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It is said that life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away。有人说,生命的意义不在于你呼吸的次数,而在于那些令你屏住呼吸的时刻。

If this is correct, then are we really living our lives to the fullest? Are we enjoying every moment and giving each one the opportunity to mesmerize us? How many memories can you recollect that left you breathless and in absolute awe? Were you able to count beyond your fingertips? Think about it; 20, 30, 40 or more years, and just a few such moments?如果这句话是对的,那么我们过的是极致的生活吗?我们在享受每一刻,并且给每个时刻吸引我们的机会了吗?你能想起多少让你屏住呼吸使你惊叹的回忆?就10个手指头你能数得过来吗?想一想:20年、30年、40年或更久,还是只有这几个时刻吗?

The problem isn’t that such mesmerizing events rarely occur, but rather it is our lack of being present in the moment that allows us to miss it all. It is often the simplest things in life that are the most magical: from falling in love to watching a child take their first step, moments that make the heart skip a beat are hard to miss if you are paying attention. They aren’t expensive to the pocket and neither do they consume too much time—you just need to be consciously present in the moment to be able to encapsulate the magic that lies within。问题不在于这样很赞的很少发生,而是我们缺乏关注当下这一刻,因而我们错过了这一切。通常生活中最简单的事情是最神奇的:从恋爱到看见孩子迈出TA的第一步。如果你留心,让心澎湃的时刻是不容易错过的。它们并不需要你花太多钱,也不会耗费你太多时间,你只需要有意识地留意那些蕴藏着神奇的时刻。

We all know that life can sometimes get overwhelming: from rush hour traffic to the never ending workload, there is always something that needs our attention. As you get stuck in the monotonous everyday rut, take a moment to stop and acknowledge your existence. This isn’t to propose that you drop everything and enter into a state of meditation but rather simply be consciously present in even the most mundane of your everyday activities。我们都知道生活有时会淹没我们:从交通高峰期到没完没了的工作量,总有一些事情需要我们的关注。当你困在单调的日常惯例中时,请停一停,肯定你的存在。这并不是建议你放下一切,进入一种沉思的状态,而是仅仅有意识地留意即使是最平凡的日常活动。

Life can crawl through you if you let negativity overtake your mind, and it will fly by in the blink of an eye if you get too engrossed in everyday life and fail to recognize and differentiate the you apart from the everything else. It is therefore very

important that you find time to nurture yourself and give it the attention it deserves。如果你让消极的思想掌控了你,生活就会从你身边流逝而过。如果你过于沉浸于日常生活里,又无法辨别及区分自己与周围的一切,那么一眨眼的工夫它就从你眼前飞过了。因此,很重要的一点是,你要找到时间关心自己,并给予应有的关注。

Here are 21 natural ways to re-sync yourself with the universe and enjoy the little joys hidden in each and every moment。这里有21个自然方法使自己与宇宙重新同步,享受隐藏在每时每刻里的小快乐:

1. Fall in love – Whether it is with that gorgeous pair of shoes or the guy next door, give yourself permission to let your heart skip a beat. 要有爱——无论是一双华丽的鞋子,还是隔壁的男人,让自己的心澎湃一次。

2. Smile, giggle and laugh ’til your tummy hurts. 微笑,傻笑,大笑,笑到肚子疼。

3. Go on a date with yourself – Dress up, look fabulous and treat yourself with an exquisite evening with yourself. 与自己约会——穿上盛装光彩照人,让自己一个人过美好的夜晚。

4. Say I’m sorry – You know exactly who you should be saying it to. 说对不起——你知道你应该对谁说。

5. Give yourself permission to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. 允许


6. Walk through a garden sprinkler on a hot summer day and recreate a moment of innocent childhood bliss. 在炎热的夏天穿过花园里洒水器喷出的水,重拾童年无忌的幸福时刻。

7. Climb a mountain –Literally. Nothing can be more rewarding and humbling at the same time than the experience of having achieved both the height and the realization of being so infinitesimally small. It’s overwhelming. Okay, maybe this one isn’t an instant one, but it is definitely worth the challenge. 爬山——就是去爬山。爬山既实现了高度超越,又能让你领悟到自己如此渺小,没有什么能比它同时让人获得奖赏又显得谦卑。爬山是非常震撼的感觉,也许这个不能马上实现,但这绝对是值得挑战的。
