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Listening and speaking
1 2
Dialogue A Dialogue B Everyday English
Dialogue A
I’d like to join the English Club!
1 2
Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5
Activity 6
Dialogue B
Welcome to the English Club!
2 3 4 5
Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11
Activity 12
Activity 7
Listen and match. 听录音,将人物与正确的俱乐部搭配。
Application Form Name: Zhang Wei
Club to join: __________ Science Club
Qualifications: __________; good at __________ physics math
Activity 5
Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出申请参加俱 乐部时会使用的语句。
Activity 6
Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。
Zhang Yan: Good afternoon, Miss Tang.
Tang Hua: Good afternoon! What club do you like to join?
Zhang Yan: I’d like to join the English Club. Tang Hua: What qualifications do you have? Zhang Yan: Well, I like English and I can sing many English songs. Tang Hua: That’s great! Now fill in this form, please.
Read and tick. 张燕准备参加英语俱乐部,从下列表述中帮 她选出应具备的资格。
□ Singing English songs is my favorite.
□ I love playing chess.
□ I often chat with my friends in English. □ I enjoy painting very much. □ I like writing to my friends in English. □ I’m good at writing. □ I’m a member of the Chess Club in my school.
单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言筹建俱乐部并招募新成员。小组合作组建一个俱乐部,确定俱乐部的名 称、加入条件及活动等相关事宜,然后根据确立的信息,招聘成员,最后总结并展示组建和招 聘的情况。
Activity 1 Activity 2
Activity 1
Read and choose. 读以下广告语,为不同俱乐部选择最佳 的广告语。
Activity 3
Listen and tick. 听录音,标出张伟要参加的俱乐部。
□ a. an English club
□ c. a science club
□ b. a chess club
□ d. a cooking club
Activity 4
Listen and complete. 再听录音,完成张伟参加俱乐部的 申请表。
Football Club
All English learners, united!
Basketball Club
Stand in line and play online!
HaБайду номын сангаасe fun with other fans!
English Club
As high as Yao Ming!
Activity 2
Zhang Yan: Good afternoon, Miss Tang.
Tang Hua: Good afternoon! What club do you like to join?
Zhang Yan: I’d like to join the English Club. Tang Hua: What qualifications do you have? Zhang Yan: Well, I like English and I can sing many English songs. Tang Hua: That’s great! Now fill in this form, please.
Science Club
English Club
Singing Club
Activity 8
Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全句子。
1) The membership of the Science Club is _______________ for experiments. 40 yuan a term 2) Zhang Wei can go to _______________ to get the schedule of the Science the club website Club. 3) Wang Yang is a _______________ of the English Club. member
语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与加入俱乐部或参加某项活动相关的词汇和语句完成信息的询问和获取、 表格的填充和理由的表述,并能够运用一般将来时表述未来计划。
听 —— 学生能够听懂有关加入俱乐部和询问相关信息的对话。 说 —— 学生能够用What club would you like to join? 和I’d like to join ... 等句式就加入俱乐部的话题进行问 询和交流。 读 —— 学生能够读懂有关介绍俱乐部活动的宣传海报。 写 —— 学生能够读写加入俱乐部的相关信息并写出加入的理由。 学 习 策 略: 学生能够运用寻求建议、列表比较、综合分析等多种策略筹建俱乐部并招聘会员。 文 化 意 识: 学生掌握英语中参加社会活动时的程序、表达习惯和相关礼仪。 情 感 态 度: 学生能够在具体语境下对俱乐部相关事宜进行评价和取舍。