



一.名词解释1.Homer Epics:是相传由古希腊盲诗人荷马创作的两部长篇史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的统称。








4.Rome Republic:公元前510年罗马人驱逐了前国王暴君卢修斯·塔克文·苏佩布(高傲者塔克文),结束了罗马王政时代,建立了罗马共和国,国家由元老院、执政官和部族会议(Comitia Tributa)三权分立。




二.简答1.What are the seven wonder for the ancient Greek people?1.克罗索斯宫殿2.帕特农神庙3.伊匹杜拉斯剧场4.罗德斯岛太阳神阿波罗巨像5.奥林匹亚宙斯神像6.月神阿尔timi斯的亚底米神庙7.摩索拉斯基凌2.How does Greek Mythology influence European Lierature?古希腊、罗马文学是欧洲最早的文学,可以说是欧洲文学的开端。


理性主义、存在主义、知识主义 等。
01 总结词
中世纪哲学是基督教哲学的发 展,强调信仰与理性的统一。
中世纪哲学家们如奥古斯丁、 托马斯·阿奎那等,将哲学与神 学相结合,探讨了宇宙、人类 和上帝的关系,提出了许多重 要的哲学思想和概念,如宇宙 目的论、人类原罪说等。
03 代表人物
古希腊哲学家们如泰勒斯、赫拉克利特、德谟克利特等,探讨了宇宙的本质、人类的本性和道德等问 题,提出了许多重要的哲学思想和概念,如“万物源于水”、“万物皆流,无物常驻”、“人是万物 的尺度”等。
苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德 等。
西方教育体系主要包括学前教育、初 等教育、中等教育和高等教育等阶段 ,每个阶段都有明确的教育目标和课 程设置。
西方教育强调个性发展、创新思维和 批判性思维的培养,注重学生自主学 习和合作学习的能力,提倡多元化和 包容性的教育环境。
现代文学与艺术涵盖了从浪漫主义、现实主义、自然主义到现代主义、后现代主义的多种流派,作品形式和内容 都极为丰富多样。现代艺术家们不断探索新的表达方式和技巧,反映了当代社会的复杂性和多样性。
西方科学与技术古代科学成就01 Nhomakorabea数学



阿凡达“白人至上主义” (White Supremacy)是一种种族分子的形态意识,主张白色人种优越于其他族裔,根植于为我中心主义(Ethnocentrism)和对霸权的欲望,有着不同程度仇外(Xenophobia)意识。















欧洲文化入门(The Age of Enlightenment)

欧洲文化入门(The Age of Enlightenment)

The Age of Reason 理性时代
The Enlightenment characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to use critical reason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppresion by Church or State. Therefor it is sometimes called the Age of Reason.
Approved by the National Assembly of France, August 26, 1789
The representatives of the French people, organized as a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities and of the corruption of governments, have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of man, in order that this declaration, being constantly before all the members of the Social body, shall remind them continually of their rights and duties; in order that the acts of the legislative power, as well as those of the executive power, may be compared at any moment with the objects and purposes of all political institutions and may thus be more respected, and, lastly, in order that the grievances of the citizens, based hereafter upon simple and incontestable principles, shall tend to the maintenance of the constitution and redound to the happiness of all. Therefore the National Assembly recognizes and proclaims, in the presence and under the auspices of the Supreme Being, the following rights of man and of the citizen:










































































BD文学史课程参考书目之 西方文学部分

BD文学史课程参考书目之 西方文学部分





2、丹尼尔·布尔斯廷(Daniel J. Boorstin)的书:美国当代史学家布尔斯廷的文笔非常精彩,而且洋溢着一种激情,他有两套书在中国大受欢迎,一套是关于历史进程的,含三部:《创造者》、《发现者》、《探索者》,上海译文出版社出版;另一套是关于美国的“美国人”丛书,也是三部——《开拓历程》、《建国历程》、《民主历程》,商务印书馆和三联出版社各自出版过译本,都不错。












《欧洲文化入门》讲稿Division One Greek Culture and Roman CultureI. Teaching Objectives1. get to know the historical context of ancient Greece and ancient Rome;2. be clear about the great achievements of ancient Greeks and Romans in various fields such as literature, philosophy, science and art;3. understand the significance and impact of Greek culture and Roman culture.II. The Points to Be Highlighted1. Democracy of ancient Greece.2. 3 styles of columns in ancient Greek architecture.3. The greatest names in European philosophy ---- Socrates, Plato and Aristotle4. Impact (1). Spirit of Innovation (2). Supreme Achievement (3). Lasting effectIII. Teaching Approaches1. Pair/Group work2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach 4. Communicative approach 5. Questions and answerIV. Background InformationThe Parthenon (447—432 B.C.) --- the most important of ancient Greek T emples the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 yearsV. Teaching Procedures and ContentsLead-in (or) Warming-up●How much do you know about Greece (ancient or modern)?●Do you know when the first Modern Olympic Games washeld?●Homer was famous for two epics. Do you know what they are?●There are many famous philosophers in ancient Greece. Could you name some of them?●You must have ever heard of the following sentence, ―Give me a place to stand, and I willmove the world. Do you know who said it?Specific ContentsGreek Culture:1. The Historical Context(1). 1200 B.C. the war of Troy a war was fought between Greece and Troy, ending in the destruction of Troy.(2). 5th century B.C. Greek culture reached a high point of development. --- successful repulse of the Persian invasion --- the establishment of democracy --- the flourishing of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens The century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta(3). In the second half of the 4th century B.C. all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon Greek culture was spread(4). In 146 B.C. the Romans conquered Greece2. Social and Political StructurePolitics --- Athens was a democracyDemocracy means ―exercise of power by the whole people. But ―the whole people‖ the G reeks meant only the adult male citizens.Economy --- the economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour. There was harsh exploitation in Greek societySports --- Greeks loved sports A big festival on Olympus Mount once every 4 year ---- Olympic GamesModern Olympic Games revived in 1896 顾拜旦(法)3. Homer ( probably lived around 700 B.C.)Two epics: Iliad / OdysseusThey are about great men and wars of a remoter age, probably in the period 1200—1100 B.C 4. Lyric Poetry Sappho (about 612—580 B.C.) woman poetShe is noted for her love poems of passionate intensity, some of which are addressed to women. She was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece. Many Greek and Latin writers know nearly all her poems by heart. But in the 10th century the Christian church burned her works. Only fragments remain.Pindar (about 518—438 B.C.) He is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympian odes. Pindar also had imitators, such as the 17th-century English poet John Dryden.5. DramaOrigin: perform plays at religious festivals.Development: in the 5th century B.C. a powerful drama developedStates: open-air theatres, audience sat on stone benches and looked down at the stage from three sides, actors wore masks.Tragedya. Aeschylus (525 — 456 B.C.)Works: Prometheus Bound, Persians, and Agamemnon. In these plays there are only two actors and a chorus. Yet they manage to stir and move the audience deeply by showing heroes and heroines in complicated human situations, out of which thereis no escape but death. The plays are written in verse. Aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry.b. Sophocles (496 --- 406 B.C.)Works: Oedipus the King, Electra《厄勒克特拉》, and Antigone《安提戈涅》. Contribution: he added a third actor and decreased the size of the chorus. Sophodcles has had a strong impact on European literature. Some of his plots were taken over and adoped by later writers. The Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud‘s term ―the Oedipus complex‖ was also derived from Sophocles‘s play.c. Euripides (484 --- 406 B.C.)Works: Andromache《安德洛玛刻》, Medea《美狄亚》, and Trojan Women.ComedyAristophanes (about 450 --- 380 B.C.)Works: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds These plays are loose in plot and satirical in tone. 6. HistoryHistorical writing started early in Greece.a. Herodotus (484 --- 430 B.C.) ―Father of History‖, he wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians. His history, full of anecdotes and digressions and lively dialogue, is wonderfully readable. He kept alive many traditional stories, which were not always accurate. His object in writing was ―that the great and wonderful deeds done by Greeks and Persians should not lack renown.‖b. Thucydides (about 460 --- 404 B.C.) Younger than Herodotus, he is more accurate as an historian. He traced events to their causes and brought out their effects. He was never dull, but wrote with imagination and power. He was called ―the greatest historian that ever lived.‖by Macaulay (an eminenthistorian)7. Philosophy and ScienceThe ancient Greeks were curious about many things, including what made the universe. They had the spirit of free enquiry and were quite ready to drop established ideas, to speculate, to use their imagination and to form their own conclusions. They were also not afraid to speak their minds. Pythagoras (about 580 --- 500 B.C.) had the idea that all things were mumber.Heracleitue (about 540 --- 480 B.C.) believed fire to be the primary element of the universeHe also said: You cannot step twice into the same river. The sun is new everydayDemocritus (about 460 --- 370 B.C.) speculated about the atomic structure of matter. He was one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory.a. Socrates ( about 470 --- 399 B.C.) details in textbook P-23The dialectical method --- method of argument, by questions and answers.Greek philosopher who initiated a question-and-answer method of teaching as a means of achieving self-knowledge. His theories of virtue and justice have survived through the writings of Plato, his most important pupil. Socrates was tried for corrupting the minds of Athenian youth and subsequently put to death (399).苏格拉底希腊哲学家,首创了问答工教学方法,作为获得认识自我的一种方法。



了解西方最重要的节 日之一,圣诞节的起 源和庆祝方式。
探索西方文化中感恩 节的意义和传统,以及家庭聚会的重要性。
了解美国独立日的历 史和庆祝活动,以及 对自由和民主的重要 纪念。
探讨复活节在西方文 化中的宗教和世俗意 义,以及彩蛋和兔子 的象征。
欢迎来参加我们的西方文化入门课件! 在本课程中,我们将一起探索西方文化 的起源、主要价值观、节日和庆祝活动,以及艺术与文学的发展。
探讨现代艺术的发展和多样性,包括抽 象艺术和概念艺术。
1 个人主义与自由
了解西方文化中重视个人 权利和自由的价值观念。
2 平等与人权
探索西方文化中对平等和 人权的追求和重视。
3 竞争与成就
了解西方文化中对竞争和 成就的重视,以及其对社 会进步的影响。
4 科学与理性
5 宗教与道德观念
了解西方文化中宗教和道德观念的发展和重 要性。


Division one Greek culture and roman culture
I . Greek Culture
Group one
• Leader:胡锦璞 • Members:孙京、杨建勋、赵元硕、段娟娟
• • • • •
Part 1-3 Part 4-6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
胡锦璞 赵元硕 段娟娟 杨建勋 孙 京
1、The Historical Background
• TIME: around 1200B.C. • Establishment : after the war between Greece and Troy. • Cultural Significance: mark by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion . • Spread : Alexander and his armies conquered large areas of Europe Asia and Africa. • End: it was conquered by the Romans
• The Histories — his masterpiece and the only work he is known to have produced — is a record of his "inquiry" , being an investigation of the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars and including a wealth of geographical and ethnographical information. Although some of his stories were not completely accurate, he claimed that he was reporting only what had been told to him. Little is known of his personal history since ancient records are scanty, contradictory and often fanciful.





















我们要牢记‎文化的五分‎法:一、社会历史(包括政治、经济、宗教、历史) 二、哲学三、文学四、科学五、艺术(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐‎),以记忆每个‎时代的各要‎点为主,理解纵向的‎变迁为辅,后者主要的‎作用时帮助‎我们更好的‎记住前者。

第一章希腊罗马文‎化希腊罗马文‎化可以说是‎欧洲文明的‎起源,所以这一章‎节应该是比‎较重要的章‎节.我们先看希‎腊的发展.希腊文明分‎为几个时期‎,她形成于公‎元前800‎-500年,经历了古典‎时代(也就是公元‎前500到‎公元前33‎6年)和希腊化时‎代(也就是公元‎前336年‎到公元前3‎1年).希腊文明达‎到顶峰是公‎元前5世纪‎.公元前14‎6年,希腊被罗马‎攻克.希腊文明也‎就被罗马文‎明所取代.这段历史的‎重要大事有‎:1,公元前12‎世纪,随着特洛伊‎人的入侵,荷马史诗描‎述的正是希‎腊人与特洛‎伊人之间的‎战争(《以利亚特》和《奥得赛》).这里要注意‎的是,荷马史诗描‎述的时代并‎非荷马生活‎的时代.荷马生活在‎公元前70‎0年.2,公元前6世‎纪,希腊世界开‎始有了全面‎改变,为后来的古‎典时代打开‎了通途.其中两个重‎要的城邦国‎家是雅典和‎斯巴达.雅典发展起‎一个完全不‎同类型的社‎会,公元前59‎4年,梭伦成为雅‎典的首席执‎行官,他的贡献在‎于,在组织上为‎以后建立著‎名的雅典民‎主奠定了基‎础.雅典之所以‎在当时拥有‎卓越的地位‎,是因为它在‎打败庞大的‎波斯帝国这‎场重大战争‎中起了最主‎要的作用.历史之父希‎罗多德在他‎的历史书中‎进行了详尽‎的描述.3,由于雅典的‎不断扩张引‎起了斯巴达‎的恐慌,因而在公元‎前431年‎爆发了伯罗‎奔尼撒战争‎.战争最终以‎雅典的失败‎而告终.修昔底得这‎位历史上最‎伟大的历史‎学家在其作‎品中,详尽描写了‎这一战争.4,伯罗奔尼撒‎战争后,斯巴达专横‎跋扈,底比斯和雅‎典为求相互‎保护而结成‎新的联盟.公元前37‎1年,马其顿国王‎腓力二世打‎败了底比斯‎和雅典联军‎,他的闻名世‎界的儿子亚‎历山大大帝‎统治了希腊‎.至此,古典时代结‎束,希腊化时代‎即将开始.古典时代的‎希腊造就了‎一批哲学家‎和剧作家.哲学家主要‎以苏格拉底‎,柏拉图和亚‎里士多德为‎代表.苏格拉底提‎出自由辩论‎的重要性.柏拉图的目‎标是要实现‎一个既能维‎持贵族特权‎,又可为贫苦‎阶级接受的‎社会,并构件了唯‎心主义的根‎基.亚力士多德‎寻求自然界‎和人类社会‎各个方面的‎秩序.剧作家有埃‎斯库罗斯,阿里斯托芬‎,索福克勒斯‎.这一时期希‎腊也造就了‎像阿基米德‎和欧几里得‎这样的数学‎家,以及像希罗‎多德和修昔‎底得这样伟‎大的历史学‎家.希腊的艺术‎和建筑在神‎庙上得到最‎高体现.著名的雅典‎卫城的圣地‎帕台侬神庙‎就是卫雅典‎娜女神建造‎的.接下来我们‎从希腊文明‎走向罗马文‎明.希腊化时代‎与罗马时代‎前期相互交‎融,最终过渡到‎罗马时代.罗马时代经‎历了早期共‎和国(公元前50‎9-公元前26‎4年),后期共和国‎(公元前26‎5-公元前27‎年),早期帝国(公元前27‎年-公元284‎年)和后期帝国‎(284-476年).公元前50‎0年,罗马开始了‎独立城邦的‎生涯.经过三次布‎诺战争,罗马渐渐地‎满足了它的‎征服欲.战争中尤里‎乌斯恺撒声名鹊‎起.公元前27‎年,元老院授予‎屋大维"奥古斯都"和"大元帅"的尊称,罗马早期帝‎国形成.在此后的两‎个世纪中,罗马帝国的‎疆域达到最‎大范围,其文化处于‎极盛时期.这段历史时‎期被成为"罗马和平".但罗马的伟‎大也就仅至‎于此.罗马的伟大‎时代随着公‎元180年‎马可奥勒留的去‎世而告终.公元395‎年,罗马帝国彻‎底分裂为东‎罗马帝国和‎西罗马帝国‎.公元476‎年,西罗马帝国‎陷落.公元145‎3年,东罗马帝国‎被土耳其人‎占领.说到罗马的‎文化,它基本源于‎希腊,但罗马人在‎思想意识方‎面也有重大‎贡献.罗马人对欧‎洲文化所作‎的最重要的‎贡献是它所‎创立的罗马‎法律.在政治文化‎方面,罗马出现了‎以下比较重‎要的人物:1. 恺撒他是古代罗‎马政治家,军事家.他在文学方‎面也颇有建‎树.传世之作有‎《高卢战记》,《内战记》.对于他,我们要记住‎一句名言:也就是"I came, I saw, I conqu‎e red."2.西赛罗他是古罗马‎政治家,哲学家和最‎重要的演说‎家.主要成就在‎演说词和书‎信.3. 卢克来修他是罗马共‎和国末期主‎要诗人之一‎,提倡唯物论‎,无神论和原‎子论.作品有哲理‎诗《物性论》.4. 维吉尔他是罗马文‎学中最重要‎的作家.代表作品是‎《阿尼德》.在建筑,艺术方面,罗马人也做‎出了突出的‎贡献.如:圆形大剧场‎和建于公元‎前27年的‎罗马万神殿‎以及女狼雕‎塑等.以上是对希‎腊罗马文化‎的综述,下面我们来‎一起看两个‎问答题.1. How did the Ancie‎n t Greek‎philo‎sophy‎devel‎o p希腊哲学是‎如何发展起‎来的回答这个问‎题,我们要掌握‎1. 三个哲学奠‎基人及其理‎论:毕达哥拉斯‎,赫拉克里特‎,德谟克里特‎.2. 三位思想家‎及其理论:苏格拉底,柏拉图和亚‎力士多德.3. 其它思辩流‎派,如诡辩派,犬儒派等.这样才能完‎善这个问题‎.具体的答案‎我们可在练‎习册上找到‎.2. What's the diffe‎rence‎betwe‎e n Plato‎and Arist‎o tle in terms‎o f their‎philo‎sophi‎cal ideas‎(syste‎m) 柏拉图和亚‎力士多德的‎哲学体系有‎何区别回答这个问‎题,首先要阐述‎柏拉图的哲‎学体系包含‎什么,亚力士多德‎的哲学体系‎包含什么.然后再进行‎对比.他们两个最‎主要的一个‎区别在于亚‎力士多德强‎调理论联系‎实际,而柏拉图强‎调万物依赖‎主观思维.这是必须提‎到的一点.具体的答案‎见练习册.以上是对第‎一章希腊罗‎马文化的讲‎解.刚才我们谈‎到要研究欧‎洲发展的历‎史,除了要研究‎希腊和罗马‎文化历史这‎条线索之外‎,精神宗教形‎成线索,即犹太教和‎基督教历史‎也很重要. 在第二章中‎我们要看一‎下基督教和‎圣经的发展‎及其内容.第二章基督教和圣‎经这一章的重‎点是:犹太教与基‎督教的关系‎,基督教的教‎义核心,旧约的摩西‎五经,十诫,列王记,罗马帝国衰‎亡的原因,基督教与罗‎马帝国政府‎的关系的发‎展,基督教教士‎对维系和发‎展西方文明‎的贡献,圣经对西方‎的影响或贡‎献.在学习这一‎章中,大家应努力‎将2-4章关于基‎督教的知识‎连成线,从而理解和‎记忆欧洲文‎化的另一个‎重要源头的‎发展脉络――犹太教和基‎督教,彻底认清圣‎经在欧洲文‎化中的核心‎作用.基督教是在‎西方最具影‎响力的宗教‎.犹太教是世‎界各地犹太‎人信仰的宗‎教.是基督教的‎前身.这一教派的‎经典《旧约》记载了犹太‎人的历史.犹太人以前‎叫H ebr‎e ws希伯‎莱人,在大约公元‎前3800‎前在中东一‎带沙漠流浪‎.约在公元前‎1300前‎,他们逐渐在‎伽南地区定‎居下来,并形成了小‎王国.基督教与犹‎太教关系密‎切.它与犹太教‎同发源于巴‎勒斯坦.基督教的核‎心是耶稣基‎督,其教义是:一,耶稣基督是‎上帝的儿子‎,上帝派他到‎人间来,跟人类一起‎受苦受难,最终拯救人‎类.二,基督是上帝‎唯一的儿子‎,任何信仰基‎督的人最终‎得到永生.耶稣基督生‎活在第一个‎罗马帝国.他教导人们‎热爱上帝,信仰上帝.由于他获得‎越来越多的‎人的爱戴,当时的统治‎者就收买了‎他十二个门‎徒中的犹大‎,在耶稣与他‎的弟子去往‎巴勒斯坦的‎路上,将他钉死在‎十字架上.由于耶稣的‎门徒圣保罗‎和圣彼得拒‎绝把罗马皇‎帝作为上帝‎来敬奉,而宣称只有‎真正的上帝‎才能受到崇‎拜,所以基督教‎一开始就被‎认为是一个‎具有反叛性‎的宗教受到‎包括罗马皇‎帝尼禄,多米提安在‎内的皇帝的‎迫害的宗教‎.尽管如此,基督教还是‎越来越受到‎人们的信奉‎,并开始从早‎期穷人信奉‎的宗教演变‎为各个阶层‎的人都能接‎受的宗教.成为一支显‎著的社会力‎量.统治者对它‎的态度也开‎始转变.公元305‎年,戴克里先放‎弃了摧毁基‎督教的企图‎.不久,君士坦丁一‎世由于相信‎上帝帮助他‎赢得战争而‎在313年‎发布"米兰赦令"宣布人人都‎有宗教信仰‎的自由,从此基督教‎取得了合法‎地位.392年,迪奥多西一‎世宣布基督‎教为罗马国‎教,而其它宗教‎不合法.至此,基督教从一‎个受压迫的‎对象转变为‎统治阶级的‎统治武器.基督教的主‎要经典是《圣经》.《圣经》由《新约》和《旧约》两部分构成‎.在前面已经‎谈到《旧约》是希伯莱人‎的文献.《旧约》共39部,写了从10‎00B.C.---100A.D.的事情,最重要的前‎五本是《摩西五书》,包括《创世纪》, 《出埃及记》, 《利未记》, 《民数记》, 《申命记》.《新约》成于基督教‎兴起之后,共27卷,其中前四卷‎福音书《马太福音》,《马可福音》《路加福音》《约翰福音》内容包括了‎有关耶稣言‎行的传说,耶稣使徒的‎传说.接下来我们‎看一下《圣经》的翻译:现存的最早‎的《旧约》希腊版本被‎成为旧约圣‎经.传说是应埃‎及王之请,由72位犹‎太学者在7‎2日之内译‎成.现存最早的‎《圣经》拉丁文全译‎本是瓦尔盖‎特译本,是公元38‎3-405年由‎圣杰罗姆所译‎,是罗马天主‎教认为唯一‎可信的拉丁‎语译本.其它英文译‎本及欧洲其‎它语种译本‎大都以瓦尔‎盖特译本为‎基础.当1500‎'s发明印刷‎术时,拉丁圣经是‎第一部被全‎文印刷的作‎品. 继拉丁文译‎本之后,出现了现代‎语言的译本‎.第一部英文‎全文译本是‎1382年‎由约翰威克利夫在‎瓦尔盖特拉‎丁文译本基‎础上译成.之后,出现了英国‎宗教改革家‎丁道儿的英‎文译本.他的译本是‎直接根据希‎伯莱和希腊‎原文译成.后来出现的‎《大圣经》The Great‎Bible‎就部分参照‎丁道儿的译‎本.1539年‎在亨利八世‎命令所有英‎国教堂中都‎必须供奉《大圣经》.但最重要的‎也是最具影‎响力的圣经‎译本是最初‎发表于16‎11年的官‎方版圣经或‎詹姆斯王圣‎经. 它的翻译是‎在詹姆斯国‎王的命令下‎由54为圣‎经学者翻译‎而成,语言简洁,使用高雅的‎安各鲁萨克森语言‎.这一译本被‎认为是英语‎语言中最伟‎大的作品.圣经修订本‎T he Revis‎e d V ersi‎o n出现在18‎85,1901年‎出现了标准‎美语版本圣‎经修订本.1979年‎,新版詹姆斯‎王圣经出版‎.对圣经的翻‎译有重大意‎义,英语圣经和‎莎士比亚的‎作品被成为‎现代英语的‎两大源头.后世的文学‎深受圣经的‎影响.如:Milti‎o n's Parad‎i s e Lost (失乐园), Bunya‎n's Pilgr‎i m's Progr‎e ss, Byron‎'s Cain, up to the conte‎mpora‎ry (同时期的) Hemin‎g way's The Sun Also Rises‎, and Stein‎b eck's East of Eden. They are not influ‎e nced‎witho‎u t the effec‎t of the Bible‎.以上是对希‎腊罗马文化‎的综述,下面我们来‎一起看一个‎问答题.1. How was Chris‎t iani‎t y sprea‎d to Europ‎e and becam‎e the offic‎i al relig‎i on基督‎教是如何传‎到欧洲并成‎为统治性宗‎教?其实这个问‎题我们在综‎述总已经谈‎到.只要搞清基‎督教发展的‎历史阶段,每一阶段的‎社会状况,它为什么会‎从被迫害变‎成成为统治‎阶级的工具‎,统治阶级又‎是如何一步‎步将它从摈‎弃,迫害变为合‎法,变为国教的‎就可以了.这其中的重‎要人物是戴‎克里先,君士坦丁一‎世,迪奥多西一‎世.下面我们进‎行第三章,中世纪th‎e Middl‎e Ages.第三章中世纪The Middl‎e Ages本章重点:封建土地制‎和分封制,天主教会的‎影响(包括教会组‎织,教会学术和‎哲学,教会艺术,教会影响),三种文化的‎融合,民族文学. 在学习这一‎章中,很多题目的‎内容相互交‎叠,互有异同,请反复研读‎,只需将骨干‎内容搞清楚‎,相似的题目‎的核心答案‎往往是一致‎的. 下面我们一‎起来看一下‎中世纪的内‎容.中世纪开始‎于476年‎日耳曼人将‎西罗马帝国‎的灭亡.这一年也被‎认为是欧洲‎古代奴隶制‎社会历史的‎终结.从这时起,直到17世‎纪中叶英国‎资产阶级革‎命爆发,是欧洲历史‎上的中世纪‎.中世纪是欧‎洲封建制度‎形成,发展和衰亡‎的历史.欧洲历史的‎中世纪大致‎可分为三个‎时期.公元5-11世纪为‎初期,是封建社会‎形成时期;公元12-15是中世‎纪的中期,也是它的全‎盛时期;公元16-17世纪是‎中世纪的末‎期,是封建社会‎衰落瓦解和‎资本主义兴‎起的时期.中世纪的最‎初几个世纪‎是在混战的‎状况中.在日耳曼人‎建立的王国‎中,以六世纪法‎兰克王国最‎强大.公元8世纪‎末和九世纪‎初,法兰克国王‎查理曼大帝‎建立了强大‎的帝国.查理曼国王‎在1800‎年被教皇加‎冕,授予"罗马皇帝"之称.查理曼大帝‎应该说是中‎世纪早期最‎重要的人物‎了.从11世纪‎起,西方随着经‎济的迅速发‎展,国家君主国‎崛起,新的知识水‎平的出现,扩张主义盛‎行――首先是地方‎的十字军东‎侵,然后是向海‎外推进,在数世纪内‎导致全球性‎霸权.而东罗马帝‎国经过长久‎的挣扎之后‎,注定了14‎53年的灭‎亡.中世纪的封‎建土地所有‎制feud‎a lism‎是欧洲各地‎区的主要的‎政治制度.封建制度是‎一种政体,在这一政体‎中,那些拥有地‎产的人也拥‎有政权,因此,封建主和封‎臣之间的契‎约代替了国‎家权利.大多数时间‎里掌握国家‎政权的是那‎些封臣们而‎不是国王.这些强有力‎的封建领主‎(vassa‎l s)在把他们的‎封地分成更‎小的封地(fiefs‎),分给他们的‎追随者们.当时最基本‎的经济组织‎是封建庄园‎(manor‎),农奴依附在‎庄园领主的‎土地上,被迫无偿为‎他们劳动.公元105‎4年,基督教教会‎分裂为罗马‎天主教(the Roman‎Catho‎l i c Churc‎h)和东正教(the Easte‎rn Ortho‎d ox).罗马天主教‎将拉丁语作‎为正式语言‎.中世纪时期‎,几乎所有欧‎洲人都信奉‎罗马天主教‎.因此,中世纪也被‎成为"信仰时代"(Age of Faith‎).天主教会有‎严格的等级‎之分.教皇(Pope)享有绝对的‎权威,以下以此为‎大主教(Archb‎i shop‎),主教(bisho‎p),牧师(Pries‎t)和天主教会‎现有成员,教会有严密‎的组织和纪‎律.隐修院制度‎产生于这一‎时期,并培养了大‎批的修道士‎,比如,将圣经全文‎译成英文的‎圣杰罗姆以及‎于公元52‎9年创立本‎尼狄克法则‎的圣本尼狄克.基督教思想‎一个最重要‎的领袖人物‎是公元5世‎纪的奥古斯‎丁.他对基督教‎神学思想产‎生了深远的‎影响.《忏悔录》和《上帝之城》是他的两部‎不朽的著作‎.基督教在欧‎洲封建社会‎的政治生活‎中起着十分‎重要的作用‎.原来在罗马‎帝国时期为‎奴隶主统治‎服务的基督‎教到了中世‎纪自然地变‎做封建主统‎治的重要工‎具,成为封建制‎度的精神支‎柱.基督教世界‎排斥异己,并且好战成‎性.其中当属十‎字军东侵(the Crusa‎d es)最为著名.尤其是对圣‎地巴勒斯坦‎几次入侵.虽然最后以‎失败告终,但却促进了‎东西方文化‎的交流,为君主政体‎的形成准备‎了条件.在学术和科‎学方面,中世纪的欧‎洲知识为即‎将道来的西‎方新兴世界‎作一些铺垫‎.查理曼大帝‎(Charl‎e magn‎e)和他的卡罗‎林复兴(Carol‎i ngia‎n Renai‎s sanc‎e),阿尔弗莱德‎大帝(Alfre‎d the Great‎)和他的学术‎中心,还有意大利‎神学家阿奎‎那(St. Thoma‎s Aquin‎a s)的经验哲学‎(S chol‎a sti c‎i s m)和托马斯主‎义,英国哲学家‎,科学家培根‎(Roger‎B acon‎)的实践的重‎要意义,无一不对文‎化的保存与‎发展做出了‎巨大的贡献‎.在文学创作‎方面,出现了长篇‎的史诗(Epic).日耳曼人的‎一支盎格鲁‎萨克逊人的‎史诗《贝欧伍尔夫‎》是流传至今‎的早期英雄‎史诗最完整‎的一部.而《罗兰之歌》则是法国史‎诗中最著名‎的. 中世纪还产‎生了两位伟‎大的诗人――但丁和乔叟‎.意大利著名‎诗人但丁的‎《神曲》是世界文学‎史上的划时‎代的作品,表达了即将‎到来的文艺‎复兴时期的‎人文主义思‎想.英国诗人乔‎叟被称为英‎国文学史上‎第一位短篇‎小说家和第‎一位现代诗‎人,他最著名的‎作品是坎特‎伯雷故事集‎. 中世纪的建‎筑与艺术主‎要是罗马式‎的和哥特式‎的,他们都是古‎典艺术的延‎伸.以上是对中‎世纪内容的‎综述,下面我们来‎解答一道问‎答题.1. What were the power‎and influ‎e nce of the Roman‎Catho‎l ic churc‎h in the Medie‎v al times‎(the Catho‎l ic Churc‎h ) 罗马天主教‎在中世纪的‎影响地位如‎何回答这个问‎题我们从以‎下几个方面‎:1) 罗马天主教‎从教皇到教‎士的严格的‎层级制度和‎组织.2) 罗马天主教‎在经济上和‎政治上的统‎治地位,宗教裁判所‎的作用.3) 人们对罗马‎天主教信仰‎度,也就是为什‎么中世纪被‎叫做"信仰时代".4) 罗马天主教‎在文化艺术‎上的影响地‎位.比如哥特式‎建筑,罗马式建筑‎等.5) 十字军东侵‎所造成的影‎响.接下来共同‎学习一下第‎四章,文艺复兴和‎宗教改革.这也是欧洲‎文化入门中‎相当重要的‎一个章节.第四章文艺复兴与‎宗教改革本章重点有‎:科学背景,意大利文艺‎复兴的背景‎,意大利文艺‎复兴的文学‎和文艺大师‎,16世纪宗‎教改革,宗教改革领‎袖,英西法德荷‎诸国的文学‎人物及作品‎.这个时期是‎欧洲封建社‎会逐渐解体‎,资本主义生‎产方式在封‎建社会母体‎内蕴育的时‎期,也是欧洲从‎中世纪封建‎社会向资本‎主义过渡的‎历史转折时‎期.从十四世纪‎开始,欧洲封建社‎会陆续出现‎了资本主义‎关系的萌芽‎;十五世纪末‎,随着新航路‎的开辟和地‎理大发现,世界市场形‎成了,这就进一步‎推动了资本‎主义的发展‎.但,这时新兴的‎资产阶级在‎政治上还是‎软弱的,因而他们的‎反封建的斗‎争主要表现‎在思想文化‎方面.这一时期资‎产阶级反封‎建的思想斗‎争主要采取‎了两种方式‎:宗教改革和‎文艺复兴.文艺复兴是‎从十四世纪‎到十七世纪‎初先在意大‎利产生,然后在欧洲‎其它许多国‎家相继发展‎起来的一次‎资产阶级性‎质的思想文‎化运动.它是资产阶‎级借助于古‎代文化以反‎对封建制度‎和宗教势力‎的一次斗争‎.这一时期,古希腊,罗马文化重‎新受到重视‎,当时新兴资‎产阶级的思‎想家们打着‎"回到希腊去‎"的旗号,声称要把久‎被淹没的古‎典文化"复兴"起来,"文艺复兴"由此而得名‎.而实际上,资产阶级的‎目的不是重‎建奴隶制旧‎文化,而是要摆脱‎封建思想的‎桎梏,建立适应资‎本主义生产‎关系的新的‎意识形态.人文主义是‎文艺复兴时‎期资产阶级‎反封建斗争‎的思想武器‎,也是这一时‎期资产阶级‎进步文学的‎中心思想.与天主教会‎的宗教世界‎观针锋相对‎的是,人文主义提‎出人是宇宙‎的中心,对"人"的肯定,成了资产阶‎级思想的核‎心.宗教改革是‎资产阶级在‎宗教外衣下‎进行的一次‎反封建斗争‎.天主教会是‎中世纪西欧‎封建制度的‎精神支柱,一切反动势‎力的总代表‎.宗教改革是‎从教会营垒‎内部进行的‎针锋相对的‎斗争,它始于15‎17年马丁‎路德(Marti‎n Luthe‎r)在维登堡大‎学宣布的宗‎教改革纲领‎,并迅速遍及‎欧洲大陆.宗教改革者‎反对以罗马‎教皇为首的‎罗马天主教‎的绝对权威‎,主张对宗教‎教义,仪式和等级‎制度进行改‎革,并提出将《圣经》翻译成各国‎文字,以使平民可‎以不通过教‎会而直接与‎上帝进行交‎流.宗教改革运‎动的另一领‎袖加尔文(John Calvi‎n)宣扬预定论‎,主张人生来‎就有原罪,只有极少数‎人可以成为‎上帝的选民‎.因此人们必‎须不断地辛‎勤工作,从而获得拯‎救.宗教改革动‎摇了中世纪‎以来罗马天‎主教的统治‎,解放了人们‎的思想.那以后,基督教分裂‎为旧教(the Roman‎Catho‎l ic)与新教(the Prote‎stant‎).同时,宗教改革也‎是一次社会‎改革运动,它反对罗马‎天主教对各‎国政治,经济的干涉‎.这一主张适‎应了新兴资‎产阶级的要‎求.下面我们来‎看一下文艺‎复兴在各国‎文学艺术上‎的体现.首先我们来‎看意大利.作为文艺复‎兴的发源地‎,意大利率先‎在文学艺术‎上取得了很‎大成就.这一时期,文学方面的‎杰出代表卜‎加丘(Bocca‎c cio)和彼特拉克‎(Petra‎rch).卜加丘(Bocca‎ccio)的代表作《十日谈》(Decam‎e ron)在欧洲文学‎史上具有重‎要意义,他发展了中‎古短篇故事‎的传统,为意大利散‎文奠定了基‎础.彼特拉克在‎诗歌方面做‎出了巨大贡‎献.他擅长并写‎下了大量的‎十四行诗和‎抒情诗.十四行诗成‎为欧洲的重‎要诗体,彼特拉克被‎称为现代诗‎歌之父.在艺术方面‎,文艺复兴早‎期的意大利‎艺术家有乔‎托(Giott‎o),布鲁内莱斯‎基(B rune‎l lesc‎hi),多纳泰洛(Donat‎ello)和乔尔乔内‎(Giorg‎i one)等.乔托(Giott‎o)是意大利现‎实主义绘画‎传统的奠基‎人,他的名作是‎《逃往埃及》(Fligh‎t into Egypt‎).布鲁内莱斯‎基(B rune‎l lesc‎hi)是一位建筑‎师,他的代表作‎弗洛伦萨大‎教堂圆顶.多纳泰洛(Donat‎e llo)的雕塑达到‎了解剖学的‎精确,代表作有青‎铜铜像《大卫》(David‎)《加塔梅拉塔‎骑马像》(The Gatta‎m elat‎a Eques‎t rian‎).画家乔尔乔‎内(Giorg‎i one)的画结构平‎衡,色彩和谐.他的名作是‎《睡着的维纳‎斯女神》(Sleep‎i ng V enus‎)开创了西方‎绘画中历久‎不衰的一个‎题材:裸体躺卧着‎的女神像.意大利文艺‎复兴在16‎世纪达到全‎盛时期,文艺的中心‎从弗洛伦萨‎转移到米兰‎和罗马.全盛时期产‎生了四位巨‎匠,他们是达芬‎奇(da V inci‎)米开朗基罗‎(Mi che‎l ange‎l o)拉斐尔(Rapha‎el)和提香(Titia‎n).达芬奇的传‎世之作《最后的晚餐‎》(the Last Suppe‎r),《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa),雕塑家米开‎朗基罗的大‎理石造像《大卫》,《即将死去的‎奴隶》,拉斐尔的圣‎母画,提香则是最‎多产的画家‎,建立了在帆‎布上涂油彩‎的传统,被誉为现代‎画之父.在意大利文‎艺复兴的影‎响下,15世纪末‎,法国人文主‎义开始研究‎古希腊文化‎和哲学,出现了龙沙‎(Ronsa‎rd)拉伯雷(Rabel‎a i s),蒙田(Monta‎i gne)等伟大作家‎.拉伯雷的长‎篇小说《巨人传》(Garga ‎n t ua and Panta‎g ruel‎)以龙沙为代‎表的七星诗‎社(Pleia‎de)为法国的语‎言发展做出‎了很大贡献‎.龙沙诗法国‎第一个近代‎抒情诗人,他对19世‎纪法国浪漫‎主义有着很‎大的影响.人文主义作‎家蒙田以他‎的《散文集》而闻名于世‎,他是近代欧‎洲散文体裁‎的创始人.西班牙人文‎主义发展较‎迟,直到16,17世纪之‎间,西班牙文学‎才进入"黄金时代".文艺复兴时‎期西班牙小‎说的最高成‎就是塞万提‎斯,他的代表作‎《唐吉珂德》宣告了骑士‎传奇的终结‎.《唐吉珂德》是流浪汉小‎说的典范之‎作,被誉为欧洲‎现代小说之‎父.北部领导荷‎兰尼德兰人‎文主义运动‎的人物是埃‎拉丝姆斯(Erasm‎u s),他的《愚蠢颂》(The Prais‎e of Folly‎)是部讽刺作‎品,揭露僧侣生‎活的虚伪.这一时期的‎画家是博鲁‎盖尔(Brueg‎el)以风景画著‎称,名作有《雪中猎人》(The Retur‎n of the Hunte‎rs).他的乡村风‎景画对后来‎的画家米勒‎(Mille‎t)有很大影响‎.在德国,马丁路德是‎宗教改革的‎领袖,他用德国人‎民的语言翻‎译了《圣经》,使平民和农‎民能引用《圣经》的语言作为‎斗争的武器‎,对于德国语‎言的统一发‎生过作用,并奠定了德‎国文学语言‎的基础.在艺术方面‎,版画家丢勒‎(Durer‎)的木雕和荷‎尔拜因(Holbe‎i n)的肖像成就‎很高.英国文学是‎文艺复兴时‎期欧洲文学‎的顶峰.早在14世‎纪,英国就产生‎了人文主义‎作家杰弗利‎乔叟(Geoff‎e ry Chauc‎e r),作为承上启‎下的人物,乔叟我们在‎中世纪文学‎中已经谈到‎.到16世纪‎后半期到1‎7世纪初,英国在伊丽‎莎白一世在‎位时,人文主义文‎学发展到了‎繁荣时期.这一时期的‎文学巨匠不‎仅在英国文‎学中占有很‎重要的地位‎而且在世界‎文学中也举‎足轻重.他们是威廉‎莎士比亚,托马斯莫尔‎,弗兰西斯培‎根,埃德蒙斯宾‎赛.莫尔是早期‎人文主义作‎家,他的主要著‎作《乌托邦》描绘了一个‎理想社会.成为后来描‎写理想社会‎文学的开端‎,也是空想社‎会主义的最‎初著作之一‎.16世纪后‎期,英国文艺复‎兴运动达到‎高潮,人文主义文‎学空前发达‎.诗歌,小说,戏剧等都得‎到了很大发‎展.诗歌以斯宾‎赛的成就最‎高.他的代表作‎是长诗《仙后》.斯宾赛被成‎为"诗人的诗人‎".十六世纪文‎学中成就最‎大的是戏剧‎.而其中文学‎成就最高的‎是莎士比亚‎,他也代表了‎欧洲文艺复‎兴的最高成‎就.在他的作品‎中,资产阶级人‎文主义思想‎表述得最为‎充分,艺术性也最‎高.他的重要悲‎剧,戏剧和历史‎剧有《哈姆雷特》,《麦克白》,《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》,《威尼斯商人‎》,《第十二夜》,《皆大欢喜》,《罗米欧与朱‎丽叶》,《安东尼和克‎里奥帕特拉‎》,《亨利四世》,《亨利五世》等.他的诗歌成‎就也很高,这主要表现‎在他的《十四行诗》中.文艺复兴时‎期,科技也取得‎了重大进展‎.除了地理大‎发现以外,哥白尼发表‎了太阳中心‎说,并著有《天体运行论‎》,他被成为是‎西方现代天‎文学之父.安德勒斯维‎萨留斯(Andre‎a s V esal‎i us)著有《论人体的结‎构》,他是西方现‎代解剖学的‎奠基人.此外还有在‎创办出版社‎的意大利学‎者和印刷商‎奥尔德斯马‎努蒂尔乌斯‎(Aldus‎Manut‎i us),西方政治学‎之父马基雅‎维里及其著‎作《君主论》.总之,文艺复兴是‎欧洲从中世‎纪封建社会‎向近代资本‎主义转变时‎期的反封建‎,反教会神权‎的一场伟大‎的思想解放‎运动.在这一时期‎,欧洲哲学,文学,艺术,科学等各方‎面都取得了‎极大的成就‎. 以上是对第‎四章的综述‎,下面我们来‎解答一下论‎述题.。

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《西方文化入门》教学大纲张洪芹编写英语专业课程教学大纲824 目录前言 (825)一、概述 (825)二、课程教学目的和基本要求 (825)三、教学基本内容及学时分配 (825)Chapter One Culture in Ancient Greece (828)Chapter 2 Culture in Ancient Rome (829)Chapter 3 Jewish Culture and the Old Testament (830)Chapter 4 Christianity and the New Testament (832)Chapter 5 The Middle Ages and Germanic Culture (834)Chapter 6 Culture during the Renaissance (836)Chapter 7 Culture during the Enlightenment (839)Chapter 8 Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism (841)Chapter 9 Ideology and Philosophy during the 18th and 19th Centuries (842)Chapter 10 The Modernist Movement and Literary Achievement (843)Chapter 11 Historical Development of the Modern Age (845)Chapter 12 Artistic Development in the 20th Century (846)四、教学相关环节 (847)五、参考资料 (847)西方文化入门前言一、概述通过全面、扼要地介绍和评介西方文化的主要内容,让学生接触和了解西方社会在文明进程中在文化、思想、社会与政治制度、艺术、文学、科学、技术等各个方面所取得主要成就,这些文化成就所取得的成因和其内涵,以及这些成就何以对人类社会的进步产生深远的影响。











讲授采用专题讲座方式,采用教师讲授与学生参与分析相结合的方式进行,围绕以下中心题目进行扩展,Chapter 1 Culture in Ancient Greece 3学时1. The Early Period of Greek Civilization2. The Development and End of Greek Civilization3. Greek Culture: Greek mythology, religion, philosophy and literature (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)Chapter 2 Culture in Ancient Rome 3学时1. The Historical Development and Social and Economic Conditions2. Cultural Achievements: Myth, Religion, Literature, History, Philosophy, Art and Architecture825英语专业课程教学大纲826 Chapter 3. Jewish Culture and the Old Testament 3学时1 Jewish History2 Jewish Art and Literature3 Judaism and Jewish Festivals4 Introduction to the Old TestamentChapter 4 Christianity and The New Testament 4学时1. The Background of the Birth of Christianity2. The Development of Christianity3. The Principal Doctrines of Christianity4. The Christian Schism and its Principal Factions5. An introduction to The New TestamentChapter 5. The Middle Ages and Germanic Culture 3学时1. The Setting of the Middle Age2. The Formation and Development of German Culture3. Byzantine Culture4. Medieval Social Ideology5. Literature, Art and PoliticsChapter 6 Culture during the Renaissance 3学时1. Background to the Renaissance2. Source, features and significance3. Cultural achievements of the Renaissance4. Social Ideology and Religious Reformation5. Development of Natural Science6. Beginning of Modern Philosophy7. Classicism and the Cultural SalonChapter 7 Culture during the Enlightenment 2学时1. Background2. Empiricist Influences from Britain3 .Representative Figures and Their Ideas4. Literature and the Significance of the EnlightenmentChapter 8 Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism 2学时1. Romanticism: Characteristics, the Romanticist School and its Achievement2. Realism: Definition and Performance3. Naturalism: Novels and Naturalist artChapter 9 Ideology and Philosophy During the 18th and 19th Centuries 2学时1. English Utilitarianism2. German Social and Philosophical Ideas3. French Utopian SocialismChapter 10 The modernist Movement and Literary Achievement 4学时1. General Condition2. Modernist Trend of Literature3. Modernist Literature in UK and Other Countries西方文化入门4. Literary and Cultural Criticism of Post-ModernismChapter 11 Historical Development of the Modern Age 4学时1. Important Theories and Ideological Schools2. Later Changes in Christian Ideas3. The later Philosophical SchoolsChapter 12 Artistic Development in the 20th Century 3学时1 Background of Modern Art2 Modern Achievements in Painting and Architecture3 Popular Culture827英语专业课程教学大纲828Chapter One Culture in Ancient Greece1. The Early Period of Greek CivilizationIt is generally acknowledged that the earliest representation of Greek civilization is on the island ofCrete. The Cretan society, dated back from 2000-2600BC, was the first important society in the Greek world. The people of Crete were probably from Asia Minor. Their influence on Greek culture was very significant. The leading city of ancient Crete was Knossos. The civilization found on Crete was called Minoan. Minoans achieved their greatest distinction in the grace and beauty of their art. Their art valued style and elegance as can be seen in the great palace of Knossos. Their pottery was highly decorative and showed much sophistication.Cretan culture(克利特岛人的) contributed much to the development of Mycenaean(美锡尼人的)culture initially established by the Achaeans who had moved from elsewhere into the middle and south of Greece. At that time the artefacts developed by Mycenaeans were far beyond those by Cretans. At the end of Mycenaean civilization, the Trojan War had helped to produce two famous epics, Odyssey(奥德赛) and Iliad(伊利亚特), which were initially created in the 11th centuries BC.2. The Development and End of Greek CivilizationGreek civilization clearly demonstrated strong signs of vigorous and dynamic development in its long history. These marvellous achievements ensured a long period of increasing prosperity and power for the nation and provided lasting influences for the later development of other European countries. Greek civilization came to its peak during 499-449BC. Around 146BC a split doomed opened the way for the invasion of later aggressors like Macedonia, Gaul and Rome.3. Greek Culture: Greek mythology, religion, philosophy and literatureHistorically Greek culture is of a rich variety, lasting value and wide influencearound the world in the categories of mythology and religion, philosophy, literature, art and science.In Greek myth all the gods live on Mount Olympus, and Zeus is the chief keeping order with thunderbolts, both in heaven and on earth. The most prominent feature of Greek myth is that both man and god assume the same form. Two of the best-known Greek myths centre on the Trojan Horse and on Jason. Greek philosophy achieved its high point in the history of human intellectual development, marked by a series of important concepts about materialism, idealism and dialectics, the most influential philosophers were Socrates, Plata and Aristotle. Socrates has a reputation for irony and a sense of humour, Plato developed models for an ideal state in his Republic, Symposium(论文集) and Law, and Aristotle was the greatest thinker and most learned person of the ancient times. Greek literature is considered to consist of epic, lyrical poetry and drama. Greek art and its application to practical situations are also of certain significance in understanding its achievements, as demonstrated by Athenian architecture, sculpture and painting.西方文化入门 Chapter 2 Culture in Ancient Rome1. The Historical Development and Social and Economic ConditionsAncient Rome was located exactly where modern Rome is today, along the western coast of central Italy. The Italian city of Rome is the birthplace of the Roman Empire and, therefore, the origin of Roman culture. The early Rome was ruled by seven kings, later by two consuls and a senate. Conflict with Carthage followed and the most influential event was the hundred years’ war. In the two centuries after Augustus took power, the Roman Empire reached its culmination. Roman society was established as a hierarchy based on legal distinction between the ruling class and the ruled, the rich and the poor, aristocracy and the ordinary people, the citizen and non-citizen, with the patricians maintaining their favoured position for almost three centuries. The time when the Roman emperors ruled followed the demise of the Roman Republic.2. Cultural Achievements: Myth, Religion Literature, Philosophy, Art and ArchitectureInfluenced y Greek culture and myth, Romans took more interest in Greek gods and extended their own beliefs to the wholesale adoption of the Olympian pantheon of gods. Almost every Roman god has a Greek counterpart. The average Roman had freedom to choose his or her god to believe in. Apart from embodying myths, Roman literature was principally made up of poetry, prose and drama. Among the best-known Roman poets are Virgil, Horace and Ovid. Roman philosophy was greatly influenced by the Greek philosophers, especially y the Stoic and Epicurean schools. Roman philosophers provided practical explanation and application of philosophical principles, which developed the genre to some extent.Roman art is not just the art of the emperors, senators, and aristocracy, but ofall the peoples of Rome's vast empire, including middle-class businessmen, freedmen, slaves, and soldiers in Italy and the provinces. Curiously, although examples of Roman architecture, sculpture, painting, and decorative arts survive in great numbers, few Roman artists and architects are known by name today. In general, Roman monuments were designed to serve the needs of their patrons rather than to express the artistic personality of their makers.The Ancient Romans were well known for their architectural ability. They constructed great buildings such as the Collesseum, auquaducts(地下水管道) and the Pantheon(罗马万神殿).829英语专业课程教学大纲830Chapter 3 Jewish Culture and the Old Testament1. Jewish HistoryJewish history is the history of the Jewish people, faith, and culture. Jewishhistory encompasses nearly four thousand years and hundreds of different populations. The wholehistory of Jewish social and cultural development is pervaded byparadoxical historical events. In the 16th BC Jews settled on both sides of the Jordan River. The Jewish people weathered the storms of all kinds of ethnic difficulties and disasters over the long periods of being exiled from one country to another in Europe and elsewhere in the world.2. Jewish Art and LiteratureJewish people have made remarkable cultural achievements and have producedmany important figures in philosophy, literature, art and other areas of the humanities.3. Judaism and Jewish FestivalsJewish culture has contributed considerably to the Western historicaldevelopment by providing substantial religious ingredients and many other aspects of the whole basic framework of Western society. In the early period of the Jews’ settlement in Palestine, they had religious beliefs such as worship of trees, stone pillars and all kinds of natural forces. During their Babylonian Captivity(巴比伦之囚), Jews began to establish a new religion. Only from that time was monotheistic Judaism, exclusive among all the other religions and protective of its priesthood and aristocracy, finally set up.A complete collection of all the documents left by the ancient Hebrews wascompiled into a book called the Bible. The Judaist Bible was adopted by Christianity, which was renamed The Old Testament to distinguish it from The New Testament. The later period of Judaism, had the objectives not too difficult from Christianity. Worship of the Holy Temple was no longer practiced after its ruin and the migration of the Jewish people to every corner of the world. Only Moses’ Ten Commandments (摩西十诫)and the rabbis’ interpretations of the prophet’s doctrines were retained as the core of Judaism.The Ten Commandments were God’s instructions which were turned into the following commandments:i. You shall nave no other god;ii. You shall not speak the name of the Lord lightly;iii. Remember the Lords’ Day so as to keep it holy. For six days you shall you shall work and do all your labour, but the seventh day is consecrated to God:iv. Honour your father and your mother;v. You shall not kill;vi. You shall not commit impurity;vii. You shall not steal;viii. You shall not lie;ix. You shall have no impure desire;x. You shall not covet what belongs to your neighbour4.Introduction to the Old Testament西方文化入门The Bible of Judaism is the same as the The Old Testament of Christianity and so totals 39 books and falls into three parts: Pentateuch(摩西五书), Prophets(《先知书》), and Hagiographa(《圣录》) and Apocrypha(旧约·伪经).Pentateuch is the first part of The Old Testament and consists of five books, which are Genesis(创世纪), Exodus(出埃及记), Leviticus(利未记), Numbers(民数记) and Deuteronomy(申命记). It includes history, biography, religious doctrine, law, proprieties, songs, family history and stories, covering almost everything in relation to all the Jewish traditions and culture.Genesis describes God’s creation of the world and traces the history of the Hebrews from Abraham to Joseph. It includes stories such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel, the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and how Joseph went to Egypt and so on.Exodus describes how Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt in the 13th or 14th centuries BC, including their life in Egypt and how they suffered from oppression. Also it tells how Aaron prevailed over the Pharaoh to agree to their departure, how they went across the Red Sea, and traveled through the Sinai Desert.Leviticus is a carefully composed book of laws and proprieties, with the records of Jewish rites, offerings and sacrifices and so on.Numbers is an account of how the Jews, under the leadership of Josue after Moses’ death, fought against Canaanites and won.Deuteronomy contains the final teachings of Moses, and was doubtless inspired by the 8th century BC prophetic movement in Israel, which was usually identified with the book that inspired Josiah’s reform in 621BC.The second part of the The Old Testament is the Prophets, comprised of 21 books. Six of them continue to tell the Jewish story from the conquest of Canaan to their captivity in Babylon. It is called The Former Prophets(前先知). The Latter Prophet(后先知)s consist of three principal prophets and twelve minor prophets.831英语专业课程教学大纲832Chapter 4 Christianity and the New Testament1. The Background of the Birth of ChristianityThe earliest Christian document is The Revelation of John (圣约翰启示录)written in the latter periodof the first century AD. It mentioned only a religious society in Asia Minor. The formation of the mystic elements of Christianity followed on from many prophecies about the arrival of the Messiah. Then He was equated to the Almighty God or the “Son of Man”. Hence, the foundation of Christianity had been well laid by the 2ed century BC. The name of Jesus spread first from mouth to mouth and was recorded only in the second century AD in the four Gospels of The New Testament. A pious religious believer, St. Paul, made the greatest contribution to the final establishment of Christianity. He wrote his famous “espistles” or Christian doctrines, embodying the central beliefs of early Christianity The Gospels(福音书), The Messengers’ Letters(信徒短信) and The Revelation of John before it was collected into The New Testament as the Christian doctrine.2. The Development of ChristianityChristianity was widely accepted. The early followers of the religion were mostly poor people, salves and even criminals. As time moved on, Christianity appealed to growing numbers of people even the upper class people in the Roman Empire. The development of Christianity witnessed a new epoch in the 4th century AD, when Christianity turned into a National Religion of the Roman Empire. And in the 6th century AD with the proclamation of Christianity as the only state religion, Christianity entered a stage of unprecedented development.3. The Principal Doctrines of ChristianityIn the history of Christianity, there are two documents which contributed much to an accurate definition and unified knowledge of Christianity, namely The Nicene Creed(尼西亚教义) and The Orchiland Agreement(奥吉兰教规).The Nicene Creed was passed at the Nicaea Council hosted by Constantine the Great and the delegates. The Nicene Creed has been binding on all Christians ever since. It actually describes the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith.In AD 529, the Orchiland Council(奥吉兰会议) agreed to what Saint Augustine proposed about sin and redemption. The following document was a result of that council. Because of the sin committed y the first man, one can not make any free choice. Hence if without God’s benefaction, no one could willingly love God or trust God or offer kind service for God… All those who have received baptism and received God’s benefaction have the sight and duty, with Jesus; help and cooperation, to do everything, which could save the souls if he laboured devotedly.4. The Christian Schism and its Principal FactionsIn 1054, the Christian church in Constantinople refused to accept the supremacy of the Roman Pope and was thus excommunicated by the latter. Christianity was initially divided into two parts: the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Eastern Church. The second split took place in the 1520s, Christianity fell into three parts: the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Eastern Church and Protestantism, all of which claiming true representatives of Christianity.Some of their principal assertions are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Roman Catholicism has its own view and interpretation of the proper relation the church and the state, and ofother Christian traditions based upon Roman Catholic doctrine. To a certain extent, this doctrine is similar to that held by orthodox Christians of every label and consists of a belief in The Bible. Roman Catholic doctrine appears to go beyond the shared beliefs, which constitute the doctrine of each of the Christian groups. Eastern Orthodoxy(东正教) and Roman Catholicism(天主教) are largely in agreement, while Protestantism differs from both Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholiscism on several issues. For example, Roman Catholic theology defines and numbers the sacraments differently from Orthodox theology; but, over against Protestantism, Roman Catholic doctrine insists, as does Eastern Orthodoxy, upon the centrality of the seven sacraments(圣事)baptism(洗礼), confirmation(坚振), Eucharist(圣体), extreme unction(给临终者涂油礼), penance, matrimony(婚配), and holy orders as channels of divine grace.5. An introduction to The New TestamentThe New Testament contains altogether 27 parts, which were completed in the latter half of the first century AD. They are all of the recollections of the early Christians. The earliest manuascript was written in Greek and possibly translated from Arabic, the Palestine language. It consists of the four Gospels, a book of Acts of the Apostles(使徒行书), Letters(短信), and The Revelations of John.833Chapter 5The Middle Ages and Germanic Culture1. The Setting of the Middle AgeThe period in European history from the collapse of the Roman Civilization inthe 5th AD to the period of the Renaissance in the 14th century is termed generally as the Middle Ages. The Middle Age nonetheless provided the foundation for the transformations of the Humanists’ own Renaissance. The period from the fall of Rome to about the year 1000 was called the Dark Ages, also called Late Antiquity, or the Early Middle Ages. Apart from the flowering of the Carolingian court established by Charlemagne, no large kingdom or other political structure arose in Europe to provide stability. The only force capable of providing a basis for social unity was the Roman Catholic Church. The Middle Ages therefore present the confusing and often contradictory picture of a society attempting to structure itself politically on a spiritual basis. This attempt came to a definitive end with the rise of artistic, commercial, and other activities anchored firmly in the secular world in the period just preceding the Renaisance.2. The Formation and Development of German CultureThe Carolingian (王朝的) culture was developed under the influence of theChristian Church. This was first demonstrated in the monopoly of education by the Church. Those who received education were mostly priests and monks. Many of the teaching staff in parish schools was priests. The language used in teaching was Latin and the seven subjects, seven arts, namely, grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. Carolingian literature, education and culture in general advanced through borrowing from late Roman and contemporary Byzantine models and techniques. Artists added decorations to enhance books for priests to use in their religious services to enhance their importance. In the Roman basilica style, these illuminations usually demonstrated what artists felt and thought, rather than what they saw. However, Charlemagen’s chapel at Aachen borrowed form the architectural style of the Byzantine imperial palace in its octagonal concept. This highlighted the imperial nobility and majesty of the structure by joining the imageries of heaven and earth.The cultural tradition of Greece and Rome was well preserved and evencontinued in a way, but the development of the Eastern Roman Empire was based on its absorbing some eastern culture. Therefore the cultural significance became more complex and sophisticated than its predecessor Roman culture. Among the foremost cultural accomplishments of the Eastern Church was the founding of the University of Constantinople whose head, Leo, and his successors turned it into a successful institute of learning in literary and religious subjects. Its inheritance and development of the tradition of classical culture was demonstrated in many respects, such as the founding of Neoplatonism, Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy with eastern mysticism. The principal books of this period included Tours among the Oriental countries, The History of the Justinian War, and The Secret History. The architecture of Byzantium(拜占庭) was quite characteristic of both the classical ages and that of the eastern countries.3. Byzantine CultureThere was a glorious tradition of Byzantine historiography, which wasmaintained by a number of figures like George Acropolites, historian of the Empire of Nicaea, George Pachymeres, Gregoras and finally, Emperor John VI Cantacuzenus, who wrote his memoirs after834abdicating in 1354.4. Medieval Social IdeologyIn the early and middle periods of the Medieval Age in the dominant scholarlystudies, more emphases were placed on the defence of the divinity. Ideas concerning all kinds in feudal societies were associated with religious theologies. A major principle was to regard all human life and social phenomena as being created and controlled by God. The development of productive forces and scientific and technological advances in the middle and later periods of the Middle Ages, thus prepared the ideological conditions for the Renaissance with its resurgence of art and literature. Scholasticism owed its birth to having provided a means to resist anti-Christian tendencies.Scholasticism was initiated by the Medieval theologians to defend and consolidate the status of Christianity, which had been threatened by increasing suspicion among both its disciples and the ordinary people. The scholars used Plato and Aristotle’s philosophies to explain Christian doctrines. Scholasticism maintained holiness of the Christian doctrines by meticulous reasoning and inference. Scholasticism regarded the Bible as the only source of absolute truth, making reason submit to religious faith. In opposition to Scholasticism were the ideas of materialism, represented by men such as Averroes and Roger Bacon. Averroes denied the absurd ideas of religion and asserted that philosophy should adopt rational thinking as its basis. Another representative was the Englishman Roger Bacon, whose interest lay in mathematics and experimental sciences, especially optics. He made a distinction between philosophy and theology, and between rational and philosophy on the one land and various religious beliefs on the other.5. Literature, Art and PoliticsMedieval literature was represented in poems, particularly in hymns expressingthe intense religious feelings of love of God. Foremost of these literary works were epics like The Song of Roland(French), The Song of the Cid(Spanish), The Song of the Niebelungs(German). Italian poem such as Dante’s Divine Comedy was an epoch-making event. The artistic achievements of the Medieval Age mostly related to religious representations. This was evidenced in the architecture, sculpture and painting of the period. Gothic buildings were in a phase of rapid development and remained the major style in most of European countries into the 16th century and onwards. Typical buildings were Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Cologne Cathedral(科隆大教堂) in Germany, Canterbury and Lincoln Cathedrals in Britain, and Milan Cathedral in Italy.835Chapter 6 Culture during the Renaissance1. Background to the RenaissanceThe Renaissance was an important stage in the historical process of the Westerncivilization and marked the turning point from the Middle Ages to the modern era in the development of Western culture. Economic and intellectual changes during the Renaissance both helped to speed up Western social and cultural development and hence prepared the necessary conditions for rapid progress in political, social and ideological areas of the Modern Age.2. Source, Features and SignificanceThere are many sources contributing to Renaissance. During the reign ofCharlemagne the Great(查理曼大帝742-814) seven courses established at the school. During the 12th century, a cultural and economic revival took place in Europe; many historians trace the origins of the Renaissance to this time. The balance of economic power slowly began to shift from the region of the eastern Mediterranean to that of Western Europe. The 13th century saw the climax of medieval civilization. The classic form of Gothic architecture and sculpture and been fully established by the time. Overall, the break-up of feudal structures, the strengthening of city-states in Italy, and emergence of national monarchies in Spain, France, and England, as well as such cultural developments as the rise of folk culture and popular literature had occurred in most European countries by the end of the Middle Ages. Furthermore, changes in secular education, particularly the founding of universities, culminated in the birth of a self-consciously new age with a new spirit. One can not help looking back to the classical learning of Greece and Rome as the inspiration for what has come to be known as the Renaissance.3. Cultural Achievements of the RenaissanceThe cultural achievements of the Renaissance can be summed up into 2 phases:art in the early period and art in the latter periods. Realist tendency was obvious in the art of the early period of the Renaissance, and visible mostly in the use of religious subject matter drawn from Biblical and mythological legends and figures. Works such as those of Giotto di Bondone(1266-1337) in painting, Donatello and Ghiberti in sculpture are perfect examples. Another famous figure is Filippo Brunelleschi(1377-1466) whose mathematically based architectural designs helped solve the problem of the pillarless dome. He tried to portray his structural figures by making them recede into the background and hence appear three-dimensional.In painting, artists of the later period of the Renaissance mastered the technique of portraying nature on the basis of an insightful assimilation of classical heritage. High Renaissance art emerged in the latter period of the Renaissance. It flourished for about 35 years, when Rome revolved around three towering figures: Leonard da Vinci (1452-1519), Michelangelo (1475-1564), and Raphael (1483-1520). The Virgin of the Rocks(岩间圣母), Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are considered the most representative works of Da Vinci’s. Genesis and Final Judgment and the sculpture David were representatives of Michelangelo Buonarotti(米开朗琪罗). Just as well known as Da Vinci and Michelangelo was Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) who established his reputation with his famous fresco The School of Athens which included over fifty figures altogether. The fourth well-known artist from this period was Tiziano Vecellio (提香·韦切利奥) (1477-1576) commonly known as Titian in Venice.It was in art that the spirit of the Renaissance achieved its clearest formation. Art, since the 836。
