
清华大学考博英语-9(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ V ocabularyDirections: There are forty incomplete sentences in this part, For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, Choose the best one **pletes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with single line through the center.1. She is a woman of ______ who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of her own benefits.A. dignity B. scarcity C. Integrity D. stability2. Many important mistakes have been escaping ______, and a lot of money has been lost as a result.A. detection B. scarcity C. integrity D. stability3. I say that not to persuade you, but merely to ______ my conscience.A. revolve B. relieve C. retrieve D. revive4. When he left high school, he ______ to go to college and study for a degree, rather than get a job straight away.A. opted B. forwent C. indulged D. excelled5. Arithmetic is one fundamental science, ______ all other physical sciences.A. undermining B. undertaking C. underscoring D. underlying6. In the professions where women ______ numerically, it would be reasonable to expect them to hold senior positions.A. tolerate B. integrate C. predominate D. accumulate7. Last year our school football team won four ______ games.A. obsessive B. concessive C. successive D. excessive8. I can't possibly mark your homework; your handwriting is ______.A. illogical B. illiterate C. illusive D. illegible9. Another big issue ______ the nation is the problem of the education of its citizens.A. confining B. illiterating C. conforming D. confronting10. The relation of the earth on its axis is responsible for the ______ of periods of light and darkness.A. alteration B. alternation C. alternative D. altercation11. As the artist was ______ to pollen, he seldom went into the country to sketch the natural beauty in spring.A. destructive B. allergic C. fragile D. unchallenged12. The virus attacks the plant, the flower does not open, and ______ no seeds are produced.A. consequently B. subsequently C. simultaneously D. spontaneously13. The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ______, ranging from colds to back pains.A. compliments B. ailments C. implements D. commitments14. Mass production is ______ only in an economy with a highly developed technology.A. vulnerable B. invaluable C. feasible D. compatible15. His past affection for Jane ______ any new relationship impossible for him.A. resented B. rendered C. repelled D. resorted16. With a candle in hand, he carefully ______ the narrow stairs to his bedroom.A. asserted B. ascertained C. assembled D. ascended17. Some plants are ______ to disease and must be taken good care of for the whole growing period.A. fantastic B. subordinate C. susceptible D. imperative18. The best films are those which ______ national or cultural barriers.A. transcend B. transit C. transcribe D. transect19. Such occupations were so ______ as to be unworthy of his full attention.A. triggering B. tripling C. trifling D. trembling20. Despite his unsuccessful career, he was ______ to think that he at least had a warm family to turn to.A. conferred B. consoled C. confessed D. convinced21. For years the girl had harbored her ______ against her stepmother. Today, she finally got the courage to speak it out.A. resentment B. rivalry C. compulsion D. concession22. The doctor was in a ______ as to whether to tell the patient the truth or a lie.A. prudence B. dilemma C. secrecy D. psychology23. ______ from power, he had to go back to his hometown and toil in his little farm.A. Relinquished B. Tumbled C. Displaced D. Retrieved24. Watching news program at night has become an ______ part of the lives of most people in big cities.A. automotive B. instructive C. unconventional D. integral25. He finally agreed to sign the agreement with us, but with some ______.A. recurrence B. rejection C. reluctance D. refutation26. "We didn't want to displease our most ______ supporters, therefore, we have provided them with the opportunity of getting extra tickets to any game this year," said the manager of the football club.A. acute B. ardent C. sheer D. fantastic27. Soil ______ is a natural process. It becomes a problem when human activity causes it to occur much faster than under natural conditions.A. preservation B. abrasion C. erosion D. eruption28. Poverty and domestic violence make it easy for her to trust that bad things will happen and take this ______ happiness away.A. adversary B. vulgar C. fragile D. superfluous29. Though this book was written more than 50 years ago, it has a relatively contemporary appeal, and its ______ plotting will amuse mystery lovers.A. intricate B. disparate C. compassionate D. passionate30. "The project goal is for students to **plex and interesting sentences, and ______ , whole paragraphs," The teacher explains.A. foremost B. ultimately C. readily D. intimately31. Hypertension places stress on a number of organs (called target organs), including the kidney, eyes, and heart, causing them to ______ over time.A. deteriorate B. distress C. underscore D. dilute32. To take revenge of the defeat last year, each player was making his ______ to win the match, Even their fans were cheering for them.A. setback B. endeavor C. remnant D. distinction33. Like most other **panies with a rigid ______, workers and managers have strictly defined duties.A. vitality B. jurisdiction C. hierarchy D. bureaucracy34. To maintain a leading position in the market, companies have to develop products which are cheaper, more ______ and more reliable than those of **petitors.A. innovative B. commensurate C. enlightening D. legitimate35. Working in the customs, I feel both exciting and challenging, for I have to face the difficulties of dealing with ______ groups of people.A. delicate B. deliberate C. discrete D. disparate36. Competitors from more than a hundred countries have ______ in Los Angeles for the Olympic Games.A. denounced B. converged C. detached D. sprawled37. The environmental movement is ______ to the widespread feelings of support for nature's inheritage in recent decades.A. testimony B. deliberate C. compensation D. compassion38. In the ______ chapters, the professor has traced the redefinition of Britain's global position in recent decades.A. obsolete B. abiding C. preceding D. wielding39. It is our firm ______ that a step forward has been taken and will bring the country back to economic prosperity.A. conviction B. empowerment C. imperative D. proposition40. Due to sluggish market conditions, the factory's workforce has ______ from over 4,000 to a few hundred.A. proclaimed B. dwindled C. repressed D. indulgedPart Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test, there are four short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given end mark the Corresponding letter with a single bar a cross the square brackets on your machine scoring Answer Sheet.Passage OneHow many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the Moon, some planets, and thousands of sparkling stars.You can see even more with a telescope. You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see that many stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky. And you can see those objects in more and more details.But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see. We won't see them with the biggest telescope in the world, on the clearest night of the year. That's because they're Invisible. They're the mysterious dead stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our Sun is a star. Year after year we see it up in the sky burning brightly, giving us heat and light. The Sun certainly doesn't seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.As a star's gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.As the star cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into a smaller and smaller ball. If the star was very small, the star ends up as a cold. dark ball called a black dwarf. If the star was very big, it keeps squashing inward until it's packed together tighter than anything in the universe.Imagine if the each were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble. That's how tightly this dead star, a black hole is packed. What pulls the star in toward its center with such power?. It's the same force that pulls you down when you jump--the force called gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everything--even light. The light from black hole can **e back toyour eyes. That's why you see nothing but blackness.So the next time you stare up at the night sky, remember: there's more in the sky than meets the eyes! Scattered in the silent darkness are black holes--the great mystery of space.1. According to the article, what causes a star to die?A. As its gases run out, it cools down. B. It collides with other stars. C. It can only live for about a million years. D. As it gets honer and hotter, it explodes.2. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact?A. Black holes are dead stars. B. Black holes have gravity, C. Black holes are invisible. D. There is nothing as mysterious as a black hole.3. What happens AFTER a star dies?A. It becomes invisible. B. It falls to Earth. C. It bums up all of its gases. D. It becomes brighter and easier to see,4. Why can't you see light when you look at a black hole?A. Because most black holes are so far away. B. Because the gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward. C. Because as the star's gases burn, it stops giving off heat and light. D. Because as a star cools, its outer layers pull in toward its center.5. What is the main idea of the article?A. The future of our Sun billions of years from now. B. The difference between our Sun and a dead star. C. The mystery of black holes in the universe, D. The sparking and dying stars in the sky.Passage TwoBy far the **mon difficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work. This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have no regular routine of study. Many students muddle along, doing a bit of this subject or that, as the mood lakes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment.Few students work to a set timetable. They say that ff they did construct a timetable for themselves they would not keep to it, or would have to alter it constantly, since they can never predict from one day to the next what their activities will be.There are many who stay away from the self-regimentation of a weekly timetable, and dislike being tied down to a definite program of work. Many able students claim that they work in cycles. When they become interested in a topic they work on it intensively for three or four days at a time. On other days they avoid **pletely. It has to be confessed that we do not fully understand **plexities of the motivation to work. Most people over 25 years of age have become conditioned to a work routine, and the majority of really productive workers set aside regular hours for the more important aspects or their work. The "tough-minded" school of workers is usually very contemptuous of the idea that good work can only be done spontaneously, under the influence of inspiration.Those who believe that they need only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken belief either in their own talent or in the value of "freedom". Freedom from restraint and disciplineleads to unhappiness rather than to "self-expression" or "personality development". Our society insists on regular habits, time keeping and punctuality and whether we like it or not, if we mean Io make our way in society we have to comply with its demands.1. The most widespread problem on applying oneself to study is that of ______.A. the failure to keep a routine of methodical and intensive work B. changing from one subject to another C. unwillingness to follow a systematic plan D. applying oneself to a subject only when one feels inclined2. According to the passage, there are many students who ______.A. do not like **manded to study according to e weekly timetable B. are too timid to accustom themselves to a weekly timetable C. refuse to exert themselves the whole week as if under military discipline D. shrink from the self-discipline required for working to a weekly plan3. Those workers with strict views on work ______.A. are very critical of the belief that good work can be a natural product of instinct B. reject the idea that good work is second nature to man C. do not regard as serious the opinion that good work can be done at any time regardless of inspiration D. despise the idea that work can be done well only when free from external pressure and prompted by internal stimulus4. In Paragraph 4 "as the fit lakes them" means ______.A. when they have the energy B. when they are in the mood C. when they find conditions suitable D. when they feel fit5. A suitable title for this passage might be ______.A. Attitudes to Study B. Study Plans C. Study and Self-discipline D. The Difficulties of StudyingPassage ThreeEvery year thousands of people are arrested and taken to court for shop-lifting. In Britain alone, about HK$ 3,000,000's worth of goods are stolen from shops every week. As a result of this "shrinkage" as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.Shop-lifters can be divided into three main categories: the professionals, the deliberate amateurs, and the people who just can't help themselves. The professionals do not pose much of a problem for the store detectives, who, assisted by closed circuit television and various other technological devices, can usually cope with them. The professionals tend to go for high value goods in parts of the shops where security measures are tightest. And, in any case, they account for only a small percentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.The same applies to the deliberate amateur who is to speak, a professional in training. Most of them get caught sooner or later, and they are dealt with severely by the coups.The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen. Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of ship-lifter is rarely poor. He does not steal because he needs the goods and cannot afford to pay for them. He steals because he simply cannot stop himself. And there are countless others who, because of age sickness or plain absentmindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take fromthe shops.In order to prevent the growth on ship-lifting offences, some stores, in fact are doing their best to separate the thieves from the confused by prohibiting customers from taking bags into the store. However, what is most worrying about the whole problem is that it is yet another instance of the innocent majority being penalized and inconvenienced because of the actions of a small minority. It is the aircraft hijack situation in anther form. Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers much Subject themselves to searches and delays. Unless the situation in the shops improves, in ten years' time we may all have to subject ourselves to a body search every time we go into a store to buy a tin of beans!1. Why does the honest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?A. There is a "shrinkage" in market values. B. Many goods are not available. C. Goods in many shops lack variety. D. There are many cases of shop-lifting.2. The third group of people steal things because they ______.A. are mentally ill B. are quite absent-minded C. can not resist the temptation D. can not afford to Pay for the goods3. According to the passage law-abiding citizens ______.A. can possibly steal things because of their poverty B. can possibly take away goods without paying C. have never stolen goods from the supermarkets D. are difficult to be caught when they steal things4. Which of the following is NOT true about the main types of shop-lifting?A. A big percentage of the total losses are caused by the professional. B. The deliberate amateurs will be punished severely if they get caught. C. People would expect that those who can't help themselves from stealing are poor. D. The professionals don't cause a lot of trouble to the store detectives.5. The aircraft hijack situation is used in order to show that ______.A. the professionals do not pose much of problem for the stores B. some people simply forget to pay for what take from the shops C. the honest public has to pay higher prices D. the third type of shop-lifters are dangerous peoplePassage FourThere are three general methods people use to explain and understand their world, beliefs, pseudoscience, and science.What are beliefs? Well, simply put, beliefs are what you believe to be true. In this first method of interpreting man and the world, certain people proved the information about how the world works. Their teachings are beyond question. Their followers accept these beliefs because they want to accept them, not because of scientific evidence. Some examples are religions, such as Christianity. Christians believe in one God. who created the universe and all that is in it. They believe that this God is active in history, guiding and teaching His people. Like many religions, Christianity provides a number of specific moral rules and principles that make up an important part of its teachings. Superstitions, such as Fung Shui, are **mon examples of beliefs.Pseudoscience, also called fake science, is any body or knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice that claims to be scientific or is made to appear scientific, but is actually not. In pseudoscience, people accept opinions, or choose to believe certain facts while intentionally ignoring others, resulting in a false understanding of things and events. Beliefs in magic, monsters, and ghosts fall into this category. Both Chinese Qigong and Indian Yoga are very good physical exercises that can help their practitioners keep fit, but when some magical power, they are turning Qigong or Yoga into pseudoscience. Many people follow pseudoscience be-cause belief in magic or mysterious powers is entertaining. Astrology has millions of followers all around the world, not because it helps them deal with the world in any better way, only because it is just fun.Of the three methods, only science provides a rational way of understanding the world. It does not provide a moral system as religion does and it may not always be as entertaining as pseudoscience sometimes is, but it is the only method that requires constant testing of facts, beliefs and ideas, resulting in changing theories as we get new information. Science teaches us to draw conclusions based on evidence and it also teaches us that some evidence is stronger than other evidence, and how to judge the evidence. Through our study of science, we learn to accept uncertainty, to question facts and theories, and to search constantly for truth.Most of us use all three methods in different proportions to view our world. Some scientists believe in theories without supporting evidence. And the scientific method is often used for unscientific purposes. But science is the only method that is constantly changing. It does not depend on the teachings of one man. Each scientist builds on the work of others and his findings, in turn, are used by others to increase our knowledge of the world.1. Which of the following would be a good title of the passage?A. Science and Pseudoscience. B. Religion and Science. C. Science, Pseudoscience and Religion. D. Different Ways of Viewing the World.2. Which of the following is TRUE?A. No beliefs are supported by scientific evidence. B. Pseudoscience always leads to false understanding of things or events. C. Science never questions facts. D. Scientists accept noting without scientific evidence.3. Which of the following is NOT true about science?A. Science accepts uncertainty. B. Science does not push people to follow any specific set of moral rules. C. Science teaches us to weigh different evidence. D. Science urges us not to accept any beliefs or ideas.4. Which of the following is TURE about pseudoscience? A. Qigong is pseudoscience. B. Pseudoscience provides no supporting evidence. C. Pseudoscience can be entertaining O. Pseudoscience has nothing to do with beliefs.5. The word "astrology" (Paragraph 3) most probably refers to ______.A. study of the position of stars in the belief that they influence human affairs B. a set of methods used in doing things efficiently in our life C. central data processing unit of a computer popularly used today D. scientific study of the earth's crust, rocks, etc, and of the history of its developmentPart Ⅲ ClozeDirections: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet,The Japanese desire for marriage had been very strong. In the fifth "world youth attitude survey" 1 by the Management and coordination Agency in 1993, over 70 percent of the Japanese 2 chose the answers "One should get married" or "It’s better to get married." Of the 11 countries surveyed, Japan was 3 only by the Philippines in the percentage advocating marriage 4 opposed to a single life.In recent years, however, there has been a spreading recognition among the Japanese public that something 5 is happening in people's attitudes toward marriage.When they began to have adequate food, clothing and shelter years of postwar shortages and thus became able to 6 their attention to other matters, the Japanese for the first time 7 a renewed look at the question of marriage. In the 1990s,people began to ask "What on earth is marriage anyway?" and to talk about marriage itself.In Japan. the proportion of men still unmarried in their thirties reached about 20 percent in the national census taken in 1985, and the 8 apparently exceeded 30 percent in 1995, The proportion of unmarried women in the 25-29 age bracket has been increasing 9 about 5 percent every five years until it is now nearly 50 percent.What are the real reasons that women choose not to marry? Early on, two were 10 : women were now better educated and more women were interested in working outside the home. Many women have become 11 independent, acquiring enough self-confidence to 12 a meaningful life outside of marriage. And 13 seems to be a wide gap in the way men and women view marriage. Women generally believe that, 14 women's roles in Japan's postwar society have become diversified, men have essentially remained unchanged 15 such circumstances, communication between the sexes is, in fact, far from easy.Besides that, in the postwar Japan, individualism has begun to lake 16 . The 50 years since the end of the war be regarded as process of a 17 from the family-centered to the individual-centered way of thinking. In Japan today, society has matured to a point 18 it now tolerates a diversity of marriage styles which were unthinkable not very long ago. In the future, such tolerance is almost 19 to in-crease. But a headlong plunge toward unbridled individualism is also dangerous. The ideal 20 may be to achieve a complementary fusion of the collectivism of Japan's **munity and the individual-ism of the new age.1. A. practiced B. conducted C. involved D. devised2. A. respondents B. correspondents C. counterparts D. reflectors3. A. surpassed B. preceded C. disadvantaged D. defeated4. A. when B. what C. lest D. as5. A. important B. common C. exciting D. unusual6. A. catch B. attract C. turn D. derive7. A. made B. took C. began D. learnt8. A. number B. amount C. figure D. data9. A. to B. by C. with D. data10. A. cited B. dealt C. obliged D. occurred11. A. monetarily B. economically C. mentally D. physically12. A. take B. face C. lead D. feel13. A. it B. that C. what D. there14. A. since B. while C. whether D. when15. A. Under B. Within C. On D. At16. A. interest B. advantage C. mark D. root17. A. range B. step C. shift D. drive18. A. which B. where C. that D. what19. A. known B. supposed C. prone D. certain20. A. approach B. attitude C. option D. standardPart Ⅳ TranslationDirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese, and then write it on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, left Shanghai yesterday, where he made an end of the visit to the three countries in Asia. As the chief economic policy consultant and economic affairs spokesman of the America president, Paulson delivered a keynote address in Shanghai Futures Exchange. And the address was viewed as the latest exposition of the economic policies of the Bush-administration towards China. During the speech, Paulson repeatedly emphasized that China's economic growth has benefit but no threat to the global economic growth. He declared that America welcomes the development of China to become a member of the global economy.Part Ⅴ Writing1. Directions:There is a picture below.Look at it carefully and write a composition of about 250 words based on what it conveys.。

清华大学考博英语真题Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.The opinions of his peers are more important to her than her parents* idea.A) friends B) equalsC) enemies D) bosses2.After we join the WTO, the situation that our automobile industry, depends for its survival on government subsidies will be changed.A) financial aid B) personnel supportC) spiritual encouragement D) partial taxation3.My salary has been raised to 100,000 yuan a year, but there is a proportionate increase in my income tax.4. Henry David Thoreau used to ramble through the woods before he wrote his most famous book Walden (1854).A) study B) liveC) read aloud D) wander5. Despite the pressure from the president, the provincial government insisted on its autonomous jurisdiction.A) regional B) obstinateC) willful 6. All programs celebrating the Spring Festival in the CCTV have been relayed to even' part of the world through satellites.A) dramatic B) undesirableC) perpetual D) proportionalD) legalC) re broad cast D) enjoyed7.You must be drunk last night. Otherwise how did you manage to drive into a stationary vehicle?A) official B) policeC) parked D) running8.To create a democratic atmosphere in the company, the manager should always be accessible to his staff.A)fair B) equalC) acceptable D) approachable9.The newly imported machine doesn't work in ambient humidity of 50 degrees.A) approximate B) surroundingC) convenient D) high10.Many students are signing the petition against building a steelworksnear the school.A) names B) agreementC) request D) disapproval11.Your appraisal of the current situation is quite different from mine.A) optimistic B) complimentC) agreement D) estimate12.They are boycotting the store because the workers are on strike.A) looting B) banningC) protecting D) destroying13.In the final contest, two athletes are contending for the championship.14. The computer's value will depreciate by half in the first year.17. There has always been an epidemic or bike stealing inC) competing D) quarrelingA) decrease B) increaseC) keep low D) fluctuate15. China Telecomcomputerization.is about to embark on a major program of A) propaganda B) finishC) purchase D) undertake16. The candidate has given a pledge that heenvironment and invest doubly in education. will improve the localA) promise B) declarationC) proposalD) possibility18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.A) debate B) conferenceC) seminar D) negotiation19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.A) snowman B) outside the earthC) spiritual D) underworld20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.B) enterpriseC) controversy D) bondageschools.A) a theft B) a punishmentC) a plague D) a crimeA) debt21.After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a loathingfor each other.A) boring B) reciprocalC) friendly D) standing22.On the stage many pieces of blue silk were fluctuated to the sea waves.A) simplify B) simulateC) help D) like23.The government lacked money because of biting oilA) prices B) stationsC) buildings D) revenues24.Though the policies of racial had been abolished, manywhites in the South were still dubious about the safety of the communities.A) segregation B) regulationsC) communism D3 extinction25. The proposal was accepted with approval. Everybody believed it would help revive the national economy.A) unanimous B) doubtfulC) pleasant D) searching26. Many social services are provided by societies and organizations that do not expect any material payment.B)voluntaryD)spiritual27. In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me me into the corner little by little.A) dragged B) drewA) wealthy C) helpfulC) frightened D) wedged28.The police, trying to exactly who was at the party are investigating every person concerned.A) ascertain B) arrestC) imagine D) count29.If everybody has arrived the meeting may now.A) commence B) criticizeC) comment D) conclude30.The prodigal son his large inheritance in a few years of heavy spending.A) inherited B) receivedC) accumulated D) dissipated31. In ancient India, there used to be a very formidable in religious and social life.A) hierarchy B) powerC) despot D) president32. delinquency refers to law-breaking by young people.A) Juvenile B) Green-handC) Amateur D) Institute33. It's necessary to make your handwritings when you fill inan official form.A) reconcilable C) legible 34. She has always been a conscientious secretary since the gal, she entered my company. Tine suggestion that I wanted her to resign is quite B) legitimateD) formalmeaning of "yellow" is a color; but it can also meanB) negativeC) underlying36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see of stars.A) the circulation B) a clusterC) the falling D) myriads36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see of stars.A) the circulation B) a clusterC) the falling A) thoughtful B) reasonableC) unfounded D) early35. The —“cowardly." A) positive D) literalD) myriads37. Ringing church bells sets up in the Alpine valleys.A) resonanceC) church buildingA) developing D) Christian39. Wouldn't it be easier to move about on the of the mobbedcrowd than to squeeze in tile middle?A) consent B) headsC) fringe D) recreation40. When the new immigration law came into effect, the old one was naturallyB) forestsD) priests38. The students are all fromIndia Korean, and Japan.countries, such as Singapore.B)orientalC) islandA) validated C) repealed Part III Reading Comprehension (50%)Section ADirections: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You loeide on the best choice.Passage IIn the years following the Second World War, the youth hostel idea spread to other parts of the world and the same spirit was maintained. The International Youth Hostel Federation, IYH 匕 which was to co-ordinate activities in the various national associations, incorporated in its constitution the principle that in youth hostels “there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality color, religion, class or political opinions. This, it should be noted, was at a time when the principles of racial equality and brotherhood were by no means so widely acknowledged as they are now."There is normally no age bar at youth hostels. Exceptions are Switzerland and Bavaria. Where there is a maximum age of 25 and 17 years respectively. Generally, however, the hostels are intended to meet the needs of two main groups: senior secondary school children, university and schoolchildren travelling with a teacher on educational visits, and aged between about 11 and 18.B) put offD) put upThe principal contribution of the youth hostel movement to the attack on racism is the fact that in the 4,364 hostels throughout the world the brotherhood of man is taken for granted and practiced quietly and without any ostentation.If you walk into the common-room of a big youth hostel in Gracow or Munich, Lahore of Canberra, you will find young people of' every race and nationality sitting down together to share their experiences and discuss the world's problems. As a Malaysian boy recently remarked:" youth hostel is a place where you will never feel lost"In accordance with its constitution, the IYHF has never admitted to membership youth hostel associations in South Africa and Rhodesia, because legislation in those countries makes it impossible for people of different races to share youth hostel facilities.But an interesting new project is under way in Lesotho, with the financial and technical support of the Federation: the construction of a south hostel specifically designed to carry out an educational task in southern Africa by opening its doors to young people of all races from neighboring and more distant countries. Situated just outside the capital, Maseru, the youth hostel will also provide accommodation for young people of Lesotho attending study and training courses.The very, comprehensive statistics maintained by the IYHF show tile movement of young people form country, to country in some detail, it can be seen, for instance, that 10,828 "overnights11 were recorded in 1972 by young Americans in tile hostels of Japan. and 3.643 by young visitors form India in the youth hostels of West Germany. Although these figures are small in absolute terms, they represent a network of individualhuman contacts among young people which can influence outlooks and opinions at the grass roots.41.It can be interred from this passage that IYHF isA)an organization where young people liveB)an organization that advocates brotherhood of manC)an organization to protect the rights of teenagersD)an international company42."Ostentation11 in the last sentence of the third paragraph is closest in meaning withA) pretentiousness B) outstandingC) obstruction D) declaration43.The maximum age of people staying at youth hostels in most countries isA) 20 B) 25 C) 17 D) unlimited44.The tone of this article may be described isA) formal B) imaginative C) humorous D) negative45.All the following statements are true EXCEPTA)Countries where youth hostels are segregated by race are fined by IYHF.B)Only very, few countries are members of the IYHE.C)Countries where youth hostels are segregated by race are denied membership in the IYHED)All countries are allowed normal memberships in the IYHF.Passage 2Before about 3500 BC, there were cultures, but not civilizations. Prehistoric men and women created societies, constructed houses, lived in villages, hunted and fished, farmed, made pottery, wove cloth, and created languages. But unlike more advanced peoples, they did not build cities, read, or write. Cities are the cornerstone of civilized life because with them came other civilizing elements, including differentiation of classes and employment, sophisticated religious and political systems, monumental architecture, and the formation of states and empires.Historians usually begin the story, of civilization with accounts of the world's first great writers and city-builders, the Sumerians. Because the Sumerians recorded ideas and sagas and listed the names of their rulers, we know more about them than about prehistoric about prehistoric peoples who left their legacy in stones, bones, and pottery.With the ability to build cities and record thought came the ability to communicate ideas and innovations over vast reaches of time and space. Human beings—who hadformerly taken hundreds of thousands of years to learn that a stone ax sharpened on both sides is more useful than an ax sharpened on one side—progressed rapidly from foot travel to horse drawn carts, and later; from railroads to airplanes. With these and thousands of other innovations, people came to live Longer, more comfortable lives.Civilization also brought new ills to humanity. In the 20th century, it brought nuclear carfare global warming, and ozone depletion. More subtly, civilization removed human beings from regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world. Unlike people of modem civilizations primitive people lived close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands. They locked at fire and the stars with awe and reverence. Civilization involves the ability to create a new political and cultural world. In the 19th century, the American writer, philosopher, and naturalist Henry David Thoreau noted that this artificial sphere separates humanity from primitive virtue. H Most of the luxuries, he argued, "and many of the so-called comforts, of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevations of mankind." Thoreau believed that men and women should simplify their lives.Even those ancient pioneers of civilization, the Greeks, mourned the lost innocence. They expressed this sense of regret in the story, of Prometheus and Pandora. Contrary, to the wishes of other Gods, Prometheus brought to humanity the gifts of fire z art, and science. The jealous gods were unwilling to allow men and women to enjoy, such blessings without cost, and so they sent Pandora to the world with a box containing disease, sorrow, and other evils.Thus, human beings have viewed civilization as a mixed blessing. Civilized people have waged brutal wars, destroyed majestic forests, and persecuted religious minorities. But civilizations have also achieved wonders.46.Which of the following represents civilization of people?A) They build houses. B) They have societies.C) They live in a group. D) They can write.47.'Sumerians11 in the second paragraph refers toA) a person B) a group of peopleC) human beings D) prehistoric people48.In paragraph 4Z there is a sentence given by Henry. Thoreau, "Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts, of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevations of mankind.H This sentence means.A)Most luxuries and comforts are important and can improve the quality, of people's life.B)Most luxuries rind comforts are not so important for they cannot improve the quality of people's life.C)Most luxuries and comforts are not so necessary and also they prevent the progress of human beingsD)Most luxuries and comforts are too important to improve the quality of people's life49.All tile following represent the negative side of civilization EXCEPTA) chemical warfare B) the decrease of fresh airC) greenhouse effect D) the nuclear plant50.In the paragraph that follows this passage, the writer is going to discussA)the importance of civilizationB)the difference between civilization and cultureC)the positive aspect of civilizationD)the GreeksPassage 3One of the foremost authors of the era between the two world wars, Hemingway in his early works depicted tile lives of two types of people. One type consisted of men and women deprived, by World War I, of faith in the moral values in which they had believed, and who lived with cynical disregard for anything but their own emotional needs. The other type were men of simple character and primitive emotions, such as prizefighters and bullfighters. Hemingway wrote of their courageous and usually futile battles against circumstances. His earliest works include the collections of short stories Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), his first work; In Our time (1924),tales reflecting his experiences as a youth in the northern Michigan woods; Men without women(1927), a volume that included "The Killers/1 remarkable for its description of impending doom; and Winner lake Nothing (1933), stories characterizing people in unfortunate circumstances in Europe. The novel that established Hemingway's reputation. The Sun Also Rises (1926), is the story, of a group of morally irresponsible Americans and Britons living in France and Spain, members of the so-called lost generation of the post-world War I period. Hemingway's second important novel, A Farewell to Arms (1929), is the story, of a deeply moving love affair in wartime Italy between an American officer in the Italian ambulance service and a British nurse. The novel was followed by two nonfiction works, Death in the Afternoon (1932), prose pieces mainly about bullfighting; and Green, gills of Africa (1935), accounts of big-game hunting.Hemingway's economical writing style often seems simple and almost childlike, but his method is calculated and used to complex effect. In his writing Hemingway provided detached descriptions of action, using simple nouns and verbs to capture scenes precisely. By doing so he avoided describing his characters* emotions and thoughts directly. Instead, in providing the reader with the raw material of an experience and eliminating the authorial viewpoint. Hemingway made the reading of a text approximate the actual experience as closely as possible. Hemingway was also deeply concerned with authenticity, in writing. Hebelieved that a writer could treat a subject honestly only if the writer had participated in or observed the subject closely. Without such knowledge the writer's work would be flawed because the reader would sense the author's lack of expertise: In addition, Hemingway believed that an author writing about a familiar subject is able to write sparingly and eliminate a great deal of superfluous detail from the piece without sacrifleing the voice of authority. Hemingway's stylistic influence on American writers has been enormous. The success of his plain style in expressing basic, yet deeply felt, emotions contributed to the decline of the elaborate Victorian-era prose that characterized a great deal of American writing in the early 20th century. Many American writers have cited Hemingway as an influence on their own work.51. The novel that brought Hemingway greatest fameA) Three Stories and Ten Poems52 Which of the following can best describe Hemingway's writing style?D) complicated53. According to this passage which of the following is the great contribution of Hemingway?A) He introduced a new subject into literature.B) His writing style influenced a group of American writersB) In Far TimeC) Men Without WomenD) The Sun Also RisesA) simple and preciseB) bullfightingC) superfluousC)He proved that one should write about details.D)He said that writers should know what they are writing.54.This passage is mainly, about Hemingway'sA) life B) backgroundC) novels and writing style D) influence55.The sentence. "Hemingway was also deeply concerned with authenticity inwriting11.,,authenticity,, is closest in meaning withA) author's right B) credibilityC) authorization D) authorshipSection BDirections: After you have read the following passage write out a summary in English with about 70 to 90 words. Put your summary, on the Answer Sheet.It is said that the public and Congressional concern, about deceptive packaging uproar started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces, without any reduction in price. There were still twelve biscuits, but they had been reduced in size. Lze. Later, the Senator rightly complained of a store-bought pie in a handsomely illustrated box that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie.The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity, delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags, and tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8-ounce, one-pound quantities of break fast foods, cake mixes, etc. A study of drugstore and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible size and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles and tins are in use more same time and as the package journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the trade comments unfavorably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work, and net weights hat are used for improving a producfs market position.When a packaging expert explained that he was able to multiply tile price of hard sweets by 2.5,from I dollar to 2.50 dollars by changing to a fancy jar, or that he had made a 5-ounce bottle look as though it held 8 ounces, he was in effect telling the public that packaging can be a very expensive luxury. It evidently does come high, when an average family pays about 200 dollars a year for bottles, cans, boxes, jars and other containers, most of which can't be used for anything but stuffing the garbage can.注:请将概要用英文写在答题纸上。

考博英语分类模拟题2019年(76)(总分42.5, 做题时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ Reading ComprehensionPassage OneIn bringing up children, every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition (学会) of each new skill—the first spoken words, thefirst independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm for life and his desire to find out new things for him-self.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towardstheir children. Some may be especially strict in money matters. Others are severe over times of coming home at night or punctuality for meals. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of **munity as much as the child's own happiness.As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality (道德). Also, parents should realize that "example is better than precept". If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach (说教), their children may grow confused, and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent fooled.A sudden awareness of a marked difference between theirparents' principles and their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.SSS_SIMPLE_SIN1.Eagerly watching the child's acquisition of new skills ______.•** be avoided•** universal among parents•** up dangerous states of worry in the child** make him lose interest in learning new thingsA B C D分值: 1.5答案:B依据文章第一段,这种做法在父母中是普遍的。

清华大学考博英语模拟试卷19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. English-Chinese Translation 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.Brass concert music was_____to a new level in the 1880s when John Philip Sousa took over the U.S. Marine Band.A.strengthenedB.headedC.liftedD.briefed正确答案:C解析:本题空格处是说提高到一个新的水平。
2.Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the U.S. President when many businesses were____during the Great Depression.A.failingB.incorporatingC.buying stocksD.expanding正确答案:A解析:本题的后半句是说当在大萧条时期很多商行都倒闭时。
A项的failing “失败,破产”符合题意。
其他三项incorporating“合并”;buying stocks“购买原材料”;expanding“张”都不正确。
3.Grand Teton National Park____the most scenic portion of the glaciated, snow-covered Teton Range.A.excludesB.fulfilsC.dominatesD.expanding正确答案:C解析:本题中,dominates的意思是“支配,俯瞰”,符合题意。

清华大学考博英语-5(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Writing{{/B}}(总题数:3,分数:100.00)1.______How to Deal with School Pressure(分数:34.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(______How to Deal with School PressureCollege can be a very demanding time for students. Professors, class projects, and extracurricular activities can all contribute to a stressed-out college student. While you will undoubtedly experience stress as a college student, following these tips may help keep college stress at a minimum before it becomes too hard to handle.Prioritize your schoolwork. Identify what is most important. If you have a presentation to give this Monday, don't write a one-page review that's due in a couple of weeks; prepare for the presentation first. Likewise, if you have an assignment that requires a lot of work, put it at the top of your list. When you prioritize your work, you will be more efficient. By becoming more organized, you can reduce your stress level drastically.Talk about your problems. Talking about your problems will help ease your tension and anxiety. Seek a trusted friend or see if your school has a counseling center. Talking to others will not only help you feel better, but it will also help you find more ways to deal with those problems that are causing your stress.Adopt a positive attitude. If you are always negative, stress will overwhelm you. By looking at things in a positive light, you will not only reduce your stress, but you will also feel better about yourself. Give yourself pep talks: "I can do this. I will not stress over this."Take time to relax. To maintain peak performance and reduce your amount of stress, you should take time to relax. Performing some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week will considerably lower your stress level. Throw a Frisbee with your friends, watch your favorite TV show or enjoy your alone time. Taking the time to relax will help reduce your stress level.)解析:2.The Need of Iron(分数:33.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(The Need of IronHow do we get more young people to increase their consumption of iron-rich foods? Many nutritionists are advocating the fortification of a number of foods. This may help, but I contend that we should also intensify our efforts in nutrition education among our young people. I simply do not buy the argument that it is futile to try to change eating habits. Once an intelligent person—and this includes adolescents—understands the need for a healthy diet, I think he or she will act accordingly. As for specific actions: I suggest that blood hemoglobin (血红蛋白) should be checked as a routine part of a youngster's yearly physical examination. It should contain at least 11 grames per 100 milliliters of blood for a girl and at least 12 grams for a boy. If it is any lower, the physician probably will prescribe an easily absorbed iron supplement. Adolescents—and everyone else—should cut out highly processed foods and drinks, which may below in iron and other nutrients. Read the labels for iron content. Especially make sure that all bakery products are made with enriched flour or whole grains. Try adding liver, chicken, beef, veal or any other variety to the weekly menu.Finally, even when you're trying to lose weight, always eat a sensible, well-balanced diet made up of a variety of fresh or very lightly processed foods. This way, you stand a good chance of getting not only enough iron, but also adequate amounts of all the other essential nutrients.) 解析:3.Title: Students Taking Part-time Jobs Outline: 1. 有人认为大学生打工好 2. 有人认为大学生打工不好 3. 我的看法(分数:33.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Title: Students Taking Part-time JobsSome people think that college students should do part-time jobs. They think college students will be members of the society soon, so they need to get a real sense of how the society runs. In this regard part-time jobs may help, because they not only give college students different chances to know more about different people, but also prepare them better with various experiences for their future.Other people, however, maintain that part-time jobs do more harm than good to college students. They believe, to a college student, study should always be the only job, which entails a great deal of time and effort, and that taking a part-time job is simply nothing but a distraction. Furthermore, college students are still too young to handle the complicated society, which may discourage them from doing school work and even lead them astray.In my opinion, college students must learn how to cope with life outside campus by taking some part-time jobs, because they will be members of the society sooner or later. And what they learn through practice in the society can, on the other hand, help them to know more about themselves and their school work. Therefore they may decide how they will learn on campus more efficiently. There is yet another reason why I applaud college students for having some part-time jobs. I come from a peasant area in west China. Part-time jobs mean a lot to those students like me: They can improve their campus life with the money they get out of the jobs, so that their parents won't have to worry too much about them. I believe if college students spend their time wisely, they will be able to manage well both school work and part-time jobs.)解析:。

清华大学考博英语阅读真题及其解析A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide—the division of the world into the info(information rich and the info poor.And that divide does exist today.My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty yearsago.What was less visible then,however,were the new,positive forces that work against the digital divide.There are reasons to be optimistic.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow.As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized,it is in the interest of business to universalize access—after all,the more people online,the more potential customers there are.More and more governments,afraid their countries will be left behind,want to spread Internet access.Within the next decade or two,one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together.As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead.And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we've ever had.Of course,the use of the Internet isn't the only way to defeat poverty.And the Internet is not the only tool we have.But it has enormous potential.Geng duo yuan xiao zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi.To take advantage of this tool,some impoverished countries willhave to get over their outdated anti-coloni a l prejudices with respect to foreign investment.Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure(the basic structural foundations of a societyin the United States.When the United States built its industrials infrastructure,it didn't have the capital to do so.And that is why America's Second Wave infrastructure—including roads, barbors,highways,ports and so on—were built with foreign investment.The English,the Germans,the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain's former colony.They financed them.Immigrant Americans built them.Guess who owns them now?The Americans.I believe the same thing would be true in places like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter.The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure,which today is an electronic infrastructure,the better off you're going to be.That doesn't mean lying down and becoming fooled,or letting foreign corporations run uncontrolled.But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet.25.Digital divide is something_________.[A]getting worse because of the Internet[B]the rich countries are responsible for[C]the world must guard against[D]considered positive todayernments attach importance to the Internet because it _________.[A]offers economic potentials[B]can bring foreign funds[C]can soon wipe out world poverty[D]connects people all over the world27.The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify the policy of_________.[A]providing financial support overseas[B]preventing foreign capital's control[C]building industrial infrastructure[D]accepting foreign investment28.It seems that now a country's economy depends much on_________.[A]how well-developed it is electronically[B]whether it is prejudiced against immigrants[C]whether it adopts America's industrial pattern[D]how much control it has over foreign corporations名师解析25.Digital divide is something_______.数字鸿沟是______。

2019年北京清华大学考博英语真题及答案(可直接编辑打印).doc2019年北京清华大学考博英语真题及答案Part I Vocabulary (20%)Directions: There are forty incomplete sentences in this part For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one that completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. The European Union countries, were once worried that they would not have supplies of petroleum.A. sufficientB. efficient C potential D. proficient2. We'd like to a table for five for dinner this evening.A. preserveB. reserveC. sustainD. retain3. Britain has the highest of road traffic in the world-over 60 cars for every mile of road.A. popularityB. prosperityC. intensityD. density4. I would never have a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate.A. sought forB. accounted forC. turned upD. restored to5. The energy by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.A. transferredB. releasedC. conveyedD. delivered6. It is required that during the process, great care has to be taken to protect thesilkfrom damage.A. sensitiveB. sensible C tender D. delicate7. To our , Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. reliefB. viewC. anxietyD. judgment8. The government will take some action to the two big quarreling companies.A. jigsawB. jotC. impulseD. reconcile9. As automation became popular in most factories, labor was made ?A. disincentiveB. redundantC. diverseD. discontent10. They have her unreasonable request for her annual salary.A. destinedB. chordedC. repelledD. commenced11. When you prepare for your speech, be sure to cite qualified sources of information and examples.A. unbiasedB. manipulatedC. distortedD. conveyed12. It is apparent that winning the scholarship is of one's intelligence in the field of physics.A. parallelismB. alliterationC. testimonyD. rhythm13. In court he repeated his that he was not guilty in front of the jury.A. impressionsB. alliterationsC. clausesD. assertions14. Shopping malls have some advantage in suffering from shorter periods of business.A. staleB. slackC. ferrousD. abundant5. According to the Geneva no prisoners of war shall besubject to abuse.A. CustomsB. CongressesC. ConventionsD. RoutinesBefore the general election many senior citizens signed the against the spreading of nuclear arms.A. contractB. petitionC. supplicationD. potential7. Scientists believe that there is not enough oxygen in the Moon’s atmosphere toplantlife.A. adaptB. personalizeC. sustain D, describeI can’t remember exactly what triggered the explosion but it was pretty .A. estimatingB. devastatingC. reprocessingD. preferringThe industry has pumped amounts of money into political campaigns, making itless and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.A. potentialB. substantialC. massiveD. traditional20. I was entrusted to to a newspaper article making predictions for the New Year.A. contributeB. detractC. convertD. entail21. After 1989, the external vanished, but the danger to American civilization remained.A. disruption B, menace C. liability D, emergence22. The government is trying to help these enterprises out of the by various means.A. flightB. plight C delight D. twilight23. An archaeologist has to pay much attention to details of an unearthed object.A. miserableB. minusC. minuteD. moist24. T he girl her tablemate’s arm to see if she was fast asleep at class.A. pinchedB. punchedC. pitchedD. preached25. Most of the local people involved in the affair have been and dismissed.A. smuggledB. prosecutedC. salutedD. thrived26. I can respect someone who is for their actions, but I cannot respect someone who is always pointing the finger.A. millenniumB. dominantC. accountableD. commercial27. All the products made in China are sold and distributed in with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and also local country rules.A. complianceB. prosperityC. merchandise D‘ intersection28. One of the main reasons is that the university’s attracts students and faculty staff allover the world.A. fraudB. respondentC. misconductD. prestige29. Even though the investigation has been going on for two months, the police have no further details about the accident.A. comprisedB. formulatedC. releasedD. incorporated30. They want to stimulate economic growth in the region by offering to foreign investors.A. incentivesB. abundancesC. warriorsD. outnumbers31. Why be about that old coat? There’s no point in keeping it just because you were wearing it when you first met me.A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. sentimental D, sensational32. and hard work are the cornerstones of this company.A. MutilationB. InnovationC. EmpireD. Strength33. The protests were part of their against the proposed building development in the area.A. commissionB. commitmentC. conventionD. campaign34. Some people seem to on the pressure of working undera deadline.A. render B- evolve C. prevail D. thrive35. These changes have not been sufficient to the losses.A. stemB. stimulate C cause D. compensate36. Psychologists believe that children are easily influenced by their .A. conditionsB. combinations C, peers D. granaries37. Several for global warming have been suggested by climate researchers.A. systemsB. sentences C fallacies D. hypotheses38. These natural resources will be sooner or later if the present rate of exploitation continues.A, depleted B. deployed C. inclined D. mingled39. The military operations yesterday were targeted at the military installations.A. propelledB. commencedC. plaguedD. modulated40. Artificial intelligence deals partly with the between the computer and the human brain.A. profile B- mighty C. analogy D, leakagePart II Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneThere are over 6,000 different computer and online games in the world now. A segment of them are considered to be both educational and harmlessly entertaining. One such game teaches geography, and another trains pilots. Others train the player in logical thinking and problem solving. Some games may also help young people to become more computer literate, which is more important in this technology-driven era.But the dark side of the computer games has become more and more obvious. “A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language,,,says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and Family. “Unfortunately,it’s a segment that seems particularly popular with kids aged eight to fifteen.,,One study showed that almost 80 percent of the computer and online games young people preferred contained violence. The investigators said * These are not just games anymore. These are learning machines. We’re teaching kids in the most incredible manner what it,s like to pull the trigger. What they are not learning are the real-life consequences.”They also said “The new and more sophisticated games are even worse, because they have better graphics and allow the player to participate in even more realistic violent acts.”In the game Carmageddon, for example, the player will have driven over and killed up to 33,OCX) people by the time all levels are completed. A description of the outcome of the game says: “Your victims not only squish under your tires and splatter blood on the windshield. They also get on their knees and beg for mercy, or commit suid de. If you like, you can also dismember them.”Is all this simulated violence harmful? Approximately 3,000 different studies have been conducted on this subject. Many have suggested that there is a connection between violence in games and increased aggressiveness in the players.Some specialists downplay the influence of the games, saying that other factors must be taken into consideration, such as the possibility that kids who already have violent tendencies are choosing such games. But could it be that violent games still play a contributing role? It seems unrealistic to insist thatpeople are not influenced by what they see. If that were true, why would the commercial world spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising?41. Which of the following computer games are NOT mentioned as educational and harmlessly entertaining?A. Those that teach how to fly an airplane.B. Those that teach the features of the earth.C Those that help people use computer language.D. Those that teach computer technology.42. According to the investigators, .A. the new and more sophisticated games allow the players to take part in real violent actsB. the new and more sophisticated games teach the players how to kill other peopleC. most computer and online games make the players forget the real life resultsD. most computer and online games may cultivate young people with bad manners43. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. more and more young people enjoy cruel computer gamesB- it is hard to find evidence of a link between violence and computer gamesC. there are now more incidents of violence due to computer gamesD. simulated violence in computer games is different from real violence44. The author uses “television advertising” as an example to show that ?A. the commercial world is contributing to the increasedviolence in real lifeB. computer and online games are not the only cause of increased violence in real lifeC. there is a close link between computer games and increased violence in real lifeD. other factors must be considered as possible causes of violence in real life Passage TwoThe collapse of the Earth’s magnetic field—which guards the planet and guides many of its creatures—appears to have started seriously about 150 years ago, the New York Times reported last week.The field’s strength has decreased by 10 or 15 percent so far and this has increased the debate over whether it signals a reversal of the planet’s lines of magnetic force* During a reversal,the main field weakens, almost vanishes, and reappears with opposite polarity (极)? The transition would take thousands of years. Once completed, compass needles that had pointed north would point south. A reversal could cause problems for both man and animals. Astronauts and satellites would have difficulties. Birds, fish and anintals that rely on the inagnetic field for navigation would find migration confusing. But experts said the effects would not be a big disaster, despite daims of doom and vague evidence of links between past field reversals and species extinctions.Although a total transition may be hundreds or thousands of years away, the rapid decline in magnetic strength is already affecting satellites. Last month, the European Space Agency approved the world’s largest effort at tracking the field’s shifts.A group of new satellites, called Swarm, is to monitor the collapsing field with far greater precision. “We want to get someidea * of how this would evolve in the near future, just like people trying to predict the weather,,,said Gauthier Hulot, a French geophysicist working on the satellite plan. “I,m personally quite convinced we should be able to work out the first predictions by the end of the mission.”。

考博英语分类模拟题2019年(38)(总分57.5, 做题时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ Reading ComprehensionPassage OneWhat are those of us who have chosen careers in science and engineering able to do about our current problems?First, we can help destroy the false impression that science and engineering have caused the current world trouble. On the contrary, science and engineering have made vast contributions to better living for more people.Second, we can identify the many areas in which science and technology, more considerably used, can be of great service in the future than in the past to improve the quality of life. While we can make many speeches, and pass many laws, the quality of our environment will be improved only through better knowledge and better application of that knowledge.Third, we can recognize that much of the dissatisfaction we suffer today results from our very successes of former years. We have been so greatly successful in attaining material goals that we are deeply dissatisfied that we cannot attain other goals more rapidly. We have achieved a better life for most people, but we are unhappy that we have not spread it to all people. We have reduced many sources of environmental disasters, but we are unhappy that we have not conquered all of them. It is our raised expectations rather than our failures which now cause our distress.Granted that many of our current problems must be cured more by social, political, and economic instruments than science and technology, yet science and technology must still be the tools to make further advances in such things as clean air, clean water,better transportation, better medical care, more adequate welfare programs, purer food, conservation resources, and many other areas.SSS_SIMPLE_SIN1.The author thinks that science and technology ______.•** caused the current world problems•** made life better for more people•**, if not in the past, better people's life in the future** not bring a better life for most peopleA B C D该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1.5答案:B第二段指出,有人认为,科学与技术造成了当今世界的许多问题,对这种错误认识,科技工程人员有义务加以纠正。

考博英语分类模拟题2019年(23)(总分55, 做题时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ Reading ComprehensionPassage OneIn some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force, there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both side who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence—as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other, what is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed and the suffering mean nothing. No solution**es to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. Ifhalf the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is undermined by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill the ideals of a stable social program. The benefits that can be derived from constructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other's problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. "Talk, talk, talk," the advocates of violence say, "all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser." It's rather like the story of the famous barrister whopainstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the **plained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. "Possible, my lord," the barrister replied, "none the wiser, but surely far better informed." Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom; the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.SSS_SIMPLE_SIN1.Which can best replace the word "acute" (Para. 1)?•** and quick to notice and understand things.•** a sharp end or point.•** sensitive and well developed.** or severe.A B C D该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1答案:D根据文章第一段第一句“In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned.”可知,后半句意为“暴力想当然地成为解决分歧的方法,而且是毋庸置疑的方法”,那“acute”表达的意思肯定就是“Serious or severe”。

清华大学博士考试英语试题及答案清华大学博士考试英语试题及答案Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20%)(略)Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one that completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWET SHEET with a single line through the center.21. The__________of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country.A. clashB. clarifyC. clarityD. clatter22. Business in this area has been__________because prices are too high.A. prosperousB. secretiveC. slackD. shrill23. He told a story about his sister who was in asad__________when she was ill and had no money.A. plightB. polarizationC. plagueD. pigment24. He added a__________to his letter by saying that he would arrive before 8 pm.A. presidencyB. prestigeC. postscriptD. preliminary25. Some linguists believe that the__________age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8.A. optimisticB. optionalC. optimalD. oppressed26. It all started in 1950, when people began to buildtheir houses on the__________of their cities.A. paradisesB. omissionsC. orchardsD. outskirts27. The meeting was__________over by the mayor of the city.A. presumedB. proposedC. presentedD. presided28. The crowd__________into the hall and some had to stand outside.A. outgrewB. overthrewC. overpassedD. overflew29. It was clear that the storm__________his arrival by two hours.A. retardedB. retiredC. refrainedD. retreated30. This problem should be discussed first, for ittakes__________over all the other issues.A. precedenceB. prosperityC. presumptionD. probability31. Her sadness was obvious, but she believed that her feeling of depression was__________.A. torrentB. transientC. tensileD. textured32. Nobody knew how he came up with this__________idea about the trip.A. wearyB. twilightC. unanimousD. weird33. The flower under the sun would__________quickly without any protection.A. winkB. withholdC. witherD. widower34. The__________of gifted children into accelerated classes will start next week according to their academic performance.A. segregationB. specificationC. spectrumD. subscription35. He__________himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening.A. repealedB. resentedC. relayedD. reproached36. Any earthquake that takes place in any area iscertainly regarded as a kind of a __________event.A. cholesterolB. charcoalC. catastrophicD. chronic37. He cut the string and held up the two__________to tie the box.A. segmentsB. sedimentsC. seizuresD. secretes38. All the music instruments in the orchestra willbe__________before it starts.A. civilizedB. chatteredC. chamberedD. chorded39. When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be__________.A. commencedB. compressedC. compromisedD. compensated40. She made two copies of this poem and postedthem__________to different publishers.A. sensationallyB. simultaneouslyC. strenuouslyD. simplyPartⅢ Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions of unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Each year, millions of people in Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by naturally highlevels of arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a problem. However, International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This non-governmental organization has developed technology to harvest rainwater.People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe, dependable source of drinking water. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all, it is free.The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the tops of buildings toa two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called “first-flush”device made of wire screen. This barrier prevents dirt and leaves in the water from falling inside the tank.A fitted cover sits over the “first-flush” device. It protects the water inside the tank from evaporating. The cover also prevents mosquito insects from laying eggs in the water.Inside the tank is a low coat plastic bag that collects the water. The bag sits inside another plastic bag similar to those used to hold grains. The two bags are supported inside the metal tank. All total, the water storage system can hold up to three-thousand-five-hundred liters of water. International Development Enterprises says the inner bags may need to be replaced every two to three years. However, if the bags are not damaged by sunlight, they could last evenlonger.International Development Enterprises says the water harvesting system should be built on a raised structure to prevent insects from eating into it at the bottom. Thetotal cost to build this rainwater harvesting system is about forty dollars. However, International Development Enterprises expects the price to drop over time. The groupsays one tank can provide a family of five with enough rainwater to survive a five-month dry season.41. People in Bangladesh can use__________as a safe source of drinking water.A. ground waterB. rainwaterC. drinking waterD. fresh water42. Which of the following contributes to the low-cost of using rainwater?A. Rainwater is free of chemical treatments.B. People have been harvesting rainwater for centuries.C. The water harvesting system is built on a platform.D. Rainwater can be collected using pipes.43. Which of the following actually prevents dirt and leaves from falling inside the tank?A. a barrierB. a wire screenC. a first-flushD.a storage tank44. The bags used to hold water are likely to be damaged by__________.A. mosquito insectsB. a fitted coverC. a first-flush device D. sunlight45. What should be done to prevent insects from eating into the water harvesting system at the bottom?A. The two bags holding the water should be put inside the metal tank.B. The inner bags need to be replaced every two years.C. The water harvesting system should be built on a platform.D. A cover should be used to prevent insects from eating it.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage: Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle,in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of childrenin difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics.The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them.Every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition of each new skill―the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry thechild beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and hisdesire to find out new things for himself.Learning together is a fruit source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more abouttheir children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys, jigsaw puzzles and crossword are good examples.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may beespecially strict in money matters, others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well-being.46. The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children__________.A. is to send them to clinicsB. offers recapture ofearlier experiencesC. is in the provision of clockwork toys and trainsD. is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced47. The child in the nursery__________.A. quickly learns to wait for foodB. doesn't initially sleep and wake at regular intervalsC. always accepts the rhythm of the world around themD. always feels the world around him is warm and friendly 48. The encouragement of children to achieve newskills__________.A. can never be taken too farB. should be left to school teachersC. will always assist their developmentD. should be balanced between two extremes49. Jigsaw puzzles are__________.A. too difficult for childrenB. a kind of building-block toyC. not very entertaining for adultsD. suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation50. Parental controls and discipline__________.A. serve a dual purposeB. should be avoided as much as possibleC. reflect the values of the communityD. are designed to promote the child'shappinessQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:More than half of all Jews married in U. S. since 1990 have wed people who aren't Jewish. Nearly 480, 000 American children under the age of ten have one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent. And, if a survey compiled by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles is any indication, it's almost certain that most of these children will not identify themselves as “Jewish” when they get older.That survey asked college freshmen, who are usually around age 18, about their own and their parents' religious identities. Ninety-three percent of those with two Jewish parents said they thought of themselves as Jewish. But when the father wasn't Jewish, the number dropped to 38 percent, and when the mother wasn't Jew, just 15 percent of the students said they were Jewish, too.“I think what was surprising was just how low the Jewish identification wasin these mixed marriage families.” Linda Sax is a professor of education at UCLA. She directed the survey which was conducted over the course of more than a decade and wasn't actually about religious identity specifically. But Professor Sax says the answers to questions about religion were particularly striking, and deserve a more detailed study. She says it's obvious that interfaith marriage works against the development of Jewish identity among children, but says it's not clear at this point why that's the case. “This new study is necessary to get more in-depth about their feelings about their religion. That's something that the study that I completed was not able to do. We didn't have information on how they feel about their religion, whether they have any concern about their issues of identification, how comfortable they feel about their lifelong goals. I think the new study's going to cover some of that,” she says.Jay Rubin is executive director of Hilel, a national organization that works with Jewish college students. Mr. Rubin says Judaism is more than a religion, it's an experience. And with that in mind, Hillel has commissioned a study of Jewish attitudes towards Judaism. Researchers will concentrate primarily on youngadults, and those with two Jewish parents, and those with just one, those who see themselves as Jewish and those who do not. Jay Rubin says Hillel will then use this study to formulate a strategy for making Judaism more relevant to the next generation of American Jews.51. The best title of this passage is__________.A. Jewish and Non-Jewish in AmericanB. Jewish Identity in AmericaC. Judaism-a Religion?D. College Jewish Students52. Among the freshmen at UCLA__________thought themselves as Jewish.A. mostB. 93% of those whose parents were both JewishC. 62% of those only whose father were JewishD. 15% of those only whose mother were Jewish53. The phrase “interfaith marriage” in the Paragraph 3 refers to the__________.A. marriage of people based on mutual beliefB. marriage of people for the common faithC. marriage of people of different religious faithsD. marriage of people who have faith in each other54. Which of the following statements is NOT true about professor Sax's research?A. The research indicates that most students with only one Jewish parent will not think themselves as Jewish.B. The survey was carried out among Jewish Freshmen.C. The research survey didn't find out what and how these Jewish students think about their religion.D. The research presents a new perspective for the future study.55. Which of the following is true according to the last paragraph?A. Mr. Rubin is the founder of Hillel.B. Mr. Rubin thinks that Judaism is not a religion and it's an experience.C. Hillel is an organization concerned with Jewish college students in the world.D. Hillel has asked certain people to carry out a study about Jewish attitudes towards Judaism.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage: Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy should guarantee two basic rights: the right to private property and the right to enforceable contracts, says Mancur Olson in his book Power and Prosperity. Olson was an economics professor at the University of Maryland until his death in 1998.Some have argued that such rights are merely luxuries that wealthy societies bestow, but Olson turns that argument around and asserts that such rights are essential to creating wealth. “In comes are low in most of the countries of the world, in short, because the people in those countries do not have secure in dividual rights,” he says.Certain simple economic activities, such as food gathering and making handicrafts, rely mostly on individual labor; property is not necessary. But more advanced activities, such as the mass production of goods, require machines and factories and offices. This production is often called capital-intensive, but it is really property-intensive, Olsonobserves.“No one would normally engage in capital-intensive production if he or she did not have rights that kept the valuable capital from being taken by bandits, whether roving or stationary,”he argues. “There is no private property without government―individuals may have possessions, the way a dog possesses a bone, but there is private property only if the society protects and defends a private right to that possession against other private parties and against the government as well.”Would-be entrepreneurs, no matter how small, also need a government and court system that will make sure people honor their contracts. In fact, the banking systems relied on by developed nations are based on just such an enforceable contract system. “We would not deposit our money in banks...if we could not rely on the bank having to honorits contract with us, and the bank would not be able to make the profits it needs to stay in business if it could not enforce its loan contracts with borrowers,” Olson writes.Other economists have argued that the poor economies of Third World and communist countries are the result of governments setting both prices and the quantities of goods produced rather than letting a free market determine them.Olson agrees there is some merit to this point of view, but he argues that government intervention is not enough to explain the poverty of these countries. Rather, the real problem is lack of individual rights that give people incentive to generate wealth. “If a society has clear and secure individual rights, there are strong incentives (刺激,动力)to produce, invest, and engage in mutually advantageous trade, and therefore at least some economic advance,” Olson concludes.56. Which of the following is true about Olson?A. He was a fiction writer.B. He edited the book Power and Prosperity.C. He taught economics at the University of Maryland.D. He was against the ownership of private property.57. Which of the following represents Olson's point or view?A. Protecting individual property rights encourages wealth building.B. Only in wealthy societies do people have secure individual rights.C. Secure individual rights are brought about by the wealth of the society.D. In some countries, people don't have secure individual rights because they're poor.58. What does Olson think about mass production?A. It's capital intensive.B. It's property intensive.C. It relies on individual labor.D. It relies onindividual skills.59. What is the basis for the banking system?A. Contract system that can be enforced.B. People's willingness to deposit money in banks.C. The possibility that the bank can make profits from its borrowers.D. The fact that some people have surplus money while some need loans.60. According to Olson, what is the reason for the poor economies of Third World countries?A. government interventionB. lack of secure individual rightsC. being short of capitalD. lack of a free marketPart Ⅳ Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.For the people who have never traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do not make the voyage forthe__61__of its interest. Most of us are quite happy when we feel__62__to go to bed and pleased when thejourney__63__. On the first night this time I fel。

2019 考博英语练习题1.If only the patient ______a different treatment instead of using the antibiot-ics, he might still be alive now.A. had receivedB. receivedC. should receiveD. were receiving2.School children ought to be ______ to their parents and teachers.A. alienB. transientC. obedientD. current’s 3. The Collector ’s Edition coin is ______, and represents a true collector treasure to be appreciated for generations to come.A. unlikely any Elvis Presley collectible ever releasedB. unlikely, and Elvis Presley collectible never releasedC. unlike any Elvis Presley collectible never releasedD. unlike any Elvis Presley collectible ever released4.It eliminates the complicated ______, do not have to spend time around friends, you just need to sit at home and can easily be completed.A. engagementB. dateC. itineraryD. appointment5.He was so absorbed in his work that he was ______ to things going on aro und him.A. obliviousB.digestibleC.dormantD.introvert6.We were ______ through the thick undergrowth when we suddenly came across a fast-flowing stream.A. scribblingB. scramblingC. scratchingD. scraping7.Hampshire ’sassertions, far from showing that we can ______ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ______ than we had thought.A. dismiss relevantB.adapt pressing C.admire elusiveD. rediscover unconventional8.I found it difficult to ______ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.A. intensifyB.amend C.reconcile D.consolidate9.The reason for the traffic accident in the morning was ______ one ofthe drivers had lost control of his car.A. thatB. whyC. howD. when10.Do you agree with the saying that the monkey was the______ of the hu-man race?A. offspringB. successorC. breederD. predecessor11.John ’s application for _____ to graduate studies in the School of Educa-tion has been approved.A. entranceB.admission C.experience D.allowance12.The old farmer put up iron fences around the flower garden _______ neighbor ’s sheep should break in.A. on condition thatB. nowthat C. lestD. but13.Although a recession is usually characterized by at least two consecutive quarters of _______GDP, this is not a fixed rule.A. fallingB.declining C.fluctuating D.impending14.______ she wondered if she had made a mistake.15.The history of life on earth has been a history of ______ betweenman and his surroundings.A. interactionB. interferenceC.interpretationD.integrity16.— You forgot your keys when you left home in the morning.— Good heavens, ______.A.so did I.B.so I did.C.so you did.D.so did you.17. People must try their best to prevent endangered species of wildlife from becoming extinct in order that their future generations may enjoy the great_______ of animal life.A.perplexityB.incessancyC.diversityD.benevolence18.My parents took the 7 0 ’clock plane yesterday, and they ______ inNew York by now.A. will arriveB. will be arrivingC.will have arrived D.are arriving【翻译练习】1.玛丽给彼得设了个圈套,而他就真的掉了进去。

清华大学考博复习资料1.Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.Ban /abolish /abort /cancel /cross out /wipe out /put off /delayDesert /forsake /leave /cease /depart /discard / relinquish /surrender /quit /withdraw /give up (24)*Abandon oneself to 沉湎于,放纵(感情)*ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事*Cancel sth out 抵消*Cross out 划掉,勾掉(错误的内容)Cross sb’s mind (注意、想法等)闪现,掠过Cross sth off 划掉,删去(已处理过或不再需要的东西)*wipe out 磨灭表示放弃、取消等意思的时候一定是ing形式Wipe sth down (用湿布)把(表面)擦干净Wipe sth up (用布)擦净*put up with 忍耐容忍(讨厌的人或事)Put up 建造(房屋)搭起(帐篷);Put sth up 1、张贴(布告等);2、抬高,提高(价格等);3、出卖;Put sb up 为…提供食宿;Put sb up to 纵容,鼓动,教唆*Put out 熄灭;使不安,激怒;Put sth out 出版,发布;Put oneself out 自找麻烦put an end to = stop it 停止做某事put the blame on 归罪于put to death 处死put it right 改正put paid to 毁坏,破坏,结束Put sth about 散布(谣言等)Put sth across/over 解释,说明;清楚地表达自己的意思Put sth aside 1、把(某事)撇开不理,不考虑;2、(为特殊目的)而储蓄;3、放下(手里的活);4、留出(一段时间)Put sth away 把…收起来;储存Put sb /sth down 1、一再当众批评(某人);2、付(订金);3、写下,记下;4、宰杀;5、镇压(革命、反叛等),击败;6、着陆;7、贬低羞辱;8、~as (没有充分根据就)认为(某人)是…;9、~for 把(某人)登记在参加者的名单上,登记注册;10、*~to把…归因于Put sth forth (树)长出叶子Put (sb./sth.) forward 1、提出(计划、建议等);2、将…提前;3、向前拨;Put in 1、安装(设备);2、花费(时间作某事);3、插话;4、提交提出(要求);5、选举;6、(船)进港;Put in for 提出正式要求Put into 把…加进加上;(船)进港*Put sb /sth off 1、推迟延期;2、搪塞,敷衍,推诿;3、阻止,劝阻;*Put sb off sth 阻止, 使气馁Put sb /sth on 1、穿上,戴上;2、打开(灯或电器装置);3、播放;4、装出,假装;5、增加,提高;6、上演演出;7、提供;8、欺骗,哄骗;9、增加;Put (sb.) onto 提供关于…的信息Put through 把(电话)接通;Put sth through使(某人)做(不愉快或困难的事);做成完成(一件工作)Put sb through 使经历,使经受*Put to 1、向…提问,向…提议;2、Put sb /sth to sth 使经受…考验;3、Put sb to sth 使处于…状态Put together 形成一个团体;合在一起;使构成整体Desert /forsake*Delay doing sth 推迟,延期leave over 剩下的,狼藉的样子;Leave sth to sb 教某人做某事leave off 忘记某人Leave sb/sth out 忽略,遗漏Leave it at that 到此为止Leave go/hold of 松开,放开Leave for 去哪里cease*depart from 背离,违反(惯例、传统等)*discard v. 扔掉,弃置*Surrender to sb /sth 投降、听任某物摆布get out:走出去;滚;get away with 胜利逃脱;做了(坏事)而未受惩罚Get away To escape (从犯罪现场)脱身bug outget through 1、to reach someone, esp. by telephone (尤指通过电话)与某人取得联系;2、to (cause to) be understand by sb. (使)某人理解;3、to(cause to) successfully to the end of (使)成功,(使)完成Get across To (cause to) be understand (esp. by a large group) (使)被理解(尤指一大群人)Get ahead To advance (beyond someone or sth) 前进,进步(超越某人或某事)Get along 1、Leave, move away 走开离开;2、go well 进展顺利进行;3、to continue (often in spite of difficult) (常指不顾困难)继续下去; 4、= get on 相处得好合得来Get around/round to find time 找到时间,有时间(做某事)Get back 1、To return, esp. go home 回去回家;2、重新掌权;3、~at someone 报复反击Get by To continue one’s way of life 度日,过活;to be good enough but not bad 尚好,过得去Get down 1、艰难咽下;2、写下,记下;3、(get sb. down)使紧张,使难过Get down to 开始认真对待Get in 1、到达,进入,进去(交通工具);2、(get sb. in)请人(到家里)帮忙;3、插话;4、to take part in 参与Get into 同get in;(get sb. Into sth) 使…陷入困境up the creek;to learn or become accustomed to 学会,熟悉,习惯于Get off 离开;下(交通工具);逃脱惩罚Get on 1、同get along;2、变迟,变老;3、继续(常指在中断之后);4、取得成功;5、坐上,骑上;6、登上;Get on for(时间、年龄、距离等的)接近Get onto (无被动语态) 交谈,写信,联系,接触;查出识破某人的骗局;开始谈论,着手干Get out of 1、逃避责任;2、能够停止或摆脱;3、逼出;4、to gain from 从…得到Get over 完成,结束(一般指不愉快的事);复原,恢复(健康、快乐等);Get around 钻空子,利用…漏洞;说服某人Get together 集会,聚会;Get up 起床;(风,火等)增强,加剧;数量增大;Get up to 到达To reachbe given to 喜欢Give sb /sth away 1、赠送(礼物)颁发(奖品);2、表露,流露;3、泄露(秘密);4、(因做蠢事)丧失,丢失;5、(在婚礼上)将新娘交给新郎;Give sb Back sth 1、归还,恢复;2、使(某人)恢复(品质、能力和特点)Give in 1、屈服,让步;2、呈上,交上;Give of 献出(自身或某物)以帮助他人Give off 发出,放出(气体、气味等)Give out 分发;用完,用尽Give over 停止*Give up 放弃,停止;停止尝试;认为没救了;投案2.Abide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (Abide /observe /discover /adapt)Her fame will abide for sure. Last /endure / continue /persist /remain /stay (10)*Abide by遵守(法律)、信守(协议)*observe sb doing sth 看到,注意到discover*Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合Be well adapted to 特别适应Adapt (+for) 改造,改装*at (long) last 最终,终于endure / continue*persist in (doing) 坚持,执意*stay on (在通常的时间以后)继续留下工作(学习)3.You have to keep ______ with the times.Abreast up /catch up with /go along with /fit in with(4)Keep abreast of 了解…的最新情况*catch on 1、开始变得流行;2、理解,开始明白Catch sight of 一时见到,注意到catch (sb) out 1、使某人措手不及;2、发觉某人的错误catch sb doing 当场抓住*catch up 1、赶上拉平;2、~with 追上,超过;3、~on 补做(工作);catch up in 被卷入,被牵涉Catch at 尽力抓住*Go off 1、爆炸,铃声大作;2、(机器)停止运转;3、进行得(成功或失败);4、变质,(食物)变坏;5、go off (sb./sth.) 失去兴趣,不再喜欢;6、入睡,失去知觉;停止进行;*go off with 携…潜逃,带…私奔;Go about (sth.) 着手,开始工作;从事Go after (sb /sth) 追逐,追求;设法获得Go against (sb /sth) 1、违反,违背,反对;2、不利于;3、与…不符go ahead 1、开始,继续;2、先走Go along 继续;赞同,支持*Go along with 同意,赞成,支持Go around /round 1、经常做某事(尤指不赞成的事);2、通常(穿着),习惯于;3、(疾病)传播,流行;4、(与某人一起)在公共场所露面;5、足够分配;6、转动,旋转Go at/for (sb.) 1、(无被动)袭击;2、攻击,打击;Go away 1、离开,走开;2、外出Go back 1、返回,回复;2、、追溯到Go back on (sth.) 食言,毁约Go by 1、过去,经过(时间或地点);2、(无被动)依照…做,遵守;3、根据…做判断go by the name of 称为go down 1、下楼;2、(质量、标准等)下降,降低;3、下沉;4、消肿;5、被接受;被记录下来;6、到达,延伸到;7、往南去;8、输了(比赛),降级;9、(计算机)暂停运转,死机;10、(灯光)暗下来;11、~with 感染上(传染病)go far 有成就,成功;满足许多需要go too far 太过分Go for sb /sth 1、去参加某种活动2、攻击,抨击;3、争取得到;4、同Go at/for (sb.);喜欢,被…吸引;5、同Go after (sb./sth.);6、包括…在内,可适用于;7、出售Go in for (sth.) 1、参加,从事(技能、知识竞赛);2、惯于,爱好Go into (sth.) 1、进入,加入(地方、职业等);2、被用在…;3、详细解释;4、探究,彻底调查5、(汽车等)撞在…上;*Go on 1、继续下去;2、转而做另一件事;3、发生;4、以(某事)为根据(做出判断)5、(时间)过去;6、开始运转,使工作,实施;7、抱怨不停;喋喋不休;8、接近(年龄、时间等)go out 1、(为了娱乐)离家,出门,经常出外消遣;(去远方)旅行;2、交往,谈恋爱;3、(灯)熄灭;4、广播;5、出国;6、落潮,过时;7、公开,公布;8、对…充满同情;9、(时间)结束Go over (sth.) 1、走近;2、查看,仔细检查;3、重读,重看;4、转向,改变(信仰等);5、转播;6、清除,打扫;Go through (sth.) 1、经受,经历,忍受;2、用光;3、通过,被接受;4、得到正式认可,被批准;5、磨破,穿破;6、练习,排练;7、仔细检查;8、从头到尾阅读Go through with (sth.) (常指艰难地)完成,做完Go to (sth.) 使经历;进入,开始经历(某一状态)go together (两件事物)互相协调,相配go under 下沉,沉没Go up 上升;被建造起来;炸毁,被烧毁*Go with (sth.) 1、与…相配,适合于;2、伴随,陪伴;3、同意,接受(看法)Go without (sth) 同do without; it goes without saying 不言而喻Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、*fit in with 使某事适合于4.Absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.Engage /occupy /bend over /involve /be busy with (6)*Be absorbed in 吸引(某人),使专心be absorbed into 并入,吞并absorption with/in 专注*Engage sb to do sth 安排雇用Engage in 参加,参与*be occupied with 忙于做某事*Bend the rules 通融Bend one’s mind /effort /thoughts to 专心致志于…,集中全力于…Bend over backwards (to do sth) 竭尽全力做某事*Involve doing sth 包含,包括,需要Involve sb in sth 要求(允许)参与*Be busy with 正在工作的,无空闲的Busy doing with 忙于做某事5.Abundant /rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game.*An abundance of 丰富,充裕In abundance 充满了,丰富的Abundantly clear 显而易见*rich (+in) 富含…的;丰富的;6.access In many schools, students don't have sufficient access to the library.Way /approach /solution /answer / Accessible /available /handy /ready /convenient /obtainable /at hand (12)*Have access to 有权做某事*Stand in the way of = prevent 阻碍…实施Right of way 有权*be Under way = start 开始;在进行中*Get one’s own way 自行其是;随心所欲;为所欲为*Give way 退让;让步;屈服Have it both ways 左右逢源,见风使舵*In a way 某种方法,某一方面In no way 无论如何,决不In the way /in sb’s way 挡住去路,碍事*By the way 顺便By way of 当做,用作,作为*approach sb for 接洽,交涉Approach sb /sth about (doing) (同上)*Answer back 回嘴,反驳Answer for 对…负责;担保Answer to 对(某人)负责,对(某事,尤指错事)做出解释(antenna)*Come in handy 迟早有用*ready to do sth 准备好了做*convenient for sb /sth 方便的,合宜的*Hand down 传下来,传给;宣布,宣判;Hand over 移交,拿给Hand around0609177.His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (Situation /accordance /according /fit)I'm in agreement with Mr. Moore. In agreement with /be compatible with /comply with /conform to /be in proportion to (9)Of your own accord 出于自愿,主动地With one accord 一致地In accordance with (正式)按照,依照According to 据…所说;~(as) 【英,正式】按照Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、fit in with 使某事适合于*be In agreement with 一致同意*be compatible with 兼容,一致*comply with 服从,遵守*conform to 遵守(法律、规定等)*be in proportion to (与某物)成比例,相称8.Account He asked no one's advice; he did it on his own (account).independentlyYou have to take everything into account /consideration /Attention /regard /respect /mindGive us an account of what happened. Story /reason /information /description /tale /statementHe has been asked to account for his absence. (Describe /tell /relate / Describe (19)N.*Take sth into account/take account of 把某事考虑在内,思考On account of 因为,由于On account 赊帐By/from all account 根据各方面所说V.Account for 是…原因,= answer for;对…做出(满意的)解释Count in (out on) = back on; rely on;*Take sth into consideration 考虑到某事Attention*as regards 至于,关于*Respect for 考虑,顾及,重视In respect of 关于,有关With respect to 关于,谈到*Make up one’s mind 做出决定,拿主意;Take one’s mind off sth 不再想某件(烦心事)Keep /bear sth in mind 记住某事(有用或重要的信息)Stick in one’s mind 对(名字、细节等)经久不忘Put one’s mind to 专心于…Keep one’s mind on 专心于…Story*by reason of (正式)因为…Reason to do sth (正确或充分的)理由做某事Reason sth out (通过推理)解释,解决Reason with 与…讲道理,说服*for information only 仅供参考description /tale /statementDescribe*Tell off 责备,斥责;叫出(做某事)Tell on 告发Tell against sb 不利于…Tell sb /sth apart 区分,区别Tell of 描绘,描述*Relate to 1、有关,涉及;2、与…直接相关;3、与…和睦相处;4、认同,产生共鸣*to say the least 至少可以说to say nothing of 更不用说,何况*explain sth away 通过解释消除(某事的影响),辩解9.Acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain /obtain /gain /earn /secure(6)Acquire 得到;掌握,获得;~a taste for 开始喜欢上Attain /obtain*Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利Gain the upper hand 占上风,处于有利地位,控制Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事Gain ground 稳步发展,Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上Earn /secure10.Active He is very active in politics.Energetic /spirited /lively /dynamic /excited /enthusiastic(7)*Active duty 现役Be active in (doing) sth 积极参加活动*group dynamics 群体动态(指某一团体成员之间的相互行为和态度)(以上99)06092011.Adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.Adjust /accommodate /alter /vary /arrange /modify /make fit(8)*Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合Adapt for (+for) 改造,改装Be well adapted to 特别适应*Adjust (+to) 适应,使适合*accommodate to 使适应,顺应alter /vary*Arrange to do sth 安排,筹划modify*MakeV.Make a start(+on /with) 开始做某事~believe (that)假装to pretend;~sb do sth 强迫某人做某事;be made to do sth~do with sth. 将就,凑合用;~it 1、及时赶到;2、成功;3、能参加、出现;4、(在生病或事故之后)活下来;~it up 和解,和好Make it up for (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;Make up to (sb.) 企图得到…欢心;make (it) up to (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;make one’s way 闯出一条路,make time 抽出时间~living (doing sth) (做某事)为生;~or break (使)完全成功或彻底失败;*make away with 带着东西逃跑; bug outMake at 采用什么手段Make for sth. 向…(快速)走去;导致,有利于,倾向Make sb /sth into 将…制成;Make (sth.) of (sth.) 理解,看待;对待,处理;Make off 仓皇逃走Make out 1、(费力)理解,辨认出;2、(以完整的形式)填写,开列;3、(泛指在商业、人际关系或生活中)成功;4、声称,假装;5、把…说成是,声称(尤指自己)重要;Make (sth.) over(尤指法律上的)转让,转交Make up 1、编造,虚构;2、化妆;整理备用;3、补足;4、(make sth. up)偿还,归还;5、(争吵后)和解12.Accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (Accustomed /used /addict /be familiar with) (4) *Accustom oneself to 使某人习惯于Be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯(做)某事*Be used to (doing) 习惯(做)某事Used to do sth 过去常做某事Use sb to do sth 利用某人做某事Be in use (机器、场所等)在使用中*addicted (+to) 对…上瘾的*be familiar with 通晓,熟悉13.Admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.(Allow /admit /accept /permit /receive /confess /acknowledge /adopt) (8)*Allow sb to do sth 允许,容许,准许Allow for考虑,顾及*Admit of (sth) 【正式】允许有Admit (to) doing sth 承认(做错了事、犯了罪)* Accept sth from sb 接受,同意做*permit sb to do sth 【正式】允许,准许做某事Permit of 容许有,允许有receive*confess to doing sth 承认(使自己尴尬的事情)*Be acknowledge as 被公认为是…*adopt an approach /strategy /policy 采用某方法、战略、政策等06092314.Adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.Enough /sufficient /satisfactory /plenty /ample (6)*Adequate to do sth 可以胜任的*enough to do sth 足够做…事Near enough 几乎,差不多*Sufficient to do sth 足够做某事satisfactory*plenty (+of) 丰富,大量,众多Plenty big /bright enough 非常(足够)大(明亮)的In plenty 供应充足,多得很ample15.Advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.Benefit /gain upper hand /interest /profit /harvest /crop /earnings /returns (9)*Take advantage of sb(不公正地)利用某人,占便宜Take advantage of sth(巧妙地)利用某物*benefit (+from /by) 获益,受益,得到好处*Gain the upper hand 占上风,处于有利地位,控制Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事Gain ground 稳步发展Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上*be in the public /national interest 出于公众、国家利益*Profit by /from 从中获益,取得教训*reap a harvest 获得成果;尝到苦果*A crop of 一群(同时到达的人),一批(同时发生的事)Crop up (尤指问题)突然发生(出现)*in return (for) (作为…的)交换(回报)16.Aim His aim is to win the game.Purpose /intention /goal /end /target /objective /motive /destination (9)Aim*On purpose 故意(地)For the purpose of 为了…目的*(have <no>) intention (of doing) to do sth (不)打算做某事with the intention of doing 意图,目的,打算Intention to do sth 目标是*No end 非常No end of 大量的,许多Make (both) ends meet 收支仅能相抵target /objective /motive /destination(以上143)06092617.Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years. Accumulate /assemble /gather /increase /collect /compile /heap up /store upMass /bulk /quantity /load /amount /volume /accumulation /pile/heap /crowd /multitude /pack /gang (22)Figure /digit /measureAmassAccumulateassemble*gather around /round 聚拢过来Gather sth in 收(庄稼)Gather sth together /up 集拢,拾拢*compile sth from /for sth 编辑,编纂,编制,汇编*heap up (杂乱地)堆积,堆放*be in store 将要发生,将要出现Store up 储存;制造(麻烦)*A mass of 大量,大宗Masses of 许多的,大量的The masses 群众,平民*the bulk (of sth) (某物的)主要部分,大半In bulk 整批的,大批的Bulk sth out 使膨胀,看起来更厚实,充实*quantity of 若干数量;大量,许多*load sb /sth down 给(某人)过重的负担No amount of sth will do sth 毫无结果,毫无影响*Amount to sth 总计,达到not amount to much /anything 没多大了不起*A pile of /(also) piles of 一大堆,大量Pile in /into 拥进,挤进Pile on 过分地称赞、批评等;过分夸大坏的情况Pile out 挤出,蜂拥而出Pile up 堆积,积累*crowd sb /sth out 把…挤出,排挤*pack sth away 将(某物)收拾起来Pack sb /sth in 吸引(大批的人);把(太多东西)塞入;Pack sb /sth off 把打发走,撵走Pack up 完成工作,停工;(机器)出故障,失灵;停止做某事*a multitude of 【正式或文】大批,大量,大群,众多The multitude 大众,民众*figure sth /sb out 想出,理解(某事);看透,理解(某人)*Half measure 折中办法Measure sb /sth against (用比较的方法)评判Measure out 量出Measure up 合格,达到标准18.Ambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money.Eager for /longing for / hopeful for /wish for /cravefor /be set on /be bent on /be intent upon*be ambitious for sb 希望某人成功*Eager for 急于得到*longing for 渴望,盼望*wish for sth 最理想的;默默期盼Wish sth away 希望(不愉快的事)自行消失*crave for 渴望,热望;恳求,请求*Set the table 准备饭菜*Set on 攻击;使攻击,使追逐;set aside 存钱set sth in See to sb/sth 照顾,照料set up 1、建造,设立;2、安排(会议),建立(制度);3、安装,架设;4、树起,垒起,设置;Set out 同set off;开始一项行动;set sth. out 同Set forth阐明;陈列,布置;动身踏上;按顺序拜访Set in (疾病或不好的天气)来临而且(也许)持续Set foot in/on 登上,涉足,访问Set short by 重视Set the pace 定出步调,速率Set to work 开始工作*Set about (sth.) 开始做,开始;以(某种方式)处理;攻击Set sb /sth against 彼此均衡,从…减去;敌对,使与(某人)对立;*Set apart 使(某人或某物)与众不同;留出(作某种用途)*Set (sth.) aside 另外存放;拨出;置之不理Set (sth.) back 使倒退;推迟;Set (sb.) back (sth.) 使某人花费Set (sb./sth.) down 写,记下;制定,规定;将(车)停下让下车Set forth 陈述观点,阐明;出发,启程Set off 1、出发,动身;2、引起,激发(意外事件);3、触发;4、引发(爆炸);5、(衣服、颜色等)衬托(某物)很漂亮;6、激起(某人)的情感*Be bent on 下决心做,专心于,埋头于*Intent on /upon 专注的,专心致志的06092719.Amount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.Add up to /approximate /total /sum up*Add up to 总的来讲,等于说add sth to sth 把…和…放在一起add fuel to the fire 火上浇油add (sth) in 加进,包括add (sth) on 加盖,加建;附加,增加add to(使)增加add up 把…加起来;not ~不合情理;积少成多approximate /total*Sum up 概括,总结;对…做出判断20.The future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.Sum /measure /quantity /price /value*at any price 不惜任何代价,无论如何Not at any price 无论如何也不21.Angle Try looking at this affair from a different angle.Aspect /view /point of view /opinion /belief /attitude /impression /notion /idea /thought /conception /judgment /theory /outlook(15)061107;*Angle for(以暗示的方法)猎取,谋求*aspect (+of) 方面*point of view 观点,看法On view (画、照片)在展览,在陈列In view of 鉴于,由于,考虑到*opinion (+of) 意见,主张,看法A second opinion 他人的鉴定Be of the opinion (that) 认为,主张*Be Beyond belief 难以置信*attitude (+towards) 心态,感觉,看法With attitude 我行我素的打扮*impression (+of) (对人、事等的)印象,感想Be under the impression (that) 原以为,误以为*notion (+of) (尤指错误或模糊的)概念,观点,看法*spare a thought for 给(某人)一点关心conception /judgment /theory*outlook (+on) (对生活、世界的)看法,观点,态度Outlook (+for) 前景,远景22.Announce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.Proclaim /broadcast /report/state /declare /notify /tell /make known(9)061107;Announce*report back 回报,汇报Report to sb 向…负责,向…报告state*Declare against 声明反对Declare for 声明支持*notify sb of 通知,告知06092923.Anticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.Expect /look forward to /await /foresee /hope for (6)061107;*anticipate (doing) 期待做某事*expect (to do) 希望做某事*Look forward to 期望,期待Be looking to do sth 正打算(期待)做某事*look (sb) up (顺便)拜访,看望;look (sth) up (在书中)查找;look up 好转,有起色;look up to 尊敬,尊重look at 1、看;2、浏览,泛泛地读;3、检查,察看;4、仔细考虑;5,看待,对待;look out take care 当心,留神;挑选,找出Look to tend to 依靠,仰仗Look after take care of 照料,照顾Look ahead 向前看,作未来的打算Look back 回顾回想;never ~获得全胜Look down on 看不起,轻视Look down your nose at 看不起,对…不屑一顾Look for 寻找Look in 探望,短暂访问Look into (sth) 调查,检查Look on onlooker 旁观;regard 看待Look (sth) over 快速查看Look through 审核仔细检查;(假装)没有注意到await /foresee*hope for /to do sth 盼望,期望24.Anything The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at all 061107;*anything but 一点也不*(not) at all 无论如何(都不),一点儿(都不)All along 自始至终All at once 同时All but 几乎,差不多All for 完全赞成For all 尽管All in all 归根到底All of sudden 突然All round 全面地All the more 更加All the same 还是,仍然All too 极,过于25.The apparent things might not tell of the truth.Apparent /obvious /seeming /evident /clear /plain (6)061107;*apparent (+to) 显而易见的,明白易懂的obvious /seeming /evident*Clear up 说明,解释清楚;整理,收拾Clear up after 替…收拾Clear away 收拾,整理Clear off 迅速离开Clear out 清除,整理Be clear (about /to) 确切知道,充分了解be privy to*Make sb /sth plain 把…说清楚06093026.Apart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.Except for /other than /but /but for /besides /moreover /also /too /as well /in addition(12)061112 *Joking apart 说正经的Quite apart from 撇开…来说,不考虑Apart from 除了,只是;除…以外*except for 除…之外,没有Except from (正式)把排除在外,不计*other than 除了*But for 要不是,除非Besides 除…之外,还有Besides (doing sth)moreover /also /too*Such as (用来列举事物)如像;像…这样的*As well 也,还As usual 像平常一样So as(not) to 以便(免)So …as to 这(那)样…一致So(停顿) as to 这样…以使As for 至于,说到As to 至于,说到As yet 到这时为止As if(though) 就仿佛…似的;引导从句做状语、表语As against (和…过去情况加以比较)而…是much as 尽管(倒装)As well as同(一样也),和,也,还As a matter of fact 事实上,实际上,不瞒你说As a result(consequence) 结果(发生某情况As a result of 由于…As a rule 一般(说来),通常As a whole 作为总体,总的说来As … as anything 极为,非常As …as …can be 到了最…的程度,极其As …as one can 尽力,尽可能As …as …permit 在…许可范围内尽量As …as possible 尽可能,尽量As follows 如下As from 从…时起As good as 几乎已经,实际已经As it is(was) 根据现在情况看,就以现在样子As it were 可以这么说,姑且这么说As many (much etc.) as 到…程度,多达As one likes(choose etc.) 爱怎样就怎样As opposed to 和…相反As the matter(position/it) stands 在现在的情况下As things are 照目前情况So(as) far as 就…而论,据…So(as) long as 只要Such …as to 那样…以致Won’t(wouldn’t) so much as 连…都不As best one can(could) 尽其可能地,尽可能好地As much 同样(做),同样(想)As soon 宁愿As soon as 一…就;~possible 尽快地May as well 不妨,不如*In addition 另外27.He was appointed member of the committee.Name /elect /nominate /choose /assign /vote for28.Appeal I appeal to him for help. Implore /plead /beg (4)061112*AppealN.Appeal for 恳求,呼吁Appeal to 上诉,申诉V.Appeal (to sb) for sth 恳请,呼吁Appeal to sb 吸引某人*Implore sb to do sth 乞求,哀求*Plead for 祈求,央求Plead with sb to do sth 恳求*Beg sb to do sth 请求,恳求29.Apply Please apply to the secretary for further information.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 061112*apply (+to) 申请Apply (+for) 申请Apply sth to 使用,应用Apply yourself 致力于,专心于Apply force /pressure 用力/施压06100130.Approve Many people don't approve of the plan. DisapproveLike /prefer /endorse /accept /think well of(7)061112*Approve (+of) 赞成,同意*disapprove (+of) 反对,非难*be like to do sth 有可能做某事*Prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做…而不愿做…Prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢…胜过…endorse/accept*Think of /about doing sth 考虑做某事的可能性Think better of it 认为还是不做的好Think on your feet 思路敏捷Think to do sth 设法做某事Think back 回想起,追忆Think of sb /sth 1、想出(新主意等);2、回忆起;3、对(某人)关怀;4、what do you think of …你怎么认为Think sth out 把(某事)考虑好Think sth over 认真考虑某事Think sth through 认真考虑(某事可能出现的结果)Think sth up 想出,构思出(主意、名字等)31.Arise The company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes.Rise /raise /rouse /arouse /ariseOriginate /derive /stem / flow /come /emerge /appear /show up /turn up(14)061114*Arise (+from) (由…)引起(产生)*riseV.Rise from 从…升起rise up 反抗,造反rise to sth 对某事(尤指令人气愤的评论)反应强烈rise out of sth 起因于某事,由某事引起rise above 1、超脱,不计较;2、克服,摆脱;3、(水平)超过,搞出;4、(知识、智慧)超越(他人)5、改善(境遇)rise against 起义,造反;2、对…反感N.Rise (+in) 增加Rise (+of) 升迁,兴起*Rouse sb (from their sleep /slumbers) (艰难地把某人从沉睡中)叫醒*Originate (+in /from /with) 发源,始于*Derive (+from) 源自,源于*Stem from 源于,来自,由…发生*Flow from 来自,产生于,源自In full flow n. 滔滔不绝*Come and go 忽来忽去;变化Come unstuck 遇到困难,失败How come 怎么会这样To come 将来Come about 发生,产生(尤指不受控制地)Come across/upon 1、遇见,碰上;2、受欢迎,起到效果;3、被理解Come after 查找(某人)Come along 1、come on (尤指教育或健康)进展,进步,好转2、(意外地)出现,碰巧遇到;3、跟随(某人);Come apart 碎裂;无法处理;Come around /round 1、拜访,探访;2、改变观点;3、降临,发生;4、苏醒Come at 1、逼近;2、(大量信息)涌向;3、考虑、处理问题Come away 脱落,脱离;离开;Come back 回来;记起;重新流行;驳斥;Come between 离间,使分开;妨碍某人做某事;Come by sth 1、得到,获得;2、顺路拜访Come down 1、(价格、水平等)下降,降低;2、南下,(从大城市)来到;3、(建筑物)被拆毁;4、~on the side of (深思熟虑后)决定支持某人;5、~in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势;6、~to the earth 回到现实中;7、~on 痛斥;8、~to 归结为,落到…手里Come down with (无被动)患病Come for 来接,来拿;试图伤害,强行带走;Come forward (+as) 毛遂自荐,自告奋勇Come from 产自,来自Come in 1、到达,达到;2、进入(房间);3、卷入,参与;4、流行起来;5、~for 挨批评,受责备;Come into 1、继承遗产;2、卷入(某事);3、进入某种状态Come out 1、显露,泄露;2、(事实)变得清楚;3、(书、唱片)出版,发行;4、(言语)说出,道出;5、宣布,声称;6、褪去,消失;Come out with (尤指出乎意料地)说出,提出Come of age 1、到达法定年龄;2、达到巅峰时期*Come of sth 由于…而产生,是…的结果Come off 1、脱离,分开;2、进行得…;3、达到效果,成功Come on 1、(灯或机器)打开,开动;2、快点儿,加油,高兴点儿;3、改善,提高;4、偶然发现;5、~to 转到(新话题)Come over 1、拜访;2、突然感觉…;3、清楚地理解(观点);4、表现为,显得Come through 1、(消息、结果等)公开,公布;2、安然渡过Come to 醒过来Come to sth 达到某种状态(目的)Come under 被统治(控制、影响);2、列在…之下Come up 1、被提到,被考虑;2、北上,去大城市;3、走近;4、升起;5、(问题或困难)突然出现;6、~for 定期回顾,检查Come up with 想出,提出(主意、计划);提供*emerge (+from) 浮现,出现;(从困境中)摆脱出来*show up 1、到达;2、使(某物)显现出来;3、显露;Show sb around 带某人参观*Show off 1、(自我)炫耀;2、炫耀(某物);3、使夺目Show over 带某人参观Be on show 在陈列,在展出V. *Turn down 关小,调低(音量等);拒绝,摒弃Turn off 关上(电源等);转入拐入(另一条路);(使)厌烦Turn one’s hand to 着手做…*Turn (sb) against (使)转而反对Turn around 完成,提供,生产出;使(业务)好转Turn away 打发走,拒绝接纳;拒绝给(某人)同情Turn back(使)折回*Turn in 1、交回,交还;2、交差;3、~(sb)~告发,交给警方;4、上床睡觉;Turn into 1、变成;2、(通过魔法)使…变成;3、(季节)变化Turn on 1、打开,接通(电源等);2、突然攻击。

清华大学考博英语阅读题及其解析Being a man has always been dangerous.There are about105malesborn for every100females,but this ratio drops to near balance atthe age of maturity,and among70-year-olds there are twice as manywomen as men.But the great universal of male mortality is beingchanged.Now,boy babies survive almost as well as girls do.This meansthat,for the first time,there will be an excess of boys in thosecrucial years when they are searching for a mate.More important,another chance for natural selection has been removed.Fifty yearsago,the chance of a baby(particularly a boy baby)surviving dependedon its weight.A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certaindeath.Today it makes almost no difference.Since much of the Gengduo yuan xiao zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zixun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xunqq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi variation is due to genes,one moreagent of evolution has gone.There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide:stay alive,but have fewer children.Few people are as fertile as in the past.Except in some religious communities,very few women have15children.Nowadays the number of births,like the age of death,has becomeaverage.Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring.Again,differences between people and the opportunity for natural selectionto take advantage of it have diminished.India shows what is happening.The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and povertyfor the remaining tribal peoples.The grand mediocrity of today―everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring means that natural selection has lost80%of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.For us,this means that evolution is over;the biological Utopia has arrived.Strangely,it has involved little physical change.No other species fills so many places in nature.But in the past100,000 years—even the past100years—our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not.We did not evolve,because machines and society did it for us.Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution:“they look at an organic being as average looks at a ship,as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.”No doubt we will remember a20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness.But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Utopia we were,they will look just like us.15.What used to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?[A]A lack of mates.[B]A fierce competition.[C]A lower survival rate.[D]A defective gene.16.What does the example of India illustrate?[A]Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people.[B]Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.[C]The middle class population is80%smaller than that of the tribes.[D]India is one of the countries with a very high birth rate.17.The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because____.[A]life has been improved by technological advance[B]the number of female babies has been declining[C]our species has reached the highest stage of evolution[D]the difference between wealth and poverty is disappearing18.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?[A]Sex Ration Changes in Human Evolution[B]Ways of Continuing Man's Evolution[C]The Evolutionary Future of Nature[D]Human Evolution Going Nowhere名师解析15.What used to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?根据第一段,做男人以前有什么危险?[A]A lack of mates.缺少配偶。

清华大学考博英语-12(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listenin(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}Part Ⅱ Vocabula(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.The ______ of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country.∙ A. clash∙ B. clarify∙ C. clarity∙ D. clatter(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.Business in this area has been ______ because prices are too high.∙ A. prosperous∙ B. secretive∙ C. slack∙ D. shrill(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.He told a story about his sister who was in a sad ______ when she was ill and had no money.∙ A. plight∙ B. polarization∙ C. plague∙ D. pigment(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.He added a ______ to his letter by saying that he would arrive before 8pm.∙ A. presidency∙ B. prestige∙ C. postscript∙ D. preliminary(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.Some linguists believe that the ______ age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8.∙ A. optimistic∙ B. optional∙ C. optimal∙ D. oppressed(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.It all started in 1950, when people began to build their houses on the ______ of their cities.∙ A. paradises∙ B. omissions∙ C. orchards∙ D. outskirts(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.The meeting was ______ over by the mayor of the city.∙ A. presumed∙ B. proposed∙ C. presented∙ D. presided(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.The crowd ______ into the hall and some had to stand outside.∙ A. outgrew∙ B. overthrew∙ D. overflew(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.It was clear that the storm ______ his arrival by two hours.∙ A. retarded∙ B. retired∙ C. refrained∙ D. retreated(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.This problem should be discussed first, for it takes ______ over all the other issues.∙ A. precedence∙ B. prosperity∙ C. presumption∙ D. probability(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.Her sadness was obvious, but she believed that her feeling of depression was ______.∙ A. torrent∙ B. transient∙ C. tensile∙ D. textured(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.12.Nobody knew how he came up with this ______ idea about the trip.∙ A. weary∙ B. twilight∙ D. weird(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.The flower under the sun would ______ quickly without any protection.∙ A. wink∙ B. withhold∙ C. wither∙ D. widower(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.The ______ of gifted children into accelerated classes will start next week according to their academic performance.∙ A. segregation∙ B. specification∙ C. spectrum∙ D. subscription(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.15.He ______ himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening.∙ A. repealed∙ B. resented∙ C. relayed∙ D. reproached(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.16.Any earthquake that takes place in any area is certainly regarded as a kind of a ______ event.∙ A. cholesterol∙ C. catastrophic∙ D. chronic(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.He cut the string and held up the two ______ to tie the box.∙ A. segments∙ B. sediments∙ C. seizures∙ D. secretes(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.18.All the music instruments in the orchestra will be ______ before it starts.∙ A. civilized∙ B. chattered∙ C. chambered∙ D. chorded(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.19.When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be ______.∙ A. commenced∙ B. compressed∙ C. compromised∙ D. compensated(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.20.She made two copies of this poem and posted them ______ to different publishers.∙ A. sensationally∙ B. simultaneously∙ C. strenuously∙ D. simply(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.三、{{B}}Part Ⅲ Reading (总题数:4,分数:20.00)Each year, millions of people in Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by naturally high levels of arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a problem. However, International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This non-governmental organization has developed technology to harvest rainwater. People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe, dependable source of drinking water. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all, it is free. The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the tops of buildings to a two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called "first-flush" device made of wire screen. This barrier prevents dirt and leaves in the water from falling inside the tank. A fitted cover sits over the "first-flush" device. It protects the water inside the tank from evaporating. The cover also prevents mosquito insects from laying eggs in the water. Inside the tank is a low coat plastic bag that collects the water. The bag sits inside another plastic bag similar to those used to hold grains. The two bags are supported inside the metal tank. All total, the water storage system can hold up tothree-thousand-five-hundred liters of water. International Development Enterprises says the inner bags may need to be replaced every two to three years. However, if the bags are not damaged by sunlight, they could last even longer. International Development Enterprises says the water harvesting system should be built on a raised structure to prevent insects from eating into it at the bottom. The total cost to build this rainwater harvesting system is about forty dollars. However, InternationalDevelopment Enterprises expects the price to drop over time. The group says one tank can provide a family of five with enough rainwater to survivea five-month dry season.(分数:5.00)(1).People in Bangladesh can use ______ as a safe source of drinking water.∙ A. ground water∙ B. rainwater∙ C. drinking water∙ D. fresh water(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which of the following contributes to the low-cost of using rainwater?∙ A. Rainwater is free of chemical treatments.∙ B. People have been harvesting rainwater for centuries.∙ C. The water harvesting system is built on a platform.∙ D. Rainwater can be collected using pipes.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the following actually prevents dirt and leaves from falling inside the tank?∙ A. a barrier∙ B. a wire screen∙ C. a first-flush∙ D. a storage tank(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The bags used to hold water are likely to be damaged by ______.∙ A. mosquito insects∙ B. a fitted cover∙ C. a first-flush device∙ D. sunlight(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What should be done to prevent insects from eating into the water harvesting system at the bottom?∙ A. The two bags holding the water should be put inside the metal tank.∙ B. The inner bags need to be replaced every two years∙ C. The water harvesting system should be built on a platform.∙ D. A cover should be used to prevent insects from eating it.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics. The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them. Every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition of each new skill—the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself. Learning together is a fruit sourceof relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys, jigsaw puzzles and crossword are good examples. Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters, others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well-being.(分数:5.00)(1).The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children ______.∙ A. is to send them to clinics∙ B. offers recapture of earlier experiences∙ C. is in the provision of clockwork toys and trains∙ D. is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The child in the nursery ______.∙ A. quickly learns to wait for food∙ B. doesn't initially sleep and wake at regular intervals∙ C. always accepts the rhythm of the world around them∙ D. always feels the world around him is warm and friendly(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The encouragement of children to achieve new skills ______.∙ A. can never be taken too far∙ B. should be left to school teachers∙ C. will always assist their development∙ D. should be balanced between two extremes(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Jigsaw puzzles are ______.∙ A. too difficult for children∙ B. a kind of building-block toy∙ C. not very entertaining for adults∙ D. suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Parental controls and discipline ______.∙ A. serve a dual purpose∙ B. should be avoided as much as possible∙ C. reflect the values of the community∙ D. are designed to promote the child's happiness(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.More than half of all Jews married in U.S. since 1990 have wed people who aren't Jewish. Nearly 480,000 American children under the age of ten have one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent. And, if a survey compiled by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles is any indication, it's almost certain that most of these children will not identify themselves as "Jewish" when they get older. That survey asked college freshmen, who are usually around age 18, about their own and their parents' religious identities. Ninety-three percent of those with two Jewish parents said they thought of themselves as Jewish. But when the father wasn't Jewish, the number dropped to 38 percent, and when the mother wasn't Jew, just 15 percent of the students said they were Jewish, too. "I think what was surprising was just how low the Jewish identification was in these mixed marriage families." Linda Sax is a professor of education at UCLA. She directed the survey which was conducted over the course of more than a decade and wasn't actually about religious identity specifically. But Professor Sax says the answers to questions about religion were particularly striking, and deserve a more detailed study.She says it's obvious that interfaith marriage works against the development of Jewish identity among children, but says it's not clear at this point why that's the case. "This new study is necessary to get more in-depth about their feelings about their religion. That's something that the study that I completed was not able to do. We didn't have information on how they feel about their religion, whether they have any concern about their issues of identification, how comfortable they feel about their lifelong goals. I think the new study's going to cover some of that," she says. Jay Rubin is executive director of Hilel, a national organization that works with Jewish college students. Mr. Rubin says Judaism is more than a religion, it's an experience. And with that in mind, Hillel has commissioned a study of Jewish attitudes towards Judaism. Researchers will concentrate primarily on young adults, and those with two Jewish parents, and those with just one, those who see themselves as Jewish and those who do not. Jay Rubin says Hillel will then use this study to formulate a strategy for making Judaism more relevant to the next generation of American Jews.(分数:5.00)(1).The best title of this passage is ______.∙ A. Jewish and Non-Jewish in American∙ B. Jewish Identity in America∙ C. Judaism-a Religion?∙ D. College Jewish Students(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Among the freshmen at UCLA ______ thought themselves as Jewish.∙ A. most∙ B. 93% of those whose parents were both Jewish∙ C. 62% of those only whose father were Jewish∙ D. 15% of those only whose mother were Jewish(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The phrase "interfaith marriage" in the Paragraph 3 refers to the ______.∙ A. marriage of people based on mutual belief∙ B. marriage of people for the common faith∙ C. marriage of people of different religious faiths∙ D. marriage of people who have faith in each other(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which of the following statements is NOT true about professor Sax's research?∙ A. The research indicates that most students with only one Jewish parent will not think themselves as Jewish.∙ B. The survey was carried out among Jewish Freshmen.∙ C. The research survey didn't find out what and how these Jewish students think about their religion.∙ D. The research presents a new perspective for the future study.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following is true according to the last paragraph?∙ A. Mr. Rubin is the founder of Hillel.∙ B. Mr. Rubin thinks that Judaism is not a religion and it's an experience.∙ C. Hillel is an organization concerned with Jewish college students in the world.∙ D. Hillel has asked certain people to carry out a study about Jewish attitudes towards Judaism.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy should guarantee two basic rights: the right to private property and the right to enforceable contracts, says Mancur Olson in his book Power and Prosperity. Olson was an economics professor at the University of Maryland until his death in 1998. Some have argued that such rights are merely luxuries that wealthy societies bestow, but Olson turns that argument around and asserts that such rights are essential to creating wealth. "In comes are low in most of the countries of the world, in short, because the people in those countries do not have secure in dividualrights," he says. Certain simple economic activities, such as food gathering and making handicrafts, rely mostly on individual labor; property is not necessary. But more advanced activities, such as the mass production of goods, require machines and factories and offices. This production is often called capital-intensive, but it is really property-intensive, Olson observes. "No one would normally engage in capital-intensive production if he or she did not have rights that kept the valuable capital from being taken by bandits, whether roving or stationary," he argues. "There is no private property without government —individuals may have possessions, the way a dog possesses a bone, but there is private property only if the society protects and defends a private right to that possession against other private parties and against the government as well." Would-be entrepreneurs, no matter how small, also need a government and court system that will make sure people honor their contracts. In fact, the banking systems relied on by developed nations are based on just such an enforceable contract system. "We would not deposit our money in banks...if we could not rely on the bank having to honor its contract with us, and the bank would not be able to make the profits it needs to stay in business if it could not enforce its loan contracts with borrowers," Olson writes. Other economists have argued that the poor economies of Third World and communist countries are the result of governments setting both prices and the quantities of goods produced rather than letting a free market determine them. Olson agrees there is some merit to this point of view, but he argues that government intervention is not enough to explain the poverty of these countries. Rather, the real problem is lack of individual rights that give people incentive to generate wealth. "If a society has clear and secure individual rights, there are strong incentives (刺激,动力) to produce, invest, and engage in mutually advantageous trade, and therefore at least some economic advance," Olson concludes.(分数:5.00)(1).Which of the following is true about Olson?∙ A. He was a fiction writer.∙ B. He edited the book Power and Prosperity.∙ C. He taught economics at the University of Maryland.∙ D. He was against the ownership of private property.(分数:1.00)A.C.D.(2).Which of the following represents Olson's point or view?∙ A. Protecting individual property rights encourages wealth building.∙ B. Only in wealthy societies do people have secure individual rights.∙ C. Secure individual rights are brought about by the wealth of the society.∙ D. In some countries, people don't have secure individual rights because they're poor.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What does Olson think about mass production?∙ A. It's capital intensive.∙ B. It's property intensive.∙ C. It relies on individual labor.∙ D. It relies on individual skills.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).What is the basis for the banking system?∙ A. Contract system that can be enforced.∙ B. People's willingness to deposit money in banks.∙ C. The possibility that the bank can make profits from its borrowers.∙ D. The fact that some people have surplus money while some need loans.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).According to Olson, what is the reason for the poor economies of Third World countries?∙ A. government intervention∙ B. lack of secure individual rights∙ C. being short of capital∙ D. lack of a free market(分数:1.00)A.C.D.四、{{B}}Part Ⅳ Cloze{{/(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. For the people who have never traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do not make the voyage for the {{U}} {{U}} 1 {{/U}} {{/U}}of its interest. Most of us are quite happy when we feel {{U}} {{U}} 2 {{/U}} {{/U}}to go to bed and pleased when the journey {{U}} {{U}} 3 {{/U}} {{/U}}. On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and went to bed {{U}} {{U}} 4 {{/U}} {{/U}}earlier than usual. When I{{U}} {{U}} 5 {{/U}} {{/U}}my cabin, I was surprised {{U}} {{U}} 6 {{/U}} {{/U}}that I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I had expected {{U}} {{U}} 7 {{/U}} {{/U}}but there was a suitcase {{U}} {{U}} 8 {{/U}} {{/U}}mine in the opposite corner. I wondered who he could be and what he would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might meet {{U}} {{U}} 9 {{/U}} {{/U}}, except that he was wearing {{U}} {{U}} 10 {{/U}} {{/U}}good clothes that I made up my mind that we would not {{U}} {{U}} 11 {{/U}} {{/U}}whoever he was and did not say {{U}} {{U}} 12 {{/U}} {{/U}}. As I had expected, he did not talk to me either but went to bed immediately. I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was already the middle of the night. I felt cold but covered {{U}} {{U}} 13 {{/U}} {{/U}}as well as I could and tries to go back to sleep. Then I realized that a {{U}} {{U}}14 {{/U}} {{/U}}was coming from the window opposite. I thought perhapsI had forgotten {{U}} {{U}} 15 {{/U}} {{/U}}the door, so I got up {{U}} {{U}} 16 {{/U}} {{/U}}the door but found it already locked from the inside. The cold air was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room and {{U}} {{U}} 17 {{/U}} {{/U}}the moon shone through it on to the other bed. {{U}} {{U}} 18 {{/U}} {{/U}}there. It took me a minute or two to {{U}} {{U}} 19 {{/U}} {{/U}}the door myself. I realized that my companion {{U}} {{U}} 20 {{/U}} {{/U}}through the window into the sea.(分数:20.00)(1).∙ A. reason∙ B. motive∙ C. cause∙ D. sake(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).∙ A. tired enough∙ B. enough tired∙ C. enough tiring∙ D. enough tiring(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).∙ A. is achieved∙ B. finish∙ C. is over∙ D. is in the end(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).∙ A. quite∙ B. rather∙ C. fairly∙ D. somehow(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).∙ A. arrived in∙ B. reached to∙ C. arrived to(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).∙ A. for seeing∙ B. that I saw∙ C. at seeing∙ D. to see(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(7).∙ A. being lonely∙ B. to be lonely∙ C. being alone∙ D. to be alone(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(8).∙ A. like∙ B. as∙ C. similar than∙ D. the same that(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(9).∙ A. in each place∙ B. for all parts∙ C. somewhere(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(10).∙ A. a so∙ B. so∙ C. such a∙ D. such(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(11).∙ A. treat together well∙ B. pass together well∙ C. get on well together∙ D. go by well together(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(12).∙ A. him a single word∙ B. him not one word∙ C. a single word to him∙ D. not one word to him(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(13).∙ A. up me∙ B. up myself∙ C. up to myself(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(14).∙ A. draft∙ B. voice∙ C. air∙ D. sound(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(15).∙ A. to close∙ B. closing∙ C. to have to close∙ D. for closing(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(16).∙ A. to shut∙ B. for shutting∙ C. in shutting∙ D. but shut(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(17).∙ A. while doing like that∙ B. as I did like that∙ C. as I did so∙ D. at doing so(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(18).∙ A. It was no one∙ B. There was no one∙ C. It was anyone∙ D. There was anyone(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(19).∙ A. remind to lock∙ B. remember to lock∙ C. remind locking∙ D. remember locking(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(20).∙ A. had to jump∙ B. was to have jumped∙ C. must have jumped∙ D. could be jumped(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.五、{{B}}Part Ⅴ Writing{(总题数:1,分数:40.00)21.1.在科研和学习中使我最难忘的一件事情是 2.使我难忘的原因是 3.它对我后来的影响是(分数:40.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。

清华大学考博英语-4(总分:134.50,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Vocabulary(总题数:10,分数:7.50)1.The child should always ______ the same basic procedure: seeing the whole word-hearing and pronouncing-writing from memory.(分数:1.00)A.go throughB.take overC.respond toD.carry off2.The government decided to take a______action to strengthen the market management.(分数:0.50)A.diverseB.durableC.epidemicD.drastic3.They need to move to new and large apartments. Do you know of any______ones in this area?(分数:0.50)A.evacuatedB.emptyC.vacantD.vacate4.He told a story about his sister who was in a sad ______ when she was ill and had no money.(分数:1.00)A.plightB.polarizationC.plagueD.pigment5.Her talk at the seminar clearly______from the topic the supervisor expected in the field of sociology.(分数:0.50)A.alternatedB.amplifiedC.designatedD.diverged6.In the new shark repellent method, an insulated cable is buried on the bottom of the sea arounda beach from which people swim.(分数:1.00)A.frighteningB.resistingC.protectiveD.raising7.Nobody knew how he came up with this ______ idea about the trip.(分数:1.00)A.wearyB.twilightC.unanimousD.weird8.Some people seem to______on the pressure of working under a deadline.(分数:0.50)A.renderB.evolveC.prevailD.thrive9.The industry has pumped______amounts of money into political campaigns, making it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.(分数:0.50)A.potentialB.substantialC.massiveD.traditional10.These melodious folk songs are generally ______ to Smith, a very important musician of the century.(分数:1.00)A.devotedB.contributedposedD.ascribed二、Part Ⅱ Reading Compr(总题数:5,分数:88.00)There are over 6,000 different computer and online games in the world now. A segment of them are considered to be both educational and harmlessly entertaining. One such game teaches geography and another trains pilots. Others train the player in logical thinking and literate, which is more important in this technology-driven era.But the dark side of the computer games has become more and more obvious. "A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language," says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and Family. "Unfortunately. It"s a segment that seems particularly popular with kids aged from eight to fifteen."One study showed that almost 90 percent of the computer and online games young people preferred contained violence. The investigators said, "There are not just games anymore. These are learning machines. We"re teaching kids in the most incredible manner what it"s like to pull the trigger. What they are not learning are the real-life consequences.They also said, "The new and more sophisticated games are even worse, because they have better graphics and allow the player to participate in even more realistic violent acts." In the game Carmageddon, for example, the player will have driven over and killed up to 33,000 people by the time all levels are compelled. A description of the outcome of the game says: "Your victims not only squish under your tires and splatter blood on the windshield, they also get on their knees and beg for mercy, or commit suicide. If you like, you can also dismember them."Is all this simulated violence harmful? Approximately 3,000 different studies have been conducted on this subject. Many have suggested that there is a connection between violence in games and increased aggressiveness in the players.Some specialists downplay the influence of the games, saying that other factors must be taken into consideration, such as the possibility that kids who already have violent tendencies are choosing such games. But could it be that violent games still play a contributing role? It seems unrealistic to insist that people are not influenced by what they see. If that were true, why would the commercial world spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising?(分数:8.00)(1).Which of the following computer games are NOT mentioned as educational and harmlessly entertaining?(分数:2.00)A.Those that teach how to fly an airplane.B.Those that teach the features of the earth.C.Those that help people use computer language.D.Those that teach computer technology.(2).According to the investigators,______(分数:2.00)A.the new and more sophisticated games allow the players to take parting real violent actsB.the new and more sophisticated games teach the players how to kill other peopleC.most computer and online games male the players forget the real life resultsD.most computer and online games may cultivate young people with bad manners(3).It can be inferred from the passage that______(分数:2.00)A.more and more young people enjoy cruel computer gamesB.it is hard to find evidence of a link between violence and computer gamesC.there are now more incidents of violence because of computer gamesD.simulated violence in computer games is different from real violence(4).The author uses" television advertising" as an example to show that______(分数:2.00)A.the commercial world is contributing to the increased violence in real lifeputer and online games are not the only cause of increased violence in real lifeC.there is little link between computer games and increased violence in real lifeD.other factors must be considered as possible causes of violence in real lifeWhere one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics.The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them.Every parent watches eagerly the child"s acquisition of each new skill--the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.Learning together is a fruit source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys, jigsaw puzzles and crossword are good examples.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters, others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child"s own happiness and well-being.(分数:10.00)(1).The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children ______.(分数:2.00)A.is to send them to clinicsB.offers recapture of earlier experiencesC.is in the provision of clockwork toys and trainsD.is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced(2).The child in the nursery ______.(分数:2.00)A.quickly learns to wait for foodB.doesn"t initially sleep and wake at regular intervalsC.always accepts the rhythm of the world around himD.always feels the word around him is warm and friendly(3).The encouragement of children to achieve new skills ______.(分数:2.00)A.can never be taken too farB.should be left to school teachersC.will always assist their developmentD.should be balanced between two extremes(4).Jigsaw puzzles are ______.(分数:2.00)A.too difficult for childrenB.a kind of building-block toyC.not very entertaining for adultsD.suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation(5).Parental controls and discipline ______.(分数:2.00)A.serve a dual purposeB.should be avoided as much as possibleC.reflect the values of the communityD.are designed to promote the child"s happinessI have had just about enough of being treated like a second-class citizen, simply because I happen to be that put-upon member of society--a customer. The more I go into shops and hotels, banks and post offices, railway stations, airports and the like, the more I am convinced the things are being run solely to suit the firm, the system, or the union. There seems to be a deceptive new motto for so-called "service" organizations--Staff Before Service.How often, for example, have you queued for what seems like hours at the Post office or the supermarket because there were not enough staff on duty to man all the service grilles or checkout counters? Sure? in these days of high unemployment it must be possible to hire cashiers and counter staff. Yet supermarkets, hinting darkly at higher prices, claim that uncovering all their cash registers at any one time would increase overheads. And the Post office says we cannot expect all their service grilles to be occupied "at times when demand is low".It is the same with hotels. Because waiters and kitchen staff must finish when it suits them, dining rooms close earlier or menu choice is cut short. As for us guests, we just have to put up with it. There is also the nonsense of so many friendly hotel night porters having been thrown out of their jobs in the interests of "efficiency" (i. e. profits) and replaced by coin--eating machines which offer everything from lager to laxatives. Not to mention the creeping threat of the tea-making kit in your room: a kettle with a mixed collection of tea bags, plastic milk cartons and lump sugar. Who wants to wake up to a raw teabag? I do not, especially when I am paying for "service".Can it be stopped, this worsening of service, this growing attitude that the customer is always a nuisance? I angrily hope so because it is happening, sadly, in all walks of life.Our only hope is to hammer home our anger whenever and wherever we can and, if all else fails, bring back into practice that other, older slogan--Take Our Custom Elsewhere.(分数:50.00)(1).The writer feels that nowadays a customer ______(分数:10.00)A.deserves the lowest status in society.B.is unworthy of proper consideration.C.receives unexpected quality service.D.is the victim of some public services.(2).The writer argues that the quality of service is changing because ______(分数:10.00)A.customers" demands have radically changed.B.services provided never become consistent.C.the staff receive more consideration than customers.D.the staff are less considerate than their employers.(3).According to the writer, long queues at counters are caused by ______(分数:10.00)A.difficulties in hiring employees.B.deliberate understaffing.ck of cooperation between staff members.D.employers" irresponsibility.(4).Service organizations contend that keeping all checkout counters operated can result in ______(分数:10.00)A.demands by cashiers for a pay raise.B.insignificant benefits for the customers.C.a rise in the coat for providing service.D.needs to purchase expensive equipment.(5).The writer suggests that a customer ______(分数:10.00)A.put up with the rode manners of the staff.B.be patient when queuing before checkout counters.C.try to control his temper when ill-treated.D.go to other places where good service is available.Rubidium, potassium and carbon are three common elements used to date the history of Earth. The rates of radioactive decay of these elements are absolutely regular when averaged out over a period of time; nothing is known to change them. To be useful as clocks, the elements have to be fairly common in natural minerals, unstable but decay slowly over millions of years to form recognizable "daughter" products which are preserved minerals.For example, an atom of radioactive rubidium decays to form an atom of strontium (another element) by converting a neutron in its nucleus to a proton and releasing an electron, generating energy in the process. The radiogenic daughter products of the decay-in this case strontiumatoms--diffuse away and are lost above a certain very high temperature. So by measuring the exact proportions of rubidium and strontium atoms that are present in a mineral, researchers can work out how long it has been since the mineral cooled below that critical "blocking" temperature. The main problems with this dating method are the difficulty in finding minerals containing rubidium, the accuracy with which the proportions of rubidium and strontium are measured, and the fact that the method gives only the date when the mineral last cooled below the blocking temperature. Because the blocking temperature is very high, the method is used, mainly for recrystallized (igneous or metamorphic) rocks, not for sediments--rubidium-bearing minerals in sediments simply record the age of cooling of the rocks which were eroded to form the sediments, not the age of deposition of the sediments themselves.Potassium decays to form (a gas) which is sometimes lost from its host mineral by escaping through pores. Although potassium-argon dating is therefore rather unreliable, it can sometimes be useful in dating sedimentary rocks because potassium is common in some minerals which form in sediments at low temperatures. Assuming no argon has escaped, the potassium-argon date records the age of the sediments themselves.Carbon dating is mainly used in archaeology. Most carbon atoms (carbon-12) are stable and do not change over time. However, cosmic radiation bombarding the upper atmospheres constantly interacting with nitrogen in the atmosphere to create an unstable form of carbon, carbon-14.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the common feature of rubidium, potassium and carbon?(分数:2.00)A.They can be made into clocks.B.They are rich in content.C.Their decay is slow but regular.D.The products of their decay are the same.(2).What aspect of rubidium decay is useful for dating?(分数:2.00)A.The atom produced by the decay is above a certain point of temperature.B.The atom produced by the decay is easy to be detected at a cool temperature.C.The decay produced a. neutron and an electron.D.The decay is sensitive to the changes in temperature.(3).What is the limitation of the rubidium method?(分数:2.00)A.Rubidium is everywhere in the rock.B.Strontium atoms are hard to detect at the normal temperature.C.It cannot date sediments.D.It is time-consuming.(4).Which of the following is the major factor that affects the accuracy of potassium dating?(分数:2.00)A.the number of the mineral poresB.the number of missing argon atomsC.external temperatureD.mineral temperature(5).The underlined word "cosmic" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.(分数:2.00)A.radioactiveanicC.terrestrialD.universalToday"s college students are more narcissistic (自恋的) and self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and American society."We need to stop endlessly repeating "You"re special" and having children repeat that back," said the study"s lead author, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. "Kids areself-centered enough already. Unfortunately, narcissism can also have very negative consequences for society, including the breakdown of close relationships with others," he said. The study asserts that narcissists "are more likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and violent behaviors". Twenge, the author of "Generation Me: Why Today"s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled- and More Miserable Than Ever Before", said narcissists tend to lack empathy, react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.Some analysts have commended today"s young people for increased commitment to volunteer work. But Twenge viewed even this phenomenon skeptically, noting that many high schools require community service and many youths feel pressure to list such endeavors on college applications. Campbell said the narcissism upsurge seemed so pronounced(非常明显的)that he was unsure if there were obvious remedies. "Permissiveness seems to be a component," he said. "A potential antidote would be more authoritative parenting. Less indulgence might be called for."Yet students, while acknowledging some legitimacy to such findings, don"t necessarily accept negative generalizations about their generation.Hanady Kader, a University of Washington senior, said she worked unpaid last summer helping resettle refugees and considers many of her peers to be civic-minded. But she is dismayed (气馁;灰心) by the competitiveness of some students who seem prematurely focused on career status. "We"re encouraged a lot to be individuals and go out there and do what you want, and nobody shouldstand in your way," Kader said. "I can see goals and ambitions getting in the way of other things like relationships."Kari Dalane, a University of Vermont sophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politically active and not overly self-centered. "People are worried about themselves--but in the sense of where are they"re going to find a place in the world," she said. "People want to look their best, have a good time, but it doesn"t mean they"re not concerned about the rest of the world." Besides, some of the responses on the narcissism test might not be worrisome, Dalane said. "It would be more depressing if people answered, "No, you are not special.""(分数:10.00)(1).According to the passage, a narcissistic person may______(分数:2.00)A.hate criticismB.be dishonest to his / her partnerC.be unwilling to help othersD.all the above(2).The italicized word "commended"(Line 1, Para.3) means______(分数:2.00)A.praisedB.criticizedC.recommendedD.disfavored(3).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Narcissism may result in bad consequences.B.College students are active to participate in volunteer work.C.Some people doubt whether there are remedies to counter the narmssism upsurge.D.Some college students are overly engaged in self-promotion.(4).It is implied that______(分数:2.00)A.both the researchers and college students are worried about the trend of narcissismB.the researchers and college students disagree on the findings of the studyC.the researchers and college students disagree on some of the findings of the studyD.college students are pessimistic about their future(5).It is proper to be______when you hear someone say "you are special".(分数:2.00)A.objectiveB.pessimisticC.optimisticD.worried三、Part Ⅲ Cloze(总题数:1,分数:20.00)For the people who have never traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do not make the voyage for the 1 of its interest. Most of us are quite happy when we feel 2 to go to bed and pleased when the journey 3 . On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and went to bed 4 earlier than Usual. When I 5 my cabin, I was surprised 6 that I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I had expected 7 but there was a suitcase 8 mine in the opposite corner. I wondered who he could be and what he would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might meet 9 , except that he was wearing 10 good clothes that I made up my mind that we would not 11 whoever he was and did not say 12 . As I had expected, he did not talk to me either but went to bed immediately.I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was already the middle of the night.I felt cold but covered 13 as well as I could and tried to go back to sleep. Then I realized thata 14 was coming from somewhere. I thought perhaps I had forgotten 15 the door, so I got up 16 the door but found it already locked from the inside. The cold air was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room and 17 , the moon shone through it on to the other bed. 18 there.It took me a minute or two to 19 the door myself. I realized that my companion 20 through the window into the sea.(分数:20.00)A.reasonB.motiveC.causeD.sakeA.tired enoughB.enough tiredC.enough tiringD.enough tiringA.is achievedB.finishC.is overD.is in the endA.quiteB.ratherC.fairlyD.somehowA.arrived inB.reached toC.arrived toD.reached atA.for seeingB.that I sawC.at seeingD.to seeA.being lonelyB.to be lonelyC.being aloneD.to be aloneA.likeB.asC.similar thanD.the same thatA.in each placeB.for all partsC.somewhereD.anywhereA.a soB.soC.such aD.suchA.treat together wellB.pass together wellC.get on well togetherD.go by well togetherA.him a single wordB.him not one wordC.a single word to himD.not one word to himA.up meB.up myselfC.up to myselfD.myself upA.draftB.voiceC.airD.soundA.to closeB.closingC.to have to closeD.for closingA.to shutB.for shuttingC.in shuttingD.but shutA.while doing like thatB.as I did like thatC.as I did soD.at doing soA.It was no oneB.There was no oneC.It was anyoneD.There was anyoneA.remind to lockB.remember to lockC.remind lockingD.remember lockingA.had to jumpB.was to have jumpedC.must have jumpedD.could be jumped四、Part Ⅳ Translation(总题数:1,分数:-1.00)11.The hardest hit of all that week were Wall Street"s specialist firms, the traders who were charged with maintaining orderly markets. That task required them to purchase stocks when there were no other buyers and to make sales when other sellers disappeared. Until the end of that week, a total 52 specialist lb-ms had worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange: each had handled the shares of 20 to 30 specified Big Board companies. on Black Monday, the specialists grimly fulfilled their responsibilities, buying millions of shares as prices plunged all around them. Their losses could amount to as much as $ 50 million. Securities firms outside Wall Street also felt mortal pain. The 4,500 accounts of the New York Stock Exchange member were taken over by Rodman & Renshaw, a Chicago firm.(分数:-1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________五、Part Ⅴ Writing(总题数:1,分数:20.00)12.1.优秀的科研工作者需要具备什么素质?2.举例说明这些素质的重要性。

(分数:34.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(On Students Choosing LecturersNowadays, some universities give students the right to choose who teaches some of their classes. This has led to some debate over whether students should be give this much power.There are several factors that students consider when choosing a lecturer, including the teaching style of the lecturer, the lecturer's academic background, and the lecturer's reputation among students. The ideal lecturer is one who has an interesting teaching style, a diverse academic background, and a good reputation among students.There are both positive and negative aspects to allowing students to choose their lecturers. Giving students the choice encourages them to take ownership for their classes, and also puts pressure on teachers to improve their teaching quality.However, the factors that students consider might not be the ones that lead to the highest quality of education. Schools might end up with lecturers who teach interesting classes without much content.)解析:2.1.近几年大学校园出现了一股过洋节热。

2019年英语考博听力原文1. Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark theletter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.2. Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following 5 conversations.Conversation 1。
Man: I'm so sorry to tell you this, but you are not getting the job.Woman: Thank you for your time.Question 26: What is the woman's reaction to the news?(A) She is angry.(B) She is disappointed.(C) She is sarcastic.(D) She is understanding.Conversation 2。
Woman: How are things going with the new house?Man: It's great. I'm really enjoying it.Woman: I'm so glad to hear that.Question 27: What is the man's attitude towards the new house?(A) He is indifferent to it.(B) He is enthusiastic about it.(C) He is resentful towards it.(D) He is suspicious of it.Conversation 3。

清华大学考博英语-1(总分:68.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listenin(总题数:4,分数:10.00)(略){{B}}Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension{{/B}}Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each or them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Eight times within the past million years, something in the Earth's climatic equation has changed, allowing snow in the mountains and the northern latitudes to accumulate from one season to the next instead of melting away. Each time, the enormous ice sheets resulting from this continual buildup lasted tens of thousands of years until the end of each particular glacial cycle brought a warmer climate. Scientists speculated that these glacial cycles were ultimately driven by astronomical factor: slow, cyclic changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and in the tilt and orientation of its spin axis. But up until around 30 years ago, the lack of an independent record of ice-age timing made the hypothesis untestable.Then in the early 1950's Emiliani produced the first complete record of the waxings and wanings of first glaciations. It came from a seemingly odd place, the seafloor. Single-cell marine organisms called "foraminifera" house themselves in shells made from calcium carbonate. When the foraminifera die, sink to the bottom, and become part of seafloor sediments, the carbonate of their shells preserves certain characteristics of the seawater they inhabited. In particular, the ratio of a heavy isotope of oxygen (oxygen-18) to ordinary oxygen (oxygen-16) in the carbonate preserves the ratio of the two oxygens in water molecules. It is now understood that the ratio of oxygen isotopes reflects the proportion of the world's water locked up in glaciers and ice sheets. A kind of meteorological distillation accounts for the link. Water molecules containing the heavier isotope tend to condense and fall as precipitation slightly sooner than molecules containing the lighter isotope. Hence, as water vapor evaporated from warm oceans moves away from its source, its oxygen- 18 returns more quickly to the oceans than does its oxygen-16. What falls as snow on distant ice sheets and mountain glaciers is relatively depleted of oxygen-18. As the oxygen-18-poor ice builds up, the oceans become relatively enriched in the isotope. The larger the ice sheets grow, the higher the proportion of oxygen-18 becomes in seawater--and hence in the sedimentsAnalyzing cores drilled from seafloor sediments, Emiliani found that the isotopic ratio rose and fell in rough accord with the Earth's astronomicalcycles. Since that pioneering observation, oxygenisotope measurements have been made on hundreds of cores. The combined record enables scientists to show that the re-cord contains the very periodicities as the orbital processes. Over the past 800, 000 years, the global ice volume peaked every 100,000 years, matching the period of the orbital eccentricity variation. In addition, "wrinkles" superposed on each cycle--small decreases or surges in ice volume--have come at intervals of roughly 23,000 and 41,000 years, in keeping with the precession and tilt frequencies of the Earth's spin axis.(分数:2.50)(1).In opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ______(分数:0.50)A.unfolding a phenomenon.B.posing a contrast.C.refuting a speculation.D.testifying a hypothesis.(2).The expression "waxings and wanings" (Paragraph 2) most probably means ______(分数:0.50)A.regularities and eccentricities.B.vaporizations and sediments.C.variants and constants.D.maximizations an minimizations.(3).As pointed out in the text, the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in seafloor sediments and that of these isotopes locked in glaciers and ice-sheets are ______(分数:0.50)A.irrelevant.B.correlated.C.corresponding.D.identical.(4).Single-cell marine organisms referred to as "foraminifera" as mentioned in the text might serve as ______(分数:0.50)A.a proof against the existence of oxygen-16.B.a testimony to sediment formation processes.C.a valid record justifying glacial periodic cycles.D.an indicator of the ratio of the two oxygens.(5).What can we safely infer from the text?(分数:0.50)A.Many a phenomenon might be caused by astronomical factors.B.Any hypothesis should be abandoned unless supported by solid records.C.Glaciers are the records keeping Earth's astronomical cycles.D.Oxygen isotopes are evenly distributed throughout the earth surface.If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil. Admittedly, a few governments have taken timid measures. In Britain, for example, cigarette advertising has been banned on television. The conscience of the nation is appeased, while the population continues to puff its wayto smoky, cancerous death.You don't have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread. In tax revenue alone, the government of Britain collects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. So while the authorities point out ever so discreetly that smoking may, conceivably, be harmful, it doesn't do to shout too loudly about it. This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether. of course, we are not ready for such drastic action. But if the governments of the world were honestly concerned about the welfare of their peoples, you'd think they'd conduct aggressive antismoking campaigns. Far from it! Tile tobacco industry is allowed to spend staggering sums on advertising. Its advertising is as insidious as it is dishonest. We are never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lungs early in the morning. That would never do. The advertisements always depict virile,clean-shaven young men. They suggest it is manly to smoke, even positively healthy! Smoking is associated with the great open-air life, with beautiful girls, true love and togetherness. What utter nonsense!For a start, governments, could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct anti-smoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning--say, a picture of a death's head--should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.(分数:2.50)(1).The best title of the text may be ______(分数:0.50)A.give up the habit of smoking immediately.B.word governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking.C.go on with anti-smoking lobby vigorously.D.world governments should allocate more funds on cancer researches.(2).As pointed out in the text, governments are reluctant to exercise total ban on cigarette and tobacco advertising ______(分数:0.50)A.in the interests of financial rewards.B.for the sake of the public's welfare.C.without regard to tax collections.D.in anticipation of smokers' lobbying.(3).The word "hypocrisy" (Paragraph 2) denotes _____(分数:0.50)A.dishonesty.B.predicament.C.indecision.D.intimidation.(4).It can be concluded that anti-smoking campaigns should be conducted ______(分数:0.50)A.insidiously and discreetly.B.vividly and attractively.C.aggressively and drastically.D.disinterestedly and bravely.(5).The author is most critical of ______(分数:0.50)A.anti-smoking lobbyists.B.tobacco advertisers.C.world governments.D.tax collectors.It is the staff of dreams and nightmares. Where Tony Blair's attempts to make Britain love the Euro have fallen on deaf ears, its incarnation as notes and coins will succeed. These will be used not just in the Euro area but in Britain. As the British become accustomed to the Euro as a cash currency, they will warm to it--paving the way for a yes note in a referendum.The idea of Euro creep appeals to both sides of the Euro argument. According to the pros, as Britons become familiar with the Euro, membership will start to look inevitable, so those in favor are bound to win. According to the antis, as Britons become familiar with the Euro, membership will start to look inevitable, so those opposed must mobilize for the fight.Dream or nightmare, Euro creep envisages the single currency worming its way first into the British economy and then into the affections of voters. British tourists will come back from their European holidays laden with Euros, which they will spend not just at airports but in high street shops. So, too, will foreign visitors. As the Earn becomes a parallel currency, those who make up the current two-o-one majority will change their minds. From there, it will be a short step to decide to dispense with the pound. Neil Kinnock, a European commissioner and former leader of the Labor Party, predicts that the Euro will soon become Britain's second currency. Hans Eichel, the German finance minister, also says that it will become a parallel currency in countries like Switzerland and Britain. Peter Hain, the European minister who is acting as a cheerleader for membership, says the Euro will become "a practical day-to-day reality and that will enable people to make a sensible decision about it". As many as a third of Britain's biggest retailers, such as Marks and Spencer, have said they will take Euros in some of their shops. BP has also announced that it will accept Euros at some of its garages.But there is less to this than meet the eye. British tourists can now withdraw money from cashpoint from European holiday destinations, so they are less likely than in the past to end up with excess foreign money. Evenif they do, they generally get rid of it at the end of their holidays, says David Southwell, a spokesman for the British Retail Consortium (BRC). (分数:2.50)(1).According to the writer, once the British get used to the Euro, ______(分数:0.50)A.there will be no obstacle for it to be a currency in Britain.B.it will take the place of pound in whatever aspects in Britain.C.the British will accept it as a cash currency gradually.D.it will become a symbol of reunification for European countries.(2).The writer seems ______(分数:0.50)A.to be over-enthusiastic about the success of the Euro.B.to launch a vigorous campaign against the Euro creep.C.to hold a hostile attitude towards Euro expansions.D.to take a matter-of-face attitude towards the issue.(3).The word "cheerleader" (Paragraph 4) can best be replaced by ______(分数:0.50)A."voter".B."advocator".C."critic".D."prophet".(4).What does the writer intends to illustrate with Marks and Spencer?(分数:0.50)A.A kind of professional service.B.Objections to the Euro creep.C.A type of subjective brand loyalty.D.Expansions of the Euro in Britain.(5).Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?(分数:0.50)A.The Prospect of the Euro in Britain.B.A New Currency under Attack.C.The Popularity of the Euro in Britain.D.A Theme of Dreams and Nightmares.Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years ago, you cannot help being struck by the appearance of the women taking part. Their hairstyles and make-up look dated; their skirts look either too long or too short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous. The men taking part in the film, on the other hand, are clearly recognizable. There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entirely different age.This illusion is created by changing fashions. Over the years, the great majority of men have successfully resisted all attempts to make them change their style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year a few so-called top designers' in Paris or London lay down the law and women the whole world over rush to obey. The doctrines of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial. This year, they decide in their arbitrary fashion, skirts will be short and waists will be high; zips are in and buttons are out. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised.If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are annually blackmailedby the designers and the big stores, Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be discarded because of the dictates of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.Changing fashions are nothing more than the deliberate creation of waste. Many women squander wast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Woman who cannot afford to discard clothing in this way waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Hem-lines are taken up or let down; waist-lines are taken in or let out; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on.No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort providing they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of fickleness and instability? Men are too sensible to let themselves be bullied by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.(分数:2.50)(1).In the opening paragraph, the writer introduced his topic by ______(分数:0.50)A.introducing an illusion.B.making a comparison.C.depicting a vivid scene.D.posing a sharp contrast.(2).In the eyes of the author, the dictates of fashion probably means a sort of design characterized by ______(分数:0.50)A.obsolescence and sensibility.B.uniqueness and stability.C.creativity and hypocrisy.D.inconstancy and irrationality.(3).The word "blackmailed" most probably means ______(分数:0.50)A."taken advantage of ".B."given thought to".C."taken into account".D."born in mind".(4).The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the ______ of clothing.(分数:0.50)A.suitabilityfortC.appearanceD.fabric(5).It can be inferred from the passage that women should ______(分数:0.50)A.see through the very nature of fashion myths.B.boycott the products of the fashion industry.C.avoid following fashion doctrines too closely.D.blame designers for their waste of money.二、{{B}}Part Ⅲ Vocabula(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.A young man sees a sunset and unable to understand or express the emotion that it ______ in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond.(分数:1.00)A.reflectsB.retainsC.rousesD.radiates2.There is a loss of self-confidence, a sense of personal failure, great anger and a feeling of being utterly ______ .(分数:1.00)A.let aloneB.let outC.let downD.let on3.Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to ______ regret.(分数:1.00)A.teem withB.brim withe withD.look with4.In fact tho purchasing power of a single person's pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per cent of the value of the ______ Singapore pension.(分数:1.00)A.equivalentB.similarC.consistentD.identical5.Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I feel sure that I have no ______ but to report him to the local police.(分数:1.00)A.timeB.chanceC.authorityD.alternative6.The child should always ______ the same basic procedure: seeing the whole word-hearing and pronouncing-writing from memory.(分数:1.00)A.go throughB.take overC.respond toD.carry off7.______ any advice which you can get from the interviewer and follow up suggestions for improving your presentation and qualifications.(分数:1.00)A.Take the most ofB.Keep the most ofC.Have the most ofD.Make the most of8.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young one has a glorious future before him and the old one has a ______ future behind him.(分数:1.00)A.splendidB.conspicuousC.uproariousD.imminent9.With most online recruitment services, jobseekers must choose their words carefully; ______ the search engine will never make the correct match.(分数:1.00)A.thereforeB.whereasC.providedD.otherwise10.Ever since Geoffrey sent a sizeable cheque to a well-known charity he's been ______ with requests for money from all sides.(分数:1.00)A.devastatedB.smashedC.bombardedD.cracked11.Banks shall be unable to ______ ,or claim relief against the first 15% of any loan or bankrupted debt left with them.(分数:1.00)A.write offB.put asideC.shrink frome over12.They are always ready to ______ heavy responsibilities.(分数:1.00)A.take inB.take onC.put onD.put in13.According to BBC boxing reporter Mike Costello, just as there is worldwide ______ with boxing, so there is worldwide opposition.(分数:1.00)A.passionB.attractionC.emotionD.fascination14.That MGM Grand Youth Center is open to children 3-12 years old ______ what hotel they are staying in.(分数:1.00)A.regardless inB.regardless ofC.regardless onD.regardless from15.Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their _____ aspects.(分数:1.00)A.potentialB.socialC.essentialD.partial16.______ the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for another 8-10 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated.(分数:1.00)A.Turn offB.Turn overC.Turn downD.Turn up17.The recovery and ______ of the country' s economy has also been accompanied by increasing demands for high quality industrial sites in attractive locations.(分数:1.00)A.renewalB.revivalC.recessionD.relief18.That tragedy distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out only ______ necessity.(分数:1.00)A.within reach ofB.for fear ofC.by means ofD.in case of19.It seems a reasonable rule of thumb that any genuine offer of help and support from people or organizations will be accompanied by a name and address, and a willingness to be ______ as to their motive in making contact.(分数:1.00)A.seen throughB.checked outC.touched onD.accounted to20.Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become ______ to her economy and politics over forty years' association.(分数:1.00)A.integralB.unilateralC.rationalD.hierarchical三、{{B}}Part Ⅳ Cloze{{/(总题数:1,分数:20.00)For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Every second,{{U}} 56 {{/U}}hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's one to two football fields.This{{U}} 57 {{/U}}rate of destruction has serious consequences{{U}} 58 {{/U}}the environment. Scientists estimate, for example, that 137{{U}} 59 {{/U}}of plant, insect or animal become{{U}} 60 {{/U}}every day due to logging. In British Columbia,{{U}} 61 {{/U}},since 1990,thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear cut,142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the{{U}} 62 {{/U}}of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging,{{U}} 63 {{/U}},provides jobs , profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is{{U}} 64 {{/U}}to restrict or control it. Much of Canada's forestryproduction{{U}} 65 {{/U}}making pulp and paper. According to the CanadianPulp and Paper Association, Canada {{U}}66 {{/U}}34%of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be{{U}} 67 {{/U}}. Recently, a possible{{U}} 68 {{/U}}way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp. Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be{{U}} 69 {{/U}}paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For many centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries{{U}} 70 {{/U}}it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading{{U}} 71 {{/U}}would not have been possible{{U}} 72 {{/U}}hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be{{U}} 73 {{/U}}for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four-times as{{U}} 74 {{/U}}paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the{{U}} 75 {{/U}}scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests.(分数:20.00)A.matchingB.equivalentC.mountingD.reachingA.greatB.wonderfulC.imaginaryD.alarmingA.forB.onC.atD.toA.typesB.categoriesC.speciesD.classesA.extinctB.distinctC.deadD.exhaustedA.whenB.whoC.whereD.whichA.territoryndC.habitatD.inhabitantB.furthermoreC.otherwiseD.insteadA.willingB.likelyC.reluctantD.intendedA.goes upB.goes towardsC.goes intoD.goes atA.suppliesB.offersC.presentsD.providesA.maintainedB.sustainedC.preservedD.heldA.optionalB.potentialC.promisingD.alternativeA.made intoB.made forC.made upD.made ofA.sinceB.becauseC.asD.whileA.linkB.exchangeworkD.siteA.exceptB.withoutC.withD.besidesA.resumedB.renewedC.refreshedD.revivedA.muchB.manyC.fewD.moreA.greatC.immenseD.massive四、{{B}}Part Ⅴ Translat(总题数:1,分数:3.00)21.What, then, does Drucker suggest are the new knowledge-based industries on which economic growth will depend? He discusses three categories of such industries. The first of these is the information industry. This industry collects, stores, spreads, and applies knowledge. It depends on the computer. In the future, however, the computer itself will probably become less important than communicating and applying knowledge. Drucker foresees a central computer that will make information available to everyone. Another source of new industries is the science of the oceans. New technologies may help to supply food and minerals from the seas. A third new source of economic growth is the materials industry. This industry provides the materials for making objects. one such industry that has already become economically important is the plastic industry. Drncker explains that throughout history our traditional materials have been metals, glass, natural fibers, and paper. Today, with the help of modem science, industries can make many new materials to meet specific needs. Because they will be created to fit a certain product, they will be highly efficient. Consequently, he points out, industries that supply traditional materials such as steel or glass will have trouble competing with those that produce these new materials.(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________五、{{B}}Part Ⅵ Writing{(总题数:1,分数:15.00)22.A. Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of about 200 words. B. Your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)describe the picture and interpret its meaning. (2) point15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。

考博英语分类模拟题2019年(2)(总分41.5, 做题时间90分钟)Reading ComprehensionPassage OneCelebrate. Celebrate. Physicians are delighted with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel's recommendation earlierthis year that Vioxx and its cousins Bextra and Celebrex (all medicines known as Cox-2 inhibitors) should remain on the market, despite evidence they increase heart disease risk in some people. The panelists reached their decision after weighing all the data and concluding the benefits of these pain-relieving drugs outweighed the risks.Specifically, these scientists acknowledged that, for some patients, these prescription drugs were uniquely effective in reducing pain from arthritis and other causes. For others—concerned about ulcers associated with aspirin and other OTC analgesics—the Cox-2 inhibitors offered the advantage of minimizing potentially serious effects of stomach irritation.Now is an appropriate time for everyone to take a fresh look at the benefit-risk equation for Vioxx and the other Cox-2 inhibitors.The risks—increased risk of heart disease in some who use the drugs—have been well publicized. Much less publicity has been given to a spectrum of real and potential benefits that go way beyond reduced risk of stomach irritation. These little-discussed benefits would have been lost, perhaps permanently—had Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex been driven from shelves in pursuit of perfect safety, an unattainable goal.For example, there is substantial evidence Cox-2 inhibitors can reduce development of colon polyps, which may become colon cancel indeed. Celebrex is FDA-approved for those genetically prone to colon cancer. Ironically, the 2004 study that revealed the elevated heart attack risk of Vioxx was primarily designed to further establish the drug's effectiveness in protecting against colon cancer. And while the results of that interrupted trial have not yet been published, there is good reason to believe they will confirm the protective effects against colon cancer established in research over the last 10 years.At the time of its withdrawal from the market last fall, studies of Vioxx as well as the other Cox-2 drugs suggested they had other anti-cancer properties as well, possibly reducing the risk of malignancies of a number of sites, including the lung and esophagus.Had these drugs been dismissed, their untapped promise forprevention would have evaporated well before it was evaluated and applied to save lives. Fortunately, cooler and wiser heads prevailed.SSS_SIMPLE_SIN1.The FDA advisory panel recommends that Cox-2 inhibitors should be ______.•** clinic test•** with great caution•** to treat heart problems** available to the patientsA B C D分值: 1.5答案:D题目问:美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)顾问小组建议Cox-2抑制剂应该怎样?第一段第一句Physicians are delighted with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel's recommendation earlier this year that Vioxx and its cousins Bextra and Celebrex (all medicines known as Cox-2 inhibitors) should remain on the market, despite evidence they increase heart disease risk in some people.通过此句话可知,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)顾问小组建议,尽管有证据证明这些Cox-2抑制剂类的药物增加了某些人患心脏病的危险,但是仍然应该在市场上出售。
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清华大学考博英语真题Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. The opinions of his peers are more important to her than her parents' idea.A) friends B) equalsC) enemies D) bosses2. After we join the WTO, the situation that our automobile industry, depends for its survival on government subsidies will be changed. A) financial aid B) personnel supportC) spiritual encouragement D) partial taxation3. My salary has been raised to 100,000 yuan a year. but there is a proportionate increase in my income tax.A) dramatic B) undesirableC) perpetual D) proportional4. Henry David Thoreau used to ramble through the woods before he wrote his most famous book Walden (1854).A) study B) liveC) read aloud D) wander5. Despite the pressure from the president, the provincial government insisted on its autonomous jurisdiction.A) regional B) obstinateC) willful D) legal6. All programs celebrating the Spring Festival in the CCTV have been relayed to even' part of the world through satellites.A) received B) reservedC) rebroadcast D) enjoyed7. You must be drunk last night. Otherwise how did you manage to drive into a stationary vehicle?A) official B) policeC) parked D) running8. To create a democratic atmosphere in the company, the manager should always be accessible to his staff.A)fair B) equalC) acceptable D) approachable9. The newly imported machine doesn't work in ambient humidity of 50 degrees.A) approximate B) surroundingC) convenient D) high10. Many students are signing the petition against building a steelworksnear the school.A) names B) agreementC) request D) disapproval11. Your appraisal of the current situation is quite different from mine.A) optimistic B) complimentC) agreement D) estimate12. They are boycotting the store because the workers are on strike.A) looting B) banningC) protecting D) destroying13. In the final contest, two athletes are contending for the championship.A) satisfying B) happyC) competing D) quarreling14. The computer's value will depreciate by half in the first year.A) decrease B) increaseC) keep low D) fluctuate15. China Telecom is about to embark on a major program of computerization.A) propaganda B) finishC) purchase D) undertakel6. The candidate has given a pledge that he will improve the local environment and invest doubly in education.A) promise B) declarationC) proposal D) possibility17. There has always been an epldemic or bike stealing inschools.A) a theft B) a punishmentC) a plague D) a crime18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.A) debate B) conferenceC) seminar D) negotiation19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.A) snowman B) outside the earthC) spiritual D) underworld20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.A) debt B) enterpriseC) controversy D) bondage21.After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a __________ loathing for each other.A) boring B) reciprocalC) friendly D) standing22. On the stage many pieces of blue silk were fluctuated to ________the sea waves.A) simplify B) simulateC) help D) like23. The government lacked money because of biting oil________.A) prices B) stationsC) buildings D) revenues24. Though the policies of racial ________had been abolished, manywhites in the South were still dubious about the safety of the communities.A) segregation B) regulationsC) communism D3 extinction25. The proposal was accepted with ________ approval. Everybody believed it would help revive the national economy.A) unanimous B) doubtfulC) pleasant D) searching26. Many social services are provided by ________ societies and organizations that do not expect any material payment.A) wealthy B)voluntaryC) helpful D)spiritual27. In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me _________ me into the corner little by little.A) dragged B) drewC) frightened D) wedged28. The police, trying to ________exactly who was at the party are investigating every person concerned.A) ascertain B) arrestC) imagine D) count29. If everybody has arrived the meeting may________ now.A) commence B) criticizeC) comment D) conclude30. The prodigal son ________his large inheritance in a few years of heavy spending.A) inherited B) receivedC) accumulated D) dissipated3l. In ancient India, there used to be a very formidable ________ in religious and social life.A) hierarchy B) powerC) despot D) president32._________ delinquency refers to law-breaking by young people.A) Juvenile B) Green-handC) Amateur D) Institute33. It's necessary to make your handwritings ________ when you fill in an official form.A) reconcilable B) legitimateC) legible D) formal34. She has always been a conscientious secretary since the gal, she entered my company. Tine suggestion that I wanted her to resign is quite __________A) thoughtful B) reasonableC) unfounded D) early35. The ________ meaning of "yellow" is a color, but it can also mean "cowardly."A) positive B) negativeC) underlying D) literal36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see ________ of stars.A) the circulation B) a clusterC) the falling D) myriads36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see ________ of stars.A) the circulation B) a clusterC) the falling D) myriads37. Ringing church bells sets up ________ in the Alpine valleys.A) resonance B) forestsC) church building D) priests38. The students are all from ________ countries, such as Singapore. India Korean, and Japan.A) developing B)orientalC) island D) Christian39. Wouldn't it be easier to move about on the ________ of the mobbed crowd than to squeeze in tile middle?A) consent B) headsC) fringe D) recreation40. When the new immigration law came into effect, the old one was naturallyA) validated B) put offC) repealed D) put upPart III Reading Comprehension(50%)Section ADirections: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You loeide on the best choice.Passage IIn the years following the Second World War, the youth hostel idea spread to other parts of the world and the same spirit was maintained. The International Youth Hostel Federation, IYHF, which was to co-ordinate activities in the various national associations, incorporated in its constitution the principle that in youth hostels "there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality color, religion, class or political opinions. This, it should be noted, was at a time when the principles of racial equality and brotherhood were by no means so widely acknowledged as they are now."There is normally no age bar at youth hostels. Exceptions are Switzerland and Bavaria. Where there is a maximum age of 25 and I7 years respectively. Generally, however, the hostels are intended to meet theneeds of two main groups: senior secondary school children, university and schoolchildren travelling with a teacher on educational visits, and aged between about 11 and I8.The principal contribution of the youth hostel movement to the attack on racism is the fact that in the 4,364 hostels throughout the world the brotherhood of man is taken for granted and practiced quietly and without any ostentation.If you walk into the common-room of a big youth hostel in Gracow or Munich, Lahore of Canberra, you will find young people of' every race and nationality sitting down together to share their experiences and discuss the world's problems. As a Malaysian boy recently remarked:" youth hostel is a place where you will never feel lost"In accordance with its constitution, the IYHF has never admitted to membership youth hostel associations in South Africa and Rhodesia, because legislation in those countries makes it impossible for people of different races to share youth hostel facilities.But an interesting new project is under way in Lesotho, with the financial and technical support of the Federation: the construction of a south hostel specifically designed to carry out an educational task in southern Africa by opening its doors to young people of all races from neighboring and more distant countries. Situated just outside the capital, Maseru, the youth hostel will also provide accommodation for young people of Lesotho attending study and training courses.The very, comprehensive statistics maintained by the IYHF show tile movement of young people form country, to country in some detail, it can be seen, for instance, that 10,828 "overnights" were recorded in 1972 by young Americans in tile hostels of Japan. and 3.643 by young visitors form India in the youth hostels of West Germany. Although these figures are small in absolute terms, they represent a network of individualhuman contacts among young people which can influence outlooks and opinions at the grass roots.41. It can be interred from this passage that IYHF isA) an organization where young people liveB) an organization that advocates brotherhood of manC) an organization to protect the rights of teenagersD) an international company42. "Ostentation" in the last sentence of the third paragraph is closest in meaning with_______A) pretentiousness B) outstandingC) obstruction D) declaration43. The maximum age of people staying at youth hostels in most countries is______A) 20B) 25C) 17D) unlimited44. The tone of this article may be described is______A) formal B) imaginative C) humorous D) negative45. All the following statements are true EXCEPT ______A) Countries where youth hostels are segregated by race are fined by IYHF.B) Only very, few countries are members of the IYHE.C) Countries where youth hostels are segregated by race are denied membership in the IYHF.D) All countries are allowed normal memberships in the IYHF. Passage 2Before about 3500 BC, there were cultures, but not civilizations. Prehistoric men and women created societies, constructed houses, lived in villages, hunted and fished, farmed, made pottery, wove cloth, and created languages. But unlike more advanced peoples, they did not build cities, read, or write. Cities are the cornerstone of civilized life because with them came other civilizing elements, including differentiation of classes and employment, sophisticated religious and political systems, monumental architecture, and the formation of states and empires.Historians usually begin the story, of civilization with accounts of the world's first great writers and city-builders, the Sumerians. Because the Sumerians recorded ideas and sagas and listed the names of their rulers, we know more about them than about prehistoric about prehistoric peoples who left their legacy in stones, bones, and pottery.With the ability to build cities and record thought came the ability to communicate ideas and innovations over vast reaches of time and space. Human beings—who had formerly taken hundreds of thousands of years to learn that a stone ax sharpened on both sides is more useful than an ax sharpened on one side—progressed rapidly from foot travel to horse drawn carts, and later, from railroads to airplanes. With these and thousands of other innovations, people came to live Longer, more comfortable lives.Civilization also brought new ills to humanity. In the 20th century, it brought nuclear carfare global warming, and ozone depletion. More subtly, civilization removed human beings from regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world. Unlike people of modem civilizations primitive people lived close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands. They locked at fire and the stars with awe and reverence. Civilization involves the ability to create a new political and cultural world. In the 19th century, the American writer, philosopher, and naturalist Henry David Thoreau noted that this artificial sphere separates humanity from primitive virtue. "Most of the luxuries, he argued, "and many of the so-called comforts, of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevations of mankind." Thoreau believed that men and women should simplify their lives.Even those ancient pioneers of civilization, the Greeks, mourned the lost innocence. They expressed this sense of regret in the story, of Prometheus and Pandora. Contrary, to the wishes of other Gods, Prometheus brought to humanity the gifts of fire, art, and science. The jealous gods were unwilling to allow men and women to enjoy, such blessings without cost, and so they sent Pandora to the world with a box containing disease, sorrow, and other evils.Thus, human beings have viewed civilization as a mixed blessing. Civilized people have waged brutal wars, destroyed majestic forests, and persecuted religious minorities. But civilizations have also achieved wonders.46. Which of the following represents civilization of people?A) They build houses.B) They have societies.C) They live in a group.D) They can write.47. "Sumerians" in the second paragraph refers to ______.A) a person B) a group of peopleC) human beings D) prehistoric people48. In paragraph 4, there is a sentence given by Henry. Thoreau, "Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts, of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevations of mankind." This sentence means ______.A) Most luxuries and comforts are important and can improve the quality, of people's life.B) Most luxuries rind comforts are not so important for they cannot improve the quality of people's life.C) Most luxuries and comforts are not so necessary and also they prevent the progress of human beingsD) Most luxuries and comforts are too important to improve the quality of people's life49. All tile following represent the negative side of civilization EXCEPT ______A) chemical warfare B) the decrease of fresh airC) greenhouse effect D) the nuclear plant50. In the paragraph that follows this passage, the writer is going to discuss ______A) the importance of civilizationB) the difference between civilization and cultureC) the positive aspect of civilizationD) the GreeksPassage 3One of the foremost authors of the era between the two world wars, Hemingway in his early works depicted tile lives of two types of people. One type consisted of men and women deprived, by World War I, of faith in the moral values in which they had believed, and who lived with cynical disregard for anything but their own emotional needs. The other type were men of simple character and primitive emotions, such as prizefighters and bullfighters. Hemingway wrote of their courageous and usually futile battles against circumstances. His earliest works include the collections of short stories Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), his first work; In Our time (1924),tales reflecting his experiences as a youth in the northern Michigan woods; Men without women(1927), a volume that included "The Killers," remarkable for its description of impending doom; and Winner T ake Nothing (1933), stories characterizing people in unfortunate circumstances in Europe. The novel that established Hemingway's reputation. The Sun Also Rises (1926), is the story, of a group of morally irresponsible Americans and Britons living in France and Spain, members of the so-called lost generation of the post-world War I period. Hemingway's second important novel, A Farewell to Arms (1929), is the story, of a deeply moving love affair in wartime Italy between an American officer in the Italian ambulance service and a British nurse. The novel was followed by two nonfiction works, Death in the Afternoon (1932), prose pieces mainly about bullfighting; and Green, gills of Africa (1935), accounts of big-game hunting.Hemingway's economical writing style often seems simple and almost childlike, but his method is calculated and used to complex effect. In his writing Hemingway provided detached descriptions of action, using simple nouns and verbs to capture scenes precisely. By doing so he avoided describing his characters' emotions and thoughts directly. Instead, in providing the reader with the raw material of an experience and eliminating the authorial viewpoint. Hemingway made the reading of a text approximate the actual experience as closely as possible. Hemingway was also deeply concerned with authenticity, in writing. Hebelieved that a writer could treat a subject honestly only if the writer had participated in or observed the subject closely. Without such knowledge the writer's work would be flawed because the reader would sense the author's lack of expertise: In addition, Hemingway believed that an author writing about a familiar subject is able to write sparingly and eliminate a great deal of superfluous detail from the piece without sacrifleing the voice of authority. Hemingway's stylistic influence on American writers has been enormous. The success of his plain style in expressing basic. yet deeply felt, emotions contributed to the decline of the elaborate Victorian-era prose that characterized a great deal of American writing in the early 20th century. Many American writers have cited Hemingway as an influence on their own work.51. The novel that brought Hemingway greatest fame________.A) Three Stories and Ten Poems B) In Far TimeC) Men Without Women D) The Sun Also Rises52 Which of the following can best describe Hemingway's writing style?A) simple and precise B) bullfightingC) superfluous D) complicated53. According to this passage which of the following is the great contribution of Hemingway?A) He introduced a new subject into literature.B) His writing style influenced a group of American writersC) He proved that one should write about details.D) He said that writers should know what they are writing.54. This passage is mainly, about Hemingway's ___________A) life B) backgroundC) novels and writing style D) influence55. The sentence. "Hemingway was also deeply concerned with authenticity in writing"."authenticity" is closest in meaning withA) author's right B) credibilityC) authorization D) authorshipSection BDirections: After you have read the following passage write out a summary in English with about 70 to 90 words. Put your summary, on the Answer Sheet.It is said that the public and Congressional concern. about deceptive packaging uproar started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces, without any reduction in price. There were still twelve biscuits, but they had been reduced in size. Lze. Later, the Senator rightly complained of a store-bought pie in a handsomely illustrated box that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie.The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity, delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags. and tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8-ounce, one-pound quantities of break fast foods, cake mixes, etc. A study of drugstore and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible size and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles and tins are in use more same time and as the package journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the trade comments unfavorably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work. and net weights hat are used for improving a product's market position.When a packaging expert explained that he was able to multiply tile price of hard sweets by 2.5,from I dollar to 2.50 dollars by changing to a fancyjar, or that he had made a 5-ounce bottle look as though it held 8 ounces, he was in effect telling the public that packaging can be a very expensive luxury. It evidently does come high. when an average family pays about 200 dollars a year for bottles, cans, boxes, jars and other containers, most of which can't be used for anything but stuffing the garbage can.注:请将概要用英文写在答题纸上。