
摘要 (1)前言 (2)第一章软件介绍 (2)1.1 PHP与MySQL简述 (3)1.2 服务器选择 (7)第二章系统安装与配置 (7)2.1 软件下载 (7)2.2 在Windows上安装Apache和PHP (10)2.3 在Windows上安装并配置MySQL (11)第三章 PHP动态网页设计 (13)3.1 网页要实现的功能 (13)3.2系统的设计和实施方案 (13)第四章 MYSQL数据库设计 (20)4.1 MySQL的SQL命令 (20)4.2 创建一个数据库表 (23)第五章 PHP与MYSQL动态连接 (24)5.1 连接和关闭数据库 (24)5.2 操作MySQL数据库 (25)5.3 PHP对数据表的操作 (28)5.4 PHP对数据表记录的操作 (29)5.5 实现主页和数据库的连接 (30)第六章结论 (31)摘要随着Web 技术的发展,越来越多的网站提供个性化和动态内容,传统的静态网页逐渐被交互式、开放式、甚至并行分布式的基于数据库的动态网页取代,以便增加更多的交互,满足用户更高的需求。
动态网页是指用户将HTTP 请求发送到一个可执行应用程序而不是一个静态的HTML 文件。
本文涉及了PHP、MySQL 与Apache的下载,安装和配置。
关键字:静态网页数据库动态网页服务器 PHP MySQL ApacheAbstractWith the development of Web technology, more and more sites provide personalized and dynamic content. The traditional static Web pages are replaced by interactive, open, and even distributed parallel dynamic web pages based database gradually in order to increase more interactive to meet the higher needs of the user. Dynamic Web pages means that the HTTP is requested to sent to an executable application instead of a static HTML file. The server would either run the program as response and return the results,or update the data records. Currently, the key development technologies of dynamic web include ASP, , PHP andJSP,strongly support users to develop dynamic Web pages, publish real-time and interactive information. This article deals with the download, install and configure of PHP, MySQL and Apache. And use its technology to design a monitoring web page to achieve the monitoring the voltage, current and power of a point.Key words: static web pages database dynamic web pages server PHP MySQL Apache前言PHP语法简单非常易学易用,很利于快速开发各种功能不同的定制网站。

基于PHP+MySQL 的网站开发2009年第31卷第6期总第180期物流工程与管理LOGISTICS ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT□肖维明(广州市信息工程职业学校,广东广州510610)【摘要】PHP 是一种跨平台的开放源代码的服务器端嵌入式脚本语言,利用PHP ,我们可以轻松地进行Web 开发,轻松地制作动态网站、新闻系统等;轻松地实现对文件及文件夹的操作;轻松地进行电子商务网站的开发、数据的加密;与数据库相关联等等。
文中将介绍常见的建立PHP+MySQL 运行环境的方法以及如何在PHP 中调用MySQL 存储过程和函数,并结合实例,谈谈基于PHP+MySQL 的网站开发。
【关键词】PHP ;MySQL ;网站开发【中图分类号】TP393【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1674-4993(2009)06-0090-03Website Development Based on PHP+MySQL□XIAO Wei-ming(GuangZhou Information Engineering Vocation School Guangzhou 510610,China )【Abstract 】PHP is an open source cross-platform server-side embedded scripting language,we can easily implement Web development and make dynamic sitenews systems with it,besids that,PHP can be easily used in the operation of document and folder,the development of e-commerce and data encryption as well as associated with the database,and so on.This article intro -duces the establishment of common running MySQL +PHP environment and how to call php in the MySQL stored procedures and functions,combined with examples like the PHP +MySQL-based web site development.【Key words 】PHP;MySQL;website development 【收稿日期】2009-05-17【作者简介】肖维明(1964-),男,汉族,广东梅县人,大学本科,广州市信息工程职业学校计算机讲师,研究方向:计算机专业课程教学方法,计算机网络管理技术、方法和实施。
基于PHP 和MySQL 的网站设计与实现


php毕业设计外文翻译--通过PHP访问MySQLGetting PHP to Talk to MySQLOnce you are familiar with using MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database。
you can start using PHP to display and modify data from the database。
PHP has standard ns for working with databases。
In this article。
we will discuss PHP's built-in database ns and how to use the PHP n and n Repository (PEAR) database.PHP'XXXPHP has several built-in XXX are easy to use and allow you to connect to a database。
execute queries。
and retrieve data。
Some of the most commonly used XXX:mysqli_connect() - This n is used to connect to a MySQL database.mysqli_query() - This n is used to execute a query on the database.mysqli_fetch_array() - This n is used to retrieve data from a query result.Using PEAR DatabasePEAR is a repository of PHP ns and ns。
It includes a database package that provides a set of classes for working with databases。

原文:Getting PHP to Talk to MySQlNow that you’re comfortable using the MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database, you can begin using PHP to display and modify data from the database. PHP has standard functions for working with the databas e.First, we’re going to discuss PHP’s built-in database functions. We’ll also show you how to use the The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) databasefunctions that provide the ability to use the same functions to access any supported database. This type of flexibility comes from a process called abstraction. In programming interfaces, abstraction simplifies a complex interaction. It works by removing any nonessential parts of the interaction, allowing you to concentrate on the important pa rts. PEAR’s DB classes are one such database interface abstraction. The information you need to log into a database is reduced to the bare minimum. This standard format allows you to interact with MySQL, as well as other databases using the same functions. Similarly, other MySQL-specific functions are replaced with generic ones that know how to talk to many databases. For example, theMySQL-specific connect function is:mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);versus PEAR’s DB connect function:$connection =DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database");The same basic information is present in both commands, but the PEAR function also specifies the type of databases to which to connect. You can connect to MySQL or o ther supported databases. We’ll discuss both connection methods in detail.In this chapter, you’ll learn how to connect to a MySQL server fromPHP, how to use PHP to access and retrieve stored data, and how to correctly display information to the user.1 The ProcessThe basic steps of performing a query, whether using the mysql command-line tool or PHP, are the same:• Connect to the database.• Select the database to use.• Build a SELECT statement.• Perform the query.• Display the results.We’l l walk through each of these steps for both plain PHP and PEAR functions.2 ResourcesWhen connecting to a MySQL database, you will use two new resources. The first is the link identifier that holds all of the information necessary to connect to the database for an active connection. The other resource is the results resource. It contains all information required to retrieve results from an active database query’s result set. You’ll be creating and assigning both resources in this chapter.3 Querying the Database with PHP FunctionsIn this section, we introduce how to connect to a MySQL database with PHP. It’s quite simple, and we’ll begin shortly with examples, but we should talk briefly about what actually happens. When you try connecting to a MySQL database, the MySQL server authenticates you based on your username and password. PHP handles connecting to the database for you, and it allows you to start performing queries and gathering data immediately.As in Chapter 8, we’ll need the same pieces of information to connect to the database: • The IP address of the database server• The name of the database• The username• The passwordBefore moving on, make sure you can log into your database using the MySQL command-line client.4 Including Database Login DetailsYou’re going to create a file to hold the information for logging into MySQL. Storing this information in a file you include is recommended. If you change the database password, there is only one place that you need to change it, regardless of how many PHP files you have that access the database.You don’t have to worry about anyone directly viewing the file and getting your database login details. The file, if requested by itself, is processed as a PHP file and returns a blank page.5 Troubleshooting connection errorsOne error you may get is:Fatal error: Call to undefined functionmysql_connect( ) in C:\Program Files\ApacheSoftware Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\db_test.php on line 4This error occurs because PHP 5.x for Windows was downloaded, and MySQL support was not included by default. To fix this error, copy the php_mysql.dll file from the ext/ directory of the PHP ZIP file to C:\php, and then C:\WINDOWS\php.ini.Make sure there are two lines that are not commented out by a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line like these:extension_dir = "c:/PHP/ext/"extension=php_mysql.dllThis will change the extension to include the directory to C:/php and include the MySQL extension, respectively. You can use the Search function of your text editorto check whether the lines are already there and just need to be uncommented, or whether they need to be added completely.You’ll need to restart Apache, and then MySQL support will be enabled.6 Selecting the DatabaseNow th at you’re connected, the next step is to select which database to use with the mysql_select_db command. It takes two parameters: the database name and,optionally, the database connection. If you don’t specify the database connection, the default is the connection from the last mysql_connect:// Select the database$db_select=mysql_select_db($db_database);if (!$db_select){die ("Could not select the database: <br />". mysql_error( ));}Again, it’s good practice to check for an error and display it every time you access the database.Now that you’ve got a good database connection, you’re ready to execute your SQL query.7 Building the SQL SELECT QueryBuilding a SQL query is as easy as setting a variable to the string that is your SQL query. Of co urse, you’ll need to use a valid SQL query, or MySQL returns with an error when you execute the query. The variable name $query is used since the name reflects its purpose, but you can choose anything you’d like for a variable name. The SQL query in this example is SELECT * FROM books.8 Executing the QueryTo have the database execute the query, use the mysql_query function. It takes two parameters—the query and, optionally, the database link—and returns the result. Save a link to the results in a variable called, you guessed it, $result! This is also a good place to check the return code from mysql_query to make sure that there were no errors in the query string or the database connection by verifying that $result is not FALSE:When the database executes the query, all of the results forma result set. These results correspond to the rows that you saw upon doing a query using the mysql command-line client. To display them, you process each row, one at a time.9 Fetching and DisplayingUse mysql_fetch_row to get the rows from the result set. Its syntax is:array mysql_fetch_row ( resource $result);It takes the result you stored in $result fromthe query as a parameter. It returns one row at a time from the query until there are no more rows, and then it returns FALSE. Therefore, you do a loop on the result of mysql_fetch_row and define some code to display each row:The columns of the result row are stored in the array and can be accessed one at a time. The variable $result_row accesses the second attribute (as defined in the query’s column order or the column order of the table if SELECT * is used) in the result row.10 Fetch typesThis is not the only way to fetch the results. Using mysql_fetch_array, PHP can place the results into an array in one step. It takes a result as its first parameter, and the way to bind the results as an optional second parameter. If MYSQL_ASSOC is specified, the results are indexed in an array based on their column names in the query. If MYSQL_NUM is specified, then the number starting at zero accesses the results. The default value, MYSQL_BOTH, returns a result array with both types. Themysql_fetch_assoc is an alternative to supplying the MYSQL_ASSOC argument.11 Closing the ConnectionAs a rule of thumb, you always want to close a connection to a database when you’redone using it. Closing a database with mysql_close will tell PHP and MySQL that you no longer will be using the connection, and will free any resources and memory allocated to it:mysql_close($connection)12 InstallingPEAR uses a Package Manager that oversees which PEAR features you install.Whether you need to install the Package Manager depends on which version of PHP you installed. If you’re running PHP 4.3.0 or newer, it’s already installed. If you’rerunning PHP 5.0, PEAR has been split out into a separate package. The DBpackage that you’re interested in is optional but installed by default with the Package Manager. So if you have the Package Manager, you’re all set.译文:通过PHP访问MySQL现在你已经可以熟练地使用MySQL客户端软件来操作数据库里的数据,我们也可以开始学习如何使用PHP来显示和修改数据库里的数据了。

基于PHPMySQL的网站开发在开始基于PHPMySQL的网站开发之前,首先需要准备一个支持PHP 和MySQL的环境。
在Windows、Mac和Linux系统上都有相应的PHP和MySQL 安装包可供选择。
在PHP中,可以使用MySQL扩展或者PDO(PHP数据对象)来连接MySQL 数据库。
例如,以下是一个使用PHP连接到MySQL 并执行SELECT查询的示例代码:$servername = "localhost";$username = "your_username";$password = "your_password";$dbname = "your_database";$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);if ($conn->connect_error) {die("连接失败: ". $conn->connect_error);$sql = "SELECT * FROM your_table";$result = $conn->query($sql);if ($result->num_rows > 0) {while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {echo "字段1:". $row["column1"]. " -字段2:". $row["column2"]. "<br>";除了查询数据之外,插入和更新数据也是基于PHPMySQL的网站开发中的常见操作。

基于PHP和MySQL技术的高校网站的设计与实现李子龙发布时间:2021-08-23T06:10:41.768Z 来源:《现代电信科技》2021年第8期作者:李子龙李爽[导读] 随着互联网进入2.0时代,网站做为网络信息的主要载体,越来越多的出现在网络环境中。
(长春财经学院吉林长春 130122)摘要:随着互联网进入2.0时代,网站做为网络信息的主要载体,越来越多的出现在网络环境中。

“logo XX学院XX UNIVERSITY毕业论文(设计)外文翻译翻译题目:通过PHP访问MySQL _英文题目:Getting PHP to Talk to MySQL姓名__________________学号__________________专业班级__________________指导教师__________________提交日期__________________教务处制通过PHP访问MySQL译文:现在你已经可以熟练地使用MySQL客户端软件来操作数据库里的数据,我们也可以开始学习如何使用PHP来显示和修改数据库里的数据了。
我们首先学习PHP内建的数据库函数,然后会学习PHP扩展和应用程序库(PEAR,PHP Extension and Application Repository )中的数据库函数,我们可以使用这些函数操作所有支持的数据库。
比如,MySQL特定的连接函数是: mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);而PEAR的DB提供的连接函数是:$connection =DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database" );两个命令都提供了同样的基本信息,但是PEAR的函数中还指定了要连接的数据库的类型。
MySQL和JSP的Web应用程序-外文翻译 (2篇)

外文翻译题目订单管理系统的设计与实现学生姓名申请学位门类工学学号 ************ 学院信息工程学院专业信息工程校内指导教师职称副教授信息工程学院二○一六年六月MySQL and JSP Web applicationsJSP developers encounter unique problems when building web applications that require intense database connectivity. MySQL and JSP Web Applications addresses the challenges of building data-driven applications based on the JavaServer Pages development model. MySQL and JSP Web Applications begins with an overview of the core technologies required for JSP database development--JavaServer Pages, JDBC, and the database schema. The book then outlines and presents an Internet commerce application that demonstrates concepts such as receiving and processing user input, designing and implementing business rules, and balancing the user load on the server. Through the JDBC (Java DataBase Connector), the developer can communicate with most commercial databases, such as Oracle. The solutions presented in MySQL and JSP Web Applications center on the open source tools MySQL and Tomcat, allowing the reader an affordable way to test applications and experiment with the book's examples.So What Is JSP All About?If you meet the requirements mentioned, you should already have a pretty good idea what the answer to this question is. JSP is all about doing highly object-oriented Web sites that can leverage all the best practices of modern software engineering. These practices include things such as SQL databases and UML-based design. This isn't to say that JSP is a cure-all and that using it will automatically make your Web site a paragon of engineering art. It's just as possible to design bad Web sites in JSP as with any other technology. That's why, as you go through the text, you will see how to incorporate the best practices and how to avoid the pitfalls of convenience when projects get stressful. JSP itself is an evolutionary step along the path that started with the first static Web servers, moved through CGI-enabled servers, and finally the first generation of script-enabled servers. JSP is less a Web server with a Java component than it is a Java engine that understands the Web.JSP grew out of Java servlets. Servlets allow the developer to handle the incoming Web requests using a Java program that has access to all the normal information that a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program would. In addition, the servlet has access to session-persistentobjects. These are Java objects that are associated with a specific user session and can be used to store state between requests. Servlet programming was a major step forward in allowing developers to write well-structured modular Web applications using an object-oriented language. It also solved the problem of state persistence, allowing more information to reside on the server during a transaction and less to have to pass back and forth between the user and the server. Servlets still suffered from one major problem. Because they eventually need to spit out HTML, the HTML coding had to be embedded in the servlet code. This led to code fragments like the one shown here:Out.println("<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Thank you forRegistering</TITLE></HEAD>\n");Out.println("<IMG SRC=\"thanks.jpg\" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100 ALIGN=\"LEFT\”>");This kind of embedding gets very old very fast when you have to code a lot of pages. In addition, having to escape all of the quotation marks can lead to a lot of confusing and hard-to-find errors if you leave out a backslash. Eventually, a still-better idea emerged. Suppose that you could combine the best of static HTML pages and with the interactive capabilities of servlets. The result was JavaServer Pages (on the Microsoft side, the result was Active Server Pages). As Figure I.1 shows, JSP is a complicated beast. In the next chapter, you'll walk through this flow in detail, but for the moment, here are the major steps:1. A request comes in from a browser using the normal HTTP request format.2. The Web server hands off the request to JSP. JSP looks at the filename and finds the appropriate JSP file.3. The .jsp file is converted into a .java file, containing Java code that will create a class whose name is derived from the .jsp filename.4. JSP then compiles the .java file using javac to produce a .class file. Note that the two previous steps are skipped if a .class file already exists and is newer than the .jsp file.5. An instance of the newly created class is instantiated and sent the _jspService message.6. The new instance looks to see if there is already an instance of the er object called user existing in the session object space for the currently connected user. If not, one is instantiated.7. As part of servicing stuff.jsp, the user instance is called with the getUserName() method.8. If the JSP processing requires access to information in a database, it uses JDBC to make theconnection and handle the SQL requests.As you can see, a tremendous amount of power is available in the JSP world. Developers are free to write Web pages that look mostly like HTML, except where callouts to Java are required. But, at the same time, they are free to develop fully fleshed-out object-oriented applications using all the features that Java can bring to bear. They also get all the benefits of servlets, including session persistence.Why Do We Need Databases?Well, one reason is so that Larry Ellison of Oracle can afford to keep himself on Prozac when he thinks about Bill Gates. A more serious answer is the same reason that drove man to first press a stick against a piece of wet mud: because it's good to write things down. Web servers are marvelous creatures, but they're a bit like idiot savants. Ask them to serve a Web page or run a piece of Java, and they perform like a champ. But start asking them to remember what they did five minutes ago, and they develop amnesia faster than a character in a soap opera.The first and most important reason that you use databases is that there's a lot in an e-commerce transaction that you need to remember and track:•A user's name, address, credit card, and other inf ormation previously entered on a registration page•hat the user might have put into a shopping cart and left from a previous transaction•What items are in stock, along with their price, description, and so on•Orders that need to be fulfilled, orders that have been shipped, and items that have been backordered .Now, you could store all this information in a flat file on the server's hard disk, but there are other important properties that you want to have for this data:•You want to be able to back o ut a transaction if part of it fails.•You want to be able to locate the data somewhere more secure than the Web server, which could be in a DMZ or outside the firewall altogether.•You want to be able to access data such as user data or products quickly, even if there are thousands or millions of them.When you add these items to the shopping list, only a relational database will really do thejob effectively.MySQLMany sites don't need the battleship strength (and price tag) of Oracle. MySQL is an open-source SQL database available for anyone to use, with many (although not all) of the features of its big brothers, such as Oracle.MySQL is available for just about any computer that has decent power—it is fairly lightweight on the processor and easy to install (10 minutes, as opposed to multiple hours for Oracle).So, perhaps you are wondering, what's the catch? What are you not getting in MySQL that makes people turn to Oracle? Well, MySQL is a neat little package, but it is missing some things that would be nice to have in a perfect world.A major feature that MySQL does not offer is database consistency checking. You can use foreign key tags in your schema, but MySQL cheerfully ignores them. A lot of DB As I know would consider this a very bad thing.A foreign key constraint prevents you from creating inconsistent data. For example, let's suppose that you had a scheme that looked like this:CREATE TABLE USER (USERID INTEGER,FIRST_NAME V ARCHAR(80),LAST_NAME V ARCHAR(80));CREATE TABLE PURCHASE (USERID FOREIGN KEY USER(USERID),ITEM INTEGER,QUANTITY INTEGER);In a database such as Oracle's, if you created an entry in the PURCHASE table with a user ID of 3, there would have to already be a user ID of 3 in the USER table or an error would occur. Similarly, you couldn't delete user 3 from USER if it was referenced in PURCHASE.The MySQL folks make a pretty impassioned argument in their documentation that depending on foreign keys for data integrity is a bad idea anyway, but convincing your DBA of this philosophyis likely to degrade into a religious debate.In addition, some other features are missing, such as subselects and select into. But probably the other major piece that you will miss is the rollback/commit functionality. MySQL does implement rollback and commit for certain types of tables, but not all of them. Again, the MySQL folks offer their own spin on why this is okay, but being able to roll back transactions is (in my opinion) important enough to make sure that you have it available.Rollback allows you to set a savepoint on the database before starting to do a series of transactions with it, and be able to either roll back to the original state or commit the changes at the end. For example, when recording a purchase, you need to record a debit against the user's account and enter a record into the shipping table so that you'll know later to ship the item. Let's say that the second part fails. You wouldn't want to charge the user but not ship the item. Thus, you'd want to roll back to the state before the transaction began.So, MySQL isn't a full-blown production database—at least, not yet. It's still good enough for probably 90% of the e-commerce sites in the world, however. And version 4.0, which is in alpha as of this writing, addresses a number of these concerns, including row-level locking and transaction control.Putting Tomcat and MySQL TogetherCombining Tomcat and MySQL provides a powerful, reliable, and free platform that you can use to learn, develop, and deploy JSP applications. And, best of all, the code that you develop using this platform will run nicely using iPlanet and Oracle or WebSphere and SQL Server.As a learning tool the two together are almost "reference implementations" of their respective protocols (JSP and SQL). As a result, you won't pick up any nasty vendor-proprietary bad habits while you're getting up to speed.In addition, you can enjoy the knowledge that you are supporting the open-source software movement. Open-source software is code that is made freely available under one of several public licenses, frequently the GNU General Public License (GPL).Why is it good to support this movement? There are two sides to this answer: one technical and one political. Technically, it's a good thing because open-source softwaretends to encourage the development of open standards such as JSP and JDBC, allowing youto choose your tools from among a larger group rather than being locked into one vendor's proprietary solution. It's a positive thing politically because it keeps the large companies honest. WebLogic and iPlanet have to stay competitive and responsive because they know that there's a free solution out there if they aren't. And when you use open-source software, you are sending a message that your overriding concerns are features and reliability, not having a large company to sue if something goes wrong.MySQL和JSP的Web应用程序JSP开发人员构建Web应用程序时遇到需要强大的数据库连接的特殊问题。

图 1 B /S 模式三层 网络体系结构
院校的就业网络 , 用户主要面向广大毕业生和用人单位, 涉及的人员文化层次多 , 专业知识各有所 长 , 计算机应用水平也不尽相同 , 为了保证本网站系统的方便易用性、 通用兼容性 , 本网站系统的总体结 构即采用 B / S 模式的三层网络体系结构。 1 . 2 PH P 技术 PH P 是一种公开源代码、 运行在服务器端的嵌入式脚本语言 , 允许程序员将 PH P 语言嵌入 HTML 文件当中, 并且 PH P对不同的技术提供了编程环境与接口, 利用它可以方便地开发各种功能完备、 交互 性强的动态页面 , 为网站建设提供了简单、 实用的解决方案。 1) PHP 的工作过程。用户通过客户端浏览器向 W eb 服务器发出请求 ; W eb 服务器对客户的请求进
2 . 3 使用 PH P访问 M ySQL 数据库的方法 PH P 对数据库的操作分为如下 4 个步骤 : 建立与数据库的连接; 提交 SQL 查询语句; 根据数据库操 作结果返回相应的内容; 关闭与数据库的连接。主要涉及到的函数有: mysql_connec, t m ysq l_select_db , m ysql_query, m ysql_fetch_row, m ysql_close 。下面一段代码说明 PH P 访问 M ySQL数据库的过程。 ∀∀ $ linkid= m ysql_connect( $ server , $ nam e , $ pw d); / /建立与数据库服务器的连接 if(! $ database= m ysql_se lect_db( $ tab le , $ lin kid) ); / /选择数据库 die( 无法连接数据库 ! ! ) ; / /无 法连接, 终止程序 ∀∀ $ ow ner= $ _COOK IE[ lo g in _nam e] ; / /发 布者 $ title= chop( $ _POST [ tit le] ); / /标题 $ content= $ _POST [ conten t] ; / /文 章内容 $ type= $ _POST [ type] ; / /关 健字 $ ti m es= 0 ; / /初始浏览次数 $ result= m ysq l_query( in sert in to ne w s( id , title , conten, t type , ow ner , date , ti m es) values( ,'' $ ' t itle,' ' $ content, ' $ ' type, ' $ ' ow ner, ' now ( ) , $ ' ti m es)' !, $ link id ) ; / /向 数据表中写入一条记录 , 增加一条信息 ∀∀ ( 下转第 36 页 ) 31

很多企业为提升企业核⼼竞争⼒,扩⼤企业社会影响⼒>> 基于PHP的MYSQL数据库访问研究基于PHP语⾔访问MySQL数据库的实现基于PHP语⾔的MySQL数据库的多种输出⽅案基于Linux平台Apache\PHP\MySQL数据库的WEB商务系统设计基于PHP语⾔+MYSQL数据库的教务管理系统分析基于PHP和MySQL的天津⽂化艺术资源数据库的设计与实现⽤PHP实现对MySQL数据库的备份与还原基于MySQL数据库的在线选课系统基于C语⾔访问的MySQL数据库 MySQL数据库索引的研究基于MySQL数据库的数据管理的研究基于MySQL数据库结构设计基于Mysql和SQL server数据库安全分析基于MySQL的学⽣操⾏管理数据库的设计浅析MySQL数据库基于访问范围的外部安全性机制基于MYSQL的学⽣信息管理系统数据库设计基于Ice的分布式MySQL数据库服务设计基于Mysql数据库的图书管理系统安全稳定性研究 MYSQL数据库⾃动测评系统的研究浅析MYSQL数据库的备份与恢复常见问题解答当前所在位置:l”或者是 “.htm”的⽂件后缀时,能够直接在浏览器中显⽰出来[2]。
1.2 PHP语⾔的优点相对来说,PHP语⾔主要具有以下五⽅⾯的优点:(1)作为开源软件,PHP语⾔在使⽤上属于免费应⽤,不管是企业还是个⼈在开发应⽤时,都⽆需⽀付费⽤,能够有利于降低各项开发资⾦的投⼊;(2)从编程⽅⾯来讲,PHP语⾔同c语⾔具有⼀定的相似性,更加便于开发⼈员进⾏操作,简单易⾏;(3)PHP语⾔具有宽阔的使⽤空间,特别是在⾏业⽹站建设中,其备受业内⼠⼈所关注,⽆论是⼩型⽹站还是⼤型⽹站,都会在⽹站开发建设中采取PHP语⾔;(4)现阶段,PHP语⾔发展势头迅猛,速度⾮常之快,在进⾏补丁漏洞升级过程中,很容易就能够在核⼼部分进⾏植⼊;(5)PHP语⾔在扩展⽅⾯同样优越,能够同数据库进⾏充分的调取,简洁⽅便,易于操作,执⾏效率较⾼[3]-[6]。

采用B/S模式进行访问,系统数据库服务器端采用的是开发源代码的数据库服务器软件系统(MY SQL),这有利于提高批量数据的吞吐时间,使整个系统管理规范化;应用服务器端采用可扩展的通用组件对象模型计算模式,采用分模块层次结构,多模块分立,允许系统进行分布式并行处理来提高系统的工作效率。
php和mysql web开发外文翻译 (2)

外文翻译-原文部分Laura Thomson php and mysql web develop PHP is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages It has evolved to include a command line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.While PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the main implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standiird for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free software released under the PHP License, however it is incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL), due to restrictions on the usage of the term PHP.PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can be million websites and 1 million web servers.PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, It began in 1994 as a set of Common Gateway Interface binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish/Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. Lerdorf initially created these Personal Home Page Tools to replace a small set of Perl scripts he had been using to maintain his personal homepage. The tools were used to perform tasks such as displaying his rdsum^ and recording how much traffic his page was receiving. He combined these binaries with his Fonn Interpreter to create PHP/FI, which had more functionality. PHP/FI included a larger implementation for the C programming language and could communicate with databases, enabling the building of simple, dynamic web applications. lerdorf released PHP publicly on June 8,1995 to accelerate bug location and improve the code.This release was named PHP version 2 and already had the basic functionality that PHP has today. This included Perl-like variables, form handling, and the ability to embed HTML. The syntax was similar to Perl but was more limited, simpler, and less consistent.Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans,two Israeli developers at the Technion IIT,rewrote the parser in 1997 and formed the base of PHP 3, changing the language's name to the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997 after months of beta testing. Afterwards, public testing of PHP 3 began, and the official launch came in June 1998. wSuraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP's core, producing the Zend Engine in 1999. They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel.On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1 •0, was released. On July 13, 2004, PHP 5 was released, powered by the new Zend Engine II. PHP 5 included new features such as improved support for object-oriented programming, the PHP DataObjects extension (which defines a lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases), and numerous performance enhancements. The most recent update released by The PHP Group is for the older PHP version 4 code branch. As of August, 2008 this branch is up to version 4.4.9. PHP 4 is no longer under development nor will any security updates be released.In 2008, PHP 5 became the only stable version under development. Late static binding has been missing from PHP and will be added in version 5.3. PHP 6 is under development alongside PHP 5. Major changes include the removal of register_globals,magic quotes, and safe mode. The reason for the removals was because register_globals had given way to security holes,and magic quotes had an unpredictable nature, and was best avoided. Instead, to escape characters, magic quotes may be substituted with the addslashes() function, or more appropriately an escape mechanism specific to the database vendor itself like mysql_rcal_escape_string() for MySQL.PHP does not have complete native support for Unicode or multibyte strings; Unicode support will be included in PHP 6. Many high profile open source projects ceased to support PHP 4 in new code as of February 5, 2008, due to the Go PHP 5 initiative, provided by a consortium of PHP developers promoting the transition from PHP 4 to PHP 1397 It runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments, but on Windows the only official distribution is 32-bit, requiring Windows 32-bit compatibility mode to be enabled while using IIS in a 64-bit Windows environment. There is a third-partydistribution available for 64-bit Windows.PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on most web servers, many operating systems and platforms, and can be used with many relational database management systems. It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.PHP primarily acts as a filter, taking input from a file or stream containing text and/or PHP instructions and outputs another stream of data; most commonly the output will be HTML. It can automatically detect the language of the user. From PHP 4, the PHP parser compiles input to produce bylecode for processing by the Zend Engine, giving improved performance over its interpreter predecessor.Originally designed to create dynamic web pages,PHP’s principal focus is server-side scripting, and it is similar to other server-side scripting languages that provide dynamic content from a web server to a client, such as Microsoft’s Active Server Pages, Sun Microsystems1 JavaServer Pages, and mod_perl. PHP has also attracted the development of many frameworks that provide building blocks and a design structure to promote rapid application development (RAD). Some of these include CakePHP, Symfony, Codeigniter, and Zend Framework, offering features similar to other web application frameworks-The LAMP architecture has become popular in the web industry as a way of deploying vveb applications. PHP is commonly used as the P in this bundle alongside Linux, Apache and MySQL, although the P may also refer to Python or Perl.As of April 2007, over 20 million Internet domains were hosted on servers with PHP installed, and PHP was recorded as the most popular Apache module. Significant websites arc written in PHP including the user-facing portion of Faccbook, Wikipedia , PHP can be used to create stand-alone, compiled applications and libraries, it can be used for shell scripting, and the PHP binaries can be called from the command line.As with many scripting languages,PHP scripts are normally kept as human-readable source code, even on production web servers. In this case, PHPscripts will he compiled at runtime by the PHP engine, which increases their execution time. PHP scripts are able to be compiled before runtime using PHP compilers as with other programming languages such as C (the language PHP and its extensions are written in).Code optimizers aim to reduce the computational complexity of the compiled code by reducing its size and making other changes that can reduce the execution time with the overall goal of improving performance. The nature of the PHP compiler is such that there are often opportunities for code optimization, and an example of a code optimizer is the Zend Optimizer PHP extension.Another approach for reducing overhead for high load PHP servers is using PHP accelerators. These can offer significant performance gains by caching the compiled form of a PHP script in shared memory to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling the code every time the script runs.The National Vulnerability Database stores all vulnerabilities found in computer software. The overall proportion of PHP-related vulnerabilities on the database amounted to: 12% in 2003, 20% in 2004, 28% in 2005, 43% in 2006, 36% in 2007, and 35% in 2008. Most of these PHP-related vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely: they allow hackers to steal or destroy data from data sources linked to the Webserver (such as an SQL database),send spam or contribute to DOS attacks using malware,which itself can be installed on the vulnerable servers.These vulnerabilities arc caused mostly by not following best practice programming rules: technical security flaws of the language itself or of its core libraries are not frequent. Recognizing that programmers cannot be trusted, some languages include taint checking to detect automatically the lack of input validation which induces many issues. Such a feature is being developed for PHP. Allhough it may be included in mainstream PHP in a future release, its inclusion has been rejected several times in the past.Hosting PHP applications on a server requires a careful and constant attention to deal with these security risks. There are advanced protection patches such as vSuhosin and Hardening-Patch, especially designed for web hosting environments. Installing PHP as a CGI binary rather than as an Apache module is the preferred method foradded security.With respect to securing the code itself, PHP code can be obfuscated to make it difficult to read while remaining functional.Syntax-highlighted PHP code embedded within HTMLPHP only parses code within its delimiters. Anything outside its delimiters is sent directly to the output and is not parsed by PHP. The most common delimiters are <?php and ?>, which are open and close delimiters respectively.〈script language="php"> and </script> delimiters are also available. Short tags can be used to start PHP code, <? or <?= (which is used to echo back a string or variable) and the tag to end PHP code, ?>. These tags arc commonly used,but like ASP-style tags (<% or <%= and %>),they are less portable as they can be disabled in the PHP configuration. For this reason, the use of short tags and ASP-style tags is discouraged. The puipose of these delimiters is to separate PHP code from non-PHP code,including HTML.Variables arc prefixed with a dollar symbol and a type docs not need to be specified in advance. Unlike function and class names, variable names are case sensitive. Both double-quoted (“”) and heredoc strings allow the ability to embed a variable's value into the string. PHP treats newlines as whitespace in the manner of a free-form language (except when inside string quotes), and statements are terminated by a semicolon. PHP has three types of comment syntax: /* */ serves as block comments, and // as well as # are used for inline comments. The echo statement is one of several facilities PHP provides to output text (e.g. to a web browser).In terms of keywords and language syntax, PHP is similar to most high level languages that follow the C style syntax. If conditions, for and while loops, and function returns arc similar in syntax to languages such as C, C++, Java and Perl.PHP stores whole numbers in a platform-dependent range. This range is typically that of 32-bit signed integers. Unsigned integers are converted values in certain situations; this behavior is different from other programming languages.Integer variables can be assigned using decimal (positive and negative), octal, and hexadecimal notations- Floating point numbers arc also stored in a platform-specific range. They can be specified using floating point notation, or two forms of scientific notation. PHP has a native Boolean type that is similar to the native Boolean types inJava and C++. Using the Boolean type conversion rules,non-zero values are interpreted as true and zero as false, as in Perl and C++.The null dala type represents a variable that has no value. The only value in the null data type is NULL. Variables of the nresourceM type represent references to resources from external sources. These are typically created by functions from a particular extension, and can only be processed by functions from the same extension; examples include file, image, and database resources. Arrays can conlain elements of any type thal PHP can handle, including resources, objects, and even other arrays. Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and values, and the two can be intermingled. PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single quotes, double quotes, or heredoc syntax.The Standard PHP Library (SPL) attempts to solve standard problems and implemenls efficient data access interfaces and classes.PHP has hundreds of base functions and thousands more via extensions. These functions are well documented on the PHP site, but unfortunately, the built-in library has a wide variety of naming conventions and inconsistencies. PHP currently has no functions for thread programming.Functions are not first-class functions and can only be referenced by their name—directly or dynamically by a variable containing the name of the function.User-defined functions can be created at any time without being prototyped. Functions can be defined inside code blocks, permitting a run-time decision as to whether or not a function should be defined. Function calls must use parentheses, with the exception of zero argument class constructor functions called with the PHP new operator, where parentheses are optional. PHP supports quasi-anonymous functions through the create_function() function, although they are not true anonymous functions because anonymous functions are nameless, but functions can only be referenced by name, or indirectly through a variable $runction_name(); in PHP.PHP gained support for first-class functions and closures. True anonymous functions are supported using the following syntax:function getAdder($x){return function ($y) use ($x) {return $x + $y;};}Sadder = getAdder(8);echo $adder(2); // prints ”10"Here, gctAddcr() function creates a closure using parameter $x (keyword “use” forces getting variable from context), which, etc. For more details see Lambda functions and closures RFC.Basic object-oriented programming functionality was added in PHP 3 and improved in PHP 4.|3| Object handling was completely rewritten for PHP 5, expanding the feature set and enhancing performance. In previous versions of PHP, objects were handled like primitive types. The drawback of this method was that the whole object was copied when a variable was assigned or passed as a parameter to a method. In the new approach, objects are referenced by handle, and not by value. PHP 5 introduced private and protecled member variables and methods, along with abstract classes and final classes as well as abstract methods and final methods. It also introduced a standard way of declaring constructors and destructors, similar to that of other object-oriented languages such as C++, and a standard exception handling model. Furthermore, PHP 5 added interfaces and allowed for multiple interfaces to be implemented. There are special interfaces that allow objects to interact with the runtime system. Objects implementing ArrayAcccss can be used with array syntax and objects implementing Iterator or IteratorAggregate can be used with the foreach language construct. There is no virtual table feature in the engine, so static variables are bound with a name instead of a reference at compile time.If the developer creates a copy of an object using the reserved word clone, the Zend engine will check if a _clonc() method has been defined or not. If not, it will call a default _clone() which will copy the object's properties. If a _clone() method is defined, then it will be responsible for setting the necessary properties in the created object. For convenience, the engine will supply a function that imports the properties of the source object, so that the programmer can start with a by-value replica of thesource object and only override properties that need to be changed.PHP includes free and open source libraries with the core build. PHP is a fundamentally Internet-aware system with modules built in for accessing.FTP servers, many database servers, embedded SQL libraries such as embedded PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite, LDAP servers, and others. Many functions familiar to C programmers such as those in the stdio family are available in the standard PHP build. PHP has traditionally used features such as ’’magic_quotes_gpc” and “magic_quotcs_runti me” whic h attempt to escape apostrophes (‘) and quotes (‘’) in strings in the assumption that they will be used in databases, to prevent SQL injection attacks. This leads to confusion over which data is escaped and which is not, and to problems when data is not in fact used as input to a database and when the escaping used is not completely correct.|68| To make code portable between servers which do and do not use magic quotes, developers can preface their code with a script to reverse the effect of magic quotes when it is applied.PHP allows developers to write extensions in C to add functionality to the PHP language. These can then be compiled into PHP or loaded dynamically at runtime. Extensions have been written to add support for the Windows API, process management on Unix-likc operating systems, multibytc strings (Unicode), cURL, and several popular compression formats. Some more unusual features include integration with Internet Relay Chat, dynamic generation of images and Adobe Flash content, and even speech synthesis. The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) project is a repository for extensions to the PHP language.Zend provides a certification exam for programmers to become certified PHP developers.外文翻译-译文部分php和mysql web开发PHP是最初设计用于生成动态网页的脚本语言,它已经演变成包括命令行界面功能,可以在独立的图形应用程序中使用。

Design and Implementation of the Website Based onPHP&MYSQLAbstractPHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free and open source.The authors have discussed the environmental issues in development process based on PHP and MYSQL and the implementation process of the website. KeywordsPHP;MYSQL;Development and.Implementation1.INTRODUCTIONWith the development of Web technology,it is inevitable choice for all kind of corporate growth to combine traditional marketing with network marketing.The effective method of network marketing is to establish the website which is suitable for their company.At present the website development's mainstream platform includes: LAMP(Linux operating system,Apache network server,MYSQL database,PHP programming language),J2EE commercial software.Because PHP and MYSQL is free,open source and so on,they are noted for IT professionals.From the perspective of website traffic,more than70%of website traffic is provided with LAMP,which is most popular platform for developing the website.In this paper,we designed a website based on PHP and MYSQL.The paper is organized as follows.Section1analyzes development environment.In Section2, we proposed the development model based on PHP.Then case study in Section4.we make conclusion In Section5.2.DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ANALYSISA.The Choice of Development Language,PHP&JSP are three mainstream languages of the website development,which have their advantages and disadvantages respectively,the comparison between them is shown in Table1.The project takes PHP as the development language,the reason is as follows:•Free.The project is small,which is no need to use the payment development platform such as and JSP.•Strong supporting.Middle and small scale websites,even some large-scale websites such as baidu,Sina in China take PHP as the development language,which can contribute to solve the problem during the programming.•Good portability.Although it is designed to use in the environment of Linux and Apache Web server system at first,now PHP is already transplanted any operating system and compatible standard Web server software.•Simple grammar.PHP has many similarities with the C programming language, so it is easy to program using PHP for the C programmers.•Rapid development.Because the source code is open,PHP will continue todevelop rapidly.B.Build Development EnvironmentAt present there are many development platform based on PHP.Generally most developers like the development environment LAMP.Those who have certain development experience can set up their development platform by choosing the related server,DBMS,and operating system.There are some PHP IDE(integrated development environment)such as AMPSERV,WAMP,XMAPP,APPSERV, PHPSTUDY in the market for the developers develop the website by using PHP.At present the main PHP IDE is Zend Studio,which has included developing components for PHP.It reduces the development time and simplifies the complex application plan during edition,debugging,analysis and optimization.The Zend Studio not only has code for high measurement,grammar shrinking automatically and bookmark,but also its embedded debugger which fits for local and remote debugging patterns.It is many high debugging functions such as variable tracking,Single-step operation,breakpoint,function calling,and so on.Moreover,it is also very stable in supporting Chinese for the latest version.C.Notes in Building the Development EnvironmentThose who are unfamiliar with the development environment do not set it up by himself for it may cause a conflict between various edition,moreover it is very difficult to solve the complex configuration problem.•PHP language version.Before development,you must ensure consistence of the edition between PHP language and the server.Now PHP mainly has two editions (PHP4and PHP5).The different versions have the difference with SESSION, exception handling,the variable range,the data type and so on.•Server problem.The program which is edited with PHP in the windows platform will be arranged on the apache server.If it is arranged on IIS it leads to some incompatible problems and some update by manual such as writable rights is set up before uploading the document.There are not these problems if it is arranged on the apache server.•Database problem.DBMS using with PHP has MYSQL,ORACLE and so on. MYSQL is welcomed by most of the developers for it is open source,free,and efficient.MYSQL is perfect database server software for medium and small application system.Besides standard ANSI SQL,it also supports many platforms. On the Unix/Linux system,MYSQL also supports the multi-thread.MYSQL becomes the first choice of middle and small level PHP website for it is open source and it provides a series of supports such as read-write access.3.THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL BASED ON PHPPHP becomes the main development language in the small and medium-sized enterprise website for it is free,open source,etc.The development step is as follows: A.Demand analysisThere are various demands for a website project.Those demands often stem from or company oneself needs,most of which is the actual needs of customers.What extent the project leaders understand the user's needs has decided whether is successor failure in developing the website.Therefore user's needs in the form of document can clearly be transformed into all project development members,which is the main problem during the project development.Besides basic user's needs,there are some problems as follows are needed to notice:•The demand should be confirmed by way of the document.•The feasibility and price of their demands are informed to the demand side after effective analysis and discussion.B.Functional module designThe demand report will be organized as some modules according to the principles of high cohesion and low coupling and related experience by the website developers.C.Database design and implementationIt contains the demand analysis,the concept design,the logical design,the physical design,the system implementation,the operation and the maintenance.The following problems should be paid attention to during the database design and implementation:Database security[5]:The database is the core of website,in which the data security is very important.The damage and lose or illegal duplication of data can cause a lot of trouble,moreover the mistake is very difficult to restore.MYSQL security measures are as follows:•Account security:Each account of MYSQL is composed of user name, password as well as the position,which includes reasonable rights and security check.The reasonable rights demand that there are different rights for the different account and as identical user there are different rights for different database or data sheet.There are three different security checks in the MYSQL:register confirmation, authorization,access control.•Stored data encryption[6]:for the massive information in application program, you only want to encrypt a very small part of it,such as user password.These passwords should not store in the form of plaintext but encryption in the database.In general,the sensitive data is encrypted by Hash algorithm in most DBMS including MYSQL.The database character set and coding[7]:The default code used in web server software installed,like Apache,is not UTF-8.The webpage is normally browsed when we input data into table coded in UTF-8,but Chinese in phpMyAdmin turns into messy code.The solution is that the default code in MYSQL turned into UTF-8 or the data code(UTF-8)is assigned when the database is connected[8].D.The Functional Module ImplementationA few codes,detailed annotation and standardized writing are demanded during functional module implementation.The goal is high reusability,high reliability,efficiency,high security and so on.4.CASE STUDYThe authors developed the consult website(ZhuoQi,domain name address is/)based on PHP.ZhuoQi mainly includes nine modules, such as the retrieval module,the expert consult module,the issue maintenance module, the member interaction module,the problem discussion module,the documents browsing module,the registration module,the help module and other auxiliary modules.Each module consists of a large number of functional modules,for example, retrieval module in the website ZhuoQi mainly consists of the front module,input check module,matching search module,and display return module,etc.The front code in implementing retrieval module.The specific process is that the user input the related retrieval information into the search box,then the information will be sent to the end processing page after the button“retrieval”is pressed.The information inputted is checked by calling the end code.If which is valid,the results matched successfully will be displayed in the predetermined format after matching between the information inputted and the information in the database.5.CONCLUSIONPHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free,open source,high reliability,portability.REFERENCES[1]LAMP./view/365086.htm?fr=ala0_1_1.4(In Chinese).[2]Guo Liang,Gao Hui.The research on comparison between ASP,and JSP Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information.2007,(17):80(In Chinese).[3]Zhang parative Analysis between ,PHP and JSP. Friend of Science Amateurs.2008,(33):132-133(In Chinese).[4]Zend Studio 5.5.1Integrated Development Environment Series. /zend-studio-tutorial/.2010-5-4(In Chinese)[5]Xu Baomin.Programming Fundamentals and Applications Examples on PHP. Beijing:Posts and Telecom Press,2001(In Chinese).[6]Leon Atkinson.PHP Core Programming.Beijing:Tsinghua university press, 2000(In Chinese).[7]Ashish Daniel Wilfred.PHP professional development project examples.Beijing: China WaterPower Press,2003.(In Chinese).[8]UTF8Chinese Messy Code in the phpMyAdmin./?p=289.2010-5-4.(In Chinese).。

PHP作为一种流行的服务器端脚本语言,具有简单易学、功能强大、跨平台兼容等特点,在Web 开发领域得到了广泛应用。
语法和结构:PHP的语法和结构类似于C和Perl,采用类似HTML 的标记语言。

些专题网站。 在资源共享功能实现中, 应当提高资源使用效率 , 借
台, 便于 用 户 搜 索所 需 资 源 。 将 各 种学 习资 源 进行 分 类 , 可 以 按 照资 助站内搜索技术和互联 网搜索引擎技术 , 为学生提供完善的资源环 源属性 , 如文档类资源、 图片类资源 、 视频类资源等等 , 或者按照教 境 。 同时 , 资源共享本身也是一个持续性 的过程 , 管理人员应当长时 学内容进行分类。 站内资源还可以为学生提供一些优秀的设计方案 期 的进行资源引进和更新。 成果 , 将这 些成果 的网页设计与制作方案 。 资源 共享 功能模块设计 需要针对 网站功能特点和用户使用情况进行相应的资源优化 , 例如 3结语 基 ̄ I = P HP Y g l My S Q L 构建网页设计与制作专题类学习网站 , 应当 针对不 同学习基 础的用户提供 不同层次 的学 习资源等等 详尽分析 网站的需求 , 包括功能需求 、 硬件需求 、 系统需 求等等 , 在 1 . 4 站 外 资 源链 接 进行相应的功能模块设计 和优化 。 主要的功能 在网页设计与制作类专题学 习网站功设计中, 站外资源是一个 分析需 求的基础上 , 网站信息公布模块 、 资源共享 模 重要 的学 习资源补充途径 , 用户在使用站内资源时 , 也需要进 行相 模块有用户登录和注册功能模块 、
进行数据备份 , 一般 数据 库的管理权限为网站管理人员 。 2 . 2信 息管理 功 能 实现 信息管理功能主要是实 现网站基本 的信息公布 、 信息删除和修 改、 重大信息警示 等等 , 同时还包括用 户个 人信息的录入 、 修改等 等。 信息管理权 限由两部分组成 , 分别是 网站管理人员的信息管理 功能权限和访 问者的信 息管理功能权 限。 信息管理 人员所主要管理 的信息为网站公布信息和一些动态资源信息 , 而访 问者所使用的信 息管理功能为个人信息管理和个人资源信息管理 。 例如访 问者在利 用网站资源进行学 习时, 需要更改个人资源数据库 , 不定时的删 除 资源和添加新资源 , 构建成个人知识管理系统。 而网站管理人员 , 在

设置PHP开发环境外文翻译(绿皮书)大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译外文原文Setting Up the PHP Development EnvironmentGetting a working development environment put together can be intimidating, especially for the absolute beginner.To follow along with the project in this boo k, you’ll need to have access to a workinginstallation of Apache, PHP, and MySQL, preferably on your local machine. It’s alwaysdesirable to test locally, both for speed and security. Doing this both shelters your work-in-progress from the open Internet and decreases the amount of time spent uploading files to an FTP server and waitingfor pages to reload.Why You Need Apache, MySQL, and PHPPHP is a powerful scripting language that can be run by itself inthe command line of any computer with PHP installed. However, PHP alone isn't enough in order to build dynamic web sites. To use PHP on a web site, you need a server that can process PHP scripts. Apache is a free web server that, once installed on a computer, allows developers to test PHP scripts locally; this makes it an invaluable piece of your local development environment.Additionally, dynamic websites are dependent on stored information that can be modified quickly and easily; this is the main difference between a dynamic site and a static HTML site. However, PHP doesn’t provide a simple, efficient way to store data. This is wherea relational database management system like MySQL comes into play. This book’s examples rely on MySQL; I chose this database because PHP provides native support for it and the database is free, open-source project.It runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments, but on Windows the only official distribution is 32-bit, requiring Windows 32-bit compatibility mode to be enabled while using IIS in a 64-bit Windows environment. There is a third-party distribution available for 64-bit Windows. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on most web servers, many operating systems and platforms, and can be used with many relational database management systems. It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use. PHP primarily acts as a filter, taking input from a file1大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译or stream containing text and/or PHP instructions and outputsanother stream of data; most commonly the output will be HTML. It can automatically detect the language of the user. From PHP 4, the PHP parser compiles input to produce byte code for processing by the Zend Engine, giving improved performance over its interpreter predecessor At the time I write this, PHP 5.2.9 is the latest stable release available, but versions 5.3 and 6 are both scheduled for release in the near future. PHP 4 is still in use on a number of servers, but support has been discontinued. Many hosting companies let developer use either PHP 4 or PHP 5 on their sites.PHP OriginPHP originally stood for “Personal Home Page” and was released as a free, open source project. It began in 1994 as a set of Common Gateway Interface binaries written in the C programming language by theDanish/Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. Lerdorf initially created these Personal Home Page Tools to replace a small set of Perl scripts he had been using to maintain his personal homepage. The tools were used to perform tasks such as displaying his résumé and recording how muchtraffic his page was receiving. He combined these binaries with his Form Interpreter to create PHP/FI, which had more functionality. PHP/FI included a larger implementation for the C programming language and could communicate with databases, enabling the building of simple, dynamic web applications. Lerdorf released PHP publicly on June 8, 1995 to accelerate bug location and improve the code. This release was namedPHP version 2 and already had the basic functionality that PHP has today. This included Perl-like variables, form handling, and the ability to embed HTML. The syntax was similar to Perl but was more limited, simpler, and less consistent. Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, two Israeli developers at the Technion IIT, rewrote the parser in 1997 and formedthe base of PHP 3, changing the language's name to the recursiveinitialism PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor. The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997 after months of beta testing. Afterwards, public testing of PHP 3 began, and the official launch came in June 1998. Suraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP's core, producing the Zend Engine in 1999. They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel. On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered bythe Zend Engine 1.0, was released. On July 13, 2004, PHP 5 was released, powered by the new Zend Engine II. PHP 5 included new features such as improved support for object-oriented programming, the PHP Data Objects extension (which defines a lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases), and numerous performance enhancements. The most recent update released by The PHP Group is for the older PHP version 4 code branch. As of August, 2008 this branch is2大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译up to version 4.4.9. PHP 4 is no longer under development nor willany security updates be released. In 2008, PHP 5 became the only stable version under development. Late static binding has been missing from PHPand will be added in version 5.3. PHP 6 is under development alongside PHP 5. Major changes include the removal of register_globals, magic quotes, and safe mode. The reason for the removals was becauseregister_globals had given way to security holes, and magic quotes had an unpredictable nature, and was best avoided. Instead, to escape characters, magic quotes may be substituted with the addslashes() function, or more appropriately an escape mechanism specific to the database vendor itself like mysql_real_escape_string() for MySQL.How PHP WorksPHP is generally used as a server-side scripting language; it is especially well-suited for creating dynamic web pages. The scripting language features integrated support for interfacing with databases such as MySQL, which makes it a prime candidate for building all manner of web applications, from simple personal web sites to complex enterprise-level applications. Unlike HTML, which is parsed by a browser when a page loads, PHP is preprocessed by the machine that serves the document (this machine is referred to as a server). All PHP code contained with the document is processed by the server before the document is sent to the visitor’s browser. PHP is a scripted language, which is another great advantage for PHP programmers. Many programming languages require that you compile files into machine code before they can be run, which is a time-consuming process. Bypassing the need to compile means you’re able to edit and test code much more quickly. Because PHP is a server-side language, running PHP scripts on your local machine requiresinstalling a server on your local machine, as well. The examples in this book rely on the Apache web server to deliver your web pages.Serving web pages with Apache HTTP Server is the most popular web server on the web; it hosts nearly half of all web sites that exist today. Apache is an open-source project that runs on virtually all available operating systems.1 Apache server is a community-driven project, with many developers contributing to i ts progress. Apache’s open-source roots also meansthat the software is available free of charge, which probably contributes heavily to Apache’soverwhelming popularity relative to its competitors, including Microsoft’s IIS and Google’sGWS, among others. On the Apache web site (), Apache HTTP Server is described as “an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient, and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current3大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译HTTP standards.”Installing PHPApache, and MySQL (the Hard Way).One of the biggest hurdles for new programmers is starting. Before you can write your first line of PHP,you must first download Apache and PHP, and usually MySQL, and thenfight through installation instructions that are full of technicaljargon you might not understand yet. This experience can leave many developers feeling unsure of themselves, doubting whether they have installed the required software correctly. In my own case, this hurdle kept me from learning programming for months, even though I desperately wanted to move beyond plain ol’ HTML. I unsuccessfully attempted to install PHP on my local machine not once, but three different times before I was able to run my first PHP command successfully.Fortunately, the development community has responded to thefrustration of beginning developers with several options that take all the pain out of setting up your development environment, whether you create applications for Windows, Mac, or Linux machines. These options include all-in-one solutions for setting up Apache, MySQL, and PHP installations. The most common all-in-one solution is a program called “XAMPP”, which rolls Apache,MySQL, PHP, and a few other useful tools together into one easy installer. XAMPP is free and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, so this book assumes you will use it as your development environment.Keywords and Language syntaxAs with many scripting languages, PHP scripts are normally kept as human-readable source code, even on production web servers. In this case, PHP scripts will be compiled at runtime by the PHP engine, which increases their execution time. PHP scripts are able to be compiledbefore runtime using PHP compilers as with other programming languages such as C (the language PHP and its extensions are written in). Code optimizersPHP is similar to most high level languages that follow the C style syntax. If conditions, for and while loops, and function returns are similar in syntax to languages such as C, C++, Java and Perl. PHP stores whole numbers in a platform-dependent range. This range is typicallythat of 32-bit signed integers. Unsigned integers are converted valuesin certain situations; this behavior is different from other programming languages. Integer variables can be assigned using decimal (positive and negative), octal, and hexadecimal notations. Floating point numbers are also stored in a platform-specific range. They can be specified using floating point notation, or two forms of scientific notation. PHP has a native Boolean type that4大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译is similar to the native Boolean types in Java and C++. Using the Boolean type conversion rules, non-zero values are interpreted as true and zero as false, as in Perl and C++. The null data type represents a variable that has no value. The only value in the null data type is NULL. Variables of the “resource” t ype represent references to resourcesfrom external sources.These are typically created by functions from a particular extension, and can only be processed by functions from the same extension; examplesinclude file, image, and database resources. Arrays can contain elements of any type that PHP can handle, including resources, objects, and even other arrays. PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single quotes, double quotes, or heredoc syntax.Server-Side vs. Client-Side ScriptingThe Internet features two main kinds of scripting: server-side and client-side. Client-side scripting is comprised mainly of JavaScript, which is responsible for many of the web features that you can actually see happening, such as pop-up windows, some animations, and other site features like drop-down menus. The reason this is called “client-side” scriptingbecause the code is executed on the user’s machine, after the page has been loaded. Usingclient-side scripts enables you to make changes to a page without requiring a page refresh; it also facilitates initial form validation and simplifies making improvements to the user interface. However, using client-side scripts requires that the users have JavaScript turned on or that their browsers support the script you have written. This means you should not use client-side scripts for user authentication or the handling of anything sensitive, due to the user’s ability to modifyand/or disable your client-side scripts.Server-side scripting is performed on the site`s hosting server before the page isdelivered to the user. This means that any changes that must be made by the script require a page refresh. Using server-side scripting is great for user authentication, saving changes to database information, retrieving entries for display, and many other tasks. The downside of server-side scripts lies mainly in the required page refresh. Because the script is processed before it is delivered to the browser, the user doesn’t have access to the inner workings. Thismakes server-side scripts the best choice for handling any sensitive information.5大连交通大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译中文翻译设置PHP开发环境对于一个不折不扣新手来说,将一个工作中的开发环境放在一起是可怕的。

科技外文文献Getting PHP to Talk to MySQLNow that you’re comfortable using the MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database, you can begin using PHP to display and modify data from the database. PHP has standard functions for working with the database.First, we’re going to discuss PHP’s built-in database functions. We’ll also show you how to use the The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) database functions that provide the ability to use the same functions to access any supported database. This type of abstraction. In programming interfaces, abstraction simplifies a complex flexibility comes from a process called interaction. It works by parts. PEAR’s DB removing any nonessential parts of the interaction, allowing you to concentrate on the important classes are one such database interface abstraction. The information you need to log into a database is reduced to the bare minimum. This standard format allows you to interact with MySQL, as well as other databases using the same functions. Similarly, other MySQL-specific functions are replaced with generic ones that know how to talk to many databases. For example, the MySQL-specific connect function is: mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password); versus PEAR’s DB connect functio n: $connection = DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database"); The same basic information is present in both commands, but the PEAR function also specifies the type of databases to which to connect. You can connect to MySQL or other supported databases. We’ll discuss both connection methods in detail. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to connect to a MySQL server fromPHP, how to use PHP to access and retrieve stored data, and how to correctly display information to the user. The ProcessThe basic steps of performing a query, whether using the mysql command-line tool or PHP, are the same: • Connect to the database.• Select the database to use.• Build a SELECT statement.• Perform the query.• Display the results.We’ll walk through each of these steps for both plain PHP and PEAR functions. ResourcesWhen connecting to a MySQL database, you will use two new resources. The first is the link identifier that holds all of the information necessary to connect to the database for an active connection. The other resource is the results resource. It contains all information required to retrieve results from an active database query’s result set. You’ll be creating and assigning both resources in this chapter.Querying the Database with PHP FunctionsIn this section, we introduce how to connect to a MySQL database with PHP. It’s quite simple, and we’ll begin shortly with examples, but we should talk briefly about what actually happens. When you try connecting to a MySQL database, the MySQL server authenticates you based on your username and password. PHP handles connecting to the database for you, and it allows you to start performing queries and gathering data immediately. the database: As in Chapter 8, we’ll need the same pieces of information to connect to• The IP address of the database server• The name of the database• The username• The passwordBefore moving on, make sure you can log into your database using the MySQL command-line client. Figure 9-1 shows how the steps of the database interaction relate to the two types of resources. Building the SELECT statement happens before the third function call, but it is not shown. It’s done with plain PHP code, not a MySQL-specific PHP function. Figure 9-1. The interaction between functions and resources when using the databaseIncluding Database Login DetailsYou’re going to create a file to hold the information for logging into MySQL. Storing this information in a file you include is recommended. If you change the database password, there is only one place that you need to change it, regardless of how many PHP files you have that access the database. You don’t have to worry about anyone directly viewing the file and getting your database login details. The file, if requested by itself, is processed as a PHP file and returns a blank page. Let’s call this file db_login.php and place it in the same directory as your other PHP files. The file is represented in Example 9-1. Example 9-1. A template for setting database login settings<?php $db_host='hostname of database server'; $db_database='database name'; $db_username='username'; $db_password='password'; > In Example 9-2, we create this file to use a database on the same machine as the web server. We assign it a database name, username, and password. <?php $db_host='localhost'; $db_database='test'; $db_username='test'; $db_password='yourpass'; > Figure 9-2 illustrates how you’re going to use this file with other PHP files. You’regoing to continue using the database that you started to set up in Chapter 7. Figure 9-2. Reusing the login details in multiple filesExample 9-3. The SQL to recreate the test objects (continued)DROP TABLE IF EXISTS books; CREATE TABLE books ( title_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(150) default NULL, pages int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (title_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table books -- INSERT INTO books V ALUES (1,'Linux in a Nutshell',476),(2,'Classic Shell Scripting',256); -- -- Table structure for table purchases -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS purchases; CREATE TABLE purchases ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, user varchar(10) default NULL, title varchar(150) default NULL, day date default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table purchases -- LOCK TABLES purchases WRITE; INSERT INTO purchases V ALUES (1,'Mdavis','Regular Expression Pocket Reference','2005-02-15'),(2,'Mdavis','JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook','2005-02-10'); backup.sql and run from the -3 can be saved as If you didn’t create the tables in Chapter 8, the code in Example 9command prompt with the following syntax: mysql -u username -p password -D database_name <backup_file_name.sqlUsing the values from the examples, it becomes: mysql -u test -pyourpass -D test < backup.sql The database is called test, and it consists of three tables called books, authors, and purchases. Each table has a few sample rows. That’s enough to get us started querying from PHP.Connecting to the DatabaseThe first thing you need to do is connect to the database and check to make sure there’s a connection. Including the file that you set up to store your connection information allows you to use the variables instead of hardcoded 4. We’re assembling one file, values when you call the mysql_connect function, as shown in Example 9-db_test.php, by adding these code snippets. Example 9-4. Including the connection values and calling mysql_connect in db_test.php// Include our login information include('db_login.php'); // Connect $connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password); if (!$connection){ die ("Could not connect to the database: <br />". mysql_error( )); } The mysql_connect function takes the database host, username, and password as parameters. If the connection is successful, a link to a database is returned. FALSE is returned if a connection can’t be made. Check the return value from the function to make sure there’s a connection. If there’s a problem, such as an incorrec t password, print out a polite warning and the reason for the error using mysql_error. Instead of simply echoing an error message, die( ) displays the error and stops the program. Not being able to access the database makes most database-driven pages fairly useless and prevents the user from seeing numerous errors. Notice that we didn’t specify the database name yet.Troubleshooting connection errorsOne error you may get is: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect( ) in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\db_test.php on line 4 This error occurs because PHP 5.x for Windows was downloaded, and MySQL support was not included by default. To fix this error, copy the php_mysql.dll file from the ext/ directory of the PHP ZIP file to C:\php , and then C:\WINDOWS\php.ini . Make sure there are two lines that are not commented out by a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line like these: extension_dir = "c:/PHP/ext/" extension=php_mysql.dll This will change the extension to include the directory to C:/php and include the MySQL extension, respectively. You can use the Search function of your text editor to check whether the lines are already there and just need to be uncommented, or whether they need to be added completely. You’ll need to restart Apache, and then MySQL support will be enabled.Selecting the DatabaseNow that you’re connected, the next step is to select which database to use with the mysql_select_db command. It takes two param eters: the database name and, optionally, the database connection. If you don’t specify the database connection, the default is the connection from the last mysql_connect: // Select the database $db_select=mysql_select_db($db_database); if (!$db_select) { die ("Could not select the database: <br />". mysql_error( )); } Again, it’s good practice to check for an error and display it every time you access the database.While it’s possible to call mysql_select_db multiple times within the same script, it’s not considered good practice. Now that you’ve got a good database connection, you’re ready to execute your SQL query.Building the SQL SELECT QueryBuilding a SQL query is as easy as setting a variable to the string that is your SQL query. Of course, you’l l need to use a valid SQL query, or MySQL returns with an error when you execute the query. The variable name $query is used since the name reflects its purpose, but you can choose anything you’d like for a variable name. The SQL query in this example is SELECT * FROM books. Unlike when you used the mysql command-line client, the query does not have a semicolon at the end. You can build up your query in parts using the string concatenate (.) operator: // Assign the query $select = ' SELECT '; $column = ' * '; $from = ' FROM '; $tables = ' books '; $where = ' NATURAL JOIN authors'; $query = $select.$column.$from.$tables.$where; This code is a more flexible version of the following: // Assign the query $query = "SELECT * FROM books NATURAL JOIN authors"; The query string could also use a variable in the WHERE clause to limit which rows are returned based on user information or another query. Now that you have your query assigned to a variable, you can execute it. Executing the Query—the query and, To have the database execute the query, use the mysql_query function. It takes two parametersoptionally, the database link—and returns the result. Save a link to the results in a variable called, you guessed it, $result! This is also a good place to check the return code from mysql_query to make sure that there were no errors in the query string or the database connection by verifying that $result is not FALSE: // Execute the query $result = mysql_query( $query ); if (!$result){ die ("Could not query the database: <br />". mysql_error( )); } When the database executes the query, all of the results forma result set. These results correspond to the rows that you saw upon doing a query using the mysql command-line client. To display them, you process each row, one at a time. Fetching and DisplayingUse mysql_fetch_row to get the rows from the result set. Its syntax is: array mysql_fetch_row ( resource $result); It takes the result you stored in $result fromthe query as a parameter. It returns one row at a time from the query until there are no more rows, and then it returns FALSE. Therefore, you do a loop on the result of mysql_fetch_row and define some code to display each row: // Fetch and display the results while ($result_row = mysql_fetch_row(($result))){ echo 'Title: '.$result_row[1] . '<br />'; echo 'Author: '.$result_row[4] . '<br /> '; echo 'Pages: '.$result_row[2] . '<br /><br />'; } The columns of the result row are stored in the array and can be accessed one at a time. The variable $result_row[2] accesses the second attribute (as defined in the query’s column order or the column order of the table if SELECT * is used) in the result row. Fetch typesThis is not the only way to fetch the results. Using mysql_fetch_array, PHP can place the results into an array in one step. It takes a result as its first parameter, and the way to bind the results as an optional second parameter. If MYSQL_ASSOC is specified, the results are indexed in an array based on their column names in the query. If MYSQL_NUM is specified, then the number starting at zero accesses the results. The default value, MYSQL_BOTH, returns a result array with both types. The mysql_fetch_ assoc is an alternative to supplying the MYSQL_ASSOC argument. If you rewrote the code shown previously to use mysql_fetch_array with an associative indexed array, it would look like this: // Fetch and display the results while ($result_row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ echo 'Title: '.$result_row['title'] . '<br />'; echo 'Author: '.$result_row['author'] . '<br /> '; echo 'Pages: '.$result_row['pages'] . '<br /><br />'; } Closing the ConnectionAs a rule of thumb, you always want to close a connection to a database when you’redone using it. Closing a database with mysql_close will tell PHP and MySQL that you no longer will be using the connection, and will free any resources and memory allocated to it: mysql_close($connection) Using PEARPEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components, creating a collection of add-on functionalities for PHP development. There are many modules available to handle everything fromsession management to shopping cart functionality. Categories of modules that are currently available are listed in Table 9-1. Table 9-1. PEAR modules categoriesAuthentication Authentication HTML HTML Processing Benchmarking Benchmarking HTTP HTTP Science Caching Caching Images Images Semantic Web Configuration Configuration Internationalization Internationalization Streams Console Console Logging Logging Structures Database Database Mail Mail System Date/Time Date/Time Math Math Test Encryption Encryption Networking Networking Tools and utilities Event Event Numbers Numbers Validate File formats Payment Web services File system PEAR XML GTK components PHP Our list is not complete. Visit to find out all of the modules thatare available for download. InstallingPEAR uses a Package Manager that oversees which PEAR features you install. Whether you need to install the Package Manager depends on which version of PHP you installed. If you’re has been split out into a running PHP 4.3.0 or newer, it’s already installed. If you’rerunning PHP 5.0, PEARseparate package. The DB package that you’re interested in is optional but installed by default with the Package Manager. So if you have the Package Manager, you’re all set.UnixYou can install the Package Manager on a Unix systemby executing the following from the shell (command-line) prompt: lynx -source / | php This takes the output of the site (which is actually the source PHP code) to install PEAR and passes it along to the php command for execution. WindowsC:\php\go-pear.bat. In case you didn’t install all The PHP 5 installation includes the PEAR installation script as C:/php from the command prompt, and execute the files in Chapter 2, go ahead and extract all the PHP files to the .bat file. If you installed PHP fromthe MSI installer, you may need to execute go-pear.bat file: the following instead of the php go-pear.phar If the PEAR directory does not exists at all you’ll need to re-run the PHP MSI installer, select the Change option, and set Extensions and go-pear.phar. Extras to “Will be installed on local drive” before running Figure 9-5 shows the initial screen after executing the PEAR installer. Figure 9-5. The go-pear.bat install scriptou can accept the defaults for all of them. The base path should be You’ll be asked a set of questions about paths. YC:\php. The php.exe file must be in your path. Verify by typing php.exe froma command prompt. If it is not found, you’ll need to add it to your PATHvariable. To access your systempath, navigate to Start ➝Control Panel ➝System ➝Environment, and add an C:\php. entry to the end of the path with C:\php\PEAR_ENV.reg. You need to doubleclick to set up the PEAR paths The PEAR installer creates a file called in the registry. This file is contingent on which PEAR version you installed. When the dialog appears to verify your information, you will add this to the registry and click OK. php.ini file after running this .bat file to add the PEAR directory to the include path. Line You may have to edit the php.ini now looks like this: 447 of p hp.iniinclude_path = ".;c:\php\includes;c:\php\PEAR" Apache must be restarted before the DB package can be used. Hosted ISPMost ISPs have PEAR DB installed. Ask your ISP to install it if they haven’t already. You can tell whether PEAR DB has been installed by trying the PHP code in Example 9-8 to see whether the require_once ('DB.php'); line causes an error when the script is executed. Adding Additional PackagesOnce that’s complete, y ou can access the PEAR Package Manager by entering pearat the command prompt. packagename. Adding new modules is as easy as executing pear You won’t need to do anything because the DB package was installed along with the install by default.you’re running Windows XP Home, you’ll need to take these steps to install the PEAR DB: However, if y ou’re running Windows XP Home, you’ll need to take these steps to install the PEAR DB:C:\>cd c:\php C:\>pear install DB C:\>pear list To find out which versions of PEAR packages are installed, execute pear list. That returns a listing such as the one shown in Figure 9-6. Figure 9-6. A listing of installed PEAR packages and versionsOnce you’ve got PEAR installed, you’re ready to try it out.Rewriting the Books Example with PEAR When using the PEAR DB package, you follow the same steps. However, the function syntax is slightly different. -7. We’ll go line by line and explain the differences as they appear in Example 9Example 9-7. Displaying the books table with PEAR DB1 <?php 2 3 include('db_login.php'); 4 require_once('DB.php'); 5 6 $connection = DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database"); 7 8 if (DB::isError($connection)){ 9 die("Could not connect to the database: <br />".DB::errorMessage($connection)); 10 } 11 12 $query = "SELECT * FROM books NATURAL JOIN authors"; 13 $result = $connection->query($query); 14 15 if (DB::isError($result)){ 16 die("Could not query the database:<br />$query ".DB::errorMessage($result)); 17 } 18 19 echo('<table border="1">'); 20 echo '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th><th>Pages</th></tr>'; 21 22 while ($result_row = $result->fetchRow( )) { 23 echo "<tr><td>"; 24 echo $result_row[1] . '</td><td>'; 25 echo $result_row[4] . '</td><td>'; 26 echo $result_row[2] . '</td></tr>'; 27 } 28 29 echo("</table>"); 30 $connection->disconnect( ); 31 32 ?> Example 9-7 displays the screen shown in Figure 9-7. Figure 9-7. Switching to the PEAR DB functions didn’t change the outputNotice that Figure 9-7 is identical to the output in Figure 9-4. Line 3 includes your database login information and remains unchanged: include('db_login.php'); Line 4 has a new require statement: require_once( "DB.php" ); This requires the file DB.php, which provides the PEAR DB functions. The require_once function stops your code DB.php fileis not found. It also will not include the file if it has been fromexecuting and returns an error if the incorporated already. And,this would cause an error. DB.php is found in the /pear subdirectory of the PHP distribution.The PEAR install should have added The file D B.phpphp.ini file. If this file is not found, verify thatPEAR DB is installed and that directory to the include_path in the that the paths are set up correctly. Creating a connect instanceThe DB.php file defines a class of type DB. Refer to Chapter 5 for more information on working with classes and objects. We’ll principally be calling the methods in the class. The DB class has a connect method, which we’ll use instead of our old connect function, mysql_connect. The double colons (::) indicate that we’re calling that function from the class in line 4: $connection = DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database"); When you call the connect function, it creates a new database connection that is stored in the variable $connection. The connect function attempts to connect to the database based on the connect string you passed to it. Connect stringThe connect string uses this new format to represent the login information that you already supplied in separate fields: dbtype://username:password@host/databaseThis format may look fam iliar to you, as it’s very similar to the connect string for a Windows file share. The first part of the string is what really sets the PEAR functions apart fromthe plain PHP. The phptype field specifies the type of database to connect. Supported databases include ibase, msql, mssql, mysql, oci8, odbc, pgsql, and sybase. All that’s required for your PHP page to work with a different type of database is changing the phptype!The username, password, host, and database should be familiar from the basic PHP connect. Only the type of connection is required. However, you’ll usually want to specify all fields.After the values from db_login.php are included, the connect string looks like the following: "mysql://test:test@localhost/test" If the connect method on line 6 was successful, a DB object is created. It contains the methods to access the database as well as all of the information about the state of that database connection. Queryingt like PHP’s query function in that it One of the methods it contains is called query. The query method works justakes a SQL statement. The difference is that the arrow syntax (->) is used to call it fromthe object. It also returns the results as another object instead of a result set: $query = "SELECT * FROM books" $result = $connection->query($query); Based on the SQL query, this code calls the query function fromthe connection object and returns a result object named $result. FetchingLine 22 uses the result object to call the fetchRow method. It returns the rows one at a time, similar to mysql_fetch_row: while ($result_row = $result->fetchRow( )) { echo 'Title: '.$result_row[1] . '<br />'; echo 'Author: '.$result_row[4] . '<br /> '; echo 'Pages: '.$result_row[2] . '<br /><br />'; } from fetchRow until it returns FALSE. The code in the loop hasn’t Use another while loop to go through each row changed from the non-PEAR example. ClosingIn line 30, you’re finished with the database connection, so close it using the object method disconnect: $connection->disconnect( ); PEAR error reportingThe function DB::isError will check to see whether the result that’s been returned to you is an error. If it is an error, you can use DB::errorMessage to return a text description of the error that was generated. You need to pass DB::errorMessage, the return value from your function, as an argument. Here you rewrite the PEAR code to use error checking: <?php if ( DB::isError( $demoResult = $db->query( $sql))) { echo DB::errorMessage($demoResult); } else { while ($demoRow = $demoResult->fetchRow( )) { echo $demoRow[2] . '<br />'; } } > There’s also a new version of the PEAR database interface called PEAR::MDB2. To rewrite our example using the MDB2 version, see Example 9-8. <?php include('db_login.php'); require_once('MDB2.php'); //Translate our database login information into an array. $dsn = array( 'phptype' => 'mysql', 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'hostspec' => $host, 'database' => $database ); //Create the connection as an MDB2 instance. $mdb2 = MDB2::factory($dsn); if (PEAR::isError($mdb2)) { die($mdb2->getMessage( )); } //Set the fetchmode to field associative. $mdb2->setFetchMode(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $query = "SELECT * FROM books NATURAL JOIN authors"; $result =$mdb2->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($result)){ die("Could not query the database:<br />$query ".$result->getMessage( )); } //Display the results. echo('<table border="1">'); echo '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th><th>Pages</th></tr>'; //Loop through the result set. while ($row = $result->fetchRow( )) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo htmlentities($row['title']) . '</td><td>'; echo htmlentities($row['author ']) . '</td><td>'; echo htmlentities($row['pages']) . '</td></tr>'; } echo("</table>"); //Close the connection. $result->free( ); > The same results display, but there are more functions available in this version of the PEAR database abstraction layer. Now that you have a good handle on connecting to the database and the various functions of PEAR。

目前网站开发的主流平台包括LAMP(Linux操作系统,Apache网络服务器,MYSQL数据库,PHP编程语言),J2EE 和.NET商业软件。
因为PHP和MYSQL是免费的,开源等等,他们是为专业的IT 人士开发的。
这个项目小,不需要使用支付开发平台如 and JSP。
尽管起初只能在Linux和Apache Web服务器环境中开发,现在已经可以移植到任何的操作系统,并兼容标准的Web服务器软件。

php和mysqlweb开发外文翻译(2)外文翻译-原文部分Laura Thomson php and mysql web develop PHP is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages It has evolved to include a command line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.While PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the main implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standiird for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free software released under the PHP License, however it is incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL), due to restrictions on the usage of the term PHP.PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can be million websites and 1 million web servers.PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, It began in 1994 as a set of Common Gateway Interface binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish/Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. Lerdorf initially created these Personal Home Page Tools to replace a small set of Perl scripts he had been using to maintain his personal homepage. The tools were used to perform tasks such as displaying his rdsum^ and recording how much traffic his page was receiving. He combined these binaries with his Fonn Interpreter to create PHP/FI, which had more functionality. PHP/FI included a larger implementation for the C programming language and could communicate with databases, enabling the building of simple, dynamic webapplications. lerdorf released PHP publicly on June 8,1995 to accelerate bug location and improve the code.This release was named PHP version 2 and already had the basic functionality that PHP has today. This included Perl-like variables, form handling, and the ability to embed HTML. The syntax was similar to Perl but was more limited, simpler, and less consistent.Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans,two Israeli developers at the Technion IIT,rewrote the parser in 1997 and formed the base of PHP 3, changing the language's name to the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997 after months of beta testing. Afterwards, public testing of PHP 3 began, and the official launch came in June 1998. wSuraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP's core, producing the Zend Engine in 1999. They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel.On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1 ?0, was released. On July 13, 2004, PHP 5 was released, powered by the new Zend Engine II. PHP 5 included new features such as improved support for object-oriented programming, the PHP DataObjects extension (which defines a lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases), and numerous performance enhancements. The most recent update released by The PHP Group is for the older PHP version 4 code branch. As of August, 2008 this branch is up to version 4.4.9. PHP 4 is no longer under development nor will any security updates be released.In 2008, PHP 5 became the only stable version under development. Late static binding has been missing from PHP and will be added in version 5.3. PHP 6 is under developmentalongside PHP 5. Major changes include the removal of register_globals,magic quotes, and safe mode. The reason for the removals was because register_globals had given way to security holes,and magic quotes had an unpredictable nature, and was best avoided. Instead, to escape characters, magic quotes may be substituted with the addslashes() function, or more appropriately an escape mechanism specific to the database vendor itself like mysql_rcal_escape_string() for MySQL.PHP does not have complete native support for Unicode or multibyte strings; Unicode support will be included in PHP 6. Many high profile open source projects ceased to support PHP 4 in new code as of February 5, 2008, due to the Go PHP 5 initiative, provided by a consortium of PHP developers promoting the transition from PHP 4 to PHP 1397 It runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments, but on Windows the only official distribution is 32-bit, requiring Windows 32-bit compatibility mode to be enabled while using IIS in a 64-bit Windows environment. There is a third-partydistribution available for 64-bit Windows.PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on most web servers, many operating systems and platforms, and can be used with many relational database management systems. It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.PHP primarily acts as a filter, taking input from a file or streamcontaining text and/or PHP instructions and outputs another stream of data; most commonly the output will be HTML. It can automatically detect the language of the user. From PHP 4, the PHP parser compiles input to produce bylecode for processing by the Zend Engine, giving improved performance over its interpreter predecessor.Originally designed to create dynamic web pages,PHP’s principal focus is server-side scripting, and it is similar to other server-side scripting languages that provide dynamic content from a web server to a client, such as Microsoft’s Active Server Pages, Sun Microsystems1 JavaServer Pages, and mod_perl. PHP has also attracted the development of many frameworks that provide building blocks and a design structure to promote rapid application development (RAD). Some of these include CakePHP, Symfony, Codeigniter, and Zend Framework, offering features similar to other web application frameworks-The LAMP architecture has become popular in the web industry as a way of deploying vveb applications. PHP is commonly used as the P in this bundle alongside Linux, Apache and MySQL, although the P may also refer to Python or Perl.As of April 2007, over 20 million Internet domains were hosted on servers with PHP installed, and PHP was recorded as the most popular Apache module. Significant websites arc written in PHP including the user-facing portion of Faccbook, Wikipedia , PHP can be used to create stand-alone, compiled applications and libraries, it can be used for shell scripting, and the PHP binaries can be called from the command line.As with many scripting languages,PHP scripts are normally kept as human-readable source code, even on production web servers. In this case, PHP。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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目前网站开发的主流平台包括LAMP(Linux操作系统,Apache网络服务器,MYSQL数据库,PHP编程语言),J2EE 和.NET商业软件。
因为PHP和MYSQL是免费的,开源等等,他们是为专业的IT 人士开发的。
这个项目小,不需要使用支付开发平台如 and JSP。
尽管起初只能在Linux和Apache Web服务器环境中开发,现在已经可以移植到任何的操作系统,并兼容标准的Web服务器软件。
目前主要的PHP IDE是Zend Studio,它包括了PHP的开发组件,在调试,分析和优化时减少了开发时间和简化了复杂的应用程序。
Zend Studio不仅具有高测量代码,语法和书签,而且它的嵌入式调试器适合本地和远程调试模式。
除了ANSI SQL,它还支持多种平台。
MYSQL成为了中小级别PHP 网站的第一选择,因为其开源,它提供了一系列的支持如读写访问。
引用[1] LAMP. /view/365086.htm?fr=ala0_1_1. 4(In Chinese).[2] 郭亮, 高慧.APS和JSP的研究对比.黑龙江科技. 2007,(17):80(In Chinese).[3] 张志敏. , PHP 和 JSP之间的比较分析 . 科学爱好者. 2008,(33):132-133(In Chinese).[4] Zend Studio 5.5.1集成开发环境系列/zend-studio-tutorial/. 2010-5-4(In Chinese)[5] 徐保民. PHP编程基础和应用案例.北京文章电信出版社,2001(In Chinese).[6] 利昂阿特金森. PHP核心编程.北京清华大学出版社, 2000 (In Chinese).[7] Ashish丹尼尔·威尔弗雷德. PHP 专业发展项目案例.北京中国水利出版社, 2003.(In Chinese).[8] 在phpMyAdmin中utf-8乱码. /?p=289. 2010-5-4.(In Chinese).原文二:Design and Implementation of the Website Based onPHP & MYSQLAbstractPHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free and open source. The authors have discussed the environmental issues in development process based on PHP and MYSQL and the implementation process of the website . KeywordsPHP; MYSQL; Development and. Implementation1.INTRODUCTIONWith the development of Web technology, it is inevitable choice for all kind of corporate growth to combine traditional marketing with network marketing. The effective method of network marketing is to establish the website which is suitable for their company. At present the website development's mainstream platform includes: LAMP (Linux operating system, Apache network server, MYSQL database, PHP programming language), J2EE and. Net commercial software. Because PHP and MYSQL is free, open source and so on, they are noted for IT professionals. From the perspective of website traffic, more than 70% of website traffic is provided with LAMP, which is most popular platform for developing the website.In this paper, we designed a website based on PHP and MYSQL. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 analyzes development environment. In Section 2, we proposed the development model based on PHP. Then case study in Section 4. we make conclusion In Section 5.2.DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ANALYSISA.The Choice of Development Language, PHP & JSP are three mainstream languages of the website development, which have their advantages and disadvantages respectively, the comparison between them is shown in Table1.The project takes PHP as the development language, the reason is as follows:•Free. The project is small,which is no need to use the payment development platform such as and JSP.•Strong supporting. Middle and small scale websites, even some large-scale websites such as baidu, Sina in China take PHP as the development language, which can contribute to solve the problem during the programming.•Good portability. Although it is designed to use in the environment of Linux and Apache Web server system at first, now PHP is already transplanted any operating system and compatible standard Web server software.•Simple grammar. PHP has many similarities with the C programming language, so it is easy to program using PHP for the C programmers.•Rapid development. Because the source code is open, PHP will continue to develop rapidly.B.Build Development EnvironmentAt present there are many development platform based on PHP. Generally most developers like the development environment LAMP. Those who have certain development experience can set up their development platform by choosing the related server, DBMS, and operating system. There are some PHP IDE(integrated development environment) such as AMPSERV, WAMP, XMAPP, APPSERV, PHPSTUDY in the market for the developers develop the website by using PHP.At present the main PHP IDE is Zend Studio, which has included developing components for PHP. It reduces the development time and simplifies the complex application plan during edition, debugging, analysis and optimization. The Zend Studio not only has code for high measurement, grammar shrinking automatically and bookmark, but also its embedded debugger which fits for local and remote debugging patterns. It is many high debugging functions such as variable tracking, Single-step operation, breakpoint, function calling, and so on. Moreover, it is also very stable in supporting Chinese for the latest version.C.Notes in Building the Development EnvironmentThose who are unfamiliar with the development environment do not set it up by himself for it may cause a conflict between various edition, moreover it is very difficult to solve the complex configuration problem.•PHP language version. Before development, you must ensure consistence of the edition between PHP language and the server. Now PHP mainly has two editions (PHP4 and PHP5).The different versions have the difference with SESSION, exception handling, the variable range, the data type and so on.•Server problem. The program which is edited with PHP in the windows platform will be arranged on the apache server. If it is arranged on IIS it leads to some incompatible problems and some update by manual such as writable rights isset up before uploading the document. There are not these problems if it is arranged on the apache server.•Database problem. DBMS using with PHP has MYSQL, ORACLE and so on. MYSQL is welcomed by most of the developers for it is open source, free, and efficient. MYSQL is perfect database server software for medium and small application system. Besides standard ANSI SQL, it also supports many platforms. On the Unix/Linux system, MYSQL also supports the multi-thread. MYSQL becomes the first choice of middle and small level PHP website for it is open source and it provides a series of supports such as read-write access.3.THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL BASED ON PHPPHP becomes the main development language in the small and medium-sized enterprise website for it is free, open source, etc. The development step is as follows: A.Demand analysisThere are various demands for a website project. Those demands often stem from or company oneself needs, most of which is the actual needs of customers. What extent the project leaders understand the user's needs has decided whether is success or failure in developing the website. Therefore user's needs in the form of document can clearly be transformed into all project development members, which is the main problem during the project development.Besides basic user's needs, there are some problems as follows are needed to notice:•The demand should be confirmed by way of the document.•The feasibility and price of their demands are informed to the demand side after effective analysis and discussion.B.Functional module designThe demand report will be organized as some modules according to the principles of high cohesion and low coupling and related experience by the website developers.C.Database design and implementationIt contains the demand analysis, the concept design, the logical design, the physical design, the system implementation, the operation and the maintenance. The following problems should be paid attention to during the database design and implementation:Database security [5]: The database is the core of website, in which the data security is very important. The damage and lose or illegal duplication of data can cause a lot of trouble, moreover the mistake is very difficult to restore. MYSQL security measures are as follows:•Account security: Each account of MYSQL is composed of user name, password as well as the position, which includes reasonable rights and security check. The reasonable rights demand that there are different rights for the different account and as identical user there are different rights for different database or data sheet. There are three different security checks in the MYSQL: register confirmation, authorization, access control.•Stored data encryption [6]: for the massive information in application program, you only want to encrypt a very small part of it, such as user password. These passwords should not store in the form of plaintext but encryption in the database. In general, the sensitive data is encrypted by Hash algorithm in most DBMS including MYSQL.The database character set and coding [7]: The default code used in web server software installed, like Apache, is not UTF-8. The webpage is normally browsed when we input data into table coded in UTF-8, but Chinese in phpMyAdmin turns into messy code. The solution is that the default code in MYSQL turned into UTF-8 or the data code (UTF-8) is assigned when the database is connected[8].D.The Functional Module ImplementationA few codes, detailed annotation and standardized writing are demanded during functional module implementation. The goal is high reusability, high reliability, efficiency, high security and so on.4.CASE STUDYThe authors developed the consult website (ZhuoQi, domain name address is / ) based on PHP. ZhuoQi mainly includes nine modules, such as the retrieval module, the expert consult module, the issue maintenance module, the member interaction module, the problem discussion module, the documents browsing module, the registration module, the help module and other auxiliary modules.Each module consists of a large number of functional modules, for example, retrieval module in the website ZhuoQi mainly consists of the front module, inputcheck module, matching search module, and display return module, etc. The front code in implementing retrieval module.The specific process is that the user input the related retrieval information into the search box, then the information will be sent to the end processing page after the button “retrieval” is pressed. The information i nputted is checked by calling the end code. If which is valid, the results matched successfully will be displayed in the predetermined format after matching between the information inputted and the information in the database.5.CONCLUSIONPHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free, open source, high reliability, portability.REFERENCES[1] LAMP. /view/365086.htm?fr=ala0_1_1. 4(In Chinese).[2] Guo Liang, Gao Hui. The research on comparison between ASP, and JSP Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information. 2007,(17):80(In Chinese).[3] Zhang Zhimin. Comparative Analysis between , PHP and JSP . Friend of Science Amateurs. 2008,(33):132-133(In Chinese).[4]Zend Studio 5.5.1 Integrated Development Environment Series. /zend-studio-tutorial/. 2010-5-4(In Chinese)[5] Xu Baomin. Programming Fundamentals and Applications Examples on PHP. Beijing: Posts and Telecom Press,2001(In Chinese).[6] Leon Atkinson. PHP Core Programming. Beijing: Tsinghua university press, 2000 (In Chinese).[7] Ashish Daniel Wilfred. PHP professional development project examples. Beijing: China WaterPower Press, 2003.(In Chinese).[8]UTF8 Chinese Messy Code in the phpMyAdmin. /?p=289. 2010-5-4.(In Chinese).。