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I Matching

Directions: There are 10 words and 11 phrases in this section.

Choose the right meaning of the word or the phrase in Ⅺ A from column B. Then write the correct answer in the brackets. (10%)

Column A Column B

( ) 1. ancient

a. move towards

( ) 2.defend b. ask for

( ) 3. approach c. feel angry about sth. unfair ( ) 4.request d. very old

( ) 5.significant e. extend for a distance ( ) 6.resentful f. a meeting ( ) 7.award g. very important ( ) 8.stretch h. protect ( ) 9.conference i. the winner ( ) 10. vanish j. an prize for an act

k. disappear

II .Directions: There are 20 words in the following, and the initial letter of each word has been given, please translate them into English. (10%)

11. 参与,参与P_________ 12. 昏暗,阴暗的 D___________ 13.亲戚R___________ 14. 雨伞 U___________ 15.人口 P ___________ 16.失望 D ___________ 17.祝贺 C ___________ 18. 慷慨的 G ___________ 19.经济 E ___________ 20.不同的 D ___________ 21.字典 D ___________ 22.假期 V ___________ 23. 虚拟的 V ___________ 24.二月 F ___________ 25.杂志 M ___________ 26.大学 U ___________ 27.科学技术 T ___________ 28.地铁 S ___________ 29.娱乐 E ___________ 30.经历 E ___________

III. Directions: Translate the following words into Chinese. (10%)

31. astronomer ___________ 32. satellite ___________ 33. disaster__________ 34.emergency ___________ 35. refrigerator ___________ 36.ambulance ___________ 37. particular ___________ 38. announce ___________ 39. exhibition ___________ 40. geography ___________ 41. luggage ___________ 42. splendid ___________ 43. adventure ___________ 44. biscuit ___________ 45. fortunate ___________ 46. entrance ___________ 47. memory ___________ 48. monitor ___________ 49. quarrel ___________ 50. rubbish ___________

IV . Directions: Complete the word according to the words and meanings given below.(10%)


e. p. a. l. o. l. c.s _____________ (to fall down suddenly) (collapse)

51. s.i.d.c.p.i.e.n.l.i _____________ (self-control) 52. p.e.r.m.s.i.o.s.n.i _____________ (feel about somebody) 53. g.i.r.c.l.u.e.t.a.r.u ____________(farming)

54. o.p.o.e.a.r.t.e.c ____________ (to act or work together) 55. o.t.o.r.d.c ____________ (a person who treat sick people) 56. x.e.c.l.e.n.t.l.e ____________ (extremely good) 57. i.p.y.s.a.c.l.h ____________ (of the body) 58. o.r.e.f.v.a.i.t ____________ (most enjoyed) 59. o.i.m.m.e.t.c.n.m.t. ____________( a promise) 60. n.e.v.i.m.n.t.o.e.r.n___________ (social conditions)

V . Directions: From the four choices give, choose the appropriate meaning for the italics .(10%)

( )61. They may feel jealous of his success A. n. 硬币, 钱币 B. a.妒忌的, 羡慕的 C. n. 海岸, 海滨 D. n. 创痛

( )62. There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain. A. n. 改变, 变化, 零钱 B. adj. 每天的, 日常的 C. n 监听器, 检测器 D. n. 氧, 氧气
