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自1959第1个昆虫性信息素-蚕蛾醇的结构 被鉴定后,人们便认识到类信息素可以有 效阻断昆虫的化学通讯系统。
类信息素是指非自然界存在的、经人为改 造的、结构与天然信息素相似并具有生物 活性的化学物质。类信息素可以作为天然 信息素的模拟物、增效剂或抑制剂,通过 干扰昆虫间的化学通讯系统,从而调控昆 虫的行为,起到防治作用。
Pheromone-processingpathwayinthesensorysystemof B. mori. ALT, antennal lobe tract; MGC, macroglomerular complex; OG, ordinary glomeruli
3. 昆虫信息素
蛾类信息素 诱芯与应用
甜菜夜蛾信息 素诱芯诱捕器
桔小实蝇信 息素诱虫板
瓜实蝇信息素 诱芯诱捕器
4. 昆虫驱避剂
驱避剂(insect repellent)是一类能使昆虫无法识别和发 现其取食或产卵目标, 从而远离潜在目标的物质。
避蚊胺(DEET)是最有名的驱避剂,驱蚊效果好。 作用机理:
嗅觉器 (olfactory sensilli)的结构
Insects use olfactory sensilli to receive and recognize pheromones and other odors a) sensory neuron that projects dendrites into cuticular outgrowth with pores b) trichogen cell that provides the shaft for the neuron c) a tormogen cell that provides an anchor or socket
involves the direct activation of Orco by an OR with a bound ligand inducing a rapid but transient cation influx. Ametabotropic pathway is
coupled to the G-protein, and induces slow but prolonged cation currents.
• 印楝素对不同的害虫品种的拒食活性变化很大,如对沙漠蝗虫有很显著的拒食活性( 抑制食率为50% 的浓度是0.05 mg/L), 而北美的谷物和牧草上的迁移蝗虫Migratory grasshopper却对其不敏感(1000 mg/L 都没有拒食活性)。而对 昆虫的生长调节作用相对稳定。
• 在大田中对印楝素拒食效力的评估受到了它对昆虫较高的生长调节活性的干扰,相关的调查还很少。即使对一些 昆虫主要是通过抑制其取食而保护作物的,但这种作用也可能是由于吸收毒性而不是直接的行为效应引起的。
pattern elicited by attractive cues
sensed by other ORNs.
避蚊胺 (DEET)
5. 拒食剂
• 1959 年,德国著名昆虫学家Schmutterer 教授在苏丹学习考察过程中目睹成千上万 蝗虫入侵后,几乎所有植物被吃尽,唯独印楝树的叶子完好无损。直到1968 年, 印楝素才被Utterworth 等从印楝的种子中分离出来,并命名为Azadirachtin。
胡琼波 博士 教授
华南农业大学 农药学系
1. 行为的概念
Biological behavior is the internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of whole living organisms (individuals or groups) to internal and/or external stimuli.
Human behavior is believed to be influenced by the endocrine system and the nervous system. It is most commonly believed that complexity in the behavior of an organism is correlated to the complexity of its nervous system. Generally, organisms with more complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behavior.
dendrite-surface proteins. 4) causes a local change in membrane potential. 5) if enough of the same molecules affect the
dendrites this generates action potential which is then relayed to the brain.
坛状感化器 锥状感化器
触角叶(antennal lobe,AL)属于中脑,占据中脑的绝大部分,位于脑的最前 端,食道两侧,为球状突起,Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu显与脑其他部分区分开。左右两个触角叶通 过触角神经分别与左右两个触角联系在一起。 触角叶主要由神经元构成,包括神经元细胞体和神经纤维。细胞体位于触角 叶的边缘,多集结成群,一般具有2- 3 个细胞体群
信息素(pheromones):Chemical substances released by one individual and received by another individual of the same species. Once received pheromones trigger the expression of a particular behavior or developmental program
(A) Human odor (yellow) binds to specific olfactory receptors (blue and
light blue), activating olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) (green),
which in turn activates glomeruli in the antennal lobe (bright yellow)
and light blue), leading to changes in olfactory receptor neuron
activation (gray and purple) that scramble odor coding by changing the
normal activation pattern of glomeruli, and host attraction is blocked.
嗅觉器(Olfactory sensillum):是感受气态物质的 化感器,呈毛状、锥状、腔锥状和板状等,主要位于 触角上,其次是下颚须和下唇须上。嗅觉对昆虫寻找 配偶极为重要,同时也是寻找食物或产卵场所必需。
味觉器(Gustatory sensillum):又叫接触化感器 (contact chemorecptor),是感受液态或固态物质 的化感器,常呈毛状、栓状或板状,主要位于下颚须、 下唇须、唇瓣、口前腔壁、跗节以及产卵器上。味觉 器与昆虫的取食和产卵行为密切相关。
气味分子 的结合、释放与失活过程
Proposed signal transduction mechanisms. (A) A classical model of insect
olfactory transduction that involves a G-protein-mediated PLC-IP3 pathway.
(B) Alternative model in which the odorant receptor (OR) forms a heteromeric odorant-gatednon-selective cation channel with an Orcofamily
protein. (C) Alternative model postulating two pathways, both of which depend on the cation channel function of Orco. An ionotropic pathway
触角叶是昆虫脑内嗅觉初级中枢,能接收昆虫触角 嗅觉感器感知的气味信息,并初步处理和整合气味 信息,然后将信息传递至脑的高级中枢,从而形成 运动指令,指示昆虫做出相应行为反应。 昆虫触角叶主要有4 种类型的神经元,即嗅觉受体 神经元(ORN) 、局域中间神经元(LN) 、投射神经元 (PN) 和远心神经元(CN)。ORN将触角感器感受到的 气味信息传送到触角叶内。LN 在触角叶内处理信息, 介导纤维球间的相互作用。PN将触角叶内的信息传 送到较高一级的感觉中枢。而CN 为反馈神经元, 将神经系统内其他部位的信息反馈给触角叶,调节 嗅觉信息的处理。
(D) DEET binds to a specific olfactory
receptor (red) that is expressed in an
ORN that activates a neural circuit
that causes aversion. The aversive
signal overrides the neural activation
leading to host attraction.
(B) DEET inhibits the sensation of host odor by binding to olfactory
receptors and blocking the activation of ORNs (gray).
(C) DEET modulates olfactory receptor activation by human odor (blue
• 一般认为,印楝素直接或间接地通过破坏昆虫口器上的化学感受器,刺激其特异性抑制型感觉细胞,或者阻断对 取食刺激物( 如蔗糖)起反应的感受器受体细胞的信号输入,从而抑制昆虫的取食行为。
• 印楝素刺激鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器上的抑制型神经元,同时也会抑制对蔗糖敏感的神经细胞。 • 印楝素及其大部分类似物对化学感受器的抑制型神经元细胞都有刺激作用,而多食性和寡食性昆虫对印楝素敏感
2. 昆虫的化感
根据感受器的功能,可将昆虫的感受器分为视觉器、 听觉器、感触器、和感化器。视觉器、听觉器和感触 器是感受物理刺激,而感化器是感受化学刺激。其中, 视觉器是昆虫感受光波刺激的感受器,包括复眼和单 眼。
感化器(Chemoreceptor)是感受体内外化学 刺激的感受器:
Steps in odor recognition
1) molecules enter sensillum through pores. 2) bind to olfactory binding proteins (OBP) and get
transported through the pore tubules to dendrites. 3) OBP-molecule complex recognized by particular