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2009 —2010学年第二学期期末考试试卷(共 100 分)

I. Translate the following phrases (1’*20=20’)

1. 多功能厅

2. 家外之家

3. 过路客人

4. 东方明珠电视塔

5. 代看小孩服务

6. 电话号码本

7. 做晚床8. 休息厅酒吧

9. 头一道菜10. 大食客

11. easy over 12. a highly organized commercial entity 13. a senior citizen 14. For your information

15. back and forth 16. operational department

17. go through the formalities 18. DDD

19. group cohesiveness 20. Chateau Haut Lafite

II. Complete the following dialogues: (2’*10=20’)

Dialogue 1

Hostess (H): Good morning, Hilton Restaurant.

Guest (G): Good morning. I’d like to book a table for this Saturday.

H: Certainly, sir. ?

G: Eight.

H: And ?

G: At 7 p.m.

H: Sorry, sir. ?

G: Let me see. OK, 8 o’clock will be all right.

H: Thank you, sir. ?

G: Mr. Young.

H: So it’s Mr. Young, .

G: That’s right. Thank you.

H: Thank you for calling, Mr. Young.

Dialogue 2

Waiter: Good morning. Can I help you?

Guest: Yes. .

Waiter: Chinese or western?

Guest: Chinese breakfast. Give me .

Waiter: All right, sir. Anything else?


Waiter: Yes, they are very delicious, especially the sliced noodles and the seafood noodles.

Guest: Very well. I’ll take .

Waiter: OK. One meat dumpling, one steamed roll, one fried bread stick, one sliced noodles and two seafood noodles. Is that all?

Guest: Yes, that’s right.

Waiter: Just a moment, please. .

III. Say the following sentences in a more courteous way: (2’*10=20’)

1. “That’s our cheapest room.”

2. “I’m on my break right now!”

3. (On the phone) “Hello… Wan Hao.”

4. “You want more towels?”

5. “Sorry, that’s not my department.”

6. “I can’t do it!”

7. “You want cream?”

8. “Dining room’s closed.”

9. “What’s the problem?”

10. “Yeah? A cup of coffee?”

IV. Discussion: (5’*4=20’)

1. Please name some of the duties carried out by the Front Office staff.

2. Do you agree that the Housekeeping Department is the backbone of a hotel? Why?

3. How would you define “high quality service”?

4. Can you enumerate the goals for running a hotel?

V.Role-play: (10’*2=20’)

1. Work with your partner to make a dialogue by yourselves according to the following given scene.

A: a host or hostess who is in charge of taking reservations for the restaurant.

B: a guest. She wants to hold a party this weekend for her boyfriend, who has been promoted several days before. She plans to invite some of their good friends to the party, so she needs a private room, some champagne, and some light music.

Scene: The guest is told that there is no vacant private room available for the time she needs. But the host or hostess promises to try his or her best. At last, the guest is arranged in the main dining room to have their dinner first; then she and her friends will get a private room to have a spectacular celebration.

2. Work with your partner to make a dialogue by yourselves according to the following given scene.

You’re a service staff member in a restaurant. One day, there comes a very picky guest in your restaurant. He seems to be dissatisfied with everything and everyone in the restaurant: the tableware, the music, the dishes, and even the atmosphere. Try to handle the complaints from the guests properly one by one. And at last, despite his particular and difficult personality, you make him feel happy with you and your restaurant.
