



古诗英文及赏析Title: Ancient Chinese Poetry in English and Appreciation。

Ancient Chinese poetry is a treasure of Chinese literature, with its unique style, profound meaning, and rich cultural connotations. In this article, we will explore some famous ancient Chinese poems and appreciate their beauty in English translation.1. "Quiet Night Thoughts" by Li Bai。

The moon shines bright, the frost falls white,。

This night is quiet, so quiet and bright.The city is far, and the wind is light,。

The sound of the flute is heard in the night.This famous poem by Li Bai, a renowned poet of the Tang Dynasty, captures the beauty and tranquility of a quiet night. The poet uses simple and concise language to depict the peaceful scene, which creates a sense of serenity and calmness. The moon, the frost, and the sound of the flute all contribute to the tranquil atmosphere of the poem.2. "A Spring Morning" by Meng Haoran。





Gather them till full is your hand; They would revive fond memories.《游⼦吟》临⾏密密缝,意恐迟迟归。

Sewn stitch by stitch before he leaves For fear his return be delayed.《春夜喜⾬》随风潜⼊夜,润物细⽆声。

With wind it steals in night; Mute, it moistens each thing.《声声慢》寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。

I look for what I miss, I know not what it is,I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.《登⾼》⽆边落⽊萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。

The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.《鹊桥仙》两情若是久长时,⼜岂在朝朝暮暮!If love between both sides can last for aye,Why need they stay together night and day?《牡丹亭》情不知所起,⼀往⽽深。

Love once begun, will never end.《浪淘沙令·帘外⾬潺潺》流⽔落花春去也,天上⼈间。











Seven-character-ancient-verseLi QiON HEARING AN WANSHAN PLAY THE REED-PIPEBamboo from the southern hills was used to make this pipe.And its music, that was introduced from Persia first of all,Has taken on new magic through later use in China.And now the Tartar from Liangzhou, blowing it for me,Drawing a sigh from whosoever hears it,Is bringing to a wanderer's eyes homesick tears....Many like to listen; but few understand.To and fro at will there's a long wind flying,Dry mulberry-trees, old cypresses, trembling in its chill.There are nine baby phoenixes, outcrying one another;A dragon and a tiger spring up at the same moment;Then in a hundred waterfalls ten thousand songs of autumnAre suddenly changing to The Yuyang Lament;And when yellow clouds grow thin and the white sun darkens, They are changing still again to Spring in the Willow Trees.Like Imperial Garden flowers, brightening the eye with beauty, Are the high-hall candles we have lighted this cold night,And with every cup of wine goes another round of music.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052七言古诗孟浩然夜归鹿门山歌山寺钟鸣昼已昏,渔梁渡头争渡喧;人随沙路向江村,余亦乘舟归鹿门。


(上接第 598 页)兼译者林语堂之手。 作为一个作者和译者,林语堂有 着深厚的中文底蕴,对这首诗有着深刻的掌握和认识。 他在译“寥落古 行宫” 时用 “empty” 表现其空荡和凄凉, 而 且 追 加 了 “empty like a dream”,这 一 切 似 乎 都 不 真 实 , 宛 如 在 梦 中 一 样 , 真 实 的 再 现 了 这 些 白 头宫女浑噩的一生,似梦非梦,道尽凄凉之感。 而第二句“宫花寂寞红” 的 英 译 ,林 语 堂 则 采 用 了 倒 装 ,把 “in the loneliness and quiet”放 在 前 面以突 出 寂 寞 和 安 静 ,且 又 增 加 了 “quiet”一 词 ,再 现 了 那 些 宫 花 悄 无 声息的绽放。 这一增词手法的使用表现了原诗言未尽意却在的意象。 第三句的“白头宫女在”也体现了也译者对原诗的深刻理解。 原诗作者 在提及“白头宫女”时并未言明其数量。 这种表现手法在中国诗歌里是 很常见的,用不确定的概数为读者营造一个想象的空间。 林语堂在翻 译时也用了英语中数量的不确定表达方式“some”引人遐想。 最后的一 句翻译承接第三句的译文,衔接自然而紧密。 并且点出玄宗王朝已是 过往(dead and gone)。 这些在寂寞古行宫中度过浑噩一生的宫女只能 沉浸在对往昔的回忆中,悲凄之情跃然纸上。 可以说,林语堂不仅再现 了原诗的内容,而且真实的再现了原作的情感,引人深思。 译文二虽然 也译出了原文的内容,却没有译出原诗的神韵。 而译文三和译文四都 把“白头宫女”理解为一人,出现了理解上的偏差,未能再现原文的风
2010 年 第 7 期









Eight Beats of Ganzhou SongFor a Buddhist FriendSu ShiThe heart-stirring breeze brings in the tidal bore;The heartless wind sees it flow out from river shore.At the river’s mouthOr the ferry south,How many times have we heard parting chimes?Don’t grieve ov er the past!The world changes fast.Who could be like me,Though white-haired, yet carefree?Do not forsake the western shore of the lake:On fine day the vernal hills are green;On rainy day they are veiled by misty screen.Few poets would beSuch bosom friends as you and me.Do not forget in our old age,We’ll live together in hermitage.Even if I should disappear,You should not turn to weep for your compeer.八表同昏,平路伊阻。






There is a famous Chinese ancient poem called "Quiet Night Thoughts" written by Li Bai during the Tang Dynasty. In this poem, the poet vividly describes the moonlight shining through the window, casting shadows on the bed, and making him homesick. He goes on
to reminisce about his hometown, feeling a sense of loneliness and longing for his loved ones. The beauty and melancholy of the poem touch the hearts of many readers, creating a timeless piece of art
that continues to be appreciated and admired throughout the centuries.











Five-character-regular-verseSikiong ShuTO A FRIEND BOUND NORTHAFTER THE REBELLIONIn dangerous times we two came south;Now you go north in safety, without me.But remember my head growing white among strangers,When you look on the blue of the mountains of home....The moon goes down behind a ruined fort,Leaving star-clusters above an old gate....There are shivering birds and withering grasses,Whichever way I turn my face.经典古诗的英文翻译赏析篇二五言律诗刘禹锡蜀先主庙天地英雄气,千秋尚凛然。




Five-character-regular-verseLiu YuxiIN THE TEMPLE OF THE FIRST KING OF SHUEven in this world the spirit of a heroLives and reigns for thousands of years.You were the firmest of the pot\'s three legs;It was you who maintained the honour of the currency;You chose a great premier to magnify your kingdom....And yet you had a son so little like his fatherThat girls of your country were taken captiveTo dance in the palace of the King of Wei.经典古诗的英文翻译赏析篇三五言律诗张籍没蕃故人前年伐月支,城下没全师。



《Anchored At Night By The Maple Bridge 》枫桥夜泊(张继)原文:月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。


译文:The moon is setting, rooks disturb the frosty air,I watch by mapled banks the fishing-torches flare.Outside the Suzhou wall, from Hanshan Temple’s bell,I hear its sound aboard and feel its midnight spell.赏析:原文中的“霜满天”,作者并没有直译,而是用“rooks disturb the frosty air”乌鸦搅动着寒冷的空气,用这个图景来营造一种肃杀、寒冷之感,是比较符合原文意境的。

而第二句中的“愁眠”未译出,因已用醒态的watch, hear等词,难以再插进“眠”字。

This translation and the original meaning is different, not to the poet sad sleepless thoughts. Ancient poetry often use King Lyric, blending techniques, if the keywords can not seize the “愁眠”, it is very difficult for us to it that the poet's writing background, has a great influence on our understanding of the whole poem artistic conception.。






清明节英文的诗有哪些,下面是小编精心整理的清明古诗用英语翻译,希望对你有帮助!《清明》(唐)杜牧清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村.吴钧陶英译《清明》((韵式aaba)It drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day,I travel with my heart lost in dismay."Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?"He points at Apricot Village faraway.许渊冲英译《清明》((韵式aabb)A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;The mourners heart is going to break on his way.Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?A cowherd points to a cot mid apricot flowers.蔡廷干英译《清明》((韵式aabb)The rain falls thick and fast on All Souls Day,The men and women sadly move along the way.They ask where wineshops can be found or where to rest ----And there the herdboys fingers Almond-T own suggest.孙大雨英译《清明》((韵式aaba)Upon the Clear-and-Bright Feast of spring, the rain drizzleth down in spray.Pedestrians on countryside ways, in gloom are pinning away.When asked "Where a tavern fair for rest, is hereabouts to be found",The shepherd boy the Apricot Bloom Vill, doth point to afar and say.杨宪益、戴乃迭英译《清明》((无韵译法) (古诗苑汉英译丛《唐诗》,外文出版社It drizzles endless during the rainy season in spring,Travelers along the road look gloomy and miserable.When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.万昌盛、王中英译《清明》((韵式aabb)The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.When asked where could be found a tavern bower,A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.吴伟雄英译《清明》(韵式aabb)It drizzles thick and fast on the Mourning Day,The mourners heart is (.com)going to break on his way.When asked for a wineshop to drown his sad hours?A cowboy points to a hamlet amid apricot flowers.万昌盛、王僴中(《中国古诗一百首》,大象出版社The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.When asked where could be found at avern bower,Acow boy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.清明古诗摘抄001.清明(唐)杜牧清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。



The Yuefu Poems
Gazing Out Across the Ocean
Come east of Jieshi Cliff I gaze out across the ocean, Its rolling waves Studded with rocks and islets; Dense the trees and bushes here, Rank the undergrowth; The autumn wind is soughing, Huge billows are breaking. Sun and moon take their course As if risen from the sea; The bright galaxy of stars Seems sprung from the deep . And so , with joy in my heart, I hum this song.
Poetry of the Song Dynasty
To the Tune of Yu Mei Ren
There is no end to moonlit autumns or flowery springs, And I have known so very many things. From my turret the wind was in the east again last night. A lost land was too much to bear: I turned from the moonlight. The carven rail and jadework wall are as they were before: Those rosy cheeks alone are there no more. Tell me, what is the uttermost extent of pain, you say? Mine is a river swollen in spring and welling east away.

古诗词英文翻译 古诗词英文翻译版本

古诗词英文翻译 古诗词英文翻译版本


古诗英文怎么翻译?古诗英文怎么翻译?1、古诗英文翻译是ancient poetry。




2、是ancient poetry。

ancient poetry 读音:英 [ennt ptri] 美 [ennt potri]。

3、“古诗”的英文翻译是:(古体诗) a form of pre-Tang poetry;(古代诗歌) ancient poetry;例句:唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。

4、文中的classical Chinese poems就是古诗的意思,其中poem是一个名词,解释为诗。

作诗可以译成compose a poem或write a poem。

关于古诗词名句英语翻译?关于古诗词名句英语翻译?I grieved to see his royal purpose vain.古诗词名句英文翻译赏析屈原《楚辞·离骚》长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。






















浅析六版本《九月九日忆山东兄弟》英译译文一(王宝童,上海世图2005版《王维百首(汉英对照图文本)》):On Double Ninth Day Thinking of My Brothers at HomeA lonely stranger in a strange land I’m cast,Sore sick for my dears on every festive day.By now my brothers must some heights have passed,But a cornel wearer missing’ll damp the day.第二行的sore sick是英文中不存在的表达,就像汉语没有“酸病”一样。

根据Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary & Thesaurus, dear的名词含义有两个: [C usually singular] informal a kind person和[as form of address] used to address someone you love or are being friendly to, not used between men。




damp the play既非英文固定表达,又不易从字面推断想要表达的意思(把戏剧弄湿了?)。

和前面的sore sick一样,这也属于译者捏造英文表达,对于英语母语者来说这样的“创造”只会让他们读的一头雾水。





今我游冥冥,弋者何所慕?Five-character-ancient-verseZhang JiulingTHOUGHTS IA lonely swan from the sea flies,To alight on puddles it does not deign.Nesting in the poplar of pearlsIt spies and questions green birds twain:"Don't you fear the threat of slings,Perched on top of branches so high?Nice clothes invite pointing fingers,High climbers god's good will defy.Bird-hunters will crave me in vain,For I roam the limitless sky."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------002五言古诗张九龄感遇其二兰叶春葳蕤,桂华秋皎洁;欣欣此生意,自尔为佳节。

谁知林栖者?闻风坐相悦,草木有本心,何求美人折?Five-character-ancient-verseZhang JiulingORCHID AND ORANGE ITender orchid-leaves in springAnd cinnamon- blossoms bright in autumnAre as self- contained as life is,Which conforms them to the seasons.Yet why will you think that a forest-hermit,Allured by sweet winds and contented with beauty,Would no more ask to-be transplantedTHan Would any other natural flower?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------003五言古诗张九龄感遇其三幽人归独卧,滞虑洗孤清,持此谢高鸟,因之传远情。



英语作文诗歌鉴赏唐诗高中生英文作文:Appreciating Tang PoemsTang poetry, with its rich connotations and elegant expressions, has always been a treasure in the Chinese cultural heritage. As a high school student, I have developed a deep appreciation for the beauty and depth found within these ancient verses.One of my favorite Tang poems is "静夜思" by Li Bai. This poem captures the essence of homesickness and introspection during a quiet night. The simplicity of the language yet the profound emotions it evokes is remarkable. Li Bai's use of nature as a mirror to reflect upon one's own feelings is a testament to the brilliance of Tang poetry.Another poem I admire is "春晓" by Meng Haoran. It is a celebration of the beauty and renewal that comes with the spring season. The poem's imagery is vivid, almost transporting the reader to a lush garden teeming with life. Meng Haoran's ability to convey the wonder and excitement of nature's awakening is truly captivating.The appreciation of Tang poetry goes beyond mere admiration. It is an immersive experience that requires one to delve into the era, understand the social and political context, and grasp the nuances of the language. Each poem is a window into the poet's soul, and to truly appreciate it, one must embody the spirit of the times and walk the paths walked by these literary giants.中文翻译:欣赏唐诗唐诗以其丰富的内涵和优雅的表达,一直是中国文化遗产的瑰宝。

英语 唐诗翻译

英语 唐诗翻译
• • • • •
On the Tower at You Zhou Where are the great men of the past And Where are those of future years? The sky and earth forever last; Here and now I alone shed tears.

优点:1.此译本采用ABAB韵, 读来琅琅上口,符合“音美”的 原则。
不足:1)“天地”不仅仅是空间的, 而且更应理解为无穷无尽的时间和空间。 故以“sky and earth”来代表“天地” 抑制了广阔的意境;
2.且形式与原诗相近,句式整齐, 2)“forever last”虽然与首句“past” 符合“形美”的要求 押韵,却显得过于平直,诗的美感略有 损失,情感表达也逊色不少。此译本未 免重表轻神,最终伤其体。

优点:1)在音韵上,译本的独到之处在于巧妙运用了重复(repetition) 的修辞手法, “I see them not”三次出现,增添了音律的美感,营造出 声音在空旷处回响不绝的效果,同时传达了诗人生不逢时、抑郁不平的 心境; 2)在形式上,译作与原诗的形式巧妙对应:原诗前两句较短促,后两句 较舒缓,一弛一张,而译本前两句整齐短促,后两句流畅舒徐; 3)在意思的传达上,两个“I see themnot”对应“不见”,“world “对 应”天地”,“alone”对应“独”,“in tears”对应“怆然而涕下”。译 文做到了形美、音美和意美三者的和谐平衡。
• • • • •










s i n c e b e a u t y i s h o n o u r e d a l l o v e r t h e e m p i r e, h o w c o u l d x i s h i r e m a i n h u m b l y a t h o m e?--w a s h i n g c l o t h e s a t d a w n b y a s o u t h e r n l a k e-- a n d t h a t e v e n i n g a g r e a t l a d y i n a p a l a c e o f t h e n o r t h:l o w l y o n e d a y,n o d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e o t h e r s, t h e n e x t d a y e x a l t e d,e v e r y o n e p r a i s i n g h e r. n o m o r e w o u l d h e r o w n h a n d s p o w d e r h e r f a c e o r a r r a n g e o n h e r s h o u l d e r s a s i l k e n r o b e.a n d t h e m o r e t h e k i n g l o v e d h e r,t h e l o v e l i e r s h e l o o k e d,b l i n d i n g h i m a w a y f r o m w i s d o m.g i r l s w h o h a d o n c e w a s h e d s i l k b e s i d e h e rw e r e k e p t a t a d i s t a n c e f r o m h e r c h a r i o t.a n d n o n e o f t h e g i r l s i n h e r n e i g hb o u r s h o u s e sb y p u r s i n g t h e i r b r o w sc o u ld c o p y he r b e a u t y.简单英语唐诗篇二:青溪王维言入黄花川,每逐青溪水。

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《Anchored At Night By The Maple Bridge 》


The moon is setting, rooks disturb the frosty air,
I watch by mapled banks the fishing-torches flare.
Outside the Suzhou wall, from Hanshan Temple’s bell,
I hear its sound aboard and feel its midnight spell.
原文中的“霜满天”,作者并没有直译,而是用“rooks disturb the frosty air”乌鸦搅动着寒冷的空气,用这个图景来营造一种肃杀、寒冷之感,是比较符合原文意境的。

而第二句中的“愁眠”未译出,因已用醒态的watch, hear等词,难以再插进“眠”字。

This translation and the original meaning is different, not to the poet sad sleepless thoughts. Ancient poetry often use King Lyric, blending techniques, if the keywords can not seize the “愁眠”, it is very difficult for us to it that the poet's writing background, has a great influence on our understanding of the whole poem artistic conception.。




后半句“feel its midnight spell”感觉那是夜半的钟声,这两句实际上对原文做了比较大的改变,原文是描述一个客观事实,而译文加入了主观感受。

I quite like the change. 因为我夜深难眠,于是站在船上眺望江景,偶然听到了远处传来的钟声,仿佛就在船上似的,这时才陡然发现原来已到夜半时分,那钟声也就是夜半钟声。

Such a translation, seems to be a process of psychological change the show in front of me, the very picture effect and dynamic effect, very complete.
Summary: the translation is not 100% adhere to the original, but the basic idea to do processing their own understanding, make poetry more feeling screen, dynamic sense, I feel very good. 全文用“ disturb、watch、hear、feel”等主动语态动词,加强了画面感,加深了意境。

