

Brief introduction of tourism in China

中国国家旅游局the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) 世界旅游组织the World Tourism Organization


the World Heritage Committee of the UNESCO(united nations educational scientific and cultural organization)

《世界旅游业职业道德规范》the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

世界旅游日(9月27日)World Tourism Day

承认不同的文化特性to recognize cultural identities

在世界各国人民之间分享不同的思想与经历to share ideas and experiences between the peoples of the world

著名的“丝绸之路”文化旅游专线cultural itinerary known as the Silk Road

确保旅游业可持续、负责任、重道德地向前发展to ensure that tourism develops in a sustainable, responsible and ethical way

旅游业the tourist/ travel industry/ trade/ sector, tourism

综合性很强的产业 a highly comprehensive industry

作为第三产业的重点as the top priority of the tertiary industry

开发旅游资源to tap tourist resources

客源输出国tourist-generating country

市场促销market promotion 产品开发product development

广阔的发展前景a bright future for development


to push areas which have the right conditions to accelerate the development of their tourism industry

旅游业的关联带动作用the locomotive role of the tourism industry

带动当地的经济社会发展to give an impetus to the local social and economic development

配套设施建设the construction of coordinated/ supporting facilities

制定相应的扶持政策formulate corresponding support policies

春节、国庆长假the long holidays of Spring Festival and National Day

丰富多彩的灿烂文化a rich splendid culture


China has a long history, splendid scenery and fantastical folk customs, which bring rich tourist resources.


China has 27 scenic spots that are on the list of world heritages of the UNESCO

国际旅游市场international tourist market


From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless hardships. 人类创造的巨大的物质财富和灿烂的精神文明,构成了社会发展进程中波澜壮阔的文明史图,形成了浩如烟海、博大精深的文明乐章。

The massive material wealth and splendid civilizations crated by mankind constitute a magnificent scenery of the history of civilizations in the course of social development and a resounding and profound musical movement of civilizations.


With their long and brilliant history, Asian civilizations are glimmering like beautiful flowers in the garden of world civilization.


In agro-farming, well-digging, canal-building, smelting, astronomy, medical science and other fields.


Ideas advocated by ancient Chinese philosophers, the wise and able, such as “all men under heaven are brothers”, “harmony is the most precious” and “the ocean accommodates all rivers on earth”, remains highly influential in the exchange and integration among the

Chinese civilization and other civilizations.


Dialogue, exchanges and integration among different civilizations, as the natural trend of historical development, are the requisites for the self-improvement and continued development of civilizations.


To eliminate one’s feuds to b ring about reconciliation.


The world is indeed colorful. As a Chinese saying goes, “it is the law of nature that objects are different”


It is essential to advocate mutual leaning and integration among civilizations.


Only by discarding the dross and assimilating the essence, fostering strengths to make up for weaknesses and mutual learning will it be possible to promote common development and progress.

About travel agency

旅行社travel agency/ service 旅游公司tourist company 中国国际旅行社the China International Travel Service ( CITS)

中国旅行社the China Travel Service 中国青年旅行社the China Youth Travel Service

观光与度假相结合to combine sightseeing with holiday-making

地方/全程导游;地/全陪local/national guide

注册/持证导游registered/ licensed guide

索取回扣/佣金to demand /acquire kickbacks/ commissions

提高导游的素质和服务水平to improve the professional competence and service quality of guides

旅行团领队tour escort/ director

团队/包价旅游group/package tour

个人旅游individual travel

专向/特色旅游special interest program/tour

专业/职业旅游professional tours

学习/学术/奖励旅游;生态旅游study/academic / incentive tour; eco-tour

文华/蜜月/辽阳/商务旅游cultural/ honeymoon/ convalescence/business tour

春游spring outing

旅游价格tour price


报名交费to sign up and pay the expenses


The balance of payment should be settled before departure. Otherwise, the reservation will be automatically released.

“食、住、行、游、购、娱”一条龙的旅游服务体系an integrated/ comprehensive service system for tourism covering dining, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment

各项旅游的报价均含游客在旅游过所需的一切费用。The quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country.

包括住宿费、膳食费、交通费、游览费、导游费、机场离境税以及往返国际机票。This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare.


A refund may be made to the tour member for the uncompleted part of the tour after making due deductions of expenses and damages incurred by the travel service.


Tour members arriving or departing independently outside group arrangements are responsible for their own transportation. 单间一般没有。Single rooms are generally not available.

负责由此而产生的一切额外费用。To be responsible for all additional costs incurred.

待确认后费用全部付清。Full payment is due upon our confirmation.

申请/要求退款to apply for / claim a refund

退款政策refund policy

全部退款a full refund will be made

预定金马上退还给你the deposit will be returned to you immediately.

Traveling by air

出境时,旅行者需支付机场税。Airport tax must be paid by the tour members at the time of departure.

简化外国人出入境手续to streamline the entry and exit process/procedures for foreigners

持美国护照to hold an American passport

发放/获得/办理签证to grant/ obtain/ process visa

头等舱;经济舱first /business class; economy class

旺/平/淡季peak/ regular /low season

正常/淡季/夜航票价regular/normal/off-season/ night fares

中国国家民用航空总局the State General Administration of Civil Aviation (CAAC)

定期航班scheduled flights/ departures

班期更改,恕不预告schedules are subject to change without notice.

中途停留To stop over; stopover

续程联结飞机Onward connecting flight

旅客接送服务台Transfer desk

登机证Boarding pass

乘机/旅客联Flight/passenger coupon

手提行李Hand/carry-on/cabin baggage

免费行李额Free Baggage Allowance

行李超重费Excess baggage charges

行李票/证Baggage check /ticket

安全检查Safety inspection

严禁携带的物品Restricted articles

凶器Lethal weapon


Inflammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous, radioactive, polymerizable and magnetized materials

机密文件和资料Classified papers and confidential documents

救生衣Life vest

安全带Seat/safety belt


Car rental

汽车出租Car rental

行驶里程不限Unlimited mileage

基价公里Minimum mileage

起租/等候/超时费Drop/waiting/overtime charge

空驶费No-occupancy surcharge


豪华/旅游酒店Deluxe/tourist hotel

星级酒店Star-grade hotels

老年公寓、招待所pension and hostel

青年旅馆Youth hostel

平房/廉价旅馆Bungalow/budget hotel

夫妻旅店Mon-and-pop hotel

把… 安排在假日酒店下榻To put …up/ accommodate … at the Holiday Inn

地理位置优越、交通方便With an ideal location and easy transportation

地址适中Centrally located

所有费用由公司报销/负担The company will pay/bear/cover all the expenses.

旅馆大堂Hotel lobby 入/离店手续;住房登记/退房手续Check-in/check-out

办理登记手续To go through the registration procedure

旅馆登记表Hotel registration form

总统/经理套房Presidential/ executive suite

蜜月/家庭套房Honeymoon/family suite

房价Room charge

打六折To get a 40 percent discount; to be 40 percent off 标准间/房价Standard room/rate


旅行支票Traveler’s check

用现金或信用卡支付To pay by cash or credit

现金支付机Cash dispenser

自动取款机Automatic teller machine (ATM)

带两张单人床的双人房Double room with twin beds

加床Extra bed

客房家具精致Tastefully furnished rooms and suites

赠送/免费饮料Complimentary drinks

客房出租率Room occupancy rate

顾客满意率Customer satisfaction rate for a hotel

销售部Sales and marketing department

业务范围Scope of business

设备齐全的商务中心Fully equipped business center

国际/国内直拨电话IDD/DDD (international/ domestic direct dial)


With a complete service of accommodation, catering, entertainment, body-building, and business and convention facilities


The hotel provides comprehensive services such as taxi arrangement, airline and train ticket booking, money exchange, international direct dial telephone and Internet service.


To provide laundry service, a beauty parlor, a sauna bath and a health service with medical massage.

叫醒客人服务wake-up service

各种娱乐设施一应俱全to be complete with all entertainment and recreational amenities

卡拉OK歌舞厅ballroom equipped with Karaoke facilities

健身房和娱乐中心gym and recreational center

健身中心fitness center

桌球房、保龄球场合迷你高尔夫球场billiard room, bowling alleys and mini-golf course

网球场、游泳池和溜冰场tennis court, swimming pool and skating rink

矿泉浴和水力按摩浴spa and Jacuzzi


饮食业Catering industry/ culture

中国的烹饪Chinese cuisine基本的烹饪方法basic ways of cooking


To be classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School. 因为中国的北方气候寒冷,所以各种菜式选用含卡路里较高的用料,以保证足够的热量。

Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate

麻辣spicy ad hot鲜嫩可口tender and juicy

馋涎欲滴(of the mouth) to start watering

盛产各种鱼虾海味 a great variety of dishes from the sea, rivers and lakes


旋转餐厅Revolving restaurant

自助正餐/早餐Dinner/breakfast buffet

饮食习惯/方式Food habits/styles

中餐烹饪的独特艺术The distinctive Chinese culinary art

享有“烹饪王国”之美誉To enjoy a world-wide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine”

中国四大菜系The four major/well-known cuisines/ schools of China

南淡北咸,东甜西辣The light southern (Canton) cuisine, and the salty northern (Shandong) cuisine; the sweet eastern (Yangzhou) cuisine, and the spicy western (Sichuan) cuisine

鲁菜通常较咸,汁色普遍较淡Shangdong cuisine is generally salty, with a prevalence of light-colored sauces.


Shangdong dishes feature choice of ingredients/ materials, adept technique in slicing and prefect cooking skills.


Sichuan cuisine features a wide range of ingredients, various seasonings and different cooking techniques.


Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.

粤菜强调轻炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients. 扬州菜注重选料的原汁原味。Yangzhou cuisine emphasizes the original flavors of well-chosen materials.

注意选料To select ingredients carefully; careful selection of ingredients

食物的质地The texture of food


Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/ cooking


The three essential factors or key elements for judging Chinese cooking are known as “color, aroma and taste”.

菜肴的装盘、摆放和图案The layout and design of the dishes


The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the

heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table.

佐料的调配The blending of seasonings

调味艺术The art of proper seasoning

味精Gourmet powder; monosodium glutamate

鸡精Essence of chicken; chicken essence

生姜/醋/酱油/黄酒/番茄酱Ginger/vinegar/ soy sauce/yellow rice wine/ tomato sauce


菜刀/刀板/铁锅Kitchen knife/ cutting board / wok

刀功Slicing technique

烹饪餐具Cooking utensil

消毒To pasteurize /sterilize


各种帮派的民族风味餐various ethnic foods

真宗的清真/回民菜authentic Muslim/ Halal food

家乡/地方风味local flavor/ cuisine/ food

馒头、油条、大饼、平煎薄饼steamed bread/bun, twisted cruller, bannock and pancake

豆浆/豆腐脑/方便面soybean milk/ bean curd jelly/ instant noodles

米饭/叉烧炒饭/炒饭/蛋炒饭steamed rice/ roast pork rice/ fried rice/ egg fried rice

小米粥/绿豆粥/芝麻汤圆millet congee/ congee with green beans/ sweet rice balls with soup

炒面/ 汤面/米线stir-fried noodles/ soup noodles/ rice noodles

不含防腐剂free of preservative; to contain no preservative; preservative-free

备受青睐to enjoy popularity; to be popular

您想点菜吗?Are you ready to order, sir?

贵店有什么特色菜?May I know your house special?


药膳medicated diet; health food

两道冷菜、两道热菜、外加汤和米饭two courses of cold dishes and two courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice. 中餐先上冷盘,而西餐先上汤A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.

请尝尝我的拿手菜。Would you like to try my special recipe?

沏/泡/品/喝茶to make /brew /sip/ drink tea

浓/淡/绿/红/茉莉花/菊花/玫瑰花茶strong/ weak/ green/ black/ jasmine/ chrysanthemum/ rose tea

中国人又在正月十五晚上吃元宵、赏花灯的习俗The Chinese have the custom of eating yuanxiao(sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) and watching festive lanterns on the fifteenth evening of the first lunar month.

Tourist attraction

丰富的旅游资源rich/ abundant tourist resources

旅游景点/胜地tourist attraction/ lure/ destination; scenic spot

风景点和旅游专线scenic spots and special itineraries

名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites

地方志local chronicles; annals of local history

文化载体cultural carrier

自然景观natural beauty/ attraction

人文景观places of historic figures and cultural heritage

把自然景观和人文景观完美地融为一体 a combination of natural scenery and cultural heritage; a perfect example of the kind of resort

that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage


a perfect combination of the traditional Chine se culture and the world’s fads and fashion

神话传说fairy tales and folklore

天象natural/ astronomical phenomena

国家级度假胜地national holiday resort

避暑胜地summer resort

名山大川famous mountains and great rivers

青山绿水green hills and clear waters

难以忘怀的风景haunting landscape

惊人的自然景色stunning natural beauty

令人流连忘返to be reluctant to leave, to linger on

世外桃源a paradise on earth; an earthly paradise

湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills/ mountains

景色如画picturesque (views)

熙熙攘攘/川流不息seething/ onrushing



令人眼花缭乱dazzling迷人的enchanting/ charming


湖石假山lakeside rocks and rockeries

园林建筑garden architecture

独具匠心original/ ingenious/ creative

工艺精湛Exquisite workmanship

这里地势起伏,花木葱茏,环境幽静,建筑别致Peaceful and secluded, this undulating terrain is covered with lush trees and beautiful flowers. The houses here are of unique architectural styles.

两者交相辉映,美不胜收The two categories of scenic spots complement each other and are really captivating.


The buildings and the enchanting gardens are built in harmony, each representing a beautiful ornament to the other.


This ancient architectural complex fully represents the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty.

它历史悠久,可以追溯到汉朝时期It has a long history dating back to the Han dynasty.

奇松、怪石、云海和温泉rare pines, exotic stones, a sea of cloud and hot springs

传奇式的长城the legendary Great Wall

神话般的丝绸之路the fabled Silk Road

京杭大运河the ancient Grand Canal

黄果树瀑布the Huangguoshu Falls

三峡(瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡)the Three Gorges (the Qutang Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge)

鬼城丰都Fengdu, known as the “Ghost City”

漓江游a cruise on the Lijiang River

桂林山水甲天下The landscape of Guilin tops those elsewhere

上有天堂,下有苏杭Up above there is a paradise, down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.

山外有山,景外有景,无限风光endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery

绵延200多公里to stretch over 200 km

海拔4,000米4,000 meters above sea level

内陆边界线inland boundaries

属...气候to enjoy … Climate


购买旅游纪念品to buy souvenirs

拼命购物shopping spree

抢购panic buying

工艺品摊点arts and crafts stalls

手工艺品handicrafts/ artifact

古玩店antique/ curio shop

金石印章metal and stone seals

木/竹/贝雕wood/ bamboo/ shell carving

漆器、藤条制品lacquer ware and wickerwork

唐三彩trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

景泰蓝、青瓷和陶瓷cloisonné, celadon and ceramics

陶器earthenware/ pottery


玛瑙、琥珀、水晶、钻石、玳瑁和翡翠agate, amber, crystal, diamond, tortoise shell and green jade

墨/青/碧/白/黄/纹玉black/ hard/jasper/ white/ yellow/ veined jade

红宝石、蓝宝石、子母绿宝石、戒指、珍珠和坠子ruby, sapphire, emerald, ring, pearl and pendant

项链、手镯、耳环、发卡/饰和别针necklace, bracelet, earring/eardrop, hair pin/ ornament and brooch

彩蛋、书签和钥匙链painted egg shell, book mark and key holder

泥塑clay figurine

字画卷轴scroll of calligraphy and painting

国画、山水画和水墨画traditional Chinese painting, landscape painting and ink painting

文房四宝the four treasures of the Chinese study (including a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper) 折扇、檀香扇folding fan and sandal wood fan

苏绣Suzhou embroidery



旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理 下面为大家带来出国旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理,欢迎大家学习!旅游常用英语词汇:姓family name名First (Given) Name性别sex男male女female国籍nationality国籍country of citizenship护照号passport No.原住地country of Origin(Country where you live)前往目的地国destination country登机城市city where you boarded签证签发地city where visa was issued签发日期date issue前往国家的住址address while in街道及门牌号number and street城市及国家city and state出生日期date of Birth(Birthdate)年year月month日day偕行人数accompanying number职业occupation专业技术人员professionals & technical行政管理人员legislators &administrators办事员clerk商业人员commerce (Business People)服务人员service农民farmer工人worker其他others 无业jobless签名signature官方填写official use only旅游常用英语句型:麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please?这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is.旅行的目的为何?What’s the purpose of your visit?观光(公务、学习)。 Sightseeing (Business、Study).在哪个学校?Which University?学习什么课程?What course will you take?预计在英国停留多久?How long will you be staying in the UK?预计停留约1年。 I plan to stay for about 1 year.我只是过境而已。


最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 分析《女勇士》中的女性形象 2 模糊语在新闻报道中的语用研究 3 论《亚瑟王之死》中的骑士精神 4 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通 5 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 6 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因 7 激发幼儿学习英语兴趣 8 多媒体网络教学和传统教学对大学生情感的影响 9 探讨中英文化差异——以宗教习语翻译为案例 10 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动 11 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比 12 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译 13 从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》 14 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊 15 On the Dramatic Conflicts Contributing to Eliza Doolittle’s Pursuit of Self-identity in Pygmalion 16 中美两国家庭文化差异 17 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法 18 仿拟在商业广告中的应用 19 原创+⑧+ 0 +⑤+⑨+⑨+ 0+⑦+④+⑨ 20 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism 21 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 22 从关联理论的角度看英语广告中隐喻的翻译 23 战后美国对伊拉克娱乐文化的影响 24 论童话《小王子》的象征创作 25 从跨文化交际的角度看广告翻译 26 足球评论员的评论语气对球迷看球的影响 27 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义 28 从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异 29 比较《西游记》与《哈利波特》中的英雄形象 30 《红字》中的圣经典故与象征意义 31 自然会话中会话结构的分析 32 网络语言风格的性别差异 33 中式英语的潜在价值 34 英语课堂中的非传统学习策略 35 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 36 沃尔玛策略研究 37 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现 38 伦敦英语在英语标准化过程中的作用 39 论跨文化交际中的体态语


口译1卷 1)关于三峡旅游的咨询对话 你好请问你要去哪里旅游? Hi! I understand that your agency arranges trip to three gorges from here. 是的,我们每天都有游船从这里到三峡,分三峡一日游和两日游两种,请问你们准备选择哪种呢? What’s difference between these two tours? 一日游的话,我们就是早上8点从重庆出发,成快船游三峡,沿途参观张飞庙,白帝城,三峡等景点,晚上到宜昌住宿,两日游的是慢船,行程和景点都是一样的。 I see. How much does each cost? 一日游是960元一个人,两日游稍微贵一点,1100元一个人。 Ok. One day tour sounds good to me. By the way, are meals included in the price? 哦,这个价格包括了中文和晚上两顿饭,就是我们提供的简易套餐,不含饮料。当然,你也可以自己点菜,点饮料,但是要另外掏钱。 All right, I will go for the one day tour. 好的,这里是我们旅行社提供的旅行合同,一式两份,你看一下,没问题的话,签个字,到隔壁柜台交完钱就可以了,明天早上7点赶到这里,坐我们的大巴到码头。 2) Seek First to Understand What is the difference between a man and a beast? Sometimes it is hard to tell, but the most important characteristic that sets man apart from all other creatures is language. Through words we can touch one anther’s minds---and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds meet. Most of us do not learn to communicate very well. Most people don’t listen with the intention of understanding; they listen with the intention of replying. They are either speaking or preparing to speak. When each is struggling against the other to use the conversation for their own purposes, each feels frustrated by the other. Since both are struggling for the same thing, each is too tense to listen attentively to the other. If someone is to influence us, to receive our confidences or give helpful advice, we must first feel that he really understands us. We need to keep in mind that others have different experiences, different values and different ways of looking at things. They are even likely to use different word to say the same thing. We must seek first to understand the other person. Accept them from their viewpoint as we encourage them to express their ideas and feelings. If we do that, not only are our relationships likely to improve, but a lot more of what we say will get through. Seek first to understand, then maybe you will be understood. 3)工艺品公司介绍 各位来宾,各位朋友: 大家好!非常荣幸能通过这次会议停工的平台和大家相聚,并向大家介绍一下我们的公司。我们是一家专业设计、生产和销售工艺品的公司,从公司创立至今,我们已经走过了整整15年的历程。15年前,我们拥有员工50名,今天,拥有员工1,700名;15年前,我们租用厂房4,500平方米,今天自建厂房24,000平方米,这些数字,都清晰地记录了我们创造的辉煌。 在过去的一年中,我们通过积极推进制度改革,构建了和谐团队,使整个企业生产盈利并在行业内取得了大大的提高。在此,我代表公司销售经理向各位表示崇高的敬意、诚挚的感谢。在新的一年开启新的希望,新的启程承载新的梦想。


旅游英语词汇tour旅游 scenery风景 Buddha 大佛 trip旅行 check-out离开酒店 check-in住进酒店 travel 旅行 agency旅行社 welcome欢迎 hotel酒店 city城市 luggage/ baggage 行李 registered/ checked luggage 托运行李 light luggage 轻便行李 baggage elevator 行李电梯 baggage receipt 行李收据 trolley 手推车 storage room 行李仓 briefcase 公文包 suit bag 衣服袋 traveling bag 旅行袋 shoulder bag 背包 trunk 大衣箱 suitcase 小提箱

name tag 标有姓名的标签 regular flight 正常航班 non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班 flight number 航班号 airport 机场 airline operation 航空业务 alternate airfield 备用机场 landing field 停机坪 international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼 control tower 控制台 jetway 登机道 air-bridge 旅客桥 visitors terrace 迎送平台 concourse 中央大厅 loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务 shuttle bus 机场内来往班车 guidebook 旅游指南 guild practice 导游实践 international tourism 国际导游 itinerary 旅行计划,节目 local guide 地陪,地方导游 local tourist organization 地方旅游组织


A方:H&M公司B方:达芙妮公司 观光人员:双方公司CEO 口译人员(4人) 过程:A方在B方上海总部谈判合作之余,B方带领A方观光上海景点。 A: Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the H&M Company. I have heard ShangHai is a magnificent city in China. Can you introduce me some details about Shanghai 口译A:你好,我是H&M公司的执行总裁。我早就听说中国上海是一个美丽的城市。你能给我介绍一下有关上海的细节吗 B:你好,我是达芙妮上海总部的执行总裁。在我们谈判合作之余,好好欣赏上海美景。是的,上海位于中国东海海岸,北临长江口,南靠杭州湾。我敢说你此行一定很棒,因为上海真的是一个迷人的城市。它常被称为“东方明珠”。 口译B:Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the Daphne company in Shanghai. In the remaining of our negotiations, just enjoy beautiful scenery in Shanghai. Surely, Shanghai is located on the coast of the East China Sea, between the mouth of the Yangtze River to the north and the bays of Hangzhou to the south. I bet you will have a wonderful visit there for Shanghai is truly a fascinating city. It is often nicknamed as “Oriental Pearl.” A: I heard that Shanghai was formerly and unimportant fishing village. But now it has grown into one of the world’s largest seaports and a major industrial and commercial center of China. Amazing changes! Would you please tell me more about it 口译A:我听说上海以前是个不起眼的小渔村。但现在它竟成了全世界最大的海港之一,还是中国的主要工商业中心。变化多大!你能不能再多说说上海 B:好的。现在上海已经成为中国最富活力的国际大都市。它不断吸引国内外的人们来到此处。作为旅游城市,上海因其商业活动和美丽景致吸引国内外游客。口译B:Ok. Now, Shanghai has become China’s most energetic and international city. It has attracted immigrants from within China as well as abroad. As a tourist city, Shanghai attracts travelers from home and abroad because of its commercial activity and its scenic beauty. A: I learned that from the secretary of our company:As you walk through Shanghai, it may feel as though you are entering a fair of world architecture or an art gallery of human civilization. Do you think the words are true 口译A:我从我们公司的秘书那里了解到:当你在上海观光,会感到好像走入了世界建筑博览会或是人类文明艺术馆。你认为这些话对吗 B:哦。我认为这些话是非常正确的。事实上,上海的建筑风格多种多样,在世界上独树一帜。这种多样性反映了国内外建筑师、工程师、工人们的智慧和努力。它是全世界的珍贵遗产。 口译B:Oh, I think they are true facts. In fact, Shanghai is unique among world cities in its variety of architectural styles. This variety reflects the wisdom and efforts of architects, engineers, and workers. It is a precious heritage to the world. A: I see. Would you recommend some scenic spots worth visiting in Shanghai 口译A:我知道了。你能不能向我介绍一下上海值得一去的景点 B:当然可以。首先,我要向你推荐外滩--亚洲最著名的一条街,现在它临着黄浦江,绿树成荫。外滩的壮观吸引着许多远东的大公司,他们纷纷在临江的建筑里设立总部。所以我们达芙妮公司总部也在附近。 口译B:Sure. First, I’d like to recommend you the Bund-once the most famous street in Asia, it is a tree-lined avenue along the Huangpu River. All attracted with its grandeur, the major firms of the Far


举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。// Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. 九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。 Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 四川素有“天府之国”的美称。这是个盆地,四周群山环绕。古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。唐产著名诗人李白在他的诗中叹道:“蜀道难,难于上青天!”现在的四川水陆空交通四通八达,蜀道难的时代已经一去不复返了。Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Walking on th e narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever. 众所周知,北京是世界文化名城,有3000多年的历史,有着众多的名胜古迹和丰富的文化底蕴。北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群——故宫,以及被称为世界七大奇迹之一的长城。 Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world. as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture. It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world. 上海是旅游者的天地。上海有着众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家自然保护区,淀山湖风景区,太阳岛度假区,环球乐园,梦幻乐园,以及野生动物园。上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分显示了特色鲜明的海派文化。 Shanghai is a paradise for tourists. Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the Sun Island Holiday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland and the Wildlife Park. One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, shanghai has over 70 cities under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture. 颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名为清漪园,始建于公元1750年,是清朝乾隆皇帝为其母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造的一座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。1860年,清漪园被英法联军焚毁,1886年,慈禧太后挪用海军经费,在清漪园废墟的基础上重新修建并于1888年改名为颐和园。 The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday. In 1860, Qingyi Garden was burnt down by the British and French Allied Forces. In 1886, it was reconstructed on orders of Empress Dowager Ci Xi with funds meant for the navy, and was renamed the Summer Palace in 1888. 万寿山北麓,山势起伏,花木扶疏,道路幽邃,松柏参天。重峦叠嶂上,仿西藏寺庙构筑的建筑群层台耸立,雄伟庄严。山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。 The northern part of the Longevity Hill features wavy terrain, well-spaced flowers and trees, winding paths and towering pines and cypresses. On the mountain ranges, building complex designed in the style of Tibetan temples look magnificent and dignified. At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east. 登上佛香阁,凭栏纵目,碧波荡漾的昆明湖上,仿杭州西湖苏堤建造的西堤,犹如一条绿色的飘带,蜿蜒曲折,纵贯南北。堤上六座桥,造型互异,婀娜多姿。浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。 Viewed from the Pavilion of Buddhist Incense, West Causeway, which was constructed in imitation of Su Causeway on the West Lake, looks like a green ribbon winding from south to north on the green and rippling Kunming Lake. Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way. Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 A Study on Fuzziness of Advertising Language 2 商业广告的语言特征及其翻译 3 浅析《远大前程》中主人公皮普性格发展的形成因素 4 初中英语写作课堂中的教师书面反馈:教师自我评估与学生感知 5 国际商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略 6 英语新闻标题的翻译 7 A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald’s Success 8 英语教学中的文化意识 9 “一只陷入囹圄的小鸟”——苔丝的悲剧命运分析 10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 11 论杜鲁门?卡波特《蒂凡尼的早餐》中霍莉的漂泊人生 12 叶芝作品中的女性形象分析-以《丽达与天鹅》,《当你老了》为例 13 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义 14 中西方餐桌礼仪的文化对比分析 15 《飘》中郝思嘉性格特征透析 16 以姚木兰和斯嘉丽为例看东西方女性意识差异 17 海明威心中的完美女性――论《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳形象 18 “红”的中英对比及其翻译 19 高中英语任务型语法教学初探 20 从文化角度分析中美情景喜剧差异性的原因 21 从市场营销的角度论哈利?波特的成功 22 23 不温不火,绵里藏针——分析《格列夫游记》的讽刺意义 24 对比分析苔丝和蓓基--哈代《德伯家的苔丝》和萨克雷《名利场》 25 目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用 26 论英汉口译中的数字互译 27 试析翻译中的“假朋友” 28 运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 29 《红字》中珠儿形象的象征主义分析 30 《莎乐美》中月亮的意象——从原型批评视角进行分析 31 分析法律英语的特点 32 中西方酒文化之比较研究 33 两性语言差异分析 34 浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素 35 论不可译到可译的历史性变化 36 英语委婉语浅析 37 初中英语课堂教师话语分析 38 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究 39 动物词汇的英汉互译策略 40 41 从人本主义心理学角度分析《肖申克的救赎》中主人公的心理历程 42 浅析广告发展现状及其未来发展趋势


旅游专业英语词汇表 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

旅游专业英语词汇表 关键词: 一. 旅游概述 Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表 guidebook 旅游指南 guild practice 导游实践 international tourism 国际导游 itinerary 旅行计划,节目 local guide 地陪,地方导游 local tourist organization 地方旅游组织 low season 淡季 minimum tour price 最低旅游价格 multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游 national guide 全陪,全程导游 national tourist organization 全国旅游组织 off-peak season 淡季 off season 淡季 on season 旺季 peak season 旺季 professional (staff) 旅游专业人员 programme 节目 receiving country 旅游接待国 regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织 season-high 旺季 season-low 淡季 selling season 旺季 shoulder period/season 平季 sightseeing 游览 slack season 淡季 state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tour arrangement 旅游安排 tour brochure 旅游小册子 tour catalog 旅游团目录

旅游景点 口译资料

Beijing 1.The Forbidden City The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and now houses the Palace Museum. It was built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 720,000 m2 (7,800,000 sq ft). For almost 500 years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government. The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. 2.The Great Wall The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike peoples or forces. The entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi) and it stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Lake in the west. The wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang and the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed during the Ming Dynasty. Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. 3.The Summer Palace The Summer Palace, or officially in China Garden of Nurtured Harmony, is a vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palatial buildings in Beijing, China. The Summer Palace is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. It covers an expanse of 2.9 square kilometers, three-quarters of which is water. In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace "a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value." 4.The Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven, literally the Altar of Heaven is a complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. It has been regarded as a Taoist temple, although Chinese Heaven worship, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, pre-dates Taoism. 5.Tian'anmen Square Tian'anmen Square is a large city square in the center of Beijing, China, named after the Tian'anmen Gate located to its North, separating it from the Forbidden City. Tian'anmen Square is the third largest city square in the world. It has great cultural significance as it was the site of several important events in Chinese history. 6.Old Summer Palace The Old Summer Palace, known in Chinese as Y uan Ming Y uan, and originally called the Imperial Gardens, was a complex of palaces and gardens in Beijing. It is located 8 kilometers northwest of


一、中国著名景点介绍 1. 万里长城/The Great Wall 长城被誉为“世界八大奇迹”之一,是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的骄傲。 长城的建造始于公元前7世纪的战国时期,并持续了2000多年。它绵延6700公里,故又称作“万里长城”,是古代世界上最长的防御工事。 长城既具有优美的自然景观又具有重要的历史价值。我们今天所见到的长城大多建于明朝时期。经过修葺与翻新,现今最具代表性的段落如,八达岭,慕田峪,司马台,居庸关,水关,古北口等已成为世界旅游景点。 虽然今天的长城,早已失去军事价值,而以其特有的魅力,吸引着广大中外游客,成为举世闻名的旅游胜地。 Being one of the World Eight Wonders, The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese ancient culture and the pride of the Chinese nation. Its construction began in 7th Century B.C and last over 20000 years. The Wall stretches for 12,700 li, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China and the world longest defending works in ancient times. The Great Wall boasts both picturesque natural scenery and important historical value. The walls we see today were mostly built in Ming Dynasty. After repair and renovation, now the most representative sections such as Badaling, Mutianyu, Simatai, Juyongguan, Shuiguan, Gubeikou have become the world’s tourist attractions. Although having lost its military value, the Great Wall has become a world-renowned tourist resort ,attracting a vast majority of visitors from home and abroad with its unique interests. 2.故宫/The Forbidden City The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palacefrom the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the centre of Beijing, China, and now


旅游专业英语词汇表 关键词:常用旅游英语词汇表 一. 旅游概述 Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表 guidebook 旅游指南 guild practice 导游实践 international tourism 国际导游 itinerary 旅行计划,节目 local guide 地陪,地方导游 local tourist organization 地方旅游组织 low season 淡季 minimum tour price 最低旅游价格 multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游 national guide 全陪,全程导游 national tourist organization 全国旅游组织 off-peak season 淡季 off season 淡季 on season 旺季 peak season 旺季 professional (staff) 旅游专业人员 programme 节目 receiving country 旅游接待国 regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织 season-high 旺季 season-low 淡季 selling season 旺季 shoulder period/season 平季 sightseeing 游览 slack season 淡季 state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tour arrangement 旅游安排 tour brochure 旅游小册子 tour catalog 旅游团目录
