



二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms说起来24节气,大家肯定都会想起那首“二十四节气歌”(春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。

)吧?那么,您知道二十四节气在英语中分别怎么说吗?立春Spring begins2月4日-5日,谓春季开始之节气。

雨水The rains2月18日—20日,此时冬去春来,气温开始回升,空气湿度不断增大,但冷空气活动仍十分频繁。

惊蛰Insects awaken3月5日(6日),指的是冬天蛰伏土中的冬眠生物开始活动。


春分Vernal Equinox每年的3月20日(或21日),阳光直照赤道,昼夜几乎等长。


清明Clear and bright每年4月5日(或4日),气温回升,天气逐渐转暖。

谷雨Grain rain4月20日前后,雨水增多,利于谷类生长。

立夏Summer begins5月5日或6日“立夏”。


小满Grain buds5月20日或21日叫“小满”。


芒种Grain in ear6月6日前后,此时太阳移至黄经75度,麦类等有芒作物已经成熟,可以收藏种子。

夏至Summer solstice6月22日前后,日光直射北回归线,出现“日北至,日长至,日影短至”,故曰“夏至”。

小暑Slight heat7月7日前后,入暑,标志着我国大部分地区进入炎热季节。

大暑Great heat7月23日前后,正值中伏前后。


立秋Autumn begins8月7日或8日,草木开始结果,到了收获季节。

处暑Stopping the heat8月23日或24日,“处”为结束的意思,至暑气即将结束,天气将变得凉爽了。





以下是中国24节气的英文翻译:立春 (Lì Chūn) - Beginning of Spring雨水 (Yǔ Shuǐ) - Rain Water惊蛰 (Jīng Zhé) - Waking of Insects春分 (Chūn Fēn) - Spring Equinox清明 (Qīng Míng) - Clear and Bright谷雨 (Gǔ Yǔ) - Grain Rain立夏 (Lì Xià) - Beginning of Summer小满 (Xiǎo Mǎn) - Grain Buds芒种 (Máng Zhòng) - Grain in Ear夏至 (Xià Zhì) - Summer Solstice小暑 (Xiǎo Shǔ) - Minor Heat大暑 (Dà Shǔ) - Major Heat立秋 (Lì Qiū) - Beginning of Autumn处暑 (Chǔ Shǔ) - End of Heat白露 (Bái Lù) - White Dew秋分 (Qiū Fēn) - Autumn Equinox寒露 (Hán Lù) - Cold Dew霜降 (Shuāng Jiàng) - Descent of Frost立冬 (Lì Dōng) - Beginning of Winter小雪 (Xiǎo Xuě) - Minor Snow大雪 (Dà Xuě) - Major Snow冬至 (Dōng Zhì) - Winter Solstice小寒 (Xiǎo Hán) - Minor Cold大寒 (Dà Hán) - Major Cold这些节气对应了中国传统文化中的各种习俗、节庆和农事活动,是中国古老而精深的气象学体系的一部分。



立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold …………………………上旋TOPSPIN下旋BOTTOM SPIN侧旋SIDE SPIN擦网NET擦边EDGE BALL拉弧圈球LOOP DRIVE正手攻FOREHAND ATTACK反手拨BACKHAND CONTROL高吊弧圈HIGH-SPIN LOOP DRIVE 其余的如楼上所说:drive 拉球loop drive 拉弧圆球smash 扣球fast loop drive 前冲弧圈球flick 急球backhand loop drive 反手弧圈球fast bringing 快带push 搓球feint play 滑板chop 削球block 挡球all cut 削球为主的战术chop – and – attack 削攻结合的战术lob 挑高球high – spin loop drive 加转弧圈球、高吊弧圈球backhand block with forehand attack 左推右攻drive 拉球loop drive 拉弧圆球smash 扣球fast loop drive 前冲弧圈球flick 急球backhand loop drive 反手弧圈球fast bringing 快带push 搓球feint play 滑板chop 削球block 挡球all cut 削球为主的战术chop – and – attack 削攻结合的战术lob 挑高球high – spin loop drive 加转弧圈球、高吊弧圈球backhand block with forehand attack 左推右攻。



⼆⼗四节⽓英汉对照名称 英译 节⽓开始⽇期⽴春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5⾬⽔ Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6⾕⾬ Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21⽴夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7⼩满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏⾄ the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22⼩暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8⼤暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24⽴秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24⽩露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24⽴冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8⼩雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23⼤雪 Greater Sonw (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬⾄ the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23⼩寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7⼤寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2。





一月January二月february三月March四月April五月May六月June七月July八月August九月September十月October十一月November十二月DecemberSpring 春Summer 夏Autumn(Fall) 秋Winter 冬立春 Spring begins雨水 The rains惊蛰 Insects awaken春分 Vernal Equinox清明 Clear and bright谷雨 Grain rain立夏 Summer begins小满 Grain buds芒种 Grain in ear夏至 Summer solstice小暑 Slight heat大暑 Great heat立秋 Autumn begins处暑 Stopping the heat白露 White dews秋分 Autumn Equinox寒露 Cold dews霜降 Hoar-frost falls立冬 Winter begins小雪 Light snow大雪 Heavy snow冬至 Winter Solstice小寒 Slight cold大寒 Great cold四季 Four Seasons积累词汇的意义目前小学英语教学普遍注重听、说技能的训练,忽视了读、写技能的培养。







中国二十四节气和天干地支的翻译二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls.立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold(来源:/yingyu/2008/0327/WaiMaoYingYu_5051.html)农历天干的英文表示:天干:Heavenly Stems甲:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems.乙:the 2nd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丙:the 3rd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丁:the 4th of the ten Heavenly Stems.戊:the 5th of the ten Heavenly Stems.己:the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems.庚:the 7th of the ten Heavenly Stems.辛:the 8th of the ten Heavenly Stems.壬:the 9th of the ten Heavenly Stems.癸:the last of the ten Heavenly Stems.地支:Earthly Branches子:the first of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 2nd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 3rd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 4th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 5th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 6th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 7th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 8th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 9th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 10th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 11th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.以上是出自《汉英大词典》,中间的序数词我为了方便起见直接用了阿拉伯数字的形式,可以看出是多么的繁长,用于对这些文化的解释还行,但是编历还是太长了:如农历甲子年用这些英文就是一个很长的句子:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems and the first of the twelve Earthly Branches of year of Chinese Monthly Fa rmer’s Calendar,根本不是一个英文单词;下面是英语对农历各月的表示:正月:the 1st month of the Chinese lunar calendar.这里把农历称为太阴历(lunar calendar)是不确切的,应为阴阳历(lunisolar calendar)才更符合实际;故正月为:the 1st month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.二月:the 2nd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.三月:the 3rd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.四月:the 4th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.五月:the 5th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.六月:the 6th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.七月:the 7th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.八月:the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.九月:the 9th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十月:the 10th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十一月:the 11th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十二月:the 12th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.(来源:/article/zhongguolifa/ganzhiwuhang/200701/200701273134.html)。







中国24节气中英文对照1. 立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 52. 雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 203. 惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 74. 春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 225. 清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 66. 谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 217. 立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 78. 小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 229. 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 710. 夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 2211. 小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 812. 大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 2413. 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 914. 处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 2415. 白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 916. 秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 2417. 寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 918. 霜降 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 2419. 立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 820. 小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 2321. 大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 822. 冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 2323. 小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 724. 大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 224节气的历史价值二十四节气既是历代官府颁布的时间准绳,也是指导农业生产的指南针,日常生活中人们预知冷暖雪雨的指南针。




下面是店铺分享的关于二十四节气的英语六级翻译,欢迎大家阅读!二十四节气24节气(24 solar terms)是统称,包括12节气(12 majorsolar terms)和 12中气 (12 minor solar terms),它们彼此之间相互关联。








参考翻译The 24 solar terms is a whole name of the systemthat consists of 12 major solar terms and 12 minorsolar teims linked with each other. It reflects theclimate change, guides agriculture arrangements andalso affects people’s life. In the Spring and AutumnPeriod and the Warring States Period, people began to use solar terms as the supplementarycalendar. It was in 104 B,C. that the 24 solar terms were finally set down. As we all know,China is a country with a long history of agriculture. Agricultural production is largely influencedby the laws of nature. In ancient times, farmers arranged their agricultural activities accordingto the move of : the sun. It is the fact that the 24 solar terms takes into account the position ofthe sun that makes us attach importance to it.翻译讲解:1.统称:即“全称”,可译为a whole/general name。



阳历 solar calendar
公历 Gregorian calendar
阴历 lunar calendar
天干 heavenly stem
地支 earthly branch
闰年 leap year
二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms
民间传说 folklores
寓言 fable
传说 legend
神话 mythology
古为今用,洋为中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china
赋诗 inscribe a poem
对对联 matching an antithetical couplet。




下面是我查到的一些有关的项:农历24节气的英文翻译:The 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls.立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold上面是很多网站给出的农历24节气的英文表示法,我也查了《汉英大词典》,所列的和上面差不多;农历天干的英文表示:天干:Heavenly Stems甲:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems.乙:the 2nd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丙:the 3rd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丁:the 4th of the ten Heavenly Stems.戊:the 5th of the ten Heavenly Stems.己:the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems.庚:the 7th of the ten Heavenly Stems.辛:the 8th of the ten Heavenly Stems.壬:the 9th of the ten Heavenly Stems.癸:the last of the ten Heavenly Stems.地支:Earthly Branches子:the first of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 2nd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 3rd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 4th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 5th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 6th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 7th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 8th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 9th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 10th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 11th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.以上是出自《汉英大词典》,中间的序数词我为了方便起见直接用了阿拉伯数字的形式,可以看出是多么的繁长,用于对这些文化的解释还行,但是编历还是太长了:如农历甲子年用这些英文就是一个很长的句子:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems and the first of the twelve Earthly Branches of year of Chinese Monthly Farmer’s Calendar,根本不是一个英文单词;下面是英语对农历各月的表示:正月:the 1st month of the Chinese lunar calendar.这里把农历称为太阴历(lunar calendar)是不确切的,应为阴阳历(lunisolar calendar)才更符合实际;故正月为:the 1st month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.二月:the 2nd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.三月:the 3rd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.四月:the 4th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.五月:the 5th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.六月:the 6th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.七月:the 7th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.八月:the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.九月:the 9th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十月:the 10th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十一月:the 11th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十二月:the 12th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.这是多么繁长啊,还有三伏和九九,入梅,出梅,春社,秋社等杂节气的翻译也是非常繁长,十分不利于编制英文版农历使用,但可以标注它们用作为解释还是十分得当的。

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二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms:
立春Spring begins.
雨水The rains.
惊蛰Insects awaken.
春分Vernal Equinox
清明Clear and bright.
谷雨Grain rain.
立夏Summer begins.
小满Grain buds.
芒种Grain in ear.
夏至Summer solstice.
小暑Slight heat.
大暑Great heat.
立秋Autumn begins.
处暑Stopping the heat.
白露White dews.
秋分Autumn Equinox.
寒露Cold dews.
霜降Hoar-frost falls.
立冬Winter begins.
小雪Light snow.
大雪Heavy snow.
冬至Winter Solstice.
小寒Slight cold.
大寒Great cold
天干:Heavenly Stems
甲:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems.
乙:the 2nd of the ten Heavenly Stems.
丙:the 3rd of the ten Heavenly Stems.
丁:the 4th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
戊:the 5th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
己:the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
庚:the 7th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
辛:the 8th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
壬:the 9th of the ten Heavenly Stems.
癸:the last of the ten Heavenly Stems.
地支:Earthly Branches
子:the first of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 2nd of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 3rd of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 4th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 5th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 6th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 7th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 8th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 9th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 10th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the 11th of the twelve Earthly Branches.
the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.
以上是出自《汉英大词典》,中间的序数词我为了方便起见直接用了阿拉伯数字的形式,可以看出是多么的繁长,用于对这些文化的解释还行,但是编历还是太长了:如农历甲子年用这些英文就是一个很长的句子:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems and the first of the twelve Earthly Branches of year of Chinese Monthly Fa rmer’s Calendar,根本不是一个英文单词;
正月:the 1st month of the Chinese lunar calendar.这里把农历称为太阴历(lunar calendar)是不确切的,应为阴阳历(lunisolar calendar)才更符合实际;
故正月为:the 1st month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
二月:the 2nd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
三月:the 3rd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
四月:the 4th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
五月:the 5th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
六月:the 6th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
七月:the 7th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
八月:the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
九月:the 9th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
十月:the 10th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
十一月:the 11th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
十二月:the 12th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
