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请看下例:八月剥枣。(《诗经· 七月》) “剥”就是 通假字,剥者,击也。
此句许渊冲译成: In eighth moon down the dates we beat. (八月 打下大红枣。)

再比较下面两个句子中的“说”字。 (1)成事不说,遂事不谏,既往不咎。(《论语· 八 佾》)。 (2)非不说子之道,力不足也。(《论语· 雍也》)。 第1句中的“说”字古义今义相同,该句可译成: It is bootless to discuss accomplished facts, to protest against things past remedy, to find fault with bygone things. 第2句中的“说”同“悦”,不明古今就可能将 “说”字译错。理雅各译成: It is not that I do not delight in your doctrine, but my strength is insufficient.

三、汉语文言与现代英语的 比较及翻译
(一)汉语文言与现代英语句法结构的主要相似 点及其翻译 1、文言判断句与英语SVC句型 2、文言被动句与英语的被动句 (二)汉语文言与现代英语句法结构的主要差异 及其翻译 1、意合与形合 (parataxis vs. hypotaxis) 2、汉语动词优势与英语名词、介词、分词优势 3、重复与替代 (repetition vs. substitution) 4、省略与完备 (omission vs. comprehensiveness)
Limited, 1925)

1)Journey to the. Jenner, 外文出版社,1980)
Havoc in Heaven, Adventures of the Monkey King

2)The Pilgrimage to the West 3)The Monkey King 4)Monkey (Arthur Waley, 1942)


With all my land of Wu and all my troops of a hundred thousand strong, I cannot let myself be resigned to a rule by aliens. (谢百魁译,《中国历代散文一百篇》Chinese Prose Writings Through the Ages,中国对外 翻译出版公司,1996.)
of the Warring States;Anecdotes of the Warring States)
四书的英译通名为: 《大学》The Great Learning 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》The Confucian Analects/ The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 (The Works of) Mencius


1)Three Kingdoms
(Moss Roberts, 罗慕士,外文出版社,1994)

2)San Guo, or Romance of the Three

(C. H. Brewitt-Taylor, 邓罗,Kelly and Walsh

1、译语中无对等词 (Equivalent) 这种情况常可遇见。通常的处理办法有四: 一是用近义词语加注解; 二是将近义词大写使之专有化; 三是音译加注解; 四是造词。 道:Tao 《道德经》 Tao Te Ching 无名:The Nameless 有名:The Named


“道”字有多种意义,可译成way,course, practice,characteristic,truth,doctrine,等等。 有时候不同的上下文中要用不同的词,有时候不同 的译者译同一个句子使用不同的词。 作为老庄哲学中心的“道”,在英语中无对等词, 因而经常音译。


文言文中的被动句大多借助一些被动词来表示,这 一标记相当于英语被动句中的by。
1)用介词“于”、“受……于……”表示,相当于 英语的被动句be + done by sb. 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。(《孟子》) Those who work with their minds rule others; those who work with their strength are ruled by others.

据称它们分别出于早期儒家的四位代表性人物曾参、 子思、孔子、孟子,所以称为《四子书》(也称 《四子》),简称为《四书》。 “The Books of the Four Philosophers”

五经的英译通名为: 《诗经》The Book of Poetry/Songs/Odes, The Classic of Poetry, 《书经》或《尚书》 The Book of History/Documents, or The Classic of History 《礼记》 The Book of Rites or The Record of Rites 《易经》 The Book of Change (s) 《春秋》The Spring and Autumn (Annals) 。


1) A teacher is one who passes on the truth, imparts knowledge and solve puzzles. 2) A teacher is one by whom the courses are taught and the Tao is handed down to the students. Under this teacher’s guidance, the perplexities of the students are removed.

1)Outlaws of the Marsh (Sidney Shapiro)
《水泊好汉》外文出版社,1981,沙博理 2)The Water Margin (Jackson, 1937) 3)Heroes of the Marshes 4)The Story of 3 Women and 105 Men

老子:《道德经》 全书共81章,前37章为道经,后44章为德经,为道 家的主要经典著作。 林语堂:The Wisdom of Laotse, 1948 泰戈尔:Tao-Te-Ching, 1960 Lionel Giles(翟林奈): The Sayings of Lao Tzu, 1905 刘殿爵:Lao Tzu: Tao De Ching 梅维恒:Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way 陈荣捷:The Way of Lao Tzu, 1963

故“道”大,天大,地大,人亦大。(25.5) Thus just as Tao has “this greatness” and as earth has it and as heaven has it, so may the man also have it.

人法地,地法天,天法“道”,“道”法自然。 (25.6) The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth. The ways of earth, by those of heaven. The ways of heaven by those of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so.
The Translation of Classical Chinese into English
对中国乃至世界文化思想影响最深的先秦古籍: 四书
(The Four Books)
(The Five Classics)
(The Verse/Elegies of Chu 或 Songs/Poetry of the South),


词语的多义与歧义历来有之,只是古文中的多义 与歧义更令译者困惑而已。时空差距大,文化差 异大,造成语义模糊而又无法查证、难以表达。
独乐乐,不如众乐乐。 智者乐山,仁者乐水。

例: 由,诲女知之乎?知之为知之,不知为不知,

(《论语· 为政》)
这句话中出现6个“知”字,古时“知”可作“聪 明”、“智慧”解,那么这第6个“知”字究竟是什 么意思呢?是“真正知道”还是“聪明”呢?

(一)汉语文言与现代英语句法结构的主要相似点 及其翻译 1、文言判断句与英语SVC句型 判断句是对事物的性质、情况、事物之间的关系做 出肯定或否定判断的句子。 文言中的判断句式有: 1)用“者”或“也”表判断; 2)用副词“乃”、“则”、“即”、“皆”、 “耳”等表判断; 3)用动词“为”或“是”表判断; 4)用否定副词“非”等表示否定判断。 英语SVC结构为:主语 + 谓语 + 主语补足语;主语 补足语常置于连系动词之后。

诸子散文除《孟子》外,还有 《墨子》(Mozi; Mo Tzu)、 《庄子》(Zhuangzi; Chuang Tzu)、 《列子》(Liezi)、 《荀子》(Xunzi)、 《韩非子》(Hanfeizi),等等。 《老子》(Lao Zi; Lao Tzu; Laotse)的英译本最 多。

5)All Men Are Brothers
(Pearl S. Buck,赛珍珠,1933)
1)A Dream of Red Mansions (杨宪益、戴乃迭,1994)

2)The Story of the Stone (David Hawkes 大卫· 霍克斯,1973)
You, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing ,to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it; — this is knowledge. (2) You, do you know my teaching? If you know it, say you know. If you don’t know it, say you don’t. This is wisdom.

The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; Arthur Waley (亚瑟· 韦利) 理雅各:The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. 林语堂:The Tao that can be told of Is not the Absolute Tao.