广州市第七中学初三上册10月月考试卷 (无听力部分)
广东省广州中学2024--2025学年九年级数学上学期10月月考试卷一、单选题1.下列方程是一元二次方程的是( )A .32x y +=B .323x x =-C .250x -=D .123x x += 2.抛物线2(5)8=-+y x 的顶点坐标是( )A .(5,8)B .(5,8)--C .(5,8)-D .(5,8)- 3.如果1x =是方程20x x k ++=的解,那么常数k 的值为( )A .2B .1C .1-D .−2 4.关于x 的方程()()11110m m xm x ++--+=是一元二次方程,则m 的值是( ) A .1- B .1C .1±D .0 5.若方程23x 6x m 0-+=有两个不相等的实数根,则m 的取值范围在数轴上表示正确的是 A .B .C .D . 6.在国务院房地产调控政策影响下,建德市区房价逐步下降,2012年10月份的房价平均每平方米为11000元,预计2014年10月的房价平均每平方米回落到7800元,假设这两年我市房价的平均下跌率均为x ,则关于x 的方程为( )A .211000(1)7800x +=B .211000(1)7800x -=C .211000(1)3200x -=D .23200(1)7800x -=7.在同一平面直角坐标系中,二次函数2y ax b =+与一次函数(0)y ax b a =+≠的图像可能是( )A .B .C .D .8.九年级举办篮球友谊赛,参赛的每两个队之间都要比赛一场,共要比赛45场,则参加此次比赛的球队数是( )A .8B .9C .10D .11 9.已知二次函数212y a x a ⎛⎫=-- ⎪⎝⎭(0a ≠),当512x -≤≤时,y 的最小值为6-,则a 的值为( )A .6或2-B .6-或2C .6-或2-D .6或210.如图,抛物线2()6y x h =--的顶点为A ,将抛物线向右平移n 个单位后得到新的抛物线,其顶点记为B ,设两条抛物线交于点C ,ABC V 的面积为8,则n =( )A .2B .4C .6D .8二、填空题11.方程25x x =的解是.12.若m 是方程22310x x -+=的一个根,则2692024m m -+的值为.13.将抛物线()234y x =--先向右平移1个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度,得到的新抛物线的函数表达式为.14.长方形的周长为36cm ,其中一边()018cm x x <<,面积为2 c m y ,那么y 与x 的关系是.15.已知关于x 的一元二次方程22220x mx m m ++-+=有两个不相等.....的实数根,且12122x x x x ++⋅=,则实数m =.16.如图所示,己知二次函数2y ax bx c =++的图象与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,与y 轴交于点C ,若2OC OA =,对称轴是直线1x =.则下列结论:①0abc <;②42ac b +=-;③90a c +<;④若实数1m <,则2am a b bm ->-;⑤若直线y kx b =+(0k >)过点C 和点(2,0)-,则当2x <-时,ax b k +>,其中结论正确的序号是.三、解答题17.解方程:267x x -=.18.已知关于x 的一元二次方程230x x k -+=有实数根,若方程的一个根是2-,求方程的另一个根.19.如果一元二次方程()200ax bx c a ++=≠满足0a b c ++=,那么我们称这个方程为“凤凰方程”.(1)判断一元二次方程22350x x +-=是否为凤凰方程,说明理由.(2)已知2360x x m ++=是关于x 的凤凰方程,求这个方程的实数根.20.为了节约耕地,合理利用土地资源,某村民小组准备利用一块闲置的土地修建一个矩形菜地,其中菜地的一面利用一段30m 的墙,其余三面用60m 长的篱笆围成,要最大限度的利用墙的长度围成一个面积为2400m 矩形菜地,矩形菜地的边长应为多少?21.已知二次函数223y x x =+-.(1)选取适当的数据填入下表,并在平面直角坐标系内画出该二次函数的图象;(2)根据图象回答下列问题:①当0y <时,x 的取值范围是____________;②当22x -<<时,y 的取值范围是____________.22.己知二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c (a ,b ,c 均为常数且0a ≠).(1)若该函数图象过点(1,0)A -,点(3,0)B 和点(0,3)C ,求二次函数表达式:(2)若21b a =+,2c =,且无论a 取任何实数,该函数的图象恒过定点,求出定点的坐标. 23.已知a ,b 均为实数,且满足2660a a ++=和2660b b ++=.(1)求a b +的值;(2) 24.已知关于x 的一元二次方程2(1)(2)0x x p ---=.(1)求证:无论p 取何值时,方程总有两个不相等的实数根;(2)若方程的两实数根为1x ,2x ,且满足123x x =,试求出方程的两个实数根及p 的值:(3)若无论p 取何值时,关于x 的一元二次方程22(1)(2)(22)0x x p m p m ----+-=总有两个不相等的实数根,求实数m 的取值范围.25.已知关于x 的函数2(2)35y k x kx k =--+,其中k 为实数.(1)若函数经过点(1,7),求k 的值;(2)若函数图像经过点(1,)m ,(2,)n ,试说明9mn ≥-:(3)已知函数2121y x kx =---,当23x ≤≤时,都有1y y ≥恒成立,求k 的取值范围.。
九年级(上)月考数学试卷( 10 月份)题号 一 二 三 四 总分得分一、选择题(本大题共 10 小题,共 30.0 分)1.以下四个图形分别是四届国际数学家大会的会标,此中属于中心对称图形的有()A. 1个 ( x+1) 2B. 2个C.3个D.4个 2. 抛物线 y=-3 -2 极点坐标是()A. (-1,2)B. (-1,-2)C. (1,-2)D. (1,2)3. 以下方程为一元二次方程的是()A. x+1x=1B. ax2+bx+c=0C. x(x-1)=xD. x+x-1=04.设 A ( -2, y 1), B ( 1, y 2), C ( 2, y 3 )是抛物线 y=-( x+1) 2+m 上的三点,则()A. y1>y2>y3 x 2B. y1>y3>y2C. y3>y2>y1D. y2>y1>y35. 一元二次方程 +3x-2=0 的根的状况是()A. 有两个相等的实数根B. 没有实数根C. 有两个不相等的实数根D. 没法确立6. 把二次函数 y=3x 2的图象向左平移 2 个单位,再向上平移1 个单位,所获得的图象对应的二次函数表达式是( )A. y=3(x-2)2+1B. y=3(x+2)2-1C. y=3(x-2)2-1D. y=3(x+2)2+17. 如图,在平面直角坐标系 xOy 中,直线 y=3x 经过点A ,作 AB ⊥x 轴于点 B ,将 △ABO 绕点 B 逆时针旋转60°获得 △CBD .若点 B 的坐标为( 2, 0),则点 C的坐标为()A. (-1,3)B. (-2,3)C. (-3,1)D. (-3,2)8.某型号的手机连续两次降价,每个售价由本来的 1185 元降到了 580 元,设均匀每 次降价的百分率为x ,列出方程正确的选项是()A. 580(1+x)2=1185B.C. 580(1-x)2=1185D.1185(1+x)2=5801185(1-x)2=5809.已知二次函数 y=ax 2+bx+c ( a ≠0)的图象以下图,对称轴为直线 x=-12 ,有以下结论:① abc <0; ② 2b+c < 0; ③ 4a+c < 2b .A.0B.1C.2D.310.如图,已知△ABC 中,∠C=90 °, AC=BC=2,将△ABC 绕点A顺时针方向旋转 60°到△AB′C′的地点,连结 C′B,则 C′B的长为()A.2-2B.32C.3-1D.1二、填空题(本大题共 6 小题,共18.0 分)11.在平面直角坐标系中,点( -3, 2)对于原点对称的点的坐标是 ______.12.方程 x2-x=0 的解是 ______.13. 已知 a≠0,a≠b,x=1 是方程 ax2+bx-10=0的一个解,则 a2-b22a-2b 的值是______.14.在一块长 35m,宽 26m 的矩形绿地上有宽度相同的两条小道,如图,此中绿地面积为 850m2.若设小道的宽为 x,则可列出方程为 ______.15.已知点 A( a,m)、B( b,m)、P( a+b,n)为抛物线 y=x2-2x-2 上的点,则 n=______.16.已知抛物线 y=x2 -2x-3 与 x 轴订交于 A、B 两点,其极点为 M,将此抛物线在 x 轴下方的部分沿 x 轴翻折,其他部分保持不变,获得一个新的图象.如图,当直线y=-x+n 与此图象有且只有两个公共点时,则n 的取值范围为______.三、计算题(本大题共 2 小题,共18.0 分)17.解方程:2(1) x +4 x-1=0 ;(2)( x+1)2=5x+518.已知函数 y=x2+bx-1 的图象经过点( 3, 2)(1)求这个函数的分析式,并写出极点坐标;(2)求使 y≥2的 x 的取值范围.四、解答题(本大题共7 小题,共84.0 分)19.如图,在直角坐标系中, A( 0, 4)、 C( 3,0),( 1)①画出线段 AC 对于 y 轴对称线段 AB, B 点的坐标为 ______ ;②将线段 CA 绕点 C 顺时针旋转一个角,获得对应线段CD,使得 AD∥x 轴,请画出线段 CD ;( 2)若直线y=kx 均分( 1)中四边形ABCD 的面积,实数k 的值为 ______.20. 一个两位数,十位上的数字比个位上的数字的平方小 2 ,假如把这个数的个位数字与十位数字互换,那么所获得的两位数比本来的数小36,求本来的两位数.21. 对于 x 的一元二次方程2 2x1, x2.x +( 2k+1 ) x+k +1=0 有两个不相等的实数根( 1)务实数k 的取值范围.( 2)若方程两实根x1, x2知足 |x1|+|x2|=x1?x2,求 k 的值.22. 二次函数图象的极点在原点O,经过点A 1,14 );点F 0 1 y轴上,直((,)在线y=-1 与y 轴交于点H.( 1)求二次函数的分析式;23.为了美化环境,学校准备在以下图的矩形ABCD 空地上进行绿化,规划在中间的一块四边形MNQP 上栽花,其余的四块三角形上铺设草坪,要求AM =AN=CP=CQ,已知 BC=24 米, AB=40 米,设 AN=x 米,栽花的面积为 y1平方米,草坪面积 y2平方米.(1)分别求 y1和 y2与 x 之间的函数关系式(不要求写出自变量的取值范围);( 2)当 AN 的长为多少米时,栽花的面积为440 平方米?( 3)若栽花每平方米需 200 元,铺设草坪每平方米需 100 元,现设计要求栽花的面积不大于 440 平方米,设学校所需花费 W(元),求 W 与 x 之间的函数关系式,并求出学校所需花费的最大值.24.如图 1,在△ABC 中,∠A=36 °, AB=AC,∠ABC 的均分线 BE 交 AC 于 E.( 1)求证: AE=BC;( 2)如图( 2),过点 E 作 EF ∥BC 交 AB 于 F,将△AEF 绕点 A 逆时针旋转角α(0°<α< 144°)获得△AE′F′,连结 CE ′,BF ′,求证: CE′=BF′;( 3)在( 2)的旋转过程中能否存在 CE′∥AB?若存在,求出相应的旋转角α;若不存在,请说明原因.25.如图,抛物线y=ax2+2ax+c的图象与x轴交于A、B两点(点A在点B的左边)AB=4,与 y 轴交于点C, OC=OA,点 D 为抛物线的极点.(1)求抛物线的分析式;(2)点 M( m, 0)为线段 AB 上一点(点 M 不与点 A、 B 重合),过点 M 作 x 轴的垂线,与直线 AC 交于点 E,与抛物线交于点 P,过点 P 作 PQ∥AB 交抛物线于点Q,过点 Q 作 QN⊥x 轴于点 N,可得矩形 PQNM ,如图 1,点 P 在点 Q 左边,当矩形PQNM 的周长最大时,求 m 的值,并求出此时的△AEM 的面积;( 3)已知 H( 0, -1),点 G 在抛物线上,连 HG,直线 HG⊥CF,垂足为 F,若BF=BC,求点 G 的坐标.答案和分析1.【答案】B【分析】解:第一个图形是中心对称图形,第二个图形不是中心对称图形,第三个图形是中心对称图形,第四个图形不是中心对称图形,因此,中心对称图有 2 个.应选:B.依据中心对称的观点对各图形剖析判断即可得解.本题考察了中心对称图形的观点,中心对称图形是要找寻对称中心,旋转 180 度后两部分重合.2.【答案】B【分析】解:2∵y=-3(x+1)-2,∴抛物线极点坐标为(-1,-2),应选:B.由抛物线分析式可求得答案.本题主要考察二次函数的性质,掌握二次函数的极点式是解题的重点,即在2y=a(x-h)+k 中,对称轴为 x=h,极点坐标为(h,k).3.【答案】C【分析】解:A 、是分式方程的解,故 A 错误;B、a=0 时,是一元一次方程,故 B 错误;C、是一元二次方程,故 C 正确;D、是无理方程,故 D 错误;依据一元二次方程的定 义:未知数的最高次数是 2;二次项系数不为 0;是整式方程;含有一个未知数.由这四个条件 对四个选项进行考证,知足这四个条件者为正确答案.本题考察了一元二次方程的观点,判断一个方程是不是一元二次方程,第一要看是不是整式方程,而后看化 简后是不是只含有一个未知数且未知数的最高次数是 2. 4.【答案】 A【分析】时22解:∵当 x=-2,y=-(x+1);当时, ( )+m=-4+m ;当+m=-1+m x=-1 y=- x+1 x=22时,y=-(x+1)+m=-9+m ;∴y 1> y 2>y 3.应选:A .分别计算自变量为-2,1,2 时的函数值,而后比较函数值的大小即可.本题考察了二次函数 图象上点的坐 标特点:二次函数图象上点的坐 标知足其分析式.也考察了二次函数的性 质.5.【答案】 C【分析】解:∵△=32-4 ×1×(-2)=17>0,∴方程有两个不相等的 实数根.应选:C .先计算出根的判 别式△的值,依据△的值就能够判断根的状况.本题主要考察根的鉴别式.一元二次方程 ax 2+bx+c=0(a ≠0)的根与△=b 2-4ac有以下关系:① 当△> 0 时,方程有两个不相等的两个 实数根;② 当△=0 时,方程有两个相等的两个 实数根;③ 当 △<0 时,方程无实数根.上边的结论反过来也建立.6.【答案】 D解:依据“左加右减,上加下减 ”的规律,y=3x 2的图象向左平移 2 个单位,再向2上平移 1 个单位获得 y=3(x+2)+1.应选 D .变化规律:左加右减,上加下减.考察了抛物线的平移以及抛物 线分析式的性 质.7.【答案】 A【分析】解:作CH ⊥x 轴于 H ,如图,∵点 B 的坐标为(2,0),AB ⊥x 轴于点 B ,∴A 点横坐标为 2,当 x=2 时,y= x=2 ,∴A (2,2 ),∵△ABO 绕点 B 逆时针旋转 60°获得 △CBD ,∴BC=BA=2 ,∠ABC=60°, ∴∠CBH=30°,在 Rt △CBH 中,CH= BC=,BH= CH=3,OH=BH-OB=3-2=1 , ∴C (-1, ).应选:A .作 CH ⊥x 轴 图图 象上点的坐 标 特点确立 A (2,2 ), 于 H ,如 ,先依据一次函数再利用旋 转 的性 质 得 BC=BA=2 则,∠ABC=60° , ∠CBH=30° ,而后在 Rt △CBH 中,利用含 30 度的直角三角形三 边的关系可 计算出 CH=BC= ,BH= CH=3,因此 OH=BH-OB=3-2=1 ,于是可写出 C 点坐标.本题考察了坐标与图形变化-旋转:图形或点旋 转以后要联合旋转的角度和 图形的特别性 质来求出旋 转后的点的坐 标.常有的是旋 转特别角度如:30°,45°,60°,90°,180°.也考察了一次函数 图象上点的坐 标特点和含 30 度的直角三角形三边的关系.解:设均匀每次降价的百分率 为 x ,2由题意得出方程 为:1185(1-x )=580.应选:D .依据降价后的价钱 =原价(1-降低的百分率),本题可先用 x 表示第一次降价后商品的售价,再依据 题意表示第二次降价后的售价,即可列出方程.本题考察一元二次方程的 应用,解决此类两次变化问题,可利用公式 a (1+x )2=c ,此中 a 是变化前的原始量, c 是两次变化后的量,x 表示均匀每次的增 长率.9.【答案】 B【分析】解:① 图象张口向上,与 y 轴交于负半轴,对称轴在 y 轴左边,获得:a > 0,c <0,- <0,b > 0,∴abc <0,正确;②∵对称轴为直线 x=-,抛物线与 x 轴的一个交点 为(1,0),∴另一个交点 为(-2,0),a+b+c=0,即4a+4b+4c=0, 又 ∵4a-2b+c=0, ∴2a+c=0,4a+c=2b ②③ 都不正确.应选:B .由抛物线的张口方向判断 a 与 0 的关系,由抛物线与 y 轴的交点判断 c 与 0 的关系,而后依据对称轴确立 b 的符号,从而对所得结论进行判断.主要考察二次函数 图象与二次函数系数之 间的关系,二次函数 y=ax 2+bx+c 系数符号由抛物 线张口方向、对称轴、抛物线与 y 轴的交点、抛物线与 x 轴交点的个数确立. 10.【答案】 C【分析】解:如图,连结 BB ′,∵△ABC 绕点 A 顺时针方向旋转 60 °获得 △AB ′∴△ABB′是等边三角形,∴AB=BB′,在△ABC′和△B′BC′中,,∴△ABC′≌△B′ BC(′SSS),∴∠ABC′=∠B′ BC,′延伸 BC′交 AB′于 D,则 BD ⊥AB′,∵∠C=90°,AC=BC=,∴AB==2,∴BD=2×=,C′ D= ×2=1,∴BC′ =BD-C′ D=-1.应选:C.连结 BB′,依据旋转的性质可得 AB=AB′,判断出△ABB′是等边三角形,依据等边三角形的三条边都相等可得 AB=BB′,而后利用“边边边”证明△ABC′和△B′ BC全′等,依据全等三角形对应角相等可得∠ABC′=∠B′ BC,′延伸 BC′交AB′于 D,依据等边三角形的性质可得 BD ⊥AB′,利用勾股定理列式求出 AB ,而后依据等边三角形的性质和等腰直角三角形的性质求出 BD 、C′D,而后根据 BC′=BD-C′D计算即可得解.本题考察了旋转的性质,全等三角形的判断与性质,等边三角形的判断与性质,等腰直角三角形的性质,作协助线结构出全等三角形并求出BC′在等边三角形的高上是解题的重点,也是本题的难点.11.【答案】(3,-2)【分析】解:依据平面直角坐标系内两点对于原点对称横纵坐标互为相反数,故答案为(3,-2).依据平面直角坐标系内两点对于原点对称横纵坐标互为相反数,即可得出答案.本题主要考察了平面直角坐标系内两点对于原点对称横纵坐标互为相反数,难度较小.12.【答案】0或1【分析】解:原方程变形为:x (x-1)=0,∴x=0 或 x=1.本题应付方程进行变形,提取公因式 x,将原式化为两式相乘的形式,再依据“两式相乘值为 0,这两式中起码有一式值为 0”来解题.本题考察了一元二次方程的解法.解一元二次方程常用的方法有直接开平方法,配方法,公式法,因式分解法,要依据方程的提点灵巧采用适合的方法.本题运用的是因式分解法.13.【答案】5【分析】解:==,将 x=1 代入方程 ax 2+bx-10=0 中可得 a+b-10=0,解得 a+b=10 则=5,故填 5.依据一元二次方程根与系数的关系和代数式变形求则可.欲求的值,可先将此代数式进行分解因式化简.化简后为,再将x=1代入方程ax 2+bx-10=0 中求出 a+b 的值即可.本题综合考察了分式的化简与方程解的定义.解这种题的重点是利用分解因式的方法化简分式,将已知量与未知量联系起来.14.【答案】35×26-35x-26x+x2=850【分析】解:矩形面积 =35×26,小道面积为 =35x+26x-x 2,则绿地面积=35×26-35x-26x+x 2=850.故答案为:35×26-35x-26x+x 2=850.本题可先用 x 表示矩形的面 积和小道的面 积,用矩形的面积减去小道的面 积即为绿地的面积,这样就能够获得方程.本题考察的是一元二次方程的运用,要 联合图形和题意进行剖析.解题要注意两条小道中有重复的地方,在 计算时要加上多减去的部分.15.【答案】 -2【分析】解:∵抛物 线 分析式 为 y=x 2 -2x-2=2 ( ) , x-1 -3∴该抛物线的对称轴是直线 x=1,又 ∵点 A (a ,m )和B (b ,m )对于直线 x=1 对称,∴ =1,∴a+b=2,把(2,n )代入抛物线的分析式得,n=22-2 ×2-2=-2.故答案是:-2.由抛物线的分析式可知抛物 线的对称轴是 x=1,依据点 A 和 B 的坐标知,则点A 和B 对于直线 x=1 对称.据此易求 a+b 的值,从而把 P 点的坐标代入分析式即可求得 n 的值.本题考察了二次函数 图象上点的坐 标特点.二次函数图象上全部点的坐 标均知足该函数分析式.16.【答案】 n > 214 或-1< n < 3【分析】解:当y=0 时,y=x 2-2x-3=0,(x-3)(x+1)=0, x=-1 或 3,2-2x-3= (x-1 2y=x )-4, ∴M (1,-4),如图,作直线 y=-x ,分别过 A 、B 作直线 y=-x 的平行线,当直线 y=-x+n 经过 A (-1,0)时,1+n=0,n=-1,当直线 y=-x+n 经过 B (3,0)时,-3+n=0,n=3,∴n 的取值范围为:-1<n <3,依据题意得:翻折后的极点坐标为(1,4),22∴翻折后的抛物 线的分析式 为:y=-(x-1)+4=-x +2x+3,当直线 y=-x+n 与抛物线 y=-x 2+2x+3 只有一个公共点 时,则,-x 2+2x+3=-x+n , 2-x +3x+3-n=0,n= ,综上所述:当直线 y=-x+n 与此图象有且只有两个公共点 时,则 n 的取值范围为 n > 或-1<n <3.(1)依据分析式求与 x 轴交点 A 、B 的坐标,确立二次函数的极点 M ,由翻折性质求新抛物 线极点坐标为(1,4),得出新抛物线的分析式;(2)求直线 y=-x+n 过两个界限点时对应的 n 的值,并求直线与新抛物 线相切时的 n 值,既而得出 n 的取值范围.本题考察了抛物线与 x 轴的交点和几何 变换问题 ,明确抛物线在 x 轴下方的部分沿 x 轴翻折,即翻折前后的点对于 x 轴对称,先求特别点,即极点坐标,从而求出翻折后的抛物 线的分析式,对于第二问中,相同先求直线过界限时217.【答案】解:(1)x +4x=1,x2+4x+4=5 ,(x+2)2=5,x+2=±5,因此 x1=-2+ 5 ,x2 =-2- 5;(2)( x+1)2-5( x+1) =0,(x+1)( x+1-5 ) =0 ,x+1=0 或 x+1-5=0,因此 x1=-1, x2=4 .【分析】2(1)利用配方法获得(x+2)=5,而后利用直接开平方法解方程;2(2)先变形为(x+1)-5(x+1)=0,而后利用因式分解法解方程.本题考察认识一元二次方程 -因式分解法:就是先把方程的右边化为 0,再把左边经过因式分解化为两个一次因式的积的形式,那么这两个因式的值就都有可能为 0,这就能获得两个一元一次方程的解,这样也就把原方程进行了降次,把解一元二次方程转变为解一元一次方程的问题了(数学转变思想).也考察了配方法解一元二次方程.18.【答案】解:( 1)把( 3, 2)代入函数分析式得:2=9+3 b-1,解得: b=-2 ,则函数分析式为y=x2 -2x-1= ( x-1)2 -2,即极点坐标为(1,-2);(2)当 y=2 时, x2-2x-1=2 ,即( x-3)( x+1)=0 ,解得: x=3 或 x=-1,依据二次函数性质得:y≥2时的 x 的范围是x≤-1 或 x≥3.【分析】(1)把已知点坐标代入分析式求出 b 的值确立出分析式,并求出极点坐标即可;(2)确立出知足题意 x 的范围即可.本题考察了待定系数法求二次函数分析式,以及二次函数的图象与性质,熟练掌握待定系数法是解本题的重点.19.【答案】(-3,0)43【分析】解:(1)①如图,线段 AB 即为所求线段,点 B 的坐标为(-3,0),故答案为:(-3,0);②如图,线段 CD 即为所求线段;(2)由(1)知四边形 ABCD 是平行四边形,∵直线 y=kx 均分(1)中四边形 ABCD 的面积,则直线 y=kx 必过对角线的交点 E,∵点 E 坐标为为(,2),∴k= =,故答案为:.(1)① 依据对于 y 轴对称的点的横坐标互为相反数确立出点 B 的地点,而后连结 AB 即可;②依据轴对称的性质找出点 A 对于直线 x=3 的对称点,即为所求的点 D;(2)对边平行且相等的四边形是平行四边形即可判断四边形 ABCD 的形状,依据平行四边形的性质,均分四边形面积的直线经过中心,而后求出 AC 的中点,代入直线计算即可求出 k 值.本题考察了利用旋转变换作图,利用轴对称变换作图,还考察了平行四边形的判断与性质,是基础题,要注意均分四边形面积的直线经过中心的应用.20.【答案】解:设个位数字为x,则十位数字为x2-2,由题意得:2十位数字: 3 -2=7 , 这个两位数为: 73, 答:本来的两位数 73.【分析】第一设个位数字 为 x ,则十位数字 为 x 2-2,由题意得等量关系:原两位数 -新两位数 =36,依据等量关系列出方程解方程即可.本题主要考察了一元二次方程的 应用,重点是正确理解 题意,表示出原两位数和新两位数是解决 问题的重点.21.【答案】 解:( 1) ∵原方程有两个不相等的实数根,2222∴△=(2k+1) -4( k +1 ) =4k +4k+1-4k -4=4k-3> 0,( 2) ∵k > 34,∴x 1+x 2=-( 2k+1)< 0,2又 ∵x1?x 2=k +1> 0,∴x 1<0, x 2< 0,∴|x 1|+|x 2|=-x 1-x 2=-( x 1+x 2)=2 k+1,∵|x 1|+|x 2|=x 1?x 2,2∴2k+1= k +1, ∴k 1=0, k 2=2, 又 ∵k > 34,【分析】22(1)依据方程有两个不相等的 实数根可得 △=(2k+1)-4(k +1)=4k 2+4k+1-4k 2-4=4k-3>0,求出 k 的取值范围;(2)第一判断出两根均小于 0,而后去掉绝对值,从而获得 2k+1=k 2+1,联合 k的取值范围解方程即可.本题考察了一元二次方程 ax 2+bx+c=0 根的鉴别式和根与系数的关系的 应用,(1)△> 0? 方程有两个不相等的 实数根;(2)△=0? 方程有两个相等的 实数根;(3)△< 0? 方程没有 实数根;(4)x 1+x 2=- ;(5)x 1?x 2= .22.【答案】 解:( 1) ∵二次函数图象的极点在原点 O ,∴设二次函数的分析式为y=ax 2,将点 A ( 1, 14)代入 y=ax 2 得: a=14, ∴二次函数的分析式为 y=14x 2;2∴PF=(m-0)2+(14m2-1)2 =(14m2+1)2 =14m +1, ∵PM ⊥HM ,且点 M 在直线 y=-1 上, ∴PM =14 m 2+1, ∴PF=PM ;( 3)当 △FPM 是等边三角形时, ∠PMF =60°,∴∠FMH =30 °,在 Rt △MFH 中, MF =2 FH =2×2=4 , ∵PF=PM=FM ,2∴14 x +1=4 ,解得: x=±23 ,2∴14 x =14×12=3,∴知足条件的点 P 的坐标为( 23 , 3)或( -23 , 3). 【分析】(1)依据题意可设函数的分析式 为 y=ax 2,将点 A 代入函数分析式,求出 a 的值,既而可求得二次函数的分析式;(2)过点 P 作 PB ⊥y 轴于点 B ,利用勾股定理求出 PF ,表示出 PM ,可得PF=PM ;(3)第一可得∠FMH=30° ,设点 P 的坐标为(x , x 2),依据PF=PM=FM ,可得对于 x 的方程,求出 x 的值即可得出答案.本题考察了二次函数的 综合问题,波及了待定系数法求函数分析式、直角三角形的性 质,解答本题的重点是娴熟基本知识,数形联合,将所学知识交融贯穿.23.【答案】 解:( 1 )依据题意,12? ? 12 (40-x )( ) =2 x 2-64x+960 ,y 2=2× x x+2 × 24-xy 1=40 ×24-y 2=-2 x 2 +64x ;( 2)依据题意,知 y 1=440 ,即 -2x 2+64x=440, 解得: x 1=10 ,x 2=22,故当 AN 的长为 10 米或 22 米时栽花的面积为440 平方米;( 3)设总花费为 W 元,则 W=200(-2x 2+64x ) +100(2x 2 -64x+960) =-200 (x-16) 2+147200 , 由( 2)知当 0< x ≤10或 22≤x ≤24时, y 1≤ 440,在 W=-200( x-16)2+147200 中,当 x < 16 时, W 随 x 的增大而增大,当 x > 16 时, W 随x 的增大而减小,∴当 x=10 时, W 获得最大值,最大值 W=140000 ,当 x=22 时, W 获得最大值,最大值 W=140000,∴学校所需花费的最大值为 140000 元.(1)依据三角形面积公式可得 y2的分析式,再用长方形面积减去四个三角形面积,即可得 y1的函数分析式;(2)依据题意知 y1=440,即即可得对于 x 的方程,解方程即可得;(3)列出总花费的函数分析式,将其配方成极点式,依据花的面积不大于 440平方米可得 x 的范围,联合此范围依据二次函数性质即可得函数的最大值,从而得解.本题主要考察二次函数的应用,理解题意列出有关的函数分析式是解题的根本,娴熟掌握二次函数的性质是解题的重点.24.【答案】(1)证明:∵AB=BC,∠A=36°,∴∠ABC=∠C=72 °,又∵BE 均分∠ABC,∴∠ABE=∠CBE=36 °,∴∠BEC=180 °-∠C-∠CBE=72 °,∴∠ABE=∠A,∠BEC=∠C,∴AE=BE, BE=BC,∴AE=BC.( 2)证明:∵AC=AB 且 EF∥BC,∴AE=AF;由旋转的性质可知:∠E′AC=∠F′AB ,AE′=AF ′,∵在△CAE′和△BAF ′中AC=AB∠ E′ AC=∠ F′ ABAE′,=AF′∴△CAE′≌△BAF ′,∴CE ′=BF ′.( 3)存在 CE′∥AB,原因:由( 1)可知 AE=BC,因此,在△AEF 绕点 A 逆时针旋转过程中, E 点经过的路径(圆弧)与过点 C 且与 AB 平行的直线 l 交于 M、N 两点,如图:①当点 E 的像 E′与点 M 重合时,则四边形 ABCM 为等腰梯形,∴∠BAM=∠ABC=72 °,又∠BAC=36 °,∴α=∠CAM=36 °.②当点 E 的像 E′与点 N 重合时,由 AB∥l得,∠AMN =∠BAM =72°,∵AM =AN,∴∠ANM=∠AMN=72 °,∴∠MAN=180 °-2 ×72 °=36 °,因此,当旋转角为36°或 72°时, CE′∥AB.【分析】(1)依据等腰三角形的性质以及角均分线的性质得出对应角之间的关系从而得出答案;(2)由旋转的性质可知:∠E′AC=∠F′AB,AE′=AF′,依据全等三角形证明方法得出即可;(3)分别依据①当点 E 的像 E′与点 M 重合时,则四边形 ABCM 为等腰梯形,②当点 E 的像 E′与点 N 重合时,求出α即可.本题主要考察了旋转的性质以及等腰三角形的性质和等腰梯形的性质等知识,依据数形联合娴熟掌握有关定理是解题重点.225.【答案】解:(1)由抛物线y=ax +2ax+c,可得C(0,c),对称轴为x=-2a2a =-1,∵OC=OA,∴A( -c, 0), B( -2+c,0),∵AB=4,∴-2+ c-( -c) =4,∴c=3,∴A( -3, 0),2代入抛物线 y=ax +2ax+3 ,得0=9a-6a+3 ,解得 a=-1,2∴抛物线的分析式为 y=-x -2x+3 ;( 2)如图 1,∵M( m, 0), PM ⊥x 轴,2∴P( m, -m -2m+3),又∵对称轴为 x=-1, PQ∥AB,∴Q( -2-m, -m2-2m+3),又∵QN⊥x 轴,∴矩形 PQNM 的周长=2 ( PM+PQ)=2[ ( -m2-2m+3) +( -2-m-m) ]2=2 ( -m -4m+1)=-2 ( m+2)2+10 ,∴当 m=-2 时,矩形 PQNM 的周长有最大值10,此时, M( -2,0),由 A(-3, 0), C( 0, 3),可得直线 AC 为 y=x+3, AM =1,∴当 x=-2 时, y=1,即 E(-2, 1), ME=1,∴△AEM 的面积 =12 ×AM ×ME=12 ×1×1=12 ;∴∠BFC+∠BFQ =∠BCF+∠Q=90 °, ∠BFC =∠BCF , ∴∠BFQ=∠Q , ∴BC=BF =BQ ,又 ∵C (0, 3), B ( 1, 0), ∴Q ( 2, -3), 又 ∵H ( 0, -1), ∴QH 的分析式为 y=-x-1, 解方程组 y=-x-1y=-x2-2x+3 ,可得x=-1-172y=17-12 或 x=-1+172y=-1-172 ,∴点 G 的坐标为( -1-172, 17-12 )或( - 1+172 , -1-172 ).【分析】(1)依据抛物线 y=ax 2+2ax+c ,可得 C (0,c ),对称轴为 x=-1,再依据 OC=OA ,AB=4 ,可得 A (-3,0),最后辈入抛物线 y=ax 2+2ax+3,得抛物线的分析式 为y=-x 2-2x+3;(2)依据点M (m ,0),可得矩形PQNM 中,P (m ,-m 2-2m+3),Q (-2-m ,-m 2-2m+3PQNM的周 长=2 PM+PQ =-2 m+2 2+10 ,可适当),再依据矩形( ) ( ) m=-2 时 ,矩形 PQNM 的周 长 有最大 值 10,M 的坐 标为线 (-2,0),最后由直 AC 为 y=x+3 ,AM=1 ,求得 E (-2,1),ME=1 ,据此求得△AEM 的面积;(3)连结 CB 并延伸,交直线 HG 与 Q ,依据已知条件证明 BC=BF=BQ ,再根据 C (0,3),B (1,0),得出Q (2,-3),依据H (0,-1),求得QH 的分析式 为y=-x-1 ,最后解方程组 ,可得点 G 的坐标.本题是二次函数 综合题,主要考察了二次函数与直 线交点的求法、矩形的性质、一元二次方程的解法、二次函数最 值的求法.在求周长的最值时,要转变为二次函数最 值问题进 行解答,灵巧运用二次函数的 对称性,运用数形 联合、方程思想是解答本 题的重点.。
广东省广州市九年级上学期数学10月月考试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分)一元二次方程x2-1=0的根是().A . x=1B . x=-1C . x1=1,x2=0D . x1=1,x2=-12. (2分) (2017九上·东丽期末) 一个盒子装有除颜色外其它均相同的2个红球和3个白球,现从中任取1个球,则取到的是一个白球的概率为()A .B .C .D .3. (2分)下列说法中,正确的是().A . 同位角相等B . 对角线相等的四边形是平行四边形C . 矩形的对角线一定互相垂直D . 四条边相等的四边形是菱形4. (2分) (2016九上·九台期中) 若关于x的一元二次方程(m+3)x2+(m2﹣2m﹣5)x+m﹣7=0有一解是1,则m的值为()A . ±3B . ﹣3C . 3D .5. (2分)(2018·龙湾模拟) 如图,在矩形ABCD中,E,F分别是AD,BC的中点,AF与BE相交于点M,CE 与DF相交于点N,QM⊥BE,QN⊥EC相交于点Q,PM⊥AF,PN⊥DF相交于点P,若2BC=3AB,记△ABM和△CDN的面积和为S,则四边形MQNP的面积为()A . SB . SC . SD . S6. (2分) (2019八上·大渡口期末) 下列因式分解正确的是()A . x2-xy+x=x(x-y);B . a3+2a2b+ab2=a(a+b)2;C . x2-2x+4=(x-1)2+3;D . ax2-9=a(x+3)(x-3).7. (2分) (2018九上·浙江月考) 在-2,-1,0,1,2这五个数中任取两数m,n,则二次函数y=(x-m)2+n 的顶点在坐标轴上的概率为()A .B .C .D .8. (2分)如图,在△ABC中,点D、E分别在AB、AC边上,DE∥BC ,若AD=6,BD=2,AE=9,则EC的长是A . 8B . 6C . 4D . 39. (2分)(2018·罗平模拟) 今年“十一”长假某湿地公园迎来旅游高峰,第一天的游客人数是1.2万人,第三天的游客人数为2.3万人,假设每天游客增加的百分率相同且设为x,则根据题意可列方程为()A . 2.3 (1+x)2=1.2B . 1.2(1+x)2=2.3C . 1.2(1﹣x)2=2.3D . 1.2+1.2(1+x)+1.2(1+x)2=2.310. (2分)如图,在矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=6,BC=10,点E在CD上,将△BCE沿BE折叠,点C恰落在边AD 上的点F处;点G在AF上,将△ABG沿BG折叠,点A恰落在线段BF上的点H处,①∠EBG=45°;②△DEF∽△ABG;③S△ABG= S△FGH;④AG+DF=FG.则下列结论正确的有()A . ①②④B . ①③④C . ②③④D . ①②③11. (2分)(2017·瑞安模拟) 要使关于x的方程x2﹣2x+3k=0有两个不相等的实数根,则下列k的取值正确的是()A . 1B . 2C .D .12. (2分) (2017八下·无棣期末) 如图,点A,B为定点,定直线l//AB,P是l上一动点.点M,N分别为PA,PB的中点,对于下列各值:①线段MN的长;②△PMN的面积;③△PAB的周长;④∠APB的大小;⑤直线MN,AB之间的距离.其中会随点P的移动而不改变的是()A . ①②③B . ①②⑤C . ②③④D . ②④⑤二、填空题 (共4题;共6分)13. (1分) (2016九上·九台期中) 已知 = ,那么等于________.14. (1分)从1,2,﹣3三个数中,随机抽取两个数相乘,积是正数的概率是________15. (2分) (2017八上·龙泉驿期末) 设四边形ABCD是边长为1的正方形,以正方形ABCD的对角线AC为边作第二个正方形ACEF,再以第二个正方形的对角线AE为边作第三个正方形AEGH,如此下去…根据以上规律,第n个正方形的边长an=________.16. (2分) (2017八下·卢龙期末) 如图,已知矩形ABCD中,AC与BD相交于O,DE平分∠ADC交BC于E,∠BDE=15°,则∠COE=________°三、解答题 (共7题;共54分)17. (15分)(1)计算:(-3)0-(-5)+()-1--|-2|(2)解方程:x2+8x-9=018. (10分)(2017·孝感模拟) 如图,已知四边形ABCD是矩形,对角线AC的垂直平分线交AD于点E,交BC于点F,连接AF,CE,解答下列问题:(1)求证:四边形AECF是菱形;(2)记AB=a,BF=b,若a,b是方程x2﹣2(m+1)x+m2+1=0的两根,问当m为何值时,菱形AECF的周长为8 .19. (10分)(2018·临河模拟) 在一个不透明的盒子中放有四张分别写有数字1、2、3、4的红色卡片和三张分别写有数字1、2、3的蓝色卡片,卡片除颜色和数字外其它完全相同。
广州市九年级上学期化学10月月考试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)下列物质的用途,主要利用了物质的化学性质的是()A . 氧气用于急救病人B . “干冰”用于人工降雨C . 生铁铸造铁锅D . 铜用于制造导线2. (2分)甲、乙、丙、丁分别是氢氧化钙溶液、硝酸钾溶液、碳酸钠溶液、盐酸中的一种。
已知甲和丙可以反应,甲和丁也可以反应,则下列说法正确的是()A . 甲一定是氢氧化钙溶液B . 乙一定是硝酸钾溶液C . 丙不可能是碳酸钠溶液D . 丁只能是盐酸3. (2分)(2017·通州模拟) 生活中常见的下列物质属于纯净物的是()A . 矿泉水B . 可乐C . 蒸馏水D . 豆浆4. (2分)(2018·大荔模拟) 下列图示实验操作中,正确的是()A . 稀释浓硫酸B . 量筒读数C .D . 移开蒸发皿5. (2分)(2017·梁溪模拟) 早期化学家为了认识空气的本质,将一些物质放在密闭容器中进行实验,结果发现:毎次都有约的空气不知去向。
当时化学家把这的空气称为“有用空气”,这种“有用空气”是指()A . 氮气B . 二氧化碳C . 氧气D . 稀有气体6. (2分) (2019九上·振安月考) 节能减排、低碳出行是我们倡导的生活方式,“低碳”指的是尽量减少二氧化碳的排放。
下列有关二氧化碳的说法正确的是()A . 二氧化碳通入紫色石蕊溶液,溶液变为红色,说明二氧化碳具有酸性B . 二氧化碳的过度排放会加剧温室效应,因此应禁止使用化石燃料C . 二氧化碳和一氧化碳的组成元素相同,在一定条件下可以相互转化D . 进入久未开启的菜窖之前,必须做灯火试验,是因为二氧化碳有毒7. (2分) (2018九上·荔湾期末) 以下是某同学纪律本中有关实验现象的记录,其中正确的是()A . 红磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白雾B . 氢气在空气中燃烧时产生蓝紫色火焰C . 将带火星的木条放在集满氧气的集气瓶口,木条复燃D . 铁丝在氧气中燃烧,发出白光,产生黄色火焰,生成黑色固体8. (2分)(2017·宁德模拟) 下列操作正确的是()A . 过滤B . 检查装置的气密性C . 加热液体D . 倾倒液体9. (2分)下列做法不正确的是()A . 用肥皂水区分硬水和软水B . 用点燃的方法除去二氧化碳中的一氧化碳气体C . 用活性炭除去冰箱中的异味D . 用燃烧的木条区分氧气和氮气10. (2分)现有①液态氧;②铁锈;③食盐水;④小苏打;⑤氢氧化钾;⑥石油。
广州市第七中学初三上册10月月考试卷 (无听力部分)
![广州市第七中学初三上册10月月考试卷 (无听力部分)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c6aebe0b52acfc788ebc98b.png)
广州市第七中学初三上册10月月考试卷(无听力部分)总分值110分考试时间120分一、听说略二、言语知识与运用〔共两节,总分值25分〕第一节单项选择〔共10题,每题1分,总分值10分〕16.They all looked _______ at the poor little girl and felt ________.A. sadly; sadB. sad; sadC. sadly; sadlyD. sad; sadly17.Don’t talk so loud, ________?A. shall youB. do youC. will youD. can you18.Her father always picks her up. She hardly has to go to school by bus, ________?A. hasn’t sheB. doesn’t sheC. has sheD. does she19.Mike, you’d better have your bike ________ this afternoon.A. mendB. mendedC. mendsD. mending20.We are enjoying the _______ summer holiday now.A. two-monthB. two monthsC. two month’sD. two month21.--- If I finish my homework today, I’ll go swimming tomorrow.--- _________.A. So am I.B. So do I.C. So will I.D. So I will.22.From now on, Ali decided to get up _______ in the morning and study _______ than ever before.A. earlier; hardierB. more early;more hardlyC. earlier; harderD. more early; more hard23.In the old days, they _______ in the factory from morning to evening.A. were made to workB. asked to workC. made to workD. were asked for work24.--- _________ is it from the village to your farm?--- About 10 minutes’ walk.A. How oftenB. How farC. How soonD. How long25.The sofa is very comfortable _________.A. to sitB. to be sittingC. to be satD. to sit on第二节语法选择〔共15小题,每题1分,总分值15分〕I started to love running when I was very young. The sport is so __26__ interesting that I race my father and my sister around the backyard almost every weekend. I wished I could run in the Olympics and __27__ lots of medals.One day my mother saw __28__ advertisement for a race in a newspaper. 〝Would you be interested in __29__ part in this race?〞she asked me, pointing at the advertisement. 〝Yes, of course.〞I answered. I __30__ the next few days practising for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard to offer me __31__ such as water and time. __32__ nice and thoughtful she was!On the day of the race, my Dad said to me just before it, 〝Don't use up all your energy at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy __33__ you can run much faster at the end of the race.〞The race began. Following Dad’s words, I didn’t run as fast as I could. Very quickly, I __34__ by other runners. I began to feel __35__, and I started slowing down and breathing __36__. Just at that moment, I heard 〝Come on, Kelly. You can do it! Don’t give up. Keep __37__!〞Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track. I took a deep breath and went on my running. I didn’t win the race. I came fifth, but I felt like a winner. 〝I __38__ my best.〞I said to myself.Whenever I __39__ the race, I feel thankful that my dad had never left my side. He always encourages me __40__ when I feel like giving up. He runs along beside me through my life. I’ll remember my dad’s words forever, 〝Never give up. You can be the winner, even if you lose.〞26.A. so B. also C. such a D. such an27.A. win B. won C. winning D. wins28.A. a B. an C. the D. /29.A. took B. take C. taking D. takes30.A. spent B. used C. cost D. paid31.A. useful something B. something useful C. anything useful D. useful anything32.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a33.A. because of B. so that C. since D. instead of34.A. passed B. past C. was passed D. passing35.A. tires B. tiring C. tired D. tire36.A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. hardest37.A. run B. running C. runs D. ran38.A. do D. did C. am doing D. have done39.A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think40.A. when B. until C. before D. after三、完型填空〔共10小题,每题1.5分,总分值15分〕When I moved into an empty dormitory (团体宿舍) last year, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didn’t know anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and learn something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with my new classmates, without my __41__ around, always telling me what to do next.The first realization frightened me in the beginning. But that __42__ quickly disappeared. It was the other two goals which ended up being my difficulties. __43__ I knew that it was hard to devote enough time to class and to social efforts, I still wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a __44__ , but I didn’t realize how difficult it would be until classes began.I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. I always went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor instead of finishing my homework before it was due. I knew it wasn’t very good and the scores that I __45__ showed my lack of __46__. I was aware that I needed to find some sort of __47__. So I created a schedule that divided my time into several parts: going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, but I was only able to __48__ it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much __49__. So I tried another schedule in which I didn’t have to push myself to do things within a short time. Each week, I made a list of __50__ I had to do during that week. Then, I made a list of the things I could do if I had time. This is the method I have used since then. I’m glad that I’ve learned to balance things well.41.A. classmates B. parents C. friends D. enemies42.A. happiness B. excitement C. danger D. fear43.A. Although B. However C. Because D. When44.A. chance B. job C. challenge D. change45.A. received B. took C. accepted D. achieved46.A. effort B. time C. money D. energy47.A. ability B. control C. balance D. holding48.A. follow B. finish C. copy D. work49.A. trouble B. benefit C. disppointment D. pressure50.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something四、阅读了解〔共20小题,每题2分,总分值40分〕A〝What is success?〞Mr. Black asked his 6th grade business class. It was his opening conversation for the first class of the term.〝Success is riding in a sweet car, watching an 80-inch TV, and living in a place with at least twelve rooms.〞One student answered, earning(赢得) laughs from all the students.Mr. Black smiled, but shook his head. 〝Tom, that is excess (过量). That is not success.〞〝How about being able to provide for your family?〞A blonde girl named Sandy in the front suggested as an answer.〝Now we’re getting closer,〞Mr. Black smiled, 〝but try thinking about what you need and what you want.〞〝Getting everything you want.〞Tom shouted out an answer again, trying for more laughs.Mr. Black sighed. 〝I believe we’ve already talked about excess versus (与…比拟) success.〞〝Getting everything you need, but some of what you want?〞James, sitting in the back wondered aloud.〝Quite right!〞Mr. Black clapped. 〝Success is getting everything you need and some of what you want. The more you get that you want, the more successful you are. You do reach a point where you are living in excess, though.〞〝What does this have to do with business?〞Tom asked. It seemed if it wasn’t funny, he wasn’t happy.〝Well, Tom, think of it this way: the point of business is to make a living to support your family. Once you have properly seen to (确保) their needs, you can then seen to getting the extras that you want.〞〝What if I don’t have a family?〞he continued to be difficult.〝Then you have to provide for yourself, a family of one.〞〝He has goldfish to think about!〞Peter, Tom’s friend, shouted out.〝Then he needs to provide for a family of one with a fishbowl.〞Mr. Black corrected himself.Tom nodded, satisfied with that answer.〝So in the next nine weeks, we’re going to study basic business situations, like having a checking account and understanding credit cards (信誉卡).〞Tom rubbed his hands together excitedly. 〝When do we get to start spending?〞〝You already are, Tom. You’re spending time with us!〞Mr. Black laughed. 〝Now, let’s see what you guys know about credit cards…〞51. What was Mr. Black?A. A headmasterB. A businessmanC. A teacherD. An official52. Which student didn’t seem to be taking the class seriously?A. TomB. JamesC. PeterD. Sandy53. How did Mr. Black make his class lively and interesting?A. He himself kept talkingB. He just read from a textbook.C. He showed a movie to his students.D. He got his students to take part in a discussion.54. According to the passage, which word can be best described Mr. Black?A. StrangeB. PatientC. ShyD. Proud55. What can be the best title of this passage?A. Get What You WantB. Needs and WantsC. Try to Get More MoneyD. How to Live WellBLife is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out.Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now, aged 79, the very same Gurdon shared the 2021 NobelPrize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell (干细胞) researcher Shinya Yamanaka.Like so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance (坚持) can lead.When he was 15 in 1948, Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school in biology and every other science subject. Gurdon’s high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was 〝quite ridiculous〞.In spite of his teacher’s criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.〝My own belief is that we will, in the end, understand everything about how cells actually work,〞Gurdon said.In 1962, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create the sheep Dolly in 2021, the first cloned mammal (哺乳植物) in the world.In 2021, Gurdon’s work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample (样本) of a person’s skin can be used to create stem cells. Using this technique, doctors can repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.〝Luck favors the prepared mind,〞Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. 〝Ninety percent of the time things don’t work, but when they do, you have to seize (抓住) the chance.〞56. Who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine?A. Sir John GurdonB. Shinya Yamanaka.C. Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka.D. Gurdon’s science teacher.57. What does the underlined word 〝ridiculous〞mean?A. 荒唐的B. 无畏的C. 旷费的D. 无知的58. In what order are the following events mentioned in the passage?a. create the sheep Dollyb. take a cell from an adult frogc. use a person’s skin to create stem cellsd. move a frog’s genetic information into an egg celle. grow into a clone of the adult frogA. b-a-c-d-eB. b-d-e-a-cC. b-d-a-e-cD. b-c-d-a-e59. According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?A. Sheep Dolly was the first cloned animal in the world.B. Gurdon ranked first at his high school in biology.C. It’s impossible for the doctors to repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.D. According to the science teacher, Gurdon was not a gifted student.60. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Ninety percent of the time things don’t work.B. Luck favors the prepared mind.C. Life is full of pleasure.D. How to know cells actually work.CWe can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. 〝Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?〞〝When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?〞When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it’s too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, 〝You’re a lucky dog〞. Is he really on your side? If he says, 〝You’re a lucky guy〞or 〝You’re a lucky gal〞, that’s being friendly. But 〝lucky dog〞? There’s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But bringing in the 〝dog〞bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you deserve your luck.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.61. The questions in the first paragraph tell us that the speaker _____.A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB. feels he may not have 〝read〞his friends’ true feelings correctlyC. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, HelenD. is sorry that his friends let him down62. From the example 〝You’re a lucky dog〞, we can learn that _____.A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendlyB. this saying means the same as 〝You’re a lucky guy〞or 〝You’re a lucky gal〞C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the wordsD. the word 〝dog〞shouldn’t be used to apply to people63. The passage tries to tell you how to ______.A. avoid mistakes about money and friendsB. bring the 〝dog〞bit into our conversationC. be friendly to other peopleD. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you64. What is important in listening to a person?A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyesB. to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD. not to believe what he says65. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ________.A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to youB. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy youC. not lose real friends who say things that do not please youD. be able to observe people as they are talking to youD66. This year’s Christmas Film Festival is organized by ________.A. the Youth UnionB. Disney and PixarC. Broadway CinemaD. Riley Andersen67. How many films will be shown during the Christmas Film Festival this year?A. Nine.B. Ten.C. Eleven.D. Twelve.68. According to the poster, we can learn that Inside Out is _______.A. Disney’s fifteenth feature filmB. the opening film of 9 film festivalsC. about a girl and her five classmatesD. a 94-minute cartoon film69. A Cantonese girl knows little about English may probably go to see this film _______.A. at 7:00 p.m. 24 Dec.B. at 2:30 p.m. 25 Dec.C. at 9:30 a.m. 24 Dec.D. at 11:30 a.m. 25 Dec.70. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The 2021 Christmas Film Festival will last for 2 weeks.B. People can buy tickets both at the ticket office and online.C. You can go to the cinema by metro and get off at Mongkok.D. It will cost Mr. Black $ 46 to see this film with his 10-year-old son.五、阅读填空〔每题1分〕Jellyfish and Crocodiles (水母和鳄鱼)Hi, my name’s Ben. My family, that’s Mum, Dad and me, live in Broome in Western Australia. Western Australia is about 80 times larger than Italy, but only 1.5 million people live there. ______71______ It has a population of about 12,000. It’s right on the coast and is known for its famous Cable Beach, which is 20km long.We live in the town in a house with a large garden. ______72______ We drive to Cable Beach and look for a quiet place to swim or to fish. We don’t go swimming from October to March because there may be box jellyfish in the water. The box jellyfish is one of the most dangerous jellyfish. ______73______ If you are attacked by one, the best thing to do is to pour vinegar (醋) over the area of your body where you are hurt. That’s why we always take a bottle of vinegar with us._____74_______ A year ago I went camping in the bush with my friend Bill and his dad. We wanted to do some fishing and set up camp about 20 metres from a river. _____75_______ Bill’s father told us to get up and we quickly got out of the tent and ran to the car, which was only 10 metres away.Bill’s dad started the car and turned on the headlights. In the light, we could see a big crocodile pulling the tent into the river!六、写作第一节单词拼写〔共10小题,每题1分,共10分〕1.This is not r________ . It’s only a dream.2.I want to invent a new t________ of robot to help with the housework.3.I am your friend, so you can s________ your happiness and sadness with me at any time.4.As a student, you should o________ the school rules.5.It’s raining cats and dogs! I d________ we can leave school in a short time.6.I didn’t e_________ him to come to my party, but actually he did.7.Gold is an expensive kind of m_________.8.Grace eats like a bird because she wants to r_________ her weight.9.You should a________ being late for school.10.He was so hungry that he had a big m________ after work.第二节完成句子〔共4空,每空0.5分,总分值20分〕1.随着iPhone 7的出现,iPhone 6过时了。
广东省广州市九年级上学期化学10月月考试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2019九下·昆山期中) “垃圾是放错地方的资源”,我市垃圾分类实行的是“四分类”标准。
塑料饮料瓶属于()A .B .C .D .2. (2分) (2019九上·丹江口期中) 造成水污染的主要原因是()A . 城市的自来水厂用氯气进行消毒杀菌B . 水中的动、植物繁殖C . 工业生产中的三废和城市污水的任意排放及农药、化肥的不合理使用D . 雷雨3. (2分)下列物质的用途,主要利用物质的化学性质的是A . 氦气用于填充气球B . 镁粉用做烟花和照明弹C . 干冰用于人工降雨D . 铜丝用做电线4. (2分)(2017·怀化) 下列关于分子、原子、离子的说法正确的是()A . 分子是保持物质性质的最小粒子B . 原子是最小的粒子C . 原子得到电子或失去电子变成离子D . 分子一定比原子大5. (2分)科学家用单个分子制成了“纳米车”(如图),它能在人工操纵下运输药物分子到病源处释放以杀死癌细胞。
下列有关“纳米车”的说法正确的是A . “纳米车”的研制成功说明分子要在人为外力作用下才能运动B . “纳米车”分子不是由原子构成的C . “纳米车”运输药物分子的过程是肉眼可以直接看见的D . “纳米车”研制成功说明在一定条件下人可以控制分子运动6. (2分)(2018·通州模拟) 下列可以用于抢救危重病人的气体是()A . 氧气B . 氮气C . 稀有气体D . 二氧化碳7. (2分) (2019九上·桐梓期中) 推理是一种重要的研究和学习方法。
下列推理正确的是()A . 质子数决定元素种类,所以质子数相同的粒子一定是同种元素B . 单质是由同种元素组成的,所以由同种元素组成的物质一定是单质C . 化合物中金属元素一般显正价,非金属元素一般显负价,因此在化合物中凡是显正价的一定是金属元素D . 原子是化学变化中不能再分的粒子,因此水电解过程中不能再分的是氢原子和氧原子8. (2分) (2019九上·岑溪期中) 水是生命之源,也是重要的溶剂。
广东省广州市第七中学2021-2022学年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、语法选择up and down the river.Clemens’s father died when he was just 12 4 he then went to work for a printer 5 support his family. He travelled around and 6 in many different cities. When he was 22, he got a job working on a steamboat. He sailed up and down the wide Mississippi River 7 the American Civil War began.Clemens moved around the USA, and tried several 8 . He was a soldier, and a silver miner (矿工). And then he started working 9 a writer for a newspaper. At this time, he decided to use a pen-name for his stories, and the name “Mark Twain” 10 .In 1865 Clemens wrote a story about 11 jumping frog. The story and the writer became 12 . In 1867 he toured Europe. He married when he returned, and lived for most of the rest of 13 life in Hartford, Connecticut. He 14 many books, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It was published in 1876. Samuel Clemens died in 1910. He is one of 15 writers in American history.1.A.in B.on C.at D.of2.A.4 years old B.4 year old C.4-year-old D.4-years-old 3.A.go B.goes C.going D.to go 4.A.and B.or C.but D.so 5.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helped 6.A.to work B.has worked C.worked D.working 7.A.when B.after C.until D.as8.A.job B.jobs C.work D.works 9.A.as B.for C.of D.on 10.A.chose B.chooses C.was chosen D.is chosen 11.A.a B.an C.the D./12.A.famous B.famously C.more famous D.more famously 13.A.them B.him C.his D.their 14.A.writes B.wrote C.has written D.was written 15.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest二、完形填空When a young man was walking by the lakeside, he suddenly saw a gold coin glitteringappeared again.He jumped into the water again, but searched in vain. He said to himself, “ 20 is the gold coin? I have seen it clearly but why can’t I find it 21 I have tried so hard?” After the water became calm, the gold coin appeared again. So once again he jumped into the water to fish for it. He did it over and over again but still 22 , which he couldn’t accept.At that moment, his father came to look for him. Seeing his son wet and dirty, he asked, “What happened ? Why are you so 23 ?”His son replied, “I can see a gold coin in the water clearly but I can’t get it anyway!”His father also saw the gold coin in the calm water, but when he 24 , he saw the tree nearby and then he said to his son, “Look! It’s not a gold coin but the reflection (反射) of the sheet metal that is hung up on the tree.”Worldly substances (世俗的物质) such as fame and fortune are 25 to the reflection in the water, so we should often have a contented mind and feel satisfied with what we have. Only in this way will we have a happy life.16.A.scared B.happy C.sad D.angry 17.A.touch B.have C.reach D.arrive 18.A.disappeared B.appeared C.gone D.came 19.A.Hopefully B.Unexpectedly C.Hopelessly D.Excitedly 20.A.What B.Where C.How D.Who 21.A.when B.if C.even though D.unless 22.A.did B.jumped C.fished D.failed23.A.humorous B.upset C.pleased D.angry 24.A.looked out B.looked C.watched D.looked up 25.A.same B.similar C.different D.like三、阅读单选Nature’s WarningsWhen the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong, watch out! A dangerous storm might be coming. Storms are scary. Watch for flashes of lightning. Listen for thunder. If nature sends these warnings, don’t wait for rain. Act right away to keep safe.Safety StepsAt the first flash of lightning, quickly get inside a building or a car. Do not go into a shed (棚) for protection. It is not closed like a building, so it is not safe.Even after you are indoors, be careful. It is not smart to go near doors and windows. They can blow in or break. A room with no windows is the safest place to be.Do not wash your hands during a storm. Do not use anything that runs on electricity, either. Water and electrical lines are like roads for lightning. Even if you really want to play computer games, don’t! It is better to be bored than to risk getting hurt. Try reading a book instead. Reading is more fun than playing computer games.If you can’t get to somewhere safe, stay out in the open. You may feel safe under a tree, but that is not a good place to be. Lightning is pulling towards tall poles and trees. Stay down in an open space and cover your ears to protect them. Loud thunder can damage your hearing.Lightning StrikesLightning does not strike people very often. It is not likely that you will ever see that happen. If you do, call 120. Only trained emergency workers should care for a person who has been hit by lighting.If you follow these rules, you should stay safe during a storm.26.During a storm you had better ________.A.use a computer for a while B.listen for thunder by a window C.leave the room and stay out D.find a closed or an open place27.If a person is hit by lightning, you should ___________.A.call for emergency help B.stay down in a safe spaceC.move him or her to safety D.cover his or her ears quickly28.The best title for the passage is__________.A.Training Steps B.Home Rules C.Natural Order D.Storm SafetyAfter coming to America, the use of “yes” and “no” brings me a lot of trouble, because the use in Korean is different from that in English. For example, if I am asked, “Haven’t you had dinner yet?” and I have not had dinner yet, then in Korean I usually say “Yes, I haven’t.” But in English, I have to say, “No, I haven’t.”Because of this, my friends often get the opposite meaning from what I want to give them. One day, I had dinner with an American student, Bob. He asked me some questions and I answered them sincerely. A few days later, I found some roommates thought that I came from D.P.R.Korea. One day, I stopped by Bob’s room and asked why he was spreading the wrong information. “Oh, you told me that. Don’t you remember?” he said. “When I asked you ‘You are not from D.P.R.Korea, are you?’ you clearly answered, ‘Yes, of course.’ Did not it mean that you are from D.P.R. Korea?”One weekend night, my roommate Mark brought his children into the dorm (宿舍). They made some noise while playing. The next morning, I met Mark. He asked me with a smile, “Didn’t my children make noise last night? Didn’t it make you uncomfortable?” Because I did not mind the noise at all, I clearly said “Yes!” The smile suddenly disappeared from Mark’s face, and he said, “I am sorry about that. They are going right now. See you later.” I could not understand what he was sorry about, and I just said, “OK. Bye!” After a moment of thinking, I realized how stupid I was. That evening, I explained to Mark and said sorry to him.I knew he thought that I had been very rude.Now to deal with this problem, I have set simple rules: First, take a five-second break if I am not sure of “yes”or “no”. Second, use “pardon me”, so the person may explain to me in a direct way.29.From the passage, we can infer that the writer comes from _________.A.D.P.R. Korea B.America C.R.O. Korea D.China30.In the 3rd paragraph, when the writer answered “Yes”, Mark might think the writer was ________.A.rude B.kind C.helpful D.polite31.If the writer is not sure of “yes” or “no” next time, he will say __________.A.“pardon me”B.“yes”C.“no”D.“I don’t know”32.The writer writes the passage mainly to remind us _________.A.to work hard on English B.to learn to respect othersC.never to use “yes” or “no”D.to know culture differencesBirth order—does it matter? Are you different because you are the first, second, or third child in your family—or maybe the last of nine?A study found that first-borns have an average IQ that is three points higher than people who fall into a different place in the birth order, perhaps because first-borns often help younger brothers and sisters, which improves their own skills. In 2007, an international organization of CEOs found that 43% of CEOs are first-borns, 33% are middle children, and 23% are last-borns. First-borns are more likely to be doctors and astronauts and get higher pay.If first-borns are more successful, last-borns are generally more agreeable. They are also more likely to be funny, possibly to get attention from all the bigger people at the dinner table. Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families, and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four. According to a 2007 Time magazine article, “The Power of Birth Order”, last-borns are more likely to be artists and successful businessmen.Then there are the middle children: we have not ignored (忽视) them! Many middle children are short of one-on-one time with their parents. They often feel short-changed (受亏待): the oldest gets more rights, and the youngest is spoiled (宠坏的). Though they may be ignored, middle children are more likely to grow into easygoing adults.Many factors make us who we are, but if the research is correct, birth order may be one of the most important factors.33.Who is most likely to be a CEO?A.A first-born.B.A second-born C.A third-born.D.A last-born. 34.What does the underlined word in the 3rd paragraph mean?A.同意的B.令人愉快的C.宠溺的D.被亏待的35.What can we learn about Jim Carrey?A.He was likely to be given low pay.B.He was likely to be funny.C.He was a first-born.D.He was a middle child.36.We can learn from the research that birth order __________.A.has no influence on IQ B.matters a lot at the dinner table C.may decide who we are D.is a factor in making us powerfulLEGO (乐高) recently announced that they would start producing pieces from sustainable (可持续的) sugar cane. The toys, which will be closely similar to the classic ones, will also made from “botanical elements” like leaves, bushes and trees.The pieces will be included in LEGO’s box sets from this year onwards. The move is part of the Danish company’s project of using sustainable materials in its products by 2030.However, Tim Brooks, the firm’s vice president, said, “We want to make a positive influence on the world around us, and are working hard to make great play products for children using sustainable materials. This is a great first step in our goal to make all LEGO pieces using sustainable materials.”It is reported that the new line of production has already started with pieces being produced from polyethylene (聚乙烯) , which is a kind of soft and durable (耐用的) plastic. LEGO says that we needn’t worry about the quality of new products, as they’ve tested the plant-based plastic to make sure that it meets the high standards for quality and safety that consumers (消费者) expect from the company.“LEGO products have always been about providing high quality play experiences and giving every child the chance to shape their own world through inventive play. Children and parents will not notice any difference in the quality or appearance of the new pieces, because plant-based polyethylene has the same qualities as traditional polyethylene,” said Tim Brooks. “It is important that companies in each industry find ways to help insure a future where people, nature and the economy grow healthily,” said Alix Grabowski, an officer at WWF.“The LEGO Group’s decision to use sustainable plastics shows a great example to reduce dependence on finite (有限的) resources, and their work with the Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance (生物塑料联盟) will allow them to connect with other companies to continue to think creatively about sustainability.”37.What do we know about LEGO Company?A.They have designed many new products.B.They are worried about the quality of the new products.C.They go green with sugar cane-based plastic.D.They failed to make great play products for children.38.What can we know from Tim Brooks’ words?A.Plant-based materials are of high qualities as traditional materialsB.Consumers expect high standards for quality and safety from LEGO.C.LEGO wants to make more products.D.LEGO needn’t test the new products.39.What does Alix Grabowski think of LEGO Group’s decision?A.It is meaningless to our future.B.It makes other companies more competitive.C.It sets a good example for other companies.D.It is mainly dependent on finite resources.40.How can we comment on LEGO’s new products?A.Environmentally friendly and safe.B.Creative and safe.C.Fashionable and popular.D.Sustainable and popular.四、阅读还原5选5阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,把答案写在答题卷相应的空格中。
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七中17-18上九年级月考(一)英语问卷满分110分考试时间120分一、听说略二、语言知识与运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节单项选择(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)16.They all looked _______ at the poor little girl and felt ________.A. sadly; sadB. sad; sadC. sadly; sadlyD. sad; sadly17.Don’t talk so loud, ________?A. shall youB. do youC. will youD. can you18.Her father always picks her up. She hardly has to go to school by bus, ________?A. hasn’t sheB. doesn’t sheC. has sheD. does she19.Mike, you’d better have your bike ________ this afternoon.A. mendB. mendedC. mendsD. mending20.We are enjoying the _______ summer holiday now.A. two-monthB. two monthsC. two month’sD. two month21.--- If I finish my homework today, I’ll go swimming tomorrow.--- _________.A. So am I.B. So do I.C. So will I.D. So I will.22.From now on, Ali decided to get up _______ in the morning and study _______ than ever before.A. earlier; hardierB. more early;more hardlyC. earlier; harderD. more early; more hard23.In the old days, they _______ in the factory from morning to evening.A. were made to workB. asked to workC. made to workD. were asked for work24.--- _________ is it from the village to your farm?--- About 10 minutes’ walk.A. How oftenB. How farC. How soonD. How long25.The sofa is very comfortable _________.A. to sitB. to be sittingC. to be satD. to sit on第二节语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)I started to love running when I was very young. The sport is so __26__ interesting that I race my father and my sister around the backyard almost every weekend. I wished I could run in the Olympics and __27__ lots of medals.One day my mother saw __28__ advertisement for a race in a newspaper. “Would you be interested in __29__ part in this race?” she asked me, pointing at the advertisement. “Yes, of course.” I answered. I __30__ the next few days practising for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard to offer me __31__ such as water and time. __32__ nice and thoughtful she was!On the day of the race, my Dad said to me just before it, “Don't use up all your energy at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy __33__ you can run much faster at the end of the race.”The race began. Following Dad’s words, I didn’t run as fast as I could. Very quickly, I __34__ by other runners. I began to feel __35__, and I started slowing down and breathing __36__. Just at that moment, I heard “Come on, Kelly. You can do it! Don’t give up. Keep __37__!” Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track. I took a deep breath and went on my running. I didn’t win the race. I came fifth, but I felt like a winner. “I __38__ my best.” I said to myself.Whenever I __39__ the race, I feel thankful that my dad had never left my side. He always encourages me __40__ when I feel like giving up. He runs along beside me through my life. I’ll remember my dad’s words forever, “Never give up. You can be the winner, even if you lose.”26.A. so B. also C. such a D. such an27.A. win B. won C. winning D. wins28.A. a B. an C. the D. /29.A. took B. take C. taking D. takes30.A. spent B. used C. cost D. paid31.A. useful something B. something useful C. anything useful D. useful anything32.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a33.A. because of B. so that C. since D. instead of34.A. passed B. past C. was passed D. passing35.A. tires B. tiring C. tired D. tire36.A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. hardest37.A. run B. running C. runs D. ran38.A. do D. did C. am doing D. have done39.A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think40.A. when B. until C. before D. after三、完型填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)When I moved into an empty dormitory (集体宿舍) last year, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didn’t know anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and learn something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with my new classmates, without my __41__ around, always telling me what to do next.The first realization frightened me in the beginning. But that __42__ quickly disappeared. It was the other two goals which ended up being my difficulties. __43__ I knew that it was hard to devote enough time to class and to social efforts, I still wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a __44__ , but I didn’t realize how difficult it would be until classes began.I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. I always went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor instead of finishing my homework before it was due. I knew it wasn’t very good and the scores that I __45__ showed my lack of __46__. I was aware that I needed to find some sort of __47__. So I created a schedule that divided my time into several parts: going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, but I was only able to __48__ it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much __49__. So I tried another schedule in which I didn’t have to push myself to do things within a short time. Each week, I made a list of __50__ I had to do during that week. Then, I made a list of the things I could do if I had time. This is the method I have used since then. I’m glad that I’ve learned to balance things well.41.A. classmates B. parents C. friends D. enemies42.A. happiness B. excitement C. danger D. fear43.A. Although B. However C. Because D. When44.A. chance B. job C. challenge D. change45.A. received B. took C. accepted D. achieved46.A. effort B. time C. money D. energy47.A. ability B. control C. balance D. holding48.A. follow B. finish C. copy D. work49.A. trouble B. benefit C. disppointment D. pressure50.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)A“What is success?” Mr. Black asked his 6th grade business class. It was his opening conversation for the first class of the term.“Success is riding in a sweet car, watching an 80-inch TV, and living in a place with at least twelve rooms.” One student answered, earning(博得) laughs from all the students.Mr. Black smiled, but shook his head. “Tom, that is excess (过量). That is not success.”“How about being able to provide for your family?” A blonde girl named Sandy in the front suggested as an answer.“Now we’re getting closer,” Mr. Black smiled, “but try thinking about what you need and what you want.”“Getting everything you want.” Tom shouted out an answer again, trying for more laughs.Mr. Black sighed. “I believe we’ve already talked about excess versus (与…比较) success.”“Getting everything you need, but some of what you want?” James, sitting in the back wondered aloud.“Quite right!” Mr. Black clapped. “Success is getting everything you need and some of what you want. The more you get that you want, the more successful you are. You do reach a point where you are living in excess, though.”“What does this have to do with business?” Tom asked. It seemed if it wasn’t funny, he wasn’t happy.“Well, Tom, think of it this way: the point of business is to make a living to support your family. Once you have properly seen to (确保) their needs, you can then seen to getting the extras that you want.”“What if I don’t have a family?” he continued to be difficult.“Then you have to provide for yourself, a family of one.”“He has goldfish to think about!” Peter, Tom’s friend, shouted out.“Then he needs to provide for a family of one with a fishbowl.” Mr. Black corrected himself.Tom nodded, satisfied with that answer.“So in the next nine weeks, we’re going to study basic business situations, like having a checking account and understanding credit cards (信用卡).”Tom rubbed his hands together excitedly. “When do we get to start spending?”“You already are, Tom. You’re spending time with us!” Mr. Black laughed. “Now, let’s see what you guys know about credit cards…”51. What was Mr. Black?A. A headmasterB. A businessmanC. A teacherD. An official52. Which student didn’t seem to be taking the class seriously?A. TomB. JamesC. PeterD. Sandy53. How did Mr. Black make his class lively and interesting?A. He himself kept talkingB. He just read from a textbook.C. He showed a movie to his students.D. He got his students to take part in a discussion.54. According to the passage, which word can be best described Mr. Black?A. StrangeB. PatientC. ShyD. Proud55. What can be the best title of this passage?A. Get What You WantB. Needs and WantsC. Try to Get More MoneyD. How to Live WellBLife is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out.Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now, aged 79, the very same Gurdon shared the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell (干细胞) researcher Shinya Yamanaka.Like so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance (坚持) can lead.When he was 15 in 1948, Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school inbiology and every other science subject. Gurdon’s high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was “quite ridiculous”.In spite of his teacher’s criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.“My own belief is that we will, in the end, understand everything about how cells actually work,” Gurdon said.In 1962, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create the sheep Dolly in 2019, the first cloned mammal (哺乳动物) in the world.In 2019, Gurdon’s work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample (样本) of a person’s skin can be used to create stem cells. Using this technique, doctors can repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.“Luck favors the prepared mind,” Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. “Ninety percent of the time things don’t work, but when they do, you have to seize (抓住) the chance.”56. Who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine?A. Sir John GurdonB. Shinya Yamanaka.C. Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka.D. Gurdon’s science teacher.57. What does the underlined word “ridiculous” mean?A. 荒谬的B. 无畏的C. 荒废的D. 无知的58. In what order are the following events mentioned in the passage?a. create the sheep Dollyb. take a cell from an adult frogc. use a person’s skin to create stem cellsd. move a frog’s genetic information into an egg celle. grow into a clone of the adult frogA. b-a-c-d-eB. b-d-e-a-cC. b-d-a-e-cD. b-c-d-a-e59. According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?A. Sheep Dolly was the first cloned animal in the world.B. Gurdon ranked first at his high school in biology.C. It’s impossible for the doctors to repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.D. According to the science teacher, Gurdon was not a gifted student.60. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Ninety percent of the time things don’t work.B. Luck favors the prepared mind.C. Life is full of pleasure.D. How to know cells actually work.CWe can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it’s too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You’re a lucky dog”. Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy” or “You’re a lucky gal”, that’s being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There’s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you deserve your luck.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.61. The questions in the first paragraph tell us that the speaker _____.A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB. feels he may not have “read” his friends’ true feelings correctlyC. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, HelenD. is sorry that his friends let him down62. From the example “You’re a lucky dog”, we can learn that _____.A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendlyB. this saying means the same as “You’re a lucky guy” or “You’re a lucky gal”C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the wordsD. the word “dog” shouldn’t be used to apply to people63. The passage tries to tell you how to ______.A. avoid mistakes about money and friendsB. bring the “dog” bit into our conversationC. be friendly to other peopleD. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you64. What is important in listening to a person?A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyesB. to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD. not to believe what he says65. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ________.A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to youB. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy youC. not lose real friends who say things that do not please youD. be able to observe people as they are talking to youD66. This year’s Christmas Film Festival is organized by ________.A. the Youth UnionB. Disney and PixarC. Broadway CinemaD. Riley Andersen67. How many films will be shown during the Christmas Film Festival this year?A. Nine.B. Ten.C. Eleven.D. Twelve.68. According to the poster, we can learn that Inside Out is _______.A. Disney’s fifteenth feature filmB. the opening film of 9 film festivalsC. about a girl and her five classmatesD. a 94-minute cartoon film69. A Cantonese girl knows little about English may probably go to see this film _______.A. at 7:00 p.m. 24 Dec.B. at 2:30 p.m. 25 Dec.C. at 9:30 a.m. 24 Dec.D. at 11:30 a.m. 25 Dec.70. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The 2019 Christmas Film Festival will last for 2 weeks.B. People can buy tickets both at the ticket office and online.C. You can go to the cinema by metro and get off at Mongkok.D. It will cost Mr. Black $ 46 to see this film with his 10-year-old son.五、阅读填空(每题1分)Jellyfish and Crocodiles (水母和鳄鱼)Hi, my name’s Ben. My family, that’s Mum, Dad and me, live in Broome in Western Australia. Western Australia is about 80 times larger than Italy, but only 1.5 million people live there. ______71______ It has a population of about 12,000. It’s right on the coast and is known for its famous Cable Beach, which is 20km long.We live in the town in a house with a large garden. ______72______ We drive to Cable Beach and look for a quiet place to swim or to fish. We don’t go swimming from October to March because there may be box jellyfish in the water. The box jellyfish is one of the most dangerous jellyfish. ______73______ If you are attacked by one, the best thing to do is to pour vinegar (醋) over the area of your body where you are hurt. That’s why we always take a bottle of vinegar with us._____74_______ A year ago I went camping in the bush with my friend Bill and his dad. We wanted to do some fishing and set up camp about 20 metres from a river. _____75_______ Bill’s father told us to get up and we quickly got out of the tent and ran to the car, which was only 10 metres away.Bill’s dad started the car and turned on the headlights. In the light, we could see a big crocodile pulling the tent into the river!六、写作第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.This is not r________ . It’s only a dream.2.I want to invent a new t________ of robot to help with the housework.3.I am your friend, so you can s________ your happiness and sadness with me at any time.4.As a student, you should o________ the school rules.5.It’s raining cats and dogs! I d________ we can leave school in a short time.6.I didn’t e_________ him to come to my party, but actually he did.7.Gold is an expensive kind of m_________.8.Grace eats like a bird because she wants to r_________ her weight.9.You should a________ being late for school.10.He was so hungry that he had a big m________ after work.第二节完成句子(共4空,每空0.5分,满分20分)1.随着iPhone 7的出现,iPhone 6过时了。