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【改错】 固定搭配 He rented a room in^ back of the house. the in back of表示“在…后 注意! 面”,相当于behind。in the back of表示 “在…后部”,相当于in the rear part of。 “一间后房”应该是a room in the back of the house。
介词十大典型错误例析 同义词:
【改错】 固定搭配
forbid prohibit
___ smoking There is to be a total ban from in the office. on
的过去式和过去分词是banned;现在分词是 banning。 作名词的词组:a ban on /against...禁止…… 作动词的词组:ban sb. from doing sth.禁止某 人做某事 ban doing sth.
注意! ban是名词也可作动词。动词
ban(n.)禁令 (vt.)禁止;取缔(cf.forbid)
a ban on sth.对某事的禁令
ban sb. from (doing) sth.禁止某人做某事
bare [beə(r)] adj. 赤裸的;光秃的; 稀少的 n. 最基本的要素 【巧记】ba-re.可联想成:ba爸,re热。 口诀:爸热了“赤裸”上身。 同音词:我无法忍受(bear)她光秃秃的 (bare)头。 【考点】be bare of 意为“没有...”。
【改错】 重复 When you finish the book, please return it back \ to the library.
注意! return表示“归还,送回”,含有“回”的 含义,不能再用back。
【改错】 固定搭配
I appealed to my parents for help, but he turned __ on me. their back
【改错】 barehanded 1.They fought _______ barehand.
注意以下各复合词均以 -ed 结尾:barefaced(不带面罩 的,无耻的),barefooted(赤脚的),barehanded(赤 手的,没有武器的),bareheaded(不戴帽的), barelegged(光着腿的)。以上各词应注意两点:除 barefaced 只用作形容词外(其副词须后 加词尾-ly),其 余均可同时用作形容词或副词;除barefooted 中的词 尾-ed 可省略外(即可用 barefoot),其余的词尾-ed均 不能省略。
我有一间蛮大的屋子,所以住得还不坏。 (2)His family is not ____________. well off 他家境不太富裕。
were well off for storage space in the new (3)We _______________
balance n. ['bæ ləns] ( balances )ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
u平衡,均衡 C 天平,秤 disturb/upset the balance 打乱平衡 keep/maintain balance 保持平衡 lose one's balance 失去平衡
Taking too much vitamins may ____ the balance of our body and even cause some illness. A. upset B. bother C. ignore D. damage
badly off 穷的;缺少的
be badly off 拮据,贫穷 be badly off for sth. 某物短缺,不够 =be short of/lack of be well off 有钱的,富裕的 be well off for sth.某方面是充裕的
badly off (1)I have got a big room so I’m not too ____________.
注意! 表示“仰卧”,应该说lie on one's back, 介词用on不用to。
【改错】 固定搭配 He lay __ to his back and stared up at the ceiling. on
注意! 表示“仰卧”,应该说lie on one's back, 介词用on不用to。
backs 注意! 我向父母求援,可是他们不肯帮忙。 turn one‘s back on/to 背对;背弃;置之不 理
【改错】 1. They examined all baggages _____ at the airport. baggage baggage 主要用于美国英语,英国英语中通 常用luggage。两者都是“行李”的统称,不 具体指一件行李,因此不可数,没有复数形 式,也不与不定冠词或数词连用。
is badly off for friends. (4)She ______________
(5)I went to his home and found his living conditions
worse off than mine. were ____________
【改错】 固定搭配
__ In the back of the house is a vegetable
garden. At
注意! 表示“在…之外的后面部分”,应该说at the back of,不用in the back of。
【改错】 固定搭配 He lay __ to his back and stared up at the ceiling. on
合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘
badly adv. 非常;厉害; 坏;糟
• badly = greatly; very much; seriously = in a bad way;not well
ill 只作表语。
ill 如作定语意为 “bad”