèrén The individual 一、 个人情况与住址gèrén qíngkuàng yǔ zhùzhǐOrder Word POS PinyinEnglish1 姓名 n. xìngmíng family name and given name2 性别 n. xìngbié gendar3 年龄 n. niánlíng age4 出生 v. chūshēng be born5 日期 n. rìqī date6 地点 n. dìdiǎn place, site.7 国籍 n. guójí nationality8 职业 n. zhíyè occupation, profession9 工作单位 n.gōngzuò dānwèi place of work10 住址 n. zhùzhǐ address.11 国 n. guó a country12 省 n. shěng province13 市 n. shì city14 区 n. qūarea, region, zone, district15 街 n. jiē street16 路 n. lù road17 号 n. hào number in a series18 胡同 n. hútòng lane, alley, bystreet.19 城市 n. chéngshì city.20 郊区 n. jiāoqū suburban21 农村 n. nóngcūn rural area, countryside.22 县 n. xiàn county.23 乡 n. xiāng township of rural24 村 n. cūn village二、人群组别groupsRénqun zǔbiéOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 大家n. dàjiāall people, everybody.2 男人n. nánrén men, menfolk.3 女人n. nǚrén woman.4 小孩儿n xiǎoháir child, little child.5 大人n. dàren adult.6 青年n. qīngnián youth, young people.7 年轻人n. niánqīngrén young people, youth.8 中年人n. zhōngniánrén people of in middle age9 老年人n. lǎoniánrén old people, the aged.10 南方人n. nánfāngrén Southerner,people from south part of a country11 北方人n. běifāngrén Northerner,people from north part of a country12 东方人n. dōngfāngrén Oriental, Eastern person13 西方人n. xīfāngrén Western person14 外国人n. wàiguórén foreigner15 朋友n. péngyou friend16 同学n. tóngxuéschoolmate17 同事n. tóngshìcolleague, cowork18 亲戚n. qīnqīrelative19 病人n. bìngrén patients,sick person.20* 亚洲n. Yàzhōu Asia, Asian.21 中国n. ZhōngguóChina22* 日本n. rìběn Japan23* 韩国n. hánguóSouth Korea24* 新加坡n. xīnjiāpōSingapore25* 泰国n. tàiguóThailand26* 马来西亚n. MǎláixīyàMalaysia27* 菲律宾n. Fēilǜbīn Philippines28* 以色列n. yǐsèlièIsrael.29* 美洲n. měizhōu the America.30 美国n. MěiguóUnited States of America, USA. 31* 加拿大n. jiānádàCanada32* 智利n. zhìlìChile33* 阿根廷n. A1gēntíng Argentina.34* 巴西n. BāxīBrazil.35* 欧洲n. Oūzhōu Europe, Europen.36 英国n. YīngguóEngland, Britain,U.K.37 法国n. FǎguóFrance38* 挪威n. Nuówēi Norway39* 丹麦n. Dānmài Denmark40* 芬兰n. fēnlán Fenland41* 荷兰n. hélán Holland.42* 西班牙n. XībānyáSpain.43* 意大利n. YìdàlìItaly44* 瑞典n. Ruìdiǎn Sweden.45* 非洲n. Fēizhōu Africa.46* 南非n. nánfēi South Africa.47* 澳洲n. Aòzhōu Australia48* 澳大利亚n. AòdàlìyàAustralia49* 新西兰n. xīnxīlán New Zealand三、家庭jiātíng family, household.Order Word POS Pinyin English1家庭n. jiātíng family2父亲n. fùqin father3母亲n. mǔqīn mather4爸爸n. bàba dad, pa5妈妈n. māma mamma, ma, mum.6哥哥n. gēge elder brother7姐姐n. jiějie elder sister, older sister.8弟弟n. dìdi younger brother9妹妹n. mèimei younger sister.10*兄弟姐妹n.xiōngdìjiěmèi siblings11爷爷n. yéye grandpa,respectfully address for an elderly man.12奶奶n. nǎinai grandma;respectfully address for an elderly woman. 13伯伯n. bóbo uncle, father's elder brother.14叔叔n. shūshu father's younger brother,uncle.15姑姑n. gūgu father's sister, aunt.16*堂哥n. tánggēolder male cousin of a same surname. 17*堂姐n. tángjiěolder female cousin of a same surname. 18外公n. wàigōng maternal grandfather.19姥爷n. lǎoye maternal grandpa20外婆n. wàipómaternal grandmother.21姥姥n. lǎolao maternal grandma.22舅舅n. jiùjiu mother's brother, maternal uncle.23姨n. yímother's sister, aunt.24*表弟n. biǎodìyounger male cousin of a differentsurname.25*表妹n. biǎomèi younger female cousin with a differentsurname.26孩子n. háizi child27儿子n. érzi son28女儿n. nǚér daughter29丈夫n. zhàngfu husband30妻子n. qīzi wife31先生n. xiānsheng one's husband, Mr.32太太n. tàitai wife, Mrs, ,Madam.33生曰n. shēngyuēbirthday34结婚v.o. jiéhūn marry, get married.35* 离婚v.o. líhūn divorce四、问候 wènhòu greetingOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 问候v./ n. wènhòu send one's regards to, greeting.2 你好intj. nǐhǎo How are you?, Hello.3 再见v. zàijiàn goodbye, bye-bye4 谢谢v. xièxie thanks, thank you.5 不用谢ph bùyòngxiè not at all, you are welcome.6 不客气ph bùkèqì you are welcome, not at all.7 别客气ph biékèqì you are welcome, not at all.8 对不起ph duìbùqǐI'm sorry, sorry, excuse me9 没关系ph méiguānxi It doesn't matter, never mind.10 打扰v. dǎrǎo disturb11 打扰一下intj dǎrǎoyīxiàexcuse me, can you help me…12 请问v. qǐngwèn excuse me, may I ask…13 贵姓Q. guìxìng (what is) your surname?14 名字n. míngzi name or given name.15 叫v. jiào name, call16 什么pr. Q shénme what17 多大Q duōdàhow old19* 属v. shǔany of the twelve animals symbolizingthe year in which one is born20 身体n. shēntǐbody21 最近n. zuìjìn recently22 好吗Q hǎoma How are you?25 一般adj. yībān so-so. general,26 怎么样Q zěnmeyàng how about, what about.27 不错adj. bùcuònot bad, pretty good.28 还可以ph huáikěyǐOk, Yes. pretty good.29 介绍v., n. jièshào introduce; introduction.30 认识v.,n. rènshi know, be acquainted with (a person),recognize31 一下儿m yíxiàr (Measure for action)32 介绍一下ph jièshào yīxià Let’ s introduce ourselves33 认识一下ph rènshí yīxià Let’s get to know each other34 欢迎v./ n. huānyíng welcome, greet, favorably35 祝贺v.,n. zhùhècongratulate; congratulation.五、相貌Xiàngmào AppearanceOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 外貌n. wàigmào (of a person) facial features, looks.appearance2 和conj. héand3 性格n. xìnggéCharacterstic, temperament4 高adj.,n. gāo tall, high.5 矮adj. ǎi short (not tall); low6 胖adj. pàng (of human body) fat7 瘦adj. shòu thin8 白adj. bái white9 黑adj. hēi black10 黄adj. huáng yellow11 皮肤n. pífūskin12 个子n. gèzi height13 头m(n) tóu head, chief, boss14 头发n. tóufa hair (on the head).15 脸n. liǎn face16 眼睛n. yǎnjing eye,17 嘴n. zuǐmouth18 鼻子n. bízi nose,19 耳朵n. ěrduo ear.20 眉毛n. méimao eyebrow, brow.21 脖子n. bózi neck.22 胳膊n. gēbo arm.23 腰n. yāo waist24 腿n. tuǐleg25 手n. shǒu hand; a person doing or good at acertain job26 脚n. jiǎo foot27 体重n. tǐzhòng (body) weight28 长adj. cháng (space or time)long29 短adj. duǎn short, brief(space, time ,etc.)30 大adj. dàbig, great, old31 小adj. xiǎo small, little.32 粗adj. cūwide (in diameter ), thick33 细adj. xìthickness, narrow thin34 圆adj. yuán round35 方adj. fāng square36 漂亮 adj. piàoliang beautiful, pretty37* 帅adj. shuài handsome,六、衣着yīzhuóClothingOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 衣着n. yīzhuóclothing2 穿v. chuān wear, put on, be dressed in3 衣服n. yīfu clothing, clothes4 大衣n. dàyīovercoat5 衬衫n. chènshān shirt, blouse.6 西装n. xīzhuāng Western-style clothes.7 休闲装v. xiūxiánzhuāng leisure attire8 T恤衫n. Txùshān T-shirt9 雨衣n. yǔyīraincoat.10 裤子n. kùzi trousers, pants.11 裙子n. qúnzǐskirt.12 袜子n. wàzi socks, stockings.13 鞋n. xiéshoe.14 皮鞋n. píxiéleather shoes.15 运动鞋n. yùndòngxiésports shoes16 运动服n yùndòngfútrack suit17 戴v. dài wear sth. on the head, face,neck, chest,arm, hands etc18 帽子n. màozi hat, cap.19 手套n. shǒutào gloves.20 打v. dǎtie up.21 领带n. lǐngdài necktie, tie.22 围v. wéi enclose,encircle23 围巾n. wéijīn muffler, scarf.七、性格 xìnggé characterOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 友好adj. yǒuhǎo friendly2 热情adj. rèqíng enthusiastic, passionate3 文静adj. wénjìng gentle and quiet.4 认真adj. rènzhēn earnest, careful5 性子n. xìngzi temper6 急性子attr. jíxìngzi quick--tempered, an impetuous person.7 慢性attr. mànxìngzi slow-tempered.8 亲切adj. qīnqièkind, enthusiastic and caring.9 健谈adj. jiàntán be good at casual conversation10 礼貌n lǐmào courtesy, politeness11 有礼貌 s.v yǒulǐmào polite12 粗鲁adj. cūlǔrude, impolite.八、情感与感觉qínggǎn yǔ gǎnjué feelingsOrder Word POS Pinyin1 情感n. qínggǎn emotion, feeling.2 与conj. yǔand, with3 感觉v.,n. gǎnjuésense, feel, sensation.4 高兴adj. gāoxìng glad, happy.5 快乐s.v./ n. kuàilèhappy, joyful, cheerful.6 愉快adj. yúkuài happy, joyful, pleasant.7 生气v.o./s.v. shēngqìget angry8 伤心adj.,v.o. shāngxīn sad, broken-hearted.9 担心v.o./s.v. dānxīn worry, be worry oneself about.10 难过adj. nánguòfeel sorry, feel bad.11 痛苦adj.,n. tòngkǔpain, suffering.12 满意s.v./ v. mǎnyìsatisfied, be satisfied, to one'ssatisfaction13 激动adj. jīdòng be excited14 紧张adj. jǐnzhāng nervous, tense.15 放心v.o. fàngxīn set one's mind at rest, feel relieved ;trust sb16 苦恼adj. kǔnǎo distressed, worried, pitful.17 笑v. xiào smile, laugh.18 哭v. kūcry, weep.19 累adj. lèi tired20 饿adj. è be hungry21 渴adj. kěthirsty22 饱adj. bǎo have eaten one's fill, eat till full九、住房 zhùfáng housingOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 家n.,m(n), jiāfamily,;home; specialist, used in 艺术家yishùjiā2 住房n. zhùfáng housing,3 房子n. fángzi house, building.4 楼n./m. lóu storied building5 公寓n. gōngyùapartment6 别墅n. biéshùvilla7 房东n. fángdōng landlord or landlady, owner of a houseor room8 房客fángkètenant(of a house or a room)9 出租v. chūzūrent out10 房租n. fángzūrent11 租房v.o zūfáng rent a house12 房屋n. fángwūhouses, buildings.13 搬家v.o. bānjiāmove (house).14 搬到v bāndào move to15 房间n. fángjiān room.16 客厅n. kètīng sitting room, living room.17 书房n. shūfáng study. ( a room)18 卧室n. wòshìbedroom, bedchamber.19 睡房n.shuìfáng bedroom20 厨房n. chúfáng kitchen, cookroom21 餐厅n. cāntīng dining-hall, dining-room22 饭厅n.fàntīng dining-room, dining-hall.23 洗澡间n.xǐzǎojiān bath-room24 浴室n. yùshìbathroom, public bathhouse.25 卫生间n.wèishēngjiān rest-room ,toilet26 洗手间n.xǐshǒujiān rest-room ,toilet27 厕所n. cèsuǒtoilet, W.C; rest room28 阳台n. yángtái balcony29 车库n.chēkùgarage30 花园n. huāyuán garden31 楼梯n. lóutīstairs33 楼下n.lóuxiàdownstairs34 墙n. qiáng wall.35 窗户n. chuānghu window, casement.36 门n.,m(n) mén door, gate; measure word for courses37 大门n. dàmén gate, (house, yard or park)38 门口n. ménkǒu entrance, doorway, gate.39 花n. huāflower, blossom, bloom40 草n. cǎo grass, straw.41 树n., shùtree;plant.42 家具n. jiāju furniture43 床n. chuáng bed44 沙发n. shāfāsofa, couch45 餐桌n. cānzhuōdining table.46 书桌n. shūzhuōdesk, writing desk.47 椅子n. yǐzi chair.48 茶几n. chájītea table, side table.49 地毯n. dìtǎn carpet, rug50 家用电器n.p. jiāyòngdiànqìelectrical home appliances.51 电视n. diànshìtelevision, TV52 电冰箱n. diànbīngxiāng refrigerator, fridge.53 微波炉n.wēibōlúmicrowave54 洗衣机n. xǐyījīwashing machine55 吸尘器n.xīchénqìvacuum56 舒适adj. shūshìcomfortable, cosy.57 宽敞adj. kuānchang spacious58 干净adj. gānjìng clean, neat and tidy59 邻里n. línlǐneighborhood60 邻居n. línjūneighbor, neighborhood.61 吵闹v. chǎonào noisy十、起居qǐjū daily lifeOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 起居n. qǐjūdaily life2 起床v.o. qǐchuáng get up3 吃饭v.o. chīfàn eat a meal4 喝茶v.o. hèchádrink tea5 刷牙v.o. shuāyábrush teeth6 洗脸v.o. xǐliǎn wash face7 洗澡v.o. xǐzǎo have or take a bath, take a shower.8 上厕所v.o shàngcèsuǒgo to the toilet9 方便adj. fāngbiàn convenient. Go10 睡觉v.o. shuìjiào go to bed, go to sleep11 休息v./ n. xiūxi have (or take) a rest.12 理发v.o. lǐfàhave a haircut13 上班v.o. shàngbān go to work, start work.14 下班v.o. xiàbān knock off, get off work.15 上学v.o. shàngxuégo to school, attend school.16 放学v.o. fàngxuéfinish classes (for the day of a school)17 迟到v. chídào arrive late, be late.18 准时adj. zhǔnshíBe punctual, on time,19 请假v.o. qǐngjiàask for leave.20 运动v.,n. yùndòng exercises, campaign21 锻炼v./ n. duànliàn engage in physical exercise.22 玩儿v. wánr play, play with23 有时候v.o. yǒushíhòu sometimes, now and then.24 星期一n. xīngqīyīMonday.25 星期天n. xīngqītiān Sunday.26 星期日n. xīngqīrìSunday.27 每天n.měitiān every day29 经常adv. jīngcháng frequently, constantly,often30 常常adv. chángcháng frequently, usually, often.十、家务jiāwù house workOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 买菜v.o.mǎicài buy vegetable2 洗衣v.o.xǐyīwash clothes3 摆v. bǎi put, place, arrange.4 桌子n. zhuōzi table, desk.5 照顾v./ n. zhàogùlook after, care for.6 做饭v.o. zuòfàn prepare a meal.7 熨衣服v.o.yùnyīfúiron clothes8 帮忙v.o. bāngmáng help, do a favor.9 打扫v. dǎsǎo clean, sweep, bream.10 洗碗v.o.xǐwǎn wash dishes, wash bowls11 清洁adj. qīngjiéclean十一、迎客yíngkèEntertainingOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 迎客yíngkèwelcome the guest2 请客v.o. qǐngkèplay the host, invite to dinner.3 作客v.o. zuòkèbe a guest.4 来v.,b.f., lái come, arrive.5 去v.,b.f qù go, leave6 看v. kàn see, look at, watch; read; visit.7 串门inf. chuànmén drop in8 送行v. sòngxíng see sb. off9 迎接v. yíngjiēmeet, welcome.10 接v.,n. jiēmeet, pick up sb from( school or airportetc.)11 送v. sòng deliver, carry; give as a present,see sb. off.12 客人n. kèren visitor, guest; traveling13 贺卡n. hèkǎcongratulation cards, greeting card.14 信n. xìn letter, mail15 条子n. tiáozi brief informal note, a short note16 出去v(c) chūqùgo out, get out17 有空yǒukòng free18 有事v. yǒushìbe occupied or busy.19 开v. kāi hold a (meeting/etc.)20 晚会n. wǎnhuìevening party, soiree.21 聚会v. jùhuìparty, (of people) get together.22 跟prep. gēn with, to, from, towards23 见面v.o. jiànmiàn meet, see.24 跟…见面gēn…jiànmiàn meet somebodyTopic 2主题二、教育与职业Education and work 一、学校、学生与教师xuéxiào xuéshēng yǔ jiàoshīSchools, Students and TeachersOrder Word POS Pinyin English1教育v.,n. jiàoyùteach, educate, education2教师n. jiàoshīteacher, instructor.3私立sīlìprivately run.4 公立gōnglìpublic, be established and maintained bythe government.5学费n. xuéfèi tuition fee, tuition;6学校n. xuéxiào school7年级n. niánjígrade (in school, etc. ).8 班n. bān class, a group of students who studytogether9组n. zǔgroup10幼儿园n. yòuéryuán kindergarten, nursery school.11小学n. xiǎoxuéprimary school.12中学n. zhōngxuémiddle school and high school13初中n. chūzhōng middle school.14高中n. gāozhōng high school.15大学n. dàxuéuniversity16学院n. xuéyuàn college17男生n. nánshēng Schoolboy, boy student18女生n. nǚshēng girl student19小学生n. xiǎoxuéshēng (primary school)pupil,20中学生n. zhōngxuéshēng middle-school and high-school student.21大学生n. dàxuéshēng college or university student22老师n. lǎoshīteacher23班主任n. bān zhǔ rèn homeroom teacher24校长n. xiàozhǎng headmaster, principal.25家长n. jiāzhǎng parent or guardian of a child.二、学校设施xuéxiào shèshī school facilities Order Word POS Pinyin English1 设施n. shèshīfacilities.2 校园n. xiàoyuán campus3 教室n. jiàoshìclassroom, schoolroom.4 课桌n.kèzhuōdesk in class5 写字v.o. xiězìwrite (characters).6 板n. bǎn board, plank, sheet, flat.7 会议室n. huìyìshìmeeting/conference room.8 实验室n. shíyànshìlab, laboratory.9 图书馆n. túshūguǎn library, atheneum.10 教学楼n.jiàoxuélóu teaching building11 食堂n. shítáng cafeteria12 礼堂n. lǐtáng assembly hall,theater13 布告栏n.bùgàolán bulletin board14 宿舍n. sùshèdormitory.15 操场n. cāochǎng playground, sports field.16 体育馆n. tǐyùguǎn gym, stadium.17 游泳池n. yóuyǒngchíswimming pool.18 场n. chǎng field.19 篮球场n. lánqiúchǎng basketball court20 足球场n. zúqiúcháng soccer field三、文具wénjù Office SuppliesOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 文具 n. wénjùstationery2 课本 n. kèběn textbook3 笔 n. bǐpen, pencil, writing brush.4 毛笔 n. máobǐwriting brush5 文具盒 wénjùhépencil box7 本 n. běn note book8 刀子 n. dāozi knife9 尺子 n. chǐzi ruler.10 作业本 n.zuòyèběn homework exercise book11 橡皮 n. xiàngpírubber, eraser.12 墨水 n. mòshuǐink13 字典 n. zìdiǎn dictionary.14 词典 n. cídiǎn dictionary15 计算机 n. jìsuànjīcomputer.16 计算器 n. jìsuànqìcalculator17 复印机 n.fùyìnjīprint machine18 地图 n. dìtúmap19 电脑 n. diànnǎo computer.20 录音机 n. lùyīnjī(tape) recording machine四、计算机jìsuànqì computer.Order Word POS Pinyin English1 开机v.o. kāijīturn on a machine2 关机v.o.guānjīturn off a mechine3 上网v.o. shàngwǎng be on the internet4 因特网n.yīntèwǎng internet5 电子邮件n. diànzǐyóujiàn email6 传真v.,n. chuánzhēn fax7 下载v. xiàzài download.8 打印v.,v.o. dǎyìn print9 软件n. ruǎnjiàn computer software,personnel credentials10 存盘v.o.cúnpán save in a disc11 硬件n. yìngjiàn hardware, mechanical equipment12 文件n. wénjiàn Official documents,file.13 鼠标器n.shǔbiāoqìmouse of a computer五、教学活动jiàoxuéhuódòng teaching activities Order Word POS Pinyin English1 教学活动jiàoxuéhuódòng teaching activities2 科目n. kēmùschool subject or course,3 汉语n. hànyǔChinese language4 数学n. shùxuémathematics5 物理n. wùlǐphysics6 化学n. huàxuéchemistry.7 生物n. shēngwùbiology8 体育n. tǐyùP.E.9 音乐n. yīnyuèmusic.10 美术n. měishùart; painting.11 艺术n.,adj. yìshùart12 历史n. lìshǐhistory13 地理n. dìlǐgeogr a phy14 政治n. zhèngzhìpolitics15 外语n. wàiyǔforeign language.16 计算机科学n.jìsuànjīkēxuécomputer science17 社会学n. shèhuìxuésociology.18 天文学n. tiānwénxuéastronomy19 经济n.,adj. jīngjìeconomy20 法律n. fǎlǜlaw21 工程n. gōngchéng project, engineering.22 心理学n. xīnlǐxuépsychology.23 环境科学n. huánjìngkēxuéenvironment science24 医学n. yīxuémedical science25 活动v.,n. huódòng activity, events.26 课堂活动n. kètáng huódòng classroom activities.27 提问28 回答n.,v. huídáreply, answer, response.29 点名v.o. diǎnmíng name a person (to do sth.) ,roll call.30 讨论v.,n. tǎolùn discuss, discussion.31 小组n. xiǎozǔsmall group.32 解释v.,n. jiěshìexplain;explanation.33 练习v.,n. liànxípractice, practise,34 字n.,v. zìword, character.35 句子n. jùzǐsentence36 段落n. duànluòparagraph37 听v., tīng listen, hear.38 说v., shuōspeak, say.39 读v. dúread (aloud)40 写v.,char. xiěwrite41 完成v. wánchéng accomplish, complete.42 作业n. zuòyèschool assignment or work.43 考试n.,v. kǎoshìexamination, test, exam.44 优秀adj. yōuxiùoutstanding, excellent.45 及格adj. jígépass, pass a test, examination, etc.46 补考v.o.bǔkǎo make-up an examination47 复习v./ n. fùxíreview, revise.48 辅导v.,n. fǔdǎo tutor.49 进步v.,n. jìnbùprogress, improve;improvement.50 取得v. qǔdéget, achieve, gain, obtain.51 成绩n. chéngjīperformance, result, score,achievement.52 懂v. dǒng understand, know.53 知识n. zhīshi knowledge54 知道v. zhīdao know, realise55 注意v./n. zhùyìpay attention to有用57 有趣adj. yǒuqùinteresting, fascinating.58 无聊adj. wúliáo boring59 容易adj. róngyìeasy;easily.60 难adj. nán difficult, hard.六、课外活动kèwài huódòng after school activitiesOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 课外n.kèwài extracurricular, after school.2 社会实践n.shèhuìshíjiàn field trip.3 服务v.,n.fúwùservice, serving.4 实习v./ n.shíxípractice, do fieldwork.5 参加v.cānjiāparticipate, to take part, partacipation.6 课外活动小组kèwài huódòng xiǎozǔsmall groups of after schoolactivities七、学校安排xuéxiào ānpái School activitiesOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 安排v.,n. ānpái arrange, plan.3 上课v.o. shàngkèattend class, go to class.4 下课v.o. xiàkèget out of class, finish class.5 午休n.wǔxiūlunch break6 放假v.o. fàngjiàhave or be on a holiday or vacation.7 开学v.o. kāixuéstart school, begin a term, school opens.8 寒假n. hánjiàwinter vacation.9 暑假n. shǔjiàsummer vacation,summer break.10 学期n. xuéqīterm, semester.11 假期n. jiàqīvacation, holiday.12 期中n. qīzhōng in the middle of a term13 期末n. qīmòat the end of a term14 运动会n. yùndònghuìsports meet, track field15 夏令营n. xiàlìngyíng summer camp.16 游览v./ n. yóulǎn go sight-seeing, tour.17 开会v.o. kāihuìhold or attend a meeting, have a meeting.八、有关词汇yǒuguān cíhuì relevant vocabularyOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 有关v. yǒuguān relevant2 词汇n. cíhuìvocabulary3 认为v. rènwéi think, consider.4 总之conj. zǒngzhīin a word, in short.5 反对v. fǎnduìoppose, be against, object.6 相反adj.,adv. xiāngfǎn opposite, contrary, reverse.7 同意v./ n. tóngyìagree8 道理n. dàoli truth, principle9 第一num. dìyīfirst10 第二num. dìèr the second11 一方面conj. yīfāngmiàn on one side.12 另一方面 f.e. lìngyīfāngmiàn on the other hand.九、未来打算 wèilái dǎsuan-学习xuéxíFuture Plans - Studies Order Word POS Pinyin English1 未来n. wèilái future2 打算v.,n. dǎsuan plan, intend,intention,3 学习v.,n. xuéxílearn, study.4 注册v. n. zhùcèregister, enroll in an organisation,institute or school.5 文凭n. wénpíng diploma.6 文科n. wénkēliberal arts7 理科n. lǐkēscience course in a college8 工科n.gōngkēengineering course in a college9 医科n.yīkēmedical course in a college10 师范n. shīfàn teacher-training major in a college11 系n.,v. xìdepartment (in a college, university),12 毕业v.o. bìyègraduate13 学位n. xuéwèi academic degree14 学士n. xuéshìbachelor, bachelor's degree15 硕士n. shuòshìMaster , M.A.16 博士n. bóshìdoctor, the highest of the academicdegrees;17 研究v.,n. yánjiūstudy, research十、职业 zhíyè job, occupationOrder Word POS Pinyin English1 工作v.,n. gōngzuòwork ;job; task.2 退休v.o. tuìxiūretire, retirement.3 公务员n. gōngwùyuán government employee.4 工程师n. gōngchéngshīengineer.5 艺术家n. yìshùjiāartist, longhair.6 医生n. yīshēng doctor7 大夫n. dàifu doctor8 护士n. hùshi nurse.9 自由职业zìyóuzhíyèliberal professions10 律师n. lǜshīlawyer11 会计n. kuàijìaccounting, accountant.12 教授n.,v. jiàoshòu professor13 科学家n. kēxuéjiāscientist14 画家n. huàjiāpainter, artist.15 记者n. jìzhějournalist, reporter16 作家n. zuòjiāwriter, author.17 经理n.,v. jīnglǐmanager,18 商人n. shāngrén businessman19 演员n. yǎnyuán performer, actor, actress.20 工人n. gōngrén worker, laborer21 警察n. jǐngchápolice, policeman,22 农民n. nóngmín farmer, peasant,23 职员n. zhíyuán office staff24 秘书 n. m ìsh ū secretary, 25 服务员 n. f úw ùyu án waiter,waitress, service person 26 翻译 v.,n. f āny ì translate, interpreter. translator, interpreter.十一、找工作 zh ǎo g ōngzu ò looking for a job Order Word POS Pinyin English 1 找 v. zh ǎo look for 2 申请 v.,n. sh ēnq ǐng apply for, application (form, etc.).3 简历 n. ji ǎnl ì resume4 登 v. d ēng publish, climb( a hill, mountain)5 广告 n. gu ǎngg ào advertise, advertisement6 联系 v.,n. li ánx ì get in touch with; contact7 收入 n.,v. sh ōur ù income, earnings,8 全职 n. qu ánzh í full-time job9 兼职 n.,v.o. ji ānzh í Part-time job 10 工资 n. g ōngz ī wages, pay, salary. 11 失业 v.o. sh īy è lose one's job, be unemployed,12 机会 n. j īhu ì opportunity, chance. 13 努力 s.v./ n. n ǔl ì make efforts, try hard 14 计划 n.,v. j ìhu à plan; make a plan. 15 实现 v. sh íxi àn achieve, fulfil 16 希望 v.,n. x īw àng hope 17 当 v.,prep., d āng act as, serve as, become 18 老板 n. l ǎob ǎn boss 19 如果 conj. r úgu ǒ if 20 准备 v.,n. zh ǔnb èi prepare, get ready; 21 能够 aux. n éngg òu can, be able to, 22 成功 v.,adj.,n. ch éngg ōng succeed, achieve, success.Topic 3主题三 、 商业区与服务 Commerce and services一、商店种类 sh āngdi àn zh ǒngl èi types of stores Order Word Pinyin English 1 商业区 n. sh āngy èq ū downtown,shopping mall. 2 购物 v./ n. g òuw ù go shopping, shopping 3 商店 n. sh āngdi àn store, shop. 4 种类 n. zh ǒngl èi kind, sort, type, variety, category. 5 购物中心 n.p. g òuw ùzh ōngx īn shopping center or mall. 6 百货商店 n. b ǎihu òsh āngdi àn department store 7 超级市场 n. ch āoj ísh ìch áng supermarket. 8 农贸 市场 n óngm àosh ìch áng agricultural market fair 9 友谊商店 n. y ǒuy ìsh āngdi àn Friendship store 10 日用品 n. r ìy òngp ǐn articles for daily use, daily-use necessities.11 理发店 n. l ǐf àdi àn barber shop 12 书店 n. sh ūdi àn bookstore, bookshop.二、商店内 sh āngdi àn n èi in the storeOrder Word POS Pinyin English 1 内 n.,b.f. nèi in, inside, inner, internal. 2 部 n.,v.,m(n) bù part, section.3 服装 n. fúzhu āng dress, clothes, costume.4 帽 n. mào hat, cap.5 化妆品 n. huàzhu āngp ǐn makeup, cosmetics.6 箱 b.f.,m(n) xi āng box, trunk.7 包 v.,n.,m(n) b āo bag8 柜台 n. guìtái counter 9 试衣室 n. shìy īshì space for trying clothes 10 试穿 shìchu ān try to wear。



1.一个字一个音节 2.字形大都不能准确表音,但形声字的声旁有 提示作用 3.同音字多,多音字多:区别意义;文白异读 轻声、儿化
声旁完全表音的占23% ,部分表音的占42% 形声字声旁之声母表音 规律举例

b p 包 抱、胞、饱 跑、炮、泡 非 悲、辈 裴、排
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
关系的句型的特点以及这些句型之间的关系 研究理论:具体包括原型范畴理论、象似性 理论、标记理论、语义降级机制理论等。 研究方法:定性分析和定量分析相结合、描 写和解释相结合。
个汉字 汉字形音义组合的理据系统:主要以形声字 和会意字为主。 汉字的字义:强调复合词的词义与字义的联 系
1 车— 车站 车票 车费 车速
2 车—
3 —车
4 —车
AP课程:AP中文语言与文化课程 AP考试:AP中文语言与文化考试
Placement Program (AP)
三种交际/沟通模式——Three 四项语言技能——Four
Communicative Modes:
人际交流模式:Interpersonal Mode 理解诠释模式:Interpretive Mode 表达演示模式:Presentational Mode



• 指交际和来往。通常是一些因为加强人际 关系原因,不得不做一些不想做的事或说 一些不想说的话。
• • • • • e.g. 在中国,人们往往以喝酒的方式应酬。 马克今天晚上有个应酬。 马克很善于应酬。 应酬几句。
• 形容不一定准确但很接近的。 • 近义词:大概、大约、大体上、基本上 • e.g. • 我的观点与你大致相同。 • 这间屋子大致面积是20㎡。
• 打扑克 • 玩扑克
• 指用„„的方式、方法、手段 • 近义词:依靠 • • • • • e.g. 凭借着老师的帮助,我才完成了作业。 我的作业是凭借老师的帮助才完成的。 凭借空气的力量,鸟儿才能飞行。 鸟儿是凭借空气的力量才能飞行的。
• 出(chū) • 共(gîng) • 开(kāi) • 朋(pãng) • 误(wù) • 蛋(dàn) • 工(gōng)
最早的“开”字是 打开门窗的动作。
• 指朋友(好朋友,亲朋好友)
• 形旁:讠 • 声旁:吴 • 1.错误(失误,错误) • 2.耽误(学习娱乐两不误)
• 1. (鸡蛋、鸭蛋)
• 2.像蛋的东西(泥蛋儿)
• 1.工人(建筑工,矿工) • 2.工作,劳动(打工,工具)
• e.g.马克和玛丽结婚了,马克是玛丽的老公, 玛丽是马克的老婆。
• 指通过努力达到目的,也可以形容成功的 状态。 • • • • e.g. 马克成功地完成了比赛。 获得成功。 比赛举办得很成功。
• 反义词:失败
• 表示特别,相当于“很”。前面一般加adj. 或某些verb。 • 好极了 • 坏极了 • 高兴极了 • 生气极了 • 漂亮极了



词汇1语言类syllable音节alphabet字母ambiguity语言中的歧异现象pronunciation发音Cantonese广东话vowel元音consonant辅音tone声调tone language声调语言rhyme韵律rhyme押韵rhythm节奏intonation语调speech of sound语音lexicon词汇grammar语法word-building/-formation构词法morphological change形态变化morpheme语素vocal cords声带organs of speech发音器官respiratory organs呼吸器官phonetic alphabet音标Chinese Phonetic Alphabet汉语拼音phoneme 音位attribute属性articulation oracle发音bone inscriptions 甲骨文stroke笔画character component部首ideograph表意文字pictograph象形文字notional word实词noun名词verb 动词adjective形容词adverb 副词pronoun代词function word虚词conjunction连词mood word语气词preposition介词interjection叹词auxiliary word助词modal verb情态动词subject主语object宾语attribute定语complement补语predicate谓语predicative表语adverbial状语modifier修饰语synonym 同义词antonym反义词word group词组tense时态proper noun专有名词register专业术语context语境ending词尾suffix后缀infix前缀original meaning本义basic meaning基本义extended meaning引申义set phrase / idiom成语dialect方言Syntax句法学Semantics语义学Pragmatics语用学Applied linguistics应用语言学arbitrary / arbitrariness任意性productivit能产性duality二重性displacement移位性creativity创造性soft palate软腭hard palate硬腭teeth ridge齿龈air stream气流stress重音annotate注音vroot词根stem词干word order词序Saussure索绪尔language言语活动parole言语langue语言competence语言能力performance言语行为isolating language孤立语agglutinative language黏着语inflectional language屈折语folklore民俗学character字word词sentence句子note注释exercise练习assignment作业the rule of writing书写规则passage短文speech tempo语速courseware课件teaching objective教学目标teaching procedure教学步骤placement test分班考试interlanguage中介语contrastive analysis对比分析Error analysis偏误分析positive transfe正迁移rnegative transfer负迁移Language Acquisition语言习得Target Language目的语Second Language第二语言Structuralism结构主义Behaviorism行为主义speech act theory言语行为理论principle of conversation会话原则maxim准则conversational implication会话含义widening of meaning意义扩大narrowing of meaning意义缩小meaning shift意义改变LAD=Language acquisition device 语言习得装置2文学类method of creation创作方法essential features基本特征world outlook 世界观literary style文学风格emotional feeling思想感情Realism 现实主义Romanticism浪漫主义Classicism古典主义literary appreciation appreciation of literature文学鉴赏literary criticism文学批评literary theory文学理论schools of literature文学流派linguistic arts语言艺术literary works文学作品narrative poetry叙事诗lyric poetry抒情诗essay杂文fiction小说novel长篇小说medium-length novel中篇小说short story短篇小说poetry诗歌prose散文drama戏剧tragedy悲剧comedy喜剧solemn drama正剧严肃剧stage play话剧literary script文学剧本montage 蒙太奇contemporary当代文学literary heritage文化遗产publication出版regulation调节intellectual知识分子educational background学历definition定义corresponding对应的creative consciousness创新意识literary circle文学界literary trend 文学潮流individual value个人价值Renaissance文艺复兴Enlightenment启蒙运动humanism人本主义heroism英雄主义sense of life生命意识literary achievement文学成就legend传说imagination想象力human right人权literary flavor文学色彩technique of expression表现手法supernatural power超自然的力量epic史诗strong will坚强的意志keynote基调historical play历史剧plot情节time时间site地点theme主题distinctive image鲜明的形象character性格characteristic特征aesthetic value美学价值exaggeration夸张contrast对比folk literature民间文学social status社会地位Sinology汉学religion宗教信仰worship崇拜Taoism道教Confucius孔子Confucian儒家的superstition迷信mythology神话emperor皇帝Yellow Empero黄帝r hierarchy等级制度taboo禁忌filial duty孝顺annals编年史dynastic history断代史dynasty朝代title片名original version原著dialogue对白subtitle字幕take镜头clip片段picture画面speciality / major专业calligraphy书法vbe in rhyme押韵category范畴3名著Outlaws of the Marsh〈水浒传〉The Dream of Red Chamber〈红楼梦〉Three Kingdoms〈三国演义〉The Journey the West〈西游记〉Zhao’s Orphan元曲〈赵氏孤儿〉Chinese Orphan〈中国孤儿〉伏尔泰The Analects of Confucius〈论语〉The Book of Songs〈诗经〉Mencius〈孟子〉4中华民族的喜庆节日National Day国庆节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival中秋节Spring Festival春节Lantern Festival元宵节Children’s Day儿童节Dragon Boat Festival端午节Women’s Day妇女节Water-Splashing Day泼水节Teach ers’Day教师节Youth Day五四青年节5中国独特的传统饮食wonton馄饨guotie fried jiaozi 锅贴steamed twisted rolls花卷set meal套餐box lunch; Chinese take-away盒饭rice tofu米豆腐konjak tofu魔芋豆腐rice noodles米粉a stick of sugar-coated haws or apples,etc. 冰糖葫芦chafing dish火锅eight-treasure rice pudding八宝饭glass noodles粉丝jellied bean curd豆腐脑Clay oven rolls烧饼fried bread stick油条Fried leek dumplings韭菜盒boiled dumplings水饺Steamed dumplings蒸饺steamed buns馒头Rice and vegetable roll饭团egg cakes蛋饼Salted duck egg咸鸭蛋soybean milk豆浆Rice porridge稀饭plain white rice白饭Glutinous 糯米fried rice with egg蛋炒饭Sweet potato congee地瓜粥wonton & noodles馄饨面Sliced noodles刀削面spicy hot noodles麻辣面Sesame paste noodles麻酱面seafood noodles乌龙面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 榨菜肉丝面Rice noodles米粉fried rice noodles炒米粉Fish ball soup鱼丸汤egg & vegetable soup蛋花汤0yster soup牡蛎汤seaweed soup紫菜汤sweet & sour soup酸辣汤wonton soup馄饨汤pork thick soup肉羹汤squid soup鱿鱼汤tomatoes on sticks糖葫芦longevity Peaches长寿桃glutinous rice sesame balls芝麻球hemp flowers麻花plum juice酸梅汁stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 臭豆腐spicy hot bean curd麻辣豆腐prawn cracker虾片shrimp balls虾球spring rolls春卷chicken rolls蛋卷red bean cake红豆糕bean paste cake绿豆糕glutinous rice cakes糯米糕rice-meat dumplings肉丸betel nut槟榔hot pot 火锅6中国新兴事物China Telecom中国电信China Mobile中国移动the 10th Five-Year Plan十五计划Chinanet中国电脑联网the Three Gorges Project三峡工程Project Hope希望工程Beijing CKowloon Railway京九铁路Anti-Poverty Project扶贫工程Vegetable Basket Project菜篮子工程Decent-Life Project温饱工程Economy Housing Project安居工程Porn-Purging Campaign扫黄Go-West Campaign西部大开发7特有的一些汉语词汇Zen Buddhism禅宗dhyana; dhgaya禅chaos混沌Daosim, the way and its power道Four Noble Truth四谛Eightfold Path八正道anity无常Theory of Five Elements五行说anatman无我metta or transcendental meditation坐禅sunyata空nothingness虚无8国家机关名称National People' s Congress NPC全国人民代表大会Presidium主席团Standing Committee常务委员会General Office办公厅Secretariat秘书处Credentials Committee代表资格审查委员会Motions Examination Committee提案审查委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee民族委员会Law Committee法律委员会Finance and Economy Committee财政经济委员会Foreign Affairs Committee外事委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committe教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs内务司法委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee华侨委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs法制工作委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions特定问题调查委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution宪法修改委员会President of the People' s Republic of China中华人民共和国主席Central Military Commission中央军事委员会Supreme People' s Court最高人民法院Supreme People' s Procur atorate最高人民检察院State Council国务院Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Counci国务院部委Ministry of National Defence国防部Ministry of Public Security公安部National Development and Reform Commission国家发展和改革委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 国家经济贸易委员会Ministry of Education教育部Ministry of Science and Technology科学技术部Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence国防科学技术工业委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission国家民族事物委员会Ministry of State Security国家安全部Ministry of Supervision监察部Ministry of Civil Affairs民政部Ministry of Justice司法部Ministry of Finance财政部Ministry of Personnel人事部Ministry of Labour and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Land and Resources国土资源部Ministry of Construction建设部Ministry of Railways铁道部Ministry of Communications交通部Ministry of Information Industry信息产业部Ministry of Water Resources水利部Ministry of Agriculture农业部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Culture文化部Ministry of Public Health卫生部State Family Planning Commission国家计划生育委员会People' s Bank of China中国人民银行State Auditing Administration国家审计署Offices under the State Council国务院办事机构General Office of the State Council国务院办公厅Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs侨务办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office港澳台办公室Taiwan Affairs Office台湾事物办公室Office of Legislative Affairs法制办公室Office for Economic Restructuring经济体制改革办公室Research Office of the State Council国务院研究室Information Office新闻办公室Departments Directly under the State Council国务院直属机构General Administration of Customs海关总署State Taxation Administration国家税务总局State Environmental Protection Administration国家环境保护总局Civil Aviation Administration of China CAAC 中国民用航空总局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television国家广播电影电视总局State Sport General Administration国家体育总局State Statistics Bureau国家统计局State Administration of Industry and Commerce国家工商行政管理局Press and Publication Administration新闻出版署State Copyright Bureau国家版权局State Forestry Bureau国家林业局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家质量技术监督局State Drug Administration SDA 国家药品监督管理局State Intellectual Property Office SIPO 国家知识产权局National Tourism Administration国家旅游局State Bureau of Religious Affairs国家宗教事物局Counsellors' Office of the State Council 国务院参事办Government Offices Administration of the State Council国务院机关事物管理局Institutions Directly under the State Council国务院直属事业单位Xinhua News Agency新华通讯社Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国社会科学院Chinese Academy of Engineering中国工程院Development Research Centre of the State Council国务院发展研究中心National School of Administration国家行政学院China Seismological Bureau中国地震局China Meteorological Bureau中国气象局China Securities Regulatory Commission CSRC中国证券监督管理委员会State Bureaux Administrated by Ministries or Commissions部委管理的国家局State Bureau of Grain Reserve under the State Development Planning Commission 国家粮食储备局国家发展计划委员会State Bureau of Internal Trade国家国内贸易局State Bureau of Coal Industry国家煤炭工业局State Bureau of Machine-Building Industry国家机械工业局State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry 国家冶金工业局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industries国家石油和化学工业局State Bureau of Light Industry国家轻工业局State Bureau of Textile Industry国家纺织工业局State Bureau of Building Materials Industry国家建筑材料工业局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau国家烟草专卖局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Industry国家有色金属工业局State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs under the Ministry of Personnel国家外国专家局人事部State Oceanic Administration under the Ministry of Land and resources国家海洋局国土资源部State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping under the Ministry of Land and Resources国家测绘局国土资源部State Post Bureau under the Ministry of Information Industry国家邮政局信息产业部State Cultural Relics Bureau under the Ministry of Culture国家文物局文化部State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicineunder the Ministry of Public Health 国家中医药管理局卫生部State Administration of Foreign Exchange under the People' s Bank of China国家外汇管理局中国人民银行总行State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine under the General Administration of Customs 国家出入境检验检疫局海关总署9中国传统文化事物paper宣纸yamen衙门kowtow叩头Confucius孔子pailou;pai-loo牌楼wushuChinese Martial Arts武术kungfu;kung fu功夫the way of medium cf. Golden Means 中庸harmony zhonghe 中和to show filial obedience孝顺dutiful son孝子family head家长three cardinal:三纲five constant virtues: 五常guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲benevolence humanity , righteousness, propriety,wisdom and fidelity仁、义、理、智、信eight-legged essays八股文raising sons to support one in one’s养儿防老The more sons/children, the more多子多福Longxu Ditch龙须沟model opera样板戏The Mine Warfare地雷战Drunkened Concubine贵妃醉酒Farewell to My Concubine霸王别姬Tears of Huangshan荒山泪Gathering of Heroes群英会East Wind借东风General and Premier Make Up将相和The Story of Pipa琵琶记Women General of Yang Family杨门女将Flower Drum Dance凤阳花鼓Home in the Sea大海啊,故乡My Chinese Heart我的中国心Night at the Naval Port军港之夜Winter Fire冬天里的一把火Peony Pavilion牡丹亭Ambush from All Sides十面埋伏(古曲)Goddess Marriage天仙配Moon and Flower in the Spring River春江花月夜Lasting Words to Awaken the World醒世恒言Butterfly Love梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Ordinary Words to Warn the World警世通言Clear Words to Illustrate the World喻世明言Three Volumes of Words,Two Volumes of Slapping“三言”、“二拍”Surprise Stories to Make One Slapthe Desk拍案惊奇A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber红楼梦Water Margin水浒Journey to the West西游记Romance of the Three Kingdoms三国演义Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio 聊斋志异Palace of Eternal Life长生殿The Peach Blossom Fan桃花扇The Scholars儒林外史Celebrating Mother's Birthday五女拜寿Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 清明上河图Peking Opera京剧Yue Opera越剧Chuan Opera川剧The Shop of Lin Family林家铺子Garden of Respose憩园(巴金作品集)Wild Grass野草(鲁迅作品集)Wandering彷徨(鲁迅作品集)Chinese descent炎黄子孙Old Tales Retold故事新编(鲁迅作品集)five elements五行Avalokitesvara观音菩萨Boddhisattva菩萨mosque清真寺Taoist道士monk和尚nun尼姑arhat罗汉the God of Wealth财神爷Door Gods门神the Jade Emperor玉皇大帝King of Hell阎王爷Dragon King龙王the Fire God炉火神the King of Medicine药王the Queen Mother of the West王母娘娘Water Curtain Cave水帘洞the Great Sage Equalling Heaven齐天大圣Buddhist scriptures佛经Mountain of Flowers and Fruits花果山Handsome Monkey King美猴王golden cudgel金箍棒seventy-two different forms七十二般变化Patriarch Subhut孙悟空的师父the Protector of the Horses弼马温Great White Planet太白金星Mighty Miracle God巨灵神Prince Ne Zha哪吒三太子the Immortality Peach Garden蕃桃园Jade Pool瑶池Barefoot Immortal赤脚大仙True Lord Erlangzhenjun二郎真君Eight Trigrams Furnace八卦炉Lord Lao Zi of the Great Monad太上老君metal金Hall of Miraculous Mist灵霄宝殿Four Heavenly Kings四大天王Five Elements Mountain五行山wood木water水fire火earth土Heavenly King with a Pagoda in Hand 托塔李天王Dujiang Weir都江堰the Eight Immortals八仙Iron Crutch Li铁拐李Han Zhongli汉钟离Zhang Guolao张果老He Xiangu何仙姑Lan Caihe蓝采和Han Xiangzi韩湘子Cao Guojiu曹国舅Lu Dongbin吕洞宾River Uncle河伯the Thunder God雷公Chang'e嫦娥Local God of the Land土地神Granting Titles to Gods封神榜the Kitchen God灶王爷China Telecom中国电信China Mobile中国移动the 10th Five-Year Plan十五计划Chinanet中国电脑联网the Three Gorges Project三峡工程Project Hope希望工程Beijing CKowloon Railway京九铁路Anti-Poverty Project扶贫工程Vegetable Basket Project菜篮子工程Decent-Life Project温饱工程Economy Housing Project安居工程Porn-Purging Campaign扫黄Go-West Campaign西部大开发trigram八卦yin, yang阴、阳Dao(cf. logo) 道the jianghu World (the traits’ world)江湖(世界)Daoism(Taoism) 道excessive internal heat上火Confucianism儒学redology红学(《红楼梦》研究)Shangri-la or Arcadia世外桃源kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 开放getting an equal share regardless of the work done大锅饭scar literature or the literature of the wounded伤痕文学no imposing uniformity on不搞一刀切to shake off poverty; anti-poverty脱贫to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people合乎国情,顺乎民意imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge乱摊派,乱收费iron (lifetime) post’s; gu aranteed leading post铁交椅Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline治则兴,乱则衰mural壁画Chinese traditional painting国画ink and wash painting水墨画silk painting绢画wooden graving木刻画engraving版画shell carving painting贝雕画new year picture年画pottery ware陶器jade article玉器china ware瓷器celadon青瓷bronze ware青铜器cloisonné enamel景泰蓝lacquer ware漆器painted pottery彩陶trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty唐三彩ice carving冰雕jade carving玉雕stone carving石雕bones carving骨雕shell carving贝雕wood carving木雕tree root carving根雕porcelain carving瓷器雕ivory carving象牙雕painted sculpture彩塑dough figurine画塑clay figure泥人儿silk fan绢扇sandal wood fan檀香扇folding fan折扇pearl珍珠agate玛瑙coral珊瑚green jade翡翠amber琥珀jade玉embroidery刺绣two-sided embroidery双面秀tapestry挂毯batik蜡染wickerwork藤条制品pure silk真丝cigarette holder烟嘴snuff bottle鼻烟壶seal图章potted landscape盆景screen屏风edans s轿子pinwheel风车acrobatics杂技magic魔术shaking drum拨浪鼓bamboo flute竹苗shadow puppet皮影sugar-molded糖人courtyard homes四合院stilt walk踩高跷martial arts武术rickshaw人力车palace lantern宫灯finger-guessing game猜拳monologue story-telling说书time-honored老字号cross talk相声pay a new year call拜年firecracker爆竹a string of small fire crackers鞭炮year-end household大扫除lantern riddles灯谜temple fair庙会new year’ s picture年画to hang out new y ear’s picture挂年画family reunion dinner on lunar new year年夜饭to stay awake all night守岁glutinous cake for new year年糕the first day of the first lunar month大年初一eight-treasure rice pudding八宝饭poetic couplets对联to put up antithetical couplets贴春联to put up window paper-cuts糊窗花money given to children as a lunar new year gift压岁钱local opera地方戏theatrical mask戏剧脸谱male characters生female characters旦painted face characters净middle-aged male characters末clown丑gunpowder火药compass指南针paper-making techniques造纸术paper-printing techniques印刷术martial arts武术Qigong气功to fight a challenge fight in an arena 打擂台to listen to historical or traditional storiesto play Chinese chess下象棋to make special studies of calligraphy 练习书法to do traditional Chinese painting画国画听评书to inscribe a poem题诗to match an antithetical couplet求对近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译grass-roots supervision基层监督base tariff level基础税率matrimonial agency婚介所extramarital love婚外恋bride photo婚纱摄shoddy cotton黑心棉machine scoring机器阅卷scratch-open ticket/lottery即开型奖券go all out for economic development集中精力把经济建设搞上去public price hearings价格听证会temporarily transfer借调Division A Soccer Team甲A球队household management service家政服务ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion 加强舆论监督accounting fraud假帐challenge; pick a quarrel叫板use lame arguments矫情gradual Taiwan independence渐进式台独Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.扩大中等收入者比重expand domestic demand and consumption扩大内需,刺激消费。

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1语言类syllable音节alphabet字母ambiguity语言中的歧异现象pronunciation发音Cantonese广东话vowel元音consonant辅音tone声调tone language声调语言rhyme韵律rhyme押韵rhythm节奏intonation语调speech of sound语音lexicon词汇grammar语法word-building/-formation构词法morphological change形态变化morpheme语素vocal cords 声带organs of speech发音器官respiratory organs呼吸器官phonetic alphabet音标Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 汉语拼音phoneme 音位attribute属性articulation oracle发音bone inscriptions 甲骨文stroke笔画character component部首ideograph表意文字pictograph象形文字notional word实词noun名词verb 动词adjective形容词adverb 副词pronoun代词function word虚词conjunction连词mood word语气词preposition介词interjection叹词auxiliary word助词modal verb情态动词subject主语object宾语attribute定语complement补语predicate谓语predicative表语adverbial状语modifier修饰语synonym 同义词antonym反义词word group词组tense时态proper noun专有名词register专业术语context语境ending词尾suffix后缀infix前缀original meaning本义basic meaning基本义extended meaning引申义set phrase / idiom成语dialect方言Syntax句法学Semantics语义学Pragmatics语用学Applied linguistics应用语言学arbitrary / arbitrariness任意性productivit能产性duality二重性displacement移位性creativity创造性soft palate软腭hard palate硬腭teeth ridge齿龈air stream气流stress重音annotate注音v root词根stem词干word order词序Saussure索绪尔language言语活动parole言语langue语言competence语言能力performance言语行为isolating language孤立语agglutinative language黏着语inflectional language屈折语folklore民俗学character字word词sentence句子note注释exercise练习assignment作业the rule of writing书写规则passage短文speech tempo语速courseware课件teaching objective教学目标teaching procedure教学步骤placement test分班考试interlanguage中介语contrastive analysis对比分析Error analysis偏误分析positive transfe正迁移r negative transfer负迁移Language Acquisition语言习得Target Language目的语Second Language第二语言Structuralism结构主义Behaviorism行为主义speech act theory言语行为理论principle of conversation会话原则maxim准则conversational implication会话含义widening of meaning意义扩大narrowing of meaning意义缩小meaning shift意义改变LAD=Language acquisition device 语言习得装置2文学类method of creation创作方法essential features基本特征world outlook 世界观literary style文学风格emotional feeling思想感情Realism 现实主义Romanticism浪漫主义Classicism古典主义literary appreciation appreciation of literature文学鉴赏literary criticism文学批评literary theory文学理论schools of literature文学流派linguistic arts语言艺术literary works文学作品narrative poetry叙事诗lyric poetry抒情诗essay杂文fiction小说novel长篇小说medium-length novel中篇小说short story短篇小说poetry诗歌prose散文drama戏剧tragedy悲剧comedy喜剧solemn drama正剧严肃剧stage play话剧literary script文学剧本montage 蒙太奇contemporary当代文学literary heritage文化遗产publication出版regulation调节intellectual知识分子educational background学历definition定义corresponding对应的creative consciousness创新意识literary circle文学界literary trend 文学潮流individual value个人价值Renaissance文艺复兴Enlightenment启蒙运动humanism人本主义heroism英雄主义sense of life生命意识literary achievement文学成就legend传说imagination想象力human right人权literary flavor文学色彩technique of expression表现手法supernatural power超自然的力量epic史诗strong will坚强的意志keynote基调historical play历史剧plot情节time时间site地点theme主题distinctive image鲜明的形象character性格characteristic特征aesthetic value美学价值exaggeration夸张contrast对比folk literature民间文学social status社会地位Sinology汉学religion宗教信仰worship崇拜Taoism道教Confucius孔子Confucian儒家的superstition迷信mythology神话emperor皇帝Yellow Empero黄帝r hierarchy等级制度taboo禁忌filial duty孝顺annals编年史dynastic history断代史dynasty朝代title片名original version原著National Day国庆节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival中秋节Spring Festival春节Lantern Festival元宵节Children’s Day儿童节Dragon Boat Festival端午节5中国独特的传统饮食wonton馄饨guotie fried jiaozi 锅贴steamed twisted rolls花卷set meal套餐box lunch; Chinese take-away盒饭dialogue对白subtitle字幕take镜头clip片段picture画面speciality / major专业calligraphy书法vbe in rhyme押韵category范畴3名著Outlaws of the Marsh〈水浒传〉The Dream of Red Chamber〈红楼梦〉Three Kingdoms〈三国演义〉The Journey the West〈西游记〉Zhao’s Orphan元曲〈赵氏孤儿〉Chinese Orphan 〈中国孤儿〉伏尔泰The Analects of Confucius〈论语〉The Book of Songs〈诗经〉Mencius 〈孟子〉4中华民族的喜庆节日Women’s Day妇女节Water-Splashing Day泼水节Teachers’Day教师节Youth Day五四青年节rice tofu米豆腐konjak tofu魔芋豆腐rice noodles米粉a stick of sugar-coated haws or apples,etc. 冰糖葫芦6中国新兴事物China Telecom中国电信China Mobile中国移动the 10th Five-Year Plan十五计划Chinanet中国电脑联网the Three Gorges Project三峡工程Project Hope希望工程fried rice noodles炒米粉Fish ball soup鱼丸汤egg & vegetable soup蛋花汤0yster soup牡蛎汤seaweed soup紫菜汤sweet & sour soup酸辣汤wonton soup馄饨汤pork thick soup肉羹汤squid soup鱿鱼汤tomatoes on sticks糖葫芦longevity Peaches长寿桃glutinous rice sesame balls芝麻球hemp flowers麻花plum juice酸梅汁stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 臭豆腐spicy hot bean curd麻辣豆腐prawn cracker虾片sh7特有的一些汉语词汇Zen Buddhism禅宗dhyana; dhgaya禅chaos混沌Daosim, the way and its power道Four Noble Truth四谛Eightfold Path八正道anity无常Theory of Five Elements五行说anatman无我metta or transcendental meditation 坐禅sunyata空nothingness虚无8国家机关名称National People' s Congress NPC全国人民代表大会Presidium主席团Standing Committee常务委员会General Office办公厅Secretariat秘书处Credentials Committee代表资格审查委员会Motions Examination Committee提案审查委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee民族委员会Law Committee法律委员会Finance and Economy Committee财政经济委员会rimp balls虾球spring rolls春卷paper宣纸yamen衙门kowtow叩头Confucius孔子pailou;pai-loo牌楼wushuChinese Martial Arts武术kungfu;kung fu功夫the way of medium cf. Golden Means 中庸harmony zhonghe 中和to show filial obedience孝顺dutiful son孝子family head家长three cardinal:三纲five constant virtues: 五常guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife 君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲benevolence humanity , righteousness, propriety,wisdom and fidelity 仁、义、理、智、信eight-legged essays八股文raising sons to support one in one’s 养儿防老The more sons/children, the more 多子多福Longxu Ditch龙须沟model opera样板戏The Mine Warfare地雷战Drunkened Concubine贵妃醉酒State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine under the General Administration of Customs 国家出入境检验检疫局海关总署9中国传统文化事物Farewell to My Concubine霸王别姬Tears of Huangshan荒山泪Gathering of Heroes群英会East Wind借东风General and Premier Make Up 将相和The Story of Pipa琵琶记Women General of Yang Family 杨门女将Flower Drum Dance凤阳花鼓Home in the Sea大海啊,故乡My Chinese Heart我的中国心Night at the Naval Port军港之夜Winter Fire冬天里的一把火Peony Pavilion牡丹亭Ambush from All Sides 十面埋伏(古曲)Goddess Marriage天仙配Moon and Flower in the Spring River 春江花月夜Lasting Words to Awaken the World 醒世恒言Butterfly Love梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Ordinary Words to Warn the World 警世通言Clear Words to Illustrate the World 喻世明言Three Volumes of Words,Two Volumes of Slapping“三言”、“二拍”Surprise Stories to Make One Slapthe Desk拍案惊奇A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber 红楼梦Water Margin水浒Journey to the West西游记Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio 聊斋志异Palace of Eternal Life长生殿The Peach Blossom Fan桃花扇The Scholars儒林外史Celebrating Mother's Birthday 五女拜寿Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 清明上河图Peking Opera京剧Yue Opera越剧Chuan Opera川剧The Shop of Lin Family林家铺子Garden of Respose 憩园(巴金作品集)Wild Grass野草(鲁迅作品集)Wandering彷徨(鲁迅作品集)Chinese descent炎黄子孙Old Tales Retold 故事新编(鲁迅作品集)five elements五行Avalokitesvara观音菩萨Boddhisattva菩萨mosque清真寺Taoist道士monk和尚nun尼姑arhat罗汉the God of Wealth财神爷Door Gods门神the Jade Emperor玉皇大帝King of Hell阎王爷Dragon King龙王the Fire God炉火神the King of Medicine药王the Queen Mother of the West 王母娘娘Water Curtain Cave水帘洞the Great Sage Equalling Heaven 齐天大圣Buddhist scriptures佛经Mountain of Flowers and Fruits花果山Handsome Monkey King美猴王golden cudgel金箍棒seventy-two different forms 七十二般变化Patriarch Subhut孙悟空的师父the Protector of the Horses弼马温Great White Planet太白金星Mighty Miracle God巨灵神Prince Ne Zha哪吒三太子the Immortality Peach Garden 蕃桃园Jade Pool瑶池Barefoot Immortal赤脚大仙True Lord Erlangzhenjun二郎真君Eight Trigrams Furnace八卦炉Lord Lao Zi of the Great Monad 太上老君metal金Hall of Miraculous Mist灵霄宝殿Four Heavenly Kings四大天王Five Elements Mountain五行山wood木water水第10/14页fire火earth土Heavenly King with a Pagoda in Hand托塔李天王Dujiang Weir都江堰the Eight Immortals八仙Iron Crutch Li铁拐李Han Zhongli汉钟离Zhang Guolao张果老He Xiangu何仙姑Lan Caihe蓝采和Han Xiangzi韩湘子Cao Guojiu曹国舅Lu Dongbin吕洞宾River Uncle河伯the Thunder God雷公Chang'e嫦娥Local God of the Land土地神Granting Titles to Gods封神榜the Kitchen God灶王爷China Telecom中国电信China Mobile中国移动the 10th Five-Year Plan十五计划Chinanet中国电脑联网the Three Gorges Project三峡工程Project Hope希望工程Beijing CKowloon Railway 京九铁路Anti-Poverty Project扶贫工程Vegetable Basket Project 菜篮子工程Decent-Life Project温饱工程Economy Housing Project安居工程Porn-Purging Campaign扫黄Go-West Campaign西部大开发trigram八卦yin, yang阴、阳Dao(cf. logo) 道the jianghu World (the traits’world) 江湖(世界) Daoism(Taoism) 道excessive internal heat上火Confucianism儒学redology红学(《红楼梦》研究) Shangri-la or Arcadia世外桃源kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 开放getting an equal share regardless of the work done大锅饭scar literature or the literature of the wounded伤痕文学no imposing uniformity on 不搞一刀切to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 脱贫to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 合乎国情,顺乎民意imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge乱摊派,乱收费iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post铁交椅Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline治则兴,乱则衰第11/14页mural壁画Chinese traditional painting国画ink and wash painting水墨画silk painting绢画wooden graving木刻画engraving版画shell carving painting贝雕画new year picture年画pottery ware陶器jade article玉器china ware瓷器celadon青瓷bronze ware青铜器cloisonnéenamel景泰蓝lacquer ware漆器painted pottery彩陶trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty唐三彩ice carving冰雕jade carving玉雕stone carving石雕bones carving骨雕shell carving贝雕wood carving木雕tree root carving根雕porcelain carving瓷器雕ivory carving象牙雕painted sculpture彩塑dough figurine画塑clay figure泥人儿silk fan绢扇sandal wood fan檀香扇folding fan折扇pearl珍珠agate玛瑙coral珊瑚green jade翡翠amber琥珀jade玉embroidery刺绣two-sided embroidery双面秀tapestry挂毯batik蜡染wickerwork藤条制品pure silk真丝cigarette holder烟嘴snuff bottle鼻烟壶seal图章potted landscape盆景screen屏风edans s轿子pinwheel风车acrobatics杂技magic魔术shaking drum拨浪鼓bamboo flute竹苗shadow puppet皮影sugar-molded糖人courtyard homes四合院stilt walk踩高跷martial arts武术rickshaw人力车palace lantern宫灯finger-guessing game猜拳monologue story-telling说书time-honored老字号cross talk相声pay a new year call拜年firecracker爆竹a string of small fire crackers鞭炮year-end household大扫除lantern riddles灯谜第12/14页temple fair庙会new year’s picture年画to hang out new year’s picture 挂年画family reunion dinner on lunar new year 年夜饭to stay awake all night守岁glutinous cake for new year年糕the first day of the first lunar month 大年初一eight-treasure rice pudding八宝饭poetic couplets对联to put up antithetical couplets 贴春联to put up window paper-cuts 糊窗花money given to children as a lunar new year gift压岁钱local opera地方戏theatrical mask戏剧脸谱male characters生female characters旦painted face characters净middle-aged male characters末clown丑gunpowder火药compass指南针paper-making techniques造纸术paper-printing techniques印刷术martial arts武术Qigong 气功to fight a challenge fight in an arena 打擂台to listen to historical or traditionalstoriesto play Chinese chess 下象棋to make special studies of calligraphy 练习书法to do traditional Chinese painting 画国画听评书to inscribe a poem题诗to match an antithetical couplet 求对第13/14页近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译grass-roots supervision基层监督base tariff level基础税率matrimonial agency婚介所extramarital love婚外恋bride photo婚纱摄shoddy cotton黑心棉machine scoring机器阅卷scratch-open ticket/lottery 即开型奖券go all out for economic development 集中精力把经济建设搞上去public price hearings价格听证会temporarily transfer借调Division A Soccer Team甲A球队household management service家政服务ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion 加强舆论监督accounting fraud假帐challenge; pick a quarrel叫板use lame arguments矫情gradual Taiwan independence 渐进式台独Raise the proportion of the middle-income group. 扩大中等收入者比重expand domestic demand and consumption扩大内需,刺激消费。
