




)二、课程基本信息课程名称(中文):教育实习课程名称(英文):Educational Practice课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课□专业必修课□专业方向课□专业拓展课 实践性环节课程性质*:□学术知识性□方法技能性□研究探索性 实践体验性课程代码:周学时: 9 总学时:48 学分: 13先修课程:完成1-3年级英语师范本科专业所有要求课程授课对象:英语师范本科生三、课程简介教育实习是高等师范院校教学计划的重要组成部分,是教师教育贯彻理论与实践相结合的原则体现,对提高教育教学质量、培养合格教师具有非常重要的作用。







2023英语专业课程教学大纲一、课程背景1. 本课程旨在通过系统、全面的学习,培养学生在英语专业领域的综合能力,提高学生的英语语言水平和专业知识技能,促进学生在跨文化交际和专业应用方面的能力发展。

二、课程目标1. 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握英语听、说、读、写全面综合的语言技能,能够在各种不同语境下进行有效交际,并具备较强的文化涵养和跨文化交流能力。

2. 学生应能够熟练运用专业知识和技能,包括英语文学、语言学、翻译等方面的基本理论和实践技能,为将来的专业工作和学术研究奠定坚实的基础。

三、教学内容1. 英语听力:通过听力训练,提高学生对英语语音、语调、语速的理解能力,培养其对不同语境下谈话的理解能力和听力交际能力。

2. 英语口语:通过口语训练,培养学生在日常交际和专业交际中运用英语进行有效沟通的能力,提高其口语表达的流利度和准确性。

3. 英语阅读:通过阅读训练,提高学生的阅读理解能力,拓展学生的词汇量,培养学生的文化素养和批判性思维能力。

4. 英语写作:通过写作训练,培养学生的逻辑思维能力和表达能力,提高学生撰写各种文体的能力,并培养学生的科研论文写作能力。

5. 英语文学:通过文学材料的学习,了解英语文学的发展历程和代表作品,培养学生的审美情趣和文学鉴赏能力。

6. 语言学:通过语言学理论的学习,了解语言的基本原理和发展规律,培养学生的语言分析和语言研究能力。

7. 翻译实践:通过翻译实践的训练,提高学生的翻译能力和跨文化交际能力,培养学生的翻译实践技能和专业素养。

四、教学方法1. 本课程采用多种教学方法,包括讲授、互动讨论、案例分析、项目实践等,注重理论与实践相结合,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果。

2. 教师将指导学生进行课外阅读和专业实践,鼓励学生参与英语角、英文报刊阅读、英文演讲比赛等活动,为学生的综合发展提供更多机会和评台。

五、考核与评价1. 本课程采用多种考核方式,包括平时表现、课堂作业、期中考试、期末考试等,旨在全面、客观地评价学生的学习成果。







其中教育见习为二周,本科第六学期完成, 学分为1分,,教育实习为六周, 本科第七学期完成,学分为6, 创新学分为4, .毕业论文为八周,本科第八学期完成, 学分为6.为了更好地贯彻高等教育法,全面推进素质教育,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高素质人才,鼓励人才脱颖而出,我院制定了创新学分实施政策,以推进学分制改革。

二、正文(一) 教育见习大纲学分:1 编码:1.目的与要求:目的教育见习是师范类专业实现教学计划的重要组成部分;是教育实践环节的重要组成部分。

.通过教育见习可以使学生对中学课堂教学环节和教学原则有直观的把握和了解, 为教育实践工作打好基础, 积累经验.,从而实现在课堂理论知识学习的同时,培养锻炼学生理论联系实际和分析问题、解决问题的能力的教学目标。










二、课程目标1. 培养学生扎实的商务英语基础,提高学生的商务英语听说读写能力。

2. 培养学生熟悉国际商务规则和惯例,具备一定的商务谈判和项目管理能力。

3. 培养学生具备良好的跨文化交际能力,能够在国际商务环境中有效地沟通和合作。

4. 培养学生具备一定的创新意识和团队协作精神,能够适应快速变化的商务环境。

三、教学内容1. 商务英语基础- 商务英语词汇、短语和句型- 商务英语语法和写作技巧- 商务英语听力训练2. 商务沟通与谈判- 商务信函写作- 商务会议技巧- 商务谈判策略3. 商务项目管理- 项目计划与执行- 资源配置与控制- 项目风险管理4. 跨文化商务交际- 文化差异与商务礼仪- 跨文化沟通技巧- 跨文化谈判策略5. 商务英语实践项目- 模拟商务场景- 商务案例分析- 商务英语演讲与辩论四、教学方法1. 案例分析法:通过分析真实的商务案例,引导学生掌握商务英语的应用技巧。

2. 角色扮演法:模拟真实商务场景,让学生扮演不同角色,进行商务沟通和谈判。

3. 小组讨论法:鼓励学生分组讨论,培养团队协作精神和创新意识。

4. 实践操作法:通过商务英语写作、演讲、辩论等实践活动,提高学生的实际操作能力。

5. 计算机辅助教学:利用多媒体教学资源,提高教学效果。

五、实践教学安排1. 第一学期- 商务英语基础:每周2课时,共16周- 商务沟通与谈判:每周2课时,共16周- 商务英语实践项目:每周2课时,共16周2. 第二学期- 商务项目管理:每周2课时,共16周- 跨文化商务交际:每周2课时,共16周- 商务英语实践项目:每周2课时,共16周六、评价标准1. 学生参与度:评价学生在实践教学中的参与程度和积极性。



英语专业实习大纲第一篇:英语专业实习大纲英语专业实习大纲一、实习目的: 根据我校本科学生的教学计划及我系英语专业教学计划,我系组织英语专业学生短时期进行专业实习,旨在使学生走向社会,接触实际,进行实际工作的锻炼,巩固和扩大在课堂教学所学得的知识和技能,全面提高听、说、读、写、译方面的语言运用能力,特别是提高以口语为主与外国人打交道的交际能力,以便使学生在毕业后具有较为广泛的适应能力,更好地适应社会发展。

















二、指导思想1. 坚持以人为本,以学生为中心,关注学生的个体差异,激发学生的学习兴趣和自主学习能力。

2. 坚持理论联系实际,注重实践性、应用性和创新性,培养学生的外语实际应用能力。

3. 坚持开放性和多元化,拓宽外语教学资源,提高教学效果。

三、教学目标1. 培养学生具备良好的外语听、说、读、写、译等基本技能。

2. 提高学生的外语实际应用能力,使学生能够在实际工作中熟练运用外语。

3. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,增强学生的国际视野。

4. 培养学生的自主学习能力,提高学生的综合素质。

四、教学内容1. 基础阶段:(1)语音、语调、语速等基本语音技能训练;(2)词汇、语法、句型等基础知识学习;(3)日常生活中的常用表达和交际情景模拟。

2. 提高阶段:(1)阅读理解、写作、翻译等高级语言技能训练;(2)专业领域词汇、句型、语法等知识学习;(3)学术交流、商务谈判、跨文化交际等实际应用场景模拟。

3. 高级阶段:(1)深入研究外语语言和文化;(2)参加国际会议、竞赛等活动,提高学生的外语实际应用能力;(3)拓展国际视野,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

五、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过创设真实或模拟的交际情境,让学生在实际语境中运用外语。

2. 任务型教学法:以任务为导向,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和运用外语。

3. 合作学习法:通过小组合作,培养学生的团队协作能力和外语实际应用能力。

4. 技术辅助教学法:利用多媒体、网络等现代教育技术,丰富教学内容和形式。

5. 反馈与评价法:通过课堂提问、作业批改、考试等方式,及时了解学生的学习情况,并进行针对性的指导。

六、教学评价1. 过程性评价:关注学生的学习态度、学习方法、学习效果等方面,包括课堂表现、作业完成情况、小组合作等。



第1篇I. IntroductionA. Background of English teaching practiceB. Importance of practical teaching experienceC. Objectives of this teaching practice outline II. Course OverviewA. Course duration and scheduleB. Course content and structureC. Learning outcomesIII. Teaching PhilosophyA. Student-centered approachB. Task-based language learningC. Interactive and engaging classroom activities IV. Lesson PlanningA. Lesson planning framework1. Objectives2. Content3. Teaching methods4. Assessment5. Time allocationB. Sample lesson planV. Classroom ManagementA. Establishing a positive learning environmentB. Rules and proceduresC. Addressing student behavior and discipline VI. Teaching Techniques and StrategiesA. Vocabulary teaching1. Word formation2. Collocation3. Contextual teachingB. Grammar teaching1. Grammar rules2. Error correction3. Grammar practice activitiesC. Listening and speaking skills1. Listening exercises2. Speaking activities3. Group discussionsD. Reading and writing skills1. Reading comprehension strategies2. Writing techniques3. Peer review and editingVII. Assessment and EvaluationA. Formative and summative assessmentB. Assessment tools and techniques1. Quizzes and tests2. Homework assignments3. Projects and presentations4. PortfoliosC. Feedback and gradingVIII. Technology IntegrationA. Utilizing technology in the classroomB. Online resources and toolsC. Digital storytelling and multimedia projectsIX. Professional DevelopmentA. Reflective practiceB. Collaborative teaching and peer observationC. Continuous learning and professional growthX. ConclusionA. Recap of the teaching practice outlineB. Emphasis on the importance of practical experienceC. Encouragement for teachers to adapt and innovateI. IntroductionA. Background of English teaching practiceIn recent years, the importance of English language proficiency has been increasingly recognized in various fields. English teaching practice plays a crucial role in preparing students for real-world communication and enhancing their overall language skills. This teaching practice outline aims to provide a comprehensive framework for teachers to develop and implement effective English language teaching strategies.B. Importance of practical teaching experiencePractical teaching experience is essential for teachers to understandthe dynamics of a classroom, develop teaching skills, and adapt to diverse student needs. It allows teachers to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life situations, gain confidence in their teaching abilities,and foster a deeper understanding of language learning processes.C. Objectives of this teaching practice outlineThe primary objectives of this teaching practice outline are as follows:1. To provide a structured framework for teachers to plan and implement English language lessons.2. To offer a variety of teaching techniques and strategies that can be adapted to different learning styles and levels.3. To emphasize the importance of classroom management, assessment, and professional development in English language teaching.II. Course OverviewA. Course duration and scheduleThe teaching practice course will be conducted over a period of 12 weeks, with two lessons per week, each lasting 1.5 hours.B. Course content and structureThe course will cover a wide range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The content will be structured to cater to different proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced.C. Learning outcomesUpon completion of the course, participants will be able to:1. Plan and deliver engaging and effective English language lessons.2. Utilize a variety of teaching techniques and strategies to cater to diverse student needs.3. Assess student progress and provide constructive feedback.4. Develop and maintain a positive learning environment.III. Teaching PhilosophyA. Student-centered approachThe teaching practice will adopt a student-centered approach, emphasizing active participation and collaboration among students. This approach allows students to take ownership of their learning and develop critical thinking skills.B. Task-based language learningTask-based language learning focuses on real-life communication tasks, enabling students to apply their language skills in practical situations. This approach encourages students to engage in meaningful activities and develop their language proficiency.C. Interactive and engaging classroom activitiesThe teaching practice will incorporate interactive and engaging classroom activities to motivate students and make learning enjoyable. These activities will include group discussions, role-plays, games, and multimedia presentations.IV. Lesson PlanningA. Lesson planning frameworkThe lesson planning framework consists of the following components:1. Objectives: Clearly define the learning goals for each lesson.2. Content: Select appropriate materials and activities that align with the objectives.3. Teaching methods: Determine the most effective methods to achieve the objectives.4. Assessment: Plan methods to evaluate student progress and provide feedback.5. Time allocation: Allocate time for each part of the lesson, ensuring that all objectives are met.B. Sample lesson planObjective: To practice present simple tense.Content: Review of present simple tense rules and exercises.Teaching methods: Explanation, group activities, and individual practice.Assessment: Quizzes and homework assignments.Time allocation: 45 minutes for explanation, 30 minutes for group activities, and 15 minutes for individual practice.V. Classroom ManagementA. Establishing a positive learning environmentTo create a positive learning environment, teachers should:1. Build rapport with students2. Encourage participation and respect3. Foster a sense of community in the classroomB. Rules and proceduresEstablish clear rules and procedures for the classroom, such as:1. Raising hands before speaking2. No cell phones during class3. Respectful behavior towards peers and teachersC. Addressing student behavior and disciplineIn case of student behavior issues, teachers should:1. Address the issue calmly and respectfully2. Provide consequences for inappropriate behavior3. Offer support and guidance to help students improve their behaviorVI. Teaching Techniques and StrategiesA. Vocabulary teaching1. Word formation: Introduce prefixes, suffixes, and root words to help students understand word formation.2. Collocation: Teach common collocations and encourage students to use them in sentences.3. Contextual teaching: Provide real-life examples and contexts to help students understand and remember new vocabulary.B. Grammar teaching1. Grammar rules: Explain grammar rules clearly and concisely.2. Error correction: Correct students' errors constructively and provide feedback on their mistakes.3. Grammar practice activities: Incorporate grammar exercises into lessons to reinforce understanding.C. Listening and speaking skills1. Listening exercises: Use audio recordings and videos to improve students' listening comprehension.2. Speaking activities: Encourage students to participate in group discussions, role-plays, and presentations.3. Group discussions: Promote collaboration and critical thinking through group discussions.D. Reading and writing skills1. Reading comprehension strategies: Teach students how to analyze texts and extract information.2. Writing techniques: Provide guidance on writing styles, structure, and organization.3. Peer review and editing: Encourage students to provide feedback on each other's writing and learn from their peers.VII. Assessment and EvaluationA. Formative and summative assessmentFormative assessment involves ongoing assessment of student progress during the course. Summative assessment is conducted at the end of the course to evaluate overall learning outcomes.B. Assessment tools and techniques1. Quizzes and tests: Evaluate students' knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.2. Homework assignments: Assign regular homework to reinforce learning and assess individual progress.3. Projects and presentations: Encourage students to apply their knowledge in real-life projects and presentations.4. Portfolios: Compile students' work throughout the course to showcase their development and progress.C. Feedback and gradingProvide timely and constructive feedback to students, focusing on both strengths and areas for improvement. Use a clear grading system to evaluate students' performance and ensure transparency in the assessment process.VIII. Technology IntegrationA. Utilizing technology in the classroomLeverage technology to enhance the learning experience by incorporating online resources, multimedia presentations, and interactive tools.B. Online resources and toolsUtilize online platforms, such as language learning websites, apps, and virtual classrooms, to provide additional support and practice opportunities for students.C. Digital storytelling and multimedia projectsEncourage students to create digital stories and multimedia projects to express their ideas and showcase their language skills.IX. Professional DevelopmentA. Reflective practiceEngage in reflective practice by reflecting on teaching experiences, identifying areas for improvement, and setting personal goals.B. Collaborative teaching and peer observationParticipate in collaborative teaching activities and observe peers to learn from their teaching strategies and gain insights into different approaches.C. Continuous learning and professional growthStay updated with the latest trends and research in English language teaching by attending workshops, seminars, and professional development courses.X. ConclusionA. Recap of the teaching practice outlineThis teaching practice outline provides a comprehensive framework for teachers to plan and implement effective English language lessons. By incorporating various teaching techniques, strategies, and professional development opportunities, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that fosters student success.B. Emphasis on the importance of practical experienceThe importance of practical teaching experience cannot be overstated. By applying theoretical knowledge in real-life situations, teachers can develop their skills, gain confidence, and contribute to the continuous improvement of English language teaching.C. Encouragement for teachers to adapt and innovateEncourage teachers to adapt and innovate in their teaching practices to meet the diverse needs of their students. By embracing new approachesand technologies, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the future.第2篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this English teaching practice outline is to provide a comprehensive framework for conducting effective English language instruction. This outline is designed for both novice and experienced teachers, aiming to enhance the quality of English teaching and learning. The outline covers various aspects of English language teaching,including curriculum design, lesson planning, classroom management, assessment, and professional development.II. Curriculum Design1. Objectives and Goals:- Define clear, measurable objectives for each level of English proficiency.- Align goals with the National English Curriculum standards.2. Content Selection:- Choose relevant and engaging content that caters to the interests and needs of students.- Incorporate a variety of text types, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and media.3. Teaching Methods:- Utilize a mix of traditional and innovative teaching methods, such as communicative language teaching, project-based learning, and technology integration.- Encourage student-centered activities and collaboration.4. Assessment Strategies:- Implement formative and summative assessment methods to monitor student progress.- Use a variety of assessment tools, including quizzes, tests, presentations, and portfolios.III. Lesson Planning1. Lesson Objectives:- Clearly define the objectives for each lesson, ensuring they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).2. Teaching Activities:- Design a sequence of activities that cater to different learning styles and abilities.- Include a warm-up, main activity, and review or reflection phase.3. Materials and Resources:- Prepare a list of necessary materials, such as textbooks, handouts, multimedia resources, and technology tools.4. Timing:- Allocate sufficient time for each activity, considering the duration of the lesson and the pace of the class.IV. Classroom Management1. Creating a Positive Learning Environment:- Establish clear rules and expectations for student behavior.- Foster a respectful, inclusive, and supportive classroom climate.2. Managing Group Work:- Provide clear instructions and roles for group activities.- Encourage peer collaboration and feedback.3. Dealing with Disciplinary Issues:- Use positive reinforcement and consequences effectively.- Address disciplinary issues promptly and consistently.4. Inclusivity:- Adapt teaching methods to cater to students with diverse learning needs.- Encourage participation from all students, including those with special needs or limited English proficiency.V. Assessment and Evaluation1. Formative Assessment:- Conduct ongoing assessments to monitor student progress and adjust teaching strategies accordingly.- Use observation, questioning, and informal tests to gather data.2. Summative Assessment:- Administer formal assessments at the end of a unit or course to evaluate student achievement.- Include a mix of written and oral assessments, such as essays, presentations, and interviews.3. Feedback:- Provide constructive feedback to students, focusing on their strengths and areas for improvement.- Encourage students to reflect on their learning and set personal goals.4. Record Keeping:- Maintain accurate records of student progress and attendance.- Use data to inform curriculum planning and professional development.VI. Professional Development1. Continuous Learning:- Stay updated with the latest trends and research in English language teaching.- Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance professional skills.2. Reflective Practice:- Engage in reflective practice to analyze teaching effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.- Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors.3. Networking:- Build a professional network of educators to share ideas and resources.- Collaborate with colleagues on curriculum development and classroom projects.VII. ConclusionThis English teaching practice outline serves as a guide for educators to design, implement, and evaluate effective English language instruction. By following these principles and strategies, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promoteslanguage acquisition and personal growth. Remember, the key to successful English teaching lies in understanding the needs of students, adapting teaching methods, and continuously striving for improvement.第3篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this English teaching practice outline is to provide a comprehensive framework for planning and executing an effective English language teaching program. This outline covers various aspects of English language teaching, including lesson planning, classroom management, assessment, and professional development. The outline is designed to be adaptable to different levels and types of English learners, from beginners to advanced, and from young children to adults.II. Objectives1. To develop a structured and engaging curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners.2. To enhance students' proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.3. To foster critical thinking, cultural awareness, and global citizenship.4. To create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages active participation and collaboration.5. To promote continuous professional growth and reflection on teaching practices.III. Curriculum Development1. Content Selection:- Align with national and international English language standards.- Incorporate themes relevant to students' lives and interests.- Integrate cultural and global perspectives.2. Materials and Resources:- Utilize a variety of teaching materials, including textbooks, authentic resources, multimedia, and technology.- Ensure accessibility and inclusivity in material selection.3. Assessment:- Develop a balanced assessment strategy that includes formative and summative assessments.- Use a variety of assessment methods, such as quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, and portfolios.IV. Lesson Planning1. Objective Setting:- Define clear, measurable learning objectives for each lesson.- Ensure objectives are aligned with the overall curriculum goals.2. Lesson Structure:- Introduction: Engage students with a hook or icebreaker activity.- Engagement: Present new material and provide opportunities for interaction.- Practice: Reinforce learning through activities and exercises.- Closure: Summarize key points and provide feedback.3. Activities and Techniques:- Incorporate a mix of teacher-led and student-centered activities.- Use cooperative learning, project-based learning, and inquiry-based learning strategies.- Employ varied teaching methods, such as direct instruction, discovery learning, and problem-based learning.V. Classroom Management1. Creating a Positive Learning Environment:- Establish clear rules and expectations.- Encourage respect, diversity, and inclusivity.- Foster a sense of community and belonging.2. Behavior Management:- Use positive reinforcement and constructive feedback.- Address behavioral issues promptly and effectively.- Develop strategies for managing classroom disruptions.3. Time Management:- Organize lessons effectively to ensure all objectives are met.- Use time-saving techniques and activities.VI. Assessment and Evaluation1. Formative Assessment:- Monitor student progress through quizzes, class discussions, and informal observations.- Provide timely and constructive feedback.2. Summative Assessment:- Conduct tests, exams, and projects to evaluate student achievement.- Use standardized tests when applicable.3. Reflective Practice:- Regularly reflect on teaching practices and student learning.- Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors.VII. Professional Development1. Continuous Learning:- Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to stay updated with current teaching trends and practices.- Engage in online courses and professional reading.2. Collaboration:- Collaborate with colleagues to share ideas, resources, and best practices.- Participate in professional learning communities (PLCs).3. Self-Assessment:- Regularly evaluate personal teaching skills and areas for improvement.- Set professional development goals and track progress.VIII. ConclusionThis English teaching practice outline provides a comprehensive framework for planning and executing an effective English language teaching program. By following this outline, educators can create a structured, engaging, and supportive learning environment that promotes student success and professional growth. Continuous reflection, adaptation, and collaboration are key to achieving these goals.。










3.完成形式及时间时间一般为 1.5周。







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一、课程编号 N000207









1. 翻译作业:将1500字左右的一篇英语文章翻译成中文,指导老师也可选取两三篇小短文,文章体现专业知识,累计达1500字左右。


翻译作业的原文由指导教师复印给学生,要求学生用A4纸,小四号重新打印二份, 届时亦将附于毕业材料中。


2. 实习报告:用中文书写一篇1200字左右的实习报告,内容必须要与本专业相关。



1.字体:中文用宋体,英文用 Times New Roman
标题(居中),正标题16号(三号加粗),副标题14号(四号加粗),署名 (姓名, 系, 专
业, 班级,居中),姓名、系、专业、班级及正文,一律小四, 写在中文译文和实习报
3.页面设置:A4 纸,上2.54cm, 下2.54cm, 左3.5cm, 右2cm,页码居中,标1、2、3….,不设页眉、页脚

如有一篇以上, 应该每份中英文对应装稿, 每份中、英文从第一页起单独编号。


1. 学生正稿上交后,主要由指导教师审阅,并写出评语和建议分;评阅教师给予评阅意

2. 优秀:学生应能准确理解原文,熟知中西文化的差异,用较地道的汉语进行流畅的翻



4) 毕业作业的综合成绩必须经过答辩后才能最后确定,学生的基础知识与综合能力在答



