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customs ②You should respect the _________
of another country when you go there.
去另一个国家时,要尊敬该国的风俗习惯。 ③He fell into a habit of smoking when in high school.
get sb.into the habit of 使某人染上某嗜好
①I think it a good habit to take exercise every morning. ②She is in the habit of listening to music while studying. ③I„ve got into the habit of turning on TV as soon as I get home. break/get out (rid) ④I'm trying to_______________________ ______________of staying up too late. of the habit
4.He has habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.
habit n.习惯;习性 (1)be in a/the habit of 习惯 Out of habit 习惯于;有某种 出于习惯
(2)break/get out (rid) of a habit 改掉 某种习惯 develop/form/fall into/get into/pick up the habit of养成/染上某习惯
She is doing her hairs. ___
hair 作“满头头发”解时,作单数名词使用; 作“几根毛发”解可用作复数。
His hair looked disordered, with some gray ___ hair on his forehead.
3.The hair ___ on a plant are fine like threads. hairs
hair泛指“头发”时,指人的整个头 发,是集合名词,不可数。
hair指“(人、动物的)毛,茸毛,汗毛” 时是可数名词,可与数词连用表示具体 数量(如几根),也可用a few, many, several等修饰表示不定数量。
hair泛指“头发”时,指人的整个头发,是集合名词, 不可数。与数词连用表示具体数量,也可用a few, many, several等修饰表示不定数量。
• hair 头发 (不可数) • a hair, a few hairs(人、动物的)毛,茸
毛,汗毛 (可数)
a man with grey hair 头发灰白的人 a man with two grey hairs
____ 1. He is going to have his hair done cut at the barber's. 2.She is going to have her hair cut __ at the barber's. done
have one's hair cut用于男子理发, 用于女子理发可说have one's hair done。
1. It was a to put his hands in his trousers pockets.
句型It's a habit with sb to do sth. 为固定结构,其中with不可换为of。
with __ Tom habit of
2.He made it habit to take a walk after lunch.
habit,custom (1)custom风俗;习惯,通常指国家、社 会或团体长期以来形成的习惯或习俗; (2)habit个人的习惯、习性。
①It's the custom in China to eat mooncakes at Mid Autumn Day.中秋节
• • • • • • • • • •
comb one‟s hair 梳头 have one‟s hair cut (让别人)理发 do sb's hair 给某人做头发 do up one„s hair (女人)梳理头发,把头发盘起来 by a hair 差一点 seize sb by the hair 一把抓住某人的头发 in one's hair 头发上 a coat of hair 一身毛 a lock of hair 一绺头发 wear short hair留短发
合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• the habit of doing sth
• It‟s a good(bad)habit to do sth.做某事 是一个好习惯(坏习惯) • be in the habit of 习惯于…,有…的习惯 • fall into the habit of 养成……习惯 • get into the habit of • form the habit of • make/have a habit of
It is a good habit to do sth. ...是个好习惯
3.He has fallen into the habit ___ at his brother's flat on of call Thursday evenings. calling
表示做某事的习惯,英语习惯上用the habit of doing sth,而不用 the habit to do sth。注意,下面一句habit后用了不定式,但它不是 修饰habit的定语,而是句子的主语:It is my habit to get up early every morning.每天早起是我的习惯。