放牛班的春天 英语课前演讲共17页
The Role of Music Elements in Movies
The integration of disciplinary and non disciplinary music to enhance emotional impact, with the form providing a realistic soundscape and the latter offering commentary and emotional guidance
The Weaving Maid
Cast as a rising starlet with a background in dance and commercial arts, she brings a unique physique and grace to the role Her performance style
Introduction to the Spring Movie of the Cowherd Class in English
• Movie Background and Plot Introduction • Character Analysis and Actor Performance • Analysis of Film Audiovisual Language
Overview of the storyline
The protocol, a young colleague named Xiaoqiang, aims to leave the village and seek a better life in the city, but is consistently reminded of his low social status and lake of education
初一年级英语寒假“Read for fun and Read for life”阅读项目书After a busy but colourful term, We are about to enter a happy winter holiday and have a relaxed leisure time. How to spend the holiday? I know everyone has their own plans. But as time goes by, if we only eat, drink and play during the winter holiday, we will undoubtedly live up to the good time. So here’s the chance-Read for fun and Read for life.§寒假推荐阅读书目--Read for fun:新《英语课程标准》(简称《新课标》)对学生的知识面、交际能力、文化意识等方面提出了更高的要求,课外阅读成为英语学习的重要组成部分。
目录(加黑的书目为寒假需阅读的书目)一 A Week in Space 《太空漫游一星期》二 A Day at the Zoo 《动物总动员》三 A Year on the Farm 《田园寻趣》四 A Day with Birds 《观鸟一日记》五Fish 《绚烂鱼世界》六Fire Fighter 《火场英雄》七The Human Body 《人体探秘》八Penguins 《企鹅大家庭》九Predators 《猎食者》十Flying 《话说航空》十一Circus 《马戏乐园》十二Games 《游戏天地》十三Festivals 《节庆假日》十四Going on Safari 《畅游野生动物园》§配音秀--Voice Show 英语趣配音大挑战 - 20个【配音要求】1. 配音背景干净无杂音。
放牛班的春天励志句子英语1. 《放牛班的春天》里的十句经典句子在走出校长室时,马修回头警告校长,他这种管教方式是失败的。
」“我爸爸会在星期六来接我”-------佩皮诺"你还会当我是好朋友吗?" :"是的" "那你告诉我5+3等于多少" ________"等于53'"在那一刻,我感觉自己的每寸皮肤都透出了愉悦和乐观,我想向全世界呐喊,可谁又会听到呢?没人知道我的存在,伟大的艺术家对着镜子看到了真实的自己:我叫克雷芒马修,失败的音乐家,失败的学监"“在莫航治眼神中,我读出了很多意思,自豪,被谅解后的快乐,还有,对于他是第一次,懂得去感激”“永远不要说永远,凡事都有可能”池塘之底,我确信达到了我人生的低谷。
他第一次懂得了感激”2. 摘抄电影放牛班的春天中20个优美段的句子You can't say,there are things worth trying.你不能说,有些事情值得一试.Never give up,always have hope in front waiting for.永不放弃,总有希望在前面等待.At that moment,I feel every inch of skin with joy and optimism,I want to say to the world,but who can hear?在那一刻,我感觉每一寸皮肤用欢乐和乐观,我想对这个世界说,但谁能听到吗?No one know of my existence,the great artist the mirror to see their true:my name is clement Matthew,failed musician,failed.没有人知道我的存在,伟大的艺术家镜子看到自己真正的:我的名字叫克莱门特马太,失败的音乐家,失败了.Every heart need love,need to be gentle,generous,need to understand.每颗心需要爱,需要温柔,大方,需要理解.3. 放牛班的春天里,摘录10个好句,包括英文和中文1.永远别说永远Never say never2.世事不能说死,有些事情总值得尝试。
Les choristes 放牛班的春天- Oui? 请进?- Pierre, on appelle de France. C'est urgent! 皮耶尔,是法国来的电话,很紧急- Après le concert. 音乐会后再说吧- C'est au sujet de votre mère.是关于你母亲的- Oui? 喂?- Tu me reconnais? Fond de l'Etang. "Mon père va venir me chercher samedi."还记得我吗?“池塘之底”,“我父亲会在星期六来接我”Pépinot. 佩皮诺- Mais oui, bien sûr.当然了Pépinot. Ca fait combien de temps? 佩皮诺!都多少年了?Oh, juste une cinquantaine d'années. 哦,整整五十年了- Fond de l'Etang. “池塘之底”Ah, mais c'est toi, là, au premier rang. 呐,这就是你了,坐在第一排- Et toi. 而这是你- Et le pion, comment il s'appelait déjà? 还有学监,他怎么称呼来着?- Clément Mathieu.克雷芒马修- Clément Mathieu. Qu'est-ce qu'il a pu devenir lui aussi? 克雷芒马修,不知道他后来怎么样了?- Ouvre. 打开它- "Fond de l'Etang. Année 1949." “池塘之底”——1949 年- C'est le journal que Mathieu a tenu pendant son séjour à Fond de l'Etang. 这是马修在“池塘之底”期间写下的日记,Toute son histoire. Et la notre aussi. 他所有的故事,还有我们的C'est à toi qu'il le destinait. 他指定要把它交给你,J'aurais voulu te le remettre en d'autres circonstances, mais... 我本想在别的情形下给你,不过..."15 janvier, 1949. Après plusieurs années d'échecs dans tous les domaines, J'avais la certitude que le pire était à venir." 1949 年一月十五日。
A good teacher can influence(影响) his students through their lives. To be a teacher that be admired by(被…欣赏) his students is also a kind of happiness(幸 福). I wish that every teacher would teach his students by heart and enjoy his teaching life.
放牛班的春天 Les choristes
New words
• boarding school 寄宿学校
• design for 为…设计
• teenager n. 青少年
• ancient adj. 古老的
• mottled adj. 斑驳的
• atmosphere n. 气氛
• headmaster n. 校长
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the powottom of pond”(“池塘之底”) is a boarding school(寄宿学校). Specially design for(为…设计) “reeducation” problem teenagers(青少年) .Just as its name suggests, the school has dark ancient(古老的) buildings, heavy doors, mottled(斑驳的) gray rooms
那么,如何做一名仁爱之师呢? 我想,最基本的是做一名“真”教师。
如何做一名仁爱之师? 我想还要做一名“活”的老师。
介绍《放牛班的春天》英语作文I believe that, at the very beginning, everyone was sure that one day his dream would cometrue by perseverance. However, with growing up, things are going to be more difficult andcomplex. Sometimes, when you are coming to the fork of a road, the light at the end of atunnel lost. Then, people no longer have accesses to achieve what they wanted before. lt istrue for both the real life and the life in the movie Les Choristes. While, difficulties never stopbrave guys seeking the true, the good and the beauty. To me, l always believe the beauty ofglorious ideals and elevated minds. Clement Mathieu was a musician with super talent, while it lacks scope for his ability since hewas in French rural areas. One day, Mathieu who failed to achieve his ambition, came to aschool regarded as "the bottom of a pool" and found that boys living there have kinds ofproblems. To make matter worse, the headmaster was very indifferent. He was used to abusehis right to use corporal punishment frequently. Monsieur Mathieu began to try to changethe situation. But, all of his ways turn out useless. Finally, he turned to the music. He hasfound that those boys are interested in singing something, good or bad,or funny or relaxingThey just love singing. So he began to train them with professional method. l have to say thatit reallyis an amazing choir-Boys sing beautiful and bright songs written by Monsieur Mathieu; theyalso managed to perform those songs perfectly. Boys’ hearts seemed to be melted andpurified by the power of music as well as Monsieur Mathieu's patience. Change was in theair of this "bottom of a pool" , and it was just a question of when. Everything seemed sohopeful again. In the end, unfortunately, Monsieur Mathieu was fired by the meanheadmaster in the name of an accident. On his way of leaving, there were lots of paper planesfree falling from the window of classroom. They were from those boys. Even though therewere no names on paper planes, our dear teacher knew exactly who did that. At the sametime, boys locked the angry headmaster out of the door and sang their song to say goodbyeto their teacher.Therefore, l think it is the true essence of education as well as the true meaning of life. Can wesay that?As for me, there is still someone like Monsieur Mathieu l really appreciate. They are teachersin my high school. Of course, they needn' t rescue me from troubles as bad as those in themovie. But they actually taught me many crucial things how to think, how to adhere to myprinciples and what kind of values l should keep. Conspicuously, spiritual guidesfor a teenager who were almost lost are definitely great. Then, l guess this kind of goodeducation is life-giving spring breeze and rain. Besides, the beautiful heart stands forbriliance of humanity. No matter how dark the situation is, the great heart will alwaysdecorate the world and make lives different. 幽晦的“池塘之底”。
【中午 非英文】放牛班的春天绝佳介绍 演讲
一道道铁门禁锢着他们的心灵世界。从此只能看到高墙围 着的四角的天空。感受不到爱和尊重,不许依恋。犯了事, 只能用皮鞭和囚禁处理。尘封的心灵开始扭曲,在这里有 以李基度为代表的攻击性强的儿童,他砸伤老麦;还有以 皮比诺为代表的,由于失去双亲,缺少依恋而孤僻,甚至 抑郁儿童;最值得关注的就是让单亲妈妈头痛,对音乐极 有天赋,但又自尊心十足,相当敏感的莫朗。
雅克贝汉这个大名鼎鼎的名字, 这个在演员和导演双重身份上 都取得杰出成绩的人,他让 《放牛班的春天》几乎成为了 又一部《天堂电影院》,同样 在两部影片中担当着制片人, 又同样在两部影片一个几乎相 同的开篇中饰演了一位回忆者 的角色,《放牛班的春天》中 的音乐家,《天堂电影院》中 的导演。但是由于有《天堂电 影院》这样珠玉在前,难免让 《放牛班的春天》这样一部不 错的电影留下暗伤,与经典失 之交臂。同样个人以为影片仍 然在某些方面存在着不足,主 要在于学生们对克蒙特老师的 情感宣染是很不够的,特别是 作为莫杭治而言,他的人生因 为克蒙特而改变,却似乎一直 对于他和克蒙特老师的相互情 感着墨太少。
《Concerto Pour Deux Voix》
法国当代作曲家 Saint-Preux 的作品集,大 多是协奏曲和轻音乐。他在1969年写下了 一首着名的Concerto pour une Voix (天使 之声协奏曲),当时是专为号称拥有天使歌 声的法国吟唱歌手Danielle Licari 所作。这 首无词歌也成为Danielle Licari的招牌曲目。
因为每一位孩子都渴望在自己的人生路上遇见这 样一位老师,这样一位给自己最多帮助的人。能 够遇上便是一种幸福,尽管这种幸福在现实中显 得这样的奢侈,但是我们仍然会渴求得到。 一位评论家为该片写下了这样一段话:“不同于 一般的运用悲情拼命煽情的悲情电影,或极尽夸 张搞怪的爆笑喜剧,《放牛班的春天》是一部让 人因为喜悦而泪流满面的电影。这也创造了法国 电影新概念——阳光情感电影。这部没有美女、 暴力;没有动作、凶杀和商业元素的好电影成为 了本年度法国人的心灵鸡汤”。
高中教育英语必修第一册人教版《5.5 Writing——写演讲稿》教学课件
■ 韵味无穷结尾句 1.Altogether, we can come to/draw a conclusion that we can't be
separated from music. 总之,我们可以得出一个结论: 我们离不开音乐。 2.Based on the above statements, we can conclude that music makes
Section Ⅴ Writing——写演讲稿
演讲稿是一种常见的应用文文体,作者就某一个具体问题发表自己 的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感。在组织演讲稿时,要注意演讲 面向的对象,注意措辞及修辞性语言的合理使用,以达到应有的表达 效果。
积·满分素材 ■ 夺人眼球开头句 1.It is a great honor for me to deliver my speech here.我很荣幸能在这 里发表演讲。 2.I feel greatly honoured to deliver my speech here, whose topic is
练·写作规范 假定你是李华,你将参加主题为“The power of music”的英语演讲比 赛。请撰写一份演讲稿, 要点如下: 1.音乐对你的影响; 2.你对音乐的感觉; 3.音乐的重要性。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 Good morning, everyone!
Have you ever heard a piece of music and _r_em_e_m_b_er_ed_a_n_im_p_or_ta_nt_ti_m_e _in_y_ou_r _lif_e _________?
第三步:合理过渡 完美卷面
放牛班的春天 英语课前演讲 PPT
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the power of song.
• Beautiful things, in the lost, feel it’s precious(珍贵的).
• Never give up, always have hope is waiting ahead.
• Sometimes, a touching story is no need for heart-breaking(令人心碎的) nor rousing(激动人 心的) heroism plot(英雄主义情结).
Matthew had taken the children out of the school, they were safe. But Mr. Matthew were
When Mr. Matthew left school sadly, the school yard(院子) was full of paper planes with best wishes on the cards from his students.
“The bottom of pond”(“池塘之底”) is a boarding school(寄宿学校). Specially design for(为…设计) “reeducation” problem teenagers(青少年) .Just as its name suggests, the school has dark ancient(古老的) buildings, heavy doors, mottled(斑驳的) gray rooms
《放牛班的春天》英文观后感60词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wow, "The Class of Fun" is such a cool movie! I watched it with my friends and we all loved it so much. The story is about this teacher who comes to a school to teach music to a group of students who are kind of naughty. But he teaches them to play music and they become really good at it. The best part is when they play in a music competition and everyone is so proud of them.I really liked how the teacher never gave up on the students, even when they were being difficult. He always believed in them and encouraged them to do their best. It made me think about how important it is to have someone who believes in you and pushes you to be better.The music in the movie was amazing too! I loved listening to all the different instruments and how they sounded together. It made me want to learn how to play music too.Overall, "The Class of Fun" is a really inspiring movie. It made me feel happy and excited, and it showed me that with hardwork and determination, you can achieve anything. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends!篇2Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the movie "The Class of the Spring". It's a really cool movie that I watched recently and I want to share my thoughts with you.The movie is about a group of boys who are sent to a boarding school where they have to learn how to play music. The teacher, Mr. Clement Mathieu, is really nice and cares about the students. But the headmaster, Mr. Rachin, is mean and strict.At first, the boys don't like Mr. Mathieu and they don't want to learn music. But as they start to practice and perform together, they become friends and learn to work as a team. They even win a music competition at the end of the movie!I really liked the movie because it shows that teamwork and friendship are important. The music in the movie is also really beautiful and inspiring. It made me want to learn how to play an instrument too!Overall, "The Class of the Spring" is a great movie that teaches us important lessons about friendship, teamwork, andfollowing our dreams. I highly recommend it to everyone, especially if you love music.That's all for my review. Thanks for listening!篇3"Spring for The Class of Cow Herd" is such a cool movie! I watched it with my mom and dad, and we all loved it so much. The story is about this strict teacher who goes to a school in the countryside and helps a group of students who play music together. They used to be in trouble a lot, but the teacher changed everything and they became so awesome!I really like how the teacher, Mr. Clement Mathieu, was so nice and caring to the students. Even when they were making mistakes or having a hard time, he never gave up on them. And the music they played together was so beautiful! It made me want to learn how to play an instrument too.The ending of the movie made me cry a little bit, but it was also happy because all the students played an amazing concert together. It made me feel like anything is possible if you work hard and have people who believe in you.I also learned that friendship is really important. The students in the class of the cow herd all became good friends and helped each other when they needed it. That's something I want to remember and do with my friends too.Overall, "Spring for The Class of Cow Herd" is a fantastic movie that teaches us about kindness, friendship, and the power of music. I will always remember it and maybe watch it again with my friends. It's definitely one of my favorite movies now!篇4《The Spring of The Cattle Class》Hey guys, have you ever watched the movie "The Spring of The Cattle Class"? It's super interesting and heartwarming! Let me tell you about it.The movie is about a group of naughty and unruly schoolboys who are sent to a strict boarding school where they meet the kind and passionate music teacher Mr. Mathieu. At first, the boys don't get along with each other and they are not interested in music at all. But with Mr. Mathieu's help and patience, they start to learn the beauty of music and become a fantastic choir.What I love most about this movie is how Mr. Mathieu never gives up on the boys, even when they make mistakes or misbehave. He always believes in them and encourages them to do their best. It's really inspiring to see how their hard work and dedication pay off in the end.The music in the movie is also amazing! The boys sing so beautifully and their voices blend together perfectly. It's so heartwarming to see them come together as a team and create something so special.Overall, "The Spring of The Cattle Class" is a touching and uplifting movie that teaches us the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and believing in ourselves. I highly recommend watching it with your friends and family. You won't regret it!篇5"Spring in the Cattle Class" is a super duper cool movie! It's all about this teacher, Clément Mathieu, who goes to work at this school for naughty kids called "The Fond de l'Etang School". At first, the kids are like soooo bad, always fighting and stuff. But then, Clément starts this singing group called the "The Chorus" and they all start singing and making music together.I really liked how Clément never gave up on the kids, even when they were being total pests. He was always so positive and patient with them, even when they were being really mean. He showed them that they could be good and talented if they just believed in themselves.And oh my gosh, the music in this movie is so amazing! The kids sound like angels when they sing together. They even have this big concert at the end of the movie and everyone is like, "Whoa, these kids are so talented!"But the sad part is when Clément has to leave the school at the end. I was like, "Nooo, don't go!" But he leaves behind a legacy of music and friendship that the kids will never forget.Overall, I totally loved "Spring in the Cattle Class"! It's a heartwarming movie that shows how music and kindness can change lives. Clément Mathieu is like the best teacher ever, and I wish I could have him as my teacher too. This movie is like a big hug for your heart, and everyone should watch it!篇6"Spring in the Cowshed" is a super duper great movie! I watched it with my friends and we all loved it so much. It's about this teacher called Clement Mathieu who goes to a boardingschool for boys who are kinda naughty. He starts a choir with them and they sound amazing!I love how Mr. Mathieu is so nice to the kids, even when they're being naughty. He helps them learn to sing and be better people. I also really like the music in the movie, it's so cool to hear the boys singing together.The part where the boys do a concert at the end made me feel so happy and proud of them. They worked really hard and it paid off. It made me want to join a choir too and sing with my friends.I also felt a little sad at some parts of the movie, like when some of the boys were mean to each other. But Mr. Mathieu always made things better and helped them get along.Overall, "Spring in the Cowshed" is a really awesome movie that teaches us about friendship, music, and being kind to others.I think everyone should watch it and feel all the emotions like I did. It's a must-see movie for sure!篇7I watched the movie "The Class of the Spring" with my friends last weekend. It was super awesome! The story is aboutthis guy named Clement, who goes to a school in France and becomes a music teacher for a group of rowdy boys.At first, the boys were really naughty and didn't want to listen to Clement. But he was super cool and patient with them. He taught them how to sing and play instruments, and they became really good at it!I really liked how the boys started working together as a team and became friends. They even entered a music competition and won first place! It was so exciting to watch them perform on stage.There were some sad parts too, like when one of the boys ran away from the school. But Clement never gave up on him and went to find him. It was so touching when they were finally reunited.The movie taught me that with hard work and determination, you can achieve anything. It also showed me the importance of friendship and never giving up on your dreams.I would definitely recommend this movie to all my friends. It's funny, heartwarming, and has a great message. I can't wait to watch it again!篇8"Spring at the Bullied Class" is a super great movie! Bro, you have to watch it if you haven't already. It's about this cool teacher named Clement Mathieu who goes to this boarding school. The students there are all naughty and get into trouble a lot. But Mr. Mathieu is so nice and patient with them. He starts a chorus group with the students and they get really good at singing.The best part of the movie is when they perform at this big competition. The music is so beautiful and it made me feel all happy inside. The students were so nervous but they did an awesome job. I was like, wow, they really did it!But then at the end of the movie, Mr. Mathieu gets fired and I was so sad. He was the best teacher ever and he really cared about the students. It was a big bummer when he had to leave.This movie taught me that with hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything. Even if people doubt you, you just gotta keep going and believe in yourself. And having a good teacher who believes in you can make all the difference.I give "Spring at the Bullied Class" two thumbs up! It's a must-watch for sure.篇9"Spring in the Class of the Cattle-Rearing Brigade" is a really cool movie! It's all about this teacher named Mr. Mathieu who comes to this school in the countryside and teaches music to a bunch of kids. But the headmaster, Mr. Rachin, doesn't like music at all and he's always yelling at the kids.I really liked how Mr. Mathieu was so nice to the kids and he taught them to play music on these instruments. They sounded so good together! And they practiced so hard to get ready for this big concert at the end of the movie. It was awesome!But there was also some sad parts in the movie. Like when one of the kids, Morhange, had to leave the school because his mom was sick. I was so sad when he had to go, but I was happy that he got to come back for the concert.I learned a lot from watching this movie. Like how important it is to be kind to others, even when they're mean to you. And how music can bring people together and make them happy. It made me want to learn how to play an instrument too!Overall, I really liked "Spring in the Class of theCattle-Rearing Brigade". It made me laugh and cry and feel happy all at the same time. I would totally recommend it to all my friends!篇10When I watched "The Class of Spring", it was soooooo good! It's about a school where there are a bunch of naughty kids and a new teacher named Mr. Mathieu. At first, the kids don't like him because he's strict, but then they start to see that he really cares and wants to help them.There's this one boy, Morhange, who has an amazing voice but is really shy. Mr. Mathieu helps him find his confidence and they even sing together at the end. It was so touching!I also liked how Mr. Mathieu brought music into the school and taught the kids to sing and play instruments. It was so cool to see them all working together and having fun. And the music was really beautiful too!The ending made me cry because it was so emotional. I won't spoil it for you, but it really showed how much the kids and Mr. Mathieu had grown and changed.I think "The Class of Spring" is a great movie because it teaches us that everyone has potential, even if they are naughty or shy. It also shows the power of music and how it can bring people together.I would definitely recommend this movie to all my friends. It's funny, heartwarming, and just a really good story. I can't wait to watch it again!。
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35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 要以为 过去的 光荣可 以被永 远肯定 。
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍的春天 英语课前演讲
31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。