



Key to Elite IIIUnit 1Passage 11.C2.B3.D4.B5.A II1.Unreal2. ImaginaryPassage 21.F2.F3.F4.T5.T II1.demonstration2.succeededPassage 31.D2.C3.B4.D5.A II1. trapped2. dangerPassage 41.F2.T3.T4.F5.F II1. citizens2. spreadingPassage 51.T2.F3.F4.F5.F II1. doubts2. mysteryPassage 61.B2.D3.C4.A5.D II1.ordinary2.matterUnit 2Passage 11.D2.C3.D4.A5.B II1. brought3.increasedPassage 21.T2.T3.F4.T5.F II1.countries2. unablePassage 31.D2.A3.B4.C5.A II1. added2. releasedPassage 41.T2.T3.T4.T5.F II1. combine2. willPassage 51.D2.A3.A4.C5.B II1. refused2. excusePassage 61.F2.T3.T4.F5.F II1. feeling2. defaultingUnit 3Passage 11.B2.B3.B4.D5.C II1. supply2. form/phasePassage 21.F2.T3.T4.F5.T II1. differ2. influencedPassage 31.D2.C3.B4.A5.B II1. inappropriate2.disappearPassage 41.T2.T3.F4.T5.F II1. adhere2. improvementPassage 51.B2.B3.D4.A5.B II1. differed2. certainPassage 61.F2.T3.F4.F5.T II1. COLLIDE2. RESEARCHERS/ PHYSICISTS/ SCIENTISTSUnit 4Passage 11.B2.D3.C4.C5.A II1. got/obtained2. answerPassage 21.B2.C3.A4.D5.B II1. directly2. abandoned/stoppedPassage 31.F2.T3.F4.F5.F II1. salute2. wayPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.T II1. identified2. revealedPassage 51.B2.C3.C4.D5.B II1. interfere2. benefitedPassage 61.F2.T3.T4.T5.F II1. took2. allowedUnit 5Passage 11.B2.A3.D4.D5.D II1. It means “every moment”, “at all times”.2. It means to give you enough time to prepare for the traveling. Passage 21.T2.T3.F4.F5.FII1. memorize2. moralPassage 31.B2.C3.B4.A5.AII1. classic/do-nothing2. distractPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1.The author uses “survive” to express it is really difficult for kids to travel with adults since they have to follow all the decisions adults make.2. “Nap” probably means “a break during travelling” or “ a short rest period to refresh and reenergize.”Passage 51.A2.C3.B4.C5.BII1.airline2.accessPassage 61.T2.F3.F4.T5.FII1. The author actually spent 201 euros on the umbrella.2. It rains a lot, usually accompanied with strong wind.Unit 6Passage 11.D2.B3.A4.D5.BII1. gays2. academicPassage 21.T2.F3.F4.T5.TII1.nutrition labels2.beansPassage 31.B2.C3.D4.B5.DII1. According to an Australia study, the quitters show lower degree of cognitive decline than the ongoing smokers.2. It is partly because doctors and researchers know very little about tabacco’s biological effects on older people, and partly because in tobacco research, as in clinical trials generally, older adultsare underrepresented.Passage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1. It is the Ironman race in Germany that first motivated him, and these active commutes have become a routine after the competition.2. Because he is a physical-training instructors with the Royal Air Force who ensures that soldiers are prepared for the field.Passage 51.A2.D3.C4.A5.BII1. Since countless moms-to-be are doing resistance training during pregnancy, he takes it for granted that there must have been many researches in this regard which have proven their benefits.2. The first meaning is that this issue is closely related with babies; and the other meaning is that we are still at the preliminary stage on the research of this subject.Passage 61.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1. marriage2. SinglismUnit 7Passage 11.A2.C3.C4.B5.BII1. suspected2. tapedPassage 21.A2.C3.A4.C5.AII1. shared2. ignoredPassage 31.C2.D3.D4.C5.BII1.Alternation of power2.AbsentPassage 41.T2.F3.T4.T5.FIIitary and overseas voters2.has hopes ofPassage 51.T2.F3.F4.F5.TII1.unpopularity2. a working relationshipPassage 61.F2.F3.T4.T5.F II1.approval2.campaign financeUnit 8Passage 11.B2.D3.B4.B5.B II1.VIEW-CHANGING2.REFLECTIONPassage 21.D2.A3.b4.B5.B II1.The decline in the importance of natural representation in art.2.MasterpiecePassage 31.B2.A3.C4.A5.A II1.Illustration2.Glimpse patterns of beingPassage 41.T2.T3.F4.F5.F II1.Painter and engineer of the duke2.EnteredPassage 51.T2.F3.f4.F5.T II1.Fragments2.Depict many sidesPassage 61.T2.F3.T4.T5.F II1.between problem solving with material and artistic skill2.interests and enthusiasmUnit 9Passage 11.A2.A3.A4.C5.B II1.Huge changes and a clash2.Were representative ofPassage 21.A2.A3.C4.D5.A II1.Its greatest cultural significance2.LocationPassage 31.D2.D3.C4.B5.C II1.Studios, manufacturers and online stores2.ParticipationPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.F5.T II1.Under the influence2.Inspired by BollywoodPassage 51.F2.T3.T4.F5.T II1.160 TO 72. A SIDE BENEFITPassage 61.T2.F3.T4.F5.T II1.Emulating smoking2.BoostUnit 10Passage 11.B2.A3.D4.A5.B II1.BRAVE ROLE MODELS2.CAPABILITYPassage 21.C2.B3.C4.B5.B II1.UNDER2.VERY FARPassage 31.A2.C3.C4.A5.D II1.OBSERVE2.OFFENCES AGAINSTPassage 41F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FII1.ASSOCIATION AND POLARIZATION2.RELIGION AND CONSERVATIVE POLITICSPassage 51.T2.T3.T4.F5. F II1.message maker, organizer2.ExpandPassage 61.F2.T3.F4.T5.F II1.determine2.The gay community。



Unit 1 Supernatural PhenomenaPassage 1I. F F F T TII. 1. demonstration 2. SucceededIII.Passage 2I.DCBDAII. 1.trapped 2. DangerIII.Passage 3I.T F F F FII. 1. doubts 2. MysteryIII.IV.Passage 4I. E C N H A O I K FJII.Passage 51. E2. A3. F4. G5. K6. J7. D8.I9.B 10.H Unit 2 Finance and TradePassage 1I.DCDABII. 1. brought 2. IncreasedIII.Passage 2I.TTTTFII. 1. combine 2. WillPassage 3I.DAACBII. 1. refused 2. excuse1. E2. G3. B4. L5. K6. M7. F8.C9.I 10.NPassage 51. A2. E3. H4. L5. D6. L7. J8.F9.B 10.GUnit 3 Science and TechnologyPassage 1I. BBBDCII. 1. supply 2. form/ phasePassage 2I. DCBABII. 1.inappropriate 2. disappearPassage 3I. F T F F TII. 1. collide 2. researchers/ physicists/ scientistsPassage 41. C2. M3. J4. G5. A6. F7. L8.H9.D 10.IPassage 51. B2. G3. I4. J5. A6. H7. C8.E9.D 10.FUnit 4 Funny Stories of DiplomacyPassage 1I. BDCCAII. 1. got/ obtained 2. AnswerI. F T F T TII. 1. identified 2. revealedPassage 3I. BCCDBII. 1. interfere 2. benefitedPassage 41. H2. K3. N4. E5. A6. B7. F8.D9.M 10.IPassage 51. E2. K3. B4. F5. M6. C7. G8.L9.I 10.DUnit 5 TourismPassage 1I. T T F F FII. 1. memorize 2. moralPassage 2I. ACBCBII. 1. airline 2. accessPassage 3I. T F F T FII. 1. The author actually spent 201 euros on the umbrella.2. It rains a lot, usually accompanied with strong wind.Passage 41. C2. M3. N4. E5. A6. G7. K8.I9.B 10.J1. C2. E3. J4. K5. A6. D7. F8.H9.G 10.LUnit 6 Modern LifePassage 1I. BCDBDII. 1. According to an Australian study, the quitters show lower degree of cognitive decline than the ongoing smokers.2. It is partly because doctors and researchers know very little about tobacco’s biologicaleffects on older people, and partly because in tobacco research, as in clinical trials generally, older adults are underrepresented.Passage 2I. ADCABII. 1. Since countless moms-to-be are doing various kinds of resistance training during pregnancy, he takes it for granted that there must have been many researches in this regard which have proved their benefits.2. Here, “baby step” is a pun, which has two levels of meanings: the first is that this issue is closely related with babies; and the other is that we are still at the preliminary stage on the research of this subject.Passage 3I. F T F T FII. 1. marriage 2. SinglismPassage 41. I2. N3. A4. C5. K6. F7. E8.L9.H 10.DPassage 51. G2. B3. F4. H5. A6. I7. E8.C9.J 10.DUnit 7 ElectionPassage 1I. ACCBBII. 1. suspected 2. tapedPassage 2I. CDDCBII. 1.alternation of power 2. absentPassage 3I. T F F F TII. 1. unpopularity 2. a working relationshipPassage 41. D2. N3. K4. B5. C6. I7. E8.L9.G 10.JPassage 51. F2. J3. E4. B5. I6. C7. G8.B9.D 10.HUnit 8 ArtPassage 1I. BDBBBII. 1. view-changing 2. reflectionPassage 2I. T T F F FII. 1. painter and engineer of the duke 2. enteredPassage 3I. T F F F TII. 1. fragments 2. depict many sidesPassage 41. C2. D3. K4. A5. J6. B7. O8.I9.M 10.FPassage 5Unit 9 MoviePassage 1I. AAACBII. 1. huge changes and a clash 2. were representative ofPassage 2I. AACDAII. 1. its greatest cultural significance 2. locationPassage 3I. DDCBCII. 1.studios, manufacturers and online stores 2. participationPassage 41. H2. I3. C4. J5. E6. M7. G8.B9.F 10.NPassage 51. E2. G3. J4. F5. C6. H7. D8.C9.I 10.A Unit 10 PoliticsPassage 1I. BADABII. 1. brave role models 2. capabilityPassage 2I. CBCBBII. 1. under 2. very farPassage 3I. T T T F FII. 1. message maker, organizer 2. expandPassage 4Passage 51. D2. F3. G4. I5. B6. E7. A8.C9.D 10.H。

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第5章 原子核与核能 分层作业20 原子核衰变及半衰期

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第5章 原子核与核能 分层作业20 原子核衰变及半衰期

分层作业20 原子核衰变及半衰期A组必备知识基础练1.核废料具有很强的放射性,需要妥善处理。

下列说法正确的是( )A.放射性元素经过两个完整的半衰期后,将完全衰变殆尽B.原子核衰变时电荷数守恒,质量数不守恒C.改变压力、温度或浓度,将改变放射性元素的半衰期D.过量放射性辐射对人体组织有破坏作用,但辐射强度在安全剂量内则没有伤害2.目前,在居室装修中经常用到的花岗岩、大理石等装修材料,都不同程度地含有放射性元素,装修污染已经被列为“危害群众最大的五种环境污染”之一。

有关放射性元素的下列说法正确的是( )A.氡的半衰期为3.8天,若取4个氡核,经过7.6天就只剩下一个氡原子核了B.发生α衰变时,生成核与原来的原子核相比,中子数减少了4个C.β衰变所释放的电子是原子核中的中子转化为质子所产生的D.γ射线一般伴随着α或β射线产生,在这三种射线中,γ射线的穿透能力最强,电离作用也最强3.下列表示放射性元素碘131(53131I)β衰变的方程是( )A.53131I Sb+24HeB.53131I Xe+-10eC.53131I I+01nD.53131I Te+11H4.碘131的半衰期约为8天。

若某药物含有质量为m的碘131,经过32天后,该药物中碘131的含量大约还有( )A.m4B.m8C.m16D.m325.某放射性元素经过11.4天有78的原子核发生了衰变,该元素的半衰期为( )A.11.4天B.7.6天C.5.7天D.3.8天6.“玉兔二号”月球车携带具有放射性的同位素钚94238Pu,94238Pu不断衰变,释放能量为设备供热,衰变方程为94238Pu X+92234U,半衰期为88年。

则下列说法正确的是( ) A.X为24HeB.若环境温度升高,则94238Pu衰变得更快C.该衰变为β衰变238PuD.若有100个94238Pu,则经过88年,一定还剩下50个947.放射性同位素的应用非常广泛,几乎遍及各行各业。

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 分层作业18 原子核的组成 放射性元素的衰变

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 分层作业18 原子核的组成 放射性元素的衰变

分层作业18 原子核的组成放射性元素的衰变A级必备知识基础练1.(福建泉州高二月考)关于三种天然放射线,下列说法正确的是( )A.α射线是高速运动的氦原子B.穿透能力最强的是β射线C.天然放射线的发现说明原子核具有复杂结构D.α射线是三种天然放射线中的一种,常利用它的穿透本领做医学检查2.(多选)(江西景德镇高二月考)关于原子核83210Bi,下列说法正确的是( )A.核外有83个电子,核内有127个质子B.核外有83个电子,核内有83个质子C.核内有83个质子,127个中子D.核内有210个核子3.(山东菏泽高二月考)某种元素的不同同位素的原子核内的中子数N与原子核质量数A的关系是( )4.(山东济宁高二月考)下列说法正确的是( )A.任何元素都具有放射性B.同一元素,单质具有放射性,化合物没有C.元素的放射性与温度无关D.放射性就是该元素的化学性质5.(多选)γ刀已成为治疗脑肿瘤的最佳仪器。



那么γ刀治疗脑肿瘤主要是利用( )A.γ射线具有很强的穿透能力B.γ射线具有很强的电离作用C.γ射线具有很高的能量D.γ射线能容易地绕过障碍物到达目的地6.(江苏镇江高二月考)下列有关半衰期的说法正确的是( )A.放射性元素的半衰期越短,表明有半数原子核发生衰变所需的时间越短,衰变速度越快B.放射性元素的样品不断衰变,随着剩下未衰变的原子核的减少,元素半衰期也变长C.把放射性元素放在密封的容器中,可以减慢放射性元素的衰变速度D.降低温度或增大压强,让该元素与其他物质形成化合物,均可减小衰变速度7.(广东广州高二期末)卢瑟福发现质子后,猜想原子核中还有中子的存在,他的主要依据是( )A.原子核外电子数与质子数相等B.原子核的质量大约是质子质量的整数倍C.原子核的质量与电荷量之比大于质子的相应比值D.质子和中子的质量几乎相等8.(河北衡水高二月考)人们在海水中发现了放射性元素钚(94239Pu)。



Unit 1Passage 1A A C D Passage 2F F T FPassage 3C B D APassage 4E L B IPassage 5J G I C unit 2Passage 1F T T F Passage 2B D C APassage 3F F T TPassage 4M F J CPassage 5C J H E Unit 3Passage 1B D C C Passage 2T F F FPassage 3T F T FPassage 4C H O KPassage 5J F I E Unit 4Passage 1C D A C Passage 2F F F FPassage 3D B C CPassage 4B A I DPassage 5I G A H Unit 5Passage 1A B A D Passage 2F F F TPassage 3D D A CPassage 4F M D KPassage 5B C E F Unit 6Passage 1T F F T Passage 2D C B APassage 3B D D CPassage 4J G F DPassage 5E H F J Unit 7Passage 1D B B A Passage 2F F T FPassage 3D D C CPassage 4A G B HPassage 5G H I J Unit 8Passage 1F F T T Passage 2C B D BPassage 3T F F TPassage 4F L D OPassage 5H J E I Unit 9Passage 1F F T T Passage 2F F T TPassage 3T F F TPassage 4F D G IPassage 5D G E A Unit 10passage 1F F F T passage 2B C B Cpassage 3F T F F passage 4K E M I passage 5G E A Fhe failed in examinationenvironmentHDit is gentle and low-impactwithout making proper preparationFedererOMonly 8% of the IPv4 numbers left in the worldto blameadequated evidenceIGimpracticala meaningful chance“interreligious university”HBunconscious thought processes and their ……natureagainstBGEconomics studentsbody test; weightconstructive; developmentalCGween rich and poor; shifting social value; the difficulti dosen't care about the relationship enoughcheer you upCCanimal rights; the environment; health concernsresist sudden heavy rains; compete with weedsSixtyBCHannover Exhibition Centre; 11 leading trade fairs concept cars; actual production carsthe Chinese National; Chinese ProvincesKCthe Greek gods, the abilities of the Greek peoplean official presenceC JJonathan Livingston Seagullfight against challengesA M K FA DB Hmind and body, as well as spiritmake the injury worse and lead to long-term problemsin the hope ofA L H DK D B L emerging and developing countriesanimal-based characterschicken-and-egg puzzleN E J GD H A Bshe's too senstive to horsesa behind-the-sceneswhat is God's purposeG F J MK C E Fhe was a Jewthe Apple stores are now retail leadersa (returning) heroL G I EG I J Menjoy jokesthe weight you want to lose; time span; feasibilitytheir share of the female gaming marketA I E BI C A Dmoney; rich peopleexperience different life eventshow you've changed for the betterIB D A Eresources, doing damageguages, the words for food and rice, or for rice and agriculture, are the same330,000N E A GD B A Ftransport goods and peopley use; the fact concept cars dominate the show; passenger cars and motorcycles; comm Chinese culturesM N B AI B F Ha gold medal, the enormous amouns of sponsorship benefits given upon top sportspeopl in the power of ideas; the need to communicate America's views abroadkeep the herd together; bad men and IndiansG O A FD I B CNAGGACNDJMHBFMGcommerical vehiclesCEpeopleD H。

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第1章 第2节 科学测量 用油膜法估测油酸分子的大小

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第1章 第2节 科学测量 用油膜法估测油酸分子的大小

第2节科学测量:用油膜法估测油酸分子的大小A级必备知识基础练1.在用油膜法估测分子大小的实验中,认为油酸分子在水面上形成单分子油膜层,且油酸分子是一个紧挨一个排列的球体,这体现的物理思想方法是( )A.等效替代法B.控制变量法C.理想模型法D.累积法2.采用油膜法估测分子的直径,需要测量的物理量是( )A.一滴油酸的质量和它的密度B.一滴油酸的体积和它的密度C.一滴油酸的体积和它扩散成油膜的最大面积D.散开形成的油膜的厚度和它的密度3.(江苏连云港高三检测)在用油膜法估测油酸分子的大小实验中,下列说法正确的是( )A.为便于形成单分子油膜,配成的油酸酒精溶液浓度要低一些B.为使油酸和酒精充分混合,配成的溶液需静置较长时间C.为清晰显示油膜的边界,滴入油酸酒精溶液后再撒上痱子粉D.为减小实验误差,选用的玻璃板上正方形方格要大一些4.为了减小用油膜法估测分子的大小的实验误差,下列操作正确的是( )A.用注射器取1 mL配制好的油酸酒精溶液,共可滴N滴,则每滴中含有油mL酸1NB.把浅盘水平放置,在浅盘里倒入一些水,使水面离盘口距离小一些C.先在浅盘中撒些爽身粉,再用注射器把油酸酒精溶液多滴几滴在水面上D.实验时先将一滴油酸酒精溶液滴入水中,再把爽身粉撒在水面上5.(河北邢台高二月考)在做用油膜法估测分子的大小的实验时,用a mL 纯油酸配制成b mL油酸酒精溶液,用量筒和注射器测得60滴这样的溶液为1 mL,用注射器把一滴该溶液滴入表面撒有痱子粉的浅盘里,待油膜形状稳定后,把玻璃板盖在浅盘上并描画出油膜的轮廓,如图所示。

(1)每滴油酸酒精溶液中含有纯油酸的体积V= mL;(2)图中单分子油膜的面积相当于个小方格的面积。

再测量出小方格的边长,从而计算出浅盘中单分子油膜的面积S;(3)则估测出油酸分子的直径d= 。


鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第4章 第1节 电子的发现与汤姆孙原子模型 (2)

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第4章 第1节 电子的发现与汤姆孙原子模型 (2)

第4章原子结构第1节电子的发现与汤姆孙原子模型A级必备知识基础练1.(多选)下列说法正确的是( )A.汤姆孙精确地测出了电子电荷量eB.电子电荷量的精确值是密立根通过“油滴实验”测出的C.汤姆孙油滴实验更重要的发现是:电荷量是量子化的,即任何电荷量只能是e的整数倍D.通过实验测出电子的比荷和电子电荷量e的值,就可以确定电子的质量2.(多选)如图所示是汤姆孙的气体放电管的示意图,下列说法正确的是( )A.若在D1、D2之间不加电场和磁场,阴极射线应打到最右端中央的P1点B.若在D1、D2之间加上竖直向下的电场,阴极射线应向下偏转C.若在D1、D2之间加上竖直向下的电场,阴极射线应向上偏转D.若在D1、D2之间加上垂直纸面向里的磁场,阴极射线不偏转3.(多选)关于电子的发现,下列说法正确的是( )A.电子的发现,说明原子是由电子和原子核组成B.电子的发现,说明原子具有一定的结构C.在电子被人类发现前,人们认为原子是组成物质的最小微粒D.电子带负电,使人们意识到原子内应该还有带正电的部分4.(多选)1897年英国物理学家汤姆孙通过对阴极射线的探究,最终发现了电子,因此被称为“电子之父”。

下列关于电子的说法正确的是( )A.电子是组成各种物质的共同成分B.不同物质中具有不同性质的电子C.电子质量是质子质量的1 836倍D.电子是一种粒子,是比原子更基本的物质单元5.密立根油滴实验原理如图所示,两块水平放置的金属板分别与电源的正、负极相接,板间距离为d,板间电压为U,形成竖直向下、电场强度为E的匀强电场。


通过显微镜可找到悬浮不动的油滴,若此悬浮油滴的质量为m,重力加速度为g,则下列说法正确的是( )A.悬浮油滴带正电B.悬浮油滴的电荷量为mgUC.增大电场强度,悬浮油滴将向上运动D.油滴的电荷量不一定是电子电荷量的整数倍6.密立根油滴实验进一步证实了电子的存在,揭示了电荷的非连续性。

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第一章测评卷

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第一章测评卷



1.下述现象说明分子之间有引力作用的是( )A.两块纯净铅块的接触面刮平整后用力挤压可以粘在一起B.丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒能吸引轻小物体C.磁铁能吸引小铁钉D.自由落体运动2.清晨,空气中的水汽凝结成草叶上的露珠。

这一物理过程中,水分子间的( )A.引力消失,斥力增大B.斥力消失,引力增大C.引力、斥力都减小D.引力、斥力都增大3.关于分子质量,下列说法正确的是( )A.质量相同的任何物质,分子数都相同B.摩尔质量相同的物质,分子质量不一定相同C.分子质量之比一定等于它们的摩尔质量之比D.密度大的物质,分子质量一定大4.以下说法正确的是( )A.机械能为零、内能不为零是可能的B.温度相同,质量相同的物体具有相同的内能C.温度越高,物体运动速度越大,物体的内能越大D.0 ℃冰的内能比等质量的0 ℃水的内能大5.当分子间距离大于10r0(r0是分子间平衡位置的距离)时,分子力可以认为是零,规定此时分子势能为零。

当分子间距离是平衡距离r0时,下列说法正确的是( )A.分子力是零,分子势能也是零B.分子力是零,分子势能不是零C.分子力不是零,分子势能是零D.分子力不是零,分子势能不是零6.在较暗的房间里,从射进来的光束中用眼睛直接看到悬浮在空气中的微粒的运动是( )A.布朗运动B.分子的热运动C.自由落体运动D.气流和重力共同作用引起的运动7.如图所示,纵坐标表示两个分子间引力、斥力的大小,横坐标表示两个分子的距离,图中两条曲线分别表示两分子间引力、斥力的大小随分子间距离的变化关系,E为两曲线的交点,则下列说法正确的是( )A.AB为斥力曲线,CD为引力曲线,E点横坐标的数量级为10-10 mB.AB为引力曲线,CD为斥力曲线,E点横坐标的数量级为10-10 mC.若两个分子间距离大于E点的横坐标,则分子间作用力表现为斥力D.若两个分子间距离大于E点的横坐标,且间距增大时,则分子力的合力增大二、多项选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。

人教版高中物理选择性必修第三册 第1章 4 课后提升训练

人教版高中物理选择性必修第三册 第1章 4 课后提升训练

第一章 4A组·基础达标1.下述说法中正确的是( )A.甲物体的温度比乙物体的温度高,则甲物体分子平均速率比乙物体分子平均速率大B.温度是分子平均动能的标志,温度升高,则物体的每一个分子的动能都增大C.当某物体的内能增加时,该物体的温度一定升高D.温度是分子平均动能的标志,温度越高,则分子平均动能越大【答案】D【解析】温度是分子平均动能的标志,甲物体的温度比乙物体的温度高,由于不知道两种粒子的分子质量的关系,所以不能判断出甲物体分子平均速率与乙物体分子平均速率的大小关系,故A错误;温度是分子平均动能的标志,物体温度高,则分子的平均动能大,并不是物体的每一个分子的动能都增大,故D正确,B错误;物体的内能与物体温度、体积、物态有关,温度高,内能不一定大,故C错误.2.已知水的密度会随温度的变化而变化,现给体积相同的玻璃瓶A、B分别装满温度为60 ℃的热水和0 ℃的冷水(如图所示).下列说法中正确的是( )A.温度是分子平均动能的标志,所以A瓶中水分子的平均动能比B 瓶中水分子的平均动能大B.温度越高,布朗运动越显著,所以A瓶中水分子的布朗运动比B 瓶中水分子的布朗运动更显著C.A瓶中水的内能与B瓶中水的内能一样大D.由于A、B两瓶水体积相等,所以A、B两瓶中水分子间的平均距离相等【答案】A【解析】温度是分子平均动能的标志,A的温度高,故A的平均动能大,故A正确;布朗运动是固体颗粒的无规则运动,不是分子的运动,故B错误;体积相同的玻璃瓶A、B分别装满温度为60 ℃和0 ℃的热水和冷水,它们的体积相等,质量近似相等,温度不同,所以内能一定不同,故C错误;平均距离与温度有关,相同体积不同温度水分子的个数不同,平均距离就不同,故D错误.3.一木块从斜面上匀速下滑,在下滑的过程中,木块的温度不断升高,则( )A.分子势能减小,分子平均动能不变B.机械能减小,内能增大C.机械能不变,内能增大D.分子势能不变,分子平均动能增大【答案】B【解析】一木块从斜面上匀速下滑,在下滑的过程中,木块的温度不断升高属于摩擦做功生热.机械能减小,内能增大.这与分子势能变化没有关系.所以A、C、D错误,B正确.4.关于物体的内能,正确的说法是( )A.温度、质量相同的物体具有相等的内能B.物体的内能可能与物体的体积有关C.机械能越大的物体,内能也一定越大D.温度相同的两物体具有相同的内能【答案】B【解析】物体的内能与物质的量、温度、体积等因素有关,温度相同,质量相同的物体内能不一定相等,还与分子数有关,以及体积有关,故A 错误,B正确.物体的内能与物体的机械能是两个不同的概念,二者没有关系,故C错误.温度越高,分子平均动能越大,但物体的内能不一定越大,还与物质的量有关,故D错误.5.(多选)如图为两分子系统的势能E p与两分子间距离r的关系曲线.下列说法正确的是( )A.当r大于r1时,分子间的作用力表现为引力B.当r小于r1时,分子间的作用力表现为斥力C.当r等于r2时,分子间的作用力为零D.在r由r1变到r2的过程中,分子间的作用力做负功【答案】BC【解析】分子间距等于r0时分子势能最小,即r2=r0.当r小于r1时分子力表现为斥力;当r大于r1小于r2时分子力表现为斥力;当r大于r2时分子力表现为引力,所以A错误,B、C正确.在r由r1变到r2的过程中,分子斥力做正功,分子势能减小,D错误.6.(多选)关于物体内能,下列说法中正确的是( )A.每一个分子的动能与分子势能的和叫物体的内能B.物体所有分子的动能与分子势能的总和叫物体的内能C.一个物体,当它的机械能发生变化时,其内能也一定发生变化D.一个物体内能的多少与它的机械能多少无关【答案】BD【解析】物体内所有分子的动能与势能的总和叫物体的内能,物体的内能对单个分子而言无意义.物体的内能与其所含分子的动能与势能有关,与物体的动能和势能、机械能无关,故本题选B、D.7.(多选)下列关于分子力和分子势能的说法中,正确的是( )A.当分子力表现为引力时,分子力和分子势能总是随分子间距离的增大而增大B.当分子力表现为引力时,分子力和分子势能总是随分子间距离的增大而减小C.当分子力表现为引力时,随着分子间的距离增大,分子力先增大后减小,分子势能增大D.当分子力表现为斥力时,分子力和分子势能总是随分子间距离的减小而增大【答案】CD【解析】当分子力表现为引力时,分子间距离r>r0,随分子间距离的增大,分子力先增大后减小,分子势能增大,A、B错误,C正确.当分子力表现为斥力时,分子间距离r<r0,随分子间距离的减小,分子力和分子势能都增大,D正确.8.(多选)关于分子的动能,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体运动速度大,物体内分子的动能一定大B.物体的温度升高,物体内每个分子的动能都增大C.物体的温度降低,物体内大量分子的平均动能一定减小D.物体内分子的平均动能与物体做机械运动的速度大小无关【答案】CD【解析】分子的平均动能与机械运动的速度无关;温度升高,分子的平均动能一定增大,但对单个分子来讲,其动能可能增大也可能减小.9.(多选)下列关于分子运动和热现象的说法正确的是( )A.一定量100 ℃的水变成100 ℃的水蒸气,其分子间势能增加B.气体如果失去了容器的约束就会散开,这是因为气体分子之间存在斥力的缘故C.一定量气体的内能等于其所有分子热运动动能和分子势能的总和D.如果气体温度升高,那么所有分子的速率都增加【答案】AC【解析】一定量100 ℃的水变成100 ℃的水蒸气,内能增加,平均动能不变,其分子之间的势能增加,A正确;气体如果失去了容器的约束就会散开,这是因为气体分子在做永不停息的无规则运动,B错误;一定量气体的内能等于其所有分子热运动动能和分子之间势能的总和,C正确;如果气体温度升高,分子平均动能增加,不一定所以分子动能都增加,D 错误.10.(多选)设有甲、乙两分子,甲固定在O点,r0为其平衡位置到O 点间的距离,今使乙分子由静止开始只在分子力作用下由距甲0.5r0处开始沿x方向运动,则( )A.乙分子的加速度先减小,后增大B.乙分子到达r0处时速度最大C.分子力对乙一直做正功,分子势能减小D.乙分子在r0处时,分子势能最小【答案】BD【解析】两分子间的斥力和引力的合力F与分子间距离r的关系如图中曲线所示,曲线与r轴交点的横坐标为r0,由图可知,乙分子受到的分子力先变小,位于平衡位置时,分子力为零,大于平衡位置时,分子力先变大再变小,故乙分子的加速度是先变小再反向变大,再变小,故A错误;当r小于r0时,分子间的作用力表现为斥力,F做正功,分子动能增加,势能减小,当r等于r0时,动能最大,势能最小,当r大于r0时,分子间作用力表现为引力,分子力做负功,动能减小,势能增加,故C错误,B、D正确.B组·能力提升11.下列四幅图中,能正确反映分子间作用力F和分子势能E p随分子间距离r变化关系的图线是( )【答案】B【解析】当r<r0时,分子力表现为斥力,随分子间距离r增大,分子势能E p减小.当r>r0时,分子力表现为引力,随分子间距离r增大,分子势能E p增大.当r=r0时,分子力为零,此时分子势能最小.故B正确.12.(多选)比较氢气和氧气,不考虑分子势能,下面说法中正确的是( )A.相同温度下,氧分子和氢分子具有相同的平均速率B .在相同温度下,氧分子和氢分子具有相同的平均动能C .体积和温度都相同的氢气和氧气具有相同的内能D .摩尔数和温度都相同的氢气和氧气具有相同的内能【答案】BD【解析】温度相同,则分子的平均动能相同,而氢气的分子质量小,所以氧分子的平均速率比氢分子小,故A 错误.质量和温度相同的氢气和氧气具有相同的分子平均动能,故B 正确.气体的体积随容积的改变而改变,故无法判断含有物质的量的多少,无法判定内能是否相等,故C 错误.摩尔数相同,则分子个数相同,又由于温度相同,则分子的平均动能相同,因此氢气和氧气具有相同的内能,故D 正确.13.三个瓶子分别盛有质量相同的氢气、氧气和氮气,它们的温度相同,则分子平均速率最大的是____________________________________________________________________;在不计分子势能的情况下,气体内能最大的是_________________________________.【答案】氢气 氢气【解析】它们的平均动能相同,即12m O v 2O =12m N v 2N =12m H v 2H ,而分子质量的大小关系为m O >m N >m H ,所以有v H >v N >v O ,又因三种气体的质量相同,氢气的分子总数最多,由气体内能E 内=N E -k 可知,氢气内能最大.14.分子势能随分子间距离r 的变化情况可以在如图所示的图像中表现出来,就图像回答:(1)从图中看到分子间距离在r0处,分子势能最小,试说明理由.(2)图中分子势能为零的点选在什么位置,在这种情况下分子势能可以大于零,可以小于零,也可以等于零,对吗?(3)如果选两个分子相距r0时分子势能为零,分子势能有什么特点?解:(1)如果分子间距离约为10-10m数量级,分子的作用力的合力为零,此距离为r0.当分子距离小于r0时,分子间的作用力表现为斥力,要减小分子间的距离必须克服斥力做功,因此,分子势能随分子间距离的减小而增大.如果分子间距离大于r0时,分子间的相互作用表现为引力,要增大分子间的距离必须克服引力做功,因此,分子势能随分子间距离的增大而增大.从以上两种情况综合分析,分子间距离以r0为数值基准,r不论减小或增大,分子势能都增大.所以说,在平衡位置处是分子势能最低点.(2)由题图可知,分子势能为零的点选在了两个分子相距无穷远的位置.因为分子在平衡位置处是分子势能最低点,据题图也可以看出:在这种情况下分子势能可以大于零,可以小于零,也可以等于零.(3)因为分子在平衡位置处是分子势能最低点,最低点的分子势能为零,所以此种情况的特点为分子势能大于等于零.。

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第1章 第1章测评

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第1章 第1章测评



1.下列关于布朗运动的说法正确的是( )A.布朗运动是指在显微镜下观察到的组成悬浮颗粒的固体分子的无规则运动B.布朗运动是指在显微镜下观察到的悬浮固体颗粒的无规则运动C.布朗运动是指液体分子的无规则运动D.布朗运动是指在显微镜下直接观察到的液体分子的无规则运动2.用r表示两个分子之间的距离,E p表示两个分子间的相互作用势能,当r=r0时,两个分子之间引力等于斥力,设两个分子间距较远时,E p=0,则( )A.当分子间距r变小时,引力减小,斥力增大B.当r>r0时,引力大于斥力,r增大时分子力做负功,E p增加C.当r<r0时,引力大于斥力,r减小时分子力做负功,E p减小D.当r=r0时,E p=03.下列关于分子热运动和热现象的说法正确的是( )A.气体如果失去了容器的约束就会散开,这是气体分子之间存在势能的缘故B.一定量100 ℃的水变成100 ℃的水蒸气,其分子平均动能增加C.一定量气体的内能等于其所有分子热运动的动能和分子势能的总和D.如果气体温度升高,那么每一个分子热运动的速率都增加4.如图所示,由导热材料制成的气缸和活塞将一定质量的气体密闭在气缸内,活塞与气缸壁之间无摩擦,活塞上方存有少量液体。


下列各个描述气体状态变化的图像中与上述过程相符合的是( )二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分。


5.关于分子大小与微观量的估算,下列说法正确的是( )A.1 g水中所含的分子数目和地球的总人口数基本相等B.利用物质的摩尔质量与阿伏伽德罗常数可以计算每个分子的质量C.只要知道气体的摩尔体积和阿伏伽德罗常数,就可以算出气体的分子体积D.用油膜法估测分子大小,如果油膜没有充分展开,测出来的分子大小将偏大6.对一定质量的气体,通过一定的方法得到了单位速率区间内的分子数百分率f(v)与速率v的两条关系图线,如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A.曲线Ⅱ对应的气体温度较高B.曲线Ⅱ对应的气体分子平均速率较大C.曲线Ⅱ对应的气体分子平均速率较小D.曲线Ⅱ对应的图线与横坐标轴所围面积较大7.对一定质量的理想气体,下列说法正确的是( )A.气体体积是指所有气体分子的体积之和B.气体分子的热运动越剧烈,气体的温度就越高C.当气体膨胀时,气体的分子势能减小,气体的内能不一定减小D.气体的压强是由气体分子的重力产生的,在失重的情况下,密闭容器内的气体对器壁没有压强8.如图是一定质量的理想气体的p-V图像,气体状态从A→B→C→D→A完成一次循环,A→B(图中实线)和C→D为等温过程,温度分别为T1和T2。

教科版高中物理必修第三册课后习题 第一章 静电场 第一章测评

教科版高中物理必修第三册课后习题 第一章 静电场 第一章测评


在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求)1.(福建莆田城厢期末)下列关于摩擦起电现象的说法正确的是( )A.摩擦起电现象使本来没有电子或质子的物体产生了电子或质子B.两种不同材料的绝缘体互相摩擦后,同时带上等量异种电荷C.摩擦起电可能是因为摩擦导致质子从一个物体转移到另一个物体D.用丝绸摩擦玻璃棒时,电子从丝绸转移到玻璃棒上,玻璃棒因质子数少于电子数而带负电2.(江苏淮安金湖期中)两个完全相同的金属球A和B,其中A球的电荷量为+5Q、B球的电荷量为-Q(均可视为点电荷),两球相距为r,此时两球间的库仑力大小为F。

现将金属球A和B接触后又放回原处,则两球之间的库仑力大小变为( )A.F5B.4F5C.9F5D.4F3.(浙江高中联盟期中)如图所示,正六边形的两个顶点F、D上固定等量同种点电荷。

下列说法正确的是( )A.A点的电势低于E点的电势B.B点的电场强度等于E点的电场强度C.若一个负点电荷仅在静电力作用下从E点静止释放,点电荷最终会停在O点D.试探电荷在B点的库仑力大小是放在O点的库仑力大小的√3倍4.(辽宁五校联考期末)如图所示,空间有一正三棱锥OABC,点A'、B'、C'分别是三条棱的中点。

现在顶点O处固定一正的点电荷,下列说法正确的是( )A.A'、B'、C'三点的电场强度相同B.△ABC所在平面为等势面C.将一正的试探电荷从A'点沿直线A'B'移到B'点,静电力对该试探电荷先做正功后做负功D.若A'点的电势为φA',A点的电势为φA,则A'A连线中点D处的电势φD一定小于φA'+φA25.(山东济南期末)某静电除尘器的除尘原理示意图如图所示,一带正电的金属板和一个带负电的放电极形成电场,它们之间的电场线分布如图所示,虚线为一带电烟尘颗粒的运动轨迹,a、b是轨迹上的两点。

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 1 ART Section A

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 1 ART Section A

UNIT1 ARTSectionA ReadingandThinking必备知识基础练Ⅰ.单句填空1.He is confident that his country (emerge) as the first nation in the world free of absolute poverty.2.It’s only (realism) to accept that there will be some problems.3.According to a survey,more than half of Chinese students are short-sighted, (rank) first in the world.4.We’re trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution particular.5.When I visited my teacher who was in hospital,I took a bunch of flowers I (purchase) in the flower shop.6.Foshan launched an award ceremony to honour local (influence) ean”.Ⅱ.短语填空1.Man is other animals because of his ability to reason.2.We should pay attention to our behaviour,in formalsituations .3. the fifth century BCE,Parmenides of Elea declared that the earth was a sphere.4.My grandparents the atmosphere of peace and calm in the country.5.In pursuing a dream,we might only one way of making it come true,forgetting that there may be alternatives.6.No matter when Miss Smith was in real trouble,she always Jack for help.7.Many customs and traditional ways of behaviour arerelevant to the modern life.8.People have better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer .Ⅲ.句式升级1.While he was flying in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station.(升级为省略句)→,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station.2.When I opened the door,I found that our maths teacher was being surrounded by a group of curious kids.(升级为动词-ing形式的被动式)→When I opened the door,I found our maths teachera group of curious kids.st night,there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV.(升级为定语从句)→Last night,there were millions of peoplethe opening ceremony live on TV.4.The young don’t lack book knowledge now,but what they lack is practical experience.(升级为一个句子)→What the young lack now ispractical experience.能力素养提升练Ⅳ.阅读理解A(福建漳州一模)Imagine taking a photo of a destination that’s so colorful that you don’t need to apply any filters.Among many of the Earth’s colorful landscapes,there are mountains whose colors go beyond single and boring shades.ThePitons,AfricaNear the town of Soufriere,on St.Lucia’s southwestern coast,this pair of mountainous volcanic cones is truly green and what may attract your attention is that they’re also blessed in being covered with a grassy and unique forest that is home to a number of rare plant species.Collectively they are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.ZhangyeNationalGeopark,ChinaIn northwestern China’s province of Gansu,this UNESCO national park is considered to be one of China’s most beautifulnatural wonders.At first glance,it looks as if a rainbow was carefully applied to a palette.MontagneSainteVictoire,FranceWhat makes this mountain range so wonderful is that it has served as an inspiration for the French artist Paul Cezanne.This Post-Impressionist painter was inspired by this distinct landscape so much that it became the constant subject of his paintings.VermilionCliffsNationalMonument,AmericaNamed in ,this national monument in Northern Arizona line makes you feel as if you’ve stepped onto ano ther planet.Towering cliffs,and colored rock formations are found across this site’s many regions.But wait a minute:There are certain areas that require obtaining specific permits in advance to e,so do your homework first.1.What may interest you besides colors in The Pitons?A.There are unusual plants.B.It is located on the coast.C.There are volcano-shaped mountains.D.It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site.2.Which place became the constant subject of Paul Cezanne’s paintings?A.The Pitons.B.Zhangye National Geopark.C.Montagne Sainte Victoire.D.Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.3.What needs your special attention when you visit Vermilion Cliffs National Monument?A.Making some preparations ahead of time.B.Getting a permission before eountains blocking your way.D.Feeling like walking into another planet.B(江西吉安联考)No matter where he parks his VW bus coated in chalkboard paint,Jonathan Sherman comes back to find great new art adorning the sides.Once a week,he washes it and creates a new canvas for the amateur artists of American Fork who are inspired to fill its sides.The story behind what has become known as the “Chalkbus” even inspired a mini documentary by college students,the DailyHerald reports.The idea to make it a rolling chalkboard came to Sherman when the bus was due for a new paint job and he painted it black matte primer and then gazed over at his daughter drawing chalk on the sidewalk.He invited her to try on the van,and the plan was formed.“People were like,‘Oh,you shouldn’t do that,peopl e are going to draw all kinds of horrible things on there,’ you know,‘You’re asking for trouble,’” Sherman said.“People really haven’t drawn anything bad there,they always draw cool things.”He started driving it several years ago,and frequently found drawings when he parked it in at the movie theater or grocery store.When he found someone drawing on the bus,he left them alone to finish before talking with them.“It’s always a positiveconversation,” he said.Sherman,a licensed marriage and family therapist,said the bus seemed to provide something people were missing.He took it each year to the Out of Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk in Salt Lake City and let people draw on it there.“A lot of people are really disconnected in society.And a lot of people suffe r in silence,”he said.“Anywhere I can find a little small connection,I think it just alleviates a little bit of a burden somewhere for somebody to know that,you’re seen and you matter.”“I’ve just noticed how many meaningful connections have come as a resu lt of or have come because of the ecKinnon said.“Because the Chalkbus eade friends that I wouldn’t have made.I want people to have peace,love and happiness.”4.How did Sherman react when seeing someone painting on his bus?A.He watched him/ her in a cold manner.B.He stayed angry but kept silent.C.He fought with the person.D.He watched him/ her and then talked with the person.5.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “alleviates” in paragraph 7?A.Relieves.B.Bears.C.Accepts.D.Improves.6.What’s th e best title of the passage?A.Immoral behaviors happening in public.B.The “Chalkbus” inspires drawing and connectivity.C.The “Chalkbus” promotes young artists born in colleges.D.Newly-born style of art—Chalkbus drawing.7.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A guidebook.B.A scientific fiction.C.A fashion magazine.D.A news report.Ⅴ.七选五(北京卷)Music has long been considered to be an enjoyable pastime for many people. 1 The mental health benefits from music can’t beargued.Music could also be helping you with many other health problems behind the scenes.2 However,for the same reason,music can be very beneficial if one is in pain.By distracting(分心) the mind from thepain,music,people say,can lower stress and anxiety levels.This,of course,can lead to less pain.Many people enjoy relaxing music in the evening prior to going to bed. 3 While the validity of the idea is still being assessed,the lowered stress can even be tied back to blood pressure.Similarly,according to researchers,listening to just 30 minutes of soft music every day may help with healthy blood sugar levels,through the lowering of stress and anes to heart health,there is speculation(推测) that it’s not the style of music,but rather the tempo that makes it so good for your heart health.In one European study,participants listened to music as the researchers monitored their heart rates and blood pressure. 4 On the other hand,when the music slowed,the participants’ stressand ane lower and the effects on heart rates appeared to follow suit.5 But there is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radio could be beneficial for,which is what makes music so valuable.A.This feeling can also result in many other health problems.B.Some eusic can be harmful if it is too loud.C.This idea is a little off-the-wall but still has scientific backing.D.They say it can play a big role in calming the brain enough to sleep.E.The implications of music on overall well-being are really impressive.F.It is also highly popular due to the individualized effects on stress and anore cheerful the music was,the faster their heart rates were.答案:Ⅰ.1.will emerge 2.realistic 3.ranking 4.in 5.had purchased 6.influentialⅡ.1.set apart from 2.in particular 3.As early as 4.are fond of 5.focus on 6.turned to 7.no longer 8.as a resultⅢ.1.While flying in space 2.being surrounded by 3.who were watching 4.not book knowledge butⅣ.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。



Unit 5Words in use忻]1. annual 2. contract 3. distinction 4. substantial 5. furnished6. amateur7. assemble8. react9. appear 10. magnificentWord building0 -ingbori n g^borefascina tin g^fasci riatcamuse-^ amusing-i onexplode —explosionassumef assumpti oncvolvc^cvoluti oncompensate —compensationcontribut ion —contribute-aryel eme nt — el erne nt aryrevolution -^rcvolutionaryHJl. assumption 2. fascinated 3. explosion 4. elementary 5. compensation6. evolution7. amusing8. bore9. contribute 10. revolutionary Banked clozeExpressions in use 可1. passed away 2. left behind 3. give away 4. had no intention of 5. Up to6. regardless of7. might (just)as well8. fall in9. in dttcndeincc 10. to this dayTranslation会每4年举办一次,在8月6 口与9月19 口Z 间的一个纪念宙斯的宗教节口期 间举行。


奥运会的标志由五个大 小相同的套环组成,代表着五大洲的联合和来自世界各地运动员的大聚会。

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册UNIT1 ART第一单元过关检测(A卷)含答案

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册UNIT1 ART第一单元过关检测(A卷)含答案


AIf you are travelling in Britain,besides so many world-class things to see and do in London,planning a day trip away from it can also be worthwhile.StonehengeStonehenge consists of a group of huge standing stones.The 5,000-year-old stones are one of the world’s biggest mysteries that no one has figured out yet.While exploring Stonehenge,you can imagine wildly and decide for yourself how the stones came to be there and why.Although you can’t touch the stones,you can walk among them and feel the changes of seasons.WindsorMost people visit Windsor to see Windsor Castle,where the Queen spends most of her time.The castle itself could keep you busy for days.The best way to appreciate Windsor Castle is to approach via the Long Walk,a straight road where there are no cars,but you might see some deer.OxfordOxford is best known for its world-famous university.The large student population keeps the atmosphere young and fresh,though there’s no shortage of history if you want it.30 colleges make up the university itself.A tour of the colleges is a must—Harry Potter fans will recognise various locations used in the movies.BathFounded by the Romans,who used the area’s springs to create a spa retreat,Bath’s now the best tourist attraction of Southwest England.Visitors never miss the Roman Bath Complex,which is divided into four main parts—the Bath House,the Sacred Spring,the Roman Temple and the museum,which displays fascinating finds from the historical ruins of the city.1.What remains a mystery about Stonehenge?A.How long it has been there.B.Why the stones can’t be touched.C.How the stones came there.Stonehenge这段中的“While exploring Stonehenge,you can imagine wildly and decide for yourself how the stones came to be there and why.”可知选C项。



新编英语教程第3册(李观仪主编)第⼋单元课后练习答案Exercise I1. Spelling1. wince2. maliciously3. succession4. placatory5. enormous6. individual7. mountainous8. plead9. obedient 10. eyebrow 11. shrug 12. appropriate2. DictationAn old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still at the office at the time, but I had made arrangements for his arrival. After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the key under the doormat. As I was likely to be home rather late, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink.Two hours later my friend telephoned me from the flat. At the moment, he said, he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful meal. Now, he said, he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would join him. When I asked him if he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat, but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in. I listened to all this in astonishment. There is no apple tree in front of my living-room, but there is one in front of my neighbour’s!3. Listening ComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts.1. There was a lot of noise in the Reference Library.FIt was silent in the library.2. The assistant did not take much notice of Philip when he came in.T3. Philip knew the Reference Library well.FPhilip had not been to this part of the library before.4. Philip was not interested in photography.FPhotography was one of his hobbies.5. The assistant nearly forgot to ask Philip how old he was.TB. Complete each sentence with relevant information from the passage.1. Most of the books on the shelves, such as dictionaries in many languages and encyclopaedias did not interest Philip.2. Philip would not have disturbed the readers if he had not dropped a book on the floor.3. The book that fell off his hand to the floor was not damaged.4. The assistant librarian told Philip severely to be more careful when he was handling the books.5. Philip did not know that he was too young to use the Reference Library because he didn’t see the notice on the door. Script:A Kindly Library AssistantThe silence of the Reference Library was broken only by an occasional cough and now and then by the scarcely audible sound of pages being turned over. There were about twenty people in the room, most of them with their heads bent over their books. The assistant librarian who was in charge of the room sat at a desk in one corner. She glanced at Philip as he came in, then went on with her work.Philip had not been to this part of the library before. He walked around the room almost on tiptoe, afraid of disturbing the industrious readers with his heavy shoes. The shelves were filled with thick volumes: dictionaries in many languages, encyclopedias, atlases, biographies and other works of reference. He found nothing that was likely to interest him, until he came to a small section on photography, which was one of his hobbies. The books in this section were on a high shelf out of his reach, so he had to fetch a small ladder in order to get one down. Unfortunately, as he was climbing down the ladder, the book he had chosen slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor with a loud crash. Twenty pairs of eyes looked up at him simultaneously, annoyed by this unaccustomed disturbance. Philip felt himself go red as he picked up his book, which did not seem to have been damaged by its fall.He had just sat down when he found the young lady assistant standing alongside him. “You must be more careful when you are handling these books,” she said severely. Satisfied that she h ad done her duty, she turned to go back to her desk. Then a sudden thought struck her. “By the way, how old are you?” she asked Philip. “Thirteen,” he told her. “You’re not allowed in here if you’re under the age of fourteen, you know,” the assistant said.“Didn’t you see the notice on the door?” Philip shook his head. He expected the assistant to ask him to leave. Instead, in a more kindly tone, she said, “Well, never mind. But make sure that you don’t disturb the other readers again, otherwise I shall hav e to ask you to leave.”4. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1. 很清楚,在粗鲁的顾客⾯前,⼀些售货员感到很难保持礼貌待客。

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第四章 原子结构和波粒二象性 5.粒子的波动性和量子力学的建立

高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 第四章 原子结构和波粒二象性 5.粒子的波动性和量子力学的建立

5.粒子的波动性和量子力学的建立课后篇素养形成必备知识基础练1.关于德布罗意波,下列说法正确的是( )A.所有物体不论其是否运动,都有对应的德布罗意波B.任何一个运动着的物体都有一种波和它对应,这就是德布罗意波C.运动着的电场、磁场没有相对应的德布罗意波D.只有运动着的微观粒子才有德布罗意波,对于宏观物体,不论其是否运动,都没有相对应的德布罗意波,都有一种波与它对应,即物质波,物质有两类:实物和场,所以B正确。



下列说法不正确的是( )A.亮条纹是电子到达概率大的地方B.该实验说明物质波理论是正确的C.该实验说明了光子具有波动性D.该实验说明实物粒子具有波动性,实物粒子也具有波动性,亮条纹是电子到达概率大的地方,不能说明光子具有波动性,故选C。

3.质量为m的粒子原来的速度为v,现将粒子的速度增大为2v,则该粒子的物质波的波长将(粒子的质量保持不变)( )A.保持不变B.变为原来波长的两倍C.变为原来波长的一半D.变为原来波长的√2倍,粒子速度为v时,λ1=hmv;粒子速度为2v时,λ2=h2mv ,λ2=12λ1。



下列事实中突出体现波动性的是( )A.一定频率的光照射到锌板上,光的强度越大,单位时间内锌板上发射的光电子就越多B.质量为10-3 kg、速度为10-2 m/s的小球,其德布罗意波长约为10-28 m,不过我们能清晰地观测到小球运动的轨迹C.人们常利用热中子研究晶体的结构,因为热中子的德布罗意波长与晶体中原子间距大致相同D.以上说法均不能体现波动性,能清晰观察到轨迹,说明宏观物体的粒子性。


5.已知氢原子基态能量为-13.6 eV,电子质量m=9.1×10-31kg,电子的动能E p,求氢原子中基态电子的德布罗意波的波长。

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 1 ART 第1单元测评卷 (2)

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 1 ART 第1单元测评卷 (2)





1.What did the woman do earlier?A.She went swimming.B.She went to see the doctor.C.She went for a run.2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a library.B.In a dining hall.C.On a bus.3.What does Alean?A.Take her to a meeting.B.Lend her his car.C.Give her a lift.4.What did Jane probably do yesterday?A.She bought a bag.B.She visited the man.C.She went to buy clothes.5.What will the woman probably do?A.Leave the shop.B.Have another drink.C.Taste some hot chocolate.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6.Which part did the woman hurt originally?A.Her neck.B.Her leg.C.Her arm.7.How many children does the woman have?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。




A(2021·湖北等八省联盟联考)Later this month,Tate Britain will host its first Van Gogh exhibition since 1947.Here we’ve rounded up 4 of his best paintings before the show.Potato EatersPotato Eaters was Van Gogh’s first major work and,despite a distinct lack of colour,it was one that he was most proud of.His aim was to represent the difficulties of country life,so the farmers are painted in earthy tones with rough faces and bony hands.He was more concerned with conveying his message than achieving technical perfection in this painting.IrisesVan Gogh finished almost 142 pieces during his stay in the Saint Remy de Provence asylum(精神病院),where he was a voluntary patient from 1889 to 1890.This piece was started shortly after he arrived there.The hospital garden provided much inspiration for the artist during his stay there.Originally,the flowers in this work were painted purple but the red pigment(色素) faded over time and has now turned blue.Cafe Terrace at NightDespite being painted more than 130 years ago,this cafe still exists in France and has since been renamed the Cafe Van Gogh.This artwork marks the first time Van Gogh’s famous post-impressionistic star-filled sky was seen in a piece,and it was painted on the ground,in person,rather than from memory.While the artwork doesn’t bear his signature,it’s widely known to be Van Gogh’s,as he mentioned Cafe Terrace at Night in a number of his letters.Wheat Field With CypressesThis piece was inspired by the view from Van Gogh’s asylum window and was finished on the spot.The work was the title of three paintings that offer an insight into his stay at the hospital.Van Gogh was so pleased with the summer landscape that he made threecopies there,one of the same size—which hangs in the National Gallery,and two smaller copies which he planned to gift to his mother and sister.1.Which painting did Vincent van Gogh take most pride in?A.Irises.B.Potato Eaters.C.Cafe Terrace at Night.D.Wheat Field With Cypresses.2.What is the original color of the flowers in Irises?A.Purple.B.Blue.C.Red.D.Yellow.3.What do the last two paintings have in common?A.They were the same in size.B.They had more than one copy.C.They were signed by the artist.D.They were painted on the ground.B(2021·山东临沂期中)Haley Curfman,25,of Blackwell,Oklahoma,is a teacher at Blackwell Public School and last year she bought a plain(朴素的) white dress,which she set up a station in her classroom for her students to decorate,encouraging them to go and draw on the dress whenever they had free time.Haley set up a station at a table with the dress and some colored markers so that her students could draw on it,having first seen the idea on Pinterest.After the kids had finished the design,she then surprised them all by wearing the dress to class,sharing pictures of herself in it on Meta in a post that has since been shared over200,000 times.For teachers looking to do something similar for their own students,Haley said that she bought the dress off Amazon for less than $20 about six months ago and pre-washed the dress before she started the project.She used markers from Walmart.But she said these things can be bought in other places.She said,“To do the project,I set up a station at a table with the dress and markers.It takes about two weeks to a month to complete as we just work on it here and there when time allows.You’d better give the students enough time so that they don’t have to hurry.”“Teachers have been sharing their dresses,T-shirts,etc.with me that they’ve been creating since the 1950s with the same idea.It is amazing,and I love the fact that you are sharing them with me!Thank you all so much for your kindness and support,” she wrote on Meta.Asked why she came up with the idea,Haley told Scary Mommy,“We don’t have art in our school,so I always try to do little creative projects when possible.”4.What did Haley use the plain white dress to do?A.To teach her students painting.B.To prepare for her presentation.C.To ask her students to draw on it.D.To help her students with their homework.5.What do we know about the finished dress?A.It took Haley by surprise.B.It is kept by Haley at home.C.It is the product of a new idea.D.It has enjoyed popularity online.6.What should a teacher do if he or she wants to follow Haley’s example?A.Buy the same dress online.B.Give the kids enough time.C.Buy the same markers in Walmart.D.Leave the finished work untouched.7.Why did Haley carry out the project?A.To teach art to her students.B.To show her idea on Pinterest.C.To share it with other teachers.D.To excite her students’ creativity.C(2020·河南高二期末)The Museum of Old and New Art(MONA) in Tasmania,Australia,isn’t the only museum to have shut its gates because of the COVID-19 pandemic,but it stands out because of its unique,human artwork.As hard as it is to believe,Tim is both a man and an artwork. A former tattoo parlor(文身) owner from Zurich,in Switzerland,he agreed to have his back tattooed by artist Belgian Wim Delvoye in 2006,and has been exhibiting his body art in museums and art galleries ever since. He has been coming to MONA since 2011,for work that can last up to six months at a time and see him sitting with his legs crossed on a plinth,in complete silence,showing off Delvoye’s artwork.And even though MONA closed down on March 18,he continues to sit in the empty museum for six hours a day.That is his job...Tim learned about Wim Delvoye’s plan to create a human artwork from his girlfriend,and immediately said that he would be up for it.After meeting with the artist,he satthrough 40 hours of tattooing over two years.A few years ago,the art on his back—an artistic tattoo of the Madonna with a skull above her head—was sold to German curator(馆长) and collector Rik Reinking for $162,500.For six hours a day,every day,Tim sits on his plinth,showing off his back tattoo.Even though there is no one there to admire it,he is also live streamed via the Internet,so who knows,maybe there is actually someone wanting to see his tattoo,or rather Delvoye.Tim never gives interviews;he doesn’t speak to anybody and doesn’t even show his face,if he can help it.He is just a canvas(画布) for an artist’s masterpiece.“It’s not the Tim show,” Tim said in a video for MONA.“I’m just decoration in the Wim show.”8.What made MONA in Tasmania,Australia unique in the world?A.Allowing Tim to work as an artwork.B.The special human artwork made on Tim’s back.C.Being closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.D.An artistic tattoo made by Wim Delvoye.9.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?A.Tim is working hard to be an artwork.B.Tim is a hard-working man in MONA.C.That Tim is an artwork is unbelievable.D.Tim is a man who has many artworks.10.How long did Tim work as an artwork?A.14 years.B.9 years.C.20 years.D.6 hours.11.What does Tim think of himself?A.A great man artist in Australia.B.A successful businessman.C.Delvoye’s works’ decoration.D.A tattoo parlor owner.D(2021·广东中山高二期末)Paintings and sculptures can be a feast for the eyes of visitors to art museums,but today their viewing is also an unconventional treatment for people with mental illness.Last month,a group of Canadian doctors started to write a new kind of prescription(处方),which gives patients free access to the Montreal Museum of FineArts(MMFA).There,they will have a “relaxing,revitalizing experience” looking at the museum’s collections,according to MMFA.Nathalie Bondil,the museum’s director general,believes that being in contact with culture and arts can help with wellbeing.“In the 21st century,culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century,” she said.Each prescription will allow not only the patients but also their family or friends to go with them.In the museum,the visitor can appreciate the artworks,and take part in a wide range of activities including drawing,sewing and making a sculpture with recycled materials.The new treatment is said to be the first of its kind in the world.But there’s increasing evidence that the display of visual art,especially art depicting(描绘) nature,can have positive effects on people with depression,anxiety and self-esteem problems.In 2017,the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts,Health andWellbeing(APPGAHW) also released a report stating that “the time has come to recognise the powerful contribution the arts can make to our health and wellbeing”.Is it possible for art to improve overall health?We may not know the answer yet.But one thing is certain,more and more people today are persuaded by the idea that “art is a good medicine”.12.What prescription did the group of Canadian doctors give to mental patients?A.Get conventional treatment.B.Relax by experiencing nature.C.Join in some physical activities.D.Appreciate paintings and sculptures.13.What might Nathalie agree with?A.Contacting culture and arts can make people rich.B.Visiting art museums can help keep people healthy.C.Culture will replace physical activities in the 21st century.D.Mental patients should go to museums with their family.14.What do we know about the new treatment?A.It can help with mental problems.B.Nothing has proved it right so far.C.It was used before by visual artists.D.APPGAHW doubted its value.15.What is the best title for the passage?A.Will MMFA be open to patients?B.Is there a new treatment for artists?C.Will fine arts improve mental health?D.Is there a better medicine than art?第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 章末测评卷 第6章测评

鲁科版高中物理选择性必修第三册课后习题 章末测评卷 第6章测评



1.爱因斯坦由光电效应的实验规律,猜测光具有粒子性,从而提出光子说,从科学研究的方法来说,这属于( )A.等效替代B.控制变量C.科学假说D.数学归纳2.现代科技中常利用中子衍射技术研究晶体的结构,因为热中子的德布罗意波长与晶体中原子间距相近。

已知中子质量m=1.67×10-27kg,可以估算德布罗意波长λ=1.82×10-10 m的热中子动能的数量级为( )A.10-17 JB.10-19 JC.10-21 JD.10-24 J3.用一束绿光照射光电管金属时不能产生光电效应,则下述措施可能使该金属产生光电效应的是( )A.延长光照时间B.保持光的频率不变,增大光的强度C.换用一束蓝光照射D.增大光电管的正向加速电压4.用波长为λ1和λ2的单色光A和B分别照射两种金属C和D的表面。


设两种金属的逸出功分别为W C和W D,则下列选项正确的是( )A.λ1>λ2,W C>W DB.λ1>λ2,W C<W DC.λ1<λ2,W C>W DD.λ1<λ2,W C<W D二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分。


5.关于光的波粒二象性的说法正确的是( )A.一束传播的光,既有波动性,又有粒子性B.光波与机械波是同种波C.光的波动性是由光子间的相互作用而形成的D.光是一种波,同时也是一种粒子,光子说并未否定电磁说,在光子能量ε=hν中,仍表现出波的特性6.关于物质波,下列说法不正确的是( )A.所有物体不论其是否运动,都有对应的物质波B.任何一个运动着的物体都有一种波和它对应,这就是物质波C.运动的电场、磁场没有相对应的物质波D.只有运动着的微观粒子才有物质波,对于宏观物体,不论其是否运动,都没有相对应的物质波7.一激光器发光功率为P,发出的激光在折射率为n的介质中波长为λ,若在真空中速度为c,普朗克常量为h,则下列叙述正确的是( )A.该激光在真空中的波长为nλB.该激光的频率为cλC.该激光器在t s内辐射的能量子数为PtnλhcD.该激光器在t s内辐射的能量子数为Ptλhc8.用如图所示的装置演示光电效应现象。

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Unit1Passage1选择题:1 C 2B 3 D 4 B 5A填空题:1 unreal 2 imaginaryPassage2判断题1F 2F 3F 4T 5T填空题:1 demonstration 2 succeeded Passage3选择题:1D 2C 3B 4D 5A填空题:1 trapped 2 dangerPassage4判断题:1F 2T 3T 4F 5F填空题:1citizens 2 spreadingPassage5判断题:1T 2F 3F 4F 5F填空题:1doubts 2 mysteryPassage 6选择题:1B 2D 3C 4A 5D填空题:1 ordinary 2 matterUnit2Passage 1选择题:1D 2C 3D 4A 5B填空题:1brought 2 increased Passage 2判断题:1T 2T 3 F 4T 5F填空题:1countries 2 unablePassage 3选择题:1 D 2 A 3B 4 C 5A填空题:1added 2 releasedPassage 4判断题:1T 2T 3T 4T 5F填空题:1 combine 2 willPassage 5选择题:1D 2A 3A 4 C 5B填空题:1 refused 2 excusePassage 6判断题:1F 2T 3T 4 F 5FUnit3Paasage 1选择题:1B 2B 3B 4D 5C填空题:1supply 2 form / phase Paasage 2判断题:1F 2T 3T 4F 5T填空题:1differ 2 influencedPassage 3选择题:1D 2C 3B 4A 5B填空题:1 inappropriate 2 disappearPassage 4判断题:1T 2T 3F 4T 5F填空题:1 adhere 2 improvementPassage 5选择题:1 B 2B 3D 4A 5B填空题:1 differed 2 certainPassage 6判断题:1 F 2T 3F 4F 5T填空题:1collide 2 researchers / physicists / scientistsUnit 4Passage 1选择题:1 B 2 D 3C 4C 5A填空题:1got / obtained 2 answerPassage 2选择题:1B 2 C 3A 4D 5 B填空题:1 directly 2 abandoned / stoppedPassage 3判断题:1F 2T 3F 4 F 5F填空题:1 salute 2 wayPassage 4判断题:1 F 2T 3 F 4 T 5 T填空题:1identified 2 revealedPassage 5选择题:1 B 2 C 3 C 4D 5 B填空题:1 interfere 2 benefitedPassage 6判断题:1 F 2T 3T 4 T 5F填空题:1 took 2 allowedUnit 5Passage 1选择题:1 B 2 A 3D 4 D 5D问答题:1 It means “every moment”,“at all times”。

2 It means try to avoid rushing and give you enough time to prepare for the traveling . Passage 2判断题:1 T 2T 3F 4F 5F填空题:1 memorize 2 moralPassage 3选择题:1 B 2 C 3B 4 A 5 A填空题:1 classic / do-nothing 2 distractPassage 4判断题:1 F 2T 3F 4T 5F问答题:1 The author uses “survive” to express it is really difficult for kids to travel with adults since they have to follow all the decisions adults make .2 “Nap”here probably means “a break during travelling”or “a short rest period to refresh and reenergize ”Paasage 5选择题:1A 2C 3B 4 C 5B填空题:1 airline 2 accessPassage 6选择题:1T 2F 3F 4T 5F问答题:1 The author actually spent 201 euros on the umbrella .2 It rains a lot ,usually accompanied with strong wind .Unit 6Passage 1选择题:1 D 2B 3A 4D 5B填空题:1 gays 2 academicPassage 2判断题:1 T 2 F 3F 4T 5T填空题:1 nutrition 2 beansPassage 3选择题:1B 2C 3D 4B 5D问答题:1 According to an Australian study ,the quitter show lower degree of cognitive decline than the ongoing smokers .2 It is partly because doctors and researchers know very little about tobacco’s biological effects on older people ,and partly bscuase in tobacco research , as in clinical trials generally ,older adults are underrepresented .Paasage 4判断题:1 F 2T 3F 4T 5F问答题:1 It is the Ironman race in Germany that first motivated him ,and these active commutes have become a routine after the competition.2 Because he is a physical-training instructor with the Royal Air Force who ensures that soldiers are prepared for the field.Passage 5选择题:1A 2D 3C 4A 5B问答题:1 Since countless moms-to-be are doing various kinds of resistance training during pregnancy ,he takes it for granted that there must have been many researchers in this regard which have proved their benefits .2 Here, “baby step”is a pun ,which has two levels of meanings :the first is that this issue is closely related with babies ;and the other is that we are still at the preliminary stage on the research of this subject.Passage 6判断题:1F 2T 3F 4T 5F填空题:1 marriage 2 SinglismUnit7Paasage1选择题:1A 2C 3C 4B 5B填空题:1 suspected 2 tapedPaasage 2选择题:1A 2C 3A 4C 5A填空题:1 shared 2 ignoredPaasage 3选择题:1C 2D 3D 4C 5B填空题:1 alternation 2 absentPaasage 4判断题:1T 2F 3T 4T 5F填空题:1 military 2 has hopes ofPaasage 5判断题:1 T 2F 3F 4F 5T填空题:1 unpopularity 2 a working relationshipPassage 6判断题:1F 2F 3T 4T 5F填空题:1 approval 2 compaign financeUnit 8Passage 1选择题:1B 2D 3B 4B 5B填空题:1 view-changing 2 reflectionPassage 2选择题:1D 2A 3B 4B 5B填空题:1 The decline in the importance of natural representation in art .2 masterpiecePassage 3选择题:1 B 2A 3C 4A 5A填空题:1 illustration 2 glimpse patterns of beingPassage 4判断题:1 T 2T 3F 4F 5F填空题:1 painter and engineer of the duke2 enteredPassage 5判断题:1T 2F 3F 4F 5T填空题:1 fragments 2 depict many sidesPaasage 6判断题:1T 2F 3T 4T 5F填空题:1 between problem solving with material and artistic skill2 interests and enthusiamUnit 9Passage1选择题1A 2A 3A 4C 5B填空题1 huge changes and a clash2 were representative of Passage 2选择题1A 2A 3C 4D 5A填空题1 its greatest significance2 locationPassage 3选择题1D 2D 3C 4B 5CPassage 4判断题1F 2T 3F 4F 5T填空题1 under the influence2 inspired by Bollywood Passage 5判断题1F 2T 3T 4F 5T填空题1 160 to 72 a side benefitPassage 6判断题1T 2F 3T 4F 5T填空题1 emulating smoking2 boostUnit 10Passage1选择题1B 2A 3D 4A 5B填空题1 brave role models2 capabilityPassage 2选择题1C 2B 3C 4B 5B填空题1under 2 very farPassage3选择题1A 2C 3C 4A 5D填空题1 observe 2 offences against Passage4判断题1F 2T 3F 4T 5F填空题1 association and polarization2 religion and conservative politics Passage5判断题1T 2T 3T 4F 5F填空题1 message maker, organizer2 expandPassage6判断题1F 2T 3F 4T 5F填空题1determine2 the gay community。
