

We have every intention to translate these initiatives of opening-up intoreality, sooner rather than later. We want the outcomes of our opening-upefforts to deliver benefits as soon as possible to all enterprises and people inChina and around the world.11日,中国人民银行行长易纲在货币政策的正常化分论坛上宣布了12项金融业对外开放的重大举措。
Foreign equity restrictions on banks and financial asset management firmswill be canceled, with equal treatment for domestic and foreign-fundedinstitutions. Foreign banks will be allowed to set up branches and subsidiariesat the same time in the country.二、将证券公司、基金管理公司、期货公司、人身保险公司的外资持股比例的上限放宽至51%。
2019考研,词组翻译总结 (2)

政治、社会1、illegal assembly 非法集会2、Carcun conference 2010 坎昆气候大会3、UN security Council 联合国安理会4、Border fense 国界线5、Black European 黑欧洲6、Environment justice 环境正义7、Armistice Day 停战纪念日8、Juvenile court 少年法庭9、International protocol 国际礼仪10、International Herald Tribune 国际先驱论坛11、Common law system 习惯法12、Migrant rural workers 农民工13、Weapon of massive destruction 大规模杀伤性武器14、International practice 国际惯例15、Brain drain 人才流失16、Humanitarian crisis 人道主义危机17、Transparency international 透明国际组织18、Jungle law 丛林法则19、Zeitgeist 时代精神20、Diet of Japan 日本国会21、The Tories 英国保守党22、The treasury department of the US 美国财政部23、The civil law system 民法法系24、The Paries Peace Conference 巴黎和会25、Think tank 智囊团26、Inaugural address 就职演讲27、Kyoto protocol 京都议定书28、The Millennium Development Goals 联合国千年发展计划29、中央情报局CIA 30、核裁军nuclear disarmament 31、军事法庭32、习惯法common law system 33、天道酬勤god helps those who help themselves 34、可持续发展sustainable development 35、新兴市场国家emerging market country 36、黑帮sinister gang 37、留守儿童stay-at-home children 38、无党派人士39、《国富论》The Wealth of Nation 40、以人为本put the people first 41、信访局Bureau for letters and visit 42、海基会SEF 43、大运会Universiade 44、上海公报The Shanghai Communique 45、海关总署GAC 46、石油输出国组织OPEC47、中国红十字协会RCSC 48、西部大开发large-scale development of the western region 49、安居工程Comfortable Housing Project 50、国家主权和领土完整sovereignty and territorial integrity 51、中东和平进程The Middle East Peace Process 52、科教兴国strength nation through science and education 53、节能减排energy reserve and emission reduction 54、低碳生活low-carbon life 55、手机实名制mobile phone identification policy 56、上海世博会Shanghai Expo 57、事业单位public institution 58、提高出生人口质量raise the quality of newborns 59、创新型国家innovational nation 60、建设社会主义新农村building a new socialist countryside 61、全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 62、基层民主democracy at the grassroots level 63、粮食安全food security 64、社会事业65、弱势群体disadvantaged groups 66、动荡时期arrest period 67、哄抬物价bid up price 68、试点项目pilot project 69、拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition70、自治区autonomous region 71、公共卫生体系public health system 72、科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development 73、平等互利equality and mutual benefit 74、自主创新independent innovation 75、自然资源natural resource 76、和平共处五项原则Five Principal for Peaceful Coexistent 77、司法公正judicial justice 78、白色农业white agriculture 79、国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 80、红白喜事wedding and funeral 81、海协会ARATS 82、钉子户nail house 83、中西医合并combine the traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine 84、重症监护病房ICU 85、针灸治疗法acupuncture and moxibustion 86、双面绣bifacial embroidery 87、三农问题issues of agriculture , farmers and rural area 88、养老基金pension insurance fund89、急救站emergency station 90、原油crude oil 91、记者招待会press conference 92、房地产real estate 93、分期付款payment by instalment 94、生态补偿机制ecology compensation mechanism 95、中国国际航空公司Air China 96、中国人民广播电视台CNR 97、核威慑nuclear deterrence 98、京剧脸谱Peking Opera make ups 99、法人实体juridical entity 100、脱贫致富cast off poverty to get rich 101、南水北调the south-to-north water diversion project 102、兵马俑Terracotta warriors 103、国家一二五计划the 12th five-year plan 104、上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization 105、国际法主体subject of international law 106、国际法准则principle of international law 107、素质教育quality-oriented education 108、公务员civil servant 109、展馆pavilion 110、房奴mortgage salve 111、美国中期选举United State midterm election 112、从重思想conformity 113、户籍改革制度reform of household registration system114、全面战略伙伴关系comprehensive strategic partnership 115、统筹兼顾take all factor into consideration 116、廉政公署Independent Commission Against Corruption。

2019年考研英语翻译必背高频词组(1)2018考研英语翻译必背高频词组(1)请…发言Give the floor to我很荣幸…It is a great pleasure for me to相关问题Relevant issues最新的调查结果Updated research result对…给予重视Attach the importance to技术Lead-edge technologies公使Minister Counselor自然遗产Natural heritage共同关心的问题Shared concern良好的信誉Well-deserved reputation对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to请…讲话Let’s welcome to give a speech双边会议bilateral conference以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to主办单位sponsor颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe the grand opening of请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony世界庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declare the closing of请全体起立,奏国歌Please rise for the national anthem.集体管理Collective stewardship充满竞争的就业市场Competitive job market金融机构Financial institutions进取Forward-looking国民生产总值Gross National Product迎接挑战Meet the challenges公共机构Public authorities法规机制Regulatory mechanism城市居民Urban residents服务齐全的高尚城市Well-serviced formal city把…列为重要内容place as the priority不放松工作never neglect the work节约用水water conservation对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected授予…光荣称号confer honorable awards on为…而奋斗strive for严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage相关单位units concerned与…比有差别compared with ,there is still some way to go预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources of income & reduce expenditure对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economic region基础雄厚solid foundation留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression盛世the grand occasion祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport春意盎然spring is very much in the air森林覆盖率forest coverage世界变暖global warming主要因素principal element废气排放toxic emission迸发出心灵的火花ignite the sparks of understanding 建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in content。
2019考研英语词汇复习之China Daily常见热词 (6)(英语学习).doc

2019考研英语词汇复习之China Daily常见热词(6)(英语学习)景泰蓝cloisonné境外就业be employed abroad境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad竞选辩论election debate竞选委员会election committee;election board竞选运动election campaign敬业精神professional dedication; professional ethics经营费用running expense经营管理高度科学化的现代化大企业modern big enterprise with highly scientific management system经营管理不善mismanagement; poor management; poor operation andmanagement经营权与所有权分离separation of the right of management from the right of ownership经营责任制management system精英治国论theory of elite administration竞争机制competitive mechanism竞争上岗take up a job through competition竞争优势competitive edge; advantage in competition精子库sperm bank经典线路classic travel route精简开支cut down the outlay; retrench expenses;retrenchment in expenditure经济立法economic legislature经济社会协调发展coordinated development of the economy and society经济型轿车economy car景气下降business setback精神抖擞in good spirits经营范围scope of business紧急避孕药emergency contraception; morning-after pill静脉注射吸毒intravenous drug abuse( or addict)金融监管financial regulation集体企业collectively-owned enterprise就地考察on-the-spot inspection就地取材obtain materials from local sources; draw on local resources纠风办State Council Office for Rectifying救济金relief fund九届全国人大四次会议the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education酒肉朋友fair-weather friend九五攻关State Key Task 95就业保险employment insurance就业服务employment service就业高峰年peak year for college graduates entering the job market.就业机会job opening; job opportunity就业前培训pre-job training; pre-service training就业压力employment pressure救援人员rescue workers救灾扶贫provide disaster relief and help the poor纠正随意改变基本农田用途的现象rectify unauthorized changes in the use of primary farmland酒泉卫星发射中心Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying九五折a five percent discount; a 95 percent charge举办城市host city举报监督电话hotline for public report and supervision举报信箱complaint mailbox举报中心informant center举杯propose a toast局部战争local war聚赌group gambling; gamble in a group鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已bend one’s back to the task until one’s dying day; give one’s all till one’s heart stops beating聚集效益aggregation effect居留权right of abode;right of residence居民委员会residential committee; neighborhood committee; residents’s committee举手表决vote by show of hands巨无霸giant;extra large具有中国特色with Chinese characteristics局域网local area network (LAN)拒载refuse to take passengers举债经营operation with borrowed capital捐资办学denote money for school决策机构decision-making organ;policy-making body 决策性机构policy-making body决战时刻zero hour居民身份证resident identification card居民住房建设residential construction军备集结arms build-up军备竞赛arms race竣工仪式completion ceremony军国主义militarism均衡规律law of proportionality军火走私gun-running; arms smuggling军民共建精神文明活动joint army-civilian efforts to promote socialist ethics and culture in their respective units军嫂soldier’s wife军事对峙military confrontation军事分界线military demarcation line军事过硬militarily competent军事援助military aid军属soldier’s dependant; armyman’s family军训military training(intended for high school annd college students)军用飞机warplane, military aircraft君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green军事法院military court。

苏大MTI 苏州大学翻译硕士考研本人本科双非英语专业,考研报考专业是英语笔译。

2019考研英语翻译天天练:上合组织峰会1. 上合组织峰会Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit日前,外交部举行中外媒体吹风会。
President Xi Jinping will chair the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organizationsummit to be held in Qingdao, Shandong province on June 9-10, State Councilorand Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced. Leaders of SCO member states andobserver states, as well as chiefs of relevant international organizations willattend the summit.国务委员兼外交部长王毅宣布,上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十八次会议将于本月9日至10日在山东省青岛市举行。
王毅表示,青岛峰会是上海合作组织(Shanghai CooperationOrganization,SCO)扩员后召开的首次峰会,也是中国今年第二场重大主场外交活动。
习近平主席将为各方来宾举行欢迎宴会,共同观看灯光焰火艺术表演,并将先后主持小范围和大范围会谈,就上海合作组织发展现状和前景(thecurrent and future development of the SCO)、新形势下各领域合作(cooperation in all areasunder the new situation),以及重大国际和地区问题(major international and regionalissues)同大家深入交换意见,同其他成员国领导人共同签署并发表青岛宣言(QingdaoDeclaration),批准10余份安全、经济、人文等领域合作文件(a dozen agreements on security and economiccooperation, and people-to-peopleexchanges)。

19翻硕考研复习资料短语解释详解(2)封闭式管理 closed-off management (Closed-off management, which has been implemented in some Beijing villages where migrant residents outnumber permanent residents, will be further promoted across the capital after the move received approval from both the country's top police official and the city's Party chief. 近日在北京一些流动人口数量超过常住人口数量的“倒挂村”实施的封闭式管理得到了公安部领到和北京市党委书记的认可,此举将会在首都进一步推广实施。
) 封闭式基金 close-ended fund 封顶 seal the top; sealing-top 丰富民主形式 Develop diverse forms of democracy 奉公守法 abide by the law and social discipline 锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash 疯牛病 mad cow disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) 封杀出局 force out 封圣 canonization of Saints丰收 bumper harvest (Consumers will still face moderate grain price hikes this year, despite the country seeing a bumper harvest, a senior agricultural official said on Thursday. 农业部一位高级官员周四表示,虽然今年我国粮食会丰收,但消费者还是要面临粮价适度上涨的局面。


19 考研翻硕新闻报道词汇
就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship 慢就业 delayed employment 自由职业者 freelancer 自主创业 self-employment 就业压力 employment pressure 卓越的才华 superb talent 商业头脑 business acumen 坚定沉着的领导力 determined leadership 坚信使命愿景 hold dear our mission and vision 勇于担当 embrace responsibility with passion 说书人 pingshu performer, storyteller 相声 cross talk 评弹 storytelling and ballad singing 舞台道具 stage props 民间艺术 folk art 地方戏曲 local operas 硬件升级 hardware upgrading 处理器 processor 操作系统 operating system 解锁 unlock 人脸识别 face recognition 可穿戴设备 wearable device 娘娘腔 sissy pants 妆容精致 wear delicate makeup 主流审美 mainstream aesthetic 少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy.

2017年《中国日报》英文热词盘点1. 雄安新区(Xiong'an New Area)2017年4月,我国宣布设立雄安新区,这一热词迅速成为国内外关注的焦点。
3. 双一流(Double FirstClass)2017年,我国正式启动“双一流”建设,即世界一流大学和世界一流学科建设。
4. 共享经济(Sharing Economy)共享单车、共享充电宝、共享雨伞……2017年,共享经济成为我国经济领域的一大亮点。
5. 精准扶贫(Targeted Poverty Alleviation)2017年,我国脱贫攻坚战取得显著成效,精准扶贫成为热词。
6. 绿色发展(Green Development)在环保意识日益提高的背景下,绿色发展成为2017年的热词。
7. 一带一路(Belt and Road Initiative)2017年,一带一路国际合作取得丰硕成果,这一热词在全球范围内的影响力不断扩大。
8. 网络安全(Cybersecurity)随着互联网的普及,网络安全问题日益突出。
9. 新能源汽车(New Energy Vehicles)为应对能源危机和环境污染,新能源汽车产业在2017年迎来快速发展。
10. 大数据(Big Data)2017年,大数据产业在我国蓬勃发展,成为推动经济增长的新引擎。
中国日报 中国特色热词翻译+句子详解 第一弹

暴利行业industry of windfall profitsIn the latest session of the NPC, some lawmakers painted the banking sectors as an “industry of windfall profits”.在最近一届全国人民代表大会上,一些委员将银行业称为“暴利行业”。
报销reimburseYou can have expenses for flight tickets, meals, and hotel costs reimbursed.飞机票,餐费和旅馆住宿均可以报销。
爆冷门upset/ unexpected winThe previous 77 Academy Awards ceremonies have had their share of unexpected twists, though the best-picture win by the upset winner “Crash” over “Brokeback Mountain”ranks as one of the biggest in Oscar history.尽管在本年度奥斯卡最佳影片评选中,实现不看好的《撞车》击败《断背山》成为奥斯卡历史上最大的冷门之一,然而纵观前77届颁奖典礼,这种意外并不罕见。
背黑锅be the scapegoat/ bear the blameIf anything goes wrong, I always bear the blame.悲情牌tragedy trumpcardThe party could only bring out their tragedy trumpcard to win the election.该党派只好打出悲情牌以求赢得选举。
被解除隔离be released from quarantineAnimals will not be released from quarantine unless they are five-month-old.动物知道5个月大才能被解除隔离。

翻译硕士(MTI)经典素材-笔译常用词汇(新闻)倒叙 inverted pyramid style回访 return visit均势 balance of power社论 editorial试播 start trial broadcasts述评 commentary顺叙 pyramid style主编 chief editor直播 live broadcast专电 special dispathc编者按editor’s note读者量 readership发刊词 prospectus发行量 circulation公正性 fairness画外音 voiceover幻灯片 slideshows时效性 timeliness假新闻 pseudo-news教育性 enrichment可信度 credibility新闻稿 news release言论版 opinion page本报记者 staff writer编辑主任 managing editor标题妙语 headline witticism常驻记者 resident correspondent地方新闻 local news电视指南 TV Guide电视转播 on-camera delivery独家新闻exlusive news扼要重述 recap the headlines发布公报issue a communiqué封锁消息 news blackout公众意识 public consciousness国际新闻 world news国内新闻 domestic news滚动报道 running/rolling stories记者新闻 eye-account经济新闻 economic news媒体炒作 press hype秘密采访 covert coverage民意测验 opinion poll目标受众 targeted audience深度报道 in-depth report视频新闻 video broadcasts双休特刊 double dayoff supplement体育新闻 sports news网络浏览 browse网络审查 web censorship网络杂志 online magazine网上报纸 online newspaper微型新闻 mini-story文化差异 cultural differences文化干扰 cultural interference文化新闻 cultural news细分受众 narrowly defined audience现场采访 on-the-spot intterview新闻官员 information officer新闻联播 news hook-up新闻审查 news censorship新闻线索 news peg新闻英语 journalistic English新闻自由 freedom of the press音频播放 audio presentations有偿信息 paid messages赠阅发行 controlled circulation战地记者 war correspondent政府声明 government statement政治新闻 political news招待主编 executive editor抓拍镜头 candid camera标签式导语 label lead概括性导语 summary lead记者招待会 press/conference据外电报道 foreign radios announce描写性导语 descriptive lead评论和专栏 commentaries and columns突发性新闻 breaking news新闻发布会 news briefing要点式导语 main fact lead引语式导语 quotation lead争取收视率 grab ratings自由撰稿人 freelancer传播小道消息 grapevine news报道国际形势 do reportage on the international situation单一事件报道 single event coverage揭露丑闻的人 muckraker社会新闻特稿 social event feature外交部发言人 Foreign Ministry spokesman网络新闻资源 Internet news resources(对稿件)删改 trim对比性背景材料 contrast background分析性背景材料 interpretative background谈话节目主持人 talk-show host未经证实的消息 unconfirmed report新闻价值的要素 news value determinants纵向性综合报道 vertical roundups标题、导语和正文 headline, lead, body对听众有巨大影响 have a tremendous impact on the audience自身(内向)转播 intrapersonal communication横排形式/竖排形式 horizontal form; vertical form就新闻报道发表社论 editorialize on the news report平面(纸质)新闻媒体 print journalism(大型活动的)记者席 press tribune(电台、电视台)现场报道 ad-lib报刊所具有的超越国界的影响the press’s transnational ramifications贯彻百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针 carry out the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend国际关系中的)单极、两极、多极与无极 unipolarity, bipolarity, multipolarity and nonpolarity内容永远主宰高质量的新闻和新闻教育,传输系统永远是第二性的。

考研翻硕MTI政府机关及年度热词分享全国人民代表大会NPC(National People’s Congress)中国人民政治协商会议(政协)CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)九三学社(Jiusan Society)中国国民党革命委员会(民革)(Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang)中国民主促进会(民进)(China Association for Promoting Democracy)、中国民主建国会(民建)(China Democratic National Construction Association)中国民主同盟(民盟)(China Democratic League)事实上的/实际上de facto啃老族/尼特族Neet(Not in Education, Employment or Training)在Facebook等社交网站上与某人解除好友关系unfriend,somebody's cup of tea,give the floor to,the in-thing,infortainment呜呜祖拉Vuvuzela深水地平线Deepwater Horizon、臭虫Bedbugs艾雅法拉火山(冰岛南部)Eyjafjallajokull节衣缩食austerity、海地地震Haiti Earthquake维基解密Wikileaks、援救智利矿工to rescue Chile miners巴基斯坦特大洪灾heavy floods in Pakistan朝鲜半岛局势the situation on the Korean Peninsula基地组织al-Qaeda/matrix structure、主权债务Sovereign Debt实体经济(real economy)、债务危机(debt crisis)经济复苏(economic recovery/resurgence)全球金融风暴(Global Financial Turmoil)、骨牌效应(domino effect)国家破产(national bankruptcy)、泰国红衫军(泰国人民反独裁民主联盟UDD)Red Shirts二次探底double dip二次探底也称为双谷衰退,一般在经济衰退之后,如果出现持续性复苏则称为V型反弹或U型复苏,经济衰退出现反复则称为W型震荡,将发生二次探底,如果经济陷入困境,则被称为L型停滞。

2019考研英语词汇复习之China Daily常见热词(11)(英语学习).doc

2019考研英语词汇复习之China Daily常见热词(11)(英语学习)纳米nanometer拿腔拿调speak affectedly拿手好戏masterpiece拿手项目specialty纳税人tax payer; tax bearer纳税申报制度tax declaration system纳斯达克National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)耐用消费品durable consumer goods, consumer durables南北对话North-South dialogue难得糊涂“Where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise.”男高音演唱家tenorist难民营refugee camp南南合作South-South cooperation男女同工同酬equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex男权主义思想male chauvinism南水北调divert water from the south to the north南水北调工程South-to-North water diversion project囊括complete a sweep闹情绪be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique内宾domestic guest内当家wife内定decide internally内耗in-fighting内环路inner ring road内联企业inland associated enterprises内联网(计算机) Intranet内水inland waters内退early retirement内向型经济domestically-oriented economy内销公寓apartments leased only to natives能官能民be ready to both serve as an offical and be one of the common people能见度visibility能进能出,能上能下competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.能量预算energy budget能上网的手机Wireless Application Protocol(W AP) phone能源农业energy agriculture逆反心理negative mentality尼姆达(病毒) Nimda泥菩萨like a clay Buddha fording the river-hardly able to save oneself; each one is looking out for his own survival泥石流mud-rock flow年度国家预算annual State Budget年利润annual return年龄结构age structure年同比year-on-year; on an annual basis年夜饭family reunion dinner涅磐(佛) nirvana凝聚力cohensive force扭亏为盈turn losses into gains扭转局面“reverse the tide, turn the table”农产品出口补贴agricultural export subsidies农产品的统购派购unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes弄潮儿wave rider; current leader农村非农产业non-agricultural industries in rural areas农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labour (labourers)农村税费改革试点the experimental reform of rural taxes and administrative charges农村信用社rural credit cooperatives农工党Chinese Peasants’and Workers’Democratic Party农工商联合企业agro-industrial-commercial combines农机agricultural machinery农垦agricultural reclamation农林间作agro-forestry农民人均纯收入rural per capita net income农奴制serfdom; serf system弄巧成拙be too smart by half; cunning outwits itself.农药残留物pesticide residue;agricultural chemicals residue农业产业化经营the industrialization of agriculture; industrialized agricultural operation农业生态学agricultural ecology农业生物工程agro-biological engineering农业税费改革reform of rural taxes and administrative charges农业特产税taxes on special agricultural products农业增加值added value of agriculture农转非rural residents become urban residents农村合作医疗rural cooperative medical service农村养老金制度rural pension system农技站agro-technical station暖温带warm temperate zone诺亚方舟Noah’s Ark挪占misappropriate; embezzlement女权运动movement for women’s rights 女权主义者feminist。
122个China Daily 必背热词总结

122个China Daily 必背热词总结1月热词总结1.111.国家最高科技奖the State Supreme Science and Technology Award2.熔断circuit breaker3.汇率中间价central parity rate4.生育登记福利制度birth registration service system5.降税tariff cut6.氢弹hydrogen bomb,H-bomb7.控枪gun control8.毒保姆deadly caregiver1.181.雅加达袭击Jakarta attack2.成品油定价机制fuel pricing scheme3.春节吉祥物(Chinese)Lunar New Year mascot4.小成本网剧small-budget online series5.猴票monkey stamp6.多里安坚强D-STRONG1.251.中阿友谊China-Arab friendship2.寒潮cold snap, cold front3.光棍危机bachelor crisis4.春晚吉祥物Spring Festival Gala mascot5.数字货币digital currency/money6.贪内助corrupt spouse2月热词总结2.11.GDP万亿俱乐部one-trillion-yuan GDP club2.换汇潮currency exchange boom3.财产申报asset report/declaration4.号贩子hospital appointment scalper5.红包照片red envelope photo, pay-photo6.寨卡病毒Zika virus2.81. 咬春bite the spring2. 四个全面Four Comprehensives3. 集福卡lucky card collection4. 最低首付the minimum down payment5. 非法集资illegal fund-rasing, illegal raise/collect funds6. 初选caucus/primary2.221. 引力波Gravitational waves2. 苹果支付Apple Pay3. 黄金热Gold rush4.返乡日记Diaries about rural hometowns5. 窗口挂号Registration tickets issued on site6. 母婴室Baby-care room, mother-and-baby room 2.291.手机转账money transfer via mobile banking2.封闭住宅区gated residential community3.雾霾脸smog face4.奥斯卡小金人Oscar statuette5.包月服务monthly subscription service6.假唱lip-sync3月热词总结3.71.政治季political season2.军费预算military budget3.楼市高烧high fever of real estate4.私募股权投资private equity investment5.超级星期二Super Tuesday6.独角兽企业unicorn company3.141. 部长通道ministers’ passage2. 人机大战man VS machine battle3. 工匠精神spirit of the craftsman4. 首付贷sown payment loan5. 休学创业suspend courses to do business6. 药检drug test3.211. 慈善法charity law2.消费者投诉consumer complaint3.大众旅游时代era of mass tourism4.山寨应用fake app5.贿选vote buying6.A4腰A4 wais3.281. 社保费率social security premium rate2. 问题疫苗problematic vaccine3. 荧幕恋情showmance, show romance4. 增值税value-added tax5. 冒名上大学fake identity to enter college4月热词总结4.41. 核安全合作nuclear security cooperation2.限苗令vaccination limitation3.2.5天休假2.5 days’ leave4.在线辅导online tutoring5.赏花游flower tour/trip6.名人堂Hall of Fame4.111.海淘cross-border online shopping2.酒店遇袭assault at hotel3. EMBA, 高级管理人员工商管理硕士Executive Master of Business Administration4. 低俗弹幕vulgar bullet-screen comments5. 猪周期hog/pork cycle6. 钓鱼执法sting/entrapment operation4.181.开门红a good start2. 美国人权记录human rights record of the US3.足球一流强国top-class soccer nation4.农村学生专项计划special college enrollment plan for rural students5. 公开面试public audition6.告别赛farewell match, final game, swan song4.251. 司法解释judicial interpretation/explanation2. 上海金基准价the Shanghai Gold Bench mark Price3. 土地使用权到期expiration of land use rights4, 毒地toxic soil5. 气候协议climate agreement6. 奥运圣火the Olympic flame5月热词总结5.21.境外非政府组织(NGO) overseas non-governmental organization2.营改增(VAT) replace business tax with value-added tax3.实习生工资salary/wage for student interns4.不规范放生unregulated release of captive animals5.未删减版uncut version6. 奥运会会徽Olympic emblem/logo5.91.国家专营state monopoly2.魏则西事件Wei Zexi incident/case3.储备动猪肉frozen pork reserve4.说唱征兵视频rap-style army recruitment video5.iphone商标大战trademark fight over “iPhone”6.超级星期四Super Thursday5.161. 多边税收协议multilateral agreement on tax matters2. 器官转运绿色通道fast channels/green3. 校园欺凌school bullying4. 导游自由职业freelance tour guide5. 运营测试trail run6. 弹劾审判impeachment trail5.231.失联航班missing flight2.旅游扶贫poverty alleviation through tourism3.品质改革quality revolution4.列车运行图railway/train operation diagram5.汉流wave of China6.禁飞区no-fly zone5.301.倒计时100天100-day countdown2.价格改革pricing reform3.防作弊措施anti-cheating measures4.气象灾害meteorological disaster5.创意毕业照creative/innovative graduation photos6.锁定共和党提名secure Republican presidential nomination。

2016翻译硕士考研冲刺必看新闻热词(2)1. 诺奖效应推动'中医'研究2. 京'积分落户制'征求民意3. '参与式扶贫'让群众说话4. 春运抢票被'验证码'难倒5. 高校'研究生妈妈'渐流行6. '股票发行注册制'将实施7. 北京首启'雾霾红色预警'8. 美国收紧入境'免签项目'1. 传统中医traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)请看例句:China's pharmacologist Tu Youyou received her 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Thursday, highlighting more attentions are paid to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) researches and its potentials.我国药理学家屠哟哟10日被授予2015年诺贝尔奖生理学或医学奖,凸显了传统中医研究及其潜力正得到更多关注。
屠呦呦从传统中医古籍(ancient classic works on TCM)中汲取灵感发现的青蒿素(artemisinin)对治疗疟疾非常有效(effective to cure malaria),从而挽救了全球数百万人的生命(save the lives of millions of people)。

英文Association of Southeast Asian Nations(=ASEAN)总部:东盟秘书处设在印度尼西亚首都雅加达。
【知识积累9】G2020国集团20国集团或者廿国集团,又叫G20(the Group of20)是一个国际经济合作论坛。
【知识积累10】APEC亚太经济合作组织亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称APEC)是亚太地区最具影响的经济合作官方论坛,成立于1989年。