跨文化交际期末考试题【新】第一部分:选择题(共20题,每题1分,共20分)1. 当出现语言障碍时,以下哪个是最好的应对策略?A. 用手势和肢体动作来表达自己的意思B. 大声说出自己的观点C. 重复使用相同的单词和短语来帮助理解D. 简化语言使用的复杂度,使用简单易懂的语言2. 对于跨文化交流来说,以下哪种观念是最关键的?A. 遵循自己国家的行为准则B. 尊重不同文化之间的差异C. 强制对方接受自己的文化D. 批判对方的文化习惯3. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种沟通方式是最常用的?A. 肢体语言B. 非语言信息C. 语言信息D. 交流方式4. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种观点是最重要的?A. 接受自己的文化习惯B. 批判他人的文化习惯C. 理解他人的文化习惯D. 拒绝他人的文化习惯5. 在一个跨文化交际的场合中,以下哪个应该是最高的优先级?A. 活跃的参与B. 语言水平的熟练程度C. 适应当地的礼仪和行为准则D. 强调自己的文化背景6. 以下哪个是一个跨文化交际中最常见的问题?A. 礼貌和礼仪的不同B. 文化差异造成的文化霸权C. 认知差异的沟通问题D. 语言障碍7. 以下哪种服务最适合在跨文化交际中使用?A. 机器翻译服务B. 优先选择专业的口译和翻译服务C. 通过朋友或熟人的介绍寻找帮助D. 利用在线社交媒体解决问题8. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种事情应该避免?A. 尊重并遵循当地的礼仪和行为准则B. 试图改变或批判当地的文化习俗C. 沿用自己的文化行为准则D. 关注当地的文化和语言细节9. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种技巧是最有用的?A. 避免使用简单易懂的语言B. 直截了当地表达自己的观点C. 关注当地的非语言行为和信号D. 尝试使用当地的单词和短语10. 当尝试与跨文化背景的人交流时,以下哪种能力是最重要的?A. 语言能力B. 理解当地文化的背景C. 思考和行动的方式D. 批判思维11. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪个语言问题最常见?A. 不同的拼写和拼音B. 不同的语法结构和单词含义C. 方言和口音D. 礼仪和交际方式12. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪个观念是最必要的?A. 尊重当地的文化背景B. 认为自己的文化优越C. 轻视当地的命令和指示D. 批判当地文化的错误13. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪个事情是至关重要的?A. 去熟悉当地的文化和语言背景B. 寻找机会批判当地的文化习惯C. 坚持自己的文化行为准则D. 放松身心,自然而然的融入当地环境14. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种行为应该被避免?A. 尊重他人的文化背景B. 没有认真倾听对方的观点C. 关注当地的语言和文化细节D. 对对方的文化行为进行批评和评价15. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种观念是最重要的?A. “我们的文化最好”B. “我们的文化最好,但我们也能接受其他文化”C. “所有文化都有其独特之处,值得尊重和理解”D. “其他文化与我们的文化无关”16. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种行为应该被避免?A. 关注和遵守当地的礼仪和行为准则B. 尝试使用当地的语言和单词C. 尊重和理解当地的文化习俗D. 批判和否定当地的文化习俗17. 在一个跨文化交际的场合中,以下哪个应该是最高的优先级?A. 展示自己的文化背景B. 关注当地的语言和文化细节C. 认真倾听对方的观点D. 强调自己优越的文化背景18. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种事情应该被避免?A. 尊重所有人的文化背景B. 批判当地的文化行为C. 关注当地的非语言信号D. 使用当地的语言和单词19. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种技巧是最有用的?A. 尊重当地的文化背景B. 试图改变当地的文化行为准则C. 使用自己的语言和单词D. 关注当地的微妙而又微小的语言和非语言信号20. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种行为应该被避免?A. 关注当地的礼仪和行为准则B. 忽略当地的迷信和传统信仰C. 尊重当地的宗教和文化背景D. 沿用自己的文化行为准则第二部分:简答题(共5道题,每题4分,共20分)1. 解释什么是文化差异,并列举至少三个文化差异的例子?2. 解释为什么认知差异在跨文化交际中是一个重要的问题,并提供至少三个示例说明不同的认知差异会如何影响跨文化交流?3. 解释什么是非语言沟通,并列举至少三个非语言沟通的例子?4. 解释为什么跨文化交际中的措辞和用词是非常重要的,并提供至少三个示例说明,不同的词语和措辞可能导致文化差异。
Test Pa pe rⅠ. Filling the bla nks:1.Generally speak in g, in terms o f co ntextuality, theco mmun icatio n in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual2.Generally sp eak ing,in terms o f wo rld views,the West ad op ts Dualistic view, whilethe East ado pt s holistic view3.Generally sp eak ing, in terms o f tho ught p atterns, the West fo llo ws Analytic andabstract thinking, wh ile the East fo llo ws synthetic and concrete thinking4.Generally speak in g, in terms o f d isco urse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern,while the East uses inductive pattern5In the Axial Age,the great think ers in C hina are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great think er in Ind ia is Siddhartha Gautama,the great figure in P alestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great think ers in the West are Pla to, Ho me r and ArchimedesⅡ. Choose the best a ns we r:1.No n-verbal messages are classified into two co mp rehensive categories: tho se thatare p rimarily prod uced b y the bo d y, such as_________,________,_______; and tho se tha t the ind ivid ual co mb ines with the settin g, such as _______, _______, _______.DA.p hysical co ntact, eye co ntact, paralanguage; space, time, manB.facial exp ressio n, to uch, taste; sp ace, time, silenceC.app earance, mo vement, gesture; surro und in g, occasio n,manD.mo vement, smell, p aralanguage; sp ace, time, silence2.In C hinese writing,there are usually mo re ad jectives,p ro verbs and allus io ns thanin Eng lish writing.S o me Western scho lars name th is style “flo wery”,stating that its aim is to give a mo re fancifu l imp ressio n than in fo rmatio n, and the in fo rmatio n is usually o f beauty, fragrance, hap p iness, and any other “go od ness”aspects so as to attract p eop le. We may term this style as_______-o riented. Western writin g is mo re d irect with ob jective in fo rmatio n.To them, much-rep eated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.CA. ad jective, o bjectiveB. C hinese, WesternC. imp ressio n, in fo rmatio n C. ind irect, d irect3. As to the hu man nature o rientat io n,the trad itio nal Western belief ho lds that_______, while the Asian p eop le b elieve that_______.BA. b asically goo d; basically b adB. ev il b ut perfectib le, basically go odC. the mixture o f go od and evil; the mixture o f good and evil;D. unk no wn4. As to the Man-N ature o rientatio n, the trad it io nal Western b elief ho ld s that _______,while the Asian p eop le b elieve that_______.DA. sub jugatio n to nature; harmo ny with natureB. harmo ny with nature; mastery o ver natureC. harmo ny with nature; sub jugatio n to natureD. mastery o ver nature; harmo ny with nature5. As to time o rientatio n, generally speak in g, the US A is______, the P hilip p in es,Mexico, and Latin America are _____, and Asia,Britain,Greece, F rance are______.CA. o n-time oriented; in-time o riented; late-time o rientedB. yo uth-o riented; ad ult-oriented; eld erly-o rientedC. future-o riented; present-oriented; past-orientedD. p resent-o riented; fut ure-oriented; past-oriented6. In terms o f activ ity or ientatio n, the US A is______, the P hilip p ines, Mexico,andLatin A merica are _____, and Asia is ______.DA. d o ing-o riented; p lay ing-o riented, b eing-o rientedB. p lay ing-o riented; bein g-oriented; do in g-orientedC. b eing-o riented; do ing-o riented; being-in-b eco min g o rientedD. d o ing-o riented; b eing-o riented; b eing-in-b eco min g o riented7. The d iv id ing world v iew is also referred to as mechanist ic view. It goes b y thefo llo wing d ifferent names: DA. reaso n versus result; religio n versus ar t; ob jectiv ity versus imaginatio nB.instinct versus intuit io n; science versus techno lo gy; imaginatio n versussub jectiv ityC. tuit io n versus intu itio n; regio n versus religio n; sub jugatio n versus sub jectiv it yD. reaso n versus int uit io n; science ve rsus religio n; ob jectiv ity versus sub jectiv ity8. The Greek think s in o rder to _______.It is speculatio n. The Hind u think s in o rd er to_______. It is med itatio n.The C hinese think s in o rd er to_______.It is co ntemp latio n.CA. d o; d ie; liveB. spectacle; medd le; co ntemp tC. understand; think; self-cult ivateD. think; self-cult ivate; understand9. “Yo ur bod y d oesn’t k no w how to lie”ind icates_____BA. so methin g is wro ng with yo ur bo d y and yo u can o nly stand.B. b od y language is impo rtant.C. b od y co ntact is dangero us.D. we can’t separate mind fro m b od y.10.Generally speak ing,in the US,p eo p le mak e friend s b y sharing ______,while inChina, peop le mak e friend s b y sharin g _______.BA. p erso na l relatio nship; activit iesB. activ ities; perso nal relatio nshipC. lo ve; b lo odD. b lo od; lo ve11.In terms o f p hysical co ntact, the high co ntact co untries are__________________________________, while the lo w co ntact co untries are ________________________________.CA. the US, Britain,most Northern Europ ean co untries; Arab world, Med iterraneanco untries, Indo nesiaB. the US,Britain, Japan; East Europ ean co untries, Russia, Mid d le EastC. Arab wo rld, Med iterranean co untries,Ind o nesia; the US, Britain,mo st No rthernEuro pean co untriesD. Arab wo rld, Med iterranean co untries, C hina; the US, Britain, mo st N orthernEuro pean co untries12.Generally sp eak in g,in terms o f co ntextualit y o f co mmu n icatio n,thehig h-co ntextual pe op le are __________________________________, wh ile the lo w-co ntextual co untries are ________________________________AA. Latin A mericans, C hinese, Japanese; the Americans, German, SwissB. the Americans, German, Swiss; Latin Americans, C h inese, J ap aneseC. Native Americans, C hinese, Ko reans; the Americans, Japanese,Brit ishD. the Americans, Jap anese, British; N ative Americans, C hinese, Ko reans13.Each perso n has a “b ub b le”o f sp ace (territo ry).S tud ies sho w that peo p le fro m________, ________,________have a smaller p erso nal territory than d o p eop le fro m ________, ________,_________.AA. So uth America,Arab co untries, and many Asian co untries; North America,Britain, GermanyB. No rth America,Britain, Germany; So uth America, Arab co untries,and manyAsian co untriesC. S o uth America,Britain, Germany; No rth America, Arab co untries,and manyAsian co untries.D. N orth America, Arab co untries, and many Asian co untries; So uth America,Britain, Germany14.In ___________cu lture,the nuclear family is much mo re imp o rtant to theind ivid ual than the extended family,while in ____________, ________, _______, ________ cu lture, the extended family is very impo rtant. CA. Hispanic; American, Asia n, Arab ian, AfricanB. Arab ian; American, Asian, African, Hisp anicC. American; Asian, African, Arab ian, Hisp anicD. African; American, Asian, Arab ian, Hispan ic15. In nuclear-family culture, p eo p le rely main ly o n ______, ______, ________for help,while in extended-family culture, peop le rely mainly o n ________for help.CA. families,friend s, pro fessio nals; familiesB. families, friend s, pro fessio nals; inst itutio nsC. friend s, pro fessio nals, institut io ns; familiesD. friend s, famil ies, inst itutio ns; p ro fessio nals16. In nuclear-family culture, ______ usually co mes first, while in extended-familyculture, _______ usually co mes first. BA. family; ind iv id ualB. ind ivid ual; familyC. husband; wifeD. wife; husb and17.W hen it c o mes to friend ship, an American friend wo uld feel that they had _______if the friend gave up a real need to stud y to go sho pp ing.O ne’s d uties and ob ligatio ns to ward friend s,even b est friend s are understo od to ______; o ne does not exp ect friend s to assume b urdenso me, ______ resp o nsib ilit ies toward o neself.A close friend in the US is a p erso n that o ne feels free to ask fo r help, reco gn izin g, ho wever, that the friend may _____, if they give yo u a reaso n. This is mayb e that in the West,p eop le p refer to be ______,so they do no t feel co mfo rtab le in a relatio nship in which o ne p erso n is ______ mo re and the o ther is dependent o n what is being given.Fo r Westerners friendship is mostly a matter o f p ro vid ing ______sup po rt and ______. BA. d ep end ed too much; limitless; small; say “OK”; dep endent; receiv ing; material;get sep arateB. imp osed too much; have limits; lo ng-term; say “No”; ind ep end ent; giv ing;emotio nal; spend time to gether.C. imp osed too little; have limits; sho rt-term; say “Yes”; free; earning; financial; getinvo lvedD. depended a little; limitless; b ig; say “S orry”; independent; giv ing; sp iritua l; getto gether.18. In C hina, the d uties and o b ligatio ns o f friend ship s seem v irtually ________for allpractical p urpo ses.C hinese friend s give each other much ________ ________help and assistance than Western fr iends do. F or examp le, they give each o ther _______ and might help each o ther _______fo r a _______period o f time. A friend in C hina is so meo ne who,sensing that yo u are in need in so me way,o ffers to assist yo u _________.CA. imp o ssib le; mo re sp irit ual; things; p ractically; short; when being askedB. eno rmo us; less sp iritual; mo ney; financia lly; lo ng; unwilling lyC. unlimited; more co ncrete; mo ney; financially; lo ng; witho ut wait in g to be askedD. limited; mo re co ncrete; things; materially; certain; if req uired19. In times o f tro ub le, bo th American and C h inese fr iends g ive each other emo tio nalsup po rt, b ut they do it d ifferently. A C hinese friend is mo re lik ely to be ________ to give _______ ad vice to a friend, while an American fr iend will be ________ to give ________ad vice,instead she may raise q uestio ns to enco urage her friend to co nsider carefu lly what may hap pen if she does o ne th ing instead o f ano ther. CA. cautio us; d etailed; read y; specificB. read y; amb iguo us; cautio us; guid elineC. read y; sp ecific; cautio us; d irectD. unwilling; d irect; read y; sp ecific20.When it co mes to the relatio nsh ip b etween parents and married so ns, in C hina, aman’s relatio nship with h is p a rents is _______ than that with h is wife. Thus in the event o f any q uarrel b etween his wife and his mo ther, a man sho uld ____________.At mo st he might hop e to__________, and this was regard ed as ________.In America, a man’s relatio nsh ip with his parents is _______ than that with his wife.He wo uld be expected to______________. He might even b e co unseled to _______________ the vic in ity o f his parents’ho me to ease the co nflict. DA.more imp o rtant; sid e with h is mo ther; sid e with h is father; ho norab l e; mo reimpo rtant; side with no o ne; mo ve intoB. less imp ortant; sid e with no o ne; say so mething; ho no rab le; less imp o rtant; sidewith his father; get away fro mC. less imp o rtant; sid e with h is wife; remain silent; d isho no rab le; mo re imp o rtant;side with h is wife; mo ve intoD. mo re imp o rtant; sid e with h is mo ther; remain neutral; d isho norab le; less imp o rtant;side with h is wife; mo ve awayⅢ. True o r fa lse:1.Generally sp eak ing, C hina is an eq ual so ciety, America is a hierarchy society. ( F )2.Generally speak in g, in C hinese so ciety, the po wer d istance is small, while inAmerica, the p o wer d istance is large. ( F )3.Bo th the Asian and Western co untries have the co ncep t o f “face”, and“face” has thesame so cial sig n ificance fo r these co untries in that o ne’s face is also the face o f o ne’s gro up.( F )4.The d ivid ing world v iew relies stro ngly o n “facts” as opp osed to“op in io ns”. ( T )5. A very ro ugh generalizatio n is that think in g for the Greek is to loo k up ward, fo r theHind u is to lo ok inward, fo r the C o nfucians is to loo k o utward. (F )6.Values are exp lic itly sto red in o ur mind. We are always aware o f them, and we makejud g ments accord ing to them. (F)7.Values are sep arate fro m each o ther. Each o ne work alo ne. ( F )8.Values can be co mp ared o n a co ntinu um rather than o ne o f o nly two p ossib lecho ices. Peop le everywhere p ossess the same values to d ifferent d egrees, and the impo rtance o f that co mmo n value, how it gets acted o ut, is a matter o f d egree.( T)9.“Lo ver”and“爱人”have the same meaning.( F)10.I n bo th C hina and We stern co untries,it is very co mmo n and usual fo r ad ults tofo nd le other peo p le’s b ab ies and very small child ren to sho w their affectio n and friend liness. ( F )Ⅳ.Tra nslatio n:1.Tra nslate the follo wing Englis h into Chinese:1)Nature and Man are b lend ed into o ne harmo nio us identity. 天人合一2)Nature affects hu man affairs and hu man behavio r find s resp o nse in Nature.天人感应3)Nature accords with hu man wishes. 天从人愿4)Yo ur character will b e tinted“red”(go od) if yo u are in the co mpany o f “red ness”,b ut “b lack”(bad) if yo u are in close co ntact with ink. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑5)Go d helps tho se who help themselves. 天助自助者6)Lo ok befo re yo u leap. 三思而后行7) A sing le arro w is easily b rok en, b ut no t a b unch.轻霜冻死单根草,狂风难毁万木林He who stirs ano ther’s p orrid ge o ften b urns his o wn. 狗拿耗子,多管闲事8)2.Tra nslate the follo wing Chinese into Eng lish:1)容忍tolerance of others2)中庸之道moderation, following the middle way3)修养self-cultivation4)不重竞争non-competitiveness5)信用trust-worthiness6)贞节chastity in women7)寡欲having few desires8)服从、孝敬、尊崇、赡养父母filial piety。
跨文化交际期末考试题Ⅰ. Define the following items。
1.c ontext :P492.n oise: P543.i nterculturalcommunication :communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event。
4.i ndividualism: P995.c ollectivism: P996.h igh—context culture :P110 a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.7.l ow—context culture :P110 a culture in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code.8.v erbal communication :communication done both orally and in written language 9.n onverbal communication :involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communicationsetting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver。
跨文化交际期末考试题Ⅰ. Define the following items.1.c ontext :P492.n oise: P543.i ntercultural communication :communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.4.i ndividualism: P995.c ollectivism: P996.h igh-context culture :P110 a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.7.l ow-context culture :P110 a culture in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code.8.v erbal communication :communication done both orally and in written language 9.n onverbal communication :involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communicationsetting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.II. Answer the following questions(简答题)1. What is the culture, and what are the characteristics of the culture? P45what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following them.2. What’s the relationship between culture and language?Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols, as well as our perceptions of the universe (the meaning associated with the symbols).Language, on the other hand, would seem to have a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world.3. How do Japanese people refuse? P1354. How do Chinese and western people respond to others’ compliment? P1625. What kinds of nonverbal communication are often used in our daily communication? P1916. What are the functions of the nonverbal communication? P2187.What are the differences on receiving gift s between Chinese and westerner?In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. In China, the situation is quite the reverse. Norma lly we Chinese feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass the person wh o gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. Therefore, Chinese people tend to open the gifts af ter the visitors have left.In China, many people send gifts without wrappi ng them, and if they wrap them, they usually tell t he receiver what is inside, and the receiver will tha nk the sender and put the gift aside without unwra pping them since they already know what is insid e. English receivers open the gifts in front of the se nders of the gifts.8.Describe the different ways in showing hospitality between Chinese culture and west ern culture.Chinese guests always refuse offer of drinks or food to demonstrate politeness in seeming not to wish to put their host to any trouble.Sometimes an offer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say 'no', we usually wait for the second and thir d offer. If the host just brings the food or drink an d ignores 'no', we ill accept it. Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. While westerners always accept or refuse offer o f drinks or food very genuinely.Their refusal is acce pted as genuine.Westerners don’t to press. To pres s people to have food or drink after they have refu sed is frowned upon and can cause embarrassment s.III. Case Analysis (You are required t o state cultural phenomenon in each cas e)Case 1Li Lan had an American friend Susan. They usually had lunch together and Li Lan often asked Susan for advice on problems she face d adjusting to American society. Susan gave Li Lan a lot of advice and helped her to impro ve her English. Once Li Lan needed urgently a big sum of money to pay her tuition fee. Si nce she has no other friends in the States, she turned to Susan for help and promised that she would return the money soon.To Li Lan’s great disappointment, this time Susan didn’t seem happy to lend the money to her. Though Li Lan returned the money as she promised, they didn’t get along well from then on.Question: Why did Li Lan feel unpleasant?Li Lan asked to borrow money from her A merican friend Susan, which is rarely part of Western friendship. Li Lan and Susan have di fferent expectations of friendship.In the West, people prefer to be independe nt and equal rather than dependent, so they don't feel comfortable in a relationship in whi ch one person gives more and the other pers on is dependent on what is given. Among frie nds they mostly provide emotional support to each other and spend time together, so they rarely borrow or lend money to each other. They would ask for a loan from the bank rath er than from their friends.While in China, people expect their friends to be loyal to each other, and they even take risks for their friends. So they would give no t only emotional support to each other but al so concrete help to each other, such as helpi ng to find a job, solving a problem, or even g iving money to help one out over a long peri od of time. So when a friend is in need, the fi rst person he or she wants to ask for help is naturally his/her friend.。
荆州学院《跨文化交际》2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷考试课程:跨文化交际考试时间:120分钟专业:国际商务总分:100分---一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪项不是文化的要素之一?A. 语言B. 宗教C. 肤色D. 性别2. 跨文化交际中,以下哪个层次的文化差异是最难以觉察和理解的?A. 表面文化B. 非语言文化C. 核心文化D. 价值观文化3. 跨文化交际中,以下哪种策略是针对文化差异进行适应的策略?A. 避免策略B. 否认策略C. 融合策略D. 转移策略4. 在跨文化沟通中,以下哪项不是有效沟通的重要因素?A. 语言水平B. 礼貌态度C. 文化敏感度D. 地位高低5. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪个是文化差异的主要表现形式?A. 同化B. 异化C. 互动D. 观察6. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种观念不符合文化相对主义?A. 文化多样性B. 文化普遍性C. 文化变异性D. 文化相对性7. 跨文化交际中,以下哪种能力不是有效沟通的关键能力?A. 语言能力B. 礼貌表达能力C. 自我中心能力D. 文化敏感能力8. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种行为不符合文化适应的原则?A. 尊重对方文化习惯B. 主动学习对方语言C. 保持自身文化不变D. 理解对方价值观9. 跨文化交际中,以下哪种沟通方式是非语言沟通的表现形式?A. 书面沟通B. 口头沟通C. 肢体语言D. 电话沟通10. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种心态有助于有效沟通?A. 自我中心B. 开放心态C. 歧视心态D. 偏见心态---二、判断题(每题2分,共20分)11. 文化是一种稳定不变的社会现象。
()12. 表面文化是指文化的核心价值观和信仰。
()13. 跨文化交际中,语言是文化传播的最重要工具之一。
()14. 文化相对主义认为所有文化都是平等的。
()15. 在跨文化交际中,适应性是唯一的有效策略。
()16. 跨文化交际中,尊重对方文化是沟通的基本前提。
跨文化交际期末考试复习题Define the following items:1.intercultural communication: is simply defined as interpersonal communication between people from different cultural background.2.interethnic communication: refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds.3.verbal communication:communication done both orally and in written language.4.nonverbal communication: involves all nonverbal stimuli i n a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.4. Monochronic time一元时间观念: means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.5. Polychronic time多元时间观念: means being involved with many things at once.6. ethnocentrism :the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.7. stereotypes:refers to negative or positive judgment made about individuals based on any observable or believed groupmembership.针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断。
跨文化交际期末考试复习题Define the following items:1.Culture:On the surface: customs and behaviorMore deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following themIn a word: Culture is all about meaningsHall: Culture is everything and everywheremunication:Communication is our ability to share our ideas and feelings.(the basis of all human contact)3.intercultural communication:Intercultural communication is communicationbetween people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities.4.high-context culture:In high-context messages, meaning is not necessarilycontained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. Meaning is also conveyed through status (age, sex, education, family background, title, and affiliation).5.low-context culture:In low-context messages, the majority of the informationis vested in the explicit code.6.relationship between culture and language:7.verbal communication8.analytical thinking patterns (inductive)9.synthetic thinking patterns (deductive)10.nonverbal communication:Nonverbal communication involves allnonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver11.body language:Body language refers to all nonverbal codes which are associatedwith body movements.Body language includes gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, postures and other displays that can be used to communicate.12.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In thesecultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future.13.polychronic time (P Time):P-time schedules several activities at the sametime. It is more flexible and more humanistic.People from P-time system emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them.14.ethnocentrism:the view of things in which one’s own group is the center ofeverything, and al l others are scaled and rated with reference to it” (WilliamG. Sumner)15.stereotypes:Stereotypes are a form of generalization about some groupof people, or a means of organizing images into fixed and simple categories that are used to stand for the entire collection of people 16.prejudice: It refers to negative attitudes towards other people that arebased on faulty and inflexible stereotypes.It is an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude towards another group of people. ( Lusting & Koester)17.discrimination:It refers to the behavioral manifestations of theprejudice, it can be thought of as prejudice “in action”. ( Lusting & Koester)18.racism:19.culture shock:Troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness,confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture. (Linell Davis)20.acculturation:It is culture change that results from continuous firsthandcontact between two distinct cultural groups.It is through acculturation that personal transformation from cultural contact takes place.Acculturation includes psychological, physiological and social changes.Essay Writing1.Describe your personal intercultural experiences in about 300-500words.2.From the perspective of intercultural communication, analyze thefollowing movies.(1)Joy Luck Club(2)Guasha(3)Crash(注:专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
跨文化交际期末考试复习题Define the following items:1.Culture:On the surface: customs and behaviorMore deeply: what the behavior and customs mean t o the people who are following themIn a word: Culture is all about meaningsHall: Culture is everything and everywheremunication:Communication is our ability to share our ideas and feelings.(the basis of all human contact)3.intercultural communication:Intercultural communication is communicationbetween people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities.4.high-context culture:In high-context messages, meaning is not necessarilycontained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. Meaning is also conveyed through status (age, sex, education, family background, title, and affiliation).5.low-context culture:In low-context messages, the majority of the informationis vested in the explicit code.6.relationship between culture and language:7.verbal communication8.analytical thinking patterns (inductive)9.synthetic thinking patterns (deductive)10.nonverbal communication:Nonverbal communication involves allnonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver11.body language:Body language refers to all nonverbal codes which are associatedwith body movements.Body language includes gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, postures and other displays that can beused to communicate.12.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In thesecultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a ribbonstretching from the past into the future.13.polychronic time (P Time):P-time schedules several activities at the sametime. It is more flexible and more humanistic.People from P-time system emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them.14.ethnocentrism:the view of things in which one’s own group is the center ofeverything, and al l others are scaled and rated with reference to it” (WilliamG. Sumner)15.stereotypes:Stereotypes are a form of generalization about some g roupof people, or a means of organizing images into fixed and simple categories that are used to stand for the entire collection of people 16.prejudice: It refers to negative attitudes towards other people that arebased on faulty and inflexible stereotypes.It is an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude towards another group of people. ( Lusting & Koester)17.discrimination:It refers to the behavioral manifestations of theprejudice, it can be thought of as prejudice “in action”. ( Lusting & Koester)18.racism:19.culture shock:Troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness,confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture. (Linell Davis)20.acculturation:It is culture change that results from continuous firsthandcontact between two distinct cultural groups.It is through acculturation that personal transformation from cultural contact takes place.Acculturation includes psychological, physiological and social changes.Essay Writing1.Describe your personal intercultural experiences in about 300-500words.2.From the perspective of intercultural communication, analyze thefollowing movies.(1)Joy Luck Club(2)Guasha(3)Crash。
跨文化传播期末考试题及答案# 跨文化传播期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 跨文化传播学是一门研究什么的学科?A. 研究语言的学科B. 研究不同文化间交流与沟通的学科C. 研究艺术的学科D. 研究经济的学科答案:B2. 下列哪项不是跨文化传播中的障碍?A. 语言差异B. 非言语行为C. 文化价值观D. 社会制度答案:B3. 跨文化能力是指什么?A. 能够使用多种语言的能力B. 能够理解和适应不同文化的能力C. 能够在不同文化中生存的能力D. 能够改变其他文化的能力答案:B4. 根据霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论,哪个维度描述的是社会成员对权威的接受程度?A. 权力距离B. 个人主义与集体主义C. 男性化与女性化D. 长期导向与短期导向答案:A5. 在跨文化交流中,什么是“文化休克”?A. 一种文化中常见的现象B. 一种文化中不常见的现象C. 由于文化差异引起的心理不适感D. 由于文化差异引起的身体不适感答案:C...(此处省略其他选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述跨文化传播中的“文化适应”概念。
2. 描述跨文化传播中的“文化冲突”及其解决策略。
3. 解释什么是“文化相对主义”及其重要性。
跨文化交际期末考试复习题Define the following items:1.Culture: On the surface: customs and behaviorMore deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the people whoare following themIn a word: Culture is all about meaningsHall: Culture is everything and everywheremunication:Communication is our ability to share our ideas and feelings. (thebasis of all human contact)3.intercultural communication:Intercultural communication is communication betweenpeople whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities。
4.high-context culture: In high-context messages, meaning is not necessarily contained inwords。
Information is provided through gestures,the use of space, and even silence。
TestPaperⅠ.Fillingtheblanks:1.GenerallRspeaking,intermsofconteRtualitR,thecommunicationintheWestis low-conteRtual whilethatintheEastis high-conteRtual2.GenerallRspeaking,intermsofworldviews,theWestadopts Dualisticview,whiletheEastadopt sholisticview3.GenerallRspeaking,intermsofthoughtpatterns,theWestfollows AnalRtic and abstractthinking,whiletheEastfollows sRntheticandconcretethinking4.GenerallRspeaking,intermsofdiscoursepatterns,theWestuses Deductivepattern,whiletheEastuses inductivepattern5IntheARialAge,thegreatthinkersinChinaare Confucius,LaoTze,MoTze,andthegreatthink erinIndiais SiddharthaGautama,thegreatfigureinPalestineare Hebrewprophets,andthegre atthinkersintheWestare Plato,Homer and ArchimedesⅡ.Choosethebestanswer:1.Non-verbalmessagesareclassifiedintotwocomprehensivecategories:thosethatareprimarilRproducedbRthebodR,suchas_________,________,_______;andthosethattheind ividualcombineswiththesetting,suchas_______,_______,_______.DA.phRsicalcontact,eRecontact,paralanguage;space,time,manB.facialeRpression,touch,taste;space,time,silenceC.appearance,movement,gesture;surrounding,occasion,manD.movement,smell,paralanguage;space,time,silence2.InChinesewriting,thereareusuallRmoreadjectives,proverbsandallusionsthaninEnglishwriting.SomeWesternscholarsnamethisstRle“flowerR”,statingthatitsaimistogiveam orefancifulimpressionthaninformation,andtheinformationisusuallRofbeautR,fragran ce,happiness,andanRother“goodness”aspectssoastoattractpeople.WemaRtermthisst Rleas_______-oriented.Westernwritingismoredirectwithobjectiveinformation.Tothe m,much-repeatedwordsmaRmeanlessafterawhile.WemaRtermtheWesternwritingas__ ______-oriented.CA.adjective,objectiveB.Chinese,WesternC.impression,informationC.indirect,direct3.Astothehumannatureorientation,thetraditionalWesternbeliefholdsthat_______,whiletheAsianpeoplebelievethat_______.BA.basicallRgood;basicallRbadB.evilbutperfectible,basicallRgoodC.themiRtureofgoodandevil;themiRtureofgoodandevil;D.unknown4.AstotheMan-Natureorientation,thetraditionalWesternbeliefholdsthat_______,whiletheAsianpeoplebelievethat_______.DA.subjugationtonature;harmonRwithnatureB.harmonRwithnature;masterRovernatureC.harmonRwithnature;subjugationtonatureD.masterRovernature;harmonRwithnature5.Astotimeorientation,generallRspeaking,theUSAis______,thePhilippines,MeRico,andLatinAmericaare_____,andAsia,Britain,Greece,Franceare______.CA.on-timeoriented;in-timeoriented;late-timeorientedB.Routh-oriented;adult-oriented;elderlR-orientedC.future-oriented;present-oriented;past-orientedD.present-oriented;future-oriented;past-oriented6.IntermsofactivitRorientation,theUSAis______,thePhilippines,MeRico,andLatinAmericaare_____,andAsiais______.DA.doing-oriented;plaRing-oriented,being-orientedB.plaRing-oriented;being-oriented;doing-orientedC.being-oriented;doing-oriented;being-in-becomingorientedD.doing-oriented;being-oriented;being-in-becomingoriented7.Thedividingworldviewisalsoreferredtoasmechanisticview.ItgoesbRthefollowingdifferentnames:DA.reasonversusresult;religionversusart;objectivitRversusimaginationB.instinctversusintuition;scienceversustechnologR;imaginationversussubjectivitRC.tuitionversusintuition;regionversusreligion;subjugationversussubjectivitRD.reasonversusintuition;scienceversusreligion;objectivitRversussubjectivitR8.TheGreekthinksinorderto_______.Itisspeculation.TheHinduthinksinorderto_______.Itismeditation.TheChinesethinksinorderto_______.Itiscontemplation.CA.do;die;liveB.spectacle;meddle;contemptC.understand;think;self-cultivateD.think;self-cultivate;understand9.“RourbodRdoesn’tknowhowtolie”indicates_____BA.somethingiswrongwithRourbodRandRoucanonlRstand.B.bodRlanguageisimportant.C.bodRcontactisdangerous.D.wecan’tseparatemindfrombodR.10.GenerallRspeaking,intheUS,peoplemakefriendsbRsharing______,whileinChina,peoplemakefriendsbRsharing_______.BA.personalrelationship;activitiesB.activities;personalrelationshipC.love;bloodD.blood;love11.IntermsofphRsicalcontact,thehighcontactcountriesare__________________________________,whilethelowcontactcountriesare________________________________.C A.theUS,Britain,mostNorthernEuropeancountries;Arabworld,Mediterraneancountries,IndonesiaB.theUS,Britain,Japan;EastEuropeancountries,Russia,MiddleEastC.Arabworld,Mediterraneancountries,Indonesia;theUS,Britain,mostNorthernEuropeancountriesD.Arabworld,Mediterraneancountries,China;theUS,Britain,mostNorthernEuropeancountries12.GenerallRspeaking,intermsofconteRtualitRofcommunication,thehigh-conteRtualpeopleare__________________________________,whilethelow-conteRtualcountriesare________________________________AtinAmericans,Chinese,Japanese;theAmericans,German,SwissB.theAmericans,German,Swiss;LatinAmericans,Chinese,JapaneseC.NativeAmericans,Chinese,Koreans;theAmericans,Japanese,BritishD.theAmericans,Japanese,British;NativeAmericans,Chinese,Koreans13.Eachpersonhasa“bubble”ofspace(territorR).Studiesshowthatpeoplefrom________,________,________haveasmallerpersonalterritorRthandopeoplefrom________,________,_________.AA.SouthAmerica,Arabcountries,andmanRAsiancountries;NorthAmerica,Britain,GermanRB.NorthAmerica,Britain,GermanR;SouthAmerica,Arabcountries,andmanRAsiancountriesC.SouthAmerica,Britain,GermanR;NorthAmerica,Arabcountries,andmanRAsiancountries.D.NorthAmerica,Arabcountries,andmanRAsiancountries;SouthAmerica,Britain,GermanR14.In___________culture,thenuclearfamilRismuchmoreimportanttotheindividualthantheeRtendedfamilR,whilein____________,________,_______,________culture,theeRtendedfamilRisverRimportant.CA.Hispanic;American,Asian,Arabian,AfricanB.Arabian;American,Asian,African,HispanicC.American;Asian,African,Arabian,HispanicD.African;American,Asian,Arabian,Hispanic15.Innuclear-familRculture,peoplerelRmainlRon______,______,________forhelp,whileineRtended-familRculture,peoplerelRmainlRon________forhelp.CA.families,friends,professionals;familiesB.families,friends,professionals;institutionsC.friends,professionals,institutions;familiesD.friends,families,institutions;professionals16.Innuclear-familRculture,______usuallRcomesfirst,whileineRtended-familRculture,_______usuallRcomesfirst.BA.familR;individualB.individual;familRC.husband;wifeD.wife;husband17.Whenitcomestofriendship,anAmericanfriendwouldfeelthattheRhad_______ifthefriendgaveuparealneedtostudRtogoshopping.One’sdutiesandobligationstowardfriends,ev enbestfriendsareunderstoodto______;onedoesnoteRpectfriendstoassumeburdensome ,______responsibilitiestowardoneself.AclosefriendintheUSisapersonthatonefeelsfre etoaskforhelp,recognizing,however,thatthefriendmaR_____,iftheRgiveRouareason.ThisismaRbethatintheWest,peopleprefertobe______,sotheRdonotfeelcomfortableina relationshipinwhichonepersonis______moreandtheotherisdependentonwhatisbeingg iven.ForWesternersfriendshipismostlRamatterofproviding______supportand______ .BA.dependedtoomuch;limitless;small;saR“OK”;dependent;receiving;material;getseparateB.imposedtoomuch;havelimits;long-term;saR“No”;independent;giving;emotional;spendtimetogether.C.imposedtoolittle;havelimits;short-term;saR“Res”;free;earning;financial;getinvolvedD.dependedalittle;limitless;big;saR“SorrR”;independent;giving;spiritual;gettogether.18.InChina,thedutiesandobligationsoffriendshipsseemvirtuallR________forallpracticalpurposes.Chinesefriendsgiveeachothermuch________________helpandassistanceth anWesternfriendsdo.ForeRample,theRgiveeachother_______andmighthelpeachother _______fora_______periodoftime.AfriendinChinaissomeonewho,sensingthatRouar einneedinsomewaR,offerstoassistRou_________.CA.impossible;morespiritual;things;practicallR;short;whenbeingaskedB.enormous;lessspiritual;moneR;financiallR;long;unwillinglRC.unlimited;moreconcrete;moneR;financiallR;long;withoutwaitingtobeaskedD.limited;moreconcrete;things;materiallR;certain;ifrequired19.Intimesoftrouble,bothAmericanandChinesefriendsgiveeachotheremotionalsupport,buttheRdoitdifferentlR.AChinesefriendismorelikelRtobe________togive_______adv icetoafriend,whileanAmericanfriendwillbe________togive________advice,insteads hemaRraisequestionstoencourageherfriendtoconsidercarefullRwhatmaRhappenifshe doesonethinginsteadofanother.CA.cautious;detailed;readR;specificB.readR;ambiguous;cautious;guidelineC.readR;specific;cautious;directD.unwilling;direct;readR;specific20.Whenitcomestotherelationshipbetweenparentsandmarriedsons,inChina,aman’srelationshipwithhisparentsis_______thanthatwithhiswife.ThusintheeventofanRquarrelbet weenhiswifeandhismother,amanshould____________.Atmosthemighthopeto______ ____,andthiswasregardedas________.InAmerica,aman’srelationshipwithhisparentsi s_______thanthatwithhiswife.HewouldbeeRpectedto______________.Hemighteven becounseledto_______________thevicinitRofhisparents’hometoeasetheconflict.DA.moreimportant;sidewithhismother;sidewithhisfather;honorable;moreimportant;sidewithnoone;moveintoB.lessimportant;sidewithnoone;saRsomething;honorable;lessimportant;sidewithhisfather;getawaRfromC.lessimportant;sidewithhiswife;remainsilent;dishonorable;moreimportant;sidewithhiswife;moveintoD.moreimportant;sidewithhismother;remainneutral;dishonorable;lessimportant;sidewithhiswife;moveawaRⅢ.Trueorfalse:1.GenerallRspeaking,ChinaisanequalsocietR,AmericaisahierarchRsocietR.(F)2.GenerallRspeaking,inChinesesocietR,thepowerdistanceissmall,whileinAmerica,thepowerdistanceislarge.(F)3.BoththeAsianandWesterncountrieshavetheconceptof“face”,and“face”hasthesamesocialsignificanceforthesecountriesinthatone’sfaceisalsothefaceofone’sgroup.(F)4.ThedividingworldviewreliesstronglRon“facts”asopposedto“opinions”.(T)5.AverRroughgeneralizationisthatthinkingfortheGreekistolookupward,fortheHinduistolookinward,fortheConfuciansistolookoutward.(F)6.ValuesareeRplicitlRstoredinourmind.WearealwaRsawareofthem,andwemakejudgmentsaccordingtothem.(F)7.Valuesareseparatefromeachother.Eachoneworkalone.(F)8.ValuescanbecomparedonacontinuumratherthanoneofonlRtwopossiblechoices.PeopleeverRwherepossessthesamevaluestodifferentdegrees,andtheimportanceofthatcommo nvalue,howitgetsactedout,isamatterofdegree.(T)9.“Lover”and“爱人”havethesamemeaning.(F)10.I nbothChinaandWesterncountries,itisverRcommonandusualforadultstofondleotherpeople’sbabiesandverRsmallchildrentoshowtheiraffectionandfriendliness.(F)Ⅳ.Translation:1.TranslatethefollowingEnglishintoChinese:1)NatureandManareblendedintooneharmoniousidentitR.天人合一2)NatureaffectshumanaffairsandhumanbehaviorfindsresponseinNature.天人感应3)Natureaccordswithhumanwishes.天从人愿4)Rourcharacterwillbetinted“red”(good)ifRouareinthecompanRof“redness”,but“black”(bad)ifRouareinclosecontactwithink.近朱者赤,近墨者黑5)Godhelpsthosewhohelpthemselves.天助自助者6)LookbeforeRouleap.三思而后行7)AsinglearrowiseasilRbroken,butnotabunch.轻霜冻死单根草,狂风难毁万木林Hewhostirsanother’sporridgeoftenburnshisown.狗拿耗子,多管闲事2.TranslatethefollowingChineseintoEnglish:1)容忍toleranceofothers2)中庸之道moderation,followingthemiddlewaR3)修养self-cultivation4)不重竞争non-competitiveness5)信用trust-worthiness6)贞节chastitRinwomen7)寡欲havingfewdesires8)服从、孝敬、尊崇、赡养父母filialpietR。
跨文化交际期末考试题Ⅰ. Define the following items.1.c ontext :P492.n oise: P543.i ntercultural communication :communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.4.i ndividualism: P995.c ollectivism: P996.h igh-context culture :P110 a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use ofspace, and even silence.7.l ow-context culture :P110 a culture in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code.8.v erbal communication :communication done both orally and in written language9.n onverbal communication :involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.II. Answer the following questions(简答题)1. What is the culture, and what are the characteristics of the culture? P45what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following them.2. What’s the relationship between culture and language?Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols, as well as our perceptions of the universe (the meaning associated with the symbols).Language, on the other hand, would seem to have a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world.3. How do Japanese people refuse? P1354. How do Chinese and western people respond to others’ compliment? P1625. What kinds of nonverbal communication are often used in our daily communication? P1916. What are the functions of the nonverbal communication? P2187.What are the differences on receiving gifts bet ween Chinese and westerner?In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. In Chi na, the situation is quite the reverse. Normally we Chi nese feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is give n, you might embarrass the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. Therefore, Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have l eft.In China, many people send gifts without wrapping them, and if they wrap them, they usually tell the rec eiver what is inside, and the receiver will thank the se nder and put the gift aside without unwrapping themsince they already know what is inside. English receiv ers open the gifts in front of the senders of the gifts.8.Describe the different ways in showing hospit ality between Chinese culture and western culture.Chinese guests always refuse offer of drinks or foo d to demonstrate politeness in seeming not to wish t o put their host to any trouble.Sometimes an offer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say 'no', we usually wait for the second and third offer. If the h ost just brings the food or drink and ignores 'no', we ill accept it. Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. While westerners alw ays accept or refuse offer of drinks or food very genui nely.Their refusal is accepted as genuine.Westerners d on’t to press. To press people to have food or drink after they have refused is frowned upon and can caus e embarrassments.III. Case Analysis (You are required to stat e cultural phenomenon in each case)Case 1Li Lan had an American friend Susan. They us ually had lunch together and Li Lan often asked Susan for advice on problems she faced adjusti ng to American society. Susan gave Li Lan a lot of advice and helped her to improve her English . Once Li Lan needed urgently a big sum of mo ney to pay her tuition fee. Since she has no oth er friends in the States, she turned to Susan for help and promised that she would return the m oney soon.To Li Lan’s great disappointment, this time Susan didn’t seem happy to lend the money t o her. Though Li Lan returned the money as she promised, they didn’t get along well from the n on.Question: Why did Li Lan feel unpleasant?Li Lan asked to borrow money from her Am erican friend Susan, which is rarely part of Western friendship. Li Lan and Susan have different e xpectations of friendship.In the West, people prefer to be independent and equal rather than dependent, so they don't feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person gives more and the other person is depe ndent on what is given. Among friends they mo stly provide emotional support to each other an d spend time together, so they rarely borrow or lend money to each other. They would ask for a loan from the bank rather than from their frie nds.While in China, people expect their friends to be loyal to each other, and they even take risks for their friends. So they would give not only e motional support to each other but also concret e help to each other, such as helping to find a j ob, solving a problem, or even giving money to help one out over a long period of time. So when a friend is in need, the first person he or she wants to ask for help is naturally his/her friend.。
跨文化沟通期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 跨文化沟通中,以下哪项不是文化差异的表现?A. 语言差异B. 饮食习惯C. 宗教信仰D. 个人兴趣答案:D2. 在跨文化沟通中,以下哪个行为可能被视为不礼貌?A. 握手B. 鞠躬C. 直视对方D. 赠送礼物答案:C3. 跨文化沟通中,以下哪个概念强调了文化对个体行为的影响?A. 个人主义B. 集体主义C. 权力距离D. 所有以上选项答案:D4. 根据霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论,以下哪个维度不是其分类之一?A. 个人主义与集体主义B. 男性化与女性化C. 长幼有序D. 权力距离答案:C5. 在跨文化沟通中,以下哪个策略不是有效的沟通策略?A. 保持开放心态B. 避免使用肢体语言C. 尊重文化差异D. 积极倾听答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. 在跨文化沟通中,_________是指在不同文化背景下,人们对于同一事件或行为的不同理解和解释。
答案:文化相对主义7. 跨文化沟通的障碍之一是_________,即对其他文化持有偏见或刻板印象。
答案:文化偏见8. 跨文化沟通中,_________是指在不同文化间进行有效交流的能力。
答案:跨文化能力9. 跨文化沟通中,_________是指在不同文化背景下,人们对于时间的理解和使用方式。
答案:时间观念10. 跨文化沟通中,_________是指在不同文化背景下,人们对于空间的理解和使用方式。
答案:空间观念三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述跨文化沟通中的语言障碍及其克服方法。
12. 描述跨文化沟通中的文化适应过程。
跨文化交际期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 跨文化交际中,以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?A. 保持开放态度B. 避免使用肢体语言C. 尊重文化差异D. 积极倾听答案:B2. 在不同文化背景下,以下哪种行为可能被误解?A. 直视对方眼睛B. 点头表示同意C. 用食指指人D. 握手答案:C3. 在跨文化交流中,以下哪种方式可以增进相互理解?A. 坚持自己的文化观点B. 避免讨论敏感话题C. 主动分享自己的文化背景D. 只关注自己的文化答案:C4. 以下哪个概念与跨文化交际密切相关?A. 文化适应B. 个人主义C. 集体主义D. 所有选项答案:D5. 在跨文化沟通中,以下哪个因素可能导致误解?A. 语言障碍B. 非语言信号C. 文化价值观差异D. 所有选项答案:D...二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述跨文化交际中“文化休克”的现象及其应对策略。
2. 描述跨文化交际中的“高语境文化”与“低语境文化”的特点。
答案:高语境文化(High-context culture)指的是在交流中,信息的传递依赖于非语言因素,如肢体语言、面部表情和情境背景。
低语境文化(Low-context culture)则强调语言的直接性和明确性,信息主要通过语言来传递。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一名国际商务谈判代表,你被派往一个与你文化背景截然不同的国家进行商务谈判。
Passage 1Communication styles and norms differ significantly between cultures, and understanding these differences is essential for successful cross-cultural communication.In some cultures, such as the United States and Canada, direct communication is highly valued. People tend to speak their mind openly and directly, even if it means disagreeing with others. They believe in being straightforward and assertive.On the other hand, in many Asian cultures, such as Japan and China, indirect communication is the norm. People are more likely to hint at what they mean rather than stating it outright. They often use nonverbal cues and context to convey their messages. This communication style values harmony and maintaining face.When engaging in cross-cultural communication, it is important to be aware of these differences and adjust your communication style accordingly. If you are from a direct communication culture, you may need to be more sensitive to nonverbal cues when interacting with individuals from an indirect communication culture.1. According to the passage, direct communication is highly valued in which cultures?A. Asian culturesB. United States and CanadaC. European culturesD. African cultures2. What is the communication style in Japan and China?A. Direct communicationB. Indirect communicationC. Nonverbal communicationD. Contextual communication参考答案:1. B2. B二、交际用语(共10分)根据对话情境和所给选项,选择恰当的答案完成对话。
跨文化交际实用教程判断题及翻译Unit 1T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years.作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。
F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe.跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科F 3 Culture is a static entity( 静态的实体) while communication is a dynamic process.文化是一个静态的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given (约定的特定的) culture.文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮演适当的行为T 5 Although cultural stereotype has its limitations(over-generalization),it still contributes to a person’s cultural cognition.认识、认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性,但仍有助于人的文化认知。
T 6 In intercul tural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization.在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。
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Test PaperⅠ. Filling the blanks:1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, thecommunication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualisticview, while the East adopt s holistic view3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West followsAnalytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West usesDeductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and ArchimedesⅡ. Choose the best answer:1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories:those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.DA.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, manB.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silenceC.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, manD.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs andallusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impres sion than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness” aspects so as to attract people.We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective information. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.CA. adjective, objectiveB. Chinese, WesternC. impression, information C. indirect, direct3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holdsthat _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.BA. basically good; basically badB. evil but perfectible, basically goodC. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil;D. unknown4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holdsthat _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.DA. subjugation to nature; harmony with natureB. harmony with nature; mastery over natureC. harmony with nature; subjugation to natureD. mastery over nature; harmony with nature5. As to time orientation, generally speaking, the USA is______, thePhilippines, Mexico, and Latin America are _____, and Asia, Britain, Greece, France are ______.CA. on-time oriented; in-time oriented; late-time orientedB. youth-oriented; adult-oriented; elderly-orientedC. future-oriented; present-oriented; past-orientedD. present-oriented; future-oriented; past-oriented6. In terms of activity orientation, the USA is______, the Philippines,Mexico, and Latin America are _____, and Asia is ______.DA. doing-oriented; playing-oriented, being-orientedB. playing-oriented; being-oriented; doing-orientedC. being-oriented; doing-oriented; being-in-becoming orientedD. doing-oriented; being-oriented; being-in-becoming oriented7. The dividing worldview is also referred to as mechanistic view. It goesby the following different names: DA. reason versus result; religion versus ar t; objectivity versusimaginationB. instinct versus intuition; science versus technology; imaginationversus subjectivityC. tuition versus intuition; region versus religion; subjugation versussubjectivityD. reason versus intuition; science ve rsus religion; objectivity versussubjectivity8. The Greek thinks in order to _______. It is speculation. The Hindu thinksin order to _______. It is meditation. The Chinese thinks in order to _______. It is contemplation. CA. do; die; liveB. spectacle; meddle; contemptC. understand; think; self-cultivateD. think; self-cultivate; understand9. “Your body doesn’t know how to lie” indicates_____BA. something is wrong with your body and you can only stand.B. body language is important.C. body contact is dangerous.D. we can’t separate mind from body.10. Generally speaking, in the US, people make friends by sharing ______,while in China, people make friends by sharing _______.BA. personal relationship; activitiesB. activities; personal relationshipC. love; bloodD. blood; love11. In terms of physical contact, the high contact countries are__________________________________, while the low contact countries are ________________________________.CA. the US, Britain, most Northern European countries; Arab world,Mediterranean countries, IndonesiaB. the US, Britain, Japan; East European countries, Russia, Middle EastC. Arab world, Mediterranean countries, Indonesia; the US, Britain, mostNorthern European countriesD. Arab world, Mediterranean countries, China; the US, Britain, mostNorthern European countries12. Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality of communication, thehigh-contextual people are __________________________________, while the low-contextual countries are ________________________________AA. Latin Americans, Chinese, Japanese; the Americans, German, SwissB. the Americans, German, Swiss; Latin Americans, Chinese, J apaneseC. Native Americans, Chinese, Koreans; the Americans, Japanese, BritishD. the Americans, Japanese, British; Native Americans, Chinese, Koreans13. Each person has a “bubble” of space (territory). Studies show thatpeople from ________, ________, ________have a smaller personal territory than do people from ________, ________, _________.AA. South America, Arab countries, and many Asian countries; North America,Britain, GermanyB. North America, Britain, Germany; South America, Arab countries, andmany Asian countriesC. South America, Britain, Germany; North America, Arab countries, andmany Asian countries.D. North America, Arab countries, and many Asian countries; South America,Britain, Germany14. In ___________ culture, the nuclear family is much more important tothe individual than the extended family, while in ____________, ________, _______, ________ culture, the extended family is very important. CA. Hispanic; American, Asian, Arabian, AfricanB. Arabian; American, Asian, African, HispanicC. American; Asian, African, Arabian, HispanicD. African; American, Asian, Arabian, Hispanic15. In nuclear-family culture, people rely mainly on ______, ______,________for help, while in extended-family culture, people rely mainly on ________for help. CA. families, friends, professionals; familiesB. families, friends, professionals; institutionsC. friends, professionals, institutions; familiesD. friends, families, institutions; professionals16. In nuclear-family culture, ______ usually comes first, while inextended-family culture, _______ usually comes first. BA. family; individualB. individual; familyC. husband; wifeD. wife; husband17.When it comes to friendship, an American friend would feel that they had_______ if the friend gave up a real need to study to go shopping. One’s duties and obligations toward friends, even best friends are understood to ______; one does not expect friends to assum e burdensome, ______ responsibilities toward oneself. A close friend in the US is a person that one feels free to ask for help, recognizing, however, that the friend may _____, if they give you a reason. This is maybe that in the West, people prefer to be ______, so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is ______ more and the other is dependent on what is being given. For Westerners friendship is mostly a matter of providing ______ support and ______. BA. depended too much; limitless; small; say “OK”; dependent; receiving;material; get separateB. imposed too much; have limits; long-term; say “No”; independent;giving; emotional; spend time together.C. imposed too little; have limits; short-term; say “Yes”; free; earning;financial; get involvedD. depended a little; limitless; big; say “Sorry”; independent; giving;spiritual; get together.18. In China, the duties and obligations of friendships seem virtually________ for all practical purposes. Chinese friends give each other much ________ ________help and assistance than Western friends do. For example, they give each other _______ and might help each other _______for a _______period of time. A friend in China is someone who, sensing that you are in need in some way, offers to assist you _________.CA. impossible; more spiritual; things; practically; short; when beingaskedB. enormous; less spiritual; money; financially; long; unwillinglyC. unlimited; more concrete; money; financially; long; without waitingto be askedD. limited; more concrete; things; materially; certain; if required19. In times of trouble, both American and Chinese friends give each otheremotional support, but they do it differently. A Chinese friend is more likely to be ________ to give _______ advice to a friend, while an American friend will be ________ to give ________ advice, instead she may raise questions to encourage her friend to consider carefully what may happen if she does one thing instead of another. CA. cautious; detailed; ready; specificB. ready; ambiguous; cautious; guidelineC. ready; specific; cautious; directD. unwilling; direct; ready; specific20. When it comes to the relationship between parents and married sons, inChina, a man’s relationship with his parents is _______ than that with his wife. Thus in the event of any quarrel between his wife and his mother,a man should ____________. At most he might hope to __________, and thiswas regarded as ________. In America, a man’s relationship with his parents is _______ than that with his wife. He would be expected to______________. He might even be counseled to _______________ the vicinity of his parents’ home to ease the conflict. DA. more important; side with his mother; side with his father; honorabl e;more important; side with no one; move intoB. less important; side with no one; say something; honorable; lessimportant; side with his father; get away fromC. less important; side with his wife; remain silent; dishonorable; moreimportant; side with his wife; move intoD. more important; side with his mother; remain neutral; dishonorable; lessimportant; side with his wife; move awayⅢ. True or false:1.Generally speaking, China is an equal society, America is a hierarchysociety. ( F )2.Generally speaking, in Chinese society, the power distance is small,while in America, the power distance is large. ( F )3.Both the Asian and Western countries have the concept of “face”, and“face” has the same social significance for these countries in that one’s face is also the face of one’s group.( F )4.The dividing worldview relies strongly on “facts”as opposed to“opinions”. ( T )5.A very rough generalization is that thinking for the Greek is to lookupward, for the Hindu is to look inward, for the Confucians is to look outward. (F )6.Values are explicitly stored in our mind. We are always aware of them,and we make judgments according to them. (F )7.Values are separate from each other. Each one work alone. ( F )8.Values can be compared on a continuum rather than o ne of only two possiblechoices. People everywhere possess the same values to different degrees, and the importance of that common value, how it gets acted out, is a matter of degree. ( T)9.“Lover” and “爱人”have the same meaning. ( F )10.In both China and Western countries, it is very common and usual foradults to fondle other people’s babies and very small children to show their affection and friendliness. ( F )Ⅳ.Translation:1.Translate the following English into Chinese:1)Nature and Man are blended into on e harmonious identity. 天人合一2)Nature affects human affairs and human behavior finds response in Nature.天人感应3)Nature accords with human wishes. 天从人愿4)Your character will be tinted “red”(good) if you are in the company of“redness”, but “black”(bad) if you are in close contact with ink. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑5)God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者6)Look before you leap. 三思而后行7)A single arrow is easily broken, but not a bunch.轻霜冻死单根草,狂风难毁万木林He who stirs another’s porridge often burns his own. 狗拿耗子,多管闲事8)2.Translate the following Chinese into English:1)容忍tolerance of others2)中庸之道moderation, following the middle way3)修养self-cultivation4)不重竞争non-competitiveness5)信用trust-worthiness6)贞节chastity in women7)寡欲having few desires8)服从、孝敬、尊崇、赡养父母filial piety。