
Case 5
背景情况描述部分,一般应隶属于结论部分 帝国主义(imperialist)国家对外侵略扩张,争夺
世界霸权(hegemony),必然走向战争。 Engaged in invasion and expansion abroad for
the purpose of the world hegemony,the imperialist inevitably will go to war.
Many stories that one lives for love and dies for love still go around among local people.
如今,在中外游客眼中,这个古镇被视为爱情 和浪漫旳天堂。(paradise)
Now in the eyes of tourists at home and abroad, this ancient town is regarded as a paradise for love and romance.
其后走过三个人,都有四五十岁光景。手摇白纸 扇,缓步而来。
Behind him came three men, all about forty to fifty years old. Fanning themselves with white paper fans, they walked slowly.
历史上,丽江还以“爱之城”而闻名。本地人 中流传着许多有关为爱而生,为爱而死旳故事。
Historically, Lijiang is also known as the “city of love”. Numerous live-or-die-for-love stories are circulating among locals.

Examples:1. “九龙壁”,建于1756年,全壁用五彩琉璃瓦砌成,两面各有蟠龙九条,姿态生动,反映了我国劳动人民的创造才能。
The Nine Dragon Screen, built in 1756, was made of colorful glazed tiles. The screen, with nine lively dragons on either side, reflects the great creativity of the Chinese working people.2.公园的中心——琼岛,周长l,913米,高32.8米,是1179年(金代)用挖海的泥土堆成的。
The center of the park is Qiong Island, 32.8 meters high and 1913 meters in circumference. It was made in 1179 (in the Jin Dynasty) with the earth that came from the digging of the lake.3.五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态,这就是彻底地不妥协地反帝国主义和彻底地不妥协地反封建主义。
The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well an anti-feudal movement. Itsoutstanding historical significance is seen in a feature which was absent from the Revolution of 1911,namely, its thorough and uncompromising opposition to imperialism as well as to feudalism. The May 4th Movement possessed this quality because capitalism had developed a step further in China and because new hopes had arisen for the liberation of the Chinese nation as China's revolutionary intellectuals saw the collapse of three great imperialist powers, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, and weakening of two others, Britain and France, while the Russian proletariat had established a socialist state and the German, Hungarian and Italian proletariat had risen in revolution.4.第一次世界大战后,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。

英语长句翻译实用技巧十翻译技巧10 长句翻译嵌切拆插(一)英译汉长句翻译的基本步骤英译汉长句翻译的关键在于两点:一是对原文的准确理解,二是恰如其分的表达。
我们看看下面一例长句的处理过程:英语原文:It is nothing else than impurities prenatally inherent in ore that seriously affect the quality of the latter,which is formed as a result of geological vicissitudes including diastrophic movement,eruption of volcano,sedimentation,glaciation and weathering etc.,under the action of which pyrogenic rocks,volcanic complex,aqueous rocks,sedimentary rocks etc.,come into being,some of which exist in a stage of symiosis,the main cause of the absence of pure rocks in nature,wherein lies the reason for the need of separation technology and apparatus,namely,ore-dressing devices and equipment,(which has been)so far impotent to meet the requirements of metallurgical industry the scientists make every endeavor to elevate to a new high by laser separation.第一、理解阶段第一步,扼要拟出全句的轮廓框架,其主体结构为两个并列复合句:It is nothing else than impurities... that seriously affect the quality of the latter,(不是别的,正是杂质严重影响了后者的质量……)wherein lies the reason for the need of separation technology and apparatus(因此存在需要分离技术与器械的理由)第二步,辨清该长句的主从结构,并根据上下文和全句内容领会其要旨:It is nothing else than impurities... that seriously affect the quality of...,which is formed as...,under the action of which... rocks... etc.,come into being...,some of which exist in...,wherein lies the reason for the need of...,(which have been)so far impotent to meet the requirements of...第三步,将长句按表达的需要划分成若干部分,把握每部分的要点:1)Impurities prenatally inherent in ore seriously affect its quality.(矿石中的天然杂质影响了矿石的质量。

我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:我 们出口商品就是为了满足国外客户消费方面的需 要。 The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple. Our export commodities are to meet the need of the consumption of our foreign customers.
属于修饰或说明关系的分句或短语,一般应译作 从属部分。 这个战争,在东方历史上是空前的,在世界历史 上也将是伟大的,全世界人民都关心这个战争。 The people of the whole world are concerned about this war, which has no precedent in the history of the East, and which will be a great war in world history,too.
云南省的丽江古镇是中国著名的旅游目的 地之一。那里的生活节奏比大多数中国的城 市都要缓慢。
The old town of Lijiang, where the pace of life is slower than most of Chinese cities, is one of China’s famous tourist destinations.
我们有决心,有信心,通过深化改革,变压力为动力, 迎接加入世贸组织带来的挑战,促进国民经济取得新的 发展。 We have the determination and confidence that through the deepening of reform, we can turn pressure into motive force to take the challenges arisen from our accession to the WTO and enable the national economy to achieve new progress.

Section4 英语修饰语翻译方法 (important)
词类 英译汉
1) 多数翻译为动词(动词词 多数翻译为动词(
汉译英 设法把汉语的动词( 设法把汉语的动词(词 组)和表示原因的短 句译成有动词含义的 名词 汉语中的有些动词可以 翻译为介词 汉语中的动词, 汉语中的动词,有时可 以翻译为相应的形容 词,转化为英语的优 势。 翻译短的句子, 翻译短的句子,可以翻 译为表达能力比较强 的副词。 的副词。
Section1 difficulties in translation
6. 对英文句子中修饰手法的潜在含义掌握不
好 The ship plows the sea. Plows 犁地,翻开(土地) 犁地,翻开(土地)
这里可以翻译为乘风破浪前行。 这里可以翻译为乘风破浪前行。
7. 英文句子中有些修饰语和中心词被隔得很
Section3 名词翻译方法(important) 名词翻译方法(
5. 将一些具体的名词,抽象化,使得语言 更贴近生活实际。 of course, so surrounded by admirers, she must be difficult in her choice. 当然,追她的人很多,他一定在选择中 感到困难了。 当然,追她的人很多,她都挑花眼了。
Section3 名词翻译方法(important) 名词翻译方法(
4. 将一些抽象名词增加范畴,或者具体化
There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient(短暂的,一时的) everydayness 他们的生活远不止那些政治的, 他们的生活远不止那些政治的,社会的 和经济的问题, 和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐 问题。

英文翻译:I went to the library yesterday and borrowed a book about history. Then, I spent two hours reading it in the library.2. 使用从句:将长句中的一部分转换为从句,并在英语翻译中使用适当的连接词(如that, which, who, when, where等)引导从句。
英文翻译:She told me that she attended an interesting conference last year, which was held in New York City.3. 使用定语从句:将长句中作为修饰的部分转换为定语从句,并在英语翻译中使用适当的关系代词(如that, which, who, whom等)引导定语从句。
英文翻译:I like the boy who wears glasses; he is always friendly.4.利用省略:可以在英语翻译中省略一些不重要或重复的信息,使句子更清晰和简洁。
英文翻译:I went to watch a movie with my friends yesterday and had dinner afterwards.以上是一些常用的翻译方法,根据具体语境和句子结构的复杂程度,可以选择适合的方法进行翻译。

This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vocations, a land of magic and wonder. 这个地方现在已经成了冬夏两季的休 假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;而从 前精疲力竭的旅游者却只能到此止步。
A substantial minority of each party in strong opposition to the other party is sometimes the key factor in the party’s policy making. 每一政党中坚决反对另一政党的有 实力的少数派,往往成为这一政党 在决策时的关键因素。
常见的英语长句汉译法 刘宓庆
常见的英语长句汉译法 一 包孕法 所谓“包孕”就是译成汉语时将英语后置修饰 成分(包括各种词组或从句)放在中心词(被 修饰成分)之前,使修饰成分在汉语句中前置。 而修饰词前置是汉语的正常语序,因此只要修 饰成分不因过长而形成拖沓或造成汉语句子成 分在连接上的纠葛,我们尽量用此法。前置包 孕可使句义十分紧凑,结构上整体感很强,多 用于公文文体。前置部分不宜太长,成分不宜 过于复杂。
国会已制定法律,要求大部分压力 集团呈报他们花费了多少钱、怎样 花的,以及款项的总额和来源、成 员人数、代表的姓名和薪水等情况。
二、切断或分切 所谓“切断”就是在英译汉时将长 句“化整为零”,在原句的关系代 词、关系副词、主谓连接处、并列 或转折连接处、后续成分与主体的 连接处,以及按意群切断,译成汉 语分句。
The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is incredible--about one in four. 大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有 阅读能力。这简直令人难以置信!

一般来说,在以下几种情况下都可以断句:1. 汉语句子较长,内容较复杂这种句子如果同样译作一个长句,在结构上有困难,语境也不清楚;断句则便于清晰地表达原意,又符合英语的表达习惯。
Throughout the ages only honest laboring people see the truth that wealth is created through labor. Only they can free their minds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only they create and accumulate wealth for both society and themselves through hard practical work.·如今没奈何,把你雇在隔壁人家放牛,每月可以得他几钱银子,你又有现成饭吃,只在明日就要去了。
There’s no way out but to set you to work looking after our neighbor’s buffalo. Y ou’ll make a little money every month, and you’ll get your meals there too. Y ou are to start tomorrow.2. 汉语的总分复句汉语的总分复句都包括总说和分述两个部分。
汉译英长句翻译 ppt课件

• As long as they are living,they always work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away,let alone waste even a single moment of their lives.
• --“这种 scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PM.when people enjoy a cup of tea,with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation.
• 每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤 面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种 情景在英国到处可见。
• There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PM.when people enjoy a cup of tea, with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation.
中国乒乓球大奖赛的最后一天,刘国梁在男 子单打比赛中一举夺魁后,干脆利落地夺 得大奖赛的4项冠军。

英语长句翻译的技巧一、顺序法I think he realized discomfort, for he leant forward in his chair and spoke to me, his voice gentle, asking if I would have some more coffee, and when I shook my head I felt that his eyes were still upon me, puzzled.我认为他意识到了我的不安,因为他坐在椅子上倾过身来对我说话,温文尔雅的问我要不要来电咖啡,而且当我摇了摇头时,我感觉到他的一双眼睛依旧困惑不解的盯着我看。
二、逆序法Such is a human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.许多人经常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。
And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, who boast that they can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, have not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the still resistance that gets in the way.由于受到顽强抵抗,吹嘘能在几小时内就占领战略要地的敌人甚至还没能占领外围地带,这一事实使我加强了信心。
三、分译法The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a side spread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House.在一次记者招待会上,问题集中于头一天的选举结果,总统就此发了言。
8.长难句的翻译 2

是我国有文字记载的到达 中印度、斯里兰卡、印度 界上横穿中亚、南亚次大 陆并由南洋海路回到中国 的第一人
与真谛、玄奘、不空齐名称四大佛经翻译家 《金刚经》 临终前他说:“今于众前,发诚实誓: 若所 传无谬者,当使焚身之后,舌不焦烂”。果 然火化之后“薪灭形碎,唯舌不灰”。
但是很多英语长句的翻译无法按照原顺序翻译,而 需要对原句顺序进行调整,在不改变原意的条件下, 用汉语重新组合,以时间、因果、假设与结果等逻辑 关系译成意思连贯、内容完整的汉语句子。以下为换 序译法中的几种不同情况。
It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked , but is often the focus of attention in any gathering.
现在这种策略已被越来越多的公司所采用。而 且,全国各地的专家认为,对待孩子也应 仿效这种做法,无论是在家里还是在学校。
• Somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up from the exercise books of my young pupils, which I was just correcting, into the kindly face of a little woman.
该句的主句是“Blitzen would tease Grandma”。 第一部分“Even when young”是主句的时间状语, 第三部分“by very selectively carrying one of her bedroom slippers into the living room”是方式状语, 第四部分“where Grandma sat in her favorite”, “comfortable chair”是定语从句修饰“living room”。

上海大众汽车公司是一家中德合资企 去年汽车产量为十万辆, 业 , 去年汽车产量为十万辆 , 预计今 年产量可再增加五万两。 年产量可再增加五万两。 Shanghai Volkswagon, a GermanSino joint venture which turned out 100,000 cars last year, is expected to increase production by 50.000.
英语长句结构: 英语长句结构: 主语+谓语 谓语+修饰语 主语 谓语 修饰语 并列成分或并列句 短语或从句 英语主谓关系非常明显, 英语主谓关系非常明显,其他成分 通过各种手段(介词、连词、 通过各种手段(介词、连词、关系 代词、关系副词) 代词、关系副词)同主谓成分挂钩
父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐, 父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐 她的男朋友 是什么样的人, 父亲一看就知道。 是什么样的人 父亲一看就知道。 After all , father has eaten more salt than she over the years. He will be able to tell at a glance whether her boyfriend is a man of character.
另一种态度, 学习的时候用脑筋想一想,学那些和 另一种态度 学习的时候用脑筋想一想 学那些和 我国情况适合的东西, 即吸取对我们有益的经验, 我国情况适合的东西 即吸取对我们有益的经验 我们需要的是这样一种态度。 我们需要的是这样一种态度。 The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions , that is , to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. That is the attitude we should adopt .

It is important to remember that the composition of a given grade of steel can be subject to variations within the range of its specification,and such variations in composition,impurity elements and also grainsize caused in hot-working process will result in differences in both response to heat treatment and variations in mechanical properties.重要的是要记住,给定牌号钢的化学成份在其规定范围内可能发生一些变化,这样一些在热加工过程中引起的存在于成份、杂质元素、还有品粒大小上的变化,将使热处理工艺和力学性能产生一些差异。
The civil engineer must be able to select and utilize effectively the products provided by the other branches of the profession developing consumer goods,such as the materials of construction and industry,including steel,timber,concrete and many other materials;and engaging the modern application and use of steam,electric and gas power enginesand machines.土建工程师一定要能够有效地选择和利用本行业和其他部门提供的产品。

Long Sentences in Translation
Long Sentences in EnglishChinese Translat1on
It is nothing else than impurities(杂质,不纯) prenatally(天然地) inherent in ore(矿石) that seriously affect the quality of the latter , which is formed as a result of geological vicissitudes(变化) including diastrophic(地壳变 迁) movement , eruption of volcano , sedimentation , glaciation and weathering etc ., under the action of which pyrogenic rocks(火成 岩) , volcanic complex(火山杂岩) , aqueous rocks(水成岩) , sedimentary rocks(沉积岩) etc . , come into being , some of which exist in a stage of symbiosis(共生) , the main cause of
The prerequisites for the cormplex sentences in English-Chinese translation lie in
the translator’s correct comprehension of the original and
Step3 : distinguish between the principal and subordinate elements
