不可抗力条款 Force Majeure

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不可抗力条款Force Majeure


例1 买卖双方除履行付款义务外, 因以下事由造成买卖任一方无法履行合同规定的义务或履行延误的, 买卖任一方均不对此承担任何责任, 事由具体内容如下: 因不可抗力所致超出买卖任一方力合理控制范围内的不可抗力事件, 不可抗力发生, 及出现的不可抗力情况, 包括不影响前述事由的一般情况; 天灾,罢工,火灾,洪水,材料损毁; 事故, 恶劣天气所致无法履行义务或造成义务履行延误; 海难, 禁运, 事故, 政府当局公布的限制规定(包括配给, 优先事项, 征用, 报价和价格控制等等)造成义务无法履行或义务履行延误.

Neither seller nor buyer shall be liable in damages or otherwise for any failure or delay in performance of any obligation hereunder other than obligation to make payment, where such failure or delays is caused by force majeure, being any event, occurrence of circumstance reasonably beyond the contral of that party, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, failure or delay caused by or resulting from acts of god, strikes, fires, floods destruction of the material, delays of carriers due to breakdown or adverse weather, perils of the sea, embargoes, accidents, restrictions imposed by any governmental authority (including allocations, priorities, requisitions, quotas and price controls).

例2 因前述条款说明的事由所致, 造成发货期货物交货延迟或无法交货, 合同规定的卖方发货和买方接收货物的时间在此交货期则应顺延, 顺延期: 30(叁拾)日.

The time of seller to make, or buyer to receive, delivery hereunder shall be extanded during any period in which delivery shall be delayed or prevented by reason of any of the foregoing clauses. Up to a total of thirty (30) days.

例3 合同规定的交货若交货延迟或无法交货达30(叁拾)日以上,买卖任一方就此情况向合同另一方出具书面通知书之后, 有权终止本合同.

If any delivery hereunder shall be so delayed or prevented for more than thirty (30) days, either seller or buyer may terminate this contract with respect to such delivery upon written notice to the other party.

例4 如果遭遇无法控制的时间或情况应视为不可抗力,但不限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如要是不可抗力一方不能履行合同规定下义务,另一方应将履行合同的时间延长,所延长的时间应于不可抗力事件的时间相等。Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore Majeure will last.

例5 如果不可抗力持续6个月以上,合同双方应尽快通过友好协商的方式调整继续履行合同事宜。如果双方不能达成协议,则根据合同中第12条款通过仲裁决定。If the Force Majeure last over 6 months, the two parties of the contract should settle the case of continuing the contract by friendly negotiation as soon as possible. Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.

例6 如果遭遇无法控制的时间或情况应视为不可抗力,但不限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如要是不可抗力一方不能履行合同规定下义务,另一方应将履行合同的时间延长,所延长的时间应于不可抗力事件的时间相等。

Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore Majeure will last.

例7 如果不可抗力持续6个月以上,合同双方应尽快通过友好协商的方式调整继续履行合同事宜。如果双方不能达成协议,则根据合同中第12条款通过仲裁决定。

If the Force Majeure last over 6 months, the two parties of the contract should settle the case of continuing the contract by friendly negotiation as soon as possible. Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.

例8 因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。买方不能领到进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。

The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers’ failure to obta in the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure.

例9 如果任何一方由于自然灾害、战争、类似于战争的情况、禁令、骚乱、罢工、封锁和其他不可预见和不受控制的、若没有额外的成本和时间是不能得到解决的意外事故,而不能履行或迟延履行本合同的义务,则该方不应对另一方承担任何责任。

如果发生了不可抗力,受影响方应在不可抗力发生后的7天内及时通知另一方,并在不可抗力发生后的15天内提交由当地相关部门印发的用于证明不可抗力发生的文件材料。双方当事人应当协商并形成最佳解决方案,用于解决因不可抗力而导致的对本合同的迟延和中断履行。如果不可抗力持续严重影响本合同项下重要义务的履行达3个月之久,则任何一方均有权以书面形式提前30天通知终止本合同。7 cany Party does not or delays to fulfil the obligations in this Contract directly or indirectly due to natural disaster, wars, situations similar to war, embargo, disturbance, strike, blockade and other unpredictable and uncontrollable accidents which may not be solved without additional cost and time, this Party shall not bear any responsibility for the other Party.2 j: a' f) j3 D% i1 N

In case of force majeure, the affected Party shall inform the other Party within seven days after occurring of such case and submit documents issued by local relevant department used to prove the occurrence of force majeure within 15 days after occurring of such case. Both parties shall
