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❖ 2.3.4 Taking Notes
❖ For books : ❖ 1. names of authors/editors/ translators ❖ 2. title of book ❖ 3. title of the chapter, and page
❖ 2. Evaluating the Sources. ❖ Ask about the Subject: ❖ Is the subject directly related to my
research question? ❖ Does it provide helpful context or
background information?
Are they suitable topics for a paper of 5000 words?
❖ 1.文化与翻译 ❖ 2.电影层面上的文化入侵 ❖ 3.口译与笔译的对比分析 ❖ 4.中国诗词的英译 ❖ 5.旅游英语 ❖ 6.《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻问题 ❖ 7.女权运动及其对英语语言发展的影响 ❖ 8.Cultural Factors in E-C Translation
2.3 Gathering Data
❖ 2.3.1 Preparing a Working Bibliography
❖ 2.3.2 Reading Sources with a Critical Eye
❖ 2.3.3 Assessing the Author’s Argument and Evidence
∣ ← (7) Review and Revise ↓

(8) Submit
2.1 Choosing a Topic
❖ Choose a subject/topic—the first and biggest problem
❖ Take the following into consideration: ❖ 1. Importance and Interest ❖ 2. Manageability ❖ 3. Availability of Resources
❖ “Suchuan cooking spice”
❖ Narrow topic:

"Mark Twain's Rabbits"
❖ Less narrow topic:

"Mark Twain’s Animals”
❖ Useful topic:

"Animals in Mark Twain's
∣ → (1) Select a Topic ↓
∣<━>(2) Explore Data ↓
∣<━>(3) Gather Data ↓
Baidu Nhomakorabea
∣ ← (4) Formulate the Thesis ↓
∣ → (5) Organize Data & ideas ↓
∣ ← (6) Actual Writing ↓
date sources? or classic, wellestablished sources?
❖ Ask about the Publisher: ❖ Who published this source?
❖ Ask about the counter authority: ❖ Does the source address counter
❖ ↓ “higher education in China”
❖ → (higher education in China in the 20th century, in the 21st century, . . .)
❖ ↓. . .
Avoid a Too Narrow Topic
❖ A too narrow topic is trivial and uninteresting. The writer is faced with not enough information to base a paper on.
Writing Thesis in English:
A Course in Writing for English Majors
主编 张秀国
Ch. 1 The Process of Research and Research Writing
❖ The research and the creation of an academic paper can be divided into eight stages:
Avoid a Too Broad Topic
❖ Subdivide what we know to a manageable size and complexity. “Twentieth-Century China” “Education in China“ “World History”
❖ Broad topic: “Education”
❖ Ask about the Author: ❖ What do I already know about the
author’s reputation?
❖ Ask about the Date: ❖ When was this source published? ❖ Does my topic require current, up-to-
❖ → (higher education, middle school education, adult education, . . .)
❖ ↓ “higher education”
❖ → (higher education in China, in USA, Japan, France, . . .)
❖ Try to find a proper topic for your research.
2.2 Exploring Data
❖ 1. Reference books. ❖ encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries,
sources for current events, book indexes, periodical indexes, computer databases, internet sources